ukriz publishing articles in journals

Publishing Articles in Journals Why and How!!

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How to publish articles.. esp in an endodontic perspective..


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Publishing Articles in Journals

Why and How!!

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Should I write a manuscript?“Scientists are rated by what

they finish, not by what they attempt”

Science must be communicated to exist◦Published articles are the medium◦Results do not become scientific

evidence without being published

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Do I have a story to tell?Have you done something new

and interesting – original and innovative??

Is there anything challenging in your work??

Is the work directly related to a current hot topic??

Have you provided solutions to any difficult problems – based on sufficient, robust data??

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Do I have an Audience?More original and innovative,

more people interestedLocal or international audience?

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Choosing the Right JournalDoes it fit the AIMS & SCOPE of the

Journal?Is the Journal invitation only?Evaluate the quality of the journal

and probability of acceptanceReadershipCurrent hot topics (go through

recent abstracts)Submit to only one journal at a


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Process of Publication

Submit a paper

Basic requirements met?


Assign reviewers

Collect reviewers’ recommendations

Make a decision

Revise the paper


[Revision required]



[No]Review and give recommendation



Author Editor Reviewer

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Organisation of Manuscripts

Title Reflects content, entices reader

Author Ensures recognition of the researcher

Abstract Summarises research & conclusions

Keywords Ensures correct identification of the article in abstracting & indexing services

Body Text

Introduction Puts the work into context

Methods Explains how the data was collected

Results Describes what was discovered

Discussions & Conclusions

Explores implications of the findings

Acknowledgements Ensures who helped with the research are recognised

References Ensures previously published work is recognised

Supplementary Material Provides online additions, such as raw data, video & audio.

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TitleDescribe the major emphasis of

the paperReflect articles content clearly &

preciselyAs short as possible – simple,

catchy & specificMain advertisement for the

articleOmit abbreviations, jargon and

unnecessary words

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Unnecessary Title Phrases

A Study of… A Study to Determine Results


An Innovative Method…

Contributions to (of)…

Investigations on (concerning, about)…

Observations on…

A Trial Comparing…

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AuthorsIntellectual contribution to

researchTake responsibility for data &

conclusionsApproved the final version of


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Keyword ListList of important words that

reflect the researchUsed by abstracting and indexing


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AbstractSummarise the study objective,

the method, the results, the conclusions

Describe the new contribution made by this study

250 word limitWritten last by many authors –

Use past tenseOmit references, figures or tables

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IntroductionBrief – Provide context & backgroundState clearly the problem being

investigated, the background that puts the problem into context, the reason for conducting research

Introduces and defines terms and abbreviations

Explain any findings of others that you are challenging or extending

Lead the reader to your hypothesis, if relevant – briefly!

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MethodMaterial & Methods \

Experimental MethodsProvides readers with enough

details that they can replicate your research

How you studied the problem, identify the procedures followed

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MethodIf methods are new, explain them

in detailIf published before, name and

cite previous workIf modified, refer original work

and include your amendmentsIdentify equipment, describe

materials, specify source, if variation in quality of materials

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MethodFrequency of observations, types

of data recordedPrecisely describe measurementsName statistical tests used to

validate numerical resultsUse past tense, avoid first person

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MethodIf human participants involved,

include ethics statement – patient’s informed consent, permission to publish

Outline criteria used to select participants, the relevance of criteria

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ResultsPresent findings objectivelySet them in logical sequence

based on tables and figures that best present the findings

Raw data is rarely includedData is analysed & presented in

form of tables, figures, graphs & description of observations

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ResultsInclude legend for figuresDo not interpret results –

Discussion & conclusion

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Discussion & ConclusionWhat results mean, specifically in

context of what was already known about the subject

Link back to introduction, refer to the question or hypothesis

Indicate how results relate to the expectation and the literature cited

Results contradict or support previous theories?

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Discussion & ConclusionExplain how this research has

moved scientific body forwardConclusions should be directly

supported by results, avoid undue speculations

Suggest practical applications and outline next steps in your research

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Make sure:Results directly support your

conclusionsUse specific descriptions and

quantitative expressionsUse already established termsBase all interpretations and

speculations in fact

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AcknowledgementsInclude names of individuals who

helped you with research: contributors, suppliers

Disclose any financial or other conflict of interest

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ReferencesAny information not from your

experiment, and not ‘common knowledge’ should be acknowledged

Any quoted text should be within quotations, and should include a reference

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Supplementary MaterialAdditional content like raw data

or video footage, if useful for the reader may be included online

Raw data tables, audio or video footage, photographs, complex 3D models

Maybe included as Appendices

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PresentationReport findings and conclusions

clearly and concisely as possibleEach journal has specific style:

write in it to increase chances of getting accepted

Keep it simple – avoid unnecessary words and phrases

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Grammar tipsUse active voice when possiblePresent tense – for known facts

and hypothesesPast tense – for experiments and

results that you conducted

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Language QualityCorrect grammar, spelling and

punctuation – smooth review process

Enables focus on academic merit

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Cover LetterWhat and why you are submitting

to the journalName the corresponding author

and contact addressInformation to support your

submission – original data, relevance, etc

Relevant details of work with humans, animals or other biohazard method

Details of any conflict of interest

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Peer ReviewAct as filter – ensure only good

research is publishedDetermine validity, significance

and originalityImprove quality of the research

submittedConsider your methodology and

ethical approachRecommend the editor to accept,

accept with revisions or reject

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What gets accepted?Attention to detailsCheck and double check your workConsider the reviewsEnglish must be as good as possiblePresentation is importantTake your time with revisionAcknowledge those who have helped youNew, original and previously unpublishedCritically evaluate your own manuscriptEthical rules must be obeyed

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Responding to reviewersComplete additional experiments if

neededAddress all comments in a point-by-

point fashion◦ Resist the temptation to prepare an

impassioned response to points with which you disagree

◦ Stand firm (diplomatically) if that is truly the right thing to do

Sincerely thank the editor and reviewers for helping you to improve your work◦ They have invested a lot of time, mostly on

a voluntary basisAsk a neutral colleague to review your


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Ethical responsibilitiesIntellectual honestyAccurate assignment of creditFairness in peer reviewTransparency in conflicts of

interestProtection of human and animal


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Redundant publicationDefinition

◦ Using text or data from another paper/prior publication (usually your own) in a new paper

◦ Also called auto- or self-plagiarism

How to avoid◦ Do not include

material from a previous study in a new one, even for statistical analysis

◦ Repeat control groups as needed

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Human and animal welfare issuesDefinition

◦ Treatment of experimental subjects that does not conform with accepted standards and journal policy

How to avoid◦ Obtain

prospective IRB/IACUC approval for the study protocol

◦ Do not deviate from the protocol

◦ Obtain approval for amendments as needed before altering the protocol

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Authorship disputes

Definition◦ Disputes arising

from the addition, deletion, or change in the order of authors

How to avoid◦ Agree on authors

and their order before starting the study

◦ Ensure all authors meet criteria for authorship

◦ Sign publishers’ authorship forms

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Duplicate publication

Definition◦ Submission of or

publication of the same paper or substantial parts of a paper in more than one place

How to avoid◦ Do not submit a

paper to more than one journal at a time

◦ Wait until your paper is rejected before submitting elsewhere

◦ Withdraw a paper if you decide not to re-submit after being invited to do so

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Data fabrication/falsification

Definition◦ Changing or

making up data in a manuscript

◦ Intended to “improve” the results

◦ Includes digital manipulation of images (blots, micrographs, etc.)

How to avoid◦ Present the exact

results obtained◦ Do not withhold data

that don’t fit your hypothesis

◦ Don’t try to beautify images with Photoshop - any manipulations must apply to the whole image

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Unacceptable figure manipulation

Improper editingImproper groupingImproper adjustment

◦ Authors should not Move Remove Introduce Obscure Enhance

any specific feature within a image. Images should appear as captured in the lab

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Definition◦ Taking the work of

another◦ Copying a figure,

table, or even wording from a published or unpublished paper without attribution

How to avoid◦ Provide citation to

the work of others◦ Obtain copyright

permission if needed

◦ Do not copy exact wording from another source, even if referenced, unless in quotes

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Conflicts of interest

Definition◦ Real or perceived

conflict due to employment, consulting, or investment in entities with an interest in the outcome of the research

How to avoid◦ Disclose all

potential conflicts to the Editor and within the manuscript

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Advice to AuthorsRead the instructions and format your

paper exactly to standards.Don’t be careless Good English worksBrevity is beautiful Brevity usually

delivers the message more clearly, gives the journal more pages for other authors, impresses reviewers.

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Prepare Your Manuscript Carefully Incorrect style irritates reviewers and

editors, and the wrong style suggests that another journal previously rejected the paper

Edit carefully◦ Eliminate spelling, punctuation, and grammar

errors◦ Good writing requires rewriting

Check accuracy of references with original sources◦ Incorrect citations inconvenience the publisher and

are a disservice to the readerDouble-check numerical data

◦ Numbers in abstract, text, tables, figures, legends, and text must be consistent and correct

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“There is no way to get experience except through experience.”