uab meto' amarasi...the kotos dialect of amarasi is the basis used in this dictionary. where...

Kamus Maruna' Uab Meto' Amarasi Kamus Bergambar Bahasa Amarasi Amarasi Picture Dictionary Penyusun: Owen Edwards, Ph.D. Heronimus Bani, S.Pd., M.M.

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Page 1: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kamus Maruna' Uab Meto' Amarasi

Kamus Bergambar Bahasa Amarasi

Amarasi Picture Dictionary Penyusun:

Owen Edwards, Ph.D. Heronimus Bani, S.Pd., M.M.

Page 2: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,
Page 3: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

UBB Language & Culture Series A-10

Kamus Maruna' Uab Meto' Amarasi

Kamus Bergambar Bahasa Amarasi

Amarasi Picture Dictionary


Owen Edwards, Ph.D.

Heronimus Bani, S.Pd., M.M.

Unit Bahasa & Budaya (UBB) 2019

Page 4: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

TITLE/JUDUL: Kamus maruna' Uab Meto' Amarasi; Kamus bergambar bahasa Amarasi; Amarasi picture dictionary COMPILERS/PENYUSUN: Owen Edwards & Heronimus Bani YEAR/TAHUN: 2019 SERIES & VOLUME: UBB Language & Culture Series A-10 SERIES EDITOR/REDAKSI SERI: Dr. Charles E. Grimes Ph.D. VOLUME EDITOR/REDAKSI EDISI: Dr. Charles E. Grimes Ph.D. PUBLISHER/PENERBIT: Unit Bahasa & Budaya, Kupang ISBN: 978-0-86892-609-1

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Series A: print dictionaries

Series B: interactive electronic dictionaries (online and/or CD)

Series C: academic monographs or edited compilations

Series D: text collections; folktales, ritual texts, origin stories, histories

Hak cipta ©2019 berada pada UBB (Unit Bahasa dan Budaya), Jln. SK Lerik, Kota Baru, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur 85228, Indonesia. Dihasilkan dalam rangka kerjasama dengan Australian National University, Australia Awards Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships, Rotary Club Bussum Belanda, dan Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), VICI proyek VICI no. 277-70-012 diberikan kepada Prof. Dr. Marian Klamer di Universitas Leiden, Belanda.

Hak cipta ©2011 untuk foto umeke ma 'sao berada pada Kaiser, Hinrich, Venancio Lopes Carvalho, Jester Ceballos, Paul Freek, Scott Heacox, Barbara Lester, Stephen J. Richards, Colin R. Trainor, Caitlin Sanchez and Mark O'Shea. 2011. ‘The herptofauna of Timor-Leste: a first report.’ ZooKeys 109: 19–86.

Foto-foto yang lain, merupakan ‘milik umum’ (public domain) dan diambil oleh penyusun atau terambil dari internet.

Hak cipta ©2016 Mark Marcuson untuk gambar-gambar yang terdapat pada kulit. Dipakai atas izin.

ISBN: 978-0-86892-609-1

Suggested citation: Edwards, Owen, and Heronimus Bani, compilers. 2019. Kamus maruna' Uab Meto'

Amarasi; Kamus bergambar bahasa Amarasi; Amarasi picture dictionary. UBB Language & Culture Series, A-10. Kupang: Unit Bahasa & Budaya (UBB).

KEY WORDS: Amarasi, Uab Meto', Kotos, Ro'is, picture dictionary, kamus bergambar, Timor

Dicetak di Kupang, 2019

Page 5: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Suurt ii in Afan - Daftar Isi - Contents


Mapua' - Kata Pengantar - Foreword ......................................................... iii

Paah Pinan - Dunia - World ......................................................... 1

Neno - Langit - Sky ............................................................................................ 2

Oe - Air - Water .................................................................................................. 3

Ai - Api - Fire ...................................................................................................... 4

Kuan · Ruan - Kampung - The Village .............................................................. 5

Aof - Badan - Body ....................................................................... 6

Kotif · Koitif - Belakang - Back .......................................................................... 7

'Nakaf · Nakaf - Kepala - Head .......................................................................... 8

Fefaf · Fefef - Mulut - Mouth ......................................................................... 9

Mataf - Mata - Eye ......................................................................................... 9

'Nimaf · Nimif - Tangan - Arm and Hand ....................................................... 10

Haef - Kaki - Leg and Foot .............................................................................. 11

Ao Nanaf - Organ Tubuhan - Internal Organs .............................................. 12

Kauna' - Makhluk - Creatures ................................................... 13

Kauna' - Serangga - Insects ............................................................................ 15

Mu'it - Binatang - Animals ............................................................................. 19

Kaun Tasi - Makhluk Laut - Sea Creatures ................................................... 20

Kbatus · Kbautus - Siput Laut - Sea Snails ................................................. 22

Kniit - Kepiting - Crabs ............................................................................... 24

Ika' - Ikan - Fish ........................................................................ 25

Koro - Burung - Birds ................................................................ 28

Manu - Ayam - Chicken .................................................................................. 30

Snaa - Warna - Colours .............................................................. 31

Page 6: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Suurt ii in Afan - Daftar Isi - Contents


Hau - Tumbuhan - Plants ...........................................................32

Fua Mnutu' - Biji-Bijian - Grains ................................................................... 35

Fuaf - Buah - Fruit ........................................................................................... 36

Noah - Kelapa - Coconuts .......................................................................... 39

Utan · Utuk - Sayur - Vegetables .................................................................... 40

Knaa' - Kacang - Beans ................................................................................... 42

Raku - Ubi - Tubers ......................................................................................... 43

Fukar - Bumbu - Herbs and Spices ................................................................ 44

Puah - Sirih-Pinang - Betel Nut ..................................................................... 46

Tasboo - Rokok - Smoking ............................................................................. 47

Nonot - Keluarga - Family ..........................................................48

Nomer - Nomor - Numbers .........................................................50

Page 7: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,



Surat re' ia afan matu'i npaek Uab Meto' Amarasi ma maruna' npaek foto, re' hai mteek ee mak, Kamus Maruna' humaf amfaun. Hai mitenab karu reko te, surat re' ia mapake', ma'upan ma ma'osa' neu askoort ein re' anpaken Uab Meto' Amarasi. Ma anneis na'ko naan, neu are' sekau-sekau re' anroim he nanoni' Uab Meto' Amarasi.

Kamus re' ia ini afan batuur-batuur ii npaek Uab Meto' Amarasi Kotos. Karu anmui' uab tuka' es, re' Kotos ma Ro'is sin npaek je mes ka huma' mese' fa, uab tuka' naan, hai mtui Kotos nahuun. Hai mpaek tanar titik (·), rarit na' uab tuka' natui Ro'is hai mpaek tuis mirin. 'Tope' on re': nautus · pa'e. Uab Kotos es re' nautus, ma Ro'is es re' pa'e. Karu Uab Meto' Amarasi in uab tuka' fak-fauk neu baer' es, hai mtui je mpaek strep re' npeon (~) nbin sin atnaank ein.

Hai mtao pukan-pukan, kaun' ein, koorn ein ma iik' ein mituin atoin Amarasis sin tenab. Uab tuuk' ein anbin Kamus re' ia na'kon desa Nekmese', ma anbi kuan/desa bian re' atoin Amarasis sin anpaek ai' sin npaek uab tuka' 'teta'. Hai mtui mbi ia, hai mpake haa Uab Meto' Amarasi, mes bian hai mpaek Uab rabit Indonesia, ma Uab rabit Enekrees.

Foton re' hai mpaek sin anbin kamus re' ia, hai atuis kai mfoto kiim sin ma hai partei jes es re' anfoto. Bian hai mait sin mituin mapaek ein nain anbin baer mainuan re' ka nperluu fa he nfee kit mainuan isin. Suma foto no'o nua re' hai ka mfoto kiim sin fa esan re' umeke ma 'sao nbi surat re' ia:

Kaiser, Hinrich, Venancio Lopes Carvalho, Jester Ceballos, Paul Freek, Scott Heacox, Barbara Lester, Stephen J. Richards, Colin R. Trainor, Caitlin Sanchez and Mark O'Shea. 2011. ‘The herptofauna of Timor-Leste: a first report.’ ZooKeys 109: 19–86.

Hai mifneek ma mharap he abitan Amarasi bisa mtoup kamus re' ia nok 'nima 'nua. On re' naan, tua.

Atuis kai,

Nekmese' – Kab. Kupang 2019

Page 8: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kata Pengantar


Isinya buku ini ditulis dalam bahasa Amarasi. Di dalam Kamus Bergambar ini terdapat berbagai jenis benda, binatang, serangga, ikan, dll. Kami berharap bahwa Kamus ini bisa berguna bagi banyak orang, termasuk murid-murid sekolah, dengan orang lain yang sudah berbahasa Amarasi, ataupun siapa saja yang ingin belajar bahasa Amarasi.

Di dalam Kamus ini, bahasa Amarasi dialek Kotos diutamakan. Jika terdapat kata yang berbeda antara dialek Kotos dengan dialek Ro'is, maka istilah dialek Kotos ditulis lebih dahulu, baru tanda titik (·) digunakan untuk memisahkan istilah dialek Ro'is yang ditulis dengan menggunakan huruf miring. Contoh sebagai: nautus · pa'e (kumbang). Dengan demikian, istilah dialek Kotos ialah nautus, sehingga istilah dialek Ro'is ialah pa'e. Jika beberapa kata dalam bahasa Amarasi merujuk pada satu benda, setiap pilihan dibedakan dengan tanda garis bergelombang (~) di antaranya.

Setiap golongan binatang, burung, dengan ikan dikelompokkan menurut pola pikiran dan pandangan hidup orang Amarasi. Kata-kata dalam Kamus ini terambil dari Desa Nekmese'. Kemungkinan besar sebagian orang Amarasi menggunakan istilah yang sama, namun sebagian orang Amarasi di tempat lain menggunakan istilah yang lain juga. Kami menulis istilah-istilah menurut ejaan Uab Meto' Amarasi. Selain itu terdapat pula nama makhluk atau benda dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris.

Foto-foto yang terdapat di dalam Kamus ini, difoto oleh para penyusun sendiri serta sehabat-sehabat mereka. Selain itu, ada beberapa foto yang merupakan milik umum (public domain). Dua foto bersifat lain, yaitu foto ular (umeke) deng ular hijau ('sao) yang terdapat di dalam ini buku. Kedua foto tersebut terdapat dari:

Kaiser, Hinrich, Venancio Lopes Carvalho, Jester Ceballos, Paul Freek, Scott Heacox, Barbara Lester, Stephen J. Richards, Colin R. Trainor, Caitlin Sanchez and Mark O’Shea. 2011. ‘The herptofauna of Timor-Leste: a first report.’ ZooKeys 109: 19–86.

Kami amat berharap agar orang Amarasi menerima serta menggunakan Kamus ini dengan hati terbuka.

Para Penyusun,

Nekmese' – Kab. Kupang 2019

Page 9: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,



This book is written in the Amarasi language. There are many types of things and creatures in this Picture Dictionary. It is our hope that this Dictionary can be of good use to many people, including school students, and people who speak the Amarasi language, as well as by anyone who wants to learn Amarasi.

The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect, the Kotos form is written first, then a dot (·) is used to separate the two dialects, followed by the Ro'is form in italics. For example: nautus · pa'e (beetle). In this example, the Kotos word is nautus, while Ro'is has pa'e. Where there are several Amarasi words for a single item, each of the different words is distinguished with a tilde (~) between them.

Each category of creature, animal, bird, fish, etc. is grouped according to the categorisation and worldview of the Amarasi people themselves. Words in this Dictionary were collected in the village of Nekmese'. It is very likely that while many Amarasi speakers use the same term, there may be different words in other locations for the same thing. We have also given Indonesian and English names of things where we know them.

The majority of the photographs found in this Dictionary were taken by the compliers themselves. A few were taken by their friends. In addition, some are in the public domain. Two photos are an exception to this. They are, the photo of the umeke snake, and the photo of the viper ('sao). These two photos are found in:

Kaiser, Hinrich, Venancio Lopes Carvalho, Jester Ceballos, Paul Freek, Scott Heacox, Barbara Lester, Stephen J. Richards, Colin R. Trainor, Caitlin Sanchez and Mark O’Shea. 2011. ‘The herptofauna of Timor-Leste: a first report.’ ZooKeys 109: 19–86.

We sincerely hope that the Amarasi people will receive and use this Dictionary with open minds and hearts.

The Compilers,

Nekmese' – Kab. Kupang 2019

Page 10: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,
Page 11: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Paah Pinan - Dunia – World


paah pinan Paah Meto' afu bumi · earth pulau Timor · Timor tanah · soil

snaen skuku' krofo' · konot ~

pasir · sand debu · dust koon pero'

lumpur · mud

fatu 'to'ef · toe'ef nasi

batu · stone gunung · mountain hutan · forest

'nonof · koobai'if kefan · refek nuat

lembah · valley tebing · cliff gua · cave

Page 12: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Neno - Langit - Sky


neno nope anin · ainn

langit · sky awan · cloud angin · wind

uran · uurn ain nautus rimat · rimit hujan · rain puting beliung ·

tornado kilat · lightning

manas · maans snaaf enus · eunus matahari · sun sinar cahaya ·

sunbeams pelangi · rainbow

funan · fuunn kfuun · fruun Faif Nome bulan · moon bintang · stars bintang fajar · Venus

Page 13: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Oe - Air - Water


oe nipu' ~ pupu · kupu pinis · piins air · water kabut · fog embun · dew

oe kroni' ~ oe kruaf taeka' · taera' oe 'boni'

tetes · droplet genangan · puddle air terjun · waterfall

noe nefo tasi

sungai · river danau · lake laut · ocean

tais je nonon · okin · puat 'furif · fuirif

tais je ninin ombak · wave busa · foam

pantai · beach

Page 14: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Ai - Api - Fire


ai ai pina' ~ sakan masu'

api · fire lidah api · flame asap · smoke

fraa' ~ ai kraha' ai putu' ai atu

bara api · coals hangus · charcoal arang · charcoal

tunaf · tunuf nao auf nao · skuku' batu tungku ·

three-stone hearth tungku · hearth abu tungku · ash

sapriuf hau meto' hau nuri

percikan · sparks kayu api · firewood rabuk · tinder

Page 15: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kuan · Ruan - Kampung - The Village


umi umi 'hana' · uim hana' o'of · o'of ~ ofa'

rumah · house dapur · kitchen kandang · pen

ropo ropo prenat · umi kbubu' ·

rumah perkumpulan · meeting house

uim preent uim kbubu'

balai desa · village office rumah bulat · round house

krei skoor 'masa' · masa'

gereja · church sekolah · school pasar · market

ranan · raann oe 'none' · oe tiu'uk too

jalan · road sumur · well masyarakt · populace

Page 16: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Aof - Badan - Body


manu'ka'if · manu'kai'if tulang selangka · collarbone

nui bnapaf iga · ribs

ansaof · kansaon roin ulu hati · solar plexus

susuf susu · breast

tnanaf pinggang · waist

usaf · usuf pusar · navel

taif · teif perut · belly

metrasi' · meet rahi tahi lalat · mole

'basaf · kansaof dada · chest

Page 17: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kotif · Koitif - Belakang - Back


'nisuf · niusuf ~ nui benef tulang belikat · shoulder blades

ua sisif · tresef pinggul · hips

bnapaf side

nui 'sa'uf · nui sau'uf tulang belakang · spine

'bu'uf ~ 'bokof · buif pantat · buttocks

bunif ~ 'bu'uf · buin afa' pantat · anus

Page 18: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

'Nakaf · Nakaf - Kepala - Head


Funuf · Bulu · Hair

1 maat tonef · maat toenef alis · eyebrows

2 ponuf kumis · moustache

3 konof jenggot · beard

4 funu 'kinuf · kikif cambang · sideburns

'naak funuf · naak bu'u rambut · hair

panaf hidung · nose

'kinuf · kiunuf pipi · cheek

rukif · ruikif telinga · ear

neof leher · neck

oor oef · po'of tenggorokan · throat



kotoref · kroof tengkuk · nape of the neck

mataf mata · eye

'su'if · sui'if dagu · chin

iraf · irif dahi · forehead


ruruf · nuruf bibir · lips


Page 19: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Fefaf · Fefef - Mulut - Mouth


Mataf - Mata - Eye

'karef · kaeref langit-langit ·


maaf lidah · tongue

nisif gigi · teeth

maan utif lidah kecil · uvula

naraf · 'naraf gusi · gums

ruruf · nuruf bibir · lips

maat funuf · maat pounuf

bulu mata · eyelashes

mata 'pohof · maat pohof

kelopak mata · eyelid

buanerof · maat muisif anak mata · pupil

maat mutif · maat muitif

white of the eye

mata fuaf biji mata · eyeball

niis konif · niis ausuf geraham · molars

niis enof · niis eonof incisors · gigi seri

niis asuf · niis aikif gigi taring · canine

Page 20: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

'Nimaf · Nimif - Tangan - Arm and Hand


si'uf · siu'uf siku · elbow

kruruf jari · fingers

sbetaf · sbetef lengan atas · upper arm

hanuf · haunuf bahu · shoulder

sninif ketiak · armpit

'nima mneof · niim mnonof lengan bawah · lower arm

'niim nanaf · niim benef telapak tangan · palm

kruur arurut · kruur ruruf telunjuk · forefinger

kruur ana' kelingking · little finger

kruur ainaf · kruur ina'

ibu jari · thumb

knusaf ~ 'tusaf · tnusuf

kuku · fingernail

kruru tnanaf · kruur tnanaf jari tengah · middle finger

uaf urat tangan · palm lines

'nima tri'if · niim tria' lipatan tangan

Page 21: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Haef - Kaki - Leg and Foot


pusuf paha · thigh

tuuf lutut · knee

pii-otef · pii-koetef

lipatan lutut · back of the knee

fitif betis · calf

hae kbu'uf · haen bu'uf mata kaki · ankle

hae nanaf · haen benef telapak kaki · sole

nui mneof · nu'uf tulang kering · shin

kruruf jari kaki · toes

knusaf ~ 'tusaf · tnusuf

kuku · toenails

keo ko'u urat keting ·

Achilles tendon

tikaf · tikif tumit · heel

Page 22: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Ao Nanaf - Organ Tubuhan - Internal Organs


ronef · roenef otak · brain

tekaf · teref paru-paru · lungs buaf

jantung · heart

atef · aetef hati · liver

puuf kandung kemih ·


aus-heef · aseaf ~ heaf

limpa · spleen

taif · teif perut · stomach

keof urat · veins

tai mnutuf · tei mnutuf usus halus ·

small intestine

'pa'if · pai'if usus · bowels taif · teif

usus · guts

enuf · eunuf empedu ·

gall bladder

Page 23: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kauna' - Makhluk - Creatures


kauna' riuksaen umeke · uumeke

ular · snake ular sawa · python ular · snake

'sao · sao pansoe 'rake' · kmari'

ular hijau · viper cacing · earthworm lintah darah · leech

bangkofa' kaun mahatas kbate'

ulat · caterpillar ulat · grub ulat · grub

'bobo · bobo 'beebnisa' · 'beebnisi' uti 'maten

ulat · grub ~ poe'isi' ~ poejisa' kaki seribu · millipede

lipan · centipede

Page 24: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kauna' - Makhluk - Creatures


knafo knaof tasi · knaof re'u knafo 'susi'

tikus · mouse cerucut · shrew landak · porcupine

'bak-bakan · 'baka' nai'besi 'kuka' · kuka' biawak · moniter lizard buaya · crocodile kadal · lizard

tapsusu · suustape 'teke · teke bikru'u kadal · flying dragon tokek · tokay gecko cicak · house gecko

kreso kreos ana' panbu'u

katak · frog berudu · tadpoles siput · snail

Page 25: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kauna' - Serangga - Creatures


kbiti kbiit oe · kbiit fafi knaba'

kalajengking · scorpion

kalajengking palsu · pseudoscorpion

laba-laba · spider

kaun fee mnasi' · ik-iki · kir-kiri kbotos ~ baatbos'oo ·

bjae fui kecoak · cockroach bos-bos'oo ~ matbos'oo kutu kayu · woodlouse undur-undur · antlion

kiba' ~ sabuit · kasbu'i kiib hae brako kiib me'e · kasbui' me'e

semut · ants semut geramang · yellow crazy ant

semut api · fire ant

kmerus · kmeurus naem ~ mir-miri nae manini'

kiak-kiak · trap-jaw ants anai-anai · termites laron · flying termite

Page 26: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kauna' - Serangga - Creatures


hutu teon hutu kepe

kutu kepala · head louse telur kutu · nit caplak · tick

asik · kaisif ~ kaisik kumi' ~ tubin etu' · ketu'

kutu anjing · flea kutu badan · body louse

kutu busuk · bedbug

knobe biknobe · knobe kaun oe

walang sangit · slender rice bug

bapak pucung · cotton stainer

anggang-anggang · water skater

basi · muut muut ~ imun 'rim-rima' · rim-rima

nyamuk · mosquito agas · gnat kunang-kunang · firefly

Page 27: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kauna' - Serangga - Creatures


knamat simah ~ psimat · siim tai boko ·

belalang · grasshopper psinit ~ knaam fno'ot belalang daun · katydid

siim tei poko belelang daun · katydid

kir-kiri · kirfani kirfani · knaof oe ata'ra'e · aka'ta'e jengkrik · cricket anjing tanah ·

mole cricket belalang sembah · praying mantis

saan-'oo nautus · pa'e seo bjai te'i

belalang ranting · stick insect

kumbang · beetle kumbang tahi · dung beetle

'fufu' skiit skii koso'

bubuk · weevil tonggeret · cicada tonggeret · cicada

Page 28: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kauna' - Serangga - Creatures


'ter-teer oe · kbenu · akbenu kbenu 'naes sep-seop oe

capung · dragonfly

lalat · fly lalat · bush fly

knapan · knaapn atfuan · katfua' atpupu · kanpupu

kupu-kupu · butterfly tabuhan · hornet tabuhan · paper wasp

oni tnana kteo' · oin babu oni ~ oin tuaf katfua tnaan kte'o lebah kayu ·

carpenter bee lebah · bee

angkut-angkut · wasp

oin mauf ninik · niink oin hau · oin oef

sarang madu · honey comb lilin lebah · beeswax madu · honey

Page 29: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Mu'it - Binatang - Animals


fafi 'bibi 'biib kase

babi · pig kambing · goat domba · sheep

bijae · bjae bijae metan · bikase' ~ bijakase' ·

sapi · cow bjae meetn bjakase' ~ bjaekase'

kerbau · buffalo kuda · horse

asu meo ruus

anjing · dog kucing · cat rusa · deer

ukum · urum kero metan · meetn

kus-kus · cuscus monyet · monkey musang · civet

Page 30: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kaun Tasi - Makhluk Laut - Sea Creatures


kee · kee mapiri' kee · kee 'baas moro' kee · kee haar neno

penyu sisik · hawksbill sea turtle

penyu hijau · green sea turtle

katung · leatherback sea turtle

kee · kee oe kako benkae

kura-kura batok · box turtle

gurita · octopus genggeng · nautilis

brafi braif me'e braif susu

teripang · sea cucumber teripang · sea cucumber teripang · sea cucumber

kteom · kteo makpauta' kteom · kteo fuuf boko' kfuu tasi · fruu tasi

bulu babi · sea urchin bulu babi · sea urchin bintang laut · starfish

Page 31: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kaun Tasi - Makhluk Laut - Sea Creatures


poes · kpoes kpoe muti' kpoe oe

udang · prawn udang · prawn udang windu · tiger prawn

kpoe kfeutus kpoe po'o poe hee · kpoe hee oo

udang lipan · mantis shrimp

udang tanag · mub lobster

udang karang · spiny lobster

kpoe fatu skuma' skuum meto'

belangkas · horseshoe crab

umang-umang · hermit crab

umang-umang · hermit crab

faif taif · feif teif tnu'u pansoe tasi

anemon laut · sea anomone

kiton · chiton tembelok · shipworm

Page 32: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kbatus · Kbautus - Siput Laut - Sea Snails


kbaut 'biib suun muti' kbaut fatu kbaut faut roenef

siput isap · cerith siput ketem · mangrove murex

tiram batu · hooded oyster

kbaut buin ma'aika' kbaut sapatu kbaut koto'

sejenis siput · samar conch

sejenis siput · dianna conch

siput gondang · Pacific partridge tun

kbaut mahata' kbaut masuna' kbaut ropo

siput belitung · mudwhelk

sejenis siput · horned heavy whelk

siput lola · trochus

kbaut oe kbaut bjakaes nobi' kbaut fani

siput timba · nerite japing-japing · blacklip oyster

tiram bersayap · winged oyster

Page 33: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kbatus · Kbautus - Siput Laut - Sea Snails


kbaut toi'is kroma' kroom bjakase'

siput triton trompet · trumpet triton

pensi · clam lokan · marsh clam

kroom matati' kroom muti' kroom snaen

kerang bulu · antique ark

kerang simping · windowpane oyster

sejenis kerang · a clam

foke foek muti' fatu 'kima' · kima'

siput kerucut · cone siput bea · money cowrie

kima · giant clam

suti suit masuna' kiim me'e

sejenis siput · pacific bulla

siput kerange · spider conch

kima pasir · bear claw clam

Page 34: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Kniit - Kepiting - Crabs


knii fatu knii faut mafunu' knii hae mese'

sejenis kepiting · a crab kepiting bulu · hairy crab

kepiting biola · fiddler crab

knii kero knii keor koto' knii kee

sejenis kepiting · a crab kepiting pantai · sally-light-foot crab

kepiting rumah · box crab

knii kmeo'ot knii kmeo' koto' knii me'e

ketam bakau · mangrove crab

rajungan · blue swimmer crab

ketam mata merah · red-eyed crab

knii meto' knii skuma' knii snaen

sejenis kepiting · a crab ketam kenari · coconut crab

ketam angin · horned ghost crab

Page 35: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Ika' - Ikan - Fish


knaes knae meetn ranuan

ikan belanak angin · bluespot mullet

iknan belanak · bluetail mullet

ikan aji-aji kuning · almaco jack

iik knaapn iik knaap kese iik knaap meetn

ikan angel doreng · regal angelfish

ikan bendara · schooling bannerfish

ikan bendara · humphead bannerfish

iik knaap fafi iik tnopos iik snaen

ikan bawal · golden batfish

ikan bawal-bulan perak · silver moony

ikan barat-barat celoreng biru · scribbled leatherjacket

iik mneas iik mnea meetn iik fuun me'u

ikan bengkongkong · goldsilk seabream

ikan beras emas · brassy chub

ikan agam · green jobfish

Page 36: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Ika' - Ikan - Fish


iik makono' iik moor makono' iik bnaap moro'

ikan biji nangka india · Indian goatfish

ikan biji nangka berbelang · striped goatfish

ikan angora · oxeye scad

iik koor kae iik koor tuin iik kbiti

ikan bayan · parrotfish ikan bayan · parrotfish ikan beronang · spinefoot

iik uisif iik maat sene' iik kutruu

ikan aya · double-lined mackeral

ikan bandeng · milkfish ikan batu · stonefish

iik etu tuni ~ tune · kois tuni ~ tune · kneme

ikan lele · catfish belut · eel ular laut · sea snake

Page 37: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Ika' - Ikan - Fish


iik iu · iu iu muti' iu teke

ikan hiu · shark ikan hiu putih · great white shark

ikan hiu paus · whale shark

reet · ree kero reet · ree koro reet · ree koto'

ikan pari · eagle ray ikan pari · skate ikan pari totol · stingray

bjakaes tasi faif tasi

kuda laut · seahorse duyung · dugong

Page 38: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Koro - Burung - Birds


bebe pui maun fui

bebek · duck puyuh · quail Ayam-hutan merah · Red Junglefowl

koor kefi koor kuku koor otos

merpati · pigeon Dederuk Jawa · Island Collared-Dove

Barred Dove

koor sisi kuum biknobe ~ kuum metan

Delimukan Zamrud · Asian Emerald Dove

koor neo muti' Merpati-hitam Timor · Slaty Cuckoo-Dove Black-backed Fruit-Dove

baos kutru'u · kutruu bka'u

Serak Jawa · Barn Owel Punggok Coklat · Brown Boobook

kelelawar · bat

Page 39: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Koro - Burung - Birds


teem me'e · teem fafi isu teem brahu' Elang Paria · Black Kite Elang Tikus · Black-

shouldered Kite Elang Tiram · Osprey

koor kapiten kook manu 'bo-boe

walet · swift mandar · rail cangak · heron

paratrao sa'na'ek · sanae on-ono

Raja-udang Erasia · Common Kingfisher

Cekakak Sungai · Collared Kingfisher

Kirik-kirik Laut · Blue-tailed Bee-eater

koa' koa kiko koa ko'u

Burung-ara Hijau · Green Figbird

Cikukua Timor · Timor Friarbird

Cikukua Tanduk · Helmeted Friarbird

Page 40: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Manu - Ayam - Chicken


maun ainaf · maun nai maun ana'

maun inif ayam betina · hen

ayam jantan · rooster anak ayam · chicks

'tokof · tokof renif puif · maun iukuf jambul · comb spurs ekor ayam ·

chicken tail

maun ruruf · maun ninif maun funuf · maun nuruf

mulut ayam · beak

sayap ayam · chicken wing

maun pounuf bulu ayam · feathers

teno' ~ teko' kmorof kmutif · kmuitif

telur · eggs kuning telur · egg yolk putih telur · egg white

Page 41: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Snaa - Warna - Colours


muti' metan · meetn moro'

putih · white hitam · black kuning · yellow

mamate' biru umub

hijau · green biru · blue ungu · purple

me'e mee' mainuki' me'e mtasa'

merah · red merah muda · pink merah tua · maroon

Page 42: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Hau - Tumbuhan - Plants


hau mepat · mepet huun

pohon · tree semak · scrub rumput · grass

noof kruruf hau oef

daun · leaves pembuluh daun · leaf veins getah · sap

aika' fuaf · musi' toro'

duri · thorns biji · seeds tunas · sprout

fua-bona' ~ fubona' sufa' fuaf

bunga · decorative flower

bunga · flower buah · fruit

Page 43: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Hau - Tumbuhan - Plants


uuf ta'uf teas

tunggul · tree base batang tubuh · trunk teras · heartwood

bu'uf 'pohof · pohof hau

buku · knot kulit kayu · bark kayu · wood

nono' ta'e · tae sbake'

batang · stick cabang · branches cabang · forked branch

'ba'af 'baa' atonif kreni'

akar · roots akar tunggang · roots carang · tendril

Page 44: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Hau - Tumbuhan - Plants


nono nonok 'to'o

liana · liana tumbuhan merambat · creeper

biduri · crown flower

ekam · erem pu'u khunat · khunit

pandan hutan · wild pandanus

cendawan · mushroom jamur · fungus

oo poti kme'ok · kme'ot

bambu · bamboo betung · bamboo sejenis bambu · kind of bamboo

mo'ok bnusa' bnafu'

ruas · bambo section pembungkus bambu · itchy bamboo leaf

serbuk halus bambu · white part of bamboo

Page 45: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Fua Mnutu' - Biji-bijian - Grains


rene ain-oek · aan-oek pena'

ladang · field sawah · wet rice field jagung · corn

maka' maka 'taum · mneas ~ mnees

padi · field rice maak taum beras · hulled rice

gabah · rough rice

maka' uut ta'uf

nasi · cooked rice sekam · chaff jerami · straw

maak sain · maak kau peen mina' sone

jawawut · foxtail millet jawaras · sorghum enjelai · Job’s tears

Page 46: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Fuaf - Buah - Fruit


heum naunu' · nauna' ~ kunum taijonif ~ taironis

mangga · mango sukun · breadfruit nangka · jackfruit

kaut kau kase kau noe

pepaya · papaya pepaya · papaya jambu air · water cherry

kujabis ~ kurabis · hau fua mai'ninu' · hau fua ata' ·

kuraibis hau fua mina mfaun hau fua kata' jambu biji · guava sirsak · soursop srikaya · sweetsop

oka 'bana' · ook bana' oka sno'et · ook snoet nenaas semangka · watermelon melon · melon nenas · pineapple

Page 47: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Fuaf - Buah - Fruit


uki · uri uik moro' · uir moro' uik beti' · uir beti'

pisang · banana pisang tembaga · banana pisang · banana

uik bita' · uir bita' uk-uki · ur-uri 'reno' · reno'

pisang kempas · banana pisang-pisang · uvaria jeruk manis · sweet orange

'muki' · muri 'muik sumriri' muir oto

jeruk nipis · lime jeruk nipis · lime jeruk purut · makrut lime

kiu · niu kiu matabis · kiu fua mnutu' ·

buah asam · tamarind niu maitaibis niu kase belimbing manis · starfruit belimbing wuluh · blimbi

Page 48: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Fuaf - Buah - Fruit


spe'ut ~ babu hau pena' bone anggur hutan · wild grapes

buni · bignay buah enau · areng palm fruit

rinah · triim riin fui · rinah nebu

delimah · pomegranate

delimah hutan · wild pomegranate

buah lontar tua · old lontar fruit

'bak'uru' · kuru' usapi · kusapi sarmeri

mengkudu · Indian mulberry

kusambi · kusum fruit ceremai · Malay gooseberry

'fenu · fenu hau fua mnutu' kemiri · candlenuts lamtoro ·

white leadtree pods

Page 49: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Noah - Kelapa - Coconuts


noa mainuki' noa meto' noa sana' kelapa muda ·

young coconut kelapa tua · ripe

coconut sarang kelapa ·

bunch of coconuts

noa afa' 'punuf 'panu' isi kelapa ·

coconut meat sabut kelapa · coconut husk

tempurung · coconut shell

noa usa' noa ra'u mina'

janur kelapa · young coconut leaves

tapas kelapa · coconut frond stipule

minyak · oil

Page 50: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Utan · Utuk - Sayur - Vegetables


'boko · utuk 'book jepaan · 'henes · heens

labu · pumpkin uut jepaan kundur · winter melon

labu siam · chayote

pnia' oka 'timuk · ook tiumuk batoor

peria · bitter melon ketimun · cucumber gambas · loofah

kaumina' kauriri' kobi · kobis

terung · eggplant tomat · tomato kol · cabbage

naiso'o ~ naiso me'e karpeo ~ naiso muti' naiso no'o

bawang merah · shallots

bawang putih · garlic daun bawang · spring onions

Page 51: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Utan · Utuk - Sayur - Vegetables


uki 'noko' · uir noko' uut kau sufa' uut kaut

jantung pisang · banana blossom

bunga pepaya · papaya blossoms

daun pepaya · papaya leaves

uta 'boko · uut tuna' 'book sufa' · uut bo'o uut raku · uut rauk kase

daun labu · pumpkin leaves

bunga labu · pumpkin blossoms

daun ubi jalar · sweet potato leaves

uut rariis ~ uut muti' uut rahe' uut kako · uut oe sayur putih · bok choy bayam · amaranth kangkung ·

water spinach

uta 'mena' uta 'fo'o · uut hau fo'o togee

daun melinjo · gnetum leaves

daun kelor · merunggai leaves

tauge · bean sprouts

Page 52: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Knaa' - Kacang - Beans


tunis · tuinis foe · foe nutu' koto'

turis · pigeon peas kacang hijau · green grams

kacang komak · hyacinth beans

kii · nipi knaa fua mnanu' knaa hana'

kecipir · winged beans kacang panjang · long beans

kacang kedelai · soybeans

knaa nono knaa sisi · koot kase knaa kase

kacang tunggak · cowpeas

kacang merah · kidney beans

kacang tanah · peanuts

Page 53: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Raku - Ubi - Tubers


rauk atoni' · rauk ufi rauk nono · rauk rori rauk neke

ubi · greater yam ubi jalar · sweet potato

ubi kayu · cassava

rauk kase ~ 'nari' bose ~ uas

rauk aaf moro' · keladi · taro bengkuang · jicama

rauk kaes moro'

kembili · lesser yam

Page 54: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Fukar - Bumbu - Herbs and Spices


torere toreer bijae kafi · kaif torere

selasih · basil selasih mekah · clove basil selasih hutan · wild basil

sipa' banrei · santa rei banrei bijae

adas · anise sejenis bumbu · a herb sejenis bumbu · a herb

aijonuus · kaijonuus khuun fatu · kuun fatu bonak · boonk sejenis bumbu · a herb sejenis bumbu · a herb pandan wangi ·

fragrant pandanus

huu muki ~ huu sisi' naijeer · naijee hunik · huinik

sarei · lemon grass jahe · ginger kunyit · turmeric

Page 55: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Fukar - Bumbu - Herbs and Spices


unus · kunus uun fua mnutu' uun fua ko'u ·

cabai · chilli cabai rawit · bird’s eye chilli

kuun fua ko'u cabai merah panjang ·

Holland chilli

masik · maisik mais oni garam · salt gula pasir · sugar

Page 56: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Puah - Sirih-Pinang - Betel Nut


puah manus · maunus ao

pinang · betel nut sirih · betel pepper kapur · lime

'peta' · maun utuk pua 'punuf · pua oe pua 'pini'

daun sirih · betel pepper leaves

pinang berkulit tebal · old betel nut

pinang iris · sliced betel nut

mamat oko' · koor baha' 'koor mama'

campuran · betel quid tempat sirih-pinang · betel nut container

keranjang sirih-pinang · betel nut basket

'tiba' · 'took ao aruk · auruk 'kapi' · kaipir ~ ora'

tempat kapur · lime container

tas pinang · betel nut bag

tas pinang · betel nut bag

Page 57: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Tasboo - Rokok - Smoking


sboot maro maor meto'

rokok · cigarrette tembaku · tobacco tembaku rajangan · sliced tobacoo

pono knapi asbaak

kawung · sugar palm leaflets

tempat tembaku · tobacco container

asbak · ashtray

sboo naof karis petek

abu rokok · ash korek api · matches geretan · cigarette lighter

Page 58: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Bifee in Nonot - Keluarga Perempuan - A Woman’s Family


beif nenek


♂ na'if · nai'ik

kakek grandfather

♀ beif

nenek grandmother

♂ na'if · nai'ik

kakek grandfather

♀ anah · ana'

anak daughter

♂ moen feuf menantu


♀ nanef

menantu daughter-in-law

♂ anah · ana'

anak son

upuf cucu


♀ ainaf ·

ina' ibu


♂ amaf bapak father

♀ babaf tante aunt

♀ ain riko' ·

iin mao' ibu kecil


♂ babaf ~ bitoro'

om uncle

♂ aam kouf bapa besar


♂ mone suami


♀ tataf kakak sister

♀ au

saya me

♂ naof ·

tuuhao' adik


♂ naof kakak


♀ orif adik


upuf cucu


Page 59: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Atoni' in Nonot - Keluarga Laki-laki - A Man’s Family


♀ anah · ana'

anak daughter

♂ moen feuf

menantu son-in-law

♀ nanef

menantu daughter-in-law

♂ anah · ana'

anak son

upuf cucu


upuf cucu


♀ beif

nenek grandmother

♀ beif

nenek grandmother

♀ fee

isteri wife

♂ tataf kakak


♂ orif adik


♂ au

saya me

♀ fetof adik


♀ fetof kakak sister

♂ aam riko' · aam mao' bapa kecil


♀ ainaf ·

ina' ibu


♂ amaf bapak father

♀ babaf tante aunt

♂ ain kouf ·

iin ko'u ibu besar


♂ babaf ~ bitoro'

om uncle

♂ na'if · nai'ik

kakek grandfather

♂ na'if · nai'ik

kakek grandfather

Page 60: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Nomer - Nomor - Numbers





























faun · faan



Page 61: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,

Nomer - Nomor - Numbers


bo' nua ·

boa' nua

dua puluh


bo' teun ·

boa' teun

tiga puluh


bo' niim ·

boa' niim

lima puluh


bo' nee ·

boa' nee

enam puluh


bo' hiut ·

boa' hiut

tujuh puluh


bo' faun ·

boa' faan

delapan puluh


bo' seo ·

boa' seo

sembilan puluh


nautn es


one hundred

niufn es


one thousand

bo' haa ·

boa' haa

empat puluh


Page 62: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,
Page 63: Uab Meto' Amarasi...The Kotos dialect of Amarasi is the basis used in this Dictionary. Where there are different words or variant forms between the Kotos dialect and the Ro'is dialect,