umass press fall / winter 2010-2011 catalog

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  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog







    ne Books or fall & witer 20102011

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    Cover art:

    Nina Littles tiny ofce at Cogswells Grant, Essex, MA. Photo by David

    Bohl, courtesy Historic New England. FromA Kind of Archaeology, p. 3.

    The University o Massachusetts Press is a membero the Association o American University Presses.


    New Books 1

    Selected Backlist 20

    Series 30

    About the Press 31

    Sales Inormation 31

    Order Form 32

    Art Credits 32

    Contact Inormation 32

    Author Index

    Bloom, There You Have It 4

    Brooks and Brooks, The Emergence of China 19

    Culkin,Harriet Hosmer 10

    Diedrich, Cornelia James Cannon and the Future

    American Race 9Dobrow,Knocking on Heavens Door 5

    Fulton,Historical Milton 16

    Goodheart, The Solemn Sentence of Death 15

    Kerr,Derelict Paradise 13

    Mrquez,A World among These Islands 17

    Messinger, The Battle for the Mind 6

    Robinson, Town Meeting 7

    Sarat, Basler, and Dumm, Performances of Violence 14

    Sneed,Portraits of a Few of the People Ive Made Cry 2

    Stavely and Fitzgerald, Northern Hospitality 1

    Stillinger,A Kind of Archaeology 3

    Wergland, Sisters in the Faith 8

    Wilmers and Sloan,Frederic Crowninshield 11

    Zonderman, Uneasy Allies 12

    Title Index

    The Battle for the Mind 6

    Cornelia James Cannon and the

    Future American Race 9

    Derelict Paradise 13

    The Emergence of China 19

    Frederic Crowninshield 11

    Harriet Hosmer 10

    Historical Milton 16

    A Kind of Archaeology 3

    Knocking on Heavens Door 5

    Northern Hospitality 1

    Performances of Violence 14

    Portraits of a Few of the People Ive Made Cry 2

    Sisters in the Faith 8

    The Solemn Sentence of Death 15

    There You Have It 4

    Town Meeting 7

    Uneasy Allies 12A World among These Islands 17

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    order toll free -800-537-5487

    A lively introduction to New Englandcooks, cookbooks, and recipes

    Northern HospitalityCooking by the Book in New England

    Keith Stavely and Kathleen Fitzgerald

    I ou ink riion New Engn cooking is ie

    more n bke bens n cm cower, ink

    gin. In is enicing noog o mos 400

    isoric New Engn recipes rom e seeneen

    o e er wenie cenur, ou wi be ree o

    suc ises s wine-soke bss sere wi osers

    n crnberries, ros souer o mb sesone

    wi swee erbs, mon ceesecke inuse wirosewer, robus Connecicu brown bre, es

    ginger nus, n ig-peke Wie Mounin cke.

    Beginning wi our cpers pcing e regions

    bes-known cookbook uors n eir works in

    nunce isoric conex, Kei Se n

    Keen Figer en procee o oer en-

    cper cornucopi o cuinr empion. Reers

    cn smpe region oerings groupe ino e ce-

    gories o e iui one-po me, s, ow, men gme, pie, puing, bre, n cke. Recipes

    re presene in eir origin exu orms n re

    ccompnie b commenries esigne o mke

    em more ccessibe o e moern reer. Ec

    cper, n ec secion wiin ec cper, is

    so prece b brie inroucor ess. From

    poge o pie crus, rom cue o cs e,

    isoric meos n obscure menings re

    orougsomeimes umorousexpine.Going beon reprins o singe cookbooks n

    bn pions o isoric recipes, is ric con-

    exuie criic noog pus e New Engn

    cooking riion on isp in is unexpecen

    eiciouscompexi.Northern Hospitalitywi euip

    reers wi e oos e nee or bo isoric

    unersning n kicen enure.

    KEIth StavEly sere s irecor o e

    F Rier Pubic librr; KathlEEN

    FItzGERaldis ibrrin e NewporPubic librr. teir preious book,

    Americas Founding Food: The Story o New

    England Cooking, ws pubise in 2004 o

    wiespre ccim.

    Cooking / New England46 pp., 22 illus.

    $29.95t paper, ISBN 978--55849-86-7

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-860-0

    January 20

    This is an elegantly written, well conceived,

    and compelling work . . . a delight to read.

    Robert S. Cox, author oBody and Soul: A

    Sympathetic History o American Spiritualism

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 200 . ww

    Stories that explore the tragicomic

    aspects o romantic love

    Portraits of a Few of the

    People Ive Made CryStoriesChristine Sneed

    Winner of the Grace Paley Prize in Short Fiction

    te en sories in is sriking ebu coecion

    exmine e peris o oe n w i mens o ie

    uring n er wen peope wi oer emsees,

    mos uninking, o srngers. Risks n

    repercussions re neer u weige. Peope

    ep n mos ws n on rock groun.

    Mdecember romnces fouris in ese sories,

    s o se-oub n, in mn cses, serious regre.

    Mserious, ngerous benecors, e n

    iing riss, moie srs n coege proessors,

    pgiriss, n isinguise oreign noeiss re

    mong e mn ieren crcers. No one is

    bmeess, bu iins re icu o singe ou

    eerone seeming bers responsibii or is or

    er esires n or e oucome o icu coices

    so oen me opeu n nie.

    christine sneedeces creie wriingn ierure courses dePu Uniersi. a

    grue o e MFa creie wriing progrm

    Inin Uniersi, se s pubise sories inBest

    American Short Stories 2008, New England Review,

    Massachusetts Review, n mn oer journs.

    I this story collection crackles with the

    energy o youth, it also eels written by a

    cool-eyed soul reincarnated at least three

    times. . . . By turns unny and pitiless, these

    tales amount to a vision. The books voice is

    unorced in its ready wit, detached compas-

    sion. There is an admirable candor. Each

    characters sexuality seems the natural

    outcome o a lie ully risked.

    Allan Gurganus, contest judge and author

    oThe Practical Heart and Oldest Living

    Conederate Widow Tells All

    I cant recall the last time I tore through a

    story collection with such unbridled gratitude.Christine Sneed is earless. She sends her her-

    oines zooming toward the disasters oretold

    in their own sot hearts, but she does so with-

    out histrionics. Shes brutally honest and

    equally tender about the manners in which

    women fnd themselves entrapped. To call her

    a rightul heir to Grace Paley and Lorrie Moore

    is accurate but insufcient. Portraits o a Few o

    the People Ive Made Cry is a stone-cold mira-

    cle, and Christine Sneed is my new hero.

    Steve Almond, author oMy Lie in Heavy

    Metal and The Evil B.B. Chow


    52 pp.

    $24.95t cloth, ISBN 978--55849-858-7

    November 200 Published in cooperation with the Association o Writers & Writing Programs (AWP)

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    3order toll free -800-537-5487

    A Kind of ArchaeologyCollecting Folk Art in America, 876976

    Elizabeth Stillinger

    Foreword by Barbara Luck

    tis book expores e wor o americn ok r co-

    ecorspeope wo sw e beu n ue o e

    urnisings, impemens, n iinern porris

    minsrem americ iero reege o ics,

    brns, n us bins. aoug pioneer coecors

    soug ou n presere objecs re o

    regre s icons, ie s been known o eirmoiions, eseics, or isp ecniues.

    Unike e min wie, proession, me coec-

    ors o urniure, sier, n oer riion ecorie

    rs wo were e subjec o Eibe Siingers cs-

    sic su The Antiquers, e eries ok r coecors

    were boemin crow me up o women, riss,

    immigrns, obs, n ousiers. te were rwn

    o ok r no b is presige ue bu b is risic,

    insrucie, n enoogic signicnce.A Kind o Archaeologybegins b exmining e

    eouion o e concep o ok r, reing i o nine-

    een- n er wenie-cenur moemens suc

    s romnicism, nionism, rs n crs, n coo-

    ni reiism. Four secions oow, ec presening

    cegor o coecorniurin n enoogis,

    moernis, ecoror n esee, n prio n

    nionisn oering porris o iniiu co-

    ecors n eers.te book coses wi e exibiion The Flowering

    o American Folk Art, 17761876, wic opene in

    1974. te sow ws so successu prices so

    skwr, n ok objecs, er cenur o being

    isregre, misunersoo, en cmpione b

    ew enusiss n gru ccepe in sm

    segmen o e r wor, n enere e rem o

    ig esirbe n coecibe r.

    A richly illustrated survey o a uniquelyAmerican design tradition

    ElIzaBEth StIllINGER is uor o e

    books, incuing The Antiquers (1980).

    BaRBaRa lUCK is curor o pinings,

    rwings, n scupure Cooni


    Art History / American Studies

    448 pp., 202 color and 5 black-and-white illus., 8" x 0" ormat

    $39.95 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-744-3

    March 20

    American olk art has been studied exhaus-

    tively rom the standpoint o the objects

    themselves, but Elizabeth Stillingers long-

    awaited book is the frst to take a compre-

    hensive look at the materials earliest

    collectors and their motivations. . . . The

    clarity o Stillingers writing makes her

    extraordinary intellectual synthesis not only

    accessible but appealing to laymen and

    scholars alike.

    Barbara Luck (rom the Foreword)

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . fall/winter 2010 . ww

    There You Have It

    The Life, Legacy, and Legend ofHoward Cosell

    John Bloom

    This is the frst u-egth biography o the awyer-

    tured-sports jouraist whose brash stye ad

    pechat or socia commetary chaged the way

    America sportig evets are reported. Perhaps

    best kow or his cose reatioship with the word

    champio boxer Muhammad Ai, Howard Cose

    became a ceebrity i his ow right durig the 1960s

    ad 1970sthe bombastic, cotroversia, istaty

    recogizabe sportscaster everyoe oved to hate.

    Raised i Brooky i a midde-cass Jewish am-

    iy, Cose carried with him a deepy igraied sese

    o socia justice. Yet eary o he abadoed pas or a

    ega career to become a pioeer i sports broadcast-

    ig, frst i radio ad the i teevisio. The frst white

    TV reporter to address the ormer Cassius Cay by his

    chose Musim ame, Cose was aso the frst sports-caster to coduct ocker room iterviews with proes-

    sioa athetes, usig a tape recorder purchased with

    his ow moey. At the 1968 Oympics i Mexico City,

    he ot oy deeded the fsted Back Power sautes

    o America track medaists Joh Caros ad Tommie

    Smith, but he pubicy excoriated Oympic Commit-

    tee chairma Avery Brudage or hypocritica, racist

    poicies. He was aso istrumeta i auchig ABCs

    Monday Night Football, a prime-time sports programthat evoved ito a America cutura istitutio.

    Yet whie Cose took courageous stads o beha

    o civi rights ad other causes, he coud be remark-

    aby bid to the icosistecies i his ow ie. I this

    way, Joh Boom argues, he embodied cotradictios

    that sti resoate widey i America society today.

    Examines the life and career of a renownedand controversial sports journalist

    JOHn BlOOM is assistat proessor o his-tory at Shippesburg Uiversity o Pesy-

    vaia. His previous books icude To Show

    What an Indian Can Do: Sports at Indian

    Boarding Schools ad Sports Matters: Race,

    Recreation, and Culture, coedited with

    Michae nevi Wiard.

    American Studies / Biography / Sports22 pp., 6 illus.

    $2.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-5589-837-2

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978-1-5589-836-5

    December 2010

    This fast-reading study makes an impres-

    sive contribution to sports history, cultural

    history, ethnic history, and media studies.

    I recommend it to sports fans, scholars,

    students, and Cosell haters alikein aNew York minute.

    Gena Caponi-Tabery, author ofJump for

    Joy: Jazz, Basketball, and Black Culture

    in 1930s America

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    5order toll free -800-537-5487

    Knocking on Heavens DoorSix Minor Leaguers in Search o theBaseball Dream

    Marty Dobrow

    te ric sice o americn oun in minor egue

    bseb presens conricor cuure. On e

    one n, e minors re e wi woesome,

    mi-rien enerinmenfu mscos,

    kisc promoions, n ernes oung men signing

    uogrps or wie-ee lie leguers. On e

    oer, e comprise wor o curo compeiionin wic emmes iure or injur cn be e

    cuse o uie ceebrion n 90 percen o pers

    neer p singe inning in e mjor egues.

    In Knocking on Heavens Door, wr-winning

    sporswrier Mr dobrow exmines is oube-

    ege cuure b cronicing e ies o six minor

    eguersBr Bker, doug Crk, Mnn decrmen,

    Rn Rui, M torr, n Crie zink

    srugging o mke eir w o te Sow. Winks em ogeer, sie rom eir common go,

    is e re represene b e sme em o

    gensJim n lis Mserexis n eir prner

    See McKeewose own spirions pre

    ose o e pers e represen.

    te sor begins uring spring rining in 2005

    n ens in e o 2008, oowe b brie epiogue

    upes ec pers orunes roug e 2009

    seson. aong e w dobrow oers reeing, ini-me ook ie in minor egue bseb: e reeness

    eium o is iinern rouines n i rius; e ure

    o perormnce-enncing rugs s mens o gining

    compeiie ege; e roe o gens in negoiing

    ec pers iures s we s is successes; n e

    infuence o wies, girriens, n mi members wo

    e inese in e rem.

    A compelling account o lie in baseballsminor leagues

    Marty Dobrow is a patient listener and sure-

    eyed observer as he sketches these portraits

    o a hal-dozen people beguiled by baseball.

    The result is as lively, intimate, and engros-

    sing a book as Hoop Dreams was a movie.

    Alexander Wol, senior writer, Sports

    Illustratedand author oBig Game, Small

    World: A Basketball Adventure

    The best account o the lie o minor league

    baseball players I have read. The reader eels

    the despair o each players struggles and

    the joys o their eventual successes, however

    brie they may be.

    Jerome Mileur, ormer owner o the

    Harrisburg Senators and author oHigh-

    Flying Birds: The 1942 St. Louis Cardinals

    MaRty dOBROW is ssocie proessor

    o journism Springe Coege. he

    wries regur on spors or e Boston

    Globe n oer pubicions, n our o is

    pieces e erne recogniion in hougon

    MifinsBest American Sports Writing


    Sports / American Studies360 pp., 49 illus.

    $24.95t paper, ISBN 978--55849-843-3

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-842-6

    October 200

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 200 . ww

    The Battle for the MindWar and Peace in the Era o MassCommunication

    Gary Messinger

    Mos peope pic ink o rme confic in psi-

    c erms, inoing guns n bombs, sips n

    pnes, nks n missies. Bu o, becuse o

    mss communicion, wr n e eor o preen i

    re incresing epenen on non-psic cors

    e cpci o persue combns n ciiens o

    engge in ioence or oi i, n e pckging oe inormion on wic ecision mking is bse.

    tis book expores e mn ws mss commu-

    nicion s reouionie inernion reions,

    weer e im is o mke wr eecie or o pre-

    en i.

    Gr Messinger sows oer e s 150 ers

    succession o brekrougs in e rem o mei

    s respe e mking o wr n pece. aong

    wi mss newsppers, mgines, books, moion pic-ures, rio, eeision, compuer sowre, n ee-

    communicion seies comes n rr o sregies

    or expoiing ese mei o conro popur beies

    n emoions. Imges o wr now rrie in mn orms

    n rec biions o peope simuneous. Poiic

    n miir eers mus rec o crow impuses

    sweep roun e gobe. Nion-ses n nongo-

    ernmen groups, incuing erroriss, use mss com-

    municion o spre eir porrs o rei.drwing on wie rnge o mei proucs, rom

    books n rices o ms n eeision progrms, s

    we s is own reserc in e e o propgn

    suies, Messinger oers res n compreensie

    oeriew. he skiu crs e p s e us

    o our curren siuion n suggess were we mig

    go nex.

    A wide-ranging survey o the role o massmedia in warare since the late nineteenthcentury

    GaRy MESSINGER is uor oBritishPropaganda and the State in the First

    World War(1992) n prie-winning

    su o urbn smboism, Manchester

    in the Victorian Age (1985). he os

    Pd rom hrr n is member o e

    minisrie s e Uniersi o

    Msscuses Boson.

    American History / Political Science320 pp.

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978--55849-853-2

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-852-5

    February 20

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    7order toll free -800-537-5487

    Town MeetingPracticing Democracy in Rural New England

    Donald Robinson

    a Gesburg, abrm lincon escribe goern-

    men b e peope s e gre sk remining

    beore us. Mn ciiens o moern americ, rus-

    re n iserene, re empe o espir o

    reiing ie. ye, i is projec si ie in

    prs o New Engn.

    tis book rces e origins o own-meeing

    emocrc in ase, communi o jus uner2,000 peope in e oois o e Berksires in

    wesern Msscuses. don Robinson begins b

    recouning seer crises e owns ouning in e

    eigeen cenur epe o spe is crcer.

    he sows ow e own s cnge since en n

    exmines ow emocric se-goernmen uncions

    in e moern conex.

    te picure is no pre. Se-goernmen crries

    no gurnees, n ase is no uopi. humniings re bunn on isp. leers mise.

    Ciiens on p enion n e orge r-

    erne essons.

    Bu in is cni ccoun o e operion o

    emocrc in one New Engn own, Robinson em-

    onsres or beer n or worse, ase go-

    erns ise emocric. Ciiens conro e cions

    o eir goernmen. No eerone pricipes, bu

    m, n eerone wo ies in e own mus ccepn obe w own meeing ecies.

    dONald ROBINSON is proessor emerius o

    goernmen n americn suies Smi Coege

    n e uor o numerous books on americn

    poiics n isor. he sere on e seec bor

    o ase uring e 1990s.

    Explores the history and practice o anuncommon but enduring orm o Americansel-government

    I very much like what Donald Robinson

    does in this book: he provides a personal

    account and record o the sorts o issues

    that a New England town deals with in the

    modern era and demonstrates why town

    democracy o this sort is so valuable in

    generating in citizens the habits and skills

    necessary to sustain a political system.

    John Dinan, author oKeeping the Peoples

    Liberties: Legislators, Citizens, and Judges as

    Guardians o Rights

    Politics / American History344 pp., 24 illus., 6 maps

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978--55849-855-6

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978-55849-854-9

    December 200

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 200 . ww

    Sisters in the FaithShaker Women and Equality o the Sexes

    Glendyne R. Wergland

    In 1788, oowing e e o crismic ouner

    Moer ann lee, e ceibe reigious group known

    s e Skers se ou o insiuionie eui

    o e sexes in eir eoog, goernmen, n i

    prcice. In is book, Genne Wergn eues

    ow we e succeee in mission b exm-

    ining e experiences o women wiin Sker

    communiies oer more n cenur.drwing on n exensie rcie o primr ocu-

    mens, Wergn iscusses opics rnging rom gir-

    oo, e, n ress o w women joine e

    Skers n ow e were iewe b ose ousie

    eir communi. Se nes e iision o bor

    beween men n women, sowing ere ws

    consierbe cooperion n reciproci in crring

    ou mos sksrom oo proucion o unering

    o gering rewooeen s genere conficsremine.

    In er concusion, Wergn rws ogeer

    o ese res o sow Sker communiies

    ciee remrkbe egree o gener eui

    ime wen women esewere si suere uner

    e eg n soci sricures o e riion pri-

    rc orer. In so oing, se rgues, e experience

    o Sker women sere s moe or promoing

    womens rigs in americn poiic cuure.

    GlENdyNE R. WERGlaNd is n inepenen scor

    n uor oOne Shaker Lie: Isaac Newton Youngs,

    17931865(Uniersi o Msscuses Press, 2006).

    Explores gender relations within a religiouscommunity that banned sex and marriage

    Provides much-needed depth to the many

    studies o Shakers, and Shaker women in

    particular, that have painted gender roles

    with a broad brush. It will be impossible or

    readers to leave Werglands book and make

    oversimplifed statements about gender

    roles among the Shakers.

    Etta M. Madden, author oBodies o Lie:

    Shaker Literature and Literacies

    American History / Religion248 pp., 8 illus.

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978--55849-863-

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-862-4

    January 20

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    9order toll free -800-537-5487

    Cornelia James Cannon and

    the Future American RaceMaria I. Diedrich

    tis biogrp exmines e ie o Cornei Jmes

    Cnnon (18761969), Rcie grue, wie o

    prominen hrr proessor, n moer o e wo

    becme proic wrier n -purpose reormer,

    in e wors o er son-in-w, arur Scesinger Jr.

    In iion o wriing eig noes, Cnnon pubise

    oens o esss uring e 1920s n 1930s on

    bro rnge o conroersi opics. Se oceon be o womens rigs, bir conro, n pubic

    eucion n wroe proocie esss on immi-

    grion poic, were reorm, n eugenics.

    accoring o Mri I. dieric, i ws e s o

    ese concerns, Cnnons ineres in w se n

    er usbn ce e uure o e rce erm

    confing ies o css, rce, n enici

    inspire mn o er rie reorm ciiies. From

    e nge poin o o i m seem r o uner-sn ow soci reormer n ouspoken eminis

    cou so embrce eugenicis principes. ye, in e

    conex o e ime suc iews were no uncommon

    mong progressie inkers.

    Fr rom being n exremis or een excepion,

    Cornei Jmes Cnnon ws womn represenie

    o er soci css n isoric momen. B isen-

    nging e res o Cnnons ie n oug,

    dieric seeks o se ig on e experiences ooer progressie reormers o e inerwr ers

    wose ineres in soci jusice oen wen n in

    n wi rci excusie noions o americnness.

    This biography not only tells the story o a

    particular woman about whom little has been

    written; it personalizes the development o

    eugenics and illustrates how airly average or

    middle-class intellectuals could develop a

    strong belie in this pseudo-scientifc ideology.

    Sue Currell, coeditor oPopular Eugenics:

    National Efciency and American Mass

    Culture in the 1930s

    A probing analysis o the role o eugenicsin the thinking o progressive reormers in

    the 920s and 930s

    Biography / American Studies288 pp., 3 illus.

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978--55849-84-9

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-840-2

    February 20

    MaRIa I. dIEdRICh is proessor o Engis

    n americn suies e Uniersi o

    Muenser. her preious books incueLove

    across Color Lines: Ottile Assing andFrederickDouglass n Black Columbiad: Defning

    Moments in Arican American Literature and

    Culture, coeie wi Werner Soors.

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    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 200 . ww

    Harriet HosmerA Cultural Biography

    Kate Culkin

    hrrie hosmer (18301908) ws ceebre s one

    o e counrs mos respece riss, creie wi

    opening e e o scupure o women n cie s

    moe o eme bii n americn renemen. In

    is biogrpic su, Ke Cukin expores hosmers

    ie n work n pces er in e conex o nobe

    group o exprie wriers n riss wo gere in

    Rome in e mi-nineeen cenur.In 1852 hosmer moe rom Boson o Rome,

    were se sre ouse wi cress Croe

    Cusmn n soon orme cose riensips wi suc

    prominen expries s Rober n Eibe Brre

    Browning n eow scupors Jon Gibson, Emm

    Sebbins, n Wiim Wemore Sor. Reerences o

    hosmer or crcers inspire b er pper in e

    work o Nnie hworne, louis M aco, n

    Ke Fie mong oers.Cukin rgues hosmers success ws me

    possibe b er exensie nework o supporers,

    incuing er mous riens, boosers o americn

    genii, n womens rigs oces. tis unike

    coiion, ong wi er en, mbiion, n creu

    minennce o er pubic proe, uime broug

    er gre ccim. Cukin so resses hosmers

    criiue o womens posiion in nineeen-cenur

    cuure roug er scupure, womens rigsoces use o ig r o promoe eir cuse,

    e roe hosmers reionsips wi women pe

    in er ie n success, n e compex posiion

    eme ris occupie wiin counr incresing

    inerese in proing is genii.

    The story o nineteenth-century Americasmost prominent woman sculptor

    This is the best account o HarrietHosmers work that I have read, and is

    most illuminating about her place and

    importance in American culture.

    Martha Vicinus, author o

    Intimate Friends: Women Who Loved

    Women, 17781928

    KatE CUlKIN is ssisn proessor o

    isor Bronx Communi Coege.

    Art History / American Studies248 pp., 30 illus.

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978--55849-839-6

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-838-9

    November 200

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    order toll free -800-537-5487

    Frederic CrowninshieldA Renaissance Man in the Gilded Age

    Gertrude de G. Wilmers and Julie L. Sloan

    te sk o ecoring e ineriors o e mn new

    pubic n prie srucures cree in Gie age

    americ ce or riss procien in e skis o

    mur n sine gss esign. Freeric Crownin-

    sie (18451918) ws one o ose wo rose o

    mee is cenge, n is creer ses ig on

    w cme o be known s e americn Renis-

    snce. like is conemporries louis Comor tinn Jon l Frge, e eoe muc o is energ o

    esigning murs n sine gss winows. Bu e

    ws so successu piner, ecer, n uor. his

    bookMural Painting(1886) ws e eniie su on

    e subjec or mn ers, n is murs n sine

    gss winows ecore curces n pubic bui-

    ings in New york, New Engn, n e Miwes.

    tis book oers e rs u ccoun o Crownin-

    sies ie n work. Gerrue e G. Wimers nJuie l. Son siue is creer in e conex o

    pronge, css, n r n proie n exper n-

    sis o is work in sine gss, mur pining, oi, n

    wercoor. te book is ric iusre wi rworks

    b Crowninsie n is conemporries, suen

    rwings, mi poogrps, n ree works o


    GERtRUdE e G. WIlMERSrecen reire s

    speci reserc ssocie e Inernion

    Founion or ar Reserc (IFaR) n is uor

    oCornelis Schut: A Flemish Painter o the High

    Baroque.JUlIE l. SlOaNis sine gss con-sun n uor oLight Screens: The Complete

    Leaded Glass Windows o Frank Lloyd Wrightn

    Conservation o Stained Glass Windows in America.

    An elegant survey o the lie and work o amajor American artist

    Crowninshield is a great artist and deservesto be reconsidered. . . . This is a very good

    piece o work and I highly recommend it.

    Richard Guy Wilson, University o Virginia

    Art History / American Studies448 pp., 52 color and 49 black-and-white illus., 7" x 0"

    $39.95 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-864-8

    December 200

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 200 . ww

    Uneasy AlliesWorking or Labor Reorm in Nineteenth-Century Boston

    David A. Zonderman

    trougou e nineeen cenur, working-css

    ciiss n mie-css reormers in Boson srie

    o bui inces in e cmpign or bor reorm.

    toug some o ese orgniions e been mi-

    ir o isorins or more n cenur, is is e

    rs su o rce ese cross-css groups rom eir

    origins in e er 1830s o e wn o e Progres-sie Er.

    In iion o ning w moie ese

    workers n reormers o cree cross-css orgni-

    ions, di zonermn exmines e inern cic

    ebes n exern poiic pressures rcure

    em, een s new inces were orme, n sows

    ow ese infuences cnge oer ime. he escribes

    w workers n reormers erne bou poiics n

    soci cnge wiin ese compex n oie i-nces, n specues s o weer ose essons

    e reence or ciiss n reormers o.

    W emerges rom is inesigion is nrrie

    o progress n ecine spns ner ree-

    urers o cenur, s n eer-siing conseion

    o ssociions ebe e mening o bor reorm

    n e bes sreg o secure jusice or workers.

    Bu e ues or ieoogic consisenc n orgni-

    ion coerence ws no esi ciee. B cenursen, no on i Boson ook rmic ieren

    rom is nebeum ncesor, bu is bor reorm

    inces os some o eir erier openere

    opimism n subborn resiience.

    Investigates the shiting alliances betweenworkers and middle-class reormers in

    nineteenth-century Boston

    davId a. zONdERMaN is proessor o

    isor Nor Croin Se Uniersi

    n uor oAspirations and Anxieties:

    New England Workers and the Mechanized

    Factory System, 18151850

    American History / Labor Studies336 pp.

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978--55849-866-2

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-865-5

    February 20

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    3order toll free -800-537-5487

    Derelict ParadiseHomelessness and Urban Developmentin Cleveland, Ohio

    Daniel Kerr

    Seeking nswers o e uesion, Wo benes

    rom omeessness? is book kes e reer on

    sweeping our o Ceens isor rom e e

    nineeen cenur roug e er wen-rs.

    dnie Kerr sows omeessness s eep roos

    in e siing groun o urbn bor mrkes, soci

    poic, ownown eeopmen, e crimin jusicessem, n corpore power. Rer n being

    ribube o e inesses n ineucies o e

    unouse emsees, i is prouc o bo srucur

    n poiic nmics sping e ci.

    Kerr oces e origins o os seer ssem

    in e er oowe e mssie riro rebeions

    o 1877. From perio roug e Gre depres-

    sion, business n poiic eers soug o rns-

    orm ownown Ceen o eir own nge. ase ocuse on bringing business reers n our-

    iss o e ci n beckone upper-income resiens

    o reurn o is cener, e emoise wo ownown

    working-css neigboroos n insiuionie

    seer ssem o conin n conro e unouse

    n unempoe. te preceens rom is perio

    inorme e sregies o e posWor Wr II urbn

    renew er s we s e new urbnism o e e

    wenie cenur.te eors o e cis eies e no gone uncon-

    ese. Kerr ocumens ric isor o opposiion

    b peope e mrgins wose orgnie resisnce

    n eer suri sregies e unermine

    e grn pns cre b e poweru n rns-

    orme e insiuions esigne o consrin e

    ies o e omeess.

    A revealing analysis o the origins andevolution o homelessness in a major

    American city

    daNIEl KERR is ssisn proessor o

    isor Jmes Mison Uniersi.

    A tightly argued, eectively researched, and

    well-written book. Kerr successully brings

    the voices o the unhoused and unemployedinto his story at every turn, making a con-

    vincing case or their role in altering, i rarely

    determining, policy.

    Mark E. Santow, coauthor oSocial

    Security and the Middle Class Squeeze

    One o the most robust portraits available

    o homelessness both as an institutional-

    spatial condition and as a human experience

    that changes over time.

    Joseph Heathcott, coeditor oBeyond the

    Ruins: The Meanings o Deindustrialization

    American History / Urban Studies288 pp., 24 illus., 2 maps

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978--55849-849-5

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-848-8

    February 20

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 200 . ww

    Performances of ViolenceEdited by Austin Sarat, Carleen R. Basler,

    and Thomas L. Dumm

    From cs o errorism o wr, rom rson o cpi

    punismen, rom sism o orure, perormnces

    o ioence re roun us. Someimes e grb

    eines n rie our enion, someimes e

    re bre noice, consiuing pr o our ken-or-

    grne wor. ye weer rmic or bre noice,

    ioence seems eerwere o be on e rise.

    te esss in is oume expore e reionsipbeween seoo, genc, n ioence, ocusing

    on e pscic ie o ioence n is expression

    in e perormnces o pricur iniius. a

    e sme ime, e ook more cose e w

    poiic conexs n ieoogies spe bo pric-

    ur perormnces o ioence n e w e re


    B rwing on e experise o scors in rie

    o esnropoog, isor, poiic eor, w,n soci ougis book seeks o expose some o

    e suberrnen cross currens o e cuur ies o

    ioence n, in so oing, o ree eir connecions.

    In iion o e eiors, conribuors incue

    crimin jusice scor Mr Week awe,

    nropoogis veen ds, isorin Ru Mier,

    poiic scienis anne Noron, poiic scienis

    Core Robin, n isorin Pu Seege.

    aUStIN SaRat is Wiim Neson Cromwe Proessor

    o Jurispruence & Poiic Science amers

    Coege. CaRlEEN R. BaSlER is ssisn proessor

    o americn suies n socioog amers Coege.

    thOMaS l. dUMM is proessor o poiic science

    amers Coege.

    An interdisciplinary analysis o the culturalmeanings o violence

    Cultural Studies / Legal Studies92 pp., 3 illus.

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978--55849-857-0

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-856-3January 20

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    5order toll free -800-537-5487

    The Solemn Sentence

    of DeathCapital Punishment in ConnecticutLawrence B. Goodheart

    te rs cse su o is kin, is book resses

    bro rnge o uesions bou e rione or n

    ppicion o juici execuion in Connecicu since

    e seeneen cenur. In iion o ieniing e

    164 peope wo e been pu o e or crimes ur-

    ing e ses isor, lwrence Gooer nes

    eir soci sus in erms o sex, rce, css, reigion,

    n enici. he ooks e circumsnces o e

    crimes, e wepons were use, n e icims. he

    reconsrucs e isor o Connecicus cpi ws,

    is cnging rius o execuion, n e growing e-

    be oer e egiimc o e e pen ise.

    aoug e ocus is on e crimin jusice ss-

    em, e eic ues o New Engn cuure orm

    e rger conex. Gooer sows ow se

    iminuion in pes o cpi crimes, incuing wic-cr n sexu crimes, cumine in n empsis on

    proporione punismen uring e Enigenmen

    n eenu e o preerence or imprisonmen

    or cpi crimes excep rs egree murer.

    Gooer concues b consiering w Connec-

    icu, espie is mn suor resricions on cpi

    punismen n eng ppes process, s been

    e on se in New Engn o e execue n-

    one since 1960.

    laWRENCE B. GOOdhEaRt is proessor o isor

    e Uniersi o Connecicu, hror, n uor o

    Mad Yankees: The Hartord Retreat or the Insane and

    Nineteenth-Century Psychiatry(Uniersi o Mss-

    cuses Press, 2003).

    Traces the evolution o the death penaltyin a single state rom the colonial era to

    the present

    The frst comprehensive, detailed history o

    capital punishment in Connecticut. Framed

    by race, poverty, otherness, and Yankee

    culture, Goodheart tells in rich detail the

    troubling story o Connecticuts executions

    over nearly our centuries.

    Alan Rogers, author oMurder and the

    Death Penalty in Massachusetts

    American History / Legal Studies328 pp.

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978--55849-847-

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-846-4

    January 20

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 200 . ww

    Historical MiltonManuscript, Print, and Political Culture inRevolutionary England

    Thomas Fulton

    Jon Mions Commonplace Bookis e on known

    poiic noebook o ric poemicis wriing

    uring e Engis cii wr, n e mos exensie

    mnuscrip recor o reing we e rom n mjor

    Engis poe rom is perio. In is reinking o

    surprising negece bo o eience, toms

    Fuon expores Mions reing prcices n ews e use is reing in is wriing.

    Fuons cose su o e Commonplace Book

    suggess is reing recor is r rom e

    pr coecion o noes i rs ppers bu

    is inse progrm o reserc wic is own

    ieoog respone o e reing bis n

    prcices o Mions conemporries.

    Cree mos in e e 1630s n uring e

    oerrow o e Sur goernmen in e 1640s,Mions reing noes ie number o surprises,

    e mos unmen being ig srucure

    commimen o poiic isor. Fuon expores e

    reionsip beween e mnuscrip uor n is

    poemic person, pcing e Commonplace Book,

    e mnuscrip digression o eHistory o Britain,

    n some wrime poems in reeing conrs o e

    prine poiic exs o is perio.

    thOMaS FUltONis ssisn proessor o Engis Rugers Uniersi.

    Examines the relationship between themanuscript evidence o Miltons thinking

    and its representation in his printed works

    The scholarship in this book is superb.

    . . . Although the primary audience will

    be among literary scholars, the volume

    promises to cross disciplinary lines, with

    considerable appeal to historians o print,

    culture, and politics in early modern

    England. Fultons groundbreaking work

    on Miltons reading and his CommonplaceBookwill be the standard discussion or

    decades to come.

    Laura Knoppers, author oHistoricizing

    Milton: Spectacle, Power, and Poetry in

    Restoration England

    Renaissance Studies/Print Culture Studies320 pp., 7 illus.

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978--55849-845-7

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978--55849-844-0

    December 200

    A volume in the series Studies in Print Culture and the History o the Book and in the series Massachusetts Studies in Early Modern Culture

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    7order toll free -800-537-5487

    A World among These

    IslandsEssays on Literature, Race, and NationalIdentity in Antillean America

    Roberto Mrquez

    Cribben ierure n cuure e oo oen

    been iewe in rgmene erms, wiou enion

    o e broer commoniies o e region. In is

    coecion o esss wrien oer mn ers, Robero

    Mrue oers more encompssing ision, one

    respecs e iniiu riions o pricur

    oces, nguges, n cuures bu so sees e

    rger emes bin e res ierr erige

    n isor.

    Mrue begins b mking e cse or genu-

    ine Cribben ierr criicism, one moes be-

    on e cooni isor o rgmenion n iso-

    ion n e criic insuri o more conenion

    pproces. his pn-Cribben perspecie proies

    poin o eprure or e scruin o e eoingrms o rce, nioni, nion-buiing, n cu-

    ur ricuion in e region. Mrue en ocuses

    specic on Puero Ricois ierr n socio-

    isoric experience, e pricuriies o is New

    Creoe incrnions, n e eecs o wes o

    migrion o e Unie Ses. In e n secion

    o e book, e iscusses wriers n cuur gures

    rom e oer Spnis, angopone, n Frnco-

    pone erriories n e ws in wic e enggeor refec e ening emes o ierure, rce, n

    nion ieni in anien americ.

    Literary essays that embrace a

    pan-Caribbean perspective

    The volume will in my view be recognized

    as a seminal text o Caribbean intellectual

    production, one that gathers the sustained

    meditation o a oremost scholar and

    thinker over three and a hal decades.

    Silvio A. Torres-Saillant, author oAn

    Intellectual History o the Caribbean

    ROBERtO MRqUEzis Wiim R. Kenn Jr.Proessor o lin americn n Cribben

    Suies Moun hooke Coege n u-

    or oPuerto Rican Poetry: An Anthology

    rom Aboriginal to Contemporary Times

    (Uniersi o Msscuses Press, 2007),winner o e New Engn Counci o lin

    americn Suies Prie or trnsion.

    Caribbean Studies272 pp.

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-55849-85-8

    $80.00 cloth, ISBN 978-55849-850-

    November 200

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 200 . ww




    te rnsiion rom e Cinese cssic perio

    o e Cinese empire ws cenuries-ong

    process o se rebuiing, w creion, n

    wr. From is bckgroun o confic emerge

    e piosopies o e Goen age o Cinese

    oug, wose ierr expression is one o e

    resures o e wor cuur erige. Bu u

    unersning o e perio n is piosop

    s ong been mpere b uncerin bou e

    nure n e o e cssic exs emsees.

    to is probem, E. Bruce n a. teko Brooks,princips o e Wrring Ses Projec e

    Uniersi o Msscuses amers, now bring

    e resus o eces o reserc.

    Responses o e inii series nnouncemen

    e been ig orbe:

    The work o Bruce and Taeko Brooks is unique.

    . . . They have brought to the feld the proven

    methodology o Classical philology and appliedit to long unsolved problems concerning the date

    and structure o the Chinese classical texts . . . the

    result has been a revolution in the understanding

    o these texts, and in their proper use as sources

    or history.

    Christopher I. Beckwith, Indiana University

    The picture the Brookses have built up, piece

    by piece, over the years deeply alters our under-

    standing o the classical texts, o the nature othe dialogue among thinkers, and o the actual

    history o early China.

    Haun Saussy, Yale University

    Through a systematic eort, we get a general

    chronology including all the major texts, and this

    eort has shown a degree o interconnectedness

    that ew would have anticipated.

    Jrg Schumacher, Universit de Genve

    Every one o the publications planned in this

    series will make a major contribution in establish-

    ing a new paradigm or our understanding o the

    key philosophical, political, and historical texts

    . . . how these texts spoke to each other, and how

    they evolved in dynamic dialogue with each other.

    Paul Ropp, Clark University

    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 200 . ww

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    9order toll free -800-537-5487

    Asian History / Philosophy256 pp., 2 illus.

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978--93666-75-6

    $47.95 cloth, ISBN 978--93666-35-0

    September 200

    The Emergence of ChinaFrom Conucius to the Empire

    E. Bruce Brooks and

    A. Taeko Brooks

    tis oume oers concise oeriew o e

    cssic perio. Beween n inroucor cper

    on e preceing cenuries n concuing

    cper on e Cn dns, six opic cpers

    te Econom, te Se, te Sering Eie, Wr

    n Pece, te Peope, n trnscenencegie

    muicee sense o e cssic perio proper.

    Ec cper incues one or more meooogic

    momens, wic sugges ow e exu probems

    e been soe, n 500 rnse pssges e

    e perio spek wi is own oice on opics rom

    w o e mourning perio or pren, reeing

    bo is enic n is piosopic iersi.

    I will defnitely use it in my course. It solves a

    problem I have had rom the beginning: to give

    context or the philosophical texts. . . . A stylisti-

    cally economical, accessible, gripping, and sub-

    stantive book.

    John J. Furlong, Transylvania University

    e. BrUce BrOOKs is reserc proessor o

    Cinese, n A. tAeKO BrOOKs is resercssocie, e Uniersi o Msscuses

    amers. teir 1998 book The Original Analects

    ws prise s epoc-mking n s reuiring

    mos ps scorsip on ncien Cinese

    piosop o be reone.


    The Golden Age o Chinese thoughtin its political and military context

    Also from the Warring States Project

    te rs oume o e scor journ Warring

    States Papers, incuing rices b Sepen C.

    ange, E. Bruce n a. teko Brooks, Consnce

    a. Cook, Sco Cook, Rober Eno, C. J. Frser, Pu

    Goin, dennis Grfin, Eric henr, Mnu Im,

    Jon v. lombri, di Niison, dn Robins,

    Kren turner, n e e Giber Mos.

    Volume . 256 pp., 2 illus.

    $40.00 paper, ISBN 978--93666-0-5

    September 200

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 2010 .


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    tion on more than 900 publications rom the UMass Press is available at our website:



    A Genius for PlaceAmerican Landscapes o theCountry Place Era

    Robin Karson

    Winner o the J. B. Jackson Prize o the Foundationor Landscape Studies

    The most important book on Americangardens or a decade at least.London Telegraph

    This is a east to be savored and digestedslowly, over time.Landscape Architecture

    $65.00t cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-636-1424 pp., 483 duotone illus., 2007

    Published in association with Library o AmericanLandscape History

    Mission 66

    Modernism and theNational Park Dilemma

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    A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

    This volume should be part o everylibrary supporting planning, recreation,land economics, and geography.Choice

    $39.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-587-6424 pp., 200 illus., 2007

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    $49.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-694-1912 pp., 215 illus., 2009

    ASLA Centennial Reprint Series

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    Introduction by Francis R. Kowsky

    A must-read or those who love CentralPark and want to have a deep understand-ing o Parsonss role in protecting thisenduring national treasure and work o

    art.Douglas Blonsky$39.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-695-8516 pp., 82 illus., 2009

    ASLA Centennial Reprint Series

    Published in association with Library o AmericanLandscape History

    Landscape for LivingGarret Eckbo

    Introduction by David C. Streatfeld

    A new edition o an infuential maniestoon modernism in landscape design, by

    one o the most highly respected Amer-ican modernist landscape architects.

    $39.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-696-5336 pp., 120 illus., 2009

    ASLA Centennial Reprint Series

    Published in association with Library o AmericanLandscape History

    Through an Uncommon LensThe Lie and Photography oF. Holland Day

    Patricia J. Fanning

    Honor Title, Massachusetts Book Award

    Careully researched and skil lully writ-ten.Royal Photographic Society Journal

    $40.00 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-668-2304 pp., 76 black-and-white illus., 31 duotone plates,2008

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    The Craftsman and the CriticDefning Useulness and Beauty inArts and CratsEra Boston

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    This outstanding analysis andunderstandable presentation provides asophisticated appreciation o the Artsand Crats movement.Style 1900

    Magazine$65.00 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-677-4444 pp., 19 color and 240 black-and-white illus.,2009


    The Needles EyeWomen and Work in the Ageo Revolution

    Marla R. Miller

    Winner o the Millia Davenport PublicationAward o the Costume Society o America

    A meticulous, nuanced account othe many varieties o needleworkthat engaged the energies o womenin eighteenth-century and earlynineteenth-century rural New England.Journal of Social History

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-545-6328 pp., 31 illus., 8 color plates, 2006

    Cultivating a PastEssays on the History o Hadley,

    MassachusettsEdited by Marla R. Miller

    A tting act o homage to the town oHadley and to Sylvester Judd, whose200th anniversary volume created amodel or the New England town history,set a standard or research, and showedthat the lives o ordinary people wereworthy o serious study.Kevin M. Sweeney

    $34.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-700-9384 pp., 46 illus., 2009

    The Jay Treaty Debate,Public Opinion, and theEvolution of Early AmericanPolitical CultureTodd Estes

    Estes has laid out a path that reconnectsdiplomatic history to the general study othe early republic, which other historianswould be advised to ollow.Journal ofAmerican History

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-669-9280 pp., 2008

    Domestic BroilsShakers, Antebellum Marriage, and theNarratives o Mary and Joseph Dyer

    Edited with an introduction by

    Elizabeth A. De Wole

    Reconstructs the bitter and widelypublicized marital dispute between twoearly nineteenth-century Shakers.

    $19.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-808-2128 pp., 4 illus., July 2010

    Abolitionist Politics and theComing of the Civil WarJames Brewer Stewart

    A remarkably coherent and cohesivevolume o essays.John Stauer

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-635-4256 pp., 2008

    Missionaries in Hawaii

    The Lives o Peter and Fanny Gulick,17971883

    Cliord Putney

    Etremely well researched and wellwritten. I think it will make a lastingcontribution to the history o missionariesin Hawaii.Paul Burlin

    $34.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-735-1272 pp., 25 illus., 2010

    SportsThe First Five Millennia

    Allen Guttmann

    Winner o the Book Award o the North AmericanSociety or Sport History

    A Selection o the History Book Club

    Devotes si chapters to ancient throughRenaissance sports and 15 to modern,or at least present-day, sports. . . . Highlyrecommended.Choice

    $26.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-610-1496 pp., 45 illus., 2007

    The Culture and Sportof Skiing

    From Antiquity to World War IIE. John B. Allen

    Winner o the Ullr Award rom theInternational Skiing History Association

    A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

    An ecellent comprehensive history othe modernization o skiing. . . . Superblyresearchedusing primary sources inseveral languagesand beautiullyillustrated.Choice

    $26.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-601-9384 pp., 57 illus., 2007

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 2010 .

    Out of the AtticInventing Antiques in Twentieth-CenturyNew England

    Briann G. Greenfeld

    Her book is rich in anecdote. . . . There isun and insight on almost every page.Art & Antiques

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-710-8

    256 pp., 31 illus., 2009Public History in Historical Perspective

    Inuenza and InequalityOne Towns Tragic Response to theGreat Epidemic o 1918

    Patricia J. Fanning

    In a brilliant combination o scholarshipand compassion, Fanning brings to lie theAmerican eperience o the devastat-ing1918 fu epidemic.Jeanne Guillemin

    $22.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-812-9192 pp., 27 illus., September 2010

    A Matter of Life and DeathHunting in Contemporary Vermont

    Marc Boglioli

    An important contribution to the under-standing o rural lie in the United Statesthat will be o interest to students andproessionals in human/nature relation-ships in a variety o disciplines.Gerald W. Creed

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-716-0208 pp., 2009

    Measuring AmericaHow Economic Growth Came toDefne American Greatness in theLate Twentieth Century

    Andrew L. Yarrow

    Eamines the rise o economic thinkingin the United States ater World War II.

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-835-8272 pp., August 2010

    Perfectly Average

    The Pursuit o Normality in PostwarAmerica

    Anna Creadick

    Analyzes the ascendancy o the culturalideal o the normal in the atermath oWorld War II.

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-806-8240 pp., 35 illus., August 2010

    Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

    The Dragons TailAmericans Face the Atomic Age

    Robert A. Jacobs

    This is an outstanding book . . . and it isaccessible in ways that should make itattractive to general audiences as well asspecialists in the eld.Allen M. Winkler

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-727-6

    176 pp., 20 illus., 2010Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

    The End of Victory CultureCold War America and the Disillusioningo a Generation

    Tom Engelhardtrevised edition, with a new preface and


    An etraordinarily original work thatplaces postwar American history in anentirely new perspective.John Dower

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-586-9408 pp., 2007

    Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

    War StarsThe Superweapon and the AmericanImagination

    H. Bruce Franklinrevised and expanded edition

    A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

    War Stars is so crammed with ascinat-ing acts and ideas that it should interestpeople o all political persuasions. Itshould be required reading.Bulletinof the Atomic Scientists

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-651-4320 pp., 32 illus., 2008

    Upstaging the Cold WarAmerican Dissent and CulturalDiplomacy, 19401960

    Andrew J. Falk

    For me, the most striking virtue o thisbook is its ability to document andhistoricize cultural dissent over a

    signicant and greatly changing two-decade period. Christian G. Appy

    $34.95 cloth, ISBN 978-155849-728-3264 pp., 2010

    Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

    The FBI and the CatholicChurch, 19351962Steve Rosswurm

    A probing analysis o the relationshipbetween two powerul institutions intwentieth-century America.

    $39.95 cloth, ISBN 978-155849-729-0352 pp., 2010

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    James Jesus Angleton, theCIA, and the Craft ofCounterintelligenceMichael Holzman

    Holzmans book is a major history ochilling impact, and a long, rewardingodyssey through the labyrinth o counter-intelligence. . . . His cast is huge and his

    eplorations ar reaching.ForeWord$29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-650-7416 pp., 2008

    President of the OtherAmericaRobert Kennedy and the Politics oPoverty

    Edward R. Schmitt

    Schmitts careully drawn and resource-ul reconstruction o RFKs intellectualand emotional journey makes an impor-

    tant contribution.James W. Hilty$39.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-730-6320 pp., 15 illus., 2010

    Framing the SixtiesThe Use and Abuse o a Decade romRonald Reagan to George W. Bush

    Bernard von Bothmer

    A smart, important and impressivelyresearched account o the decade that artoo oten is reduced to clichs by the letand the right.Tom Brokaw

    $28.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-732-0

    320 pp., 2010

    Secular MissionariesAmericans and Arican Developmentin the 1960s

    Larry Grubbs

    Essential reading or scholars in U.S.oreign relations, and those interestedin the historical roots o contemporaryproblems and challenges acing Aricancountries.Kevin Gaines

    $34.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-734-4

    256 pp., 2010Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

    Hanoi JaneWar, Sex, and Fantasies o Betrayal

    Jerry Lembcke

    Pulsing with brilliant insights andinvaluable scholarship,Hanoi Jane ismuch more than a biography o a singlemyth. It is an eploration o some othe tangled cultural, psychological,and historical strands that constituteAmerican memory o the Vietnam War.

    H. Bruce Franklin$22.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-815-0224 pp., June 2010

    Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

    Pressing the FightPrint, Propaganda, and the Cold War

    Edited by Greg Barnhisel and

    Catherine Turner

    Original essays on the role o the printedword in the ideological struggle betweenEast and West.

    $39.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-736-8

    312 pp., 16 illus., 2010Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book

    Invisible EnemiesThe American War on Vietnam, 19752000

    Edwin A. Martini

    This is a rst-rate book and mustreading or anyone interested in recentU.S. oreign policy.H-Diplo Reviews

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-609-5288 pp., 2007

    Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

    The Myth of theAddicted ArmyVietnam and the Modern War on Drugs

    Jeremy Kuzmarov

    Kuzmarov raises serious questions aboutwhether measures used to address theso-called addicted army in Vietnamworked then or work now. . . . Highlyrecommended.Choice

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-705-4288 pp., 2009

    Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

    Beyond VietnamThe Politics o Protest in Massachusetts,19741990

    Robert Surbrug Jr.

    Should appeal to a considerableaudience, given the paucity o booksdealing with the history o radicalmovements in the United States overthe past thirty years.Van Gosse

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-712-2320 pp., 2009

    Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

    Vietnams SouthernRevolutionFrom Peasant Insurrection to Total War

    David Hunt

    David Hunt has written a superb book. . . the best book on Vietnams SouthernRevolution.Journal of Contemporary Asia

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-692-7288 pp., 2 maps, 2009

    Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


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    The Vietnam War inAmerican MemoryVeterans, Memorials, and thePolitics o HealingPatrick Hagopian

    A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

    A wonderul book. . . . The research in

    Hagopians study is wide-ranging andimpressive, and a number o the issueshe eamines, such as his analysis o themuch-under-studied Vietnam VeteransLeadership Program, clearly set his bookapart rom other ecellent works onpostwar memory and commemoration.The Public Historian

    $49.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-693-4560 pp., 100 illus., 2009

    Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

    Religious Liberty in America

    The First Amendment in Historicaland Contemporary Perspective

    Bruce T. Murray

    A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

    Should be required reading or all jour-nalists who touch on the books subject.. . . Other books on these issues havebeen appearing o late, but none as clearand thorough as this one.Choice

    $19.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-638- 5232 pp., 2008

    Barney FrankThe Story o Americas Only Let-Handed,Gay, Jewish Congressman

    Stuart E. Weisberg

    A thorough portrait o Frank and a com-pelling Baedeker to Massachusettspolitics in the last quarter o the 20thcentury and the rst decade o the 21st.Boston Globe

    $29.95t cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-721-4544 pp., 22 illus., 2009

    The Dance of the ComediansThe People, the President, and thePerormance o Political Standup Comedyin America

    Peter M. Robinson

    A wonderul bookeceptionally wellwritten, insightul, and serious but un.LeRoy Ashby

    $34.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-733-7288 pp., 2010


    Venture Smith and theBusiness of Slavery andFreedomEdited by James Brewer Stewart

    A stunning col lection. Venture Smith is

    a very important historical gure; hismemoir is the only rst-person sourcethat narrates the entire arc o an AricanAmericans lie rom childhood in Aricathrough enslavement and emancipationto old age in North America.Joanne Melish

    $34.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-740-5256 pp., 8 illus., 2010

    Practicing Medicine ina Black RegimentThe Civil War Diary o Burt G. Wilder,

    55th MassachusettsEdited by Richard M. Reid

    The previously unpublished record o awhite doctors service with AricanAmerican troops during the Civil War.

    $39.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-739-9288 pp., 12 illus., 2010

    Hope & GloryEssays on the Legacy o the 54thMassachusetts RegimentEdited by Martin H. Blatt,

    Thomas J. Brown, andDonald Yacovone

    Foreword by Colin L. Powell

    An essential book, helping us to under-stand how history, memory, monuments,and myth intertwine to keep the presentcomorted and discomorted by thepast.Journal of American History

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 1-55849-722-1368 pp., 38 illus., 2009

    Images of Black ModernismVerbal and Visual Strategies o theHarlem Renaissance

    Miriam Thaggert

    Eamines the intersecting contributionso writers and visual artists during a keyperiod in Arican American culturalhistory.

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-831-0256 pp., 19 illus., November 2010

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    Near BlackWhite-to-Black Passing inAmerican Culture

    Baz Dreisinger

    How black is Eminem? How white isour president? We cant help asking theseawkward questions as we digestNearBlackby Baz Dreisinger.New York

    Times Book Review$24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-675-0192 pp., 2008

    Charles Johnson in ContextLinda Furgerson Selzer

    Analyzes the intellectual and culturalinfuences on an important AricanAmerican novelist.

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-723-8320 pp., 2009

    Boycotts, Buses, and PassesBlack Womens Resistance in the U.S.South and South Arica

    Pamela E. Brooks

    Brooks carves out or these women theirrightul place in the history o the blackreedom movement.Ms.

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-678-1336 pp., 20 illus., 4 maps, 2008

    Jump for JoyJazz, Basketball, and Black Culturein 1930s America

    Gena Caponi-TaberyA remarkable book, an eample ocultural studies as well as a history odominant motis in Arican American andU.S. culture beore the civil rights move-ment.Journal of American History

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-663-7304 pp., 24 illus., 2008

    Forever Doo-WopRace, Nostalgia, and Vocal Harmony

    John Michael Runowicz

    A pioneering workthe rst ull-lengthanalytical scholarly book on the entirerange o doo-wops history.Jerey Melnick

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-824-2224 pp., 8 illus., October 2010

    American Popular Music

    The Colored CartoonBlack Representation in AmericanAnimated Short Films, 19071954

    Christopher P. Lehman

    A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

    Lehmans ascinating study is comprehen-sive, meticulous and well-written.Choice

    $22.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-779-5152 pp., 2009



    Early Native Literacies inNew EnglandA Documentary and Critical Anthology

    Edited by Kristina Bross and

    Hilary E. Wyss

    An introduction to the rich heritage oearly Native literacy culture in NewEngland.

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-648-4288 pp., 7 illus., 2008

    Native Americans of the Northeast

    Experience Mayhews IndianConvertsA Cultural Edition

    Edited by Laura Arnold Leibman

    It is a landmark work, and the time iswell overdue or a scholarly edition.David J. Silverman

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-661-3448 pp., 13 illus., 2008

    Native Americans of the Northeast

    Moving EncountersSympathy and the Indian Questionin Antebellum Literature

    Laura L. Mielke

    A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

    Mielke demonstrates the subtle,dynamic and sometimes surprisingcentrality o sentimental discourse intets that ocus on Native Americans.. . . Highly recommended.Choice

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-631-6272 pp., 2008

    Native Americans of the Northeast

    PassamaquoddyCeremonial SongsAesthetics and Survival

    Ann Morrison SpinneyOriginal, inormative, interesting, andwell researched, this work makes anenormous contribution to the eld oethnomusicology and related disciplines.Victoria Lindsay Levine

    $39.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-718-4272 pp., 10 illus., 2010

    Native Americans of the Northeast

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    Tracing ParadiseTwo Years in Harmony with

    John Milton

    Dawn Potter

    Winner o the 2010 Maine Literary Award,Nonfction

    Her style is both breezy and erudite. . . .Her feible intellect is ar-reaching andbraced with thoroughly modern humor.Wolf Moon Journal

    $22.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-701-6160 pp., 14 illus., 2009

    Mapping NorwoodAn Irish American Memoir

    Charles Fanning

    A classic American storyIrish-American at its core, but embracing acomple saga o place and identity. This isnot simply the autobiography o CharlesFanning, the pioneering scholar o Irish-American literature, but the story o aplace and its people, all brought into vividand dramatic ocus.Terence Winch

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-810-5336 pp., 22 illus., August 2010

    Temporary LivesStories

    Ramola DWinner o the Grace Paley Prize inShort Fiction

    A stunning, multilayered story collection. . . she proves an insightul storytellerwith a poetic knack or evoking thebeautiul and the brutal.PublishersWeekly(starred review)

    $24.95t cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-742-9176 pp., 2009

    Published in cooperation with Association o Writers& Writing Programs (AWP)


    Greg Mulcahy

    Winner o the Juniper Prize or Fiction

    This devastating, sometimes wickedlyunny book is chillingly on-target aboutthe distortion o sel in a culture thatinsists on compliance.Dawn Rael

    $22.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-818-1176 pp., 2010

    Legend of a SuicideDavid Vann

    New York Times Editors Choice and NotableBook o the Year

    It is a devastating journey that isdicult to read but impossible to putdown and equally impossible to orget.San Francisco Chronicle

    $24.95t cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-672-9184 pp., 2008

    Published in cooperation with Association oWriters & Writing Programs (AWP)

    Then We Saw the FlamesDaniel A. Hoyt

    Winner o the Juniper Prize or Fiction

    Sharp, daring, and shot with momentso rare beauty, these stories grab you bythe collar and reuse to let you go.Julie Orringer$19.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-699-6

    124 pp., 2009

    Wolf Lake, White GownBlown OpenPoems

    Diane Seuss

    Winner o the Juniper Prize or Poetry

    Here is a poet vocalizing so much owhat it means to be alive that I elt araidat times to put the book down or toblink.Laura Kasischke

    $15.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-825-9

    88 pp., 2010

    InterloperL. S. Klatt

    Winner o the Juniper Prize or Poetry

    Interloperis a cohesive body, indicativeo many years honing. Its vibrant imageso memory and doubt, despite theirambiguous cohesion, oster a commonground between author and reader.Verse

    $14.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-697-296 pp., 2009

    Puerto Rican PoetryAn Anthology rom Aboriginal toContemporary Times

    Edited and Translated

    by Roberto Mrquez

    Winner o the Best Translation Prize o the NewEngland Council o Latin American Studies

    This is an outstanding anthology anddeserves its place among the bestanthologies written on Caribbean andLatin American literature.Kliatt

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-562-3528 pp., 2007

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    Mashed UpMusic, Technology, and the Riseo Confgurable Culture

    Aram Sinnreich

    How emerging technologies are reshapingthe dynamic between musical regulationand resistance.

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-829-7240 pp., August 2010


    Nine ChoicesJohnny Cash and American Culture

    Jonathan Silverman

    A revealing cultural biography o a sel-made American icon.

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-827-3288 pp., 24 illus., September 2010

    Expanding theAmerican MindBooks and the Popularizationo Knowledge

    Beth Luey

    A lively eploration o how nonctionbooks have kept Americans learninglong ater leaving college.

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-817-4

    224 pp., 2010

    Reading PlacesLiteracy, Democracy, and the PublicLibrary in Cold War America

    Christine Pawley

    This book is alive with the voices o oralinterviews and a density o wonderuldetails relating to rural Wisconsinsencounter with modern print culture.Thomas Augst

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-822-8272 pp., June 2010

    Studies in Print Culture and the History of theBook

    Translation, Resistance,ActivismEdited by Maria Tymoczko

    Essays on the role o translators as agentso change.

    The scholarship in this volume ismeticulous and impeccable.Carol Maier

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-833-4

    304 pp., August 2010

    Companionship in GriefLove and Loss in the Memoirs oC. S. Lewis, John Bayley, Donald Hall,Joan Didion, and Calvin Trillin

    Jerey Berman

    An insightul analysis o how ve promi-nent writers coped with the death o abeloved spouse.

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-804-4288 pp., July 2010

    Master Mechanics &Wicked WizardsImages o the American Scientist asHero and Villain rom Colonial Timesto the Present

    Glen Scott Allen

    A ascinating read that is as inormedand inormative as it is insightul andentertaining.Midwest Book Review

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-703-0352 pp., 36 illus., 2009

    Inventing the AddictDrugs, Race, and Sexuality inNineteenth-Century British andAmerican Literature

    Susan Zieger

    A richly contetualized and elegantlynuanced cultural history o the concepto addiction.Priscilla Wald

    $34.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-680 -4320 pp., 2008

    The Other Side of GriefThe Home Front and theAtermath in AmericanNarratives o the Vietnam WarMaureen Ryan

    The very breadth o the book makes itan important contribution to the eld anda useul resource or those interested inthe Vietnam War.Choice

    $34.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-686-6352 pp., 2 maps, 2008

    Culture, Politics, and the Cold War

    Cesare Pavese and AmericaLie, Love, and Literature

    Lawrence G. Smith

    A Choice Outstanding Academic Title

    This richly detailed, consistentlyascinating study uses both biographicaland literary-critical approaches to givethe ullest account to date o Pavesesengagement with the U.S.Choice

    $39.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-673-6

    352 pp., 47 illus., 2008

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 2010 .

    Public Poet, Private ManHenry Wadsworth Longellow at 200

    Christoph Irmscher

    This lively, provocative study encouragesnew Americanist recongurations oAmerican literary studies to include globalconsiderations. . . . Essential.Choice

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-584-5

    236 pp., 67 illus., 2009Published in cooperation with Houghton Library,Harvard University

    MargaretA Tale o the Real and Ideal,Blight and Bloom

    Sylvester Judd

    Edited with an introduction by

    Gavin Jones

    Margaretnot only has intrinsic literarymerit as the best Transcendentalist novel,

    but it also oers a window onto majorcultural shits in nineteenth-century NewEngland.Lawrence Buell

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-717-7464 pp., 2009

    Popular Print andPopular MedicineAlmanacs and Health Advicein Early America

    Thomas A. Horrocks

    Admirably circumspect in its arguments

    and capacious in its eposition o thesocial and cultural contets o popularhealth advice.Journal of AmericanHistory

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-657-6240 pp., 8 illus., 2008

    Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book

    Ashes of the MindWar and Memory in Northern Literature,18651900

    Martin Grifn

    How Northern writers came to grips withthe mied legacy o the Civil War.

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-690 -3280 pp., 2009

    Literary Journalism on TrialMasson v. New Yorkerand the FirstAmendment

    Kathy Roberts Forde

    Winner o the AEJMC Award or the Best Book onJournalism & Mass Communication History

    A det microhistory o a landmark First

    Amendment case that occurred within thelarger contet o competing journalisticmodels. . . . Highly recommended.Choice

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-653-8304 pp., 2008

    Popular History and theLiterary Marketplace,18401920Gregory M. Pftzer

    Ptzer skillully eamines the compleinterplay o history, literature, and thepublishing world rom the perspectiveo historiography.Choice

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-625-5464 pp., 2008

    Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book

    Reading Emily DickinsonsLettersCritical Essays

    Edited by Jane Donahue Eberwein

    and Cindy MacKenzie

    Provides a marvelously up-to-daterange o critical, theoretical, and prag-matic responses to the personal, social,

    cultural, and poetic unctions o herletter-writing.Cristanne Miller

    $39.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-741-2304 pp., 3 illus., 2009

    Trying to Think withEmily DickinsonJed Deppman

    A blend o delightul wit, deeply inormedthinking, and subtle attunements to thechallenges o reading Dickinson as athinker. . . . This book is learned, original,meticulous, playul, and illuminating.

    Emily Dickinson International Society$26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-684-2288 pp., 29 illus., 2008

    A Mirror for Magistratesand the Politics of theEnglish ReformationScott C. Lucas

    Makes a distinctive and importantcontribution to both Tudor literatureand Tudor history and will be read bystudents o both. And it is written in

    ecellent, jargon-ree prose.Patrick Collinson

    $39.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-706-1288 pp., 6 illus., 2009

    Massachusetts Studies in Early Modern Culture

    TransBuddhismTransmission, Translation, andTransormation

    Edited by Nalini Bhushan, Jay

    Garfeld, and Abraham Zablocki

    Eplores the many maniestations oBuddhist thought and practice inAmerica and elsewhere.

    $24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-708-5272 pp., 15 illus., 2010

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    At the Altar of theBottom LineThe Degradation o Workin the 21st Century

    Tom Juravich

    A beautiully written, compelling portraito our groups o Massachusetts workers.Ruth Milkman

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-155849-725-2260 pp., 14 illus., CD o songs and interviews,2009

    BostonVoices and Visions

    Shaun OConnell

    A rich selection o writings by notablepreachers, politicians, poets, novelists,essayists, and diarists.

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-820-4384 pp., October 2010

    Culture ClubThe Curious History o theBoston AthenaeumKatherine Wol

    Engagingly written and ull o intelligentanalysis. . . . It could be an appropriatetet or courses in Boston history, post-colonial identity, and various topics inAmerican Studies.Boston Lowbrow

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-714-6256 pp., 28 illus., 2009

    Keepers of TraditionArt and Folk Heritage in Massachusetts

    Maggie Holtzberg

    Winner o New England Museums AssociationSilver Medal

    An innovative and modern approach tostudying regional heritage.HistoricalJournal of Massachusetts

    $24.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-640-8216 pp., 170 illus., 2008

    Distributed or the Massachusetts Cultural Counciland published in collaboration with the NationalHeritage Museum

    Jonathan Fisher ofBlue Hill, MaineCommerce, Culture, and Communityon the Eastern Frontier

    Kevin D. Murphy

    The etraordinary story o a clergyman-artist-entrepreneur who helped shapethe New England rontier.

    $49.95 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-743-6336 pp., 71 black-and-white illus., 12 color plates,July 2010

    Shadows in the ValleyA Cultural History o Illness, Death, andLoss in New England, 18401916

    Alan C. Swedlund

    Oers a sensitive, poignant look atsuering, disease, and death in the liveso residents o western Massachusetts,just as authorities were beginning to

    identiy disease pathogens, improvewater and ood supplies, and preventchildhood epidemics.Lynn M. Morgan

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-720-7272 pp., 50 illus., 2010

    How Strange It SeemsThe Cultural Lie o Jews inSmall-Town New England

    Michael Hoberman

    A well-written and thoughtul contri-bution to New England ethnohistory.While working on a small-town stage,he has produced valuable insights intoboth New England and Jewish lie.Vermont History

    $28.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-646-0288 pp., 29 illus., 2008



    Field Guide to Tidal Wetland

    Plants of the NortheasternUnited States andNeighboring CanadaRalph W. Tiner

    A delight to read and a pleasure to use.. . . Whether you are a botanist, a wetlandecologist, or someone with an interest inwetland plants, this useul and attractivebook should be on your bookshel.Science Books and Films

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-667-5488 pp., 570 illus., 2008

    Flora of the NortheastA Manual o the Vascular Flora oNew England and Adjacent New York

    Dennis W. Magee and

    Harry E. Ahles

    revised edition, with a new cd-rom

    Comprehensive and ascinatingevenor readers ar outside this manualstargeted region.American Scientist

    $95.00 cloth, ISBN 978-1-55849-577-71,264 pp., 2,433 range maps, 995 line drawings,CD-ROM, 2007

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


    university of massachusetts press . all/winter 2010 .

    Preserving and EnhancingCommunitiesA Guide or Citizens, Planners, andPolicymakers

    Edited by Elisabeth M. Hamin,

    Priscilla Geigis, and Linda Silka

    An environmentally inormed guide tocommunity land-use planning and devel-

    opment, covering the ull spectrum oinnovative and emerging practices.

    $29.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-564-7336 pp., 10 color and 23 black-and-white illus., 2007

    CatastropheLaw, Politics, and the HumanitarianImpulse

    Edited by Austin Sarat and

    Javier Lezaun

    One o the strongest edited collectionsI have read or some time. It provides a

    wide array o very dierent methodologi-cal and theoretical tool kits or eploringthe multiple relationships betweencatastrophe, politics, and the law.Jonathan Simon

    $26.95 paper, ISBN 978-155849-738-2240 pp., 5 illus., 2009

    The Humane MetropolisPeople and Nature in the 21st-Century City

    Edited by Rutherord H. Platt

    Platts essayists provide nourishmentlike good bagelsto anybody taking apause on a bench, in Holly Whytes way,to consider the city as an evolving organ-ism responsive to intelligent leadership.

    Roger G. Kennedy$27.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-554-8340 pp., 57 illus., 22-minute DVD, 2006

    Published in association with Lincoln Institute o LandPolicy

    Political WatersThe Long, Dirty, Contentious, IncrediblyExpensive but Eventually TriumphantHistory o Boston HarborA UniqueEnvironmental Success Story

    Eric Jay Dolin

    Dolin, with a clear eye or the unreliableassertions and unounded conclusionso the various players, provides a lastingcontribution to the historical record.Boston Globe

    $24.95t paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-641-5296 pp., 40 illus., 2008

    Massachusetts Studies in Early Modern Culture: Edited

    by Arthur F. Kinney (University o Massachusetts

    Amherst), the series embraces substantive critical and

    scholarly works that signicantly advance and regureour knowledge o Tudor and Stuart England.

    Native Americans of the Northeast: Books in this well-

    established series eamine the diverse cultures and

    histories o the Indian peoples o New England, the

    Middle Atlantic states, eastern Canada, and the Great

    Lakes region. Series editors are Colin Calloway (Dart-

    mouth College), Jean M. OBrien-Kehoe (University

    o Minnesota), and Barry OConnell (Amherst College).

    Public History in Historical Perspective: Edited by

    Marla R. Miller (University o Massachusetts Amherst),

    this new series eplores how representations o the

    past have been mobilized to serve a variety o political,cultural, and social ends.

    Science/Technology/Culture: This new interdisciplinary

    series seeks to publish engaging books that illuminate

    the role o science and technology in American lie and

    culture. Series editors are Carolyn de la Pea (University

    o Caliornia, Davis) and Siva Vaidhyanathan (University

    o Virginia).

    Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book: A

    substantial list o books on the history o print culture,

    authorship, reading, writing, printing, and publishing.

    The series editorial board includes Robert A. Gross

    (University o Connecticut), Joan Shelley Rubin (Univer-

    sity o Rochester), and Michael Winship (University o

    Teas, Austin).

    American Popular Music: Edited by Jerey Melnick

    and Rachel Rubin (University o Massachusetts Boston),

    this series seeks brie, well-written, classroom-riendly

    books that are accessible to general readers.

    Culture, Politics, and the Cold War: Edited by Christian G.

    Appy (University o Massachusetts Amherst), this highly

    regarded series has produced a wide range o books that

    reeamine the Cold War as a distinct historical epoch,

    ocusing on the relationship between culture and


    Grace Paley Prize: Since 1990 the Press has published

    the annual winner o the AWP Award in Short Fiction

    competition, now called the Grace Paley Prize. The

    $4,000 award is sponsored by the Association o

    Writers & Writing Programs (AWP), an organization

    that includes over 400 colleges and universities with

    a strong commitment to teaching creative writing.

    Juniper Prizes: Established in 1975, the Juniper Prize

    or Poetry is awarded annually and carries a $1,500

    prize in addition to publication. The Juniper Prize or

    Fiction was established in 2004 and also carries a

    $1,500 prize. In each case, a committee o writers

    selects the winner.

    Library of American Landscape History: The Press

    continues to publish a distinguished list o titles in

    association with LALH, an Amherst-based nonprot

    organization that develops books and ehibitionsabout North American landscapes and the people

    who created them.

    The Press currently publishes the following series:

  • 8/9/2019 UMass Press Fall / Winter 2010-2011 Catalog


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    The University o Massachusetts Press was ounded

    in 1963 as the book-publishing arm o the University

    o Massachusetts. Its mission is to publish rst-rate

    books, edit them careully, design them well, and

    market them vigorously. The Press imprint is over-

    seen by a aculty committee, whose members repre-

    sent a broad spectrum o university departments.

    ABOUT THE UnivErsiTy Of mAssAcHUsETTs PrEss

    New titles announced in this catalog are scheduled or publication

    rom September 2010 through March 2011. Prices and publication

    dates are subject to change without notice.

    BOOKSELLERS: Books listed in this catalog marked t are soldat trade discount; all others are sold at short discount. A complete

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    Postal returns:

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    INDIVIDUALS: Orders rom individuals must be prepaid. For

    postage, please enclose $5.00 or the rst book plus $1.00 or each

    additional book.ExAMINATION COPIES: Teachers who wish to consider our

    books or course use should request eamination copies on

    department letterhead, including daytime phone number, the

    name o the course, and projected enrollment. Requests should

    be mailed to P.O. Bo 429, Amherst, MA 01004 or aed to

    413-545-1226. The charge or eamination copies is $8.00 per

    title to cover shipping and handling.

    DESK COPIES: Desk copies may be requested or courses with

    enrollments o ten or more students. Requests on department

    letterhead should include course title, estimated enrollment, and

    bookstore name. Please a request to 413-545-1226.

    ELECTRONIC BOOKS: More than 450 o our titles are available

    to libraries in electronic editions (ebooks). For urther inormation

    on these editions, please visit our website at



    Catherine Hobbs

    17 Stoneeld Road

    Palmyra, VA 22963

    Phone 804-690-8529

    Fa 434-589-3411

    E-mail catherinehobbs


    William Gawronski

    1536 W. 25th Street

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    Phone 310-488-9059

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    Phone 808-956-8830Fa 808-988-6052

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    Other returns:

    HFS Returns Department

    c/o Maple Press Company

    Lebanon Distribution Center

    704 Legionaire Drive

    Fredericksburg, PA 17026

    For more inormation, please visit our website. We oer secure online ordering, descriptions o hundreds o publications, color

    reproductions o book jackets, news o recent awards, a sta directory, a discussion o editorial and marketing procedures, and

    guidelines or submitting manuscripts.

    New titles are approved ater a rigorous process o peer

    review. In addition to publishing works o scholarship, the

    Press produces books o more general interest or a wider

    readership. The main oces are located on the campus

    o UMass Amherst in the historic East Eperi-ment

    Station (1890), and the Press also maintains an editorial

    oce at UMass Boston.

    sAlEs infOrmATiOn



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