ukraine: introduction to ukrainian life and reasons of all our troubles in 2013-2014 by viktor...

What is going on in Ukraine?

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Post on 29-Jun-2015



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Presentation was made at the end of July 2014 in University Federal of Minas Gerais, Belo-Horizonte, Brazil. Audience - interested brazilian students. Here is introduction and description of our usual life through the eyes of a Kyiv's citizen. Here I'm saying about history of Ukraine, about usual life, about our problems and successes, about our politicians, about revolutions, about war agains russian terrorists. Presentation took little less than 2 hours and students were satisfied enough to applause looong time:)


  • 1. What is going on in Ukraine?

2. General InformationPopulation - 45 millonsTerritory 603000 km - 5.7% ofwhole Europe 2nd biggest countryUkraine administratively divided on25 regions 3. General Information Kyiv is a capital ofUkraine, populationaround 5 mln. Other big cities: Lviv,Kharkiv, Odessa,Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa Official language:Ukrainian Used language: Ukrainian 53%, Russian 46% 4. Short introduction to the History 5. Landscapes of Ukraine 93% of plain land 7% of mountainsAll of them inCarpathians 6. How we live in Kyiv? Our usual lifeWhat we see everyday? 7. Weather and Climate 8. Weather and ClimateWe have 4 different seasons 9. Autumn is golden and rainy 10. Winter usually supercold up to -30 11. Last winter we got this it was acatastrophe 12. Spring is beautiful best time to visit Ukraine 13. Except March all the snow convertedto water 14. Summer is super hot. Now is around +40 15. Transport 16. Metro 17. Buses, Trams, Trolleybuses, Marshrutkas 18. Our most popular cars 19. Food 20. We buying food in street markets,supermarkets and small shops 21. Eating in the cafes and restaraunts 22. Also we have a lot of malls and we love them 23. Houses and Neighborhoods 24. There is a typical Kyiv neighborhoods 25. Here is we live 26. Summer Kyiv 27. Education 28. Kinder gardens, Schools, Universities 29. Villages 30. Some of them are in good condition,some of them are very poor 31. Our problems 32. Troubles with economy, poor people,drunks, drug addicted 33. Gopniks, corruption, soviet mentality Gopnik (plural gopniki, gopota, gopary) is a sub-culture native toRussia and post-Soviet countries, characterized by squatting,aggressive behavior, specifically towards the weak, a predilectionto the Blat criminal subculture, and abuse of alcohol 34. So, it is good. But why we see you inthe news every day???? 35. So, it is good. But why we see you inthe news every day????Ok, lets talk about politics 36. Intoduction 37. Introduction 1991 Ukraine gotindependence 38. Until 2014 we had 4 presidentsKravchuk KuchmaYushchenko Yanukovich 39. Until 2014 we had 4 presidentsAnd no one was a normal person 40. Kravchuk (1991 1994) Was a soviet partyworker Started privatization Oligarchs era startedbecause of it Was lose presidentelections in 1994(which was organizedbecause of protests) Pro-russian 41. Kuchma (1994 2005) Soviet party worker Let the Oligarchy become huge Didnt touch Donbass, let himbe independent and controlledby criminals Didnt stop the bloody 90s Implicated in the murders ofjournalists and competitors Very pro-russian 42. Few words about bloody 90s 43. Few words about oligharchs Guys becomerich becauseof bloody 90-sfor few years Racket,murders,stealing theway guysseized thecountry 44. Donbass Land of miners A lot of coal andnatural gas The generations ofcriminals. At SSSRtimes here weresent criminalsfrom whole SSSR 45. Donbass 46. Yushchenko (2005 2010) Came to the presidentposition after OrangeRevolution Had a good reputation As a prime-minister (1999 2001) wasnt bad Start to be colder withRussia and warmer with USand EU At 2006 start cooperationwith Yanukovich andconverted to nothing 47. It was a choice: pro-europeanYushchenko and pro-russian YanukovichWith a lot of falcifications Yanukovich got more votesVSBut people was not agree 48. Orange revolution 2004 - maidan 49. Orange revolution 2004 - maidan 50. Orange revolution 2004 - maidan 51. Yanukovich was defeatedPeople was happy. We really starteddo believe in better future 52. He was a coward so startedcooperation with Yanukovich in 2005 53. And everything start to go bad.. Butslow, because he was a real cowardHe decided, that it is better to dont donothing than do anything. 54. At 2010 elections Yanukovich wonIt was the biggest mistake of ukrainian people 55. Yanukovich (2010 2014) From Donbass Was in prison 2 times In word Professor made2 mistakes Bring all Donbass friendsand gangs to Kiev All of them start to robthe country like no onebefore Very pro-russian 56. All his Donbass friends became aministersArbuzov was a murder and stealer, became a minister of economy andfinanceKlimenko the tax minister,good friend of AlexanderYanukovich 57. His sons for one year became abillioners 58. He closed the valuables leaders intothe prison 59. He was a super stupid, hard to imaginehow people was ashamed 60. Economy was fall down, the bandits in the topstarted to take the last peoples money 61. Yanukovich start to act like he is a kingand everyone else is a slave 62. Even Donbass people started to hate him 63. Even Donbass people started to hate him 64. Because country become poorer andpoorer while greedy dictator and hisenvironment are richer and richer 65. But Putin was happy 66. Maidan, December 2013 67. After that, no one was thinking about EUAssociation. Protests started everywhere 68. February 2014, Kyiv, Maidan 69. February 2014, Kyiv, Maidan 70. And people came back to the streets 71. More then 100 people dead, a lot ofpeople was missing, but Yanukovich ranaway to Rostov, Russia 72. Russia didnt accept itAnd 26 of February first Green-formed guys withoutany marks just start to invade Crimea. It was aPutins revenge of our victory 73. And while Ukraine was weak, in March they just throw a lot of military in Crimea Start to scare people and made a Referendum at gunpoint Only Afghanistan, Siria, Kazakhstan and Venezuela officiallyconfirm that Crimea is Russian territory no one else 74. Doesnt matter a lot of internationalcontracts, for ex. Budapest 1994Ukraine gives all their nuclear weapons unless their territory will beuntouched. Russia signed it. 75. So now, we havent a leader, government so it is a best time to eat peace of territory 76. The worst thing Russian people think thateverything great and support Putin 77. It is empire and Putin wants to SovietUnion alive 78. Then they starts an operation in Donbass it was planned more then 5 years ago 79. They actually wanted to create Novorossiawhich will be inside of Russian Federation 80. And starts from Donbass. They senthere lots of people and worked withlocal pro-russian poor population 81. And now the DNR and LNR are seizingDonbass cities 82. DNR military sponsored by Russia 83. 85% of warriors are Russian citizens 84. A lot of Chechen squads 85. And whole world realized thatMalaisyan airplane got shot fromRussian Terrorists - DNR 86. And other versionsNominally everyonefrom top knows whathappenedBut looks like wewill never seejuridical statements 87. At 11 of august situation in the East goinglike this 88. And we dream about peace andstability 89. We are very similar with Russians ingeneral But for 1 year we became a fully different andwe hate each other 90. The main conclusion: Ukrainians arenot saying that previous governmentwere good. Were not sure aboutcurrent one. But we sure that Russiacan not propose anything good to us,especially current. Russia is a 1 cityland, all other cities are poorest thenpoorest Ukrainian city. We dont thinkthat in Europe everyone will help us.But we dont want to have any dealwith Russia anymore in any point