ugh049-0814 earthsmart tm adiabatic cooling tower... corporate office: 724.584.5500 l instant access...

66 Corporate Office: 724.584.5500 l Instant Access 24/7 (Parts and Service): 800.458.1960 l Parts and Service: 814.437.6861 USER GUIDE UGH049-0814 EarthSmart TM Adiabatic Cooling Tower Models ESTW-12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29 Model ESTW-29

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Page 1: UGH049-0814 EarthSmart TM Adiabatic Cooling Tower... Corporate Office: 724.584.5500 l Instant Access 247 (Parts and Service): 800.458.1960 l Parts and Service: 814.437.6861

Corporate Office: 724.584.5500 l Instant Access 24/7 (Parts and Service): 800.458.1960 l Parts and Service: 814.437.6861




Adiabatic Cooling TowerModels ESTW-12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29

Model ESTW-29

Page 2: UGH049-0814 EarthSmart TM Adiabatic Cooling Tower... Corporate Office: 724.584.5500 l Instant Access 247 (Parts and Service): 800.458.1960 l Parts and Service: 814.437.6861

It’s a good idea to record the model and serial number(s) of your equipment and the date you received it in the User Guide. Our service department uses this information, along with the manual number, to provide help for the specific equipment you installed.

Please keep this User Guide and all manuals, engineering prints and parts lists together for documentation of your equipment.


Manual Number: UGH049-0814

Serial Number(s):

Model Number(s):

DISCLAIMER: Conair shall not be liable for errors contained in this User Guide or for incidental, consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this information. Conair makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this information, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Please record your equipment’s model and serial number(s) and the date you received it in the spaces provided.

Copyright 2014 l Conair l All rights reserved

Page 3: UGH049-0814 EarthSmart TM Adiabatic Cooling Tower... Corporate Office: 724.584.5500 l Instant Access 247 (Parts and Service): 800.458.1960 l Parts and Service: 814.437.6861

Tab le o f Contents I i

Table of Contents1 - 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n Purpose of the User Guide ............................................................................... 1-2

How the Guide is Organized............................................................................. 1-2

Your Responsibility as a User ........................................................................... 1-2

ATTENTION: Read This So No One Gets Hurt .................................................... 1-3

Proper Intended Use ........................................................................................ 1-5

Improper Use .................................................................................................. 1-6

Brine Glycol Hazards ....................................................................................... 1-8

Residual Hazards in Pressurized Parts ............................................................. 1-9

Cautions to Prevent Defective Installation ...................................................... 1-10

Cautions About Damage to the Unit ............................................................... 1-11

Residual Hazards in Fluid Disposal ................................................................ 1-12

Zero Mechanical State (ZMS) ......................................................................... 1-12

2 - 1 D e s c r i p t i o n What is the EarthSmart Adiabatic Tower? ........................................................ 2-2

How the Adiabadic Tower Works ...................................................................... 2-3

Transportation and Storage ............................................................................. 2-5

Storage Before Installation .............................................................................. 2-7

Specifications .................................................................................................. 2-8

3 - 1 I n s t a l l a t i o n Safety Instructions........................................................................................... 3-2

System-side Safety Requirements ................................................................... 3-4

Customer-side Safety Precautions ................................................................... 3-5

Requirements for Installation .......................................................................... 3-6

Unpacking Instructions .................................................................................... 3-7

Installing the Unit ............................................................................................ 3-9

Operation with Water Spray System............................................................... 3-10

Unit Electrical Connection and Protection ....................................................... 3-12

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ii I Tab le o f Contents

Perform Acceptance Test ............................................................................... 3-12

Test Readiness for Operation ......................................................................... 3-13

Operating the Unit for the First Time .............................................................. 3-14

4 - 1 O p e r a t i o n Activating the EarthSmart Tower ...................................................................... 4-2

Shutting Down the Unit.................................................................................... 4-2

Re-activating the Unit After a Shutdown .......................................................... 4-3

Changing to Another Working Fluid .................................................................. 4-4

Adiabatic System Schematic ........................................................................... 4-4

Adiabatic System Operation ............................................................................ 4-5

5 - 1 M a i n t e n a n c e Before Starting All Maintenance....................................................................... 5-2

With All Maintenance Work .............................................................................. 5-2

Care and Maintenance Plan ............................................................................. 5-4

Fans ................................................................................................................ 5-4

Unit Heat Exchanger ........................................................................................ 5-5

Clean Unit ....................................................................................................... 5-6

General ........................................................................................................... 5-6

Clean Heat Exchanger ..................................................................................... 5-6

Cleaning with Compressed Air ......................................................................... 5-7

Hydraulic Cleaning .......................................................................................... 5-7

Cleaning with Brushes and Compressed Air ..................................................... 5-8

Cleaning the Pipe Insides ................................................................................ 5-8

Cleaning Fans ................................................................................................. 5-9

Maintaining Cooling Pads .............................................................................. 5-10

Maintaining Water Distributor ........................................................................ 5-12

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Tab le o f Contents I iii

6 - 1 T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Before Beginning ............................................................................................. 6-2

A Few Words of Caution ................................................................................... 6-2

Troubleshooting ............................................................................................... 6-3

Spare Parts List ............................................................................................... 6-4

A A p p e n d i x We’re Here to Help .......................................................................................... A-1

Customer Service Information ........................................................................ A-1

Warranty Information ....................................................................................... A-2

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iv I Tab le o f Contents

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1S E C T I O N


I n t roduct ion I 1-1

In t roduct ion

Purpose o f the User Gu ide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

How the Gu ide is Organ ized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Your Respons ib i l i t y as a User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

ATTENTION: Read Th is So No One Gets Hur t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

Proper In tended Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5

Improper Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

Br ine G lyco l Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8

Res idua l Hazards in Pressur ized Par ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9

Caut ions to Prevent Defect ive Ins ta l la t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10

Caut ions About Damage to the Un i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11

Res idua l Hazards in F lu id D isposa l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12

Zero Mechan ica l S ta te (ZMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12

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1-2 I In t roduct ion

Purpose of the User GuideThis user guide describes the ESTW and explains step-by-step how to install, operate, and maintain this equipment.

Before installing this product, please take a few moments to read the user guide and re-view the diagrams and safety information in the instruction packet. You should also review manuals covering associated equipment in your system. This review won’t take long, and it could save you valuable installation and operating time later.

How the Guide is OrganizedSymbols have been used to help organize the User Guide and call your attention to impor-tant information regarding safe installation and operation.

Symbols within triangles warn of conditions that could be hazardous to users or could damage equipment. Read and take precautions before proceeding.

Numbers indicate tasks or steps to be performed by the user.

A diamond indicates the equipment’s response to an action performed by the user.

An open box marks items in a checklist.

A circle marks items in a list.

Indicates a tip. A tip is used to provide you with a suggestion that will help you with the maintenance and the operation of this equipment.

Indicates a note. A note is used to provide additional information about the steps you are following throughout the manual.

Your Responsib i l i ty as a UserYou must be familiar with all safety procedures concerning installation, operation, and maintenance of this equipment. Responsible safety procedures include:

• Thorough view of this User Guide, paying particular attention to hazard warnings, appendices, and related diagrams.

• Thorough review of the equipment itself, with careful attention to voltage sources, intended use and warning labels.

• Thorough review of instruction manuals for associated equipment.

• Step-by-step adherence to instructions outlined in this User Guide.






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In t roduct ion I 1-3


ATTENTION:Read This So No One Gets HurtWe design equipment with the user’s safety in mind. You can avoid the potential hazards identified on this machine by following the procedures outlined below and elsewhere in the User Guide.

WARNING: Improper insta l lat ion, operat ion, or serv ic-ing may resul t in equipment damage or personal in-jury.

This equipment should be installed, adjusted, and serviced by qualified technical personnel who are familiar with the construction, operation, and potential hazards of this type of machine.

All wiring, disconnects, and fuses should be installed by qualified electrical technicians in accordance with electrical codes in your region. Always maintain a safe ground. Do not operate the equipment at power levels other than what is specified on the machine serial tag and data plate.

WARNING: Vol tage Hazard

This equipment is powered by single-phase current, as specified on the machine serial tag.

A properly sized conductive ground wire from the incoming power supply must be connected to the chassis ground terminal inside the electrical enclosure. This ground connection is supplied with the ESTW panel and must not be removed or must be replaced if damaged. Improper grounding can result in severe personal injury and erratic device operation.

Always disconnect and lock out the incoming main power source before opening the electrical enclosure or performing non-standard operating procedures, such as routine maintenance. Only qualified personnel should perform troubleshooting procedures that require access to the electrical enclosure while power is on.

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1-4 I In t roduct ion

DANGER: Chemical HazardThe unit is operated as standard with ethylene glycol as the brine. Do not use other brines without discussing it with the manufacturers.

Ethylene glycol is flammable and explosive at higher temperatures in a vapor state.With skin contact ethylene glycol causes slight irritation with the danger of skin absorption; with eye contact mucous membrane irritation; with ingestion agitation with disruption of the central nervous system; with prolonged hazards – fatigue, coordination disruption, unconsciousness, kidney damage.

Keep ethylene glycol away from ignition sources.

Ethylene glycol vapors are heavier than air and may flow down to lower levels. In still air there may be an increase of the ground level concentration. With high concentrations, there is a danger of suffocation due to reduced oxygen concentra-tion, especially at ground level.

Unauthorized people must not have access to the unit.

Safety measures and procedure:

• With unexpected serious glycol leaks, activate the emergency STOP switch set up in a safe place, e.g. with:

– Visibly escaping brine from the heat exchanger or pipe components;

– Sudden large release (release and evaporation of the greater part of the entire charge in a relatively short time).

• Have experienced, trained personnel with prescribed protective clothing perform all necessary protective and other measures including:

– Use respiratory protection;

– Use a room air-independent breathing apparatus with maintenance work in high brine concentrations in the room air;

– Ensure the location of the equipment is well ventilated; and

– Divert leaking brine safely in accordance with local regulations.

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In t roduct ion I 1-5


Proper Intended UseDry coolers of the ESTW series are intended for installation in the brine circuit of a refrig-eration sys- tem and for outdoor installations. The dry coolers cool the brine by rejecting the heat to the air that is being moved by fans over the dry heat exchanger surface.

The unit is delivered for operation with a specific operating point:

• Brine flow rate

• Brine entering and leaving temperatures

• Airflow volume

• Air inlet temperature

The specified operating point is provided in the submittal documents.

Operat ing Condi t ions

The unit is a component of the cooling system including its working fluid circuit. The purpose of these operating instructions is to restrict the possible dangers to people and property and the environment from the unit and the working fluid used in it to a minimum. These dangers are essentially connected with the physical and chemical properties of the working fluid and with the pressures and temperatures that occur in the working fluid-carrying components of the unit.

WARNING: Danger of In jur ies and Damage to Property!The unit must only be used in accordance with the proper intended use. The operator must ensure that when operating, monitoring and maintaining the unit, the fluid and type do not deviate from the order-related information specified in the submittal documents.

The operator must ensure that maintenance measures are performed in compli-ance with the system’s operating instructions manual.

Charging the unit is only permitted following written approval by the manufac-turer.

Do not exceed the maximum operating pressure provided on the unit’s name plate.

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1-6 I In t roduct ion

Improper Use

WARNING: Danger of In jur ies and Damage to Property!Working fluids and their combinations with water or other substances in the working fluid-carrying components have internal chemical and physical effects on the materials of construction. The unit must only be pressurized with brine glycol. Pressurizing the unit with another working fluid will result in:

• Material, tensile strength, corrosive resistance, and testing are not suitable for the working fluid used and might not withstand the possible pressures and stresses that might occur.

• The unit not being resistant to the other working fluid and / or mixture;

• The unit not remaining leak free during operation and when shut down; and

• A possible sudden discharge of the working fluid could directly endanger people and / or property and the environment.

The maximum permissible operating pressure specified on the name plate must not be exceeded! If the operating pressure is exceeded:

• The structural and welding materials might not withstand the foreseeable me-chanical, thermal and chemical stresses and the pressure that can occur during operation and when shut down.

• The unit might not remain leak free during operation and when shut down.

• There may be a possible sudden discharge of the working fluid after a break or leakage on working fluid-carrying components, which could result in the following dangers:

– Danger of materials rupturing

– Suffocation hazard

– Hazards caused by panic reactions

– Environmental pollution

WARNING: Hand In jur iesThere is a danger of cuts on hands and / or fingers from the fins and on sharp corners or edges of the unit. Use reliable hand protection!

There is a danger of fingers being caught in the rotating fan blades, injury hazard for the hands and pulling in danger for loose items such as hair, necklaces or clothing parts.

Do not operate fans without fan guard. Pinch/trap point hazard!Lock out isolation is required before any work on all moving parts.Secure the unit with a suitable warning sign referring to unintentional switching on.

(Cont inued)

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In t roduct ion I 1-7


Improper Use (Cont inued)

WARNING: E lectr ical HazardsWarns against danger of electrical current!Direct and indirect contact with voltage-carrying parts of motors and electrical lines can cause serious injuries or death.Lock out the unit before you begin maintenance work. See the refrigeration system’s system documentation for this. Secure the unit against unintentional switching on again by removing the electric fuses for the unit. Secure the unit with a suitable warning sign referring to unintentional switching on.Please note that the mains cables may also be carrying voltage, even if the unit is powered off.Work on electrical equipment must only be performed by people that have the required expertise and who are authorized to do so by the operator.

WARNING: Burn HazardsIn operation the unit’s heat exchanger and pipes could have temperatures exceed-ing 45°C / 113°F. Contact with these surfaces can cause burns.Use hand protection!

WARNING: Freeze HazardsIn areas where the ambient temperature could possibly drop below freezing, it is imperative that anti-freeze protection is used in the cooler, or maintain the correct glycol concentration.If glycol concentration is not sufficient for anti-freeze protection the cooler must be drained completely when the ambient temperature drops below 3°C / 37°F.During pressure test, operation and shutdown of the cooler filled with water or insufficient glycol concentration there is also the risk of freezing the tubes when temperatures drop below freezing.

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1-8 I In t roduct ion

Brine Glycol Hazards

Advice for minimizing risk while handling brine:

• Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing! Remove contaminated, soaked clothing immediately!

• Ethylene glycol vapors are heavier than air and may flow to lower levels.

• To avoid the inhalation of high vapor concentrations, the working rooms must be well aired.

• Test the tightness of the unit regularly, as specified in these operating instructions.

• Keep ethylene glycol away from ignition sources.

• Suitable firefighting equipment must be provided on site with work involving fire or sparks, such as grinding, welding, etc.

• Ensure that the provided firefighting equipment is provided in sufficient quantities, that it functions properly and that the extinguishing agent does not react with the brine.

• No smoking! Ethylene glycol is flammable and explosive at higher temperatures in a vapor state.

WARNING: Danger of Poisoning!Contact of the brine with open flame must be prevented, as toxic combustion products can form.

• Welding and soldering must only take place after completely draining the relevant section of the system of the brine. Ensure good ventilation here!

• Do not bring any parts of the unit into contact with heavy oxidation agents such as chromo-sulphuric acid, potassium permanganate, sulphuric acid, or similar. Danger of strong reactions!

WARNING: Vibrat ion HazardIf fans are damaged during operation, flying parts of the fan blades can injure people or cause damage to property close to the fan.Fans, components and cables in the system, including the brine circuit must be designed, constructed and integrated so that dangers caused by vibrations that it or other parts of the system generate are reduced to an absolute minimum, while incorporating all available means for reducing vibrations, preferably at the source.

NOTICE: Property Damage by Vibrat ionsVibrations that are increased by imbalances, as created by dirt or fan blade dam-age, are regularly caused with fan operation. The vibrations are transferred to the unit, where they can cause damage and damage the unit mounting or brine circuit components connected to the unit.

Check the fan blades and fan guards regularly for dirt and frosting and / or icing and the fans’ smooth operation.

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In t roduct ion I 1-9


Residual Hazards in Pressur ized Parts

WARNING: In jury and Damage to Property Caused by Pressur ized Components that Contain Br ine

Breaks in pressurized pipes or pressurized components of the cooler can cause injuries or damage to property caused by discharging fluids. A sudden discharge of the working fluid with its hazardous properties after a break or leak on pressur-ized components of the cooler can cause the following hazards:

• Irritations and health hazards

• Strong chemical reactivity

• Flammability

• Suffocation

• Panic

• Environmental pollution

Ensure that the unit in question is pressure-free before maintenance work begins or remove the working fluid from the unit in question.

Only perform maintenance work – especially soldering work – on the cooler after completely removing the working fluid from the unit.

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1-10 I In t roduct ion

Cautions to Prevent Defective Installation

WARNING: In jur ies and Damage to Property May Be Caused by Defect ive Insta l lat ion!

Defective installation may result in hazards caused by:

• Break or leak on liquid-carrying unit components and pipes;

• Uneven load distribution on the fittings and the danger of stresses within the unit or unit displacement;

• Insufficient securing of fluid-carrying lines against mechanical damage;

• On-site connections: effect of forces on the distribution and header pipes with the danger of breaks or leaks on fluid-carrying components of the unit and pipes; danger of breaking off;

• Falling danger of the unit with the hazard of discharged working fluid and exposed electrical cables;

• Danger of damage caused by environmental conditions e.g. potential hazard-ous sources such as production, transport and other processes at the unit location;

• Cooler functional faults caused by air inlet / outlet obstructions; and

• Obstruction of all-side access and maintenance, i.e. no access to the fluid-carrying and electrical components, connections and cables, no recognizable labels on the pipes and insufficient space for maintenance.

Ensure that:

• The units are to be installed on the mountings in accordance with their respective weights and securely fastened with fixing bolts. The operator or installing contractor is responsible for ensuring that the bolted connections are of an adequate strength.

• The diameters of the mounting holes have been statically determined by the manufacturer.

• The mounting bolts are secured against loosening by means of an appropri-ate locking device.

• The mounting bolts are not over-tightened or stripped.

• All mounting bolts are tightened equally to achieve a load distribution on the connections that is as balanced as possible.

• All mounting points maintain the same spacing to the finished level perma-nently and under load, so that no mechanical stress occurs to the unit struc-ture. The units are anchored in their mounting position in order to prevent the equipment from moving.

• The functional safety of the fixing bolts is tested as part of the maintenance.

• The units are mounted and set up so that unobstructed air inlet / outlet is not obstructed and without any air short circuiting.

(Cont inued)

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In t roduct ion I 1-11


Cautions to Prevent Defective Installation

• The units are mounted so that they can be inspected, checked and main-tained from all sides at all times, i.e. there must be unobstructed access to the fluid-carrying and electrical components, connections and piping, the pipeline labeling must be identifiable and adequate space must be available for maintenance.

• The fluid-carrying pipes are protected against mechanical damage.

• When installing on-site connections, keep the unit free of load. Do not press or put any weight on the distribution and header pipes.

• Make sure of these things while installing the unit:

– The unit is a safe distance from items that could be affected by the brine in the event of a spill.

– The unit is not in close proximity to any flammable materials.

– The unit has a drain nearby to accomodate any accidental fluid discharge.

– If the unit is in an area that people will be walking through a lot, make sure the piping to and from the unit is installed with connections and fittings that cannot be removed.

Caut ions About Damage to the Uni t

WARNING: In jur ies and Damage to Property f rom Dam-age Dur ing Operat ion!

The unit may be damaged during operation due to a number of faults, including:• Residual hazards with breakage during operation • Non-compliance with maximum permissible operating pressure• Disregarding pressurized line sections with maintenance • Disregarding residual hazards caused by vibration could result in ruptures

during operation and maintenance. This results in dangers caused by mate-rial degradation and discharge of working fluid.

To prevent this damage, before operating the unit, always take care to ensure:

• The installation is fault-free.

• The maximum permissible operating pressure is always adhered to.

• Pressurized line sections are de-pressurized before all maintenance and repair work.

• Vibrations from the cooling system (vibrations caused by system components and lines) and from the fan (imbalances caused by frosting, icing or dirt build-up or damages) are reduced with all available means and brought down to an absolute minimum.

• Release devices to prevent a fluid discharge are provided


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1-12 I In t roduct ion

Residual Hazards in F lu id Disposal

WARNING: Danger of In jur ies and Damage to Property Caused by Glycol !The following notes are recommendations for the proper professional disposal of the unit. Applicable waste disposal laws are binding for the country of operation:

• Disposal must only be carried out by experts.

• All unit components, e.g. working fluids, brine, heat exchangers, and fans must be disposed of properly as specified.

• Used working fluid that is not determined for reuse, must be treated as waste and safely disposed of. There must be no emissions into the environment.

• The working fluid must not be filled in a liquid container that contains anoth-er or an unknown working fluid. This other or unknown working fluid must not be released into the atmosphere, but rather identified, treated again, or properly disposed of as specified.

• An officially authorized facility can be used for destroying the working fluid.

• It must be ensured that all unit components containing working fluids and brine are disposed of properly as specified.

• The unit consists predominantly of the basic materials; copper, aluminum, galvanized steel (heat exchangers and enclosures), steel, polyamide (motors). These materials can be handled by the waste industry, including in paint-treated state, to recycling via mechanical and thermal separation.

WARNING: Danger of Environmental Pol lut ion!Ensure that no brine enters water systems or sewage.

Operate the facility for recovery or disposing of the refrigerant, so that the danger of a working fluid emission into the environment is kept as low as possible.

Conair’s transportation packaging is made from environmentally compatible mate-rial and is suitable for recycling.

Zero Mechanical State (ZMS)


Before performing maintenance or repairs on this product, you should disconnect and lockout electrical power sources to prevent injury from unexpected energizing or start-up.

During maintenance, it is essential that the system be put into a state which eliminates the possibility of components making an unexpected and dangerous movement. This procedure is typically referred to as lockout. After all energy sources have been neutralized, the system is in the zero mechanical state (ZMS). This provides maximum protection against unexpected mechanical movement.

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2S E C T I O N



Descr ip t ion I 2-1

Descr ipt ion

What i s the Ear thSmar t Ad iaba t ic Tower? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

How the Ad iabad ic Tower Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

Transpor ta t ion and Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5

Storage Before Ins ta l la t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7

Spec i f ica t ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8

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2-2 I Descr ip t ion

What is the EarthSmart Adiabat ic Tower?

NOTICEThe fans’ working point depends on the ambient temperature and on the air side pressure drop across the coil.Please consult the manufacturer when operating the unit below -40°C because of the special material requirements and selection.

All electrical parts must be installed in accordance with NEC and local electrical stan-dards.

Project number See included documents

Unit name See included documents

Manufacturer number See included documents

Production year See included documents

Working fluid See included documents

Volume See included documents

Permissible operating pressure 16 bar / 232 psi

Test pressure 17.6 bar / 255 psi

Permissible air humidity 100 %

Test date See included documents

Weight See included documents

FansConair motor management controllers can be used for speed-controlling the ESTW fans used. Alternating current fans can generally by operated with step control or variable speed control. 3 sound levels (N, M, and L) can be delivered.

Fan type See included documents

Protection rating IP 54, thermal class 155 (F) and DIN VDE 0530

Current type Alternating current

Voltage 230 V 3 ~ 60 Hz / 460 V 3 ~ 60 Hz

Balancing quality Q 6.3 in acc. with VDI 2060

Permissible air temperature Usage range: -30°C to 55 °C (-22°F to 131°F)

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Descr ip t ion I 2-3



How the Adiabat ic Tower WorksThe dry cooler consists of...

• a heat exchanger, consisting of tubed coils fitted with fins (copper tube, aluminum fins), distribution and headers (copper) and piping connections for the piping system,

• and – depending on the version – with one or more low noise axial fans with mainte-nance-free motors.

The ESTW series dry coolers are intended for installation in the brine circuit of a refrig-eration system. The refrigeration system is a combination of refrigerant-carrying compo-nents and fittings connected with one another, which form a closed circuit, in which the refrigerant circulates.

The heat carrier is the working fluid that is used for the heat exchanger, and which remains in the liquid phase during the heat absorption.

The liquid used is a heat carrier in accordance with current regulations. There is no im-minent danger for the staff.

The brine is the working fluid that is used for the heat exchanger, and which remains in the liquid phase during the heat absorption. The dry cooler cools the brine by giving off heat to the air (air- side) that is being moved by fans over the dry heat exchanger surface.

NOTICE For maintenance of NEMA motors, please consult the manufacturer’s recommen-dations

Fan motor

The fan motors can be speed-controlled or step-controlled with Conair motor management controllers. The direction of rotation must be checked;a change in the rotation, if the direction is wrong, is made by interchanging two phases.

NOTICE During longer storage or downtime periods, the fans must be operated for 2 to 4 hours each month.

NOTICE In the case of fans with protection type IP55 or higher, any sealed condensate drain holes must be opened at least every six months.

(cont inued)

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2-4 I Descr ip t ion

How the Adiabadic Tower Works (cont inued)

AC Technology

The AC motors are protected against overheating by a thermo-contact.

For motors with thermo-contacts, the thermo-contact has to be wired in the control panel in such a way that turning on of the motor with tripped thermo-contact is not possible. A lock out device is recommended for preventing reactivation.

Motors with PTC resistors require an additional trip device for the installed thermistors. Lock out is recommended to prevent reactivation. Max. 2.5 V test voltage or current-limited meters may be used on thermistors.

When using a wye-delta connection, corresponding time delays must be taken into consid-eration.

For motors with direct start and a connection value > 4.0 kW, a startup current limitation (soft start using thyristor) may be necessary.

If frequency converters for speed control are used, the following has to be observed for external rotor motors:

Between frequency converter and motor, an all-pole sine filter has to be installed (sinu-soidal output voltage. This filter must be effective between phase to phase and phase to ground)

Conair frequency converters feature this function as standard. Conair three-phase stan-dard motors are suitable for direct operation on frequency converters.

The three-phase fan motors can be operated by means of wye-delta connection with two speeds and/or with speed control. The direction of rotation must be checked. If the direc-tion is wrong, it can be changed by interchanging two phases.

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Descr ip t ion I 2-5



Transportat ion and Storage

WARNINGThe unit weighs between 830 kg (1,825 lbs.) and 3,440 kg (7,570 lbs.). It can slip and fall off the means of transport, causing serious injuries or death. Heavy impacts or vibrations can damage the unit.

• Observe the instructions on the transport labels on the packed units.

• Ensure that the assigned staff is trained for proper unloading.

• Use a transporting device appropriate for the unit’s weight. You will find the weight of the packed unit in the submittal documents.

• Ensure that nobody is under the unit or near the loading area during the rig-ging.

• Observe even distribution of unit weight for transport. Observe the instruc-tions on the transport labels on the packed units.

• Secure the unit against slipping and mechanical damage.

• When transporting by crane: The hooks and lifting gear of the rigging equip-ment must be only attached at the points specified by the manufacturer. Ensure that the unit enclosure is not crushed by slings.

• Use auxiliary transport equipment where required. Use a transporting device appropriate for the unit’s weight. You will find the weight of the unit in the submittal documents. Do not use connections and header pipes as lifting points for lifting, pulling, fixing or mounting. This can cause leaks.

• Transport the unit carefully. Avoid setting the unit down hard.

• Only step on to the units with firm, tough and safe footwear, and only when required.

• If the units do not have any railings, always only walk on them with a safety device that prevents falling.

(cont inued)

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2-6 I Descr ip t ion

Transportat ion and Storage (cont inued)

NOTICERead and observe all transport signs on the units’ packaging!

Prolonged mechanical stresses caused by uneven road surfaces and potholes and vibrations during transport by ship can cause transportation damage. Before transportation by sea or in countries with difficult transport routes, attachment parts that are likely to vibrate – in particular fans and base stands – must be removed for transportation.

• Transporting the unit at the rigging location

• Unloading the unit

Transport and unload the packed unit with suitable transport equipment (e.g. forklift, crane) at the rigging location.

(cont inued)

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Descr ip t ion I 2-7



Transportat ion and Storage (cont inued)

CAUTION: When transporting with a forklift: Only lift the packed unit with a forklift with full fork length.

Storage Before Insta l lat ion

NOTICEDanger of corrosion and dirt build-up!Moisture and dirt must be prevented from entering the unit.

• Protect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture and wetness, damage and other harmful effects.

• Do not store the unit for longer than necessary. Only store the units in their original packag-ing until installation. Always only place packaged units of the same size on top of one another.

• Store the unit at a protected place free of dust, dirt, moisture and damage-free until its installation (well-ventilated halls or roofed storage site).

• If the unit installation is delayed with regard to the planned installation time: protect the unit against weather and other harmful effects and dirt and other contaminants with an appro-priate cover. The unit must also be well-ventilated here.

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2-8 I Descr ip t ion

Speci f icat ions

Model Number ESTW-12 ESTW-13 ESTW-14

Performance Characteristics

Nominal Flow Rate* GPM 45 70 105

Nominal† Tons 17 26 40

Coil Design Entering Air Temp.‡ oF {oC} 80.3 {26.8} 80.3 {26.8} 80.3 {26.8}

Fluid Pressure Drop PSI 5.3 7.6 9.8

Approx. Internal Water Volume Gallons 15 22 30

Adiabatic Full Flow Rate GPM 6.2 9.4 12.5

Noise Level§ dB(A) 55 dB (A) 57 dB (A) 58 dB (A)


Length inches {mm} 101.4 {2575} 148.6 {3775} 195.6 {4969}

Width inches {mm} 46.6 {1184} 46.6 {1184} 46.6 {1184}

Height inches {mm} 67.7 {1719} 67.7 {1719} 67.7 {1719}

Number of Legs 6 8 10


Dry Weight lb {kg} 1,100 {499} 1,600 {726} 2,075 {941}

Operating Weight lb {kg} 1,225 {556} 1,783 {809} 2,325 {1055}

Electrical Characteristics**

Fans (quantity) Hp {kW} (2) 3 {2.2} (3) 3 {2.2} (4) 3 {2.2}

200/3/60 MCA / MOP 17.4 / 30 25.1 / 35 32.8 / 45

230/3/60 MCA / MOP 17.4 / 30 25.1 / 35 32.8 / 45

400/3/50 MCA / MOP 8.4 / 15 12.1 / 20 15.8 / 20

460/3/60 MCA / MOP 8.4 / 15 12.1 / 20 15.8 / 20


Inlet & Outlet Connection (quantity) inches {mm} (2) 1.4 {35} (2) 1.6 {41} (2) 2.1 {54}

Adiabatic Water Inlet Size inches {mm} 1 {25} 1 {25} 1 {25}

(Cont inued)





Model ESTW-29, front view

Model ESTW-29, side view

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Descr ip t ion I 2-9



Speci f icat ions (Cont inued)Dimensions

Model number ESTW-22 ESTW-23 ESTW-24 ESTW-25 ESTW-26 ESTW-27 ESTW-28 ESTW-29

Performance characteristics

Nominal flow rate* gpm 107 165 210 280 290 333 400 510

Nominal† Tons 41 63 81 107 111 128 153 195

Coil design entering air temperature‡ oF {oC}

80.3 {26.8} 80.3 {26.8} 80.3 {26.8} 80.3 {26.8} 80.3 {26.8} 80.3 {26.8} 80.3 {26.8} 80.3 {26.8}

Fluid pressure drop PSI 4.3 5.4 4.0 7.2 9.2 2.3 3.6 6.9

Approximate internal water

volume gallons

50 75 100 125 150 165 190 205

Adiabatic full flow rate


6.2 9.4 12.5 15.6 18.7 21.8 24.9 28.0

Noise level§ dBA 58 60 60 61 62 62 63 64


A - Length inches {mm} 113.1 {2873} 162.9 {4138} 212.8 {5404} 262.6 {6669} 312.4 {7934} 362.2 {9200} 411.9 {10463} 461.8 {11729}

B - Width inches {mm} 94.5 {2400} 94.5 {2400} 94.5 {2400} 94.5 {2400} 94.5 {2400} 94.5 {2400} 94.5 {2400} 94.5 {2400}

C - Height inches {mm} 112.2 {2850} 112.2 {2850} 112.2 {2850} 112.2 {2850} 112.2 {2850} 112.2 {2850} 112.2 {2850} 112.2 {2850}

Number of legs 4 4 6 8 8 8 10 8


Dry weight lb {kg} 3350 {1520} 4650 {2109} 6250 {2835} 7760 {3520} 8375 {3799} 10400 {4717} 12160 {5516} 13225 {5999}

Operating weight lb {kg} 3767 {1709} 5276 {2393} 7084 {3213} 8803 {3993} 9626 {4366} 11776 {5342} 13745 {6235} 14935 {6774}

Electrical characteristics**

Fans (quantity) Hp {kW} (4) 3 {2.2} (6) 3 {2.2} (8) 3 {2.2} (10) 3 {2.2} (12) 3 {2.2} (14) 3 {2.2} (16) 3 {2.2} (18) 3 {2.2}

200/3/60 MCA / MOP 32.8 / 45 48.3 / 60 63.6 / 80 79.0 / 90 94.4 / 110 109.8 / 125 125.2 / 140 140.5 / 175

230/3/60 MCA / MOP 32.8 / 45 48.3 / 60 63.6 / 80 79.0 / 90 94.4 / 110 109.8 / 125 125.2 / 140 140.5 / 175

400/3/50 MCA / MOP 15.8 / 20 23.2 / 30 30.6 / 35 38.0 / 45 45.34 / 50 52.8 / 60 60.2 / 70 67.6 / 80

460/3/60 MCA / MOP 15.8 / 20 23.2 / 30 30.6 / 35 38.0 / 45 45.4 / 50 52.8 / 60 60.2 / 70 67.6 / 80


Inlet & outlet connection

(quantity) inches

(2) 2 1/8 (2) 2 5/8 (2) 3 1/8 (2) 3 5/8 (2) 3 5/8 (2) 3 5/8 (2) 4 1/8 (2) 4 1/8

Adiabatic water inlet size


1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5


* Nominal flow rate of 35% Ethylene Glycol (35% EG) fluid mixture by weight.† Nominal Tons is heat rejection based on 35% EG cooling fluid at Nominal Unit Flow Rate entering the unit at 95°F and leaving at 85°F with 95°F

DB/77°F WB ambient design conditions. Tons = 12,000 BTUH.‡ Coil Design Entering Air Temperature is the Dry Bulb (DB) temperature entering the coil after the adiabatic effect at 95°F DB/77°F WB ambient

design conditions. This would be the ambient DB temperature at which adiabatic water usage is required to produce the leaving water temperature at design full load.

§ Noise Level dBA weighted at 32.8 ft.** MCA is Minimum Circuit Ampacity / MOP is Maximum Overcurrent Protection.

Specifications may change without notice. Check with a Conair representative for the most current information.

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2-10 I Descr ip t ion

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3S E C T I O N


I ns ta l la t ion I 3-1

Insta l lat ion

Safe ty Ins t ruc t ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

System-s ide Safe ty Requ i rements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4

Customer-s ide Safe ty Precaut ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

Requ i rements fo r Ins ta l la t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6

Unpack ing Ins t ruc t ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7

Ins ta l l ing the Un i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9

Opera t ion wi th Water Spray System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9

Uni t E lec t r ica l Connect ion and Pro tec t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12

Per form Acceptance Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12

Test Read iness fo r Opera t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13

Opera t ing the Un i t fo r the Fi rs t Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14

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3-2 I Ins ta l la t ion

Safety Instruct ions

WARNING: Danger of injuries and damage to property with discharging brine!

Incorrect installation causes the danger of a working fluid discharge when the unit is operated and injuries or damage to property.

Follow the set-up instructions in this chapter precisely and apply extreme care!

NOTICEDamage to the system’s cooling equipment!

Foreign materials and contaminants in the working fluid circuit can impair the ef-fectiveness or damage components. Particularly harmful contaminants are:

• Moisture

• Atmospheric air

• Soldering residues

• Rust

• Soot / ash / cinders

• Metal filings

• Dust and dirt of all kinds

Moisture in the working fluid-carrying components of the unit can have the fol-lowing consequences:

• Ageing and brine decay

Atmospheric air and other non-condensable gases can have the following conse-quences:

• Brine oxidation

• Brine / chemical reactions

Brine / chemical reactions with the absence of moisture or atmospheric air with ageing and decay can have the following consequences:

• Formation of organic and inorganic acids

• Corrosion

(Cont inued)

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Ins ta l la t ion I 3-3


Safety Instruct ions (Cont inued)

At the time of installation, ensure that the cooler remains clean and free of all contamination.

Perform the installation with extreme cleanliness.

Finish all on-site pipe installation work before releasing the holding charge!

Only release the holding charge from the Schrader valve immediately prior to final connections.

Only remove the sealing caps on the distribution and header pipe just before start up.

NOTICEDanger of corrosion and dirt build-up!

Humidity and dirt must not get into cooler. If humidity or dirt gets into the cooler, fittings and other components of the system can be damaged.

Protect the unit against dust, contamination, moisture and wetness, damage and other harmful influences. Harmful influences are, for example:

• Mechanical: Damages caused by impacts, objects falling on or against, collisions with transport equipment, etc.

• Physical: Damages caused by concentrated flammable gases in close proximity

• Chemical: Damages caused by contaminated atmospheres (salt, acid, chlorine, sulphur-containing, or similar)

• Thermal: Damages caused by heat sources in close proximity.

Start as soon as possible with installation.

WARNING: The electrical installation must only be performed by qualified electricians in compliance with the relevant local and statutory codes!

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3-4 I Ins ta l la t ion

System-side Safety Requirements

The cooler is a component of the entire system and can only be operated in conjunction with the completed installation.

• All equipment required for operating the unit must be integrated into the switching and activation equipment:

– Electric: Fans

– Working fluids: valves and fittings

• An emergency STOP switch that can be actuated without danger must be installed.

• The brine-side and electrical connections for the unit must be available for the unit within the brine circuit of the system. The connections must be specified in the order-related documents.

• The power supply of the fans must be provided in accordance with the specifications on the name plate on the fan motors.

• A switch-off device for preventing unexpected start-up (repairs switch), which separates all active conductors from the power supply (all-pole switch-off), must be provided for the fans in accordance with NEC.

• The fans’ switch-on/off device must be secured (e.g. with a padlock) to prevent un-controlled fan start-up.

• The electrical motor, repairs switch, terminal box and switching cabinet connections must be provided in accordance with the respective connection diagrams.

• It must be possible to shut off the unit if a leak occurs.

• People wearing ambient air-independent breathing apparatus in full protective cloth-ing must also be able to activate all safety-relevant shut-off fittings.

• It must be possible to activate all devices meant for diverting discharged working fluids from a safe position.

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Ins ta l la t ion I 3-5


Customer-s ide Safety Precaut ions

WARNING: Danger of In jur ies!The unit contains brine. The unit is operated as standard with the brine

Ethylene glycol is a colorless, slightly viscous, not very fluid, water-mixable, deli-quescent liquid with a sweet smell or taste.

With skin contact ethylene glycol causes slight irritation with the danger of skin absorption; with eye contact mucous membrane irritation; with ingestion agitation with disruption of the central nervous system; with prolonged endangering effect – fatigue, coordination disruption, unconsciousness, kidney damage.

Ignition and fire hazard! Ethylene glycol is flammable and explosive at higher temperatures in a vapor/gaseous state. Keep ethylene glycol away from ignition sources. No smoking!

Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing! Remove contaminated, soaked cloth-ing immediately!

Unauthorized people must not have access to the unit. When setting the unit up it must be ensured that any coolant escaping from the unit cannot diffuse within the interior of the building, or put people at risk in any other way.

WARNING: Danger of Environmental Pol lut ion!• Set up the unit so that brine, which can escape from the unit in the event of a

fault, cannot enter water systems or sewage.

• Operate the facility for recovering or disposing of brine so that the danger of a brine emission into the environment is kept as low as possible.

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3-6 I Ins ta l la t ion

Requirements for Insta l lat ion

You will find the dimensions and weights in the submittal documents.

• Ensure that the unit is installed so that it is not damaged by any environmental hazards (production, transport and other processes at the installed location) and its functioning is not disturbed by the interventions of unauthorized persons.

• Position the unit so that it cannot be damaged by internal traffic or transport process-es. Enable optimum unit control and accessibility:

– Place the unit so that is can be monitored and controlled from all sides at all times.

– Ensure that sufficient space is provided for maintenance.

– Ensure that all liquid-carrying components, connections and lines and all electri-cal connections and lines are easy to access.

NOTICELightning antennae beside the unit are recommended as lightning protection.Several units can be placed side by side. With double or multiple row set-ups a substructure is required to prevent any air inlet restrictions.

Locat ion Requirements ;

1 Airflow direction

2 Conair Streamer

3 Two units positioned side by side require additional consideration

Variant A: Set-up at floor levelMin. spacing X X ≥ 0.5 * LX ≥ 0.5 * L (with Conair Streamer) Spacing X can be reduced by offsetting the units in the lengthways direction. Please consult with Conair for a clear definition on unit placement.

Variant B: Set-up on a substructureMin. spacing X is reduced depend-ing on height H1. Please consult with Conair for a clear definition on unit placement.

CAUTION: Always disconnect and lock out the main power supply before beginning the installation process.

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Ins ta l la t ion I 3-7


Unpacking Instruct ions

Rigging Instruct ionsAn appropriate crane is required to unload the unit from the flat bed.

1 Insert hooks, chains or straps in the rigging supports located at the top of the unit, between the fans.

2 Lift unit from the flat bed and move to a clear and completely horizontal area.

Note: Determine unit weight from the submittal documents. The crane capacity, hooks, chains, straps and load bar must be determined accordingly.

Unpacking Instruct ionsOnce the unit has been placed over a completely horizontal area,

1 Remove plastic.

2 Remove cardboard from corners.

3 Remove wooden screws from the base of the unit, that attach it to the pallet.

4 Use crane and load bar to lift the unit and remove from the pallet.

5 Place unit in operating location.

6 Complete installation of inlet and outlet piping and remove flange supports.

Check holding charge: The units are delivered by the manufacturer with approx. 2 bar holding charge (cleaned and dried air). Check holding charge at the Schrader valve (pressure measurement). For pressure-less unit: Report immediately to manufacturer and note missing pressure on delivery note. An unpressurized unit indicates it has leaks.


(Cont inued)

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3-8 I Ins ta l la t ion

Unpacking Instruct ions (Cont inued)

1 Transportation holding charge

2 Check holding charge; inform manufacturer with unpressurized unit.

3 Release holding charge.

4 Remove blanking plugs.

NOTICEDanger of corrosion and dirt build-up!

Moisture and dirt must be prevented from entering the unit.

Protect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture, wet conditions, damaging and other detrimental influences.

Begin with the installation as soon as possible.

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Ins ta l la t ion I 3-9


Insta l l ing the Uni t

System-side requirements for stress-free installation

• Prevent stresses to the unit:

– Ensure that all fixing points have the same spacing to the fixing level.

– Ensure that all fixing points maintain the same spacing to the fixing level under load and permanently.

• Set up and fix units as follows: Airflow must not be impaired by obstructions.

• The units must be installed on fixing points that are appropriate for the unit’s weight and then bolted with fixing bolts. The operator or installer of the equipment is responsible for ensuring that the bolted connections are of an adequate strength. The following instructions must be observed when fixing the units:

– The diameter of the mounting holes have been statically determined by the man-ufacturer; the fixing bolts must be adapted accordingly. When calculating the transferring bearing strength it is imperative to take into account the total weight of the unit (= structural weight + weight of pipe content + additional weight, such as water, frost, ice, dirt or similar).

– The fixing bolts must be secured against loosening with an appropriate locking device.

– The fixing bolts must not be over-tightened or stripped.

– All fixing bolts must be tightened equally.

• Prevent the unit from shifting in its position. Fix the unit in its position. Tighten the fixing bolts and secure then against loosening.

• Only fix the unit to the intended fixing points.

• Conair recommends the use of expansion joints in order to prevent stress in the con-nections.

Mount ing the Uni t

WARNINGDanger of injuries with escaping brine!

In case of improper installation, the working fluid could leak during operation of the installation, this can lead to injuries or damage to property.

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3-10 I Ins ta l la t ion

Insta l l ing the Uni t (Cont inued)

Connect ing the Uni t

WARNINGDanger of injuries and damage to property caused by escaping brine!

Prevent working fluid from escaping from the unit into the environment.

• Secure all working fluid-carrying lines against mechanical damage.

• In areas that are used for internal traffic, only lay the piping to and from the unit with connections and fittings that cannot be removed.

Ensure that the on-site connections do not exercise any forces upon the distribution and header points. This can cause leaks on the working fluid connection points of the unit and on connection points of the on-site pipe-laying.

Ensure that:

• Relief devices to prevent liquid escapes are provided and available.

Operat ion with Water Spray SystemLimited water spraying is recommended for reducing peak capacity levels. The following must be observed when using a water spraying system with unknown water quality:

• Operation with water spraying max. 50 hours/year.

• Soft water (≤4°dH); use softening system where required.

• Water spraying with max. 3 bar.

• Pipe system with nozzles can be provided.

NOTICEHigh corrosion danger (high voltage potential, Cu/Al) if inadmissible water quality is used! Only use water in admissible quality!

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Ins ta l la t ion I 3-11


Connec t the Un i t ’ s Coo l i ng C i r cu i t

WARNING: Danger of in jur ies and damage to property!Improper connection to the heat carrier circuit of the system causes hazards:

• Welding work on pressurized parts can result in fires or explosions.

• Leaks result in escaping brine.

• Soldering and welding work on pressurized parts can result in fires or explo-sions.

• Smoking or open light can cause fires or explosions.

• Ensure that stresses and vibrations from the system including the heat car-rier circuit are not passed on to the unit.

• Only lay working fluid-side connections stress-free! The on-site pipeline system must be braced before connecting to the unit!

• Soldering and welding work is only permitted on unpressurized units!

• Evacuate the unit professionally in accordance with current regulations.

• The use of open fire at the installation site is forbidden. Fire extinguishers and extinguishing agents used to protect the equipment and the operating staff must comply with the requirements of current regulations.

Install the piping in accordance with local regulations. Ensure that:

• Relief devices to prevent liquid escapes must be provided and are available.

• That the piping installation is kept as short as possible. Use as few bends as possible, and if bends are necessary, use big radii!

• The free space around the unit must be big enough to ensure there is no danger to the unit; regular maintenance of the components must be possible, and it must also be possible to check and repair components, pipes and fittings.

• It must be possible to shut off the unit if a leak occurs. It must be possible to activate all devices used for diverting escaping working fluids from a safe position.

• Electrical components, e.g. for fan operation, for ventilation, for illumination and for alarm system on installation site, have to be designed with regard to condensation of air humidity and droplet formation in accordance with electrical local and national codes and regulations.

• Observe the following when soldering:

– All connections must be hard-soldered!

– Avoid percussive soldering joints; use copper pipe ends that are widened on one side (capillary soldering)!

– Prevent leaks, solder precisely and carefully!

– Prevent overheating when soldering (danger of excessive scaling)!

– Use shielding gas when soldering (prevent excessive scaling)!

After completing pipe installation and before connecting the units they must be profes-sionally cleaned internally and evacuated in accordance with local regulations.

(Cont inued)

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3-12 I Ins ta l la t ion

Unit Electr ical Connection and Protection

All fans with alternating current can be operated with two different voltages:

The fans can be speed-controlled with the use of Conair control units.

• Connect fan motors in accordance with motor connection circuit and check connec-tion.

• Provide power supply in accordance with the specifications on the fan motor’s name-plate:

– The fan motors are operated in 3~ alternating current.

• Connect thermo contacts for motor protection.

• Seal all electrical lines to the connection boxes in accordance with their protection class. The connection class is specified in the order-related offer documents.

NOTE! Danger of damaging! If the fusing is too high there is the danger of injuries to people and damage to property. The supply lines must always be fused in accordance with the smallest wire cross-section.

Perform Acceptance Test

WARNINGDanger of injuries and damage to property!

Perform the following acceptance test with an expert before starting up the unit after mak-ing important changes and after a unit change-out.

U Ensure that the temperature at the operating point corresponds with the technical data.

U Ensure that sufficient air can enter the unit and has free flow at the outlet.

U Ensure that the supply feed is sufficient for the required energy.

U Test the unit for vibrations and movements that can be caused by the fans and opera-tion of the system including the brine circuit.

U Perform visual inspection of the structural design, brackets and fixtures (materials, sequence, connections) the ability to operate and the arrangement of fittings.

U Check and re-tighten all threaded connections, especially on the fans. Check instal-lation of pipe connections.

U Check laying of working fluid-carrying connection pipes.

U Ensure that the unit is protected against mechanical damage.

U Ensure that the unit is protected against inadmissible heating up and cooling down. Check the fan blades protection.


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Ins ta l la t ion I 3-13


Perform Acceptance Test (Cont inued)

U Ensure that optimum unit control and accessibility are guaranteed.

– Is the unit placed so that it can be monitored and controlled from all sides at all times?

– Is sufficient space provided for maintenance?

– Are all liquid-carrying components, connections and lines and all electrical con-nections and lines easy to access?

– Are the pipes easy to identify?

U Check heat exchanger surfaces for dirt and clean as required.

U Perform function tests on the fans (rotation direction, power consumption, etc.).

U Check electrical connections of the fan motors for damage.

U Check the quality of the soldering connections, the electrical connections and the fixture connections.

U Perform pressure test with test gas and with a test pressure of 1.1-times the permissi-ble operating pressure: check the connection seals and detect leaks, e.g. with foaming agent, or similar.

U Check corrosion protection: Perform a visual inspection on all bends, components and component holders that are not heat-insulated. Document and archive test results.

U Perform test run. Observe and check unit during test run, in particular for:

– Fan smooth running (bearing noises, contact noises, imbalances, etc.);

– Fan power consumption; and

– Leaks

U Report all defects to the manufacturer immediately. Remove defects following con-sultation with the manufacturer.

U Check the unit and the unit’s interaction with the brine circuit of the system again after 48 operating hours, especially on the connections and on the fans, and docu-ment the test results.

Test Readiness for Operat ion

U Ensure that all electrical protective measures are ready to function.

U Ensure that all working fluid-carrying connections are securely in place.

U Ensure that all electrical connections (fans) are effected securely.

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3-14 I Ins ta l la t ion

Operat ing the Uni t for the F i rst Time

WARNINGDanger of injuries and damage to property!Escaping fluid can cause injuries or even death.

Only put the unit into operation, when:

• The units has been properly mounted and connected.

• You have performed a complete acceptance test.

• You have performed a test for ensuring the system’s readiness for operation, and

• All safety precautions have been taken.

Follow the operating instructions manual of the system!Contact the manufacturer immediately if you want to operate the unit under different oper-ating conditions as those defined in the submittal documents.

• Switch on the system including the cooler circuit and of the electrical system (see system). Activate the unit:

– Open the valves on the inlet and outlet-side fluid circuit of the system.

– Activate fans.

• Wait until the operating point is reached. After the operating point is reach the unit is ready to operate (see system).

Parameters for setting the operating point: see submittal documents. Operating point:

• Fluid flow temperature

• Fluid return temperature or circulating heat carrier volume

• Airflow volume

• Air inlet temperature

To ensure the specified operating point is complied with the actuators for the operating point setting must be secured against unauthorized access (e.g. by sealing, screwing on caps, removing hand wheels, etc.).

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4S E C T I O N



Opera t ion I 4-1

Operat ion

Act iva t ing the Ear thSmar t Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

Shut t ing Down the Un i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

Re-act iva t ing the Un i t A f te r a Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

Chang ing to Another Work ing F lu id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

Ad iaba t ic Sys tem Schemat ic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

Ad iaba t ic Sys tem Opera t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

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4-2 I Opera t ion

Act ivat ing the EarthSmart Tower

WARNING: Danger of in jury!There is a danger of cutting off fingers on the rotating fan blades, injury hazard for the hands and pulling in danger with loose elements such as hair, necklaces or clothing parts. Do not operate fans without fan guard!

WARNING: Burn hazard! Danger of burns if parts are touched. Do not touch any parts of the unit without protective gloves when the unit is in operation or if it has not yet cooled down again after operation.

To operate the unit, the system must have its fluid circuit flowing and electrical system connected to an external power supply. The unit must be started up by opening the valves on the inlet and outlet-side of the fluid circuit and by connecting to the electrical system (see refrigeration system operating instructions manual):

1 Switch on electrical system.

2 Open working fluid-carrying lines.

3 Switch on fans.

Shutt ing Down the Uni tThe units are system components of a refrigeration system, including the brine circuit. The unit is taken out of operation by switching off the brine circuit of the system (see the system operating instructions manual). To do this, the working fluid-carrying lines must be shut off from the system and the fans must be disconnected from the electrical system (see refrigeration system operating instructions manual): 1 Switch fans off.

2 Switch electrical system off.

3 Close working fluid-carrying lines.

NOTE: When the machine is shut down, ensure that the maximum operating pressure will not be exceeded.

NOTICEWith shutdown times of a month or longer put the fans into operation for approx. 2-4 hours a month to maintain their functionality.



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Opera t ion I 4-3



Shutt ing Down the Uni t (Cont inued)

WARNING: Danger of in jury!Escaping brine can cause injuries. Ensure that the maximum operating pressure is not exceeded after the shutdown either!

NOTICE: Danger of corrosion and dir t bui ld-up!Moisture and dirt must be prevented from entering the unit.

Protect the unit against dust, dirt, moisture, wet conditions, damaging and other detrimental influences.

When you plan to leave the machine off for a month or longer, put the fans into operation for approx. 2-4 hours a month to maintain their functionality.

1 Take the unit out of operation.

2 Make sure the maximum operating pressure cannot be exceeded while the unit is shut down.

3 Make sure the fan motor drives cannot accidentally switch on again.

4 Make sure the working fluid-carrying lines will not pressurize with working fluid.

5 Make sure to store the unit in a place to preserve all components in a good state for proper use and to conserve the usability of the unit. For this purpose, special storage conditions and preventive measures for corrosion protection have to be pro-vided, and regular testing of the functionality of the fans and of the unit taken out of operation have to be effected.

6 Drain the unit: Completely relieve all fluid.

Re-act ivat ing the Uni t Af ter a ShutdownThe unit must be put back into operation after a shutdown in accordance with the system-specific set-up in accordance with the operating instructions manual as follows:

• Test the unit’s readiness for operation. Perform pressure test and visual inspection for corrosion protection.

NOTE! The pressure test with commissioning a second time must only be carried out with appropriate media at appropriate test pressure.

• Put the unit into operation


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4-4 I Opera t ion

Changing to Another Working F lu id

WARNING: Danger of in jury!Considerable dangers can be caused with operation with another working fluid without prior manufacturer approval.

The unit must not be changed over to another working fluid without prior written consent by Conair.

1 Check that the unit manufacturer has agreed to the changeover.

2 Check that the right working fluid is re-filled. Ensure that all materials used in the unit are compatible with the new working fluid.

3 Check that the permissible pressure is not exceeded.

4 Check that the new working fluid can be used without requiring a new test certifi-cate for the unit.

5 Check that classification is complied with.

6 Change out or reset the unit’s safety device.

7 Make sure no components are contaminated - for example, mixtures with residues of working fluid.

8 All information concerning the new working fluid must be changed accordingly.

9 The complete documentation, including these operating instructions and the system operating instructions manual must be changed accordingly.

10 Perform acceptance test.

Adiabat ic System Schemat ic


Balancing Valve

Water Inlet

Y Strainer

Solenoid Valve


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Opera t ion I 4-5



Adiabat ic System Operat ion

The adiabatic system requires a constant supply of water* under the following conditions:

Models Required water (gpm)

ESTW- 12 6.2

ESTW- 13 9.4

ESTW- 14 12.5

ESTW- 22 6.2

ESTW- 23 9.4

ESTW- 24 12.5

ESTW- 25 15.6

ESTW- 26 18.7

ESTW- 27 21.8

ESTW- 28 24.9

ESTW- 29 28.0

Pressure: 3.0 bar (43.5 psi).

* Water quality guidelines

Property Range

pH 6.5 - 9.0

Hardness (CaCO3) 30 - 750 ppm

Alkalinity (CaCO3) 500 ppm maximum

Total dissolved solids (TDS) 1500 ppm maximum

Conductivity 2400 micromhos

Chlorides NaCl - 10 ppm maximum

Cl - 250 ppm maximum

Sulfates 250 ppm maximum

Silica 150 ppm maximum

In order to start the water distribution in the adiabatic system:

1 Set the temperature in the display of the GMM.

2 Once the temperature has been reached, the solenoid valve will open automatically.

3 Open the balancing valve (with a 6mm Allen key), until it has reached the required water in accordance to table “Supply of water”. This measurement can be obtained with the included flow meter.

4 If the adiabatic system has remained turned off or inactive for more than a week; open the ball valve to purge the liquid inside the pipeline.

5 If the ambient temperature is less than 36°F drain water from the system.

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4-6 I Opera t ion

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5S E C T I O N



Ma in tenance I 5-1


Before Star t ing A l l Ma in tenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

Wi th A l l Ma in tenance Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

Care and Main tenance P lan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4

Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4

Uni t Hea t Exchanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5

Clean Un i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6

Genera l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6

Clean Hea t Exchanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6

Clean ing wi th Compressed A i r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7

Hydrau l ic C lean ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7

Clean ing wi th Brushes and Compressed A i r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

Clean ing the P ipe Ins ides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

Clean ing Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9

Mainta in ing Coo l ing Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

Mainta in ing Water D is t r ibutor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

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5-2 I Ma in tenance

Before Start ing Al l Maintenance

DANGER:There is danger of injuries and damage to property with escaping working fluid!

Only perform maintenance work – especially welding work – on the leaking unit after completely removing the working fluid from the leaking unit!

Perform the following safety measures before beginning all maintenance work:

• Evacuate the unit’s heat exchanger.• Clean and blow out the unit’s heat exchanger.

With Al l Maintenance WorkDanger of injuries and damage to property with escaping working fluid! Escaping working fluid with leaks on the unit can cause the following hazard situations and injuries:

In operation, the unit’s heat exchanger and pipes have temperatures of over 115°F (45°C). Contact can cause burns.

With fluid temperatures over 115°F (45 °C) there is a hazard of burns on pipe components and distribution pipes. Use hand protection!

With insufficient frost protection filling and operation in areas with frost hazard the unit can cause freezing. With units that cannot be drained completely the hazard of freezing also remains after draining. It is imperative that the proper ventilation be ensured when draining the unit. With pressure test, operation and shutdown of units filled with water or insufficient frost protection filling or insufficient setting of the brine, these are disrupted at minus temperatures.

• Use eye protection!

• Use hand protection!

• Ensure that the unit in question is pressure-free before maintenance work begins or the working fluid is sucked up from the unit in question.

• Power off the electrical system and secure it against unintentional switching on again.

• Separate the unit to be maintained from the brine circuit of the system and secure it.

With work in the inlet and outlet feeds of the fans and heat exchanger, objects can get into the fans and therefore cause faults and damage on the components.

• Power off the fans before beginning maintenance work and secure them against switching on again.

• After the work has finished do not allow any objects to get back into the inlet and outlet feeds of the fans or the set-up room.

Only step on to the units when required and only with firm, tough and safe footwear.

If the units do not have any railings, always only walk on them when required and with a safety device that prevents falling.

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Maintenance I 5-3



After Al l Maintenance Work

Perform the following safety measures after finishing all maintenance work:

• Ensure the switching and activation devices, the measuring and display devices and the safety devices function properly.

• Ensure the working fluid fittings are functioning.

• Check the identification of the pipelines and ensure this is visible and legible.

• Check the fixing and corrosion protection of the components in question.

• Ensure the electrical connections (fans) are functioning.

• Perform a pressure test and a tightness test (see operating instructions manual annex).

• Perform an acceptance test (see Performance Acceptance Test in the Installation Sec-tion of this manual).

• Perform a pressure test (see operating instructions manual annex).

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5-4 I Ma in tenance

Care and Maintenance Plan

Measure Cleaning Agent Interval

Component cleaning Mechanically As required (visual inspection)

Complete cleaning Warm water or environmentally

safe cleaning agent

After 120 hours

Leak check After 6 months

Heat exchanger setting check After 6 months

Corrosion protection check After 6 months

WARNING!Danger of injuries with brine!

In the event of a leak, • Have leaks removed as quickly as possible by an expert.• Do not fill with a working fluid other than that specified in the order!• Only put the unit back into operation when all leaks have been repaired.

Perform all work including pressure, acceptance and functional test(see Performance acceptance test and Test readiness for operation)

FansThe manufacturer’s operating specifications take priority for this component. Conair rec-ommends proceeding in accordance with the following inspection and maintenance plan:

Work to Be Performed Frequency

Check the fans for dirt build-ups.

• With dirt build-ups: Clean fans


Check the fan drive for smooth running.

• Vibrations on the unit: remove imbalances

• Where required, tighten and correct blade fixtures and blade settings


Fan bearing: Running sound and smoothness changes

• Swap out bearing


Fan motor: Is a new bearing due?

• Swap out bearing or motor; where applicable, clean and repair motor

Every six months

Fan wheel: corrosion on bolts (with threaded blades)

• Swap out bolts

Every six months

Fan blades: Corrosion or damage on blades

• Swap out blades or wheel

Every six months

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Maintenance I 5-5



Unit Heat Exchanger

WARNING!Danger of injuries and damage to property caused by escaping brine! (see Brine Glycol Hazards, in the Introduction section of this manual).

Work to Be Performed Frequency

Check heat exchanger for dirt build-ups.

• With dirt build-ups: Clean heat exchanger (see Clean unit, in the Maintenance Section of this manual).


Check heat exchanger’s general condition.

• Damages found: remove damages


Check heat exchanger’s operating point (see the Operation Section of this manual).

• Change in fan capacity found: restore required system-side conditions (including brine circuit).

• Change in surface temperatures found: restore required system-side conditions (including brine circuit).

• Change in heat exchanger setting found: restore required heat exchanger setting (concentration, inhibition)


Check heat exchanger and connections for tightness.

• Repair affected unit part (see Care and Maintenance Plan, In the Case of a Leak, in the Maintenance Section of this manual).

Every six months

Check heat exchanger for working fluid pressurizing.

• Restore required brine-side conditions.


Check heat exchanger for corrosion.

• Corrosion or damage on core tubes, fins, support structures, tube connections, and fixtures: repair unit

sections affected.

Every six months

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5-6 I Ma in tenance

Clean Uni t


IMPORTANT!Ensure that you are using a cleaning product that leaves a minimal environmental strain. Take care to avoid acid-forming chemicals.

• Clean casing by rinsing with warm water (approx. +25°C) and/or with envi-ronmentally friendly cleaning agents.

• Rinse thoroughly with water after using cleaning agents. Allow casing to dry completely.

• Check working fluid-carrying and electrical connections (see Test Readiness for Operation, in the Installation section of this manual).

Clean Heat Exchanger • Drain the unit (see system).

• Shut off the unit (see system).

• Power off the fans (see system).

• Perform defrosting (see system).

• Clean the heat exchanger with one of the following procedures:

– Cleaning with compressed air (see Cleaning with compressed air in this section of the manual).

– Hydraulic cleaning (see Hydraulic cleaning in this section of the manual).

– Cleaning with brushes or brushes and compressed air (see Cleaning with brushes or compressed air in this section of the manual)).

NOTICEDanger of damage to property!

The fins can be damaged with too high a pressure, too small a distance or a cleaning jet that hits the fins at an angle. Mechanical cleaning with hard objects (e.g. steel brushes, screw drivers, or similar) damages the heat exchanger.

• Use a pressure of max. 50 bar with hydraulic cleaning and max. 80 bar with cleaning with compressed air!

• Maintain a minimum distance from the fins of 200 mm!

• Always aim the jet vertically (max. ±5 degree deviation) at the fins!

• Do not use any hard objects when cleaning!

• Switch fans on (see system).

• Open drain side. Open inlet side (see system operating instructions manual).

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Maintenance I 5-7



Cleaning with Compressed Air

Blast heat exchanger (max. 80 bar pressure) with compressed air to remove dirt and con-taminants.

NOTE! Hold the jet of the cleaner vertical to the fins (max. deviation of ±5 degrees) to prevent fins from bending.

Hydraul ic C leaning

WARNING: Dangerous Electrical Voltage!Direct and indirect contact with voltage-carrying parts of motors and electrical lines can cause serious injuries or death. Water and cleaning agents conduct electricity.

• Power off the fans for cleaning with water or steam jet and ensure them against switching on again.

NOTICEDanger of damage to property!

Water or steam jets can damage fans, electrical lines or other components.

• Ensure that electrical connections and motors, as well as components and stored goods at the set-up point are not touched by water or steam jets. Cover these if required.

• Heavier moisture or greasy dirt must be removed with a high-pressure water jet (max. 50 bar pressure), steam pressure jet (max. 50 bar pressure), min. 200 mm distance with flat jet nozzle, or using neutral cleaning agent where applicable, always against the airflow direction. Ensure here:

– With oily and greasy dirt it helps to add a cleaning agent to the water.

– When applying chemical agents ensure that they are not aggressive towards the unit’s materials. Rinse the unit off after the treatment.

– Cleaning should be done from inside to the outside (but always opposing the dirt onset) and from top to bottom, so that the dirt can be removed without returning.

– Hold the jet of the cleaner vertical to the fins (heat exchanger – max. deviation of ±5 degrees) to prevent fins from bending.

• Continue cleaning until all dirt has been removed.


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5-8 I Ma in tenance

Cleaning with Brushes and Compressed Air

• Remove dry dust or dirt with a brush, a hand brush or with compressed air (max. 1,150psi (80 bar) pressure, min. distance of 8” (200 mm) to the fins; against the air-flow direction) or with a powerful industrial vacuum cleaner. Ensure here:

– Use soft brushes! (no steel brushes or similar)

– Where possible, cleaning should be from the top down. Where possible, clean-ing should be from top to bottom, so that the dirt can be removed without the possibility of returning to cleaned parts. Continue cleaning until all dirt has been removed.

– Always brush the fins lengthways – never across!

Cleaning the Pipe Ins idesRinsing with solvents removes dirt build-ups formed by lime scale, paint-type layers, oil residues, etc.

For cleaning purpose please consult the chemical compatibility between the solvent and the core tube.

Cleaning principle:

1 Pump

2 Heat exchanger

3 Containers for catching cleaning liquid

Chemical cleaning is applied where the dirt is stubborn or with heat exchangers with lime scaled pipes and collectors.

• Select the pump’s supply rate so that a speed that is adjusted to the cleaning effect is achieved (2.5 to 5 m/s).

• Neutralize and rinse the heat exchanger well after cleaning.

WARNING:Toxic Hazard!Trichloroethylene is harmful to the health and highly narcotic: inhalation of air with 200 ppm causes tiredness. It has been classified by the MAC Commission as carcinogenic (category 2) and germ cell mutagenic (category 3B). It must be identified as “Toxic”.

Acute poisoning can cause brain damage, blindness and destruction of the smell and taste senses.

• Only use trichloroethylene in closed systems with complete recovery.

• Exclude all open flames or spark sources.

• Smoking is forbidden.

• Protect the skin and eyes with suitable protective materials.

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Maintenance I 5-9



Cleaning Fans

WARNINGDanger of cutting off, pulling in!

There is a danger of cutting off fingers on the rotating fan blades, injury hazard for the hands and pulling in danger for loose elements such as hair, necklaces or clothing parts.

• Power off the unit before you begin maintenance work. Secure the unit against unintentional switching on again by removing the electric fuses for the unit. Secure the unit with a suitable warning sign referring to unintentional switching on.

• Put fans and guard grilles that were removed or opened for maintenance back into their original status without fail before you put the unit back into opera-tion!

Dirt build-ups on the fans, the streamers or air outlet connectors (if installed) and the fan guard grilles must be removed regularly, otherwise they will cause imbalances or destruc-tion and power losses. The fan motors themselves are maintenance-free.

• Power off the unit and secure it against unintentional switching on. Clean fans with one of the following procedures:

NOTE! Danger of damage to property! Mechanical cleaning with hard objects (e.g. steel brushes, screw drivers, or similar) damages the fan. Forbidden!

• Cleaning with compressed air: Blow fans with compressed air (max. 10 bar pressure; min. distance 200 mm) to remove dirt and contaminants. Continue cleaning until all dirt has been removed.

• Cleaning with compressed air and brushes: Remove dry dust or dirt with a brush, a hand brush or with compressed air (max. 10 bar pressure, min. distance of 200 mm) or with a powerful industrial vacuum cleaner. Ensure here: use soft brushes! (no steel brushes or similar). Continue cleaning until all dirt has been removed.

• Mount guard grille, streamer or air inlet connections (if installed)

• Switch unit only, can be prone to unforeseen breakage.

• In the event of breakage, replace the component(s). Do not attempt repair.

• When material is changed. Since a key component of the DM3-i is the temperature probe(s) and they are exposed to your material and elevated temperatures, they should be checked whenever their host drying hopper is drained, cleaned, etc. No specific preventative maintenance is required beyond wiping down and examining for damage whenever the hopper is empty, cool and available for inspection. In the event of visible damage or non-operation, replace the probe. Do not attempt repair.


(Cont inued)

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5-10 I Ma in tenance

Cleaning Fans (Cont inued)

In addition, the coupling assembly that holds the probe in place should be closely exam-ined from the top of the hopper and inside the hopper to be sure it is intact and has not been damaged or become loose as a result of use in the hopper.

• Monthly, or as often as needed

U Check that the cables and junction boxes associated with the Adiabatic Cooling Tower. Make sure all cables are intact, undamaged, out of harm’s way, etc.

U Correct the mounting integrity of junction boxes as required and re-route the ModBus cables to avoid high amperage electrical lines and/or moving, hot or sharp objects.

Maintain ing Cool ing Pads

To ensure a longer service life of the cooling pads, it is recommended to observe the fol-lowing instructions, at least two times per year (Spring and Autumn):

1 Turn off the adiabatic system.

2 Dry the cooling pads.

3 Drain water from the system.

4 Using a soft brush, clean the cooling pads in areas where sediments have accu-mulated.

5 Start the adiabatic system for 45-60 minutes to rinse the cooling pads.

6 Drain water from the system.

7 Start up the adiabatic system.

(Cont inued)

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Maintenance I 5-11



Maintain ing Cool ing Pads (Cont inued)

The following is a suggested shutdown procedure for humidifiers using evaporative pads. This procedure is intended to assist the end-user in cleaning and conditioning the pads to maximize the equipment integrity.

1 Add dispersant and biocide to the system and recirculate for 12 to 24 hours. Confer with the Conair Service Department on suitable materials.

2 After the clean-up procedure, flush all distribution headers and pads for 20-30 minutes.

3 Shut down pumps and completely drain all water distribution piping and head-ers.

4 Operate fans until pads are completely dry.

5 Brush pads with a medium soft brush to remove loose deposits. Once there is sufficient dirt dislodged, flush media and headers again by running the recirculating pump for 30 minutes. Repeat the two previous steps.

6 Drain the humidifier sumps, then refill with 2 to 3 inches of fresh water.

7 Add a mild solution of detergent and disinfectant and scrub the sumps.

8 Drain and flush the sumps with clean water.

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5-12 I Ma in tenance

Maintain ing Water Distr ibutor

Diagrams of the Water Distributor

In order to service the water distribution headers, follow the below instructions:

1 Turn off the adiabatic system.

2 Remove the cooling pads from the top side.

3 Loosen the cap threaded on the water distributor, located at the end of the PVC pipe.

4 Change the GMM to manual mode.

5 Turn on the adiabatic system in order to rinse the water distributors.

6 Turn off the adiabatic system.

7 Tighten the cap threaded on the water distributor,

8 Change the GMM to automatic mode.

9 Turn on the adiabatic system.

Water Distributor

Cap ThreadedHolder

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6S E C T I O N


Troub leshoot ing I 6-1

Troubleshoot ing

Before Beg inn ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

A Few Words o f Caut ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

Troub leshoot ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

Spare Par ts L is t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4

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6-2 I Troub leshoot ing

Before BeginningYou can avoid most problems by following the recommended installation, operation and maintenance procedures outlined in this User Guide. If you have a problem, this section will help you determine the cause and tell you how to fix it.

Before you begin troubleshooting:

U Find any wiring, parts, and assembly diagrams that were shipped with your equip-ment. These are the best reference for correcting a problem. The diagrams will note any custom features or options not covered in this User Guide.

U Verify that you have all instructional materials related to the puller. Additional details about troubleshooting and repairing specific components are found in these materials.

U Check that you have manual for other equipment connected in the system. Trouble-shooting may require investigating other equipment attached to, or connected with the puller.

A Few Words of Caut ion

WARNING: Improper insta l lat ion, operat ion or serv ic ing may resul t in equipment damage or personal in jury.

This equipment should only be installed, adjusted, and serviced by qualified tech-nical personnel who are familiar with the construction, operation, and potential hazards of this type of machine.All wiring, disconnects, and fuses should be installed and adjusted by qualified electrical technicians in accordance with electrical codes in your region. Always maintain a safe ground. Do not operate the equipment at power levels other than what is specified on the machine serial tag and data plate.

WARNING: E lectr ical hazard

Before performing maintenance or repairs on this product, disconnect and lock out electrical power sources to prevent injury from unexpected energization or start-up. A lockable device has been provided to isolate this product from poten-tially hazardous electricity.

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Troub leshoot ing I 6-3


Troubleshoot ing

Faults that are not described in these operating instructions must only be removed by Conair.

Faults that are described in these operating instructions must only be removed by appropriately trained personnel.

If faults occur during the operation, monitoring maintenance of the complete system, inform Conair immediately.

Symptom Possible Cause Solution Fan motor not running Power supply interrupted U Restore power supply.

Fan blade stuck U Clear all obstructions (with power supply removed).

Bearing noises Defective fan motor U Renew bearing or fan motor.

Unit vibrating Defective fan blades U Change fan blades.

Loose fan fixture U Tigthen fixtures.

Unit capacity not achieved Coil is strongly contaminated with dirt.

U Clean the coil.

Fans not running properly or down

U Repair or change out fans.

Working fluid pressures defective (temperature and flow insuffi-cient)

U Set working pressure valved (temperature and flow) to reference values.

Low heat transfer Check fluid concentration. U Correct concentration.

Working fluid escape Fluid-carrying components leak-ing

U Close fluid feed and shut fans off, repair leak.

Contact ConairParts and ServicePhone: 800-458-1960From outside of theUnited States,Call: 814 437 6861

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6-4 I Troub leshoot ing

Spare Parts L ist

Quantities Per Unit

Spare Parts ESTW-






















Y Strainer 1”


1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Solenoid valve 1”


1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Balancing valve 1”


2 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0

Y Strainer 1 1/2”


0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

Solenoid valve 1 1/2”


0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

Coil (solenoid valve) 110V


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Balancing valve 1 1/4”


0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2

Evaporative Pads



15 23 30 15 23 30 37 45 53 60 69

Evaporative Pads



15 23 30 15 23 30 37 45 53 60 69

Evaporative Pads



4 6 8 4 6 8 8 12 14 16 18

Evaporative Pads



0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0

EC Fan motor,

sound level L


2 3 4 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

EC Fan motor,

sound level M


2 3 4 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

AC Fan motor,

sound level L


2 3 4 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

AC Fan motor,

sound level M


2 3 4 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

AC Fan motor,

sound level N


2 3 4 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

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Append ix I A-1

We’re Here to Help

Conair has made the largest investment in customer support in the plastics industry. Our service experts are available to help with any problem you might have installing and oper-ating your equipment. Your Conair sales representative also can help analyze the nature of your problem, assuring that it did not result from misapplication or improper use.

How to Contact Customer Serv iceTo contact Customer Service personnel, call:

NOTE: Normal operating hours are 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EST. After hours emergencyservice is available at the same phone number.

From outside the United States, call: 814-437-6861You can commission Conair service personnel to provide on-site service by contacting the Customer Service Department. Standard rates include an on-site hourly rate, with a one-day minimum plus expenses.

Before You Cal l . . .If you do have a problem, please complete the following checklist before calling Conair:

U Make sure you have all model, control type from the serial tag, and parts list numbers for your particular equipment. Service personnel will need this information to assist you.

U Make sure power is supplied to the equipment.

U Make sure that all connectors and wires within and between control systems and related components have been installed correctly.

U Check the troubleshooting guide of this manual for a solution.

U Thoroughly examine the instruction manual(s) for associated equipment, especially controls. Each manual may have its own troubleshooting guide to help you.

Additional manuals and prints for your Conair equipment may be ordered through the Customer Service or Parts Department for a nominal fee. Most manuals can be downloaded free of charge from the product section of the Conair


Page 66: UGH049-0814 EarthSmart TM Adiabatic Cooling Tower... Corporate Office: 724.584.5500 l Instant Access 247 (Parts and Service): 800.458.1960 l Parts and Service: 814.437.6861

A-2 I Append ix

Equipment GuaranteeConair guarantees the machinery and equipment on this order, for a period as defined in the quotation from date of shipment, against defects in material and workmanship under the normal use and service for which it was recommended (except for parts that are typi-cally replaced after normal usage, such as filters, liner plates, etc.). Conair’s guarantee is limited to replacing, at our option, the part or parts determined by us to be defective after examination. The customer assumes the cost of transportation of the part or parts to and from the factory.

Performance WarrantyConair warrants that this equipment will perform at or above the ratings stated in specific quotations covering the equipment or as detailed in engineering specifications, provided the equipment is applied, installed, operated and maintained in the recommended manner as outlined in our quotation or specifications.

Should performance not meet warranted levels, Conair at its discretion will exercise one of the following options:

• Inspect the equipment and perform alterations or adjustments to satisfy performance claims. (Charges for such inspections and corrections will be waived unless failure to meet warranty is due to misapplication, improper installation, poor maintenance practices or improper operation.)

• Replace the original equipment with other Conair equipment that will meet original performance claims at no extra cost to the customer.

• Refund the invoiced cost to the customer. Credit is subject to prior notice by the cus-tomer at which time a Return Goods Authorization Number (RGA) will be issued by Conair’s Service Department. Returned equipment must be well crated and in proper operating condition, including all parts. Returns must be prepaid.

Purchaser must notify Conair in writing of any claim and provide a customer receipt and other evidence that a claim is being made.

Warranty L imitat ionsExcept for the Equipment Guarantee and Performance Warranty stated above, Conair disclaims all other warranties with respect to the equipment, express or implied, arising by operation of law, course of dealing, usage of trade or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.