un inia/ilc-i’s international training programme on “social gerontology”

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  • 8/17/2019 UN INIA/ILC-I’s International Training Programme on “Social Gerontology”



    UN INIA/ILC- I’s International training programme on “Social Gerontology”

    ILC-I is privileged to be recognized as the United Nations’ International Institute on Ageing (UN INIA), Malta’sSatellite Centre for the SAARC region. As the UN INIA Satellite Centre for the SAARC region, ILC-I held the ‘in- situ’ international training programme on “Social Gerontology’ in collaboration with the Tata Institute of

    Social Sciences (TISS), from the 11 th to the 15 th of April 2016 at the TISS campus in Mumbai, India.

    The Inauguration of this programme was held on the 10 th of April 2016 at TISS. Dr. Marvin Formosa, the Director, UNINIA, Malta was the Chief Guest. Dr. Shivajirao Kadam, theVice Chancellor of the Bharati Vidyapeeth DeemedUniversity (BVDU), was the Guest of Honour. Mr. JayantUmranikar, the Chairman of ILC-I presided over thefunction. Other dignitaries on the occasion were, Dr. SivaRaju, the Dean and Chairman, School of Development

    Studies, TISS and Ms. Rosette Bonello-Farrugio, theProgramme and Research Manager of UN INIA, Malta.

    The Council of the Satellite Centre met for the first time on the 10 th of April 2016, since it was constituted inJuly 2015 and the meeting was organized by ILC-I, with the logistical support of TISS and BVDU.

    The Council Members are:

    1. Chairperson: Mr. Jayant Umranikar, Chairman, ILC-I.

    2. Vice Chairperson: Dr. Marvin Formosa, Director, UN INIA, Malta.

    3. Ms. Rosette Farrugia Bonello, Research and Programme Manager, UN INIA, Malta.

    4. Dr. Siva Raju, Professor & Dean, Centre for Population Health and Development, School ofDevelopment Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS).

    5. Ms. Anjali Raje, Executive Director, ILC-I.

    6. Dr. Bhushan Patwardhan, Director, School of Health Sciences, University of Pune.

    7. Dr.(Ms). Ferdous Ara Begum, Executive President, Forum for the Rights of the Elderly, Bangladesh,Gender Issues Specialist, Former Member of UN CEDAW Committee &Former Director General,Bangladesh Television.

    8. Dr. (Ms.) Shiromi Maduwage, Consultant Community Physician, National Programme Manager, Elderly& Disability Unit, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka.

    9. Dr. (Ms.) Lochana Shrestha, Head of Department of Community Medicine, Nepalese Army Institute ofHealth Science, Kathmandu, Nepal and Chairman, Health Home (Elderly) Care, Nepal.

    10. Dr. (Prof.). Shivajirao Kadam, Vice Chancellor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University.

  • 8/17/2019 UN INIA/ILC-I’s International Training Programme on “Social Gerontology”



    This was a multi-disciplinary Training Programme in Social Gerontology, designed by an InternationalExpert Group, and aimed to provide a broad andup-to-date understanding of the complex and far-reaching consequences and challenges ofpopulation ageing brought in by the longevityrevolution.

    Some of the topics covered were-: A global perspective onageing, & some of its Key concepts , Social, economic,psychological, medical & health aspects of ageing; TheMadrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, Policies onolder persons in India; Maintenance & welfare of parents/ Senior Citizens Act of India 2007; Feminisation of ageing; Intergenerational solidarity; Elder Abuse, and alot more.

    Participants were oriented to help evolve and implement appropriate policies, programmes and interventionswhich will ensure for the elderly, a healthy andqualitative life. The participants were professionalsfrom different fields and two of them were from Nepal.The participants included medical doctors, professorsfrom Universities, research scholars, professionalsworking in retirement communities or old age homes,senior citizens, and also included internationalparticipants from Nepal. The common factor here wastheir concern for population ageing and theircommitment towards this cause.

    A strong faculty of resource persons from UN INIA,(including Dr.Marvin Formosa, the Director, UN INIA and Ms. Rosette Bonello-Farrugio, Programme &Research Manager, UN INIA), ILC-I, Silver Innings and TISS oriented the participants to the diverse topics.

    Certificates signed by Dr. Marvin Formosa, Director, UN INIA, Mr. Jayant Umranikar, Chairman, ILC-I and Dr.S. Parasuraman, Director, TISS, were distributed to the participants on their successful completion of thetraining programme by Ms. Rosette Bonello.

  • 8/17/2019 UN INIA/ILC-I’s International Training Programme on “Social Gerontology”

