uiuc final 3.1

ECE 190 Final Exam Day One Spring 2013 6 th May, 2013 All your answers will be submitted electronically This is a closed book exam. You may not use a calculator. You are allowed one handwritten 8.5 x 11" sheet of notes. Absolutely no interaction between students is allowed. All problems are worth 25 points but they are not equally difficult Read problem statements carefully and don’t panic! Problem number Max Score Checked by 1 25 2 25 3 25 4 25 Total 100

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Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Introduction to Computer Engineering


Page 1: UIUC Final 3.1

ECE 190 Final Exam Day One Spring 2013

6th May, 2013

All your answers will be submitted electronically This is a closed book exam.

You may not use a calculator.

You are allowed one handwritten 8.5 x 11" sheet of notes.

Absolutely no interaction between students is allowed.

All problems are worth 25 points but they are not equally difficult

Read problem statements carefully and don’t panic!

Problem number

Max Score Checked by

1 25

2 25

3 25

4 25

Total 100

Page 2: UIUC Final 3.1

Instructions for accessing/working on the programming problems

Log into an EWS Linux machine.

Appendixes A and D from the textbook are provided for you on the desktop.

Open a terminal window. Check if directory exam3 exists.

Write your code in the files indicated by the problem statements. Do not rename the files. We

will not grade your problem if it is not saved as required.

We are NOT using a subversion repository for the exam. We will grade the saved files that you

leave in your exam3 directory.

Your code will be at least partly graded by an autograder. You may receive zero points if your

code does not assemble, does not compile, or does not behave as specified.

To begin work on problem X, use the cd command to get to the problemX directory.

To edit the file, type gedit givenfilename &

(Replace givenfilename with the name of the file where you will add your code.)

Save your work.

LC-3 Tools reference information

To assemble your code and produce the object file, type lc3as givenfilename.asm

To run the LC-3 graphical simulator, type lc3sim-tk givenfilename.obj

To run the LC-3 command-line simulator, type lc3sim givenfilename.obj

C Tools reference information

We will use clang compiler when grading your solutions.

To compile your code using clang compiler, type clang -Wall <c file name>

To compile your code using gcc compiler, type gcc -Wall <c file name>

To execute your code, type ./a.out

Page 3: UIUC Final 3.1

Problem 1. Detect cycles in a “Linked List” Implement the has_cycle function which detects whether or not a linked list contains a cycle. A linked list

with a cycle is a list which contains a sequence of nodes such that one of the nodes in the sequence

points to a previous node in the sequence. For example, the linked list below contains a cycle:

Use the following algorithm to solve this problem:

1. Initialize two pointers (tortoise and hare) to point to the head of the list.

2. Advance the tortoise pointer by one step in the list and advance the hare pointer by two steps.

3. If the two pointers are non-null and equal, there is a cycle.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until either pointer is null, in which case there is no cycle.

The following type definition for the nodes in the linked list and function prototype are given in the

problem1/tortoise-hare.h file.

typedef struct node_t {

int data;

struct node_t *next;

} node_t;

int has_cycle(node_t *head);

Implement the has_cycle function in problem1/main.c

has_cycle() should return a 1 if there is a cycle or a 0 if there is no cycle

Just because two nodes have the same data, this does not necessarily mean they are the same

node. Nodes are equal if the actual values of their pointers are the same.

If you change the main() function to create new test cases, make sure to restore to its original.

Do not edit tortoise-hare.h.

Compile: clang –Wall main.c –o main

17 13 11


7 5

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Problem 2. C to LC-3 Assembly Conversion: Linked List Rotation

Convert the given C function to an LC-3 subroutine. The function circularly left-rotates a linked list by n positions. An example of the function's operation for n = 2 is given below.



The source code for the function is shown to the left and the definition of the node_t type is shown below.

typedef struct node_t { int data; struct node_t *next; } node_t;

Recall that structures merely consist of simple data types where one element always comes after another in memory. That is if head points to an address of x2000, the data value is contained in x2000 and the next pointer address is contained within x2001.

Your program should be saved in the problem2/left-rotation.asm file. The file already contains an LC-3 assembly implementation of MAIN that calls the ROTATE_LIST subroutine. You should not modify the MAIN routine.

data.asm file is provided for convenient testing. It contains a short hard-coded linked list consisting of 6 nodes. As you can see from MAIN’s implementation, list’s head node is stored starting at address x2000.

To receive full credit, your program should correctly run in lc3sim (or lc3sim-tk) and should produce the correct output. Your subroutine should expect the parameter head to be passed in R0, expect the parameter n to be passed in R1, and should place the return value in R0. Your subroutine should save and restore the registers using the callee-save convention. You may not make any assumptions about the behavior or structure of MAIN beyond the parameter passing explained above.

To test your ROTATE_LIST subroutine using the provided MAIN and data.asm, assemble both left-rotation.asm and data.asm, load them in the lc3 simulator, set PC to x3000, and run it. You can inspect the list at x2000 and the head pointer at label HEAD to see if the correct changes are made.

Your code will be graded by an autograder for functionality of the ROTATE_LIST subroutine. You may receive zero points if your code does not assemble or does not behave as specified.

1 2 3 4 5 6 NULL HEAD


4 5 6 1 2 NULL HEAD

int rotate_list(node_t **head, int n) { node_t *current; if (n == 0 || head == NULL || *head == NULL) { return 1; } current = *head; while (current->next!=NULL) { current = current->next; } current->next = *head; while (n > 0) { n = n-1; current = current->next; } *head = current->next; current->next = NULL; return 0; }

Page 5: UIUC Final 3.1

Problem 3. Foldable Tree A binary tree is foldable if its left and right subtrees are exact mirror reflections of each other. An empty

tree is considered as foldable. For example, the tree on the left is foldable and the one on the right is

not. Write a C function checkFoldable to check whether a given binary tree is foldable or not. It should

return 1 if the tree is foldable and return 0 otherwise. The function prototype and the struct node of the

tree are as follows. This function will be called with pointers to the left and the right children of the root.

int checkFoldable(node* left, node* right);

struct node {

int data;

struct node* left;

struct node* right;


Use this recursive algorithm for implementing checkFoldable(n1,n2)

Base cases: o Return 1 if both n1 and n2 are null. o Return 0 if one of them is null and the other is not.

Recursive step: o If the data of n1 matches the data of n2 then return

checkFoldable(n1->left,n2->right) AND checkFoldable(n1->right,n2->left))

o Else return 0.

The file problem3/foldable.c has a main() function that builds a binary tree and calls checkFoldable.

If you change main() to test your code on other trees, make sure to restore it to its original.

Of course, your implementation should work for any binary tree.

Compile: clang –Wall foldable.c –o foldable

15 15

22 22 36 36


15 15

36 22 22


Page 6: UIUC Final 3.1

Problem 4. MicroSudoku In MicroSudoku a 4x4 matrix is given with some empty cells and some cells with numbers in the set S={1,

2, 3, 4}. The player has to find numbers to fill the empty cells so that the following check conditions hold

(a) each number in S appears in every row, every column, and each of the four 2x2 sub-matrices, and (b)

none of the numbers repeat (in a row, column, or a submatrix). The figures below show an initial matrix,

the submatrices in bold lines, a solution for the initial matrix, and another matrix which has no solution.

2 4

1 4


1 2

2 3 1 4

1 4 2 3

4 2 3 1

3 1 4 2

2 4

1 4


1 3 2

Initial matrix A Solution matrix for A Initial unsolvable matrix B

You are given a function check() that checks the above conditions on a given board. Using this,

implement a recursive function solve(board) for solving MicroSudoku. The recursive algorithm for

solve(board) is as follows:

For every empty cell (i,j) in board For each value v in S, assign v to board[i][j] . This gives rise to a new board. Call solve on the new board. If solve returns success (1) then return 1 If none of the numbers in S when assigned to board[i][j] pass the check, then make it an empty cell again by resetting board[i][j] to 0 and return. (This will cause the algorithm to “backtrack” and change the assignments to an earlier cell.) If none of the cells are empty and the check() succeeds then return 1 else return 0.

Several initial matrices (or boards) are given as text files in the problem4/boards/. In addition

the following functions are given in problem4/main.c and you should not modify them:

load(board): Loads the 4x4 array called board[4][4] with the numbers from the specified

board text file which is passed as an argument to the main(). A zero (0) is loaded in the array for

empty cells.

print(board): Prints the board specified by board[4][4]. For an empty cell, it prints a dot.

check(board): Returns 1 if board is a solution of MicroSudoku, otherwise it returns 0 (e.g., if any

of the checks fail and/or the board is not filled). So, this function implements all the checks

stated above.

main(): This function loads the appropriate board, prints it, calls the solve function which you

will implement, and prints the result.

Compile: clang –Wall main.c –o main

Run: ./main boards/1.txt

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