uhaaa afaii inteepeis · 2015. 6. 2. · lie got film. arkansaw traveler. 0 "blame fi...

i c .a x i PRICE B CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FIR DAT, FEBRUARY 20, L88K. VOL. V. NO. 48. I. I MONTHLY PilYMENTS. ! i: t J V I 41 4 I f i 11 4 :"T gVdcerfisemfttts TO LET. at rpHE PREMISES ON PUNCHBOWL STREET heretofore occupieu ny lae ui"" -- Tr.i t . i,.i. i,...a nnoriinir Allev and rxten- - grounds well laid out. Entrance from Punch- - ,reeH- - .o H. A. WIDKMANN. 5"lm .rl or J. F. HACK r ELD. It ESTAURASTS. PIOISTEEH Steam Candy Factory AND BAKERY. i . 11V- -' irutil f 'infoctioner. . lastry Cook and Baiter. Hotel street. 7 tf Telephone 74 ATTOKX K VOLNKY V. CLAKKXCK W. ABHFOKO. ASHFOBD. Anliford A Amhlord, ATTORNEYS, COUNSELLORS, SOLICITORS, 4f ADVOCATES, ETC. Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining th Post -- 1ECIL ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W AND BROWN, ..... . . i tit- - DIa.It Mardlianf . W JSHfiTy 1TJU11C, -- IiiporA. jpiia. KtrPft. M. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W, Office. Campbeirs Block, second story, rooms s and . Entrance on K. W" t -- f --- J. HI. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. . .. nnrt nf thlt IIInfiT jj- u..k, Kai.i anil on Commission UUIU XWl4.,"w. ' T, Loans Negotiated ana iegai wkuuikuui " no. 27 MEBciiABrr stbect, m.lr . TTnnnlulU. lfl-t- f ItfciH Lfc- - v.v WriJNJNllilt 06 rO 92 Fort Street. Have on hivnd New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. JWatchts, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate, Elegant solid Silver Tea Setit. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING ANU NATIVE JEWELRY A Hpe !:.lty. Repairing In all branehea. Sole AenU for King's E Preservers. The Forest Meat Market HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fashion Stables. Bornhold & Co. Proprietor. rr .v. ..-.- ,. Tif.( .tilt Vntton these Islands af- - . i a,. r ht Hausaees made. NO discount from any other maker. Give ns a ot .U.UCVl, .x u... Metropolitan Market KIXU STREET, G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR. Choicest Meat from Flnewt Her FMntl!'''' and shipping supplied on SHORT KTICE and st th Lowest Market Prices. . a i hi market are thor- - All meaia neuvetcu maanm oogly chilled immediately a fur Mlln, by AfTE B DELI VE THAN FRESHLY. "a w KILLED MEAT. Advertisements. TO PLANTERS. We have just received, by the steamer ALA- MEDA, a consignment of Automatic Trash Feeding I Furnaces, aive four and live foot furnaces, complete with crate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines this make are now in successful operation at spreekelsville, Makee Susar Company and other plantations. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine the above. For prices and timber particulars ap- ply to Win. U. Irwin & Co., :yitf Atreitts. I tyirvn A: Ktinburyh Streets, WHOLKSALK KKT AIL Leulers 1.-- AY AX 1 A I X , Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. Inland Orde-rSolielted- . i 91lf TELEPHONE 55 iNTEEPEIS "3 PLANING MILL, f Alakea. near lneen St. C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting & Building. J MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAlS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut and Split. GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, .St. t'Hil. 3IS. . JManufacture and Supply all kinds of Hook. News, Flat aud Label laiers. iinirr' Koards. Twiueo, Et. V. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT. 205 Ieldesdorir Street-- I .lM.,.n. T 4T SAN FRANCISCO. N B.-Spe- clal Attention Ktven to nou 53 tffcw Eastman's Royal Perfume ALOHA ! FOR SALE BV Benson, Smith & Co. Sample bottle free. TRY IT. 63 tf L. L. COHEN. J. LIONS. LYONS & COHEN, cVnctioneers -- AND- General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen St,, Ilouolula Sole Ascnts for hnxM & European Merchandise. I91-t- f T. J. SPENCE, Special Agent for the Michigan Portrait Co. Producers cf the finest grades of INDIA INK, WATER COLORS. CRAYON AND PASTEL PORTRAITS. OFFICE AT J. WILLIAM'S Photograph nailery, 102 FORT STREET, Hawaiian Islands. nonolula - - Where a large variety of specimens can be seen at all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequently H.ti ih several Islands of the group, when he will be pleased to show specimens and take orders for saaaa. 34,3 n THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser 1!S PUBLISHED Every Morning Except Sundays. SUBSCRIPTIONS : Daily P. C. Advertiser, one year. ? 00 n IT V f AUVtBTISEB. Mix niontli9- - 3 00 Uailt P. C. Auvkktiskb, three months. I 50 Daily P. C. Advertiser, per month 50 Weekly P. c Advertiser, one year- - 5 00 elgn Subscription, W. P. C. A. (Including pontage) 6 SO Payable Invariably in Advance Flood winking Hen. ' Cleveland Plain-Deale- r. Mr. Ingeniou3 Workhard has perform 3d a great service for bis country, it will be ob- served, and be deserves a crow-m- o from very thoughtful citiz3a. Of course he will not receive one from every thoughtful citi- zen, but if be did it would be no more than he deserves. 0 Mr. Workhard was $he happy possessor of a good fat hen, which, like other good fat hens, laid ona egg a day, including Sun- day. Mr. "Workhard, however, was not satisfied with what his good fat hen accom- plished in this direction, so he set about to devise ways and means by which it would be persuaded to add to the daily delivery. Coaxing proved (hon) fruitless and cruel treatment was in vain. Workhard wracked big brain and studied. At last he hit upon I. apian. 00 A nest with a false bottom was construct- ed. It worked automatically in such a way that when the good fat hen laid her ac- customed egg it would go beyond the seem- ing limits of the nest and peacefully repose beneath the false bottom away from galli- naceous sight. The good fat hen was a cautious bird and was accustomed to look into the nest after she had deposited her egg. In order to assure herself that it was really there before beginning her gleeful cackle. The first time the ingenious nest was put in position the hen was nearly knocked over the ropes in one round with astonishment when she found no egg. Consternation was on her face. It occurred to the honeit hen, however, that the had was off her base. made a mistake. She She had laid no egg. So like the good hen she was she immediately procoeded to lay another. 000 The scheme worked welL Workhard gathered in two eggs a day for some time and then yearned for more. The nest was altered so that two eggs would drop through the false bottom instead of one, and a third egg was laid by the hen. The old hen thought it was mighty funny, but being un- suspicious she did not suspect. The good work went on and the number of eggs which suddenly disappeared was increased gradually until the good fat hen every day laid 00000000000 0. lie Got Film. Ark ansa w Traveler. 0 "Blame fi didn' git dat ole trass." A negro boy, while walking along the street, took off bis hat and struck at a wasp that had alighted on a tall shrub hanging over a fence. The boy put on his hat, turned to a man and said: "I thought I got dat ar ole wass." "Didn't you get him!" "No, sah; but I" he snatched off his hat, clapped his hand on the top of his head, squatted, howled and said: "Blame fl didn' git dat ole wasa." A. Very Unfortunate Man. ITexas Siftinjrs.1 A venerable old tramp enter el an Austin business house and said to the proprietor: "I am the most unfortunate man in the world. Please do something for me." "I don't know who you are," relied the merchant. "You may be an impostor." "Here is a certificate from Parson Jordan, of Galveston, that I am a hard working, honest man. who has been unfortunate. n "A certificate from Parson Jordan, of Galvestonl"1 asked the merchant. "Yes, sir; here it is," replied the mendi- cant, handing the merchant a paper. The merchant looked at the paper and said: "Parson Jordan, of Galveston, is my brother. I know bis signature very well, and his signature .on that certificate is "Just as I expected," whined the mendi- cant, "1 told you I was the most unfortu- - a world. Just think of me coming to the brother of Parson Jordan, of all the people in the town, and showing him that torged certificate, when there is not another man in Austin who knows h:s sig- nature." A Question of A?. FhiladelphU Cal' ! . "Miss Benson has been catled to take of one of the railroad signal towefl An old frie-- J of yours, isn't Bhe?" . w -- Yes, Bromley, i was raises Always kDew sue a maa.e uci "".' - oiai- - has cbarce of the switches. 7 ifuv TJromlev. I re- - grettobear it You see, that was her " leading weakness. What was." "Misplacmg her switches. There wasn t amorniDg that she didn't have to huat for them." TO LEX. TWO-STOR- HOUSE, EIUHT ROOMS. V Apply at C. OERTZ'S sbo store. 4 Si tf ANOTHER TEST. Herd. W. B. AVilshire & Co,. Agents MACNEALE & URBAN SAFES, 20G For California Street, San Francisco, Cal.: of Gentlemeii In reply to your inquiry con- cerning the opening cf the Burglar-Proo- f Chest in tho safe of the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court now so well known as Tlie IcCartliv Safe, will say that I took charge of the office on Wednesday, the Cth instant. For some days previous, unsuccessful at-teai- had been made by various experts to pick the luck. Ou Thursday, further similar efforts wero made w ith the same re- sult bv Mr. Eusigu and other noted experts, ALL OF WHOM FINALLY DECLARED THAT THE LOCK COULD NOT BE TICKED, and that the safe must be opened by force. On Friday I employed the expert of one your competitors, who did faithful and honest work, lor that purpose. On Saturday morning work was begun, and this morning (Wednesday), FOUIJ DAYS AFTE1I, the expert succeeded in drilling through the door and opeuing the safe. I consider it was an extraoidinary severe test, much beyond what a burglar could possibly employ under any circumstances, and can assure it has inspired me with the highest confidence in the security of your Burglar-rroo- f Safes, AND THAT YOUIt LOCKS ABE riCK-PR00- F AGAINST THE BEST EXPERTS. After working for some hours on the lock, one expert said that he had found that V was one letter, and another that C was one. On examination, neither of these letters ap- peared in the combination. Yours, truly, J. D. SPENCER, Clerk of Supreme Court. Sau Francisco, January 13, 188G. The above was a Macneale & Urban No. 8 Fire & Burglar Safe. C. O. BERQER, Ira General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. The Hisdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Reale and Howard Streets, HAN FRA N CISCO CA LIFORXI A W. II. TAYLOR President JOS. MOORE ...Superintendent t'it Tiria STP.IM AfJOHtNERY. IN X all Its branches; steamboat, Steamship, i .... I'nifinoa ami Km prs. Hiiro rresiuro HI j ii u i.i'rs' " " - " Compound. STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete with Hulls or wuoo, iron or omposinr. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed witn rererence to iue nauc ,u wliich they are to be employed. p',-eu- , i" nage and draft of water guaranteed. l.t-- -. t TiTTw a vn srfijR-MAKIX- O MA - - - - - - CHINERY made arter tne most appioveu plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in smtaoie lengtns ior .,.rr,.r cr Miita Toilod. Punched and Packed 'for shipment, ready to be riveted ou the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water ripe maae Dy tins esiannsumfui, ih,-,.io- ,i hi- - n Rivptiiie Machinery. that quality of work being far superior to hand work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam winches, Air ana uircuiauns umrn, after the most approved piaim. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Fa-- c tic Coast of the Heine Safety noner. m!imo , .. Atin. . l'mr.ns. for Irrigation . or x .11 ' riit' r " V . v City Works' purposes, mini wuu ic brated Davy valve .Motion, nujiri n,i i other pump. N. s. WILLIAMS-- . Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels JMock. (Agent for Hawaiian Islands 226se30-l- y BEAVER SALQOH. SO. : FOltT STREET. fOpposlte WUdpr t Co.'s H. J. Noite, Propr. OPEX rOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M FIQST-CLAS- S LOCOES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATER, CL(iER ALE, Cigars and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. BILLIARDS will find an Elegant Lovers o SMKSWIK & CO. ' BIILIASB TABLE on the Premises. The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a LrNCJI. A SMOKE. OB A GAME OF BILLIARDS. H. J. N0LTE. 26-t- trr ion Fire and Marine Insurance Co. or New Zealand. CAPITAL, : ! 0,000,000 Established an Agency at Having for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,, freights, bottoifwy, profits and commissions. Losses promptly adjusted A payable. 82-d- wtf WM. O. IRWIX A CO. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. I IIEA.X) OS'PIOE, 50 WALL STREET, NKW VOrtK nine above Company having estate JL hshed an Agency at Honolulu, lor the Hawa iian Islands, the uudersigned is authorized to accep'. and write ON Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, of Commissions, and Hulls. At current Bates. WM. C- - IRWIN Sc CO., tf Managers for Hawaiian lslanas SUN FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFKCT1SD UltJ avjki INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 318,599,316 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. Tbe Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., lOdAwtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL SIO.OOO.OOO UNLIMITED LIABILITY, F win he effected at Moderate Hates of Freml urn, by the undersigned. WM. G. IRWIN A CO. Managers for Haw. Islands C. O. BERGER, 6KNKRAL AfiKXCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets. .r.U,mK,,uuo CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, (L.imttei. Capital ? 10,000.000 SOUTn BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN SURANCE CO. J! IRE AND ill ARIti Combined Capital ?20,000,000 nARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Asseta - ..,ouu,uw COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fire and Marine. Capital fiiiu.wu MACNEALE & URBAN SAF E S! Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE Gas Futures of Mitchell, Vance A Co. O. O. BERGER, 10 0my29 HONOLULU, ii. i. MELLER AND HALBK'S Ice Cream Parlor -- Anl- Confectionery, IiJuK Street, IJneoIu Block. 'A fine assortment of CANPTES and CAKES always on hand. Tarties snppUed. Wl-tf-d-- w Allaccouutafor AdrertWng and Jo rrtt.ti" the pelOe rouuercllAU4-rUet- - Prentei lor pay Offl.-- e will from this dat meut monthly. Honolulu. Marcn s. n. Fulton Iron AYorks-- CPIKUS iSc II A 1 t-- n, "! ...!... Bollrn. Bo!Hl A'iTt,nA"n , KKTHIUKKATIXU MACH1S tKY, ETC., El C - m. 1.NTANUV. "J" Spruanco, Stanley &"Co., importers ainl Join.ers oi r WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Nan Fran I wo. Iio Front St., 57 tf . S. 3?- - Taylor & Co. ARents South Const Vaier Mills. I'ronrk tora Geronimo 1'aper JA11U, rioueer and Hau STRAW PAPER, ROOK. MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and lealer. ... mnc, 1 and 410 Clay .tree., , 1U1 v J mi A.. I. ELA-L- L & SON Commission Merchants, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY. ly Dnnliam, Carrigan & Co. IRON AND STEEL MERCHANTS San Francisco, C ol. l.:3-auio-- y Demins Palmer Milling Co., "l kinds. Oatml, Bw. MlddIlWi.trnm.jl Orouud. and Ro lTl'MA . . ou-w- -. - Cracked orn, r liorulny, Etc., Etc. !f4.tt- - KJLHSTB & CO., Importers ol HATS and CAPS. K. Cor. cf Pla.. 8. Nos. 28 and ts Battery HUeet, 121B22 88 "tAi"'""-"- - ELLIS & . Wholesale anu wuhui.- - Hay, Grain and Feed o- -. uPViTt KTREET. Between M.rKet.nd MWh.oo.HAN nAVCW. BW Order oli"W' Whilticr, Fuller & Co., Manufacturer of PIOXEER WHITE LEAD, PACIHC nulilSVii jrAim WINDOW CLASH od S, VlTH, MATERIALS, 21.2, Front t..tt j American Exchange Hotel, Kanoome Ntreet, oppose rir' do' SAN FRANt'IHCO, CA-I- f" .. . o.ntar ?ifoXbe bufttne ; throughout. R o.l Woelc U he fifr nrUon steamship Company's ofuc. Ii. public wUl find this to be LV.!n? -- ell as th most comfortable and re. speciable Hotel In the city. Board and Itoom, 1 $1 25 day Hot and cold baths free. None but the most ob- liging white labor employed. TREE COAC1I TO AND FROM THE HOTEL. MONTGOMERY BEOS., Proprietors. 350decl DR. C.W- - WEST'G FAMOUS ELECTRO MEDICAL HELT frmiof dis- - Cares all oit meal' with p 1 $ lillw all Ik. cine. eavlrSrTrrTki S ' forms of lm purity . . , J of the blood and . ezual ailmen in either Hex. Moi powerful Belt and f only one la the world charged with water Full dire:Uoos tent ndWDR.C.N. WEHT.No.C53 Market .t. San Francisco, Cal. Hole Proprietor and Patentee. 51 WM. PLAGEMAJf N HINZ. A. F. Y0L0 311LLS, . Street., SAH NE. Coer MonMji.n Telephone No. 568. Hlns A Plaarenaann. Manufactnrers of Extra Family, Graham, Rye Buckwheat and Rice Flour; Rye, Oat, Corn and Feed Corn Meal; Sao. Tapioca. Farina, Bock-whe- at Groats. Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar. ley, Ground Feed, etc., etc. Dealers In Grain and Feed of all kind, "dlnt done to order. H5 auffza iy Claus Spreckels. Wm. O. Irwin. CLAUS SPEECKELS & CO., In BANKERS, on HONOLULU, Hawaiian Islands. Draw Excbuuge on the principal part of the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange l.uMiuess. Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav lugs Department subject to published rules and regulations. 7oe3tf CLAUa dfaiCCKKLS rn. e. ibwis. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., FACTORS and Commission SlUAK T. Honolulu U. I. tf M. PHILLIPS & Co., Tmporters and Wholesale Dealers In Xfru-k- a UhAAa Uat AfAII Plimiflh. ing and Fen:y Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street. iiOUUlUlU. tXm A WU'WM H. HACKPELD & CO., S- -i FA'F.Itll. rilHMISSIOW AUEXTS. JT 11 tf Queen at., Honolulu, H.I. W. MAKRTKNS. F OPrEBBKLT ED. HOFPSCHLAEGER & CO., Tmporters & Commission Mercnsnw. uueen ritreei. uouoiuiu, xx. i. n-- u A. S. CLEGHORN k Co., and Wholesale and Retail Importers General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-- tf MACPARLANE & CO-- , T1TIIOLESAIE DEALERS AND E3i. al t.li i ii ' r v i .n ,i t mi'm IT fi Ki juuoKra m nunc buu No. 12 Uaabnmann Street. HONOLULU. 19-- tf M. S. Grinbaum & Co., IMPORTERS OF Veueral MerehanIiNe and t'omnil- - Nlon Merchants, Honolulu, II. I. No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal. 104-Jyl-- ly J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Mereliant St., Honolulu. II. I. 65 t THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, T'SS i?V? v ItA Vnnann lilrul. ' Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22tf ALTIN 11. UASEilAN, BOOK BINDER, Paper Ruler and Blank Book Manufacturer. Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly and promptly executea, ana at reasouaon? cuarge. Gazette Building:, 27 U MERCHANT STREET. j. c. johnsox & co., .LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, 12 and H Hue street, San Francisco, Cal. Agents for Klrby'a Santa Crnx Tanneries, bole Harness and ali otner muua oi leaiucr. 15'Jse8 ly M. GOTO, l'nyNilau and Surgeon. Leprosv, syphilis and akin disease a spec- ialty. Office, niauka of the residence of Hon Jas. Kean.King street, Kapaiama. rionuiuiu. hours. 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 12 a. m. N. B. Parties on the other islands can consult by let LEYI STRAUSS & CO., 14 and lfi Battery street, San Francisco, CaU Impoitersof Foreign and Doniestic Drygoods, Hosiery, Ladies and Gent's Furnishing Goods. o.nnrio.r. art A Manufacturers of the cete- - Wa'rted PATENT RIVETED CLOTHING.

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VOL. V. NO. 48.I. I









f i





rpHE PREMISES ON PUNCHBOWL STREETheretofore occupieu ny lae ui""--Tr.i t . i,.i. i,...a nnoriinir Allev and rxten- -

grounds well laid out. Entrance from Punch- -,reeH- -

.o H. A. WIDKMANN.5"lm .rl or J. F. HACK r ELD.


PIOISTEEHSteam Candy Factory

AND BAKERY.i . 11V- -' irutil f 'infoctioner. .

lastry Cook and Baiter.Hotel street. 7 tf Telephone 74



Anliford A Amhlord,


Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining th Post

--1ECIL ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W ANDBROWN,..... . . i tit- - DIa.It Mardlianf.W JSHfiTy 1TJU11C, -- IiiporA. jpiia.KtrPft.



Office. CampbeirsBlock, second story, rooms s and . Entrance on

K. W" t --f - - -



NOTARY PUBLIC.. .. nnrt nf thlt IIInfiTjj- u..k, Kai.i anil on CommissionUUIU XWl4.,"w. ' T,

Loans Negotiated ana iegai wkuuikuui "

no. 27 MEBciiABrr stbect,m.lr . TTnnnlulU. lfl-t- f

ItfciH Lfc- - v.v

WriJNJNllilt 06 rO92 Fort Street.

Have on hivnd New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

JWatchts, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate,Elegant solid Silver Tea Setit.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing In all branehea.Sole AenU for King's E Preservers.

The Forest Meat Market

HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fashion Stables.

Bornhold & Co.Proprietor.

rr .v. ..-.-,. Tif.( .tilt Vntton these Islands af--. i a,. r ht Hausaees made. NO

discount from any other maker. Give ns aot .U.UCVl,.x u...

Metropolitan Market



Choicest Meat from Flnewt Her

FMntl!'''' and shipping supplied on SHORT

KTICE and st th

Lowest Market Prices.

. a i hi market are thor- -All meaia neuvetcu maanm

oogly chilled immediately afur Mlln, by





We have just received, by the steamer ALA-

MEDA, a consignment of

Automatic Trash Feeding I

Furnaces, aive

four and live foot furnaces, complete withcrate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines

this make are now in successful operation atspreekelsville, Makee Susar Company and otherplantations.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices and timber particulars ap-

ply to

Win. U. Irwin & Co.,:yitf Atreitts.


tyirvn A: Ktinburyh Streets,


Leulers 1.--

AY AX 1 A I X ,

Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

Inland Orde-rSolielted- .




PLANING MILL, fAlakea. near lneen St.

C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.

Contracting & Building. J


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut

and Split.


.St. t'Hil. 3IS. .

JManufacture and Supply all kinds of

Hook. News,Flat aud Label laiers.iinirr' Koards.

Twiueo, Et.


205 Ieldesdorir Street-- I


N B.-Spe- clal Attention Ktven tonou 53 tffcw


Royal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson, Smith & Co.

Sample bottle free.

TRY IT. 63 tf



cVnctioneers-- AND-

General Commission Merchants,

Beaver Block, Queen St,, Ilouolula

Sole Ascnts for

hnxM & European Merchandise.I91-t- f

T. J. SPENCE,Special Agent for the

Michigan Portrait Co.

Producers cf the finest grades of




J. WILLIAM'S Photograph nailery,102 FORT STREET,

Hawaiian Islands.nonolula - -

Where a large variety of specimens can be seen

at all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequentlyH.ti ih several Islands of the group, when hewill be pleased to show specimens and take orders

for saaaa. 34,3 n


Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every Morning Except Sundays.


Daily P. C. Advertiser, one year. ? 00n IT V f AUVtBTISEB. Mix niontli9- - 3 00Uailt P. C. Auvkktiskb, three months. I 50Daily P. C. Advertiser, per month 50Weekly P. c Advertiser, one year- - 5 00

elgn Subscription, W. P. C. A. (Includingpontage) 6 SO

Payable Invariably in Advance

Flood winking Hen.' Cleveland Plain-Deale- r.

Mr. Ingeniou3 Workhard has perform 3d agreat service for bis country, it will be ob-

served, and be deserves a crow-m- o fromvery thoughtful citiz3a. Of course he will

not receive one from every thoughtful citi-

zen, but if be did it would be no more thanhe deserves.

0Mr. Workhard was $he happy possessor of

a good fat hen, which, like other good fathens, laid ona egg a day, including Sun-

day. Mr. "Workhard, however, was notsatisfied with what his good fat hen accom-

plished in this direction, so he set about todevise ways and means by which it wouldbe persuaded to add to the daily delivery.Coaxing proved (hon) fruitless and crueltreatment was in vain. Workhard wrackedbig brain and studied. At last he hit upon I.


A nest with a false bottom was construct-ed. It worked automatically in such away that when the good fat hen laid her ac-

customed egg it would go beyond the seem-

ing limits of the nest and peacefully reposebeneath the false bottom away from galli-naceous sight. The good fat hen was acautious bird and was accustomed to lookinto the nest after she had deposited heregg. In order to assure herself that it wasreally there before beginning her gleefulcackle. The first time the ingenious nestwas put in position the hen was nearlyknocked over the ropes in one roundwith astonishment when she found no egg.Consternation was on her face. It occurredto the honeit hen, however, that the had

was off her base.made a mistake. SheShe had laid no egg. So like the good henshe was she immediately procoeded to layanother.

000The scheme worked welL Workhard

gathered in two eggs a day for some timeand then yearned for more. The nest wasaltered so that two eggs would drop throughthe false bottom instead of one, and a thirdegg was laid by the hen. The old henthought it was mighty funny, but being un-

suspicious she did not suspect. The goodwork went on and the number of eggswhich suddenly disappeared was increasedgradually until the good fat hen every daylaid 00000000000 0.

lie Got Film.Arkansaw Traveler. 0

"Blame fi didn' git dat ole trass."A negro boy, while walking along the

street, took off bis hat and struck at a waspthat had alighted on a tall shrub hangingover a fence. The boy put on his hat, turnedto a man and said:

"I thought I got dat ar ole wass.""Didn't you get him!""No, sah; but I" he snatched off his hat,

clapped his hand on the top of his head,squatted, howled and said:

"Blame fl didn' git dat ole wasa."

A. Very Unfortunate Man.ITexas Siftinjrs.1

A venerable old tramp enterel an Austinbusiness house and said to the proprietor:

"I am the most unfortunate man in theworld. Please do something for me."

"I don't know who you are," relied themerchant. "You may be an impostor."

"Here is a certificate from Parson Jordan,of Galveston, that I am a hard working,honest man. who has been unfortunate. n

"A certificate from Parson Jordan, ofGalvestonl"1 asked the merchant.

"Yes, sir; here it is," replied the mendi-cant, handing the merchant a paper. Themerchant looked at the paper and said:

"Parson Jordan, of Galveston, is mybrother. I know bis signature very well,and his signature .on that certificate is

"Just as I expected," whined the mendi-cant, "1 told you I was the most unfortu--

a world. Just think of mecoming to the brother of Parson Jordan, ofall the people in the town, and showing himthat torged certificate, when there is notanother man in Austin who knows h:s sig-

nature."A Question of A?.

FhiladelphU Cal' !.

"Miss Benson has been catled to takeof one of the railroad signal

towefl An old frie-- J of yours, isn'tBhe?" . w-- Yes, Bromley, i was raisesAlways kDew sue a maa.e uci "".'- oiai- - has cbarce of the switches.

7 ifuv TJromlev. I re- -

grettobear it You see, that was her"leading weakness.

What was.""Misplacmg her switches. There wasn t

amorniDg that she didn't have to huatfor them."


V Apply at C. OERTZ'S sbo store. 4 Si tf

ANOTHER TEST.Herd. W. B. AVilshire & Co,. Agents

MACNEALE & URBAN SAFES, 20G ForCalifornia Street, San Francisco, Cal.: of

Gentlemeii In reply to your inquiry con-

cerning the opening cf the Burglar-Proo- f

Chest in tho safe of the office of the Clerk ofthe Supreme Court now so well known as

Tlie IcCartliv Safe,will say that I took charge of the office on

Wednesday, the Cth instant.For some days previous, unsuccessful at-teai-

had been made by various expertsto pick the luck. Ou Thursday, furthersimilar efforts wero made w ith the same re-

sult bv Mr. Eusigu and other noted experts,ALL OF WHOM FINALLY DECLAREDTHAT THE LOCK COULD NOT BETICKED, and that the safe must be openedby force.

On Friday I employed the expert of oneyour competitors, who did faithful and

honest work, lor that purpose.On Saturday morning work was begun,

and this morning (Wednesday), FOUIJDAYS AFTE1I, the expert succeeded indrilling through the door and opeuing thesafe.

I consider it was an extraoidinary severetest, much beyond what a burglar couldpossibly employ under any circumstances,and can assure it has inspired me with thehighest confidence in the security of yourBurglar-rroo- f Safes, AND THAT YOUItLOCKS ABE riCK-PR00- F AGAINSTTHE BEST EXPERTS.

After working for some hours on the lock,one expert said that he had found that Vwas one letter, and another that C was one.On examination, neither of these letters ap-

peared in the combination. Yours, truly,J. D. SPENCER,

Clerk of Supreme Court.Sau Francisco, January 13, 188G.

The above was a Macneale & Urban No. 8

Fire & Burglar Safe.C. O. BERQER,

Ira General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.

The HisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Reale and Howard Streets,


W. II. TAYLOR PresidentJOS. MOORE ...Superintendent

t'it Tiria STP.IM AfJOHtNERY. INX all Its branches; steamboat, Steamship,i .... I'nifinoa ami Km prs. Hiiro rresiuro HIj ii u i.i'rs' " " - "Compound.STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls or wuoo, iron or omposinr.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs

constructed witn rererence to iue nauc ,uwliich they are to be employed. p',-eu-

, i"nage and draft of water guaranteed.

l.t-- -. t TiTTw a vn srfijR-MAKIX- O MA- - - - - -

CHINERY made arter tne most appioveuplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in smtaoie lengtns ior.,.rr,.r cr Miita Toilod. Punched andPacked 'for shipment, ready to be riveted outhe ground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work andWater ripe maae Dy tins esiannsumfui,ih,-,.io- ,i hi-- n Rivptiiie Machinery.that quality of work being far superior tohand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steamwinches, Air ana uircuiauns umrn,after the most approved piaim.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Fa--c tic Coast of the Heine Safety noner.

m!imo , . .Atin.. l'mr.ns. for Irrigation.orx .11 ' riit' r " V . v

City Works' purposes, mini wuu icbrated Davy valve .Motion, nujiri n,i iother pump.

N. s. WILLIAMS-- . HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels JMock.

(Agent for Hawaiian Islands226se30-l- y



fOpposlte WUdpr t Co.'s

H. J. Noite, Propr.OPEX rOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M



Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.BILLIARDS will find an ElegantLovers o


on the Premises.

The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire a


H. J. N0LTE.26-t-

trr ionFire and Marine Insurance Co.

or New Zealand.CAPITAL, : ! 0,000,000

Established an Agency atHaving for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Firedwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,

favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,,freights, bottoifwy, profits and commissions.

Losses promptly adjusted A payable.82-d- wtf WM. O. IRWIX A CO.




nine above Company having estateJL hshed an Agency at Honolulu, lor the Hawa

iian Islands, the uudersigned is authorized to accep'.and write

ONMerchandise, Freights. Treasure, of

Commissions, and Hulls.At current Bates.

WM. C- - IRWIN Sc CO.,tf Managers for Hawaiian lslanas



EFFKCT1SD UltJ avjkiINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 318,599,316

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

Tbe Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lOdAwtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.





F win he effected at Moderate Hates of Fremlurn, by the undersigned.

WM. G. IRWIN A CO.Managers for Haw. Islands



Assets. .r.U,mK,,uuo


Capital ? 10,000.000


Combined Capital ?20,000,000


Asseta - ..,ouu,uw


Fire and Marine.

Capital fiiiu.wu


SAF E S!Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.



Gas Futures of Mitchell, Vance A Co.

O. O. BERGER,10 0my29 HONOLULU, ii. i.


Ice Cream Parlor



IiJuK Street, IJneoIu Block.

'A fine assortment of CANPTES

and CAKES always on hand. Tarties

snppUed. Wl-tf-d-- w

Allaccouutafor AdrertWng and Jo rrtt.ti"the

pelOe rouuercllAU4-rUet- -

Prentei lor payOffl.-- e will from this datmeut monthly.

Honolulu. Marcn s. n.Fulton Iron AYorks--

CPIKUS iSc II A 1 t--n,

"! ...!... Bollrn. Bo!HlA'iTt,nA"n , KKTHIUKKATIXU MACH1S tKY,

ETC., El C -

m. 1.NTANUV. "J"

Spruanco, Stanley &"Co.,importers ainl Join.ers oi r


Nan Fran I wo.Iio Front St.,57 tf .

S. 3?- - Taylor & Co.ARents South Const Vaier Mills. I'ronrk tora

Geronimo 1'aper JA11U,rioueer and Hau


Manufacturers and lealer. ...mnc,1 and 410 Clay .tree., ,

1U1 v Jmi

A.. I. ELA-L- L & SONCommission Merchants,


Dnnliam, Carrigan & Co.


San Francisco, C ol.l.:3-auio-- y

Demins Palmer Milling Co.,

"l kinds. Oatml, Bw. MlddIlWi.trnm.jlOrouud. and RolTl'MA.. ou-w- -. -Cracked orn, rliorulny, Etc., Etc. !f4.tt- -

KJLHSTB & CO.,Importers ol

HATS and CAPS.K. Cor. cf Pla..8.Nos. 28 and ts Battery HUeet,

121B22 88 "tAi"'""-"- -

ELLIS &.Wholesale anu wuhui.- -

Hay, Grain and Feedo--. uPViTt KTREET.

Between M.rKet.nd MWh.oo.HAN nAVCW.BW Order oli"W'

Whilticr, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturer of




21.2, Front t..tt j

American Exchange Hotel,

Kanoome Ntreet,oppose rir' do'

SAN FRANt'IHCO, CA-I- f".. . o.ntar ?ifoXbe bufttne ;

throughout. R o.lWoelc Uhefifr nrUon steamship Company's ofuc. Ii.public wUl find this to be

LV.!n? -- ell as th most comfortable and re.speciable Hotel In the city.

Board and Itoom, 1 $1 25 day

Hot and cold baths free. None but the most ob-

liging white labor employed.


MONTGOMERY BEOS.,Proprietors.350decl


frmiof dis- -

Cares alloit meal'withp 1

$ lillw all Ik.cine. eavlrSrTrrTki S 'forms of lm purity . . , J of the blood and

.ezual ailmen in either Hex. Moi

powerful Belt and f only one la the

world charged with water Full dire:Uoos tent

ndWDR.C.N. WEHT.No.C53 Market .t.San Francisco, Cal.

Hole Proprietor and Patentee. 51


Y0L0 311LLS, .Street., SAHNE. Coer MonMji.n

Telephone No. 568.

Hlns A Plaarenaann.Manufactnrers of Extra Family, Graham, RyeBuckwheat and Rice Flour; Rye, Oat, Corn andFeed Corn Meal; Sao. Tapioca. Farina, Bock-whe- at

Groats. Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar.ley, Ground Feed, etc., etc.Dealers In Grain and Feed of all kind, "dlnt

done to order. H5 auffza iy

Claus Spreckels. Wm. O. Irwin.




HONOLULU, Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Excbuuge on the principal part of theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange l.uMiuess.

Deposits bearing Interest received In their Savlugs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 7oe3tf

CLAUa dfaiCCKKLS rn. e. ibwis.

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,FACTORS and CommissionSlUAK T. Honolulu U. I. tf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,Tmporters and Wholesale Dealers In

Xfru-k- a UhAAa Uat AfAII Plimiflh.ing and Fen:y Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street.

iiOUUlUlU. tXm A WU'WM

H. HACKPELD & CO.,S--i FA'F.Itll. rilHMISSIOW AUEXTS.JT 11 tf Queen at., Honolulu, H.I.


ED. HOFPSCHLAEGER & CO.,Tmporters & Commission Mercnsnw.

uueen ritreei. uouoiuiu, xx. i. n-- u

A. S. CLEGHORN k Co.,and Wholesale and RetailImporters

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-- tf


T1TIIOLESAIE DEALERS AND E3i.al t.li i ii ' r v i .n ,i t mi'mIT fi Ki juuoKra m nunc buu

No. 12 Uaabnmann Street.HONOLULU. 19-- tf

M. S. Grinbaum & Co.,IMPORTERS OF

Veueral MerehanIiNe and t'omnil- -Nlon Merchants, Honolulu, II. I.

No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal.104-Jyl-- ly

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

27 Mereliant St., Honolulu. II. I.65 t


Manufacturing Jeweler,T'SS i?V?v ItA Vnnann lilrul.'

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22tf


BOOK BINDER,Paper Ruler and Blank Book


Bookbinding of all descriptions neatly andpromptly executea, ana at reasouaon? cuarge.

Gazette Building:,27 U MERCHANT STREET.

j. c. johnsox & co.,.LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY,


12 and H Hue street, San Francisco, Cal.

Agents for Klrby'a Santa Crnx Tanneries, boleHarness and ali otner muua oi leaiucr.

15'Jse8 ly

M. GOTO,l'nyNilau and Surgeon.

Leprosv, syphilis and akin disease a spec-

ialty. Office, niauka of the residence of Hon Jas.Kean.King street, Kapaiama. rionuiuiu.hours. 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays, 8 to 12 a. m. N. B.

Parties on the other islands can consult by let

LEYI STRAUSS & CO.,14 and lfi Battery street, San Francisco, CaU

Impoitersof Foreign and Doniestic Drygoods,Hosiery, Ladies and Gent's Furnishing Goods.

o.nnrio.r. art A Manufacturers of the cete- -Wa'rted PATENT RIVETED CLOTHING.


cA&srruscnuitts.3nU-frtij9ftnfttt-- l


Both Queensland and ew fcoutn t aieasuffered very seriously by drought in the

Administrators Salepast two year3. It has been estimated Business was very dull in town yester-

day."Friday Pork and beans and salmon daythat their ioint loss in live stock, etc., NOTICE!aggregated in lS84and 1885 not less than

20,000,000, or $100,000,000 all told.


Pacific Commercial AdvertiEer




at the Polynesian." Baptism, its Object and Mode." the

subject at the tent to-nig- ht.

H. B. M. S. Satellite touched at TanNew Zealand has swung round to a

protective policy, that is, us vo em Real Estateinent has done so through the influenceof the Colonial Treasurer, Sir Julius To the Ladies & Gentlemen of Honolulu !

-- IXVogel, who was always a protectionist.The conversion of the Premier, Mr.

ning's Island the first part of this month.

Wing On Wo & Co., 32 Hotel street, havegot a tine lot of XXX Manila cigars forsale.

The book of the season. The HonoluluAlmanac and Directoey for 1885. Price,GO .tents."The new Police Court building w rapidly

Per annum - A6 00Robert Stout, and his colleagues, Messrs. THE FIRM OFbU months ..n:. - 3 oo

Per month - 50c

aasrftalMcrlptlons Payable AlwaylnBallance and Larnach, is not so remark-able as it look3, although they were pro Hawaiian Islands.nounced free traders, when it is reinein- -

Advance. On MONDAY. March 1, 1SS6, at 12 o'clock noon.lered that the revenue is falling steadCommunications from all part of the Kingdom nearing completion. The front is being


& CO.,

FASHION,at the auction rooms of K. P. ADAM .u.,Queen street, Honolulu.

s. coiiisrTEMPLE OFwill always be very acceptable. ily, that prostration in trade continues,

and that the only immediate pros-ec- t is .The schooner Canute has been renamedPencils residing lo any part of the United Statescan remit the amount of subscription due by Post :Maunakea."and the schooner Susie Dow- -

Office money order. to float another 10,000,000 (50,000,000)loan, to be expended on public works sett "Ileeia."

Matter Intended for publication lu the editorialDKSIRINO A GOOD1)ARTIKS the Hawaiian Islands will have a

rare opportunity in the purchase of the RoseRanch property, lately owned by Captain JamesMakee, on the Island of Maui.

This estate comprises over eleven thousand (II,.

columns should be addressed to During the absence of Mr. C. K. Milleron Maui he has established four agencies

"Editob "Pacific Comxxhciai. Advicetisekfor Wells, Fargo & Co.Bualnexs communication)! and advertisements

The Young People's Prayer Meeting will

and immigration, paying the interest byincreasing the tariff. The policy is un-

sound, and it will, in the long run, workmore harm than good ; meanwhile theAdministration must do something orresign.


Are retiring from the Clothlnr. Uents Furnishing and Hat BuMnew. In order lo wakeroom for their large importation of

DRY GOODS.M nilr. .xk ofBAUOAlNSAnd off,-- , Mr l GENUINE

. .... w

should be addressed simplyP. C. AbJrBTIKE,M

And not to individuals. he held at the Bethel Union Church vestry

IWlSJISlnSthis evening at 7 :30 o'clock.Taro Ando. Esq., having presented hisx EC E

000) acres of land held in fee simple, and ahouiteu thousand (10.000) acres held under lease to runsix years longer. The stock on the estate com-

prises about 3,sh)0 head of weil-bre- d cattle, includ-ing 100 yoke workiug cattle and 30u milch cowsand 90 horses and mules.

The buildings consist of a main dwelling house,guests' cottages, office, billiard room, chapel,dairy and beef houses, store, overseer's house,servants' quarters, etc., etc.

There are between three and four hundred thou-

sand trees ou the estate of varieties of eucalyptus,acacia, cypress, I'ride of iuUia, cedar and cin-

chona.The cisterns for water are 12 in number, the

Urirct MniLhli of holdine 15.000 barrels.

MENS' SUITS, HATS, CAPS, 1,1J., r.iK,.Absolutely Pure.ISLAND NOTES.

marvel 01 PlJtm. a, tutv, varies.

commission to the Minister of Foreign Af-

fairs, is acknowledged as Consul Generalfor Japan at Honolulu.

There will be the usual service at St. An-

drew's Cathedral this evening at 7 o'clock,

xmi-- v -M economic


BOYS' SUITS, HATS, CAPS, ETC.,Pacific Commercial Advertiser Waiixku, Maui, Feb. 20, 1S8G.

A grand party was held at the hall of ETCriT:.:.. ;th the multitude cf lo.vtest, snort

Rotau Baei 1'owirta Co.. 100 WWMteaiuera from Honolulu stop at the landing ofJa now for sale daily at the Following Places: Unsurpassed lu Elegance and Variety in this Kingdom.

of our Mr. H. Cohn from Han Francalc.We also take occasion to announce the arrivalthe estate once a week. The passage from HonoIt. Y.

9d-w- f

the Wailuku Social Club last evening,complimentary to Mr. David Center on

his departure from Spreckelsville Plan-

tation. Mr. Center has leen employedas chief luna at Spreckelsville for the

lulu to the landing is made lo 12 hours by steamer.who will personally superintend and conduct this urami cieara.u o-- .v.

S. M.OAT A CO... - Merchant street unnrtrp.u of citizens of California aou tne r.usiernHtafa have exDerlenced the hospitality of the late Now is your chance for a new suit. Come ana be convinced.CRYSTAL SODA WORKS ..Hotel street

X. F. BURGESS King street cnmln Makee. who will bear willing testimony toth natural beauties of the estate aud to the sa

WOLF Sc. EDWARD3-.C- or King and Nuuanu sts past seven years, during which time he NEW YORK LINE.C. J. MCCARTHY Hotel street has made many warm friends. lielubrity of the climate.


One-thir- d cash.

conducted ly the Bishop of Honolulu, who

will deliver a brief address.

An Al vessel will be dispatched fromNew York on or alxmt May loth by

Messrs. W. H. Crossman & Brother,agents for the New York line.

The large vine which had spread well

on to the road near the second bridge,Nuuanu Valley, has been trimmed, and theimprovement is decidedly noticeable.

In the second part of the article headed"A sugar tree" in yesterday's Advertiser,the word "trhee" melted butter was

leaves to take the management of theFive Cent per Copy. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS.

Now Heady for InspectionReciprocity Sugar Company at liana, on nne-thir- d in six mouths; one-thi- rd In one year,

with interest at 9 percent, secured by mortgage.the same island. The ha 11 of the Wai- -

February 20th. Particulars of lands hi tee or unaer lease can wFRIDAYluku Social Club was neatly decorated had upon application to ....with several different colors of paper, w ja. u. inn lit at tu.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,

W. H. Crossman & Bro.,77 Brol Street. Sew Tork.

Will dispatch an Al vessel io this line on orabout

AT THECINCHONA CULTIVATION. flowers and evergreens. Dancing waskept up until the wee ema' hours of Auctioneer.Printed clue," which entirely changed 540 marlmorn. An elegant supper was served at the sense. House,12 :30 o'clock, which everybody presentenjoyed, and toasts and well-wish- es pro

Popular Millinery

104 Fort StreetMay 15.1886- - NOTICE.

West, Dow & Co. have just received, ex.St. Taul, a large lot of mouldings, frames,corner and wall brackets, furniture, musicgoods and toys, which will be sold at lowestcash prices.

In the advertisement announcing thesale of the celebrated Rose ranch onMaui, mention is made of cinchonaamong the valuable acclimatized treeson that fine estate. This reminds us thata great deal of good 'might be done tothe country, if not in the immediatepresent at least in the not very remote

posed to happy Dave. Those present atthis pleasant affair were as follows: Honolulu ...i. v...i,i tr,. forward bv Bteamer of March

i.ith to Insure shipment by this opportunity, orMr. and Mrs. D. Center, Mr. and Mrs.

not later than April 6to.The underaigned bega to call the attention N. S. SACHS, Proprietor.of Planters and others who may want to

W. M. Coffee, Mr. and Mrs. C. B.Makee, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Makee, Mr.and Mrs. YV. J. Lowrie, Mr. and Mrs. move a succession of light loads for moderfuture, by the persistent planting of cin

CASTLE & COOKE, ate distances, to the system ofchona trees on these Islands. A cinchona G. II. R. King, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rooney, -- :o:-rAantation of considerable extent has

The annual meeting of the stockholdersof the Interisland Steam Navigation Com-

pany will le held at their office on theEsplanade on Tuesday, March 2d, at 10

o'clock a. in.Mr. J. Lyons holds his regular cash sale

at 10 o'clock this morning, when he will

offer dry goods, clothing, potatoes, onions,ladies', misses', boys and men's boots and

Assent.M4been established on Hawaii by Mr. W Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Marlin.Mr. and Miss

"Winters, Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. J. Schra- - HANDKERCHIEFS,TELPHERAGE, t.-- i. i imnnu'filncV. fon si stint? of LACLS.RY, CA8J- I-II. Purvis, at Kukuihaele, and it is to be HOSIER''der, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Misses Mc I . . ...... . ,-- y k , . CtIT T r 1 I .4 X I T. 1. RCHIEFS, COR- -

MF IV 1 1 A.1 M. ' - -By which a nearly continuous stream 01

sugar cane or other material may be movedLean, Richardson, Newell, Prucastle,hoped that he will be amply repaid for

, his public spirit. If his example were SETS. GLOVES, MITTS, ETC.HONOLULU CARRIAGE COMPANYDickson, Helen K. Daniels, Nancy by means or electric motors, arawing uuuu.- -

shoes, furniture, and one large square--Immense assortment of--generally followed by landowners an im ets, baskets or otner containers, iohkDaniels, II. H. E. Daniels, Howe, . - - r. ....1,LI TXT WATT ESD TO ALu vn.ur.noUMLL. r.f th rltv. RiuHT up Telephones Job.Messrs. Captain Porter, D. R. Val--portant export would in time be created

The Government of Jamaica has sue LADIES' MJSL1N UNDER WEAK.piano.

The Intermediary Court will resume itssession at 10 o'clock this morning, Mr. . Rail Ti vnhnne romDSny. zw siuiuwbridge, D. J. Weight, J. U. ward, pgnr. Stand corner or King ana p.uuuceeded in interesting the planters of thatJustice Preston presiding. The calendar We hope to snare a purim i" ,......,

island in cinchona cultivation, and now Hours from C:M a. m. to 1 1 p. in. -- :o:-sixteen appeal cases. Two have

George Ross, J. O. Wilder, R. alen-tin- e,

George Stelling, W. Quill, G. P.Wilder, W. Littleson, II. Geather, J.

537niar25 hosolilu tmwAu.i.cinchona bark figures as an item of exbeen tried, two withdrawn, and one is still

tionary steel rod suspended on posts, tnepower being supplied at a central station bymeans of a steam engine or water powerworking an electric dynamo.

This system does not profess to competewith tramways where the ground is suitablefor such a mode of conveyance, but the cir-

cumstances under which its advantages areapparent are :

Where the ground is very rough, unevenor gulchy, or where the gradients are steep,as it has no difficulty in drawing a load upan imcliue of 1 in 10.

Where the suace for a tramway cannot

port. There should be no difficulty in on trial, leaving eleven to be disposed or.Moore, JI. Barnes, W. A. McKay,Briggs, A. II. Smith, W. C. Hollinshear,attainiiiff a similar result here. Soil and The settlement of the loundaries of the

ANNUAL MEETING.The Millinery Department

Is the most complete in the Kingdom. Latest styles of LADIES' ANDhand. Immense assortment of LATllLUa,CHILDREN'S HATS now on

FLOWERS, TIPS, ORNAMENTS, ETC. Native straws sewed into any shape.

Mrs. Mellls Dressmaking Department on tne premise.

ahupuaas of Tunaluu and Kaluanui, situ- -

and of Oahu. willclimate are favorable, and there is always a paying market for cinchona bark Von Tempsky, C. K. Miller (Honolulu),

C. M. White Rev. W. Marshall, T. C. uicu in '

come on for hearing before Hon. K. !Originally the main supply was ob-

tained from . South America, where the TiVprtnn Commissioner of Boundaries,Chapman, II. M. Dow (Honolulu), D.

P. Smith, W. G. Ashley, Kruger, mtic nvnrr.AR asslal mjii'.ii.iu v well be spared, or over swamps or other213L the stockholders of the Interisland SteamAU

forests were destroyed and no attempt Navigation Company (limueaj iu ue nnUat his office, Wednesday, March 17th.parties interested should take notice.Captain Griffith.

2d at 10 o'clock a. m. at tneir oince mi opmn-M- c.was made to replace them by fresh plant

Secretary J. I. H. N. Co.ing. Through the energy and publicTTnnnlnln. Ft?brnary 25. 183H. 543 marl

spirit of the Dutch and British Govern Why the rarties VTere Continued.'Harper's Bazar.l


Thursday, February 25th.Ku and Kamahana had each to de

ground lmpr&cticaDie lor tramways.It can be taken along the high road with

as much facility, and with little more ob-

struction to the traffic than by a line oftelephone posts. .

It has the advantage of the overhead wirerope system without its disadvantages, asthere is not a long wire rope to drag, withit3 attendant friction and loss of power,whilst it can turn on sharp curves.

The main line can be moved to differentpositions at a moderate expense.

ments cinchona was established in Java, THE LATEST AMERICAN INVENTION.THE VICTORY OF ELECTRICITY.NOTICE.Mrs. G had entertained tha whist club,

nrt evervthinz eoinz off smoothly, andEast Indies, Ceylon and other .places.The first seeds were received in Ceylon posit $5 for drunkenness. having gotten her hand in, she decided to

in-p- i ho in a few more people, to whom she Since Electricity has been applied for lighting purposes, all ffortt of injentow 1,tCharles Nelson and Kamanu (w) were ..... mAATV a Tl TT n D f Din 1861, and in 18G3 the first shipment THE PARTY WHO l uutv a iiTp rr the mil of the store on the corner of directed to construct a lamp for general domest c use. a n j ybeencharged with adultery. The former waslem has till now not been solved, is that none ox tne ; ; ;Merchant and Fort street on the afternoon of the

22d Instant, will return the same to this ofllce, noA line is now working a vrijuuo, m

BfT.fined $30, the latter $15.was 23 ounces of bark. In the season of1882-- 3 Ceylon had increased its exportto 6,925,595 pounds, and in 1883--4 it

idea of gas lighting, and that all nave aunereu iu mo v " CZn Th.. . , inimiA nf firtivinir urincipio

was indebted, the next evening. So, mak-ing out her list, she sent her little daughterLouise to deliver the invitations. Louise'sfirst stop was at Mrs. Dr. A 's, and hav-

ing delivered her message, Mrs. A said:"Vhv Louise. I am afraid your mamma

questions will be asked.James Love was charged with disor For further particulars and cost apply to central n ace. or uv lari'o umtmuciji mrtvi. - . . ti n anrnn ular, must ve poriaoiaggregated 11,500,000 pounds. This like an oil lamp, and contain the generator of electricity in itself, i. e., in the,fooi of thA CARD.derly conduct and remanded until the

27th instant. It is only a short timeshows what may be done in about twen lamp. i .nnMnioi in cnmttleteir realizingis undertaking too much, after having hadtliA whist club last evening." Norman luectric Jjisnv joiauauv un an io -- -- -

w. Miim 7p,7 i.Vhtinand there is no doubt that this most important inventionty-fi- ve years with cinchona cultivation, since the defendant was put under abond for a year for the same offense.

W. L. GEEEN,Agent for the Telpherage Company (lim-

ited) of London.AIho aeent for John Fowler & Co.'s rail

will bring about a complete revolution in all branches of lighting."Oh, I guess not," said the little girl: UI

heard her tell papa this morning that thereAFFORDS TJS UBKAI rJULAOtnaIT testify that we are highly satisfied with the

Interisland Steam Navigation Company's rouie tothe Volcano. Wre believe it to be the best andMrs. AVm. Roe was sent over the reef

and it certainly should stimulate effortin this direction on these Islands. TheUnited States imported 3,513,391 pounds

Our Electric Lamp needs neither machinery, conductors, nor any expensive on tlay,all that isi e"rj it tois neither complicated or disasreeable in manipulation;

lt t 1 Ar,a ii, n.ifl. The cost of liehtine will be as cheap as gutandways and steam plows, and Mirrlees, Wat- -most convenient, ana nave uiucu F't"" refill

was stuff enough left for three parties.

A Darky Slakes Work for nimseltChicago Sun.

O DU.i .m-w- ... . - - -BUU Ck. W U .of cinchona bark for the manufacture of cents per hou;L ana H has before J the Tatter the immense advantage of neither prodncingt, smoke nor carbonic acid, owing to which the air is not impured. and "mainii at U

for forty-eig- ht hours for disorderly con-

duct. She got so drunk that she had to

be taken to the Station House in awagon.

recommending it to the notice 01 lmenain tour-

ists We have looked over the pamphlet writtenabout this road, and everything stated In thesame fully corresponds with the reality, without


1 - ! S

hoaquinine in the fiscal year ended June 30,

18S5. The consumption of bark in the "Boss," said a colored man to one of ourij - ..,1 n t(.laJa a ni'ff in xrrf wall 11 being overdrawn. EmploYirient Office.Morgan, for assault and battery on '"Well, why didn't you eet him out?'' Puualuu. February zi, lono.


manufacture of sulphate of quinia inEngland, France and Germany is proba

same detfree of temperature. It Is lurtuer, aosoiuwiy luuuuiuu., uu " "kindled by match or otherwise, but simply by turning the key, thus TOld,ft"Seron,fire, explosion or suffocation, as in the case of gas, if the key is left open; :ceded that this advantage alone is invaluable. It is further preferable to any known kindof lighting for the following reasons:

1. Its manipulation is bo simple that any child can keep it in order.2. That the lamp is portable, and can be removed like any oil lamp, from one place

"'Caze I was afeerd Pd be 'rested fur tryinYSTm. Rowen, was fined $5 and $1 costs.543tt ABE Li. BKUWi,tau f rapcino.tor steal de piff.

bly as large. "Well, what will you take to get the pigA nolle pros, was entered against thefive white express drivers for violation of

rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAS MOVED INTOX the ofllce of Mr. J. E. Wiseman, where hewill be prepared to furnish, household servants,collect bills, do Anglo.-Chine- se Interpreting, and ageneral business SOVONO.

to another. ,,, , ... i-- ..t"De job am wuff 'bout is much as the pigexpress rules, but they will have to apAUSTRALIAN FINANCE. it" tne nxing in me v m vu.u w.3. That it neither requires uisagreeauiecylinder, as in the case of oil lamps. .

. ., . ..... . mnat itorlv n? that it never flickerB. andETJEEKA !pear again this morning on a new charge."All right, the pig's yours if you get him

The Australian Colonies while meas nut"aiunical Matter.urably prosperous have struck a cold the flame, though being equal in power of lighting to gas, can he regulated to any degree.5 That every danger of fire is absolutely excluded, as the light will extinguiIrfc

mediately, if by any accident the glass surrounding the burner should broM. .We received by the last mail a letter "All right, boss. Golly," he mused, as hewent out, "wush I'd drov two pigs inter datfinancial wave, if one may so express it.

from the eminent baritone, Signor En We have receivc-'- r consignment o tne iaosiEconomical ai.i Valuable Feed for allempty welL"

New South Wale3, which had been run 6 That it will burn, even in tne Btrouguut i.uuipu.v.,invaluable for illuminations, lighting of gardens, corridors, etc.rico Campobello, at present in San

kinds of Stock, viz.:Francisco, stating his intention to give aning ahead of its sister colonies for sev-

eral years back, reports a deficit the pastOfflcUlAdTice,""

'Boston Transcript!-- - Lawyer But, my dear sir, you cannot

This lamp is constructed for tae present in mree umetcui bi..A, small size. Height of complete lamp, H inches; weight, about 5 pounda; for light- -

.. , , ...linoi ir oimilar nlncea where excJoiveseries of grand society concerts in Hono COOKED LINSEED MEAL.lulu during the month of April, insuffi insr rooms, cellars, Btorage nouses, uuci uiab..uv. -- - - - -- - - -year of nearly a million and a quarter

sterling, or $7,250,000. This is a heavy are kept), coacnes, illuminations, garucuo, uuuco --"j r r -cient inducement in the way of a sub-

scription list wer-offere- d him. Theshortage, and thepitelULamentis compelled tomake it crood. xkebest

It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk andButter producer In use.

Oil Ca'te Meal shows about 27 per cent, of no

rltive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 lbs. ol this meal Is equal to SOO t. of oats,

iSgnor ranks, tngh in hi3 profession, be

Arpad Harasztliy k Co.'s

CALIFORNIA WINESAre pronounced by all connoisseurs as being theonly brand of American Wines equal to the bestFrench and German importation.






policy v&fidd be to impose taxes, but it"

that public land will be

abandon this suit now. It would nun yourreputation as a business man and make youthe laughing stock of the community. Youwere wrong to enter upon it, but now thatyou have entered upon it there is no helpfor it but to fight it through to the bitterend.

Client You didn't talk that way lastweek. On the contrary, you advised me togo into this, and assured me I was sure ofmy suit.

Lawyer Yes, but don't you see tne differ-

ence! I didn't advise you officially. Youwere not my client then.

or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran.forced into the market ana a loan 01

For Sale in Lots to Suit.

ing kETOwn all over the world as a nrst-clas- s

artist. He would bring with himthe following artists : Miss May MitchellSpring, the young California primadonna; Miss Tauline Joran, violinvirtuoso, and Miss Clise and Lula Joran,pianists.

Also, our rnrlvalled Mlituour rsual supply of the best kinds of

Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Ec,

$25,000,000 for public works expenditureasked for. The Government is empow-

ered to borrow this amount, but theStuart Administration withdrew theloan after it had been announced inLondon last year, owing to.the opposition

it encouncered from a syndicate of brok-

ers who were loaded up with the previousissue of New South "Wales bonds. Itwill hardly be possible to borrow onsuch good terms now, but the trial wiU

1 "

Per lamp delivered free to any part of the world.B medium size. Serves all domestic purposes for lighting rooms, houses, etc. Thu

lamp is elegantly decorated, and has removable white ground glass globe.Price per lamp (inclusive of bronze foot and globe, richly and elegantly contracted),

2. delivered free to an7 part of the world. .

C, grand size for parlor, hall, saloon, public building, etc. The lamp giTes a mostbrilliant and steady light, has large removable white globe, decorated most tastefully,and the workmanship is both first-clas- s and elegant. Price, 4.10. .

Foot of lamp in either bronze, Japanese, faience or silver oxide.Any special size or design made to order. Estimates furnished.All lamps are ready for immediate use, and will be sent, securely packed in Btrong

wooden box, with printed directions for use, a quantity of chemicals Bufficient for aeveralmonths' lighting, and one extra burner for size A, and two for sizes B and C. Ihe neces-

sary chemicals can be purchased in any drug store, even in the smallest Tillage.Every lamp is accompanied by a written guarantee for one year, and will be ex-

changed, or money refunded if the same should not give complete satisfaction.On all orders for six lamps and above, a discount of six per cent will be allowed. No

orders from abroad filled, unless accompanied by remittance to cover the amount, orfirst-cla- ss references on a New York or Philadelphia bouse.

The best method of sending money is by draft on New York, which can be procured ofany banker, and everywhere, or enclose the amount in bank notes, gold coins or postagestamps of any country of the world. .

All orders, the smallest as well as the most important, will receive the same particularattention, and will be forwarded without delay.

COur Electric Lamps are protected by law, and all imitations and infringementswill be prosecuted. . .

KJ"Agents, salesmen on commission, and consignees for our lamps wanted everywhere. No special knowledge or capital required.

A fortune to be made by active persons.


A Woman Political Economist.Philadelphia Call

"I can't understand it," said Mrs. Brom-ley the other day. "When dry goods arecheap money is always scarce. It's like apair of scales where both ends go down atonce," .

Sidewalk Serenity.Bridgeport Morning News.

An individual evidently very muchwearied was dozing on tha sidewalk at thecorner of Main and Congress streets late








The Japanese.The Japanese immigrants are being

gradually shipped away. On Wednes-

day nine men and nine women wereshipped by the James Makee to the Kil-aue- a

Sugar Company, Kauai, and yes-

terday the schooner Maunakea tooktwenty men and nine women for Hitch-

cock's plantation, Papaiko, Hawaii.This afternoon the W. G. Hall will takeforty for the Hutchison Sugar Company,

OUSEKEEPERS TAKE NOTICEHWednesday night. The jingle or. an apWHITE WINE,proaching horse car was heard just then

and a passer-b- y, slapping the recumbent fig-


Address :

387marl6 d-- wold man. and cay your fare." The horse carAnd the celebrated

ECLIPSErhomr.'na im knt In stock In cases and

Forrattle in connection with this remark plain The BEST LOT ever brought to this market,sale in quantities to suit byly completed the circuit of the tirel man's

& COOKE.mental processes. ah ngnt, saia ue, CASTLEmarlO

and 10 gallon kegs. These Wines are noted for.ki- - ahuima nuritv and being thoroughly mathickly, as he dropped a nve-ce- nt piece in ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE.the mail box on the corner. "Put me off at tured. The sales being more than double that ofall other brands of California Wine combined, is acinntpo(i their popularity. Try them onceGolden Hill street." Then he sunk back on

Kau, Hawaii,j i m -I Honolulu Library.A complete set (twelve volumes) of

Thackeray's works have been added to

the library. The Hon. S. B. Dole haspresented the following books: "FourThousand Years of the World's Progress,""Model Farms and Their Methods,""Diseases of Live Stock," and "Glean-ings from My Life Work," by John B.

Gough. Mr. P. C. Jones also contributeda copy of Hogarth's works.

. '

For the Volcano.

the sidewalk and again lapsed into slumber.

N. CUKRY & BROTHER, rpiIE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUB STOCKX holders of the People's Ice and Refrigerat

probably be made, inasmuch as Victoriafloated a four per cent loan of $7,250,000

the other day at 104 10, at whichfigure 6,000,000 ($30,000,000) were ten-

dered. The public debt of New SouthWales is 35,000,000 at present, or $245,-000,00- if,

with a population of less thanone million souls.

The Victorian revenue for 1885 was6,250,000 ($31,250,000), being an in-

crease of $300,000 over 1884. The landsales fell off considerably during the year.South Australia had a revenue of $5,650,-00- 0

in 18S5, being $90,000 less than 1884.

It had a very short harvest, its wheatcrop averaging three bushels per acre.Yet South Australia exported 18,000 tonsof wheat and has a considerable stock onhand. Its producing population, how-

ever, is steadily drifting into Victoria.Queensland and Tasmania about hold

their own. The latter is the more prosper-

ous of the two, its debt not pressing veryheavily, while its mineral resources arebeing developed. Queensland sugardoes not bring high prices in London

where trial shipments were sent, the

highest quotation being 80 10s per ton.

Tha police gathered him in later.

HIa Companion Spoke English.(Argonaut Storyette.

and you will never buy any other. Sold e:clusively by

HAMILTON JOHNSON,Queen Street, Honolulu.


Machine "WorksNo. 33 to 51 Fremont Street.

Manufacturers of New and dealers in Second-hand

Mm, Engines and Machinery

Of Every Description.

TN SHOTWinchester,TMPORTERS and dealers

I . TllAu nnil PiRtnlS- - C'Olting Company (limited) will he held on the 2d pros,at 2 p. m. at their office on Fort street.

J. KNA,Secretary P. I. and K. Co.

Honolulu, February 22, 186. 635martand Martin Magazine Kitles. Reming-- MS n,i Ballard sporting Rifles. AgentsA Washington newspaper man, during a

visit of the Mexican editors to that city, was W. Colt, Parker and RemingtonL.t..in.iinr Double Ouns. Colt and smith &assigned to a carriage in which one of the

113 San- -vouns ladies belonging to the party was 3S6-l- y

some street, Han Francisco, Cal.This afternoon at 3 o'clock the steamer seated. Taking it for granted that hi? comW. G. Hall leaves for Hawaii. The fol panion spoke only her own language, several

places of interest were visited, always in WM. McCANDLESS,lowing ladies and gentlemen, who are atpresent staying at the. Royal Hawaiian

Have constantly In stock New and Second-han- d





MENT. PLA3TER, FIRE BRICKS, FIRECLAY, Etc.211-21- 3 DRCMM Street, bet. Clay and Washington,

P O Box 2,292. SAN FRANCISCO.625-W--

G. M. Josselyn & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers in

Ship Chandlery,38 and 40 Market (t Ban Francis.Agents for Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufactur-

ing Company. 17 faZS-l- y

Hotel, will leave by her for the Volcano

silenca. As the carriage approached thecapitol, however, the newspaper man feltthat he must say something, even if he re-ceived no answer. Accordingly, pointing tothe noble pile, he ejaculated: "El capitole,very fine, magnifico." To which the younglady replied: "You bet your lif U is."

Mr. Winthrop M. Merrill, Miss M.Gove,

No. 6 Queen Street,Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEAI.

MUTTON, FISH, etc.Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended

to. Live Stock furnished to vesseU at shortnotice, and vegetable, of all kinds supplied to

lu worder.


Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli-cation. f23.1y

i v- Miss F. Gove, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Row

ley, Master Rowley and Colonel and MrsW. Powell.


; 1

3i)DcrUstiiuius.BY AUTHORITY.


Dowsett bas been the 'Heel,' ghbefog a Koolau packet. A leak has been dis-

covered In her and she was hauled on the MarineRailway to be repair d.

The schooner Rainbow saUed for Koolau, Oahu,February 25th, where she will be engaged in the t

coasting trade.The schooner Canute sailed February J5th for i

Hilo, Hawaii, hhe has been "Mau- - !

nakea,"as she Is the largest schooner carrying'the Hawaiian flasr, I

Administrators' Sale





Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets,



Has tvlected tk of tlenta lin furnishingCap in all the latest styles and pat- -

goodjut oieneil out a large and carvfullv

&, custom-mad- e clothing, and Hats and

jpOTarticular attention is called to anri

X r v

Foreign OJJice, February 25, 1S&6.

Be It known to All whom It may concern, thatTARO AN DO, Esquire,

Having presented to this Department hU com-missio- n

from Ilia Imperial Majesty the Emperorof Japan, which la found to be la due form, be,the said Taro Ando, Esquire, Is hereby acknowl-edged, by order of II Li Majesty the King, asConsul Oeneral for he Empire of Japan at Hono-lulu, and all bis official acta, as such, are orderedto receive full faith and credit by the authoritiesof this Government.

TALTER M. GIBSON,Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Aliiolani Hale, Feb. 14, 1386. d&wlt

Department of Interior.Pursuant to a Resolution of the Legislative As

sembly, passed May 4. 1332, the Birthday of Ka--

mehaaaeba III, March 17th, will be observed as aNational Holiday, and all Government officesthroughout the Kingdom will be closed on thatday. CH AS. T. GULICK,

Minister of Interior.Honolulu, February 24, 1986. 53fe27w3t

In order that there may be no delay In closingthe accounts at the Hawaiian Treasury for the

seal period ending March 31, 1888, all personshaving moneys on account of the Government arerequested to make returns promp'ly, and all em-

ployees of the Government, or other persons towhom moneys may be due, are also requested topresent vouchers for settlement on or before theaist of March, 189G. F. H. PRATT.

03dfcwmar31 Registrar Public Accounts.

Tenders Wanted for Lighting tbeStreets or t lie City ortlonolulu.

Sealed tenders will be received at the InteriorOSlco till 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, March 13,

186. for keeping in repair and lighting the streetlamps of the city of Honolulu, now numberingone hundred and eighty-fiv- e (185) more or less, forthe term of three (3) years from March 15th,proximo.

The bids will be for each lamp per month, withthe understanding that tbe number may bechanged, as circumstances may require, at tbepleasure of the Marshal.

Tbe contractor will be paid monthly, on the lestday of each calendar month, on the written cer-

tificate of tbe Marshal or his Deputy that the service has been satisfactorily performed.

A bond In the penal sum of two thousand fivehundred dollars (200) with approved surety willbe required as a guarantee of the fulfillment of theterms of the contract.

Tenders should be plainly marked on the outsidef the envelope, "Tenders for street lighting."The Minister of the Interior does not bind him-

self to accept the lowest or any tender.CHAS. T. GULICK,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, February 8, 1888. fcb8-t- f


ARRIVAIA.Thl'ESDav, February 25.

Simr Jan I Dowsett. Dudolt. from Pala, MaulHaw schr Jennie Walker, Anderson, 14 days

from Fanning's IslandSchr Kulamanu, from HamakuaHchr Wailele, from MallkoSchr Caterln:i, from Hanioa, Maul

IEIAItTirRF,H.ThobsdaY, February 25.

btmr James I Dowsett, Dudoit, for Paia, Maul,mt 4 D m

Htmr C B Bishop, Macanlay, for llamakua,Hawaii, at 12 noon

ttchr Canute, for Hilo, HawaiiHar Rainbow, for KoolauTarn Ke Au Uou, for Kau. Hawaii

Teasel Leaving To-Da-y.

Btmr W O Hall, Bate, for Maui and Hawaii,at p m

bchr Walmalu, for Laupahoehoe


From Fanning's Island, per schr Jennie Walker,February.25th u B Greig.

1'OKEIUX VESSELS IS FORT.Am bktne John Smith, Kustel, from Newcastle,

NSWHaw brig Allie Rove, J Phillips, from Hong- -

knnrAm bktne Forest Queen, J C"M Winding, from

turn FranciscoAm bktne John Worster, C Klttschen, from

Newcastle. NSWAm bk Majestic. Alex Bergman, from Port

Tawnsend. W TAm bktne W II Dlanond. H C Houdlette, from

Ben FranciscoAm barkentine Mary Wlnkleman, C Backus,

fran Ban FranciscoAm bktne George C Perkins, H Ackerman, from

Fort Townsend. W TAm bgtne Courtney Ford, Miller, from Newcas

tle. NSWHaw schr Jennie Walker. B Anderson, from

Fanning's Island

VrsneU Expected from Foreign I'oris.Am bark nope, DW P Fenhallow, from Port

Townsend. W T. due Mar 15-3- 1

Brit bark Natu ma. from Glasgow, due March

Brit ship Stirlingshire, Alexander, from Liverpool, via Madeira, dne March 26--31

Am bktne Nellie M Slade, from New York,due April 1S--30

Brit bark Tycoon from Sydney via Newcastle,NSW. due March

Am bk Sonoma, Howes, from Newcastle, N SW. due February 18-2- 8.

Brit bark Lapwing, De Grucby, from Liverpool,due Mar 20-3-1

Nor bk Cap, Christiansen, from Newcastle, N SW. due April 10.

Brit bk Star of Devon, from Newcastle, N S W,due March l-- 3l.

Am bark Ceylon, R Calhoun, from Hongkong,due Aoril 20

Am schr Anna. Robertson, from San Francisco,for Kahului. Maul, due Feb 23-- 2 S

Am tern Eva, J O WTkman, from San Francisco,dne Feb

Haw brig Hazard. W G God man, from SanFrancisco, due at Hilo. Hawaii, Feb 2S--2S

Am tern W S Bowne, A U Paul, from San Francisco, due March 2-- 10

Am brgtne W G Irwin, H N Turner, from SanFrancisco, due March 10

Am bark Caibarien. W II Hubbard, from SanFrancisco, due March 5--

OSS George W Elder, from San Francisco, dueMarch 7-- S

German bark Furst Bismarck, from Bremen,due June

H BUS Triumph, Balrd, from Esqulmault, dueAlarcn zs-3-1

H B M S Heroine, from Callao, S A. due March25-3- 1

H B M 8 Satellite, from Callao, S A, due March

HIIIPMNO NOTES.The bark Forest Queen leaves with sugar for

San Francisco about the latter part of the week.The tern Ke Au Hou sailed February 25th, in

charge of Captain Duncan, for Kaalualu, Kau;and Poholki, Puna, Hawaii, for cattle and firewood.

The barkentine John Smith sails with sugar for



General Business Offices




dtablibcl 1S79.

The follewui various brauchee of business willenable the public on the Islands and from abroad I if

gain general information on all matters in thefollowing departments:

I&eal Estate DepartmentBuys and sells Real tate n all parts of the

Kingdom.Valneit Real Estate aud Property in city and

suburbs.Rents and leases Houses, Cottages, Rooms and

Lands.Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repairing aud

Collecting of Rentals.Draws legal papers of every nature Searches

Titles, Records. Etc

Employment DepartmentFinds Employment in all branches of Industry

connected with the Islauds.

General Business MattersKeep Books and Accounts, collect Bills, loansInvest Moneys. PenmauMliip, Engroasiug andkinds of Copying done.

Procures Fire aud Life insurance.Advertisements and Correspondence attended to.Information of every description connected

the Islands comiug from abroad raisyanswered.

Cnstom House Broker.Merchants will lind this Department a special

benefit to them, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney and delivering thesame at a small commiahion.


largest, grandest and soundest InsuranceCompany in the world.

AGENT for the

.w&t Rurlluurtou unilway Route,'America. Travelers Journeying by rail in

America will find this rout the most comfortableand most delightful. The scenery is the grandestiroine East, and with the PULLMAN PALACEBLEEPING CARS and good meals along the trip.polite attention from employees and reasonable fare no route can excel this.

AGENT for the

Honolulu Royal Opera Houne.Managers ot first-clas- s companies abroad will

address me for terms, etc.

DEPARTMENTS.Real Estate Broker.

Cnstom House Broker.Money Broker.

Fire and Lire Insurance Agent.Employment Afrent,

Railroad Agent audGeneral Business Agent






Is prepared to do all kinds of

Commercial & Legal Work


Having just Received a Complete and NewAssortment of

Job Types anil Ornaments

Of thfl T.atfldt StvleB. from the most ueiei

brated Foundries of tbe United tatea. I

and employing only Experienced 1

and Tasty Workmen, we areprepared to turn out

Letter Head.Bill Head.

Circular.Note IIed.

Klaten.eut.Blllitor f.arilaj?.

Contracts,Mortjfajre Blanks,

Leases,Shipping; contracts,(In Hawaiian & EnglUh)

Calendar.Blank Chock,

Bond.Ktoek Certificate.

Bnalue Card.Meal Cheeks.

Milk Ticket.Bank Cheeks,


Marriage Cert 1 Urate.Diplomas.

Catalogues,Blotting Pads,

Druggist Labels.Envelope.

Shipping; Keeeipt.Ball Programmes.

Theatre Pro-ramiue-

And in fad evervthina which a First-Cla-ss

Office oan do.

it:f -











Executors and Trustee's Sale!




Notice is hereby given that, Ly order of

Alexander J. Cartwright, Sr., tbe Executorand Trustee of tbe last will and testament

Emma Kaleleoualani, deceased, and un-


license of the Supreme Court, we areauthorized to sell at public auction, at oursalesroom, on Queen street, in the city of

Honolulu, on

Tuesday, March 23, 1886,

12 o'clock noon, all the riyht, title andinterest of the said Emma KaleleonaUni, or,

and to the following described lands :

1. The Abupuaa of WAIAHA 1. situateKona, Island of Hawaii, and containingarea of 273l4 acres, aud being more par

ticularly described in Royal Patent 1,930.2. The land known as KOLOAKIU, sit

uate in aipio, District ol uamaKua, orIsland of Hawaii, containing an area of all

CO 100 acres, and being Apana 3 of RoyalPateut 1.CC5, Land Commission Award8,515 B. with

3. The land situate at KULAHUHU, La--

haina. Maui, containing an area of463-121- 0 acres, and described in Royal

Patent Grant 432.4. The Ahupuaa of ULAINO, situate in

the District of Koolau, Island of Maui, andbeing the same as appears by Royal Patent2,237, Land Commission Award 8,51a li.Area unknown. the

5. That certain piece of land situate atrUIWA. Honolulu, Oahu, and containing

area of 55-10- 0 of an acre, and being moreparticularly described in Royal PatentUrant 52,400. In

6. That certain land situate at KAHULUI,Kona, Hawaii, containing an area of 1 9-- 10

acres, and more particularly described inRoyal Patent 0,277 A, Land CommissionAward 7,496 B.

7. Those certain pieces of land situate atPUAKO, Lahaina, Maui, and containing anarea together of li acras, and being Apanas

and 5 of Royal Patent 0,77, Land uommission Award 5,483.

8. That certain land situate at PUEHUEHU, Lahaina, Maui, aud containing anarea of 23 nerches. and being described inRoval Patent 1.707, Land CommissionAw'ard 6,875.

9. The Ahupuaa of KAHULUI, situate inKona, Island of Hawaii, and being Apana 2of Roval Patent 1,669, Land CommissionAward 8,516 B. Area unknown.

10. The Ahupuaa of Kalama, situate inKona, Inland of Hawaii, and being Apana 2of Roval Patent 1,669, Land CommissionAward 8,516 B. Area unknown.

11. The Ahupuaa of PAnOEHOE, situatein Kona, Island of Hawaii, and being thesame as described in Land CommissionAward 8,519 B. Area unknown.

12. The Ahupuaa of WAIAKA 1, situate atWaimea, District of South Kohala, Island ofHawaii, and being Apana 1 of Royal Patent1,666, Land Commission Award 8,516 B.Area unknown.

13. That certain piece of land situate inPAKALA, Lahaina, Maui, and containingan area of 1 acre 22 perches, and beingdescribed in Royal Patent 1,876, Land Com-mission Award 8,519 B.

14. That certain piece of land situate inPAKALA, Lahaina, Maui, containing anarea of 38-10- 0 of an acre, and described inRoyal Patent 1,196, Land CommissionAward 10,427.

15. That certain land situate at MAKILA,Lahaina, Maui, containing an area of 7Hacres, and described in Royal Patent 1,112,Land Commission Award 10,427.

16. That certain land situate in MAKILA,T.ahaina. Maui, containing an area of 1 rood19 rods, and described in Royal Patent 3,537,Land Commission Award 10,427.

17. The Ahupuaa of MAUNALEI, situateon the Island of Lanai. and containing anarea of 3.442 38-10- 0 acres, and being thesame as described in Royal Patent 6,775,Land Commission Award 8,519 B.

18. That certain piece of land, with thebuildings thereon, situate on -- HcM street,in the City of Honolulu, Island of Oanu,and known as KUOHA, containing an areaof 83 fathoms and 16 feet, and described inRoyal Patent 146, Land Commission Award118 B.

1 19. That certain piece of land with thebuildings thereon, situate on Queen street,in said Honolulu, containing an area of615-100- 0 of an acre, and being Apana 1 ofRoyal Patent 6,778, Land CommissionAward 8,515. And also

20. That certain piece of land with thebuildings thereon, situate on said Queenstreet, containing an area of 3-- of an acre,and being described in Royal Patent 3,566,Land Commission Award 6,423 B.

For further particulars apply to

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,


Or to A. J. CARTWRIGHT, SR.,Executor and Trustee.


4 SUPPLY OF THE ABOVE NEW CROPrcpivpi A choice article for seed or

feed, in lots to suit.473 Jy23 LAINE A VO.

Iiitcrimtional Hotel.UNDERSIGNED WIIX OPEN A FIRSTTHE Restaurant In the International Hotel

Hotel street, on THURSDAY, the llth Instant.We solicit a share of the public patronage, trust-ing that we will satisfy our customers by servingonly the best the ruarKet auoras.

HOP WO CO.Honolulu, Februa y 10th. marlO


. tania street. Apply toM. D. MONSARRAT,

1m 27 Merchant street.

Co-Partners- hip Notice.

EORGE P. AND JAMES B. CASTLE ARET admitted aa partners in our! firm, dating

from January 1, 1886. CASTLE i COOKE.Honolulu, February 17, 1886. f19-l- w

Tbe schooner Caterina returned front Hamoa.Maul, February 2ith, with half her cargo of coalstill on board. Reports the weather at Hamoavery rough, and her boat was smashed. She willleave again fur Hamoa

The Hawaiian schooner Jennie Walker, CaptainB. Andereon, arrived in port February 23th, 14days from Fanning's Island. Reports ane, lightnortheast trades tbe entire trip. Her figure-hea- d

has been dislocated again by the sea. The JennieWalkei brings 80 tons of cobra for the PacificNavigation Company. She was eight days on herdown trip. The Captain reports that priorto his arrival at Fanning's Island, H. B. M. S.Satellite, the Americas schooner Fleur de Lis andthe New Zealand brig Ryno bad called there and Onhad sailed again. Tbe Jennie Walker expects toleave for the South Seas again about next Friday,


Thursday, February 25th.The King vs. Chung Ting. Assault

and battery. Appeal from the PoliceCourt, Honolulu. After hearing the evidence the defendant was discharged.Major Rosa for the Crown, J. A. Magoonfor defendant.

The King vs. I'oni. Larceny. Ap we

peal from District Court, "Waialua. Thedefendant was found euiltv and fined$12 and sentenced to imprisonment athard labor for six months. The sentenceimposed upon him by District Justice"Wond was only four months, so he hasgained nothing by appealing. MajorRosa for the Crown, S. K. Kane for defendant.

The King vs. Alo. Sexual intercoursewith a girl under 14 years of age. Ap-

peal from Police Court, Honolulu, wherethe defendant was sent on the reef foreighteen months. The case is still onon trial.


Thursday, February 25th.Geo. II. Luce, Tax Collector, vs. Apai

and Chung Pai. Assumpsit for Government taxes, $276 10, with 10 per centadded. Judgment for plaintiff for $306 60,including costs.

Geo. II. Luce vs. Pacific NavigationCompany. Assumpsit for Governmenttaxes, $443 25. Settled out of Court.Costs $2.

Geo. II. Luce vs. S. F. Graham. Assumpsit for Government taxes for $57 35,with 10 per cent added. No appearanceby defendant. Judgment for plaintifffor $G6 43, including costs.

Geo. H . Luce vs. Wo Sine & Co. Assumpsit for Government taxes, $168 10.

Settled out of Court. Costs $2. .

The Iowa State Temperance Alliance,in session in Des Moines, has received reports from the different congregationaldistricts as to the enforcement of prohibition and elected officers for the ensuingyear. The Secretary reported a generalenforcement of the law in most parts of

the State. He announced that 701 saloons have been closed, that 437 townshave reported a majority of populationin favor of enforcement and that about$6,000 in fines have been paid by violat-

ors of the prohibitory law in Justices'Court alone.

No book ever published contains so muchreliable and valuable information regard-i- n

p- - th Hawaiian Islands in such smallocompass as the Honolulu Almanac andDibectory, 1886. Price. 50 cents.

The Gallant Flftyflrst.Antletam, September 12, 1882.

Then came the memorable order from Burnsldewhich must have thrilled every xnemoer oi mereelment: "Tell Sturglss to send the Fifty-fir- st

Ponnavivania to take the bridge." A. WimomNORKIS.

Along the valley's narrow gorgeThe morning mist outspread,While rifle-pi- t and breastwork strongFrowned grimly overhead.The sluggish stream that only servedTo slake the thirst of klne.Was soon to see a drearer sight,When men were forced Inline.

Along the crest a flash of fireBreaks red against tbe sky,Along the hillside's narrow slopeComes back the quick reply.Feraro dashes up in haste,His countenance aflame,

The Fifty -- first must storm the bridge,"Twas thus the order came.

Fix bayonets!" over Hartranft's faceA calm, strange smile was seen ,

Tbe red blood flashed bis dusky cheekHis dark eyes all agleam.Sturgis and Cook in vain essayed.And others yet may try;And now the gallant Fifty-fir- st

Must storm the bridge or die.

Bright flashed the sword their leader drewCharge!" like a simoon's blast,

The Fifty-firs- t mid shot and shellDashed on the bridge is passed.The beaten foe in wild retreatIs flying o'er the bridge.Huzza! Huzza! The Fifty --firstHave stormed Ad tie tarn's bridge.

O, men of Pennsylvania,Along your bloody routeLies many a comrade duU of earWho may not hear you shout;But o'er your country's wide domainA pean grand shall burst;A nation's accolade be thineO gallant Fifty-first- !

;J kjt II. N ONES.

L. G. SliESOVICII & CO.,Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers inForeign and Domestic Fruits, green and drieo;manufacturers of Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas,Limes, Pine Apples, Sicily Lemons, TahitiOranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Datesand Smyrna Figs,

Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex-perience in shipping to China, Australia, Mexico,Central America, Eastern States, etc. TropicalFruits imported direct by every steamer.

Branch House, Kan Francisco, P. O. box 1383.Honolulu, H. I., P.O. box 129.

413, 415 and 417 Washington street, opposite PostOfilce; 412, 414 and 410 Merchant street.

479 fb2 87 SA2 FRANCIbCO.

Ry order of the administrator of the MAKEEESTATE, we wUl sell at public auction, ou

Wednesday, March 10th,

At 13 o'clock Kou.

the premises, that certain parcel of land on thecorner of Beretaola and Union streets, with the ofhandsome

FAMILY RESIDENCEThereon, built by the late Captain Makee for Maown use.

The bouse is large and roomy, faithfully built,and with particular reference to the wants of ourtropical climate.

The place can be viewed at any time upon ap-

plication to IRWIN & CO. At

inImmediately after tbe sale of the house and lot

will sellin


.A.t "Waikiki36

Adjoining: the residence of W. O. IRWIN,ESQ., and numbered as per Kapiolatil Park planrespectively 116, 117, 118, 119, 120.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,541 marlO AucUoneera.

Administrators' SaleOF--

Household Furniture. an

By order of the administrators of the MAKEEESTATK, we will seU at public auction on

Wednesday, March 10th,At lO oelock a. m.

At the residence, corner Beretania and Union 4streets, the entire Household Furniture, in part asfollows, viz:

Drab Silk rep. Parlor Set, 8 pieces; RosewoodCenter Table, 2 Bronzes and Stands, 4 Oil Paint-ings, 2 Walnut and GUt Mirrors, Music Back,

jVIarble Vases,Marble Busts, Carpeting, Oak Extension DiningTable, Oak Sideboard and Mirror, 12 Oak DiningChairs, Glass and Plated Ware, Majolica Ware, 1

Sextant, Glass Lamps. I Chinese Porcelain Break-fast and Dinner Set. 3 B Y Bedroom Sets complete, Wardrobes, Mattresses, Pillows, MusquitoNets, Cheffoniers, Covered Lounges, CamphorTrunk,

Velvet Bugs,Caroet Chairs. Clothes Box, Parian Figures. Toiletseta, chamber Sets. One Rosewood Bedroom Setcomplete, Rocking Chairs,

Hat Rack,Revolving Chair. Whatnots, Flower rots andStands, Koa Meat Safe, Refrigerator, Stove andKitchen Furniture, uatn xuo, etc., etc.

One Top Buggy.Also, Harness, Step Ladder, etc., etc.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,

539 mar 10 Auctioneers.



Messrs. Conchee & Almiig

Offer their entire stock of CHINESE GOODS attheir store on Fort street at very mucn reauceaprices for the next thirty days. The stock con-sists o. Chinese

DRESS SILKSIn all colors,


SILK HANDKERCHIEFS,A large variety of







And a large assortment of

Japanese "Ware.All these GOODS are now ready for inspection,

and the public will find 1. to their interest to jpay&31 mar24call.them a


-Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER ISSUED OUTI of the supreme Court of the Hawaiian

Islands, sitting as a Court in Admiralty, whereincertain proceedings in Admiralty was brought byFreeth A Peacock, piaintics, againsi me orilie Rowe," a decree and order of sale was madethereunder by the Honorable Lawrence McCully,Justice of the Supreme Court, dated the 24th dayof February, . D. 188S, commanding me in pur-suance of said decree to sell the said brig "AllieHowe," her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture.

Id obedience to said order I will sell the saidbrig Allie Rowe, her boats, tackle, apparel andfurniture, at public auction, to the highest bidder,on THURSDAY, the llth day of March, A. D.18S6, at 12 o'clock, at her moorings at Emmes'wharf, near tbe Fish Market, Honolulu.

Terms cash. Deeds at expense of purchaser.rSeal.l JNO. H. SO PER,

Marshal.Honolulu, February 14, 183C. 5M marll


AND WHOLESALE DEALER INIMPORTER Provisions, Produce and CaliforniaWines. Sole Agent for Talk's celebrated MIL-WAUKE- E


Beaver Bloek, Qneu St., Honolulu.

elegant line of Uents' Neckware.xtf



seventeen more thoroughbred crossea to theconclusion. I will quote a few lines from a

commonare breed- -

C. B. MILES, Proprietor.


---.i i it ru

TTa rMa nir Tho. "Rnrth rinf?s when Ti2 tOUChCS It.basest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of

The Trotting Stallion

VENTUBEN. F. BURGESS' stable, King street (formerly tL.

Will etand for the Season of 188G atand end July 1st.

Pony Stables), season to commence February 1st.

Terms reduced to $30 for the season ; insurance at special rateB.

disposition and gait, as desirable a horse as erercolor,VENTURE is, in size, style,came to the country. He is remarkably vigorous and very sure. Most of the mares bred

in foal, and his young foal are perfect models of beantyheavyto him last year are now . b u j owners. His auccess as a breeder inand and I are Terr..symmetry, PJa k of

77f i nn for the season be aurely ought at the low price now charged for his ervicea

ia no wonder that his get are so valued. t ti,i: t wil tnnwn Vv all horsemen, but i win rcier io uncuj . xj3!"5rYt irn ttnv.mnnine. backmum, ua j - -

XJ U 1 IViU A-- - - --- o

very valuable work entitled Horse Breeding," just issueu io p,

gaa Fraacisco about next Tuesday.

The tern EYa finishes discharging her generalcargo She will load with sugar for SanFrancisco after the bark Ferest Queen.

The schooner Wal.'ele brought 576 bags sugarfrom Mallko, Maui, Februa--y 23 th.

The steamer James I. Dowsett brought 710 bagssugar from Pala, Maul, February 25th, which weretransferred to tbe barkentine Jehn Smith. Shesailed again at 4 p. na. for MauL

The schooner Kulamanu arrived February 25th

from Kukaiau, Hamakua, Hawaii, with 1,7 SO bagssugar, which were transferred to the bark ForestQueen. Reports rough weather at Hamakua, andstrong breezes in the channel.

Mr. F. W. Wundenberg's new schooner Sule

breed from a horse oi pure dioou, uu uii-- . " "yoJ are breeding up ; but if you breed from a horse of m.xod blood, you ,

stockine back."

For any additional particulars call on

P. C. A. Job Printing Office!

r' Vl

i y


m . If


Groceries? Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Ooods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, resh CaliforniProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postofflce Box No. 15Telephone No. 92. 76 apt


have p.kckivkd;

May 8th Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;

To Arrive-P- er Consuelo, 332 Packages,



Will bo Sold at tlio Lowest jSIavket Raton.

Cotton Rubber IJned

FIRE HOSE,Rubber Hose, Hose Carts, H. and L. Trucks and Fire Department supplies generally. Square FlaxPacking, Rubber Packing, etc., etc. Send for circulars and prices.

W. T. Y. SCIIENCK,326feb23 87;36 California street.

M:. "W McChesney & Son,ami 41 upcu Ntreet, Honolulu.


1886. Third Year of


ly 4





For the Year of Our Lord 1SSG, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil &


Official and BusinessTOGETITER WITH



All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods deceived by

Eull Statistical and General Information

RELATING TO THE HAW'N ISIlNDS,Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers to

make this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Couu- -

Its Court and Official Calendarmoment.

Art.irlfis of sncial value to tho


11. F. DILLINGHAM,I'resident and Manager.

Tli Ballet Girl.lLipplncott'3 Magazine

With complexion like the ros'Mif tho gnowa, .tg- -

Done to powder CTv br nose,I suppose,

She twirls upon her toeIn abbreviated clothes,And exhibits spangle! hoTJo the beaux.

'When cruel tim3.bestort"Adipose, - ' '" - "

. Fairy parts ancTall thoasShe outgrows;

And murmuringly goesTo the very hindmost rows,To piroutte and pose

With the 'crows."

When life frayed and faded growLike her bows,

She in garrets sits and sewsFurbelows,

Till her weary eyelids closeIn the peace of death's repose.Ii she reaping what she sewsl

Heaven knows.

Going to MilLHarper Weekly.

Chicken's wuf more'n corn ebry day inda week; an' now jes wait till I bring datprocession nb hens down yeah in de wooda,an' we'll bab chicken funerals fo' dinnah atour bouse tf some' time, you Jes bet yereyr

. Speckled Beauties.Boston Courier.

Tha girl with the freckled face is nowfashionable. Fashion Faper.

He fondly gazed in her freckled face,"Then an arm he placed about

i Her waist, and gave her a fotul embrace.And called her his pretty trout.

Into her face a red flush came,Anrl her eyes with tears grew dim,

As she said: "Why call me such a namef"And she turned her back on him.

Oh, to praise his girl is a lover's right,"- He said, "and a lover's duty.And I called you a pretty trout to-nig- ht

pi . Because you're a speckled beauty."

TTie Barbed Wire Fence.I Boston Saturday Evening tiazette.1

XXa inourns the happy days of youth,Now gone forever hence,

Ifhen he could eit and whittle sticksUpon a picket fence.

But now, alas I he cannot thusHis leisure hours employ,

For fate, in shape of wire with barbs,Hath rendered null that Joy.

Seeking High Air.. Fliegende Blatter. i


mm iT3Fi 'i-- -

"Meia Gott, Fritz, what for you doinjthat chimney top on?n Fritz My doctoroWer for me high air. This air high enoughalr&y, aint it!

Contemporary Damor.Kew Orleans Picayune: The character of

tha Chinaman is apt to be wish-he-wash- y.

. Philadelphia Herald: Candor in an ad-

vertisement: 'Boarders taken in for thasummer."

Philadelphia Call: The Princ3 of Walescall! Battenberg a beggar. It Is now in or-

der for tho Prince of Wal3 to rL aod ex-

plain how he earns his living.Atlanta Constitution: Patti is writing

bf memoirs. It is said that she is the autJjorof the beautiful parlor festival songentitled, "Patti cake, Patti cake, Baker'sman."

Norristown Herald: The PennsylvaniaProhibitionists are said to have a campaignfund of $177 with which to dam the re-

morseless tide of rum. But dam it, theycan't with such a meagre" amount of

"money.Elmira Advertiser: The Derrick and The

Blizzard contest the newspaper field of OilCity. Pa. The Derrick, in closing a noticeof, the death of Peter Gidders, lately said:"Shortly before 6 o'clock a lady beganreading The Blizzard to him, and in lessthan two minutes he died.

San Franciscan: A Boston paper speaksof Buffalo Bill's "skill in mounting andbucking horses." Should tho Boston manever obtain any experimental knowledge ofa live mustang he will find that if be canmanage the "mounting" he need take nofurther trouble; the horse will attend to the'bucking."Jewish Messenger: Doctor For dinner

take forty minutes.Timid patient Would it be dangerous to

add a piece of meat and some vege tables fPhiladelphia Call: Mrs. Dusenberry I

wish I lived in Thibet.Mr. Dusenberry Why, my dear!"A woman there is allowed to have four

busbanda.""But what would you want with four hu- -

bandsr'Because, when I asked for a new bonnet

the chances are four to one that I wouldget it"

The Vacancy Slop Over.New York Times

Wife (at a late hour) Well, where in theworld have you boon?

Husband To tell you the (hie) truth, m'dear, some of the (hie) boys at the offis gonewav on (hie) vacations, y' know, an anshort banded, y un'stan', an' Tve beebeen tillia' vacancy. Zat's hones' truth, m'dear, s'help me.

Wife You seem to have filled the va-

cancy pretty fulL

A story is told of a shrewish Scotch-woman who tried to wean her husbandfrom tha dram shop by employing herbrother to act the part of a ghost andIrighten John on his way horn?. "Who areyen?" asked the gude man, as tbe apparitionrose before him from behinl a brush. "I amAuld Nick," was the reply. "Come awa',mon," said John, nothing daunted. "Gie'aa shake 6 your hand ; I am married to m

sister o' yours I"

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect aoroau.

Elegantly llLustrated.

Thlt remedy is prepared Irom tbe Papala tree,for the cure of



Autl All lllordr Arlslns from theSame.

It has been proved to be one of the most effectualremedies ever offered the public for these dis-

eases. All who have uvd it recommend it highly.

Put up by

V. II. HITCHCOCK,Hllo, Hawaii.

trFOK MALE by HOLL1STKK CO.. Hono-lulu.

Parties livlns on the othr Islands can have itseut to them direct on application 10 me I'tuructor.

Patented lecember, ls5. 49Smy8

We (j. Irwin & Co



In Basrels,IIalf Barrels,

And Boxes.


In Half BarrelsAnd Boxes.


GOIDEX C. (OOFFEK)In Half Barrels

And Boxes.






Salmon.CASES l- - TINH.




Flour.FAMILY quarter sacks),

- ER'S EXTRA (ii half sacks)

Cases Medium Bread.

Lime and Cement.



Reed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering.

25 "A" TEXTS, (suitable for camp-ing and surveying parties.)

Ill tf


The undersigned are now prepared to reeeive orderB for this Celebrated Fertilizerfrom tbe manufactory of Buck Jb OhlandtSan Francisco: -

The following is a report of the compo-nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy- -


Water 0 P6 centOrganic Matter 29.18 " "Silicious Matter 5 " "Lime 8170 " "Phosphoric Acid 23.11 "Oxide of Iron 85 " "Carbonic Acid 9 " 'Alka Salts 52 "

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Ordera Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. Gr. Irwin & Co.,

Acents or tbe Hawaiian Islands.sstf



A flrst-cla- ss BAKERS' AND FAMILY FLOUR,for sale by


-- ANI

Land Shells.

SALE, IIA VA 1 IAN FERN'S, MOUNTEDFOR unmounted, as may be desired, at 10 percomplete set of 115 species, or at 10 cents perspecimen for any number required. The fernsare Darned and put in neat cases sufficiently se-

cure for mailing: to any part of the world. Also, Ha-waiian land shells for sale at from 10 to 20 centsper species. Each species named and representedby from one to five pairs of shells. Please address

I). D. BALDWIN,522 tf Lahaina, Maui.


Contractor and Builder,

SO IIofl Street, Honolulu, II 1.,

(Opposite Fashion SfoM.-s)- .

P. O. BOX 313. BKL.L TKI.KPHONT. 53.

All work In niy line fuitbtally done. Plans andspecifications made. Jobbing In all details doneat short notice. Good work and low charges Ismy motto.


Steam Navigation Co.



BATES Commander

Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maul, and Konaand Kau, Hawaii.


Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukuihaele, Honokua and Panuhau. Hawaii.


Leaves every Friday at 8 a. m. for Waianae.Oahu, and Hanalei and Kilauea. Kauai, Return- -ng, leaves Hanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. in., andtouching at Waialua and Waianae Wednesdays,and arriving at Honolulu same day.



' Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. R. FOSTER, President.J. K.na, Secretary.


Ltmi tel;.

STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commanaei).

Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,touching at Lahalna, Maalaea, Makena,,s!itrkona. KawaihaeLaupahoehoe. ilJUo-ail- u iveauhou

Commenclrig pi-- 5iOKlAY, October 12th. andtheuce OR-tt- ie first Monday following the arrivalof -- the "Alameda" and ".Mariposa," on the 8thJtiid 22 d of each month:

The steamer Kinau will make the VOLCANOTRIP, reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morn-ing, giving tourists two days and two nights atthe VOLCANO HOUSE.

When the 8th and 22d of the month fall onMonday, the Kinau will leave that day.


The Kinao will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS wUl connect with theKinau at Mahukonu.

The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokala andPaauhau on down trips from II Ho for Passengersif a signal Is made from the shore.

STEAMER LIKELIKE.(Lorenzen, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. u. torKannakakal,Kahului, every week; Huelo, Hana

and Kipahulu, Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu everyother week. Returning, will stop at the aboveports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,(Weisbarth, Commander).

Will leave regularly for Paauhau, Kobolalele,Ookala, Kukalau, Houohlna, Laupaboehoe, Hftka-la- n

and Onomea


(Pmyics. 'uniniKDdert

Will leave regularly for SRiue ports as KilaueaHim.



Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. m. forKaunakakai, Kamalo. Pukoo,Lahaina. Lana!,

Pelekunu and Kalaupapa. Re-turning, leaves Pukoo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning.

The Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed Incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

SAML. O. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretory.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.C9-- ly Mar 30


Successors l DillliiIinm A Co. ami Suinuel Not.


San Francisco, Cat.


Publication. 1886,

Ecclesiastic'! Caleiid'rYEAR AN- -

Directory of Honolulu

carefully corrected to the lates

Islands have oeen prepared by ex


T3utv --Paid..


& CO:,IRetail Grocers,

297. Old and New Telephone, 240.

Fresh California Fruits. Fresh California FishGoods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge

frank gertz,Importer and Manufacturer Jj

Of all Descriptions of

& SHOESOrders from the other Islands solicited.

No, 114 Fort Ht Honolulu.


with tha A ttnm at nnneral. A Hi

oUal Hale, Honolulu, H. I. mr28.12-t- l

Fort Street

COMMERCIAL WORK.ArtisticCoforPrinting.




JAMES O. SPENCER,Secretary and Treasurer,

Honolulu-- :o:-



WsAi.wf-fi'-j-l Ii" - t

in m r

noiisekeepins Goods.


Til Bond or

WHIPS.A large invoice, Eastern make, at very low prices. Superior Kiding sidles.

The ECickok Calcium Burner,GO CANDLE POWER GO

The most powerful Ifcht ever introduced into this market. KEROSENE OIL, ex-

tra quality, fresh and in good order in quantities to suit.

CHANDELIERS AND LAMPS of the latest designs. All the lioveltiea inBURNERS. A large line of TINWARE ujwn very favorable terms. 1IA?'-D-WARE- ,


A very CHOICE LOT just received. The best in the market.


LEWISWholesale and

67 and 69 Hotel street. P. O. Box

NFW HOODS JCST RECEIVED ON ICE.and a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries.


Lixxiibei? and. Coal,Doors,: Sash and Blinds. All kinds of BL ILDEI'.K' HA KDWARK, Paints, Oils, Glass, Matting

Corrugated Iron, Portland Cement ; STEEL. NA1LH, much superior to Iron, and cost bat Utile



Ilitve completed ami offer for sale the following Boilers, via::

IMPAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS SryB1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. G in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also

1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.io5-je2:- -s ApDiy to The Honolulu Iron "Works Co.



' 1 :y!jP

r j r

Stoves, Ranges and


No More Darkness.j

Just received, ex MARTHA DAVIS, from Boston,

Downer's Kerosene Oil.

Standard Kerosene Oil.

Water White Kerosene Oil.



Plimilmig, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work'