uems prm section and board activities the general

1 UEMS PRM Section and UEMS PRM Section and Board activities Board activities the General the General Secretary ecretary’s Perspective Perspective Prof. Nicolas Christodoulou Prof. Nicolas Christodoulou MD, PhD, SPMR(GR), Senior FEBPRM MD, PhD, SPMR(GR), Senior FEBPRM Croatia Croatia 18 18 th th June 2010 June 2010 1957 EEC Treaty of Rome Foundation of the UEMS in Foundation of the UEMS in 1958 1958 by the professional by the professional organi organisations ations of medical specialists of medical specialists of of Belgium Belgium France France West Germany West Germany Italy Italy Luxembourg Luxembourg The Netherlands Future Future . * The study and promotion of the highest level of The study and promotion of the highest level of training of the medical specialists, medical practice training of the medical specialists, medical practice and health care within the European Union. and health care within the European Union. The study and promotion of free movement of The study and promotion of free movement of specialist doctors within the European Union. specialist doctors within the European Union. Objectives of the UEMS Objectives of the UEMS Objectives of the UEMS Objectives of the UEMS Harmonisation Harmonisation and and improvement mprovement of of quality uality of of medical edical specialist pecialist training and raining and practice ractice in Europe in Europe Objectives of Sect Objectives of Sections of UEMS ions of UEMS Professional rofessional defence defence of their specialty of their specialty Harmonization armonization of the profession at the European of the profession at the European level level Establishment Specialist Sections Establishment Specialist Sections Focus on European legislation Focus on European legislation Working towards mutual recognition of diplomas Working towards mutual recognition of diplomas coupled with basic quality requirements coupled with basic quality requirements Exchange diplomas effected 1975 Exchange diplomas effected 1975 UEMS, early years UEMS, early years

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Page 1: UEMS PRM Section and Board activities the General


UEMS PRM Section and UEMS PRM Section and

Board activities Board activities

the General the General SSecretaryecretary’’ss


Prof. Nicolas ChristodoulouProf. Nicolas Christodoulou



1818thth June 2010June 2010

1957 EEC

Treaty of Rome

Foundation of the UEMS in Foundation of the UEMS in 19581958

by the professional by the professional organiorganissationsations

of medical specialists of medical specialists ofof



West GermanyWest Germany


LuxembourgLuxembourgThe Netherlands


.. **

The study and promotion of the highest level of The study and promotion of the highest level of

training of the medical specialists, medical practice training of the medical specialists, medical practice

and health care within the European Union.and health care within the European Union.

The study and promotion of free movement of The study and promotion of free movement of

specialist doctors within the European Union.specialist doctors within the European Union.

Objectives of the UEMSObjectives of the UEMS

Objectives of the UEMSObjectives of the UEMS

HarmonisationHarmonisation and and iimprovementmprovement of of qqualityuality of of

mmedicaledical sspecialistpecialist ttraining and raining and ppracticeractice in Europein Europe

Objectives of SectObjectives of Sections of UEMSions of UEMS

PProfessionalrofessional defencedefence of their specialtyof their specialty

HHarmonizationarmonization of the profession at the European of the profession at the European


Establishment Specialist SectionsEstablishment Specialist Sections

Focus on European legislationFocus on European legislation

Working towards mutual recognition of diplomas Working towards mutual recognition of diplomas

coupled with basic quality requirementscoupled with basic quality requirements

Exchange diplomas effected 1975Exchange diplomas effected 1975

UEMS, early yearsUEMS, early years

Page 2: UEMS PRM Section and Board activities the General



National professional level : lack of unityNational professional level : lack of unity

European level : too many professional medical European level : too many professional medical


European Union (European Union (SanCoSanCo) : limited to Public ) : limited to Public

health, priorities :health, priorities :

* Health surveillance* Health surveillance

* Health threats, rapid response* Health threats, rapid response

* Health determinants* Health determinants

Union of European Medical Union of European Medical

Specialists (UEMS)Specialists (UEMS)

HowHow doesdoes itit work?work?

National Member AssociationsNational Member Associations

Sections and Boards Sections and Boards –– MJCMJC’’ss



UEMS StructureUEMS Structure


National Member AssociationsNational Member Associations

Executive CommitteeExecutive Committee



Liaison Liaison OfficerOfficer

Secretary GeneralSecretary General

4 4 Vice Vice -- PresidentsPresidents

UEMS StructureUEMS Structure

Sections Sections and Boardsand Boards

Based on Based on the different the different SpecialitiesSpecialities

Fundamental Fundamental organsorgans--> influence> influence policy onpolicy on


MutualMutual Recognition for CME/CPDRecognition for CME/CPD

inin collaboration with collaboration with EACCMEEACCME

UEMS StructureUEMS StructureEACCME

� Harmonize CME (– CPD) in Europe

� Act as a clearing house to help Medicalhouse to help Medical

Specialists to exchangeSpecialists to exchange their credits

� Has an agreement on mutual recognition

of credits with the AMA


Purpose UEMS policyPurpose UEMS policy

�� Contribute to quality and harmonization of Contribute to quality and harmonization of CME in EuropeCME in Europe

�� To make life easier for our colleagues by To make life easier for our colleagues by facilitating access to international CMEfacilitating access to international CME

�� Develop quality guidelinesDevelop quality guidelines

�� Maintain national authorityMaintain national authority

Page 3: UEMS PRM Section and Board activities the General


Draft FlowchartDraft Flowchart

Accreditation in EuropeAccreditation in Europe

Event:Event: InternationalInternational

�� European Accreditation BodiesEuropean Accreditation Bodies

�� Evaluate the value of the meetingEvaluate the value of the meeting

�� Propose a number of creditsPropose a number of credits

�� National Accreditation AuthoritiesNational Accreditation Authorities

�� Accept the scientific evaluation by the UEMS Accept the scientific evaluation by the UEMS

Sections and BoardsSections and Boards

�� Apply the number of credits relating to the Apply the number of credits relating to the

national rulesnational rules

TTwwo mao majjor or partnerspartners in in thethe processprocess ::

�� EuEurropopeean an SpecialistSpecialist AAccreditaticcreditatioon Boardsn Boards

�� NatiNatioonalnal AccreAccreddiittaattion ion AuthoritiesAuthorities


Draft FlowchartDraft Flowchart

Accreditation in EuropeAccreditation in Europe50 Credits per year :50 Credits per year : UEMS SuggestionUEMS Suggestion

�� FullFull creditscredits (E CME C) (E CME C)

�� No No weweiightedghted factorsfactors

�� 1 ECMEC 1 ECMEC perper hourhour of of activityactivity

�� 3 ECMEC for a 3 ECMEC for a halfhalf dayday / 6 ECMEC for a full / 6 ECMEC for a full dayday activityactivity

�� TTrraansnsllationation of of thesethese ECMECsECMECs tto Natio Natioonalnal creditscredits cancan ffololllowow tthhee

rulesrules oof tf thhe National e National AccreditationAccreditation AuthoritAuthority: y:

�� e.g.e.g. SpainSpain:: 1 ECMEC = 0,12 1 ECMEC = 0,12 SpanishSpanish CreditsCredits

�� e.g.e.g. GermanyGermany: 6 : 6 ECMECsECMECs = 8 = 8 GermanGerman CreditsCredits


RequestRequest > > 3 3 monthsmonths


N.A.A.N.A.A. Sections(Sections(BoardsBoards))

EvaluationEvaluation < < 3 3 weeksweeks EvaluationEvaluation


CertificateCertificate of Recognitionof Recognition



NumberNumber UEMSUEMS SectionSection NAANAA

upup till 250 till 250 100 100 €€ 100 100 €€ 100 100 €€

251 251 –– 500500 200 200 €€ 200 200 €€ 200 200 €€

501 501 –– 1.000 1.000 300 300 €€ 300 300 €€ 300 300 €€

1.001 1.001 –– 2.000 2.000 400 400 €€ 400 400 €€ 400 400 €€

2.001 2.001 –– 5.000 5.000 500 500 €€ 500 500 €€ 500 500 €€

> 5.000 > 5.000 1.000 1.000 €€ 1.000 1.000 €€ 1.000 1.000 €€


CCouncil for ouncil for EEuropean uropean SSpecialists in pecialists in MMedicine edicine


�� Initiated in February 2007Initiated in February 2007

�� Started with 11 involved Sections and now 28 Started with 11 involved Sections and now 28

are participatingare participating

�� Proposed the Proposed the ““Glasgow DeclarationGlasgow Declaration””

�� Harmonization of the Assessment process in Harmonization of the Assessment process in


Page 4: UEMS PRM Section and Board activities the General


Glasgow DeclarationGlasgow Declaration

1.1. European Board Examinations have no Legal Value European Board Examinations have no Legal Value

2.2. To be considered as a Label of ExcellenceTo be considered as a Label of Excellence

3.3. European Board Examinations are complimentary to European Board Examinations are complimentary to National ExaminationsNational Examinations

4.4. Promotion of the European ExaminationsPromotion of the European Examinations

5.5. Clear Curriculum and Reference BookClear Curriculum and Reference Book

6.6. Clear Eligibility criteriaClear Eligibility criteria

7.7. Certificates for successful applicationCertificates for successful application

CCouncil for ouncil for EEuropean uropean SSpecialists pecialists

in in MMedicine edicine AAssessmentssessment

�� European Board Certification by ExaminationsEuropean Board Certification by Examinations


�� European Board Certification by EquivalenceEuropean Board Certification by Equivalence

�� A Certified EU / EFTA citizen is called: Fellow of the A Certified EU / EFTA citizen is called: Fellow of the European Board of his/her specialty (e.g. for PRM)European Board of his/her specialty (e.g. for PRM)


�� 10 years later, following a successful Recertification based 10 years later, following a successful Recertification based on CME/CPD participation, the Fellow becomes Senior on CME/CPD participation, the Fellow becomes Senior Fellow (e.g. for PRM) Fellow (e.g. for PRM)


Sections and BoardsSections and Boards

3737 SectionsSections



77 Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinary Joint Joint CommitteesCommittees

Structure of a SectionStructure of a Section

Membership Membership of a of a SectionSection

2 specialists doctors of the EU /2 specialists doctors of the EU / EFTA EFTA countriescountries

Appointed by their National Appointed by their National Professional Professional

Monospecialist OrganisationMonospecialist Organisation

nominations approved by nominations approved by the the National Medical National Medical

Association representing Association representing the country at the the country at the

UEMS UEMS CouncilCouncil

AppointmentAppointment for for 44 yearsyears, , can be renewed twicecan be renewed twice

Full member countries where Full member countries where the the speciality speciality is is officially officially


Subject Subject to payment to payment of the of the subscription to subscription to the the SectionSection

the the others others and the and the Associated Member Countries Associated Member Countries

or or the the Observers acting Observers acting in in an advisory capacityan advisory capacity

Voting Rights in a SectionVoting Rights in a Section Sections and BoardsSections and Boards

Are a Are a fundamental fundamental and and specific structurespecific structure

IsIs the the backbonebackbone ofof the UEMSthe UEMS

ProposePropose minimal training minimal training schemes for schemes for


FacilitateFacilitate the harmonizationthe harmonization of trainingof training

About 2000 specialists active in the work in About 2000 specialists active in the work in


Page 5: UEMS PRM Section and Board activities the General


EACCME*European Accreditation

Council for CME

(under the responsibility

of the Secretary General)

Executive*Daily management

President, Secretary General,

Treasurer, Liaison Officer (4)

+ vice-Presidents (4)Secretariat


UEMS UEMS –– How does it work?How does it work?


Sections*2 delegates nominated by the

national monospecialist association



2 delegates per country

(Balance profession-academia)


Plenary decisions

2 delegates per country


Financial matters

1 Head of delegation per country

National Organisations

representing medical

specialists in the EU-EFTA



and Observers

National Monospecialist Associations

(members of the national

representative associations)



National authorities

and UEMS Sections


European Directives

UE UE –– How does it work ?How does it work ?

National governments


European Parliament*MEPs

EU Council*National Ministers (+ Commissioner)

EU citizens

European Commission*Commissioners

European levelEuropean level

National levelNational level

European levelEuropean level

UEMS Lobbying UEMS Lobbying

–– How does it work ?How does it work ?

European DirectivesCommitteesImplementation

European Parliament*MEPs

EU Council*National Ministers (+ Commissioner)

European Commission*Commissioners

UEMSOpinion on legislative proposals

Active involvement


with MEPs

National governments


& Coordination

National levelNational level







National Organisations

Representing medical

specialists in the EU-EFTA

UEMS Sections and BoardsUEMS Sections and Boards

EachEach specialistspecialist Section Section maymay createcreate itsits ownown

European Board as a European Board as a workingworking group group withwith the the

aimaim to to guaranteeguarantee the the highesthighest standards of care standards of care

in the in the fieldfield of the of the specialtyspecialty in the countries of in the countries of

the European Union, by the European Union, by ensuringensuring thatthat the the

training training isis raisedraised to the to the highesthighest possible possible levellevel. .

((RoPRoP Art 21 Art 21 §§ 4)4)

Section & Board ofSection & Board ofPhysical & RehabilitationPhysical & Rehabilitation MedicineMedicine

�� The European Board of PRM was created The European Board of PRM was created

before the Section & has its own statute as a before the Section & has its own statute as a

legitimate body.legitimate body.

�� The European Board of PRM is not just a The European Board of PRM is not just a

working body of the Section but the two working body of the Section but the two

structures costructures co--operate operate

�� At least one delegate per country serves as At least one delegate per country serves as

delegate for the Section and Board. delegate for the Section and Board.

PRM Section of UEMSPRM Section of UEMS

Executive Committee

PRM BoardPRM BoardClinical Affairs




Page 6: UEMS PRM Section and Board activities the General


Section & Board ofSection & Board of

Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine

Executive committeesExecutive committeesSection:Section:

�� PresidentPresident

�� Vice President (Board Pres.)Vice President (Board Pres.)

�� Secretary GeneralSecretary General

�� Deputy Section SecretaryDeputy Section Secretary

�� TreasurerTreasurer

�� Deputy TreasurerDeputy Treasurer

�� Past President of SectionPast President of Section

�� CAC chairpersonCAC chairperson

�� PPC chairpersonPPC chairperson


�� President President

�� Vice PresidentVice President

�� Secretary GeneralSecretary General

�� Deputy Board SecretaryDeputy Board Secretary

�� TreasurerTreasurer

�� Deputy TreasurerDeputy Treasurer

�� Past President of BoardPast President of Board

�� Board Certification Director Board Certification Director


UEMS Sections and Boards mandatesUEMS Sections and Boards mandates

EachEach mandate mandate lastslasts for 4 for 4 yearsyears and and maymay bebe renewedrenewedtwicetwice, , exceptexcept thatthat of the President, of the President, hehe maymay onlyonly bebe rere--electedelected afterafter an interruption of four an interruption of four yearsyears. The President . The President and the Secretary and the Secretary beingbeing electedelected withwith an an intervalinterval of of twotwoyearsyears..

AfterAfter eacheach electionelection, the General Secretary of the UEMS, , the General Secretary of the UEMS, shallshall bebe informedinformed withoutwithout delaydelay of the composition of the of the composition of the SpecialistSpecialist Section and Section and itsits Bureau.Bureau.

((StatutesStatutes, Art 24, IX), Art 24, IX)

UEMS PRM Section & BoardUEMS PRM Section & Board

Secretarial structureSecretarial structure

�� Secretary General of the S&BSecretary General of the S&B

�� Deputy Board SecretaryDeputy Board Secretary

�� Deputy Section SecretaryDeputy Section Secretary

��CAC RapporteurCAC Rapporteur

��PPC RapporteurPPC Rapporteur

UEMS PRM Section & BoardUEMS PRM Section & Board

General Secretarial workGeneral Secretarial work

�� Follow the provisions of the Section Action PlanFollow the provisions of the Section Action Plan

�� Organize twice annually a meeting of S&BOrganize twice annually a meeting of S&B

�� Agendas & MinutesAgendas & Minutes

�� Organize monthly Ex. Com. TeleconferencesOrganize monthly Ex. Com. Teleconferences

�� Agendas & MinutesAgendas & Minutes

�� Report to the UEMS Secretary General for the Report to the UEMS Secretary General for the

activities, elections and Council affairsactivities, elections and Council affairs

UEMS PRM Section & BoardUEMS PRM Section & Board

General Secretarial workGeneral Secretarial work�� General correspondence General correspondence –– newsletters newsletters ––

national PRM societiesnational PRM societies

�� Archives keeping Archives keeping –– continuous updating of datacontinuous updating of data

�� Control of delegatesControl of delegates’’ nominationsnominations

�� Facilitate work of Auditing CommitteeFacilitate work of Auditing Committee

�� Web site activities of Committees (CAC, PPC)Web site activities of Committees (CAC, PPC)

�� Facilitate the Action Plans of the CAC & PPC Facilitate the Action Plans of the CAC & PPC committeescommittees

UEMS PRM Section & BoardUEMS PRM Section & Board

Secretarial work for the BoardSecretarial work for the Board

�� Certification by Exams: FellowshipCertification by Exams: Fellowship

�� Certification by Equivalence: FellowshipCertification by Equivalence: Fellowship

�� Recertification: Senior FellowshipRecertification: Senior Fellowship

�� Certification of TrainersCertification of Trainers

�� Certification of Training CentresCertification of Training Centres

�� Accreditation of Scientific Events Accreditation of Scientific Events

�� Mutual agreement with EACCMEMutual agreement with EACCME

�� WebWeb--based application form: based application form: www.eaccme.euwww.eaccme.eu

�� Web site Educational Activities helping traineesWeb site Educational Activities helping trainees

�� www.eurowww.euro--prm.orgprm.org

�� www.eurowww.euro--prm.org/elearningprm.org/elearning

Page 7: UEMS PRM Section and Board activities the General


UEMS PRM Section & BoardUEMS PRM Section & Board

Additional Secretarial DutiesAdditional Secretarial Duties

�� CoCo--operation with the: operation with the:

�� European Academy of RehabilitationEuropean Academy of Rehabilitation

�� European Society of PRMEuropean Society of PRM

�� International Society of PRMInternational Society of PRM


�� European School of MarseilleEuropean School of Marseille

�� HaimHaim Ring EuroRing Euro--Mediterranean PRM SchoolMediterranean PRM School

�� Mediterranean Forum of PRMMediterranean Forum of PRM

�� Baltic Forum of PRM Baltic Forum of PRM

White Book on PRM in EuropeWhite Book on PRM in Europe

UEMS PRM SECTIONUEMS PRM SECTIONEfforts to create a Division Efforts to create a Division

on Medical Balneologyon Medical Balneology

�� Application Application -- UEMS Council UEMS Council –– April 2008 April 2008 –– failedfailed

�� Analysis of Failing reasons Analysis of Failing reasons –– prepare of argumentsprepare of arguments

�� New strategy to convince national delegates to vote in favour New strategy to convince national delegates to vote in favour or abstention at the next Council discussionor abstention at the next Council discussion

�� Convince UEMS president for the necessity of the Division of Convince UEMS president for the necessity of the Division of Medical BalneologyMedical Balneology

�� Plan for new application in October 2010 Plan for new application in October 2010

Thank you for your attentionThank you for your attention

HvalaHvala Thank youThank you

MerciMerciMult obrigadoMult obrigado

SchSchöön dankn dank

Grazie milleGrazie mille

Muchas graciasMuchas graciasTackTack

Dank UDank U





Go raibh maith agaibhGo raibh maith agaibh



MultamescMultamesc TakkTakk




