uitgawe 26- maart 2014

1ste termyn /1st term: Jan - Mar 2014 Oppad met @ NWU OPVOEDINGSWETENSKAPPE “Inspireer tot innovasie” Dr Karl Wirth on Self-Directed Learning research Prestige post-grad bursary awards Service-learning: across the globe: From local to transnational: 5th International Symposium

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Page 1: Uitgawe 26- Maart 2014

1ste termyn /1st term: Jan - Mar 2014


“Inspireer tot innovasie”

Dr Karl Wirth on Self-Directed Learning research

Prestige post-grad bursary awards

Service-learning: across the globe: From local to transnational: 5th International Symposium

Page 2: Uitgawe 26- Maart 2014


INHOUDSOPGAWEInhoudsopgawe Boodskap van die Dekaan

Prestige post-grad bursary awards


Spesiale lesings of seminare

Akademiese besoekers vanaf ander universiteite

Faculty: Research Outputs



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Boodskap van die Dekaan

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Prof Balfour and Ms Sandra Yssel, of the North-West Province Department of Education, visited the Alexander D. Henderson University School (ADHUS), a partnership between Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, and the local school district. While students receive state-of-the-art educational experiences, University faculty conduct research, and many teaching interns from FAU’s teacher preparation programs gain valuable real-world experience. In the picture, left to right, are Dr Joel Herbst, executive director of the University Schools and assistant dean, FAU College of Education, Prof Balfour, Ms Sandra Yssel, Dr Tammy Ferguson, ADHUS principal, and Dr Valerie Bristor, Dean of the FAU College of Education.

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Prestige post-grad bursary awards

The faculty was proud to celebrate the special award of the Queen Mother Semane Molotlegi MEd Bursaries, the Sol Plaatje PhD Bursaries and the

Dean’s Prestige MEd and PhD Bursaries respectively. The evening awards ceremonial function in late January was attended by Her Royal Majesty the Queen Mother Semane Molotlegi and Mr Sebeka Plaatje of the Sol Plaatje

Educational Trust, together with Ms Sandra Yssel from the North West Department of Education, and the recipients of the bursaries (both past and present). A seminar on students’ progress and findings to date preceded the awards ceremony itself (attended also by Vice-Rector: Research and Planning, Prof Amanda Lourens), and the evening concluded with a cheese-and-wine function.

2014 bursary recipients and their study leaders.

Queen Mother Semane Molotlegi MEd Bursary recipients with Her Royal Majesty, Ms Lillian Jacobs, Mr Anton Tshona and Ms Carina de Vos.

The Sol Plaatje PhD Bursary recipients with Mr Sebeka Plaatje, Ms Roxane Bailey, Ms Thamendree Naido and Ms. Zelda van der Merwe.

The Dean’s Prestige MEd and PhD Bursary recipients Ms Naidine Fouche and Ms Elfrieda Fleschmann with Prof Robert Balfour.

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Kortleerprogramme in Omgewingsopvoeding

Die fakulteit het namens die vakgroep Geografie en Omgewingsopvoeding in Januarie ’n ooreenkoms vir die aanbied van sewe kortleerprogramme met die Delta Omgewingsopvoedingsentrum aangegaan. Die Delta Omgewingsopvoedingsentrum is ’n onafhanklike, niewinsgewende organisasie

wat hulle oor talle jare in Johannesburg gevestig het as ’n toonaangewende organisasie wat deur middel van verskeie programme volhoubare bestuur en benutting van hulpbronne aanmoedig. Die Universiteit het deur middel van die ooreenkoms tot die ryke ervaring en fasiliteite van die organisasie toegang verkry. Die leerprogramme wat in die ooreenkoms vervat is, sal in samewerking met die Universiteit aangebied word met die doel om die kwaliteit van onderwys ten opsigte van die omgewing te verbeter.

Voor: Prof Balfour en mnr Don Macey onderteken die ooreenkoms. Agter van links na regs: me Ulisha van der Merwe, dr Schalk Raath, prof Barry Richter, me Di Beeton en dr Luiza de Sousa.

Bilaterale NRF-toekenning

Die Omgewingsopvoedinggroep van die Departement Geografie het ’n bilaterale NRF-toekenning vir ’n gesamentlike projek met Namibië ontvang. Die projek, wat oor ’n tweejaartydperk sal strek, handel oor omgewingsopvoeding vir volhoubare ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika en Namibië, en sal veral fokus op die bou van kapasiteit van onderwysers om die begrip van volhoubaarheid in die skool te integreer. Die projekleier in Suid-Afrika is prof Barry Richter en in Namibië is dit dr Alex Kanyimba .

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Annual Conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of AustralasiaBy Prof Petro du Preez

In December 2013 I attended the annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia in Melbourne, Australia.

The conference topic was “Measuring up in Education”. Interesting questions such as “are we measuring what we value, or value what we measure” were discussed. Profs Penny Enslin, Gert Biesta and Michael Peters presented thought-provoking keynotes on the measurement culture that permeates the education realm.

My paper explained the process of diversity theorisation that occurred in the faculty through the work of the diversity task team and was entitled “From measuring diversity to embracing diversity to changing difference”. In this paper I argued for an approach to diversity that is based on Catherine Malabou’s ontological position of changing difference through

the process of plasticity. Toward the end, I contributed conceptually to discourses regarding transformation in terms of changing difference so that superficial notions such as “measuring diversity” and “embracing diversity” can be transcended.

After the presentation of my paper, Penny Enslin (Professor in Social Justice, Place and Lifelong Learning) invited me to visit her at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, and to attend the International Network of Philosophers of Education conference to be held in Italy in 2014 on the topic: “Old and new generations in the 21st century: Shifting landscapes of education”. Given the MOU between the University of Glasgow and the NWU, I hope to establish a sustainable relationship with that university and with Prof Enslin.

Prof Petro du Preez and Prof Penny Enslin.

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Service-learning: across the globe: From local to transnational: 5th International SymposiumMode 2 learning on our doorstepBy Ms Merna Meyer

“Traditional” higher education continues to fracture as a result of different influences such as demographic

changes, globalisation, technology and the shifting perceptions of educational structures and social responsibilities. How do we deal with the power and politics of expert academic knowledge? In his keynote speech Jerome Slamat questioned the purposes of higher education and suggested that HEs (higher-education institutions) need to move closer to the co-creation of knowledge that goes beyond and deeper than service to the community. Knowledge should therefore be co-produced in meeting 21st century imperatives.

The 5th symposium on service-learning with the theme “SL across the globe: From local to transnational” was hosted by the University of Stellenbosch (Antoinette Smith-Tolken) and Indianapolis (Phylis Lan Lin) in November 2013.

This symposium took place in Stias, the beautiful artistically designed conference centre in Stellenbosch. Attendees from all over the world presented a vast array of possibilities of how HE can move closer to an engaged pedagogy that is transformative, transdisciplinary, trans-institutional and heterogeneous.

Some of the interesting parallel sessions included the presentation by Scott Shall from Detroit on community-engaged architectural designs all over the world. One of his projects in Bermuda was pushed to new heights, metaphorically speaking, by integrating communal designs such as fences into protective aesthetic enclosures. Martina Jordaan, lecturer at Tukkies, proved the impossible by integrating e-service-learning into her huge classes consisting of 1 600 engineers. Students engaged with the local military and the zoo by assisting with these organisations’ data capturing and computer breakdowns. Cambridge

NWU students engaging with Ikageng students in an eco-arts programme managed by Ms Merna Meyer.

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University shared SL programmes with Ikeys around the Cape Town flats area. Johan Jordaan from NWU involved his economic students by designing simple service-learning projects from real-life organisations for an MBA operations management programme.

My presentation focused on the transdisciplinary interactions between urban planning and creative arts, and how collaboration can be accommodated when working in transdisciplinary ways. During my interaction with the audience sound advice was given on the use of scarce skills and resources in an attempt to reconstruct a local township area in Ikageng. Hanlie Dippenaar (Western Cape) won the vote as best presenter with her presentation called: “Where does community engagement fit into the academic life of a lecturer?” Bibi Bowman, together with Prof Mariette Lowes, extended the NWU’s commitment to community-engaged programmes in a global context.

The symposium was rounded off with a divine ensemble of jazzy tunes, which set the attendees on a dancing trip. Scholarly notes were compared, methodologies reinvented and best practices shared. Social responsibility in all its guises has become a concrete reality and a vibrant research culture operating within and beyond the university – drawing from and feeding back into local knowledge to identify and meet community needs (Wood 2013). The question is: can we successfully institutionalise Mode 2 knowledge production?

Merna Meyer is a lecturer in Creative Arts Education and can be contacted via email at [email protected].

Contact Corne de Wee ([email protected]) for more information on the SL conference pre-workshop papers.

Ms Merna Meyer, Dr Jerome Slamat (US Senior Director Community Interaction), Ms Bibi Bouwman (Director Community Engagement, NWU)

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Spesiale lesings of seminare

Ethical Awareness workshop for teachers

As part of the Partnerships for Hope agreement between the faculty and the North-West Department of Education, Kenneth Kaunda District, Dr Tiaan Kirsten and Dr Charles Viljoen facilitated a successful workshop, An introduction to ethical

awareness for teachers, for 30 teachers from the district on 9 February 2014.

One of the hallmarks of a profession is the ethical conduct of its practitioners. This ethical conduct not only implies the adherence to ethical rules or codes, but also the virtuous positioning of professionals in making decisions or discretionary judgements regarding what is right or wrong in respect of behaviour that may influence the welfare of others. Each individual professional should be aware and mindful of this obligation. To this end a number of universally accepted principles can be identified, such as justice, non-maleficence, beneficence, responsibility, et cetera. The reality often does not reflect these lofty ideals, because some teachers often transgress these ethical norms through unprofessional behaviour and misconduct such as arriving drunk at school, engaging in intimate relations with learners, harassing their fellow teachers and so on. Unethical conduct such as this may ultimately sabotage the future of some young people, our communities and society at large.

The aim of the workshop was to make teachers aware that ethics is a universal professional concern, inform them of the different norms systems in teaching, general ethical principles in working with people, as well as the code of professional ethics of SACE and its limitations. A virtue-based ethical awareness and mind-set was proposed, which may help to open up opportunities for all by making them builders and not breakers of the future.


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PhD support programme of 20–24 January 2014

Prof Vernon Trafford and Prof Ferdinand Potgieter presented sessions on the different aspects of reaching doctorateness. During Prof Trafford’s sessions he focused on examiner reports, finalising a PhD thesis, expressing doctorateness,

and preparing for the viva. Other aspects stressed were designing architecture, exploiting the literature, research design and writing up the final chapter. Prof Trafford asked challenging questions such as; “How do you show doctorateness in your thesis?”, “Why is there a gap in knowledge?” and “Why did someone else not address this gap in knowledge?”

Prof Potgieter showed some thought-provoking videos, led the group to ask higher-order questions and indicated ways to find an intellectual conundrum. Among other things he also shared what scholarship is about, and that the class of 2014 should strive to become scholars during their journey as PhD students.

One of the highlights of the week was the PhD Colloquium where Prof Yusef Waghid and Prof Juliet Perumal delivered keynote addresses. These keynote addresses raised new questions about education, what education is and what education should be. PhD students who had completed their studies also presented their studies during the colloquium.

An article-writing workshop was also conducted during this week. Six PhD-students who had graduated in 2013 and those who graduate in 2014 attended the hands-on workshop conducted by Prof Marthie van der Walt. Prof Yusaf Waghid from the

University of Stellenbosch and editor of the South African Journal of Higher Education shared hints for the successful submission of manuscripts.

After the completion of these events, the class of 2014 was sent on a quest that requires them to continually enquire and seek original knowledge.

By Anja Human

From left to right: Prof Ferdinand Potgieter, Prof Petro du Preez, Prof Yusef Waghid, Prof Vernon Trafford and Prof Cornelia Roux. In front: Prof Juliet Perumal

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Akademiese besoekers vanaf ander universiteite

Dr Karl Wirth on Self-Directed Learning research

During the week of 13-17 January 2014, Dr Karl Wirth from Macalaster College in Minnesota visited our faculty. The primary aim of this visit was to support the Self-Directed

Learning (SDL) researchers in strengthening their research endeavours. Dr Wirth’s week consisted of various individual appointments with members from the SDL research group, as well as a two-day workshop on SDL, metacognition, critical thinking and project-based learning. Dr Wirth is an expert in teaching and learning research and was recently asked by the OECD to be one of only six people to advise on metacognition for their curriculum renewal. Dr Wirth also travels globally at the invitation of various higher-education institutions to support faculty members in improving teaching and learning.

All researchers who encountered Dr Wirth noted that this visit was once again a great privilege and extremely valuable. Dr Wirth not only shared a great number of strategies to assist during classes, but also brought new insights into ways in which SDL can be fostered. We were honoured to have him in our faculty. Dr Karl Wirth in action

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Visitors from Taiwan and Greece

The faculty was pleased to be able to host Prof Tien-Hui Chiang from the University of Tianan, Taiwan, as well as Prof Karras Konstantinos and Prof Pelagia Kalogiannaki,

visiting from Crete, in mid-February.

Prof Tien-Hui Chiang was invited to give a prestige lecture, and gave a most interesting presentation on the links between globalisation and the corporatisation of higher education, and the effect that it has had on the social justice agenda of the state in terms of providing opportunities for education to children and young people from the working class, who may otherwise not have access to higher education.

In particular he noted that the effect of globalisation has been to narrow access to university-based education, and further that issues of access have been replaced by an emphasis on performance and ability (decontextualised from the very real impact that class has on differential access to resources and opportunities).

The lecture was well attended and it is pleasing to note the support for the faculty’s efforts to further internationalise our environment through the frequent visits and collaborations that are hosted.

Driestar Educatief-kollegas besoek fakulteit

Gedurende die laaste week in Februarie het kollegas van Driestar Educatief, met wie die fakulteit ‘n samewerkingsooreenkoms het, op al drie kampusse van die NWU besoek afgelê. Me Lydia Bor, dr Nico Broer en dr Bram de Muynck het verdere geleenthede vir gesamentlike navorsing en studente-

uitruiling ondersoek, en het terugvoer oor 2013 se colloquium saam met die Fakulteit, aan die dekaan terugvoer gelewer. Hulle is ook deur die Studente-onderwysraad en mnr Kassie Karstens (Waarnemende Hoof: Professionele Ontwikkeling) by die jaarlikse vennotefunksie vir skoolhoofde ontvang.

Agter vlnr: mej Inge Bellingham, dr Bram de Muynck, mej Monika Basson, mnr Michael Pietersen, mej Ansune Havenga, mnr Kassie Karsten en mnr Divan Potgieter. Voor vlnr: dr Nico Broer, mev Laurie-May Henrico, prof Robert Balfour en me Lydia Bor.

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Navorsingsuitsette van personeelFaculty: Research Outputs

Statistics (March 2013 – Jan 2014)

Research Outputs 2011 2012 2013

School of Natural

Sciences & Technology

for Education

School of Human &

Social Sciences for Education

School Of Education


Research Director Dean

Research Target For


Indicators - Academics 125 133 132 37 40 53 1 1

Indicators - All Researchers 130 138 140 40 40 53 5 1

Research Outputs - Total 92.46 88.4 87 18.35 7 49.15 8.50 0

Research units: PAS/all researchers in Faculty

0.711 0.64 0.621 0.459 0.129 0.927 1.700 0

Research Units: PAS/ academic staff permanen

0.739 0.664 0.659 0.496 0.129 0.927 8.500 0


0.69 0.32 0.80 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.80

DEVIATION FROM TARGET 0.02 0.32 -0.18 -1.04 -1.37 -0.57 0.20 -1.50

Articles units per PAS 0.228 0.168 0.235 0.158 0.017 0.314 2.500 0

Articles published in accredited journal 39 29 45 10 5 27 3 0

Articles accepted by accredited journals 11 20 14 6 0 7 0 1

Articles published in non-accredited journals

1 2 12 7 0 5 0 0

Articles - submitted 24 26 41 10 9 9 1 0

Articles - in process 21 16 13 2 0 8 3 0

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Research Outputs 2011 2012 2013

School of Natural

Sciences & Technology

for Education

School of Human &

Social Sciences for Education

School Of Education


Research Director Dean

Research Target For


Conference proceedings - International 0 2 8 5 0 3 0 0

Conference proceedings - National 4 3 1 0 0 0 1 0

Conference paper delivered - International

71 41 80 15 4 52 7 2

Conference paper delivered - National 27 22 8 2 1 4 1 0

Project reports 7 7 4 1 0 1 2 0

Books - published 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Books - accepted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Editors of books 0 3 4 1 0 3 0 0

Chapters in books - published 7 9 36 9 2 25 0 0

Chapters in books - accepted 5 0 4 0 0 4 0 0

Contribution to encyclopaedia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NRF-rated researchers 7 7 10 1 0 7 1 1

Post-doctoral Fellows 5 5 7 3 0 1 3 0

Research Fellow 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 0

Extraordinary Professors 2 3 3 1 1 1 0 0

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FACULTY: POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS: Hemis year Sept/May Graduations

Research Outputs 2011 2012 2013

MEd students – in process 113 82 102

MEd students – completed 22 22 3

TARGET 113 82 89

PhD students – in process 56 56 65

PhD students – completed 12 11 4

TARGET 56 56 65

Updated: January 2014

Sources:1. Monthly feedback from academics.2. Controlled by M Moruri on the 15th of every month on hard copies, ISI and

DHET list.3. Submitted on Info-Ed Institutional Research Administration.4. Controlled with research director5. Submitted to the dean’s office

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Verbeterde nagraadse kwalifikasiesHartlik geluk aan kollegas wat nagraadse kwalifikasies verwerf het en in Mei-maand hul grade ontvang:PhD-grade• Dr Aninda Adam• Dr Elize Vos• Dr Joany Fransman• Dr Elma Marais

M-grade• Me Corné van der Vyver het haar MA in Afrikaans en Nederlands geslaag • Dr Illasha Kok het haar MSc in Navorsingsielkunde geslaag • Me Jackie Slabbert-Redpath het haar MEd met onderskeiding verwerf• Me Salome Romylos het haar MA in Engels Letterkunde met onderskeiding


Geluk!Ons deel in die prestasies en vreugde van die volgende kollegas en wens hulle geluk:• Mee Catrien Wentink en Roxanne Cornellissen het albei

onlangs aan seuntjies geboorte geskenk.

• Me Mary Fritz het onlangs verloof geraak.

Die volgende personeellede het ITOU-toekennings ontvang:• Dr Maryna Reyneke• Dr Annalie Roux• Dr Elsie Lubbe• Me Corné Kruger

• Proff Elsa Mentz en Petro du Preez het NNS-projekbefondsing ontvang.• Dr Neal Petersen en dr Bernadette Geduld is as nuwe

senaatskomiteeverteenwoordigers aangestel.• Dr Johan Botha is as ’n institusionele senaatslid aangewys.

WelstandSterkte aan die volgende personeellede wat ongesteld is: • Mnr Pieter Conradie, wat onlangs ’n rugoperasie ondergaan het• Me Heleen Coetzee se chemo- en bestralingsbehandeling is verby en sy begin

weer na ’n lang herstelproses op 10 Maart werk.• Me Elize Harris is steeds op siekverlof na ’n kankerverwante operasie.

SimpatieInnige simpatie word betuig aan die volgende personeel wat geliefdes aan die dood afgestaan het:• Mnr Sampie Lundi, wie se vader oorlede is• Dr Audrey Klopper en kinders met die afsterwe van haar gewese man.

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Nuwe aanstellings:

Dr Arrie van Wyk Ek is in Upington gebore en getoë en is met Esmé getroud. Ons het een seun, Aubin, en twee dogters, Ashley en Alicia. Ek het 12 jaar lank by ’n hoërskool onderrig gegee. Daarna was ek vir 13 jaar by ’n VOO-kollege in Upington as afdelingshoof en as kampushoof betrokke. Ek was ook vanaf 2001–2013 by die afstandsonderriggedeelte van die NWU se Potchefstroomkampus betrokke, waar ek baie van my huidige kollegas ontmoet het. Dit bring mee dat my aanpassing by die fakulteit heelwat makliker is.

Die afgelope jare was die beste van my lewe, en ek hoop dat dit hier in Potch baie goed sal gaan. Ek beplan om baie hard te werk sodat ek ’n betekenisvolle bydrae tot die akademie kan lewer. Ek is reeds besig met ’n artikel wat ek, na verfyning saam met my promotors, dr Herman van Vuuren en prof PC van der Westhuizen, aan ’n vaktydskrif kan stuur. Omdat ek ook met die opleiding van skoolhoofde besig is, “broei” iets in my kop wat moontlik tot voordeel van skole in die RSA kan strek. Hierdie “iets” wil ek navors, en vir oorweging aan die betrokkenes voorlê.

Me Christelle de KlerkEk het die afgelope vyf jaar Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe en Ekonomie en Besigheidstudies by die Hoërskool Riebeeckrand in Randfontein onderrig.

Ek wil graag van die geleentheid gebruik maak om myself akademies te bevorder met voortgesette studies vir ’n meestersgraad wat tot voordeel van die vakgroep, die fakulteit en uiteindelik die studente sal strek. Dit is ’n absolute voorreg om akademiese spore in die geboue van my Alma Mater te mag trap en ek vertrou dat groot drome hierdeur tot stand sal kom. Een maal ’n PUK, altyd ‘n PUK!

Dr Lynn PrestonI am Dr Lynn Preston. I am married and I have two children of 23 and 27 years old. I am an old “Potchefstroomer”, having resided here from 1985 to 1995, after which I moved to Pretoria. On returning to Pretoria, I studied part-time at Unisa and obtained my MEd in 2005 and my DEd in 2008. I am a registered Educational Psychologist and I specialise in trauma.

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Dr Dumisile NkizeAfter graduating from KwaDlangezwa High School, I proceeded to Esikhawini College of Education, where I obtained a three-year diploma, majoring in English as a second language and History. I then started my teaching career at Masibumbane High School. While I was teaching, I continued my studies with Unisa and obtained a BA degree. After leaving the school, I went to teach at KwaGqikazi College of Education, pursuing a BA (Hons). Two years later I obtained the degree and also joined the faculty at Unisa, but studied with Wits for a master’s degree. After six years at Unisa, I received a scholarship to study at the University of

Illinois in the US, a venture that culminated in another master’s degree and a PhD. In addition to studying, I worked as a teaching assistant, research assistant and writing consultant in the Department of Linguistics, Curriculum and Instruction, and the Centre for Writing Studies.

At the beginning of this year I joined the English for Education Language Group in the Faculty of Education Sciences at this University. I look forward to working collaboratively with colleagues in the faculty and the University at large to advance high-quality teaching, learning and research, especially in matters that promote linguistic and cultural diversity in teacher education and in education in general.

Mr Bongane MoabeI studied for a BCom degree in Marketing and Tourism Management, which I completed in 2012. I also possess a postgraduate diploma in Management, which I obtained in 2013. I am from Klerksdorp.

For now, I am focusing on gaining as much experience as possible in the position that I am currently holding.

Mrs Joyce RantsiI am Joyce Rantsi, originally from the platinum city, Rustenburg. I am married with four children and two grandchildren. I started teaching in 1981 and have been a school principal for 15 years. I am passionate about education. I believe that teaching is still a noble profession even in this century, and that life-long learning is the only tool to keep pace with change and development. I am looking forward to doing my best and being effective and efficient in my new job in the mentorship training programme.

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Me Leentjie van RensburgEk was sedert begin 2012 verbonde aan die Fakulteit Opvoedkunde, Tuks, waar ek Opvoedkunde sowel as ICT vir die PGCE’s gegee het. Ek was ook by praktiese onderwys en afstandsonderrig betrokke. Sedert Julie 2013 is ek aan NWU verbonde en is 1 November 2013 permanent aangestel by afstandsonderrig, waar ek Onderwysbestuur vir honneursstudente gee.

Gedurende September 2013 het ek my M-graad behaal en is tans ’n ingeskrewe student vir ’n PhD in Onderwysbestuur. Prof Kobus Mentz is my studieleier. Wat die toekoms betref, beoog ek om hierdie jaar ’n

artikel in te stuur en moontlik ’n konferensie by te woon.

Me Salome RomylosEk is in Potchefstroom gebore en het my laer- en hoërskoolloopbane hier voltooi. Ek het daarna by die voormalige PU vir CHO ingeskryf en my BA en honneursgraad in Engels, asook ’n hoëronderwysdiploma voltooi. Ek en my man het daarna vir vyf jaar lank in Griekeland gewoon, waar ek in Sparta Engels gegee het. Ons het in 1998 teruggekom, en ek het vir die volgende elf jaar by Potchefstroom Gimnasium skoolgehou. Ek het onlangs my MA-graad in Engelse Letterkunde onder leiding van Prof Attie de Lange voltooi, en met onderskeiding geslaag. Ek het drie kinders: twee dogters wat albei studente aan die NWU is, en ’n laatlamseun wat nou in graad 4 is.

Ek vind op die oomblik nog my voete, maar beplan om in die nabye toekoms met ’n PhD aan te gaan. Verder geniet ek die nuwe uitdaging en leer elke dag meer.

BedankingsDrs Andrew Abdool en Petrusa du Toit het bedank en die fakulteit se seënwense vergesel hulle op hulle nuwe uitdagings.

Prof Seugnet Blignaut het ’n pos by Vaaldriehoekkampus aanvaar en ons wens haar alle sterkte toe.

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Tegnologie vir Onderwys ondersteun toekomstige ingenieurs

Die Tegnologie-vakgroep ondersteun reeds vir die afgelope ses jaar lank jaarliks tydens Desember en Januarie studente van die Skool vir Meganiese Ingenieurswese (Fakulteit Ingenieurswese) deur aan hulle tegniese vaardighede

te leer. Die werkswinkels word vir sowat 160 Meganiese Ingenieurswese-studente aangebied en behels praktiese pas-en-draai- en sweiswerk, en werk aan motorvoertuie en elektriese motors. Elke student besoek elkeen van bogenoemde werkswinkels om

hulle praktiese vaardigheid te verbeter sodat hulle dan hulle eie projekte by hulle eie fakulteit kan gaan bou.

Die personeel wat betrokke was, word vir hulle tyd en moeite bedank:Mnre Gerrie Benade, Kobus Havenga, Joop Ooshuizen, Kallie Botes, Arno Combrinck, Ig Hefer en Coenraad Jurgens.

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Newbee Town Tour

The faculty’s new staff members (some less new after a year of settling in) were treated to a “Town Tour” on 21 February as part of the

faculty’s NWUbee (pronounced “newbie”) initiative to help new staff members settle in and feel at home on campus and in Potchefstroom. All new staff members receive a directory of important information and services in Potchefstroom and are invited to different events or gatherings throughout the year.

The Town Tour was an opportunity to get to know their new home town, as they were driven all over Potchefstroom, Promosa, Ikageng and Mohadin by Ms Lize dos Santos from the dean’s office, and shown different places of interest. Prof Willie van Vollenhoven attended the tour from management’s side and was surprised to still discover new places and facts about Potchefstroom that he had not known previously.

The tour started at the dam recreational resort and concluded with a delicious lunch at the non-profit organisation Mosaic and its Made by Mosaic job-creation project in Ikageng. The tour also stopped at the old concentration camp cemetery dating from 1900–1903, next to Ferdinand Postma High School (ghost stories anyone?) and the novel Ikageng Day Care Centre for the aged, where the elderly welcomed everyone with song and dance. However, the highlight of the trip was a stop at St Mary’s Anglican Church – a quaint little church in the CBD with beautiful stained-glass windows, built in 1890 – where the friendly Father Jacques Pieterse showed the group the interior and then treated them to an impromptu wedding march, played on the petite church organ.

The star members from the Research Focus Area’s administration, Mss Saartjie Venter, Monica Moruri and Dina Legoete, are thanked for their tour- guide skills.

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A beautiful gestureThese flowers were donated to the Promosa Clinic on behalf of the faculty’s Research Focus Area’s administration Department as a gesture of love to the community after the department had hosted the bursary function on 22 January 2014.

Uit toeka se dae .... (’n bietjie nostalgie)

1997 – Ou ENAN-gebou voor die bou van nog ’n verdieping – nou bekend as die Institusionele Kantoor, C1-gebou. Die Amfiteatertjie is nog daar.

1997 Administratiewe personeel – van wie net twee nog tans by die fakulteit werk (Drienie Beytell en Saartjie Venter).

Congratulations to Ms Sabrina Raaff, language practitioner in the Office of the Dean, who was married to Dr André Heymans from the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences on 14 December 2013 (In keeping with the notion of a kindly conscious wedding, photographer Brandi Hill was chosen because she teaches photography to youths in juvenile detention facilities).

Wedding bells

Page 25: Uitgawe 26- Maart 2014


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