ultrafast dynamics with the exact factorization

Eur. Phys. J. B (2021) 94:179 https://doi.org/10.1140/epjb/s10051-021-00171-2 THE E UROPEAN PHYSICAL J OURNAL B Regular Article - Computational Methods Ultrafast dynamics with the exact factorization Federica Agostini 1,a and E. K. U. Gross 2 1 Institut de Chimie Physique UMR8000, Universit´ e Paris-Saclay, CNRS, 91405 Orsay, France 2 Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics, Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel Received 1 April 2021 / Accepted 19 July 2021 / Published online 9 September 2021 © The Author(s) 2021 Abstract. The exact factorization of the time-dependent electron–nuclear wavefunction has been employed successfully in the field of quantum molecular dynamics simulations for interpreting and simulating light- induced ultrafast processes. In this work, we summarize the major developments leading to the formulation of a trajectory-based approach, derived from the exact factorization equations, capable of dealing with nonadiabatic electronic processes, and including spin-orbit coupling and the non-perturbative effect of an external time-dependent field. This trajectory-based quantum-classical approach has been dubbed coupled- trajectory mixed quantum-classical (CT-MQC) algorithm, whose performance is tested here to study the photo-dissociation dynamics of IBr. 1 Introduction The theoretical description of nonequilibrium pro- cesses at the microscopic scale poses continuous chal- lenges in many fields, such as molecular and chem- ical physics, condensed matter physics, and theoret- ical chemistry. Theory needs to be able to describe purely quantum effects such as electronic transitions [19], (de)coherence [1015], interferences [16, 17], energy relaxation [1820], or phase transitions [21, 22], that are often the result of complex interactions between electrons and nuclei on ultrafast time scales and of the non-perturbative effect of time-dependent external fields. While quantum mechanics is the key to unravel these processes, actual applications and studies relying on computational methods require the introduction of approximations. In the domain of quantum molecular dynamics, approximations can be intended in various way, (i) to reduce the complexity of the original prob- lem via simplified models, (ii) to make the underlying equations of motion computationally tractable based on mathematical or physical observations, or (iii) to neglect some effects in favor of others depending on the situations. In the present work, we will provide examples on these three strategies, limiting our study to light- induced ultrafast phenomena in isolated molecular sys- tems, and employing the formalism of the exact factor- ization of the time-dependent electron–nuclear wave- function [2325]. Using this theoretical framework, par- ticular attention is devoted to present the procedures yielding simplified equations of motion, i.e., point (ii) a e-mail: [email protected] (cor- responding author) above, that have made in recent years the exact factor- ization a suitable “tool” to perform quantum molecular dynamics simulations [4, 26]. Introducing the factored form of a molecular— electronic and nuclear—wavefunction allows one to rewrite the time-dependent Schr¨ odinger equation as coupled evolution equations for the electronic and the nuclear components of the full wavefunction. Once the problem is decomposed, the idea that has motivated and driven our efforts in the last years is to circumvent the exponential scaling of quantum mechanical equa- tions of motion using classical-like trajectories to mimic nuclear dynamics while maintaining a quantum view- point for electronic dynamics [2730]. The exact factorization naturally lends itself for such a quantum-classical scheme because the original prob- lem, i.e., the molecular time-dependent Schr¨ odinger equation, is decomposed into a (single) electronic and nuclear part without invoking any approximations. Fur- thermore, nuclear dynamics appears to be fairly stan- dard, in the sense that the nuclei evolve according to a (new) time-dependent Schr¨ odinger equation where the effect of the electrons is accounted for via time- dependent vector [31, 32] and scalar potentials [33, 34]. Being explicitly dependent on time, these potentials are able to describe effects due to electronic excited states and induced or driven by external fields [24, 3538]. Aside from being a suitable framework for developing approximate numerical schemes, the exact factorization offers a framework to interpret, and perhaps even dis- entangle, complex effects: on one hand, nonadiabaticity and quantum decoherence are often strongly related to each other and affected by nuclear motion [30, 3944]; on the other hand, nuclear quantum effects, such as interferences and branching in configuration space, can 123

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Page 1: Ultrafast dynamics with the exact factorization

Eur. Phys. J. B (2021) 94 :179https://doi.org/10.1140/epjb/s10051-021-00171-2


Regular Article - Computational Methods

Ultrafast dynamics with the exact factorizationFederica Agostini1,a and E. K. U. Gross2

1 Institut de Chimie Physique UMR8000, Universite Paris-Saclay, CNRS, 91405 Orsay, France2 Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics, Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

Jerusalem 91904, Israel

Received 1 April 2021 / Accepted 19 July 2021 / Published online 9 September 2021© The Author(s) 2021

Abstract. The exact factorization of the time-dependent electron–nuclear wavefunction has been employedsuccessfully in the field of quantum molecular dynamics simulations for interpreting and simulating light-induced ultrafast processes. In this work, we summarize the major developments leading to the formulationof a trajectory-based approach, derived from the exact factorization equations, capable of dealing withnonadiabatic electronic processes, and including spin-orbit coupling and the non-perturbative effect of anexternal time-dependent field. This trajectory-based quantum-classical approach has been dubbed coupled-trajectory mixed quantum-classical (CT-MQC) algorithm, whose performance is tested here to study thephoto-dissociation dynamics of IBr.

1 Introduction

The theoretical description of nonequilibrium pro-cesses at the microscopic scale poses continuous chal-lenges in many fields, such as molecular and chem-ical physics, condensed matter physics, and theoret-ical chemistry. Theory needs to be able to describepurely quantum effects such as electronic transitions [1–9], (de)coherence [10–15], interferences [16,17], energyrelaxation [18–20], or phase transitions [21,22], thatare often the result of complex interactions betweenelectrons and nuclei on ultrafast time scales and ofthe non-perturbative effect of time-dependent externalfields. While quantum mechanics is the key to unravelthese processes, actual applications and studies relyingon computational methods require the introduction ofapproximations. In the domain of quantum moleculardynamics, approximations can be intended in variousway, (i) to reduce the complexity of the original prob-lem via simplified models, (ii) to make the underlyingequations of motion computationally tractable basedon mathematical or physical observations, or (iii) toneglect some effects in favor of others depending on thesituations.

In the present work, we will provide examples onthese three strategies, limiting our study to light-induced ultrafast phenomena in isolated molecular sys-tems, and employing the formalism of the exact factor-ization of the time-dependent electron–nuclear wave-function [23–25]. Using this theoretical framework, par-ticular attention is devoted to present the proceduresyielding simplified equations of motion, i.e., point (ii)

a e-mail: [email protected] (cor-responding author)

above, that have made in recent years the exact factor-ization a suitable “tool” to perform quantum moleculardynamics simulations [4,26].

Introducing the factored form of a molecular—electronic and nuclear—wavefunction allows one torewrite the time-dependent Schrodinger equation ascoupled evolution equations for the electronic and thenuclear components of the full wavefunction. Once theproblem is decomposed, the idea that has motivatedand driven our efforts in the last years is to circumventthe exponential scaling of quantum mechanical equa-tions of motion using classical-like trajectories to mimicnuclear dynamics while maintaining a quantum view-point for electronic dynamics [27–30].

The exact factorization naturally lends itself for sucha quantum-classical scheme because the original prob-lem, i.e., the molecular time-dependent Schrodingerequation, is decomposed into a (single) electronic andnuclear part without invoking any approximations. Fur-thermore, nuclear dynamics appears to be fairly stan-dard, in the sense that the nuclei evolve according toa (new) time-dependent Schrodinger equation wherethe effect of the electrons is accounted for via time-dependent vector [31,32] and scalar potentials [33,34].Being explicitly dependent on time, these potentials areable to describe effects due to electronic excited statesand induced or driven by external fields [24,35–38].Aside from being a suitable framework for developingapproximate numerical schemes, the exact factorizationoffers a framework to interpret, and perhaps even dis-entangle, complex effects: on one hand, nonadiabaticityand quantum decoherence are often strongly related toeach other and affected by nuclear motion [30,39–44];on the other hand, nuclear quantum effects, such asinterferences and branching in configuration space, can


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manifest themselves as consequence of the coupling toelectronic dynamics, and compete with other similareffects, such as tunneling [45–47].

While a comprehensive discussion on these pointsis beyond the scope of this work, we focus here onthe possibility of capturing nonadiabatic effects andquantum decoherence during photo-induced ultrafastprocesses, by means of the quantum-classical schemederived from the exact factorization. For complete-ness, we treat at the same level spin-allowed electronicnonadiabatic transitions, induced by nuclear motion,and spin-forbidden electronic transitions mediated byspin-orbit coupling [48,49]. Following recent develop-ments [50], we present as well how to explicitly accountfor external time-dependent fields (only the case of acontinuous-wave (cw) laser will be discussed). The pos-sibility of including quantum nuclear effects by adopt-ing a quantum trajectory approach is also mentioned.

To present the exact factorization, together with itsquantum-classical formulation, and to apply the the-ory to the study of a molecular process, we organizethe paper as follows. In Sect. 2, we briefly recall theexact factorization, but we mainly devote this sec-tion to the derivation of the trajectory-based pro-cedure, dubbed coupled-trajectory mixed quantum-classical (CT-MQC), ultimately leading to an actualalgorithm for quantum-classical molecular dynamicssimulations. Section 3 focuses on a simple molecularapplication by presenting the performance of CT-MQCin describing the photo-dissociation of IBr, includingspin-orbit coupling. A general assessment of the workdone so far on the exact factorization and on futuredirections is presented in Sect. 4. Our conclusions arestated in Sect. 5.

2 Excited-state dynamics with the exactfactorization formalism

This section is devoted to the presentation of the exactfactorization formalism to set the basis for the deriva-tion of the CT-MQC algorithm.

We consider a system of interacting electrons andnuclei, including spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and anexternal time-dependent field to the molecular Hamilto-nian. Therefore, the system is described by the Hamil-tonian H(x,R, t) = Tn(R)+HBO(x,R)+HSO(x,R)+V (x,R, t), where Tn is the nuclear kinetic energy,HBO, i.e., the Born–Oppenheimer Hamiltonian, con-tains the electronic kinetic energy, together with theelectronic and nuclear potentials, HSO is the SOC,V is the external time-dependent potential. Elec-tronic position-spin variables are labeled as x =[r1,σ1], [r2,σ2], . . . , [rNel

,σNel], and nuclear positions

are labeled as R = R1,R2, . . . ,RNn. Note that, the

electronic operators HBO and V are block-diagonal inspin space, and the particular form [51–53] chosen forHSO does not affect any of the results presented below.

The solution of the time-dependent Schrodingerequation (TDSE) i�∂tΨ(x,R, t) = H(x,R, t)Ψ(x,R, t)is factored as [24]

Ψ(x,R, t) = χ(R, t)ΦR(x, t) (1)

with χ(R, t) the nuclear wavefunction, and ΦR(x, t)the electronic conditional factor that parametricallydepends on R. The partial normalization condition∫

dx |ΦR(x, t)|2 = 1 ∀R, t [54,55] guarantees that|χ(R, t)|2 reproduces at all times the (exact) nucleardensity obtained from Ψ(x,R, t). Here, the integral overx stands for an integral over the 3Nel-dimensional elec-tronic configuration space and Nel sums over electronicspins. The evolution of χ(R, t) and ΦR(x, t) is given by

i�∂tχ(R, t) =


[−i�∇ν +Aν(R, t)]2

2Mν+ ε(R, t)

+ v(R, t)

]χ(R, t) (2)

i�∂tΦR(x, t) =[HBO(x,R) + HSO(x,R) + V (x,R, t)

+ Uen [ΦR, χ] − ε(R, t) − v(R, t)]ΦR(x, t)


The coupled nuclear and electronic evolution equationsare derived by inserting the product form (1) of themolecular wavefunction into the TDSE and using thepartial normalization condition, as described in detailin Refs. [25,46,54,55]. In Eq. (2), the symbol ∇ν indi-cates the gradient taken with respect to the positionsof the ν-th nucleus and Mν are the nuclear masses. Thetime-dependent vector potential is a three-dimensionalvector for each value of the index ν, and it is defined as[31,32,56,57]

Aν(R, t) = 〈ΦR(t)| −i�∇νΦR(t)〉x (4)

The time-dependent scalar potentials are

ε(R, t) =⟨ΦR(t)

∣∣∣HBO(x,R) + HSO(x,R)

+ Uen [ΦR, χ] − i�∂t



v(R, t) = 〈ΦR(t)| V (x,R, t) |ΦR(t)〉x (6)

and mediate the coupling between electrons and nuclei,beyond th adiabatic regime. We distinguish two scalarpotential contributions to separate the effect of theexternal time-dependent field. The first contribution,given by Eq. (5), will be referred to as time-dependentpotential energy surface (TDPES) [16,27,33,34,58,59];the second contribution, Eq. (6), is associated to theexternal field. The integration over x is indicated as〈 · 〉x. Like the vector potential and the TDPES, theexternal contribution, Eq. (6), is, in general, an N-body operator, even though the external potential


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V (x,R, t) (typically representing a laser pulse) is a one-body operator. The electron–nuclear coupling operatorUen [ΦR, χ] is [28,29,60,61]

Uen[ΦR, χ] =



([−i�∇ν − Aν(R, t)]2



(−i�∇νχ(R, t)

χ(R, t)+Aν(R, t)

) ( − i�∇ν − Aν(R, t)))


and depends explicitly on the nuclear wavefunctionχ(R, t), and implicitly on the electronic factor ΦR(x, t),via its dependence on the vector potential, given byEq. (4).

The product form (1) of the molecular wavefunctionis invariant under a gauge-like R, t-dependent phasetransformation of the electronic and nuclear compo-nents. Fixing the gauge means to choose an expres-sion for such a phase or imposing a condition on the“gauge fields” that indirectly defines the phase. Thegauge fields are the vector potential and the TDPES,since they transform as standard gauge potentials if theelectronic and the nuclear wavefunctions are modifiedby the gauge phase. Solving Eqs. (2) and (3) with anygiven choice of gauge leads to a unique solution of theTDSE, as expected.

In the next sections, we describe the procedure andapproximations ultimately leading to the CT-MQCequations. In Sect. 2.1, we rewrite the nuclear TDSE (2)employing the so-called quantum hydrodynamic for-malism [62] and devise a trajectory-based scheme tosolve it by invoking a classical limit (on the nucleardegrees of freedom). In Sect. 2.2, we introduce theexpansion of the electronic wavefunction on a basisand we show how to solve the electronic evolutionequation (3) along the classical nuclear trajectories. InSect. 2.3, we summarize the algorithm and briefly dis-cuss the computational procedure for its implementa-tion. Note that, recently, an attempt to solve numer-ically exactly Eqs. (2) and (3) has been made [63],but numerical instabilities seem to develop at theearly stages of the propagation even for a simple one-dimensional model. In addition, some (successful) stud-ies are currently ongoing [64] aiming to solve the exactequations employing their quantum hydrodynamic for-mulation. Since the original work on the exact fac-torization [24], the main effort has been devoted onexploiting Eqs. (2) and (3) to develop approximations,as done in CT-MQC, rather than studying their funda-mental mathematical properties. Nonetheless, we cancomment here on some of these properties, like theexistence and uniqueness of the their solutions. On theone hand, since the solution of the TDSE exists, andRef. [24] proved the existence of the exact factoriza-tion product form, then the solutions of equations (2)and (3) exist. Uniqueness, on the other hand, has notbeen thoroughly investigated, and non-physical solu-tions might emerge, which are not related to the phys-ical molecular wavefunction. Future theoretical devel-

opments might, indeed, focus on circumventing thenumerical instabilities encountered when solving thecoupled partial differential equations (2) and (3), asthose observed in Ref. [63] (even though this mightrequire to transform back the exact factorization equa-tions into the molecular TDSE), or on curing eventualinstabilities emerging in the trajectory-based CT-MQCscheme (see Sect. 2.2). In more general terms, we cansay that the numerically-exact solution of the molecularTDSE is prohibitive already for small molecules like H2.Nonetheless, techniques able to deal with the quantummechanical evolution of nuclear wavepackets [19,20]including the effect of multiple electronic states canaccess up to few tens of nuclear degrees of freedom, butthe potential energy surfaces and their couplings haveto be pre-computed (or even expressed in analyticalforms). In approaches such as the multi-configurationaltime-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method [65–69], upto hundreds, or even thousands, nuclear degrees of free-dom can be handled, however, the potential energy sur-faces need to be pre-computed and expressed as sums ofsingle-particle functions (and often, the majority of thedegrees of freedom are harmonic oscillators that mimicthe effect of a bath).

2.1 Solution based on characteristics of the nuclearequation

The polar representation of the (complex-valued) nuc-lear wavefunction, χ(R, t) = |χ(R, t)| exp [(i/�)S(R, t)],when inserted into the nuclear TDSE (2), yields the twocoupled (real) equations [46]:

−∂tS(R, t) =


[∇νS(R, t) +Aν(R, t)]2


+ ε(R, t) + v(R, t) + Q(R, t) (8)

−∂t |χ(R, t)|2 =


[∇ν · ∇νS(R, t) +Aν(R, t)

Mν|χ(R, t)|2


The evolution equation for the phase S(R, t), Eq. (8),has a Hamilton–Jacobi form, where the Hamiltonianon the right-hand side contains a kinetic term, with∇νS(R, t) + Aν(R, t) being the momentum field, two“classical” time-dependent potential terms, ε(R, t) andv(R, t), and a quantum potential term [62,70],

Q(R, t) =Nn∑




∇2ν |χ(R, t)||χ(R, t)| (10)

Since the quantum potential depends on the modulusof the nuclear wavefunction, it couples the Hamilton-Jacobi equation to the continuity equation, Eq. (9),which describes the evolution of the nuclear probabilitydensity |χ(R, t)|2.

A quantum trajectory scheme to solve the partialdifferential equation (PDE) Eq. (8) has been derived


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in Ref. [46] and relies on the method of characteris-tics. The PDE is replaced by a set of ordinary differ-ential equations (ODEs), i.e., the characteristic equa-

tions, for the “variables” R(s), t(s), S(s), P(s) =∇S(s), ∂tS(s) = St(s) that always satisfy the origi-nal PDE, as functions of the parameter s. We indicatehere the 3Nn-dimensional gradient of S as ∇S(s) ={∇νS(s)}ν=1,...,Nn

to simplify the notation. We intro-duce the function F (R, t, S, P, St) = St+Hn(P,R, t) =0, whose total differential is dF = FR · dR + Ftdt +FSdS + FP · dP + FSt

dSt. The quantities FR, Ft, FS ,FP, and FSt

indicate the partial derivatives of the func-tion F with respect to its variables. If a set of “initialconditions” is chosen such that F = 0, the (non-trivial)characteristic equations representing the evolution ofthe variables (R, t, S, P, St) are

Rν =Pν + Aν


˙Pν = −∇νHn(P,R, t) (12)

with ν = 1, . . . , Nn, where the Hamiltonian Hn(P,R, t)is the right-hand side of Eq. (8). The symbols Rν and˙Pν are intended as total derivatives with respect tothe parameter s for each value of the nuclear indexν. The characteristic equation t = 1 shows that theparameter s can be identified as the physical timet: the map t(s) = s + cnst is, thus, invertible fora given choice of cnst (we define the map such thatt(s = 0) = 0). The characteristic equations for S andSt, not reported here, can be easily derived from ˙Pν ,since Pν = ∇νS. Equations (11) and (12) guaranteethat the vector (dR, dt,dS, dP,dSt) is orthogonal to thegradient (FR, Ft, FS , FP, FSt

) of F, and thus along thecharacteristics dF = 0. If at any time t the characteris-tic ODEs are solved for any initial condition, the fieldS(R, t) (and ∇νS(R, t) as well) can be reconstructed.

We proposed different procedures to solve Eqs. (8)and (9):

(i) The classical procedure [26,30,41,43,44] relies onneglecting the quantum potential Q(R, t), suchthat the equations decouple, in the sense that theequation for S(R, t) can be solved independentlyfrom the continuity equation. The nuclear den-sity is reconstructed simply from the distributionof trajectories. Quantum effects such as tunnelingcannot be captured in this case.

(ii) The pseudo-quantum procedure [46,60] accountsfor the quantum potential Q(R, t) in the evolu-tion for S(R, t). However, the nuclear density isonly approximated as a sum of Gaussians centeredat the position of the trajectories, without solvingthe continuity equation (9). Tunneling can be cap-tured, even though the fine details of the nucleardensity, and thus of the quantum potential, cannotbe correctly reproduced, posing issues to captureeffects such as interferences.

(iii) The quantum procedure [45,64,71] is devised tosolve the coupled equations for the phase S(R, t)and for the density |χ(R, t)|2 according to Eqs. (8)and (9). This procedure is fully equivalent tothe solution of the nuclear TDSE. However, sofar, only a proof-of-principle study has been con-ducted in this direction [45], due to the evidentnumerical instabilities caused by the quantumpotential.

Henceforth, all quantities depending on R become func-tions of R(t) as we solve the dynamics along the flowof characteristics. This is independent of the procedurechosen among the three possibilities just presented.Note that the term “trajectory” is used to indicatethe collection of 3Nn nuclear coordinates that evolvein time.

The derivation of CT-MQC follows the classical pro-cedure, thus Q(R(t), t) = 0. In addition, after hav-ing calculated the gradient of the Hamiltonian on theright-hand side of Eq. (12), we impose the conditionε(R(t), t) + v

(R(t), t


∑ν Rν(t) · Aν(R(t), t) = 0 to

fix the gauge freedom. The characteristic equations thusreduce to

Rν(t) =Pν(t)Mν


Pν(t) = Aν

(R(t), t


where we introduced the new symbol Pν = Pν + Aν

for the classical momentum. Equation (14) shows thatthe force to be used in CT-MQC to propagate classicalnuclear trajectories is derived from the time-dependentvector potential. Note that the SOC contribution to theTDPES, i.e., the second term in the definition given inEq. (5), has been gauged away and does not appear inEq. (14).

In Sect. 2.3, we provide a more explicit expression ofthe classical force, using the dependence of Aν(R(t), t)on the electronic wavefunction. To this end, we describein Sect. 2.2 how to derive the evolution equation forΦR(t)(x, t) along the nuclear characteristics.

2.2 Solution of the electronic equation along thecharacteristics

Solving the electronic PDE (3) along the flow of nucleartrajectories – the characteristics – requires to switchfrom the Eulerian frame to the Lagrangian frame. Inthe Lagrangian frame, only total time derivatives canbe evaluated along the flow, that is why the symbolΦR(t)(x, t) has to be used, rather than ∂tΦR(t)(x, t).This is done by applying the chain rule ∂tΦR(t)(x, t) =ΦR(t)(x, t)−∑

ν Rν(t)·∇νΦR(t)(x, t) anywhere the par-tial time derivative is found.

The derivation of CT-MQC relies on the expansionof the electronic wavefunction ΦR(t)(x, t) on a basis,namely


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ΦR(t)(x, t) =∑



(R(t), t

)ϕ(m)R(t)(x) (15)

The electronic representation can be chosen in differentways, as illustrated here:

(i) In the absence of an external time-dependent fieldand of SOC, the adiabatic representation is usu-ally preferred [44]. The adiabatic basis is formedby the eigenstates of the Born–OppenheimerHamiltonian HBO. Transitions among electronicadiabatic states during the dynamics, that willemerge as a result of the coupled electron–nuclearmotion, are induced by the nonadiabatic cou-pling (NAC). NAC is referred to as kinetic cou-pling, consequence of the action of the nuclearkinetic energy operator on the parametric depen-dence of the electronic states on the nuclear posi-tions. Quantum chemistry softwares usually pro-vide electronic structure information in the adia-batic basis, a feature that is crucial when combin-ing CT-MQC with different approaches to elec-tronic structure theory.

(ii) In the presence of SOC, the spin-diabatic rep-resentation is often the chosen one [49,52,72].Spin-diabatic states can be labeled dependingon their spins, e.g., singlets or triplets, and are,thus, easily employed for interpreting spectro-scopic results. The spin-diabatic basis is formed bythe eigenstates of the Born–Oppenheimer Hamil-tonian HBO. Transitions among electronic spin-diabatic states of different spin multiplicity areinduced by the SOC, whereas NAC can mediatetransitions within the same spin multiplet. Alter-natively, the spin-adiabatic representation can beused, formed by the eigenstates of HBO + HSO.Spin-adiabatic states are combinations of differentspin multiplicities and transition among them ispurely of kinetic nature (NAC).

(iii) In the presence of an external time-dependentfield, in particular of a laser pulse, a possiblechoice is the representation based on the eigen-states of the Hamiltonian HBO (or HBO + HSO

if SOC is present), which has been called field-diabatic representation in Ref. [73]. Transitionsamong electronic states are of NAC or SOC char-acter, depending on the physical problem at hand.In addition, transitions can be induced by the fielditself, respecting the spin selection rules, and aremediated by the transition dipole moment whenonly an external electric field is considered.

(iv) In the case of a cw laser, the Floquet dia-batic representation [50,74–80] appears to be aviable option especially for interpreting absorp-tion/emission processes [35,81–87] in terms ofexchanges of photons between the system andthe field. Floquet representation exploits the peri-odicity induced by the laser in the Hamiltonian[88], which is encoded in the mixed character offield-electronic states, defined as the eigenstates

of HBO − i�∂t. Transitions among Floquet dia-batic states are either of NAC nature, conservingthe number of photons, or are induced by photonexchanges. For completeness we mention as wellthe Floquet adiabatic representation [50], formedby the eigenstates of HBO + V −i�∂t, even thoughits applications in the field of quantum moleculardynamics simulations have not been thoroughlyinvestigated so far.

To present a derivation of CT-MQC that is as general aspossible, we use here the spin-diabatic representation.Once the final equations are obtained, it is easy to seehow they can be modified to accommodate alternativerepresentations. In the following derivation, we do notconsider the external field because including the effectof a cw laser via the Floquet formalism requires the useof a slightly more involved representation [50], whoseimplementation in the CT-MQC algorithm is still ongo-ing work.

The electronic CT-MQC equation describes the timeevolution of the expansion coefficients introduced in Eq.(15). The purpose of the following discussion is, thus,to present a derivation of the quantity Cm

(R(t), t


However, we only describe the critical points of suchderivation, since the details can be found in Refs.[19,43,44,49].

In the definition (7) of Uen we identify two terms:the first term has been shown [61,89,90] to be smallerif compared to the second term, and it is thus neglected.The corresponding term in the TDPES will be neglectedas well to maintain gauge invariance of the exact fac-torization equations in their trajectory-based formu-lation [30,44]. The electron–nuclear coupling operatordepends on the nuclear wavefunction. When its polarrepresentation is used, the expression of Uen reduces to

Uen �Nn∑



Rν(t) + iPν

(R(t), t



(−i�∇ν − Aν

(R(t), t


The first term in parenthesis of Eq. (16) is the velocityof the trajectory from the characteristic equation (13),whereas the second term contains the quantum momen-tum [30], Pν(R(t), t) = −�|χ(R(t), t)|−1∇ν |χ(R(t), t)|,that has been defined in previous work on CT-MQC.The quantum momentum [91,92] induces quantumdecoherence effects by tracking the spatial delocaliza-tion over time of the nuclear density (or, equivalently,of its modulus) [13,40]. Since the nuclear density ateach time has to be reconstructed to evaluate its spa-tial derivative, and thus the quantum momentum, CT-MQC trajectories are “coupled”, in the sense that theycannot be propagated independently from each other.CT-MQC equations encode some non-local informationabout the dynamics, which is the key to correctly cap-ture the quantum mechanical effect of decoherence. Ifwe use an index α to label the dependence on the tra-


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jectory Rα(t), the quantum momentum at the positionof the trajectory is

Pαν (t) =

−�∇ν |χ (Rα(t), t)|22 |χ (Rα(t), t)|2 (17)

where |χ(Rα(t), t)|2 = [|χ(R, t)|2]|R=Rα(t). The nucleardensity at time t is constructed as the sum of (normal-ized real) Gaussians centered at the positions of the trajtrajetories, thus

|χ (Rα(t), t)|2 =1




(Rα(t) − Rβ(t)



Gσ is a multi-dimensional Gaussian, which can beexpressed as the product of 3Nn uni-dimensional Gaus-sians. Each of the 3Nn nuclear degrees of freedom canbe associated to a different width, which is kept con-stant along the dynamics, and each of the Ntraj replicashas the same width. The widths of the Gaussians areindicated in Eq.(18) with the symbol σ. Equation (18)clearly shows that, to determine the nuclear density,and thus, the quantum momentum at time t, informa-tion about the positions of all trajectories Rβ(t) at thattime is required. It is in this sense that CT-MQC tra-jectories are coupled.

The expression of the electronic wavefunction alongthe trajectories in the chosen representation is insertedin Eq. (15). Note that when the total time derivativeacts on the electronic states, only the gradient termsurvives, because they depend on time implicitly, viatheir dependence on the trajectory.

To isolate the evolution of one of the coefficients,say Cm

(R(t), t

), one has to project the electronic

equation onto ϕ(m)R(t)(x), by integrating over x. The

NAC vectors and the matrix elements of the SOCappear in the final equation, and are defined asdα

ν,ml = 〈ϕ(m)Rα(t)|∇νϕ

(l)Rα(t)〉x and [Hα

SO]ml = 〈ϕ(m)Rα(t)|

HSO(Rα(t))|ϕ(l)Rα(t)〉x, respectively.

The action of the Born–Oppenheimer Hamiltonianon its eigenstates, i.e., HBO(x,Rα(t))ϕ(m)

Rα(t)(x) =

Em(Rα(t)) ϕ(m)Rα(t)(x), yields the eigenvalues Eα

m =Em(Rα(t)), clearly depending on the position of thetrajectory.

As consequence of the action of the gradient oper-ator ∇ν in Eq. (16) on the electronic wavefunction,the equation contains a term like ∇νCα

m(t), which isapproximated by neglecting the spatial dependence ofthe modulus of Cα

m(t) in favor of the spatial dependenceof its phase. Therefore, ∇νCα

m(t) � (i/�)fαν,mCα

m(t) andwe use a simple expression for the gradient of the phase,namely fα

ν,m =∫ t

0dτ [−∇νEα

m]; this quantity is a spin-diabatic force accumulated over time along the trajec-tory α.

With these definitions and approximations in mind,we can rewrite the electronic evolution equation givenin Eq. (3) in the spin-diabatic basis along the trajectoryRα(t) as

Cαm(t) =


− i


m +Nn∑


Pαν (t)

�Mν· (fαν,m − Aα

ν (t))]







SO]ml +∑


Rαν (t) · dα





Some quantities in this equation depend explicitly ontime, and such dependence has been indicated togetherwith the dependence on Rα(t); some other quantitiesonly depend on time via their dependence on the tra-jectory, which is indicated with the superscript α.

In Eqs. (19) electronic information is encoded in theenergies, i.e., Eα

m, in the NACs, i.e., dαν,ml, and in SOC,

i.e., [HαSO]ml. Those quantities are usually computed

on-the-fly at each time by solving the electronic (many-body) problem for a given nuclear configuration, i.e.,for the configurations visited by the trajectories dur-ing the dynamics. In general, the (finite) number ofelectronic states considered in a simulation is chosena priori, so as to truncate the expansion in Eq. (15).Selecting the electronic states requires to assess elec-tronic structure properties of the system by scanningthe potential energy landscape along different nuclearpaths, to identify minima, transitions states, and degen-eracies. In particular, potential energies can becomedegenerate, for instance at conical intersections, caus-ing (i) discontinuous changes in the electronic wave-function characters and (ii) nonadiabatic singularities.However, in trajectory-based schemes, issue (i) is cir-cumvented since only local electronic structure quanti-ties are required, and issue (ii) seldom appears becausethe trajectories do not often encounter the real singu-larity.

The first diagonal term, Eq. (19a), contains in squarebrackets a purely imaginary part, depending on thespin-diabatic energy, and a purely real part, dependingon the quantum momentum. The former is responsi-ble for the oscillating phase of Cα

m(t), the latter affectsthe modulus of Cα

m(t) and is, thus, source of decoher-ence effects. It is worth mentioning here that the normof the electronic wavefunction is preserved along thedynamics by Eqs. (19), i.e.,

∑m |Cα

m(t)|2 = 1 ∀ t, α.The off-diagonal contributions in Eq. (19b) drive elec-tronic transitions from state m to state l, mediated bythe SOC, if states with different spin multiplicity areconcerned, and by the NAC vectors, if states with thesame spin multiplicity are involved.

The time-dependent vector potential appears in Eq.(19a). According to its definition given in Eq. (4), itdepends on the electronic wavefunction, therefore, itcan be expressed in the chosen electronic basis along atrajectory Rα(t) as Aα

ν (t) = −i�∑

m Cαm(t)∇νCα



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m,l Cαm(t) Cα

l (t)dαν,ml. Recalling the approximation

used above to express the gradient of the electroniccoefficients, and observing that the first term of thisexpression accumulates over time, while the second islocalized in space due to the dependence on the NACvectors, the CT-MQC expression of the (real-valued)time-dependent vector potential is

Aαν (t) =


|Cαm(t)|2 fα

ν,m (20)

The classical force of Eq. (14) used to propagate CT-MQC trajectories contains the vector potential, and itstotal time derivative has to be computed to give anexplicit expression of the force in terms of electroniccoefficients and the other electronic properties intro-duced in Eqs. (19). The final expression in given inSect. 2.3.

2.3 CT-MQC algorithm

Sections 2.1 and 2.2 described the procedure and theapproximations used to derive CT-MQC electronic andnuclear evolution equations. Essentially, those equa-tions are a set of ODEs, thus referred to as quantum-classical, representing a way to reformulate the quan-tum mechanical equations of the exact factorization,i.e., Eqs. (2) and (3). In particular, the electronic equa-tion (19) is solved along a trajectory, thus it lendsitself for an on-the-fly approach, where electronic struc-ture properties are only computed at the instantaneousnuclear positions. In turn, the nuclei evolve accordingto a classical-like force determined by the instantaneousstate of the electrons.

Nuclear forces of Eq. (14) are determined by com-puting the total time derivative of the vector potential.Writing explicitly this derivative yields the followingexpression of the force for the trajectory Rα(t)

Fαν (t) = Fα

ν,Eh(t) + Fαν,qm(t) + Fα

ν,SOC(t) (21)

The Ehrenfest-like term (Eh) is a standard mean-fieldforce

Fαν,Eh(t) =


|Cαm(t)|2 (−∇νEα





l (t) (Eαm − Eα

l )dν,ml (22)

The quantum momentum term (qm) depends on Pαν (t),


Fαν,qm(t) =






Pαμ(t) · fα



(fαν,m − Aα

ν (t))


and couples the trajectories through the presence ofthe quantum momentum, as described in Sect. 2.2. The

SOC term contains the matrix elements of the spin-orbit Hamiltonian

Fαν,SOC(t) =




m(t)Cαl (t)[Hα



(fαν,l(t) − fα



It is clear from this expression that it is crucial tocorrectly capture decoherence effects in the presenceof SOC. In fact, usually, SOC is very delocalized in(nuclear) space and, in some situations, it is even con-sidered spatially constant [93]. This feature is clearlydifferent from the behavior of NAC, which is typicallylocalized in the regions of avoided crossings and coni-cal intersections. If the SOC contribution to the force,Eq. (24), goes to zero, it does so as effect of decoherence,and not because the SOC itself goes to zero. Decoher-ence manifests itself as the “collapse” of the electronictime-dependent wavefunction along a given trajectoryto a single electronic state, with the corresponding coef-ficient becoming one. Norm conservation along that tra-jectory imposes that all other coefficients become zero,finally yielding no contribution from the SOC force asconsequence of the decoherence process.

It should be noted that adapting standard trajectory-based algorithms for nonadiabatic dynamics to thedelocalized nature of SOC requires to revisit those algo-rithms if calculations are performed in the spin-diabaticbasis. In fact, methods such as ab initio multiple spawn-ing [72,94,95] and surface hopping [52,96–98] rely onthe fact that NACs are spatially localized. The choicebetween spin-diabatic or spin-adiabatic basis whendealing with SOC depends on the quantum-chemistrypackage chosen for the electronic structure calculations;quantum-chemistry codes typically provide electronicstructure information in the spin-diabatic basis. How-ever, if calculations are possible in the spin-adiabaticbasis, all couplings become NACs, thus spatially local-ized, and the algorithms can be employed in their orig-inal form. The interested reader is referred to Ref. [49]for a detailed discussion on this topic with connec-tions to various trajectory-based approaches consider-ing SOC.

Similarly to the expression of the force given inEq. (21), we can rewrite the electronic evolution equa-tion (19) as

Cαm(t) = Cα


+ Cαm(t)


+ Cαm(t)



where we identify the following terms:



= − i


mCαm(t) −




Rαν (t) · dα

ν,mlCαl (t)






Pαν (t)

�Mν· (fαν,m − Aα

ν (t))Cα

m(t) (26b)


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= − i



αl (t) (26c)

In the absence of SOC, the term [HαSO]ml in Eq. (26c) is

not present, and the electronic equation reduces to theone in the original derivation of CT-MQC in the adia-batic representation reported in Ref. [30]. In the pres-ence of NAC and SOC, the algorithm is dubbed gen-eralized CT-MQC (G-CT-MQC) in the spin-diabaticbasis [48]. As discussed earlier, in the presence of spin-orbit effects, one can transform the coupling mediatedby the SOC into NAC in the spin-adiabatic representa-tion. In this case, [Hα

SO]ml of Eq. (26c) does not appearand the electronic equation is identical with the originalCT-MQC equation.

In the presence of a cw laser field, if the Floquet dia-batic representation is used, the periodic time depen-dence induced by the external field is expressed inFourier space, via the harmonics of the driving fre-quency. An additional term appears in the expres-sion of the force of Eq. (21), namely, Fα

ν,ext(t) =�


m,l Im[Cα

m(t)Cαl (t)

]V α

ml(fαν,l− fα

ν,m), and in theexpression of the evolution of the electronic coefficientsof Eq.(25), namely Cα


= −i�−1∑

l VαmlC

αl (t).

Furthermore, the energies Eαm of Eq. (26b) are shifted

by a fixed amount depending on the photon energyof the corresponding harmonic. Note that the indicesm, l in the Floquet picture label the electronic physicalstates as well as the harmonic of the driving frequency.Thus, V α

ml induces transition between electronic statesand between harmonics. We recall that the matrix ele-ments of the external field in the Floquet diabatic basisare expressed in Fourier space (that is why V α

ml doesnot depend on time). Using the Floquet diabatic repre-sentation, the algorithm is dubbed F-CT-MQC [50].

In the next section, we apply the CT-MQC algorithmto study the photo-dissociation reaction of IBr. Themolecule IBr is known to have strong spin-orbit effects,and thus, it is selected here to show the performance of(G-)CT-MQC in the spin-adiabatic and spin-diabaticflavors presented above.

3 Photo-dissociation of IBr

In this section, we simulate the photo-induced dissoci-ation of IBr based on CT-MQC and we focus on thecalculation of the branching ratio of the products.

As reported in the literature [99], a strong transitiondipole moment couples the ground state of the moleculeX(1Σ0+) to its excited electronic state B(3Π0+). Inthe Franck–Condon region, in particular, this transitiondipole moment is the dominant one, thus we will con-sider that photo-dissociation is initiated by an excita-tion X(1Σ0+) → B(3Π0+). The electronic states consid-ered here are denoted using typical spin-diabatic labels[96,100] even though we will work in the spin-adiabaticrepresentation as well, based on the model potentialsof Ref. [101]. In particular, the spin-diabatic characters

B(3Π0+) and Y(0+), discussed below, describe the first-excited and second-excited electronic states, respec-tively, in the Franck–Condon region R < 5 bohr.

The molecule IBr manifests strong SOC, which isresponsible for the appearance of an avoided crossingbetween the first-excited and second-excited electronicstates, ultimately leading to the dissociation of themolecule via two channels: within 300 fs from photo-excitation, the products of such an ultrafast photo-reaction are I + Br(2P3/2), if the molecule dissociatesvia the first-excited state, and I + Br∗(2P1/2), if thedissociation takes place via the second-excited state. Inthe dissociation limit far away from the Franck–Condonregion, the first-excited (spin-adiabatic) state acquiresa Y(0+) (spin-diabatic) character, whereas the second-excited (spin-adiabatic) state acquires a B(3Π0+) (spin-diabatic) character. Therefore, determining the popu-lations of the electronic states at the end of the processallows us to determine the branching ratio of the disso-ciation products

Q =[I + Br∗]

[I + Br] + [I + Br∗](27)

In our simulations, we use the model Hamiltonian ofRef. [101], expressed in a spin-diabatic basis as

HBO(R) =

(H0(R) 0 0

0 H1(R) V12

0 V12 H2(R)



where the nuclear coordinate R is the IBr internucleardistance. The diagonal elements of the electronic Hamil-tonian are the spin-diabatic potential energy curves(PECs), whereas the off-diagonal elements are the SOC,which are chosen to be constant. Following Ref. [101],we have

H0(R) = A0

[(1 − e−α0(R−R0)


− 1]


H1(R) = A1

[(1 − e−α1(R−R1)


− 1]

+ Δ (30)

H2(R) = A2 e−α2 R + B2 e−β2 R (31)

where A0 = 0.067 Ha, α0 = 0.996 bohr−1, R0 =4.666 bohr, A1 = 0.01019 Ha, α1 = 1.271 bohr−1, R1 =5.3479 bohr, Δ = 0.01679 Ha, A2 = 2.82 Ha, α2 =0.9186 bohr−1, B2 = 3.0 × 107 Ha, β2 = 4.3 bohr−1,and V12 = 0.0006834 Ha.

The spin-diabatic PECs are shown in Fig. 1 as yellowdashed lines. The curves corresponding to H1(R) andH2(R) cross at Rc = 6.2 bohr, and in fact, after diag-onalization of the Hamiltonian in Eq. (28), an avoidedcrossing appears at Rc. The ground state is not coupledto the excited states, as clearly shown in the Hamil-tonian of Eq. (28) . However, as the transition dipolemoment between X(1Σ0+) and B(3Π0+) is strong, anoptical transition can be induced via an external field.


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5 7 9 11 0







I + Br*

I + Br

dashed lines: spin-diabatic states


gy (

Ha) density

R (bohr)

ground state1st excited state

2nd excited stateinitial density

Fig. 1 Potential energy curves (PECs) corresponding tothe spin-(a)diabatic states considered to describe the photo-dissociation process of IBr. Continuous colored lines arethe spin-adiabatic PECs: ground state in blue, first-excitedstate in red, second-excited state in green. They are labeledusing the notation of Ref. [99] in the Franck–Condon region.Dashed yellow lines are spin-diabatic PECs. The initialnuclear density centered at the equilibrium position of theground state PEC is shown as a thin black line. The arrowsindicate the dissociation channels along the two electronicstates

In this studied case, we suppose an instantaneous ini-tial excitation. The molecule is prepared in the groundstate, and the initial density is shown in Fig. 1. Sincethe ground state PEC is nearly harmonic around theequilibrium position at R0 = 4.666 bohr, the initialnuclear wavefunction χ(R, t = 0) is a (real) Gaussianfunction

χ(R, t = 0) = 4


πσ2e− (R−R0)2

2σ2 (32)

with variance σ = 0.096 bohr. The nuclear mass usedin the calculations is the IBr reduced mass M =90023 amu. The instantaneous excitation promotes theground-state wavepacket to the first-excited state with-out geometric rearrangements, thus the first excitedstate is fully populated at time t = 0, and all alongthe dynamics, the ground state remains non-populatedbecause it is not coupled to the excited states. Equa-tion (32) is the vibrational ground state of lowest elec-tronic PEC around the equilibrium position. There-fore, Eq. (32) is a suitable initial nuclear wavefunctionbefore the instantaneous excitation promotes it to thefirst-excited state. In addition, electronic population ofthat state can safely be chosen equal to unity sincethe Franck–Condon region is far away from the avoidedcrossing located at Rc.

CT-MQC dynamics is performed in the spin-adiabaticand in the spin-diabatic basis considering explicitly the3 electronic states. Initial conditions are randomly sam-pled in position-momentum space from the (Gaussian)Wigner distribution associated to the initial nuclearstate of Eq. (32). The Wigner transform of a Gaus-sian function in R (see Eq. (32)) yields a position-







0 50 100 150 200 250 300




time (fs)

ground state1st excited state

2nd excited stateX(1Σ0+)B(3Π0+)


Fig. 2 Populations of the spin-(a)diabatic states as func-tions of time. Continuous lines are used to indicate spin-adiabatic populations: ground state in blue, first-excitedstate in red, second-excited state in green. Dashed linesare used to indicate spin-diabatic populations: X(1Σ0+) ingray, B(3Π0+) in dark-yellow, Y(0+) in cyan. Exact spin-adiabatic results are shown as thin black lines

momentum distribution in the form of an uncorrelatedproduct of a Gaussian in R and a Gaussian in P ; bothdistributions are strictly positive and standard sam-pling techniques [102] can be applied to select the ini-tial conditions. For this reason, in general situations theWigner sampling is usually employed by invoking theharmonic approximation of the potential energy in theregion where the sampling is performed. In the presenceof strong anharmonicities, a classical Boltzmann sam-pling is, instead, preferred [19], to avoid dealing withnegative portions of the Wigner distribution. For all cal-culations, we run Ntraj = 1000 coupled trajectories. Forall trajectories, the electronic coefficients correspondingto the initially populated state are set equal to one.

When the molecule reaches Rc, population is par-tially transferred from the first-excited state to thesecond-excited state, and transfer is concluded justafter 100 fs. In Fig. 2, the populations of the spin-adiabatic states are shown as continuous lines as func-tions of time, whereas dashed lines are used to indicatespin-diabatic populations.

Populations of the electronic states, denoted hereρm(t), are computed based on the CT-MQC procedureas averages over the trajectories, namely

ρm(t) =1




|Cαm(t)|2 (33)

with m = ground state, 1st excited state, 2nd excitedstate in the spin-adiabatic representation, or m =X(1Σ0+), B(3Π0+),Y(0+) in the spin-diabatic represen-tation. Note that, when performing an average oper-ation to compute observable quantities, as it is donein Eq. (33), the trajectories have all the same weight,because the initial Wigner sampling is an importance


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Table 1 Branching ratio of the products of the photo-dissociation reaction of IBr. The reference values (exact)are determined based on quantum mechanical simulationsusing Eq. (27). The branching ratio is also calculated basedon CT-MQC simulations in the spin-adiabatic and spin-diabatic basis

Exact Spin-adiabatic Spin-diabatic

Q 75% 76(1)% 76(1)%

sampling which initializes the trajectories where the ini-tial density is large.

Comparison with exact quantum dynamics (thinblack lines) shows that CT-MQC results reproduceextremely well the spin-adiabatic populations. As shownin Fig. 1, the spin-diabatic PECs are identical with thespin-adiabatic curves in the asymptotic regions, butthey differ in the vicinity of Rc. Therefore, between50 fs and 100 fs, when the population transfer processtakes place in Fig. 2, the behavior of the populationsdiffers. However, at long time, the spin-diabatic andspin-adiabatic populations agree: the population of thefirst-excited state (red line in Fig. 2) is the same as thepopulation of the state Y(0+) in the dissociating limit(dashed cyan line in Fig. 2); the population of the sec-ond excited state (green line in Fig. 2) is the same asthe population of the state B(3Π0+) in the dissociat-ing limit (dashed dark-yellow line in Fig. 2). Therefore,the branching ratio of the dissociation products can bedetermined using either set of results; numerical valuesare reported in Table 1.

In Table 1 the branching ratios calculated based onCT-MQC results are compared to the exact values cal-culated from the results shown in Fig. 2. For CT-MQC,the errors on the branching ratios (in parentheses) aredetermined from the standard deviations on the pre-dictions of the final populations, and, within the error,CT-MQC values are in perfect agreement with the ref-erence.

Finally, we show the comparison between nuclearquantum wavepacket dynamics and the trajectories.

In Fig. 3, the distributions of CT-MQC trajectoriesalong the PECs that guide their evolution is superim-posed to the nuclear wavepackets corresponding to thefirst-excited state (red) and to the second-excited state(green). Three snapshots at the time steps indicated inthe figure are shown. CT-MQC equations are solved inthe spin-adiabatic (black dots) and in the spin-diabatic(colored dots) basis, thus two sets of classical results areshown at the selected time steps. A very good agree-ment between the two sets of CT-MQC results, as wellas with exact results, is observed.

In general, based on the above observations and onprevious work, we conclude that CT-MQC is a reliableand flexible algorithm for trajectory-based calculationsof light-induced ultrafast phenomena, involving nona-diabatic and spin-orbit coupling. Additional develop-ments can be envisaged, especially aiming to refine theway the coupling of the trajectories is treated in the cal-





5 7 9 11 0





t = 12 fs

t = 60 fs

t = 180 fs

black dots = CT-MQC (sa)

colored dots = CT-MQC (sd)


gy (

Ha) density

R (bohr)

ground state1st excited state

2nd excited state

Fig. 3 PECs corresponding to the spin-adiabatic statesare shown as thin colored lines. The nuclear densities cor-responding to the first-excited state (thick red lines) andto the second-excited state (thick green lines) are shown atthree time steps: t = 12, 60, 180 fs, as indicated in the figure.At the same times, the distributions of CT-MQC trajecto-ries evolved in the spin-adiabatic (black dots) and in thespin-diabatic (colored dots) basis are shown. In particular,we use the value of the TDPES from Eq. (5) at the positionof each trajectory

culation of the quantum momentum, and to implementthe effect of an external time-dependent field beyondthe Floquet formalism.

4 State of the art and perspectives

In the past few years, the exact factorization has beendeveloped in different flavors to describe various kindsof systems and processes.

In its original time-dependent electron–nuclear for-mulation proposed by Gross and co-workers [24], stud-ies addressed the question as to what forces drivenuclear dynamics in nonadiabatic regimes [31,33,34],ultimately leading to the derivation of CT-MQC [30].Those studies focused on the characterization of thetime-dependent potential energy surface and of thetime-dependent vector potential of the theory in key sit-uations manifesting strong nonadiabaticity with deco-herence [33], quantum interferences [16], and coni-cal intersections [31]. In a similar spirit, and invert-ing the role of electronic and nuclear coordinates, theinverse factorization has been proposed to analyzethe time-dependent Schrodinger equation for electronicdynamics with non-classical nuclei [37]. In situationsof weak nonadiabaticity, instead, for instance when thenuclei move slower than the electrons, the electronicequation can be solved perturbatively [61], the Born–Oppenheimer regime being the unperturbed state ofthe system. This idea has been successfully applied tocompute electronic flux densities “within” the Born–Oppenheimer approximation [103], the response of chi-ral molecules to infrared left and right circularly polar-ized light, known as vibrational circular dichroism [89],


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and to estimate nonadiabatic corrections to infraredspectra of hydrogen-based molecules [90].

As discussed previously, the exact factorization nat-urally lends itself to the inclusion of (classical) time-dependent external fields, for instance, laser pulsesor cw lasers, to describe phenomena such as photo-induced ultrafast dynamics [43], strong field ioniza-tion [36,104], or periodically driven processes [35]. Thisis because the formalism already accounts for time-dependent potentials to describe the coupling betweenelectrons and nuclei. In fact, the time-dependent poten-tials are modified by the presence of the external field,and have been analyzed to unravel dynamical details ofdissociation [25], electron localization [37,105], charge-resonance enhanced ionization [36] in H+

2 , or to chal-lenge single-electron pictures [106] to describe moleculesin strong lasers [38,107]. Recently, the exact factoriza-tion and CT-MQC (F-CT-MQC algorithm) have beencombined with the Floquet formalism to interpret laser-driven dynamics in terms of single- or multi-photonabsorption and emission processes [50].

Interesting work has been conducted in the frame-work of the stationary Schrodinger equation [108–110],by proposing the static, time-independent version ofthe exact factorization of the electron–nuclear wave-function. In this context it is worth mentioning threemajor contributions. One is the study of the behav-ior of the scalar potential and of the vector potentialin the presence of conical intersections and in relationto geometric and topological phases [56–58]. This workis oriented towards finding an answer to the question:Is the appearance of the molecular geometric phaseeffects within the Born–Oppenheimer approximation anartifact? The traditional molecular Berry phase is inti-mately connected to the requirement of infinitely slownuclear motion. While this notion of adiabatic trans-port is a beautiful mathematical concept, real-worldnuclei move the way move (i.e., not adiabatically) andthis makes it difficult to relate the traditional molecu-lar Berry phase to actual physical observables. By con-trast, the geometric phase associated with the exactvector potential does not require any adiabaticity and,hence, it might be measurable. Even though conclu-sions of general validity are perhaps difficult to draw,enlightening case studies have been reported. Anothertopic that has been approached recently, and has beenalready applied to LiF, is the combination of the exactfactorization formalism with density functional theoryto solve the electronic equation, which is coupled to thenuclear Schrodinger equation [111,112]. Finally, a quan-tum electronic embedding method has been derivedfrom the exact factorization to calculate static prop-erties of a many-electron system [113,114].

Motivated by experimental and theoretical advancesof the past few years in the domain of physics andchemistry in cavities, the exact factorization of theelectron–photon wavefunction and the exact factoriza-tion of the electron–nuclear–photon wavefunction havebeen proposed. Currently, studies are conducted focus-ing on the analysis of the properties of the scalar

potential acting on the electrons as effect of the pho-tons [115] (reminiscent of the inverse factorization),as well as on the dynamic effect of the cavity on theelectron–nuclear time-dependent potential energy sur-face [59,116], in analogy with polaritonic and cavity-Born–Oppenheimer surfaces. Application of the exactfactorization in this domain is still preliminary, but thesuccess of the original theory in many diverse fieldsstrongly suggests that insightful novel developments areto be expected.

In the field of quantum molecular dynamics simula-tions, so far CT-MQC has proven its strength and flexi-bility. CT-MQC is a trajectory-based method, thus it issuitable for on-the-fly molecular dynamics calculationswhere electronic structure properties are determinedalong the dynamics only at the visited nuclear geome-tries [26]. The necessary electronic structure informa-tion to solve CT-MQC equations are energies, gradi-ents and derivative couplings, along with spin-orbitcoupling, when working in the spin-diabatic basis, andwith the transition dipole moment, if the external time-dependent electric field is explicitly considered (beyondthe Condon approximation). This information is avail-able in standard quantum-chemistry packages, thusCT-MQC can be combined with different approaches toelectronic structure theory. It has been shown, in fact,that this is a viable route, employing time-dependentdensity functional theory and the CPMD software [117].The coupled nature of CT-MQC trajectories, however,remains the bottleneck even when parallelization strate-gies are employed, as was done in the CPMD imple-mentation. To circumvent this issue, recently [42,118–120] the surface-hopping algorithm has been com-bined with the exact factorization including decoher-ence effects while maintaining (as much as possible) anindependent-trajectory perspective. Further studies areongoing to propose an algorithm/implementation ableto access systems of “experimental” complexity. Inter-esting new developments are clearly envisaged, focusingon the theoretical formulation of CT-MQC, for instanceaiming to capture nuclear quantum effects based on thequantum trajectory formulation of nuclear dynamics,on its applications, addressing systems of growing com-plexity, and on the algorithmic aspect, with the purposeto improve the computational performance of such acoupled-trajectory-based scheme.

5 Conclusions

We reported an overview of the state of the art andperspectives on the application of the exact factoriza-tion of the electron–nuclear wavefunction in the field ofquantum molecular dynamics.

We showed that the CT-MQC scheme is a reliableand flexible numerical procedure to solve the exact fac-torization equations with the support of classical-liketrajectories. CT-MQC lends itself to on-the-fly ab initiomolecular dynamics calculations to simulate and inter-pret highly nonequilibrium processes governed by var-


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ious effects. Here, we presented a general method totreat nonadiabatic ultrafast dynamics, with spin-orbiteffects, all within the same formalism.

Owing to the diverse achievements obtained so farand documented here, we envisage interesting newresults of the ongoing developments.

Data Availability Statement This manuscript has noassociated data or the data will not be deposited. [Authors’comment: Data is available upon request from the corre-sponding author.]

Acknowledges EKUG acknowledges financial support fromthe European Research Council Advanced Grant FACT(ERC-2017-AdG-788890).

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