u3a comparative religion: anglicanism and anglo-catholicism

U3A Comparative Religion: Anglicanism & Anglo- Catholicism Fr. Simon Rundell SCP, Vicar, S. Thomas the Apostle, Elson

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Presentation to the U3A Comparative Religion Group in Gosport on the history of Anglicanism and its manifestation as Anglio-Catholicism.These are all personal opinions and are not the views of the Church of England or the Diocese of Portsmouth


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U3A Comparative Religion: Anglicanism & Anglo-Catholicism

Fr. Simon Rundell SCP, Vicar, S. Thomas the Apostle, Elson

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To outline the history and diversity of the Anglican Church

To identify the nature and theology of Anglo-Catholicism

To establish the nature of the Church of England as both Catholic and Reformed

To identify some of the points of tension in the Anglican Communion and the particular response of Liberal Anglo-Catholicism to them.

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High Church 

Low Church 

Broad Church 

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History of the Church of England Historically part of

the Western Church

Henry VIII was a faithful and devout catholic Awarded title

“Defender of the Faith” by the Pope in 1521 for his devotion

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History of the Church of England

Political machinations over succession, heirs and the Pope’s niece result in a break with Rome between 1529 and 1540 Henry assumes role as head of the

Church Custom and practice largely unchanged

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Separation from Rome

Religious adherence becomes test of nationalistic loyalty

CofE established as a catholic yet reformed church 1549 Book of

Common Prayer

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The rise of Protestantism First BCP did not

satisfy the more radical reformers influenced by European Protestantism

Revision in 1552 largely by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer

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“The Elizabethan Settlement”

After Mary’s return to Catholicism, Elizabeth I sought a compromise

Creation of 1559 Book of Common Prayer

Largely untouched until the 1928 (failed) revision, the 1980 Alternative Service Book and Common Worship in 2000

Remains the legal and spiritual basis of Anglican Worship

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Richard Hooker & William Laud 1594 Hooker’s Laws of

Ecclesiastical Polity Establishes theological and

ecclesiological argument for Anglicanism

William Laud and the Caroline Divines includes Lancelot Andrews,

John Cosin & Thomas Ken Identifedthe Catholic

underpinning of Anglicanism Claims Apostolic Succession

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Marks of Anglicanism

A federated communion of national churches without central hierarchy

Archbishop of Canterbury is not substitute Pope! “First Amongst Equals” …until the Anglican Covenant is


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Marks of Anglicanism

Focus upon Scripture, Tradition and Reason

Expounded formally in the 39 Articles But the articles are not an explicitly

confessional document like the Westminster Catechism for Lutherans for example

Articles are open to some degree of interpretation

Anglican Clergy are expected to swear obedience to them, although in practice there is ALWAYS variance

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Lambeth Quadrilateral (1870)

Scripture Creed Sacraments

although effectively only the sacraments of Baptism & the Eucharist

Historic Episcopate

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Marks of Anglicanism

Ordinal of Bishops, Priests and Deacons

The ‘Catholic Creeds and Councils’ All those before the 1054 schism

between East & West Book of Common Prayer Authorised Version of Scripture ‘Lex Orandi, Lex Crededi’

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The rise of Puritanism

Extreme Protestantism Fallow period for classical

Anglicanism Mattins (Morning Prayer) becomes

principle act of Sunday worship rather than Holy Communion

Persecution of those with ‘high church’ ideals Imprisonment of Non-Jurors

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The Oxford Movement

1833 Oxford Don John Keble preaches at Oxford Assizes on the tradition of the Church in England

Anonymous ‘Tracts for the Times’ published by Pusey and Newman

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Oxford Movement

Catholic Emancipation in 1829 ends persecution of the Roman Church But does not really end the deep held

suspicion that Rome has political desires in England

Newman ends up converting to Roman Catholicism as a logical conclusion of his Spiritual Journey

Re-establishment of Monasticism begins with Community of the Resurrection 1892

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Ritual Riots

Oxford Movement inspired clergy begin to return to ritualism Candles Vestments English Missal – a high

church reworking of the Book of Common Prayer & Sarum Rite

Inspired rioting in London, Liverpool & elsewhere (1859-60) Clergy imprisoned!

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Anglo-Catholicism is the natural product of the Oxford Movement

A focus on the sacramental life Use of many facets of Roman or

Orthodox liturgy Some Anglo-Catholic Churches are

indistinguishable from their Roman counterparts

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A blending of the parochial nature of ministry with a continuum of authority, tradition and authenticity

Incarnational and Motivated by Social Justice

Rise of the ‘Slum Priest’ and the working class nature of Anglocatholicism

Challenged by the Churches response to key social and theological changes Ordination of women Role of LGBT persons in the Chruch

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Establishment & Legalities Anglican Clergy are not

employees They are ‘Post Holders’ There is an effective Parish for

everyone in England Everyone has a right to be

ministered to by an Anglican Clergyperson

Incumbents (like myself) cannot be moved or removed without serious professional misconduct

Church is not congregational in nature

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Relationship with Rome

1896 Apostolicae Curae by Pope Leo XIII Declares Anglican Orders “absolutely

null & void” Responded by CofE in Saepius Officio Issues still seen in the ‘respraying’ of

Ordinariate Clergy, 2011 1967 establishment of ARCIC Whither Unity?

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‘Traditional’ vs ‘Liberal’

1992 Church of England General Synod votes for the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood

Provision of conscience in 1992 Act of Synod to care for those unable to support this Resolutions and ‘Flying Bishops’

Further fractured by the process of admitting women to the episcopate And confused by the establishment of the

Roman Ordinariate

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The ‘Schism’

So far, the Ordinariate has only seen a handful of Bishops and Priests resign to join the Ordinariate

Only 7% of Churches have any kind of Resolution and few will leave their dearly loved buildings and structures

There will be provision for those with objection, but not as formal as the Act of Synod

Those who feel that is inadequate will ‘cross the Tiber’

Those unprepared to leave will and should find a valued place in the Church

I have close relationships with many in these positions

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Fresh Expressions

A new venture in Mission Contextualised to individual

communities Strategies for reaching the

unchurched or the dechurched New Monasticism Alternative Worship

Non Parochial Ecclesial Communities Blesséd in Gosport

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Blesséd – Creative Worship as Mission

Multimedia based Sacramentally focused Uses all of our senses to

create worship which challenges and stimulates

Arisen from Youth Work in Portsmouth

Leads worship at Greenbelt Festival

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Examples of Blesséd liturgy

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Creative Ideas for Alternative Sacramental


Rundell S (2010) Canterbury Press, NorwichAvailable from Amazon!

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Creative Ideas for

Sacramental Worship with


Rundell S (2011) Canterbury Press, NorwichComing Soon!

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St. Thomas the Apostle,on the corner of Elson Road & Elson Lane

Mass at 10am Sunday!