uldl 13'....

VOL UlDl 13'. ' · AO£N.TS 10a n• Harbor Gftoe Standard. klou•a. ............... Mr. T. Ryall. Baaeve........... ...• ... ... " G. Guahuo liAT Boaan ........ , ... ......... .... " JobnCrane. . ................ J. B. Pike. "H. J. Bad- no. ..... ..... . .. .... don. ................... ",V. Pittman. ....... Soun ......... " A. Tu.r.rr. CAT,t.UlrA .... .......... . .. Capt. J. Perry. lloa'AYUTA. •••• •• , ••• ••••• Mr. J. L&wronco ll111011.Lu To'lt'lf .... ... " G. WaJ. Ch&uii'O!'D.' .... .... ..... " F. While. J!ooo ..................... ... " J }'itzgerald Twu.u.lfOU&.. ............ " J. J. !> ea l'\:e. DAME Y. Noara tluou. ........... Mr . F. Thomu. LrTn.a B.n · hl..UQ) .... " J. Campbt'll. I[Dtitt trohn•on:a A I fl D I'll 1 J N Ill E NT I'OS W I:XTJ'Jilf.U. UIE, Ia aew la Siatietb JfU .. ad i• to·day, where n Ia kaowr:, the lllotl Popular lledicine lza tilt Ualled Slatea. Tboauadt o ( penpl• ... It lor the tlnttba. ,.cb rear, . nd :hoJI• aude aort •itht be bttltfttWdby I!, wbtre •t.r aware or ill iotttilllab nluf. TDtfl le poeltiut, DO aedidne tble coun•.rr adapted to tbe nUtf aod cu Yariety and allmtDtt J obn.on'• AICODTI!I& LDIIVL'fT. l:'•o)p\e t.laroo,tloat the New Baalaad tarn are eatluallattio ia il.a pnlae and 111 ny tbou. IID41 of --.... : Bema Fide Oettifioatell/ ' •lpt M obt&loeJ from tb- dloi bat beta O\"lfOO- by he aalu!ary ,.. .. ttl. It woold be U.po .. lble here to QI&IMflla all the Variad 11 . sea for wbleb tile AD04Tne lJDillltnl l.t rerltctly, but the propyMton will ehrtrfully MDd aoy one w ho will write fur It, • puapbllt ai•i DI full part ieu lare , to- rtb.r with III&DY ctrtl!eatn and much other nluble A ff'W certitl cata an lit,. ,inn, which It Ia hojkd wih ba" thM oontidorra&lc.a dley cltatfTI, eomiel[ • U t.MJ do.fro. ... tlfllltD of tbt higbtll nepootability._ .&o. BIUICIWJCX, A prO 18. 1870. lly nner IIHn without r-Aaod,.. t rellltlll · blr. . 1.... -cl It tlae ""' lhlat ol tlw klrd We,_, aA11eel d .. tor it Ia die u,., •arioa tile war, where h wa• •• ...... lie H le at Coaanrutatir. lf ,.. •• ._., ud apoa tiM Jood ,.. ........... ,, .. , '' • • ., .. ,.. &lied eM wrY lilt, IOSHUA L. CBAIIBSRLAJN. 1889 ,. 8 'lt1 .. -A ol IIIIM haa bten ............ ,. llalkJat ooqb ror .,..,.n.l , .... u4 ,...&If WDI oo wak •.hal be Wl1 aaNI to woik. HnlaJ -D the •I· · .... ef yoar on otbere, I took .... ,a1ioale' aild P" blat Ia 1«111 tban ..... tlll...p W •tlrelJ !.It bbl . I ............... Ia ...__.. ... hln .U-1111 •wile anlowaalohpod ........ . 1 '",., H. I. WOOD, Dnak& 1: Apotheoarr. loitiiiOaO. x ..... Jl, 1870. O.•lw r*,.-PIIait ..a lie b7 a-sl ••11 1 - ......... lei• 11'11 1 • • ... , .... 01 .... ,... 211fricl Son """" . ": ..... _ an., mao .. W ,.._. •• all 11thtr ....... ADYIRTIIER. ) iloticn. li . ABBOR GRACE, WEDliESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1872. Parson's Purgatives . oa PILl.S. Tbe of thflt wonderful P illa. that are now 11toalthin« by ai•· l111t nllefto bundftde eod thnuundt n( bna jlentflliJ auppo.W tn b.r h1.,-.lit. bau bf.n uotd In a' ph•aklan'e pncillce lor the , .. , ftf·y rraro, long ·enough, would •• J, for tb•m to 'findi c:ete bttt claim to publio tnor . Jlut un(ortun•t•lr, tht public bf.n (or • long rr me de. (rauded of the beat&ta •b leb Pilla eon· frr, in flrtt, o( the ••lfi·b nar· ,., • .mi ndtdnut of tbf n•acr, and, bie lnabilirr t? c:err) out aue«e•lullr an en. rrqulrinlf 10 much • ooty a nd p•r· eiat,.nt rlfu t u tht manuf•eture ancl tale of a Pattnl buw<Yer gond aNI n lu•· ltle It mar be. Att•r t he drat II of th• phJ•I· rian refeartd to •b o'ft, t he rf'cipe paur<: tnln the banda of the proprit iO rl o( Johntlln'e Lin•mtnt, •ho will P"'fMI" thrm lo •triet wit h tba orig inal end ullthem In eon n•clioo wi th t btl r Lini- ment 1 tbua &i,ina ttl r•ople, eYtrywhere, 111 opportunitt ro nail cbemael'l'ta nf the .. r.,,r, and mo at nliahte purg•riu or enr i- biliooa medicin e ko.own to medical mta. All Who Need Physic, TAKE P. P. PiUs. Ir your •J•t•m 11 in en onbnhhy '''''• two nr tt.ree o(" Pannn •'• Pilla" will bring it round all ritrht !iiek Ntnou • u,adeebe, n ; z. ain<to, I I!* Ita .,r Blindnra-, &r., 1121)" be eurrd b) • boa or Pttt "n•'• PDII[Itin Pi!le, wbieh on lr cotta tw .. nty c•nt•. " Pareon•'• Pilla" arr lh• knnwn re· mrd}' for c .. of the Bnwlt. Jn!•m· malton of-tbt Kkln•J•, N•noua ll tteolunf, Sick Hradeehe, lrrtMulari•r. Co•ri,•ntat, 8 itlnuantu, n ... P.ptia, hdigulion, Ftmal• Obtrrucdona, \v nit fl, l..ou o( Ap· jM!t he. and L•11of The P.lla ere put up witn ![rut c:ar .. by L tJOlL.'{SON & CO., BA..'fOOB, lliL'f&. W For Salo at tho Drug of Messrs . W. H. Tnoll.nos and J. J. DEAJU:f. Mpt til. Xo Stock or Guarantee Capital DRAWI NG INTEREST. But in lieu thereof S10000oo us - ao: - MUTUAL lifE fnURANU tO. (INCORPORATEU la.&.) Dirtcto' s· Offict, 27 'Dnrt Jtrttt, 5aston. OFFICERS : Hsn-r OaocaL: : ...... . ..... ... Proeident DAlflXL SJU.U . ........... .Vico-Pretident. w. H. HOLLIITD ... ....... . .... Bocretarr. Cuur.a H. Ba&WD .. ... .... Cbief Clerft . D. L. G.u.tl71' ..... .. ............... Actuary. 1. C. SJUU, M. D ... Mcdical Examiner . H. P. B.a.nolf ....... SupennteDdont of Ageudee. B. R. Managm;-tOr' Can- ad& and Britiah ProrinCea. THOS. A. TBMPLB. ..... Agent for Maritime Pronneee . STAT_ EMENT 5 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL I tboee pcople wLo aro 10 doeiroue to in and in t he SAller. Oonrnment, and tbr1 baYo approndl to put.IOIDe C!D&"iment that 1 t erfm in thie 6elterr. Are they i0t1 of the colon! ehould denoun:e iu tho nf that courat', u al'lte, t.y tuing .oala witla ' jecLI to a l'\"Jtioi'i that hu 11 1 atrnngeet. t l'nnA of J'('prubntion. tbe1 are at proeent an an a r· drawback toou.r own producen.. retaru. Tm!UDA.T, Feb. 8. •omo particalar faYors that mi;cht fairl,r . T" lbot notocrupy the "!'nl(etncnt t bat mny ao•. tle euch quee l nble to them in proof that tbe !J,rodat !b. Wuna'• warrant them to eeek extraordtna'1 ptrmo of tbo w1th •ery lcngthf' li NI non", ,and thenoforo a ny rntt-rfereuco b.' hae been 1 uJ 1 jort to dut 1 io the 8ta&ee. He failed to understand tho cue, or Yilegee iD rutum? Wu not qurte a obi!Crvlltion• io tho reply to tho bon tho .c olony wc•uld premature and Thua would the adJ&Dtap of t1ra&7 bow to accctunt for tho JW;h eatimate contrary epi.rit mauifeated tc>warda ue remnrks upon t he M o11/i. unw188 B.T for per cont. now againet ua be now plac:N b1 them upon tho opinion of b1 the Amtrican G:.YWDme nt which bu crllo qut•tion, but he the Colony wu en vee ted m!h a u. HoweYer tho time iJ DOt ripe for d.ileu- a Bnlieh minuter , -.> widely Clifferont placed prohibi tory taue on all the rro- him upoh tho -ureruful dt-lit'orY of t!1ont y t? tbe Treat! .tidula. Ilion oron that )'Oint. Tbe priDclJIU"- wu it from their conduct in 1868 aad Uuct.. we could poaaibfy.export to tho n•ual annual introductorY apet'rh, N ll uon•, whtch . rt '" not; bow we: jOC't of h i• (Mr . 're.) J'lllllarb,.. to 1869 they wo . re urged b1 tho Im- market• of the Unitocl State. ? They •ll'mnatory of lhe Doubt. JJrovent fureutnel'fl f rorn t'Dj:lll(llli!IJl the poiut•out that tho Loeal porial GoYernment to look fa fou rable im(M?IIO a duty of twont1 per coat. on in 1\ ftw dnn tirne tho Council will 6•ltrry? C'o•&ld we ll t•i&e tbeir ehipe? were open to blame Oil thie .ar..H- upon tho propou l to <'llSt in tbo Jot of Bntieh lt':tl oil, fortr per root. on aomr bo nl110 favorrd "'ith hi!t aernstomrd Ron. R. . quoehon becaUM they thia colony Wlth that of our neif ..hbor1. j:O'i oil, twenty-two ebillingt and ei.t· rlllr•li rtor ." addN'11• before ho (.\1r. T.) Hon. T. 1'albut.- Whl' I"C 11 tho ma- cludedlby'tbo cireumataneesaurro Tho opinion of tho Sccretar1 o Stl\to pellco por tiorce on N.lmon and 10 on i11 hopl'd he 1hn•rld urove 1111 f ortuna te cltincry to ttnfon:o TreatJ lnw i!l thi• it taken Dny poeiti,.. action ; IfNI then ecouted by the proeont Oo,.. proportion, upon other arlidea; and i11 ho AI\Vny' bl'rn. The hon L'enth•m:Ln C·•ln•1y? That "u a m;,tter. q uno _be- tha(any analogy whatoYer elieted .,.. ernment "'ho did uot ht-eitsto to dt!f'laro tbo face of tbia poli, ·y they i• b01t<uvP. r in l' rt'" in hi• •iew of thl' :·•nd nur- to deal fun:a blr w1th. tween tLo Cllllea put by the bon .,_t]e. th:lt tboy wem better j udgee of the ro- rrant to como hrro, compete with ou r nnininn of Secretn rv of u1•on 1b,. .. h >uld the Bnu•h Clovem mt·nt N.y, ..." ruan·and that iD wbicL tho ie quiromeu t:a of tbo country th11n wbst iD tht Seal Fisber. r,and walk Jfrnrficrllo rR•". T h" ('olonhl Mini•tf'r trno"f t.l you the authorit,r to enforce concerned. bo WMI ; that tb er wantcJ not hie ad rico wi'tb tho procluco with tbi6 tnid lhi\1 tho Loe11 l Oort>romeut fi. •hery •t ipulalions ll.!!llnet fore ign lion. E. W"bito. -In repiJ: to the boD. and would not accept it . Now when of twen t1 per ctont. in lheir took I ho proper t hAt th ev 11rted lllld tho roapo!l· ( Mr. Talbot) Uld the Cau.- thoy Ml'O committed A eerioua blunder fuor. It 11a1 mollt unpardonable upon If in nut to thl' "1b1lrty, whAt pos1tton 1hould we. bo m, di 11111 notwithstanding t'bodort. makioa fraught with tome llamagi ng rooao- th o part of tho Go•ornment to :Ltt cmpt "'hot her lh:.t opiuion wn• how <'OUid we ntkmpt to oxerc110 t h11t at Woabin$1on from reciprocal quoucee to tbo colonv, they find it very lo juatify thei r coo duct on ti .. id queation. <' ••mpli;nrntnr.r to tho O(lrerumeut 'lr r owtr Wl thout mCAnl? H ?:J IUIIOrt the.1r 6abery right& and conrenient to abetter tbeweelvoa under There mny porhap• be a few 111 thl' corn . not, h" (:\lr. T.) would not ..... but must see tlut our .proreedtn.;s rn euch them with care; but the hoD. tho wing of tho Colonial minister. It mur.itr who would hail wi th wcll·omc he 1hr r ehonld he conti•fhl Ml n cnll(' be entirely go,·erned by tho gentleman ref ers to tho oxpectecl mW!t bo born in Uiibd thnt tho eenl fi•h· tho advent of Monti cello'• · euch por.ons nlonc upon tho nf the S..crctnrv't< llJIJi rO .-nl or diaappro,· Dl of tbo Dri t i1h of \VubiuJtt un iu jtUtiJl cation of the cry ito not onl1 a d eep eea tiehery, it ia aa wo often eee aboultho atreet endoreemt'nt. but at tho matter Oo•Prnml·nt. . conduct or tho Oo•ernme.ot in allcnrina al110 to eomo eztent an inehoro fishery. com er& with their b: mds in their pork- itAelf in the li;.:ht o£ rl':lSOn nnd <'Ommon D. 1mpotant tho Stoamer, io Tiolation of On that part of t he co&t of tho Colon1 ot:a who would not be umployed by our -rn-o. The hl'-itntion or tho Go"cm. poa1t roo IS tho lho1ee of your own Oor. llXietmg Trestioe, to clear at the ea.. from Port-au. Port to Cape John, hun. own S011ling ea,::erly nnd are mont to oct poaitiroly with to ernment. . tom Houeo. for the uprcu of drode of poor &milios rcaiding \\" ithin roady tn 10iu any cha !'l'O t hat mny th e Monticello WM amply ju11tified br Hon. T. Talbot.-Ag11m, bo'! do taking 10Ale from Brrt.ilh BubJeda iA tboee limite 6nd a great portion of their them a lilt for tho preaeut, ult .:rlr reck- the fn ct thot nel!otiatio ne wero wo knl'w tho Treaty bu been nolat- Britith wntors. Tho hon. gentlOIIIAD ,._ eupport b1 eeals taken from near aboro. leu u to tho fortune : but good mon, botwee:1 tho Go"ernrn cnte of Great ed P minded him of a dontiat .. ,ad tro. In the T e- r t.bo1111nd aeala nblo nnd willing to do their work, aM' Britain n'nd lhe Uni ted Stntoe with th o Hon. E. D. She1..-Your own Att or. drowning by a labouring man; heeoahl wore ii11ed and hauled to tho eboro by nerer ll'f\ uboro, and it was eucb men view other thing11 of oteltlin;.: n n Gonri'ILI hu etatt' d 110. not his gratitude to hie deli..r. tho people of Notro Dame Ba1, and in nod their familiee who will be the <'hief •ud1 ques tions as that l'r l'ated bythn ap· . Hon T. Tnlb ot.-Well .. wo know or, but promifed bim if bo call-.d at lie tbo year 1859 OYer fort1 vcuela wore euffcrers iftbie foreign comprtitinn e:a: : pcnmn co of tho lJlonti ctllo horoand her ll\wycrs have .d!ffurent opm- ho 1180 tho cheer- lost taiio.: eeale in•ido tho Wodh11me tend itaelf. AFtllin it ia contended it omploymcnt in the SeAl fisher1. If tho Many aro of .. opmton t hDt the fully pull o ut every tooth io hia 1a..a and Barrarkt rockl near Fogo. In 1850 will aff ord cxUineivo emplotml'nt fc.r reeuiL tboso turn out DB ren· !OJ: of th o pmnatone of tho Con- wi thout cbargicg him aixpenee.. 8o a great portion of tho IeAia cnuqht wero c ur people, but ho (Mr. W.) thouaht they all hopo and expect. t hen nil futu re vcntton of 1818 would not warrnnt tho will tho A.moricen let\lors iD ·aratel'al takl'n inaido tho Groaia hlanda, and io- auch an idea wu a fallacioua ono. For cnuaee of diffirulty wi th l'elpeet our !ncluai.rn of • wi thin t.he acopo of of put fuors &om deed almost eYery year largo numbJrs a while pcrhapa it would bo tho cue to 6aheriea botwt"Cn o ol'lleh·ee nnd thu 1 ts terms, that :t refers epcclfically only tho preeent pull aro captured near tho cout. If it bo u a limited e:r.t e nt u11til the be American' will be romcved, tho to ti•h or cod 6•h ; tho con. out from B ritU.h waters eYc ry eea1 thet etated, that the Mocrotary of' Sbto ll\iJ euffieiently eebooled in the modo of pro· admiuion of our products into the te xt bonre o ut that 1nterpr etat1oo bo- Cllll without charging tbom eixpoaee tho acted "·iscly in gi•ing eccuti ng tho IIOaliog Toyago, but no Ameri ran market du ty free will J>lace> cnuso tbo of ll:urein nre (ro Dlt COICTI!(UZD.) foreipron liCf'nao to take 6eb fmm Brit- One of tho owners of tho Mon. our men:henb upon th11 umo thAt aro cou:;ht, dned and rui'Cil. i•h eubject•. he muat asr be would not hu bt-en in that TO&Iel tho put f:TOUnd u those o£ the United Ststre. thoy all know thAt IICilll aro not dried dre much for that opimon ; in bet be IIO&Ionaatt'adily obae"ing tho eur rounJ. Ho would not heeitnto to el\y if thoro bo nor rurea, nnd t hoso terms of tbc t reaty aoubted euch an opinion wu of thia fi.Jbor(, and no doubt quaJi. no pmriaion mado in tho proioctcd would implY that lbor aro n ot warrnnt· ever or if 10, it muat hal'o been fyang himwlf to 110 in a poeition at an Treaty to place our ecal oil and pr o. ed i11>interfori ug with Americana com· from a want of all the facta and early period to diepenee with ducvo of tho ecol upon the free IU. t, then ing hero to th is country to engage in tho cin:umetaucel or tho eaee pro periJ: laid tho aid oh Newf oundland Sealing Mu- it .would bo for U l, aDd onl1 thon, to teal . ADDRESS OF THE LEGI.SLA TIVB i:OUNCI L, IN ANSWER T<' THB OOVERKOR' SSPEBOH ON OPB. THE SESSION, W ITR HIS BXCln.LBNCY'S REPLY. before him. But after all, bo did nut ter. He (Mr . W.) believed thAt tho try whatmeana could be "'ed to remedy Hon. E. White.-Woro you ju sti- aoo an! atrong reuon to eet eepedal Sealill( M.aator who took charge of the. that eta to of thinga.whieh tho hon. Jten- 6ed in elM ring out tho VOll:tel? To Hu 8Tu1tlnf 1o111f Hru, " l'aluo upon the opiniuna of Britieh at the ioe tho &.:at epring and I tleman 6nde eo much fault with. T hia Boa. T. Talbot.-How could you pre- GJmpanio• qf tlll1 Nons.,.. Stateemen wi th ftMipe<'t to our flaheries, the preced ing ono i1 now t>egtnning to ; 'ltaa not tho time, nor waa lut aeaaion •ent a l'ONel from coming into anv port ordle Military 01'11,. ff lA. Bela, when we remember how they bad pro- aoo tbat be bu made a mietako io help- tho timo to initiate an• proceedings, in tho Colony and fitting out therefrom, Oor:II:NIM' n1td •• poeed to de.1l tnth them on former oc- iog foreign er. to talco tho bread out of but tho time would uriYO;,ben tht-treat,- no matter whoro abo might come from P alld ocer 1 1111 I•i41fd 'If Nftl!!- lat4 cuiona. lo 1857 a convl!nt ion - ignod tho mouth• of our own peoplo. Lftat negotiation• are brought to " dotormt- Suppose the mMter of auch IA.fl Gild it• · ' by Mr . Labouche ro then Reertt&ry of epringabofellinwitbaOAleduringfogu nate i1111uo one wa1 or other; when he doeenotinUind to in our MuiTPLE.u£YouaExa&t.J.DaT :- St.ate for tho Coloniea uking ua to aae- weather, another 'feurl being in tight ita am affii'Uied or rejected · 6•horie.,, that bo ie gllinst out to proeo- 'Vo, tho Lt>gillatint Oonncil, inS... ri6ee eomo of our beet fi1hing-grounde al eo near the •ealt. The euperiority of b1 the Govemmen •a o£ tho two Natioru. c ute t Lo oroan 6shory, be could n ot t.o eion con,. ened, thankfully acltnowJeclp to the 11ubjecta of Franre wa. eont out . tho eteamor enabled :him Ito intorcopt Thue it ia. tho bon. gl'ntlemon eeo interfered wilb then , t>ecauae it must tho p«uliarlr auapicioue circwnatancee That document pro poled to redo to our thilt voaaol nnd malto up hie trip, but if ho roftoct upon thu IDllttor diapusion. bo admitted that if tbo treAty of 18 18 under "hieb the preet:Dt Bellion of tM rinl• a concurrent right of 6dbing with u eoon u the fog cleared up ho found atelf , that the Oorcromont hero were can be construed to include ' eoale' at Legielaturo opcne. Bri ti•h aubjocte on tho lAbrador cout it wu hie own 'fC!!IOl be bad deprived not in a position to deal with it. H11 all, it onlr pl'Obibit:a Ameri<'&DI from Within the pt.3t year, Dot only hu from norlb the Strai t• of Bello hie, of the aeala ; and there were alao tbirtv 'lt'lluld quite with him u to th o eat chiog them on British wawra, that ia poaco wi th all iLl attendant bMiteiDp but all cla1101 in t.ho country aoeing tho or forty other Newfuundland veaaole aU of hie if it bo within three milea of tho eout of tho been roet ored to Europe, but the dAnger that threatened it, roao up u in tho neighborhood of tho ico from found that no notice t.o taion of thie Colon1. There wu not a aingle pron. knot of atandiog dill!cultJee be- one man iD retirtanee to the damaging wbich the Alo•tiullo obtained lr er aealiost qu03tion in the Troah; thou io· aiun In that document-to J"ddlt"'in them tween Ore:Lt Britai n aDd the Uniklcl project and it wu thrown uide. How whieb otily for bor appearance wou ld deed it would bo qui te and pn>- from enga¢ug ill tho orO:Ln 10&1 flsb er1 Statee o£ America bu been IIYeftd 1w wu it rhat euch eupinenou wu e:1bibit- baTe been abared amongat per, and the dut1 of tho Go•emment to anT moro than in tho Oroonland wbalo tbo pearclul egeury or diplomaey,- od now whoa our right& baYe been i them, and tbie ie what wo arc told ie a take etepa with tho new of fishery. But tho hon gentleman who thotc two powerful Natioaa are lpiQ ndoJ by foroignen P 'J'hiunlawful good thing for the poop I_, of thia coun - lora! interruota br all •u c:h ltgitimllUI opl'nt.-d the debaUI would eeem door united in bonda kindred hanlloa•. bu occurred two yean and no try becaute aomo 140 of our mon get a ma te conetitutional mesne aa lie within to the Gol'et'nmeot the poPeaaion of The noble enmplo Mt by the two pt proelamaUOil hae been ieeued forblddioa llDAll portion of tho .P._roduco of tho their power, hut until tbst juncture any an:a:.iet1 or wiah to protect tho in· brnnchee or tho Eng!iab race, 01'er iQ tho intruaioo, and warnillg them of the cargo, the whole of *.lltch would hue hu arieen they we re powerleu to act. tfi"'OIta •ho pooplo. Now bo (Mr.T.) tho nn of ttYiliution, cannot be eanaeqcuneoe. On the cootrarr we kiu beeD eo widely diltributecl but for the Tho bon. cont.,nda thAt the could Uluro hiaa that tbo1 were mo•t (IUt a poftrful efl'oet in the the rod that pnnilbee ua, by encouraging Jloialitllllo. Some people alto argue G,yernment hue 01tabliehod a preeo. Nrneet in their doeire to protect and of future iotero.atioaal di8lmJtie&. foreign ebipt, proYiding them with eYOry that there are ll&l.e enough on tlro icc deut that ma1 be dan:aginsr ua hero- go.N tlaoao interoetl u eloael u poe. We haYO watched wit.b the deepM faciUty to ,worlr';'and allowing them to Selda for all the ehipund moo that ma1 aftor by permittinst tlio Molllioelk> to li ble, but their 'elforte wool be una. conc:em tho tel'ero in<lilpoeitioo ot11ie enrage io ilbory . on better torm1 pouibly be 1011t. out thoro. From lne asil out of our port• conlr:try to law and vailiog uul- aided b! the eowopers- Royal Higbnou tho Pnoee of W .... tb&u the o'lt'DO" coming here own loag experience andobaerntion be and treaty. It ma1' be 10, thousth be tion of tho Imperial G oYemment. Lot and bailed wi th theli1'elieat ..ailfaetilli ft'Om Great Britain. Do the GOT e m- eoueiderOd tbat wu a miJtakeo idea. waa r.ot 10 aure th at th or bafO dono aad blu1tor u wo may, wo hie return to ... ft mont expect the S.bermen to take There ia quitlt aufBaiellt tonnage em- t hat for it i• well lt no11'Q that Ameri- are powerleu without their help, and a!rl8 with Your BxcellCIOq tW r.t matter into their own banda and Ull ployedill the eealilbery for all tho -'• can •oaaele huo hem in the btSbit of that help m&J not be &I'COrdod to ua, in of a kinclrod natnre ,...,;...,.. Yiolence io tho auert:ion of their rigbt:a? that f'roqueut the ice fieldl (Ill the coming d(lwn on our ec: aab for a eimplf to IUlt our local Yiewa, wbeu the tho inhabit&Dt:a of all part. of iJii. Such ba,.. been done before an.d .... adjacent to ourcouta, and a. lf'riee oi y ear. for purposes. iuroro.t:a of tho Empire aro IDYO IYod Maj ty'• miaiotlll,are tbe IDOl& eGa· we know that if a burglar io ... .. a bundant capital iD tbebande or Britiab And Ol'on there hu befon" a iD the i•ue. 1f tho AmeriL'ana had UD· Yincin loyalty totMOrowa IDDD'a houae and iojuroe hia property, aub.jecb earryinjt Oil the trade and buai• violatiun of Treat1 in thia C3te, it wu liherty to come down to thw and deYOtion to the P8raon and = the 01fDir ie loplly joati8ecl iD protect. bD.DlHID o( the colonr to ezpeod by no mean' an countrrand &..honour eouta, ba-rinr, of'Hor Majoety are Dot men a iug hie lifo a.ocl properv 8Yeli eliould it atill mol'fl if eircumetaneea warranl this cin:uiDllt'llneo ha"rinst frequ ently oc- all tho adnnta)tO of free markot:a wbic.b eentimeut., but are deeply act noeeuitato the cloetrudiOD of tho ofl'en- it. Bot they miaht depend upon it, c urted without let or biodi'ILneo under thoy nuw onr the Britieh pro. nent11 rooted io tho beUta of the Bd&- For the Year Ending De\:. 31, der . In a limilar ID&DDOr waathe Go.-. Britiah capital ioYeeted io thil pre..• ari . former admioiatratione. Ho duce, ho would concur iD the bon geo. iab poople tbe world. 1870 ernment t.onnd to a..ort aod enforce oua ellterpriee would 1000 bp contrartod now to tho woatren &..herioa, aud to tleman'a Yiewa u to tho noteeasity of Our own atWr., Your the pririlepa of the whoee if the bopee of th011 who wiah for tho ehow that if cho p resent Gonrment do- placiDJt a check upoo them. Bocauae juatl! obllrY"ee, are not .... :$ ... ....... tl.6U.I7U1 righLI bJ the coutitution the1 are ap. appearance of sny ·more.MMiitltlk>'• are eerYed eoodomaatioo in tbie cue, pro - it may be argued in favour of than thoeoabroad. Willa a 8iaJ 11111 ""' ·: " .. .. .... pointed to wotect.. ' lt wu fa tile for are enn partially roaliJed. Such aeui. Yioue onee •hould have been on titled to permidion that tho operation• or the of more than abnnclaDoe, a Tetll em pea.... ll,ltl.tall men baYiDg DO oonolltioll with tho eeal eidal POliCy would roealt io dri riug it equal censuro, 1et baYo we neYet heard etrnngers amongat ua would alford em- and Herring iahery, botla OD 0111' Ooenl •r :-" Oh, tbrre ie no harm oot Could it them denounced for inact ion or hui - ploymeat to many fUbennen, coopere, and that of LabradOr, , in thil .... coming ....... and engaging be that tbia enooaragement or tho ta titln ... rt tho rigbte of tho colo- and othen, and dillributo money a - 0111, and the adclitioaal alP' ..._., 1,1110.00 in the aeal &ellery;" bur 'l'tiD ifJt were Amerie&D• wu a rorerwmer of the ac· ni•ta. Again the hoc gentleman eeoma aaonget the the poeilioll they crops, the Colooy'e eop ot PaW ,., 811 ,.,._. eo harmte.., what. H would uk, were oompliabme!U of aaMution that we to impute impropri"'' to tbo GoYern · would bold here bot for a few ha1, by the bonnty of Pro'icliace; ._. r.llda. .. ... . .... . treatieiH almaclecl f'or itno6o be oblltfed P" baYO of late boatd eome talk about mrent the1 bind to tho opinion week• or oaeb )'t:ar ...... widol1 dilf e reat &lied &o the brim. fADCl wlullt ... ta1 ... DiriiiiMI. .... ..... .. ... ••.no.u e •1 man,. reuona .,by in the colonr P The hon. gonllelll&D o tllo CnlOJtial )liniltor and to tho from that of our own morchant:a who of our ospert. in ONip ....... 1\-lal A•t.""-.t -;;p. 11 cy. aaeh ,. ... 11 aboaW Dot to (Mr. Thorbon) tnly J"'ID&rkod the Yiewaoftho Brituh GoYornmont. How, are eonetant roeideuta in the Colony, enabll'd the Morclaant to P" .,..,_. HeWtn Ill liTO••••••••••• 111141 , t1l takeaeale witla tile COIIIIDt.of'thia Ool- otherdaytlw onrtl.elaenea wereu Yital be would uk,coold theractothenri• P and whoM capital ia cootiuuoaelr eaa. pondingl1 h la la rat. to the ... .,,,. - -- · _._ How woald it be if a llritiah, .... ua u theaool ie to tlae boMIJ; and no Tboy 11'11rt! Dot ina plllttioo.Dor DOYer barked from year '• end_, year'• end. in ror tbe fruit or JUa 1abon, tM fll 0.,.. "'"llo»to. 31, '70, t6.2a5,233.27 eel had a earwlO olllala MC111'elr puuecl matt. bow much ,. mar talk of our will be io a poeition to ditpale tho riowa pro4N!Cut:iug DOt only tL. leA!. &.bery tbe leading artiel• "'lmpOita ... nW anc1- of.._. .......... sr-t- miua aad mineral• aad o&ber reeoorces, of the Imperial GoYorament io taattet. bt&t all the otber ilborioe of the COUD· at a eoaaparati....Jy loW ,... to 1M 7"!..., JPoiW..Iall!fdla 1170.,... • by 1tam1.o1 away oarleberiei&Dd mayu well like tbia, which wu a t'all widel7 dif· try. Britilh merchant hu in- !-lea ,_. ie- .afteMMcltalriq..._.U;wllere-. elearoot. Juteedof'Miloriqcllt- f .... Uf'rom tlaecue put br the hon. t.teatofthe people beca011 Yov Blc:elll_nC7'a ";;:! t..._r.:_e r P """ ha ..._ tile-a- for .... Briiilla 8abje:ot who leultiee he eoa· pntliiDDil in hilenclea'YCW to eetablilh their into,.. are to a oxtoDt tlae marked im_pro••• ...W _. dlethe: .r D+ JtnO w:. JUH, owalll ·tlld pi'CIIMriJ P Jr a rriclerecl thal tl. aetiOD of the GoftrD· meooaii•CJ be&wten the condact of iUc1tical and in-..ono With each O• material. that 11M tal• lljiTI ... . ,... the ••••• , JJee. ... - q1lildoa .......... ov OWQ........ ID.ellt ,.. to iuo ...... them the Gofti'DIIient DOW aod upon former tber .. He aocl, hia family among ColoaJiioce Yoar .. s ....... at.ID ,_ .-&. ' .... ,. tM lllp!lll!lll oUbe 0.1. a.te troablea that it woald not be oeeaatobL : At tJ.e time inftallcecl by date, M f'eal81a the dutie.. aoc\.ia aaaea. IUIODI u. ucl we t.._lt TCIU' ,... __ ., ..... _ .., .... , .. ,_. to_._.. danl allar . He llelinM tbe laia the JapPI'ial Go'Nftlaut reflernil able to 1M o=:s· of • ci&ilea. Be apprdraha to _. t'OIIIItrJ arill . becam• aoerlaiaprOpoe.atotlae Le,W.tuN of Jl:llY.taDeto ao..r..•tto meet ' H""'".. ..P lfitpiOOMii•• Nqllla&iDC tlae. to p10- iM,abftltD• JJI .._ ..... _. .. ..- ... -=.= lt .... iD coatri- = of... · .....

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VOL UlDl 13'. ' ~ ·

AO£N.TS 10a n•

Harbor Gftoe Standard. klou•a. ............... Mr. T. Ryall. Baaeve........... ...•... ... " G. Guahuo liAT Boaan ...... .. , .. . ~Cou ....... ...... " JobnCrane. ~ ................. J . B. Pike. Jll~-~-_.._.,,lr.Fo•-J "H. J . Bad-no.................. don. ~ ................... ",V. Pittman. ....... Soun ... ...... " A. Tu.r.rr. CAT,t.UlrA ............... .. Capt. J. Perry. lloa'AYUTA. •• • ••• , ••• •• ••• Mr. J. L&wronco ll111011.Lu To'lt'lf .... ... " G. WaJ. Ch&uii'O!'D.' .... . .. ...... " F. While. J!ooo ........................ " J }'itzgerald Twu.u.lfOU&. ............. " J . J. !>eal'\:e.


Noara tluou. ........... Mr. F. Thomu. LrTn.a B.n · hl..UQ) .... " J. Campbt'll.



A I fl D I'll 1 J N Ill E NT I'OS ~lfAL W I:XTJ'Jilf.U. UIE,

Ia aew la i~ Siatietb JfU .. ad i• to·day, where n Ia kaowr:, the lllotl

Popular lledicine lza tilt Ualled Slatea. Tboauadt o ( penpl• ... It lor the tlnttba. ,.cb rear, . nd :hoJI• aude aort •itht be bttltfttWdby I!, wbtre •t.r aware or ill iotttilllab nluf. TDtfl le poeltiut, DO aedidne tble coun•.rr adapted to tbe nUtf aod cu Yariety of~~ and allmtDtt J obn.on'• AICODTI!I& LDIIVL'fT. l:'•o)p\e ~erall1 t.laroo,tloat the New Baalaad tarn are eatluallattio ia il.a pnlae and 111 ny tbou. IID41 of --....:

Bema Fide Oettifioatell/ ' •lpt M obt&loeJ from tb-~nju

dloi bat beta O\"lfOO- by he aalu!ary ,.. .. ttl. It woold be U.po .. lble here to QI&IMflla all the

Variad 11 . sea for wbleb tile AD04Tne lJDillltnl l.t rerltctly, but the propyMton will ehrtrfully MDd ~to aoy one who will write fur It, • puapbllt ai• iDI full partieulare, to­rtb.r with III&DY ctrtl!eatn and much other nluble infot~~~ation . A ff'W certitl cata an lit,. ,inn, which It Ia hojkd wih ba" thM oontidorra&lc.a dley cltatfTI, eomiel[

• U t.MJ do.fro. ... tlfllltD of tbt higbtll nepootability._

.&o. Z1-6~ ~lain. BIUICIWJCX, A prO 18. 1870.

lly D.-llri~.!:• nner IIHn without r-Aaod,.. t ~lou rellltlll ·

blr. .1....-cl It tlae ""' lhlat ol tlw klrd ladle~ We,_, aA11eel d .. tor it Ia die u,., •arioa tile war, where h wa• •• ...... lie H le at ~. Coaanrutatir.lf ,.. •• ~ ._., ud apoa tiM Jood ,.. ........... ,, .. ,

'' • • ., .. ,.. &lied eM wrY lilt, IOSHUA L. CBAIIBSRLAJN. ~llaiL, ll, 1889

,. 8 'lt1 .. -A ~rind ol IIIIM haa bten ............ ,. llalkJat ooqb ror .,..,.n.l ,.... u4 ,...&If WDI oo wak •.hal be Wl1 aaNI to woik. HnlaJ -D the •I·

· .... ef yoar on otbere, I took .... ,a1ioale ' aild P" blat Ia 1«111 tban ..... tlll...p W •tlrelJ !.It bbl. I ............... Ia ...__.. ... hln .U-1111 •wile anlowaalohpod ........ .

1 v"'~'r '",., H. I. WOOD, Dnak& 1: Apotheoarr. • loitiiiOaO. x ..... Jl, 1870. O.•lw r*,.-PIIait ..a lie b7 a-sl ••11

1- ......... lei• 11'11 ABocl~ Llel~Mat 1

• • ... ,.... 01 .... ,... 211fricl Son """" . " : • ....._ an., mao .. W ·~ ,.._. •• all 11thtr .......




Parson's Purgatives . oa

ANTI~iLlOUS PILl.S. Tbe .co•po~mta of thflt wonderful P illa.

that are now 11toalthin« nt~bodr by ai•· l111t nllefto bundftde eod thnuundt n( ca•~• bna jlentflliJ bf~n auppo.W tn b.r h1• .,-.lit. bau bf.n uotd In a' ph•aklan'e pncillce lor the , .. , ftf·y rraro, long ·enough, oo~ would ••J, for tb•m to 'findic:ete bttt claim to publio tnor. Jlut un(ortun•t•lr, tht public h.,~ bf.n (or • long rrme de. (rauded of the beat&ta •bleb rh~•e Pilla eon· frr, in ~naPquro~, flrtt, o( the ••lfi·b nar· ,., • .mindtdnut of tbf n•acr, and, ~~ndlf, bie lnabilirr t? c:err) out aue«e•lullr an en. •~rpri•• rrqulrinlf 10 much • ooty and p• r· eiat,.nt rlfu t u tht manuf•eture ancl tale of a Pattnl ~S.dicln•, buw<Yer gond aNI n lu•· ltle It mar be. Att•r the drat II of th• phJ•I· rian refeartd to •bo'ft, the rf'cipe paur<: tnln the banda of the proprit iOrl o( Johntlln'e Lin•mtnt, •ho will b'n~fnrth P"'fMI" thrm lo •triet ucor~ance with tba original r~cipe, end ullthem In eonn•clioo with tbtlr Lini­ment 1 tbua &i,ina ttl r•ople, eYtrywhere, 111 opportunitt ro nail cbemael'l'ta nf the .. r.,,r, •urt~l, and moat nliahte purg•riu or enri­biliooa medicine ko.own to medical mta.

All Who Need Physic, TAKE

P. P. PiUs. Ir your •J•t•m 11 in en onbnhhy '''''•

two nr tt.ree o(" Pannn•'• Pilla" will bring it round all ritrht •

!iiek Hea.laeh~. Ntnou• u,adeebe, n ;z. ain<to, I I!* Ita .,r Blindnra-, &r., 1121)" be eurrd b) • boa or Pttt"n•'• PDII[Itin Pi!le, wbieh onlr cotta tw .. nty ·fi•~ c•nt•.

" Pareon•'• Pilla" arr lh• ~•t knnwn re· mrd}' for c .. r.t~lrarion of the Bnwlt. Jn!•m· malton of-tbt Kkln•J•, N•noua lltteolunf, Sick Hradeehe, lrrtMulari•r . Co•ri,•ntat, 8 itlnuantu, n ... P.ptia, hdigulion, Ftmal• Obtrrucdona, \vnitfl, lnll~tau. l ..ou o( Ap· jM!the. and L•11• of Strtn~;th, The P.lla ere put up witn ![rut c:ar .. by •

L tJOlL.'{SON & CO., BA..'fOOB, lliL'f&.

W For Salo at tho Drug ~toru of Messrs. W. H. Tnoll.nos and J . J . DEAJU:f.

Mpt til.

Xo Stock or Guarantee Capital DRAWING INTEREST.

But in lieu thereof S10000oo

Bu-rp~ us - ao:-



Dirtcto' s· Offict,

27 'Dnrt Jtrttt, 5aston. OFFICERS :

Hsn-r OaocaL:: ............ ... Proeident DAlflXL SJU.U ............ . Vico-Pretident. w. H. HOLLIITD ... ....... . .... Bocretarr. Cuur.a H. Ba&WD ..... .... Cbief Clerft . D. L. G.u.tl71' ..... ................. Actuary. 1. C. SJUU, M. D ... Mcdical Examiner. H. P. B.a.nolf ....... SupennteDdont of


B. R. ~O;RWIN Managm;-tOr'Can-ad& and Britiah ProrinCea. •

THOS. A. TBMPLB. ..... ~ral Agent for Maritime Pronneee.



LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL I tboee pcople wLo aro 10 doeiroue to in"longa~cd in and intc:re~ted in the SAller. Oonrnment, and tbr1 baYo approndl to put.IOIDe •trin~nt C!D&"iment that 1 terfm in thie 6elterr. Are they 1u~· i0t1 of the colon! ehould denoun:e iu tho nf that courat', ~·nu&o u th~y al'lte, t~m t.y tuing .oala witla ' jecLI to a l'\"Jtioi'i that hu JtrD~~led 111 atrnngeet. t l'nnA of J'('prubntion. tbe1 are at proeent eng~ an an a r· drawback toou.r own producen.. retaru.

Tm!UDA.T, Feb. 8. •omo particalar faYors that mi;cht fairl,r . ~e.n. ll!r. T"lbot ·~ould notocrupy the "!'nl(etncnt t bat mny ao•.tle euch quee l nble to them in proof that tbe !J,rodat !b. Wuna'• SPuou.-Colllir~IIOJ. warrant them to eeek extraordtna'1 pn· trmo of tbo Hou~e w1th •ery lcngthf'liNI non", ,and thenoforo any rntt-rfereuco b.' hae been 1uJ1jort to dut

1 io the 8ta&ee.

He failed to understand tho cue, or Yilegee iD rutum? Wu not qurte a obi!Crvlltion• io tho reply to tho bon tho .c olony wc•uld ~ premature and Thua would the adJ&Dtap of t1ra&7 bow to accctunt for tho JW;h eatimate contrary epi.rit mauifeated tc>warda ue ~ontll'ma11'1 remnrks upon the M o11/i. unw188 B.T auppo.u~g for ar~ent per cont. now againet ua be rem~ now plac:N b1 them upon tho opinion of b1 the Amtrican G:.YWDment which bu crllo qut• t ion, but he mu~t ,·on.~tratuble s:~kt-: the Colony wu en vee ted m!h a u. HoweYer tho t ime iJ DOt ripe for d.ileu­a Bnlieh minuter, -.> widely Clifferont placed prohibitory taue on all the rro- him upoh tho -ureruful dt-lit'orY of hi~ t!1onty t? e~fu!'Co tbe Treat! .tidula. Ilion oron that )'Oint. Tbe priDclJIU"­wu it from their conduct in 1868 aad Uuct.. we could poaaibfy.export to tho n•ual annual introductorY apet'rh, N lll · uon•, whtch .rt '" not; bow ~ul. we: jOC't of h i• (Mr. 're.) J'lllllarb,.. to 1869 wht~n they urged b1 tho Im- market• of the Unitocl State. ? They •ll'mnatory of lhe G·•~eroml'nt. Doubt . JJrovent fureutnel'fl f rorn t'Dj:lll(llli!IJl the poiut•out that tho Loeal ~ porial GoYernment to look fafourable im(M?IIO a duty of twont1 per coat. on lo~a in 1\ ftw dnn tirne tho Council will 6•ltrry? C'o•&ld we llt•i&e tbeir ehipe? were ~ot open to blame Oil thie .ar..H-upon tho propou l to <'llSt in tbo Jot of Bntieh lt':tl oil, fortr per root. on aomr bo nl110 favorrd "'ith hi!t aernstomrd Ron. R. Krnt.-Yl'~. . r~llo quoehon becaUM they were~ thia colony Wlth that of our neif .. hbor1. j:O'i oil, twenty-two ebillingt and ei.t· rlllr•lirtor." addN'11• before ho (.\1 r. T.) Hon. T. 1'albut.- Whl'I"C 11 tho ma- cludedlby'tbo cireumataneesaurro Tho opinion of tho Sccretar1 o Stl\to pellco por tiorce on N.lmon and 10 on i11 hopl'd he 1hn•rld urove 1111 fortunate ~~ ~ cltincry to ttnfon:o TreatJ lnw i!l thi• it fro~ taken Dny poeiti,.. action ; IfNI then ecouted by the proeont O o,.. proportion, upon other arlidea; and i11 ho h11~ AI\Vny' bl'rn. The hon L'enth•m:Ln C·•ln•1y? That "u a m;,tter. quno _be- tha(any analogy whatoYer elieted .,.. ernment "'ho did uot ht-eitsto to dt!f'laro tbo face of tbia e:~elu•i•o poli,·y they i• b01t<uvP.r in l'rt'" in hi• •iew of thl' :·•nd nur- pow.e~ to deal fun:ablr w1th. tween tLo Cllllea put by the bon .,_t]e. th:lt tboy wem better j udgee of the ro- rrant to como hrro, compete with our nnininn of Secretnrv of ~late u1•on 1b,. .. h >uld the Bnu•h Clovem mt·nt N.y, ... " ruan·and that iD wbicL tho ~1. ie quiromeut:a of tbo country th11n wbst tn~hanb iD tht Seal Fisber.r,and walk Jfrnrficrllo rR•". Th" ('olonhl Mini•t f'r trno" t.l you the authorit,r to enforce concerned. • • bo WMI ; that tber wantcJ not hie ad rico ~ wi'tb tho procluco with t bi6 ~'llflrmuua t~im!lly tnid lhi\1 tho Loe11l Oort>romeut th~ fi.•hery •tipulalions ll.!!llnet foreign lion. E. W"bito.-In repiJ: to the boD. and would not accept it. Now when ndvaota~o of twent1 per ctont. in l heir took I ho proper rou~e. t hAt thev 11rted i~l~t.Hierd. lllld w~ ~··ceptl'd tho roapo!l· gentloa~~~n (Mr. Talbot) Uld the Cau.­thoy Ml'O committed A eerioua blunder fuor. It 11a1 mollt unpardonable u pon •ri~ If in nut nttcmptin~ to d~al ~ith thl' "1b1lrty, whAt pos1tton 1hould we. bo m, di11111 notwithstanding t'bodort. makioa fraught with tome llamaging rooao- tho part of tho Go•ornment to :Lttcmpt quc~tion; "'hot her lh:.t opiuion wn• how <'OUid we ntkmpt to oxerc110 t h11t at Woabin$1on from reciprocal ~ quoucee to t bo colonv, they find it very lo juatify their coo duct on ti .. id queation. <'••mpli;nrntnr.r to t ho O(lrerumeut 'lr r owtr Wlthout mCAnl? H?:J go~tlcmen IUIIOrt the.1r 6abery right& and ~ll conrenient to abetter tbeweelvoa under There mny porhap• be a few 111 thl' corn. not, h" (:\lr. T.) would not ..... ~. but must see tlut our .proreedtn.;s rn euch them with ~caloue care; but the hoD. tho wing of tho Colonial minister. It mur.itr who would hail with wcll·omc he lho:~;.:ht 1hr r ehonld he conti•fhl Ml n cnll(' mu~t be entirely go,·erned by tho gentleman refers to tho oxpectecl ~ mW!t bo born in Uiibd thnt tho eenl fi•h· tho advent of Monticello'•· euch por.ons nlonc upon tho ~rounl! nf the S..crctnrv't< llJIJirO.-nl or diaappro,·Dl of tbo Driti1h of \VubiuJttun iu jtUtiJlcation of the cry ito not onl1 a deep eea tiehery, it ia aa wo often eee loungin~t aboultho atreet endoreemt'nt. but lnokin~ at tho matter Oo•Prnml·nt. . conduct or tho Oo•ernme.ot in allcnrina al110 to eomo eztent an inehoro fishery. com er& with their b:mds in their pork- itAelf in the li;.:ht o£ rl':lSOn nnd <'Ommon ~~n. ~· D. S~ea.-That 1mpotant tho ~merican Stoamer, io Tiolation of On that part of the co&t of tho Colon1 ot:a who would not be umployed by our -rn-o. The hl'-itntion or tho Go"cm. poa1troo IS tho lho1ee of your own Oor. llXietmg Trestioe, to clear at the ea.. from Port-au. Port to Cape John, hun. own S011ling Muter~~, ea,::erly nnd are mont to oct poaitiroly with ro~:~~rrl to ernment. . tom Houeo. for the uprcu pu~ of drode of poor &milios rcaiding \\"ithin roady tn 10iu any cha!'l'O that mny ~ire the Monticello WM amply ju11tified br Hon. T. Talbot.-Ag11m, bo'! do taking 10Ale from Brrt.ilh BubJeda iA tboee limite 6nd a great portion of their them a lilt for tho preaeut, ult.:rlr reck- the fnct thot nel!otiatione wero pcndin~ wo knl'w tho Treaty bu been nolat- Britith wntors. Tho hon. gentlOIIIAD ,._ eupport b1 eeals taken from near aboro. leu u to tho fortune : but good mon, botwee:1 tho Go"ernrncnte of Great ed P minded him of a dontiat .. ,ad tro. In the Te-r 1862~twentr t.bo1111nd aeala nblo nnd willing to do their work, aM' Britain n'nd lhe United Stntoe with tho Hon. E. D. She1..-Your own Attor. drowning by a labouring man; heeoahl wore ii11ed and hauled to tho eboro by nerer ll'f\ uboro, and it was eucb men view nmon~t other thing11 of oteltlin;.: nn Gonri'ILI hu etatt'd 110. not o~re.• his gratitude to hie deli..r. tho people of Notro Dame Ba1, and in nod their familiee who will be the <'hief •ud1 questions as that l'rl'ated bythn ap· . Hon T. Tnlbot.-Well .. wo know U~t or, but promifed bim if bo call-.d at lie tbo year 1859 OYer fort1 vcuela wore euffcrers iftbie foreign comprtitinn e:a:: pcnmnco of tho lJlontictllo horoand her ~ltffon:nt ll\wycrs have .d!ffurent opm- ho1180 tho followin~daylaowould cheer­lost taiio.: eeale in•ido tho W odh11me tend itaelf. AFtllin it ia contended it omploymcnt in the SeAl fisher1. If tho 10~ . Many aro of .. opmton t hDt the fully pull out every tooth io hia 1a..a and Barrarkt rockl near Fogo. In 1850 will afford cxUineivo emplotml'nt fc.r reeuiL o£ tboso nt'~ti11tion1 turn out DB ren· !OJ: of tho pmnatone of tho Con- without cbargicg him aixpenee.. 8o a great portion of tho IeAia cnuqht wero cur people, but ho (Mr. W.) thouaht they all hopo and expect. then nil futu re vcntton of 1818 would not warrnnt tho will tho A.moricen let\lors iD ·aratel'al takl'n inaido tho Groaia hlanda, and io- auch an idea wu a fallacioua ono. F or cnuaee of diffirulty with l'elpeet t~ our !ncluai.rn of • ~nl•' within t.he acopo of acknot~·ledgomt'nt of put fuors &om deed almost eYery year largo numbJrs a while pcrhapa it would bo tho cue to 6aheriea botwt"Cn ool'lleh·ee nnd thu 1ts terms, t hat :t refers epcclfically only tho preeent Gofornmon~eboerf'ully pull aro captured near tho cout. If it bo u a limited e:r.tent u11til the etfan~ers be American' will be romcved, beeAu~o tho to ti•h or cod 6•h ; ~d tho wh~lo con. out from B ritU.h waters eYcry eea1 thet etated, that the Mocrotary of' Sbto ll\iJ euffieiently eebooled in the modo of pro· admiuion of our products into the text bonre out that 1nterpretat1oo bo- Cllll without charging tbom eixpoaee tho GoYornmen~ acted "·iscly in gi•ing eccuting tho IIOaliog Toyago, but no Ameriran market duty free will J>lace> cnuso tbo epok~n of ll:urein nre ~sb (ro Dlt COICTI!(UZD.) • foreipron liCf'nao to take 6eb fmm Brit- lnn~ter. One of tho owners of tho Mon. our men:henb upon th11 umo nnl.4~e thAt aro cou:;ht, dned and rui'Cil. l" ot~• i•h eubject•. he muat asr be would not ti~llo hu bt-en in that TO&Iel tho put f:TOUnd u those o£ the United Stst re. thoy all know thAt IICilll aro not dried dre much for that opimon ; in bet be IIO&Ionaatt'adily obae"ing tho eur rounJ. Ho would not heeitnto to el\y if thoro bo nor rurea, nnd t hoso terms of tbc t reaty aoubted euch an opinion wu in~ of thia fi.Jbor(, and no doubt quaJi. no pmriaion mado in tho proioctcd would implY that lbor aro not warrnnt· ever giY~n. or if 10, it muat hal'o been fyang himwlf to 110 in a poeition at an Treaty to place our ecal oil and pro. ed i11>interforiug with Americana com· from a want of bal'in~t all the facta and early period to diepenee al~ether with ducvo of tho ecol upon the free IU.t , then ing hero to this country to engage in tho cin:umetaucel or tho eaee pro periJ: laid tho aid oh Newfoundland Sealing Mu- it .would bo for Ul, aDd onl1 thon, to teal s~hory .


before him. But after all, bo did nut ter. He (Mr. W.) believed thAt tho try whatmeana could be "'ed to remedy Hon. E. White.-Woro you justi-aoo an! atrong reuon to eet eepedal Sealill( M.aator who took charge of the . that eta to of thinga.whieh tho hon. Jten- 6ed in elM ring out tho VOll:tel? To Hu Ezceller~cr 8Tu1tlnf 1o111f Hru, " l'aluo upon the opiniuna of Britieh Jlo~Uo at the ioe tho &.:at epring and I tleman 6nde eo much fault with. T hia Boa. T. Talbot.-How could you pre- Lgt~ire, GJmpanio• qf tlll1 Nons.,.. Stateemen with ftMipe<'t to our flaheries, the preceding ono i1 now t>egtnning to ; 'ltaa not tho time, nor waa lut aeaaion •ent a l'ONel from coming into anv port ordle Military 01'11,. ff lA. Bela, when we remember how they bad pro- aoo tbat be bu made a mietako io help- tho timo to initiate an• proceedings, in tho Colony and fitting out therefrom, Oor:II:NIM' n1td O,a-llJr.j,..CJ.6~ •• poeed to de.1l tnth them on former oc- iog foreigner. to talco tho bread out of but tho t ime would uriYO;,ben tht- treat,- no matter whoro abo might come from P alld ocer 11111 I•i41fd 'If Nftl!!- lat4 cuiona. lo 1857 a convl!ntion - ignod tho mouth• of our own peoplo. Lftat negotiation• are brought to " dotormt- Suppose the mMter of auch vt~~scl IA.fl Gild it• DeperaJe~iu. · ' by Mr. Labouchero then Reertt&ry of epringabofellinwitbaOAleduringfogu nate i1111uo one wa1 or other; when he doeenotinUind to emb:~.rk in our MuiTPLE.u£YouaExa&t.J.DaT :­St.ate for tho Coloniea uking ua to aae- weather, another 'feurl being in tight ita proYi~ione am affii'Uied or rejected · 6•horie.,, that bo ie gllinst out to proeo- 'Vo, tho Lt>gillatint Oonncil, inS... ri6ee eomo of our beet fi1hing-grounde aleo near the •ealt. The euperiority of b1 the Govemmen •a o£ tho two Natioru. cute tLo oroan 6shory, be could not t.o eion con,.ened, thankfully acltnowJeclp to the 11ubjecta of Franre wa. eont out. tho eteamor enabled :him Ito intorcopt Thue it ia. tho bon. gl'ntlemon ~rill eeo interfered wilb then , t>ecauae it must tho p«uliarlr auapicioue circwnatancee That document pro poled to redo to our thilt voaaol nnd malto up hie trip, but if ho roftoct upon thu IDllttor diapusion. bo admitted that if tbo treAty of 1818 under "hieb the preet:Dt Bellion of tM rinl• a concurrent right of 6dbing with u eoon u the fog cleared up ho found atelf , that the Oorcromont hero were can be construed to include ' eoale' at Legielaturo opcne. Briti•h aubjocte on tho lAbrador cout it wu hie own 'fC!!IOl be bad deprived not in a posit ion to deal with it . H11 all, it onlr pl'Obibit:a Ameri<'&DI from Within the pt.3t year, Dot only hu from norlb o£ the Strait• of Bello hie, of the aeala ; and there were alao tbirtv 'lt'lluld quite a~l"f'e with him u to tho eatchiog them on British wawra, that ia poaco with all iLl attendant bMiteiDp but all cla1101 in t.ho country aoeing tho or forty other Newfuundland veaaole aU p~priety of hie eu~tlona if it bo within three milea of tho eout of tho been roetored to Europe, but the ~rdiU dAnger that threatened it, roao up u in tho neighborhood of tho ico from found that no notice t.o taion of thie Colon1. There wu not a aingle pron. knot of Jon~ atandiog dill!cultJee be­one man iD retirtanee to the damaging wbich the Alo•tiullo obtained lrer 011~0. aealiost qu03tion in the Troah; thou io· aiun In that document-to J"ddlt"'in them tween Ore:Lt Britain aDd the Uniklcl project and it wu thrown uide. How whieb otily for bor appearance would deed it would bo quite ri~:h't and pn>- from enga¢ug ill tho orO:Ln 10&1 flsber1 Statee o£ America bu been IIYeftd 1w wu it rhat euch eupinenou wu e:1bibit- baTe been abared amongat per, and the dut1 of tho Go•emment to anT moro than in tho Oroonland wbalo tbo pearclul egeury or diplomaey,­od now whoa our right& baYe been in· them, and tbie ie what wo arc told ie a take etepa with tho new of protectin~t fishery. But tho hon gentleman who thotc two powerful Natioaa are lpiQ ndoJ by foroignen P 'J'hi• unlawful good thing for the poop I_, of thia coun- lora! interruota br all •uc:h ltgitimllUI opl'nt.-d the debaUI would eeem t~ door united in bonda o£ kindred hanlloa•. proeeedin~ bu occurred two yean and no try becaute aomo 140 of our mon get a mate conetitutional mesne aa lie within to the Gol'et'nmeot the poPeaaion of The noble enmplo Mt by the two pt proelamaUOil hae been ieeued forblddioa llDAll portion of tho .P._roduco of tho their power, hut until tbst juncture any an:a:.iet1 or wiah to protect tho in· brnnchee or tho Eng!iab race, 01'er iQ tho intruaioo, and warnillg them of the cargo, the whole of *.lltch would hue hu arieen they were powerleu to act. tfi"'OIta o£ •ho pooplo. Now bo (Mr.T.) tho nn of ttYiliution, cannot be wi~ eanaeqcuneoe. On the cootrarr we kiu beeD eo widely diltributecl but for the Tho bon. ~nt)eman- cont.,nda thAt the could Uluro hiaa that tbo1 were mo•t (IUt a poftrful efl'oet in the ~llltmeU the rod that pnnilbee ua, by encouraging Jloialitllllo. Some people alto argue G,yernment hue 01tabliehod a preeo. Nrneet in their doeire to protect and of future iotero.atioaal di8lmJtie&. foreign ebipt, proYiding them with eYOry that there are ll&l.e enough on tlro icc deut that ma1 be dan:aginsr t~ ua hero- go.N tlaoao interoetl u eloael u poe. We haYO watched wit.b the deepM faciUty to ,worlr';'and allowing them to Selda for all the ehipund moo that ma1 aftor by permittinst tlio Molllioelk> to lible, but their 'elforte wool be una. conc:em tho tel'ero in<lilpoeitioo ot11ie enrage io ilbory .on better torm1 pouibly be 1011t. out thoro. From lne asil out of our port• conlr:try to law and vailiog uul- aided b! the eowopers- Royal Higbnou tho Pnoee of W .... tb&u the o'lt'DO" ol·Ye~Mie coming here own loag experience andobaerntion be and treaty. It ma1' be 10, thousth be tion of tho Imperial G oYemment. Lot and bailed with theli1'elieat ..ailfaetilli ft'Om Great Britain. Do the GOTem- eoueiderOd tbat wu a miJtakeo idea. waa r.ot 10 aure that thor bafO dono •wag~tor aad blu1tor u wo may, wo hie return to coo~ ... ft mont expect the S.bermen to take There ia quitlt aufBaiellt tonnage em- that for it i• well ltno11'Q that Ameri- are powerleu without their help, and a!rl8 with Your BxcellCIOq tW r.t • matter into their own banda and Ull ployedill the eealilbery for all tho •-'• can •oaaele huo hem in the btSbit of that help m&J not be &I'COrdod to ua, in of a kinclrod natnre ,...,;...,.. ~ Yiolence io tho auert:ion of their rigbt:a? that f'roqueut the ice fieldl (Ill the coming d(lwn on our ec:aab for a eimplf to IUlt our local Yiewa, wbeu the tho inhabit&Dt:a of all part. of iJii. Such thin~t& ba,.. been done before an.d .... adjacent to ourcouta, and a. lf'riee oi year. for fl~bory purposes. iuroro.t:a of tho Empire aro IDYOIYod Maj ty'• miaiotlll,are tbe IDOl& eGa· we know that if a burglar io ... ~ .. a bundant capital iD tbebande or Britiab And Ol'on 111'-umin~t there hu befon" a iD the i•ue. 1f tho AmeriL'ana had UD· Yincin , tba~ loyalty totMOrowa IDDD'a houae and iojuroe hia property, aub.jecb earryinjt Oil the trade and buai• violatiun of Treat1 in thia C3te, it wu roetrain~ liherty to come down to thw and deYOtion to the P8raon and = the 01fDir ie loplly joati8ecl iD protect. bD.DlHID o( the colonr to ezpeod by no mean' an e:~ceptiarral in~~tance, countrrand &..honour eouta, ba-rinr, of'Hor Majoety are Dot men a iug hie lifo a.ocl properv 8Yeli eliould it atill mol'fl if eircumetaneea warranl this cin:uiDllt'llneo ha"rinst frequently oc- all tho adnnta)tO of free markot:a wbic.b eentimeut., but are deeply act ~ noeeuitato the cloetrudiOD of tho ofl'en- it. Bot they miaht depend upon it, curted without let or biodi'ILneo under thoy nuw ~u·- onr the Britieh pro. nent11 rooted io tho beUta of the Bd&­

For the Year Ending De\:. 31, der. In a limilar ID&DDOr waathe Go.-. Britiah capital ioYeeted io thil pre..•ari. former admioiatratione. Ho rt~ferrod duce, ho would concur iD the bon geo. iab poople thro~hout tbe world. 1870 ernment t.onnd to a..ort aod enforce oua ellterpriee would 1000 bp contrartod now to tho woatren &..herioa, aud to tleman'a Yiewa u to tho noteeasity of Our own atWr., Your lb..~Jt!nt1

• the pririlepa of the ~pl.o whoee if the bopee of th011 who wiah for tho ehow that if cho present Gonrment do- placiDJt a check upoo them. Bocauae juatl! obllrY"ee, are not .... :$ ~ . . . ....... tl.6U.I7U1 righLI bJ the coutitution the1 are ap. appearance of sny·more.MMiitltlk>'• are eerYed eoodomaatioo in tbie cue, pro- althou~h it may be argued in favour of than thoeoabroad. Willa a 8iaJ 11111""'·: " .. . . .... !!_~ pointed to wotect.. 'lt wu fa tile for are enn partially roaliJed. Such aeui. Yioue onee •hould have been on titled to permidion that tho operation• or the of more than abnnclaDoe, a

Tetll em pea.... ll,ltl.tall men baYiDg DO oonolltioll with tho eeal eidal POliCy would roealt io dririug it equal censuro,1et baYo we neYet heard etrnngers amongat ua would alford em- and Herring iahery, botla OD 0111' Ooenl ~to •r:-" Oh, tbrre ie no harm oot o~the ooun~ ~· Could it them denounced for inaction or hui- ploymeat to many fUbennen, coopere, and that of LabradOr, 'bJ:3~~

~£i.!2l1,100.00 , in thil .... coming ....... and engaging be that tbia enooaragement or tho ta titln to :~ ... rt tho rigbte of tho colo- and othen, and dillributo money a - 0111, and the adclitioaal alP' ..._., 1,1110.00 ~~ in the aeal &ellery;" bur 'l'tiD ifJt were Amerie&D• wu a rorerwmer of the ac· ni•ta. Again the hoc gentleman eeoma aaonget the peo~lo; the poeilioll they crops, the Colooy'e eop ot p~

PaW ,., 811

,.,._. eo harmte.., what. H would uk, were oompliabme!U of aaMution that we to impute impropri"'' to tbo GoYern· would bold ~m1ng here bot for a few ha1, by the bonnty of Pro'icliace; ._. r.llda. .. ......... treatieiH • almaclecl f'or itno6o be oblltfed P" baYO of late boatd eome talk about mrent ~1111 the1 bind to tho opinion week• or oaeb )'t:ar ...... widol1 dilfereat &lied &o the brim. fADCl wlullt ... ta1 ... • DiriiiiMI............... ••.no.u e ~ •1 man,. ~DI reuona .,by in the colonr P The hon. gonllelll&D o tllo CnlOJtial )liniltor and to tho from that of our own morchant:a who of our ospert. in ONip .......

1\-lal A•t.""-.t -;;p.11cy. aaeh ,. ... 11 aboaW Dot bit~ to (Mr. Thorbon) tnly J"'ID&rkod the Yiewaoftho Brituh GoYornmont. How, are eonetant roeideuta in the Colony, enabll'd the Morclaant to P" .,..,_. HeWtn Ill liTO ••••••••••• • 111141, t1l takeaeale witla tile COIIIIDt.of'thia Ool- otherdaytlw onrtl.elaenea wereu Yital be would uk,coold theractothenri• P and whoM capital ia cootiuuoaelr eaa. pondingl1 h lala rat. to the ... .,,,.

---· _._ OD1'~ How woald it be if a llritiah,.... ua u theaool ie to tlae boMIJ; and no Tboy 11'11rt! Dot ina plllttioo.Dor DOYer barked from year'• end_, year'• end. in ror tbe fruit or JUa 1abon, tM ~ fll 0.,.. "'"llo»to. 31, '70, t6.2a5,233.27 eel had a earwlO olllala MC111'elr puuecl matt. bow much ,. mar talk of our will be io a poeition to ditpale tho riowa pro4N!Cut:iug DOt only tL. leA!. &.bery tbe leading artiel• "'lmpOita ... nW ~ anc1- of.._. .......... wi~ sr-t- miua aad mineral• aad o&ber reeoorces, of the Imperial GoYorament io taattet. bt&t all the otber ilborioe of the COUD· at a eoaaparati....Jy loW ,... to 1M 7"!..., JPoiW..Iall!fdla 1170.,... • ..._~--off by 1tam1.o1 away oarleberiei&Dd mayu well like tbia, which wu a t'all widel7 dif· try. 'l'bt~ Britilh merchant hu in- ~-. We~Me

•,t, .~etJI,t~~ !-lea,_. ie- .afteMMcltalriq..._.U;wllere-. elearoot. Juteedof'Miloriqcllt- f....Uf'rom tlaecue put br the hon. t.teatofthe people a'~ beca011 Yov Blc:elll_nC7'a • ";;:! t..._r.:_e r P """ ha ..._ tile-a- for .... Briiilla 8abje:ot who leultiee ill;~ q~~Mh!Jo, he eoa· pntliiDDil in hilenclea'YCW to eetablilh their into,.. are to a ~t oxtoDt tlae marked im_pro••• ...W _. dlethe:.r D+ JtnO w:. JUH, '";~a': owalll·tlld pi'CIIMriJ P Jr a .t~ rriclerecl thal tl. aetiOD of the GoftrD· meooaii•CJ be&wten the condact of iUc1tical and in-..ono With each O• material. that 11M tal• ~ ~K• lljiTI .... ,... ~ the ••••• , JJee. ... - q1lildoa .......... ov OWQ........ ID.ellt ,.. -~ to iuo ...... them the Gofti'DIIient DOW aod upon former tber . . He aocl, hia family ~do among ColoaJiioce Yoar BmcfJ•~ .. s • ....... at.ID ,_ .-&. • ' .... ,. tM lllp!lll!lll oUbe 0.1. a.te troablea that it woald not be oeeaatobL : At tJ.e time inftallcecl by date, M f'eal81a the dutie.. aoc\.ia aaaea. IUIODI u. ucl we t.._lt TCIU' ,... __ ., ..... _ ..,...., .. ,_. to_._.. danl allar. He llelinM tbe laia the JapPI'ial Go'Nftlaut reflernil able to 1M o=:s· of • ci&ilea. Be ~or apprdraha

lf!.IMII'•~·-~-t~-..ll a. to _. t'OIIIItrJ arill .becam• aoerlaiaprOpoe.atotlae Le,W.tuN of Jl:llY.taDeto ao..r..•tto meet ' ~~ar:·z:: H""'".. ..P lfitpiOOMii•• tMOoloa~ Nqllla&iDC tlae. to p10- iM,abftltD• ~·~bJ JJI .._....._. ......W..t,or~niJapon lria~ .. ~w,.;, ..- ...

'1ii~ii~SiiiH5e~iilij~i -=.= lt .... iD ..:~fad coatri-ar.t=~~===~=t·rr: ~M = of... · ..... ~~~


....u, eaid that he had more pod ia 1-'l people. and more b.d iA 1o0d peopl., thaD be enr expected.

-To 'l'a.r. GooD Eooa.-PI&U .. ID ill w.ter ; if the butte tDra up ~.,.DOt fmh. Tbw i.l aa ialal~ .. riM to &. tioguiah good aod bad Ct«P·

'-Tbent if- IDOnDMII emicrsticna oryoun!f m..alrom Aluaoeud LoraiAe. ill ord!M" to aYoicl ~{Mr~~ cooeeripti3a. Many miplll t.l ~"rue. and many more to Aawrir&. r

. .J • -Warwick Cullo, the oob1elt IDOD ..

mentor r.uclal :Bqldcl, -atored to ite origi!l&~dear by pub. lie au~riptioa. --&aPiabmoo ~Dter eagt'rly into t h~ pro..fc:l. and .Am~rieaDI prca their claim• to a abare iD the CD· terpril ). n •i) '70 '1 I{

-The veat 1M t'arat die!CIW,fi' in South Atrica, ia t1id to ba•e di•corcrcd by a poor ad9t"Dturer i6tt w~~oll uf a hut wbt'n lie had· tetJM t re<~~. lta briJiiaoce tbooe fertt.'floela durn I• or earth r.nclatt~ ... .,.. the iortunr.te fi11der.

-Prini.'O .\utbor hu been .tarW with a plume from the Blac~ ·~··"' Pnl.<~~ir., bct~ute ~e i• Vil-toriA'I 19J, and two of tho grim old warriun ·wilD led the Pruui~~on annie. to •ictO". in FroQI.'e ~'o \>ceo o'\ualJy honored be­OQ'-'ao of their di.tingui•bed Mrneea.• •

~t i,. o~poctod tl\:it tho ~'"'1\1¥1 91 o~-..t Brataio for the financial h.,­endin.: tho Jut of March, will a­mount to £76,600,@.-~u lllliDO three :niUioo• in adrauce or wh:1t tho CbsoccUor of tbo .E.tchcqWlr' co~ntod on. f"" _,.

-In tllo Lcgieluaaro Of , VtA& a bill rcgula!in;.t lllllrria~ore l.aa ~ otrer cd. lt providea that main or liS yare and r,•malca of 12 1oara of IJII DIIJ' eontnact matria~o w 1th toutcnt .A J.&r· eob or guardian• but no alluai011 1. made to t.h• ~\un.lity •1,1tem,

J. , , ...

-Sit•am is alwava frctb, and ~ga .. l the t olid mntltr contained in the fed. •nter, whe•hcr it be ult, c:hallt, or 1'1-l!l'tahlo tub~tanee, is left in t.ho boilr r. With tweuty grain• o( •olid 111atttr Rfl' gnllon of wnter, the depadit 1n a boiler l'\":lpOrlltiug 2,000 goll0111 daily, WOuld in one ycrar, amouu~ to about one too

-.!. trcmoodt•u• ·~ne oeeured iD t~o French Attombly on tho 24th JanDa~'[ .. A dwv{, "'h.o ie alto hJlncbbaek~J ~· cd Nall{Juet, rropoa&iJ. the CQII•auoo ~~oleona f~~.m~y p~perty. Tho propmi1tioo wu rece1Yecl1nth about• of dene~n. ond only twen~y haoda wcru held up in ite fAvor. • • :

-The Grana Bub, .rbile iD Nt"W York, pruentt'd hia miniatn,.. portral~. in a frarue or bluo nl.fe\ and ~ld, to Mi-• Morao, dau,hter or Prol\!eM)r Alorao of telegrap!!Je (;me, with $befol· lin.; inarriptio11,,bit own hand: " 1 aee and am ailont.'' Mijla. llone ia a beautiful blonde o[ rue IW!tomplith· menta, and w.a greatly aclmirecl iA Pari• a yu.r or two ain_c:e. :. • , .

·•=·~iietJIIIB oN·-RUGU · ~.-~·lao1W i ... ~ ;etOt ~,t~{eat. tdt~ ....... and ' ~ • l • • ~ ~ · ' ,. · ' iog great lnru~lf:,,, 1alich f' w(luf.' htm ; bo ··~lcl ahcnr · 1ileil1J'~~·

. ._ a.ooxt~a"*illu; 'or ft't· 'l'r0111o'UB ~ouae witbi9 a •w..-aqt'a · ~ 1 'l'bitl m~k'. a~d he wd11fd point~~ U... "'''lld-u.&JrtW OF ftD DUbc&- boiojt the af&te of thi4itth~ £1'11U~d 't'¥ tho place 'll{h•ro \" iharka Of ~r

:ItwR Atto&iti-&u....-r."' l:fl'itctt: · eertainl7 wt~U Wd foc: 'the N\lllpt\lin , ~. ~~uld bO V Aogf'r went Dei•~ \~~fed. s 11 • • • '~ • 1

• Dot good. !Xat the baa, .Jeed.. H!lYing ~rr. th.!1'woulcl ~mombe:r, ~,for .8 • J.aiDo•, .1&1&1; ttl:..:Ancl Dow· eotnta made .-.- prelimhuu1 ' obat-fon~• J'OIII'I d gtohybuNOt~ whi(•b waa by fll' the till. .... •:IDt. &baia11 ~ .. Lehe11ope be ~o~ no'w etate • •hDl'tly the- ~10 ·grndeat Roman CAtholic coll~e io ibie wW. ..... to lay) botre¥M iotc~ting whids. til!! pl~it\tilr re:~•aire<l thom to ~~ cOWl try. N11 doubl bie educ:ation h:~d it ..a, be, frill' bo taaid in lou timo thAn liu'e. Ttie l~ned cu~nact thoo brielt'r bcou nuglcct~, and hence, ~doubt al • ...._.beea eooiumecl by. the plaintifft It l'lin ovct tho m11in rireumetane011 c:L•poJ<.., 10<\ hr.. educAtion \\' &11 not tbOrou~h -il two IMmdred and ah:ty ciA"' ainee the ed to by the pl><uatitf~ nnll -ail! that thi~~o :;till, ho bore hie pnrt, aod l alulll 1how t~oed. But thoro baa boon a wu \\'bat elo~n ~:entll·mc~""'"e mer you t<> dc:>m'>rut!'lltiou .that he bad a loag ncatioo and a tbort vacari->n, aald cb4nta, some iu tlw r~:wy', ~ome in lhu' rcnJO"'nablo 1\D.IOunt of I.atin, and oo ai­tlaecourtoolylllt-ior four daya in each Anlly, Anc:honw in.Jupo111l~nt a.:•·ntlemen, tcnd..~d vari'ou11 lecture• 011 chumiotry, ..-:- With all tDia tho atory uf t.he aU of tbetn i1~ t ho r11nk or En:.:IL•h gen~ aud other things, and 'Auocinted t boru e~am~Dt took Hftnt1 day11 to tell. To. trv-wt>re llli~Cd l <> bl'lieY~. No doubt " 'ith Lonl Arundel, ibo Bcrkcto~•. tho ~y:tbe atUt.f of tbO defendant com- tbo' atatemo'nt l•1 varioul' p~rts b.'\A O~:cn Bonumont~, nnd nrioua · other JOuog .eacod. lfpclblie iuternt bad At all aupported1bJI the te&tin\Ot•J or tn.'\Oj ~-tontloUUlo oi tb.o le,ading ~n:m· Ca­alackenod iJI tbi.e IDOCit !OIIWltle tr~l it gonticiw.en lj.. .. ll\tt wh~ 00 llhould noC tbolic rlllllilic~, and, if\ abort, lu: WU not frtillatM'd ap: ~lliu to d.u-, and Dnl:nnliH anv ooe word, but •~bo had bocll · eub nt nil tb.o puNOO t~t Mr. M c:>vm·k cho~o


~saur~nc ; . OF L

"N• _., .. ..bJ .. •1- it jootJ wer." ~ SUBSCBJREB.S

aa, e ~t ple:wli'O .io anoouociog t~ MCOrding to tho Gbo~c proverb, it ~ tlwir intoution, dll!'iug :he win. 'toT· month:!, to aoe everyooe

supplied with the rcquiaitea for t ho cold 11caaot1 at reallf

1lllp11rnllolled pricc8. They .,

hD,, on J.,.nds " wull .ci .. -et ed a88ort-


aore;iotellaethan ever. · Tho "ild011t jeetcd to inftuen~ whi,·h woul<l l t:l-V<" to pnint him Hd vi~itod al:so :1t vnri · rtuDOft W'8N atloat aa to wh.\\ •ho theo. cft.cet1'0d alutO!It nnybod~: Ho !Jnd ttl~~(} OUIJ pi!IC'Ool whitlt there, leVIlrul Of whi1·b *'1 of thdofoace would be, and long beon IIUJip<'rCcd IJy "auppOo!ccl r•••embl place~ tho pl:~iptiffdi~ not ~~·on recollect ~,.abe laou.r of• lbeebog a crowd n!ICll to R<l~cr Tlchborl\0. Thcru lU!I I when they 1v.•ru put to · hun.-I,le bo lNoeked the apptoAche• to tho court, eo thi~t, hoiYcver, to bo l'u~o~i. lcrOO. The rnmo n·r! intituMo alao with 1\lr. Nan.. **' DOhr\tb.taodiQf' the adcninlble po- flr:d &I H eM ~<'I\"' or hi· hr,. h(\ lw l nl I al••, nnd urcumpnnit-d him on lovo-malt. lil!e arraopmeot~t. iho ootranee to •bote most 1\bsolut~·ly f\II)IUttc• ~ n·,J l ho fuw 1 h!.! t'Sperlitions t<1 tb.e youn~ lady whom 'IIW'hQ ~ d.ll\iee> t o perforu& ia CGIVl~ fneta ho hnd,d,•p.oo!l.ldt.uo 1\'0 .• I•I bo>oho:.-u

1 he nttorwnrd~ u1.1 rriod. Another rit·.

siqn,w.ith the- cue wae rendered TCrJ to oo 'fubril·ntcd. Of hiA .:ull<ogo lifo ~e . <·utusttu~e ''ort~ uut.ico ."'u th:1t Hoger, difficult., \Vjtbin a fow of tbo could ~ollc•·t .~hiu~; ho cualtl unly rx••·t•\ I'll hOI\ qJI OO 11 rh1IJ, uevcr uat-d epeq.!ng ol tbe d.oor• lho ill eoodructed tell f:al~cll-JOds. Ho W:\11 nlt~uth. I' t hu "'' 'rJ" "ln.'\0\UIIl" 1\1"1 " pnp&," but aud lDCOO.-r,micut eourL 'II:U most undo- WI"'OI~ i n rt·rl'!\111"0 to tho numlx•r of l &l~ny~ •· modiOC'" nnd "fnther," 'll'bns• .airalJ}y erowdc:d. • . . aciiOit\:a tiud of tho " PhituMphi'N," to

1 t hi.-t fel11111' U10ed the wnrd •• mamma"

aooo1n~J.·WJNTER GQODS5 ~·thO patront~go of CASH l3UY. • BRS, whO wil! io All cniiCII be: sn\ ils

At l1 .o'dock the Lol'\l Chief J uatJNI ~hi.:h au::u•~ bed~' Ro\ger bolon~ed. Ho 1 fil\t•eu t im~~ in tho coltr.<o of one fette r took hi• ICio'- upou tbo bench, and t'tocolledcd uothiu:t. or spuku ouly l to Luly Ti"hboroe. Tho ·lllarn•-d geu.

··-- -;ar,--U~~MIIW<'l"Cd *'» tbeiHULI7\el\ fal•ehood, in reference to hi£ a- tletnllll rt>ad a n~bor of~ lo(tbn~ ·fwrit­-~ni• o.f tho d:\}' eommOilC" mlisowon~. 1111d of tho hfb in · tbt> nruay too by ~or iin~rl,Y to a how tho etyle eL · be reeolle•·ted nothin~. but wh"' Car. 1 ill IYhich be w~ and t o enntrn•t it ,_.long diacuasioo took plllCo b~tweeu ter or McKenu euuld L:tYo told him iD ' with toot or tho pt:ointitf : !lnd ho nl•o ••, ()~and tho Lonl Chiur Justice a few c:byo~. Uf thu V••ynJ(O to South A· l n.·ad two letteN from him t o Lldy 't.-. t:o ~grounds upon which His Lord- merica. he kne"' nuthin;.{ but what eonld Uoug •ty-tlfouutofhundn:.od..-thougbt tllip had t"Ojec:tod the evideoeo whil·h had bo gathered from lcttl!rll in thu poi!C«- ~ tho plaintiff l'Ould !'ot rocullo.:t that he }lc,n k'/ldercd to aho,w that a pereoo. •i··n o1 L;L •y Dou~hty. uf ~lt·lliphilln hnd .-~or written •o t h.'\\ bJy in hia lift:. wbJI•t ' rcx'Ollcctios other thing~. mighc ho bAtt. 'uQ d·IUllt, a rcculluctiou tbnt Cuuhl l\ UUlll ~ouillly htve f011(uUon forget hie mothor tonguo. . wu f\111, but it would be sbo1vn beyond t h:1t hu had wntten ~uc)1 lcltcr•?

Tho Lord Chief Justice aaid that tho 11!1 doubt th:1t Roj!er w:L!' uuvcr in tho I t •• hi~ milita ry life it \'ould n<>t bo pro· ~bility that thia might hAppen hAd plneo at nJl. Of thu 1\'re..•k ho 0'1\v told teudt.~ thAt he Will a good 1\0c\ llCCOIIl• t>Mn eont.idered by. tho defendant'• A tin uo of nb&urditic~ which could not rli~he<i offi.:or, but. oo was DCTer tlmt Nuoscl. The ndrieore for tho plninti4", btl n.·odero.J muru llbdUN by ero:s.s·OX· 11.,.'\n thllt tho learned scrjCI\n• (:Ur. Ser­holfe"r, might call witncuea to prove llU.illlltiou. Tho ship which picked him I jcnut Bnllrmtiuc) rcprc11uulcd him. Tho thi.t it' llad' 11Ctunllt occurred, if they ur. llfhich nt last hu bad tolen~bly com. pi:U .. titra po;ition lfn~ thnt in t!Je wit. tbo~M ac.··: . . ruitted himsolr to ... thu •• 01pr,.v," 1\ IIClll box, hu l'Ould not dcv!:lop more M~RO.aliodL:ma'GIUl; 'll'&aeQ}]ed,i.n- tbreo-11'\Mtcd ahip, with her ravtain and u,,,, a fuw'"-lnost miJ~~rablo Ill' raps of

to tie wilDCM·box. crew, ha<l ulttappcr~rcd into 11pnce, nud no I mil:t.1ry koowlod~e. NCII.r one of Rog-Tbe,Lotd Chief Ju.aueo ~aid the po~<i· trac.e hnd Iince over ~'t'l\ heard of t ho cr'a qu:.I'Ulr~ there \\'111 t ho famou~

ion oCOla matter w., thiot-tbat ho 1'Cuel or men. Ho would show (I) de. Mi<·hacletOIVU Ct~.veru,and :here wa~ Ill· woulcl'adwit or~ueo to ahow the posei- monat!'llto tbt\t ll~or had 1101, 118 tho • C! tho Rock of CMhel •. tho eeutre of a ~ilitj or thi• rortiotCuloeaa oeeYrring, pL.intifl'anid, had ~y q~rrel ··haton~r f.n::tt d\141 o.f tho eiril nil~ t'Cclcs~atical btl$ abould reiec:~ o~ideoce t<> ebuw the wit!\ hia lather, and ve' ;t WUII t<> boeup. li.!tory of Irelaud, ond both thcae placos frobabi!ft1 of it. llo WOuld not Bdmit poted that he bad neYer eommuniratecl Ro~ur Wl'Ot to aoe. and wrote well 1\ ·

evidence to ;how that urio~ pt>raon• with tbo r:~mily from thr timo oi thoj bout thl'm, and hi•. lette r" abnwo:l that lwi'Corgottoo their mother toogue to wreck until l l:l6a Ho h:ad mn.ncv l\l he could uot have been the low, dirty eatabliab.tbo ioferenco that tho plAin tift' Gly o'a and at Huth'll ; bo 1\'rul, bo Mi•l. I r uffi11n and linr tbnt l\1 r. B:~igcnt and biiD881f mij;ht hAve dono eo: in troublo aod di:strc~~. auu vet ho nefer thu ll·uned ~erjcnnt l~t~.c:i pr.-tcnJed tbnt

The witoeaaaaid, iu 4011\VCr to Mr. drew upon eithe r ur !JwiiO !L-1111\. El~v- h.- 1\'1\.• • . A• be hAu llllid, ltO).!I'r wroto Uiffard ,.:_yam a uativo or P, and en r~rd, aocl tbeo, CIII,'U).:(•d, as be Will, huudrcd~ of lclt('rR to Ladr D tlUghty, )iYed there unlil I u tweoty ; I IUD in a mcniall'a!Ja<"ity, he mn.dn tbill dnim. !Jut nut ono to Mill.i Dou:;hty, whil•t tho 'no,.. forty-four. I epoko German and \Vheo it eommcoecd, thi~ wr.n, with £1,- al\nw tn:ln could uot r\'eullc~t · writing 'Foliah thlifl. · , 000 a yenr, wroto t o Mr. Ui!Jbe& .- noy tiiu~l~~t letter to 14ldJ Douj;hty,

Q. Can you now uod ntaud the Po. "Pleue let me hnro £L bcror•• you go whilst bo t housht it probable that lio lith langun(;e? hom!'." As;nin :-" If you l'Ould •puce '~rotu tu. tho youn~t lndy.-Tht>re wu : A . I beli.ove not , io '}IY childhood I me £2 I should be obliged, "' 1 "·nut to no duub\ nu iutiwntl' relat)ou . between • 1pole both languagea; I \''118 tAught both acttlo \\'itll Ca.tor, tho bak<•r." Furtbor. Rn~cr nnd lUs eo.u.llin.KAte, Bod the real l.lnguagea a~ lk:hool; I Ti.\l'e tried to m_ ore, when writiu~ ~;;nin bo ~·kl!ll fl)l' fu.-t,s Wl'rtl thl•ao. It muat be promi110ci

· •peak Poliah KUlDJ tim~ but could n1o~, bt:cauac ho did not kuo1v bow bo tiUlt Mre. lt;a,ddi!Te will on hor oath de­uot. ~ abo livo uutil thoy 1'\:Ct"ived I••HcN. ny t'1'cry p~~rtidu <•r ~hu ~t:_l'O.t and abom.

· ~ Ilad you ~mand o£ Pofub fro Eoglnnd,Bnd thnt hu \fl\3 more iuablu lll:&ndl•r tht hnd been uttored ~tily<ill wero twenty? liko •• A UUlllic (mnniad thnn 1\ 11. or ~air~t bcC' by. tho plah tilf. . A. Yea i I could •peak nrr well, B. K. (prolbnbly a Barone t of the Brit,. Tho jury intimnte·J thnt it Wl\4 deaira­write and real it; I left my nntii'O iob Kin.~;dum), (hughtcr), to tbi1.k t hnt ble tb:ltlh.onrl'llugement tlut t hey 11bould

f(t: • ·•lte'l: u., t9J~ •• ,. -~k. . . . . , be.. ..t. tllere 10 1S6G, l.ntl I waa not thoo aole such a ovel. hie t c j ury wo:ro n~k· hct~.-d to etnct y. '0 eounrae with my O'll"n rolatiooa io lld to bohrve wu thl' man whu hnd plt·n· Tho Attorucv G cneml thnt it

: l'oliah. t,y'of money in two of thu fit~~t eommur· nuw onlr 1vnnted 61·e minutes ~o tho The Attoroey General, Sir J oboDuko ciA! houa~s in t hu 1\'0I'Iu. Tboy ll'ure hour ; 111iu nw l uis p~ rticular bn~nch of

Culorid~;e, then began ht, ukcd to bulieve th:Lt the slis;htl}•- mnde the aubjcl't mwt tnko some time it wn• OP~l~O roa Tn& DEFEliCE. Rog~r Ticbbor•!e h:td, in twclro ycar11, bdtcr t hat thuy should adjourn at

'l'he eJJremo bitteroe.t~,s of hia epeech, uc1·elop!'d into t he DIM!! o£ flesh lfhit·h onco. o[ which I give tho aubstnuco, may bo th"! b~ for so m:wy fllAI'I' scun bofnre

· uplaioed in two waye-it ri:uly bo the tl:ow. T his u: i;:ht bo po~~iblc: hut wn~ Thcro nrc more thnn ~no thousand booeat expreuion of tho lonrncd ad-ro~ it pouible t hnt tho hi.:h~mindcd, ehiml. rlitr .. reut kinds of Pilla in t ho Uoiled cato'• feeling~~ or it ~j bo t ho moro roue Roger could iu t he timu bn,·n rio:. States. l')oiJio of them Bro worthle11 trick or ODe 11·ho eete on tho weJI.k.nown l'CiopeJ into tho r:lSl'41 tho plaintilf \1'118 I nnol iujuriouB, othN'll nrc gnod. ADd bene. z:ule which direct. ooo "':LO has uo dC' - adm1tted to be? H e wn~ 1 m-d lor hnt11u fldnl. ~ld Ur. Pal'!luna invented tbn

'fuee to abuaethopwnt:JT. T ho At. ate:~lio~. he IV:III ll t·omu•on ,\udll".tl~,n bC'~t Ant .~. ilious pill we ever MW or : toron Genf'ral~aid bo hAd lived long thief, and it w:1~ impo'-i ulu t h·it lt•l;.:•· r hcnrd u: They aro now •oltl under . eoough in'the pz::Lctiee of hie profeuion with no rc:~eun to •·o:npcl hi:n, wohld t he- nnmu of P:\ RiOSS' PURGATIVE •(o know' that it wu noceuary for him become tbe lo'" ruffi:\11 and. thu n~~u..iatu l'lLLS. with all Lis eoergy f~r the etriet oi ruflinus th:at t he pla111 tilf un<loubll·dly Tho m-.,-o-d-ia_rc_a_to_r_cd_t_o_puritJ aod

; a¢entiun c;>ftbo jury. · 1Tho advantage wu ? H is motht!r's amd hili 11unt'• hea lth : t 'lo N erfes anu MUIICiea aro ofthAUi"t ;wo'r,d wae ~t, nnd t ho names wero all gouo from hiu•, whil~t nt ~tNI•l!t~n~. whileiuberculou. or COil•

.JIWDtiJl"f •tory '14-u eo etninge, that it tho 13010 t ime ho rewembC'reu fuUv tho ~umllttvo d&pll!lit i• ret:udod br the 010 ' !f:~ha\'e made a groat improaeioo. D:lmCII of tbirtcco ur fou •tct•o JICri!OIIII ul r'ELLOW~' OOllPOUNDSYRUP

+ • c!utf, ~'weYer1 11'ai to contend tb:1t nt Melliphilla , where ho aaid ho hnd on· OF H YPOPH~Pl:lll'&i.. • a tbe h9f111 ot the Tichboroo family lJ been for.. threu weeki!. Where Aiao

:w,re '«Direct in tho young J.aa who was did the plaiut itr. th11 bcir •o the g['('at ' llia client, and that tho

1 nob1e 'lady hie Tiebborne fnmi.y, ~.:o, when at ChriiltmAII.

motbor wq Dot !o be cut down from 1800, he 1:\uderl io this <·ount':Y i'-hc .. tbe.poaitioD Occ:upied by her and her went to the Globe Inn ut W nppmg, a.ok. ;'Child b1·tbe audaCiou. ee\emn of an t'<l queetione u to tho Orton fa~il.v, ' lmpoat.J1', & purjurer, & fott~r, AlUla Yil. with metobere or whi1·h he put himM1f •taJc: {ApplaUio.) · in commu'nit'lltion nnt d:ly. Ho went

~:J!e LOrd Chief 1uetiee uitl that n-> doiii'D to Tichborno 11JUf!lcd and io die· ''14ch.demo~on u thQ could be tol· guie41, and ho did not · C!Pl-'know tile · eratecl, aod 'theiefore ·if mU.t Dot bo ro· "-olllle wheo bci eaw it uittil ho ukcd old ·JIP-tecl. · · Charle1. G roy. He wout to, eco his u1n1' • Tbe, _Anoru•IY mother al.o, in compAny with a etrange

att.oroe1 aud a ~tootleuum wh~m hu had l'icked up in a billiard I"'O•m noAr Loo­!luD :Sii~e, ~d wh9,introd\K'ecl him to the a~oattornuv. Thi• wM the waY in which -ho rao to ihtt Je4roiog embrac'C\ of hie mother, who 11·u uid to baYe. re­

i.&od him io the p~nco of.Holm .. , . ""d o( Cu1he,1to, one ot -;bom

DaYo beeo cal fed to give ~Yideore u to

Birth. -- 'C -·--~----~

On l''rida,r laat, tlle wife of CaptAin Heor1 Cluou, or a

Deaths. At New Glugow, on 'Wed~Hda1

night,', ult., of COOJilmp~on,\n tbe 621ld 1ear or hie age, Mr. Darid Adame, ~nat ave of Bmdford. · Now lUmP-.hi'!'> U. ~ .• and for a number of Je&re :s. rea&• deot of Elarbor Grace, Newrouhdt..nd.

SuddeniJ, at Grand ~arrowe, C. B.', on the 6th inet., Mr. Roderick McN'e}l. 1'he doeeued WAI woU koowo m St. l11hu'a aod llarbor Grace. ' ·

i.. .A.ftM tMa the plaiotilr U lll' Jariou~ ~a }e id~tif! h~; bnVt tllie part Ql dw CU8 DO Ontt W{~lla WU Nell . a. lone, and none bad DeeD aeeu wiHaotit a f pNrioue app¢ntment. H., hd IOOD

' ). .. ~' .. , ~ ~ . ', . . -:. ·-·) ' . ~ . . " " - . . . . ' r., Y/1 • ._ / ,1. ~ .._ I .... .,


PXRBI~(~~.:!'.m . .. ~ . . '

Cun.u..-·tw~O~ OYS' 81'0. I I

A.'<.'{t'.LL RlTilWE Flu . P&.Elll11ll~ ..... .. ~ ........ £180,000

.-\..' REve:cv._ Llu Pru:if&Olb ... ... , . .. . ..... £11(),00()

.-\.s;o;u.~oL R~o:n:.'OJK rao l:rr&a-. EST uros IN n 'I:'u:i»s.

NUJU,:J .. . ... , .~ . ..... .. . £~


Lo~DON~! ~~gate. Sheet ~III!RDEEN ~ Stree$.

[osumneell etrcct.ed ·~roperty io 'If ew foundlaud at c~ Ra.tea ofPrvr.i-Ulll. ~ • ~

ProspectusoS-F9rma er ~pplication for Firu and LJ~ loJurU..:e and All other I nr.:>rmation .:'11 ~ obtAiued at tb6 Office of l•

.A. 0 . JlAYW ARD, :0 t. St. J obn'a,

Agent for Ne11i'oundland. Julr 1, 1.870. · "

PHCENIX Fire Assur&4e


Lombara Street ~ ,Pbaring OroSI

. -- ~p~::--: EsTABLISHED 'lN

~rnstees nnb ~irectors : Sir J. Luhboek, B&rt~;!'-1 . Whirinfr, B•4 M. l'~ F.K.S.J. iOeaooclHantour1 .Baq

Otcimu• Jlurloc, Hooron S.q. Tranrr Buatoo. E.q. ~no. J). ~b~t~n• P.t~q. Ron. Jamea Brnl(. Beniamin Sbaw E~ J ohn Clutt.on, ~. WJ. Tbompeon Etq. U. B. Coop~. bq. H. H. Toulmin, Raq. J ohn C. n,wia. l!lq. C. B. Uoodu.rt.Eaq. 0 . A. iullfr, E.q. • A. Gordun, ~

0..0• ge vr. J..onll, Btq., B«:rdary. • . · lohn l : Broomlleld, 4fuWOIIt S«rd a1J1.

f be l'ltO~U'TJ rUl>l~ aod LIBERALITY ,."ia!l wliich ell elai1111 upon tbe

ban ~fD paid ere •Ill kMwo,and tbt con­' inuat incrc•au•g bu•inHt o ( the Company, ,.,.IUilrll.ltiltdl .,.,..) ill uu•,.,.u, ahew 111• b1gll pueJUou It huld• in pll'lho ea\ima· lion. .

Annual and a'lloct &illlf lnaurancea ar• ef· (, eied :m'almoet eflfJ kind Of J!IOptrtJ lo ~•wf~M~ndl•IOd on tbe m~t rnor-.ble terma.

Rllka aDd p•rtleulanoflnauraou 11117 bt '11d oo applleal1oo to .

W . & G . RE~DELL, • • ST. JOU!I'I,

Agtllh ) or"lif;II!JfouttdlPd, or to W. o .. .WOOD, ~. Barri.atr·•t-Law,

. U.aa11oa Oucz. Stpt.8.

each pNteD..Ied friend of hil in company . io thi• .nth an ,attoroe1; ~t wu tbia a oatur- ·QODU'D ar.'D'D'•'II VQIIIYQE THIS

.......... ,-- of al or~ p.roCeedlng.? 1toger Char- • y .D.DD .aDD.... ~ ,1;~ • • <At:nPII~J'. loi nc~bcirne would ralbel' ba1'8 wet. • • ' _ __._

.. .• ,_.....:....._.,,... "'#(.:.:..~ . . ..6 (,,,

• e.1111ed ~ frieoda opeo.Jr. and w~t hw fear, . • , _

I J.~ .. ~~ :!'- ~.'~ ~ ~. abo'uld of thp

&M atad 1t~Y eodlp~lg

Ulc:iua·~ ~ul-

· fled with their effort& to pJ:c:.Me · :w.d their bbulow reduc-

t ion.

J;ook out for Ull11!~U

Muffs, Bo.v, uti.~ CroJSovcre and 1·:uious

W oolcn Gootla, L lnona, Cnlicoca

Towelinge and generAl Dmpery_.

Eloo'ta cb Shoes l ndia Rubber do

Oil Floor Cloths, CarpetiDge Paper Hnnt:in~ot

Meo11' Stroot; Boots for winter wenr Ll.dil·ll' clo. clo.

Oil Suitl', Cutlery J c'll'elery

- 4 lll>-



,.Let oo oM be lon~t•r oppreiW'r! •i• h tl,r DOiiOD I hal hi t maf~Jy U WuPhl~ lill ' lh•Af' purif,inj( Pilla h4•~ h..d a (Air lri· l. A r •• dutea will -r~ntOwe tllr ''"' '" urot.,,t tom•, and th~"fore comvl~l~ l \ c"nuul,.ll dlturdrrtd "lion ... rou•t thft lnrpid ti\ Pr,l•• lit•t t~.~ o~olructrtl kidr.n•, ctran•• ; J.tol­pu~ bl<~l\ll, ani! coo fer on ••Or) f11~u11 "la our. ) ·~ _

impurities of the Uloo TheM wonderful Pills are v'.ila;~.,···~

humbl .. t h~•u•h• a• w~ll •• l~th• ~ j,r com(urt IIIJ wuhb. l'bn .-~~~-llilfoa ;:h opuri&cetlon throuxhout &hw • ·~ ·_m\rJIII • witbout •iaorderin~t the natural act1.1111 tof any oraan, end aradiavl'. lho • 11•rm• • f complaiott wbicb oooeigo &ena of tbouaantla to ao urly grau. Indigestion, Bilious Complaints,

and Sick Headache.

·-Hlo.,es r· Slo.,es/1 .. \ ~ . ..

cooKING, PAatoR ~o.·41iAtl. .srav£e.· GO~HIQ ·GH~A~ESl

11N Tr'ARB, KEROSENE OlL, L.~MPS.altll CDIMYETS • ._ • • II ' I • _. ._ f

P~r &a:1e 0~~-~

Imme~tely opposite the Ker.cantile P.remiset-.ot-·~· Punton & Munn.

: ...... ~-~.'!i. is ~rtparrb ta rrtcntt focif\ Sntncsa llltb ~CSJattt aU Job~

apJcrtaining t(r ·i~e atoir ~rgurtmrnts. . ! H arbor Grace, F~:b. 21. 1872.