ucgfiles.s3. web viewafter services, we traveled further southeast to visit erik and jamie de moei...

eNews from Ministerial and Member Services Issue 235 June 30, 2016 From the President... Dear fellow servants of God, We returned from the Netherlands earlier in the week from a wonderful visit to the church. We thoroughly enjoyed visiting with brethren at church services in Driebergen in the middle of the country. The congregation is a young one with lots of little children. There are two elders, Marcos Rosales (who was away this week in Curaçao) and newly-ordained Wim Dekker. The church in the Netherlands greets you.

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Page 1: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

eNews from Ministerial and Member ServicesIssue 235

June 30, 2016

From the President...

Dear fellow servants of God,

We returned from the Netherlands earlier in the week from a wonderful visit to the church. We thoroughly enjoyed visiting with brethren at church services in Driebergen in the middle of the country. The congregation is a young one with lots of little children. There are two elders, Marcos Rosales (who was away this week in Curaçao) and newly-ordained Wim Dekker.

The church in the Netherlands greets you.

After services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer. She has an extremely positive outlook on whatever will happen, being fully confident that her life is in God's hands. Before leaving, we all prayed for her healing. We were greatly encouraged by her faith and attitude.

Page 2: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

On Sunday, we spent the entire day in Amsterdam with Wim and Anne Kristel Dekker. The highlight was touring the Anne Frank House. We enjoyed getting to know the Dekkers.

Before the Netherlands, we visited in Chernihev, Ukraine, where we celebrated 20 years of working together with the "Revival" Center for Rehabilitation of Disabled Children. It is located 30 miles east of Chernobyl and has become Ukraine's foremost center for treating children with cerebral palsy, autism and Down syndrome. It is now helping 60 children at a time from the war-torn Donetsk and Lugansk areas further east.

LifeNets has worked with this Center since it was opened in 1996. We were happy to celebrate with the doctors, city officials and many guests about the achievements of Dr. Vasyl Pasichnyk and his wife Natallia.

I was given the opportunity speak a few words and expressed how God helped this center which arose from nothing into a beautiful environment that helps in children's therapy. To this secular audience, I quoted the parable of the mustard seed and also spoke about how whatever work God begins, He will finish.

Brexit and Bible Prophecy

June 2016 will go down in history as a momentous and sobering time, one when the United Kingdom shocked the world by its referendum and decision to terminate its membership in the European Union (termed Brexit, which is shortened from "British exit"). What does this mean, particularly as it relates to Bible prophecy and, more importantly, to our personal lives?

Ironically, on the very day that Britain decided to leave the European Union, Bev and I were in Ukraine at the "Revival" Center celebration. A British delegation of charity workers who had worked here over the past 20 years was in attendance. This included the British Ambassador to Ukraine, the Honorable Judy Gough, with whom we spoke.

Page 3: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

With the British Ambassador to Ukraine, the Honorable Judith Gough.

It was interesting to see their response to their home country exiting the European Union. They were split down the middle about whether it would be better to stay or to leave. From the previous spirited discussions, it was evident that no one really thought Britain would vote to get out of the EU. All were shocked when the vote turned out the way it did.

Those favoring leaving were influenced by the huge increase in immigrants who are changing the culture of the land. One mentioned a friend schoolteacher saying that in her school there were 42 languages being spoken. Bev and I saw firsthand how these fresh dangers affect the UK and Europe, and how they can falsely appear distant and perhaps unimportant to people in the United States.

Given a broad understanding of the biblical identity of the British people, some students of Bible prophecy are already ascribing specific significance to this Brexit event. There is no question it IS significant, but what does it mean?

When I first read church literature in 1962, and later as a student on the campus in Bricket Wood, England, I often saw articles about the developing European Economic Community (EEC). I read predictions that the EEC would serve as the foundation of the final prophesied revival of the ancient Roman Empire as described in Daniel 2. The articles confidently and prophetically proclaimed that Britain would not be part of this biblically described shaky union of 10 countries.

But back then, when Britain surprised numerous political pundits by unexpectedly

Page 4: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

becoming part of the EEC, it appeared to some that this prophetic understanding was flawed. Today more than 20 countries belong to the European Community, more than double what the Bible indicates will comprise the final union. So what does this mean? From an organizational perspective, I know that years ago when events took a different turn, some became disenchanted. They were impatient and unwilling to allow God to work out events on His timetable.

Now, with Brexit forcing major change and a possible realignment on the European continent, it appears that events are possibly "speeding up." To be sure, Brexit represents a major event. But what should our perspective be? What should we do?

Certainly the Bible warns us to be watchful. We read this warning: "Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning... It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes... [and] finds them ready, even if he comes in the second or third watch of the night" (Luke 12:35-38, New International Version).

The point about being ready is critical. When Jesus Himself was describing His prophesied return in power, as King of Kings, He emphatically stated: "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of Heaven, but my Father only" (Matthew 24:36). He re-emphasized this in His last message to the apostles: "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority" (Acts 1:7). How much plainer could Jesus be?

At the same time, Paul warns us that "the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night" (1 Thessalonians 5:2). Jesus Himself noted that the end times will resemble the times of Noah, when people are consumed with the affairs of the world and prophesied events take them by surprise (Matthew 24:36-44). He told His disciples: "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come" (Matthew 24:42, NIV).

So what is the real meaning of events like Brexit for us? It should serve as a sobering but exciting call to personal action!

Jesus personally tells us: "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads... pray always that you may be counted worthy" (Luke 21:28, 36).

For me, Brexit represents a call to re-double our efforts to draw close to God, to build a trusting relationship with our Father and our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ. It should serve as a call to further surrender ourselves to God, to ask for and receive God's Holy Spirit so that we can overcome our human nature and become victorious as the very children of God! Hebrews warns us: "how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?" (Hebrews 2:3) Paul tells us that the definition of a true Christian is one

Page 5: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

who has the Holy Spirit living within him (Romans 8:9). The entire chapter of Matthew 25 presents the famous parable of the 10 virgins, all of whom fall asleep at the critical time, but only half have invested the time and energy to have a right relationship with God, and to have their lamps full.

Certainly we need to continue to fearlessly proclaim to this dying world the gospel of the Kingdom of God and what that means. We need to pray that we will have the strength and the wisdom to do this according to God's will.

But none of it makes a difference if each of us is not personally developing a strong relationship with God and Jesus Christ.

Many things will come to pass, and God will execute His glorious plan. In the meantime, let our thoughts, words and actions reflect our status as the very children of the Most High God! Let us be about our Father's business (Luke 2:49).

In Christ's service,

Victor Kubik

Inside United Podcast

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This week: Inside United Podcast - Episode 058Alec Surratt and his wife, Donna, have retired after many years of service in the mail department. They stopped by the studio to share a few stories.http://www.ucg.org/members/united-news/inside-united/inside-united-podcast-episode-058

Listen to past episodes or read the transcripts:http://www.ucg.org/members/united-news/inside-united

Pianists Needed for Gatlinburg Feast Site

We are in need of pianists for hymns and chorale music at the Feast in Gatlinburg this year. At the present time we have no pianists. If you are able to serve in the capacity, please contact Ken Shoemaker as soon as possible at [email protected] or (937) 779-7690.

-- John LaBissoniere, Festival Coordinator

Update from Camp Pinecrest

On Friday, June 25, Camp Pinecrest began enthusiastically with 71 campers and 49 staff present for orientation, the first meal, get acquainted games in the gym, followed by the first camper dorm parent meetings of the week.

Page 7: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

With campers and staff traveling long distances from all around the Midwest, the Sabbath provides a pleasant way to ease into a busy week of camp. The Sabbath featured a Bible study tying in with the 2016 camp theme, Guided by God's Word. The study was followed by an ABC presentation and hymn sing which gave campers the opportunity to play hymns and lead songs for the camp.

Services featured split sermons by Randy Urwiller and Gary Smith. Each message was tailored to be an introduction to the Christian living theme that will unfold during the remainder of the week. Special music was "Be Thou My Vision" sung by Chelsea, Cara, and Chloe Shaw. After services, teens were able to fellowship before enjoying the evening meal. The Sabbath was ended as the dorms participated in challenges testing their biblical knowledge in a fun way.

Page 8: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

The activity week began on Sunday. Daily Christian living provides the foundation for each day. The remainder of the week will be filled with dorms hustling from venue to venue. The weather is gorgeous and the rest of the week promises to be most profitable for all.

-- Gary Smith, Camp Director

Update from Camp Hye Sierra

Hello from Camp Hye Sierra!

All 214 campers and staff are having an amazing week learning about God, seeing His creation, having fun, and making friends.

Page 9: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

We have a wide range of successful activities that are dorm-bonding, athletic, challenging, engaging, creative, and goal-oriented. In addition to Bubble Balls being back this year, we have added a new orienteering and survival class, focusing on the skills of fire and shelter building, water gathering, and of course, blow guns for gathering food. God's hand is very evident in the blessings of positive efforts being made here at Camp. Our daytime temperatures are warm but manageable, with crisp and cool evenings.

The Christian Living classes are providing incredible discussions about being "Guided by God's Word." Campers and staff are having lively conversations about establishing a firm foundation, the blessings that come from it, and how to resist wrong. It is inspiring to see light-bulb moments and growth in our campers and staff!

Page 10: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

Follow along with us via our daily blog, which can be found here:https://ucgcamps.wordpress.com/.

As this camp nears the final few days, we are very thankful for your prayers for a successful Camp Hye Sierra 2016. Your prayers are being answered on a daily basis, and we are most appreciative! God is absolutely calling our youth and it is a great pleasure for all of us as staff to be serving God's campers.

-- Ed Dowd, Camp Director

Update from Camp Woodmen

Greetings from beautiful Alabama!

Camp Woodmen began its 19th year as a UYC program on Sunday, June 26. We have a smaller camp this year and it has been a wonderful blessing. We are building deeper friendships and having a wonderful time!

Page 11: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

God has blessed us with great weather. It has been in the low 90s to mid-80s all week. We had one thunderstorm come toward the camp and part and go around us. Only one activity had to be canceled so far this week!

We have had our evening activities of open activities, dance, and for the first time at any camp the Price is Right game show was presented by Tim & Connie Sipes! The Christian Living theme this year, "Guided by God's Word," has been a wonderful study for campers and staff alike.

Page 12: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

The parents are doing a wonderful job of teaching their teens and it is seen in their attitudes at camp.

We look forward to the remainder of the week with campers going home on Sunday, July 3. Thank you for your continued prayers.

-- Shawn Cortelyou, Camp Director

Update from Camp Cotubic

It is a beautiful setting with rolling fields, lush trees and a beautiful lake at Camp Cotubic in Bellefontaine, Ohio, where 131 campers and 49 staff are enjoying absolutely stunning weather! We are very thankful to God for His blessings and protection, as we have not had any injuries. The new Team Building class has provided opportunities for discussion of leadership and organizational dynamics from a Godly perspective.

Page 13: ucgfiles.s3. Web viewAfter services, we traveled further southeast to visit Erik and Jamie De Moei along with their son, Derrik, in Rhenen. Jamie has been grievously ill with cancer

Many staff and campers have commented positively on the depth and content of the Christian Living classes as well as how well the classes reinforced the overall camp theme of "Guided by God's Word".

We were pleased to enjoy a short visit from Mr. Steve Nutzman, the United Youth Camps National Director and Managing Editor of Compass Check Magazine.

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Camp will conclude with the weekly Sabbath, followed by a banquet and dance in the evening. (Please remember, the Sabbath service and evening activities are part of our scheduled camp program and are not open for visitors.)

-- Len Martin, Camp Director

United Youth Corps - Guatemala

United Youth Corps is seeking 10 individuals who are passionate about working with children, showing them love and affection and who are willing to stretch outside of their comfort zone. Once selected, applicants will be involved with planning activities for the project. These Youth Corps participants will join young adults from Guatemala to work together at Eagle's Nest Orphanage. Team members should be able to maintain a positive attitude when faced with uncomfortable conditions, and be able to adapt to a changing schedule. Proficiency in the Spanish language is extremely helpful.

COST: Room, board and ground transportation to and from the orphanage will be provided by Good Works. Participants are expected to provide their airfare costs and several extracurricular activities (costs will vary depending on location of origin). Scholarships may be made available based on need.

Please see the fact sheet and apply at:http://www.ucgyouthcorps.org/projects/application.php

For further information please contact Lena VanAusdle at [email protected]

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Deadline to apply is September 9, 2016.

Hong Kong Feast of Tabernacles

Once again this year, 2016, United Church of God will be holding the Feast of Tabernacles in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is known as the Pearl of the Orient, and the city where East meets West.

With space for 100 to transfer in and keep the Feast with the local brethren, we encourage those wishing to attend to register immediately. Due to space limitations, it is essential those planning to attend register in advance. Once the space is full, no further transfers can be accepted. The venue for church services is still being negotiated and will be announced to the Church by way of an announcement from the home office when the information is finalized.

To register, please go to www.feasthongkong2016.com. If you have any questions, please contact Terry Franke at [email protected].

Challenger East Application Deadline Extended to July 15

Several spots are still available on the lineup of participants for Challenger East 2016!

Join us for this experiential education in the challenges of American pioneers moving west into Ohio. You can learn to use an ax, a campfire to cook on, how to make stone tools like arrowheads, identify trees, bushes, fish, snakes and wild mammals in the Ohio Appalachians.

As an added extra you can learn one of the great American colonial sports: flyfishing. You'll even learn who the father of American flyfishing was (hint: look at a $1 bill!).

Challenger East is for young adults, ages 18-30-ish. The tuition is only 60 of those $1 bills! Plus, you will need a current Ohio fishing license.

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Applications are available at http://uyc.ucg.org/camp/challenger-east, or contact Challenger East director Randy Stiver at [email protected] as soon as possible.

Set your hook and catch this incredible, challenging, learning opportunity now!