ultra tech report

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  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    The Company History page lists out the major events in

    chronological order for UltraTech Cement Ltd.

    Company History - UltraTech Cement Ltd.

    1983 -Awarpur Cement Wors !lant "

    198# Awarpur Cement Wors !lant ""

    1993 -$harsu%uda %rindin% unit

    199& -Hirmi Cement Wors

    199' -(u)arat Cement Wors !lant "

    1998 -Andhra !radesh Cement Wors -(u)arat Cement Wors!lant ""

    1999 -*armada Cement Company Limited ac+uired

    -,atna%iri Cement Wors

    /ul cement terminals at 0an%alore *a2i 0umai and


    1 -(rasim ac+uires 1 per cent stae in L4T. 5use+uently

    increases stae to 16.3 per cent y 7ctoer -ur%apur

    %rindin% unit

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    -(rasim increases its stae in L4T to 1&.16 per cent

    -Araonam %rindin% unit

    -The (rasim /oard appro2es an open oer :or purchase o: up to

    per cent o: the e+uity shares o: Larsen 4 Touro Ltd ;L4Tchan%e /oard o: "ndia ;5=/"< ,e%ulations 199#.

    3 The oard o: Larsen 4 Touro Ltd ;L4T< decides todemer%e its cement usiness into a separate cement company


  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    - Ultratech Cement Ltd has inducted 0r. 5aurah0isra into the

    /oard as an Additional irector and appointed 0ana%in%

    irector o: the Company.

    - Ultratech Cement recei2es order :rom /"?,.

    - Ultratech Cement Ltd has appointed 0r (irish 0 a2e as a

    irector on the /oard o: the Company.


    -UltraTech to asor 5amruddhi to :orm "ndia@s i%%est cement


    -Ultratech to e the lead sponsors o: ,a)asthan ,oyals

    -UltraTech to consider (rasim mer%er proposal


    - Ultratech Cement Ltd has appointed 0r. 7 ! !uranmala as

    Additional irector with immediate eect.


  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    -UltraTech Cement Ltd has recommended a nal di2idend o: ,s.



    -UltraTech Cement Ltd has ac+uired 1 per cent e+uity shares

    o: (otan Limestone hani)Udyo% !2t Ltd ;(U!L Concrete ;,0C< and white cement in "ndia.

    "t is also one o: the leadin% cement producers %loally.

    UltraTech as a rand emodies @stren%th@ @reliaility@ and

    @inno2ation@. To%ether these attriutes inspire en%ineers to

    stretch the limits o: their ima%ination to create homes

    uildin%s and structures that dene the new "ndia.

     The company has an installed capacity o: ' 0illion Tonnes !er

    Annum ;0T!A< o: %rey cement. UltraTech Cement has 1

    inte%rated plants 1 clinerisation plant 1' %rindin% units and '

    ul terminals. "ts operations span across "ndia UA= /ahrain

    /an%ladesh and 5ri Lana. UltraTech Cement is also "ndia@s

    lar%est e>porter o: cement reachin% out to meet the demand in

    countries around the "ndian 7cean and the 0iddle =ast.

    "n the white cement se%ment UltraTech %oes to maret under

    the rand name o: /irla White. "t has a white cement plant with

    a capacity o: .6' 0T!A and WallCare putty plants with a

    comined capacity o: .8 0T!A.

    With more than 1 ,eady 0i> Concrete ;,0C< plants in 36

    cities UltraTech is the lar%est manu:acturer o: concrete in "ndia.

    "t also has a slew o: speciality concretes that meet specic

    needs o: discernin% customers.

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    7ur /uildin% !roducts usiness is an inno2ation hu that oers

    an array o: scientically en%ineered products to cater to new-

    a%e constructions. Aerated Autocla2ed Concrete ;AAC< locs

    are economical li%ht-wei%ht locs ideal :or hi%h-rise uildin%s

    while ry 0i> !roducts include waterproon% %routin% and

    plasterin% solutions desi%ned :or :aster completion o: pro)ects.

     The retail :ormat o: UltraTech /uildin% 5olutions oers a wide

    ran%e o: construction products to the end customers under one


    With its si%nicant presence in %rey and white cement

    concrete uildin% products and uildin% solutions UltraTech is

    a one-stop shop :or all primary construction needs. "ts meteoricrise as the lar%est cement rand in "ndia reDects the

    or%anisation@s :ocus on cuttin% ed%e technolo%y research and

    technical ser2ices.

    UltraTech Cement pro2ides a ran%e o: products that cater to the

    needs o: 2arious aspects o: construction startin% :rom

    :oundation to nish. These includeE

    7rdinary !ortland Cement !ortland /last ?urnace 5la% Cementand !ortland !oFFalana Cement under %rey cement

    White cement WallCare putty and white cement ased

    products under /irla White

    ,eady 0i> Concrete and a ran%e o: specialty concretes with

    specic :unctional properties under UltraTech Concrete

    AAC locs waterproon% solutions %routin% solutions andplasterin% solutions under UltraTech /uildin% !roducts

    UltraTechGs susidiaries are ashin Cements Limited Harish

    Cement Limited (otan Limestone hau)Udyo% !ri2ate Limited

    /ha%wati Limestone Company !ri2ate Limited UltraTech

    Cement Lana ;!2t.< ;Ltd.

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    UltraTechGs parent company the Aditya /irla (roup is in the

    lea%ue o: ?ortune 6 companies. "t employs a di2erse

    wor:orce comprisin% o: 1 employees elon%in% to &

    dierent nationalities across 3' countries. The (roup has een

    raned numer & in the %loal @Top Companies :or Leaders@

    sur2ey and raned numer 1 in Asia !acic :or 11. @Top

    Companies :or Leaders@ is the most comprehensi2e study o:

    or%anisational leadership in the world conducted y Aon Hewitt

    ?ortune 0a%aFine and ,/L ;a strate%ic H, and Leadership

    Ad2isory rm

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    UltraTech Cement Limited is the lar%est cement company in

    "ndia and amon% the leadin% producers o: cement %loally.

    UltraTech is also the lar%est manu:acturer o: white cement and

    ready mi> concrete in "ndia.

    UltraTech Cement pro2ides a ran%e o: products that cater to the

    needs o: 2arious aspects o: construction ran%in% :rom

    :oundation to nish. This includes 7rdinary !ortland Cement

    !ortland /last ?urnace 5la% Cement !ortland !oFFalana

    Cement White Cement ,eady 0i> Concrete uildin% products

    and a host o: other uildin% solutions. Cement is sold under the

    rands UltraTech UltraTech !remium and /irla 5uper.G White

    cement is manu:actured under the rand name o: /irla WhiteGready mi> concretes under the name o: UltraTech ConcreteG

    and new a%e uildin% products under the names o: Itralite

    ?i>oloc 5eal 4 ry and ,eadiplastG. UltraTech /uildin%

    5olutions is a retail :ormat that caters to the end consumer

    pro2idin% a 2ariety o: primary construction materials under one


    UltraTech Cement has 1 inte%rated plants 1 clinerisation

    unit 1' %rindin% units ' ul terminals 1 white cement plant

    WallCare putty plants and 11 ,0C plants J spannin% "ndia

    UA= /ahrain /an%ladesh and 5ri Lana. UltraTech Cement is

    also "ndia@s lar%est e>porter o: cement and cliner reachin% out

    to meet demand in countries around the "ndian 7cean A:rica

    =urope and the 0iddle =ast.

     The company@s susidiaries are ashin Cements Limited

    Harish Cements Limited UltraTech Cement Lana ;!2t.< Ltd andUltraTech Cement 0iddle =ast "n2estments Limited.


    72er the years UltraTech has achie2ed maret leadership y

    pro2idin% enchmar ser2ices to customers y adoptin%

    customer oriented processes at e2ery sta%e ri%ht :rom

    plannin% to deli2ery.

     Throu%h a roust lo%istics networ o: 3 plants 6 pluswarehouses and 16 plus railheads UltraTech ser2es 1&

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    orders per day y usin% a mi> o: 2arious lo%istics modes

    includin% rail road and sea. These orders ori%inate :rom 6

    plus dealers retailers and institutional customers with lot siFe

    2aryin% :rom o: 1 0T to & 0T. The ey to mana%in% such scale

    and comple>ity is the use o: roust processes :or plannin%

    distriution networ desi%n order e>ecution 2isiility and

    optimal resource utiliFation.

    UltraTech has een one o: the leaders in the "ndian Cement

    "ndustry in usin% technolo%y to pro2ide real time 2isiility

    across all stae holders. ?rom our channel partners ;dealers

    institutional customers

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    • ,?" ased 2ehicle mo2ement system to reduce in-

    plant time o: 2ehicles

    5ea Lo%istics

    5ea transport is the most economic

    mode o: transport especially where plants are situated near

    ports. UltraTech is :ocused on sea mode as it is sa:een2ironment :riendly 4 pollution :ree.

    UltraTech has its operation on the "ndian west coast with the

    loadin% terminals situated at !ipa2a2 and $a:araad (u)arat.

     The supplies %oes to 0a%dalla $*!T-0umai ,atna%iri *ew

    0an%alore Cochin and e>port to 5ri Lana !ersian (ul: A:rican

    continent and ?ar =astern re%ions.

     The state o: the art system includes the car%o con2eyin% andhandlin% system as a part o: the cement plant. This capti2e

     )etty handles aout 6 million tonnes o: capti2e car%oes o: 

    cement and cliner with more than 8M erth occupancy rate.

    &R)(* )CHEVE+E(T'

    UltraTech Cement has een honoured with the title o: the

    consumer 2alidated award - @5U!=,/,A*@ :or the years 11

    1 13 and 1& y the 5uperrands Council. "t has also

    een estowed with the title o: the customer selected

    @!7W=,/,A*@ :or the year 1 and 1& y !owerrands


    5uperrands is a %loal or%anisation that reco%niFes

    showcases and pays triute to the est rands in each country.

    "t is a presti%ious award and reco%niFes the rand custodian@s

    perse2erin% eorts to uild a rand that is stron% on consumer

    perceptions therey main% it resilient to Ductuatin% economicconditions.

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    ?or the :ourth edition o: Consumer 5uperrands UltraTech was

    a part o: an e>clusi2e %roup o: winners selected rst y the

    consumer and then y an independent 5uperrands Council

    comprisin% o: the most eminent pro:essionals :rom "ndia@s

    corporate sector. This is an important reco%nition o: our eorts

    and ser2es our o)ecti2e o: %ettin% closer to the consumer. "n a

    maret comprisin% o: se2eral hi%hly re%arded competitors this

    is certainly an outstandin% achie2ement.

    /irla White the white cement rand o: UltraTech too has

    earned the distinction o: @5U!=,/,A*@ :or the :ourth

    consecuti2e time and is also a @!7W=,/,A*@.

    We ha2e een reco%nised as the lar%est cement company in

    11 and 1 y Construction World and the /usiness Worldhas raned us as one o: the :astest %rowin% companies in 1&.

    =*K",7*0=*TUltraTech stri2es to adopt an eco-

    :riendly approach across all areas o: its usiness operations. We

    are one o: the earliest proponents o: alternati2e :uel usa%e

    waste heat reco2ery and other en2ironment :riendly practices

    in the country.

    7U, ?7CU5 A,=A5UltraTech@s social pro)ects are desi%ned with the lon%-term %oal

    o: creatin% sustainaility and sel:-reliance. Hence the pro)ects

    :ocus on :actors that will lead to empowerment and capacity

    uildin%. Thou%h UltraTech operates in 2e :ocus areas its

    ma)or emphasis has een on pro2idin% +uality education and

    healthcare :acilities. "mportance is also %i2en to uildin%

    in:rastructure as ultimately it is the tool that :uels %rowth. The

    results o: these pro)ects will not only enet their respecti2ecommunities ut also the nation at lar%e.

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


     The company@s C5, acti2ities are concentrated in &# 2illa%es

    in pro>imity to its plants across the country.

    H=ALTHCA,= A* ?A0"L W=L?A,=

     Throu%h our medical camps we reached out to &8398 2illa%ers

    :or %eneral health chec-ups. Those aNicted with serious

    ailments were taen to our company@s hospitals :or treatment.

    72er & patients were treated in the 7ut !atient

    epartment. Additionally we or%aniFed medical camps to treat

    orthopaedic cardiac sin and =*T related ailments. We treated

    9#&9 patients at these camps.

    At the eye camps or%aniFed y us 11& patients were under

    our care. 7: these &68 patients were operated :or cataract

    and were pro2ided with intraocular lens. Alon%side 86 persons

    were %i2en spectacles :or etter si%ht. These eye camps ha2e

    een conducted at hor 5amhupura Hirmi otputli ,awan

    Araonam and hariahan%ar.

    At 0alhed we held cle:t lip plastic sur%ery camps where 6

    patients were operated upon. At the medical camp or%aniFed

    :or the physically challen%ed at Hirmi 6 patients were

    pro2ided with articial lims that enaled them to reduce theirdependency on others.

    Additionally 3& people were sensitiFed on H"KBA"5 at

    educati2e pro%rammes held in ,eddipalyam hor Hirmi

    Awarpur Tadipatri $harsu%uda o2aya 0alhed and $a:raad.

    5essions on tuerculosis and its related prolems held at Hirmi

    Awarpur and $harsu%uda were attended y 811 persons.07TH=, A* CH"L H=ALTH CA,=E

    72er 1'8&3 children were immuniFed a%ainst polio and19 children a%ainst tuerculosis diphtheria tetanus and


    Around 6 e>pectant mothers too ad2anta%e o: the anti-

    natal post-natal mass immuniFation nutrition and escort

    ser2ices :or institutional deli2ery. These :orm part o: our

    ,eproducti2e and Child Health Care pro%rammes.

    At sessions on adolescent health care and nutrition awareness

    o2er '8 %irls and mothers were acti2ely en%a%ed. As a resulto: our intensi2e moti2ation dri2e towards responsile :amily

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    raisin% 6& 2illa%ers opted :or planned :amilies. These

    pro%rammes spanned Awarpur Hirmi $a:raad hor

    hariahan%ar $harsu%uda Tadipatri 0alhed 5amhupura

    ,awan and o2aya.

    5A?= ,"*"*( WAT=, A* 5A*"TAT"7*E

     Throu%h our 5a:e rinin% Water !ro%rammes at 5amhupura

    hor 0alhed ,eddipalyam Tadipatri Hirmi Awarpur o2aya

    ,atna%iri ur%apur and $a:raad & people access clean

    drinin% water.

    0ore than 1 :amilies ha2e eneted :rom impro2ed

    sanitation :acilities at 0alhed ,eddipalyam hor

    5amhupura o2aya hariahan%ar $harsu%uda Tadipatri and



     To :oster the %irl child our units support the cause o: (irl Child

    education throu%h their en%a%ement with the astura (andhi

    /aliaKidhyalayas ;(/K< J residential schools :or %irls. 5o :ar

    63 %irls who had dropped out :rom their schools in the 2illa%es

    were re-enrolled in schools in Awarpur Hirmi 0alhed and


    Uni:orms oos and a%s ha2e een distriuted to 1&6&'

    children in the rural areas. Kisual educational aids and la

    e+uipment were %i2en to the schools in Awarpur Hirmi o2aya

     Tadipatri $harsu%uda $a:raad hor ,awan ur%apur

    ,atna%iri 5amhupura Araonam and 0a%dalla.

     The school enrollment pro%rammes co2erin% 1#36 e%inners

    at Hirmi o2aya $harsu%uda $araad and Awarpur ha2e een

    a %reat help to students. At our alwadis 6 children learn the

    asics o: pre-primary education.

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    7ur talent search pro%rams and !ratiha!rotshahan5amaroha

    drew 9'3 students :rom ,eddipalyam ,awan 0alhed Hirmi

     Tadipatri Awarpur and o2aya.

    ?ree coachin% classes at ,awan otputli Hirmi Tadipatri

    o2aya 5amhura and Awarpur pro2ed a oon to 18&9


    We also pro2ided career counselin% ser2ices to 8&1 students in

     $a:raad Hirmi Awarpur and o2aya.

    7ur computer education pro%rammes attracted 3&1

    participants at hor hariahan%ar Awarpur and Araonam.

    7ur support to sports in schools encoura%ed 91# students to

    participate in sportin% e2ents at ,awan Tadipatri Hirmi and

    o2aya.At 0alhed we also e%an yo%a classes which were attended

    y &98 students.

    "n:rastructure Watershed0ana%ement 4 =n2ironment

     To conser2e water :or a%riculture and domestic uses 1 ponds

    and 19 chec dams were repairedBuilt at $a:raad Awarpur

    Hirmi 0alhed o2aya ,awan hor and hariahan%ar.

    Approach roads were uilt in three 2illa%es at Tadipatri and

    repaired in 1 2illa%es at other locations. At 0alhedTadipatri

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    hor 5amhupura ,eddipalyam Hirmi and Awarpur 1 5chool

    uildin%s were repaired and oundary walls constructed. A

    community hall was instituted in Awarpur.

    A plantation dri2e :or enlar%in% the %reen elt co2er has een

    taen up at ,eddipalyam 5amhupura o2aya $araad

    Awarpur hor Hirmi ,awan $harsu%uda ,atna%iri otputli

     Tadipatri and hariahan%ar.

    5U5TA"*A/L= L"K=L"H77

    At the sill de2elopment centres at Hirmi 5amhupura

    hariahan%ar hor ,awan Awarpur and 0alhed 111

    youn%sters recei2ed trainin% in electrical repair photo%raphy

    2ideo%raphy motor dri2in% :ood processin% sewin% and

    dressmain%.A trainin% course on asic tailorin% was imparted to 3

    women at Tadipatri Hirmi ,eddipalyam hor 5amhupura

    0alhed Araonam and ,awan. Alon%side 19 widows were

    rehailitated at Awarpur throu%h trainin% in tailorin% and

    pro2ision o: sewin% machines.

     To promote sustainale a%riculture or%anic :armin% units ha2e

    een set up y 116 :armers :rom ,atna%iri and $araad.

    At Hirmi hor 5amhupura 0alhed Awarpur $a:raado2aya and ,atna%iri 1## :armers ha2e een trained in the

    latest a%ricultural techni+ues o: %ra:tin% soil health crop

    protection and post har2estin% techni+ues. This was done in

    collaoration with the local a%ricultural technolo%y

    mana%ement centres. =>posure 2isits to Centres o: A%ricultural

     Technolo%y were or%aniFed :or 31& :armer clu memers o: 

     $a:raad Hirmi and o2aya esides conductin% the

    rishahet!athsala pro%ramme.

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    As part o: our endea2our towards renewale ener%y # io-%as

    units ha2e een set up in ,awan and hor.

    We immuniFed 3#' animals at animal husandry and other

    2eterinary camps at all our units. The *a2)ee2an(aushala at

    hariahan%ar houses #& cows and o>en. Additionally our

    dairy pro%ramme at ,eddipalyam and 5amhupura caters to

    the health o: 1'8 :arm animals.

     The inte%rated :odder mana%ement pro%ramme at o2aya and

    Hirmi supplies aundant nutrition to '&& milch cattle.'EL, HEL- "ROU-' )(* (CO+E "E(ER)TO($

    7ur 93 sel:-help %roups empower 3'' women nancially and


     The a%ina "ndustrial Trade centre at 0alhed is a centre o: 

    e>cellence and sel:-reliance. Up until now the && students who

    ha2e een trained here ha2e well placed )os.

    57C"AL W=L?A,=

    Under the mass marria%e pro%ramme #1 couples at $a:raad

    o2aya and hor were married.

    7ur street plays ;nuadnata< espousin% the :osterin% o: the

    %irl child anti-alcoholism and responsile :amilies ha2e een

    well recei2ed y 2illa%e communities.

    0aretin% 0i> !rice !lace !roduct


    1. !rice

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


      O !rice o: Cement includes the transportation cost also

    so there is a little dierence in the prices o: cement

    O "n (u)arat :or the a% o: 6 % o: cement the price o:

    cement is around ,s. 3 which cost to ,s. 1 - 13 per %

      O iscounts are %i2en on the ul orders or as per the


    O Allowances are %i2en to the customers :or their

    purchases direct :rom the manu:acturin% units

      O Credit ?acilities are %i2en to the customers

    . !roduct

    O Ordinary -ortland Cement

      7rdinary portland cement is the most commonly used

    cement :or a wide ran%e

    o: applications.

    O -ortland last%furnace slag Cement

      UltraTech !remium is a concrete special cement produced in

    UltraTech@s state-o:-the-art manu:acturin% :acilities.

      -ortland -o//olana Cement

    !ortland !oFFolana cement is ordinary !ortland cement

    intimately lended or inter%round with poFFolanic materials

    such as Dy ash calcined clay rice hus ash etc.

    !ortland cement cliner is either inter%round or intimately

    lended with specied +uantities o: %ypsum and poFFolanic

    materials to produce !ortland !oFFolana cement. !oFFolanas y

    themsel2es do not ha2e cementitious properties ut reacts with

    calcium hydro>ide in the presence o: moisture at normal

    temperature to :orm compounds ha2in% cementitious

    properties. The concrete produced y usin% !ortland !oFFolana

    cement has hi%h ultimate stren%th is more durale resists wet

  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    cracin% thermal cracin% and has a hi%h de%ree o: cohesion

    and woraility in concrete and mortar.

      Cement complying #ith European and 'ri Lan0an

    standard speci1cations

    UltraTech@s ul cement terminal is located at Colomo in

    5ri Lana.

    3. !lace

      O ?ocus more on rural areas as an emer%in% sector

      O *o need to ha2e a 2ast distriution networ to

    increase outreach

      O 3 cement plants located all o2er "ndia ;& *ew under


    &. !romotion

      O Cashin% in on the rand name o: L4T Cement

      O =stalishin% ?ranchisee networ

    O Throu%h "!L team sponsorship o: ,a)asthan ,oyals

    O /anners and hoardin%s on pulic transport 2ehicles

    and us stops

    Competitors ,or UltraTech Cement Ltd.

    Company Current








    3Rs. Cr.4

    7CL "ndia Ltd. 3#.#6 196.' 1#.89 1#61.1

    !rism Cement Ltd. #6.# .3 . 381.&1


  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    5a%ar Cements Ltd. 31.6 138.6 . 639.9

    ACC Ltd. 1&'3.6 &1'.33 6.9#&98.


    Amu)a Cements

    Ltd..16 '1.& '.68



     $ Lashmi Cement

    Ltd.38.6 11.#6 &8.3& &&96.68

     $ Cement Ltd. '61. 61. &'.93 &663.''

    Heideler% Cement

    "ndia Ltd.88.'6 3'.## . 8.93

    (u)arat 5idhee

    Cement Ltd.3.# 3&.6 . 13.19

    7rient Cement Ltd. 1&1.16 &.&6 8.'3 891.#


    +)R5ET(" O, ULTR)TECH CE+E(T

    0aretin% is the process o: communicatin% the 2alue o: a

    product or ser2ice to customers. 0aretin% mi%ht

    sometimes e interpreted as the art o: sellin% productsut sales is only one part o: maretin%. As the term


  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    P0aretin%P may replace PAd2ertisin%P it is the o2erall

    strate%y and :unction o: promotin% a product or ser2ice to

    the customer. ?rom a societal point o: 2iew maretin% is

    the lin etween a societyGs material re+uirements and its

    economic patterns o: response. 0aretin% satises these

    needs and wants throu%h e>chan%e processes and

    uildin% lon% term relationships. The process o:

    communicatin% the 2alue o: a product or ser2ice throu%h

    positionin% to customers. 0aretin% can e looed at as an

    or%aniFational :unction and a set o: processes :or creatin%

    deli2erin% and communicatin% 2alue tocustomers and

    mana%in% customer relationships in ways that enet

    theor%aniFation and its shareholders. 0aretin% is the

    science o: choosin% tar%etmarets throu%h maret

    analysis and maret se%mentation as well

    asunderstandin% consumer uyin% eha2ior and pro2idin%

    superior customer 2alue. !roducts related to maretin%

    O Ultratech Cement

    O Ultratech Concrete

    O Ultratech /uildin% !roducts

    O Ultratech /uildin% 5olutions

    O /irla White

    O 5tar Cement

    +ar0eting Orientation -roduction Concept J

     The !roduction Concept is one o: the oldest concepts in

    usiness. !roduction Concepts say that consumer will

    pre:er that product which is economical in nature and

    which is easily a2ailale in the maretG. Accordin% to this

    concept company should concentrate on achie2in% hi%h

    production eQciency low cost and mass distriution.

    !roduct Concept J!roduct concept says that a product

    which is ha2in% uni+ue and distin%uishes :eatures than itscompetitors is pre:erred y the customers. "t means that

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    product concept holds that consumer will :a2our those

    products that oer the most +uality per:ormance or

    inno2ati2e :eatures. 5ellin% Concept J5ellin% concept says

    that a maret should a%%ressi2ely promote its product or

    maret or should put an eort to promote its product.

    7therwise it will not e purchased y the customers. "n

    other words i: your product is %ood in+uality and :eatures

    than also a%%ressi2e maretin% should e done. The

    purpose o: such companies is to sell more :or earnin%

    more prots.Ad2ertisin% with celerities and 2arious

    schemes can e help:ul.0aretin% Concept JThe 0aretin%

    concept emer%ed in the mod o: 196s. The

    maretin%concept says that mareter should undertae

    a%%ressi2e maretin% strate%yto understand the needs o:

    the customers. The maretin% concept says thatthe ey to

    achie2in% or%aniFational %oals consists o: the company

    ein%more eecti2e than competitors in creatin%

    deli2erin% and communicatin%superior 2alue to its


    •  'ocietal +ar0eting 6

     This concept su%%ests that e2ery mareter should pro2ide

    the +ualitati2e %oods at a reasonale price to :ull his

    ser2ice towards the society. Holistic 0aretin% J This

    concept is ased on the de2elopment desi%n and

    implementation o: maretin% pro%rams processes and

    acti2ities that reco%niFe their readth and

    interdependence. Holistic maretin% reco%niFe thate2erythin% matters with maretin%. "t inte%rates all the

    aspect o: the usiness lie internal maretin% relationship

    maretin% inte%rated maretin% and social

    responsiility.Aout CompanyE "n the Company there is a

    use o: !roduct concept as it %i2es the dierent types o:

    cement to the customers and consumers. There is a

    :re+uent use o: 0aretin% concept and Holistic concept as

    in todayGs world customer or consumer satis:action is


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    mainly seen to retain the customer and to mae them a

    hardcore loyal towards the company.

    /randin% =orts towards /randin%/rand UltraTech en)oys

    a niche space in the minds o: its customers. "trepresentse>pertiseG stren%thG and modernityG all

    interwo2en with the help o: a stron%emotional connect.

     The company doesnGt )ust sell a product or a ser2ice it

    sells solutions. These solutions help people uild their li2es

    and sustain them :or%enerations. UltraTech is o:ten nown

    as the e>pert who caresG. The title whilerein:orcin% the

    2alues that UltraTech stands :or also si%nies the stron%

    ond thate>ists etween the rand and its customerswhich has een :or%ed o2er the years. The UltraTech

    rand not only helps uild cities and homes it helps uild

    trust andultimately uilds li2es. The name inspires trust

    amon% all the staeholders en%ineers uilders

    contractors indi2idual house owners %o2ernments

    in2estors shareholders and the society at lar%e. The rand

    has consistently )ustied this trust. The randGs positionin%

    o: ein% the e>pertG translates into ad2ertisin% ima%erythat depicts pro%ress cuttin%-ed%e technolo%y and

    modernity. UltraTechGs :amous ta%line The =n%ineerGs

    ChoiceG reDects its rand promise o: ein% the e>pertG.

    =>cellent product +uality and customer care are the

    hallmars o: UltraTechcement.RThe name UltraTech with

    the si%nature line The =n%ineers Choice admiraly

    captures the premium nature o: the rand and its

    salience.P0r. 7.!. !uranmala /usiness irector UltraTechCement Limited and irectorAditya /irla 0ana%ement

    Corporation !ri2ate Limited. 3'

    •  &randing 'cope%

     The UltraTech rand ears a stron% association with

    popular "ndian sports namelycricet and hocey. The in-

    lm randin% with Cha e "ndiaG and the "!Lconnect with

    the ,a)asthan ,oyals ;5eason 3 4 6< and eccan


  • 8/19/2019 Ultra Tech report


    Char%ers ;5eason&< has made UltraTech a youth:ul rand

    to recon with. /irla WhiteGs home%rownu2aratnaG

    Awards reco%nise architectural and en%ineerin%

    e>cellence. UltraTechis also associated with the /usiness

    "ndia e>hiition - A Celeration o:ArchitectureG. All these

    aQliations ha2e stren%thened /rand UltraTech

    sassociation with the :raternity o: students en%ineers

    architects uilders and the construction community at


    ,elated to !riceThe re%ional 2ariation in the "ndian maret

    has resulted in the cement prices acrossre%ions witnessin%

    mo2ement within a and with no appreciale increase inanyre%ion. ierences in re%ional demand supply situation

    ha2e translated into pricedierences across re%ions. !rices

    are lower in 5outhern re%ions where there isnormally a

    supply surplus. Howe2er prices are hi%her in =astern and

    Westernre%ions where shorta%es e>ist. The surplus

    position had resulted in si%nicantpressure on price

    realiFations in recent years."n the eld o: maretin%

    mana%ement process it asically consists o: :our stepsE1.AnalyFin% maretin% opportunities .. 5electin% tar%et

    marets3. e2elopin% the maretin% mi>&. 0ana%in% the

    maretin% eortAout CompanyE !rice o: Cement diers as

    per the (eo%raphical Area. !rice o: Cement includes the

    transportation cost also so there is a little dierence in the

    prices o: cement "n (u)arat :or the a% o: 6% o: cement

    the price o: cement is around 3 ,s which cost to 1-

    13,s per %. iscounts are %i2en on the ul orders or asper the contract. Allowances are %i2en to the customers

    :or their purchases direct :rom the manu:acturin% units.

    Credit ?acilities are %i2en to the customers.

    •  ,elated to !laceistriution ChannelCompanies in2arialy

    hire a%ents or transport cements to own or

    %o2ernmentwarehouses either 2ia roadway or railways. "n

    case o: e>ports cement reaches thenearest port 2iaroadways or railways and is then trans:erred to the


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    importin%country. omestically :rom a%ents or

    warehouses the cement is transported to

    thedealersBdistriutors and in turn to su dealers who

    nally sell it to the end users.There may or may not e

    physical ownership o: %oods. "n the second case

    dealersand su dealers tae order :rom uyers and place

    it to the companies co ordinateand monitor the timely

    dispatch o: said orders. There is a use o: 3 le2els o:

    channellin%. 0anu:acturer to A%ents to Wholesaler to

    ,etailer to =nd User.

    • 'upply Chain J

     The team orders and maintains the in2entory o: stoc

    eepin% units so that unitdoes not run out o: critical

    supplies at any point. The team also ensures that allstoc

    eepin% units o: items used in the unit are recei2ed at

    stores :rom 2endorsand distriuted to the dierent outlets

    on time. 7ther :unctions includeE istriution ?unction

    Con%uration *umer location and networ missions o:

    suppliers production :acilitiesdistriution centerswarehouses cross-docs and customers. istriution

    5trate%y "ncludes :unctions o: operatin% control

    ;centraliFed decentraliFed or shared

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    purchasin%decision.There are se2en main aspects o: a

    promotional mi> these are - Ad2ertisin% - Any paid

    presentation and promotion o: ideas %oods or ser2ices y

    an identied sponsor.=>amplesE !rint ads radio tele2ision

    illoard direct mail rochures andcatalo%ue si%ns in-

    store displays posters motion pictures We pa%es

    annerads and emails. !ersonal 5ellin% - A process o:

    helpin% and persuadin% one or more prospects to

    purchase a %ood or ser2ice or to act on any idea throu%h

    the use o: an oral presentation.=>amplesE 5ales

    presentations sales meetin%s sales trainin% and

    incenti2epro%rams :or intermediary salespeople samples

    and telemaretin%. Can e :ace-to-:ace or 2ia telephone.

    5ales promotion - 0edia and non-media maretin%

    communication are employed :or a pre-determined

    limited time to increase consumer demand stimulate

    maret demand or impro2e product a2ailaility.=>amplesE

    Coupons sweepstaes contests product samples

    reates tie-ins sel:-li+uidatin% premiums trade shows

    trade-ins and e>hiitions. !ulic relations - !aid intimate

    stimulation o: supply :or a product ser2ice or usiness

    unit y plantin% si%nicant news aout it or a :a2ourale

    presentation o: it in the media.=>amplesE *ewspaper and

    ma%aFine articlesBreports TKs and radio

    presentationscharitale contriutions speeches issue

    ad2ertisin% and seminars.

    •  Corporate image % 

     The "ma%e o: an or%aniFation is a crucial point in

    maretin%. ": the reputation o: a company is ad

    consumers are less willin% to uy a product :rom this

    company as they would ha2e een i: the company had a

    %ood ima%e. irect 0aretin% - is o:ten listed as a the :th

    part o: the maretin% mi> =>hiitions - are try-outs. ou

    mae your product and let potential uyers try the

    product these way you now directly what people see inyour product. The downside your competitor can see


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    e>actly what you are doin%.How to =stalish a !romotional

    0i>ou dri2e sales y promotin% the enets o: your

    companys %oods or ser2ices topools o: potential uyers.

     The ways you promote your or%aniFation will

    lar%elydetermine whether you success:ully plant the ri%ht

    messa%es in the minds o: yourtar%et audience. This

    module e>plains how you can estalish a promotional

    mi>est suited to your companys needs and resources.

    etermine our Tar%et 0aret etermine our 7)ecti2es

    esi%n our 0essa%e 5elect our !romotional Channels

    etermine our /ud%et etermine our !romotional 0i>

    0easure the ,esults and Ad)ust.

    •  !romotion throu%h the !roduct li:e cycle As products

    mo2e throu%h the :our sta%es o: the product li:ecycle

    dierentpromotional strate%ies should e employed at

    these sta%es to ensure the healthysuccess and li:e o: the

    product. 5ta%es and promotion strate%ies

    employed."ntroductionWhen a product is new the

    or%aniFations o)ecti2e will e to in:orm the

    tar%etaudience o: its entry. Tele2ision radio ma%aFinecoupons etc may e used to pushthe product throu%h the

    introduction sta%e o: the li:ecycle. !ush and !ull

    5trate%ieswill e used at this crucial sta%e.(rowth As the

    product ecomes accepted y the tar%et maret the

    or%aniFation at thissta%e o: the li:ecycle the or%aniFation

    wors on the strate%y o: :urther increasin%rand

    awareness to encoura%e loyalty.0aturity At this sta%e with

    increased competition the or%aniFation tae persuasi2etactics toencoura%e the consumers to purchase their

    product o2er their ri2als. Anydierential ad2anta%e will e

    clearly communicated to the tar%et audience toin:orm o:

    their enet o2er their competitors.ecline As the product

    reaches the decline sta%e the or%aniFation will use the

    strate%y o:remindin% people o: the product to slow the



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    •  'egmentation %0aret se%mentation consists o: a %roup

    o: customers who share a similar set o:needs and wants.

    5e%mentation re:ers to di2ide the customers into %roups

    on theasis o: some common needs or characteristic./asis

    o: 5e%mentation (eo%raphical 5e%mentation J "t re:ers

    di2idin% the customers on the asis o: the place where

    they are li2in% 2arious %eo%raphic areas consists o: re%ion

    city rural and semi rural area. The purpose o: the

    company :or such se%mentation is to understand the

    needs o: people li2in% in dierent %eo%raphy. (eo%raphic

    se%mentation is 2ery use:ul ecause needs o: the

    customers are inDuenced y the %eo%raphy. emo%raphic

    5e%mentation J "n emo%raphic se%mentation the maret

    is di2ided into the %roups on the asis o: 2ariales such as

    a%e :amily siFe :amily li:e cycle %ender income

    occupation education reli%ion etc. There are two reasons

    :or usin% the demo%raphic se%mentation one is that it is

    easier to measure them while second reason is that

    customerGs need and wants are dierent as per the

    demo%raphic 2ariale. !sycho%raphic se%mentation J

    !sycho%raphic se%mentation re:ers to e the di2ision o:

    the customers on the asis o: their li:e style status

    personality and 2alues.

    •  &ehavioral 'egmentation 6

    •  "n eha2ioral se%mentation uyers are di2ided into the

    %roups on the asis o: their nowled%e and attitude

    toward the product. 7ccasion enets usa%e rate uyerreadiness sta%e loyalty status and attitude are 2arious

    eha2ioral se%mentation elements. Aout CompanyE

    Ultratech is doin% maret se%mentation on the asis o:

    (eo%raphical 5e%mentation where the se%ment is done on

    asis o: rural areas city areas semi rural areas and


    •  Targeting J


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    7nce the rm has decided its maret se%mentation

    opportunities it has to decide how many and which once

    to tar%et. 0areters are increasin%ly cominin% se2eral

    2ariales in eorts to identi:y smaller etter dened

    tar%et %roups. 5teps o: Tar%etin% =2aluation o: Tar%et

    0aret 5election o: Tar%et 0aret 1. =2aluation o: Tar%et

    0aret "n e2aluation o: tar%et maret se%ments a rm

    must loo at the :ollowin% 3 :actorsE 5e%ment 5iFe and

    (rowth 5e%ment 5tructural attracti2eness Company


    5election o: Tar%et 0aret A:ter e2aluatin% dierent

    se%ments the company must decide which and how manyse%ments to ser2e in tar%et maret. Tar%et maret is a set

    o: uyers sharin% common needs or characteristic that the

    company decides to ser2e. Undierentiated Tar%et 0aret

    ;0ass 0aret< ierentiated Tar%et 0aret ;5trate%ic

    0aret< Concentrated Tar%et 0aret ;*iche 0aret<

    "ndi2idual 0aret ;0icro 0aret set o: perceptionsimpressions and :eelin%s that

    consumer holds :or the product./asis o: !ositionin% 1.

    !roduct ierentiation . 5er2ice ierentiation 3. !eople

    ierentiation &. "ma%e ierentiationAout

    CompanyUltratech uses !roduct ierentiation and "ma%e

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    ierentiation as its /rand nameAditya /irla (roup itsel:

    has a %reat reputation in the minds o: the people.

    •  0aretin% ,esearch at Ultratech Cement0aretin%

    research is a systematic %atherin% recordin% and analysiso: data aoutthe prolems relatin% to the mareters o:

    %oods and ser2ices. Thus it includesin2esti%ation o:

    maret se%ments and products. The maret research

    answers the+uestions in respect o: dierent marets. The

    areas o: maret research areE eterminin% the siFe o: oth

    current and also potential maret. Assessin% the maret

    rands. Ascertainin% the stren%th and weaness o:

    competitors. The current contemplated le%islations o: the%o2ernment towards the particular product includin%

    ta>ation policy emand and sales :orecast

    •  Research 7 *evelopment *epartment J

    ,esearch 4 e2elopment epartment is the ac-one o:

    an or%aniFation. "t helpsthe or%aniFations in de2elopin%

    new products and means to meet the need o:customers in

    an eecti2e way. "t also shows how open is an or%aniFation

    towardsthe chan%e. "n Ultratech :ollowin% :unctions are

    done y the , 4 departmentE Ale to meet customers

    enhanced re+uirements ao2e , 4 Ale to meet shorter

    turnaround times demanded y customer Automated tools

    helped to meet e>tra 2olume o: production and new

    customer re+uirements 0aintainin% leadership as a

    technolo%ically ad2anced supplier CustomiFed !roduction

    4 !ro)ect 0ana%ement tools de2elopment :or customers

    Ale to ac+uire new pro)ects which in2ol2es pro)ect

    mana%ement !ro2idin% 2alue added ser2ices to the

    customers and rin%in%-in additional pro)ects. "ntroducin%

    new worDow and systems as per customerGs


    •  'trategies )dopted y UltraTech-romise- =>cellent

    product +uality and customer care are the hallmar


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    o:UltraTech.CapitaliFin% the opportunity o: the %eometric

    %rowth in the housin% sectorand the %o2ernments thrust

    on in:rastructure.,i%ht decision at ri%ht timeHa2in%

    e>cellent !roduct in handConstantly stri2in% to impro2e

    and capture more numer o: maret shareTrainin% to

    5ta!romotion throu%h mo2ies5ponsorship 7pinion

    towards 0aretin%"ncrease :re+uency o: ad2ertisements

    on T.K. radio internet and printmedia."ncrease 5trate%ic

    Alliance"ncrease 2isiility y campai%n and other

    modes."ncrease numer o: distriutors and a%ents"ncrease

    numer o: warehouseHa2in% micro-plannin% in

    placeCement Limited

    -ER,OR+)(CEUltraTech Cement Limited is en%a%ed in the usiness o: cementand cement related products. The Company pro2ides a ran%eo: products that cater to all the needs :rom layin% the:oundation to deli2erin% the nal touches. The Companymanu:actures and pro2ides ordinary !ortland and !ortland!oFFolana Cement ,eady-0i> Concrete and White Cement.

    White cement is manu:actured under /irla Whiterand ready mi> concretes under UltraTech Concreterand and new a%e uildin% products underUltraTech /uildin% !roducts i2ision. The retailoutlets o: the Company operate under UltraTech /uildin%5olutions. The Company is also an e>porter o: cement clinerspannin% e>port marets in countries across the "ndian 7ceanA:rica =urope and the 0iddle =ast. The Company conductsusiness acti2ity in United Ara =mirates 5ri Lana /ahrainand /an%ladesh.

    !rices o: most o: the input materials increased sustantiallydue to increase in asic prices and transportation cost. Theprice o: raw material 4 paca%in% material increased yaround 1& 4 16M respecti2ely and prices o: other additi2esincreased y -6M.espite increase in input cost the =/"TA mar%in remained

    e+ual to the pre2ious year y usin% price eQcient :uel petcoe;3&M o: total< and passin% some o: the cost to the customers.

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    (ross interest and nance char%es were hi%her on account o: increased orrowin%s :or on-%oin% cape> :or capacitye>pansion. Howe2er the net nance cost :ell due to hi%her

    capitaliFation and therey increased the prot mar%ins.

     The consolidated sales o: the company durin% ?13 rose y11M to ,s 1319 crore while the operatin% prot rose ynearly 13M to 61&3 crore. The consolidated net prot :or ?13was ,s '##.#3 11M hi%her as compared to the pre2ious year.

     The increase in o2erall domestic re2enue was mainly due to

    impro2ed demand in the rst hal: o: the year in the maret. The sales 2olume remained as pre2ious year ut increase inprice in the early +uarters o: the year resulted in the increasein re2enue y 11M.

     The o2erall e>port 2olume :ell y 8M ut depreciation o: therupee helped in impro2in% realiFation y 6M.