,ubi isqrll 111r ilun jrintin!l (flnmpauy jet., · ,ubi isqrll by 111r ilun jrintin!l (flnmpauy...

,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (fl nmpauy e rving: :Brownville, :B r ownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o . 44 Th ur s day Ev e ning, October 31 , 1963 Ten Ce nts Un explained Fi re s :->p ai n ecT1.i ru.s l Ire a ralri e' a by t he Juncti on fiTe de pa r t ment , ud a fir e un ccltpiccl \voo c!s c a m p on the north si tl e 01 Ba lley Hi ll in repor t ed about one hour la t er on Su nday ('veuing I ro ad P iltl' ui s to rno re into acti on for the s econd l ime this ill I lt l' B row nvill e a r e a . F irst Taste of Winter IV li lo Town C lock , in the steeple of th e • Ie th odist (Photo was taken at 10:00 P . M. Tu es d ay nig ht.) Thi s pictur e was taken fro m the Town Cr ier offi ce t owar d C lin- ton street at the h ei gh rh of the storm Tu esday afternoon. Sa Ucy 1I i U fi I'e was tp :) fa r alo ng by the ti rne the Brown vi lle Om fir st t as te of wi ll! r prov ed to be a mouthful wi til hig' ]} wi nd s . m:li;n Li re d L' p ft n 111 nt arriv ed to all mv t hem to save the rain , and he a'i}' we t s no w, The wind s tart ed b lowing abQull:OO . 1:. bt.t IhL'Y pl ' C' onted the flam es f rom s pn'nC\ing' In ound- . ::"" . M. and -11(W. Rlax tc cl a t abo ut 8 :uO A. 1\ 1. T hl ( ',H,I ' r! '"' p. 1 n

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Page 1: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday

ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintinl (flnmpauy

erving Brownville Brownville Jet pound aQratlfe Milo Sebec 2 o 44 Thur sday Evening October 31 1963 Ten Cents

Un explained Fi res

-gtp ainecT1i r us l Ire a ralrie a e ~[jngui s hed by the Junction fiTe depar tment ud a fire un cc ltpiccl voocs c amp on the north s itle 01 Balley Hill in lsb l1 l ~ r epor ted about one hour la ter on Sunday (veuing I r oad P iltlui s to rno re into action for the s econd lime this

ill I ltl B row nville a r e a

First Taste of Winter

IVli lo Town C lock in the steeple of the bull Ie thodist (Photo was taken at 1 000 P M Tuesday night)

Thi s picture was take n fro m the T own Cr ier office toward Clinshyton street at the heighrh of the storm Tuesday afternoon

SaUcy 1I i U f i Ie was tp) far along by the ti rne the Brown ville Om fir st tas te of wi ll r proved to be a m outhf ul wi til hig] wi nds mlin Li r e d L p ftn 111 nt arrived to allmv them to save the rain and heai we t s now The wi nd s tarted b lowing abQullOO 1 btt IhLY plC onted the fl a mes f rom s pnnCing In ~Ulmiddotl ound- M TUl sda~middot and -11(W Rlax tccl a t ab out 8 uO A 11 T hl b~3)

( HI r p _~ 1 n

age 2

THE TOWN CRIER Is published each Thursday evening by the Milo Printing Company We hope to be of help to the ci tizens of the towns in our covershyage through NEWS INFORMATION AND LOW PRICshyED ADVERTISING

We accept no financial responsibility for errors in advertising but will gladly print corrections

Copies of mostphoto8 appearing in THE TOWN CRIshyER may be obtained through our office If you have nevs or available photos of any sor we

urge you to call or drop in Deadline will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate copy received earlier in the week

Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to 12 words 3 cents for each additional middotword Display ad spa ce by the column inch

John ~ Jorume Brigham - Editors

943-2622 witbNEWS ITEMS 943-7384 for AD SPACE



you want to BUY SELL EIIIII NT or SWAP try Town

tie r Classified

A LITY GUERNSEY MILK bull fr om our own accredi ted THURSDAY OCT 31 1963

d By the gallon 609 at HALLOWEEN UNIC EF farm Ready Bottle -No Lions Club ting Jugs available on m ilk route also Searles FRIDAY NOV 1 1963

ry Farm Schoodic LakE Rabboni Chapter ad Brownville Maine

SATURDAY NOV 2 1963 Ayuda Club Rummage Sale e c trolux Sa1es and Service Brownville Fire Dept SupperCote West Main Street

943-2232 SUNDAY NOV 31963

SALE Church E Auto Dryer Very Reashynab le Ca1l943-7405 MONDAY NOV 4 1963


nmore Auto Elec Range TUESDAY NOV 5 1963 arly new Very good con-

W S C S Milole R adio Emerson 17 Con-

New Idea Club le TV several other pieces

furniture Prices very rea- WEDNE SDAY NOV 6 1963 nable Moving out of state Ayuda Club one 943-203] after 7 P M Ann Judson Guild

ANO INSTRUCTIONS P ialn instructions by Mrs j c hard Noyes at Church St

Derbv phone 943-232 8





Mrbull ltd Hoskins is shown above witli a bronze certificate for five years of excellant dealership presented to him by tha Shell OilCompan Awellearnedhonor the plaque will hang on Neds wall and next time you are in his store you should exam1ne it it is a line piece of workmansbip

In a c ontes t held and judged by the s tude nts Sheila Smart and David Sharrow were judged bes t dressed students in lgtlilos 8th grade las t we ek

T he Town Crier Staff wishes to thank you for your indulge nce We know our newspaper photos have been very bad (we were doing what we could with a b ad half - tone s c reen while awaiting a r rival of a ne w on e )

T HE T cj ~ C R [ E R

ew Radio Towers]l Conglomeration OJWorJs at CD Cent erBy Neill Robe rts on

e hear s o much on TV and radi o about New improved washing ~e rial cake mixes and whatnot that we can t he lp but wonder at it was like before they improved it Anything that hasnt n improvedjusiisntworth considering It reminds m e about fe llow who had to take his wife to the hospital for a s tay of a

_k or s o Each day the hushandwould c a ll the hospital and as k ut his wife and got the standard r eply Shes improving He

)l this up for over a week and got the same answer The only he called and much to his surprise they to ld him they wer e Ty to have to tell him his wife was dead After partially getshy= ove r his surprise he asked What did she die of improveshynt ere is a little story which is worthy of parents attention ChilEishyaregreatlittle imvitatora A small girlwatchedwithabsortr interes t everything that happened at her mothers card party

_ob s erved how her mother dressed how she dealt out the cards t he woman drank cocktails and how fr eely they s m oked cigarshy

cst The nextday the little girl gathered her mothers clothes ~ dre ssed hers elf in some of her mothers clothes Then slip-

into mothers room she got mothers cigarettes Returring _ e 1 little playmates she pta cigarette into he r m outh and uck a match and while trying to light the cigare tte she acci shy~ ~l ignited the oversized dress she wa s wearing Instantly became a living torch A few hours later he r little charred - lay still in death As he died she said I did like Mother it killed me r Parents if your c~lild tries to imitate you

you always be proud of what it does Sure ly it may H1 like an exaggeration butit way cutfrom a reputable m aga shy_ butitdoe s c ontain a very important fact If your s on is an h olic it will be heartbreaking to watch the r esults possibly ~ted right before your eyes daily but it will be a living he ll arentifheor she was tile one who set the exa mple that s ent

child of its downward way As a parent looks down into the ent face of a lovely child normal and heal thy God be merciful t parent that knowingly helps to imtill a c Wld T1 a habit which

e s life less sweet than it was befor e it imitates its parent s Christsaid t1at It wer e better than a millstone -)e hanged Crane lifts first mast at its prec is e balanc e point

- d your neck and you be drovned in the depth of the s e a than youshould p ut a stumbling block in the way of one of the leas t ~ - -ese my little ones Its heart r ending enough to know that m ay have unknowingly put a stumbllngblock in the way of your

but it must be almost unbearable to know tha t li fe shows ou deliberately set an example that eventually put a s tuuililing

~- in the path of your child on lifes sometimes tor tmevus high -

Workmen check alignme nt of the base bolts before fir s t mast is r ai sedshy

BEST plare

I~-=-middoto~get ~

the BEST car

lor ~tJJie BEST price

~~ I Sah4 New amp Used Easy Financing


A few h our s af te r IV 01 iz was s ta lte c Oll t he fi r -st ma s t lll thrc( ve1C s e t up and bo ltcd into pos iti on

Thr ee 180 foo t r adi o a ntCIUla ms ts wcre r ni slr1 H tJlC -U l iv11 Dcfcns c CCll ill l~t Sa tu r day Ea c h toer lS llfld b a ~rlJ1C h om C L P lgl Construction Com pa ny and 51 J l 11 1Il (J

THE T O W ~ CH I ]

Choir Hallowee Jct Health Council Exams

--he Sunbeam Choir of the United Baptis t Church had a Hallow- The Brownville Jct Health council sponsor ed a health examir ~l party Saturday afternoon at the church They bad as guests ation of childrenin the Jct Elementary School las t week Mem embers from the Tor chbearer Choir belS of the council as sisted Dr J ohn B Curtis in conductin The director Mrs Thelma Carver was as sisted by Blanche the examinations e erstrom Suzanne Rhoda and Chris Woodard Other guests luded L ori Woodard Kelly Woodar d and P atty Decker Games were enjoyed and there was a grand march when the best -d funni esidressedboys and girls were chos en The best dr esshy_ girl was Andrea P e ters best dressed boy was El-ic Ra ndall ~ets dressed girl Hope Stevens and funniest looJng boy was jarles Ellis The judges were Gerald Wibber ly and aney rrks Fildes were shown by l1rs Carver of the Halloween party of a ear ago Refreshments were served to those attending k iSty Randall Debra Smith Sandra Smith Hope Stevens ane Peters Andrea Pete rs Deborah Degers trom Kather iBe

flOO a Debra Monroe Arthtu Woodard HerbertWoodard Sus an ke George V an Tassel Kim Stevens Charles E llis Carol

radstreet Joey Villani Clinton Robinson and Eric Randall

Baptist Youth Cent r

to above lVas taken at the United Baptis t Church You th Ccnshy_ last Satur day night Senior and Junior gr oups u U1e centel 111e1na 1c we eks playi ng games and 111 joying gllltSt speake rs - ung Il(Or1 e Ol 111 ll no minati olls are invil(d l the l l ntel

Ruth Kirby and Honor i lle L ivingston check yveigb ts and heights 01

twins Dianneand Deanna Kirby daughters of Mr amp Mrs Leslie Kirby

Taylor Farm

Bottled lVIilk

Gollon ContentsPer



a Blood Test ed Herd

Milomiddot Dover Road


ug h therehavebeenafew deer r egistered in the a rea durshy e fi r s t week of open season we were able to ge t a photo of _ vo The deer weighing about 70 pounds a piece were shot arry Johnston and Carlton Rumery with a 30 06 and a 16 _shotgun in Sebec Larr y Johns tOll and Ca r ltons lvo year on George are s hown above wi t tl the d e1

L ROADERS STANDINGS S O Henders on 1011 _ a rne W L 9 M P elky 100 16 Leftovers 23 5 10 P Morrison 1007 ~1i lo Town Team 23 7 11 C Decker 1 005 Offic e 23 7 TEAM LElillERS Car Shops 1 22 8 E lec tric s 1581 C P Shops 17 13 INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Carpenters 17 13 F Small 357

E lectric s 16 14 INDIVIDUA L HIGH THREE Car Shop 2 14 16 GAME S Iach Shops 12 18 F Small 146

Page )

A trac k mee t was held a t the Country C lub cousse las t Friday with Milo High winning by a score of 18 to 44 over Higgins

First five finishers and their times as follows Decker of Milo 1650 Ham lin of Milo 1708 E m erson of Higgins 17 1 6 Dow of Milo 17 48 P ullen of Milo 1 750

This is the las t local track meet of the s eason 111e State Meet at Orono will be run this week e nd Milo High has had a very successful sea son and coach Walte r deserves all the praise we hope he recei yes from the town for the fine work he has done

C P Station 12 18 ~at Wood Prod 10 20 B rovvllville 7 23

6 24 6 24

100 Plu B owlers Small 107 5 Lyford 104 1 G

bull KnO les 10410 P _ IOrI ill 103 12

We Slock and

Install Window alass




The 7th nnual Milo-Derby Teachers Club TalentShow pia e to a packed house in Milo Town Hall last Friday night SOl Talent Show Winne s

ote and John B rown

2n Div Winners lith Joseph Villani

_d Di Winners Deb Olah Carey ilie Junior High Chorus and e Seven Tail Dwads with accompanists Arlettn H ~ld Ken-

twenty-five acts in three age divisions were all worthy of spe c ial mention The show was em-ceed by Mr Phil Gerow ac companiests Arletta Hill and Kendall Lord The introduc and welcome was given by the club president Mr Reno Deschain The show committee were Ernestine Folsom chairman Helen Chappels Edwin Treworgy Eleanor Heath Patricia Crosby ar Dana Grindleo

Winners in the first division were 1st place Lisa and Amt Cyr 2nd place Alice Buford 3rd place Patrick Cote and Joh B rown Second Division winners 1st place Paul Ellingson l

place Gerald L add and Bobby Hogan and 3rd place Joseph Villan Third Division winners 1st place Deborah Carey 2nd placE the Junior High Chorus (Donna Campbell Lillian Perham Lar Br own Cheryl Lord Darleen Morrison Janna Fowles Delormiddot Adams Marlena Brown Connie ussey Kathy Smith J ean Curtis Debbie Pelkey Shirly McCLJl1ell Linda Gerow Stepha i e Sturtevant and Susan Sturtevant) 3rd place The Seven T Swarfs (Paulette Stanchfield Esther McClain Alice Wharto Ellen Reardon Carole Gero Jane Lutterell Diane Lufkin) bull

~ft1U lletvze

About the NEW LOW PRICES It Western Auto

THE MOST SC RUMPTIOUS candies you ever took home Creammiddots clusters caramels fruits fudge and fancies-26 chocolate-covered kinds in a pound This is Fanny Farmers

HOME ASSORTMENT $1 65 and $325

Wh YO w Ih c boy rutnr ~ ~~ 0(


H E T O C R IE R Page (

JC Orientation

Lto R Terry Ferrill J C International Senator Hampden Ro

o s Receptio

Row L to R Rachel W F ogg Grand Conductress Ellwood Pollis Asst Grand P atron Betty Jean Braley Wor thy Grand Mayo State Vice President Millinocket Steve Benne tt Vice 200 Herbert M Sessions Worthy Grand P atron Agnes H -t Asst Grand Matron 2nd Row L to R Barbara Temple -mith Grand Martha Eve S Rooman Grand E sther P hoebe oster Gr and R uth L orna P Ingraham Grand Adah Nellie -errill Grand Chaplain 3rd Row L to R Gladys Stetson

md Treasurer Madelin B Stevens Grand Secretary Charles lmlan Grand Sentinel Alicea Wa llgren Gr and Orga nist Enid Foshay Grand Electa and Eleanor W Yerya Grand Marshy

_dworthChapter No 39 Order oi the Eastern StaT held Grand ly Night and a reception for Grand Electa E nid Foshay at

_Iasonic Hall in Milo last Saturday Approximate ly 200 people ended the supper and reception The pr ogra m was tmder the cction of Worthy Matron Priscilla Chase of Milo

w That RCA makes the color tubes for not only their own


(NO OTHE R COMPANY MAKES THEIR OWN TUBES) Black amp White from $12995 Color from $4499 5 Free Home De monstration Big trade in Allowance

See Tom Howa lid

DIAL 943-7717

r OSBY 5

President of Hanlpden J C s Robert Good President of Hampshyden iCS and Ronald Richards Orientation Night Chairman 0 Milo

The Milo Jaycees held their annual orientation m eeting at the Derby Community Hall last Thrusday Guests speakers and ac vis ors from Hampden and Millinocket were present to help vi th the program (see photo)

The Jaycees and their wives enjoyed a hot dish s upper b eforE the m ee ting and dancing follOwing it

MASSE LLI FREEZER FOOD SERVICE places the finest foods within your reach F OR INFORMATION THAT



Jeon Honson at 943-7480

FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE bull Travelers Express Company Money Orders now available here


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-_bullbull I~--oM-=-




) - lt17 -~-

1ampI_~CIIIIa (GllUT

O l O 1 ~

15aJrJelt phalmac NEIL DAGGETT JR B 5 R PH

Jay Teen A nmiddotversary Tht lV

5th Anniversary

Mr amp Mrs Vernie Mayo of Milo celebrated their 55th WeT he Jayteen Center was gaily decorated fo r itls F irs t Birthshyday celebration The Jayteen members and the ir guests e nj oyed Anniversary last Sunday P ondo nthe las t child left at heL bi r thday cake and refreshments along wi th the r egular acti vi ties poses with the couple (above photo) The Mayos are parents

A three foot four tier Cake was made by Steve Hamlin out of twelve children and look forward to many m or e anniversarie pr efabricated material with a single candle s ymbolizing OBe year their golde n era dnce we opened the youth center The real bir thday cake was made and beautifully decorated by Miss Holly Clark and cupcakes er e made by the Jayteen Council

Arrangements were made far in advanc e by the council and the Jayteens deserve a lot of credit

A contest was run and prizes given to the neates t gir l and the lea testboy (won by Linda Decker and R odney Ross) These were hard choices to make each one present was dressed at his or he r --ery best

At this time the first appearance of the new Jay teen sign was made on the side of the center it was a donation by the Coca Cola Company Our thanks to them

Our thanks to the Jaycee State Vice President and Mrs Roy ~Iayo who were kind enough to be chaperones for this special 0shy

(c asion The Jaycee Youth Committe e

qce qceLcome ~r 13il1e1 Esthe r McClain and Janifer Davis with Mr MacTavish

helped advertis e the F ood Sale

The Milo High Student Council held their annual fall food s ondons Da rage last Saturday at the B angor Hydr o Office The proceeds fr

Formerly the Davis Garage the s ale amounted to appr oximate ly $4000 This amoun l wiI added to the Student Council Scholarship F und that will benSpeedy -lerviceshy some student who wishes to f tUthe r his educ ation

The COlUlcihvis he s to thank lVIr IVlur ray for hi s hospitality for the us e of hi s offic eGeneral Repair GaslOil

H A 1=1 r T 1 ~ T



TOW C R I ER Page 9 HE

E TSION SERVICE NEWS RE LEASE advisory group has m ade a trip into Gulf Hagas scenic

F tain gorge in Piscataquis County The Technical Action Ie for Rural Area Development Piscataquis County made

p on Wednesday October 16 mb els of the Panel making the trip were Robert Farris of

er -Foxcroft Soil Conser ation Service Elmer Leland of ervi lle Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Fra ville or Orono Fores t Sheldon of Dover-Foxcroft and Richard son of Dover-F oxcroft University of Maine Extension Sershy Another m ember of the Panel James LaCasce of the Maine st Service was unable to make the trip

middot~in Brown of Milo served as guide to the group and helped e pOints of interest

n Horne of Milo provided a four wheel drive vehicle which ed the group to travel into the so-called Hermitage before

ting the trek by foot _E various m embers of the group were bighly impressed by the

c beauty of the area and fe el that i t has great potential as a st attr action

Mrs June Smith of Dover-Foxcroft secretary in the Piscatashyquis County Extension Office points out a new office Sign to Mrs

sts pres ent for Kathys ninth birthday were Shelley Lewis ELvinDow of East Dover Mrs Dow 1s Bome Economics Chairshy- th Carey Gayle Carey Br enda MCKinnon Valer ib Howard man for the P i ounty Extention Association and President of ra Monroe Barbara Bradeen and Che yl Jones the County Womens Extension Group

1 The Extension office entrance is on the East side of the Dover-

I aus F oxcroftPostOffice It is maintained under a cooperative agreeshyOlDe ment between the U of M the United States Dept of Agricul-

Meat ture and the Pisco County Extension As soc 1he office served as

IF O r bull 1 headquarters for Extension Agentgt in Piscataquis County and for Extension Specialists from the U of M when they are work-CORNED BEEF (extra lean) wlaquo inPisc County The offic e also contains informational mat-

Photo of Extension group on one side of the Gulf (note sheer rock wall of opposite side of gulf in background ) Birthday

photographershot this picture of happy young people at a ay party he ld for Miss Kathy Rhoda last Friday afternoon

You n I dtlp 011 du tt hliH h flj1h[ Pur n-po rc ~ Irtl t H 1011 0

69cent lb BACON 39cent lb

BONE LESS CHUCK ROAST 10~ off 59~ lb

CHUCK STEAK l Ocent off 49cent lb

PORK ROAST (rib end) 10cent off 29~ lb

BOT TOM ROUND ROAST 20cent off 69cent lb

TOP ROUND STEAK 20 off 79cent lb


middot11 most of which are available to the general public at no _a ge


Persons interested in Extens~on information are invited to call in at the office weekdays 8-12 A M and 1-5 p M

[own (lrllr Sub sui ptionKame __________________________

Stree __________________

City _ _ ____ State _______

P lease fin enclosed (C I rcle one $5 00 (or

FHA NE WS Equal Employment Opportuni~ ty Regulation Explained--shy

Car lton IV1 Brackett Area Super visor Farmers Hom e Adminis tration spent Wedshynesday Oct 23 at the Newshy


bull 11 ~

port F HA office explaining eshy~ JosephP Chassion Post qualopportunity 1nem ployment American Legion is havshy under const r uc tion financed

e Supper and Dance at the a nces with F HA loan Town Hall on Nov 11th Robert C Farris County Supshy

lper willbe at 630 After ervisor at Newport e r entertainment will be Mr Br ackett pointed out that

featuring~ded upstairs any construction project such i n Treworgy Chellis Mitshy as anewhome poultry house ~ the MH S Band and dairy barn or other type of real

H S Chorus The benshy es tate improvem ent c osting in ion will be given by Linshy excess of $10 000 00 to by Lord and the clOSing pray fiuanced in whole or in part - Father Clancy with FHA loan funds r equires er the entertainment the posting at the site notices of s will dance to music by compliance with requir ements trouts Orchestra of the President s Committee e terans and their wives OIJ Equal Oppor tunity as th~y nvited relate to the promotion and as = ~-T KNITTERS CLUB surance of equal e mp loyment Silent Knitters Club met opportuni ty for qua lified per shyiay nightat Mrs Linwood sons without regard 10 r ace I n s in Derby This club creed color or national rigin -en to anyone interested in This applies to loan s appshyning to kni LMrs LinwoQ(l roved by FHA on or after Oct ns was electedpresident 3 1963

Charles Solomon Vice Par ticipa ting in the discuss shyr ent and Mrs Frank ion wi th NIT Bracke tt were

~ on secretary-treasurer Farris Asst County SupershyIermembers included lrs visor Allan Thorne and Betty


~ aSaYer Mrs GaryRoshy Matteson COl-ntyOffice Cler k nand Mrs Gerald Smith one interes ted inlearning t can call Mrs Jackins 3- 2250 after 3 P M

ppy HOUR CLUB Happy Hour Club met

es day afternoon at the _ of Mrs John Willinski 12 members present

e business meeting was ucted by the president Jane Tobin

s were made for the monshybirthday dinner to be put

) V o 6 at the home of Mrs Willinski The birthday

Ir s Jane Tobin will be r ed Plans were made e club to go to the Oronshy II AY in Orono on Oct 29th

e hos tess P o-ke-no was 8JaitmntuJ d during the afternoon t at

E DEPT SUPPER 1i5)ft~ ~1NlII~ wnville Fire Dept is hav- LS ~~~~ll ~

a supper Sat Nov 2 from 630 P M in the Masonic

W1NTER Contd from Page 1

Heavy snow snapped off this utility pole on outer Pleasant Street snow and wind brought down trees and utility poles Power was dis l upted in Milo for forty-five m inutes at noon and for a li t tle o e1 three hours in the evening Snow plows and sand tr ucks were in operation by late mor nin Bangor Hydro line cr ews wo rked in the wet snow repairing power cables in the woods be shytween Milo and Howland The storm greatly reduced the curshyrent fi r e danger froID extremelv drv woods and fields

NOTIC E The office of the Registrar at

Milo Town Hall will be open from 8to50n N 0V 1st and 4th and froID 8 to l~ neon on Nov 2 for the pw pr s e of cor r ecting the voting list

just Cme in and Check Our PricesHunters


Childrens si zes $390 Adults sizes $400

h]]l Dpound)DJjJ ~flOP

Mens Rubber Pacs 475 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Size 3to 6 Hooded sweat shirts Red or Gray Reg 2 95 insulat shyed 40 19 Mens Flannel Shirts 2 59 HanesThermali teunderwear Drawers amp Shirt 269 ea Mens RainSuits Tanor yelshylow 5 75 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLES amp -ROOF shyING PAPE R White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ s q h

~Oi Simkos [~1Geural Store

bull bull



WLBZ - v Channel 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 1963

-- oday 300 Loretta Young Theater 7 00 Today 300 L oretta Young Theater

-ew5 330 You Dont Say (C)

Y OCTOBER 31 1963

725 News 330 You Don t say (C)

--oday 400 The Ma tch Game 730 Today 4 00 The Ma tch Game

425 NBC Newsalternoon Report 825 News 425 News

_aday 430 Superman 8 30 Today 4 30 SuperM an HIGH FIDELITY900 Wom an s Hour 500 Trai tmas ter

lay Wben 600 Channel 2 News 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 Kews with FMAM bull Stereo FM Radio _BC News Morning Report S20 Wha t s the Weather

-be Womans Hour 500 Trailmaster

1 025 NBC News 620 What s the Weathe r

or d for Word (Cl 625 Sports Report 10 30 Word fo r Word (C) 625 Spo rts Report

Conce ntration (Cl 6 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 11 00 Concentration (C) 63 0 Huntley Br inkle y Report ~n All STEREO js sing Link (Cl 700 Cur ly OBrien 11 30 Missing Link (C) 700 Donna Reed

Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Combat 1200 Your First Impressio n (C) 7 30 M ndny Night Movie New 1964 1230 Truth or Consuences White Feather (C)Truth or Consequences 830 Dr Kildare 1255 NBC News Day Report 900 Hollywood and the Stars

Genera l Hospital 1000 Kra [t Suspense Theater 1 00 General Hospital 10 00 Sing Along With Mitch

J Price is Right 1100 ABC News Final 1 30 The P r ice is Right 11 00 ABC News Fieal

People Will Talk (C) 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather 200 Peop le Will Talk (Cl 1110 Chamle l 2 News Weather

id a fte rnoon Report amp Sports 225 News amp Sports

The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) 230 Th e Doctors li 20 Tonight Show (C)

Be Ne ws Day RepOl-t 930 Hazel (Cl

TUESDAY NOVEMBE R 5 1963 The TRAVtATA bull Mode l ML2636

American Provincia l Styling

- Y NOVEMBER 1 1963 --oday X eN S


iBC News Morning Re port

us B UlU1Y

co Boy a nd Reddy (C)

Hector Hen thcote (C) Fireball XL - 5 (C)


Wo r d [0- Word (C) Co cebtration (C) iss ng Link (C)

Your FI -5t Impnssion (C)

DAY KOVEMBE R 3 1963 mclmiddot icans at work

ac lcd Heart T lis is the Li fe Fa ith for Today Tbe Hour of SI Francis People are Funny Wide Wodd Of Sports

Cameo Theater ~(WS Encore A country ca ll ed Europe

u l1day

_fiLO Friday Nov

700 ~~~ Loretta YOWlg Theater 725

You uont Say (C) 7 30 400 The Match Gam~ 825 425 NBC News aite lOQon report 830

0300 Superman v Trailma s tel 600 Channe l 2 News 6 20 Whats the Wea ther

625 Sp rts Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley 700 Flint tones 730 International Sbolltime (C) 830 Bob Hoplt Pre se nts (C) 9 30 Farmers Daughter 10 00 Jack Paul Show (C) 11 00 ABC News Fina l 11 10 Channe l 2 ~ews Weather

amp Sports 11 30 Tonigh t show (Cl

230 The Pioneers

300 Dragnet 330 Championship Bowling

4 30 NF L Highlights

500 Dance P ar ty

6 00 700 730 830 900

11 20

500 530 600 730

8 30 900

Lawrenee Welk Bill Dana Show The Li e ute nant J oey Bishop (C)



1025 10 30 1100 1130 12 00 1230 1255 1 00 1 30 200 230

900 1000 102 5 1 03 0

11 00 SaturJay Night at the Vlovi 11 30 IILe t s Make Lovel 12 00

RhEi ngold Thea te r 12 30 The Untouchllb les 12 55

1 00 1 30 2 00

Wild Kingdom (C) 225

GE College Bowl (C) 230

Wagon Train (e)

Walt Disney s Wonderful Wodd O[ Color Grindk Bona nz a (C)

Today News Today Ne ws Today

Womans HOllr

Say When News Word for Word (C) Concenlaation (C) Missing Link (C) Your First Impression (C) Truth or Consequences NBC News Day Repomiddot t

General Hospital The Pr ice is Right People Will Ta lk (1 The Doc tors

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1963 700 Today 725 News 730 Today 825 New 830 Today

Womanrs Hour Say Whem N~ws

Word [or Wo rd (C)

Concentra ti Oll (C )

Missing Li nk (C ) YOUI Firs t lmpr c~sion (C)

Truth 01 C onSctuences -BC N~ws Da Re po rt

Gcn~I 1 Hosp ita l Thl Price is Ri Jht P eople Wi ll T alk lCW5

The DO(tors

1000 Show o[ the Week (C) 11 00 The Wor ld this Wee kend 1115 Story o[

FireStation 2~4 and6-8PM Mrs Lillv Washburn

RABIES IMMUNIZA TION Free Rabies shots will be given all dogs and cats at the followshying places and times

Mr amp Mrs Daniel Washburn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by holding an open house at their home on Front Street in Brownville October 22nd

E achworeflowersgiventhem by the daughter and son-in-law Mr amp Mrs Ear l Gerrish who were celebrating their 13th anshyniversary

The cake was made by Mrs Mar joire Harmon of Milo and

1st at the was served by daugh ter in law

300 Lor et ta YouPg Theatemiddot 330 YOll Dont Say (e) 400 Matc h Gam e 425 NBC Kews afternoon Re po rt 4 30 Superman 500 Trailmaster 6 00 Channel 2 News 1amp 20 Whats the WlUlther 625 Sports Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley Re port 7 00 Patty Duke 730 IVIr Novak 830 Mr amp Mrs Music_ 900 Richard Boone 1000 Bell T elephone Hour (C) 11 00 11 10 11 30

300 330 400 425 430 5 00 ij OO 62 0 625 630 700 7 30 900 1000 11 00 1110

ABC News Fina l C hannel 2 News Wea the rSports Tonight Show (C)

Loretta Young Theater You Dont Say (C) The Match Game NBC News a ite rnoon report Superma n T r ai lmas te r Channel 2 News Wha ts the Whenthe r spo rts Report Hun Uc ) Br ink ley Report Spotlight on Youth The Vi qinia n (C) Ben Casey

Eleven th HOUl ABC Ne ilS F in a l Channe l 2 NeilS

We thel amp SpOlmiddotmiddot 5

11 30 To night Sholl (C)

The SCHUBERT middot Model ML26 0 Early American Styling

The BEETHOVEN middot Mode l ML2607 Itali an Provincial Styli ng

The BRAHMSmiddot Model Ml2606 Danish Modern Styling


Transitional Styling


MICROmiddotTOUCH 2G TONE ARM with free float ing




72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone

Page 2: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday

age 2

THE TOWN CRIER Is published each Thursday evening by the Milo Printing Company We hope to be of help to the ci tizens of the towns in our covershyage through NEWS INFORMATION AND LOW PRICshyED ADVERTISING

We accept no financial responsibility for errors in advertising but will gladly print corrections

Copies of mostphoto8 appearing in THE TOWN CRIshyER may be obtained through our office If you have nevs or available photos of any sor we

urge you to call or drop in Deadline will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate copy received earlier in the week

Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to 12 words 3 cents for each additional middotword Display ad spa ce by the column inch

John ~ Jorume Brigham - Editors

943-2622 witbNEWS ITEMS 943-7384 for AD SPACE



you want to BUY SELL EIIIII NT or SWAP try Town

tie r Classified

A LITY GUERNSEY MILK bull fr om our own accredi ted THURSDAY OCT 31 1963

d By the gallon 609 at HALLOWEEN UNIC EF farm Ready Bottle -No Lions Club ting Jugs available on m ilk route also Searles FRIDAY NOV 1 1963

ry Farm Schoodic LakE Rabboni Chapter ad Brownville Maine

SATURDAY NOV 2 1963 Ayuda Club Rummage Sale e c trolux Sa1es and Service Brownville Fire Dept SupperCote West Main Street

943-2232 SUNDAY NOV 31963

SALE Church E Auto Dryer Very Reashynab le Ca1l943-7405 MONDAY NOV 4 1963


nmore Auto Elec Range TUESDAY NOV 5 1963 arly new Very good con-

W S C S Milole R adio Emerson 17 Con-

New Idea Club le TV several other pieces

furniture Prices very rea- WEDNE SDAY NOV 6 1963 nable Moving out of state Ayuda Club one 943-203] after 7 P M Ann Judson Guild

ANO INSTRUCTIONS P ialn instructions by Mrs j c hard Noyes at Church St

Derbv phone 943-232 8





Mrbull ltd Hoskins is shown above witli a bronze certificate for five years of excellant dealership presented to him by tha Shell OilCompan Awellearnedhonor the plaque will hang on Neds wall and next time you are in his store you should exam1ne it it is a line piece of workmansbip

In a c ontes t held and judged by the s tude nts Sheila Smart and David Sharrow were judged bes t dressed students in lgtlilos 8th grade las t we ek

T he Town Crier Staff wishes to thank you for your indulge nce We know our newspaper photos have been very bad (we were doing what we could with a b ad half - tone s c reen while awaiting a r rival of a ne w on e )

T HE T cj ~ C R [ E R

ew Radio Towers]l Conglomeration OJWorJs at CD Cent erBy Neill Robe rts on

e hear s o much on TV and radi o about New improved washing ~e rial cake mixes and whatnot that we can t he lp but wonder at it was like before they improved it Anything that hasnt n improvedjusiisntworth considering It reminds m e about fe llow who had to take his wife to the hospital for a s tay of a

_k or s o Each day the hushandwould c a ll the hospital and as k ut his wife and got the standard r eply Shes improving He

)l this up for over a week and got the same answer The only he called and much to his surprise they to ld him they wer e Ty to have to tell him his wife was dead After partially getshy= ove r his surprise he asked What did she die of improveshynt ere is a little story which is worthy of parents attention ChilEishyaregreatlittle imvitatora A small girlwatchedwithabsortr interes t everything that happened at her mothers card party

_ob s erved how her mother dressed how she dealt out the cards t he woman drank cocktails and how fr eely they s m oked cigarshy

cst The nextday the little girl gathered her mothers clothes ~ dre ssed hers elf in some of her mothers clothes Then slip-

into mothers room she got mothers cigarettes Returring _ e 1 little playmates she pta cigarette into he r m outh and uck a match and while trying to light the cigare tte she acci shy~ ~l ignited the oversized dress she wa s wearing Instantly became a living torch A few hours later he r little charred - lay still in death As he died she said I did like Mother it killed me r Parents if your c~lild tries to imitate you

you always be proud of what it does Sure ly it may H1 like an exaggeration butit way cutfrom a reputable m aga shy_ butitdoe s c ontain a very important fact If your s on is an h olic it will be heartbreaking to watch the r esults possibly ~ted right before your eyes daily but it will be a living he ll arentifheor she was tile one who set the exa mple that s ent

child of its downward way As a parent looks down into the ent face of a lovely child normal and heal thy God be merciful t parent that knowingly helps to imtill a c Wld T1 a habit which

e s life less sweet than it was befor e it imitates its parent s Christsaid t1at It wer e better than a millstone -)e hanged Crane lifts first mast at its prec is e balanc e point

- d your neck and you be drovned in the depth of the s e a than youshould p ut a stumbling block in the way of one of the leas t ~ - -ese my little ones Its heart r ending enough to know that m ay have unknowingly put a stumbllngblock in the way of your

but it must be almost unbearable to know tha t li fe shows ou deliberately set an example that eventually put a s tuuililing

~- in the path of your child on lifes sometimes tor tmevus high -

Workmen check alignme nt of the base bolts before fir s t mast is r ai sedshy

BEST plare

I~-=-middoto~get ~

the BEST car

lor ~tJJie BEST price

~~ I Sah4 New amp Used Easy Financing


A few h our s af te r IV 01 iz was s ta lte c Oll t he fi r -st ma s t lll thrc( ve1C s e t up and bo ltcd into pos iti on

Thr ee 180 foo t r adi o a ntCIUla ms ts wcre r ni slr1 H tJlC -U l iv11 Dcfcns c CCll ill l~t Sa tu r day Ea c h toer lS llfld b a ~rlJ1C h om C L P lgl Construction Com pa ny and 51 J l 11 1Il (J

THE T O W ~ CH I ]

Choir Hallowee Jct Health Council Exams

--he Sunbeam Choir of the United Baptis t Church had a Hallow- The Brownville Jct Health council sponsor ed a health examir ~l party Saturday afternoon at the church They bad as guests ation of childrenin the Jct Elementary School las t week Mem embers from the Tor chbearer Choir belS of the council as sisted Dr J ohn B Curtis in conductin The director Mrs Thelma Carver was as sisted by Blanche the examinations e erstrom Suzanne Rhoda and Chris Woodard Other guests luded L ori Woodard Kelly Woodar d and P atty Decker Games were enjoyed and there was a grand march when the best -d funni esidressedboys and girls were chos en The best dr esshy_ girl was Andrea P e ters best dressed boy was El-ic Ra ndall ~ets dressed girl Hope Stevens and funniest looJng boy was jarles Ellis The judges were Gerald Wibber ly and aney rrks Fildes were shown by l1rs Carver of the Halloween party of a ear ago Refreshments were served to those attending k iSty Randall Debra Smith Sandra Smith Hope Stevens ane Peters Andrea Pete rs Deborah Degers trom Kather iBe

flOO a Debra Monroe Arthtu Woodard HerbertWoodard Sus an ke George V an Tassel Kim Stevens Charles E llis Carol

radstreet Joey Villani Clinton Robinson and Eric Randall

Baptist Youth Cent r

to above lVas taken at the United Baptis t Church You th Ccnshy_ last Satur day night Senior and Junior gr oups u U1e centel 111e1na 1c we eks playi ng games and 111 joying gllltSt speake rs - ung Il(Or1 e Ol 111 ll no minati olls are invil(d l the l l ntel

Ruth Kirby and Honor i lle L ivingston check yveigb ts and heights 01

twins Dianneand Deanna Kirby daughters of Mr amp Mrs Leslie Kirby

Taylor Farm

Bottled lVIilk

Gollon ContentsPer



a Blood Test ed Herd

Milomiddot Dover Road


ug h therehavebeenafew deer r egistered in the a rea durshy e fi r s t week of open season we were able to ge t a photo of _ vo The deer weighing about 70 pounds a piece were shot arry Johnston and Carlton Rumery with a 30 06 and a 16 _shotgun in Sebec Larr y Johns tOll and Ca r ltons lvo year on George are s hown above wi t tl the d e1

L ROADERS STANDINGS S O Henders on 1011 _ a rne W L 9 M P elky 100 16 Leftovers 23 5 10 P Morrison 1007 ~1i lo Town Team 23 7 11 C Decker 1 005 Offic e 23 7 TEAM LElillERS Car Shops 1 22 8 E lec tric s 1581 C P Shops 17 13 INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Carpenters 17 13 F Small 357

E lectric s 16 14 INDIVIDUA L HIGH THREE Car Shop 2 14 16 GAME S Iach Shops 12 18 F Small 146

Page )

A trac k mee t was held a t the Country C lub cousse las t Friday with Milo High winning by a score of 18 to 44 over Higgins

First five finishers and their times as follows Decker of Milo 1650 Ham lin of Milo 1708 E m erson of Higgins 17 1 6 Dow of Milo 17 48 P ullen of Milo 1 750

This is the las t local track meet of the s eason 111e State Meet at Orono will be run this week e nd Milo High has had a very successful sea son and coach Walte r deserves all the praise we hope he recei yes from the town for the fine work he has done

C P Station 12 18 ~at Wood Prod 10 20 B rovvllville 7 23

6 24 6 24

100 Plu B owlers Small 107 5 Lyford 104 1 G

bull KnO les 10410 P _ IOrI ill 103 12

We Slock and

Install Window alass




The 7th nnual Milo-Derby Teachers Club TalentShow pia e to a packed house in Milo Town Hall last Friday night SOl Talent Show Winne s

ote and John B rown

2n Div Winners lith Joseph Villani

_d Di Winners Deb Olah Carey ilie Junior High Chorus and e Seven Tail Dwads with accompanists Arlettn H ~ld Ken-

twenty-five acts in three age divisions were all worthy of spe c ial mention The show was em-ceed by Mr Phil Gerow ac companiests Arletta Hill and Kendall Lord The introduc and welcome was given by the club president Mr Reno Deschain The show committee were Ernestine Folsom chairman Helen Chappels Edwin Treworgy Eleanor Heath Patricia Crosby ar Dana Grindleo

Winners in the first division were 1st place Lisa and Amt Cyr 2nd place Alice Buford 3rd place Patrick Cote and Joh B rown Second Division winners 1st place Paul Ellingson l

place Gerald L add and Bobby Hogan and 3rd place Joseph Villan Third Division winners 1st place Deborah Carey 2nd placE the Junior High Chorus (Donna Campbell Lillian Perham Lar Br own Cheryl Lord Darleen Morrison Janna Fowles Delormiddot Adams Marlena Brown Connie ussey Kathy Smith J ean Curtis Debbie Pelkey Shirly McCLJl1ell Linda Gerow Stepha i e Sturtevant and Susan Sturtevant) 3rd place The Seven T Swarfs (Paulette Stanchfield Esther McClain Alice Wharto Ellen Reardon Carole Gero Jane Lutterell Diane Lufkin) bull

~ft1U lletvze

About the NEW LOW PRICES It Western Auto

THE MOST SC RUMPTIOUS candies you ever took home Creammiddots clusters caramels fruits fudge and fancies-26 chocolate-covered kinds in a pound This is Fanny Farmers

HOME ASSORTMENT $1 65 and $325

Wh YO w Ih c boy rutnr ~ ~~ 0(


H E T O C R IE R Page (

JC Orientation

Lto R Terry Ferrill J C International Senator Hampden Ro

o s Receptio

Row L to R Rachel W F ogg Grand Conductress Ellwood Pollis Asst Grand P atron Betty Jean Braley Wor thy Grand Mayo State Vice President Millinocket Steve Benne tt Vice 200 Herbert M Sessions Worthy Grand P atron Agnes H -t Asst Grand Matron 2nd Row L to R Barbara Temple -mith Grand Martha Eve S Rooman Grand E sther P hoebe oster Gr and R uth L orna P Ingraham Grand Adah Nellie -errill Grand Chaplain 3rd Row L to R Gladys Stetson

md Treasurer Madelin B Stevens Grand Secretary Charles lmlan Grand Sentinel Alicea Wa llgren Gr and Orga nist Enid Foshay Grand Electa and Eleanor W Yerya Grand Marshy

_dworthChapter No 39 Order oi the Eastern StaT held Grand ly Night and a reception for Grand Electa E nid Foshay at

_Iasonic Hall in Milo last Saturday Approximate ly 200 people ended the supper and reception The pr ogra m was tmder the cction of Worthy Matron Priscilla Chase of Milo

w That RCA makes the color tubes for not only their own


(NO OTHE R COMPANY MAKES THEIR OWN TUBES) Black amp White from $12995 Color from $4499 5 Free Home De monstration Big trade in Allowance

See Tom Howa lid

DIAL 943-7717

r OSBY 5

President of Hanlpden J C s Robert Good President of Hampshyden iCS and Ronald Richards Orientation Night Chairman 0 Milo

The Milo Jaycees held their annual orientation m eeting at the Derby Community Hall last Thrusday Guests speakers and ac vis ors from Hampden and Millinocket were present to help vi th the program (see photo)

The Jaycees and their wives enjoyed a hot dish s upper b eforE the m ee ting and dancing follOwing it

MASSE LLI FREEZER FOOD SERVICE places the finest foods within your reach F OR INFORMATION THAT



Jeon Honson at 943-7480

FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE bull Travelers Express Company Money Orders now available here


= ~ amp~ amp~ f(lomUNlJI

_--b6 ~ --shy shy- NEW YORK bull NEW YORK

-_bullbull I~--oM-=-




) - lt17 -~-

1ampI_~CIIIIa (GllUT

O l O 1 ~

15aJrJelt phalmac NEIL DAGGETT JR B 5 R PH

Jay Teen A nmiddotversary Tht lV

5th Anniversary

Mr amp Mrs Vernie Mayo of Milo celebrated their 55th WeT he Jayteen Center was gaily decorated fo r itls F irs t Birthshyday celebration The Jayteen members and the ir guests e nj oyed Anniversary last Sunday P ondo nthe las t child left at heL bi r thday cake and refreshments along wi th the r egular acti vi ties poses with the couple (above photo) The Mayos are parents

A three foot four tier Cake was made by Steve Hamlin out of twelve children and look forward to many m or e anniversarie pr efabricated material with a single candle s ymbolizing OBe year their golde n era dnce we opened the youth center The real bir thday cake was made and beautifully decorated by Miss Holly Clark and cupcakes er e made by the Jayteen Council

Arrangements were made far in advanc e by the council and the Jayteens deserve a lot of credit

A contest was run and prizes given to the neates t gir l and the lea testboy (won by Linda Decker and R odney Ross) These were hard choices to make each one present was dressed at his or he r --ery best

At this time the first appearance of the new Jay teen sign was made on the side of the center it was a donation by the Coca Cola Company Our thanks to them

Our thanks to the Jaycee State Vice President and Mrs Roy ~Iayo who were kind enough to be chaperones for this special 0shy

(c asion The Jaycee Youth Committe e

qce qceLcome ~r 13il1e1 Esthe r McClain and Janifer Davis with Mr MacTavish

helped advertis e the F ood Sale

The Milo High Student Council held their annual fall food s ondons Da rage last Saturday at the B angor Hydr o Office The proceeds fr

Formerly the Davis Garage the s ale amounted to appr oximate ly $4000 This amoun l wiI added to the Student Council Scholarship F und that will benSpeedy -lerviceshy some student who wishes to f tUthe r his educ ation

The COlUlcihvis he s to thank lVIr IVlur ray for hi s hospitality for the us e of hi s offic eGeneral Repair GaslOil

H A 1=1 r T 1 ~ T



TOW C R I ER Page 9 HE

E TSION SERVICE NEWS RE LEASE advisory group has m ade a trip into Gulf Hagas scenic

F tain gorge in Piscataquis County The Technical Action Ie for Rural Area Development Piscataquis County made

p on Wednesday October 16 mb els of the Panel making the trip were Robert Farris of

er -Foxcroft Soil Conser ation Service Elmer Leland of ervi lle Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Fra ville or Orono Fores t Sheldon of Dover-Foxcroft and Richard son of Dover-F oxcroft University of Maine Extension Sershy Another m ember of the Panel James LaCasce of the Maine st Service was unable to make the trip

middot~in Brown of Milo served as guide to the group and helped e pOints of interest

n Horne of Milo provided a four wheel drive vehicle which ed the group to travel into the so-called Hermitage before

ting the trek by foot _E various m embers of the group were bighly impressed by the

c beauty of the area and fe el that i t has great potential as a st attr action

Mrs June Smith of Dover-Foxcroft secretary in the Piscatashyquis County Extension Office points out a new office Sign to Mrs

sts pres ent for Kathys ninth birthday were Shelley Lewis ELvinDow of East Dover Mrs Dow 1s Bome Economics Chairshy- th Carey Gayle Carey Br enda MCKinnon Valer ib Howard man for the P i ounty Extention Association and President of ra Monroe Barbara Bradeen and Che yl Jones the County Womens Extension Group

1 The Extension office entrance is on the East side of the Dover-

I aus F oxcroftPostOffice It is maintained under a cooperative agreeshyOlDe ment between the U of M the United States Dept of Agricul-

Meat ture and the Pisco County Extension As soc 1he office served as

IF O r bull 1 headquarters for Extension Agentgt in Piscataquis County and for Extension Specialists from the U of M when they are work-CORNED BEEF (extra lean) wlaquo inPisc County The offic e also contains informational mat-

Photo of Extension group on one side of the Gulf (note sheer rock wall of opposite side of gulf in background ) Birthday

photographershot this picture of happy young people at a ay party he ld for Miss Kathy Rhoda last Friday afternoon

You n I dtlp 011 du tt hliH h flj1h[ Pur n-po rc ~ Irtl t H 1011 0

69cent lb BACON 39cent lb

BONE LESS CHUCK ROAST 10~ off 59~ lb

CHUCK STEAK l Ocent off 49cent lb

PORK ROAST (rib end) 10cent off 29~ lb

BOT TOM ROUND ROAST 20cent off 69cent lb

TOP ROUND STEAK 20 off 79cent lb


middot11 most of which are available to the general public at no _a ge


Persons interested in Extens~on information are invited to call in at the office weekdays 8-12 A M and 1-5 p M

[own (lrllr Sub sui ptionKame __________________________

Stree __________________

City _ _ ____ State _______

P lease fin enclosed (C I rcle one $5 00 (or

FHA NE WS Equal Employment Opportuni~ ty Regulation Explained--shy

Car lton IV1 Brackett Area Super visor Farmers Hom e Adminis tration spent Wedshynesday Oct 23 at the Newshy


bull 11 ~

port F HA office explaining eshy~ JosephP Chassion Post qualopportunity 1nem ployment American Legion is havshy under const r uc tion financed

e Supper and Dance at the a nces with F HA loan Town Hall on Nov 11th Robert C Farris County Supshy

lper willbe at 630 After ervisor at Newport e r entertainment will be Mr Br ackett pointed out that

featuring~ded upstairs any construction project such i n Treworgy Chellis Mitshy as anewhome poultry house ~ the MH S Band and dairy barn or other type of real

H S Chorus The benshy es tate improvem ent c osting in ion will be given by Linshy excess of $10 000 00 to by Lord and the clOSing pray fiuanced in whole or in part - Father Clancy with FHA loan funds r equires er the entertainment the posting at the site notices of s will dance to music by compliance with requir ements trouts Orchestra of the President s Committee e terans and their wives OIJ Equal Oppor tunity as th~y nvited relate to the promotion and as = ~-T KNITTERS CLUB surance of equal e mp loyment Silent Knitters Club met opportuni ty for qua lified per shyiay nightat Mrs Linwood sons without regard 10 r ace I n s in Derby This club creed color or national rigin -en to anyone interested in This applies to loan s appshyning to kni LMrs LinwoQ(l roved by FHA on or after Oct ns was electedpresident 3 1963

Charles Solomon Vice Par ticipa ting in the discuss shyr ent and Mrs Frank ion wi th NIT Bracke tt were

~ on secretary-treasurer Farris Asst County SupershyIermembers included lrs visor Allan Thorne and Betty


~ aSaYer Mrs GaryRoshy Matteson COl-ntyOffice Cler k nand Mrs Gerald Smith one interes ted inlearning t can call Mrs Jackins 3- 2250 after 3 P M

ppy HOUR CLUB Happy Hour Club met

es day afternoon at the _ of Mrs John Willinski 12 members present

e business meeting was ucted by the president Jane Tobin

s were made for the monshybirthday dinner to be put

) V o 6 at the home of Mrs Willinski The birthday

Ir s Jane Tobin will be r ed Plans were made e club to go to the Oronshy II AY in Orono on Oct 29th

e hos tess P o-ke-no was 8JaitmntuJ d during the afternoon t at

E DEPT SUPPER 1i5)ft~ ~1NlII~ wnville Fire Dept is hav- LS ~~~~ll ~

a supper Sat Nov 2 from 630 P M in the Masonic

W1NTER Contd from Page 1

Heavy snow snapped off this utility pole on outer Pleasant Street snow and wind brought down trees and utility poles Power was dis l upted in Milo for forty-five m inutes at noon and for a li t tle o e1 three hours in the evening Snow plows and sand tr ucks were in operation by late mor nin Bangor Hydro line cr ews wo rked in the wet snow repairing power cables in the woods be shytween Milo and Howland The storm greatly reduced the curshyrent fi r e danger froID extremelv drv woods and fields

NOTIC E The office of the Registrar at

Milo Town Hall will be open from 8to50n N 0V 1st and 4th and froID 8 to l~ neon on Nov 2 for the pw pr s e of cor r ecting the voting list

just Cme in and Check Our PricesHunters


Childrens si zes $390 Adults sizes $400

h]]l Dpound)DJjJ ~flOP

Mens Rubber Pacs 475 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Size 3to 6 Hooded sweat shirts Red or Gray Reg 2 95 insulat shyed 40 19 Mens Flannel Shirts 2 59 HanesThermali teunderwear Drawers amp Shirt 269 ea Mens RainSuits Tanor yelshylow 5 75 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLES amp -ROOF shyING PAPE R White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ s q h

~Oi Simkos [~1Geural Store

bull bull



WLBZ - v Channel 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 1963

-- oday 300 Loretta Young Theater 7 00 Today 300 L oretta Young Theater

-ew5 330 You Dont Say (C)

Y OCTOBER 31 1963

725 News 330 You Don t say (C)

--oday 400 The Ma tch Game 730 Today 4 00 The Ma tch Game

425 NBC Newsalternoon Report 825 News 425 News

_aday 430 Superman 8 30 Today 4 30 SuperM an HIGH FIDELITY900 Wom an s Hour 500 Trai tmas ter

lay Wben 600 Channel 2 News 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 Kews with FMAM bull Stereo FM Radio _BC News Morning Report S20 Wha t s the Weather

-be Womans Hour 500 Trailmaster

1 025 NBC News 620 What s the Weathe r

or d for Word (Cl 625 Sports Report 10 30 Word fo r Word (C) 625 Spo rts Report

Conce ntration (Cl 6 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 11 00 Concentration (C) 63 0 Huntley Br inkle y Report ~n All STEREO js sing Link (Cl 700 Cur ly OBrien 11 30 Missing Link (C) 700 Donna Reed

Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Combat 1200 Your First Impressio n (C) 7 30 M ndny Night Movie New 1964 1230 Truth or Consuences White Feather (C)Truth or Consequences 830 Dr Kildare 1255 NBC News Day Report 900 Hollywood and the Stars

Genera l Hospital 1000 Kra [t Suspense Theater 1 00 General Hospital 10 00 Sing Along With Mitch

J Price is Right 1100 ABC News Final 1 30 The P r ice is Right 11 00 ABC News Fieal

People Will Talk (C) 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather 200 Peop le Will Talk (Cl 1110 Chamle l 2 News Weather

id a fte rnoon Report amp Sports 225 News amp Sports

The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) 230 Th e Doctors li 20 Tonight Show (C)

Be Ne ws Day RepOl-t 930 Hazel (Cl

TUESDAY NOVEMBE R 5 1963 The TRAVtATA bull Mode l ML2636

American Provincia l Styling

- Y NOVEMBER 1 1963 --oday X eN S


iBC News Morning Re port

us B UlU1Y

co Boy a nd Reddy (C)

Hector Hen thcote (C) Fireball XL - 5 (C)


Wo r d [0- Word (C) Co cebtration (C) iss ng Link (C)

Your FI -5t Impnssion (C)

DAY KOVEMBE R 3 1963 mclmiddot icans at work

ac lcd Heart T lis is the Li fe Fa ith for Today Tbe Hour of SI Francis People are Funny Wide Wodd Of Sports

Cameo Theater ~(WS Encore A country ca ll ed Europe

u l1day

_fiLO Friday Nov

700 ~~~ Loretta YOWlg Theater 725

You uont Say (C) 7 30 400 The Match Gam~ 825 425 NBC News aite lOQon report 830

0300 Superman v Trailma s tel 600 Channe l 2 News 6 20 Whats the Wea ther

625 Sp rts Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley 700 Flint tones 730 International Sbolltime (C) 830 Bob Hoplt Pre se nts (C) 9 30 Farmers Daughter 10 00 Jack Paul Show (C) 11 00 ABC News Fina l 11 10 Channe l 2 ~ews Weather

amp Sports 11 30 Tonigh t show (Cl

230 The Pioneers

300 Dragnet 330 Championship Bowling

4 30 NF L Highlights

500 Dance P ar ty

6 00 700 730 830 900

11 20

500 530 600 730

8 30 900

Lawrenee Welk Bill Dana Show The Li e ute nant J oey Bishop (C)



1025 10 30 1100 1130 12 00 1230 1255 1 00 1 30 200 230

900 1000 102 5 1 03 0

11 00 SaturJay Night at the Vlovi 11 30 IILe t s Make Lovel 12 00

RhEi ngold Thea te r 12 30 The Untouchllb les 12 55

1 00 1 30 2 00

Wild Kingdom (C) 225

GE College Bowl (C) 230

Wagon Train (e)

Walt Disney s Wonderful Wodd O[ Color Grindk Bona nz a (C)

Today News Today Ne ws Today

Womans HOllr

Say When News Word for Word (C) Concenlaation (C) Missing Link (C) Your First Impression (C) Truth or Consequences NBC News Day Repomiddot t

General Hospital The Pr ice is Right People Will Ta lk (1 The Doc tors

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1963 700 Today 725 News 730 Today 825 New 830 Today

Womanrs Hour Say Whem N~ws

Word [or Wo rd (C)

Concentra ti Oll (C )

Missing Li nk (C ) YOUI Firs t lmpr c~sion (C)

Truth 01 C onSctuences -BC N~ws Da Re po rt

Gcn~I 1 Hosp ita l Thl Price is Ri Jht P eople Wi ll T alk lCW5

The DO(tors

1000 Show o[ the Week (C) 11 00 The Wor ld this Wee kend 1115 Story o[

FireStation 2~4 and6-8PM Mrs Lillv Washburn

RABIES IMMUNIZA TION Free Rabies shots will be given all dogs and cats at the followshying places and times

Mr amp Mrs Daniel Washburn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by holding an open house at their home on Front Street in Brownville October 22nd

E achworeflowersgiventhem by the daughter and son-in-law Mr amp Mrs Ear l Gerrish who were celebrating their 13th anshyniversary

The cake was made by Mrs Mar joire Harmon of Milo and

1st at the was served by daugh ter in law

300 Lor et ta YouPg Theatemiddot 330 YOll Dont Say (e) 400 Matc h Gam e 425 NBC Kews afternoon Re po rt 4 30 Superman 500 Trailmaster 6 00 Channel 2 News 1amp 20 Whats the WlUlther 625 Sports Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley Re port 7 00 Patty Duke 730 IVIr Novak 830 Mr amp Mrs Music_ 900 Richard Boone 1000 Bell T elephone Hour (C) 11 00 11 10 11 30

300 330 400 425 430 5 00 ij OO 62 0 625 630 700 7 30 900 1000 11 00 1110

ABC News Fina l C hannel 2 News Wea the rSports Tonight Show (C)

Loretta Young Theater You Dont Say (C) The Match Game NBC News a ite rnoon report Superma n T r ai lmas te r Channel 2 News Wha ts the Whenthe r spo rts Report Hun Uc ) Br ink ley Report Spotlight on Youth The Vi qinia n (C) Ben Casey

Eleven th HOUl ABC Ne ilS F in a l Channe l 2 NeilS

We thel amp SpOlmiddotmiddot 5

11 30 To night Sholl (C)

The SCHUBERT middot Model ML26 0 Early American Styling

The BEETHOVEN middot Mode l ML2607 Itali an Provincial Styli ng

The BRAHMSmiddot Model Ml2606 Danish Modern Styling


Transitional Styling


MICROmiddotTOUCH 2G TONE ARM with free float ing




72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone

Page 3: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday

T HE T cj ~ C R [ E R

ew Radio Towers]l Conglomeration OJWorJs at CD Cent erBy Neill Robe rts on

e hear s o much on TV and radi o about New improved washing ~e rial cake mixes and whatnot that we can t he lp but wonder at it was like before they improved it Anything that hasnt n improvedjusiisntworth considering It reminds m e about fe llow who had to take his wife to the hospital for a s tay of a

_k or s o Each day the hushandwould c a ll the hospital and as k ut his wife and got the standard r eply Shes improving He

)l this up for over a week and got the same answer The only he called and much to his surprise they to ld him they wer e Ty to have to tell him his wife was dead After partially getshy= ove r his surprise he asked What did she die of improveshynt ere is a little story which is worthy of parents attention ChilEishyaregreatlittle imvitatora A small girlwatchedwithabsortr interes t everything that happened at her mothers card party

_ob s erved how her mother dressed how she dealt out the cards t he woman drank cocktails and how fr eely they s m oked cigarshy

cst The nextday the little girl gathered her mothers clothes ~ dre ssed hers elf in some of her mothers clothes Then slip-

into mothers room she got mothers cigarettes Returring _ e 1 little playmates she pta cigarette into he r m outh and uck a match and while trying to light the cigare tte she acci shy~ ~l ignited the oversized dress she wa s wearing Instantly became a living torch A few hours later he r little charred - lay still in death As he died she said I did like Mother it killed me r Parents if your c~lild tries to imitate you

you always be proud of what it does Sure ly it may H1 like an exaggeration butit way cutfrom a reputable m aga shy_ butitdoe s c ontain a very important fact If your s on is an h olic it will be heartbreaking to watch the r esults possibly ~ted right before your eyes daily but it will be a living he ll arentifheor she was tile one who set the exa mple that s ent

child of its downward way As a parent looks down into the ent face of a lovely child normal and heal thy God be merciful t parent that knowingly helps to imtill a c Wld T1 a habit which

e s life less sweet than it was befor e it imitates its parent s Christsaid t1at It wer e better than a millstone -)e hanged Crane lifts first mast at its prec is e balanc e point

- d your neck and you be drovned in the depth of the s e a than youshould p ut a stumbling block in the way of one of the leas t ~ - -ese my little ones Its heart r ending enough to know that m ay have unknowingly put a stumbllngblock in the way of your

but it must be almost unbearable to know tha t li fe shows ou deliberately set an example that eventually put a s tuuililing

~- in the path of your child on lifes sometimes tor tmevus high -

Workmen check alignme nt of the base bolts before fir s t mast is r ai sedshy

BEST plare

I~-=-middoto~get ~

the BEST car

lor ~tJJie BEST price

~~ I Sah4 New amp Used Easy Financing


A few h our s af te r IV 01 iz was s ta lte c Oll t he fi r -st ma s t lll thrc( ve1C s e t up and bo ltcd into pos iti on

Thr ee 180 foo t r adi o a ntCIUla ms ts wcre r ni slr1 H tJlC -U l iv11 Dcfcns c CCll ill l~t Sa tu r day Ea c h toer lS llfld b a ~rlJ1C h om C L P lgl Construction Com pa ny and 51 J l 11 1Il (J

THE T O W ~ CH I ]

Choir Hallowee Jct Health Council Exams

--he Sunbeam Choir of the United Baptis t Church had a Hallow- The Brownville Jct Health council sponsor ed a health examir ~l party Saturday afternoon at the church They bad as guests ation of childrenin the Jct Elementary School las t week Mem embers from the Tor chbearer Choir belS of the council as sisted Dr J ohn B Curtis in conductin The director Mrs Thelma Carver was as sisted by Blanche the examinations e erstrom Suzanne Rhoda and Chris Woodard Other guests luded L ori Woodard Kelly Woodar d and P atty Decker Games were enjoyed and there was a grand march when the best -d funni esidressedboys and girls were chos en The best dr esshy_ girl was Andrea P e ters best dressed boy was El-ic Ra ndall ~ets dressed girl Hope Stevens and funniest looJng boy was jarles Ellis The judges were Gerald Wibber ly and aney rrks Fildes were shown by l1rs Carver of the Halloween party of a ear ago Refreshments were served to those attending k iSty Randall Debra Smith Sandra Smith Hope Stevens ane Peters Andrea Pete rs Deborah Degers trom Kather iBe

flOO a Debra Monroe Arthtu Woodard HerbertWoodard Sus an ke George V an Tassel Kim Stevens Charles E llis Carol

radstreet Joey Villani Clinton Robinson and Eric Randall

Baptist Youth Cent r

to above lVas taken at the United Baptis t Church You th Ccnshy_ last Satur day night Senior and Junior gr oups u U1e centel 111e1na 1c we eks playi ng games and 111 joying gllltSt speake rs - ung Il(Or1 e Ol 111 ll no minati olls are invil(d l the l l ntel

Ruth Kirby and Honor i lle L ivingston check yveigb ts and heights 01

twins Dianneand Deanna Kirby daughters of Mr amp Mrs Leslie Kirby

Taylor Farm

Bottled lVIilk

Gollon ContentsPer



a Blood Test ed Herd

Milomiddot Dover Road


ug h therehavebeenafew deer r egistered in the a rea durshy e fi r s t week of open season we were able to ge t a photo of _ vo The deer weighing about 70 pounds a piece were shot arry Johnston and Carlton Rumery with a 30 06 and a 16 _shotgun in Sebec Larr y Johns tOll and Ca r ltons lvo year on George are s hown above wi t tl the d e1

L ROADERS STANDINGS S O Henders on 1011 _ a rne W L 9 M P elky 100 16 Leftovers 23 5 10 P Morrison 1007 ~1i lo Town Team 23 7 11 C Decker 1 005 Offic e 23 7 TEAM LElillERS Car Shops 1 22 8 E lec tric s 1581 C P Shops 17 13 INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Carpenters 17 13 F Small 357

E lectric s 16 14 INDIVIDUA L HIGH THREE Car Shop 2 14 16 GAME S Iach Shops 12 18 F Small 146

Page )

A trac k mee t was held a t the Country C lub cousse las t Friday with Milo High winning by a score of 18 to 44 over Higgins

First five finishers and their times as follows Decker of Milo 1650 Ham lin of Milo 1708 E m erson of Higgins 17 1 6 Dow of Milo 17 48 P ullen of Milo 1 750

This is the las t local track meet of the s eason 111e State Meet at Orono will be run this week e nd Milo High has had a very successful sea son and coach Walte r deserves all the praise we hope he recei yes from the town for the fine work he has done

C P Station 12 18 ~at Wood Prod 10 20 B rovvllville 7 23

6 24 6 24

100 Plu B owlers Small 107 5 Lyford 104 1 G

bull KnO les 10410 P _ IOrI ill 103 12

We Slock and

Install Window alass




The 7th nnual Milo-Derby Teachers Club TalentShow pia e to a packed house in Milo Town Hall last Friday night SOl Talent Show Winne s

ote and John B rown

2n Div Winners lith Joseph Villani

_d Di Winners Deb Olah Carey ilie Junior High Chorus and e Seven Tail Dwads with accompanists Arlettn H ~ld Ken-

twenty-five acts in three age divisions were all worthy of spe c ial mention The show was em-ceed by Mr Phil Gerow ac companiests Arletta Hill and Kendall Lord The introduc and welcome was given by the club president Mr Reno Deschain The show committee were Ernestine Folsom chairman Helen Chappels Edwin Treworgy Eleanor Heath Patricia Crosby ar Dana Grindleo

Winners in the first division were 1st place Lisa and Amt Cyr 2nd place Alice Buford 3rd place Patrick Cote and Joh B rown Second Division winners 1st place Paul Ellingson l

place Gerald L add and Bobby Hogan and 3rd place Joseph Villan Third Division winners 1st place Deborah Carey 2nd placE the Junior High Chorus (Donna Campbell Lillian Perham Lar Br own Cheryl Lord Darleen Morrison Janna Fowles Delormiddot Adams Marlena Brown Connie ussey Kathy Smith J ean Curtis Debbie Pelkey Shirly McCLJl1ell Linda Gerow Stepha i e Sturtevant and Susan Sturtevant) 3rd place The Seven T Swarfs (Paulette Stanchfield Esther McClain Alice Wharto Ellen Reardon Carole Gero Jane Lutterell Diane Lufkin) bull

~ft1U lletvze

About the NEW LOW PRICES It Western Auto

THE MOST SC RUMPTIOUS candies you ever took home Creammiddots clusters caramels fruits fudge and fancies-26 chocolate-covered kinds in a pound This is Fanny Farmers

HOME ASSORTMENT $1 65 and $325

Wh YO w Ih c boy rutnr ~ ~~ 0(


H E T O C R IE R Page (

JC Orientation

Lto R Terry Ferrill J C International Senator Hampden Ro

o s Receptio

Row L to R Rachel W F ogg Grand Conductress Ellwood Pollis Asst Grand P atron Betty Jean Braley Wor thy Grand Mayo State Vice President Millinocket Steve Benne tt Vice 200 Herbert M Sessions Worthy Grand P atron Agnes H -t Asst Grand Matron 2nd Row L to R Barbara Temple -mith Grand Martha Eve S Rooman Grand E sther P hoebe oster Gr and R uth L orna P Ingraham Grand Adah Nellie -errill Grand Chaplain 3rd Row L to R Gladys Stetson

md Treasurer Madelin B Stevens Grand Secretary Charles lmlan Grand Sentinel Alicea Wa llgren Gr and Orga nist Enid Foshay Grand Electa and Eleanor W Yerya Grand Marshy

_dworthChapter No 39 Order oi the Eastern StaT held Grand ly Night and a reception for Grand Electa E nid Foshay at

_Iasonic Hall in Milo last Saturday Approximate ly 200 people ended the supper and reception The pr ogra m was tmder the cction of Worthy Matron Priscilla Chase of Milo

w That RCA makes the color tubes for not only their own


(NO OTHE R COMPANY MAKES THEIR OWN TUBES) Black amp White from $12995 Color from $4499 5 Free Home De monstration Big trade in Allowance

See Tom Howa lid

DIAL 943-7717

r OSBY 5

President of Hanlpden J C s Robert Good President of Hampshyden iCS and Ronald Richards Orientation Night Chairman 0 Milo

The Milo Jaycees held their annual orientation m eeting at the Derby Community Hall last Thrusday Guests speakers and ac vis ors from Hampden and Millinocket were present to help vi th the program (see photo)

The Jaycees and their wives enjoyed a hot dish s upper b eforE the m ee ting and dancing follOwing it

MASSE LLI FREEZER FOOD SERVICE places the finest foods within your reach F OR INFORMATION THAT



Jeon Honson at 943-7480

FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE bull Travelers Express Company Money Orders now available here


= ~ amp~ amp~ f(lomUNlJI

_--b6 ~ --shy shy- NEW YORK bull NEW YORK

-_bullbull I~--oM-=-




) - lt17 -~-

1ampI_~CIIIIa (GllUT

O l O 1 ~

15aJrJelt phalmac NEIL DAGGETT JR B 5 R PH

Jay Teen A nmiddotversary Tht lV

5th Anniversary

Mr amp Mrs Vernie Mayo of Milo celebrated their 55th WeT he Jayteen Center was gaily decorated fo r itls F irs t Birthshyday celebration The Jayteen members and the ir guests e nj oyed Anniversary last Sunday P ondo nthe las t child left at heL bi r thday cake and refreshments along wi th the r egular acti vi ties poses with the couple (above photo) The Mayos are parents

A three foot four tier Cake was made by Steve Hamlin out of twelve children and look forward to many m or e anniversarie pr efabricated material with a single candle s ymbolizing OBe year their golde n era dnce we opened the youth center The real bir thday cake was made and beautifully decorated by Miss Holly Clark and cupcakes er e made by the Jayteen Council

Arrangements were made far in advanc e by the council and the Jayteens deserve a lot of credit

A contest was run and prizes given to the neates t gir l and the lea testboy (won by Linda Decker and R odney Ross) These were hard choices to make each one present was dressed at his or he r --ery best

At this time the first appearance of the new Jay teen sign was made on the side of the center it was a donation by the Coca Cola Company Our thanks to them

Our thanks to the Jaycee State Vice President and Mrs Roy ~Iayo who were kind enough to be chaperones for this special 0shy

(c asion The Jaycee Youth Committe e

qce qceLcome ~r 13il1e1 Esthe r McClain and Janifer Davis with Mr MacTavish

helped advertis e the F ood Sale

The Milo High Student Council held their annual fall food s ondons Da rage last Saturday at the B angor Hydr o Office The proceeds fr

Formerly the Davis Garage the s ale amounted to appr oximate ly $4000 This amoun l wiI added to the Student Council Scholarship F und that will benSpeedy -lerviceshy some student who wishes to f tUthe r his educ ation

The COlUlcihvis he s to thank lVIr IVlur ray for hi s hospitality for the us e of hi s offic eGeneral Repair GaslOil

H A 1=1 r T 1 ~ T



TOW C R I ER Page 9 HE

E TSION SERVICE NEWS RE LEASE advisory group has m ade a trip into Gulf Hagas scenic

F tain gorge in Piscataquis County The Technical Action Ie for Rural Area Development Piscataquis County made

p on Wednesday October 16 mb els of the Panel making the trip were Robert Farris of

er -Foxcroft Soil Conser ation Service Elmer Leland of ervi lle Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Fra ville or Orono Fores t Sheldon of Dover-Foxcroft and Richard son of Dover-F oxcroft University of Maine Extension Sershy Another m ember of the Panel James LaCasce of the Maine st Service was unable to make the trip

middot~in Brown of Milo served as guide to the group and helped e pOints of interest

n Horne of Milo provided a four wheel drive vehicle which ed the group to travel into the so-called Hermitage before

ting the trek by foot _E various m embers of the group were bighly impressed by the

c beauty of the area and fe el that i t has great potential as a st attr action

Mrs June Smith of Dover-Foxcroft secretary in the Piscatashyquis County Extension Office points out a new office Sign to Mrs

sts pres ent for Kathys ninth birthday were Shelley Lewis ELvinDow of East Dover Mrs Dow 1s Bome Economics Chairshy- th Carey Gayle Carey Br enda MCKinnon Valer ib Howard man for the P i ounty Extention Association and President of ra Monroe Barbara Bradeen and Che yl Jones the County Womens Extension Group

1 The Extension office entrance is on the East side of the Dover-

I aus F oxcroftPostOffice It is maintained under a cooperative agreeshyOlDe ment between the U of M the United States Dept of Agricul-

Meat ture and the Pisco County Extension As soc 1he office served as

IF O r bull 1 headquarters for Extension Agentgt in Piscataquis County and for Extension Specialists from the U of M when they are work-CORNED BEEF (extra lean) wlaquo inPisc County The offic e also contains informational mat-

Photo of Extension group on one side of the Gulf (note sheer rock wall of opposite side of gulf in background ) Birthday

photographershot this picture of happy young people at a ay party he ld for Miss Kathy Rhoda last Friday afternoon

You n I dtlp 011 du tt hliH h flj1h[ Pur n-po rc ~ Irtl t H 1011 0

69cent lb BACON 39cent lb

BONE LESS CHUCK ROAST 10~ off 59~ lb

CHUCK STEAK l Ocent off 49cent lb

PORK ROAST (rib end) 10cent off 29~ lb

BOT TOM ROUND ROAST 20cent off 69cent lb

TOP ROUND STEAK 20 off 79cent lb


middot11 most of which are available to the general public at no _a ge


Persons interested in Extens~on information are invited to call in at the office weekdays 8-12 A M and 1-5 p M

[own (lrllr Sub sui ptionKame __________________________

Stree __________________

City _ _ ____ State _______

P lease fin enclosed (C I rcle one $5 00 (or

FHA NE WS Equal Employment Opportuni~ ty Regulation Explained--shy

Car lton IV1 Brackett Area Super visor Farmers Hom e Adminis tration spent Wedshynesday Oct 23 at the Newshy


bull 11 ~

port F HA office explaining eshy~ JosephP Chassion Post qualopportunity 1nem ployment American Legion is havshy under const r uc tion financed

e Supper and Dance at the a nces with F HA loan Town Hall on Nov 11th Robert C Farris County Supshy

lper willbe at 630 After ervisor at Newport e r entertainment will be Mr Br ackett pointed out that

featuring~ded upstairs any construction project such i n Treworgy Chellis Mitshy as anewhome poultry house ~ the MH S Band and dairy barn or other type of real

H S Chorus The benshy es tate improvem ent c osting in ion will be given by Linshy excess of $10 000 00 to by Lord and the clOSing pray fiuanced in whole or in part - Father Clancy with FHA loan funds r equires er the entertainment the posting at the site notices of s will dance to music by compliance with requir ements trouts Orchestra of the President s Committee e terans and their wives OIJ Equal Oppor tunity as th~y nvited relate to the promotion and as = ~-T KNITTERS CLUB surance of equal e mp loyment Silent Knitters Club met opportuni ty for qua lified per shyiay nightat Mrs Linwood sons without regard 10 r ace I n s in Derby This club creed color or national rigin -en to anyone interested in This applies to loan s appshyning to kni LMrs LinwoQ(l roved by FHA on or after Oct ns was electedpresident 3 1963

Charles Solomon Vice Par ticipa ting in the discuss shyr ent and Mrs Frank ion wi th NIT Bracke tt were

~ on secretary-treasurer Farris Asst County SupershyIermembers included lrs visor Allan Thorne and Betty


~ aSaYer Mrs GaryRoshy Matteson COl-ntyOffice Cler k nand Mrs Gerald Smith one interes ted inlearning t can call Mrs Jackins 3- 2250 after 3 P M

ppy HOUR CLUB Happy Hour Club met

es day afternoon at the _ of Mrs John Willinski 12 members present

e business meeting was ucted by the president Jane Tobin

s were made for the monshybirthday dinner to be put

) V o 6 at the home of Mrs Willinski The birthday

Ir s Jane Tobin will be r ed Plans were made e club to go to the Oronshy II AY in Orono on Oct 29th

e hos tess P o-ke-no was 8JaitmntuJ d during the afternoon t at

E DEPT SUPPER 1i5)ft~ ~1NlII~ wnville Fire Dept is hav- LS ~~~~ll ~

a supper Sat Nov 2 from 630 P M in the Masonic

W1NTER Contd from Page 1

Heavy snow snapped off this utility pole on outer Pleasant Street snow and wind brought down trees and utility poles Power was dis l upted in Milo for forty-five m inutes at noon and for a li t tle o e1 three hours in the evening Snow plows and sand tr ucks were in operation by late mor nin Bangor Hydro line cr ews wo rked in the wet snow repairing power cables in the woods be shytween Milo and Howland The storm greatly reduced the curshyrent fi r e danger froID extremelv drv woods and fields

NOTIC E The office of the Registrar at

Milo Town Hall will be open from 8to50n N 0V 1st and 4th and froID 8 to l~ neon on Nov 2 for the pw pr s e of cor r ecting the voting list

just Cme in and Check Our PricesHunters


Childrens si zes $390 Adults sizes $400

h]]l Dpound)DJjJ ~flOP

Mens Rubber Pacs 475 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Size 3to 6 Hooded sweat shirts Red or Gray Reg 2 95 insulat shyed 40 19 Mens Flannel Shirts 2 59 HanesThermali teunderwear Drawers amp Shirt 269 ea Mens RainSuits Tanor yelshylow 5 75 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLES amp -ROOF shyING PAPE R White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ s q h

~Oi Simkos [~1Geural Store

bull bull



WLBZ - v Channel 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 1963

-- oday 300 Loretta Young Theater 7 00 Today 300 L oretta Young Theater

-ew5 330 You Dont Say (C)

Y OCTOBER 31 1963

725 News 330 You Don t say (C)

--oday 400 The Ma tch Game 730 Today 4 00 The Ma tch Game

425 NBC Newsalternoon Report 825 News 425 News

_aday 430 Superman 8 30 Today 4 30 SuperM an HIGH FIDELITY900 Wom an s Hour 500 Trai tmas ter

lay Wben 600 Channel 2 News 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 Kews with FMAM bull Stereo FM Radio _BC News Morning Report S20 Wha t s the Weather

-be Womans Hour 500 Trailmaster

1 025 NBC News 620 What s the Weathe r

or d for Word (Cl 625 Sports Report 10 30 Word fo r Word (C) 625 Spo rts Report

Conce ntration (Cl 6 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 11 00 Concentration (C) 63 0 Huntley Br inkle y Report ~n All STEREO js sing Link (Cl 700 Cur ly OBrien 11 30 Missing Link (C) 700 Donna Reed

Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Combat 1200 Your First Impressio n (C) 7 30 M ndny Night Movie New 1964 1230 Truth or Consuences White Feather (C)Truth or Consequences 830 Dr Kildare 1255 NBC News Day Report 900 Hollywood and the Stars

Genera l Hospital 1000 Kra [t Suspense Theater 1 00 General Hospital 10 00 Sing Along With Mitch

J Price is Right 1100 ABC News Final 1 30 The P r ice is Right 11 00 ABC News Fieal

People Will Talk (C) 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather 200 Peop le Will Talk (Cl 1110 Chamle l 2 News Weather

id a fte rnoon Report amp Sports 225 News amp Sports

The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) 230 Th e Doctors li 20 Tonight Show (C)

Be Ne ws Day RepOl-t 930 Hazel (Cl

TUESDAY NOVEMBE R 5 1963 The TRAVtATA bull Mode l ML2636

American Provincia l Styling

- Y NOVEMBER 1 1963 --oday X eN S


iBC News Morning Re port

us B UlU1Y

co Boy a nd Reddy (C)

Hector Hen thcote (C) Fireball XL - 5 (C)


Wo r d [0- Word (C) Co cebtration (C) iss ng Link (C)

Your FI -5t Impnssion (C)

DAY KOVEMBE R 3 1963 mclmiddot icans at work

ac lcd Heart T lis is the Li fe Fa ith for Today Tbe Hour of SI Francis People are Funny Wide Wodd Of Sports

Cameo Theater ~(WS Encore A country ca ll ed Europe

u l1day

_fiLO Friday Nov

700 ~~~ Loretta YOWlg Theater 725

You uont Say (C) 7 30 400 The Match Gam~ 825 425 NBC News aite lOQon report 830

0300 Superman v Trailma s tel 600 Channe l 2 News 6 20 Whats the Wea ther

625 Sp rts Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley 700 Flint tones 730 International Sbolltime (C) 830 Bob Hoplt Pre se nts (C) 9 30 Farmers Daughter 10 00 Jack Paul Show (C) 11 00 ABC News Fina l 11 10 Channe l 2 ~ews Weather

amp Sports 11 30 Tonigh t show (Cl

230 The Pioneers

300 Dragnet 330 Championship Bowling

4 30 NF L Highlights

500 Dance P ar ty

6 00 700 730 830 900

11 20

500 530 600 730

8 30 900

Lawrenee Welk Bill Dana Show The Li e ute nant J oey Bishop (C)



1025 10 30 1100 1130 12 00 1230 1255 1 00 1 30 200 230

900 1000 102 5 1 03 0

11 00 SaturJay Night at the Vlovi 11 30 IILe t s Make Lovel 12 00

RhEi ngold Thea te r 12 30 The Untouchllb les 12 55

1 00 1 30 2 00

Wild Kingdom (C) 225

GE College Bowl (C) 230

Wagon Train (e)

Walt Disney s Wonderful Wodd O[ Color Grindk Bona nz a (C)

Today News Today Ne ws Today

Womans HOllr

Say When News Word for Word (C) Concenlaation (C) Missing Link (C) Your First Impression (C) Truth or Consequences NBC News Day Repomiddot t

General Hospital The Pr ice is Right People Will Ta lk (1 The Doc tors

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1963 700 Today 725 News 730 Today 825 New 830 Today

Womanrs Hour Say Whem N~ws

Word [or Wo rd (C)

Concentra ti Oll (C )

Missing Li nk (C ) YOUI Firs t lmpr c~sion (C)

Truth 01 C onSctuences -BC N~ws Da Re po rt

Gcn~I 1 Hosp ita l Thl Price is Ri Jht P eople Wi ll T alk lCW5

The DO(tors

1000 Show o[ the Week (C) 11 00 The Wor ld this Wee kend 1115 Story o[

FireStation 2~4 and6-8PM Mrs Lillv Washburn

RABIES IMMUNIZA TION Free Rabies shots will be given all dogs and cats at the followshying places and times

Mr amp Mrs Daniel Washburn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by holding an open house at their home on Front Street in Brownville October 22nd

E achworeflowersgiventhem by the daughter and son-in-law Mr amp Mrs Ear l Gerrish who were celebrating their 13th anshyniversary

The cake was made by Mrs Mar joire Harmon of Milo and

1st at the was served by daugh ter in law

300 Lor et ta YouPg Theatemiddot 330 YOll Dont Say (e) 400 Matc h Gam e 425 NBC Kews afternoon Re po rt 4 30 Superman 500 Trailmaster 6 00 Channel 2 News 1amp 20 Whats the WlUlther 625 Sports Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley Re port 7 00 Patty Duke 730 IVIr Novak 830 Mr amp Mrs Music_ 900 Richard Boone 1000 Bell T elephone Hour (C) 11 00 11 10 11 30

300 330 400 425 430 5 00 ij OO 62 0 625 630 700 7 30 900 1000 11 00 1110

ABC News Fina l C hannel 2 News Wea the rSports Tonight Show (C)

Loretta Young Theater You Dont Say (C) The Match Game NBC News a ite rnoon report Superma n T r ai lmas te r Channel 2 News Wha ts the Whenthe r spo rts Report Hun Uc ) Br ink ley Report Spotlight on Youth The Vi qinia n (C) Ben Casey

Eleven th HOUl ABC Ne ilS F in a l Channe l 2 NeilS

We thel amp SpOlmiddotmiddot 5

11 30 To night Sholl (C)

The SCHUBERT middot Model ML26 0 Early American Styling

The BEETHOVEN middot Mode l ML2607 Itali an Provincial Styli ng

The BRAHMSmiddot Model Ml2606 Danish Modern Styling


Transitional Styling


MICROmiddotTOUCH 2G TONE ARM with free float ing




72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone

Page 4: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday

THE T O W ~ CH I ]

Choir Hallowee Jct Health Council Exams

--he Sunbeam Choir of the United Baptis t Church had a Hallow- The Brownville Jct Health council sponsor ed a health examir ~l party Saturday afternoon at the church They bad as guests ation of childrenin the Jct Elementary School las t week Mem embers from the Tor chbearer Choir belS of the council as sisted Dr J ohn B Curtis in conductin The director Mrs Thelma Carver was as sisted by Blanche the examinations e erstrom Suzanne Rhoda and Chris Woodard Other guests luded L ori Woodard Kelly Woodar d and P atty Decker Games were enjoyed and there was a grand march when the best -d funni esidressedboys and girls were chos en The best dr esshy_ girl was Andrea P e ters best dressed boy was El-ic Ra ndall ~ets dressed girl Hope Stevens and funniest looJng boy was jarles Ellis The judges were Gerald Wibber ly and aney rrks Fildes were shown by l1rs Carver of the Halloween party of a ear ago Refreshments were served to those attending k iSty Randall Debra Smith Sandra Smith Hope Stevens ane Peters Andrea Pete rs Deborah Degers trom Kather iBe

flOO a Debra Monroe Arthtu Woodard HerbertWoodard Sus an ke George V an Tassel Kim Stevens Charles E llis Carol

radstreet Joey Villani Clinton Robinson and Eric Randall

Baptist Youth Cent r

to above lVas taken at the United Baptis t Church You th Ccnshy_ last Satur day night Senior and Junior gr oups u U1e centel 111e1na 1c we eks playi ng games and 111 joying gllltSt speake rs - ung Il(Or1 e Ol 111 ll no minati olls are invil(d l the l l ntel

Ruth Kirby and Honor i lle L ivingston check yveigb ts and heights 01

twins Dianneand Deanna Kirby daughters of Mr amp Mrs Leslie Kirby

Taylor Farm

Bottled lVIilk

Gollon ContentsPer



a Blood Test ed Herd

Milomiddot Dover Road


ug h therehavebeenafew deer r egistered in the a rea durshy e fi r s t week of open season we were able to ge t a photo of _ vo The deer weighing about 70 pounds a piece were shot arry Johnston and Carlton Rumery with a 30 06 and a 16 _shotgun in Sebec Larr y Johns tOll and Ca r ltons lvo year on George are s hown above wi t tl the d e1

L ROADERS STANDINGS S O Henders on 1011 _ a rne W L 9 M P elky 100 16 Leftovers 23 5 10 P Morrison 1007 ~1i lo Town Team 23 7 11 C Decker 1 005 Offic e 23 7 TEAM LElillERS Car Shops 1 22 8 E lec tric s 1581 C P Shops 17 13 INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Carpenters 17 13 F Small 357

E lectric s 16 14 INDIVIDUA L HIGH THREE Car Shop 2 14 16 GAME S Iach Shops 12 18 F Small 146

Page )

A trac k mee t was held a t the Country C lub cousse las t Friday with Milo High winning by a score of 18 to 44 over Higgins

First five finishers and their times as follows Decker of Milo 1650 Ham lin of Milo 1708 E m erson of Higgins 17 1 6 Dow of Milo 17 48 P ullen of Milo 1 750

This is the las t local track meet of the s eason 111e State Meet at Orono will be run this week e nd Milo High has had a very successful sea son and coach Walte r deserves all the praise we hope he recei yes from the town for the fine work he has done

C P Station 12 18 ~at Wood Prod 10 20 B rovvllville 7 23

6 24 6 24

100 Plu B owlers Small 107 5 Lyford 104 1 G

bull KnO les 10410 P _ IOrI ill 103 12

We Slock and

Install Window alass




The 7th nnual Milo-Derby Teachers Club TalentShow pia e to a packed house in Milo Town Hall last Friday night SOl Talent Show Winne s

ote and John B rown

2n Div Winners lith Joseph Villani

_d Di Winners Deb Olah Carey ilie Junior High Chorus and e Seven Tail Dwads with accompanists Arlettn H ~ld Ken-

twenty-five acts in three age divisions were all worthy of spe c ial mention The show was em-ceed by Mr Phil Gerow ac companiests Arletta Hill and Kendall Lord The introduc and welcome was given by the club president Mr Reno Deschain The show committee were Ernestine Folsom chairman Helen Chappels Edwin Treworgy Eleanor Heath Patricia Crosby ar Dana Grindleo

Winners in the first division were 1st place Lisa and Amt Cyr 2nd place Alice Buford 3rd place Patrick Cote and Joh B rown Second Division winners 1st place Paul Ellingson l

place Gerald L add and Bobby Hogan and 3rd place Joseph Villan Third Division winners 1st place Deborah Carey 2nd placE the Junior High Chorus (Donna Campbell Lillian Perham Lar Br own Cheryl Lord Darleen Morrison Janna Fowles Delormiddot Adams Marlena Brown Connie ussey Kathy Smith J ean Curtis Debbie Pelkey Shirly McCLJl1ell Linda Gerow Stepha i e Sturtevant and Susan Sturtevant) 3rd place The Seven T Swarfs (Paulette Stanchfield Esther McClain Alice Wharto Ellen Reardon Carole Gero Jane Lutterell Diane Lufkin) bull

~ft1U lletvze

About the NEW LOW PRICES It Western Auto

THE MOST SC RUMPTIOUS candies you ever took home Creammiddots clusters caramels fruits fudge and fancies-26 chocolate-covered kinds in a pound This is Fanny Farmers

HOME ASSORTMENT $1 65 and $325

Wh YO w Ih c boy rutnr ~ ~~ 0(


H E T O C R IE R Page (

JC Orientation

Lto R Terry Ferrill J C International Senator Hampden Ro

o s Receptio

Row L to R Rachel W F ogg Grand Conductress Ellwood Pollis Asst Grand P atron Betty Jean Braley Wor thy Grand Mayo State Vice President Millinocket Steve Benne tt Vice 200 Herbert M Sessions Worthy Grand P atron Agnes H -t Asst Grand Matron 2nd Row L to R Barbara Temple -mith Grand Martha Eve S Rooman Grand E sther P hoebe oster Gr and R uth L orna P Ingraham Grand Adah Nellie -errill Grand Chaplain 3rd Row L to R Gladys Stetson

md Treasurer Madelin B Stevens Grand Secretary Charles lmlan Grand Sentinel Alicea Wa llgren Gr and Orga nist Enid Foshay Grand Electa and Eleanor W Yerya Grand Marshy

_dworthChapter No 39 Order oi the Eastern StaT held Grand ly Night and a reception for Grand Electa E nid Foshay at

_Iasonic Hall in Milo last Saturday Approximate ly 200 people ended the supper and reception The pr ogra m was tmder the cction of Worthy Matron Priscilla Chase of Milo

w That RCA makes the color tubes for not only their own


(NO OTHE R COMPANY MAKES THEIR OWN TUBES) Black amp White from $12995 Color from $4499 5 Free Home De monstration Big trade in Allowance

See Tom Howa lid

DIAL 943-7717

r OSBY 5

President of Hanlpden J C s Robert Good President of Hampshyden iCS and Ronald Richards Orientation Night Chairman 0 Milo

The Milo Jaycees held their annual orientation m eeting at the Derby Community Hall last Thrusday Guests speakers and ac vis ors from Hampden and Millinocket were present to help vi th the program (see photo)

The Jaycees and their wives enjoyed a hot dish s upper b eforE the m ee ting and dancing follOwing it

MASSE LLI FREEZER FOOD SERVICE places the finest foods within your reach F OR INFORMATION THAT



Jeon Honson at 943-7480

FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE bull Travelers Express Company Money Orders now available here


= ~ amp~ amp~ f(lomUNlJI

_--b6 ~ --shy shy- NEW YORK bull NEW YORK

-_bullbull I~--oM-=-




) - lt17 -~-

1ampI_~CIIIIa (GllUT

O l O 1 ~

15aJrJelt phalmac NEIL DAGGETT JR B 5 R PH

Jay Teen A nmiddotversary Tht lV

5th Anniversary

Mr amp Mrs Vernie Mayo of Milo celebrated their 55th WeT he Jayteen Center was gaily decorated fo r itls F irs t Birthshyday celebration The Jayteen members and the ir guests e nj oyed Anniversary last Sunday P ondo nthe las t child left at heL bi r thday cake and refreshments along wi th the r egular acti vi ties poses with the couple (above photo) The Mayos are parents

A three foot four tier Cake was made by Steve Hamlin out of twelve children and look forward to many m or e anniversarie pr efabricated material with a single candle s ymbolizing OBe year their golde n era dnce we opened the youth center The real bir thday cake was made and beautifully decorated by Miss Holly Clark and cupcakes er e made by the Jayteen Council

Arrangements were made far in advanc e by the council and the Jayteens deserve a lot of credit

A contest was run and prizes given to the neates t gir l and the lea testboy (won by Linda Decker and R odney Ross) These were hard choices to make each one present was dressed at his or he r --ery best

At this time the first appearance of the new Jay teen sign was made on the side of the center it was a donation by the Coca Cola Company Our thanks to them

Our thanks to the Jaycee State Vice President and Mrs Roy ~Iayo who were kind enough to be chaperones for this special 0shy

(c asion The Jaycee Youth Committe e

qce qceLcome ~r 13il1e1 Esthe r McClain and Janifer Davis with Mr MacTavish

helped advertis e the F ood Sale

The Milo High Student Council held their annual fall food s ondons Da rage last Saturday at the B angor Hydr o Office The proceeds fr

Formerly the Davis Garage the s ale amounted to appr oximate ly $4000 This amoun l wiI added to the Student Council Scholarship F und that will benSpeedy -lerviceshy some student who wishes to f tUthe r his educ ation

The COlUlcihvis he s to thank lVIr IVlur ray for hi s hospitality for the us e of hi s offic eGeneral Repair GaslOil

H A 1=1 r T 1 ~ T



TOW C R I ER Page 9 HE

E TSION SERVICE NEWS RE LEASE advisory group has m ade a trip into Gulf Hagas scenic

F tain gorge in Piscataquis County The Technical Action Ie for Rural Area Development Piscataquis County made

p on Wednesday October 16 mb els of the Panel making the trip were Robert Farris of

er -Foxcroft Soil Conser ation Service Elmer Leland of ervi lle Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Fra ville or Orono Fores t Sheldon of Dover-Foxcroft and Richard son of Dover-F oxcroft University of Maine Extension Sershy Another m ember of the Panel James LaCasce of the Maine st Service was unable to make the trip

middot~in Brown of Milo served as guide to the group and helped e pOints of interest

n Horne of Milo provided a four wheel drive vehicle which ed the group to travel into the so-called Hermitage before

ting the trek by foot _E various m embers of the group were bighly impressed by the

c beauty of the area and fe el that i t has great potential as a st attr action

Mrs June Smith of Dover-Foxcroft secretary in the Piscatashyquis County Extension Office points out a new office Sign to Mrs

sts pres ent for Kathys ninth birthday were Shelley Lewis ELvinDow of East Dover Mrs Dow 1s Bome Economics Chairshy- th Carey Gayle Carey Br enda MCKinnon Valer ib Howard man for the P i ounty Extention Association and President of ra Monroe Barbara Bradeen and Che yl Jones the County Womens Extension Group

1 The Extension office entrance is on the East side of the Dover-

I aus F oxcroftPostOffice It is maintained under a cooperative agreeshyOlDe ment between the U of M the United States Dept of Agricul-

Meat ture and the Pisco County Extension As soc 1he office served as

IF O r bull 1 headquarters for Extension Agentgt in Piscataquis County and for Extension Specialists from the U of M when they are work-CORNED BEEF (extra lean) wlaquo inPisc County The offic e also contains informational mat-

Photo of Extension group on one side of the Gulf (note sheer rock wall of opposite side of gulf in background ) Birthday

photographershot this picture of happy young people at a ay party he ld for Miss Kathy Rhoda last Friday afternoon

You n I dtlp 011 du tt hliH h flj1h[ Pur n-po rc ~ Irtl t H 1011 0

69cent lb BACON 39cent lb

BONE LESS CHUCK ROAST 10~ off 59~ lb

CHUCK STEAK l Ocent off 49cent lb

PORK ROAST (rib end) 10cent off 29~ lb

BOT TOM ROUND ROAST 20cent off 69cent lb

TOP ROUND STEAK 20 off 79cent lb


middot11 most of which are available to the general public at no _a ge


Persons interested in Extens~on information are invited to call in at the office weekdays 8-12 A M and 1-5 p M

[own (lrllr Sub sui ptionKame __________________________

Stree __________________

City _ _ ____ State _______

P lease fin enclosed (C I rcle one $5 00 (or

FHA NE WS Equal Employment Opportuni~ ty Regulation Explained--shy

Car lton IV1 Brackett Area Super visor Farmers Hom e Adminis tration spent Wedshynesday Oct 23 at the Newshy


bull 11 ~

port F HA office explaining eshy~ JosephP Chassion Post qualopportunity 1nem ployment American Legion is havshy under const r uc tion financed

e Supper and Dance at the a nces with F HA loan Town Hall on Nov 11th Robert C Farris County Supshy

lper willbe at 630 After ervisor at Newport e r entertainment will be Mr Br ackett pointed out that

featuring~ded upstairs any construction project such i n Treworgy Chellis Mitshy as anewhome poultry house ~ the MH S Band and dairy barn or other type of real

H S Chorus The benshy es tate improvem ent c osting in ion will be given by Linshy excess of $10 000 00 to by Lord and the clOSing pray fiuanced in whole or in part - Father Clancy with FHA loan funds r equires er the entertainment the posting at the site notices of s will dance to music by compliance with requir ements trouts Orchestra of the President s Committee e terans and their wives OIJ Equal Oppor tunity as th~y nvited relate to the promotion and as = ~-T KNITTERS CLUB surance of equal e mp loyment Silent Knitters Club met opportuni ty for qua lified per shyiay nightat Mrs Linwood sons without regard 10 r ace I n s in Derby This club creed color or national rigin -en to anyone interested in This applies to loan s appshyning to kni LMrs LinwoQ(l roved by FHA on or after Oct ns was electedpresident 3 1963

Charles Solomon Vice Par ticipa ting in the discuss shyr ent and Mrs Frank ion wi th NIT Bracke tt were

~ on secretary-treasurer Farris Asst County SupershyIermembers included lrs visor Allan Thorne and Betty


~ aSaYer Mrs GaryRoshy Matteson COl-ntyOffice Cler k nand Mrs Gerald Smith one interes ted inlearning t can call Mrs Jackins 3- 2250 after 3 P M

ppy HOUR CLUB Happy Hour Club met

es day afternoon at the _ of Mrs John Willinski 12 members present

e business meeting was ucted by the president Jane Tobin

s were made for the monshybirthday dinner to be put

) V o 6 at the home of Mrs Willinski The birthday

Ir s Jane Tobin will be r ed Plans were made e club to go to the Oronshy II AY in Orono on Oct 29th

e hos tess P o-ke-no was 8JaitmntuJ d during the afternoon t at

E DEPT SUPPER 1i5)ft~ ~1NlII~ wnville Fire Dept is hav- LS ~~~~ll ~

a supper Sat Nov 2 from 630 P M in the Masonic

W1NTER Contd from Page 1

Heavy snow snapped off this utility pole on outer Pleasant Street snow and wind brought down trees and utility poles Power was dis l upted in Milo for forty-five m inutes at noon and for a li t tle o e1 three hours in the evening Snow plows and sand tr ucks were in operation by late mor nin Bangor Hydro line cr ews wo rked in the wet snow repairing power cables in the woods be shytween Milo and Howland The storm greatly reduced the curshyrent fi r e danger froID extremelv drv woods and fields

NOTIC E The office of the Registrar at

Milo Town Hall will be open from 8to50n N 0V 1st and 4th and froID 8 to l~ neon on Nov 2 for the pw pr s e of cor r ecting the voting list

just Cme in and Check Our PricesHunters


Childrens si zes $390 Adults sizes $400

h]]l Dpound)DJjJ ~flOP

Mens Rubber Pacs 475 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Size 3to 6 Hooded sweat shirts Red or Gray Reg 2 95 insulat shyed 40 19 Mens Flannel Shirts 2 59 HanesThermali teunderwear Drawers amp Shirt 269 ea Mens RainSuits Tanor yelshylow 5 75 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLES amp -ROOF shyING PAPE R White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ s q h

~Oi Simkos [~1Geural Store

bull bull



WLBZ - v Channel 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 1963

-- oday 300 Loretta Young Theater 7 00 Today 300 L oretta Young Theater

-ew5 330 You Dont Say (C)

Y OCTOBER 31 1963

725 News 330 You Don t say (C)

--oday 400 The Ma tch Game 730 Today 4 00 The Ma tch Game

425 NBC Newsalternoon Report 825 News 425 News

_aday 430 Superman 8 30 Today 4 30 SuperM an HIGH FIDELITY900 Wom an s Hour 500 Trai tmas ter

lay Wben 600 Channel 2 News 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 Kews with FMAM bull Stereo FM Radio _BC News Morning Report S20 Wha t s the Weather

-be Womans Hour 500 Trailmaster

1 025 NBC News 620 What s the Weathe r

or d for Word (Cl 625 Sports Report 10 30 Word fo r Word (C) 625 Spo rts Report

Conce ntration (Cl 6 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 11 00 Concentration (C) 63 0 Huntley Br inkle y Report ~n All STEREO js sing Link (Cl 700 Cur ly OBrien 11 30 Missing Link (C) 700 Donna Reed

Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Combat 1200 Your First Impressio n (C) 7 30 M ndny Night Movie New 1964 1230 Truth or Consuences White Feather (C)Truth or Consequences 830 Dr Kildare 1255 NBC News Day Report 900 Hollywood and the Stars

Genera l Hospital 1000 Kra [t Suspense Theater 1 00 General Hospital 10 00 Sing Along With Mitch

J Price is Right 1100 ABC News Final 1 30 The P r ice is Right 11 00 ABC News Fieal

People Will Talk (C) 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather 200 Peop le Will Talk (Cl 1110 Chamle l 2 News Weather

id a fte rnoon Report amp Sports 225 News amp Sports

The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) 230 Th e Doctors li 20 Tonight Show (C)

Be Ne ws Day RepOl-t 930 Hazel (Cl

TUESDAY NOVEMBE R 5 1963 The TRAVtATA bull Mode l ML2636

American Provincia l Styling

- Y NOVEMBER 1 1963 --oday X eN S


iBC News Morning Re port

us B UlU1Y

co Boy a nd Reddy (C)

Hector Hen thcote (C) Fireball XL - 5 (C)


Wo r d [0- Word (C) Co cebtration (C) iss ng Link (C)

Your FI -5t Impnssion (C)

DAY KOVEMBE R 3 1963 mclmiddot icans at work

ac lcd Heart T lis is the Li fe Fa ith for Today Tbe Hour of SI Francis People are Funny Wide Wodd Of Sports

Cameo Theater ~(WS Encore A country ca ll ed Europe

u l1day

_fiLO Friday Nov

700 ~~~ Loretta YOWlg Theater 725

You uont Say (C) 7 30 400 The Match Gam~ 825 425 NBC News aite lOQon report 830

0300 Superman v Trailma s tel 600 Channe l 2 News 6 20 Whats the Wea ther

625 Sp rts Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley 700 Flint tones 730 International Sbolltime (C) 830 Bob Hoplt Pre se nts (C) 9 30 Farmers Daughter 10 00 Jack Paul Show (C) 11 00 ABC News Fina l 11 10 Channe l 2 ~ews Weather

amp Sports 11 30 Tonigh t show (Cl

230 The Pioneers

300 Dragnet 330 Championship Bowling

4 30 NF L Highlights

500 Dance P ar ty

6 00 700 730 830 900

11 20

500 530 600 730

8 30 900

Lawrenee Welk Bill Dana Show The Li e ute nant J oey Bishop (C)



1025 10 30 1100 1130 12 00 1230 1255 1 00 1 30 200 230

900 1000 102 5 1 03 0

11 00 SaturJay Night at the Vlovi 11 30 IILe t s Make Lovel 12 00

RhEi ngold Thea te r 12 30 The Untouchllb les 12 55

1 00 1 30 2 00

Wild Kingdom (C) 225

GE College Bowl (C) 230

Wagon Train (e)

Walt Disney s Wonderful Wodd O[ Color Grindk Bona nz a (C)

Today News Today Ne ws Today

Womans HOllr

Say When News Word for Word (C) Concenlaation (C) Missing Link (C) Your First Impression (C) Truth or Consequences NBC News Day Repomiddot t

General Hospital The Pr ice is Right People Will Ta lk (1 The Doc tors

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1963 700 Today 725 News 730 Today 825 New 830 Today

Womanrs Hour Say Whem N~ws

Word [or Wo rd (C)

Concentra ti Oll (C )

Missing Li nk (C ) YOUI Firs t lmpr c~sion (C)

Truth 01 C onSctuences -BC N~ws Da Re po rt

Gcn~I 1 Hosp ita l Thl Price is Ri Jht P eople Wi ll T alk lCW5

The DO(tors

1000 Show o[ the Week (C) 11 00 The Wor ld this Wee kend 1115 Story o[

FireStation 2~4 and6-8PM Mrs Lillv Washburn

RABIES IMMUNIZA TION Free Rabies shots will be given all dogs and cats at the followshying places and times

Mr amp Mrs Daniel Washburn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by holding an open house at their home on Front Street in Brownville October 22nd

E achworeflowersgiventhem by the daughter and son-in-law Mr amp Mrs Ear l Gerrish who were celebrating their 13th anshyniversary

The cake was made by Mrs Mar joire Harmon of Milo and

1st at the was served by daugh ter in law

300 Lor et ta YouPg Theatemiddot 330 YOll Dont Say (e) 400 Matc h Gam e 425 NBC Kews afternoon Re po rt 4 30 Superman 500 Trailmaster 6 00 Channel 2 News 1amp 20 Whats the WlUlther 625 Sports Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley Re port 7 00 Patty Duke 730 IVIr Novak 830 Mr amp Mrs Music_ 900 Richard Boone 1000 Bell T elephone Hour (C) 11 00 11 10 11 30

300 330 400 425 430 5 00 ij OO 62 0 625 630 700 7 30 900 1000 11 00 1110

ABC News Fina l C hannel 2 News Wea the rSports Tonight Show (C)

Loretta Young Theater You Dont Say (C) The Match Game NBC News a ite rnoon report Superma n T r ai lmas te r Channel 2 News Wha ts the Whenthe r spo rts Report Hun Uc ) Br ink ley Report Spotlight on Youth The Vi qinia n (C) Ben Casey

Eleven th HOUl ABC Ne ilS F in a l Channe l 2 NeilS

We thel amp SpOlmiddotmiddot 5

11 30 To night Sholl (C)

The SCHUBERT middot Model ML26 0 Early American Styling

The BEETHOVEN middot Mode l ML2607 Itali an Provincial Styli ng

The BRAHMSmiddot Model Ml2606 Danish Modern Styling


Transitional Styling


MICROmiddotTOUCH 2G TONE ARM with free float ing




72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone

Page 5: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday


ug h therehavebeenafew deer r egistered in the a rea durshy e fi r s t week of open season we were able to ge t a photo of _ vo The deer weighing about 70 pounds a piece were shot arry Johnston and Carlton Rumery with a 30 06 and a 16 _shotgun in Sebec Larr y Johns tOll and Ca r ltons lvo year on George are s hown above wi t tl the d e1

L ROADERS STANDINGS S O Henders on 1011 _ a rne W L 9 M P elky 100 16 Leftovers 23 5 10 P Morrison 1007 ~1i lo Town Team 23 7 11 C Decker 1 005 Offic e 23 7 TEAM LElillERS Car Shops 1 22 8 E lec tric s 1581 C P Shops 17 13 INDIVIDUAL LEADERS Carpenters 17 13 F Small 357

E lectric s 16 14 INDIVIDUA L HIGH THREE Car Shop 2 14 16 GAME S Iach Shops 12 18 F Small 146

Page )

A trac k mee t was held a t the Country C lub cousse las t Friday with Milo High winning by a score of 18 to 44 over Higgins

First five finishers and their times as follows Decker of Milo 1650 Ham lin of Milo 1708 E m erson of Higgins 17 1 6 Dow of Milo 17 48 P ullen of Milo 1 750

This is the las t local track meet of the s eason 111e State Meet at Orono will be run this week e nd Milo High has had a very successful sea son and coach Walte r deserves all the praise we hope he recei yes from the town for the fine work he has done

C P Station 12 18 ~at Wood Prod 10 20 B rovvllville 7 23

6 24 6 24

100 Plu B owlers Small 107 5 Lyford 104 1 G

bull KnO les 10410 P _ IOrI ill 103 12

We Slock and

Install Window alass




The 7th nnual Milo-Derby Teachers Club TalentShow pia e to a packed house in Milo Town Hall last Friday night SOl Talent Show Winne s

ote and John B rown

2n Div Winners lith Joseph Villani

_d Di Winners Deb Olah Carey ilie Junior High Chorus and e Seven Tail Dwads with accompanists Arlettn H ~ld Ken-

twenty-five acts in three age divisions were all worthy of spe c ial mention The show was em-ceed by Mr Phil Gerow ac companiests Arletta Hill and Kendall Lord The introduc and welcome was given by the club president Mr Reno Deschain The show committee were Ernestine Folsom chairman Helen Chappels Edwin Treworgy Eleanor Heath Patricia Crosby ar Dana Grindleo

Winners in the first division were 1st place Lisa and Amt Cyr 2nd place Alice Buford 3rd place Patrick Cote and Joh B rown Second Division winners 1st place Paul Ellingson l

place Gerald L add and Bobby Hogan and 3rd place Joseph Villan Third Division winners 1st place Deborah Carey 2nd placE the Junior High Chorus (Donna Campbell Lillian Perham Lar Br own Cheryl Lord Darleen Morrison Janna Fowles Delormiddot Adams Marlena Brown Connie ussey Kathy Smith J ean Curtis Debbie Pelkey Shirly McCLJl1ell Linda Gerow Stepha i e Sturtevant and Susan Sturtevant) 3rd place The Seven T Swarfs (Paulette Stanchfield Esther McClain Alice Wharto Ellen Reardon Carole Gero Jane Lutterell Diane Lufkin) bull

~ft1U lletvze

About the NEW LOW PRICES It Western Auto

THE MOST SC RUMPTIOUS candies you ever took home Creammiddots clusters caramels fruits fudge and fancies-26 chocolate-covered kinds in a pound This is Fanny Farmers

HOME ASSORTMENT $1 65 and $325

Wh YO w Ih c boy rutnr ~ ~~ 0(


H E T O C R IE R Page (

JC Orientation

Lto R Terry Ferrill J C International Senator Hampden Ro

o s Receptio

Row L to R Rachel W F ogg Grand Conductress Ellwood Pollis Asst Grand P atron Betty Jean Braley Wor thy Grand Mayo State Vice President Millinocket Steve Benne tt Vice 200 Herbert M Sessions Worthy Grand P atron Agnes H -t Asst Grand Matron 2nd Row L to R Barbara Temple -mith Grand Martha Eve S Rooman Grand E sther P hoebe oster Gr and R uth L orna P Ingraham Grand Adah Nellie -errill Grand Chaplain 3rd Row L to R Gladys Stetson

md Treasurer Madelin B Stevens Grand Secretary Charles lmlan Grand Sentinel Alicea Wa llgren Gr and Orga nist Enid Foshay Grand Electa and Eleanor W Yerya Grand Marshy

_dworthChapter No 39 Order oi the Eastern StaT held Grand ly Night and a reception for Grand Electa E nid Foshay at

_Iasonic Hall in Milo last Saturday Approximate ly 200 people ended the supper and reception The pr ogra m was tmder the cction of Worthy Matron Priscilla Chase of Milo

w That RCA makes the color tubes for not only their own


(NO OTHE R COMPANY MAKES THEIR OWN TUBES) Black amp White from $12995 Color from $4499 5 Free Home De monstration Big trade in Allowance

See Tom Howa lid

DIAL 943-7717

r OSBY 5

President of Hanlpden J C s Robert Good President of Hampshyden iCS and Ronald Richards Orientation Night Chairman 0 Milo

The Milo Jaycees held their annual orientation m eeting at the Derby Community Hall last Thrusday Guests speakers and ac vis ors from Hampden and Millinocket were present to help vi th the program (see photo)

The Jaycees and their wives enjoyed a hot dish s upper b eforE the m ee ting and dancing follOwing it

MASSE LLI FREEZER FOOD SERVICE places the finest foods within your reach F OR INFORMATION THAT



Jeon Honson at 943-7480

FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE bull Travelers Express Company Money Orders now available here


= ~ amp~ amp~ f(lomUNlJI

_--b6 ~ --shy shy- NEW YORK bull NEW YORK

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) - lt17 -~-

1ampI_~CIIIIa (GllUT

O l O 1 ~

15aJrJelt phalmac NEIL DAGGETT JR B 5 R PH

Jay Teen A nmiddotversary Tht lV

5th Anniversary

Mr amp Mrs Vernie Mayo of Milo celebrated their 55th WeT he Jayteen Center was gaily decorated fo r itls F irs t Birthshyday celebration The Jayteen members and the ir guests e nj oyed Anniversary last Sunday P ondo nthe las t child left at heL bi r thday cake and refreshments along wi th the r egular acti vi ties poses with the couple (above photo) The Mayos are parents

A three foot four tier Cake was made by Steve Hamlin out of twelve children and look forward to many m or e anniversarie pr efabricated material with a single candle s ymbolizing OBe year their golde n era dnce we opened the youth center The real bir thday cake was made and beautifully decorated by Miss Holly Clark and cupcakes er e made by the Jayteen Council

Arrangements were made far in advanc e by the council and the Jayteens deserve a lot of credit

A contest was run and prizes given to the neates t gir l and the lea testboy (won by Linda Decker and R odney Ross) These were hard choices to make each one present was dressed at his or he r --ery best

At this time the first appearance of the new Jay teen sign was made on the side of the center it was a donation by the Coca Cola Company Our thanks to them

Our thanks to the Jaycee State Vice President and Mrs Roy ~Iayo who were kind enough to be chaperones for this special 0shy

(c asion The Jaycee Youth Committe e

qce qceLcome ~r 13il1e1 Esthe r McClain and Janifer Davis with Mr MacTavish

helped advertis e the F ood Sale

The Milo High Student Council held their annual fall food s ondons Da rage last Saturday at the B angor Hydr o Office The proceeds fr

Formerly the Davis Garage the s ale amounted to appr oximate ly $4000 This amoun l wiI added to the Student Council Scholarship F und that will benSpeedy -lerviceshy some student who wishes to f tUthe r his educ ation

The COlUlcihvis he s to thank lVIr IVlur ray for hi s hospitality for the us e of hi s offic eGeneral Repair GaslOil

H A 1=1 r T 1 ~ T



TOW C R I ER Page 9 HE

E TSION SERVICE NEWS RE LEASE advisory group has m ade a trip into Gulf Hagas scenic

F tain gorge in Piscataquis County The Technical Action Ie for Rural Area Development Piscataquis County made

p on Wednesday October 16 mb els of the Panel making the trip were Robert Farris of

er -Foxcroft Soil Conser ation Service Elmer Leland of ervi lle Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Fra ville or Orono Fores t Sheldon of Dover-Foxcroft and Richard son of Dover-F oxcroft University of Maine Extension Sershy Another m ember of the Panel James LaCasce of the Maine st Service was unable to make the trip

middot~in Brown of Milo served as guide to the group and helped e pOints of interest

n Horne of Milo provided a four wheel drive vehicle which ed the group to travel into the so-called Hermitage before

ting the trek by foot _E various m embers of the group were bighly impressed by the

c beauty of the area and fe el that i t has great potential as a st attr action

Mrs June Smith of Dover-Foxcroft secretary in the Piscatashyquis County Extension Office points out a new office Sign to Mrs

sts pres ent for Kathys ninth birthday were Shelley Lewis ELvinDow of East Dover Mrs Dow 1s Bome Economics Chairshy- th Carey Gayle Carey Br enda MCKinnon Valer ib Howard man for the P i ounty Extention Association and President of ra Monroe Barbara Bradeen and Che yl Jones the County Womens Extension Group

1 The Extension office entrance is on the East side of the Dover-

I aus F oxcroftPostOffice It is maintained under a cooperative agreeshyOlDe ment between the U of M the United States Dept of Agricul-

Meat ture and the Pisco County Extension As soc 1he office served as

IF O r bull 1 headquarters for Extension Agentgt in Piscataquis County and for Extension Specialists from the U of M when they are work-CORNED BEEF (extra lean) wlaquo inPisc County The offic e also contains informational mat-

Photo of Extension group on one side of the Gulf (note sheer rock wall of opposite side of gulf in background ) Birthday

photographershot this picture of happy young people at a ay party he ld for Miss Kathy Rhoda last Friday afternoon

You n I dtlp 011 du tt hliH h flj1h[ Pur n-po rc ~ Irtl t H 1011 0

69cent lb BACON 39cent lb

BONE LESS CHUCK ROAST 10~ off 59~ lb

CHUCK STEAK l Ocent off 49cent lb

PORK ROAST (rib end) 10cent off 29~ lb

BOT TOM ROUND ROAST 20cent off 69cent lb

TOP ROUND STEAK 20 off 79cent lb


middot11 most of which are available to the general public at no _a ge


Persons interested in Extens~on information are invited to call in at the office weekdays 8-12 A M and 1-5 p M

[own (lrllr Sub sui ptionKame __________________________

Stree __________________

City _ _ ____ State _______

P lease fin enclosed (C I rcle one $5 00 (or

FHA NE WS Equal Employment Opportuni~ ty Regulation Explained--shy

Car lton IV1 Brackett Area Super visor Farmers Hom e Adminis tration spent Wedshynesday Oct 23 at the Newshy


bull 11 ~

port F HA office explaining eshy~ JosephP Chassion Post qualopportunity 1nem ployment American Legion is havshy under const r uc tion financed

e Supper and Dance at the a nces with F HA loan Town Hall on Nov 11th Robert C Farris County Supshy

lper willbe at 630 After ervisor at Newport e r entertainment will be Mr Br ackett pointed out that

featuring~ded upstairs any construction project such i n Treworgy Chellis Mitshy as anewhome poultry house ~ the MH S Band and dairy barn or other type of real

H S Chorus The benshy es tate improvem ent c osting in ion will be given by Linshy excess of $10 000 00 to by Lord and the clOSing pray fiuanced in whole or in part - Father Clancy with FHA loan funds r equires er the entertainment the posting at the site notices of s will dance to music by compliance with requir ements trouts Orchestra of the President s Committee e terans and their wives OIJ Equal Oppor tunity as th~y nvited relate to the promotion and as = ~-T KNITTERS CLUB surance of equal e mp loyment Silent Knitters Club met opportuni ty for qua lified per shyiay nightat Mrs Linwood sons without regard 10 r ace I n s in Derby This club creed color or national rigin -en to anyone interested in This applies to loan s appshyning to kni LMrs LinwoQ(l roved by FHA on or after Oct ns was electedpresident 3 1963

Charles Solomon Vice Par ticipa ting in the discuss shyr ent and Mrs Frank ion wi th NIT Bracke tt were

~ on secretary-treasurer Farris Asst County SupershyIermembers included lrs visor Allan Thorne and Betty


~ aSaYer Mrs GaryRoshy Matteson COl-ntyOffice Cler k nand Mrs Gerald Smith one interes ted inlearning t can call Mrs Jackins 3- 2250 after 3 P M

ppy HOUR CLUB Happy Hour Club met

es day afternoon at the _ of Mrs John Willinski 12 members present

e business meeting was ucted by the president Jane Tobin

s were made for the monshybirthday dinner to be put

) V o 6 at the home of Mrs Willinski The birthday

Ir s Jane Tobin will be r ed Plans were made e club to go to the Oronshy II AY in Orono on Oct 29th

e hos tess P o-ke-no was 8JaitmntuJ d during the afternoon t at

E DEPT SUPPER 1i5)ft~ ~1NlII~ wnville Fire Dept is hav- LS ~~~~ll ~

a supper Sat Nov 2 from 630 P M in the Masonic

W1NTER Contd from Page 1

Heavy snow snapped off this utility pole on outer Pleasant Street snow and wind brought down trees and utility poles Power was dis l upted in Milo for forty-five m inutes at noon and for a li t tle o e1 three hours in the evening Snow plows and sand tr ucks were in operation by late mor nin Bangor Hydro line cr ews wo rked in the wet snow repairing power cables in the woods be shytween Milo and Howland The storm greatly reduced the curshyrent fi r e danger froID extremelv drv woods and fields

NOTIC E The office of the Registrar at

Milo Town Hall will be open from 8to50n N 0V 1st and 4th and froID 8 to l~ neon on Nov 2 for the pw pr s e of cor r ecting the voting list

just Cme in and Check Our PricesHunters


Childrens si zes $390 Adults sizes $400

h]]l Dpound)DJjJ ~flOP

Mens Rubber Pacs 475 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Size 3to 6 Hooded sweat shirts Red or Gray Reg 2 95 insulat shyed 40 19 Mens Flannel Shirts 2 59 HanesThermali teunderwear Drawers amp Shirt 269 ea Mens RainSuits Tanor yelshylow 5 75 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLES amp -ROOF shyING PAPE R White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ s q h

~Oi Simkos [~1Geural Store

bull bull



WLBZ - v Channel 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 1963

-- oday 300 Loretta Young Theater 7 00 Today 300 L oretta Young Theater

-ew5 330 You Dont Say (C)

Y OCTOBER 31 1963

725 News 330 You Don t say (C)

--oday 400 The Ma tch Game 730 Today 4 00 The Ma tch Game

425 NBC Newsalternoon Report 825 News 425 News

_aday 430 Superman 8 30 Today 4 30 SuperM an HIGH FIDELITY900 Wom an s Hour 500 Trai tmas ter

lay Wben 600 Channel 2 News 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 Kews with FMAM bull Stereo FM Radio _BC News Morning Report S20 Wha t s the Weather

-be Womans Hour 500 Trailmaster

1 025 NBC News 620 What s the Weathe r

or d for Word (Cl 625 Sports Report 10 30 Word fo r Word (C) 625 Spo rts Report

Conce ntration (Cl 6 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 11 00 Concentration (C) 63 0 Huntley Br inkle y Report ~n All STEREO js sing Link (Cl 700 Cur ly OBrien 11 30 Missing Link (C) 700 Donna Reed

Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Combat 1200 Your First Impressio n (C) 7 30 M ndny Night Movie New 1964 1230 Truth or Consuences White Feather (C)Truth or Consequences 830 Dr Kildare 1255 NBC News Day Report 900 Hollywood and the Stars

Genera l Hospital 1000 Kra [t Suspense Theater 1 00 General Hospital 10 00 Sing Along With Mitch

J Price is Right 1100 ABC News Final 1 30 The P r ice is Right 11 00 ABC News Fieal

People Will Talk (C) 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather 200 Peop le Will Talk (Cl 1110 Chamle l 2 News Weather

id a fte rnoon Report amp Sports 225 News amp Sports

The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) 230 Th e Doctors li 20 Tonight Show (C)

Be Ne ws Day RepOl-t 930 Hazel (Cl

TUESDAY NOVEMBE R 5 1963 The TRAVtATA bull Mode l ML2636

American Provincia l Styling

- Y NOVEMBER 1 1963 --oday X eN S


iBC News Morning Re port

us B UlU1Y

co Boy a nd Reddy (C)

Hector Hen thcote (C) Fireball XL - 5 (C)


Wo r d [0- Word (C) Co cebtration (C) iss ng Link (C)

Your FI -5t Impnssion (C)

DAY KOVEMBE R 3 1963 mclmiddot icans at work

ac lcd Heart T lis is the Li fe Fa ith for Today Tbe Hour of SI Francis People are Funny Wide Wodd Of Sports

Cameo Theater ~(WS Encore A country ca ll ed Europe

u l1day

_fiLO Friday Nov

700 ~~~ Loretta YOWlg Theater 725

You uont Say (C) 7 30 400 The Match Gam~ 825 425 NBC News aite lOQon report 830

0300 Superman v Trailma s tel 600 Channe l 2 News 6 20 Whats the Wea ther

625 Sp rts Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley 700 Flint tones 730 International Sbolltime (C) 830 Bob Hoplt Pre se nts (C) 9 30 Farmers Daughter 10 00 Jack Paul Show (C) 11 00 ABC News Fina l 11 10 Channe l 2 ~ews Weather

amp Sports 11 30 Tonigh t show (Cl

230 The Pioneers

300 Dragnet 330 Championship Bowling

4 30 NF L Highlights

500 Dance P ar ty

6 00 700 730 830 900

11 20

500 530 600 730

8 30 900

Lawrenee Welk Bill Dana Show The Li e ute nant J oey Bishop (C)



1025 10 30 1100 1130 12 00 1230 1255 1 00 1 30 200 230

900 1000 102 5 1 03 0

11 00 SaturJay Night at the Vlovi 11 30 IILe t s Make Lovel 12 00

RhEi ngold Thea te r 12 30 The Untouchllb les 12 55

1 00 1 30 2 00

Wild Kingdom (C) 225

GE College Bowl (C) 230

Wagon Train (e)

Walt Disney s Wonderful Wodd O[ Color Grindk Bona nz a (C)

Today News Today Ne ws Today

Womans HOllr

Say When News Word for Word (C) Concenlaation (C) Missing Link (C) Your First Impression (C) Truth or Consequences NBC News Day Repomiddot t

General Hospital The Pr ice is Right People Will Ta lk (1 The Doc tors

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1963 700 Today 725 News 730 Today 825 New 830 Today

Womanrs Hour Say Whem N~ws

Word [or Wo rd (C)

Concentra ti Oll (C )

Missing Li nk (C ) YOUI Firs t lmpr c~sion (C)

Truth 01 C onSctuences -BC N~ws Da Re po rt

Gcn~I 1 Hosp ita l Thl Price is Ri Jht P eople Wi ll T alk lCW5

The DO(tors

1000 Show o[ the Week (C) 11 00 The Wor ld this Wee kend 1115 Story o[

FireStation 2~4 and6-8PM Mrs Lillv Washburn

RABIES IMMUNIZA TION Free Rabies shots will be given all dogs and cats at the followshying places and times

Mr amp Mrs Daniel Washburn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by holding an open house at their home on Front Street in Brownville October 22nd

E achworeflowersgiventhem by the daughter and son-in-law Mr amp Mrs Ear l Gerrish who were celebrating their 13th anshyniversary

The cake was made by Mrs Mar joire Harmon of Milo and

1st at the was served by daugh ter in law

300 Lor et ta YouPg Theatemiddot 330 YOll Dont Say (e) 400 Matc h Gam e 425 NBC Kews afternoon Re po rt 4 30 Superman 500 Trailmaster 6 00 Channel 2 News 1amp 20 Whats the WlUlther 625 Sports Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley Re port 7 00 Patty Duke 730 IVIr Novak 830 Mr amp Mrs Music_ 900 Richard Boone 1000 Bell T elephone Hour (C) 11 00 11 10 11 30

300 330 400 425 430 5 00 ij OO 62 0 625 630 700 7 30 900 1000 11 00 1110

ABC News Fina l C hannel 2 News Wea the rSports Tonight Show (C)

Loretta Young Theater You Dont Say (C) The Match Game NBC News a ite rnoon report Superma n T r ai lmas te r Channel 2 News Wha ts the Whenthe r spo rts Report Hun Uc ) Br ink ley Report Spotlight on Youth The Vi qinia n (C) Ben Casey

Eleven th HOUl ABC Ne ilS F in a l Channe l 2 NeilS

We thel amp SpOlmiddotmiddot 5

11 30 To night Sholl (C)

The SCHUBERT middot Model ML26 0 Early American Styling

The BEETHOVEN middot Mode l ML2607 Itali an Provincial Styli ng

The BRAHMSmiddot Model Ml2606 Danish Modern Styling


Transitional Styling


MICROmiddotTOUCH 2G TONE ARM with free float ing




72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone

Page 6: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday



The 7th nnual Milo-Derby Teachers Club TalentShow pia e to a packed house in Milo Town Hall last Friday night SOl Talent Show Winne s

ote and John B rown

2n Div Winners lith Joseph Villani

_d Di Winners Deb Olah Carey ilie Junior High Chorus and e Seven Tail Dwads with accompanists Arlettn H ~ld Ken-

twenty-five acts in three age divisions were all worthy of spe c ial mention The show was em-ceed by Mr Phil Gerow ac companiests Arletta Hill and Kendall Lord The introduc and welcome was given by the club president Mr Reno Deschain The show committee were Ernestine Folsom chairman Helen Chappels Edwin Treworgy Eleanor Heath Patricia Crosby ar Dana Grindleo

Winners in the first division were 1st place Lisa and Amt Cyr 2nd place Alice Buford 3rd place Patrick Cote and Joh B rown Second Division winners 1st place Paul Ellingson l

place Gerald L add and Bobby Hogan and 3rd place Joseph Villan Third Division winners 1st place Deborah Carey 2nd placE the Junior High Chorus (Donna Campbell Lillian Perham Lar Br own Cheryl Lord Darleen Morrison Janna Fowles Delormiddot Adams Marlena Brown Connie ussey Kathy Smith J ean Curtis Debbie Pelkey Shirly McCLJl1ell Linda Gerow Stepha i e Sturtevant and Susan Sturtevant) 3rd place The Seven T Swarfs (Paulette Stanchfield Esther McClain Alice Wharto Ellen Reardon Carole Gero Jane Lutterell Diane Lufkin) bull

~ft1U lletvze

About the NEW LOW PRICES It Western Auto

THE MOST SC RUMPTIOUS candies you ever took home Creammiddots clusters caramels fruits fudge and fancies-26 chocolate-covered kinds in a pound This is Fanny Farmers

HOME ASSORTMENT $1 65 and $325

Wh YO w Ih c boy rutnr ~ ~~ 0(


H E T O C R IE R Page (

JC Orientation

Lto R Terry Ferrill J C International Senator Hampden Ro

o s Receptio

Row L to R Rachel W F ogg Grand Conductress Ellwood Pollis Asst Grand P atron Betty Jean Braley Wor thy Grand Mayo State Vice President Millinocket Steve Benne tt Vice 200 Herbert M Sessions Worthy Grand P atron Agnes H -t Asst Grand Matron 2nd Row L to R Barbara Temple -mith Grand Martha Eve S Rooman Grand E sther P hoebe oster Gr and R uth L orna P Ingraham Grand Adah Nellie -errill Grand Chaplain 3rd Row L to R Gladys Stetson

md Treasurer Madelin B Stevens Grand Secretary Charles lmlan Grand Sentinel Alicea Wa llgren Gr and Orga nist Enid Foshay Grand Electa and Eleanor W Yerya Grand Marshy

_dworthChapter No 39 Order oi the Eastern StaT held Grand ly Night and a reception for Grand Electa E nid Foshay at

_Iasonic Hall in Milo last Saturday Approximate ly 200 people ended the supper and reception The pr ogra m was tmder the cction of Worthy Matron Priscilla Chase of Milo

w That RCA makes the color tubes for not only their own


(NO OTHE R COMPANY MAKES THEIR OWN TUBES) Black amp White from $12995 Color from $4499 5 Free Home De monstration Big trade in Allowance

See Tom Howa lid

DIAL 943-7717

r OSBY 5

President of Hanlpden J C s Robert Good President of Hampshyden iCS and Ronald Richards Orientation Night Chairman 0 Milo

The Milo Jaycees held their annual orientation m eeting at the Derby Community Hall last Thrusday Guests speakers and ac vis ors from Hampden and Millinocket were present to help vi th the program (see photo)

The Jaycees and their wives enjoyed a hot dish s upper b eforE the m ee ting and dancing follOwing it

MASSE LLI FREEZER FOOD SERVICE places the finest foods within your reach F OR INFORMATION THAT



Jeon Honson at 943-7480

FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE bull Travelers Express Company Money Orders now available here


= ~ amp~ amp~ f(lomUNlJI

_--b6 ~ --shy shy- NEW YORK bull NEW YORK

-_bullbull I~--oM-=-




) - lt17 -~-

1ampI_~CIIIIa (GllUT

O l O 1 ~

15aJrJelt phalmac NEIL DAGGETT JR B 5 R PH

Jay Teen A nmiddotversary Tht lV

5th Anniversary

Mr amp Mrs Vernie Mayo of Milo celebrated their 55th WeT he Jayteen Center was gaily decorated fo r itls F irs t Birthshyday celebration The Jayteen members and the ir guests e nj oyed Anniversary last Sunday P ondo nthe las t child left at heL bi r thday cake and refreshments along wi th the r egular acti vi ties poses with the couple (above photo) The Mayos are parents

A three foot four tier Cake was made by Steve Hamlin out of twelve children and look forward to many m or e anniversarie pr efabricated material with a single candle s ymbolizing OBe year their golde n era dnce we opened the youth center The real bir thday cake was made and beautifully decorated by Miss Holly Clark and cupcakes er e made by the Jayteen Council

Arrangements were made far in advanc e by the council and the Jayteens deserve a lot of credit

A contest was run and prizes given to the neates t gir l and the lea testboy (won by Linda Decker and R odney Ross) These were hard choices to make each one present was dressed at his or he r --ery best

At this time the first appearance of the new Jay teen sign was made on the side of the center it was a donation by the Coca Cola Company Our thanks to them

Our thanks to the Jaycee State Vice President and Mrs Roy ~Iayo who were kind enough to be chaperones for this special 0shy

(c asion The Jaycee Youth Committe e

qce qceLcome ~r 13il1e1 Esthe r McClain and Janifer Davis with Mr MacTavish

helped advertis e the F ood Sale

The Milo High Student Council held their annual fall food s ondons Da rage last Saturday at the B angor Hydr o Office The proceeds fr

Formerly the Davis Garage the s ale amounted to appr oximate ly $4000 This amoun l wiI added to the Student Council Scholarship F und that will benSpeedy -lerviceshy some student who wishes to f tUthe r his educ ation

The COlUlcihvis he s to thank lVIr IVlur ray for hi s hospitality for the us e of hi s offic eGeneral Repair GaslOil

H A 1=1 r T 1 ~ T



TOW C R I ER Page 9 HE

E TSION SERVICE NEWS RE LEASE advisory group has m ade a trip into Gulf Hagas scenic

F tain gorge in Piscataquis County The Technical Action Ie for Rural Area Development Piscataquis County made

p on Wednesday October 16 mb els of the Panel making the trip were Robert Farris of

er -Foxcroft Soil Conser ation Service Elmer Leland of ervi lle Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Fra ville or Orono Fores t Sheldon of Dover-Foxcroft and Richard son of Dover-F oxcroft University of Maine Extension Sershy Another m ember of the Panel James LaCasce of the Maine st Service was unable to make the trip

middot~in Brown of Milo served as guide to the group and helped e pOints of interest

n Horne of Milo provided a four wheel drive vehicle which ed the group to travel into the so-called Hermitage before

ting the trek by foot _E various m embers of the group were bighly impressed by the

c beauty of the area and fe el that i t has great potential as a st attr action

Mrs June Smith of Dover-Foxcroft secretary in the Piscatashyquis County Extension Office points out a new office Sign to Mrs

sts pres ent for Kathys ninth birthday were Shelley Lewis ELvinDow of East Dover Mrs Dow 1s Bome Economics Chairshy- th Carey Gayle Carey Br enda MCKinnon Valer ib Howard man for the P i ounty Extention Association and President of ra Monroe Barbara Bradeen and Che yl Jones the County Womens Extension Group

1 The Extension office entrance is on the East side of the Dover-

I aus F oxcroftPostOffice It is maintained under a cooperative agreeshyOlDe ment between the U of M the United States Dept of Agricul-

Meat ture and the Pisco County Extension As soc 1he office served as

IF O r bull 1 headquarters for Extension Agentgt in Piscataquis County and for Extension Specialists from the U of M when they are work-CORNED BEEF (extra lean) wlaquo inPisc County The offic e also contains informational mat-

Photo of Extension group on one side of the Gulf (note sheer rock wall of opposite side of gulf in background ) Birthday

photographershot this picture of happy young people at a ay party he ld for Miss Kathy Rhoda last Friday afternoon

You n I dtlp 011 du tt hliH h flj1h[ Pur n-po rc ~ Irtl t H 1011 0

69cent lb BACON 39cent lb

BONE LESS CHUCK ROAST 10~ off 59~ lb

CHUCK STEAK l Ocent off 49cent lb

PORK ROAST (rib end) 10cent off 29~ lb

BOT TOM ROUND ROAST 20cent off 69cent lb

TOP ROUND STEAK 20 off 79cent lb


middot11 most of which are available to the general public at no _a ge


Persons interested in Extens~on information are invited to call in at the office weekdays 8-12 A M and 1-5 p M

[own (lrllr Sub sui ptionKame __________________________

Stree __________________

City _ _ ____ State _______

P lease fin enclosed (C I rcle one $5 00 (or

FHA NE WS Equal Employment Opportuni~ ty Regulation Explained--shy

Car lton IV1 Brackett Area Super visor Farmers Hom e Adminis tration spent Wedshynesday Oct 23 at the Newshy


bull 11 ~

port F HA office explaining eshy~ JosephP Chassion Post qualopportunity 1nem ployment American Legion is havshy under const r uc tion financed

e Supper and Dance at the a nces with F HA loan Town Hall on Nov 11th Robert C Farris County Supshy

lper willbe at 630 After ervisor at Newport e r entertainment will be Mr Br ackett pointed out that

featuring~ded upstairs any construction project such i n Treworgy Chellis Mitshy as anewhome poultry house ~ the MH S Band and dairy barn or other type of real

H S Chorus The benshy es tate improvem ent c osting in ion will be given by Linshy excess of $10 000 00 to by Lord and the clOSing pray fiuanced in whole or in part - Father Clancy with FHA loan funds r equires er the entertainment the posting at the site notices of s will dance to music by compliance with requir ements trouts Orchestra of the President s Committee e terans and their wives OIJ Equal Oppor tunity as th~y nvited relate to the promotion and as = ~-T KNITTERS CLUB surance of equal e mp loyment Silent Knitters Club met opportuni ty for qua lified per shyiay nightat Mrs Linwood sons without regard 10 r ace I n s in Derby This club creed color or national rigin -en to anyone interested in This applies to loan s appshyning to kni LMrs LinwoQ(l roved by FHA on or after Oct ns was electedpresident 3 1963

Charles Solomon Vice Par ticipa ting in the discuss shyr ent and Mrs Frank ion wi th NIT Bracke tt were

~ on secretary-treasurer Farris Asst County SupershyIermembers included lrs visor Allan Thorne and Betty


~ aSaYer Mrs GaryRoshy Matteson COl-ntyOffice Cler k nand Mrs Gerald Smith one interes ted inlearning t can call Mrs Jackins 3- 2250 after 3 P M

ppy HOUR CLUB Happy Hour Club met

es day afternoon at the _ of Mrs John Willinski 12 members present

e business meeting was ucted by the president Jane Tobin

s were made for the monshybirthday dinner to be put

) V o 6 at the home of Mrs Willinski The birthday

Ir s Jane Tobin will be r ed Plans were made e club to go to the Oronshy II AY in Orono on Oct 29th

e hos tess P o-ke-no was 8JaitmntuJ d during the afternoon t at

E DEPT SUPPER 1i5)ft~ ~1NlII~ wnville Fire Dept is hav- LS ~~~~ll ~

a supper Sat Nov 2 from 630 P M in the Masonic

W1NTER Contd from Page 1

Heavy snow snapped off this utility pole on outer Pleasant Street snow and wind brought down trees and utility poles Power was dis l upted in Milo for forty-five m inutes at noon and for a li t tle o e1 three hours in the evening Snow plows and sand tr ucks were in operation by late mor nin Bangor Hydro line cr ews wo rked in the wet snow repairing power cables in the woods be shytween Milo and Howland The storm greatly reduced the curshyrent fi r e danger froID extremelv drv woods and fields

NOTIC E The office of the Registrar at

Milo Town Hall will be open from 8to50n N 0V 1st and 4th and froID 8 to l~ neon on Nov 2 for the pw pr s e of cor r ecting the voting list

just Cme in and Check Our PricesHunters


Childrens si zes $390 Adults sizes $400

h]]l Dpound)DJjJ ~flOP

Mens Rubber Pacs 475 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Size 3to 6 Hooded sweat shirts Red or Gray Reg 2 95 insulat shyed 40 19 Mens Flannel Shirts 2 59 HanesThermali teunderwear Drawers amp Shirt 269 ea Mens RainSuits Tanor yelshylow 5 75 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLES amp -ROOF shyING PAPE R White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ s q h

~Oi Simkos [~1Geural Store

bull bull



WLBZ - v Channel 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 1963

-- oday 300 Loretta Young Theater 7 00 Today 300 L oretta Young Theater

-ew5 330 You Dont Say (C)

Y OCTOBER 31 1963

725 News 330 You Don t say (C)

--oday 400 The Ma tch Game 730 Today 4 00 The Ma tch Game

425 NBC Newsalternoon Report 825 News 425 News

_aday 430 Superman 8 30 Today 4 30 SuperM an HIGH FIDELITY900 Wom an s Hour 500 Trai tmas ter

lay Wben 600 Channel 2 News 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 Kews with FMAM bull Stereo FM Radio _BC News Morning Report S20 Wha t s the Weather

-be Womans Hour 500 Trailmaster

1 025 NBC News 620 What s the Weathe r

or d for Word (Cl 625 Sports Report 10 30 Word fo r Word (C) 625 Spo rts Report

Conce ntration (Cl 6 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 11 00 Concentration (C) 63 0 Huntley Br inkle y Report ~n All STEREO js sing Link (Cl 700 Cur ly OBrien 11 30 Missing Link (C) 700 Donna Reed

Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Combat 1200 Your First Impressio n (C) 7 30 M ndny Night Movie New 1964 1230 Truth or Consuences White Feather (C)Truth or Consequences 830 Dr Kildare 1255 NBC News Day Report 900 Hollywood and the Stars

Genera l Hospital 1000 Kra [t Suspense Theater 1 00 General Hospital 10 00 Sing Along With Mitch

J Price is Right 1100 ABC News Final 1 30 The P r ice is Right 11 00 ABC News Fieal

People Will Talk (C) 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather 200 Peop le Will Talk (Cl 1110 Chamle l 2 News Weather

id a fte rnoon Report amp Sports 225 News amp Sports

The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) 230 Th e Doctors li 20 Tonight Show (C)

Be Ne ws Day RepOl-t 930 Hazel (Cl

TUESDAY NOVEMBE R 5 1963 The TRAVtATA bull Mode l ML2636

American Provincia l Styling

- Y NOVEMBER 1 1963 --oday X eN S


iBC News Morning Re port

us B UlU1Y

co Boy a nd Reddy (C)

Hector Hen thcote (C) Fireball XL - 5 (C)


Wo r d [0- Word (C) Co cebtration (C) iss ng Link (C)

Your FI -5t Impnssion (C)

DAY KOVEMBE R 3 1963 mclmiddot icans at work

ac lcd Heart T lis is the Li fe Fa ith for Today Tbe Hour of SI Francis People are Funny Wide Wodd Of Sports

Cameo Theater ~(WS Encore A country ca ll ed Europe

u l1day

_fiLO Friday Nov

700 ~~~ Loretta YOWlg Theater 725

You uont Say (C) 7 30 400 The Match Gam~ 825 425 NBC News aite lOQon report 830

0300 Superman v Trailma s tel 600 Channe l 2 News 6 20 Whats the Wea ther

625 Sp rts Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley 700 Flint tones 730 International Sbolltime (C) 830 Bob Hoplt Pre se nts (C) 9 30 Farmers Daughter 10 00 Jack Paul Show (C) 11 00 ABC News Fina l 11 10 Channe l 2 ~ews Weather

amp Sports 11 30 Tonigh t show (Cl

230 The Pioneers

300 Dragnet 330 Championship Bowling

4 30 NF L Highlights

500 Dance P ar ty

6 00 700 730 830 900

11 20

500 530 600 730

8 30 900

Lawrenee Welk Bill Dana Show The Li e ute nant J oey Bishop (C)



1025 10 30 1100 1130 12 00 1230 1255 1 00 1 30 200 230

900 1000 102 5 1 03 0

11 00 SaturJay Night at the Vlovi 11 30 IILe t s Make Lovel 12 00

RhEi ngold Thea te r 12 30 The Untouchllb les 12 55

1 00 1 30 2 00

Wild Kingdom (C) 225

GE College Bowl (C) 230

Wagon Train (e)

Walt Disney s Wonderful Wodd O[ Color Grindk Bona nz a (C)

Today News Today Ne ws Today

Womans HOllr

Say When News Word for Word (C) Concenlaation (C) Missing Link (C) Your First Impression (C) Truth or Consequences NBC News Day Repomiddot t

General Hospital The Pr ice is Right People Will Ta lk (1 The Doc tors

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1963 700 Today 725 News 730 Today 825 New 830 Today

Womanrs Hour Say Whem N~ws

Word [or Wo rd (C)

Concentra ti Oll (C )

Missing Li nk (C ) YOUI Firs t lmpr c~sion (C)

Truth 01 C onSctuences -BC N~ws Da Re po rt

Gcn~I 1 Hosp ita l Thl Price is Ri Jht P eople Wi ll T alk lCW5

The DO(tors

1000 Show o[ the Week (C) 11 00 The Wor ld this Wee kend 1115 Story o[

FireStation 2~4 and6-8PM Mrs Lillv Washburn

RABIES IMMUNIZA TION Free Rabies shots will be given all dogs and cats at the followshying places and times

Mr amp Mrs Daniel Washburn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by holding an open house at their home on Front Street in Brownville October 22nd

E achworeflowersgiventhem by the daughter and son-in-law Mr amp Mrs Ear l Gerrish who were celebrating their 13th anshyniversary

The cake was made by Mrs Mar joire Harmon of Milo and

1st at the was served by daugh ter in law

300 Lor et ta YouPg Theatemiddot 330 YOll Dont Say (e) 400 Matc h Gam e 425 NBC Kews afternoon Re po rt 4 30 Superman 500 Trailmaster 6 00 Channel 2 News 1amp 20 Whats the WlUlther 625 Sports Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley Re port 7 00 Patty Duke 730 IVIr Novak 830 Mr amp Mrs Music_ 900 Richard Boone 1000 Bell T elephone Hour (C) 11 00 11 10 11 30

300 330 400 425 430 5 00 ij OO 62 0 625 630 700 7 30 900 1000 11 00 1110

ABC News Fina l C hannel 2 News Wea the rSports Tonight Show (C)

Loretta Young Theater You Dont Say (C) The Match Game NBC News a ite rnoon report Superma n T r ai lmas te r Channel 2 News Wha ts the Whenthe r spo rts Report Hun Uc ) Br ink ley Report Spotlight on Youth The Vi qinia n (C) Ben Casey

Eleven th HOUl ABC Ne ilS F in a l Channe l 2 NeilS

We thel amp SpOlmiddotmiddot 5

11 30 To night Sholl (C)

The SCHUBERT middot Model ML26 0 Early American Styling

The BEETHOVEN middot Mode l ML2607 Itali an Provincial Styli ng

The BRAHMSmiddot Model Ml2606 Danish Modern Styling


Transitional Styling


MICROmiddotTOUCH 2G TONE ARM with free float ing




72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone

Page 7: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday

H E T O C R IE R Page (

JC Orientation

Lto R Terry Ferrill J C International Senator Hampden Ro

o s Receptio

Row L to R Rachel W F ogg Grand Conductress Ellwood Pollis Asst Grand P atron Betty Jean Braley Wor thy Grand Mayo State Vice President Millinocket Steve Benne tt Vice 200 Herbert M Sessions Worthy Grand P atron Agnes H -t Asst Grand Matron 2nd Row L to R Barbara Temple -mith Grand Martha Eve S Rooman Grand E sther P hoebe oster Gr and R uth L orna P Ingraham Grand Adah Nellie -errill Grand Chaplain 3rd Row L to R Gladys Stetson

md Treasurer Madelin B Stevens Grand Secretary Charles lmlan Grand Sentinel Alicea Wa llgren Gr and Orga nist Enid Foshay Grand Electa and Eleanor W Yerya Grand Marshy

_dworthChapter No 39 Order oi the Eastern StaT held Grand ly Night and a reception for Grand Electa E nid Foshay at

_Iasonic Hall in Milo last Saturday Approximate ly 200 people ended the supper and reception The pr ogra m was tmder the cction of Worthy Matron Priscilla Chase of Milo

w That RCA makes the color tubes for not only their own


(NO OTHE R COMPANY MAKES THEIR OWN TUBES) Black amp White from $12995 Color from $4499 5 Free Home De monstration Big trade in Allowance

See Tom Howa lid

DIAL 943-7717

r OSBY 5

President of Hanlpden J C s Robert Good President of Hampshyden iCS and Ronald Richards Orientation Night Chairman 0 Milo

The Milo Jaycees held their annual orientation m eeting at the Derby Community Hall last Thrusday Guests speakers and ac vis ors from Hampden and Millinocket were present to help vi th the program (see photo)

The Jaycees and their wives enjoyed a hot dish s upper b eforE the m ee ting and dancing follOwing it

MASSE LLI FREEZER FOOD SERVICE places the finest foods within your reach F OR INFORMATION THAT



Jeon Honson at 943-7480

FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE bull Travelers Express Company Money Orders now available here


= ~ amp~ amp~ f(lomUNlJI

_--b6 ~ --shy shy- NEW YORK bull NEW YORK

-_bullbull I~--oM-=-




) - lt17 -~-

1ampI_~CIIIIa (GllUT

O l O 1 ~

15aJrJelt phalmac NEIL DAGGETT JR B 5 R PH

Jay Teen A nmiddotversary Tht lV

5th Anniversary

Mr amp Mrs Vernie Mayo of Milo celebrated their 55th WeT he Jayteen Center was gaily decorated fo r itls F irs t Birthshyday celebration The Jayteen members and the ir guests e nj oyed Anniversary last Sunday P ondo nthe las t child left at heL bi r thday cake and refreshments along wi th the r egular acti vi ties poses with the couple (above photo) The Mayos are parents

A three foot four tier Cake was made by Steve Hamlin out of twelve children and look forward to many m or e anniversarie pr efabricated material with a single candle s ymbolizing OBe year their golde n era dnce we opened the youth center The real bir thday cake was made and beautifully decorated by Miss Holly Clark and cupcakes er e made by the Jayteen Council

Arrangements were made far in advanc e by the council and the Jayteens deserve a lot of credit

A contest was run and prizes given to the neates t gir l and the lea testboy (won by Linda Decker and R odney Ross) These were hard choices to make each one present was dressed at his or he r --ery best

At this time the first appearance of the new Jay teen sign was made on the side of the center it was a donation by the Coca Cola Company Our thanks to them

Our thanks to the Jaycee State Vice President and Mrs Roy ~Iayo who were kind enough to be chaperones for this special 0shy

(c asion The Jaycee Youth Committe e

qce qceLcome ~r 13il1e1 Esthe r McClain and Janifer Davis with Mr MacTavish

helped advertis e the F ood Sale

The Milo High Student Council held their annual fall food s ondons Da rage last Saturday at the B angor Hydr o Office The proceeds fr

Formerly the Davis Garage the s ale amounted to appr oximate ly $4000 This amoun l wiI added to the Student Council Scholarship F und that will benSpeedy -lerviceshy some student who wishes to f tUthe r his educ ation

The COlUlcihvis he s to thank lVIr IVlur ray for hi s hospitality for the us e of hi s offic eGeneral Repair GaslOil

H A 1=1 r T 1 ~ T



TOW C R I ER Page 9 HE

E TSION SERVICE NEWS RE LEASE advisory group has m ade a trip into Gulf Hagas scenic

F tain gorge in Piscataquis County The Technical Action Ie for Rural Area Development Piscataquis County made

p on Wednesday October 16 mb els of the Panel making the trip were Robert Farris of

er -Foxcroft Soil Conser ation Service Elmer Leland of ervi lle Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Fra ville or Orono Fores t Sheldon of Dover-Foxcroft and Richard son of Dover-F oxcroft University of Maine Extension Sershy Another m ember of the Panel James LaCasce of the Maine st Service was unable to make the trip

middot~in Brown of Milo served as guide to the group and helped e pOints of interest

n Horne of Milo provided a four wheel drive vehicle which ed the group to travel into the so-called Hermitage before

ting the trek by foot _E various m embers of the group were bighly impressed by the

c beauty of the area and fe el that i t has great potential as a st attr action

Mrs June Smith of Dover-Foxcroft secretary in the Piscatashyquis County Extension Office points out a new office Sign to Mrs

sts pres ent for Kathys ninth birthday were Shelley Lewis ELvinDow of East Dover Mrs Dow 1s Bome Economics Chairshy- th Carey Gayle Carey Br enda MCKinnon Valer ib Howard man for the P i ounty Extention Association and President of ra Monroe Barbara Bradeen and Che yl Jones the County Womens Extension Group

1 The Extension office entrance is on the East side of the Dover-

I aus F oxcroftPostOffice It is maintained under a cooperative agreeshyOlDe ment between the U of M the United States Dept of Agricul-

Meat ture and the Pisco County Extension As soc 1he office served as

IF O r bull 1 headquarters for Extension Agentgt in Piscataquis County and for Extension Specialists from the U of M when they are work-CORNED BEEF (extra lean) wlaquo inPisc County The offic e also contains informational mat-

Photo of Extension group on one side of the Gulf (note sheer rock wall of opposite side of gulf in background ) Birthday

photographershot this picture of happy young people at a ay party he ld for Miss Kathy Rhoda last Friday afternoon

You n I dtlp 011 du tt hliH h flj1h[ Pur n-po rc ~ Irtl t H 1011 0

69cent lb BACON 39cent lb

BONE LESS CHUCK ROAST 10~ off 59~ lb

CHUCK STEAK l Ocent off 49cent lb

PORK ROAST (rib end) 10cent off 29~ lb

BOT TOM ROUND ROAST 20cent off 69cent lb

TOP ROUND STEAK 20 off 79cent lb


middot11 most of which are available to the general public at no _a ge


Persons interested in Extens~on information are invited to call in at the office weekdays 8-12 A M and 1-5 p M

[own (lrllr Sub sui ptionKame __________________________

Stree __________________

City _ _ ____ State _______

P lease fin enclosed (C I rcle one $5 00 (or

FHA NE WS Equal Employment Opportuni~ ty Regulation Explained--shy

Car lton IV1 Brackett Area Super visor Farmers Hom e Adminis tration spent Wedshynesday Oct 23 at the Newshy


bull 11 ~

port F HA office explaining eshy~ JosephP Chassion Post qualopportunity 1nem ployment American Legion is havshy under const r uc tion financed

e Supper and Dance at the a nces with F HA loan Town Hall on Nov 11th Robert C Farris County Supshy

lper willbe at 630 After ervisor at Newport e r entertainment will be Mr Br ackett pointed out that

featuring~ded upstairs any construction project such i n Treworgy Chellis Mitshy as anewhome poultry house ~ the MH S Band and dairy barn or other type of real

H S Chorus The benshy es tate improvem ent c osting in ion will be given by Linshy excess of $10 000 00 to by Lord and the clOSing pray fiuanced in whole or in part - Father Clancy with FHA loan funds r equires er the entertainment the posting at the site notices of s will dance to music by compliance with requir ements trouts Orchestra of the President s Committee e terans and their wives OIJ Equal Oppor tunity as th~y nvited relate to the promotion and as = ~-T KNITTERS CLUB surance of equal e mp loyment Silent Knitters Club met opportuni ty for qua lified per shyiay nightat Mrs Linwood sons without regard 10 r ace I n s in Derby This club creed color or national rigin -en to anyone interested in This applies to loan s appshyning to kni LMrs LinwoQ(l roved by FHA on or after Oct ns was electedpresident 3 1963

Charles Solomon Vice Par ticipa ting in the discuss shyr ent and Mrs Frank ion wi th NIT Bracke tt were

~ on secretary-treasurer Farris Asst County SupershyIermembers included lrs visor Allan Thorne and Betty


~ aSaYer Mrs GaryRoshy Matteson COl-ntyOffice Cler k nand Mrs Gerald Smith one interes ted inlearning t can call Mrs Jackins 3- 2250 after 3 P M

ppy HOUR CLUB Happy Hour Club met

es day afternoon at the _ of Mrs John Willinski 12 members present

e business meeting was ucted by the president Jane Tobin

s were made for the monshybirthday dinner to be put

) V o 6 at the home of Mrs Willinski The birthday

Ir s Jane Tobin will be r ed Plans were made e club to go to the Oronshy II AY in Orono on Oct 29th

e hos tess P o-ke-no was 8JaitmntuJ d during the afternoon t at

E DEPT SUPPER 1i5)ft~ ~1NlII~ wnville Fire Dept is hav- LS ~~~~ll ~

a supper Sat Nov 2 from 630 P M in the Masonic

W1NTER Contd from Page 1

Heavy snow snapped off this utility pole on outer Pleasant Street snow and wind brought down trees and utility poles Power was dis l upted in Milo for forty-five m inutes at noon and for a li t tle o e1 three hours in the evening Snow plows and sand tr ucks were in operation by late mor nin Bangor Hydro line cr ews wo rked in the wet snow repairing power cables in the woods be shytween Milo and Howland The storm greatly reduced the curshyrent fi r e danger froID extremelv drv woods and fields

NOTIC E The office of the Registrar at

Milo Town Hall will be open from 8to50n N 0V 1st and 4th and froID 8 to l~ neon on Nov 2 for the pw pr s e of cor r ecting the voting list

just Cme in and Check Our PricesHunters


Childrens si zes $390 Adults sizes $400

h]]l Dpound)DJjJ ~flOP

Mens Rubber Pacs 475 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Size 3to 6 Hooded sweat shirts Red or Gray Reg 2 95 insulat shyed 40 19 Mens Flannel Shirts 2 59 HanesThermali teunderwear Drawers amp Shirt 269 ea Mens RainSuits Tanor yelshylow 5 75 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLES amp -ROOF shyING PAPE R White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ s q h

~Oi Simkos [~1Geural Store

bull bull



WLBZ - v Channel 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 1963

-- oday 300 Loretta Young Theater 7 00 Today 300 L oretta Young Theater

-ew5 330 You Dont Say (C)

Y OCTOBER 31 1963

725 News 330 You Don t say (C)

--oday 400 The Ma tch Game 730 Today 4 00 The Ma tch Game

425 NBC Newsalternoon Report 825 News 425 News

_aday 430 Superman 8 30 Today 4 30 SuperM an HIGH FIDELITY900 Wom an s Hour 500 Trai tmas ter

lay Wben 600 Channel 2 News 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 Kews with FMAM bull Stereo FM Radio _BC News Morning Report S20 Wha t s the Weather

-be Womans Hour 500 Trailmaster

1 025 NBC News 620 What s the Weathe r

or d for Word (Cl 625 Sports Report 10 30 Word fo r Word (C) 625 Spo rts Report

Conce ntration (Cl 6 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 11 00 Concentration (C) 63 0 Huntley Br inkle y Report ~n All STEREO js sing Link (Cl 700 Cur ly OBrien 11 30 Missing Link (C) 700 Donna Reed

Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Combat 1200 Your First Impressio n (C) 7 30 M ndny Night Movie New 1964 1230 Truth or Consuences White Feather (C)Truth or Consequences 830 Dr Kildare 1255 NBC News Day Report 900 Hollywood and the Stars

Genera l Hospital 1000 Kra [t Suspense Theater 1 00 General Hospital 10 00 Sing Along With Mitch

J Price is Right 1100 ABC News Final 1 30 The P r ice is Right 11 00 ABC News Fieal

People Will Talk (C) 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather 200 Peop le Will Talk (Cl 1110 Chamle l 2 News Weather

id a fte rnoon Report amp Sports 225 News amp Sports

The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) 230 Th e Doctors li 20 Tonight Show (C)

Be Ne ws Day RepOl-t 930 Hazel (Cl

TUESDAY NOVEMBE R 5 1963 The TRAVtATA bull Mode l ML2636

American Provincia l Styling

- Y NOVEMBER 1 1963 --oday X eN S


iBC News Morning Re port

us B UlU1Y

co Boy a nd Reddy (C)

Hector Hen thcote (C) Fireball XL - 5 (C)


Wo r d [0- Word (C) Co cebtration (C) iss ng Link (C)

Your FI -5t Impnssion (C)

DAY KOVEMBE R 3 1963 mclmiddot icans at work

ac lcd Heart T lis is the Li fe Fa ith for Today Tbe Hour of SI Francis People are Funny Wide Wodd Of Sports

Cameo Theater ~(WS Encore A country ca ll ed Europe

u l1day

_fiLO Friday Nov

700 ~~~ Loretta YOWlg Theater 725

You uont Say (C) 7 30 400 The Match Gam~ 825 425 NBC News aite lOQon report 830

0300 Superman v Trailma s tel 600 Channe l 2 News 6 20 Whats the Wea ther

625 Sp rts Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley 700 Flint tones 730 International Sbolltime (C) 830 Bob Hoplt Pre se nts (C) 9 30 Farmers Daughter 10 00 Jack Paul Show (C) 11 00 ABC News Fina l 11 10 Channe l 2 ~ews Weather

amp Sports 11 30 Tonigh t show (Cl

230 The Pioneers

300 Dragnet 330 Championship Bowling

4 30 NF L Highlights

500 Dance P ar ty

6 00 700 730 830 900

11 20

500 530 600 730

8 30 900

Lawrenee Welk Bill Dana Show The Li e ute nant J oey Bishop (C)



1025 10 30 1100 1130 12 00 1230 1255 1 00 1 30 200 230

900 1000 102 5 1 03 0

11 00 SaturJay Night at the Vlovi 11 30 IILe t s Make Lovel 12 00

RhEi ngold Thea te r 12 30 The Untouchllb les 12 55

1 00 1 30 2 00

Wild Kingdom (C) 225

GE College Bowl (C) 230

Wagon Train (e)

Walt Disney s Wonderful Wodd O[ Color Grindk Bona nz a (C)

Today News Today Ne ws Today

Womans HOllr

Say When News Word for Word (C) Concenlaation (C) Missing Link (C) Your First Impression (C) Truth or Consequences NBC News Day Repomiddot t

General Hospital The Pr ice is Right People Will Ta lk (1 The Doc tors

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1963 700 Today 725 News 730 Today 825 New 830 Today

Womanrs Hour Say Whem N~ws

Word [or Wo rd (C)

Concentra ti Oll (C )

Missing Li nk (C ) YOUI Firs t lmpr c~sion (C)

Truth 01 C onSctuences -BC N~ws Da Re po rt

Gcn~I 1 Hosp ita l Thl Price is Ri Jht P eople Wi ll T alk lCW5

The DO(tors

1000 Show o[ the Week (C) 11 00 The Wor ld this Wee kend 1115 Story o[

FireStation 2~4 and6-8PM Mrs Lillv Washburn

RABIES IMMUNIZA TION Free Rabies shots will be given all dogs and cats at the followshying places and times

Mr amp Mrs Daniel Washburn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by holding an open house at their home on Front Street in Brownville October 22nd

E achworeflowersgiventhem by the daughter and son-in-law Mr amp Mrs Ear l Gerrish who were celebrating their 13th anshyniversary

The cake was made by Mrs Mar joire Harmon of Milo and

1st at the was served by daugh ter in law

300 Lor et ta YouPg Theatemiddot 330 YOll Dont Say (e) 400 Matc h Gam e 425 NBC Kews afternoon Re po rt 4 30 Superman 500 Trailmaster 6 00 Channel 2 News 1amp 20 Whats the WlUlther 625 Sports Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley Re port 7 00 Patty Duke 730 IVIr Novak 830 Mr amp Mrs Music_ 900 Richard Boone 1000 Bell T elephone Hour (C) 11 00 11 10 11 30

300 330 400 425 430 5 00 ij OO 62 0 625 630 700 7 30 900 1000 11 00 1110

ABC News Fina l C hannel 2 News Wea the rSports Tonight Show (C)

Loretta Young Theater You Dont Say (C) The Match Game NBC News a ite rnoon report Superma n T r ai lmas te r Channel 2 News Wha ts the Whenthe r spo rts Report Hun Uc ) Br ink ley Report Spotlight on Youth The Vi qinia n (C) Ben Casey

Eleven th HOUl ABC Ne ilS F in a l Channe l 2 NeilS

We thel amp SpOlmiddotmiddot 5

11 30 To night Sholl (C)

The SCHUBERT middot Model ML26 0 Early American Styling

The BEETHOVEN middot Mode l ML2607 Itali an Provincial Styli ng

The BRAHMSmiddot Model Ml2606 Danish Modern Styling


Transitional Styling


MICROmiddotTOUCH 2G TONE ARM with free float ing




72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone

Page 8: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday

Jay Teen A nmiddotversary Tht lV

5th Anniversary

Mr amp Mrs Vernie Mayo of Milo celebrated their 55th WeT he Jayteen Center was gaily decorated fo r itls F irs t Birthshyday celebration The Jayteen members and the ir guests e nj oyed Anniversary last Sunday P ondo nthe las t child left at heL bi r thday cake and refreshments along wi th the r egular acti vi ties poses with the couple (above photo) The Mayos are parents

A three foot four tier Cake was made by Steve Hamlin out of twelve children and look forward to many m or e anniversarie pr efabricated material with a single candle s ymbolizing OBe year their golde n era dnce we opened the youth center The real bir thday cake was made and beautifully decorated by Miss Holly Clark and cupcakes er e made by the Jayteen Council

Arrangements were made far in advanc e by the council and the Jayteens deserve a lot of credit

A contest was run and prizes given to the neates t gir l and the lea testboy (won by Linda Decker and R odney Ross) These were hard choices to make each one present was dressed at his or he r --ery best

At this time the first appearance of the new Jay teen sign was made on the side of the center it was a donation by the Coca Cola Company Our thanks to them

Our thanks to the Jaycee State Vice President and Mrs Roy ~Iayo who were kind enough to be chaperones for this special 0shy

(c asion The Jaycee Youth Committe e

qce qceLcome ~r 13il1e1 Esthe r McClain and Janifer Davis with Mr MacTavish

helped advertis e the F ood Sale

The Milo High Student Council held their annual fall food s ondons Da rage last Saturday at the B angor Hydr o Office The proceeds fr

Formerly the Davis Garage the s ale amounted to appr oximate ly $4000 This amoun l wiI added to the Student Council Scholarship F und that will benSpeedy -lerviceshy some student who wishes to f tUthe r his educ ation

The COlUlcihvis he s to thank lVIr IVlur ray for hi s hospitality for the us e of hi s offic eGeneral Repair GaslOil

H A 1=1 r T 1 ~ T



TOW C R I ER Page 9 HE

E TSION SERVICE NEWS RE LEASE advisory group has m ade a trip into Gulf Hagas scenic

F tain gorge in Piscataquis County The Technical Action Ie for Rural Area Development Piscataquis County made

p on Wednesday October 16 mb els of the Panel making the trip were Robert Farris of

er -Foxcroft Soil Conser ation Service Elmer Leland of ervi lle Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Fra ville or Orono Fores t Sheldon of Dover-Foxcroft and Richard son of Dover-F oxcroft University of Maine Extension Sershy Another m ember of the Panel James LaCasce of the Maine st Service was unable to make the trip

middot~in Brown of Milo served as guide to the group and helped e pOints of interest

n Horne of Milo provided a four wheel drive vehicle which ed the group to travel into the so-called Hermitage before

ting the trek by foot _E various m embers of the group were bighly impressed by the

c beauty of the area and fe el that i t has great potential as a st attr action

Mrs June Smith of Dover-Foxcroft secretary in the Piscatashyquis County Extension Office points out a new office Sign to Mrs

sts pres ent for Kathys ninth birthday were Shelley Lewis ELvinDow of East Dover Mrs Dow 1s Bome Economics Chairshy- th Carey Gayle Carey Br enda MCKinnon Valer ib Howard man for the P i ounty Extention Association and President of ra Monroe Barbara Bradeen and Che yl Jones the County Womens Extension Group

1 The Extension office entrance is on the East side of the Dover-

I aus F oxcroftPostOffice It is maintained under a cooperative agreeshyOlDe ment between the U of M the United States Dept of Agricul-

Meat ture and the Pisco County Extension As soc 1he office served as

IF O r bull 1 headquarters for Extension Agentgt in Piscataquis County and for Extension Specialists from the U of M when they are work-CORNED BEEF (extra lean) wlaquo inPisc County The offic e also contains informational mat-

Photo of Extension group on one side of the Gulf (note sheer rock wall of opposite side of gulf in background ) Birthday

photographershot this picture of happy young people at a ay party he ld for Miss Kathy Rhoda last Friday afternoon

You n I dtlp 011 du tt hliH h flj1h[ Pur n-po rc ~ Irtl t H 1011 0

69cent lb BACON 39cent lb

BONE LESS CHUCK ROAST 10~ off 59~ lb

CHUCK STEAK l Ocent off 49cent lb

PORK ROAST (rib end) 10cent off 29~ lb

BOT TOM ROUND ROAST 20cent off 69cent lb

TOP ROUND STEAK 20 off 79cent lb


middot11 most of which are available to the general public at no _a ge


Persons interested in Extens~on information are invited to call in at the office weekdays 8-12 A M and 1-5 p M

[own (lrllr Sub sui ptionKame __________________________

Stree __________________

City _ _ ____ State _______

P lease fin enclosed (C I rcle one $5 00 (or

FHA NE WS Equal Employment Opportuni~ ty Regulation Explained--shy

Car lton IV1 Brackett Area Super visor Farmers Hom e Adminis tration spent Wedshynesday Oct 23 at the Newshy


bull 11 ~

port F HA office explaining eshy~ JosephP Chassion Post qualopportunity 1nem ployment American Legion is havshy under const r uc tion financed

e Supper and Dance at the a nces with F HA loan Town Hall on Nov 11th Robert C Farris County Supshy

lper willbe at 630 After ervisor at Newport e r entertainment will be Mr Br ackett pointed out that

featuring~ded upstairs any construction project such i n Treworgy Chellis Mitshy as anewhome poultry house ~ the MH S Band and dairy barn or other type of real

H S Chorus The benshy es tate improvem ent c osting in ion will be given by Linshy excess of $10 000 00 to by Lord and the clOSing pray fiuanced in whole or in part - Father Clancy with FHA loan funds r equires er the entertainment the posting at the site notices of s will dance to music by compliance with requir ements trouts Orchestra of the President s Committee e terans and their wives OIJ Equal Oppor tunity as th~y nvited relate to the promotion and as = ~-T KNITTERS CLUB surance of equal e mp loyment Silent Knitters Club met opportuni ty for qua lified per shyiay nightat Mrs Linwood sons without regard 10 r ace I n s in Derby This club creed color or national rigin -en to anyone interested in This applies to loan s appshyning to kni LMrs LinwoQ(l roved by FHA on or after Oct ns was electedpresident 3 1963

Charles Solomon Vice Par ticipa ting in the discuss shyr ent and Mrs Frank ion wi th NIT Bracke tt were

~ on secretary-treasurer Farris Asst County SupershyIermembers included lrs visor Allan Thorne and Betty


~ aSaYer Mrs GaryRoshy Matteson COl-ntyOffice Cler k nand Mrs Gerald Smith one interes ted inlearning t can call Mrs Jackins 3- 2250 after 3 P M

ppy HOUR CLUB Happy Hour Club met

es day afternoon at the _ of Mrs John Willinski 12 members present

e business meeting was ucted by the president Jane Tobin

s were made for the monshybirthday dinner to be put

) V o 6 at the home of Mrs Willinski The birthday

Ir s Jane Tobin will be r ed Plans were made e club to go to the Oronshy II AY in Orono on Oct 29th

e hos tess P o-ke-no was 8JaitmntuJ d during the afternoon t at

E DEPT SUPPER 1i5)ft~ ~1NlII~ wnville Fire Dept is hav- LS ~~~~ll ~

a supper Sat Nov 2 from 630 P M in the Masonic

W1NTER Contd from Page 1

Heavy snow snapped off this utility pole on outer Pleasant Street snow and wind brought down trees and utility poles Power was dis l upted in Milo for forty-five m inutes at noon and for a li t tle o e1 three hours in the evening Snow plows and sand tr ucks were in operation by late mor nin Bangor Hydro line cr ews wo rked in the wet snow repairing power cables in the woods be shytween Milo and Howland The storm greatly reduced the curshyrent fi r e danger froID extremelv drv woods and fields

NOTIC E The office of the Registrar at

Milo Town Hall will be open from 8to50n N 0V 1st and 4th and froID 8 to l~ neon on Nov 2 for the pw pr s e of cor r ecting the voting list

just Cme in and Check Our PricesHunters


Childrens si zes $390 Adults sizes $400

h]]l Dpound)DJjJ ~flOP

Mens Rubber Pacs 475 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Size 3to 6 Hooded sweat shirts Red or Gray Reg 2 95 insulat shyed 40 19 Mens Flannel Shirts 2 59 HanesThermali teunderwear Drawers amp Shirt 269 ea Mens RainSuits Tanor yelshylow 5 75 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLES amp -ROOF shyING PAPE R White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ s q h

~Oi Simkos [~1Geural Store

bull bull



WLBZ - v Channel 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 1963

-- oday 300 Loretta Young Theater 7 00 Today 300 L oretta Young Theater

-ew5 330 You Dont Say (C)

Y OCTOBER 31 1963

725 News 330 You Don t say (C)

--oday 400 The Ma tch Game 730 Today 4 00 The Ma tch Game

425 NBC Newsalternoon Report 825 News 425 News

_aday 430 Superman 8 30 Today 4 30 SuperM an HIGH FIDELITY900 Wom an s Hour 500 Trai tmas ter

lay Wben 600 Channel 2 News 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 Kews with FMAM bull Stereo FM Radio _BC News Morning Report S20 Wha t s the Weather

-be Womans Hour 500 Trailmaster

1 025 NBC News 620 What s the Weathe r

or d for Word (Cl 625 Sports Report 10 30 Word fo r Word (C) 625 Spo rts Report

Conce ntration (Cl 6 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 11 00 Concentration (C) 63 0 Huntley Br inkle y Report ~n All STEREO js sing Link (Cl 700 Cur ly OBrien 11 30 Missing Link (C) 700 Donna Reed

Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Combat 1200 Your First Impressio n (C) 7 30 M ndny Night Movie New 1964 1230 Truth or Consuences White Feather (C)Truth or Consequences 830 Dr Kildare 1255 NBC News Day Report 900 Hollywood and the Stars

Genera l Hospital 1000 Kra [t Suspense Theater 1 00 General Hospital 10 00 Sing Along With Mitch

J Price is Right 1100 ABC News Final 1 30 The P r ice is Right 11 00 ABC News Fieal

People Will Talk (C) 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather 200 Peop le Will Talk (Cl 1110 Chamle l 2 News Weather

id a fte rnoon Report amp Sports 225 News amp Sports

The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) 230 Th e Doctors li 20 Tonight Show (C)

Be Ne ws Day RepOl-t 930 Hazel (Cl

TUESDAY NOVEMBE R 5 1963 The TRAVtATA bull Mode l ML2636

American Provincia l Styling

- Y NOVEMBER 1 1963 --oday X eN S


iBC News Morning Re port

us B UlU1Y

co Boy a nd Reddy (C)

Hector Hen thcote (C) Fireball XL - 5 (C)


Wo r d [0- Word (C) Co cebtration (C) iss ng Link (C)

Your FI -5t Impnssion (C)

DAY KOVEMBE R 3 1963 mclmiddot icans at work

ac lcd Heart T lis is the Li fe Fa ith for Today Tbe Hour of SI Francis People are Funny Wide Wodd Of Sports

Cameo Theater ~(WS Encore A country ca ll ed Europe

u l1day

_fiLO Friday Nov

700 ~~~ Loretta YOWlg Theater 725

You uont Say (C) 7 30 400 The Match Gam~ 825 425 NBC News aite lOQon report 830

0300 Superman v Trailma s tel 600 Channe l 2 News 6 20 Whats the Wea ther

625 Sp rts Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley 700 Flint tones 730 International Sbolltime (C) 830 Bob Hoplt Pre se nts (C) 9 30 Farmers Daughter 10 00 Jack Paul Show (C) 11 00 ABC News Fina l 11 10 Channe l 2 ~ews Weather

amp Sports 11 30 Tonigh t show (Cl

230 The Pioneers

300 Dragnet 330 Championship Bowling

4 30 NF L Highlights

500 Dance P ar ty

6 00 700 730 830 900

11 20

500 530 600 730

8 30 900

Lawrenee Welk Bill Dana Show The Li e ute nant J oey Bishop (C)



1025 10 30 1100 1130 12 00 1230 1255 1 00 1 30 200 230

900 1000 102 5 1 03 0

11 00 SaturJay Night at the Vlovi 11 30 IILe t s Make Lovel 12 00

RhEi ngold Thea te r 12 30 The Untouchllb les 12 55

1 00 1 30 2 00

Wild Kingdom (C) 225

GE College Bowl (C) 230

Wagon Train (e)

Walt Disney s Wonderful Wodd O[ Color Grindk Bona nz a (C)

Today News Today Ne ws Today

Womans HOllr

Say When News Word for Word (C) Concenlaation (C) Missing Link (C) Your First Impression (C) Truth or Consequences NBC News Day Repomiddot t

General Hospital The Pr ice is Right People Will Ta lk (1 The Doc tors

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1963 700 Today 725 News 730 Today 825 New 830 Today

Womanrs Hour Say Whem N~ws

Word [or Wo rd (C)

Concentra ti Oll (C )

Missing Li nk (C ) YOUI Firs t lmpr c~sion (C)

Truth 01 C onSctuences -BC N~ws Da Re po rt

Gcn~I 1 Hosp ita l Thl Price is Ri Jht P eople Wi ll T alk lCW5

The DO(tors

1000 Show o[ the Week (C) 11 00 The Wor ld this Wee kend 1115 Story o[

FireStation 2~4 and6-8PM Mrs Lillv Washburn

RABIES IMMUNIZA TION Free Rabies shots will be given all dogs and cats at the followshying places and times

Mr amp Mrs Daniel Washburn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by holding an open house at their home on Front Street in Brownville October 22nd

E achworeflowersgiventhem by the daughter and son-in-law Mr amp Mrs Ear l Gerrish who were celebrating their 13th anshyniversary

The cake was made by Mrs Mar joire Harmon of Milo and

1st at the was served by daugh ter in law

300 Lor et ta YouPg Theatemiddot 330 YOll Dont Say (e) 400 Matc h Gam e 425 NBC Kews afternoon Re po rt 4 30 Superman 500 Trailmaster 6 00 Channel 2 News 1amp 20 Whats the WlUlther 625 Sports Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley Re port 7 00 Patty Duke 730 IVIr Novak 830 Mr amp Mrs Music_ 900 Richard Boone 1000 Bell T elephone Hour (C) 11 00 11 10 11 30

300 330 400 425 430 5 00 ij OO 62 0 625 630 700 7 30 900 1000 11 00 1110

ABC News Fina l C hannel 2 News Wea the rSports Tonight Show (C)

Loretta Young Theater You Dont Say (C) The Match Game NBC News a ite rnoon report Superma n T r ai lmas te r Channel 2 News Wha ts the Whenthe r spo rts Report Hun Uc ) Br ink ley Report Spotlight on Youth The Vi qinia n (C) Ben Casey

Eleven th HOUl ABC Ne ilS F in a l Channe l 2 NeilS

We thel amp SpOlmiddotmiddot 5

11 30 To night Sholl (C)

The SCHUBERT middot Model ML26 0 Early American Styling

The BEETHOVEN middot Mode l ML2607 Itali an Provincial Styli ng

The BRAHMSmiddot Model Ml2606 Danish Modern Styling


Transitional Styling


MICROmiddotTOUCH 2G TONE ARM with free float ing




72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone

Page 9: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday

TOW C R I ER Page 9 HE

E TSION SERVICE NEWS RE LEASE advisory group has m ade a trip into Gulf Hagas scenic

F tain gorge in Piscataquis County The Technical Action Ie for Rural Area Development Piscataquis County made

p on Wednesday October 16 mb els of the Panel making the trip were Robert Farris of

er -Foxcroft Soil Conser ation Service Elmer Leland of ervi lle Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Fra ville or Orono Fores t Sheldon of Dover-Foxcroft and Richard son of Dover-F oxcroft University of Maine Extension Sershy Another m ember of the Panel James LaCasce of the Maine st Service was unable to make the trip

middot~in Brown of Milo served as guide to the group and helped e pOints of interest

n Horne of Milo provided a four wheel drive vehicle which ed the group to travel into the so-called Hermitage before

ting the trek by foot _E various m embers of the group were bighly impressed by the

c beauty of the area and fe el that i t has great potential as a st attr action

Mrs June Smith of Dover-Foxcroft secretary in the Piscatashyquis County Extension Office points out a new office Sign to Mrs

sts pres ent for Kathys ninth birthday were Shelley Lewis ELvinDow of East Dover Mrs Dow 1s Bome Economics Chairshy- th Carey Gayle Carey Br enda MCKinnon Valer ib Howard man for the P i ounty Extention Association and President of ra Monroe Barbara Bradeen and Che yl Jones the County Womens Extension Group

1 The Extension office entrance is on the East side of the Dover-

I aus F oxcroftPostOffice It is maintained under a cooperative agreeshyOlDe ment between the U of M the United States Dept of Agricul-

Meat ture and the Pisco County Extension As soc 1he office served as

IF O r bull 1 headquarters for Extension Agentgt in Piscataquis County and for Extension Specialists from the U of M when they are work-CORNED BEEF (extra lean) wlaquo inPisc County The offic e also contains informational mat-

Photo of Extension group on one side of the Gulf (note sheer rock wall of opposite side of gulf in background ) Birthday

photographershot this picture of happy young people at a ay party he ld for Miss Kathy Rhoda last Friday afternoon

You n I dtlp 011 du tt hliH h flj1h[ Pur n-po rc ~ Irtl t H 1011 0

69cent lb BACON 39cent lb

BONE LESS CHUCK ROAST 10~ off 59~ lb

CHUCK STEAK l Ocent off 49cent lb

PORK ROAST (rib end) 10cent off 29~ lb

BOT TOM ROUND ROAST 20cent off 69cent lb

TOP ROUND STEAK 20 off 79cent lb


middot11 most of which are available to the general public at no _a ge


Persons interested in Extens~on information are invited to call in at the office weekdays 8-12 A M and 1-5 p M

[own (lrllr Sub sui ptionKame __________________________

Stree __________________

City _ _ ____ State _______

P lease fin enclosed (C I rcle one $5 00 (or

FHA NE WS Equal Employment Opportuni~ ty Regulation Explained--shy

Car lton IV1 Brackett Area Super visor Farmers Hom e Adminis tration spent Wedshynesday Oct 23 at the Newshy


bull 11 ~

port F HA office explaining eshy~ JosephP Chassion Post qualopportunity 1nem ployment American Legion is havshy under const r uc tion financed

e Supper and Dance at the a nces with F HA loan Town Hall on Nov 11th Robert C Farris County Supshy

lper willbe at 630 After ervisor at Newport e r entertainment will be Mr Br ackett pointed out that

featuring~ded upstairs any construction project such i n Treworgy Chellis Mitshy as anewhome poultry house ~ the MH S Band and dairy barn or other type of real

H S Chorus The benshy es tate improvem ent c osting in ion will be given by Linshy excess of $10 000 00 to by Lord and the clOSing pray fiuanced in whole or in part - Father Clancy with FHA loan funds r equires er the entertainment the posting at the site notices of s will dance to music by compliance with requir ements trouts Orchestra of the President s Committee e terans and their wives OIJ Equal Oppor tunity as th~y nvited relate to the promotion and as = ~-T KNITTERS CLUB surance of equal e mp loyment Silent Knitters Club met opportuni ty for qua lified per shyiay nightat Mrs Linwood sons without regard 10 r ace I n s in Derby This club creed color or national rigin -en to anyone interested in This applies to loan s appshyning to kni LMrs LinwoQ(l roved by FHA on or after Oct ns was electedpresident 3 1963

Charles Solomon Vice Par ticipa ting in the discuss shyr ent and Mrs Frank ion wi th NIT Bracke tt were

~ on secretary-treasurer Farris Asst County SupershyIermembers included lrs visor Allan Thorne and Betty


~ aSaYer Mrs GaryRoshy Matteson COl-ntyOffice Cler k nand Mrs Gerald Smith one interes ted inlearning t can call Mrs Jackins 3- 2250 after 3 P M

ppy HOUR CLUB Happy Hour Club met

es day afternoon at the _ of Mrs John Willinski 12 members present

e business meeting was ucted by the president Jane Tobin

s were made for the monshybirthday dinner to be put

) V o 6 at the home of Mrs Willinski The birthday

Ir s Jane Tobin will be r ed Plans were made e club to go to the Oronshy II AY in Orono on Oct 29th

e hos tess P o-ke-no was 8JaitmntuJ d during the afternoon t at

E DEPT SUPPER 1i5)ft~ ~1NlII~ wnville Fire Dept is hav- LS ~~~~ll ~

a supper Sat Nov 2 from 630 P M in the Masonic

W1NTER Contd from Page 1

Heavy snow snapped off this utility pole on outer Pleasant Street snow and wind brought down trees and utility poles Power was dis l upted in Milo for forty-five m inutes at noon and for a li t tle o e1 three hours in the evening Snow plows and sand tr ucks were in operation by late mor nin Bangor Hydro line cr ews wo rked in the wet snow repairing power cables in the woods be shytween Milo and Howland The storm greatly reduced the curshyrent fi r e danger froID extremelv drv woods and fields

NOTIC E The office of the Registrar at

Milo Town Hall will be open from 8to50n N 0V 1st and 4th and froID 8 to l~ neon on Nov 2 for the pw pr s e of cor r ecting the voting list

just Cme in and Check Our PricesHunters


Childrens si zes $390 Adults sizes $400

h]]l Dpound)DJjJ ~flOP

Mens Rubber Pacs 475 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Size 3to 6 Hooded sweat shirts Red or Gray Reg 2 95 insulat shyed 40 19 Mens Flannel Shirts 2 59 HanesThermali teunderwear Drawers amp Shirt 269 ea Mens RainSuits Tanor yelshylow 5 75 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLES amp -ROOF shyING PAPE R White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ s q h

~Oi Simkos [~1Geural Store

bull bull



WLBZ - v Channel 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 1963

-- oday 300 Loretta Young Theater 7 00 Today 300 L oretta Young Theater

-ew5 330 You Dont Say (C)

Y OCTOBER 31 1963

725 News 330 You Don t say (C)

--oday 400 The Ma tch Game 730 Today 4 00 The Ma tch Game

425 NBC Newsalternoon Report 825 News 425 News

_aday 430 Superman 8 30 Today 4 30 SuperM an HIGH FIDELITY900 Wom an s Hour 500 Trai tmas ter

lay Wben 600 Channel 2 News 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 Kews with FMAM bull Stereo FM Radio _BC News Morning Report S20 Wha t s the Weather

-be Womans Hour 500 Trailmaster

1 025 NBC News 620 What s the Weathe r

or d for Word (Cl 625 Sports Report 10 30 Word fo r Word (C) 625 Spo rts Report

Conce ntration (Cl 6 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 11 00 Concentration (C) 63 0 Huntley Br inkle y Report ~n All STEREO js sing Link (Cl 700 Cur ly OBrien 11 30 Missing Link (C) 700 Donna Reed

Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Combat 1200 Your First Impressio n (C) 7 30 M ndny Night Movie New 1964 1230 Truth or Consuences White Feather (C)Truth or Consequences 830 Dr Kildare 1255 NBC News Day Report 900 Hollywood and the Stars

Genera l Hospital 1000 Kra [t Suspense Theater 1 00 General Hospital 10 00 Sing Along With Mitch

J Price is Right 1100 ABC News Final 1 30 The P r ice is Right 11 00 ABC News Fieal

People Will Talk (C) 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather 200 Peop le Will Talk (Cl 1110 Chamle l 2 News Weather

id a fte rnoon Report amp Sports 225 News amp Sports

The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) 230 Th e Doctors li 20 Tonight Show (C)

Be Ne ws Day RepOl-t 930 Hazel (Cl

TUESDAY NOVEMBE R 5 1963 The TRAVtATA bull Mode l ML2636

American Provincia l Styling

- Y NOVEMBER 1 1963 --oday X eN S


iBC News Morning Re port

us B UlU1Y

co Boy a nd Reddy (C)

Hector Hen thcote (C) Fireball XL - 5 (C)


Wo r d [0- Word (C) Co cebtration (C) iss ng Link (C)

Your FI -5t Impnssion (C)

DAY KOVEMBE R 3 1963 mclmiddot icans at work

ac lcd Heart T lis is the Li fe Fa ith for Today Tbe Hour of SI Francis People are Funny Wide Wodd Of Sports

Cameo Theater ~(WS Encore A country ca ll ed Europe

u l1day

_fiLO Friday Nov

700 ~~~ Loretta YOWlg Theater 725

You uont Say (C) 7 30 400 The Match Gam~ 825 425 NBC News aite lOQon report 830

0300 Superman v Trailma s tel 600 Channe l 2 News 6 20 Whats the Wea ther

625 Sp rts Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley 700 Flint tones 730 International Sbolltime (C) 830 Bob Hoplt Pre se nts (C) 9 30 Farmers Daughter 10 00 Jack Paul Show (C) 11 00 ABC News Fina l 11 10 Channe l 2 ~ews Weather

amp Sports 11 30 Tonigh t show (Cl

230 The Pioneers

300 Dragnet 330 Championship Bowling

4 30 NF L Highlights

500 Dance P ar ty

6 00 700 730 830 900

11 20

500 530 600 730

8 30 900

Lawrenee Welk Bill Dana Show The Li e ute nant J oey Bishop (C)



1025 10 30 1100 1130 12 00 1230 1255 1 00 1 30 200 230

900 1000 102 5 1 03 0

11 00 SaturJay Night at the Vlovi 11 30 IILe t s Make Lovel 12 00

RhEi ngold Thea te r 12 30 The Untouchllb les 12 55

1 00 1 30 2 00

Wild Kingdom (C) 225

GE College Bowl (C) 230

Wagon Train (e)

Walt Disney s Wonderful Wodd O[ Color Grindk Bona nz a (C)

Today News Today Ne ws Today

Womans HOllr

Say When News Word for Word (C) Concenlaation (C) Missing Link (C) Your First Impression (C) Truth or Consequences NBC News Day Repomiddot t

General Hospital The Pr ice is Right People Will Ta lk (1 The Doc tors

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1963 700 Today 725 News 730 Today 825 New 830 Today

Womanrs Hour Say Whem N~ws

Word [or Wo rd (C)

Concentra ti Oll (C )

Missing Li nk (C ) YOUI Firs t lmpr c~sion (C)

Truth 01 C onSctuences -BC N~ws Da Re po rt

Gcn~I 1 Hosp ita l Thl Price is Ri Jht P eople Wi ll T alk lCW5

The DO(tors

1000 Show o[ the Week (C) 11 00 The Wor ld this Wee kend 1115 Story o[

FireStation 2~4 and6-8PM Mrs Lillv Washburn

RABIES IMMUNIZA TION Free Rabies shots will be given all dogs and cats at the followshying places and times

Mr amp Mrs Daniel Washburn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by holding an open house at their home on Front Street in Brownville October 22nd

E achworeflowersgiventhem by the daughter and son-in-law Mr amp Mrs Ear l Gerrish who were celebrating their 13th anshyniversary

The cake was made by Mrs Mar joire Harmon of Milo and

1st at the was served by daugh ter in law

300 Lor et ta YouPg Theatemiddot 330 YOll Dont Say (e) 400 Matc h Gam e 425 NBC Kews afternoon Re po rt 4 30 Superman 500 Trailmaster 6 00 Channel 2 News 1amp 20 Whats the WlUlther 625 Sports Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley Re port 7 00 Patty Duke 730 IVIr Novak 830 Mr amp Mrs Music_ 900 Richard Boone 1000 Bell T elephone Hour (C) 11 00 11 10 11 30

300 330 400 425 430 5 00 ij OO 62 0 625 630 700 7 30 900 1000 11 00 1110

ABC News Fina l C hannel 2 News Wea the rSports Tonight Show (C)

Loretta Young Theater You Dont Say (C) The Match Game NBC News a ite rnoon report Superma n T r ai lmas te r Channel 2 News Wha ts the Whenthe r spo rts Report Hun Uc ) Br ink ley Report Spotlight on Youth The Vi qinia n (C) Ben Casey

Eleven th HOUl ABC Ne ilS F in a l Channe l 2 NeilS

We thel amp SpOlmiddotmiddot 5

11 30 To night Sholl (C)

The SCHUBERT middot Model ML26 0 Early American Styling

The BEETHOVEN middot Mode l ML2607 Itali an Provincial Styli ng

The BRAHMSmiddot Model Ml2606 Danish Modern Styling


Transitional Styling


MICROmiddotTOUCH 2G TONE ARM with free float ing




72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone

Page 10: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday

FHA NE WS Equal Employment Opportuni~ ty Regulation Explained--shy

Car lton IV1 Brackett Area Super visor Farmers Hom e Adminis tration spent Wedshynesday Oct 23 at the Newshy


bull 11 ~

port F HA office explaining eshy~ JosephP Chassion Post qualopportunity 1nem ployment American Legion is havshy under const r uc tion financed

e Supper and Dance at the a nces with F HA loan Town Hall on Nov 11th Robert C Farris County Supshy

lper willbe at 630 After ervisor at Newport e r entertainment will be Mr Br ackett pointed out that

featuring~ded upstairs any construction project such i n Treworgy Chellis Mitshy as anewhome poultry house ~ the MH S Band and dairy barn or other type of real

H S Chorus The benshy es tate improvem ent c osting in ion will be given by Linshy excess of $10 000 00 to by Lord and the clOSing pray fiuanced in whole or in part - Father Clancy with FHA loan funds r equires er the entertainment the posting at the site notices of s will dance to music by compliance with requir ements trouts Orchestra of the President s Committee e terans and their wives OIJ Equal Oppor tunity as th~y nvited relate to the promotion and as = ~-T KNITTERS CLUB surance of equal e mp loyment Silent Knitters Club met opportuni ty for qua lified per shyiay nightat Mrs Linwood sons without regard 10 r ace I n s in Derby This club creed color or national rigin -en to anyone interested in This applies to loan s appshyning to kni LMrs LinwoQ(l roved by FHA on or after Oct ns was electedpresident 3 1963

Charles Solomon Vice Par ticipa ting in the discuss shyr ent and Mrs Frank ion wi th NIT Bracke tt were

~ on secretary-treasurer Farris Asst County SupershyIermembers included lrs visor Allan Thorne and Betty


~ aSaYer Mrs GaryRoshy Matteson COl-ntyOffice Cler k nand Mrs Gerald Smith one interes ted inlearning t can call Mrs Jackins 3- 2250 after 3 P M

ppy HOUR CLUB Happy Hour Club met

es day afternoon at the _ of Mrs John Willinski 12 members present

e business meeting was ucted by the president Jane Tobin

s were made for the monshybirthday dinner to be put

) V o 6 at the home of Mrs Willinski The birthday

Ir s Jane Tobin will be r ed Plans were made e club to go to the Oronshy II AY in Orono on Oct 29th

e hos tess P o-ke-no was 8JaitmntuJ d during the afternoon t at

E DEPT SUPPER 1i5)ft~ ~1NlII~ wnville Fire Dept is hav- LS ~~~~ll ~

a supper Sat Nov 2 from 630 P M in the Masonic

W1NTER Contd from Page 1

Heavy snow snapped off this utility pole on outer Pleasant Street snow and wind brought down trees and utility poles Power was dis l upted in Milo for forty-five m inutes at noon and for a li t tle o e1 three hours in the evening Snow plows and sand tr ucks were in operation by late mor nin Bangor Hydro line cr ews wo rked in the wet snow repairing power cables in the woods be shytween Milo and Howland The storm greatly reduced the curshyrent fi r e danger froID extremelv drv woods and fields

NOTIC E The office of the Registrar at

Milo Town Hall will be open from 8to50n N 0V 1st and 4th and froID 8 to l~ neon on Nov 2 for the pw pr s e of cor r ecting the voting list

just Cme in and Check Our PricesHunters


Childrens si zes $390 Adults sizes $400

h]]l Dpound)DJjJ ~flOP

Mens Rubber Pacs 475 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Size 3to 6 Hooded sweat shirts Red or Gray Reg 2 95 insulat shyed 40 19 Mens Flannel Shirts 2 59 HanesThermali teunderwear Drawers amp Shirt 269 ea Mens RainSuits Tanor yelshylow 5 75 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLES amp -ROOF shyING PAPE R White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ s q h

~Oi Simkos [~1Geural Store

bull bull



WLBZ - v Channel 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 1963

-- oday 300 Loretta Young Theater 7 00 Today 300 L oretta Young Theater

-ew5 330 You Dont Say (C)

Y OCTOBER 31 1963

725 News 330 You Don t say (C)

--oday 400 The Ma tch Game 730 Today 4 00 The Ma tch Game

425 NBC Newsalternoon Report 825 News 425 News

_aday 430 Superman 8 30 Today 4 30 SuperM an HIGH FIDELITY900 Wom an s Hour 500 Trai tmas ter

lay Wben 600 Channel 2 News 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 Kews with FMAM bull Stereo FM Radio _BC News Morning Report S20 Wha t s the Weather

-be Womans Hour 500 Trailmaster

1 025 NBC News 620 What s the Weathe r

or d for Word (Cl 625 Sports Report 10 30 Word fo r Word (C) 625 Spo rts Report

Conce ntration (Cl 6 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 11 00 Concentration (C) 63 0 Huntley Br inkle y Report ~n All STEREO js sing Link (Cl 700 Cur ly OBrien 11 30 Missing Link (C) 700 Donna Reed

Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Combat 1200 Your First Impressio n (C) 7 30 M ndny Night Movie New 1964 1230 Truth or Consuences White Feather (C)Truth or Consequences 830 Dr Kildare 1255 NBC News Day Report 900 Hollywood and the Stars

Genera l Hospital 1000 Kra [t Suspense Theater 1 00 General Hospital 10 00 Sing Along With Mitch

J Price is Right 1100 ABC News Final 1 30 The P r ice is Right 11 00 ABC News Fieal

People Will Talk (C) 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather 200 Peop le Will Talk (Cl 1110 Chamle l 2 News Weather

id a fte rnoon Report amp Sports 225 News amp Sports

The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) 230 Th e Doctors li 20 Tonight Show (C)

Be Ne ws Day RepOl-t 930 Hazel (Cl

TUESDAY NOVEMBE R 5 1963 The TRAVtATA bull Mode l ML2636

American Provincia l Styling

- Y NOVEMBER 1 1963 --oday X eN S


iBC News Morning Re port

us B UlU1Y

co Boy a nd Reddy (C)

Hector Hen thcote (C) Fireball XL - 5 (C)


Wo r d [0- Word (C) Co cebtration (C) iss ng Link (C)

Your FI -5t Impnssion (C)

DAY KOVEMBE R 3 1963 mclmiddot icans at work

ac lcd Heart T lis is the Li fe Fa ith for Today Tbe Hour of SI Francis People are Funny Wide Wodd Of Sports

Cameo Theater ~(WS Encore A country ca ll ed Europe

u l1day

_fiLO Friday Nov

700 ~~~ Loretta YOWlg Theater 725

You uont Say (C) 7 30 400 The Match Gam~ 825 425 NBC News aite lOQon report 830

0300 Superman v Trailma s tel 600 Channe l 2 News 6 20 Whats the Wea ther

625 Sp rts Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley 700 Flint tones 730 International Sbolltime (C) 830 Bob Hoplt Pre se nts (C) 9 30 Farmers Daughter 10 00 Jack Paul Show (C) 11 00 ABC News Fina l 11 10 Channe l 2 ~ews Weather

amp Sports 11 30 Tonigh t show (Cl

230 The Pioneers

300 Dragnet 330 Championship Bowling

4 30 NF L Highlights

500 Dance P ar ty

6 00 700 730 830 900

11 20

500 530 600 730

8 30 900

Lawrenee Welk Bill Dana Show The Li e ute nant J oey Bishop (C)



1025 10 30 1100 1130 12 00 1230 1255 1 00 1 30 200 230

900 1000 102 5 1 03 0

11 00 SaturJay Night at the Vlovi 11 30 IILe t s Make Lovel 12 00

RhEi ngold Thea te r 12 30 The Untouchllb les 12 55

1 00 1 30 2 00

Wild Kingdom (C) 225

GE College Bowl (C) 230

Wagon Train (e)

Walt Disney s Wonderful Wodd O[ Color Grindk Bona nz a (C)

Today News Today Ne ws Today

Womans HOllr

Say When News Word for Word (C) Concenlaation (C) Missing Link (C) Your First Impression (C) Truth or Consequences NBC News Day Repomiddot t

General Hospital The Pr ice is Right People Will Ta lk (1 The Doc tors

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1963 700 Today 725 News 730 Today 825 New 830 Today

Womanrs Hour Say Whem N~ws

Word [or Wo rd (C)

Concentra ti Oll (C )

Missing Li nk (C ) YOUI Firs t lmpr c~sion (C)

Truth 01 C onSctuences -BC N~ws Da Re po rt

Gcn~I 1 Hosp ita l Thl Price is Ri Jht P eople Wi ll T alk lCW5

The DO(tors

1000 Show o[ the Week (C) 11 00 The Wor ld this Wee kend 1115 Story o[

FireStation 2~4 and6-8PM Mrs Lillv Washburn

RABIES IMMUNIZA TION Free Rabies shots will be given all dogs and cats at the followshying places and times

Mr amp Mrs Daniel Washburn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by holding an open house at their home on Front Street in Brownville October 22nd

E achworeflowersgiventhem by the daughter and son-in-law Mr amp Mrs Ear l Gerrish who were celebrating their 13th anshyniversary

The cake was made by Mrs Mar joire Harmon of Milo and

1st at the was served by daugh ter in law

300 Lor et ta YouPg Theatemiddot 330 YOll Dont Say (e) 400 Matc h Gam e 425 NBC Kews afternoon Re po rt 4 30 Superman 500 Trailmaster 6 00 Channel 2 News 1amp 20 Whats the WlUlther 625 Sports Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley Re port 7 00 Patty Duke 730 IVIr Novak 830 Mr amp Mrs Music_ 900 Richard Boone 1000 Bell T elephone Hour (C) 11 00 11 10 11 30

300 330 400 425 430 5 00 ij OO 62 0 625 630 700 7 30 900 1000 11 00 1110

ABC News Fina l C hannel 2 News Wea the rSports Tonight Show (C)

Loretta Young Theater You Dont Say (C) The Match Game NBC News a ite rnoon report Superma n T r ai lmas te r Channel 2 News Wha ts the Whenthe r spo rts Report Hun Uc ) Br ink ley Report Spotlight on Youth The Vi qinia n (C) Ben Casey

Eleven th HOUl ABC Ne ilS F in a l Channe l 2 NeilS

We thel amp SpOlmiddotmiddot 5

11 30 To night Sholl (C)

The SCHUBERT middot Model ML26 0 Early American Styling

The BEETHOVEN middot Mode l ML2607 Itali an Provincial Styli ng

The BRAHMSmiddot Model Ml2606 Danish Modern Styling


Transitional Styling


MICROmiddotTOUCH 2G TONE ARM with free float ing




72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone

Page 11: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday

bull bull



WLBZ - v Channel 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4 1963

-- oday 300 Loretta Young Theater 7 00 Today 300 L oretta Young Theater

-ew5 330 You Dont Say (C)

Y OCTOBER 31 1963

725 News 330 You Don t say (C)

--oday 400 The Ma tch Game 730 Today 4 00 The Ma tch Game

425 NBC Newsalternoon Report 825 News 425 News

_aday 430 Superman 8 30 Today 4 30 SuperM an HIGH FIDELITY900 Wom an s Hour 500 Trai tmas ter

lay Wben 600 Channel 2 News 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 Kews with FMAM bull Stereo FM Radio _BC News Morning Report S20 Wha t s the Weather

-be Womans Hour 500 Trailmaster

1 025 NBC News 620 What s the Weathe r

or d for Word (Cl 625 Sports Report 10 30 Word fo r Word (C) 625 Spo rts Report

Conce ntration (Cl 6 30 Huntley Brinkley Report 11 00 Concentration (C) 63 0 Huntley Br inkle y Report ~n All STEREO js sing Link (Cl 700 Cur ly OBrien 11 30 Missing Link (C) 700 Donna Reed

Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Combat 1200 Your First Impressio n (C) 7 30 M ndny Night Movie New 1964 1230 Truth or Consuences White Feather (C)Truth or Consequences 830 Dr Kildare 1255 NBC News Day Report 900 Hollywood and the Stars

Genera l Hospital 1000 Kra [t Suspense Theater 1 00 General Hospital 10 00 Sing Along With Mitch

J Price is Right 1100 ABC News Final 1 30 The P r ice is Right 11 00 ABC News Fieal

People Will Talk (C) 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather 200 Peop le Will Talk (Cl 1110 Chamle l 2 News Weather

id a fte rnoon Report amp Sports 225 News amp Sports

The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) 230 Th e Doctors li 20 Tonight Show (C)

Be Ne ws Day RepOl-t 930 Hazel (Cl

TUESDAY NOVEMBE R 5 1963 The TRAVtATA bull Mode l ML2636

American Provincia l Styling

- Y NOVEMBER 1 1963 --oday X eN S


iBC News Morning Re port

us B UlU1Y

co Boy a nd Reddy (C)

Hector Hen thcote (C) Fireball XL - 5 (C)


Wo r d [0- Word (C) Co cebtration (C) iss ng Link (C)

Your FI -5t Impnssion (C)

DAY KOVEMBE R 3 1963 mclmiddot icans at work

ac lcd Heart T lis is the Li fe Fa ith for Today Tbe Hour of SI Francis People are Funny Wide Wodd Of Sports

Cameo Theater ~(WS Encore A country ca ll ed Europe

u l1day

_fiLO Friday Nov

700 ~~~ Loretta YOWlg Theater 725

You uont Say (C) 7 30 400 The Match Gam~ 825 425 NBC News aite lOQon report 830

0300 Superman v Trailma s tel 600 Channe l 2 News 6 20 Whats the Wea ther

625 Sp rts Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley 700 Flint tones 730 International Sbolltime (C) 830 Bob Hoplt Pre se nts (C) 9 30 Farmers Daughter 10 00 Jack Paul Show (C) 11 00 ABC News Fina l 11 10 Channe l 2 ~ews Weather

amp Sports 11 30 Tonigh t show (Cl

230 The Pioneers

300 Dragnet 330 Championship Bowling

4 30 NF L Highlights

500 Dance P ar ty

6 00 700 730 830 900

11 20

500 530 600 730

8 30 900

Lawrenee Welk Bill Dana Show The Li e ute nant J oey Bishop (C)



1025 10 30 1100 1130 12 00 1230 1255 1 00 1 30 200 230

900 1000 102 5 1 03 0

11 00 SaturJay Night at the Vlovi 11 30 IILe t s Make Lovel 12 00

RhEi ngold Thea te r 12 30 The Untouchllb les 12 55

1 00 1 30 2 00

Wild Kingdom (C) 225

GE College Bowl (C) 230

Wagon Train (e)

Walt Disney s Wonderful Wodd O[ Color Grindk Bona nz a (C)

Today News Today Ne ws Today

Womans HOllr

Say When News Word for Word (C) Concenlaation (C) Missing Link (C) Your First Impression (C) Truth or Consequences NBC News Day Repomiddot t

General Hospital The Pr ice is Right People Will Ta lk (1 The Doc tors

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1963 700 Today 725 News 730 Today 825 New 830 Today

Womanrs Hour Say Whem N~ws

Word [or Wo rd (C)

Concentra ti Oll (C )

Missing Li nk (C ) YOUI Firs t lmpr c~sion (C)

Truth 01 C onSctuences -BC N~ws Da Re po rt

Gcn~I 1 Hosp ita l Thl Price is Ri Jht P eople Wi ll T alk lCW5

The DO(tors

1000 Show o[ the Week (C) 11 00 The Wor ld this Wee kend 1115 Story o[

FireStation 2~4 and6-8PM Mrs Lillv Washburn

RABIES IMMUNIZA TION Free Rabies shots will be given all dogs and cats at the followshying places and times

Mr amp Mrs Daniel Washburn celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary by holding an open house at their home on Front Street in Brownville October 22nd

E achworeflowersgiventhem by the daughter and son-in-law Mr amp Mrs Ear l Gerrish who were celebrating their 13th anshyniversary

The cake was made by Mrs Mar joire Harmon of Milo and

1st at the was served by daugh ter in law

300 Lor et ta YouPg Theatemiddot 330 YOll Dont Say (e) 400 Matc h Gam e 425 NBC Kews afternoon Re po rt 4 30 Superman 500 Trailmaster 6 00 Channel 2 News 1amp 20 Whats the WlUlther 625 Sports Repor t 630 Huntley Brinkley Re port 7 00 Patty Duke 730 IVIr Novak 830 Mr amp Mrs Music_ 900 Richard Boone 1000 Bell T elephone Hour (C) 11 00 11 10 11 30

300 330 400 425 430 5 00 ij OO 62 0 625 630 700 7 30 900 1000 11 00 1110

ABC News Fina l C hannel 2 News Wea the rSports Tonight Show (C)

Loretta Young Theater You Dont Say (C) The Match Game NBC News a ite rnoon report Superma n T r ai lmas te r Channel 2 News Wha ts the Whenthe r spo rts Report Hun Uc ) Br ink ley Report Spotlight on Youth The Vi qinia n (C) Ben Casey

Eleven th HOUl ABC Ne ilS F in a l Channe l 2 NeilS

We thel amp SpOlmiddotmiddot 5

11 30 To night Sholl (C)

The SCHUBERT middot Model ML26 0 Early American Styling

The BEETHOVEN middot Mode l ML2607 Itali an Provincial Styli ng

The BRAHMSmiddot Model Ml2606 Danish Modern Styling


Transitional Styling


MICROmiddotTOUCH 2G TONE ARM with free float ing




72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone

Page 12: ,ubI isqrll 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy Jet., · ,ubI isqrll by 111r ilUn Jrintin!l (flnmpauy erving: :Brownville, :Brownville Jet., £ aQratlf/e, Milo, Sebec 2 ?\'o. 44 Thur sday

72shy V 69 bmiddot3

7 rmiddot 70



45 Guiding Light 1000 Miss Teenage Amer ic a 12 45 Guiding Llght 930 Jack Benn 00 Mid-Day 11 00 News at Eleven 100 lid-Day 1000 Garry Moore 30 As the World Turns 1115 Weather Watch 130 As the World Turns H OO News at Eleven 2 00 Password 11 20 Sports Fina l 200 Password 11 J5 Weather Watch _30 Houseparty J 2 25 Top Star Bowlillg 2 30 Housepru ty 11 20 Sports Final

00 To Tell the Truth 300To T e ll the Truth

3ATURDAYJQVE~mER 21963_ middot00 Captain Iltangnrm

-00 Alvin Show bull 30 Tenness ee Tuxedo 0 00 Quick Draw McGraw 0 30 llIigh ty Mouse 100 Rir Tin Tin 130 Roy Rogers ~ OO Sky King

30 Candlepin BowliIlg 30 Studio Bands tand 2 00 College Kickoff _ J 5 NCAA F ootball

Army Vs Air Force

~ rnAY NOVEMBER 3 13 ~30 Colby Telescourse 300 Living Word 915 Catholic Mass 0 00 Lamp Unto My Feet 10 30 Look Up a nd Li ve n oa The Christophers 1l 15 Indus try on Parade 1 30 This is the Life 1200 T e lesports 12 30 All Ameria Wants T o

Know 100 Olympic Preview 1 30 Great Music ~ 4 5 Pro F ootball 2 00 New York at SI Louis

bull 83 bull bull1 -- I ___


--- - 07 J -shy73 f~ ( 9bull 8middot



fi E IL I U

WEDNESDAY NOVElIlBER 6 196 3 445 Football Scoreboard 7 50 Open Door500 Hootenanny 755 Falm Reporter600 Bud Leavitt 800 Captain Kangaroo630 middot 77 Sunset Strip 900 Three Stooges 30 Tennessee Elooges

730 Jackie Gleason 830 Phil Silvers

1000 Mike Wallace News900 Defenders 1030 I Love Lucy1000 Gunsmoke 1100 Real McCoys11 00 News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys11 15 The Saturday Night 12 00 Love of LifeLate Show 12 35 News 1230 Search for Tommorvw 800 Universtyo[ Maine 1245 Guiding Light 8 30 GlyniS 100 Mid middot Day 900 Beverly Hillbillies 130 As the World Turns 930 Dick Van Dyke430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 200 Password 1000 Danny Kaye500 20th Century 230 Housepa r ty 11 00 News at Eleven530 Amateur Hour 300 To Tell the Truth 11 15 Weather Watch600 Jaimie McPheters

11 20 Sports Final7 00 Las s ie 730 My Favorite Martian 800 Ed Sullivan 900 Judy Garland 1000 Candid Camera 1030 Whats My Line 11 00 Harry Rll9soner News 1115 Maine News 1120 77 SunsetS~i~----------------------------------~~~r-~~~n-~______~~__

77 middot82

79 51 76 78 bull 80 bull

Channel 5 MONDAY NOVE~lBER 41963 750 Open Door 3 25 755 Farm Reporter 330 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 1100 Three Stooges 4 30 9 30 Tennessee Ernie 5 30 10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 1030 I Love Lucy 610 1100 Rea l McCoys 6 15 11 30 Pete amp Gladys ~30 CBS News l 00 Love Of Uile 700 Mr Ed 1225 1 7 30 To Te ll the Tr uth 1230 S ~ LI _ lor TomulOrDw 800 1ve G t S middot r et 1245 Guiding Light 830 Luc Som 1 00 Mid-Day 900 B -r ~es Law 1 30 As the World Turns 1000 S t Side West Side 00 Password 1100 Ne ws a t Eleven 230 Houseparty 1115 Wealh~r Watch 300 To Tell The TIuth 11 20 Sports Final

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 51963 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 755 Farm Reporter 330 The Edge of Night 800 Captain Kangaroo 400 Secret Storrl 900 Three Stooge s 430 Bozo th C ) n 930 Tennessee Erni e 530 F a the o ws Bes t 1000 Mike Wallace News 600 Geor ge HSle Sports 1030 I Love Lucy 6 10 Weathe Wa tch 1100 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath News 11 30 P ete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Grealltlst Show On Earth 1225 News 8 00 Red Ske lton 1230 Search for TommorrdfltOO Pe tticoat Junc tion

3 35 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Stor m 430 Bozo the C lown 530 F a ther Knows Best 600 George Hale Sports 610 Weather Watcb 615 Ge orge Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 Huckleberry Hound 730 Chronicle

CBS News Edge of Night Secretmiddot Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Spot te Weather Watch George Redpath News

r h pound ~ U C 1 J E _

The WILMETTE Mod L2748 American Provincial Styling on ea sy roll casters in genuine veneers a nd select hardwood solids Choice o f o i l finished Walnut veneers Ma hog a ny veneers Cherry Fruitwood venee rs or Maple veneers




for greater operating dependabil ity

_ fewer service problems

Condoles s ta rt a t $249 - 00

rosh ays Clar k Furni ture Store

50 Open Door - 55 Farm Reporter 00 Cap~in Kangaroo middot 00 Three Stooe - 30 Tennessee Ernie _000 Mike Wallace News 0 80 I Love Lucy

_ 00 Real McCoys __ SO Pete amp Gladys __ 00 Love of Life _2 25 News 230 Search for Tommorw ~2 45 Guiding Light 00 Mid-Day ~ 30 As the World Turns _00 Password ~O Houseparty

00 To Tell the Truth

RIDAY NOVEllBER 1 196middot3 - 50 Open Door 325 - 55 Farm Reporter 3 30

Captain Kangaroo 400 middot 0 0 Three Stooges 4 30 bull 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 _QOO Mike Wallace News 600 030 I Love Lucy 610 L OO Real McCoys 615 ~30 Pete amp Gladys 6 30 2 00 Love of Life 700 ~ ~ 25 News 800 _ ~ ao Search for Tommorvw 930

325 CBS News 330 Edge of Night 400 Secret Storm 430 Bozo the Clown 530 Father Knows Best 600 George HaJe Sporta 610 Weather Watch 615 George Redpath News 630 CBS News 700 My Three Sons 730 Password 8 00 Rawhide 900 Perry Mason 1000 The Nurses 1100 News at Eleven 1115 Weather Watch 1120 Sports Final

CBS News Edge of Night Secret Storm Bozo the Clown Father Knows Best George Hale Sports Weather WalCh George Redpath News CBS News The Great Adventure Arrest And Trial Twilight Zone