u25a0 l music 3 days, thursday - library of congress...entire company were finally effec tlve enough...

Tonight Only "Fifty-Fifty" <h|u*U llart'a "Draw Kuan" In thrtlla and dramatic punch, and Kalr- bank'* "Manhattan Mad nr*»" In rapid fir* actios. FATTY ARBUCKLE RAY HITCHCOCK ?In "A Village Scandal" sr* Juat aa big a comedy uteres* as when first shown K er«, months ago WALLACE URLITZER Real music for EEL PICTURES First at I'ike?Continuous II to II ?Maimers 10c ? Evenings ISc ?Children 6c KTE OF SNAKE IS FATAL TO INFANT IMKRRK. 8. D. Oct 25.- Th« I) ear old son of Mr. and Mrs. Rub- ert Jennings died In a hospital her' Uft sight from the effects of a rat tle«nake bite, received while he *x playing about his home. PROGRAMS TODAY ? \urma Ia In iitftr lu \u25a0 »\u25a0?.«>. nn >.~ < t)M«KI M? Viae la "The nia a I.KVtvtKN?tiara Kimball V aaaa la * t»t»imna I.aw." NKt?< karlte I hapllai ? Srrte* Maarbell plrlnrei. I 111 liM VI Sari *wUr»« ~\\ antral, a H HtVII-TtitSa Kara la aid Jallrl." < I * ? l.taarl »atff»K la ?*Tfcr Wll.ia «li*afc." SIXIIIV ? Mar> I'trkf«r4 la a- artrr." ? ? a LIBERTY Norma Taltnadgr. star of "Chil- dren In the House." "The Social Secretary," and nianv other t»»t i successes. srl'l be seen at the Lib- erty for the last times tonight In | "Fifty-Fifty" I* Is acclaimed, pro claimed and i stated that "Flf'v J|p| Healthy Children holly" S The Unbleached FLOUR rNo unnatural processes are employed in making Holly Flour. It is as Nature intended it. the CREAMY WHITE color of the wholesome flour. It is a food you need not fear. Safe- guard your family's health by using Holly, the Unbleached Flour. fmn Manufactured by Seattle VikfT y ot^HU| y C , 0, UMKCAOBD . nous _ . STARTING TODAY THRILLS! fiEEI THRU BOLTED DOORS FIFTH EPISODE OF ?THE- SHIELDING HADOW PATHE'S WONDER PICTURE COLONIAL THEATRE DOINGS IN FILMDOM - MOTES (SOSSiDP I Scan* from "Tha Vagabond Prlnca," with Dorothy Oalton, com- ing to ttii Liberty. ?Fifty" la the greatest picture.' inklti ; * whole the story, stsr them plot. mt< tslnlng moments. ?Iramatlc aid evening Incident' and the Interesting love theme, that this Jiopular Seattle favorite- has rter apiwa.nd In. and It will gite William S. Mart's Met urn of 'Draw' Kgsn" and ttouglas Fair- banks' "Manhattan Madneaa" a run for their money. ? a ? COLISEUM Nothing less than an Meal selec Hon Is pretty Mae Murray for the role of Hetty In "The Big Sister," ) cloalng at the Coliseum Wednesday night. Hetty, left in charge of het little brother. Jimmy, by a drunken father. Is fastened upon bv tbe j tenter of the underworld as tbe ob ject of bis desire Terrorised by j J his thre»t«. sh- takes stepa to meet them Mow ahe gains the victory and Is Installed as the mlstreaa of a home of wealth and fashion. Is told with much thrill and action Thursday the Coliseum will put on Vivian Martin, the Seattla actress, in "Her Father's Son " ? ? a COLONIAL l»evoteea of the motion picture will recall with pleasure the sweet- faced blonde girl who was the suf- fering heroine of "Mho**'' and the ? mallmed victim of society In Sa» j Ing the Fan) 11) N>ni«." and to the following Mary Mariarsu has ere | ated as a Bluebird leading lad> the ] newa will be welcome that she will \u25a0 return to the Colonial theatre In! Wanted A Home." a third fea lure liOls Walter has created for her special exploitation This time Miss MacLaran plays the \ role of an orphan girl, compelled to j begin early In life the battle for an i : exlatenr* Against greit odds she j I struggles to live righteously and still clothe snd feed herself In semblance of respectability an<l j j wholenomenrss. succeeding lines liectedly In winning the battle and "living happy e\er after" ? ? a CLEMMER The motion picture Is not s play j lor drama, but a narrative." sail | Clara Kimball Young, appearing In < 1 The Common 1 Jiw," at the Clem j mer. In a recent Interview j i "There Is all the difference in the j world between the two forms of e* ' presslon Msny msgnlflcent novels 1 would fall hopelessly »s staged drama* and yet make fine motion picture*. On the other hand th" highest form of drama, loses half Its fop-e when novelised and can't 'he successfully produced »« a mo 'lon picture si all Who can imaclne successful presentation* ot i Ibsen on the screen'" . . . STRAND Elnar Unden is very superstl i ! tlous While he was In hi* dressing | raom at the William Fox studio, during the filming of "Romeo and j Jullat." now at the Strand, ho no | i tired a slight crack In the mirror 1 | that he carries In his makeup case "I will not act today." ha ssiil | to Director Kdwards "Why?" th - * director asked. "My mirror," paid the actor. "It is broken." "Very well," answered Mr. Kd 1 wa-rd*. "I'll buy win a new one." Linden would not accept lh« . 1 gift, but he refused to act for sonx ' time The combined pleas of the entire company were finally effec tlve enough to make him change his mind. a a a CLASS A "Marry" Pale, a Wall *t. broker. In financially ruined by hN i-cr'ld- lon* and falthles* wife. mid her companion. Richard Marvin, an- other Iroke*. who t |io>"<| n* Kale'* be«t friend. Hihemtetiel and depresse.l. I».«!?? K >?' t'» hi .iiiaittnen' ex;»eiiiii<; c< nilon mil solace from hi* wife lii Mead be find* her there in the embrace* of Marvin They laugh al him. in I Marvin, the stronger of rhe two men. literally throw* I>al« out of hi* own homo. He giver him a pl*tol and tell* him 'he whole af- fair can be*t be settled, to ever;, one'* satisfaction. If Dale will till himself. The ' ?-?'CoInK I* th» f'r ' hnii- ter of "The Yellow Streak." at the Class A. * ft ? MISSION TonlKhl bring* the la*t ')p|)o, tnnlty for Seattle [ihol.l| iv fan* t-i with America'* darling. Mary Pick- at the Mission. ??utltl'- ! "'"aiirlce," with America's darlin* Mary Pic. ford, In the leading role It In said to be ono of Mis* Plckford h ureal- eat successes. the other* being 'in the Bishop's Carriage." Miss Pick STAR?WFDNKSDAY, OCT. J5, 1916. PAGE J WILL HE FOLLOW HIS OWN THEORY Man Wlio Easy Di vorce In Now Sued by 11 is Wifr NEGLECTED, SAYS SHE KANSAS CITV, Mo., Oct 25.? ! While married and Happy Richard D. Kathrena advocated free divorce : and eet down definite rulaa of rata tionahlp of divorced couplaa in hla | booh, "Lat a Civllue tha Marriage i Ltwi." Now ha la being eued for divorce If Kathrena' wlfa wine her ault, will Kathrena practice hia own the oriaa? For Inatance: Will hp refer aith rtvenentlal »epi ct to "mv drvnteil alater who I *m my wlfa' '*? Will he obey hla own ml* tint "ihe duty to miIII provide for h*i (hla divorced wlfe'at aupport khoiihl'run atcalnat the huahand aa ? valid claim In lln< nature) of a punitive damaitc"? Will Ha let HerT Will he lei "the mother direct the dliipoaltlon of the children"? Will Kathrena when the ault rearhea court dlapute hla wife ? claim*. or «ven let her detail "for the delectation i f a rtirloua and Koaalpv public the Indlxnltlea ahc may have endured or tconfeaal ai>* of Iter own fralltlea or mistake*"* j All them quotations are from hla hook and are therefore hla beliefs Imfore he waa nnfronted liy tlila divorce ault. If he carries out hi* theories, there will he no ueed of a ault. for he will not proteat It and It will t>e left to th» court to icrant the divorce Kathrena waa married In 1*94 ilia wife chargee he nenlei ted her for literary puraulta, He la an In jv entment in ker MARINES DIE DURING FIGHT WASHINGTON. Oct. IS.?A nary I report from Col, I'endleton, com . mandlng American marine* atj Hanto Oomlugo today. Mated that ("apt W W. Lowe and Hergt Prank M wood were killed and >*lr«t I.lent John Maraton 111 »a* allv-httv In Jured when marine* went to arreet Ha-nofl Katlatl, a Itornlnlran bandit Hatl-11. in cording to the report, waa killed MCSS HILL BURNS AT 11. S. MVY VMO BfUCMKRTON. Ort 15?Entail Ing a loaa of about $3.<>00. the men* hall of the employe* of the Hremer ton navy yard «aa drat roved Tue»- day night by fire of an unknown origin Jarklea and yard hand* gathered every available .ilece of fire api>*r atua and worked desperately to keep the flame* from apreadlßg to near by bulldlnga. ford'* Impersonallon of "the rhlld of nature" I* very captivating an*! charming, and ahe I* bound to en dear her*elf to the public mom and more. Little Marv I* alway* lov able, no matter what rhara-ter or role *he portray* A Burton Holme* travelogue of the Philippine Inland* mid * :i««ra pictorial will complete lb* pm* at i The now banjo orrhe*tra la miHnt a hit with the Heattle public. -ind U add* materially to the pi -J' re plan "I aurrandar." yalled a New York ritv burglar while he win being choked bv Mr* Murray. who bad alwaya aald a houadireaker would cauic her to faint iyfl TODAY Lionel Barrymore and IRENE HOWLEY IN 'A Yellow Streak' live wonderful net*, eloquent with romance, thrllla and supreme human Interest, Betty Compson and All Mar cuat "He Wouldn't Tip" Cub Comedy 5c $5 5c Third Avi., naar Pike Mae M>uray li our of the pre' lien! girl* on the *creen. Her good look* wer« certified to by an e* pert when Ho /.legfeld featured her In hla "Pc)IIm" In New York, a ? how that uaea the moat beautiful women to l*» found the country over The picture* lured Mlaa Murray away from Zlegfeld. and *he la now with Katnoua I'lajera?l.a«k)'. In t'altfornla To alto* Die big way her manag* r do a tliltiK*. the com- pany wii working at Hollywood. FOR A GHOST DANCE Deviled Oy*ter* Hitler Hr< ad fabtiage Salad Salted Nut* Moon fake* Imp l«e Cream Coffee or Grip- Jttlce The "bitter i.read' I* a high- ly aplred *andwlrh The "moon rake* are fortune-telling rake*, each one containing aome pro- phetic tvmbol or a vera p. The decoration* are *kulla and rroanbonea. h»r*e*hoea, fotir- le«f clover*, jack-o'-lantern* While the luncheon I* *erved. green fire |* burned on the table, and ghoat *torl#a are told by tho gue*t*. The r<-fre*h ment* are pa*aed l>> gho*t*. All light* should have green *hade« K >1? A HK .H IINK MUMMI.KV Itrown llrwd tfandwlche* ttoughnill* Cider MolaaaaJ Taffy or Miplt Candy Tim ' Jink*" or gue*l* ar* to be dre»*ed In brown and arc to keep "mum" during thi> even- ing. it at lea»t while refresh- ment* are *crv«d The lunch- con la all brown, and la to bp nonert I y "nut-brown" maid*. The decoration* arc .lutumu leave \n old fashioned mo- ll »>ic- toff* |>ull, or d in pie ir iijw i i oniric'c* th »von i K a entertainment. FOR A \\ IICIII S* UK .ADC )ON lllick Broth In Cupa lll»< k Bread and Black Walnut * \u2666 I'rlrra t'ra l«l I'rwdllrrf* for I ||i. l-hullo, till it nil I'nrl* ? \u2666 I*1« hnitlrr* *? I Hi. ks, I*l ? < 1 ' " 'j 11-na. I', lb« JJ 11tin. S lha. un*l }|#n« « M>« and o\ or M<iuab». al«». dor 1 W O 1 I Twrkova. llv* T urk«*v a dr#aa*d Vol fancy. to 12.'» lb .11 # I- + j Old roogtara. ll\« ?? ? *!?u. i pork good Mock hoi« »IV4 j + ? Helling I'riif* ?«» Kfttilrr for flutter. I a*» »nd < heo*e \u2666 ?\u2666 flutter x 11U f WitahIIIII I?? »? cream* 1 '" v, «i'bc **? Nm'vi- w»?ii in m n ti f Vl'T\ , lift' K ? \u25a0 \u25a0 Piur**' ."i? I - ! I . - ..11 K " ' I lirr»f |>iniratl» is hen I ? ? ? ?- ** «»ri-K<»n t r11»»?? \u2666 * Wlu <»n*ln Wllconaln lulu* Vnuiiß -8- Rel«rt r^n^h rgg* -4"2 A|»rll PtorMgr ... I'rirrw NM N Dfil. i* for I \ rgrtiihlro «nil I'rilll \u2666 - \u2666 tod by .1 \V (lodwln A Oft. I j Arlliluikf* d<»* ... 1-00 UUfkbrrrloi" 1 Hitmnix .04' iff 08 ftr-f '"k J ~n r?« iigii i tb. . i |l«anr. wiix. ?»«'r lb 1" TO KILL COCKROACHES EARNS'ELECTRIC PASTE I . V (iournmrnl !?»?>? II U Ifil KHI \% HKHK?3ftc mm* 91 ST » MAE MURRAY NOW IN MOVIES M** Murray near l>o» Angele*. alien It »a* handed the arenarlo of The Big Slater.'" In which Mlaa Murray la now playing at the Collaeum. The plot railed for aome New York alum arene*. Inatead of faking tbnae In t'allfornla. the dlrertor took Mlaa Murray and her princi- pal* clear arron* the country to New York, made the *ren<* there, and then returned to California and flnlahed the picture. That Ik why the alum aienra on the Collneuw *cre< n «r" »o irallntU HALLOWEEN MENUS AND RECIPES Oaar Mim Gr«y: Pl**** giv ?ua aoma auggaatlona for rafraah- manta at a Halloween party and n*wr Idaaa for aarvlng tham. HALLIE ANO HAL. Sandwich** Mushroom I'lckle* 111#'khand i fortune telling) Cake Itlack Coffee Licorice Candy The decoration* ure all In black .md ronnlat of wltrh-s, hobgoblin*. <at*. bata. toad*, broom*, etc. The lunrheon I* eerved h wltrhe* who weave *pe||* and rhant menacing rhyme* a* the* work. Freak danrlng. wdo or ensemble, fln- l*he» th« evening. FOR A PROPHECY PARTY Piiti.rlat Sandwiched \(p!c Salad B<>g.. Pickles Individual Pumpkin Plea ? Burn i Icohol on the pleat Coffee Thin luncheon la to be *er\ed by Ryp'li* who dance or tell fortune* 111 Miliar t fn*hi< n. The decoration* are fruiU and vcgetible*. nut*. pumpkin lan- terns, aquaah vine* and corn- *tu|k*. KuturlM *andwlchea are cut In extraordinary «hai>ea. and no two have Uie name f 111- Inn Or each may contain a prophetic vers* wrapped In oiled paper. Q.?Can you tell me hew to make carrot pudding? HOUSEWIFE. A One cup "rale! caruta, onr cup ir rated Irish potatoc*. one cup MU«r, on* cuii *ifle ' flour, one cup choppod ral'ltiK, buttr ~ *l<e of egg. one teaspoon cm h of soda, clnna nion and cloves. Steam for three Ihour*. Sauce Half cup butter, half cup cream, one cup augar, fla vorlng to taate. 801 l all together MARKET REPORT pri|«i«e>| f«|»roUll> lb .11 Cflbhig*. I«mnl flt V 01 I'ai l»n\nn« i»fr « rgt«» * V fi *On ? 4 nrr»l-. i«m«I ?*. ii 100 Ih, ... .. i>; ?i, t'f»i liMihtMi*'' ,5i iv I'nic nimi ... o.*» %f (ir«;>»frtill, ('at 3.00 «) 4 \u25a0'» «lnrlb\ ii** . \i ? irnpon Tokay .. 1.60 0 140 MaUg* 1 30 140 ilmp'a. Concord, nib. bo* .fTVfc Cornlrhon 1 IS ? lrap#«. black . 126 G 1 .'»© Monty, naw, claa 300 9 360 llonoy. ulralnod liflluri botbou*#. cralo. 75 # 100 lea «l aani maion om Valancl » orang*« . 476 0 600 Paral*-)*, d«»* .26 Waitatrbaa and Yakima oo « g,% PNN 100 0 116 pf|i|»fr«. so -11» rral# .... i \u25a0» 1.26 P|tioao|»|c. Florid-x, ? rat* 1 r>o »*rnto q I«'\ ,".0 4* »-0 ICmllMli 16 x* * Mb«|)»n 'i local o? ii 11 ibag-is VnklMi i .'io »i i.Ti l»i»t! "0-1 bo* 4«» «i 78 rurnltia, Vahlnm 1 i'iO 0 I,|| Turklub ntalon. lb. . .0": Watermalftn A|>plaa Jonnlban . too 0 lis U>nntchoe ilrivanili-lii I.2ft ti 176 l.ocal cooking Mpplm 60 0 100 Joff«*a . itl 0 i ?b Union* Onion*, vollow, I'al . .. .03 Onions gro#n. local 16 Wallo Walla 03 I'olalora While rh or l.\ oo Taldma (tfmi . ... ... 40,00 Swcoi potatoes .02*4 ? < I ourl1> llhi and tir iln (PrU on }t tl«l protluccr» \u2666 4 AlfHlfil .So I MOO « ?!? oo Mar lev *i 00 to «» oo fiigei aotind .... Tl oo Moo Kantem Waiiblngton 0at«..:3.00 ar rt4 oo Htrnw i oil 12. oo Timothy jo oo tri'l.oo Mlgad tlmotby if 00 020 00 Kantarn Waablngton dou- bt* compreaaed timothy 26.00 VYhaal 43 00 #«!.?? COLISEUM nmpu m* MkfwMwy Wednesda y SvSiiiJP N ' ght LAST ; TIMES jr" * other fine film ft an< l music :Mai \u25a0"\u25a0"\u25a0'\u25a0 3 Days, Starting Thursday that clever little beauty VIVIAN MARTIN ?in? 'Her Father's Son" New Music?Other New Pictures 15c?Children 5c Loge Seats 30c I until Ilk* thick cream »nd ierv«i *arra with pudding Q. ?I am to stand up with my chum at hit wedding. At it la to itake placc In church, I am anxious to know my dut ea. particularly aa to expenses. What part of th« ex- pense of the caramony ia born* by ;tha best man? Does he pay the carriage hlr«? ELBERT. A The best man pay* no pan |of the wedding e*penses. Hp as- Islst* the groom In procuring his railroad ticket*. If necessary. At the time of the ceremony he car I rtes the ring and hands It to the groom at the proper point to th« service; he als i takes charg« of the clergyman's fee. presenting it to him In the vestry room Imme- diately after the ceremony. Tha bride'a family provides the car- riages, unless the groom prefers to do ao. Russia's croaa of St. Andrew has a remarkalle peculiarity attaching to it. All who are decorated with with it have the right once to de- mand pardon for a Kussian subject, condemned to death. Ij^n Ny \^ HURRY! HURRY!! HURRY!!! IF YOU WOULD SEE THE PHOTO DRAMATIC EVENT OF THE SEASON LEWIS J. SELZNICK PRESENTS THE SCREEN STAR SUPREME CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG IN THE GIGANTIC SEVEN-ACT SUPER-FEATURE "THE COMMON LAW Adafftd From the Tremendoualy Popular Novel of t> e Same Name by ROBERT W. CHAMBERS PUBLISHED IN COSMOPOLITAN M. GUTERSON'S FAMOUS RUSSIAN ORCHESTRA MUSICAL PROGRAM "CANZONETTA" By Codard "MIDSI'M.MKH'.NKJHT'S DREAM" By Mrndelssohn CLEMMER "?

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Page 1: u25a0 l music 3 Days, Thursday - Library of Congress...entire company were finally effec tlve enough to make him change his mind. a a a CLASS A "Marry" Pale, a Wall *t. broker. In

Tonight Only

"Fifty-Fifty" <h|u*U llart'a"Draw Kuan" In thrtlla anddramatic punch, and Kalr-bank'* "Manhattan Madnr*»" In rapid fir* actios.


?In "A Village Scandal"sr* Juat aa big a comedy

uteres* as when firstshown K er«, months ago


Real music forEEL PICTURES

First at I'ike?ContinuousII to II?Maimers 10c?Evenings ISc?Children 6c


IMKRRK. 8. D. Oct 25.- Th«I)ear old son of Mr. and Mrs. Rub-ert Jennings died In a hospital her'Uft sight from the effects of a rattle«nake bite, received while he *x

playing about his home.

PROGRAMS TODAY? \urma Ia In iitftr lu

\u25a0 »\u25a0?.«>. nn >.~

< t)M«KI M? Viae la "Thenia

a I.KVtvtKN?tiara Kimball V aaaala * t»t»imna I.aw."

NKt?< karlte I hapllai ?

Srrte* Maarbell plrlnrei.I 111 liMVI Sari *wUr»«

~\\ antral, aHHtVII-TtitSa Kara la

aid Jallrl."< I *? l.taarl »atff»K la

?*Tfcr Wll.ia «li*afc."SIXIIIV? Mar> I'trkf«r4 la a-

artrr."? ? a

LIBERTYNorma Taltnadgr. star of "Chil-

dren In the House." "The SocialSecretary," and nianv other t»»t

i successes. srl'l be seen at the Lib-erty for the last times tonight In

| "Fifty-Fifty" I* Is acclaimed, pro

claimed and i stated that "Flf'v

J|p| Healthy


holly"S The Unbleached FLOURrNo unnatural processes are

employed in making Holly

Flour. It is as Nature intendedit. the CREAMY WHITE colorof the wholesome flour. It is afood you need not fear. Safe-guard your family's health byusing Holly, the UnbleachedFlour.

fmnManufactured by Seattle

VikfTyot^HU| yC,

0,UMKCAOBD. nous _ .








Scan* from "Tha Vagabond Prlnca," with Dorothy Oalton, com-ing to ttii Liberty.

?Fifty" la the greatest picture.'inklti ; n« * whole the story, stsrthem plot. mt< tslnlng moments.?Iramatlc aid evening Incident'and the Interesting love theme,

that this Jiopular Seattle favorite-has rter apiwa.nd In. and It willgite William S. Mart's Met urn of

'Draw' Kgsn" and ttouglas Fair-banks' "Manhattan Madneaa" a runfor their money.

? a ?

COLISEUMNothing less than an Meal selec

Hon Is pretty Mae Murray for therole of Hetty In "The Big Sister," )cloalng at the Coliseum Wednesdaynight. Hetty, left in charge of hetlittle brother. Jimmy, by a drunkenfather. Is fastened upon bv tbe jtenter of the underworld as tbe object of bis desire Terrorised by j

J his thre»t«. sh- takes stepa to meetthem Mow ahe gains the victory

and Is Installed as the mlstreaa ofa home of wealth and fashion. Is

told with much thrill and actionThursday the Coliseum will put onVivian Martin, the Seattla actress,

in "Her Father's Son "

? ? a

COLONIALl»evoteea of the motion picture

will recall with pleasure the sweet-faced blonde girl who was the suf-fering heroine of "Mho**'' and the ?

mallmed victim of society In Sa» jIng the Fan) 11) N>ni«." and to thefollowing Mary Mariarsu has ere |

ated as a Bluebird leading lad> the ]newa will be welcome that she will \u25a0return to the Colonial theatre In!

Wanted A Home." a third fealure liOls Walter has created for

her special exploitation Thistime Miss MacLaran plays the

\ role of an orphan girl, compelled toj begin early In life the battle for an i: exlatenr* Against greit odds she j

I struggles to live righteously andstill clothe snd feed herself Insemblance of respectability an<l j

j wholenomenrss. succeeding linesliectedly In winning the battle and"living happy e\er after"

? ? a

CLEMMERThe motion picture Is not s play j

lor drama, but a narrative." sail| Clara Kimball Young, appearing In <

1 The Common 1Jiw," at the Clem jmer. In a recent Interview j

i "There Is all the difference in the jworld between the two forms of e*

' presslon Msny msgnlflcent novels 1would fall hopelessly »s staged

drama* and yet make fine motionpicture*. On the other hand th"highest form of drama, loses halfIts fop-e when novelised and can't'he successfully produced »« a mo'lon picture si all Who canimaclne successful presentation* ot

i Ibsen on the screen'". . .

STRANDElnar Unden is very superstl i

! tlousWhile he was In hi* dressing

| raom at the William Fox studio,

during the filming of "Romeo and jJullat." now at the Strand, ho no |

i tired a slight crack In the mirror 1| that he carries In his makeup case

"I will not act today." ha ssiil

| to Director Kdwards"Why?" th -* director asked."My mirror," paid the actor. "It

is broken.""Very well," answered Mr. Kd

1 wa-rd*. "I'll buy win a new one."Linden would not accept lh« .

1 gift, but he refused to act for sonx' time The combined pleas of the

entire company were finally effec

tlve enough to make him changehis mind.

a a a

CLASS A"Marry" Pale, a Wall *t. broker.

In financially ruined by hN i-cr'ld-lon* and falthles* wife. mid hercompanion. Richard Marvin, an-

other Iroke*. who h« t |io>"<| n*

Kale'* be«t friend. Hihemtetieland depresse.l. I».«!?? K >?' t'» hi

.iiiaittnen' ex;»eiiiii<; c< nilon milsolace from hi* wife liiMead befind* her there in the embrace* of

Marvin They laugh al him. in IMarvin, the stronger of rhe two

men. literally throw* I>al« out ofhi* own homo. He giver him apl*tol and tell* him 'he whole af-fair can be*t be settled, to ever;,one'* satisfaction. If Dale will tillhimself.

The ' ?-?'CoInK I* th» f'r ' hnii-ter of "The Yellow Streak." at theClass A.

* ft ?

MISSIONTonlKhl bring* the la*t ')p|)o,

tnnlty for Seattle [ihol.l| iv fan* t-i

with America'* darling. Mary Pick-at the Mission. ??utltl'- ! "'"aiirlce,"with America's darlin* Mary Pic.ford, In the leading role It In saidto be ono of Mis* Plckford h ureal-

eat successes. the other* being 'inthe Bishop's Carriage." Miss Pick



Man Wlio Easy Divorce In Now Sued by

11 is Wifr


KANSAS CITV, Mo., Oct 25.? !While married and Happy RichardD. Kathrena advocated free divorce :

and eet down definite rulaa of ratationahlp of divorced couplaa in hla |booh, "Lat a Civllue tha Marriage iLtwi."

Now ha la being eued for divorceIf Kathrena' wlfa wine her ault,

will Kathrena practice hia own theoriaa?

For Inatance:Will hp refer aith rtvenentlal

»epi ct to "mv drvnteil alater who I*m my wlfa' '*?

Will he obey hla own ml* tint"ihe duty to miIII provide for h*i(hla divorced wlfe'at aupportkhoiihl'run atcalnat the huahand aa? valid claim In lln< nature) of apunitive damaitc"?

Will Ha let HerTWill he lei "the mother direct

the dliipoaltlon of the children"?Will Kathrena when the ault

rearhea court dlapute hla wife ?

claim*. or «ven let her detail "forthe delectation i f a rtirloua andKoaalpv public the Indlxnltlea ahcmay have endured or tconfeaal ai>*of Iter own fralltlea or mistake*"* j

All them quotations are from hlahook and are therefore hla beliefsImfore he waa nnfronted liy tliladivorce ault. If he carries out hi*theories, there will he no ueed ofa ault. for he will not proteat Itand It will t>e left to th» court toicrant the divorce

Kathrena waa married In 1*94ilia wife chargee he nenlei ted herfor literary puraulta, He la an Injventment in ker


WASHINGTON. Oct. IS.?A nary Ireport from Col, I'endleton, com .mandlng American marine* atjHanto Oomlugo today. Mated that("apt W W. Lowe and Hergt PrankM wood were killed and >*lr«t I.lentJohn Maraton 111 »a* allv-httv InJured when marine* went to arreetHa-nofl Katlatl, a Itornlnlran bandit

Hatl-11. in cording to the report,waa killed


BfUCMKRTON. Ort 15?EntailIng a loaa of about $3.<>00. the men*

hall of the employe* of the Hremerton navy yard «aa drat roved Tue»-day night by fire of an unknownorigin

Jarklea and yard hand* gatheredevery available .ilece of fire api>*r

atua and worked desperately tokeep the flame* from apreadlßg tonear by bulldlnga.

ford'* Impersonallon of "the rhlldof nature" I* very captivating an*!charming, and ahe I* bound to endear her*elf to the public mom andmore. Little Marv I* alway* lovable, no matter what rhara-ter orrole *he portray*

A Burton Holme* travelogue ofthe Philippine Inland* mid * :i««rapictorial will complete lb* pm* at i

The now banjo orrhe*tra la miHnta hit with the Heattle public. -indU add* materially to the pi -J' replan

"I aurrandar." yalled a New Yorkritv burglar while he win being

choked bv Mr* Murray. who badalwaya aald a houadireaker wouldcauic her to faint






'A Yellow Streak'live wonderful net*,

eloquent with romance,thrllla and supreme

human Interest,

Betty Compsonand All Mar cuat

"He Wouldn'tTip"

Cub Comedy

5c $5 5cThird Avi., naar Pike

Mae M>uray li our of the pre'

lien! girl* on the *creen. Her goodlook* wer« certified to by an e*

pert when Ho /.legfeld featuredher In hla "Pc)IIm" In New York, a? how that uaea the moat beautifulwomen to l*» found the countryover

The picture* lured Mlaa Murrayaway from Zlegfeld. and *he la nowwith Katnoua I'lajera?l.a«k)'. Int'altfornla To alto* Die big wayher manag* r do a tliltiK*. the com-pany wii working at Hollywood.


Deviled Oy*ter*Hitler Hr< ad fabtiage Salad

Salted Nut*Moon fake* Imp l«e Cream

Coffee or Grip- JttlceThe "bitter i.read' I* a high-

ly aplred *andwlrh The "moonrake* are fortune-telling rake*,each one containing aome pro-phetic tvmbol or a vera p. Thedecoration* are *kulla andrroanbonea. h»r*e*hoea, fotir-le«f clover*, jack-o'-lantern*While the luncheon I* *erved.green fire |* burned on thetable, and ghoat *torl#a are toldby tho gue*t*. The r<-fre*hment* are pa*aed l>> gho*t*. Alllight* should have green



Itrown llrwd tfandwlche*ttoughnill* Cider

MolaaaaJ Taffy or Miplt CandyTim ' Jink*" or gue*l* ar* to bedre»*ed In brown and arc tokeep "mum" during thi> even-ing. it at lea»t while refresh-ment* are *crv«d The lunch-con la all brown, and la to bp

nonert I y "nut-brown" maid*.The decoration* arc .lutumuleave \n old fashioned mo-ll »>ic- toff* |>ull, or d in pie

ir iijwi i oniric'c* th »voni K a entertainment.


lllick Broth In Cupalll»< k Bread and Black Walnut

* \u2666I'rlrra t'ra l«l I'rwdllrrf* for I ||i.

l-hullo, till itnil I'nrl*? \u2666I*1« hnitlrr* *?I Hi. ks, I*l ? < 1 ' " 'j

11-na. I', lb« J J11tin. S lha. un*l}|#n« « M>« and o\ or

M<iuab». al«». dor 1 W O 1 ITwrkova. llv*Turk«*v a dr#aa*dVol fancy. to 12.'» lb .11 # I- + jOld roogtara. ll\« ?? ? *!?u. ipork good Mock hoi« »IV4 j+


Helling I'riif* ?«» Kfttilrr for

flutter. I a*» »nd < heo*e

\u2666 ?\u2666flutter

x 11U f WitahIIIIII?? »?

cream* 1 '" v, «i'bc **?

Nm'vi- w»?ii in m ntifVl'T\, lift' K ? \u25a0 \u25a0

Piur**' ."i? *« I- ! I . - ..11 K " '

I lirr»f

|>iniratl» is hen I ? ? ??- **

«»ri-K<»n t r11»»?? \u2666 *

Wlu <»n*lnWllconaln lulu*Vnuiiß -8-

Rel«rt r^n^hrgg* -4"2

A|»rll PtorMgr ...

I'rirrw NM N Dfil. i* for I\ rgrtiihlro «nil I'rilll

\u2666 - \u2666tod by .1 \V (lodwln A Oft. I j

Arlliluikf* d<»* ...1-00

UUfkbrrrloi" 1Hitmnix .04' iff 08ftr-f '"k J ~nr?« iigiiP» i tb. . i|l«anr. wiix. ?»«'r lb 1"


U IfilKHI \% HKHK?3ftc mm* 91



M** Murray

near l>o» Angele*. alien It »a*handed the arenarlo of The BigSlater.'" In which Mlaa Murray lanow playing at the Collaeum. Theplot railed for aome New Yorkalum arene*. Inatead of faking

tbnae In t'allfornla. the dlrertortook Mlaa Murray and her princi-pal* clear arron* the country toNew York, made the *ren<* there,and then returned to California andflnlahed the picture. That Ik why

the alum aienra on the Collneuw*cre< n «r" »o irallntU

HALLOWEEN MENUS AND RECIPESOaar Mim Gr«y: Pl**** giv ?ua aoma auggaatlona for rafraah-

manta at a Halloween party and n*wr Idaaa for aarvlng tham.HALLIE ANO HAL.

Sandwich**Mushroom I'lckle*

111#'khand i fortune telling)

CakeItlack Coffee

Licorice CandyThe decoration* ure all In

black .md ronnlat of wltrh-s,hobgoblin*. <at*. bata. toad*,broom*, etc. The lunrheon I*eerved h wltrhe* who weave*pe||* and rhant menacingrhyme* a* the* work. Freakdanrlng. wdo or ensemble, fln-l*he» th« evening.


Piiti.rlat Sandwiched\(p!c Salad B<>g.. Pickles

Individual Pumpkin Plea? Burn i Icohol on the pleat

CoffeeThin luncheon la to be *er\ed

by Ryp'li* who dance or tellfortune* 111 Miliar t fn*hi< n.The decoration* are fruiU andvcgetible*. nut*. pumpkin lan-terns, aquaah vine* and corn-*tu|k*. KuturlM *andwlcheaare cut In extraordinary «hai>ea.and no two have Uie name f 111-Inn Or each may contain aprophetic vers* wrapped Inoiled paper.

Q.?Can you tell me hew to makecarrot pudding? HOUSEWIFE.

A One cup "rale! caruta, onrcup ir rated Irish potatoc*. one cupMU«r, on* cuii *ifle ' flour, one cupchoppod ral'ltiK, buttr ~ *l<e of egg.one teaspoon cm h of soda, clnnanion and cloves. Steam for three

Ihour*. Sauce Half cup butter,

half cup cream, one cup augar, flavorlng to taate. 801 l all together

MARKET REPORTpri|«i«e>| f«|»roUll> lb .11Cflbhig*. I«mnl flt V 01I'ai l»n\nn« i»fr « rgt«» * V fi *On? 4nrr»l-. i«m«I ?*. ii 100

Ih, ... . . i>; ?i,t'f»i liMihtMi*'' ,5i ivI'nic nimi ...

o.*» %f(ir«;>»frtill, ('at 3.00 «) 4 \u25a0'»

«lnrlb\ ii** . \i? irnpon Tokay .. 1.60 0 140

MaUg* 1 30 140ilmp'a. Concord, nib. bo* .fTVfc

Cornlrhon 1 IS? lrap#«. black . 126 G 1 .'»©

Monty, naw, claa 300 9 360llonoy. ulralnodliflluri botbou*#. cralo. 75 # 100lea «l aani maion omValancl » orang*« . 476 0 600Paral*-)*, d«»* .26

Waitatrbaa andYakima oo « g,%

PNN 100 0 116pf|i|»fr«. so -11» rral# .... i \u25a0»r»

1.26P|tioao|»|c. Florid-x, ? rat* 1 r>o»*rnto q I«'\ ,".0 4* »-0ICmllMli 16 x* *

Mb«|)»n 'i local o?ii 11 ibag-is VnklMi i .'io »i i.Ti

l»i»t! "0-1 ?» bo* 4«» «i 78rurnltia, Vahlnm 1 i'iO 0 I,||Turklub ntalon. lb. . .0":Watermalftn

A|>plaaJonnlban . too 0 lisU>nntchoe ilrivanili-lii I.2ft ti 176l.ocal cooking Mpplm 60 0 100Joff«*a . itl 0 i ?b

Union*Onion*, vollow, I'al . .. .03Onions gro#n. local 16Wallo Walla 03

I'olaloraWhile rh or l.\ ooTaldma (tfmi . ... ... 40,00

Swcoi potatoes .02*4? <

I ourl1> llhi and tir iln(PrU on }t tl«l protluccr»

\u2666 4AlfHlfil .So I MOO « ?!? ooMarlev *i00 to «» oofiigei aotind .... Tl oo #»Moo

Kantem Waiiblngton 0at«..:3.00 ar rt4 ooHtrnw i oil 12. ooTimothy jo oo tri'l.ooMlgad tlmotby if 00 020 00Kantarn Waablngton dou-

bt* compreaaed timothy 26.00VYhaal 43 00 #«!.??


MkfwMwy Wednesda y

SvSiiiJP N'ght



other fine film

ft an< l music

:Mai \u25a0"\u25a0"\u25a0'\u25a0

3 Days, Starting Thursdaythat clever little beauty



'Her Father's Son"New Music?Other New Pictures

15c?Children 5cLoge Seats 30c


until Ilk* thick cream »nd ierv«i*arra with pudding

Q.?I am to stand up with mychum at hit wedding. At it la toitake placc In church, I am anxiousto know my dut ea. particularly aato expenses. What part of th« ex-pense of the caramony ia born* by;tha best man? Does he pay thecarriage hlr«? ELBERT.

A The best man pay* no pan|of the wedding e*penses. Hp as-Islst* the groom In procuring hisrailroad ticket*. If necessary. Atthe time of the ceremony he car I

rtes the ring and hands It to thegroom at the proper point to th«service; he als i takes charg« ofthe clergyman's fee. presenting itto him In the vestry room Imme-diately after the ceremony. Thabride'a family provides the car-riages, unless the groom prefers todo ao.

Russia's croaa of St. Andrew hasa remarkalle peculiarity attachingto it. All who are decorated withwith it have the right once to de-mand pardon for a Kussian subject,condemned to death.







"THE COMMON LAWAdafftd From the Tremendoualy Popular Novel

of t> e Same Name by