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Page 1: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them

Pawan Sir



Page 2: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them



Page 3: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them

Private MeMbers’ bill

What is a private member’s Bill?

An MP, who is not a minister is a private member and while both

private members and ministers take part in the law making

process, Bills introduced by private members are referred to as

private member’s Bills and those introduced by ministers are

called government Bills.

Page 4: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them

निजी सदस्यों का विधेयकएक निजी सदस्य का विधेयक क्या है?

एक साांसद, जो एक मांत्री िह ां है, एक निजी सदस्य है और जबकक दोिों निजीसदस्य और मांत्री कािूि बिािे की प्रकिया में भाग लेते हैं, निजी सदस्यों द्िारापेश ककए गए विधेयकों को निजी सदस्य के विधेयकों के रूप में सांदर्भित ककयाजाता है और मांत्रत्रयों द्िारा पेश ककए गए विधेयकों को सरकार त्रबल कहा जाताहै।

Page 5: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them

Government Bills are backed by the government and also reflect

its legislative agenda. The admissibility of a private Bill is decided

by the Chairman in the case of the Rajya Sabha and the Speaker

in the case of the Lok Sabha.

Before the Bill can be listed for introduction, the Member must

give at least a month’s notice, for the House Secretariat to

examine it for compliance with constitutional provisions and rules

on legislation. While a government Bill can be introduced and

discussed on any day. But a private member’s bill can only be

introduced and discussed on Fridays.

Page 6: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them

सरकार त्रबल सरकार द्िारा समर्थित हैं और इसके विधायी एजेंडे को भी दशाितेहैं। निजी विधेयक की स्िीकायिता का निर्िय राज्य सभा के अध्यक्ष औरलोकसभा के मामले में अध्यक्ष द्िारा ककया जाता है।

विधेयक को पेश करिे के र्लए सूचीबद्ध ककए जािे से पहले, सदि सर्चिालयको कािूि पर सांिधैानिक प्रािधािों और नियमों के अिुपालि के र्लए जाांचकरिे के र्लए कम से कम एक मह िे का िोटिस देिा चाटहए। जबकक ककसी भीटदि एक सरकार विधेयक पेश और चचाि की जा सकती है। लेककि एक निजीसदस्य का त्रबल केिल शुििार को ह प्रस्तुत और चचाि ककया जा सकता है।

Page 7: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them

Has a private member’s bill ever become a law?

As per PRS Legislative, no private member’s Bill has been

passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has

passed 14 such Bills, six of them in 1956.

In the 14th Lok Sabha, of the over 300 private member’s

Bills introduced, roughly four per cent were discussed, the

remaining 96 per cent lapsed without a single dialogue.

The selection of Bills for discussion is done through a


Page 8: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them

क्या एक निजी सदस्य का त्रबल कभी एक कािूि बि गया है?

पीआरएस लेजजस्लेटिि के अिुसार, 1970 से सांसद द्िारा ककसी भीप्राइिेि मेंबर त्रबल को पास िह ां ककया गया है। आज तक, सांसद िे 14ऐसे विधेयकों को पाररत ककया है, जजिमें से छह 1956 में।14 िीां लोकसभा में, 300 से अर्धक निजी सदस्यों के विधेयकों कीशुरुआत की गई, जजिमें से लगभग चार प्रनतशत पर चचाि की गई, शषे96 प्रनतशत त्रबिा ककसी सांिाद के व्यपगत हो गए।चचाि के र्लए विधेयकों का चयि एक मतपत्र के माध्यम से ककया जाताहै।

Page 9: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them

Why in news

Four Members of Parliament are ready with Private

Member’s Bill in the Lok Sabha offering a way out

for the central government to deal with high


Page 10: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them

खबरों में क्यों?

सांसद के चार सदस्य लोकसभा में निजी सदस्य के विधेयक केसाथ तैयार हैं, जो उच्च बेरोजगार से निपििे के र्लए कें द्रसरकार के र्लए एक रास्ता प्रदाि करता है।

Page 11: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them

The four bills are:

1.Unemployment Allowance Bill

2019 propose doling out some

form of unemployment allowance

to jobless citizens.

2.Financial Assistance to

Unemployed Post-Graduates Bill

2019 restricts the

unemployment allowances to

unemployed postgraduates only.

3. Unemployed Youth (Allowance and

Employment Opportunities) Bill

2019 eyes the twin-purpose of

generating gainful employment

opportunities and payment of

unemployment allowance.

4. Another Unemployment Allowance

Bill proposes unemployment allowances

for jobless youth until they get

gainful employment.

Page 12: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them

चार त्रबल हैं:

1. बेरोजगार भत्ता विधेयक 2019बेरोजगार भत्ता के कुछ प्रकार कोबेरोजगार भत्ता देिे का प्रस्ताि करता है।

2. बेरोजगार पोस्ि-गे्रजुएट्स त्रबल 2019के र्लए वित्तीय सहायता केिल बेरोजगारस्िातकोत्तर के र्लए बेरोजगार भते्त कोप्रनतबांर्धत करती है।

3. बेरोजगार युिा (भत्ता और रोजगार केअिसर) विधेयक 2019 लाभकार रोजगारके अिसर पैदा करिे और बेरोजगार भते्त केभुगताि के दोहरे उद्देश्य को देखता है।4. एक और बेरोजगार भत्ता विधेयकबेरोजगार युिाओां के र्लए बेरोजगार भते्त काप्रस्ताि करता है जब तक कक उन्हेंलाभकार रोजगार िह ां र्मलता है।

Page 13: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them



Page 14: UNACADEMY - WiFiStudy.com · As per PRS Legislative, no private member’sBill has been passed by Parliament since 1970. Till date, Parliament has passed 14 such Bills, six of them