uganda oil - payments to sam kutesa, minister of foreign affairs

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  • 8/3/2019 Uganda Oil - Payments to Sam Kutesa, Minister of Foreign Affairs


    3 June 2010Bank of Valletta p.l.e.58 Zachar; StreetValletta VLT 04f"lalta

    For attention: Chief Executive Officer

    Dear Sir,LETTER OF POWER OF ATTORNEY TO tv1rBrian GloverWe refer" to the power of attorney registered{in your office on the 1st of June 2010, to specify thatMr. Brian Glover it is authorised to make payments in cash up to 500,000 Euro (five hundred

  • 8/3/2019 Uganda Oil - Payments to Sam Kutesa, Minister of Foreign Affairs


    Bank of Valletta p.l.cReqistra tion Number. C 2833Registered OffJce: 58 Zachary Street, Vollet to VL T 04 - r..o!t;)

    Transaction ReferenceNo.: 53243934

    PaYlnent to Third PartiesPrimed by: },:[1'. Brian GloverPrinted at: 12/07/2010-08:08Document ld: 72085539

    From aCCOLmt:Beneficiary account number:IBAN:Currency of payment:Foreign bank name:Bank's BIC/SWIFT:Bank country is SEPA:Bank's country:Beneficiary name:Instructed amount in currency of youraccount:Instructed amount in payment currency:

    4003724201 9 (EUR)GB36EFG817800000491740YesEUREFG Private bank LtdEFGBGB2LYesUnited KingdomEast Africa Development Ltd5,000.000.005,000,000.00

  • 8/3/2019 Uganda Oil - Payments to Sam Kutesa, Minister of Foreign Affairs


    Bank of Valletta p.l.cRegistr.: \t ion Number: C 2833Registered Office: 58 Zachary Street. Valle tta VL T 04 - rda!ta

    Transaction ReferenceNo.: 53243731

    PaVluent to Third PartiesPrimed Ln-:1\1r. Brian GloverPrinted ,It: 12'07/2010-09:08DOCll111em leI: 72085:"39

    From account:Beneficiary account number:IBAN:Currency of payment:Foreign bank name:Bank's BIC/SWIFT:Bank country is SEPA:Bank's country:Beneficiary name:Instructed amount in currency of youraccount:Instructed amount in payment currency:Amount debited from your account:Amount credited to beneficiarjExchange rate:Payment details:

    4003724201 9 (EUR)GB36EFG817800000491740YesEUREFG Private bank LtdEFGBGB2LYesUnited KingdomEast Africa Development Ltd5,000,000.005,000,,000,000.001.000000Invoice 4 dated 12-07-10

  • 8/3/2019 Uganda Oil - Payments to Sam Kutesa, Minister of Foreign Affairs


    Bank of Valletta p.l.cRe(:Jlstration Number: C 2833Registered Off ice: 58 Zach

  • 8/3/2019 Uganda Oil - Payments to Sam Kutesa, Minister of Foreign Affairs


    PaVlnent to Third Parties.


    R()l.,'-~.J VBank of Valletta p.l.cRegis tration Number: C 2833Regis tered Off ice: 58 Z~chary Street . V~fle tt

  • 8/3/2019 Uganda Oil - Payments to Sam Kutesa, Minister of Foreign Affairs


    PaYlllent to Third PartiesPrinted by: 1\11'.Briall GloverPrinted aT: 21/06/2010-09:40DOCHment Id: 72085:'\39

    ""l rJ,'1; ib....~ Bank of Valletta p.l.cRegistra tion Number : C 2833Registered Office: 58 Zachary Street . Val let ta VLT 04 - Mallo Transaction ReferenceNo.: 53243413

    From account:8eneficiarj account number:IBAN:Currency of payment:Foreign bank name:Bank's BIC/SWIFT:Bank country is SEPA:Bank's country:Beneficiarj name:Instructed amount in currency of youraccount:Instructed amount in payment cLlrrency:Amount debited from your account:

    4003724201 9 (EUR)GB36EFGB 17800000491740YesEUREFG Private bank LtdEFGBGB2LYesUnited KingdomEast Africa Development Ltd1.500,000.001,500.000.001.500.016.00

  • 8/3/2019 Uganda Oil - Payments to Sam Kutesa, Minister of Foreign Affairs


    Bank of Valletta p.l.cReqistmt ion Number : C 2833Registered Off'ce: 58 Z

  • 8/3/2019 Uganda Oil - Payments to Sam Kutesa, Minister of Foreign Affairs


    Bank of Valletta p.l.cReglstr

  • 8/3/2019 Uganda Oil - Payments to Sam Kutesa, Minister of Foreign Affairs


    Bank c; Va ' '! -: :. ~ , ' -, MaltaCi!::c.. : : -s : :: :

    2: ~,;:::::oe ' -: 7 : :: ~OS/C7/1CIO12/07/201012/07/2010

    -~ Or ginat ng AccountC ,: 57 4 00 37 .2 42 01 9 ( EUR)1 1: 40 4 00 37 24 20 1 9 ( EUR)0 3: 40 4 00 37 24 20 19 l EU R)1 4: 59 4 00 37 ~4 20 19 l EUR)11:03 40037.i242019 (EUR)0 9: 08 4 00 n1 42 01 9 ( EUR )0 8: 08 4 00 37 . 24 20 19 ( EUR)

    B en ef c ia ry a cc ou nt n umbe rl on do n Br an ch C as h M ov em en t ( Br a n G o ve r)GB36EfGB 17800000491740G836EfGB17800000491740l on do n B ra nc h Ca sh M ov em en t ( Br a n G o ve r)GB36E FGB178000004917 40GB36EFGB17800000491740GB36EFGB17800000491740

    B en ef c ia ry B an k

    E FG P r va te B an k Ba nk l tdE FG P rI va te B an k B an k l td

    EF G P r va te B an k B an k lt dEF G P r va te Ba nk B an k lt dEF G P r va te Ba nk B an k lt d

    Currencymount B en ef c ia ry N amePMNT~:;tsy pe o f P ayme nten Addressen CountryEUR

    500,000.00 Not-available O th er P ro fe ss io na l F ee sa.EUR

    1,500,000.00 E as t A fr c a D ev el opme nt l td .nvoice 1Ci:ed 09-06-10t he r P ro fe ss io na l F ee sairobi 00619enyaEUR

    1,500,000.00 E as t A fr c a D ev el opme nt l td .n vo ic e 2 : a :e d 18-06-10t he r P ro fe ss io na l F ee sairobi 00619enyaEUR

    500,000,00 Other Professlonal.FeesEUR

    3,500.000.00 E as t A fr c a D ev el opme nt l td .n vo ic e 3 ~ He d 80710Other P ro fess ion~1 Feesairobi 00619enyaEUR

    5,000,000.00 E as t A fr c a D ev el opme nt l td .n vo ic e 4 d at ~d 120710t he r P ro fe ss io na l F ee sairobi 00619enyaEUR

    5,000,000.00 E as t A fr c a D ev el opme nt l td .n vo ic e 5 d at ed 16-0710t he r P ro fe ss Io na l F ee sairobi 00619enyaSUM
