chroniclingamerica.loc.govu the - no-ow-nsli of pi 10 0 disnk or" f w , i ii.'-u...-,. , ""ttr- - '...

U THE - NO-OW- NSli OF Pi 10 0 DISNK OR" f W , i ii.'-u...- ,. , ""TTr- - ' "' I- --. T- - '. ! U :. I .' .r .' j.,.. F:--?-- - -- .U ' iBTERCEANBISE .'jrtl ' ifi i ; arXtnls part of tho eotratry ihoriM' to to' slr- - . a a v x .1 K a rr i wiiauui. uuiuiuaj w., . i. ., i i sft .. " Ml st ' i ' '! ,11. '. .'J Tfitf'flSntral Organ of Public Sen-- "' r t ' vr ' ime'rit in Tennessee, i : i"n !L r I'!:. . Subseric .... iCTriee ReSuce'dT tn . .tuT , - ... i f l I . j. '. . J ( i i ,. THE PAPEU'.OF THE lEOlI.E AWI FOR TIIK' PEOPLE;' Ml Now: is tbe Time, to, By !a' consolidation OP THK NASH VlLLR union and AMBHICAN anil the DISPATCH, ami to tho, genqroaa, and. upjjtptl iupport"'of Ctie'UNintt xxu DisrATon by'tne patrons of both tho feriner papjers, the Prnprifr ton kre en'obta! toJpreseTU'aWeiwilap&f'hlt&il'1 to unsurpassed in this cit7 or State. IN FULLNESS AND ACCURACY OF NEWS, opr paper will oornpare.favorabjy wltbj thoboft la tbe entire country: and In sarin this; only repeat tho expresfo:n of iny of our patrons, Tho are aioit capable oi juaginiin duett matter. Inthe;'Politioal Interests ,of the People, Tho UNION AND DISPATOH. as hereto fore, will talco tho CoiutUution and law far Its ratdo: and in the dtMnssinn of all tho new and Intricate, qnestlom and Imuct arisinr out of the extraordinary condition in whloh the conotry t placed. It will adhere to tbe principle An teachlnn of the founders and expositors of our rovernment and Institutions. It will endearur to ruard with vlcllance and defend witHanwa Terlnic earnestness and faith the rishUand 'w' reits of all the States, and the ouettal princt-le- s which constitute the halls of the Repnblle. tlTe shall oppose all invasions of these, trad ap'hold. to the utmost otur ability, the wnlon, of tbe States under thenl. Kee'inr that tlittT reondantrered by the revolutionary schfrnes of the tadieal politieians who now hoW the Lexis- - ative power of the Oorernment, we shall abate m thin i of our Ttul opposition to tbelr inea-w- os TFJtH these ylews. whleh ere no less than . uiiound eonvlctlbns. wo cannot and will no. Iimltateto defcf.J.tho nnfortunate South (he aspersions and liopoiitioni heapeaupq U Popl, and. unre that. Icsroa and Rioht shall mo'ted out .otliem. Our WHimfiiOlnrliiK ami Io-ineHf- ic TntcrciM. fVe'shall tonitantly admonlth the b'outhern peopto be ielf-rollan- t. and shall do what' we. may be abln to induce the establishment ol manufactories In our inl4t for our home pro- ducts. To this end wo will pay special attention tothe oo8T aad btatibtios of manufacturing, and exert ourselves to encourage tbe diversifi- cation of Southern Industries and the develop- ment of Southern resources." . Our Financial and Commer- cial Column.1 rvery. dejmrtmeot.of business has an imme-Jlat- p interest In the markets of tho country, and In Its Cnanol&l fluctuations and condition. The man who Jails to keep himself properly ad- vised as to tho rise and fall of tho markets, as controlled by tho laws of demand and supply and th6 relative condition ot tho currency, s exposed to constant loss, and must necessarily fall behind his more intelligent and enterprisini neighbors. I a order to make our paper valuable as well as Interesting wo shall continue to make (his a srxciib yxxTORX. Our Dally Markot Heports, domestio and foreign, "by tele- graph, and our City Reports, gotten up at heavy expense, bavo challenged tho commendation of our boat businessmen ; while ourcurront Finan elal Reports from all the leading luoney centra. jtholeountry are i fuller than haT ever published by any ether oujrna In Teone.'Men UpoQ the Subject? of 'Agrioultnro AnM'klnMroJ tBM(at'we (halt 'also' 'give an ex tensive variety of val&Wble and Interesting mat-tth- e b'est'adapted to 'Iho farming classes oi, our State, which will. In a great measure, sup- ply the place of a family agricultural parer. r ni in .': r For tho Family Circle, And for the special pleasure and profit of the' young, each week we wltl glTe a general llterarr and religious miscellany. Nothing shall Cni Its way into our columns unfit for the perusal the mother and daughters of lb eland. Deprep eatlng-th- e demoralising sensationalism xt many contemporary Journals, we shall esehew that character; striving to give the reader .substantial matter, preferring to be' useful rather ' thai nsational. Decisions of tho Supremo Court. In view o the necessities of the local profes- sion, and the general publlo Interest attaching to tbe many new questions- - coming, before our udlelal tribunals, wrf will publish alt thelm-porta- nt i deeisiens of tho Supreme Court, from official eouroos, which may be relied upon as ntlrely iruffwerthy. , REDUCTION OF RATES . griHOed at being able to htate that very larso Inarease in too numbiir of our Dally and IVMVeokly subscribers enables us to reduce the pricoorsubseriptlen to these editions j We do so the more cheerfully because the neces- sities of the people. In the Impoverished condi- tion of eur stricken section, requires such con- cessions as ean be reasonably made in tbeir in- terests. Frem and after the 1st January, theros er Port r. ; TERMS OF SUDSORIPTION WILL UK : IN ADVANCE OAXVT 810 TUI'WKEHXY . s oo And for shorter lriods at tho same rates. . j gf Wo earnestly appoal t our friends to'ai n exteidlnc our eirsoUica; aad IniUxirey in- creasing our means of usefulness. A.ootyof papr irill be sent gratuitously to any cae ai.tan latMribcrs to either of th editions 1TTf JPJUUA.Y. AUflaST 21, IHUH. !l.arrest circulation. ijUIUj; anil, iat?. 1 .THE 7ATn.X7IUES UCUfiilHG. in all' BectiAng rif Uie 'UmonMhtf D(-S- t pomcy" arj5 "licirlil? ntoring urnliq, ork.oLth canin-Dir- Uie lr.avcmcnt' ifor .ScjmmiT nrtd IHair hmonp; themUBBe kg spontnntfotfs. The people .rtro 3!ric jtlifc.jyork. 1'Iioy ar organisjing, cnw land holilinc rousiritr mcctinirs wlUiolib' thffaidTjirdrigfrQm outside cninri! tecs. .HsJWft oampaimprj librfijlror jvtn greater confidence. 'IcnpOtliint f hanged SrothUlihilevi)i Domocrac; arc announced in a dirpq tjqns. The Milwaukee, ifpj.tbjJ, infll, jpublisucs ai bljg, oguniontauYi address to tho:pcople of Wiscohsin; from1 ITori.' n. G. Vclil)J fbr thot fdur'yearfl tltc .renresetatlvo, oT tbtjj.',c6inflc8-- . qf WausharaMarquotto and.Qreen Iiakein. thjj State Senate. Ho Wily rcrieWHio paiia,and'. pbircyof Uio' Radicals, and conolndqa by advising all rbo Iqvo their ' country and Us jnspttjon vqtp tl0 Democratic ticket) . . , . i ! The National liltelliqencir, of tho 15th' ins jiribrisfiesB'cKtliin rfavifr of thtf Roioal policy', from,tiq ,pen .of QoU D. 3., Curtis, of Wisconsin. He has here- - toforb bqen lt 'JlbpUblican bul' can no longer support tho debt asd taxation policy, po Curia has Jho tcol and. burets i of Avar, and his wordj aro' Bome- - j' i thing likd tbcsD missives' ilo ' closes his review of .Hadicalisruns follow : ! j "But if there be one party which, mora " than anotberdoect nof deserve .tbetfupport of citizen noldicrs, it is this Ilepublican party a jrafty which has been loiidest in professions of regard and favor fo? the a, which has received most benefit from them, yet it has been most nenjectful, triost ituliffarpil towards them, anfi shown iaoet stinging ingratitude? with Ita recent con- duct and Its present attitude, it is Tcss en- titled to the. ppffttiea-- , support soldier?, from the fact'th'at'it is not their best'friehd, nor the best friend tq thecpuntry, its peace-an- prosperity. True, Its cpurao has en- ticed a few Generals and other officers in the Freed men's .Bureau, but at tho expense of the tax-paye- What then ? It leaves their widows and orphans, and the crippled soldier?, to grind organs .or bejg In the streets for a livelihood, while .it keeps whole families of 'stout, able-bodie- d" civil- ians in lucrative offices, who never made au hour'rf sacrifice of ease, comfort, or safety in tho array for the nation's protection. Such is the gratitude of the dorrunant parly, or its leaders and politicians, .for the brave, lriotic men who stffTercd and died, that tho riation might live. These, wfth pthers are tho reasons why I cannot longer sup-jw- rt the Republican party and believt! them to bp soqrid reasons why soldiers gen- erally should not support it with their voles." I I i ; f. Tho Democrats of Auburn, New York, hold a meeting oiiMondaymightjthc JOth inst Many Domocrats, and every He publican prosont Were surprised to hear a speeoh from Gon. Geo. D. Robinson. OiSho .General hftlieretofarbbceriancitJ-trem- o Radlonl, and has stumped 1Cayuga county 'in' 'behhlf ' of ' the "Republican cause. Gen. R. is an" educated man, of strong rcasQningipoijvers4f(arlcss in the expression of his scntimonts, and always ready to $vc a)redson5 Ibr hii Taitlii i,ilo entered tho 75th regiment New York State voluntoors as a private, and worked his way, in tho .rank of llrtsjct- rlrigadier Genoral. Ho is latno now Trom 'the of fsets ofvounda rccoircd in the war. Ho was a dolegato to tho ltadieal Soldiers' Convention at'iltsburgarTdlms hero- - toforo bcfn fawned upon by the Republi cans, but now they turn thoir baoks upon him aeitlicy find.bavif usci tu them. Tho Goneral was mado a convert to va- - mocracy by living" in Florid'a j ivboro ho has-bee- n Joe tho past icightfibn irtontfis,! and has Jia.d tho aots, pf, hq carpet-bag- -; gcrs daily bpforo; his oyes. Tho mooting hold in all sections of tho country grow largor pnd'toifto dhthusias- - tio as tho dampaign advance! Tho! gath&ring at Chicago on Tliufsday night,; tho 13th mat, was one of Uio largest orer soon in that city. Senator Dbolitllc Wiia tho inain speaker. His forcible sentences ' told in what direction tho popular mind was mpving. Thq Ttnij sstinitltcs thb number present at thirty thousand. Hon. anloru Wmrch apoko at Dansylllfe, Livingston' cttiity on Wednai- - i day night, 12 inst. A correspondent! says that dulegatfopVyere p'ros'qqt from i Steuben and Allaghony counties, Bomo of I them having travolod over thirty miles to attond tho moettng. Thoy came with brass bands, flags, streamers and mottoes in largo numbers. A large campaign wlgwan- - wast dedjeftted, JbOtihundtciU wcro obligod to go awaW on account of tho crowd. JThis cvidonco of Democratic onlhusiaam iai(?ontral Now York, tuo At a recent meetuig in J?1wkTy N. Y., Hoamael Dronissjudjf "I haveust returned from hoVeiit, and was perfectly astonished eyerywheVe to find the people all alivo willfenthusiasm for Seymour and 11 lair. J was away beyond theRocky fountains when tltey-Hv- e nominated away up in Montana. In all that distant region riot a State 'yet, but a territory thousands of miles frc-- here, every mountain lop, every mine, every lit tie eclllement, rang with hurrahs for Sey-- ! mour and lllair. On my way home 1 heard the ahcering new?, era I scarce bad crossed tbe mountains, that the telegraph had brpught word-tha- t MonUaa, on, tbe Cth of August, had gone overwhelmingly Demo-- eratic. I wish to God that every territory in this broad land could cast .an electoral vote. I tell you every territory would vote for Seymour and Blair., 1 was glad and proud to see the political indications all aleng the line of my return journey. When I get as far as Cheyenne, where Grant liad been, it was still one continual shout for Horatio Seymour. A little further .oo, at Omaha, where Grant had also been, with ,hls corporal's guard, there again wcreoon-.sla- nt cheers for Seymour and Blair. And iso it is through the whole breadth of this wide laud." -- (This is jthp wnyhc people' rfro spooky iingancl moving everywhere. There can 'be no mistaking the "signs of tho times." SKvery Democrat feefs thiHlft 1st the year for viotory, and the determination is1 to make it oompJeto and overwhelming. A swimming: ruateh across the Hudson Jriver at Ponghkeepaie, on Tuesday three-quarte- rs mile-jw- aA won ,by JnP. Hind- - Oellegj, la twouty-fiv- e niiriut. 1 i ffHB LAST' PASIHOlJABLR AB SriorUlnnrrHojclnttouif-Anlnsirt- t" j lllilliSwuitiinDnn'l.'nuJniirl ! torf ciDOndek'ce Of the NeW Yort W6rlJ ' 'SARXcxiA. Allfrut l L Tim riiebts are. opre apsplutely :tlian they ever were, 'd to folliey the most fincinafihc. and ixiiihitidn's' of fashionable tosnpers.iand at tire so absurd, Uiat it woo W seem as if the tailors ' jlnd" "modistes' had consfaired to- - IgethlV'thi's scison to pfay a'monglrpus joke arc worth lifes notice than ever. The dif ference between a fop and a genllepiah in, the tffiited 'States is happily wide enough tq render it impossible that any sane person suQujdevetfcdnfouhd Uie. two. Eutlhedif- - here defined by such a curious and vuicarseL of peculiarities annertalnintr lo tire Torhifir ne'rsW that I cannot orbear todeacrib'etbe'm. In the Crtt place, a toilet is auscieu, which oi liseu buiuccj iu tiuaatWOman in fiiU dress intoi a carica? ture. Thp.body, and waist of the drfia arc r.emarkable in only e respect tuafaei ts exceedingly liyit, ana inejor mer Tatuct loose at tho lopandexcecdipgJy moostrons in fhe costume iirst attracts and Ithtn jepelSjtho, eye3 of man, A, hoqp pf i mpperate dimensions, overspread with an, j underskirt qrtwb,.and a dress qf whatever fabric, aro worn. "Underneath tho rear of inis npop, juk peiqw uie waisi ol ico per- - Dnn rfooifmnfjwl ta nrtnnrY i nil oiro frnm iwo.ip uiree incues, in uiaraeier wniai "throwa out'' and elevates- tho UDner nor- - tjoq of the Ireju behind, and, forma tho foundation, bo,Io. spfat, of on exterior co calle4 tepamcr. Tiie paniex is a bustle, more ,or less, enormous, uppn. which. . in Euceessivo folds or lavera catli- - ered up or donfined by a band enpircling. the dress from the stomach of the wearer around and Beneath, anextra skirt, reach: rather ."wobbler' to and fro. Thq dress has a train from four to bix feet in' length. Tlio posture affected n order tq set, off this attire) is called the ''Grecian iBend,': aco.ntp.rtio of the bftdy, wbufe uj$ru highly improper q itself, i, fiaa it dif5qu)t tQ describe; with propriety. High-heele- d shoes tisppeq. thq wparer to incline .for- -, ward, and htgh-heel- ed gsiter3 arey there- fore, adopted by he " bele of thq season.!1; She 43 thui, the more readily enabled to q)eyatehet; hips unnaturally behind enhanc- ing the aspects of the jwitr, to contract her stomach, and tq form an 8-- 1 tke curyi-tur- e of ier upper shape,' by thrugtinr; pnt bet, chest drawing back her shoulders and bending forward, her head,. Thq latter crowned by a hidepus chignon; surpassing; by . several inches tbe thickness of the shallow, nether brain. So he"t aqd de- formed, the belle constrains her elbows, against her sides; and, with' horizontal forearms and littlq gloved hands dangling from limp wrists; jilts, painfully . along. The profile of such a figure, and its un- graceful gait, arc irresistibly suggestive of aJnme.kancraroo. is.whirled and Aqased absutin dance by onq of .the fash- ionable, jum ping-jack- s in. black brpadclotb, e here sv numerous and so muchj alike you can hardly tell pne from, another, jthe sight ;woman's panier and the agilo sidelong .leaps, of the jumping-jac- k across thejtmnense trail piled on, the floor is foo exsperatiogly ridiculou? for laughter., It haa.becq cpnfided to wq by an elderly woman .with whom I. conversed at a recent ball, that the distortion of the shape known as the "Qrecian Bend" is quite, painful and wearisome, and that some girls adopt arti- ficial co.ntriyapces tq.,aid them in preserv- ing the posture for several consecutive hours, , "A belt is fastened about the waist, under tho skirts. From this belt, down cither side the hips, two strap, furpished with buckle, descend, and are attached to strong bands, made fast around the lower thighs.. As. the buckles of tho straps arc Ughtcnedj,the hips hro drawn up and held in position- -' This," said my amiable in- formant, ''is a relief, of course, to only one part ofithe frame. The construction of the upper; part has to be preserved with no other aids than tho stays ; and those often render it the mora difficult and tire- some. t. You perhaps notice anotlier peculiarity about same of tho. ladies'' dresses. The bodies are not only cut very-low- , but are; so far from clinging jealously to the figure a3 to pecm tq .chal- lenge tho gaze of partners to that Batisfaa lion in regard '"to tho reality of. certain charms, which it was formerly claimed by marriageable bachelors that they were denied. So gracious a condescension on the part of out' belles," continued the matron; in a' tono tingling with irony, "commends .them,; you. will surely admit as a far mordlmnest andi uncqnivocating. tset than the. haunts of fashion' are. used to beast iof."; And) indeed, .this claim, might be founded upon proofs even mqro striking than the one alluded to. Nobody who has been entrapped ' h6ri, ' as a spectator of tho frequent displays of under-draper- y On tho stairways and the edges of verandas and colonnades, can doubt that many of the embroidered hose and delicate laces which adorn the limbs of the exhibitors were donned as well for beauty as for' wear, and that tho manner of making a graceful dis- closure of them is studied as a fine art. A FonmbAuttf rival, to Dr. Cumming lias, arisen in Australia, and has pub- lished a book containing tho most dread- ful propheciesj supported by ineontro vcrtiblo passages of Scripture. Ifis readers, aro imformod that, contrary to common belief, tho earthr instead of be- ing orange-shape- d, has tho shapo of a being flattened at JLho polos'; ihat this olongatirjfrr has got'' to euch i pitch that the earth is about tq changpts ccntcrof gravity; Romo is to bo suddonly Boon-n- o m6ro forever,' and tho whole Northern homisphcro will share moro or less in tho tremendous disturbance. 'The dwellers' on'tho north sidejif jth'opuator 'aro infpOT&djjhqw.-evc- r, that y emigrating immediately to Australia they may cscapo tho threatened cataclysm, and, riftcr. it is over, return $3 enjoy tho ncw,cartb, which is .to bo so pervaded with 'curronts of maghotism and electricity that tho soil will be fruit- ful boyond tho power of the. liveliest im- agination to conccivo, and man is to live as long as the oak of the forest. Wo doubt whether tho terror or tho impend- ing catastrophe, or even the cheerful prospect held out to the survivors, will largely affect emigration to tho antipodes this year. "Tho expounder of thia theory is, however, eo dreadfully in earnest that he threaten; to como out with anotlier and biger book next year, supported by more Scripture; from which we infer that! tho Northern hemisphere U in-n- immediate danger. In 1S47 the wife and step-daugh- of David Harker, a farmer of Ynnderhnrg county, Ind swore that he committed a rape 011 the latter. He was sent to tho penitentiary for twenty-on- e years, b.ut was pardoned at the expiration of ten years. Wc now learn from the-Ne- Albany Cbm-mtrci- al that, the step-daught- er has jnst died., and on her . death-be- d .confessed, be- fore' witnesses whom ribc sent for, that she had perjured herself at tho instigation of her mother, who wanted to marry another man, and therefore compelled the girl to make the charge against the unfortunate man, anu instructed ner id an inaiuue 11 au sworn to. u latq speccli, Umahappiry but triiliifuily riiiidulesJthe carpeU-liao- ; conventicles in the Soii'thern Statca1, styling ' tbernselves ccaie vqnYcnMops.) , Nexticonies itbq omnibus .bill for .six Where North Carolina,. Soullv Carolina, Suis:iana, iAlabama. Georgia and Florida. Virginia, Mississippi iapd Texas' fc-- 1 .1 , T . . . , mays, ... ' ow ; inougn a-- see mat it is pro posed to put therritoih&Bwbrd vet awhile. Tho play.. lis then .to ebd in some giddy felactCxtookigpecmclel t Thesa Constitutions are the. product of negro lncnualionsaiueiiand nutllcdiby Uio 'warmtu ol .Northern varzranls. wlio.cnckoa- - Jisce, nave set upon, eczs ,nol their own. Jlere add there area. delerilfts from fLmilLi land Jamaica, unnaturalized.!-- ' t TUinkof IL (gentlemen from ! the Liffeyj and. Jthirieli tculprita from SopUuand JwibJ ,IIere;a a black sconndrdlJ'roro iSiristSinsr.: thero a' iiuiec-iuic- i iruui 111c ivuiieuiiary in uuio-l- - uerod-jrozp- n bearing baraerj.anaocent'of allibot lathtr,;. there ia,iraz6r-cutting- J assassin, guilty of allitheicrimcs iathe'cal-- i lendaw aueae prfeparo.aovereigmcJt,a,tcs.for i the"' familjf .ot Waihington l(rhoy!Wrai manufacturing' ' Radical . xepresentation. 'r .. i i tL 1 . t clohaflialicnity.. .' .Ait. Is it some mummcrylof dim.. traditions; caught from thcr At ncan lorests No ; these arc iheers d&RandolphjiPJnckney, Madisdn, Rocer .Shermao. land-HamiUo- Thevaremakinsr organic Iowb; for millions of intelligent people I r XdAtohotoBrapb, a colored .pholOfMaphT-rp- f , :aj. iSouth'ern convention. A f ey whttca jtttherain. niia-- ' ,i pie. courage and fladnesi. Mhey cankwUd.' good. Conspicqous .onJytwp theirqdesty,, and intelligence, they-ait-alo- ot from this exlravriganza. ? A Hilnnichtcomcs fdrlhiaas a .ring-maste- r. Parti-colore- di .tlo wns . ab- - pear. . The reconstruction tan-ba- rk urakedi overy anu nertf we are Air-- MerrynlanJ The; black, horse, Equality, is .trotted.out. and then begins, the. eternal. rouud of IdyaU talk, Hut dp tnese caricatures otxBieP; mkke Constitutions?' JJfojio.jaOhio.has the rod over Louisiana I Jlnnaasihas: her. i lash on the backjof Arkansas ! .Wisconsin . cares for Tl6tida.L ..'New iYdfkilandnNewii Eoglandhavethetrbusy-bodie- s all through! and behold 1 theseConstitUtions arise, not likolhe walls of the 'ancient city,ita(iOr- - phean jnuilq but to the banjo ,of negro miuslreJsy J . i ... ti . TUECIXlJh"(jltliS''XJ8' TIClS SOUTH. ' T?rdm ,tho ThilatToIphia Lodsoh '' In I860, the Methodist paropalldhurcu' South had about ,7.00.00ft members, of whom 1S,00P were colored. .JJesies, there were abpu.t 5000 SoutherqJMitliqdtEr'oJ?8.1-- , aqte. r The Methodiat,.Ep)scol Church, the parent body, had only jetained fa na inarylan.aijapeleyare, wih a few in Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri i.and Arkansas. In all the other States it" had become extinct. Bntfiinco the close of tbe war. .the .Methodist Church lias.become one of the leading and P03t numetous dcnpmji nations in; tho Southern: States, At thq clo3euC the yea,rqf 1867,.thi8. .Churclthad. the. followiog annual conferences wholly within .the bounds, of the late .slave States:; Alabama, 9,209 members ; Georgia, 10,013 HoIbIod, 24,720.; Mississippi 7.80Q; South Garqliri3, 9,068 ; Tennessee, C,Q1G ; Texas 1,584; Virginia and North. UarolinaC7l .; . Arkansas and Missouri, 20,410 ; Baltimore 15,703; Kentucky, 1?,997; Western) Vir- ginia,- 26,783; Washington,., 173. To- gether these conferences had a membership ofabout J.05,000 persons Adding to, this the congregations of such annual .confers ences as lie on the. border, it has.amcmber- - ship of not less than 18Q,Q0Oi- -.i gain of about luu.UUD wuceJJjOU. The increase of the two African, organizations, .is still greater. In 1860 the African Methodist Episcopal Church and tho- - African Metho- dist Episcopal Zion Church, .together rer ported a. mcmoralup" of nhput .ilp.Ouo ; in 1868 they numbered upwards of :?50,000. The cainof .the two last-nam- bodies is exclusively among, the.coloreu population, tfliila Uio Mntlin.lial . ,M. 1 i.irn . ii. I gained both among the whites and colored people. Uie increase ot the two African cnurcnes execewa 'oyiar lira enure colored membership' , of the Southern Methodist Chnrch.. 'lho:two African churches greatly desire a union with. life, Methodist . Episco pal Church, and negotiations for that pur! . l l n" n l 1 1 r i poso ii:ivu ueea uusciany oieueu. nonr ever they. prove successfnl, the Methodist' Episcopal Uuurcli will lrave in thaJale slave States' a membership of not less .than 500,000, with a fair prospect of becoming; in point, of numbers, theJeadingdenomina-- l lions in ttieso btatcs. The .Baptists, alsd. since the end of the war, have been engaged in 'the work bf do' , mcstic jnissions. The. Free Mission Bap- - list Society, the American Homo Mission-- ; ary Society and .the Publication Society havo sent . numerous nlissionariej among, tbe ireeumen scnoots anu, churches. A larco numberOf colored Bap tists have connected, themselves, with-thc- : Consolidated Missionary ARSoctatiomj Thlli is an organization of .colored men, whifch ' bad placed itself in. .'connection with the, Northern societies, and in particular. (with the Free Mission Society, Tho lattor.hasi likewise organized several" associations of , Baptist-churchc- s in the Sfauth. In Louisi- ana the association numbers sixty, churches and counts up an aggregate membership ofi 0,779. ' ' . , " . ! Tue I'rcsDytenans jiave HKewiso mauei nrocress in reorcanizfne their missionary, work in the South.' Tho New Schooi As-- ; sembly has three presbyteries In Tennesseo p tbeUlu Kcnooi Assembly has presbyteries in North Carolina Qeorgia, Lonisidna, Tennessce,and in one or two other States of the far South, ihc United 1'resbytenans have a presbytery In Tenriessee. These! three bodies; it is stated, are conducting missionary work among "the freed men with great teal. ; Tbe Congregationalists before the warj only had-- single church in the late-Reb- i States, the" one at Charleston. The MNa- - tidnal Oountir of Congregational churches, . held two years ago, however recommended j the American Missionary Association as an , ortran through "which the" denominations might reach tho freedmen. This araocia- - tion has since labored with great zeat lor. the education of the colored people. cording to a recent report in the monthly t magazine of th? association,, ten CongregaH tional churches have been established, and, the first Southern association of Congrega tional ministers has been formed. AKOMAirriClXCIDEIVT A COJJVEU-- i HIOX FKO.U 8TKEET PREACHING. From tho Spfingfield fill-- ) Journjd,. . i An incident, interesting not Jnerefy on account of its delicate nature but aa Hus- -. trating the power of religion vpou tlmt awalcened conscience, has just transpfred in ; nnp nilv A fr r mo. a fast vounr? man - " . J . " J T. ' . ".' Lf. . V arrived here from the rst, by the ,l0.euo, y Wabash andAVeatern railroad, in company A .... - -- i i i win a very years of age. who. it afterward f pneared, 0 nK nnl lift, w if.. -- in.! ihur Ionic rrmmq th-- B uotber at one of our Principal hoteli. It 9 seems that, under a uoleuin jirbmiac qf uiar- - mgcrJ.e had inuucm ner to leave uer home and elope with him, but lliatafter she had thus given berself uplo him he ha4 refused to mako her bis wife, and it was under these :ircumtatf5iM't!i;r stopped off in our city. On last Sundar afternoon the young nun, with a riar-i- n his month, was carelessly siuntcrjnf along itioatreevwnen he was attracted toward a crowd- - 'Jlslcnjng to ono of our ministers who was preaching in open air, near tho northeast corner of the square. Ho stopped. Soon; his atten lion was arrested by what he beard ; hewaa held to the spot by his awakened conscience, ml . 1. ..- - 1. I...1 jmI It a a mmu v v. Kit l. licaullCl IIU VAm., V. II thoroughly aroused 10 iarVeme?6f his sins. . , ..... . 'IL II. 1. I. ,mln jib rtRJii !u jKXUluie im nuugnb uuv fcuo u..,.- istcr, told him his condition, and the neit day, Monday, took him to the hoUd. wbcre he was duly married to tbo confiding girl whom he had wronged. The item looka sentimental, but it is In twrlTr-iris- r n acttialocciirrerice, khowq- - tfj be such 'by mabypfbnr citizens. WHTiohhr tW lhi narifa-pftb-e- - parties arid1 their residence PaijH'W'woaid-- ' hardly Wo wonI(ljrjerelyadd that they have started back from Whence they came, both feeling very uappy : arm we only hbpe they may iTiutflrant poopla n, tha iNortU ,arfl cttiriw7p political' cnmpaigA olnbs- - in l,,'r;.t.- - 'f.'J 'i'.5tiJu ... . .. ,u"'i "u piiyiiiir oiyain can tbemsejv.cs. "Xannpra," inrofcrenco'tottfie fact that Grattt lounged .around old .Tesfio Grahfkta'hyatvtTor fi short - While, nt a 1 ifih.''- - i.... auary ,oi U, A jnontu, atcr ,hq was forced to .xeaiga. his, captaiucjoin tho UnitcdBLitc3'alThfr ohciJoUntof-drtirik- i c'nncsVheywant a jnqcnanWaliaAM. it iiBuggcsted, they ;call ftemsetFcgj' "o.K:hets;'''ns that waa-"th- last trade thgir h(jfo ,ftiWiled ttnd We oniyyhH ho tho same fact also. .a-,t- ) 'h ftv..n ,i ..'tjjf i., , .1, ,. '.,! III'., HI ,Vtf-'.- , J'mll .li,. . , ,, ,, I - - . . It 1.1 ..ll itill Uuli Sill PlifitdfeWttsliAlImiiis ' ; - ' a. iiv .) Writitiff Deaks, i ..1. n, vl li.i.'i I. " i ii i , nl , il WUIUi . J. .CHS 'i i., .... . . I .ft !, i 4 I.. I IU I Ji,. ........ . . , ' n"'ikb aUltltT'jrtJK THB 1 i ' 1". lii'j i I , ! 'j i .' PVRIiipATION NOOTH.: , " iNii?! ' STAMPING f '.-.(- ' .111. . ' ( f J D?qe,in)U9 aoattd.latesti stylos, at,s).ort Detwocn'Oolleto aad Cherry streets.' 1 tan22IvJ 7 ' ' . " 7 ' Liiii iM Mill For Sale. JL cuted to mcby JIosca 11. Buchanan, which is i.i itfuni iii mo ivcifi.iiors uiui:o oi l ill nor- - ford'Connty, lVriaeisce, I will; 5n ' Tuosaay .atovambBr yS-- , l8'6 8 at the dwell ins housq o( said Buchanan, Vn Marff.Stone-- s nnr er, abont' livo miles northwest f Smyrna 0cIpbt. oil KJJiC Hi ll., offef "for sale 4but Saii'liinJj hiivelieeh Stirvayed and dirided'intb five tracts. Tho .hofno-- - tract, with one, uf tbe bpst dwollings jb&A puthotuea in, tin coantrv. contairia. by survey, 373Jt acres. rc IX EMI 1 la, .if one of the host in the country, sold with 1254 acres of land. ' Turfee 6thcr tracts, containing respectively about 0G. 86 and 290 acres. Tho latter can be divided into two or more tracts. , TEBMS mado known on lay of salo. A part of 'the purchase will bo required in. cash. i Tho creditors nf said Buchanan will pleajo meet at myollico in Murfreesboro, on the first Monaar.otnuay. oi uciopr ncxc, lorccmsuua- - . ......... v..u..t . ua.v- , angfl dlawCw Mnrfreosborp Monitor. CHANCERY SALE.! Sonic Female College. ' Xcerarid II. Carnoy And, others. Trustees, fste.; vs. W'm. Major and others. Stockholders, etc. . TN PUltSIIANCK OF A DECURE OS" TITE; X Chancery poart for ltntberford county,, in' this rau'sd. Twill ;cll to tho highest bidder, at tho Courthouso in Mnrfrcci'Jioro, Tennesseo, On Mondajr, September 7, 1868,; the building known as Soulo Fcmalo College,' WithTibout , FOUR ACRES OF GROUND attached, located at nno end of streoUof tbo city t)f Murfreesboro,. Kutherfonl. County, TcAhcssoe. T?or eleeancO, unity of 'do- -' sii;n and, Adaptation to educational purpose,' this collcgo edifice has but fow superiors, if any. Tho form of tho houso is that of a massive thre,o.stqaes,hlgb, J3C feet Jonand" 113 wide Tbo brickwork is exocated in tho, finest slo tho.wood work on the, .exterior is. tastofiilly.adjusted. Afino batllenierlt cornice extends entirely around tho eaves, with a fron tispiece lacing the .street. Un tbo motor tbo main; cntranco; tmthq first Story, tap two family fooms.'cach" twenty feet square, and opposito aro parlors corresponding in size. This ontry inter- sects Tas?ae. from which-door- s openinto-th- o chanel. laboratory. aDDaratus and dinlne-room- s. In tho same wing with tho library apparatus,' rooms aro tne juvenile ana I'reparatory uo- - .partments- - Xno-btud- y iJall 1 lX lent square, -- well Hehted-tm- thorbnchly Ventilated.1 Prem this hail glass doors open into tho various re- citation rooms. The dormitories aro twenty-si- x in number, twenty foot squaro on average, and! all fourteen feet high. Tho windows are large,; opening iuii lenciu on ninges. ana proiocioa: lrom witnout. by vcnotian uunas. lucre is a i i in Cronf dnd on either side rth build ifir, weir set in bluo-gras- s. and pleasantly shaded. AIL noccssary cisterns etc.. on th promises. zr 9 n 111 r , n .l 11,... ..... the purchaser giving loteswith .two. approved. securitloB.famltalieu is retained on theprppertyt security, out ireo irom toubuii.uoji. mtunocr augll td C. i M. and Com r. FOB SALE. T Oi'PRR FOR SALE MY HOUSE ON PARK JL streets Tho lot fronts 15 feet on Park street, and runs back to Summor street thus fronting on two of our most respectable streets, making: it tne most desirable sito lor a residence in tne citv. Tho hnuio in tho mrat eomnleto that can bo found, jodyanUge having been taken of" all, iiiu mu iern lmproTemcnu ui renuer i. iuur-ough- ly finished. A most boautiful and ezten-siv- o view of the city and surrounding country can be had from, almost Anyportpf pie building. In erderto oxcludo the possibility of dampness, a most thorough system of French seweraoe. nearly S0O feet in length, has been built, which renders tbo dwelling perfectly dry and healthy. The building contains twenty-fou- r different apartments, including sub-cella- rs and wino vaults, blasted out of the solid rock. I would invito tho attention of those desiring to purchase a residence to my houso. After ex- amining the premises and the building, I am confident that no one will dispute that there ,1s aot a residence in thi city moro pleasantly una ucautiiuuy situated, nor more thoroughly t. .n.r.i.V.1. . I: i - -- a T tffllI inriiviiiK iiuciHiua ui (urcilutirS' in auuiu.. x will be at homo between 8 and o'clocl: in the mornings. M. McCOKMACK. Apply tulho.follQ.Tlng Ileal Estate Agents; Newsom & Co., No. 12 Maxwell Uouse; Uallen-d- er and U arret t, 72 Colonnade Itnilding, Cherry troet; street, and Capitol avenue. auglS lm The Best! The Eest! ! DRAKE'S CRHEK MILLS EXTRA JAM Wheat Flour for salffat So. 4a So a Ui Miu-Iui- t fitroot, who are tho sole agents in this city. They will toponstantly rBpfUiIlwlUT lire stock of thU BirperlorMottf.'artdittrneftly sollcirsTtrfat frbin all Dealers. aug9 lm ... . .' v 1 ''. f TCJ2pf LESSEE,. QQAL NathTllIfi T&mi-- i A!S 5PS riIIK TF.NNrisSEBCOAti'ANrJ TSllLTtOAi) X tpany haYONtablieditUo.foowuxe.c-- v puis io iDo cuy anu taseueia lor 111c saieoi n convenience fbnUiooitiien ceneralljr- - lOrders lefr.,with..thq following stents ipll bare prompt. JU O. COTTON. No. 202 South Oherry. t- .1. M. HAWKINS. No. rSulh' II fen at. J. II.'BaANTliY. Nv liOjNorUiolUca st, i ANOKltSON & ULASUpW, Woodland street. Edgefiold ' :! I , At tho Company's Coal Yard, No. 231) Cedar s,t, : rmcinMtulco "BANKOP 'iirH'UNTON.'" Qencral Superintendent atid'M'ana'ger: TTAVINO.BECOMB AENTSHEqB. aDR salo of Tennesseo (Sewaaee) Coal, wo Trlir CH' all oVders tromptry.f 'JhofpricQSinr'avverjt'. yLML,ni:.ii,JL.iili . i Hat Coal 20 cents bushel: Coko20SliiUpJeri;u3rleV'ni! : AiiSd"alheio lirlees- - liquid Wbetter.for slli M: 1IA J. ff. BU ANTLY150 W. Colltirektre t i ' ANOBRSON.iJc, .OLASWW,. ly'oodland; trect, Edgefield. ,( nIiUiMIiEli,. -- vtl WB.AVIIfli ALSO TAKE.QRDEItS FOR ChestrJManU 'Pottlar FendnsvCheflnutaa&d PpplarghlnKles. ChesN nut and Poolar. Iiaths. and ClI bills for 'riflV qaarltltjNrqaalityof Lmnbor-- . ; auR52m ANDKRSONlfotivSQOWi i ' ' "'I ' n ' tt . Jl. It. i IX It J- - jHTi OLIVET'CEMETEaY 'I'l V"l;' 'i1' ' "di T.i i i ihi "j 1' iii lifiriMT,,. k ioI ..', FOR LLE. BY, ,, urn : 'i iii . i ,, n i. u' '"' ..1 i...f. AGENTS'''. jaa2S Om,.., .' . i .J I'M TlhltTYtNTrr-ANtfA- l SESSION "J ' OF 'STUDIES IK TIIH;.. .. , ' ' ' 1'. . u.'iii'n.. I wilijOpk!. Monday, Septembor 7, 1868. " ii-- '. . . rpHlS' INSTITUTION ,.IS THE OLDEST! S-- msl nfiliftminD-i- n Ihft Wfit-.havin- e been . j : ... f',.if. I, ;'. ' ,'i; ' 'EstablTslled ' irl lSftlDt" ri . .1 1 !. , r . J . i,r., , ... . . u ..Tho Course of Studies offers erery farihtr for aufring1 thorough ' ' ' ' . ' 's ' '' .'n i i Cla.'jsjcnl and Coiiunor(jiul dtcnti6iu I. ' 'For Catnlognei'etc., apply to . I itEV. Pi jr.,ST3kTEB'Fftr, s. Jr., ' I' . : i , . 'i . . u .u, fi-i- l, ; President St. Loals ..Universltr, St. Louis, Jlq. jy25 codlSt L J Notice Extraordinary. rritt OnDHRSIONED. IN CONSEQUENCE x of tho pressnre of tho times, being, unable to meet the navments now due unon her place. amoimting in all to about nrtfcn HntiUriMl jioiinrs, and which must shortly uo met in or- der td secure tho amonntnlrcady paid, has de- - termiqed.;!. possible to self , , 50 Feot Front by IOO Feot Deep of ttio Property, Together with a Magnificent Six sTnniircri rinrt Piny olftr riruio'. Tbo Fifty feet of ground is Ipcatetfon "Division street, betwoen tho Franklin' pike and iixo Old Hospital grounds, just sputh of tbo Chattanooga railroad. As I find it Impossible' to sell' these articles .'athe. present tiino for Basil, without a great sacrifice, I have determined to make them .i' .... and in order-tha- t rr chanco-mar-b- o within tho rwjhf pycryonohavQiHugfl, ,,,.,, Tickets at, Two Dollax's. Each tickat shall entitle tho holder to a ehanco in both the fifty feet ofgromia and tho flno piano. " rhn m,n,n, llm.anil n1-- rtf ll mwf nir will Wpr6perly advertised, so as 16 gifru'oadh ticket aoiacr an apponunisy ui jiqiok; prepuiu. , au farther information in regard to tho matter can boobtainedat lioolMtoro. Union street; 11. Dorman's Musis Kmporium, HI Church streot. and DomovilleVDnu-stdre.'cbt- - ner Church ,and Chorry streots, at cither of which placer tickets can alsd bosixrureU. The property, both ground, and piano, ban bo seen by calling .at houso on tho uremises.Division trest. laugflm) Mas-M- . MATIIKWS. Callages. Buggies. WK1IAVE NOW ON HAND. AND WlMi at remarkably low prices, ii spienma assortmeni ot ... . i .ii ( BaroucIieH,' !' RockiurnjB. ... ( . , ' Two Scat.IMmel.oiin. H ... I SHIFTING TOP BUGGIES, Albert BiigglcH, I'lmelon liuggleH, TtTo Top BuRBleH, nud HulliicH, All of superior finish and workmanship. .All persona about purchasing vehicles, will dp wojl to give us a call and examine our work, both as to quality and prlco. as wo aro satisfied that wo canforntsh a superior article at a price Alt JLOW AS AKT IIOUMi:, in this or any other section of country. Par- ticular attention paid to repairing. Old lloiifgs made' to look'as good as new, by a new' preeiw. HUXT A RccV. jyll 3m J01 4 KB N. Market St LEBANON LAW SCHOOL, LEBANON, TENS. rpUENKXTTRRM OF TUE LAW SCHOOL will begin the FIrat afonday la Neptembitr Xt. There wr seventy -- ono stadocts' during ibe year jnsteloied. Many moro are expeetea ye following yoar. TERMS $50 per session of fivo'monthi. Cotf-ilmrv-nt fee. tA. Send in the undersirned for eatalarnes, showlwr the eonrse of instruction. iracnltyretc. si axuah uuaiui. Jy23 tf . PULWTEKS' BANK. WOTES. ACCORDANCE W'lTllAN ACT OF'TlfR iN Assembly of tha State of Tennomt, apprOTwf December 12, lSt5J,ntltleJ an ast 'To txseditothodijtribatioa of Che effects of Da&ks which bars or inay.inako asaignmentx among their creditors," notlso Is hereby given to the holders of tbo nolei of the Hanters' llaak of Xennesseatoprenent them to tho qndenignetl at the Uaas in flasnville tor pajment between bow and the first day of January. lM7-- . Or they will btt forever barred. D. WEA VKIl Trnstss. jrZ3dJtwtIliaaLe9. IC.onjiB.ercial Insurafncb Co. OFFI-triS- SO irrSI CO Vl.TAi K KT. E-fM- P MWMNfc "RTSTvS TAKEN-AT- 1 latcsf aid i KJD.IIlCErS. ocrctary, marlSBm-sp.- " ' BMIING HOUSE II iMl tlF j . KJ . .' i ti. .blOSH?. Pros' ' J7:, ,IU.tTARBQX,:lC,i4iv'n V'l I b i' Mfiln ll .'tl J .. : - ,1. (t. mil . . . t via' .1. Aad a Ueuerl .Bankliif llnslness ' ' ' : I TrAitsacicd., . .. I 1! tV I , ...I Kxclmwre on Tontlou. JDnbUu. ruiil all paytM ot Germany for iinln. Tuo illlsriscati rrtco paid foir OoM. Silver. LnniL lVarrant. aovernmniit HccnrltlcM, Comnouud Interest Noti-Hl- . tto. and txinuty Jsoniln and. BaUt! rO(ul N(ocl;H Konif lit null Nolit. The Very M'.irhJ-A- t Price tinld Tor Sontbern Itnnk JVotcn. tfvldsoR i County Jury TlckoU BoDsht. : T.xchrtric-- e oil 3Vw: Yorfc. C'litolnuHtl. iMiUtrtrUIonnit JOooaitlttA for.nale. , novS-- m ' . ; 3fN,IilFSDEN & CQ., I iMiXDFtrrmKKS and Dunsiiix . HCDSS, OILS', 'IEA!THER findings Curriers' Tools,'1 llio SOUTjj MARKET STRKKT. p. ,, ' was rvrvLxst, TENSraSKi 1 ' 'loffis-t-f ' ' " TMrd "MMnal Bank PF'' ! i TOC?ICIIOXv'Oiait;t VT. IV, REUlty, M. RtJRNS; JOIINKIKKMy D.. WEAVER, t CIIAS.R.UILI.WAN., DAH'U F. C ARTE 11, EDMUND COOPER, ALEX A li mm a yj au at a aa YfjALS.Alk JEXOltANdE. GOLD AND " , . Drafts drawn" in sums to suit on.' Iiondon New York.iNew Loula. Louis- - Stfas to'baVd fbV ., WsW.BEB ' ' .KUUAJt JUflKri,;oAlner. 7QRN.1vIRKMAN. iTMidcht1.- - apr27lV " P"! ti"'lt : - BRADFORD NICIIOL ui'h I F. NrCHOLV.. .' i .tru t iiI-- i ...ii. I... ..' 21 fr 'JO XOKT1I 'OI.l.KtlK NTii . ' ,i , i OjiposiV' Stwanje Hqri8ef ;" jiAsurxijLE,; : HAVE JyST RKCKIVIJD O' WE tb,o. most complete stocks of 1'nrlon Fiinitlurr. Itoilruoiis NnltM,, KxteiiMfou Table. MltlrliunrilH. t'lmlrx. and eVervthhii ln'riurlfno. cferbronght lo this market, all f whieh is. of tho very best make and finish l'ersons wisbins to purahaso arq to examine our extensirostock. aswo will guaramcouo sou ni a-- i i.owraira nan fiMl.r.ffl 4ptilrt Mn linTmr!inHAil in tha nitv Irtlf. wo wish it understood tliatwu do not lesjnu coming in competition with any Furnlturo (hat ; is nnl of tho TcrV beit mako audi finudi. IVn , guarantoo every aiticlo sold by us, niyC tf i CAJiyER COTTON GINS. .1,.- - ilVTK' ARE IN RKCEI1T OF. A LAROE .ytoclqoC tbest) Celebrateil (lips, A liberal discount allowed to MrcIinU, -- KO. . Al.I.llN A- - ., 'COTTON FACTORS. Cqrner of Broadband College streotr.l JunlB 4m Agents. ,Hnivetf!iy o1" Virginia. tiVlti FORTY-FTFt- tf SESSION OK THIS 1 institution wfll begin on the-ls-t day of Octo- ber. 1868 andondon tbe Thursday before the Juiy,,i&if. Tbe organization of tba institution is very implotn, embracing- - extensfvo and thorough courses of instruction in Literature anil science, and in tho profuuion of Lair, Medicine und Engineering. EsTiUATKO ExrMSKd-seliiM- vo of books. lQthlDgand, Jiocset monoy of the Atuotuir student. S3V3; of the Law student, $AV, Hint of the MiDiatL student, $305. Fpr particulars send for Catalogue to William 'Wertenbaker.ibecretary, or 8. MAIU1N. ' ' 'CKairmari of tho Faeulfy. , aug2(f FpstofSeii, liivrity of yirginU. T. J. TAKBROUGH. ' (Late of, tbo Firrqaf Weakley & Yarbrpub.) DK1LKRJX . 1'IIJK AND I.Kt'IOlLS, I jlD IX Domestic Frortuce Generally, NO.,21 SODTILOOLLRO K JJTlt F, BT, NttHUvIH5, 'X'eiin- - Jrwtn ADMINISTSATOE'S SALE, READV-31AD- E CL0TUIN0 AND GENTS Furnishing (loods AT AUCTION. On Wednesday Morning, August 91th. 1H, At IbM o'clock. I will offer at publle auction, tbo entire stoek of Heady-mail- o Clothing and Furnishing (Jnods oontnined in tba itor-hoii- nf the lata JACOII IIVU 1 HI nnA Aifli Af Mpn.p nf Mftrlr.f street and the Pubtld Hquare. Tbe mernhsnti Xrom the ooantry and city aro renpeetfully in vited lo attend, as tow will be wru-n- y a iiiaiik HALE- - Terms made xnownjilar; of sale. augistd M. J. UsJlil., Aur iKineer. NanlivJIIe, A"KUlt 12, IHKH. 1 TAVINU DISl'OHED OF MY EHTIR JL1 interest in the Tennessee Oil Rellnln? t'ompatiy, to J. P. Reeves and II. T- - Yaran, I hereby witlvdraw fro"1 tbe of inlil eaia- - pany. jAiniTi v.. kkiivkzs, augty w In Ituukruptcy. Mtff4( Ulatrlct of TmuinuifKt nt Mali. villa, UicjaiU, tly.or Ausil. JK8. rpilP. ONDERSIQNKD HEREBY fltVKf nntleo bf his iu AhIpsm nf JJd. W i.Hrank K. Iferrir. Mr F. Main. Uain'l 11. Hl.iut. W.J. wane, Aunutus Jonnanl, W. W. Whtetor and KobU (J..Thompson. r Nuhi Tills, in tha county, of Davidson ami Kf tn .l Tcnn csc, within said district, whir bare been adjudged bautxupUuiHiattiir own petitions, by tho District Court oflatd dlstrief. a.jiaiju, Assignee. 0co: $7 8. Market street- - augiaiawiw ATKIN HOUSEi Kncxvillo, T.onnos.Mi'o, . Il.tUOAOr. TUANKrKKItr.D t'ltKK. ACTOJV Yovmu iafyll I PropHftsir. t . i n 0 , - I.',.', .(.., uwt f mUty I . 14 ft esoll,tjrjoJ andjeliable tate Insurance CompaQV JOSF.IMI NAN 11, NccrtAry. ianXVAm p. Pure ftHlicVMdrt-fconn- tj' 1 t . , ti ,tO Wu. .MiH)Rr."Jstf.,Wilorin.'THoi. L. Qbsm M05feEODMDCO ,.IH l s,i W'l'i' ", ni tf inr ,i i it.i'i -- KcotiHom of . lisky B0HDED honr.irrsoN COUNTY. Tr.SfMEfWKE - i . , i i. ' '' "!' wKHAVkNOVr m stors. ., ' : Poor Hundred Barrels Warranted Qaaalae . COPPER DISlliTiED', FKty llnrrela tl'nro Applo T?foD:onars4'Bar;rel' ' " Donbte KcUneit nectiSo! WhttUjr, Which wo offer at the lowest wholesale prises" FOR CASH. ,,, Orders from a'dl'staneo prbmntly'' filted'.'and ' ' satisfaction guaranteed. rricos regniaieu acooming to gnwo, auutku woonE, WOUDARI Jan25 3m, .5VV5nglIejd,,Tenn. : . ii . 'I; i.r. m THE TENNESSEE;:' Marine and Elite . ... . i. 1. . . i ... lgtlR.lNi'E COHI'ANr, 'j '.Onder.tbe now charter, s, noWepe'a' 'f'tlisi AT NO, SlVitfaTItCOLLKajS' tTrfaUT i. Nextdoor tivnir of UnT4n',t,',,. . AlA.VM, ITv.lfll. , I . , i ,. .. A. W. lUrTI.KK,NoornUrr '' i i i - ' . jUtji . fc. ,p . ' . t 4$l J ..1- John M. Mill, ' "Watsen MJwfck ' CJ'A. K. TllomMOTi. li Weaverf' '' Diniel F, Carter, It- - Ti.' Johesf - K, II; Clieathatii, ' JolHi UJTerm'SS' - IK M'i llendersholt, A.' O. AlUms.-- ' ' " ' Jesetin W. Allom'" ' doo- -ly ....... FKESir GKOGEKIEStl R; Ii. WEAKLEY, M . . . , ' " I N"o. NorlU Co!IeK Nlv, (9ueeesir' to U'cwkley Jt Xft'iwilli.); f& JUSfr IN RKQKIFT O A PRJMUd l,,oC Oroceeieri and Lwue, oeinlitl n oi . . . '. . I ... , Hi hlnU- - Now OrJeana Brawn Sugar. is :: :: to"! ui ircitraiain ,.. . i Ml IKIH CllOISO IUO UoUMI, M bbhi and half bbkN. O- -;V. 20 Gulden hyrup. Zi " (rushed Sugar. 24." ronehblnw ami ttli))W)C, Ijiflt' w iiau nun Jinohurni, uwk)i, s . . , t 'Jfa " Star Candles. IWl " ktiueb, f W,', ltK " Jyler. . .m ad! Projbi'fiwbw. .. Illl- - ItiueasKS Opilo. kozeanodo.1 lbpoper. Mmml 10 grotta IlmuwidV JWenco.CoOV;eK",, I llX) bases Ciuldio's U1iewiti,Tb.h,n 'U 10 bbu Cbowuig Tobftcco. in Culk.ri, - -- in , Mldnien Uropius. , . mi 110 " 1'ii i n tod Duakcts, , 1 1 L lbO Cnddies assorted Teas, . 1. ,hm U buses Mustard, "sorted sues. . . J ,,i Krl. Ruoifurd's Yeart PewiUis, ., 10 bbls JlUoklnz, . , n , , j , 2S cases Richardson' Matrhei, .. ii,., 4i IftO boxes IHskleDr - ' lfXI.OUlC'igarf, vanoun brands, .,, . ,, i, ' Jfti bbls Magnolia Hour, 100 " lilaokLiek 1uur, CO boxes Cheese, , . ATiSO-Spi- ce, Pepper, (linger Ma.Her. go, Uitndy, Faney Soai'S, Nutule!, Mareu Wrap ping Papor; Pepper Haucs, Winee and 1iwiuom All oi wnienwiu oesonm-nea- ler oaiaoaiy. n. U IVKAICI.KV, aprO 3m W. S N. CwllvVti, SPRING GOODS. R.T. AT .11 No. 58 Collogo Stppotifu', JUST KKTtlRNBD VlifotZitjUv HAS and baslnstiire, at . ,: imdt rOPBIiAK puioiVAJ' . ail tho now styles of Mines f the sfrisn. j'lli oalls iart!oalar attention to btt H4l Dress floods far Walking Stilts. Hilks and llrenadinM. Flgnreil Lawns and Linen OamVrW- - " Mourning (lends. In rariety. ' - Whito and Colored Pigaes, '" 1 White Hood, all klndf. Laces and Embroideries, all kb4s, ' Table Linens, Napkiris. Towels, eitu Silk Wrapping. Tery low. Spring Shawls, In great rariety, " Lisloand Cotton HosUry, great Tarletyt Alexandre's KMWovH, ete, ' " ' ! together with orery thioK usually Vei't,tai, first class Drygoods esUMishMeat, andat.prMctAs low an. any homo In tba country... aed,..NU UUHU1UU ' IBpTlTtl. J. 8. LA It R. y. iiui, LAMB AUoaTiftys a,tiL4i TKHrVi," . myl2tt ' . , I C1IAJILES JfKfiSONy " RROTIFIKK A WIIOLK8ALK DKALMK.AN Fine lo)ortson CoiuiIa', IS OIT TC O N' v: -- Ux4 i.iixti,!.' .o. tin Koulh Mnrbrl hlrf'fH" Jyttlw . i .ii. ' I ! iktila I Gales &. JPohhnml il College stree. (the irtsrs formerly wwupieU W Jbn itamMo .k Jfanj and IhIbmc aeu. M't'mt a fresh stwS Itf tbeir new bulllifbg. 7" " i" i Bpun, tswr are aBai tbetrbteasfitMtpiily of Wntctiei. JpwrlrtJ i i i -- . ' a4 grsAtiy re irMw OATrlS & POHULAN;". No, B ffnieu street, ' (

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    THE - NO-OW- NSli OFPi 10 0 DISNK


    f W , i ii.'-u...- ,. , ""TTr- - ' "' I- --. T- - '. ! U :. I .' .r .' j.,.. F:--?-- - -- .U ' iBTERCEANBISE.'jrtl ' ifii ;

    arXtnls part of tho eotratry ihoriM' to to' slr- -. a a v x .1 K a rri wiiauui. uuiuiuaj w., . i. ., i



    " Mlst ' i' '! ,11.

    '. .'J

    Tfitf'flSntral Organ of Public Sen-- "'r t

    ' vr ' ime'rit in Tennessee, i

    : i"n !L r I'!:. .Subseric

    ....iCTriee ReSuce'dT

    tn .

    .tuT , - ... i f l I

    . j. '. . J ( i i ,.THE PAPEU'.OF THE lEOlI.E AWI


    Now: is tbe Time, to,

    By !a' consolidation OP THK NASHVlLLR union and AMBHICAN anil theDISPATCH, ami to tho, genqroaa, and. upjjtptliupport"'of Ctie'UNintt xxu DisrATon by'tnepatrons of both tho feriner papjers, the Prnprifrton kre en'obta! toJpreseTU'aWeiwilap&f'hlt&il'1to unsurpassed in this cit7 or State.

    IN FULLNESS AND ACCURACY OFNEWS, opr paper will oornpare.favorabjy wltbjthoboft la tbe entire country: and In sarinthis; only repeat tho expresfo:n of iny ofour patrons, Tho are aioit capable oi juaginiinduett matter.

    Inthe;'Politioal Interests ,ofthe People,

    Tho UNION AND DISPATOH. as heretofore, will talco tho CoiutUution and law far Itsratdo: and in the dtMnssinn of all tho new andIntricate, qnestlom and Imuct arisinr out of theextraordinary condition in whloh the conotry tplaced. It will adhere to tbe principle Anteachlnn of the founders and expositors of ourrovernment and Institutions. It will endearurto ruard with vlcllance and defend witHanwaTerlnic earnestness and faith the rishUand 'w'reits of all the States, and the ouettal princt-le- s

    which constitute the halls of the Repnblle.tlTe shall oppose all invasions of these, tradap'hold. to the utmost otur ability, the wnlon,of tbe States under thenl. Kee'inr that tlittT

    reondantrered by the revolutionary schfrnes ofthe tadieal politieians who now hoW the Lexis--ative power of the Oorernment, we shall abate

    m thin i of our Ttul opposition to tbelr inea-w- osTFJtH these ylews. whleh ere no less than

    . uiiound eonvlctlbns. wo cannot and will no.Iimltateto defcf.J.tho nnfortunate South(he aspersions and liopoiitioni heapeaupq UPopl, and. unre that. Icsroa and Rioht shallmo'ted out .otliem.

    Our WHimfiiOlnrliiK ami Io-ineHf- icTntcrciM.

    fVe'shall tonitantly admonlth the b'outhernpeopto be ielf-rollan-t. and shall do what' we.may be abln to induce the establishment olmanufactories In our inl4t for our home pro-ducts. To this end wo will pay special attentiontothe oo8T aad btatibtios of manufacturing,and exert ourselves to encourage tbe diversifi-cation of Southern Industries and the develop-ment of Southern resources." .

    Our Financial and Commer-cial Column.1

    rvery. dejmrtmeot.of business has an imme-Jlat- pinterest In the markets of tho country, and

    In Its Cnanol&l fluctuations and condition. Theman who Jails to keep himself properly ad-vised as to tho rise and fall of tho markets, ascontrolled by tho laws of demand and supplyand th6 relative condition ot tho currency, sexposed to constant loss, and must necessarilyfall behind his more intelligent and enterprisinineighbors. I a order to make our paper valuableas well as Interesting wo shall continue tomake (his a srxciib yxxTORX. Our DallyMarkot Heports, domestio and foreign, "by tele-graph, and our City Reports, gotten up at heavyexpense, bavo challenged tho commendation ofour boat businessmen ; while ourcurront Finanelal Reports from all the leading luoney centra.

    jtholeountry are i fuller than haT everpublished by any ether oujrna In Teone.'Men

    UpoQ the Subject? of 'AgrioultnroAnM'klnMroJ tBM(at'we (halt 'also' 'give an extensive variety of val&Wble and Interesting mat-tth- e

    b'est'adapted to 'Iho farming classes oi,our State, which will. In a great measure, sup-ply the place of a family agricultural parer.

    r ni in .': rFor tho Family Circle,

    And for the special pleasure and profit of the'young, each week we wltl glTe a general llterarrand religious miscellany. Nothing shall CniIts way into our columns unfit for the perusalthe mother and daughters of lb eland. Deprepeatlng-th- e demoralising sensationalism xt manycontemporary Journals, we shall esehew thatcharacter; striving to give the reader .substantialmatter, preferring to be' useful rather ' thai


    Decisions of tho Supremo

    Court.In view o the necessities of the local profes-

    sion, and the general publlo Interest attachingto tbe many new questions-- coming, before ourudlelal tribunals, wrf will publish alt thelm-porta- nt


    deeisiens of tho Supreme Court, fromofficial eouroos, which may be relied upon asntlrely iruffwerthy.


    REDUCTION OF RATES. griHOed at being able to htate that

    very larso Inarease in too numbiir of ourDally and IVMVeokly subscribers enables us to

    reduce the pricoorsubseriptlen to these editions j

    We do so the more cheerfully because the neces-sities of the people. In the Impoverished condi-tion of eur stricken section, requires such con-cessions as ean be reasonably made in tbeir in-terests. Frem and after the 1st January, theroser Port r. ;



    OAXVT 810

    TUI'WKEHXY. s oo

    And for shorter lriods at tho same rates. . jgf Wo earnestly appoal t our friends to'ai

    n exteidlnc our eirsoUica; aad IniUxirey in-creasing our means of usefulness. A.ootyofpapr irill be sent gratuitously to any caeai.tan latMribcrs to either of th editions

    1TTfJPJUUA.Y. AUflaST 21, IHUH.

    !l.arrest circulation. ijUIUj; anil, iat?. 1

    .THE 7ATn.X7IUES all' BectiAng rif Uie 'UmonMhtf D(-S-

    tpomcy" arj5 "licirlil? ntoring urnliq,ork.oLth canin-Dir- Uie lr.avcmcnt'ifor .ScjmmiT nrtd IHair hmonp; themUBBekg spontnntfotfs. The people .rtro 3!ricjtlifc.jyork. 1'Iioy ar organisjing, cnwland holilinc rousiritr mcctinirs wlUiolib'thffaidTjirdrigfrQm outside cninri!tecs. .HsJWftoampaimprj librfijlror jvtn greaterconfidence.

    'IcnpOtliint fhanged SrothUlihilevi)iDomocrac; arc announced in a dirpqtjqns. The Milwaukee, ifpj.tbjJ,infll, jpublisucs ai bljg, oguniontauYiaddress to tho:pcople of Wiscohsin; from1ITori.' n. G. Vclil)J fbr thot fdur'yearfltltc .renresetatlvo, oT tbtjj.',c6inflc8-- . qfWausharaMarquotto and.Qreen Iiakein.thjj State Senate. Ho Wily rcrieWHiopaiia,and'. pbircyof Uio' Radicals, andconolndqa by advising all rbo Iqvo their


    country and Us jnspttjon vqtp tl0Democratic ticket) . . , . i !

    The National liltelliqencir, of tho 15th'ins jiribrisfiesB'cKtliin rfavifr of thtfRoioal policy', from,tiq ,pen .of QoU D.3., Curtis, of Wisconsin. He has here- -toforb bqen lt 'JlbpUblican bul' can nolonger support tho debt asd taxationpolicy, po Curia has Jho tcol and.burets

    iof Avar, and his wordj aro' Bome- - j'

    i thing likd tbcsD missives' ilo ' closes hisreview of .Hadicalisruns follow : ! j

    "But if there be one party which, mora "than anotberdoect nof deserve .tbetfupportof citizen noldicrs, it is this Ilepublicanparty a jrafty which has been loiidest inprofessions of regard and favor fo? the a,

    which has received most benefit fromthem, yet it has been most nenjectful, triostituliffarpil towards them, anfi shown iaoetstinging ingratitude? with Ita recent con-duct and Its present attitude, it is Tcss en-titled to the. ppffttiea-- , support soldier?,from the fact'th'at'it is not their best'friehd,nor the best friend tq thecpuntry, its peace-an-

    prosperity. True, Its cpurao has en-ticed a few Generals and other officers inthe Freed men's .Bureau, but at tho expenseof the tax-paye- What then ? It leavestheir widows and orphans, and the crippledsoldier?, to grind organs .or bejg In thestreets for a livelihood, while .it keepswhole families of 'stout, able-bodie- d" civil-ians in lucrative offices, who never made auhour'rf sacrifice of ease, comfort, or safetyin tho array for the nation's protection.Such is the gratitude of the dorrunant parly,or its leaders and politicians, .for the brave,

    lriotic men who stffTercd and died, thattho riation might live. These, wfth pthersare tho reasons why I cannot longer sup-jw- rt

    the Republican party and believt!them to bp soqrid reasons why soldiers gen-erally should not support it with theirvoles." I I i ; f.

    Tho Democrats of Auburn, New York,hold a meeting oiiMondaymightjthc JOthinst Many Domocrats, and every Hepublican prosont Were surprised to heara speeoh from Gon. Geo. D. Robinson.OiSho .General hftlieretofarbbceriancitJ-trem- o

    Radlonl, and has stumped 1Cayugacounty 'in' 'behhlf ' of ' the "Republicancause. Gen. R. is an" educated man, ofstrong rcasQningipoijvers4f(arlcss in theexpression of his scntimonts, and alwaysready to $vc a)redson5 Ibr hii Taitlii i,iloentered tho 75th regiment New YorkState voluntoors as a private, and workedhis way, in tho .rank of llrtsjct- rlrigadierGenoral. Ho is latno now Trom 'the offsets ofvounda rccoircd in the war. Howas a dolegato to tho ltadieal Soldiers'Convention at'iltsburgarTdlms hero- -toforo bcfn fawned upon by the Republicans, but now they turn thoir baoks uponhim aeitlicy find.bavif usci tu them.Tho Goneral was mado a convert to va--mocracy by living" in Florid'a j ivboro hohas-bee-n Joe tho past icightfibn irtontfis,!and has Jia.d tho aots, pf, hq carpet-bag- -;gcrs daily bpforo; his oyes.

    Tho mooting hold in all sections of thocountry grow largor pnd'toifto dhthusias- -tio as tho dampaign advance! Tho!gath&ring at Chicago on Tliufsday night,;tho 13th mat, was one of Uio largest orersoon in that city. Senator Dbolitllc Wiiatho inain speaker. His forcible sentences '

    told in what direction tho popular mindwas mpving. Thq Ttnij sstinitltcs thbnumber present at thirty thousand.

    Hon. anloru Wmrch apoko atDansylllfe, Livingston' cttiity on Wednai- - iday night, 12 inst. A correspondent!says that dulegatfopVyere p'ros'qqt from iSteuben and Allaghony counties, Bomo of Ithem having travolod over thirty milesto attond tho moettng. Thoy came withbrass bands, flags, streamers and mottoesin largo numbers. A large campaignwlgwan- - wast dedjeftted, JbOtihundtciUwcro obligod to go awaW on account oftho crowd. JThis cvidonco ofDemocratic onlhusiaam iai(?ontral NowYork, tuo

    At a recent meetuig in J?1wkTy N.Y., Hoamael Dronissjudjf

    "I haveust returned from hoVeiit, andwas perfectly astonished eyerywheVe to findthe people all alivo willfenthusiasm forSeymour and 11 lair. J was away beyondtheRocky fountains when tltey-Hv- enominated away up in Montana. In allthat distant region riot a State 'yet, but aterritory thousands of miles frc-- here,every mountain lop, every mine, every littie eclllement, rang with hurrahs for Sey-- !mour and lllair. On my way home 1 heardthe ahcering new?, era I scarce bad crossedtbe mountains, that the telegraph hadbrpught word-tha- t MonUaa, on, tbe Cth ofAugust, had gone overwhelmingly Demo--eratic. I wish to God that every territoryin this broad land could cast .an electoralvote. I tell you every territory would votefor Seymour and Blair., 1 was glad andproud to see the political indications allaleng the line of my return journey. WhenI get as far as Cheyenne, where Grant liadbeen, it was still one continual shout forHoratio Seymour. A little further .oo, atOmaha, where Grant had also been, with

    ,hls corporal's guard, there again wcreoon-.sla- ntcheers for Seymour and Blair. And

    iso it is through the whole breadth of thiswide laud."

    --(This is jthp wnyhc people' rfro spookyiingancl moving everywhere. There can'be no mistaking the "signs of tho times."SKvery Democrat feefs thiHlft 1st theyear for viotory, and the determination is1to make it oompJeto and overwhelming.

    A swimming: ruateh across the HudsonJriver at Ponghkeepaie, on Tuesday three-quarte- rs

    mile-jw-aA won ,byJnP. Hind--

    Oellegj, la twouty-fiv- e niiriut. 1 i


    SriorUlnnrrHojclnttouif-Anlnsirt- t"

    j lllilliSwuitiinDnn'l.'nuJniirl! torf ciDOndek'ce Of the NeW Yort W6rlJ' 'SARXcxiA. Allfrut l L Tim riiebts are.

    opre apsplutely :tlian they ever were, 'dto folliey the most fincinafihc. and

    ixiiihitidn's' of fashionable tosnpers.iand attire so absurd, Uiat it woo W seem as if thetailors ' jlnd" "modistes' had consfaired to- -IgethlV'thi's scison to pfay a'monglrpus joke

    arc worth lifes notice than ever. The difference between a fop and a genllepiah in,the tffiited 'States is happily wide enoughtq render it impossible that any sane personsuQujdevetfcdnfouhd Uie. two. Eutlhedif- - here defined by such a curious andvuicarseL of peculiarities annertalnintr lotire Torhifir ne'rsW that I cannot orbeartodeacrib'etbe'm. In the Crtt place, a toiletis auscieu, which oi liseu buiuccj iutiuaatWOman in fiiU dress intoi a carica?ture. Thp.body, and waist of thedrfia arc r.emarkable in only e respecttuafaei ts exceedingly liyit, ana inejormer Tatuct loose at tho lopandexcecdipgJy

    moostrons in fhe costume iirst attracts andIthtn jepelSjtho, eye3 of man, A, hoqp pfi mpperate dimensions, overspread with an,j underskirt qrtwb,.and a dress qf whateverfabric, aro worn. "Underneath tho rear ofinis npop, juk peiqw uie waisi ol ico per- -Dnn rfooifmnfjwl ta nrtnnrY i nil oiro frnmiwo.ip uiree incues, in uiaraeier wniai"throwa out'' and elevates- tho UDner nor- -tjoq of the Ireju behind, and, forma thofoundation, bo,Io. spfat, of on exterior co

    calle4 tepamcr. Tiie paniex isa bustle, more ,or less, enormous, uppn.which. .in Euceessivo folds or lavera catli- -ered up or donfined by a band enpircling.the dress from the stomach of the weareraround and Beneath, anextra skirt, reach:

    rather ."wobbler' to and fro. Thq dresshas a train from four to bix feet in' length.

    Tlio posture affected n order tq set, offthis attire) is called the ''Grecian iBend,':aco.ntp.rtio of the bftdy, wbufe uj$ruhighly improper q itself, i, fiaa it dif5qu)ttQ describe; with propriety. High-heele- dshoes tisppeq. thq wparer to incline .for- -,ward, and htgh-heel- ed gsiter3 arey there-fore, adopted by he " bele of thq season.!1;She 43 thui, the more readily enabled toq)eyatehet; hips unnaturally behind enhanc-ing the aspects of the jwitr, to contracther stomach, and tq form an 8--1 tke curyi-tur- e

    of ier upper shape,' by thrugtinr; pntbet, chest drawing back her shoulders andbending forward, her head,. Thq lattercrowned by a hidepus chignon; surpassing;by

    . several inches tbe thickness of theshallow, nether brain. So he"t aqd de-formed, the belle constrains her elbows,against her sides; and, with' horizontalforearms and littlq gloved hands danglingfrom limp wrists; jilts, painfully . along.The profile of such a figure, and its un-graceful gait, arc irresistibly suggestive ofaJnme.kancraroo. is.whirled andAqased absutin dance by onq of .the fash-ionable, jum ping-jack- s in. black brpadclotb, e

    here sv numerous and so muchjalike you can hardly tell pne from,another, jthe sight ;woman's panier andthe agilo sidelong .leaps, of the jumping-jac- k

    across thejtmnense trail piled on, thefloor is foo exsperatiogly ridiculou? forlaughter.,

    It haa.becq cpnfided to wq by an elderlywoman .with whom I.conversed at a recentball, that the distortion of the shape knownas the "Qrecian Bend" is quite, painful andwearisome, and that some girls adopt arti-ficial co.ntriyapces tq.,aid them in preserv-ing the posture for several consecutivehours, , "A belt is fastened about the waist,under tho skirts. From this belt, downcither side the hips, two strap, furpishedwith buckle, descend, and are attached tostrong bands, made fast around the lowerthighs.. As. the buckles of tho straps arcUghtcnedj,the hips hro drawn up and heldin position- -' This," said my amiable in-formant, ''is a relief, of course, to only onepart ofithe frame. The construction of theupper; part has to be preserved with noother aids than tho stays ; and those oftenrender it the mora difficult and tire-some. t. You perhaps notice anotlierpeculiarity about same of tho. ladies''dresses. The bodies are not only cutvery-low- , but are; so far from clingingjealously to the figure a3 to pecm tq .chal-lenge tho gaze of partners to that Batisfaalion in regard '"to tho reality of. certaincharms, which it was formerly claimed bymarriageable bachelors that they weredenied. So gracious a condescension onthe part of out' belles," continued thematron; in a' tono tingling with irony,"commends .them,; you. will surely admit asa far mordlmnest andi uncqnivocating. tsetthan the. haunts of fashion' are. used to beastiof."; And) indeed, .this claim, might befounded upon proofs even mqro strikingthan the one alluded to. Nobody who hasbeen entrapped ' h6ri, ' as a spectator of thofrequent displays of under-draper- y On thostairways and the edges of verandas andcolonnades, can doubt that many of theembroidered hose and delicate laces whichadorn the limbs of the exhibitors weredonned as well for beauty as for' wear, andthat tho manner of making a graceful dis-closure of them is studied as a fine art.

    A FonmbAuttf rival, to Dr. Cumminglias, arisen in Australia, and has pub-lished a book containing tho most dread-ful propheciesj supported by ineontrovcrtiblo passages of Scripture. Ifisreaders, aro imformod that, contrary tocommon belief, tho earthr instead of be-ing orange-shape- d, has tho shapo of a

    being flattened at JLho polos'; ihat thisolongatirjfrr has got'' to euch i pitch thatthe earth is about tq changpts ccntcrofgravity; Romo is to bo suddonly

    Boon-n-o m6ro forever,' and

    tho whole Northern homisphcro willshare moro or less in tho tremendousdisturbance. 'The dwellers' on'tho northsidejif jth'opuator 'aro infpOT&djjhqw.-evc-r,

    that y emigrating immediately toAustralia they may cscapo tho threatenedcataclysm, and, riftcr. it is over, return $3enjoy tho ncw,cartb, which is .to bo sopervaded with 'curronts of maghotismand electricity that tho soil will be fruit-ful boyond tho power of the. liveliest im-agination to conccivo, and man is to liveas long as the oak of the forest. Wodoubt whether tho terror or tho impend-ing catastrophe, or even the cheerfulprospect held out to the survivors, willlargely affect emigration to tho antipodesthis year. "Tho expounder of thia theoryis, however, eo dreadfully in earnest thathe threaten; to como out with anotlierand biger book next year, supported bymore Scripture; from which we inferthat! tho Northern hemisphere U in-n-immediate danger.

    In 1S47 the wife and step-daugh- ofDavid Harker, a farmer of Ynnderhnrgcounty, Ind swore that he committed arape 011 the latter. He was sent to thopenitentiary for twenty-on- e years, b.ut waspardoned at the expiration of ten years.Wc now learn from the-Ne- Albany Cbm-mtrci- al

    that, the step-daught- er has jnstdied., and on her .death-be- d .confessed, be-fore' witnesses whom ribc sent for, that shehad perjured herself at tho instigation ofher mother, who wanted to marry anotherman, and therefore compelled the girl tomake the charge against the unfortunateman, anu instructed ner id an inaiuue 11 ausworn to.

    u latq speccli, Umahappiry but triiliifuilyriiiidulesJthe carpeU-liao- ; conventicles inthe Soii'thern Statca1, styling ' tbernselves

    ccaie vqnYcnMops.) ,Nexticonies itbq omnibus .bill for .six

    Where North Carolina,. Soullv Carolina,Suis:iana, iAlabama. Georgia and Florida.Virginia, Mississippi iapd Texas' fc--1 .1 , T . . . ,

    mays,... 'ow ; inougn a-- see mat it is pro

    posed to put therritoih&Bwbrd vet awhile.Tho play.. lis then .to ebd in some giddy

    felactCxtookigpecmclelt Thesa Constitutions are the. product ofnegro lncnualionsaiueiiand nutllcdiby Uio'warmtu ol .Northern varzranls. wlio.cnckoa--Jisce, nave set upon, eczs ,nol their own.Jlere add there area.delerilfts from fLmilLiland Jamaica, unnaturalized.!-- ' t TUinkof IL(gentlemen from ! the Liffeyj and. Jthirieli

    tculprita from SopUuand JwibJ ,IIere;aa black sconndrdlJ'roro iSiristSinsr.: thero a'iiuiec-iuic- i iruui 111c ivuiieuiiary in uuio-l- -uerod-jrozp- n bearing baraerj.anaocent'ofallibot lathtr,;. there ia,iraz6r-cutting- Jassassin, guilty of allitheicrimcs iathe'cal-- i

    lendaw aueae prfeparo.aovereigmcJt,a,tcs.fori the"' familjf .ot Waihington l(rhoy!Wraimanufacturing' ' Radical . xepresentation.'r . . i i tL 1 . tclohaflialicnity.. .' .Ait.

    Is it some mummcrylof dim.. traditions;caught from thcr At ncan lorests No ;these arc iheers d&RandolphjiPJnckney,Madisdn, Rocer .Shermao. land-HamiUo-Thevaremakinsr organic Iowb; for millionsof intelligent people I r XdAtohotoBrapb,

    a colored .pholOfMaphT-rp- f , :aj. iSouth'ernconvention. A f ey whttca jtttherain. niia-- ' ,ipie. courage and fladnesi. Mhey cankwUd.'good. Conspicqous .onJytwp theirqdesty,,and intelligence, they-ait-alo- ot from thisexlravriganza. ? A Hilnnichtcomcs fdrlhiaasa .ring-maste- r. Parti-colore- di .tlo wns . ab- -pear. . The reconstruction tan-ba- rk urakediovery anu nertf we are Air-- MerrynlanJThe; black, horse, Equality, is .trotted.out.and then begins, the. eternal. rouud of IdyaUtalk, Hut dp tnese caricatures otxBieP;mkke Constitutions?' JJfojio.jaOhio.hasthe rod over Louisiana I Jlnnaasihas: her. ilash on the backjof Arkansas ! .Wisconsin .cares for Tl6tida.L ..'New iYdfkilandnNewiiEoglandhavethetrbusy-bodie- s all through!and behold 1 theseConstitUtions arise, notlikolhe walls of the 'ancient city,ita(iOr--phean jnuilq but to the banjo ,of negromiuslreJsy J . i ... ti .

    TUECIXlJh"(jltliS''XJ8' TIClS SOUTH. 'T?rdm ,tho ThilatToIphia Lodsoh ''

    In I860, the Methodist paropalldhurcu'South had about ,7.00.00ft members, of whom1S,00P were colored. .JJesies, there wereabpu.t 5000 SoutherqJMitliqdtEr'oJ?8.1-- ,aqte. r The Methodiat,.Ep)scol Church,the parent body, had only jetained fa na

    inarylan.aijapeleyare, wiha few in Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri i.andArkansas. In all the other States it" hadbecome extinct. Bntfiinco the close of tbewar. .the .Methodist Church lias.become oneof the leading and P03t numetous dcnpmjinations in; tho Southern: States, At thqclo3euC the yea,rqf 1867,.thi8. .Churclthad.the. followiog annual conferences whollywithin .the bounds, of the late .slave States:;Alabama, 9,209 members ; Georgia, 10,013HoIbIod, 24,720.; Mississippi 7.80Q; SouthGarqliri3, 9,068 ; Tennessee, C,Q1G ; Texas1,584; Virginia and North. UarolinaC7l .; .Arkansas and Missouri, 20,410 ; Baltimore15,703; Kentucky, 1?,997; Western) Vir-ginia,- 26,783; Washington,., 173. To-gether these conferences had a membershipofabout J.05,000 persons Adding to, thisthe congregations of such annual .confersences as lie on the. border, it has.amcmber- -ship of not less than 18Q,Q0Oi- -.i gain ofabout luu.UUD wuceJJjOU. The increase ofthe two African, organizations, .is stillgreater. In 1860 the African MethodistEpiscopal Church and tho- - African Metho-dist Episcopal Zion Church, .together rerported a. mcmoralup" of nhput .ilp.Ouo ; in1868 they numbered upwards of :?50,000.The cainof .the two last-nam- bodies isexclusively among, the.coloreu population,tfliila Uio Mntlin.lial . ,M. 1 i.irn . ii. I

    gained both among the whites and coloredpeople. Uie increase ot the two Africancnurcnes execewa 'oyiar lira enure coloredmembership' , of the Southern MethodistChnrch.. 'lho:two African churches greatlydesire a union with. life, Methodist . Episcopal Church, and negotiations for that pur!

    .l l n" n l 1 1 r iposo ii:ivu ueea uusciany oieueu. nonrever they. prove successfnl, the Methodist'Episcopal Uuurcli will lrave in thaJaleslave States' a membership of not less .than500,000, with a fair prospect of becoming;in point, of numbers, theJeadingdenomina-- llions in ttieso btatcs.

    The .Baptists, alsd. since the end of thewar, have been engaged in 'the work bf do' ,mcstic jnissions. The. Free Mission Bap- -list Society, the American Homo Mission-- ;ary Society and .the Publication Societyhavo sent . numerous nlissionariej among,tbe ireeumen scnoots anu,churches. A larco numberOf colored Baptists have connected, themselves, with-thc- :Consolidated Missionary ARSoctatiomj Thlliis an organization of .colored men, whifch '

    bad placed itself in. .'connection with the,Northern societies, and in particular. (withthe Free Mission Society, Tho lattor.hasilikewise organized several" associations of ,Baptist-churchc- s in the Sfauth. In Louisi-ana the association numbers sixty, churchesand counts up an aggregate membership ofi0,779. ' ' . , " . !

    Tue I'rcsDytenans jiave HKewiso maueinrocress in reorcanizfne their missionary,work in the South.' Tho New Schooi As--;sembly has three presbyteries In Tennesseo ptbeUlu Kcnooi Assembly has presbyteriesin North Carolina Qeorgia, Lonisidna,Tennessce,and in one or two other States ofthe far South, ihc United 1'resbytenanshave a presbytery In Tenriessee. These!three bodies; it is stated, are conductingmissionary work among "the freed men withgreat teal. ;

    Tbe Congregationalists before the warjonly had-- single church in the late-Reb- iStates, the" one at Charleston. The MNa--tidnal Oountir of Congregational churches, .held two years ago, however recommended jthe American Missionary Association as an ,ortran through "which the" denominationsmight reach tho freedmen. This araocia- -tion has since labored with great zeat lor.the education of the colored people.cording to a recent report in the monthly tmagazine of th? association,, ten CongregaHtional churches have been established, and,the first Southern association of Congregational ministers has been formed.


    From tho Spfingfield fill-- ) Journjd,. . i

    An incident, interesting not Jnerefy onaccount of its delicate nature but aa Hus- -.trating the power of religion vpou tlmtawalcened conscience, has just transpfred in ;nnp nilv A fr r mo. a fast vounr? man -" . J . " J T. ' . ".' Lf. . Varrived here from the rst, by the ,l0.euo, yWabash andAVeatern railroad, in company A.... - -- i i iwin a veryyears of age. who. it afterward fpneared, 0nK nnl lift, w if.. -- in.! ihur Ionic rrmmq th-- Buotber at one of our Principal hoteli. It 9seems that, under a uoleuin jirbmiac qf uiar- -mgcrJ.e had inuucm ner to leave uerhome and elope with him, but lliatafter shehad thus given berself uplo him he ha4refused to mako her bis wife, and it wasunder these :ircumtatf5iM't!i;r stopped offin our city. On last Sundar afternoon theyoung nun, with a riar-i- n his month, wascarelessly siuntcrjnf along itioatreevwnenhe was attracted toward a crowd- - 'Jlslcnjngto ono of our ministers who was preachingin open air, near tho northeast corner ofthe square. Ho stopped. Soon; his attenlion was arrested by what he beard ; hewaaheld to the spot by his awakened conscience,

    ml . 1. ..- - 1. I...1 jmI Ita ammu v v. Kit l. licaullCl IIU VAm., V. IIthoroughly aroused 10 iarVeme?6f his sins.

    . , ..... .'IL II. 1. I. ,mlnjib rtRJii !u jKXUluie im nuugnb uuv fcuo u..,.-istcr, told him his condition, and the neitday, Monday, took him to the hoUd. wbcrehe was duly married to tbo confiding girlwhom he had wronged. The item looka

    sentimental, but it is In twrlTr-iris- r nacttialocciirrerice, khowq- - tfj be such 'bymabypfbnr citizens. WHTiohhr tW lhinarifa-pftb-e-


    parties arid1 their residencePaijH'W'woaid-- ' hardly WowonI(ljrjerelyadd that they have startedback from Whence they came, both feelingvery uappy : arm we only hbpe they may

    iTiutflrant poopla n, tha iNortU ,arflcttiriw7p political' cnmpaigA olnbs- - in

    l,,'r;.t.- - 'f.'J 'i'.5tiJu ... . ..,u"'i "u piiyiiiir oiyain cantbemsejv.cs. "Xannpra," inrofcrenco'tottfiefact that Grattt lounged .around old .TesfioGrahfkta'hyatvtTor fi short - While, nt a

    1 ifih.''- - i....auary ,oi U, A jnontu, atcr ,hq wasforced to .xeaiga. his, captaiucjoin thoUnitcdBLitc3'alThfr ohciJoUntof-drtirik- ic'nncsVheywant a iiBuggcsted, they ;call ftemsetFcgj'"o.K:hets;'''ns that waa-"th- last tradethgir h(jfo ,ftiWiled ttnd We oniyyhH ho

    tho same fact also.

    .a-,t- ) 'h ftv..n ,i ..'tjjf i., , .1, ,. '.,!III'., HI ,Vtf-'.- , J'mll .li,. . , ,, ,, I

    - - . . It 1.1

    ..ll itill Uuli SillPlifitdfeWttsliAlImiiis ' ; - '

    a. iiv .) Writitiff Deaks, i..1. n, vl li.i.'i I. "i ii i , nl , il WUIUi . J. .CHS

    'i i., .... . .I .ft

    !, i4 I.. I IU I Ji,. ........ . . ,

    ' n"'ikb aUltltT'jrtJK THB 1i ' 1". lii'j i I , ! 'j i .'

    PVRIiipATION NOOTH.: , "

    iNii?! ' STAMPINGf '.-.(- ' .111. . ' ( f J

    D?qe,in)U9 aoattd.latesti stylos, at,s).ort

    Detwocn'Oolleto aad Cherry streets.' 1tan22IvJ 7 ' ' . " 7 '

    LiiiiiM Mill For Sale.JL cuted to mcby JIosca 11. Buchanan, whichis i.i itfuni iii mo ivcifi.iiors uiui:o oi l ill nor- -ford'Connty, lVriaeisce, I will;

    5n ' Tuosaay .atovambBr yS-- , l8'6 8at the dwell ins housq o( said Buchanan, VnMarff.Stone-- s nnr er, abont' livo miles northwestf Smyrna 0cIpbt. oil KJJiC Hi ll., offef "for

    sale 4but

    Saii'liinJj hiivelieeh Stirvayed and dirided'intbfive tracts. Tho .hofno-- - tract, with one, uf tbebpst dwollings jb&A puthotuea in, tin coantrv.contairia. by survey, 373Jt acres.

    rc IX EMI 1 la, .ifone of the host in the country, sold with1254 acres of land.' Turfee 6thcr tracts, containing respectivelyabout 0G. 86 and 290 acres. Tho latter can bedivided into two or more tracts.

    , TEBMS mado known on lay of salo. A partof 'the purchase will bo required in. cash. i

    Tho creditors nf said Buchanan will pleajomeet at myollico in Murfreesboro, on the firstMonaar.otnuay. oi uciopr ncxc, lorccmsuua- -

    . ......... v..u..t . ua.v-, angfl dlawCw Mnrfreosborp Monitor.

    CHANCERY SALE.!Sonic Female College.


    Xcerarid II. Carnoy And, others. Trustees, fste.;vs. W'm. Major and others. Stockholders, etc. .

    TN PUltSIIANCK OF A DECURE OS" TITE;X Chancery poart for ltntberford county,, in'this rau'sd. Twill ;cll to tho highest bidder, attho Courthouso in Mnrfrcci'Jioro, Tennesseo,

    On Mondajr, September 7, 1868,;the building known as Soulo Fcmalo College,'WithTibout ,FOUR ACRES OF GROUNDattached, located at nno end ofstreoUof tbo city t)f Murfreesboro,. Kutherfonl.County, TcAhcssoe. T?or eleeancO, unity of 'do- -'sii;n and, Adaptation to educational purpose,'this collcgo edifice has but fow superiors, if any.Tho form of tho houso is that of a massive

    thre,o.stqaes,hlgb, J3C feetJonand"113 wide Tbo brickwork is exocated in tho,finest slo tho.wood work on the, .exterior is.tastofiilly.adjusted. Afino batllenierlt corniceextends entirely around tho eaves, with a frontispiece lacing the .street. Un tbo motor tbomain; cntranco; tmthq first Story, tap two familyfooms.'cach" twenty feet square, and opposito aroparlors corresponding in size. This ontry inter-sects Tas?ae. from which-door- s openinto-th- ochanel. laboratory. aDDaratus and dinlne-room- s.In tho same wing with tho library apparatus,'rooms aro tne juvenile ana I'reparatory uo- -

    .partments- - Xno-btud- y iJall 1 lX lent square,--well Hehted-tm- thorbnchly Ventilated.1 Premthis hail glass doors open into tho various re-citation rooms. The dormitories aro twenty-si- xin number, twenty foot squaro on average, and!all fourteen feet high. Tho windows are large,;opening iuii lenciu on ninges. ana proiocioa:lrom witnout. by vcnotian uunas. lucre is a


    iin Cronfdnd on either side rth build ifir, weirset in bluo-gras- s. and pleasantly shaded. AILnoccssary cisterns etc.. on thpromises.

    zr 9 n 111 r , n .l 11,... .....the purchaser giving loteswith .two. approved.securitloB.famltalieu is retained on theprppertyt

    security, out ireo irom toubuii.uoji.mtunocraugll td C. i M. and Com r.


    T Oi'PRR FOR SALE MY HOUSE ON PARKJL streets Tho lot fronts 15 feet on Park street,and runs back to Summor street thus frontingon two of our most respectable streets, making:it tne most desirable sito lor a residence in tnecitv. Tho hnuio in tho mrat eomnleto that canbo found, jodyanUge having been taken of" all,iiiu mu iern lmproTemcnu ui renuer i. iuur-ough- ly

    finished. A most boautiful and ezten-siv- oview of the city and surrounding country

    can be had from, almost Anyportpf pie building.In erderto oxcludo the possibility of dampness,a most thorough system of French seweraoe.nearly S0O feet in length, has been built, whichrenders tbo dwelling perfectly dry and healthy.The building contains twenty-fou- r differentapartments, including sub-cella- rs and winovaults, blasted out of the solid rock.

    I would invito tho attention of those desiringto purchase a residence to my houso. After ex-amining the premises and the building, I amconfident that no one will dispute that there ,1saot a residence in thi city moro pleasantly unaucautiiuuy situated, nor more thoroughlyt. .n.r.i.V.1. . I: i- -- a T tffllIinriiviiiK iiuciHiua ui (urcilutirS' in auuiu.. xwill be at homo between 8 and o'clocl: in themornings. M. McCOKMACK.

    Apply tulho.follQ.Tlng Ileal Estate Agents;Newsom & Co., No. 12 Maxwell Uouse; Uallen-d- er

    and U arret t, 72 Colonnade Itnilding, Cherrytroet; street, and

    Capitol avenue. auglS lm

    The Best! The Eest! !

    DRAKE'S CRHEK MILLS EXTRA JAMWheat Flour for salffat

    So. 4a So aUi Miu-Iui- t fitroot,who are tho sole agents in this city. They willtoponstantly rBpfUiIlwlUT lire stock of thUBirperlorMottf.'artdittrneftly sollcirsTtrfat frbinall Dealers.

    aug9 lm... . .' v 1 ''. f


    NathTllIfi T&mi-- i A!S 5PSriIIK TF.NNrisSEBCOAti'ANrJ TSllLTtOAi)X tpany haYONtablieditUo.foowuxe.c-- vpuis io iDo cuy anu taseueia lor 111c saieoi

    n convenience fbnUiooitiien ceneralljr-- lOrderslefr.,with..thq following stents ipll bare prompt.

    JU O. COTTON. No. 202 South Oherry. t-.1. M. HAWKINS. No. rSulh' II fen at.J. II.'BaANTliY. Nv liOjNorUiolUca st, iANOKltSON & ULASUpW, Woodland street.

    Edgefiold ' :! I ,At tho Company's Coal Yard, No. 231) Cedar s,t, :rmcinMtulco "BANKOP 'iirH'UNTON.'"

    Qencral Superintendent atid'M'ana'ger:

    TTAVINO.BECOMB AENTSHEqB. aDRsalo of Tennesseo (Sewaaee) Coal, wo Trlir

    CH' all oVders tromptry.f 'JhofpricQSinr'avverjt'.yLML,ni:.ii,JL.iili .

    i Hat Coal 20 cents bushel:Coko20SliiUpJeri;u3rleV'ni! :AiiSd"alheio lirlees- - liquid Wbetter.for slli

    M: 1IAJ. ff. BU ANTLY150 W. Colltirektre t i

    ' ANOBRSON.iJc, .OLASWW,. ly'oodland;trect, Edgefield.,(

    nIiUiMIiEli,.-- vtlWB.AVIIfli ALSO TAKE.QRDEItS FORChestrJManU 'PottlarFendnsvCheflnutaa&d PpplarghlnKles. ChesNnut and Poolar. Iiaths. and ClI bills for 'riflVqaarltltjNrqaalityof Lmnbor-- . ;

    auR52m ANDKRSONlfotivSQOWi

    i ' ' "'I ' n ' tt . Jl. It. i


    It J- -

    jHTi OLIVET'CEMETEaY'I'l V"l;' 'i1' ' "di T.i i i ihi"j 1' iii lifiriMT,,.

    k ioI ..', FOR LLE. BY, ,, urn: 'i iii . i ,,

    n i. u''"' ..1 i...f.

    AGENTS'''.jaa2S Om,.., .' . i .J

    I'M TlhltTYtNTrr-ANtfA- l SESSION"J ' OF 'STUDIES IK TIIH;.. .. ,

    '' ' 1'. .

    u.'iii'n.. I wilijOpk!.

    Monday, Septembor 7, 1868. "

    ii-- '. . .

    rpHlS' INSTITUTION ,.IS THE OLDEST!S-- msl nfiliftminD-i- n Ihft Wfit-.havin- e been .

    j : ... f',.if. I, ;'. ' ,'i;' 'EstablTslled ' irl lSftlDt"

    ri . .1 1 !. , r . J . i,r., , ... . . u..Tho Course of Studies offers erery farihtr foraufring1 thorough ' ' ' ' . ' 's ' ''.'n i i

    Cla.'jsjcnl and Coiiunor(jiul dtcnti6iu

    I. ' 'For Catnlognei'etc., apply to . I

    itEV. Pi jr.,ST3kTEB'Fftr, s. Jr.,' I' . : i , . 'i . . u .u, fi-i- l, ;

    President St. Loals ..Universltr, St. Louis, Jlq.jy25 codlSt

    L J

    Notice Extraordinary.rritt OnDHRSIONED. IN CONSEQUENCEx of tho pressnre of tho times, being, unableto meet the navments now due unon her place.amoimting in all to about nrtfcn HntiUriMljioiinrs, and which must shortly uo met in or-der td secure tho amonntnlrcady paid, has de- -termiqed.;!. possible to self , ,

    50 Feot Front by IOO FeotDeep of ttio Property,

    Together with a Magnificent

    Six sTnniircri rinrt Piny olftr riruio'.Tbo Fifty feet of ground is Ipcatetfon "Divisionstreet, betwoen tho Franklin' pike and iixo OldHospital grounds, just sputh of tbo Chattanoogarailroad. As I find it Impossible' to sell' thesearticles .'athe. present tiino for Basil, without agreat sacrifice, I have determined to make them

    .i' ....and in order-tha- t rr chanco-mar-b- o within thorwjhf pycryonohavQiHugfl, ,,,.,,Tickets at,Two Dollax's.Each tickat shall entitle tho holder to a ehancoin both the fifty feet ofgromia and tho flnopiano. "

    rhn m,n,n, llm.anil n1-- rtf ll mwf nir willWpr6perly advertised, so as 16 gifru'oadh ticketaoiacr an apponunisy ui jiqiok; prepuiu. , aufarther information in regard to tho matter canboobtainedat lioolMtoro. Unionstreet; 11. Dorman's Musis Kmporium, HIChurch streot. and DomovilleVDnu-stdre.'cbt- -ner Church ,and Chorry streots, at cither ofwhich placer tickets can alsd bosixrureU. Theproperty, both ground, and piano, ban bo seenby calling .at houso on tho uremises.Divisiontrest. laugflm) Mas-M- . MATIIKWS.

    Callages. Buggies.

    WK1IAVE NOW ON HAND. AND WlMiat remarkably low prices, iispienma assortmeni ot ... . i .ii(BaroucIieH,'

    !'RockiurnjB. ... ( . ,

    ' Two Scat.IMmel.oiin.H ... I


    Albert BiigglcH,I'lmelon liuggleH,

    TtTo Top BuRBleH,

    nud HulliicH,All of superior finish and workmanship. .Allpersona about purchasing vehicles, will dp wojlto give us a call and examine our work, both asto quality and prlco. as wo aro satisfied that wocanforntsh a superior article at a price


    in this or any other section of country. Par-ticular attention paid to repairing. Old lloiifgsmade' to look'as good as new, by a new' preeiw.

    HUXT A RccV.jyll 3m J01 4 KB N. Market St



    will begin the

    FIrat afonday la Neptembitr Xt.There wr seventy --ono stadocts' during ibeyear jnsteloied. Many moro are expeetea yefollowing yoar.

    TERMS $50 per session of fivo'monthi. Cotf-ilmrv-ntfee. tA. Send in the undersirned for

    eatalarnes, showlwr the eonrse of instruction.iracnltyretc. si axuah uuaiui.

    Jy23 tf .

    PULWTEKS' BANK. WOTES.ACCORDANCE W'lTllAN ACT OF'TlfRiN Assembly of tha State of Tennomt,

    apprOTwf December 12, lSt5J,ntltleJ an ast 'Totxseditothodijtribatioa of Che effects of Da&kswhich bars or inay.inako asaignmentx amongtheir creditors," notlso Is hereby given to theholders of tbo nolei of the Hanters' llaak ofXennesseatoprenent them to tho qndenignetlat the Uaas in flasnville tor pajment betweenbow and the first day of January. lM7-- . Or theywill btt forever barred.

    D. WEA VKIl Trnstss.jrZ3dJtwtIliaaLe9.

    IC.onjiB.ercial Insurafncb Co.OFFI-triS- SO irrSI CO Vl.TAi K KT.

    E-fM- P MWMNfc "RTSTvS TAKEN-AT- 1latcsf aid

    i KJD.IIlCErS. ocrctary, marlSBm-sp.- " '



    j . KJ . .' i ti..blOSH?. Pros' '

    J7:, ,IU.tTARBQX,:lC,i4iv'n

    V'l I b i' Mfiln ll .'tl

    J .. : - ,1. (t. mil . . . t via' .1.

    Aad a Ueuerl .Bankliif llnslness' ' ' :I TrAitsacicd.,

    . ..I 1! tV I , ...IKxclmwre on Tontlou. JDnbUu. ruiil

    all paytM ot Germany for iinln.Tuo illlsriscati rrtco paid foir OoM.

    Silver. LnniL lVarrant. aovernmniitHccnrltlcM, Comnouud Interest Noti-Hl- .

    tto. and txinuty Jsoniln and. BaUt!rO(ul N(ocl;H Konif lit null Nolit.The Very M'.irhJ-A-t Price tinld TorSontbern Itnnk JVotcn.

    tfvldsoR i County Jury TlckoUBoDsht. :

    T.xchrtric-- e oil 3Vw: Yorfc. C'litolnuHtl.iMiUtrtrUIonnit JOooaitlttA for.nale. ,

    novS--m ' . ;

    3fN,IilFSDEN & CQ.,I iMiXDFtrrmKKS and Dunsiiix .


    findings Curriers' Tools,'1llio SOUTjj MARKET STRKKT. p. ,,' was rvrvLxst, TENSraSKi 1 ''loffis-t-f ' ' "

    TMrd"MMnal BankPF''




    ALEX A li mm a yj au at a aaYfjALS.Alk JEXOltANdE. GOLD AND

    " ,. Drafts drawn" in sums to suit on.' Iiondon NewYork.iNew Loula. Louis- -

    Stfas to'baVd fbV., WsW.BEB

    ' ' .KUUAJt JUflKri,;oAlner.7QRN.1vIRKMAN. iTMidcht1.- -apr27lV "

    P"! ti"'lt :- BRADFORD NICIIOL

    ui'h I F. NrCHOLV.. .'i

    .tru t iiI-- i ...ii. I... ..'21 fr 'JO XOKT1I 'OI.l.KtlK NTii . ',i , i

    OjiposiV' Stwanje Hqri8ef

    ;" jiAsurxijLE,; :

    HAVE JyST RKCKIVIJD O'WEtb,o. most complete stocks of1'nrlon Fiinitlurr.

    Itoilruoiis NnltM,,KxteiiMfou Table.


    and eVervthhii ln'riurlfno. cferbronght lo thismarket, all f whieh is. of tho very best makeand finish l'ersons wisbins to purahaso arq

    to examine our extensirostock.aswo will guaramcouo sou ni a--i i.owraira nanfiMl.r.ffl 4ptilrt Mn linTmr!inHAil in tha nitv Irtlf.wo wish it understood tliatwu do not lesjnucoming in competition with any Furnlturo (hat ;is nnl of tho TcrV beit mako audi finudi. IVn ,guarantoo every aiticlo sold by us,

    niyC tfi


    .1,.- -

    ilVTK' ARE IN RKCEI1T OF. A LAROE.ytoclqoC tbest) Celebrateil (lips, A liberal

    discount allowed to MrcIinU,

    -- KO. . Al.I.llN A-- .,


    Cqrner of Broadband College streotr.l

    JunlB 4m Agents.

    ,Hnivetf!iy o1" Virginia.tiVlti FORTY-FTFt- tf SESSION OK THIS1 institution wfll begin on the-ls-t day of Octo-

    ber. 1868 andondon tbe Thursday before Juiy,,i&if.

    Tbe organization of tba institution is veryimplotn, embracing- - extensfvo and thorough

    courses of instruction in Literature anil science,and in tho profuuion of Lair, Medicine undEngineering.

    EsTiUATKO ExrMSKd-seliiM- vo of books.lQthlDgand, Jiocset monoy of the Atuotuir

    student. S3V3; of the Law student, $AV, Hint ofthe MiDiatL student, $305.

    Fpr particulars send for Catalogue to William'Wertenbaker.ibecretary, or

    8. MAIU1N.' ' 'CKairmari of tho Faeulfy.

    , aug2(f FpstofSeii, liivrity of yirginU.

    T. J. TAKBROUGH. '(Late of, tbo Firrqaf Weakley & Yarbrpub.)


    . 1'IIJK AND I.Kt'IOlLS, IjlD IX

    Domestic Frortuce Generally,NO.,21 SODTILOOLLRO K JJTlt F, BT,

    NttHUvIH5, 'X'eiin- -JrwtnADMINISTSATOE'S SALE,

    READV-31AD- E CL0TUIN0 ANDGENTS Furnishing (loods

    AT AUCTION.On Wednesday Morning, August 91th. 1H,

    At IbM o'clock.I will offer at publle auction, tbo entire stoek ofHeady-mail- o Clothing and Furnishing (Jnodsoontnined in tba itor-hoii- nf the lata JACOIIIIVU 1 HI nnA Aifli Af Mpn.p nf Mftrlr.fstreet and the Pubtld Hquare. Tbe mernhsntiXrom the ooantry and city aro renpeetfully invited lo attend, as tow will be wru-n-y a iiiaiikHALE- - Terms made xnownjilar; of sale.

    augistd M. J. UsJlil., Aur iKineer.NanlivJIIe, A"KUlt 12, IHKH.

    1 TAVINU DISl'OHED OF MY EHTIRJL1 interest in the

    Tennessee Oil Rellnln? t'ompatiy,to J. P. Reeves and II. T- - Yaran, I herebywitlvdraw fro"1 tbe of inlil eaia- -pany. jAiniTi v.. kkiivkzs,

    augty w

    In Ituukruptcy.Mtff4( Ulatrlct of TmuinuifKt nt Mali.

    villa, UicjaiU, tly.or Ausil. JK8.rpilP. ONDERSIQNKD HEREBY fltVKf

    nntleo bf his iu AhIpsm nfJJd. W i.Hrank K. Iferrir. Mr F. Main. Uain'l11. Hl.iut. W.J. wane, Aunutus Jonnanl, W.W. Whtetor and KobU (J..Thompson. r NuhiTills, in tha county, of Davidson ami Kf tn .lTcnn csc, within said district, whir bare beenadjudged bautxupUuiHiattiir own petitions,by tho District Court oflatd dlstrief.

    a.jiaiju, Assignee.0co: $7 8. Market street-- augiaiawiw

    ATKIN HOUSEiKncxvillo, T.onnos.Mi'o,

    .Il.tUOAOr. TUANKrKKItr.D t'ltKK.

    ACTOJV Yovmuiafyll I PropHftsir.

    t . i n 0 , - I.',.', .(.., uwt f mUty I. 14 ft esoll,tjrjoJ andjeliable

    tate Insurance CompaQV

    JOSF.IMI NAN 11, NccrtAry.ianXVAm p.

    Pure ftHlicVMdrt-fconn- tj'

    1 t . , ti ,tOWu. .MiH)Rr."Jstf.,Wilorin.'THoi. L. Qbsm

    M05feEODMDCO,.IH l s,iW'l'i' ", ni tf inr,i i it.i'i--KcotiHom of . lisky


    honr.irrsoN COUNTY. Tr.SfMEfWKE- i . , i i.

    ' ' ' "!' wKHAVkNOVr m stors. ., ' :

    Poor Hundred Barrels Warranted Qaaalae .

    COPPER DISlliTiED',FKty llnrrela tl'nro Applo

    T?foD:onars4'Bar;rel' ' "Donbte KcUneit nectiSo! WhttUjr,Which wo offer at the lowest wholesale prises"

    FOR CASH. ,,,Orders from a'dl'staneo prbmntly'' filted'.'and

    ' 'satisfaction guaranteed.rricos regniaieu acooming to gnwo, auutku

    woonE, WOUDARIJan25 3m, .5VV5nglIejd,,Tenn.

    : . ii . 'I; i.r. m


    Marine and Elite. ... . i. 1. . . i ...lgtlR.lNi'E COHI'ANr, 'j

    '.Onder.tbe now charter, s, noWepe'a' 'f'tlisiAT NO, SlVitfaTItCOLLKajS' tTrfaUT

    i. Nextdoor tivnir of UnT4n',t,',,. .

    AlA.VM, ITv.lfll. ,I . , i ,. ..

    A. W. lUrTI.KK,NoornUrr'' i i i -' . jUtji . fc. ,p. ' .t 4$l J ..1-

    John M. Mill, ' "Watsen MJwfck 'CJ'A. K. TllomMOTi. li Weaverf' ''Diniel F, Carter, It- - Ti.' Johesf -K, II; Clieathatii, ' JolHi UJTerm'SS' -IK M'i llendersholt, A.' O. AlUms.-- ' ' "

    ' Jesetin W. Allom'" 'doo- -ly .......


    R; Ii. WEAKLEY,M . . . ,

    ' " IN"o. NorlU Co!IeK Nlv,

    (9ueeesir' to U'cwkley Jt Xft'iwilli.);

    f& JUSfr IN RKQKIFT O A PRJMUdl,,oC Oroceeieri and Lwue, oeinlitl noi . . . '. . I ... ,

    Hi hlnU- - Now OrJeana Brawn :: :: to"!ui ircitraiain ,.. . i

    Ml IKIH CllOISO IUO UoUMI,M bbhi and half bbkN. O- -;V.20 Gulden hyrup.Zi " (rushed Sugar.

    24." ronehblnw ami ttli))W)C, Ijiflt'w iiau nun Jinohurni, uwk)i, s . . , t

    'Jfa " Star Candles.IWl " ktiueb, fW,',ltK " Jyler. . .m ad!Projbi'fiwbw. .. Illl- -ItiueasKS Opilo.

    kozeanodo.1 lbpoper. Mmml10 grotta IlmuwidV JWenco.CoOV;eK",, I

    llX) bases Ciuldio's U1iewiti,Tb.h,n 'U10 bbu Cbowuig Tobftcco. in Culk.ri, - -- in ,Mldnien Uropius. , . mi

    110 " 1'ii i n tod Duakcts, , 1 1 LlbO Cnddies assorted Teas, . 1. ,hmU buses Mustard, "sorted sues. . . J ,,iKrl. Ruoifurd's Yeart PewiUis, .,10 bbls JlUoklnz, . , n , , j ,2S cases Richardson' Matrhei, .. ii,., 4i

    IftO boxes IHskleDr - 'lfXI.OUlC'igarf, vanoun brands, .,, . ,, i, 'Jfti bbls Magnolia Hour,

    100 " lilaokLiek 1uur,CO boxes Cheese, , .ATiSO-Spi- ce, Pepper, (linger Ma.Her.

    go, Uitndy, Faney Soai'S, Nutule!, Mareu Wrapping Papor; Pepper Haucs, Winee and 1iwiuomAll oi wnienwiu oesonm-nea- ler oaiaoaiy.

    n. U IVKAICI.KV,aprO 3m W. S N. CwllvVti,




    No. 58 Collogo Stppotifu',

    JUST KKTtlRNBD VlifotZitjUvHAS and baslnstiire, at . ,: imdt

    rOPBIiAK puioiVAJ'.

    ail tho now styles of Mines f the sfrisn. j'llioalls iart!oalar attention to btt H4l

    Dress floods far Walking Stilts.Hilks and llrenadinM.Flgnreil Lawns and Linen OamVrW- - "Mourning (lends. In rariety. ' -Whito and Colored Pigaes, '" 1White Hood, all klndf.Laces and Embroideries, all kb4s, 'Table Linens, Napkiris. Towels, eituSilk Wrapping. Tery low.Spring Shawls, In great rariety, "Lisloand Cotton HosUry, great TarletytAlexandre's KMWovH, ete, ' " ' !

    together with orery thioK usually Vei't,tai, firstclass Drygoods esUMishMeat, andat.prMctAslow an. any homo In tba country... aed,..NUUUHU1UU ' IBpTlTtl.

    J. 8. LA It R. y. iiui,LAMB

    AUoaTiftys a, TKHrVi,"

    . myl2tt ' . , I


    Fine lo)ortson CoiuiIa',IS OIT TC O N' v:

    -- Ux4


    .o. tin Koulh Mnrbrl hlrf'fH"Jyttlw . i .ii.

    ' I ! iktila I

    Gales &. JPohhnmlil

    College stree. (the irtsrs formerly wwupieU WJbn itamMo .k Jfanj and IhIbmc aeu.M't'mt a fresh stwS Itf tbeir new bulllifbg.7" " i" i Bpun, tswr are aBaitbetrbteasfitMtpiily of Wntctiei. JpwrlrtJi i i

    -- . ' a4 grsAtiy reirMw

    OATrlS & POHULAN;".No, B ffnieu street, '
