ufo reports 1954

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  • 8/11/2019 Ufo Reports 1954


  • 8/11/2019 Ufo Reports 1954


  • 8/11/2019 Ufo Reports 1954


    This was announced tonight by the Minister for Air (Mr. McMahon).

    He said that American Government representatives in Australia had been asked to speed up the film's return.

    Mr. McMahon added that a Civil Aviation Department officer in Port Moresby(Mr. T. C. Drury) had taken the film with a movie camera fitted with a telephoto lens last August.

    Mr. Drury had reported that on Sunday, August 23, he noticed a cloud at agreat height building up as though being formed by vapour trails. He watched the cloud growing in intensity for several minutes and suddenly an object appearedfrom one side of it and climbed very fast in roughly a northeastern direction.

    It appeared slightly bigger than a pin head.

    Vapour Trail

    Whatever it was, it left a clearly defined vapour trail behind it until itfinally disappeared with a rapid gain of altitude,Mr. Drury reported.

    He said that it appeared to be some type of very high-speed aircraft.

    Air Traffic Control knew of no aircraft movements in that area. In any case,from the extreme altitude of the object, it certainly could not have been a civil aircraft,Mr. Drury said.

    Mr. McMahon said that Mr. Drury's film had been initially processed in Melbourne. Examination when projected showed a very small light coloured object moving across the sky.

    American processing might bring the object out in more detail.


    Saturday, Feb. 13, 1954Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Press

    U. S. Steps Up Sky Chase

    Airline Pilots Sighting5-10 SaucersNightly

    Commercial Fliers Being Asked to FlashImmediate Reports, Speed Up Interceptors

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    By JIM G. LUCAS, Scripps-Howard Staff Writer

    WASHINGTON, Feb. 13Commercial airline pilots report between five and 10 flying saucer sightings each night, it was learned today.

    Representatives of major airlines will meet Wednesday in Los Angeles withMilitary Air Transport Service (MATS) intelligence officers to discuss speedingup saucer-reporting procedures.

    The idea will be to get the reports in the quickest possible wayso that theAir Force can send fast jet fighters to investigate.

    Heretofore, commercial pilots have landed and then reported to MATS through their companies. By that time, the trail usually is cold. Now, pilots are instructed to flash reports direct from the air to MATS intelligence Washington orto the nearest Air Force base.

    However, several bugshave been found in this plan. Some pilots, for example, don't know how to contact MATS intelligence. Others don't think it importantenough. That's one angle to be discussed at the Los Angeles meeting.

    Airline pilots are asked not to discuss their sightings publicly or give t

    hem to newspapers.Navy Capt. Bernard Baruch Jr., MATS intelligence officer, is in charge of

    the project. Captain Baruch's headquarters are in New York, but MATS intelligence also maintains a large staff at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., near Washington.

    One well-informed source said that until recently the largest number of sightings were from the Southwest Pacific. Saucer sightings have been particularly numerous around Australia, where the British maintain a guided missile range.

    In North Atlantic

    Recently, however, there has been an increase in saucer sightings in theNorth Atlantic, this source said.

    Simultaneously, the number of oil slicks and submarine sightings in this area has increased. However, some associate these sightings with the establishment of an Air Force B-36 base at Thule, Greenland.

    The same source said flying saucer sightings are "fairly common" throughout the non-Communist world. They invariably are made at night. Frequently several independent sightings of the same "saucer" are reported from different spotsalong a plane's route.

    Two reports made this week by commercial airline pilots were cited as typi


    Came and Went

    In the first, a Colonial Airlines pilot, en route to Washington from Richmond, said he saw a saucer descend from the stratosphere, approach his ship, hesitate for a moment and then reverse its course. He said it appeared to re-enterthe stratosphere.

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    The pilot was described as a "man of mature judgment, a college graduate and an attorney as well as a pilot."

    In the second, two Northwest Airlines pilots en route from Seattle to Anchorage reported a strange object with several portholes which exuded a "blueish light" flew alongside their ship most of the journey, disappearing as they were about to land in Anchorage.

    The pilots tried several times to close the gap between their ship and thestrange object, but could not. They said the object was "definitely under someone's control."

    They were questioned for two days in Alaska before going on to Tokyo.


    Friday, April 23, 1954Lumberton, NC, Robesonian

    Men Report Big Ball In SkyHOT SPRINGS, Ark. Six workmen, who had gathered late last night at a rural homenear here to ride to work, told a reporter they watched a mysterious gleaming ball over the house for 20 minutes. One of the men, Les Reatherford, said the ball once dived toward him, and that he had to duck to avoid being hit.

    "If I hadn't ducked it would have hit me sure," said Reatherford.

    The men, all employees of a Reynolds Metal Co., aluminum plant, describedthe white ball of light as about 10 feet in diameter. They said it circled thehouse slowly, stopping for a moment at irregular intervals.

    One of the witnesses said the ball followed the men when they left in a station wagon.

    "We tried to put a spotlight on it," said one of the men, "but every timeit would dodge the beam."

    Besides Reatherford, those who saw the object were Harley and Fred Skeets,Tom and Dayton Henderson, and John Vaughn.


    March, 1954Fort Worth, Texas, Cross Country NEWS Vol. 9 No. 8

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    Flying Saucer Story Number 29,119,109

    (Special to XC News)

    MIAMI, Fla.Flying saucers are real, says Bill Nash, first officer for Pan American World Airways, and offers an explanation why Air Force investigators do not reveal all they know.

    "I am convinced the Air Force has collected hardware from outer space," hetold the Greater Miami Aviation Association. "If it were to reveal possessionof these objects or parts of them, it would have to establish proof.

    "I do not believe the Air Force cares to make all its findings public so long as the United States is threatened by unfriendly powers."

    Nash has reported sighting unidentified objects while flying a DC4 from New York to Miami for overhaul. Others in the plane confirmed his report.

    "From their maneuvers," he said, "there is no doubt in my mind these objects were controlled by intelligent beings."

    Nash described how craft in the formation oscillated over and under others. He suggested this was caused when the leader would reduce speed and others moved to avoid collisions.

    The flier said lights from the craft were 20 times brighter than those ofNorfolk and Newport News, Va., near where the sighting was made. He said he andthe crew saw six objects which later were joined by two more.

    "When you have seen them," he declared, "you realize they were not made onthis planet."

    Nash suggested pilots of 'outer space' make no effort to contact this planet "because their civilization is too far advanced."

    "They must have found how to live in peace with each other or their science would have destroyed them,"he said. "We are still so stupid we cannot solve simple problems without resort to war."


    Saturday 27 March, 1954Miami, Fla., Herald

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    Round and WhitePilot Sees Object;Was It a F----- S-----?The Marines landed in Flying Saucer territory Friday.

    Spotting of a "round, unidentified object, white in color not glowing," was reported by Capt. Dan C. Holland, 33, of 5196 E. Fifth st., Hialeah.

    Captain Holland said he saw the object while flying in a formation of Third Marine Wing jets east of Fort Lauderdale about 3:20 p.m., Thursday. He calledthe attention of the other pilots to it and he said it sped off to the east ata high rate of speed and disappeared in about 15 seconds.

    None of the other pilots in the formation saw it.

    Capt. Holland, a decorated veteran of both World War II and Korea, said that until Thursday "I always thought anyone who said he saw a flying saucer oughtto have his head examined."

    The Marine flier said a commercial airliner was in the vicinity at the time and may have observed the object.

    However, spokesmen for Eastern, Delta-C&S, National and Pan American Worldairways said none of their pilots had mentioned anything like that.


    Sunday 4 April, 1954

    Miami, Fla., Daily News


    Five Citizens Back Marine On Sighting Flying Saucer

    By LARRY BIRGERMiami Dally News Staff Writer

    Spotting a flying sauceris one thing.

    Making your friends believe it is quite another, a Marine flier who sawthefirst one this young spring season has discovered.

    But even though most of his buddies are skeptical, Capt. Robert Holland,32, has received fan mailfrom five citizens who are certain the pilots eyes haventgone bad.

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    Holland several days ago spotted a strange objectabout 25,000 feet up overthe ocean east of Fort Lauderdale, and quickly reported it to his superior officers.

    Expected Ribbing

    Id never have reported it if I didnt believe there was something in the sky,he explained, because I knew Id be in for a big ribbing.

    Two pilots have told me that on another occasion they saw what they thought was a saucer but didnt report it because of the razzing they knew would come.

    Fortunately, Hollands wife already believed in flying saucers before her husband did, so he didnt have any trouble convincing her hed seen the real thing.

    'Something Up There'

    She really believed in them,Holland related. But I didnt until I saw one.It didnt look like a saucer, but there certainly was something up there.

    Holland, in drawing what he saw, described the strange objectas a round, silvery-white ball with a golden platform circling the lower half of it.

    The thing was flying away from me, at double my speed. I called to the other pilots in the formation, but it was gone before they could spot it,he said.

    Nothing Like It

    In his more than 2,800 flying hours, the captain, who won six battle stars and two Distinguished Flying Crosses in the Korean War, said hed never seen anything like it. I dont have the slightest idea what it was. Id sure like to know, though,hsaid.

    As soon as I hit the ground the ribbing began. Some of the fellows have ke

    pt it up, but after I reported it to Washington, most of the razzing stopped.

    Ill bet there are quite a few of them out here now that believe I saw one.

    Others Saw It

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    Since the incident, five persons in the vicinity of Fort Lauderdale havewritten Holland saying they saw something in the air the same day.

    An old lady of 68 wrote me,the captain said. 'People thought I was crazy,e related, until they saw the story in the paper. Now they believe me.

    A school teacher said that her students saw something, and an elderly manwrote the same thing, Holland added.

    Maybe were not so crazy after all.


    Thursday, July 22, 1954Austin, MN Austin Daily Herald


    Glenn Hovland Photographs 'Flying Saucers'

    Hovland and his plane (left) were tracking balloons like the one showntaking off at the right when the "flying saucers" were spotted.

    Glenn Hovland, Austin Airport manager, not only has seen flying saucers he has photographed them.Hovland and a St. Paul man, Verne Baumgartner, an electronics engineer for Winzer Research, saw six of the aerial objects over eastern Texas last Jan. 29 whiletracking a research balloon east of Palestine in eastern Texas.Part of what was discovered that day is reported in Time magazine of July 19. The story which heads the science section tells all about reversed matter,but says

    nothing of the flying saucers.But that day the saucerswere photographed simultaneously from the balloon floating above them at 100,000 feet and by Hovland in his tracking plane below.

    2 Angles Clinch PointI guess that proves they were there because you can't photograph a mirage from tw

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    o different angles at the same time,Hovland said.Until he sighted the saucersthe day had been a routine one for Hovland who has been tracking these research balloons since September, 1952.This time, Hovland was working directly with Dr. Marcel Schein, University of Chicago physicist, and David Williams, 18, also of the University of Chicago, whowill receive his degree as a nuclear physicist next year.Hovland and Baumgartner were following about 20 miles behind the balloon and ata lower altitude than the 20 miles the balloon ascends.Their job was to give the direction and speed of travel of the balloon; to warnaircraft of its position; and to observe whether any accidents should befall theballoon or any of its contents.We had just eaten dinner and I was sitting there watching this old balloon,Hovland said. I saw them first and I nudged Baumgartner and I said, What do you see up there?

    Companion Startled

    To which Baumgartner replied, My - - - What's going on?'"

    I saw two objects,Hovland said. He saw four so I looked back again Then there were six.Hovland described them as silvery objects with a sort of fluorescent glow They were in a trail formation" and just as perfectly spaced as dots marked off by a ruler.

    Tuscaloosa UFOs. Image slightly enhanced to remove scratches and dust spots.

    They were nearly stationary and were hovering below the balloon between Hovland's plane and the balloon.They hovered for about a minute and a half while Hovland observed them and tookpictures with his movie camera.Then they went up boom, like an explosion,he said. But they went one at a time anthey all followed the same path.He couldn't estimate their speed.

    1,000 Miles an HourIt's hard to say,he said, but going out of sight like that I would say a good 1,000 miles an hour. They went out of sight in a matter of seconds. That's vertically. They took right off.When he got back to the airbase he was met by air police who confiscated his fil

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    m and sent it to Washington for development and review.Later he received a 22-page printed questionnaire in which he was asked to describe what he saw in great detail. These are sent to all persons who report aerial phenomena and are marked secret and confidential.Later he was shown the pictures, which indicated the saucers were about 20 feetwide. And they appeared to be transparent because the contour of the ground shows through in the pictures taken from the balloon.

    Appeared Silver in ColorActually, the objects appeared to be silvery from below but apparently were a darker, metallic color from the top. At least, that's what the pictures indicated, Hovland said.And although they moved at terrificspeed, he could see no visible means of locomotion. There was no visible smoke, exhaust, light or anything,he added.As reported in Time, the other discovery that day was news to make even a sensation-jaded physicist draw a sharp breath.

    A pack of photographic plates had been attached to the balloon to be exposed tothe powerful primary cosmic rays that bombard the top of the atmosphere.While studying the plates later, Dr Schein found a peculiar ray track a bundle of slim Vs running through the pack. These were made by pairs of negative and positive electrons and there was no trace of larger charged particles (protons) present.

    Hit With Terrific EnergyDr Scheins conclusion was that somethinghad hit the film pack with the unheard-of

    energy of 10 million billion electron-volts about 50 million times the energy ofa splitting uranium atom.That something.Dr. Schein thought, probably was an elusive particle called an anti-proton, which theoretical physicists have suspected but never observed.

    He believes this negative proton struck an ordinary proton in the aluminum wrapping of the film pack and annihilated not only itself but the early matter in itstarget as well, turning the mass into energy. The track was made by gamma raysas they streaked away from the site of the collision.Where do anti-protons come from? One speculation is that remote stars may be made up entirely of reversed matterwhose atoms have negative anti-protons as their

    nuclei and positrons (positive electrons) revolving around them. There would beno way to tell because the reversed matter would send out the same light as ordinary matter. And it would behave itself normally as long as it stayed at home.

    Hovland Sees ConnectionWhen he lets his imagination run, Hovland can connect the anti protons and the saucers.

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    This particular device is a guided missile capable of speeds exceeding 3000 miles an hour. It has been spotted hundreds of times.Two other devices are actually shaped like saucers. They, too, have been numerously reported in various parts of the country, in some instances by commercial and other pilots.The army and navy are also very active in the guided missile field. Some scientists credit the navy with leading the other two services in these developments.



    Close Encounter at 25,000 Feet: Government Cover up

    by Paul C. Cerny

    [Ed. note: There are today so may straws in the wind concerning alleged government cover up of genuine UFO cases that, taken together, they would make quite a haystack. Yet, no definitive proof has been forthcoming, proof that would withstand a severe Congressional investigation, for example. The following story, released by the widow of one of the principal witnesses after an enforced silence of many years, would, if true (and Mr. Cerny holds it is true, based on his private interviews with the narrator), constitute such proof. We present it here forthe record through the kindness of Mr. Cerny. In 1954, the date of this event,I was quite active with Project Blue Book and 1 do not recollect ever seeing this report in Dayton. If it had come into Blue Book, it would have stood out like the proverbial sore thumb and it certainly would not have escaped my attention

    . So here may be additional evidence of Government cover-up.]



    4:30 PM

    DURATION:Over one hour

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    WITNESSES:Crews of 3 B-47 bombers

    PLACE:25,000 feet over Texas vicinity of Dallas

    During a radio call-in talk show, in which MUFON astronomy consultant Tom Gatesand I participated, we were rewarded with an unusual and highly significant story from the widow of a former Air Force major, a pilot and navigator on B-47 andB-52 jet bombers. She stated that after many years of remaining silent as requested, she felt that the public had the right to know about her deceased husband's, and his companion's, exceptional UFO encounter.I arranged for several personal interviews which revealed an astounding story ofhigh altitude, extremely close UFO encounter. Her detailed recall of the events of many years ago, as told to her by her husband shortly after the event, wasimpressive, as was her obvious intelligence. I almost felt that I was listening

    to her husband retelling the story himself.Her husband at the time was Maj. Robert J. Waste (she has since remarried) #73028, classified as a 1037, basically a navigator of a specialized elite crew. Hewas a Wing Officer with the Strategic Air Command (SAC). He lost his life in the crash of a B-52 bomber on Memorial Day, 1955, which also cost the lives of theentire crew. The UFO encounter had occured (sic) eight months earlier.On Sept. 3, 1954, Major Waste had gone out with his squadron on routine bombingexercises. They were competing for accuracy by dropping "bombs" of sacks of flour. Each B-47 carried a crew of three a pilot, co-pilot, and navigator-bombardier. Major Waste was acting in the latter capacity, riding in the nose portion of the aircraft.

    They had been over various mid-western States and were now returning home to Barksdale A.F.B., Shreveport, La. At about 4:30 P.M., on this relatively clear day, they were in the general area of Dallas, Tex., when they received a radio communication from Carswell A.F.B., near Fort Worth, asking them to investigate andbe on the lookout in their immediate vicinity for reported UFOs. They were cruising at 25,000 feet.

    They were suddenly startled to discover a strange craft pacing their plane only100 feet overhead. The alien machine was a beautifully stream-lined, missile-shaped device slightly larger and longer than their own B-47 fuselage. It was dull metallic in color and had two rows of oval-shaped port holes along each of itssides, about a third of the way up from the bottom. An orange exhaust flame em

    anated from the rear of the aerial intruder, as well as from what appeared to besmaller control exhaust ports slightly ahead of the main thrust unit. The bottom of the craft seemed to be lighted or glowing. This description of the appearance and performance of the craft resembles that of the famous Chiles-Whitted DC-3 airliner case of July 23, 1948, near Montgomery, Ala.The immediate concern of the crew was the frightening possibility of a mid-air collision. After pacing the B-47 overhead for a short time, it suddenly shot ahead and then zoomed almost straight up at incredible speed, disappearing momentarily from view. As per their radio instructions, they tried to climb after it at

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    full throttle, but almost stalled the B-47 in the attempt. Nothing we had would come anywhere near the its performance capabilities.The sleek UFO then came back down to within about 300 feet of the jet bomber andbegan circling the aircraft. It circled overhead and underneath at fantastic speeds, so fast that they could hardly see it. The object stayed with them, pacing overhead and underneath, doing all sorts of maneuvering around the B-47 for well over an hour.

    RB-47E Bomber similar to Major Waste's aircraft

    During this time Major Waste had made his way back through the inside passagewayto the pilot's area where he and the co-pilot shot photos of the missile-like intruder with their personal cameras. Many of their pictures were taken when itwas close overhead, displaying considerable detail. Major Waste had a new Nikonsequencing camera with a telephoto lens. An expert photography buff, he shot 32 frames of 35mm color film of the craft during the encounter.The maneuvering capability was incredible. The object would cut in front of the

    plane, at one time doing a perfect figure eight, as if showing off. Once it slowed down in front of them, and they started into its exhaust flame. When theywere sure they would collide, it pulled away and maneuvered around the aircraft.Their radio instructions from the ground were to pursue and, if possible, forcethe UFO down. Major Waste remarked, "No way were we going to be able to force that thing down!" The crew's opinion was that this unusual craft did not come from anywhere on this planet, due to its appearance and maneuvering capability.The two planes behind were watching and listening to the air-to-ground communications between Major Waste's plane and the air base. When the action started, they did move up for a closer look, but kept at a safe distance. All immediate action was centered around the lead aircraft.

    As if content with the time spent "showing up" the inferior B-47, the sleek craft once again shot upward into the sky and disappeared, not returning again.All the B-47s on this training mission landed safely at Barksdale A.F.B. and thecrews were released after debriefing and sent home, except for the crew of Major Waste's plane and the two other accompanying aircraft. The wives and family members of these three planes were all anxiously awaiting their arrival and release from duty at the base, but were told to go back home without them, that theywould be detained for some time. The crews are specifically instructed not to discuss military matters or incidents while on duty with anyone, even their wives.

    The three involved B-47 crews were confined to the A.F.B. for almost three daysfor special debriefing as the result of their encounter with the unknown craft.All the film the crews took of the UFO was confiscated. The luggage bags and other personal effects thoroughly searched for any possible additional film. Theplanes were carefully searched as well. Family members calling the base, inquiring why the three crews were being detained and why they could not come home, were told they could not discuss the reasons. No information at all was available. Major Waste finally came home on the third day at about 9 p.m. to a very upset wife and her son, whose birthday he missed because of the detainment.

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    Mrs. Waste prodded her husband, promising not to tell anyone the reason for hisdetainment, and she kept that promise all these years until now. He finally agreed to tell her in the strictest confidence about the unusual encounter, and told her never to tell anyone about it. Since that time, she has remained in touchwith the other two crew member's families and three other retired officers acquainted with the incident. She was good enough to phone these retired officers for me to ask for verification and permission to use their names or let me talk to them. All flatly refused and one even denied any knowledge of the event. Theothers did verify to her that the encounter took place but refused to discuss it, even with her.It is incredible the "strangle hold" our government agencies have over militarypersonnel, threatening reprisal to silence them about their involvement in a world-wide phenomenon which, in most cases, does not involve classified military information.In the case at hand, we apparently have an answer to James Oberg's question stated in his article in TRUE 1981. Outer Space and Paranormal World Quarterly, "Where are the UFO photographs?" Perhaps Captain James Oberg's influence with the Pentagon is sufficient to obtain the release of the Major Waste photographs, or at least to disclose where they are filed?


    PROJECT 1947 Comment: The Editor's Note in the introduction to this case is by Dr. J. Allen Hynek. As in the case of the Navy Skyraider Squadron incident, theabove report exists with no official documentation. A number of other reports are also in this category.One of the best known examples involved the USAF UFO spokesman, Col. William T.Colemen Public Relations Officer covering, among other things, UFOs from 1961-1962.Col. Colemen reported his UFO sighting of 1954 or 1955, but after he became AirForce UFO spokesman, he could not locate his report in the Project Blue Book fil

    es. It was not listed as a "missing case," but completely absent like the report above, from the Blue Book records.We have references to several serial numbered USAF intelligence reports on UFOS i.e., Intelligence reports sent to USAF HQ and recorded in the logs of USAF intelligence files which apparently are also not in the Project Blue Book files.When Capt. Edward Ruppelt became Project Blue Book chief, he searched intelligence files in the Pentagon to locate UFO reports not passed on to Project Grudge/Blue Book. He did everything in his power to make sure that all such reports were funneled to Project Blue Book for evaluation. Even so, a few UFO reports fromthe 1947-1952 period that were not in the Project Blue Book files have been recovered in other USAF activities' files. It has been harder to locate such repor

    ts made after 1952.There continues to exist a large body of reports made by former US military personnel during the Project Blue Book era that do not exist in the project's files.


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    Sunday 19 September , 1954Portland, Oregon The Oregonian

    Reporter Witnesses Mysterious Flying

    Cigar Boom Along Over Rome


    International News Service Staff Writer

    ROME (INS)I saw with the naked eye a mysterious flying cigarwhich flew over Rome Friday night and which clearly registered for 39 minutes on radar sets in the area.

    What attracted my attention was the strange sound the object emitted as it passed overhead. Previous reports of flying saucers have described them as emittingno sound.The sound from this object was not the usual whine of a jet or the droning of anordinary plane.Rather it was like approaching thunder but with a staccato effect, a series of explosions that grew louder as the object got closer.This was followed by dead silence as the thingstopped, or appeared to, at a height of about 5000 to 6000 feet.

    Suddenly it shot upward and left an exhaust trail of milky white smoke. It wentstraight up vertically into the sky. The air was perfectly still, and the smoke remained in a vertical trail.There is some disagreement about the exact shape of the object.

    The observatory at Ciampino initially described it as a flying cigarwith a big antenna amidships.The defense department pictured it as a clipped conewith a smaller surface on thebottom. Or as two semi-circular disks, one bigger than the other, with the bigger one on top.

    To me it seemed more like an inverted sawed-off cone. It was difficult to determine how fast it was going.

    Mid-Air Parking WeirdFrankly I thought in seeing it that it must be some Italian or allied experimental machine or perhaps a British craft in view of reports of Britains progress innew type of aircraft.

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    Sunday 3 October, 1954Bombay, India, THE TIMES OF INDIA

    800 Biharis See Flying SaucerCalcutta, October 2: A flying saucer was reported to have been seen recently by about 800 people living in three adjoining villages in Manbhum Bihar.

    Mr. Ijapada Chatterjee, 60-year-old manager of a mica mine, "Kadori", owned by a Calcutta business man, Mr. S. N. Gnose, told The Times of India News Service here today that he was sitting in the verandah of his house on the afternoonof September 15, when he saw a disc-like object descending about 500 yards away

    .Villagers came out from their huts to see the strange sight. Shaped like a

    saucer, it came down to a height of about 500 feet above the earth making a sound like the whirring of motor-car engine. It hovered for a few minutes; then, suddenly, the two sides seemed to get inflated. This was followed by what looked like smoke billowing from the two ends. Immediately the object soared upwards at an incredible speed.GREY IN COLOUR

    Mr. Chatterjee said that the object was about 12 feet in diameter and dullgrey in colour. At the centre of the side visible to him was a black patch that

    resembled an aperture. "As it soared upward, there was a tremendous gust of windwhich caused doors and windows to rattle," he said.

    Later, the people from the adjoining villages of Borsi and Managalda also said that they had seen the same object.

    A local holy man interpreted the UFO as "something from heaven." The mine also produced beryllium for the Atomic Energy Commission.


    July 22, 1958Marysville, OH, Journal TribuneJerome "Object" Still UnexplainedEx-Chief Recalls 1954 Sighting At School

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    Began Writing in Brazil

    He began his Air Force career during the war in 1941 as an enlisted man andwon his pilot's wings in 1944. While serving in Brazil he began to write. Several of his short stories have appeared in national magazines since.

    Trying out postwar civilian life, Bob found his taste for unusual places and situations leading him from a schoolteacher's job in Toledo, Ohio to four months of writing at Nogales, New Mexico - which he compares with Morocco in the fantastic beauty of its arid, landscape - and finally to a year on an Indian reservation at Pueblo Pintado, N. M.

    At Pueblo Pintado, Bob was a teacher, counselor and all-around sage to thesmall community.

    Back in the Air Force, he went to Madrid, Spain for a short tour of duty after completing the saucer assignment at the Pentagon.

    Bob met and married his wife Alice, of Livermore, Calif., in 1946. The Whi

    tes have a daughter, Monica, 4, a blue-eyed blond adopted in Germany, whom theyhope to take back with them at the end of June.


    More 1954 Reports from India and Australia can be found online here:


    and here:



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