u hla myint pali textbook2

1 PREFACE Over 2500 years ago, the Buddha lived in India and taught his priceless teachings in the Pli language! Although Pli is no longer used "or everyday co##unications, it is rigorously studied  $y #onastic and lay Buddhists ar ound the %orld in particular in Bur#a, &ri 'an(a, and )hailand! *any Pli %ords and phrases are also $lended into local languages "or daily +ha##a tal(s in the East and est! 2500 years a"ter the Buddha passed a%ay, Pli is the purest %ay to access and understand the Buddha- s teaching ! )he Pli te.t s are a precio us heritage passe d do%n "ro# the Buddha! ) o #aintain that heritage, our Buddhist ancestors, having no paper or pen, let alone #odern devices li(e co#puters or C+s, had to learn the te.ts $y heart and trans#it the# orally! )hey too( great trou$le to preserve the authentic teaching o" the Buddha, one o" the greatest treasures o" the %orld! )here"ore, %e study Pli not "or daily co##unication $ut "or a deeper understanding o" the true teachings o" the Buddha/ %e try to uncover our greatest heritage passed do%n to us $y our  $eloved no$le ancestors! )he ancient Pli gra##ar is a#ai ngly %ell organied and helps us underst and the language o" the Buddha ve ry prec is el y ! )h e gra##ar %a s, ho %eve r, designed "or the Bu ddha-s conte# poraries ! i th this in #ind, I have creat ed a Pli pri#er to #a(e the gra##ar #ore accessi$le "or conte#porary English spea(ers! O" course, there are #any varieties o" Pli te.t translations availa$le today! 1o%ever, in the sa#e %ay that seeing a leader in person is signi"icantly #ore inspiring than %atching hi# spea( on ), reading the authentic Pli te.t %ill "ar surpass reading any translations and %ill allo% you to hear the living Buddha spea(ing to you in person! ith #uch #etta, 3 1la *yint

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Over 2500 years ago, the Buddha lived in India and taught his priceless teachings in the Plilanguage! Although Pli is no longer used "or everyday co##unications, it is rigorously studied $y #onastic and lay Buddhists around the %orld in particular in Bur#a, &ri 'an(a, and )hailand!

*any Pli %ords and phrases are also $lended into local languages "or daily +ha##a tal(s in theEast and est!

2500 years a"ter the Buddha passed a%ay, Pli is the purest %ay to access and understand theBuddha-s teaching! )he Pli te.ts are a precious heritage passed do%n "ro# the Buddha! )o#aintain that heritage, our Buddhist ancestors, having no paper or pen, let alone #odern devicesli(e co#puters or C+s, had to learn the te.ts $y heart and trans#it the# orally! )hey too( greattrou$le to preserve the authentic teaching o" the Buddha, one o" the greatest treasures o" the%orld!

)here"ore, %e study Pli not "or daily co##unication $ut "or a deeper understanding o" the trueteachings o" the Buddha/ %e try to uncover our greatest heritage passed do%n to us $y our  $eloved no$le ancestors!

)he ancient Pli gra##ar is a#aingly %ell organied and helps us understand the language o" the Buddha very precisely! )he gra##ar %as, ho%ever, designed "or the Buddha-sconte#poraries! ith this in #ind, I have created a Pli pri#er to #a(e the gra##ar #oreaccessi$le "or conte#porary English spea(ers!

O" course, there are #any varieties o" Pli te.t translations availa$le today! 1o%ever, in the sa#e%ay that seeing a leader in person is signi"icantly #ore inspiring than %atching hi# spea( on ),

reading the authentic Pli te.t %ill "ar surpass reading any translations and %ill allo% you to hear the living Buddha spea(ing to you in person!

ith #uch #etta,

3 1la *yint

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Pre"ace 4Contents 2

Chapter-I Basic Pāḷ   i Syntaxes

The aḷphabet  6

'esson748 3ni9ue Feature o" Pl  :i ;'esson728 4st For# <=o#inative> ?'esson78 4st For# <Only7noun &entences> 44

'esson768 2nd For# <Accusative Case> 46'esson758 2nd For# <Adver$ o" )i#e@ +istance> 4;'esson7;8 rd For# <Instru#ental Case> 4'esson78 rd For# <Causative Case> 22'esson7?8 rd For# <ith7phrase> 26'esson78 6th For# <+ative Case> 2'esson7408 6th For# <Purpose Case> 0'esson7448 5th For# <A$lative Case> 2'esson7428 ;th For# <Possessive Case> ;

'esson748 th

 For# <'ocative Case> ?'esson7468 th For# <)i#e Adver$ Clause> 60'esson7458 er$ &u""i.74 62'esson74;8 er$ &u""i.72 66'esson748 er$ &u""i.7 6;'esson74?8 er$ &u""i.76@5@; 6?'esson748 er$ &u""i.7 54'esson7208 er$ &u""i.7? 52'esson7248 Passive oice 55'esson7228 Causative er$s 5

'esson728 er$ Participles 5?'esson7268 +e"inition @ )ranslation o" Participles;0'esson7258 &o#e *ore Participles ;2'esson72;8 Functions @ )enses o" a Participle 77'esson728 )%o inds o" Duestions ;5'esson72?8 Falling Particles @ Pre"i.es ;

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PART TWO 'esson728 =oun roups ?'esson708 Pronoun roups

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Pi <the language o" the Buddha> does not have a special script o" its o%n! In countries %here people study Pli, it is %ritten in their indigenous scripts li(e =garG in India, &inhalese in &ri'an(a, Bur#ese in Bur#a, and the a#$oHa script in )hailand! )he Pli )e.t &ociety in

England uses the Ro#an script "or %hich it has gained international recognition! )he PliAlpha$et consists o" 64 letters that include ? vo%els and consonants! )he "ollo%ing alpha$etis ta(en "ro# the $oo( Pli Pri#er,J pu$lished $y ipassana Research Institute!


a, , i, G, u, K, e, o


utturals (, (h, g, gh, nPalatels c, ch, H, Hh, L

Cere$rals t, th, d, dh, n+entals t, th, d, dh, n'a$ials p, ph, $, $h, #*iscellaneous y, r, l, v, s, h, l, #

)he vo%els Ma, i, uN are short, and M, G, K7 are long! For Me and o,N they are o" #iddle length, andare pronounced short i" they are $e"ore dou$le consonants, e!g!, mettā, khetta, kottha, sotthi,%hile they are long i" they are $e"ore single consonants, e!g! deva, sen, lo(a, odana!


a u in cut t th in thu#$ a in "ather d th in theyi I in #ill n n in no% G ee in $ee p p in putu u in put $ $ in $utK oo in cool # # in #ind( ( in (ite y y in yesg g in good r r in rightn ng in singer l l in light

c ch in church v v in vine H H in Ha# s s in singL gn in signor h h in hott t in hat l l in lightd d in good # ng in sing!n n in no%

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&ni'$e (eat$re ") Pāḷ   i

In English there are Eight Parts o" &peech8 noun, adHective, pronoun, ver$, adver$, preposition,conHunction and interHection! In Pl  :i, ho%ever, there are only Four Parts o" &peech8

4! noun <nāma>2! pronoun < sabba-nāma>! ver$ <kriyā>6! clitics <nipāta> that are e9uivalent to conHunctions and interHections! )hey include such

%ords as  sace  <i">, evaṁ  <thus>, ceva, ca  <also, too>, iva  <li(e>,  puna  <again>,  pana<ho%ever>, ve, have  <indeed>, vinā <%ithout>, aññatra  <e.cept>, eva  <only, Hust>,  saha, saddhiṁ <%ith>, vā <or else>, idha <here>, huraṁ <there>, and so on!


N" Prep"siti"n*  In Pl  :i, su""i.es o" a noun are callednāma-vibhatti1, %hich are e9uivalent to prepositions in English! &o, there is no separate preposition in Pl  :i! In other %ords, all nounshave $uilt7in prepositions2 and can $e regarded as ready7#ade phrases!

N" A+,ectie an+ A+erb* In accordance %ith Pl  :i gra##ars, it is also a noun that serves as anadHective and adver$! &o, there are no separate "or#s o" adHectives and adver$s! In other %ords,adHectives and adver$s are Hust "unctions o" a noun!

N"$n ("r.s* &u""i.es o" a noun #odi"y its "or#s and "unctions! Every noun has seven "or#s

such as 4st "or#, 2nd "or#, etc!, and di""erent "unctions, such as su$Hect, o$Hect, etc! All nouns areclassi"ied into 22 groups <see Part II> according to their su""i.es and genders! e %ill call the#in serial nu#$er such as =oun roup74 <=74>, etc!, to re#e#$er the# easily! =ouns o" =74,"or e.a#ple, originally have the su""i. <7a> that %ill $e replaced %ith di""erent su""i.es "or di""erent "unctions! Belo% is the #odel chart o" =74!

/"+eḷ Chart

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ4st8 puriso <a #an> puris <#en>2nd8 purisaṁ <to a #an> purise <to #en>rd8 purisena <%ith @ $y a #an> purisehi, purise$hi <%ith @ $y #en>6th8 purisassa, <to@ "or a #an> purisna# <to #en>5th8 purisas#, 7#h, 7 <"ro# a #an> purisehi, purise$hi <"ro# #en>;th8 purisassa <o" a #an> purisna# <o" #en>

1 Noun sufxes are called ‘Nāma-vibhatti’  because they modiy a noun in terms o orm,genders (masculine, eminine or neuter), numbers (singular or plural), and unctions(subect, obect, adecti!e, or ad!erb and so on)"2 Actually, there are a "e% separate prepositions such as saha, saddhiṁ <%ith>, vinā, aññatra <%ithout> and so on!

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th8 purisas#iṁ, 7#hi, 7e<in, on, a #an> purisesu <in, on, at #en>

/"+eḷ Sentence

Belo% is the #odel sentence, and all the nouns involved in it $elong to =74! In Pl  :i the ver$

nor#ally co#es at the end o" the sentence!Q

 Buddho dhammaṁ  saddena devānaṁ dūrasm ā  samaye deseti.Buddha preaches +ha##a %ith voice to devas "ro# a"ar on occasion!

S$b,ect !erb Obe,ct 1atie Instr$.ent 12 p"int Occasi"n

 Buddho <Buddha>

deseti  <preaches>

dhammaṁ <a discourse>

devānaṁ <to devas>

 sadd ena <%ithvoice>

dūrasmā  <"ro# a"ar>


 Buddho  )he Buddha 4st "or# su$Hect <kattā> Dhammaṁ  +ha##a 2nd "or# o$Hect <kamma> saddena %ith voice rd "or# instru#ent <karana>devānaṁ to devas 6th "or# dative < sampadāna>dūrasm ā  "ro# a"ar 5th "or# departing point <apādāna> samaye on an occasion th "or# occasion <Okāsa>deseti  preaches rd Person active voice

3sing the di""erent su""i.es o" the #odel noun in the chart, %e should #a(e a si#ilar chart "or allthe nouns involved in the #odel sentence so that %e can understand their "or#s and "unctions!

For e.a#ple8

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ4st  Buddho $uddh2nd  Buddha# $uddherd  Buddhena $uddhehi, $uddhe$hi6th  Buddhassa $uddhna#5th  Buddhas#, 7#h, 7 $uddhehi, 7e$hi;th  Buddhassa $uddhna#th  Buddhas#i#, 7#hi, 7e $uddhesu

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ4st  +ha##o dha##2nd +ha##aṁ dha##erd +ha##ena dha##ehi, dha##e$hi6th +ha##assa dha##naṁ

5th +ha##as#, 7#h, 7 dha##ehi, dha##e$hi;th +ha##assa dha##naṁ

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th +ha##as#i , 7#hi, 7eṁ dha##esu

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ4st saddo sadd2nd saddaṁ sadde


saddena saddhehi, saddhe$hi6th  saddassa saddnaṁ

5th  saddas#, 7#h, 7 saddhehi, saddhe$hi;th saddassa saddnaṁ

th  saddas#i , 7#hi, 7eṁ saddesu

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ4st devo dev2nd devaṁ deverd devena devehi, deve$hi6th  devassa devnaṁ



  devas#, 7#h, 7 devehi, deve$hi;th devassa devnaṁ

th devas#i , 7#hi, 7eṁ devesu

N"te* *a(e the sa#e chart "or all the re#aining nouns, "or e.a#ple, dūro, dūrā--; samayo, samayā--, and so on! In the chart the rd and the 5th have the sa#e "or#s in plural, and the 6 th andthe ;th are all the sa#e $oth in singular and plural $ut they have di""erent "unctions! In other %ords, they are the sa#e "or# %ith di""erent "unctions!


 %st (OR/ 4N".inatie Case5

4st "or# nouns have such su""i.es as 7o, -ā, -i, -ī, -u, -ū, according to their corresponding noungroups <=>! )he 4st "or# nouns serve as &u$Hects in =o#inative Case <in active sentences>!

The St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

'oo( at the $oy overthere,J said the Buddha to Ananda, indicating a ho#eless $oy $eaten anddriven out o" a #ansion that $elonged to *Kla7sirG, one o" the #ulti#illionaires in &avatthi city!In his previous li"e,J the Buddha continued, that $oy %as *Kla7sirGNs "ather %ho had that very#ansion $uilt!J )hen, Buddha related his entire past li"e!

Ananda7set  :t  :hi %as one o" the #ulti#illionaires in &avatthi city, and *Kla7sirG %as his only son!1e %as so attached to his %ealth that he had never given any cent to any$ody in his li"e! 1e o"tenadvised his only son and relatives to accu#ulate %ealth instead o" spending it %ith the analogyo" eye7drop that run out as it %as used drop $y drop, and anthills and $een hides that $eca#e $igger and $igger as they %ere $uilt $it $y $it! A"ter his death, the sel"ish #illionaire %as re$orn

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to a ho#eless "a#ily! And later a$andoned $y his parents, he had to %ander a$out $egging "or "ood! One day, he happened to stop $y the gate o" *Kla7sirGNs #ansion! )hen, %ith his vivid#e#ory o" the past li"e he happened to intrude into the #ansion, and got $eaten $rutally anddriven out un(indly!

)o cut the long story short, the $oy could prove that he had $een *Kla7sirGNs "ather $y sho%ing*Kla7sirG i three gold pots that Ananda7set  :t  :hi put underground! Fro# this incident, the Buddha $rought us a #oral $elo%8

 uttā atthi. Ddhana atthi. !ti bā"o vihaññatiṁ

 #ttā pi attano natthi. $uto puttā% $uto dhana %ṁ <+ha##a7pada, 2?>

)here are sons! )here is %ealth! )hus, a "ool gets distress!)here is not even onesel" "or onesel"! here sons here %ealth

In the a$ove passage, the ver$ Matthi&  #eans Mthere is@ areN, and Mnatthi&  Mthere is@ are notN! )hesynta. only consists o" su$Hect and ver$! &ee the ta$le $elo%8

N"$n ("r.* uttā, dhammaṁ $elong to =74/ attā to =7?

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! Putto putt2! Puttaṁ  putte! Puttena puttehi, 7$hi, and so on!

Sust "ollo% M puriso&  "or the rest!Q

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! att attno2! attna , attaṁ ṁ attno! attan, attena attnehi, 7$hi6! attano attnaṁ

5! attan attanehi, 7$hi;! attano attnaṁ

! attani attnesu, attesu

!erb 4!5 S$b,ect 4S5

 #tthi <)here are>  uttā <sons> #tthi <)here is>  Dhanaṁ <%ealth> 'atthi <)here is no>  #ttā&pi <even onesel">

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S".e /"re Exa.pḷes

+uring the BuddhaNs ti#e there %as a certain (ind o" doctrine called Mnatthika-dit   (t   (hi& , %hich

reHects the act o" generosity, gratitude o" oneNs parent, li"e a"ter or $e"ore oneNs death, the la% o" cause and e""ect <kamma>, and so on! )hey pro"essed a #otto %ith %ord Mnatthi&  <no>, and %ere,there"ore, (no%n as natthika <nihilists>! Belo% is their "a#ous #otto8

4!  'atthi dinnaṁ )here is no giving2!  'atthi yit   (t   (haṁ )here is no sacri"icing!  'atthi hutaṁ )here is no gi"ting6!  'atthi mātā )here is no #other 5!  'atthi pitā )here is no "ather ;!  'atthi aya "okoṁ )here is no this li"e!  'atthi paro "oko )here is no that li"e

?!  'atthi opapātikā  )here is no spontaneous re$irth!  'atthi kamma-vipāko )here is no (a##ic result40! 'atthi saman  (a-brahman  (ā )here is no #on( or Brah#in <%ho $eco#e enlightened>

)his doctrine is one o" the ;2 %rong vie%s #entioned in the Pl  :i, and used to $e very popular a#ong people in old days! Pro$a$ly, it #ay $e si#ilar in essence to the co##unis# o" today!

N"$n ("r.* In the a$ove #otto, dinna , yit    (t   (ha , hutaṁ ṁ ṁ and kammaṁ $elong to =72/ mātā, pitā to =7/ "oko, upapātikā, vipāko, saman  (a to =74/ brahmā to =7?!

Belo% is the chart o" Mdinna &  ṁ  according to =728

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! +innaṁ dinn, dinnni2! +innaṁ dinne, dinnni! +innena dinnehi, 7$hi6! +innassa dinnnaṁ

5! +innas#, #h, 7 dinnehi, 7$hi;! +innassa dinnnaṁ

! +innas#G , #hi, 7eṁ dinnesu

1ere, the noun Mbrahmā&  $elongs to =7?, $ut it has so#e uni9ue "or#s in its chart8

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! $rah# $rah#no2! $rah#na , $rah#aṁ ṁ  $rh#ano! $ra#un $rah#ehi, 7$hi

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6! $rah#uno, $rah#assa $rah#Kna , $rah#naṁ ṁ

5! $run $rah#ehi, 7$hi;! $rah#uno, $rah#assa $rah#Kna , $rah#naṁ ṁ

! $rah#ani $rah#esu


 %st (OR/ 4Onḷy-n"$n Sentences5

4st "or# nouns serve as &u$Hects and Co#ple#ents in sentences %hich have no ver$ <althoughMver$7to7$eN is actually understood>! &uch sentences are called Mtu"yatta) "i *attha& ṅ

St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

One day ing osala visited the Buddha in Setavana *onastery, &vatthi city! 1e %as so heavythat he had to sit do%n in a very unco#"orta$le #anner in "ront o" the Buddha! no%ing hissituation, the Buddha gave hi# a (ind advice thus8 Ever #ind"ul and #oderate in eating, onecan $eco#e healthy and slo% do%n ageing process!J

1aving Follo%ed BuddhaNs advice, the (ing later lost %eight and loo(ed $etter and healthier! Onhis ne.t visit, there"ore, he proudly said to the Buddha that he "elt so light that he thought hecould even chase a deer! 1e also #entioned t%o (inds o" good ne%s! First, he "ound the royaldia#ond that he had lost long $e"ore! &econd, he "elt closer to #on(s and nuns than ever $e"ore!

In this regard the Buddha #entioned the #otto $elo%8 +ro*ya parama "ābha ; sa tut   (t   (hi parama dhana ;ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ

issāsā paramā ñāti; nibbāna parama sukha .ṁ ṁ ṁ

1ealthiness <is> para#ount gain! Content#ent <is> para#ount %ealth!Friendship <is> para#ount (inship! =on7attach#ent <is> para#ount happiness!

S$b,ect 4S5 C".pḷe.ent 4C5

 +ro*yaṁ <healthiness>  arama "ābhaṁ ṁ <para#ount gain>antut   (t   (hi <content#ent>  arama dhanaṁ ṁ <7 %ealth>issāsā <"riendship>  aramā ñāti <7 (inship> 'ibbānaṁ <non7attach#ent>  arama sukhaṁ ṁ <7 happiness>

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("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* =ouns in the 4st colu#n are su$Hects and those in the 2 nd colu#n areco#ple#ent! )hey all are in their 4st "or#s! 1o%ever, they have di""erent su""i.es $ecause they $elong to di""erent =Ns!

Onḷy-n"$n Sentences* In these sentences there is no ver$ <Mver$7to7$eN understood>, and

there"ore these sentences are called Only7=oun &entences <"i *atthaṅ >! )hey are also called&ingle7entity &entences <tu"yattha> $ecause all the nouns involved in each sentence re"er tosingle entity! For e.a#ple, healthiness is para#ount gain, and para#ount gain is healthiness!

N"$n 8r"$p* 1ere  si. nouns such as āro*ya , nibbāna , parama , "ābha , dhana ,ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ

 sukhaṁ  $elong to =72! issāsā  $elongs to =7/ antut   (t   (hi and  ñāti  to =740! =or#allysu$Hects and co#ple#ents agree in ter#s o" gender and nu#$er!Q

S".e /"re Exa.pḷes #ith St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

One day the Buddha %as %ith his #on(s on the $an( o" anger River near AyuHHh village,

Branasi city! Pointing to the $u$$les on the sur"ace o" the river, the Buddha said to the #on(s,'oo( at those pieces o" $u$$le on the sur"ace o" the river! )hey are "ragile and insu$stantial! &oare the "ive aggregates, i!e!, $ody, sensation, perception, #ental "or#ation and consciousness!J)hen, the Buddha #ade analogy %ith each aggregate8

 hen  (apin  (d   (ūpama rūpa . edanā babbu"akūpamāṁ ṁ

 arīcikūpamā saññā. a khārā kada"ūpamāṅ

 āyūpama viññān  (aṁ ṁ <sa yutta72, 44;>ṁ

W"r+ C".binati"n 4 Sandhi 5* In the 2nd colu#n %e can see Co#$ination o" ords < sandhi>!ords naturally co#$ine %hen they are read or spo(en 9uic(ly as in the case o" !t&s, !&m, and soon! Belo% is ho% they co#$ine8

S$b,ect C".pḷe.ent

 /ūpaṁ <$ody>  hen  (apin  (d   (ūpamaṁ <"i7li(e>edanā <sensation> babbu"akūpamā <$u$$le7li(e>aññā <perception>  arīcikūpamā <#irage7li(e>a khārāṅ  <#ental "or#ations> kada"ūpamā <$anana7li(e>viññān  (aṁ <consciousness>  āyūpamaṁ <illusion7li(e>

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• Phen  :apin  :d  :a <"i> T upa#a <li(e> phen  :apin  :d  :Kpa#aṁ ṁ

• Bu$$ul  :a(a <$u$$le> T upa#a <li(e> $u$$ul  :u(Kpa#aṁ ṁ

• *arGci(a <#irage> T upa#a <li(e> #arGci(Kpa#aṁ ṁ

• adalG <$anana> T upa#a <li(e> (adalKpa#aṁ ṁ

• *y <illusion> T upa#a <li(e> #yKpa#aṁ ṁ

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* =ouns in the 4st colu#n are su$Hects and those in the 2 nd colu#n areco#ple#ents! All the nouns are 4st "or#s! 1o%ever, they have di""erent su""i.es $ecause they $elong to di""erent =Ns!

N"$n ("r.s8

)%o nouns Mrūpaṁ  and viññān  (a & ṁ  $elong to =72/ vedanā  and saññā to =7/ sa khārāṅ   to =74! =or#ally, su$Hects and co#ple#ents agree in ter#s o" gender and nu#$er!Q


3n+ (OR/ 4Acc$satie Case5

)he 2nd "or# nouns have such su""i.es as 7a , -iṁ ṁ, -u ,ṁ etc!, according their corresponding =oun roups <=>! )hey are e9uivalent to o$Hects in the Accusative Case <active voice>!

St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

 =ot allo%ed to do any $usiness "or living, Buddhist #on(s and nuns depend on their lay

supporters "or "our re9uisites, na#ely, ro$e, "ood, shelter and #edicine! In their day7to7day li"e,there"ore, they have to collect al#s "ood "ro# house to house e.cept %hen they are invited to peopleNs houses "or #eals! &o, giving "ood to #on(s and nuns is honored as great #erit! henthe Buddha %as in Setavana #onastery, &avatthi city, he gave a tal( on ho% $ene"icial it %as too""er "ood to the #on(s and nuns! Belo% is %hat he said then8

 Dāyako āyu deti; van  (n  (a deti; sukha deti; ba"a deti; pat    (ibhāna deti. 0# -,ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ ṅ

234)he "ood7donor o""ers longevity/ o""ers $eauty/ o""ers happiness/ o""ers strength/ o""ers%it!

S$b,ect !erb Ob,ect

 Dāyako <"ood7donor>  Deti <o""ers>  +yuṁ <longevity>van  (n  (aṁ <$eauty> ukhaṁ <happiness>  Ba"aṁ <strength> 

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 at   (ibhānaṁ  <%it>

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* 

• Colu#n748 Mdāyako&  is 4st "or# %ith 5-oN su""i. in =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>!• Colu#n728 )he ver$ has su""i. M7ti&   that #eans the ver$ is rd  Person, &ingular and

Present )ense!• Colu#n78 All nouns are 2nd "or#s %ith5- & ṁ  su""i. in Accusative Case <o$Hect>!

N"$n 8r"$ps*

• Colu#n748 Mdāyako&  =74/• Colu#n728 āyuṁ =746/ van  (n  (a , sukha , ba"a , pat    (ibhānaṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ =72!

The &ni'$e (eat$res ") Pāḷ   i Syntaxes*

)he synta. <&! ! O!> #entioned a$ove is originally <&! O! !>, as a Pl  :i sentence generally ta(es

the su$Hect "irst, and the ver$ last! 1ere, ho%ever, %e "ollo% the English synta. "or $etter understanding o" a Pl  :i sentence in co#parison %ith English! A Pl  :i synta. is deter#ined $y particular "or#s o" the %ords involved, $ut not $y their locations and separate prepositions li(ean English one! &o, it is possi$le "or <&! ! O!> to $eco#e <O! &! !>, <! &! O!> or <! O! &!>! )hesa#e %ill $e true %ith any other synta.es to co#e!

S".e /"re Exa.pḷes ") 4S2 !2 O25*

)he Pl  :i te.t called pat   (t   (hāna <the la% o" conditionality> descri$es evil #ental states as po%er"ulnatural conditions < pakatūpa-nissaya> "or evil deeds such as (illing, stealing, etc! Belo% is asentence ta(en "ro# that Pali te.t8

 Bā"o pān  (a hanati; adinna ādiyati; musā bhan  (ati; pisun  (a bhan  (ati; pharusaṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ

bhan  (ati; sampha pa"apati.ṁ  <Pat  :t  :hna74, 46?>

A "ool (ills a $eing/ ta(es %hat not given/ tells untruth/ tells slander/ spea(s harsh %ords/tal(s "rivolous speech!

S$b,ect !erb Ob,ect

 Bā"o <a "ool>  6anati <(ills>  ān  (aṁ <a $eing>

ādiyati <ta(es>  #dinnaṁ <%hat not given>7acchati <goes>  aradārame <to otherNs %i"e> Bhan  (ati <tells>  usā <untruth> Bhan  (ati isun  (aṁ <slander> Bhan  (ati harusaṁ <harsh %ord> pa"apati amphaṁ <"rivolous speech>

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* 

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• Colu#n748 the noun is 4st "or# %ith 5-o&  su""i. in the =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>!• Colu#n728 All the ver$s have su""i. M-ti&  that indicates that they are rd Person, &ingular 

and Present )ense!• Colu#n78 All the nouns are 2nd "or#s %ith 5-a &ṁ su""i. in the Accusative Case! But they

 $elong to di""erent noun groups <=>!

N"$n 8r"$ps*

• Colu#n748 bā"o =74!• Colu#n78  pān  (a , para-dāraṁ ṁ  =74!  #dinnaṁ  =72/  pisun  (a , pharusaṁ ṁ and

 samphaṁ =7! Mmusā&  is a uni9ue %ord called nipta %hich $elongs to no =!

S".e /"re Exa.pḷes ") 4S : ! : O5*

 #riya-sāvako attāna 0mātā-pitaro, putta-dāra-dāsa-kammakāra-porise4 sukheti.ṁ

0a *uttara-, 284ṅA no$le disciple delights onesel", <parents, sons and daughters, %i"e, slaves, servants and%or(ers>!

S$b,ect !erb Ob,ect

 #riya-sāvako <a no$ledisciple>

ukheti <delights>  #ttānaṁ <onesel">  ātā-pitaro  <"ather and #other> utta-dāra  <children and %i"e> Dāsa-kammakāra-porise  <slave,servants, %or(ers>

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* 

• Colu#n748 5ariya-sāvako&  is 4st "or# %ith 5-o&  su""i. in =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>!• Colu#n728 5sukheti&  has su""i. M-ti&  that indicates that the ver$ is rd Person, &ingular and

Present )ense!• Colu#n78 All the nouns are 2nd "or#s in Accusative Case <O$Hect>, $ut have di""erent

su""i.es $ecause they $elong to di""erent =Ns!

N"$n 8r"$p* 

• Colu#n748 Mariya-sāvako&  =74!• Colu#n78 Mattāna &  ṁ   =7?/ matā-pitaro  =7/ ariyasāvako, putta-dāra , dāsa-ṁ

kammakāra-porise =74!


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3n+ (OR/ 4A+erb ") Ti.e< 1istance5

Ti.e A+erb*

)here are %ords that sho% ti#e such as aho, diva , divasaṁ ṁ <day>, ratti <night>, māsa <#onth>,

 sa vaccharaṁ

 <year> vassa <rainy season>, hemanta <%inter>, *imha  <su##er>, and so on! )hese%ords ta(e 2nd "or# %hen they #odi"y a ver$ to #ean the ver$ <an event or action> ta(es placecontinuiously "or so#e ti#e, li(e eka-divasaṁ  <"or one day>, eka-rattaṁ  <"or one night>,vassaṁ <"or entire rainy season> and so on!

St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

1aving taught the group o" "ive ascetics until they $eca#e "ully enlightened, Buddha returned tothe aya area, and #et assapa and his 4500 ascetics in 3ruvel  :a "orest on the $an( o" =eraLHarriver Hust three #iles a%ay "ro# Bodh aya! Initially, he %as cautiously %elco#ed, and told thatthere %as no place "or hi# to stay overnight! )hen, he re9uested the# to let hi# stay in the

(itchen "or one night as "ollo%s8

ace te, $assapa, a*aru, vaseyyāma eka-ratta a*yā*āreṁ  <*ahavagga72> 

I", assapa, not trou$leso#e to you, I %ould li(e to stay one night in the (itchen!



S$b,ect !erb "catie Ti.e A+erb

ace te a*aru <I"not trou$leso#e

to you>

 #haṁ <I> aseyyāma<%ould li(e to


 #*yā*āre <inthe (itchen>

 9ka-rattaṁ  <"or onenight>

• Colu#n748 Mace&  is nipta #eaning Mi"N/ Mte&  is the 6th "or# o" the personal pronoun, P7

2/ Ma*aru&  is 4st "or#, =74, #eaning Mnot trou$leso#eN!• Colu#n 728 M #ha & ṁ  $elongs to P74!• Colu#n 78 Maseyyāma& has 7 su""i. 5-eyyāma& , %hich e.presses oneNs re9uest!• Colu#n 768 M #*yā*āre&  $elongs to =72, and its th "or# su""i. 5-e&  veri"ies its locative


Colu#n 75859ka-ratta &ṁ

< =740> is 2


 "or# <%ith su""i.5- & ṁ

> and #odi"ies the ver$ inter#s o" the continuity o" ti#e! &o, M"or one nightN #eans his stay %ould $e continuous"or the %hole night %ithout going any%here!

Beḷ"# Are S".e /"re Exa.pḷes*

 Bha*avā sattā&ha eka-pa""a kena nisīdi.ṁ ṅ

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Buddha seated %ith sole posture "or seven days!

S$b,ect !erb Instr$.entaḷ Ti.e A+erb

 Bha*avā <Buddha>  'isīdi <seated>  9ka-pa""a kenaṅ  <%ithsole posture>

attā&haṁ <"or sevendays>

 Bha*avā tattheva /ā:a*ahe vassa vasi, tattha hemanta , tattha *imha .ṁ ṁ ṁ

Buddha stayed there in RHagaha city "or rainy season, "or %inter there, "or su##er there!

S$b,ect !erb "catie Ti.e A+erb

 Bha*avā <Buddha> asi <stayed> attheva /ā:a*ahe <there in RHagaha>

assaṁ <"or rainyseason>, etc!

<aso cattāro māse na het   (t   (hā-pāsāda orohati.ṁ

*r! Uaso does not descend the pavilion "or "our #onths!

S$b,ect !erb Ob,ect Ti.e A+erb

<aso <*r! Uaso>  'a Orohati <doesnNtdescend>

 6et   (t   (hā-pāsādaṁ

<do%nstairs o" the pavilion>

=attāro māse <"or "our #onths>

3n+ (OR/ 41istance A+erb5

1istance A+erb*

)here are %ords that sho% the #easure#ent o" distance such as usabha2 <a$out 500 "eet>, *āvuta<a$out t%o #iles>,  yo:ana <a$out ? #iles>, and so on! )hese %ords ta(e 2 nd  "or# %hen they

#odi"y a ver$ to #ean the ver$ <an even or an action> ta(es place all the %ay to a certaindistance, li(e eka-*āvutaṁ <"or one gvuta>, eka-yo*anaṁ <"or one yoHana>, and so on!

St"ry Bac60r"$n+* 4/ahāa00a 7=>5

3 One yo:ana is "our *āvutas %hich have t%enty usabhas each! )he %ord Musabha&  literally #eans a $ull, %hich herere"ers to the distance %e can hear a $ull roars i" it does! )en usabhas is appro.i#ately one #ile!

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 >īvako %as the very %ell7(no%n physician o" the Buddha! Right a"ter he %as $orn, he %asthro%n onto the heap o" trash, as his #other, &lavatG, a high7class prostitute o" RHagaha city,%anted no child! Fortunately, ho%ever, Prince A$haya "ound and adopted hi# in the palace!)hus, he $eca#e a #e#$er o" the royal "a#ily! hen he ca#e o" age, he devoted his ti#e andenergy to the #edical study at the )a((asGla 3niversity! 1e studied very detail and very "ast

re#e#$ering every thing he %as taught! A"ter seven years o" study, he as(ed his teacher ho%long he %as going to ta(e to acco#plish his #edical study! )hen, the teacher as(ed hi# to %al( one yoHana <a$out eight #iles> around the university to "ind any plant non7#edicinal! 1e did, $ut"ound no such a plant! Belo% is %hat he said8

 +hin  (d   (anto&mhi, ācariya, takkasī"āya samantā yo:ana . 'a kiñci abhesa::a addasa.ṁ ṁ

)eacher, <I> have %al(ed one yoHana around the 3niversity! <I> "ound no plant non7#edicinal!

S$b,ect !erb 1istance A+erb "catie

 #haṁ <I>  +hin  (d   (anto amhi <have gone>  yo:anaṁ <"or one yoHana> takkasī"āya samantā<around 3niversity>

• Colu#n 748 #haṁ <understood> is P74• Colu#n 728 +hin  (d   (anto is a participle %ith 5-anta&  su""i. that $elongs to =70! It is

e9uivalent to M7ingN in English! &o, the co#$ination o" this participle and ver$7to7$e<amhi> #eans that the ver$ is present per"ect tense!

• Colu#n 78 <o:anaṁ $elongs to =72! It is 2nd "or# that #odi"ies the ver$ in ter#s o"

distance!• Colu#n 768 )akkasī"āya $elongs to =72! It is ;th "or# in the possessive case! amantā&

is nipta #eaning near$y area! &o, this phrase is literally translated thus8 In thesurrounding area o" the university!J


7r+ (OR/ 4Instr$.entaḷ Case5

)he rd "or# nouns have such su""i.es as ena, -āya, -yā, etc!, according to their corresponding =oun roups <=>! )hey are o"ten e9uivalent to M%ithN in the Instru#ental Case!

St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

hen Buddha gave Rhulo, his only son, a tal( on ho% horri$le it %as to tell a lie, he usedseveral di""erent analogies! One o" the# %as a #ilitary elephant! For a #ilitary elephant,J theBuddha said, )here is no single part o" its $ody that is not used to de"eat its opponent! In the

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sa#e %ay, "or a liar there is nothing he or she cannot do to #eet his or her purpose!J Belo% is theoriginal passage that #entions ho% a #ilitary elephant %or(s in a $attleground8 

Nā*o pādehi pi, kāyena pi, sīsena pi, kan  (n  (ena pi, dantena pi, na *ut   (t   (hena pi, son  (d   (āya piṅ

kammamā karoti. <*aHHhi#a7pan  :n  :sa 0> M i&  here #eans MalsoN!Q

)he <#ilitary> elephant does its %or( %ith its "eet, %ith its $ody, %ith its head, %ith itsear, %ith its tus(s, %ith its tail, and %ith its trun(!

S$b,ect !erb Ob,ect Instr$.ent

 'ā*o <elephant>  $aroti <does>  $ammaṁ <Ho$>  ādehi <%ith "eet>, īsena <%ithhead>, $an  (n  (ena <%ith ear>,  Dantena <%ith tus(>, na *ut    (t   (henaṅ <%ith tail>, son  (d   (āya<%ith trun(> M pi&  #eans MalsoN!Q

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* 

• Colu#n748 5nā*o&  is 4st "or# %ith su""i. M-oN in =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>!• Colu#n728 Mkaroti&  has su""i. M-ti&  that #eans the ver$ is rd Person, &ingular and Present

)ense!• Colu#n78 5kamma &  ṁ  is 2nd "or# %ith 5-a &  ṁ  su""i. in Accusative Case <O$Hect>!• Colu#n768 All the nouns are rd "or#s in Instru#ental Case, $ut have di""erent su""i.es

 $ecause they $elong to di""erent =Ns!

N"$n 8r"$ps*

• Colu#n748 Mnā*o&  =74• Colu#n78 kammaṁ =72• Colu#n768 pādehi, sīsena, kan  (n  (ena, dantena, na *ut   (t   (henaṅ  =72/ son  (d   (āya =7!

S".e /"re Exa.pḷes ") 4S2!2 O2I25*

)he Buddha once said that i" people %ere over%hel#ed $y un%holeso#e #ental states, they%ould oppress each other $y all #eans availa$le! Belo% are original sentences8

e aññamañña pān  (īhi pi, "ed   (d   (ūhi pi, dan  (d   (ehi pi, satthehi pi upakkamanti.ṁ

e usūhi pi, sattiyā pi aññamañña vi::hanti; asinā pi sīsa chindanti.ṁ ṁ

)hey persecute one another %ith hands, %ith stones, %ith stic(s and %ith %eapons!)hey shoot each other %ith arro%, spear! )hey cut each otherNs head %ith s%ard!

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S$b,ect !erb Ob,ect Instr$.ent

e <)hey>

?pakkamanti <persecute>

aññamaññaṁ <each other>  pān  (īhi <%ith hands>  @ed   (d   (ūhi <%ith stones>  Dan  (d   (hehi <%ith stic(s> 

atthehi <%ith %eapons>i::hanti <shoot> aññamaññaṁ <each other> ?sūhi <%ith arro%s> attiyā <%ith spear>

=hindanti <cut> īsaṁ <each otherNs head>  #sinā <%ith a s%ard>

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* 

• Colu#n748 the %ord Me&  is a pronoun, 4st "or# in =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>!• Colu#n728 all the ver$s have the su""i. M-anti&  that indicates that the ver$s are rd Persons,

Plural and Present )ense!• Colu#n78 all nouns are 2nd "or#s %ith 5-a &  ṁ  su""i. in Accusative Case <O$Hect>!• Colu#n768 all the nouns are rd "or#s in Instru#ental Case, $ut have di""erent su""i.es

 $ecause they $elong to di""erent =Ns!

N"$n 8r"$ps*

• Colu#n748 te P7;!• Colu#n78 aññamaññaṁ =74/ sīsaṁ =72!• Colu#n768 pān  (īhi,  asinā  =74/ "ed   (d   (ūhi =70/ dan  (d   (hehi  =74/ satthehi  =72/ usūhi

 =74/ sattiyā  =740!

St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

One day, *s! &u#anV, the youngest daughter o" AnVtha7piWXi(o6, as(ed the Buddha8 &uppose,there are t%o persons o" si#ilar virtues such as devotion, #orality and (no%ledge, $ut one isgenerous, the other not! Is there any di""erence $et%een the# in their lives a"ter deathJ @As aresult o" their virtues,J the Buddha ans%ered, they #ight $e re$orn to the sa#e $liss"ul real#, $ut the generous al%ays e.cels the ungenerous %ith "ive things, such as longevity, $eauty, and soon!J Belo% is the original passage8

Dāyako adāyaka pañcahi t   (hānehi adhi*an  (hātiA āyunā, van  (n  (ena, sukhena, yasena,ṁ

ādhipateyyena. <A guttara72, 2>ṅ

A generous one e.ceeds an ungenerous one %ith "ive things8 %ith longevity, %ith $eauty,%ith happiness, %ith popularity, and %ith po%er!

4 n*thapi+i-o. is one o the most generous supporters o the /uddha" 0e is the one hohad a monastery called eta!ana built or the /uddha, and ser!ed meal or 2,''' mon-se!ery day"

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several atte#pts to get rid o" hi#, the #erchant sent hi# to another city to give one o" his#anagers a letter that told the #anager to (ill his adopted son!

Fortunately, ho%ever, on his %ay to that city, osa(o stayed one night at the house o" hisadoptive "atherNs $usiness partner %ho had a young and pretty daughter! &eeing the $oy "alling

asleep in the roo#, the girl "ell in love %ith hi# at "irst sight! &he sa% the letter in his poc(et,and read it out o" curiosity! Poor guyJ, she told to hersel"! Being illiterate he does not even(no% %hat the letter in his poc(et says!J &o, she re%rote a letter telling the #anager to #a(e allthe arrange#ents "or the $oy to #arry her! )o cut the long story short, they got #arried andeventually $eca#e the richest couple o" those days than(s to the girl %ho played #any #ores#art tric(s on his adoptive "ather!

Regarding their love at "irst sight, the Buddha reveals the re#ote reason on top o" the i##ediate"or one to "all in love %ith another! Belo% is the original passage8

 ubbe&va sannivāsena, paccuppanna-hitena vā 9va ta :āyate pema , upa"a va yath&odake.ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ

For having lived together $e"ore, and "or caring each other in the present,)here arises love li(e a lily in the %ater, <%hich gro%s depending on %ater and #ud>!

S$b,ect !erb Ca$satie

 emaṁ <'ove>  >āyate <Arises>  ubbe sannivāsena <"or having lived together $e"ore>

 accuppanna-hitena <"or caring each other at present>

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* 

• Colu#n748 the noun is 4st "or# %ith M-ṁN su""i. in =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>!• Colu#n728 the ver$ has M-te&  su""i. that indicates that the ver$ is rd Person, &ingular and

Present )ense!• Colu#n78 all nouns are rd "or#s %ith 5-ena&  su""i. in Causative Case! But they have

di""erent =!

N"$n 8r"$p* 

• Colu#n748 pemaṁ =72• Colu#n78 pubbe, sannivāsena =74/ paccuppanna, hitena, uppa"aṁ, udake =72!

Beḷ"# are s".e ."re exa.pḷes #ith their st"ry bac60r"$n+s*

+uring the BuddhaNs ti#e, there %as a #on( $y the na#e o" 'a(un  :d  :a(a7$haddiya! 1e %as soshort that young novices o"ten teased at hi# $y pulling his ears, and ru$$ing his head, and as(ing

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St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

+uring the BuddhaNs ti#e, there %ere #any di""erent diversities o" vie%s and $elieves! &o#ereligious deno#inations encouraged people to live a na(ed li"e, and others taught people ho% tosacri"ice ani#als or even hu#an $eings to so7called #ighty gods and goddesses! anga %as

glori"ied to $e the holy river to $athe in "or protection and $lessing! +eep7seated cast syste#caused horri$le discri#ination in the hu#an society! )hus, people got a lot o" dispute andcon"usions! Any %ay, good people %ent %ell along %ith those o" good nature, and $ad ones %iththose o" $ad nature! )he Buddha illustrates this point $y analogy %ith opposite things li(e urinevs! honey! Belo% is the original passage8

 6īnā-dhimuttikā hīnādhimuttikena saddhi sa sandanti. $a"yān  (a-dhimuttikā ka"yān  (ā-ṁ ṁ

dhimuttikena saddhi sa sandanti.ṁ ṁ

7ūtho *ūthena sa sandati. utta muttena sa sandati. $he"   (o khe"   (ena sa sandati.ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ

 ubbo pubbena sa sandati. @ohita "ohitena sa sandati.ṁ ṁ ṁ

 $hira khirena sa sandati. e"a te"ena sa sandati. appi sappinā sa sandati.ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ

 adhu madhunā sa sandati. hān  (ita phān  (itena sa sandati.ṁ ṁ ṁ

S$b,ect !erb   With-phrase

 6īnā-dhimuttikā <peopleo" in"erior tendency>

a sandantiṁ

<#i.> 6īnā-dhimuttik ena  saddhiṁ  <%ith those o" in"erior tendency>

 $a"yān  (a-dhimuttikā<people o" superior  tendency>

 $a"yān  (a-dhimuttik ena  saddhiṁ

<%ith thoseo" superior tendency>

7ūtho <"eces> a sandatiṁ

<#i.es>7ūthena <%ith "eces>

 uttaṁ <urine>  utt ena <%ith urine> $he"   (o <saliva>  $he"   (ena <%ith saliva> ubbo <pus>  ubbena <%ith pus> @ohitaṁ <$lood>  @ohit ena <%ith $lood> $hīraṁ <#il(>  $hīr ena <%ith #il(>e"aṁ <coo(ing oil> e" ena <%ith coo(ing oil>

appi <$utter> appinā  <%ith $utter> adhu <honey>  adhunā  <%ith honey> hān  (iitaṁ <#olasses>  hān  (it ena <%ith #olasses>

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* 

• Colu#n748 All the nouns are 4st "or#s in =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>, $ut have di""erent

su""i.es $ecause they $elong to di""erent =Ns!

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)he 6th "or# nouns have such su""i.es as 7 ssa, -no, -āya, -yā, -naṁ etc!, <e9uivalent to MtoN or M"orN> according to their corresponding =! )he 6 th  "or# nouns $y the na#e o" M+ativeN< sampadFna> serve as special o$Hects "or certain (inds o" ver$s <sho%n in the e.a#ples>!

St"ry Bac60r"$n+*Once up on a ti#e  enera$le assapo5  %ent out "or al#s in RHagaha city right a"ter havingarisen "ro# a seven7day #editative a$sorption! +onation to such a #editative #on( at such auni9ue #o#ent is so re%arding that even devas <divine $eings> "ight over this opportunity! &o,en! assapo %anted to give this opportunity to so#eone in need! But the divine (ing in disguiseo" a la$orer o""ered divine "ood to en! assapo, and e.clai#ed %ith great pleasure reat dnaY =o$le dnaY I have done to assapaJ! 1earing that, the Buddha uttered the "ollo%ing verse<3dna7Pl  :i 444>! In this verse, there are seven nouns <underlined> in the 6th "or# "or us to study!)hey all have the sa#e "unctions $ut $elong to di""erent noun group!

 indapātikassa bhikkhuno al#s7see(er #on( 

 #tta-bharassa anañña-posino sel"7su""icient and independent Devā pihayanti  tādino devas love such a sta$le one?pasantassa sadā satīmato  tran9uil and ever #ind"ul

S$b,ect !erb 1atie

 Devā <divine $eings>  ihayanti  <love>  indapātikassa bhikkhuno <"or al#s7see(er#on(> #tta-bharassa <"or sel"7su""icient one> ,anañña-posino <"or independent one>, tādino <"or #entally sta$le one>

?pasantassa <"or tran9uil oe> sadā satīmato <"orever7#ind"ul one>

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* 

• Colu#n748 the noun is 4st "or# %ith 5-ā&  <plural> su""i. in =o#inative Case!• Colu#n728 the ver$ su""i. M7anti&  indicates rd Person, Plural, Present )ense!• Colu#n78 all the nouns are 6 th "or#s in +ative Case! But they have di""erent su""i.es

 $ecause they $elong to di""erent =Ns!

N"$n 8r"$ps*

• Colu#n748 devā =74 • Colu#n78 pin  (d   (apātikassa, atta-bharassa, upasantassa =74/ bhikkhu =74/ anaGGa-

 posino, tādino =745/ satīmato =75!

5 assapo -non as ah*-assapo (6reat assapo) as the most senior mon- ho led the7rst /uddhist council ust one month ater the /uddha passed aay" In that very council the 8l  :ite.t %as recorded!

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("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* 

• Colu#n748 All the nouns and pronons are 4st "or#s in =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>, $ut

have di""erent su""i.es $ecause they $elong to di""erent =Ns@ PNs!• Colu#n728 er$s are special ver$s that re9uire the 6 th "or# nouns in +ative Case! )hey

have di""erent su""i.es such as -ti, -eyya, -ttha, -mi, -ti, -etha $ecause they have di""erentPersons and $elong to di""erent er$ roups %hich %e %ill study later!

• Colu#n78 All the nouns are 2nd "or#s %ith 5- & ṁ  in Accusative Case!• Colu#n768 All the nouns are 6th "or#s in +ative Case! But they have di""erent su""i.es

 $ecause they $elong to di""erent =Ns!

N"$n 8r"$ps*

• Colu#n748 āmāvatī  <na#e o" a lady> =7! an  (d   (ito, sahāyo, ekacco =74! #haṁ P7

4! va , tumheṁ  P72!• Colu#n78 ovāda , ma**aṁ ṁ =74! 7uyha , kopa , āsanaṁ ṁ ṁ =72! atti , iddhiṁ ṁ 

 =740!• Colu#n768 itthīnaṁ =724! ū"hassa, sahāyassa, saman  (ānaṁ =74! $assaci P74?/

te P72! 7ihīnaṁ =745!


9th (OR/ 4P$rp"se Case5

)he 6th "or# nouns are also used in Purpose Case! In this case they have the particular su""i. M7

 Fya&  no #atter %hatever = they $elong to! 5-āya&  is e9uivalent to 5or& or  5or the sake o& !

St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

A "e% #onths a"ter Buddha %as utterly sel"7enlightened, he got si.ty #on(s ; %ho had renounced%orldly li"e and practiced under his guidance until they had $een "ully enlightened! 1aving hadno attach#ent to anything or any$ody in the %orld, they o%ned nothing e.cept one set o" ro$eand an al#s7$o%l each! )he ground %as their $ed/ the s(y %as their roo"/ the %hole %orld servedas their ho#e! )hus, they had nothing or no$ody to %orry a$out, or to $e Healous o"! )hus, they%ere no longer lia$le to su""er in the cycle o" re$irths! )o share such su$li#e "reedo# %ithothers, the Buddha instructed his #on(s to ta(e a #issionary tour! Belo% is the original passage8

Caratha bhikkhave cārika bahu-:ana-hitāya, bahu-:ana-sukhāya, "okā-nukampāya,ṁ

atthāya, hitāya, sukhāya deva-manussāna .ṁ

# 9e!en ee-s ater /uddha had been ully enlightened, he let or :eer 8ar-, /aran  :asG  aboutthree hundred miles rom /odh 6aya" 0e taught the group o 7!e hermits there, and then ;outh ;asa and his 54 riends until they ere all ully enlightened" 9o, there ere #' arahatshen he 7rst instructed his mon-s to ta-e a missionary tour"

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One day, is( %ith tear in her eyes visited the Buddha %ho as(ed %hy she loo(ed so sad!enera$le &ir,J she replied to the Buddha, *y $eloved granddaughter, &udatt, passed a%aylast night! &he %as a %onder"ul girl %ho too( great care o" everything "or #e! I love her so #uchthat I canNt replace her %ith anyone at all!J )hen, the Buddha as(ed her, hat is the populationo" &vatthi cityJ &even #illions, sir,J she ans%ered! I" they all %ere as %onder"ul as your 

granddaughter, you %ould love the# all, %ouldnNt youJ Ues, sir,J she replied! 1o% #any people, do you thin(, die every day in &VvatthiJ as(ed the Buddha! &o #any, sir,J she replied!)hen, it %ould not $e possi$le "or you to get "reed "ro# sorro% even "or a single #o#ent! Uou%ould have to spend all days and nights crying ceaselessly!J And then, the Buddha concluded histal( %ith the "ollo%ing #otto!

 emato :āyati soko. emato :āyati bhayaṁ

 emato vippamuttassa natthi soko kuto bhaya .ṁ

Fro# love arises %orry! Fro# love arises danger!For the one "reed "ro# love there is no %orry! here the danger "ro#Y1ere, MloveN #eans Msel"7centered loveN $ut not unconditional love, metta!Q

S$b,ect !erb Abḷatie

oko <%orry>  >āyati <arises>  emato <"ro# love> Bhayaṁ <danger>  emato <"ro# love> Bhayaṁ <danger>  $uto <"ro# %here>

S$))ix -to’ * )he su""i. M7to& 

 in the


 colu#n is e9uivalent to5rom& 

 in the case o" &tarting Point!)his 7to su""i., the gra##ar says, is trans"or#ed "ro# nor#al 5th "or# su""i.es such as -smā,-mhā, -yā, -hi, -bhi, etc! )he su""i. <7to> should $e pronounced as MgoN!Q

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* 

• Colu#n748 All the nouns are 4st "or#s in =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>, $ut have di""erent

su""i.es $ecause they $elong to di""erent =Ns!• Colu#n728 )he M7ti&  su""i. indicates that the ver$ is 4st Person, &ingular, and Present

)ense!• Colu#n78 All the nouns are 5th "or#s %ith 5-to&  su""i. in A$lative Case!

N"$n 8r"$ps*  soko, vipamuttassa $elong to =74/ bhaya , piyatoṁ  =72/ kuto P745!

S".e /"re Exa.pḷes*

$ <is*-h* as one o the most dedicated emale de!otees o the /uddha" 9he had8upph*rma monastery built or the /uddha in the east o 9*!atthi city, in hich the /uddhaspent six rains"

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)he no$le disciples <enlighteners> are rather $elieved to naturally o$serve Eight Precepts <insteado" Five Precepts> %ith re"erence to the PVi ta., i$ha[ga <444> that says as "ollo%s8  #riya-sāvako pān  (ātipātā viramati A no$le disciple re"rains "ro# (illing!  #riya-sāvako adinnādānā viramati. A no$le disciple re"rains "ro# stealing!

 #riya-sāvako kāmesu micchācārā viramati. A no$le disciple re"rains "ro# se.ual #isconduct! #riya-sāvako musā-vāvā viramati. A no$le disciple re"rains "ro# telling a lie! #riya-sāvako pisun  (āya vācāya viramati. A no$le disciple re"rains "ro# slandering! #riya-sāvako pharusāya vācāya viramati. A no$le disciple re"rains "ro# harsh %ord! #riya-sāvako samphappa"āpā viramati. A no$le disciple re"rains "ro# "rivolous speech! #riya-sāvako micchā-:īvā viramati. A no$le disciple re"rains "ro# evil livelihood!

S$b,ect !erb Abḷatie

 #riya-savako  <ano$le disciple>

iramati  <re"rains>  ān  (ātipātā <"ro# (illing>

 #dinnadānā  <"ro# stealing> $āmesu micchā-cārā  <"ro# se.ual #isconduct> usā-vādā  < "ro# telling a lie> isun  (āya vācāya  <"ro# slandering> harusāya vācāya <"ro# harsh %ord>amphappa"āpā  <"ro# "rivolous speech> icchā-:īvā  <"ro# %rong livelihood>

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns* 

• Colu#n748 M #riya-sāvako&  is 4st "or# %ith 5-o&  su""i. in =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>!• Colu#n728 M-ti&  su""i. #eans the ver$ is rd Person, &ingular, and Present!• Colu#n78 All the nouns are 5th "or#s %ith di""erent su""i.es in A$lative Case!

N"$n 8r"$ps* ariya-sāvako, pan  (ātipātā, kāmesu  $elong to =74/ adinnādānā, micchācārā, samphappa"āpā, micchā:īvā =72, usā vādā, pisun  (āya vācāya, pharusāya =7!

S".e /"re Exa.pḷes* )here are certain (inds o" ver$s that re9uire this &tarting Point! Belo% are so#e o" the# in $old8

• aman  (ā *āmā apeti ! *on(s go a%ay "ro# the village!•  ātā-pitūhi antaradhāyati  putto A son hides <hi#sel"> "ro# his parents!• isākhā āketa-na*arā nigacchati ! is(h goes out o" &(eta7city!•  Dārako rukkhā patati . A $oy "alls "ro# the tree!•  Buddho āvati sāṁ  orohati ! )he Buddha descends "ro# )vati sṁ !•  an  (d   (itā pāpā uttasanti ! ise people stay a%ay "ro# evil!•  ahā-nadīyo 6imavatā pabhavanti .  reat rivers originate "ro# the 1i#alayas!•  #haṁ pān  (ātipātā viramāmi .  I re"rain "ro# (illing!

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 a sāni tassa vud   (d   (hanti.ṁ 1is #uscles $uild up! aññā tassa na vad   (d   (hati.  1is %isdo# does not $uild up! <+ha##apada72, >

P"ssessie S$b,ect !erb

assa <1is>  a sāniṁ  <*uscles> ad   (d   (hanti <Build up>assa <1is>  aññā <no%ledge>  'a vad   (d   (hati <+oes not $uild up>

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns*

• Colu#n748 Mtassa&  is a pronoun, ;th "or# in Possessive Case!• Colu#n728 ma sāniṁ   and paññā are 4st "or#s in =o#inative Case! )hey have di""erent

su""i.es $ecause they e$long to di""erent =Ns!• Colu#n78 er$s have 5-ti&  su""i. that #eans they are rd Person, &ingular, and Present


N"$n 8r"$ps*

• Colu#n748 tassa $elongs to P7;!• Colu#n728 a sāniṁ  =72/ aññā =7!

4S2 !2 P2 O25

St"ry Bac60r"$n+* One day, the Buddha %as giving a +ha##a tal( to a lady in appreciation o" her o""ering o" lunchto the #on(s! )hen, her adopted son na#ed PVveyyo and his "riends o" other religious

deno#ination ca#e in and scolded the lady in "ront o" the Buddha "or her devotion to his1oliness! )he Buddha %as as cal# as al%ays, $ut the lady %as so hu#iliated and so agitated thatshe could no longer pay attention to the BuddhaNs tal(! no%ing the situation Buddha said thatone should only #ind oneNs o%n $usiness $y considering ho% one spends oneNs days and nights, $ut not otherNs $usiness, and %hat they did or did not! Belo% is the original passage8

 'a paresa vi"omāni,ṁ  =ot otherNs #isconducts na paresa katākataṁ ṁ  =ot otherNs <$usiness> done or not done #ttano&va avekkheyya But #ind oneNs o%n <$usiness> $atāni akatāni ca  +one or not done <+ha##apasa74, 2>

S$b,ect !erb P"ssessie Ob,ect

 an  (d   (ito <A %iseone>

 'a #vekkheyya <should notconsider>

 aresaṁ <otherNs> i"omāni <#ista(es>  $atā&kataṁ <%hatdone or not done>

 #vekkheyya <should  #ttano&va < oneNs  $atāni akatāni <done

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consider> o%n> or not done>

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns*

• Colu#n748 M an  (d   (ito&  is 4st "or# %ith 5-o&  su""i. in =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>!• Colu#n728 )he ver$ Mavekkheyya&  has M7eyya&  su""i. that #eans the ver$ is rd  Person,

&ingular and )ense7"ree <kā"a-vimutta>!• Colu#n78 M aresa & ṁ   is a pronoun, and Mattano&   is a noun! Both are ;th  "or# in

Possessive Case!• Colu#n768 All the nouns are 2nd "or#s %ith 5-ni&  and 5-a &  ṁ  su""i.es in Accusative Case!

N"$n 8r"$ps*

• C748 puriso $elong to =74!• C78 paresaṁ P742/ #ttano =7?!• C768 vi"omāni, katākata , katāni akatāniṁ  =72!

S".e /"re Exa.pḷes in P"ssessie Case*

Belo% are sentences %hich Pl  :i scholers o"ten 9uote or use as prover$s! )he %ords underlinedsho% the nouns in Possessive Case!

• ukhā sa*hassa sāma**ī  Pleasant <is> san*ha&s unity! <+ha#72, 4;2>• ukho Buddhanaṁ uppādo Pleasant <is> e#ergence o" Buddhas!• ukho puññassa uccayo Pleasant <is> gro%th o" #erit!•  Dukkho pāpassa uccayo Pain"ul <is> gro%th o" de#erit!•  $icchaṁ maccānaṁ :īvitaṁ Rare <is> $eingsN li"e <+ha#72, 452>•  $iccho buddhanaṁ uppādo Rare <is> BuddhaNs e#ergence!•  amādo maccuno padaṁ Ignorance <is> cause o" death!•  a"aṁ van  (n  (assa kosa::aṁ 'ainess <is> de"ect o" <oneNs> loo(!

N"$n 8r"$ps* A#ong the nouns in Possessive Case #entioned a$ove,  sa *hass, Buddhāna ,ṁ ṁ

maccāna , buddhānaṁ ṁ $elong to =74/ puññassa, pāpassa, van  (n  (assa =72/ maccuno =74!




 (OR/ 4"catie Case5

)he th  "or# nouns have such su""i.es as 7 smi , -mhi, -e, -yā, -āya, -su,ṁ etc!, according tocorresponding =! )hey are e9uivalent to in, on, at, Ihi"e, Ihen, by, because o, amon*, etc!, inthe 'ocative Case!

St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

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In a ship%rec(, a sailor na#ed Bhiya #anaged to s%i# clinging onto a piece o" dri"t%ood and%ashing ashore at a har$or called &uppra(a <near Bo#$ay, India>! Being na(ed, he coveredhi#sel" %ith dried stic(s, and %andered around <"or al#s> %ith a $o%l he too( "ro# a spirithouse! 1is strange appearance #ade the people o" those days thin( he %as so#eone holy! &o, the people honored hi# and he thus enHoyed the "ruits o" their "alse i#pression!

'ater, ho%ever, he %as in"or#ed $y a deva a$out the BuddhaNs appearance in &avatthi, #orethan one thousand (ilo#eter a%ay "ro# the &uppra(a har$or! 1aving $een very e.cited to seethe Buddha, he rushed to there right a%ay, and #et the Buddha on his al#s round in &avatthicity! Right on the street, he hu#$ly re9uested the Buddha teach hi# ho% to reach li$eration!)hen the Buddha gave hi# a very $rie" $ut very pro"ound tal(, one o" the #ost %ell7(no%n onesin the Buddhist te.ts! In this &utta, there are "our th "or#s <underlined> "or us to study!

asmā&ti&ha te, Bāhiya, eva sikkhitabbaṁ ṁ8 &o, Bhiya, you should practice this %ay8

• dit   (t   (he dit   (t   (ha-matta bhavissatiAṁ On seeing, there %ould $e Hust seeing!•

 sute suta-matta bhavissatiAṁ On hearing, there %ould $e Hust hearing! 

• mute muta-matta bhavissatiAṁ On e.periencing, there %ould $e Hust e.periencing! 

• iññāte viññāta-matta bhavissatiAṁ On perceiving, there %ould $e Hust perceiving! 

"catie !erb S$b ,ect

 Dit   (t   (he <on seeing>  Bhavissati <there %ould $e>  Dit   (t   (ha-mattaṁ <Hust seeing>

ute <on hearing>  Bhavissati <there %ould $e> uta-mattaṁ <Hust hearing>

 ute <on e.periencing>  Bhavissati <there %ould $e>  uta-mattaṁ <Hust e.periencing>

iññāte <on perceiving>  Bhavissati <there %ould $e> iññāta-mattaṁ <Hust perceiving>

("r.s an+ ($ncti"ns*

• Colu#n748 dit   (t   (he, sute, mute, viññāte are th "or# %ith M7e&  su""i. in 'ocative Case!• Colu#n728 Mbhavissati&  has 5-ssati&  su""i. that #eans the ver$ is rd Person, &ingular and

Future )ense!

• Colu#a78 All the nouns are 4st "or#s %ith 5- & ṁ  su""i. in =o#inative Case <&u$Hect>

N"$n 8r"$ps* All the nouns in colu#n 4 and $elong to =72!

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According to the Pl  :i gra##ar, these sentences can $e translated in several %ays $ecause8

4! )he %ords, dit   (t   (he, sute, etc!, can $e active or passive, and their su""i. Me&  is e9uivalent toon@ %henJ?! &o, they can $e translated on seeingJ in an active sense, or on $eingseenJ, or %hatever is seenJ in a passive sense! )he sa#e is true %ith MhearingN, etc!

2! )he %ord Mmatta &  ṁ  has t%o #eanings8 M :ust&  and Mthat moment N, and its su""i. M7 & ṁ   ise9uivalent to M"orN! &o, the %ords, dit   (t   (ha7matta , etc.,ṁ  can $e translated as M :ust  seeingN,or  50or) at4 that moment  o" seeingN!

! )he ver$ Mbhavissati&  can $e translated as Mthere %ould $eN or Mlet it $eN!


asmātiha te, Bāhiya, eva sikkhitabbaṁ ṁ! Dit   (t   (he dit   (t   (ha-matta bhavaissati; sute suta-ṁ

matta bhavissatiṁ / mute muta-mattaṁ bhavasati; viññāte viññāta-maatta bhavissatiṁ ! 

<ato kho te Bāhiya dit   (t   (he dit   (t   (ha-mattam bhavissati, --, tato tva Bāhiya na tena. <atoṁ

tva Bāhiya na tena, tato tva Bāhiya na tattha. <ato tva Bāhiya na tattha, tatoṁ ṁ ṁ

tva Bāhiya nevidha, na hura , na ubhayamantarena. 9sevanto dukkhassaṁ ṁ

Transḷati"n-%* )hus, Bhiya, you should practice this %ay8 On seeing, that %ould $e Hustseeing! On hearing, that %ould $e Hust hearing! On e.periencing, that %ould $e Huste.periencing! On perceiving, that %ould $e Hust perceiving!

Transḷati"n-3* )hus, Bhiya, you should practice this %ay8 hatever is seen, that %ould $e that seeing #o#ent! hatever heard, that %ould $e that hearing #o#ent! hatever 

e.perienced, that %ould $e that e.periencing #o#ent! hatever perceived, that %ould $ethat perceiving #o#ent! 1ere, the ver$ Mbhavissati&   is translated as M%ould $eN/ andMmatta&  as M#o#ent!NQ

Transḷati"n-7* )hus, Bhiya, you should practice this %ay8 hatever is seen, let it $e Hust as it is! hatever is heard, let it $e Hust as it is! hatever is e.perienced, let it $e Hustas it is! hatever is perceived, let it $e Hust as it is! 1ere, the ver$ M bhavissati&   istranslated as Mlet <it> $eN, and Mmatta&  as MHust asN!Q

hen you practice that %ay, Bhiya, you %ill $e no longer %ith the#! hen you are nolonger %ith the#, you %ill $e no longer there! )hen, Bhiya, you %ill $e no longer over here, no longer over there, no longer any%here else! )hatNs the end o" su""ering!

?   =he $th orm (the sufx ‘e’  here) normally indicates >ccasion (kalÈ-dhara), ?ocation(desÈ-dhara), or :omain (visayÈ-dhara)" 9o, the ords, “dit   (t   (he, sute,” etc" can betranslated as@ >n A hen seeing. (occasion), or Bn the case o seeing. (domain)"

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=TH (OR/ 4Ti.e A+erb Cḷa$se5

St"ry Bac60r"$n+* 

One day, Buddha stopped $y a Hungle on his %ay $ac( "ro# Brn  :asG to aya area, and sat under a tree "or a %hile! )hen, thirty young #en o" royal "a#ily approached hi# and as(ed %hether hehad seen a young %o#an around! )hey %ere there on vocation having a good ti#e %ith their  $eloved %ives! )hey $rought %ith the# a prostitute "or a $rother o" theirs, as he had no %i"e!)hey told Buddha that she too( their valua$le things a%ay %hile they %ere rela.ing! Belo% isthe original passage8

ā vesī amhesu pamattesu bhan  (d   (a ādāya pa"āyittha.ṁ

)hat prostitute ran a%ay ta(ing our $elongings %hen@ %hile %e %ere careless!

Syntax In En0ḷish

S$b,ect !erb Pharase Ti.e A+erb Cḷa$se

ā vesī  <that prostitute>

 pa"āyittha <rana%ay>

bhan  (d   (a ādāyaṁ  <ta(ingour $elongings>

amhesu pamattesu <hen%e %ere careless>

• Colu#n748 ā <that> vesī  <prostitute> respectively $elong to P7?, and =724!• Colu#n728 )he su""i. 5ttha&  veri"ies that pa"āyittha is rd person, singular and past tense!• Colu#n78 M Bhan  (d   (aṁ <$elonging> ādāya <ta(ing>N is the adver$ phrase!• Colu#n768 M #mhesu pamattesu& is the adver$ clause %hich #odi"ies the ver$ to veri"y

%hat ti#e the #ain ver$ <an action o" running a%ay> too( place! &o, the su""i. 5-su&  o" the participle is e9uivalent to M%henN! )he clause li(e this #ainly includes a participleand its su$Hect %hich $oth ta(e th "or#, and agree in nu#$er and gender! A participle isa ver$al noun that serves $oth as a ver$ and as a noun, too! For details, see 'esson 2!Q

Beḷ"# Are S".e /"re Exa.pḷes*

•  Bodhi-satte :āyamāne mātā pamodati•  Bhikkhūsu bhuttesu puriso pacchā-*acchati• asmi pabba:ite bhatta-pat   (ipāt   (i khīyitthaṁ

• ?pa::hāyamhi vut   (t   (hite āsana uddharitabbaṁ ṁ

•  ayi sammukhi-bhūte sa *ho mā bhi::iṁ

• inaye avinat   (t   (hamhi puna tit   (t   (hati sāsanaṁ

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Ti.e A+erb Cḷa$se S$b,ect !erb

 Bodhi-satte :āyamāne <%hen %ould7$e Buddha%as $orn>

 ātā <*other>  amodati <delights>

 Bhikkhūsu bhuttesu <%hen #on(s have eaten>  uriso <a #an>  acchā-*acchati <co#es $ac(>

asmi pabba:iteṁ <%hen he ordained>  Bhatta-pat   (ipāt   (i<"ood7allot#ent>

 $hīyittha <%as gone>

?pa::hāyamhi vut   (t   (hite <%hen the guiding teacher gets up>

 +sanaṁ <the seat> ?ddharitabbaṁ

<should $e (ept a%ay>

 ayi sammukhī-bhūte <%hen I a# present> a *hoṁ <sangha>  ā bhi::i <let not


inaye avinat   (t   (hamhi <%hen vinaya is not ruined> āsanaṁ <sasan>  una tit   (t   (hati<recuperate>


!ERB (OR/S>? ("r.s ") a !erb8

)echnically, a ver$ is #odi"ied $y ; su""i.es <ākhyāta-vibhatti> that are classi"ied into eightgroups according to their tenses and e.pressions! Each group includes 42 su""i.es $ecause a ver$

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has three Persons, t%o =u#$ers, and t%o oices! &o, technically, every ver$ has ; "or#salthough they all #ay not $e in use!

)he &u""i. roups have o""icial na#es such as attamāna, etc!, $ut %ill $e called here as &74, &72, etc!, $y their serial nu#$ers to #a(e the# easy to re#e#$er!

!ERB (OR/-% 4!-%5

In 74 case, a ver$ is #odi"ied $y 42 su""i.es called M attamāna&  <#entioned $elo%> accordingto three Persons, t%o =u#$ers and t%o oices! )hey are used in &i#ple Present )ense40 !

• 7#i, 7#a/ 7si, 7tha/ 7ti, 7anti• 7e, 7#he/ 7se, vhe/ 7te, 7ante

A#ong these 42 su""i.es, the "irst si. are generally used in the active voice, and the second si. inthe passive! Again, the "irst t%o su""i.es <in $oth voices> are "or the 4 st person <I, %e>, the secondt%o "or the 2nd person, <you>, and the last t%o are "or the rd person <that includes all the nounsand pronouns other than MI, %e, and youN>!

St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

3nder the s%ord o" the e.ecutioner on the $urial ground, )e#iyo, a young and handso#e prince,con"ided that he pretended to $e a disa$led #ute $ecause he, having the pain"ul #e#ory o" his past li"e in the hell due to #isdeeds he had done as a (ing $e"ore, %anted to renounce %orldlyli"e! )hus, he #ade his "ather "eel so asha#ed o" hi# that the e.ecutioner %as ordered to get rid

o" hi# on the $urial ground! Fortunately, the e.ecutioner let hi# go into the "orest %here hespent the rest o" his li"e having $eco#e acco#plished in loving (indness #editation <metta>!

'ater the (ing visited his son in the "orest, and %as very i#pressed %ith his peace"ul, de#eanor and clear and radiant co#ple.ion! )he (ing then as(ed his son %hy his son $eca#e even #orehandso#e in the "orest than in the royal palace %here hundreds o" attendants %aited on hi# %ith

& CniDue to 8l  :i is "unctional!oice (bhāva>, %hich indicates only action, but not actiondoer oractionrecei!er" =hereore, it has only one orm, similar to the 3 rd singular orm o the passi!eorms" =his type o !erb orm is not mentioned here as it is rarely used"40 ctually, a !erb in the <1 case can express se!eral -inds o present tenses as ollos@

• E!erpresent (nicca-pavatti vattamāna)• >ngoing present (suddha vattamāna)

• Narrati!e present (taṁ-k ālā-pekkha vattamāna)

• Nearuture or nearpast present (samī  pa vattamāna), and so on"

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lu.urious things! )he prince replied %ith the "ollo%ing verse in %hich %e can study "our ver$s o" 74 "or#8

•  #tīta nāṁ Nnusocāmi , I donNt regret "or the past• na pajappāmi nā*ataṁ I donNt e.pect "or the "uture

•  accuppannena yāpemi   IN# Hust content %ith the present• tena van  (n  (o pasīdati   &o, #y s(in is so $rilliant!

In the a$ove verse there are "our ver$s <in $old> o" 74 "or#! For the "irst three there is nosu$Hect, $ut their su""i. <M7mi& > undou$tedly indicates their su$Hect <ahaṁ  I>!

4S2 !2 O25

S$b,ect !erb Ob,ect

 #haṁ <I> nānusocāmi <donNt regret> atītaṁ <"or the past>

na pa:appāmi <donNt e.pect> anā*ataṁ <"or the "uture>

4S2 !2 I25

S$b,ect !erb Instr$.ent #haṁ <I> <āpemi <a# content>  paccuppannena <%ith the


4R2 S2 !25

Reas"n S$b,ect !erbena <&o> an  (n  (o <#y s(in>  pasīdati <is so $rilliant>!

N"$n 8r"$ps* atītaṁ, anā*ata , paccuppannena, van  (n  (o,ṁ  these "our nouns all $elong to

<=!4>/ tena to <P!;>!

!erb ("r.* A ver$ #ust agree %ith its su$Hects in ter#s o" Person and =u#$er! &o the ver$Mnānusocāmi&  <na K anusocāmi> has si. "or#s as "ollo%8

•  #haṁ nānusocāmi  atītaṁ I donNt regret "or the past!•  ayaṁ nānusocāma atītaṁ e donNt regret "or the past!

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• vaṁ nānusocasi  atītaṁ Uou donNt regret "or the past!

• umhe nānusocatha atītaṁ  Uou donNt regret "or the past!

• emiyo nānusocati  atītaṁ )e#iyo doesnNt regret "or the past!

• emiyā nānusocanti  atītaṁ )hey donNt regret "or the past!

Belo% are t%o re#aining ver$s %ith si. "or#s each8

•  a:appāmi, pa:appāma; pa:assasi, pa:assathat; pa:assati, pa:assanti

• <āpemi, yāpema; yāpesi, yāpetha; yāpeti, yapenti


!ERB (OR/-3 4!-35

In 72 case, a ver$ is #odi"ied $y 42 su""i.es called M añcamī&  <#entioned $elo%> according tothree person, t%o nu#$ers and t%o voices! )hey e.press per#ission, agree#ent, re9uest,%ishing, etc! )heir English counterparts are Iou"d, shou"d, can, cou"d, may, mi*ht !

• 7#i, 7#a/ 7hi, 7tha/ 7tu, 7antu,• 7e, 7#ase/ 7ssu, vho/ 7ta , 7antaṁ ṁ

St"ry Bac60r"$n+* 

ing *ahindo, the "ather o" Phussa Buddha44, served #eals to his son Buddha and all his #on(sand nuns every day! One day, the (ing %as so pleased %ith his three sons "or having de"eated there$ellion in the $order area that he pro#ised the# a re%ard o" any (ind! )hen, they re9uested the(ing an opportunity to serve #eals to their $rother Buddha! Initially their re9uest %as reHected, $ut they later could success"ully negotiate %ith the (ing! Belo% is the authentic passage o" their negotiation %here %e can study three ver$s o" 72 "or#!

 Hotu Deva. 9kakassa no ekeka māsa katvā tayo māseṁ ṁ   dethā Jti. Lādhu, tāta.hena hi tayo māse bhojethā Jti. <+ha##apada )h7;6>

11  Fegarding 8hussa /uddha., in some cases  MBuddhaN #eans any one %ho is supre#ely sel"7enlightened, $ut not necessarily the historical Buddha! According to Pl  :i te.t, there %ere countless Buddhas in the

 past in countless universes, and so %ill they in the "uture! In this universe alone there %ere "our Buddhas includingour Buddha %ho %as (no%n as Mota#a BuddhaN in history! )he last Buddha in this universe %ill $e MAri#etteyyaBuddhaN!

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'et it $e, your *aHesty! Could your *aHesty grant <us> three #onths getting one #onth"or each o" us Alright, #y dear sons, then, serve <the Buddha> "or three #onths!

Belo% is %ord7$y7%ord translation and gra##atical notes8

 6otu <'et it $e> Deva <your *aHesty>! M 6otu&  is a ver$ o" 72 "or#, and its su""i. 5-tu&, e.presses agree#ent, anumati!Q• ayo māse <three #onths> detha <Could (indly give>! M Detha&  is a ver$ o" 72 "or#, and

its su""i. 5-tha&  e.presses re9uest, a::hit   (t   (ha!Q• hena hi <then> tayo māse <three #onths> bho:etha <serve>! M Bho:etha&  is a ver$ o" 72

"or#, and its su""i. M7tha&  e.presses per#ission, anumati!Q

Syntax in En0ḷish

S$b,ect !erb Ob,ect

umhe <you> understoodQ  Detha <could (indly grant> ayo māse <three #onths>umhe <you> understoodQ  Bho:etha <serve>  Buddhaṁ <Buddha>

A0ree.ent bet#een s$b,ect an+ erb*

•  #ha tayo māseṁ   demi . I grant <you> three #onths!•  aya tayo māseṁ   dema. e grant <you> three #onths!• va tayo māseṁ   dehi. Uou grant <us> three #onths!• umhe tayo māse detha. Uou grant <us> three #onths!•  Devo tayo māse detu. )he (ing grants us three #onths!•

 Devā tayo māse dentu! ings grant us three #onths!Wishin08 e use a ver$ o" 72 "or# to e.press a %ish "or onesel" or so#eone else! hen %edevelop loving (indness <metta>, "or e.a#ple, %e should "irst %ish ourselves happiness so that%e can arouse sy#pathetic "eeling that helps "acilitate metta "or others! Belo% is metta chantingin %hich %e can "ind ver$s o" 72 "or#!

•  #ha averoṁ   homi ; abyāpa::o homi ; anī*ho homi ; sukhī attānaṁ pariharāmi . • *ay I $e unhar#ed/ un%orried/ unhurt/ and a$le to ta(e care o" #ysel" happily!

A0ree.ent bet#een s$b,ects an+ erbs

•  #ha averoṁ   homi  *ay I $e unhar#ed•  aya averāṁ   homa *ay %e $e unhar#ed• va averoṁ   hohi  *ay you $e unhar#ed• umhe averā hotha *ay you $e unhar#ed• o avero hotu *ay he $e unhar#ed• e averā hontu *ay they $e unhar#ed

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•  #ha sukhī attānaṁ ṁ pariharāmi . *ay I $e a$le to ta(e care o" #ysel" happily•  aya sukhī attānaṁ ṁ pariharāma. *ay %e $e a$le to ta(e care o" ourselves happily• va sukhī attānaṁ ṁ pariharāhi . *ay you $e a$le to ta(e care o" yoursel" happily

• umhe sukhī attānaṁ pariharatha. *ay you $e a$le to ta(e care o" yoursel" happily• o sukhī attānaṁ pariharatu. *ay he $e a$le to ta(e care o" hi#sel" happily• e sukhī attānaṁ pariharantu. *ay they $e a$le to ta(e care o" the#selves happily


!ERB (OR/-7 4!-75

In 7 case, a ver$ is #odi"ied $y 42 su""i.es called Mattamī&  <#entioned $elo%> according tothree persons, t%o nu#$ers and t%o voices! )hey e.press per#ission, guessing, or suggestion,etc! )heir English counterparts include Iou"d, shou"d, can, cou"d, may, mi*ht !

• 7eyy#i, 7eyy#a/ 7eyysi, 7eyytha/ 7eyya, 7eyyuṁ

• 7eyya , 7eyy#he/ 7etho, 7eyyvho/ 7etha, 7eraṁ ṁ

St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

+uring the grand opening cere#ony o" a royal palace, Prince Bodhi hu#$ly re9uested theBuddha to step over the staircase! But, Buddha declined the re9uest $ecause he (ne% the princeNs#otive! &o, Rev! Ananda, having (no%n the situation, as(ed the prince to ta(e o"" the %hite cloththat covered the stairs! Only then, did the Buddha step over the staircase! I" Buddha stepped over the stairs covered %ith the %hite cloth, that %ould #ean a great o#en "or the prince to have sonor daughter! )he prince %as destined to have no child $ecause o" his past evil action <(a##a>! Inone o" his past lives the prince as a sole survivor o" a ship crash (illed and eaten young $irds andegges on an island! Belo% is the verse the Buddha uttered re"erring the princeNs (a##a8

•  #ttānañce piyaṁ jaññā  (jāneyya)  I" one (ne% onesel" to $e preciouse•   a!!heyya na surakkhitaṁ ṁ one should gurard onesel" %ith care!• in  (n  (a aññatara yāmaṁ ṁ ṁ In any o" the three periods

•   pat  "ijaggeyya pan  (d   (ito. )he sage should %atch over <hi#sel">!

In this verse, there are three ver$s o" 7 "or# %ith su""i. M -eyyaN that is e9uivalent to MshouldN8 :aññā 0:āneyya4, rakkheyya, pat   (i:a**eyya! According to the gra##ar,  jaññā   is trans"or#ed"ro#  jāneyya.Q

•  :aññā 0:āneyya4 <i" (ne%> e.presses logical thin(ing < parikappa>• rakkheyya <should guard> e.presses %orth doing <araha>

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•  pat   (i:a**eyya <should %atch over> e.presses %orth doing <araha>

S$b,ect !erb Ob,ect A+erb<o <one> =e :aññā <I" ne%>  #ttānaṁ <onesel">  iyaṁ <to $e

 precious>o <he>  /akkheyya <shouldguard>

 'aṁ <hi#sel"> urakkhitaṁ <%ithcare>

 an  (d   (ito <the sage>  at   (i:a**eyya <should%atch over>

 'aṁ <hi#sel"> in  (n  (a aññataraṁ ṁ

 yāmaṁ <in any o" thethree periods>!

N"$n 8r"$ps8 attānaṁ $elong to <=7?>/ piyaṁ <=74>/ na , soṁ  <P7;>/ yo <P742>/ su-rakkhitaṁ <=72> All the adver$s are regarded as neutral in gender!

A0ree.ent bet#een S$b,ects an+ !erbs

•  #ha attānaṁ ṁ jāneyyāmi  I should (no% #ysel" •  aya attānaṁ ṁ jāneyyāma %e #ay (no% ourselves• va attānaṁ ṁ jāneyyāsi  you should (no% yoursel" • umhe attānaṁ jāneyyātha you should (no% yourselves• o attānaṁ jāneyya  he should (no% hi#sel" • e attānaṁ jāneyyuṁ they should (no% the#selves

•  #ha attānaṁ ṁ ra!!heyyāmi   I should guard #ysel" •  aya attānaṁ ṁ ra!!heyyāma  %e should guard ourselves• va attānaṁ ṁ ra!!heyyasi   you should guard yoursel" • umhe attānaṁ ra!!heyyātha  you should guard yourselves• o attānaṁ ra!!heyya  he should guard hi#sel" • )e attnaṁ ra!!heyyuṁ they should guard the#selves

 #ha attānaṁ ṁ

 #at  "ijaggeyyāmi  I should %atch over #ysel"•  aya attānaṁ ṁ  #at  "ijaggeyyāma  %e should %atch over ourselves• va attānaṁ ṁ #at  "ijaggeyyāsi   you should %atch over yoursel" • umhe attānaṁ #at  "ijaggeyyātha  you should %atch over yourselves• o attānaṁ #at  "ijaggeyya  he should %atch over hi#sel" • e attānaṁ #at  "ijaggeyyuṁ they should %atch over the#selves

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Nipāta8 ce ) sace  i" 


!ERB (OR/-9 4!-95

In 76 case, a ver$ is #odi"ied $y 42 su""i.es called M arokkhā&  <#entioned $elo%> according tothree persons, t%o nu#$ers and t%o voices! )hey e.press hearsay or so#ething hard to $elieve!)hey have no direct English counterpart!

• -a , -mha; -e, -ttha; -a, -uṁ

• -i, -mhe; -ttho, -vho; -ttha, -re, 

er$s o" 76 "or# are rarely "ound in the Pl  :i! 1o%ever, t%o ver$sāha <he said> and āhu <theysaid> are very co##only used in the Pl  :i te.t! Belo% are e.a#ples given $y Pl  :i gra##ar,%hich e.press hearsay8

• o kira rā:ā babhūva  It is said he had $een a (ing!•  #ha kira amaccoṁ   babhūvaṁ  It is said I had $een a #inister!•  aya kira orodhāṁ   babhūvimha  It is said %e had $een royal #aids!• upine āha kira  It is said <he> had spo(en it in the drea#!

•  9va kira porān  (āṁ   āhu  It is said the old sages had thus spo(en!

!ERB (OR/-; 4!-;5

In 75 case, a ver$ is #odi"ied $y 42 su""i.es called M 6iyyattanī&  <#entioned $elo%> according tothree persons, t%o nu#$ers and t%o voices! )hey are used in &i#ple Past )ense, )heir Englishcounterpart is 5-ed&  su""i.!

• -a, -mhā; -o, -ttha; $ā, -ū• -i , -mhase; -se, -vha ; -ttha, -tthuṁ ṁ ṁ

!ERB (OR/-? 4!-?5

In 7; case, a ver$ is #odi"ied $y 42 su""i.es called M #::attanī N <#entioned $elo%> according tothree persons, t%o nu#$ers and t%o voices! )hey are used in &i#ple Past )ense! )heir Englishcounterpart is 5-ed&  su""i.! &o, in the &i#ple Past )ense a ver$ can $e either 75 or ;!

• -i , -mhā; - o, -ttha; - ī, -uṁ ṁ

• -a, -mhe; -se, -vha ; -ā, -ūṁ

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St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

)isso, BuddhaNs cousin, recently Hoined the 1oly Order! As a "or#er prince, he %as %ell7"ed and%ell7dressed, and o"ten sat in the center o" the #onastery! &o, #any visiting #on(s %ere soi#pressed $y his appearance that they thought he %as senior to the# and paid respect to hi#!

One day, ho%ever, his "alse i#pression %as revealed and he got scolded $y a #on(! )hen, theBuddha as(ed hi# to apologie the senior #on(s "or his #is$ehavior, $ut he re"used $ecause, hesaid, he got already scolded and hu#iliated $y those #on(s! )hen, the Buddha ad#onished hi#%ith the "ollo%ing verse8

• L#kkocchi ma , #vadhi ma , #:ini ma , #hāshi me.Jṁ ṁ ṁ

• <e ca ta upanayhanti, vera tesa na sammati.ṁ ṁ ṁ

<)hey> scolded #e, attac(ed #e, de"eated #e, too( #ine a%ayYJ

hoever thus ta(es it <revenge>, their hatred never ends!

S$b,ect !erbOb,ect

e <they>  #kkocchi <scolded>, avadhi <hurt>, a:ini <de"eated>

 aṁ <#e>

e <they>  #hāsi <stole>  e <#ine>

<e <%hoever> upanayhant <thus tied> aṁ <it>

esa veraṁ ṁ <their hatred>  'a sammati <never ends>

!erb ("r.s

•  #haṁ a!!osi ṁ taṁ I scolded hi#•  ayaṁ a!!osimhā  taṁ %e scolded hi#


a!!oso maṁ

you scolded #e

• umhe a!!osittha maṁ you scolded #e

• o a!!occhī  maṁ he scolded #e

• e a!!osuṁ maṁ they scolded #e

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•  #haṁ avadhi ṁ taṁ I hurt hi#!•  ayaṁ avadhimhā  taṁ e hurt hi#!

• vaṁ avadho maṁ Uou hurt #e!

• umhe avadhittha maṁ Uou hurt #e!

• o avadhī  maṁ  1e hurt #e!

• e avaduṁ maṁ )hey hurt #e!


ajini ṁ


I de"eated hi#!•  ayaṁ ajinimhā  taṁ e de"eated hi#!

• vaṁ ajino maṁ Uou de"eated #e!

• umhe ajinittha maṁ Uou de"eated #e!

• o ajī  maṁ 1e de"eated #e!

• e ajuṁ maṁ )hey de"eated #e!

•  #haṁ ahāsi ṁ tava I stole his!•  ayaṁ ahāsimhā  tava )hey stole his!

• vaṁ ahāso maṁ Uou stole #ine!

• umhe ahāsittha maṁ Uou stole #ine!

• o ahāsi  maṁ 1e stole #ine!

• e ahāsuṁ maṁ )hey stole #ine!


!ERB (OR/-= 4!-=5

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In 7 case, a ver$ is #odi"ied $y 42 su""i.es called M Bhavissanti&  <#entioned $elo%> accordingto three persons, t%o nu#$ers and t%o voices! )hey are used in &i#ple Future )ense! )heir English counterparts are M%illTN, MshallTN and M$e going to TN8

• -ssāmi, -ssāma; -ssasi, -ssatha; -ssati, -ssanti

• -ssa , -ssāmhe; -ssase, -ssavhe; -ssate, -ssanteṁ

St"ry Bac60r"$n+* 

Buddha lay do%n a #onastic code to prevent us "ro# ordaining $e"ore %e are 20! )he reason%as that 4 $oys once ordained $e"ore #ature enough to resist hunger and so#e other inconveniences at the #onastery! )heir leader %as 3pli %hose parents loved hi# so #uch thatthey did not let hi# ta(e any trou$le learning so#ething "or his living! )hey did not even let hi#learn #athe#atic lest their son %ould su""er pain on his "igures! 1o%ever, they allo%ed hi# to Hoin the 1oly Order $ecause they thought #onastic li"e7style %as co#"orta$le! hen heordained, his 4; play7#ates Hoined hi# saying thus8

• ace tva ayyaṁ   pabbajissasi  , eva maya piṁ ṁ   pabbajissāma.

• I" you, dear, ordain, then %e %ill ordain too!

1aving "asted the evening $e"ore, the young #on(s got e.tre#ely hungry! &o, the ne.t early#orning, they #ade a lot noise crying "or so#ething to eat or drin(! &o, elderly #on(s tried to9uiet the# saying thus8 hen the day $rea(s, %ill there $e  yā*u <rice gruel>, you %ill drin( it/%ill there $e rice, you %ill eat it/ %ill there $e so#ething to eat, you %ill eat it!J Belo% is the passage that elderly #on(s said %hen they tried to 9uiet the young #on(s8

• ace yā*u bhavissati  , pivissatha. I" there %ill $e porridge, <you> %ill drin( it!• ace bhatta bhavissati,ṁ   bhuñjissatha. I" there %ill $e rice, <you> %ill eat it!

• ace khādanīya bhavissati,ṁ   !hādissatha. I" there %ill $e snac(, <you> %ill che% it!

ace <i">/ bhavissati <there %ill $e>/ yā*u <porridge>/ bhattaṁ <rice>/ khādanīyaṁ <snac(>!

Belo% are ver$s o" 7 "or# "or us to study out o" the t%o paragraphs #entioned a$ove8

•  abba:issasi <you> %ill ordain•  pabba:issāma  <%e> %ill ordain

• bhavissati <there> %ill $e

•  pivissatha  <you> %ill drin(

• bhuñ:issatha  <you> %ill eat

• khādissatha  <you> %ill che%

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The A0ree.ent bet#een S$b,ects an+ !erbs

•  #haṁ pabbajissāmi .  I %ill ordain!•  ayaṁ pabbajissāma. e %ill ordain!

• vaṁ pabbajissasi . Uou %ill ordain!

• umhe pabbajissatha. Uou <plural> %ill ordain!

• o pabbajissati . 1e %ill ordain!

• e pabbajissanti . )hey %ill ordain!

 #ha yā*uṁ ṁ

 pivissāmi . I %ill drin( ygu <rice gruel>•  aya yā*uṁ ṁ  pivissāma. e %ill drin( ygu!

• va yā*uṁ ṁ  pivissasi . Uou %ill drin( ygu!

• umhe yā*uṁ  pivissatha. Uou %ill drin( ygu!

• o yā*uṁ pivissati . 1e %ill drin( ygu!

• e yā*uṁ pivissanti . )hey %ill drin( ygu!

•  #ha bhattaṁ ṁ bhuñjissāmi . I %ill eat rice!•  aya bhattaṁ ṁ bhuñjissāma. e %ill eat rice!

• va bhattaṁ ṁ bhuñjissasi . Uou %ill eat rice!

• umhe bhattaṁ bhuñjissatha. Uou %ill eat rice!

• o bhattaṁ bhuñjissati . 1e %ill eat rice!

• e bhattaṁ bhuñjissanti . )hey %ill eat rice!

•  #ha khādanīyaṁ ṁ !hādissāmi . I %ill eat "ood!•  aya khādanīyaṁ ṁ !hādissāma. e %ill eat "ood!

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• va khādanīyaṁ ṁ !hādissasi . Uou %ill eat "ood!

• umhe khādanīyaṁ !hādissatha. Uou %ill eat "ood!

• o khādanīyaṁ !hādissati . 1e %ill eat "ood!

• e khādanīyaṁ !hādissanti . )hey %ill eat "ood!

N"te8 )he %ord 5khādanīya &  ṁ  re"ers to any solid "ood e.cept #ain #eals! )o #ean eating such"ood %e use the certain ver$ Mkhāda&  instead o" Mbhuñ:a&  although $oth are translated as MeatN inEnglish!


!ERB (OR/- 4!-5

In 7? case, a ver$ is #odi"ied $y 42 su""i.es called M $ā"ātipatti&  <#entioned $elo%> accordingto Persons, =u#$ers and oices! )hey e.press an over7due action or "ailure o" an action due toan o$stacle or to a shortco#ing! )heir English counterpart is Past Per"ect )ense <%ould have7ed>!

• -ssa , -ssāmhā; -sse, -ssatha; -ssā, -ssa suṁ ṁ

• 7ssi , 7ss#hase/ṁ  7ssase, 7ssavhe/ -ssatha, 7ssi su,ṁ

St"ry Bac60r"$n+* 

Buddha s#iled to hi#sel" loo(ing at a ho#eless couple %ho %ere at the #onastery gate as(ingyoung novices "or le"t7over "ood! hen enera$le ]nanda as(ed the reason, the Buddha replied8'oo(, ]nanda, at that ho#eless couple! )he hus$and once inherited ?20 #illions "ro# his"ather, *ah7dhana! 1aving s9uandered all his %ealth, heNs no% %ith his Brah#in %i"e at the#onastery gate as(ing "or le"t7over "ood!J And Buddha #entioned their great loss as "ollo%s8

• ace hi aya pat    (hama-vaye bho*e akhepetvā kammanteṁ   payojayissa Actually i" he haddone $usiness in his "irst age %ithout s9uandering his %ealth,Q

•  !masmi yeva na*are a**a-set   (t   (hiṁ   abhavissa. 1e %ould have $eco#e the richest in thisvery city!Q

• ace pana nikkhamitvā pabbajissa , Or i" he had renounced and ordained,

• arahattṁ pāpunissa. 1e %ould have attained arahatship!Q•  Bhariyāpissa anā*āmi-pha"e  patit  "t  "hahiss.  1is %i"e also %ould have reached the third

level o" enlighten#ent!Q

W"r+ by W"r+ Transḷati"n* ace <i"> hi <actually> ayaṁ <he> pat   (hama-vaye <in the "irst part o" age> bho*e <%ealth> akhepetvā <%ithout having s9uandered> kammante <$usiness> payojayissa <had done> , imasmi yeva na*areṁ <in this very city> a**a-set   (t   (hi <the richestone> abhavissa  <%ould have $eco#e>! ace <i">  pana <other%ise>  nikkhamitvā <had

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renounced and>  pabbajissa ,<had ordained>  arahattaṁ <"ull enlighten#ent>  pāpunissa<%ould have attained>. BhariyāCpiCssa <his %i"e also> anā*āmi-pha"e <on the third level o" enlighten#ent>  patit  "t  "hahissa <%ould have stood>.

)he ver$s <in $old> in the a$ove paragraph e.press actions that "ail to ta(e place due to o$stacles

or short7co#ings! &o, this paragraph #eans that the ho#eless #an "ailed to do $usiness in ti#e,and did not $eco#e the richest in the city! 1e also "ailed to ordain, and did not attainarahattaship! =or did his %i"e achieve the rd level o" enlighten#ent %hich %as accessi$le to her!

The A0ree.ent bet#een S$b,ects an+ !erbs

• ace aha kammanteṁ   #ayojayissaṁ. I" I had done $usiness,• ace maya kammanteṁ   payojayissāmhā . I" %e had done $usiness,• ace tva kammanteṁ   payojayisse. I" you had done $usiness,• ace tumhe kammante payojayissatha. I" you had done $usiness,• ace so kammante payojayissā . I" he had done $usiness,• ace te kammante payojayissa suṁ . I" they had done $usiness,

•  #ha a**a-set   (t   (hiṁ   abhavissaṁ. I %ould have $eco#e the richest!•  aya a**a-set   (t   (hinoṁ   abhavissāmhā . e %ould have $eco#e the richest!• va a**a-set    (t   (hiṁ   abhavisse. Uou %ould have $eco#e the richest!• umhe a**a-set   (t   (hino abhavissatha. Uou %ould have $eco#e the richest!• o a**a-set   (t   (hi abhavissā . 1e %ould have $eco#e the richest!• e a**a-set   (t   (hino abhivissa suṁ . )hey %ould have $eco#e the richest!

• ace ahaṁ pabbajissaṁ. I" I had ordained,• ace mayaṁ pabbajissāmhā . I" %e had ordained,• ace tvaṁ pabbajisse. I" you had ordained,• ace tumhe pabbajissatha. I" you had ordained,• ace  so pabbajissā . I" he had ordained,• ace te pabbajissa suṁ . I" they had ordained,

•  #ha arahattaṁ ṁ pāpun   "issaṁ. I %ould have reached arahatship!•  aya arahattaṁ ṁ pāpun   "issāmhā . e %ould have reached arahatship!• va arahattaṁ ṁ pāpun   "isse. Uou %ould have reached arahatship!• umhe arahattaṁ pāpun   "issatha. Uou %ould have reached arahatship!• o arahattaṁ pāpunissā . 1e %ould have reached arahatship!• e arahattaṁ pāpunissa suṁ . )hey %ould have reached arahatship!

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•  #ha anā*āmi-pha"eṁ   patit  "t  "hahissaṁ. I %ould have stood on ang#i state!•  aya anā*āmi-pha"eṁ   patit  "t  "hahissāmhā . e %ould have stood on ang#i state!• va anā*āmi-pha"eṁ   patit  "t  "hahisse. Uou %ould have stood on ang#i state!• umhe anā*āmi-pha"e patit  "t  "hahissatha. Uou %ould have stood on ang#i state!• o anā*āmi-pha"e patit  "t  "hahissā . 1e %ould have stood on ang#i state!• e anā*āmi-pha"e patit  "t  "hahissa suṁ . )hey %ould have stood on ang#i state!



As #entioned $e"ore, a ver$ is #odi"ied $y ; su""i.es that are classi"ied into ? groups %ith 42su""i.es each <ākhyāta-vibhatti>! A#ong the 42 su""i.es o" every group the "irst si. are generallyused in active voice, and the second ; in passive voice 42! =o%, %e %ill study passive sentences inco#parision %ith active ones!

In an Actie Sentence*

4! &u$Hect #ust $e 4st "or#2! O$Hect #ust $e 2nd "or#! )he ver$ #ust have one o" the si. active su""i.es that agree %ith their corresponding

su$Hects in ter#s o" Person and =u#$er!

Belo% are Active &entences %ith di""erent su$Hects and sa#e o$Hects $ecause active ver$s needto agree %ith their su$Hects $ut not %ith their o$Hects in ter#s o" Person and =u#$er8

S$b,ect Ob,ect !erb

•  #haṁ  <I>  Dhammaṁ desemi  <preach>•  ayaṁ  <e>  Dhammaṁ desema• vaṁ   <you>  Dhammaṁ desesi• umhe <you>  Dhammaṁ desetha•  Buddho <Buddha>  Dhammaṁ deseti <preaches>•

 Buddh ā <Buddhas>  Dhammaṁ desenti 

N8< P8*  #haṁ <I>, mayaṁ <%e> P74/ tvaṁ <you> P72/ Buddho, Buddhā =74!

12 CniDue to 8l  :i is "unctional!oice (bhāva>, %hich indicates only action, but not actiondoer oractionrecei!er" =hereore, it has only one orm, similar to the 3rd singular orm o thepassi!e orms" =his type o !erb orm is not mentioned here as it is rarely used"

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A Passie !erb* A passive ver$ ta(es e.tra su""i. 5-ya&  or 5-īya&  $e"ore one o" the nor#al ver$7su""i.es! 1ere, thever$ desīye, "or e.a#ple, is the co#$ination o" the root <des>, the passive su""i. <īya> and thenor#al ver$ su""i. <e>!  And the ver$ 5desīyāmhe&  is the co#$ination o" 0des K īya K āmhe4 andso on!

In a Passie Sentence*

4! )he su$Hect #ust $e rd "or#!2! )he o$Hect #ust $e 4st "or#!! )he ver$ #ust have one o" the si. passive su""i.es, %hich agree %ith their corresponding

su$Hects in ter#s o" Person and =u#$er!

Belo% are Passive &entences %ith sa#e su$Hects and di""erent o$Hects $ecause passive ver$s needto agree %ith their o$Hects $ut not %ith their su$Hects in ter#s o" Person and =u#$er8

S$b,ect Ob,ect !erb

•  Buddhena ahaṁ  <I, dha##a> desīye <a# preached>•  Buddhena mayaṁ  <%e, dha##as> desīyāmhe <are preached>•  Buddhena tvaṁ  <you, dha##a>  desīyase <are preached>•  Buddhena tumhe <you, dha##as> desīyavhe <are preached>•  Buddhena dhammo <dha##a> desīyate  <is preached>•  Buddhena dhamm ā <dha##as> desīyante <are preached>

The 1e)initi"n ") S$b,ect an+ Ob,ect* 

In English %hen an active ver$ changes into a passive one, its su$Hect and o$Hect e.change their locations and na#es! In Pl  :i, a ver$, its su$Hect and o$Hect change their "or#s, $ut not locationsand na#es %hen they are trans"or#ed "ro# Active to Passive!

In Pl  :i, a ver$literally #eans an action <kriyā>, and a su$Hect and o$Hect are respectively anaction7doer <kattā> and an action7receiver <kamma>! In the synta. $elo%, there"ore, %ords in the4st colu#n are ta(en as o$Hects $ecause they are action7receivers, $ut regarded as &u$Hects inEnglish $ecause they are %hat the ver$s directly re"er to! )hose in the rd colu#n are called&u$Hects in Pl  :i $ecause they are action7doers, $ut they are By7phrases in English!

S$b,ect 4Ob,ect in Pāḷ   i5 Passie !erb By-phrase 4S$b,ect in Pāḷ   i5 #haṁ <I, dha##a>  Desiye <a# preached>  Buddhena <$y Buddha> ayaṁ <%e, dha##as>  Desīyāmhe <are preached>vaṁ <you, dha##a>  Desīyase <are preached>umhe <you, dha##as>  Desīyavhe <are preached> Dhammo <dha##a>  Desīyate <is preached> Dhammā <dha##as>  Desiyante <are preached>

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Pers"naḷ Pr"n"$ns in (i0$ratie Speech* In the a$ove passive sentences, ahaṁ  <I>, mayaṁ  <%e>, tvaṁ  <you> and tumhe  <you> are personal pronouns that nor#ally stand "or hu#an individuals in English! 1ere, ho%ever, they donot re"er to any individual, $ut Hust to dha##a that is personi"ied in a "igurative sense! hen

Buddha %as "ully enlightened, "or e.a#ple, he proclai#ed his con9uest over craving, %hich %asthe cause o" li"e and li"e7related su""ering! )hen, he used the %ord tvaṁ <you> re"erring to thecraving in a "igurative sense thus8

7aha-kāraka, 0tva 4 dit   (t   (hoṁ asi 1ey $uilder, you have $een "ound! una *eha na kāhaṁ  si +onNt $uild a house again!

ESSON-33Ca$satie !erbs 4Fārita5

A Ca$satie !erb*

A causative ver$ <kārita-kriyā> is co#posed o" three things8 root, causative su""i. and ver$su""i.! )he causative su""i.es include 7e, -aya, āpe, -āpaya, %hich are e9uivalent to their Englishcounterparts8 to #a(e, to get, to let, to have and so on! 1ence, &o#eone #a(es <lets@gets@has>so#eone else do so#ething!J

St"ry Bac60r"$n+* 

On one occasion, the Buddha, standing on a street in &avatthi, gave a $rie" tal( to Bhiya, %hichenlightened Bahiya on the spot! &oon a"ter%ard, Bhiya %as gored to death $y a co%! )hen, theBuddha ordered his #on( co##unity < sa *haṁ > to per"or# a "uneral "or his $ody! Belo% is %hatthe co##entary says8

• athā*ato sa ghenaṁ  Bāhiyassa sarīra-kiccaṁ !āresi . <Anguttara7ttha(ath74, 220>• )he Buddha got the sa gha do the %or( on BhiyaNs $ody!ṁ

T#" S$b,ects G T#" Ob,ects

In this sentence the causative ver$ CkāresiC  is co#posed o" Mkara&  <root>, 5-e&  <causative su""i., or c7su""i.>, and 5-ī&  <ver$ su""i.>! It #eans8 &o#eone gets so#eone else to do so#ething!J Belo%is the synta.8

S$b,ect ") C2s$))ix !erb S$b,ect ") the R""t Ob,ect ") the R""t

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an+ Ob,ect ") C2 S$))ix

athā*ato <Buddha>  $āresi <get ^ do> a *henaṁ  <sa gha>ṁ  Bhiyassa sarīra-kiccaṁ <"uneralcere#ony>

• In the 4st colu#n, Mtatha*ato&  is the %ord that re"ers to the Buddha %ho got his #on(s doa "uneral o" Bhiya! &o, the %ord Mtathā*ato&  is called &u$Hect o" Causative &u""i. <hetu-kattā>! It is in its 4st "or#!

• In the 2nd colu#n, the ver$ Mkāresi&  is co#posed o" three particles, <(ara T 7e T G>! )heroot Mkara&  #eans Mto doN/ the c7su""i. 5-e&  #eans Mto get so#eone doN/ the v7su""i. 5-ī& indicates the ver$ is 4st person, singular and past tense!

• In the rd colu#n, M sa *hena&ṁ is the collective noun that re"ers to #onastic co##unity!)he co##unity is an action7doer, as it really did the "uneral! It is also an action7receiver,

as Buddha #ade it do the "uneral! &o, M sa *henaṁ N is called the su$Hect o" the root <dhātu-kattā> and the o$Hect o" c7su""i. <hetu-kamma>! *ostly it ta(es the rd  "or#, $utoccasionally 2nd or ;th "or#!

• In the 6th colu#n, the phrase 5Bhiyassa sarīra-kicca &ṁ <BhiyaNs "uneral> is the o$Hect o" the root <kara  do>, as the "uneral is so#ething to $e done!

Beḷ"# are s".e ."re exa.pḷes*

N"r.aḷ !erbs Ca$satie !erbs*

 Bhuñ:ati <one eats> bho:eti, bho:āpeti, bho:āpayati <to #a(e s$! eat>

kināti <one $uys> kināpeti, kināpayati <to #a(e s$! $uy>karoti <one does> kāreti, kārāpeti, kārāpayati  <to #a(e s$! do>deti <one gives> dāpeti, dāpayati <to #a(e s$! give> pacati <one coo(s>  pacāpeti, pacāpayati <to #a(e s$! coo(>u**an  (hati <one learns> u**an  (hāpeti, u**an  (hāpayati <to #a(e s$! learn>


For an English participle there are t%o su""i.es8 -ed 12 that is used in the case o" the passive voiceor the per"ect tense, and 5-in*&  in the case o" active voice or the continuous tense <in addition toadHective, adver$ or gerund>! As "or a Pl  :i participle <kitaka>, it ta(es #any di""erent su""i.es< paccaya> "or #any di""erent e.pressions, such as 7tabba, -anīya, -ta, -tu , -tvā,ṁ  etc! Any %ay, $oth Pl  :i and English participles have the sa#e "unctions in #any cases, though!

A Participḷe #ith 1i))erent S$))ixes )"r 1i))erent Expressi"ns*

13 =he sufx ed. is or a regular !erb" s or irregular !erbs, there ill be many other ormso sufxes"

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4! +ta$$a <d T ta$$a T 7 >ṁ ṁ should $e o""ered@ or so#ething %orthy to o""er 2! +atto <d T ta T 7o> a child $elived to $e granted $y a god, etc!! +inno <d T ta T 7o> to $e o""ered@ or to have o""ered6! +tu <d T tu >ṁ ṁ in order to o""er 5! +atv <d T tv> to o""er and

;! +ento, dadanto <d T 7anta T 7o> o""ering! +ada#no <d T #na T 7o> o""ering?! +na <d T na T 7 >ṁ ṁ act o" o""ering! +t <d T tu T 7> so#e$ody %ho o""ers so#ething to so#e$ody40! +ya(o <d T a(a T 7o> a generous supporter  44! +yG <d T G T G> so#e$ody %ho has tendency to o""er  

Ab"$t the Exa.pḷes /enti"ne+ Ab"e* 

A participle is a ver$al noun that is co#posed o" three particles8 root, participle su""i., nounsu""i., <%hich %ill $e called later as Mp7su""i.N and Mn7su""i.N respectively>! Out o" the e.a#ples

#entioned a$ove, Mdātabba &  ṁ

 is, "or e.a#ple, the co#$ination o" <dā T -tabba T -ṁ

>, %hich arerespectively root, p7su""i. and n7su""i.! As "or dātuṁ  <dā K tuṁ> and datvā  <dā K tvā>, theyhave only p7su""i., $ut no n7su""i., as they are Mnipāta&. A nipta is a %ord %ith one and only"or#!

C".banati"ns an+ Chan0es*

Root and su""i.es o"ten change their "or#s %hen they are co#$ined! For e.a#ple, dinno anddatto are the co#$ination o" <d T ta T 7o>/  Dento <d T anta T 7o>/ dātā <d T tu T 7>/ dāyako<d T a(a T o>/ dāyī  <d T G T G>! I" you read t%o or three %ords together "or "ive ti#es "ast, theyare spontaneously co#$ined changing their "or#s! I" %e read, "or e.a#ple, three particles <d T

7a(a T 7o> together, suppose, "or "ive ti#es "ast, %e %ill spontaneously pronounce the# asMdāyako& ! *oreover, li(e every thing else in the %orld, a %ord naturally changes over the ti#e inter#s o" spelling, pronounciation or #eaning!

N"$n 8r"$ps* 

As #entioned $e"ore, all the participles <e.cept those %ith -tuṁ  and -tvā su""i.es> are nouns<ver$al nouns>, have seven "or#s and corresponding "unctions e.actly li(e nor#al nouns!

A participle #ust agree in ter#s o" gender, "or# and nu#$er %ith the %ord it re"ers to!M Dātabba& , "or e.a#ple, #eans so#ething %orthy to o""er, li(e a #onastery <vihāro>, a ro$e<cīvaraṁ>, or a "lo%er <mā"ā>! &o, Mdātabba&  %ill $e =74 i" it is a #onastery <vihāro>, or =72i" it is a ro$e <cīvaraṁ>, or =7 i" it is a "lo%er <mā"ā>!

I" 5dātabba&  is #onastery <vihāro>, then it %ill $e =74! Belo% is its paradig#8

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

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4! +ta$$o dta$$2! +ta$$aṁ dta$$e! +ta$$ena dta$$ehi, 7$hi6! +ta$$assa dta$$naṁ

5! +ta$$as#, 7#h, 7 dta$$

;! +ta$$assa dta$$naṁ

! +ta$$as#i , 7#hi, 7eṁ dta$$esu

I" 5dātabba&  is a ro$e <cīvaraṁ>, then it %ill $e =72! Belo% is its paradig#8

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! +ta$$aṁ dta$$ni2! +ta$$aṁ dta$$e, data$$ni! +ta$$ena dta$$ehi, 7$hi

<All the rest are the sa#e as in =74>

I" 5dātabba&  is a "lo%er <mā"ā>, then it %ill $e =7! Belo% is its paradig#8

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! +ta$$ dta$$, dta$$yo2! +ta$$aṁ dta$$, dta$$yo! +ta$$ya dta$$hi, 7$hi6! +ta$$ya dta$$naṁ

5! +ta$$ya dta$$hi, 7$hi;! +ta$$ya dta$$naṁ

! +ata$$ya, dta$$yaṁ dta$$su


1e)initi"n < Transḷati"n ") a !erbaḷ N"$n* 

A "e% decades ago, there %as a #editation slogan in Bur#a8 All you do is su""ering!J )his is

the translatation o" the Pl  :i passage,  sabbe sa khā dukkhāṅ J! )his slogan created very intensede$ate and in"ighting a#ong Bur#ese Buddhists! )he pro$le# %as all a$out the de"inition o" the pl  :i %ord M sa khārā& ṅ  that can $e translated either in the active or passive sense according to theconte.t!

1e)initi"n ") Sa !āraṅ * 

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In +ha##a7pada, the Buddha said,  sabbe sa khārā dukkhāAṅ   All  sa khāraṅ   are su""erings!J1ere,5sa khāra&ṅ should $e translated in the passive sense as Mthe conditioned <pheno#ena>Nre"erring to #inds and $odies that are su$Hect to decay! &o, the %hole sentence should $etranslated thus8 All the conditioned <#ind and $ody> are su""ering,J, $ut not MAll you do aresu""ering!N

)he phrase MAll you doN #ay $e a good translation "or M sa khārā& ṅ  in the case o"  sa khāra-ṅ

 paccayā viññān  (a Aṁ +ue to  sa khāraṅ , <there arises> re$irth!J 1ere,  sa khāraṅ   should $etranslated in the active sense as Mthe conditioning <pheno#ena>N re"erring to volitions or volitional actions or all %e do <or pre"era$ly Mall %e have doneN>! &o, the %hole sentence can $etranslated thus8 )here arises re$irth due to conditioning pheno#ena <volitions or volitionalactions or all %e have done>!J

1e)ine+ In 1i))erent Senses

A participle <kitaka> can $e de"ined not only in an active <nor#inative> and passive <accusative>sense, $ut also in other senses such as instru#ental, dative, a$lative, locative, and "unctionalaccording to the conte.t! )hese seven gra##atical senses are called sādhana <so#ething (no%n $y in"erence>! In general, a certain p7su""i. has a certain sdhana! In #ost cases, ho%ever,sdhana is deter#ined $y the conte.t <abhidheyyattha> rather than $y a p7su""i.! M7ato& , "or e.a#ple, can $e de"ined or translated in di""erent senses according to its conte.t as "ollo%s8

• o@ %ent@ gone@ going In the ver$al sense• oing <an act o" going> In the "unctional sense•

&o#e$ody %ho goes <eg, a traveler> In the nor#inative sense• &o#e$ody to go %ith <eg, a "riend> In the instru#ental sense• &o#ething to go $y <eg, a car> In the instru#ental sense• &o#e%here to co#e "ro# <eg, school> In the locative sense• &o#e%here to go $ac( <eg, ho#e> In the locative sense

1e)initi"n ") Abhi+ha..a Ter.s*

)he 52 #ental "actors such as sati <a%areness>, paññā <(no%ledge>, saññā <re#e#$ering>, etc!,can $e de"ined in three senses8 nor#inative, instru#ental, and "unctional! 1o%ever, these ter#sare #ost pre"era$ly de"ined in the "unctional sense $ecause there is no person as the su$Hect nor anything else as the instru#ent in the ulti#ate sense!

Beḷ"# are styḷistic +e)initi"ns ") s".e Abhi+ha..a ter.s*

4! CatiC  #eans a #ental "actor that re#e#$ers < saratīCti sati> 2! CatiC  #eans a #ental "actor to re#e#$er %ith < sarati yenāCti sati>! CatiC  #eans re#e#$ering < sarana satiṁ >

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• ñātu ) :ānituṁ ṁ <L K tu >ṁ in order to (no%• kātuṁ <(ara T tu >ṁ in order to do•  pacituṁ <paca T tu >ṁ in order to coo( • nayituṁ <nG T tu >ṁ in order to $ring• bharituṁ <$hara T tu >ṁ in order to ta(e care•  pūrituaṁ <pKra T tu >ṁ in order to "ul"ill•  sayituṁ <sG T tu >ṁ in order to sleep• dātuṁ <d T tu >ṁ in order to give• vācituṁ <vaca T tu >ṁ in order to spea( 

92 Tā* A ver$ %ith M7tvā&  <li(e Mand& > is a preceding action that re"ers to succeeding one! In thecase o" t%o si#ultaneous ver$s <actions>, this 5-tvā&  su""i. does the sa#e "unction as 5-anta& su""i.! Belo% are e.a#ples8

•  *an  (hetvā <gaha T tv> to ta(e and• ñatvā @ :ānitvā <L T tv> to (no% and• katvā <(ara T tv> to do and•  pacitvā <paca T tv> to coo( and• vatvā <vaca T tv> to spea( and• netvā <nG T tv> to $ring and• bharetvā <$hara T tv> to ta(e care and•  pūretvā <pKra T tv> to "ul"ill and•  sayitvā <sG T tv> to sleep and• datvā <d T tv> to give and

;2 Anta < /āna* M7anta&  and Mmāna&  do the sa#e "unctions as their English counterpart M7ingN thatserves as continuous tense, adHective, adver$ or gerund! *oreover, #na is so#eti#es used as a passive participle! Belo% are e.a#ples8

• dento <d T anto T 7o> to $e giving• dadamāno <d T #na T 7o> to $e giving

•  *an  (hanto <gaha T anta T 7o> to $e ta(ing•  :ānanto <L T anta T 7o> to $e (no%ing• karonto <(ara T anta T 7o> to $e doing•  pacanto <paca T anta T 7o> to $e coo(ing• vacanto <vaca T anta T 7o> to $e spea(ing• nento, nayanto <nG T anta T 7o> to $e $ringing• bharanto <$hara T anta T 7o> to $e ta(ing care

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•  pūrento <pKra T anta T 7o> to $e "ul"illing•  sayanto <sG T anta T 7o> to $e sleeping

?2 $ 4n   a < na5* According to Pl  :i gra##ars,the p7su""i. 5-yu&  changes into Mn  :a or naN! 1ere,ho%ever, %e use Mn  :a or naN as a p7su""i. instead o" the so7called original su""i. 5-yu& ! Belo% are

so#e e.a#ples8

• dānaṁ <d T na T 7 >ṁ an action o" giving•  sayanaṁ <sG T na T 7 >ṁ an action o" sleeping• bharanaṁ <$hara T na T 7 >ṁ an action o" ta(ing care• nayanaṁ <nG T na T 7 >ṁ an action o" $ringing• vacanaṁ <vaca T na T 7 >ṁ an action o" spea(ing•  pacanaṁ <paca T na T 7 >ṁ an action o" coo(ing•  *amanaṁ <ga#u T na T 7 >ṁ an action o" going• ñān  (aṁ ,  :ānanaṁ <L T n  :a T 7ṁ> state o" (no%ing

•  pūran  (aṁ <pKra T na T 7 >ṁ an action o" "ul"illing• karan  (aṁ <(ara T n  :a T 7 >ṁ an action o" doing

=2 N$ 4-a6a -i6a5*  Pl  :i ra##s say the p7su""i. 5-nvu&   changes into M7(a@ 7i(aN! 1ere,ho%ever, %e %ill use M7aka ) -ika&  as a p7su""i. instead o" the so7called original su""i. 5-nvu& !Belo% are so#e e.a#ples8

• dāyako) dāyikā <d T a(a@ i(a T 7o@ 7> a giver  •  *an  (hako) *an  (hikā <gaha T a(a@ i(a T 7o@ 7> a ta(er •  seyako) seyikā <sG T a(a@ i(a T 7o@ 7> a sleeper  •

 pūrako) pūrikā <pKra T a(a@ i(a T 7o@ 7> a "iller • bhārako) bhārikā <$hara T a(a@ i(a T 7o@ 7> a care7ta(er • nāyako) nāyikā <nG T a(a@ i(a T 7o@ 7> a leader  • vāciko) vācikā <vaca T a(a@ i(a T 7o@ 7> spea(er •  pacako) pacikā <paca T a(a@ i(a T 7o@ 7> a coo( • kārako@ kārikā <(ara T a(a@ i(a T 7o@ 7> a doer • ñāniko@ ñānikā <L T i(a@ i(a T 7o@ 7> an intelligent person

2 T$ 4tā5*  Pl  :i gra##ars say that the p7su""i. 5-tu&  changes into several "or#s $esed on n7su""i.es! &ee their corresponding =! Belo% are so#e e.a#ples8

• dātā <d T tu T 7> a giver  • kattā <(ara T tu T 7> a doer  •  pacitā <paca T tu T 7> a coo(  • vattā <vatu T tu T 7> a spea(er  • netā <nG T tu T 7> a carrier  • bhātā <$hara T tu T 7> a $rother  

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•  pūritā <pKra T tu T 7> a "iller  •  sayetā <sG T tu T 7> so#eone %ho sleeps•  *an  (hitā <gahaT tu T 7> so#eone %ho ta(es so#ething•  ñātā, aññātā <L T t T 7> (no%er 

>2 N     4-5* )he su""i. Mn  : GN changes into M7GN! 1ere, ho%ever, %e %ill ta(e M7GN as a p7su""i. insteado" the so7called original su""i. M7n  : GN! Belo% are so#e e.a#ples8

• dāyī  <d T G T 7G> a giver  • kārī  <(ara T G T 7G> a doer  • vācī  <vaca T G T 7G> a spea(er  • nāyī  <nG T G T 7G> a $ringer  • bhārī  <$hara T G T 7G> a carrier  •  pūrī  <pKra T G T 7G> a "ul"iller  •  sayī  <sG T G T 7G> a sleeper  •  *an  (hī  <gaha T G T 7G> a ta(er  • ñān  (ī <L T G T 7G> an intelligent person


($ncti"ns an+ Tenses ") a Participḷe*

A participle is considered as a noun <ver$al noun>! &o, li(e a regular noun, it varies in ter#s o" "or#, nu#$er, gender, and "unction such as su$Hect, o$Hect, adHective, adver$, etc! 1o%ever, italso serves as a ver$! &o, li(e a real ver$ < ākhyāta> it has three sentence styles8 active, passiveand "unctional!

4! In the active, it #ust agree %ith its su$Hects in ter#s o" "or#, gender and nu#$er!2! In the passive, it #ust agree %ith its o$Hect!! In the "unctional, it stands on its o%n, %ithout "ollo%ing a su$Hect or o$Hect!

Syntaxes t" St$+y in C".parisi"n #ith the Ori0inaḷ Pāḷ   i Sentences

)he synta. $elo% is an e.a#ple o"M7tabba&  su""i.8LBuddhena dhammo desitabbo. <)he su""i. M7tabba&  is passive voice>J

S$b,ect 4Ob,ect in Pāḷ   i5 Passie !erb By-phrase 4S$b,ect in Pāḷ   i5+ha##o <dha##a> +esita$$o <should $e preached> Buddhena <$y the Buddha>

)he synta. $elo% is an e.a#ple o"M7tvā&  su""i.8

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LBuddho dhammaṁ desetvā  vihāra pāvisi.Jṁ  <)he su""i. 5-tvā&  is active, and e9uivalent to Mandthen @ a"ter%ardN>

S$b,ect Tā-phrase !erb Ob,ectBuddho <)he Buddha> +ha##a desetvṁ

<preached dha##a,and then>

Pvisi <entered> ihra <the #onastery>ṁ

)he synta. $elo% is an e.a#ple o"M7tabba&  su""i.8

 Buddho dhammaṁ desento amhe vineti.J <)he su""i. MantaN is active>!

S$b,ect Anta-phrase !erb Ob,ect Buddho <)he Buddha>  Dhamma desentoṁ  

<preaching dha##a>ineti <ad#onishes> amhe <us>

)he synta. $elo% is an e.a#ple o"M7tu & ṁ  su""i.8

LBuddho dhammaṁ desituṁ Bāran  (asi *ato.Jṁ  <)he su""i. M-tuṁN is "unctional>

S$b,ect T$ -phraseṁ !erb Ob,ect Buddho <)he Buddha>  Dhamma desituṁ ṁ 

<to preach dha##a>7ato <%ent@ has gone>  Bāran  (asiṁ <to

Bran  :asG>

St"ry Bac60r"$n+*

On one occasion,  the evil spirit <māra  (iller> ca#e and said to the Buddha thus8 Uou have $een $ound $y the death7snare $oth divine and hu#an! Uou have $een $ound intensely! Uou%onNt escape "ro# #e!J )hen, Buddha replied to hi# as "ollo%s <inaya7, 0>8

 uttā&him 0mutto aha 4ṁ  sabba-pāsehi <I have $een li$erated "ro# all snares or traps>

S$b,ect !erb Abḷatie

 #haṁ  I  utto amhi  have $een

li$erated <Mamhi&  isunderstood!>

abba-pāsehi  "ro# all the


 'ihato tvam asi antaka. 1ey (iller, you have $een de"eated!

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S$b,ect 4Ob,ect in Pāḷ   i5 !erb By-phrase 4S$b,ect in Pāḷ   i5

vaṁ <you>  'ihato asi <have $eende"eated>

 ayā <$y #e>

In the a$ove sentence there are t%o participles8

• M utto&  is co#posed o" <muca T -ta T -o> that are respectively root, p7su""i., and n7su""i.!• M 'ihatoC  <ni T hana T -ta K -o> %hich are respectively pre"i., root, p7su""i., and n7


)%o participles <mutto, nihato> respectively co#$ine %ith Mamhi&  <a#> and -asi- <are> and #a(e per"ect ver$s or passive ver$s! &o, the sentences can $e translated in t%o %ays each as "ollo%s8

• I have $een li$erated "ro# all $ondages <Active Per"ect )ense>• I a# li$erated $y all $ondages <Passive Present )ense>• 1ey iller, you have $een de"eated <Active Per"ect )ense>• 1ey iller, you are de"eated! <Passive Present )ense>

Pāḷ   i !erb-t"-be*

For the per"ect tense and passive ver$s %e can "ind participles so#eti#es co#$ine %ithcorresponding ver$7to7$e <li(e a#, is, are, %as, %ere, etc!>! Belo% is ver$7to7$e in Pl  :i8

Present )ense8• 4st person8 amhi, amha• 2nd person8 asi, attha• rd person8 hoti, honti 0atthi, santi4

Past )ense8

• 4st person8  #hosi , ahosimhāṁ

• 2nd Person8  #ho, #hosittha• rd Person8  #hosi, ahosuṁ

Future )ense8

• 4st person8 hessāmi, hessāma• 2nd person8 hessasi, hessatha• rd person8 hessati, hessanti

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Nine Pāḷ   i Tenses in C".paris"n #ith En0ḷish

English Pl  :i

4! go @ goes  *acchati <74>2! %ent a*acchi <7;>! %ill@shall go  *acchissati <7>6! is going  *acchanto hoti <7anta7su""i. participle T ver$7to7$e present tense>5! %as going  *acchanto ahosi <7anta7su""i. participle T ver$7to7$e past tense>;! %ill@shall $e going  *acchanto hessati <7anta7su""i. participle T ver$7to7$e "uture>! have gone  *ato hoti <-ta su""i. participle T ver$7to7$e present tense>?! had gone  *ato ahosi <-ta su""i. participle T ver$7to7$e past tense>! %ill@shall have gone  *ato bhavissati <-ta su""i. participle T ver$7to7$e "uture tense>40! %ould have gone  *amissā <7?>

1elping er$s

En0ḷish Pāḷ   i

1. %ould go  *accheyya <7>. should go  *accheyya <7>@ *amitabbaṁ <7tabba7su""i. participle>2. can@could go  *accheyya <7>@ *amitabbaṁ <7tabba7su""i. participle>H. #ay@#ight go  *accheyya <7>@ *amitabbaṁ <7tabba7su""i. participle>3. #ust go  *accheyya <7>@ *amitabbaṁ <7tabba7su""i. participle>M. need to go  *accheyya <7>@ *amitabbaṁ <7tabba7su""i. participle>N. used to go a*acchi8. %ant to go  *accheyya, *antu icchatiṁ  

. %ant <s$!> to go  *amāpeyya 1P. #a(e <s$!> to go  *amāpeti11. let s$! go  *amāpeyya1. have s$! to go  *amāpeti

Participḷes an+ Reaḷ !erbs* 

&o#e participles o"ten serve as real ver$s <ākhyāta-kriyā>! In other %ords, participles and realver$s can $e e9ually used in #any cases! Belo% are e.a#ples in %hich %e can study Pl  :i

 participles in co#parison %ith their English counterparts8

En0ḷish Participḷe Reaḷ !erb

• o  *ato 7amati ) *acchati• ent  *ato a*amī ) a*acchī• &hould go  *antabbaṁ <passive>  *accheyya <active>

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• )o $e going  *acchanto, *acchamāno   *amati )   *acchati • )o have gone  *ato hoti• An action o" going  *amanaṁ <ga# T na T >ṁ

• oer@ traveler   *amiko <ga# T i(a T o>• In order to go  *antuṁ <ga# T tu >ṁ

• o and  *antvā <ga# T tv>



%2 es<N" J$esti"n 4 %bhoga5*

Ues@=o Duestion <ābho*a> is the 9uestion posed on a ver$ in a sentence, and can $e ans%ered $yUes or =o! )o "or# such a 9uestion, a ver$ is "ollo%ed $y - nu- and shi"ts to the $eginning o" thesentence! I" itNs a negative 9uestion, Mna&  <not> precedes or succeeds the ver$ in addition to Mnu& !1ence, "our styles o" the 9uestion as "ollo%8

4!  Deseti nu Buddho dhamma %ṁ   +oes Buddha preach dha##a

2!   &a deseti nu Buddho dhamma %ṁ   +oes Buddha not preach dha##a

!  Deseti na nu Buddho dhamma %ṁ   +oesnNt Buddha preach dha##a

6!   &a deseti na nu Buddho dhamma %ṁ  +oesnNt Buddha not preach dha##a

N"te* )he =o!6 style is not availa$le in English! But it is si#ilar in essence to the negative9uestion tag! 1ence, it %ould #eans8 Buddha does not preach dha##a, does he

32 Wh-J$esti"n 4 #ucchā 5*

h79uestion < pucchā> is the 9uestion posed on a noun or pronoun in a sentence! )o "or# such a9uestion, a noun or pronoun is replaced %ith a Mk&  %ord <li(e MIh&  in English> according to thegender, "or# and "unction o" the noun or pronoun!

St"ry Bac60r"$n+* &even %ee(s a"ter his supre#e enlighten#ent, Buddha %ent to Baran  :asG to#eet the group o" "ive her#its <(no%n as PaLca7vaggiya>! On his %ay there, $et%een the Bodhitree and aya village, he #et an ascetic called 3pa(o %ho %as so a#aed $y the BuddhaNs personality that he as(ed Buddha so#e 9uestions out o" curiosity thus8

 $a asi tva āvuso uddissa pabba:ito%ṁ ṁ ho#, sir, have you ordained re"erring to

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 $o vā te satthā% ho is your teacher $ass vā tva dhamma roceti%ṁ ṁ hose teaching do you li(e

'i(e the e.a#ple #entioned a$ove, %h79uestions #ostly start %ith Mk&   %ords! )he sentence $elo% is "or us to study ho% to replace nouns %ith Mk&  %ords to pose a 9uestion on each o" the#

according to their genders, "or#s and "unctions8

 Buddho dhammaṁ  saddena devānaṁ dūrato  samaye deseti.Buddha preaches +ha##a %ith voice to devas "ro# a"ar on occasion!

N"$ns  '’  Wh’  

•  Buddho ko  %ho•  Dhammaṁ kaṁ  %ho#•  saddhena kena  %ith %hich• devānaṁ kesānaṁ to %ho#•

dūrato kuto "ro# %here•  samaye kadā %here

N"te* M $uto&  #eans M"ro# %hereN! Its su""i. M-to&  is the replace#ent o" 5th "or# su""i. 5-smā&.5$adā&  #eans M%henN! Its su""i. M7dā&  is e9uivalent to M7 smi & ṁ ! Both are uni9ue "or#s callednipāta! All the re#aining Mk&  %ords $elong to P745!

Belo% are 9uestions8

Pāḷ   i En0ḷish

•  $o dhamma deseti%ṁ ho preaches dha##a•  $i Buddho deseti%ṁ hat does Buddha preach•  $ena Buddho dhamma deseti%ṁ ith %hich does Buddha preach dha##a•  $esāna Buddho dhamma deseti%ṁ ṁ )o %ho# does Buddha preach dha##a•  $uto Buddho dhamma deseti%ṁ Fro# %here does Buddha preach dha##a•  $adā Buddho dhamma deseti%ṁ hen does Buddha preach dha##a

Styḷes ") J$esti"n t" St$+y*

Belo% are so#e 9uestions ta(en "ro# inaya *ahvagga, "or us to study original style o" 9uestions8

•  $o&si tva āvuso%ṁ   ho are you, sir•  $o pana te āvuso upa::hāyo%  ho is, sir, your upa::hāyo•  $i -nāmo asi%ṁ hat na#e are you <hat is your na#e>•  $i pana tumhe āvuso akattha%ṁ hat did you do, sir•  $assa tva dhamma rocesi%ṁ ṁ hose dha##a do you li(e•  $ati nu kho amhāka sikkhāpadāni%ṁ   1o% #any are our precepts

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•  $aha tva *ahapati *acchasi%ṁ ṁ here do you go, gentle #an•  $inti aya bhikkhu hoti%ṁ 1o% co#e he is a #on(•  $i te dit   (t   (ha %ṁ ṁ hat is seen $y you•  $inti te dit   (t   (ha %ṁ 1o% is it seen $y you•  $adā te dit   (t   (ha %ṁ hen is it seen $y you•  $attha te dit   (t   (ha %ṁ here is it seen $y you

Beḷ"# are  '’ ords E'$iaḷent t" Wh’ * 

• ho@ %hat@ %hich ko <#ale>, kā <"e#ale>, kiṁ <neuter>• ho# kaṁ <>

• For %ho# kesaṁ <#, n> kāsaṁ <"> T atthāya

• For %hat kim7atthāya

• ith %ho# kena, kehi <#, n>>@ kāya kāhi <">

• Fro# %ho#@ %here kuto <ni>@ kasmā <#, n> kāya <">

• O" %ho#@ %hose kassa <#, n>@ kāya <">

• hen kadā <ni>@ kena  samayena@ kasmiṁ  samaye <#>

• here kattha <ni>, kuhiṁ <ni>, kuhaṁ <ni>, kahaṁ <ni>

• hy kena, kasmā  <#@n>

• 1o% kathaṁ <ni>, ( en&ākārena <#>

• 1o% #uch kittakaṁ <>, kīva <ni>,

• 1o% #any kittakaṁ  <>, kati <ni>, kīvatika  <>

• 1o% "ar kīva-dūro <>

• 1o% long kīva-ciraṁ <n>

• 1o% o"ten kati-kkhattuṁ <ni>, kiva-kkhattuṁ <ni>

• hoever, %hatever  yo-koci <#>, ya -kiñciṁ  <n>, yā-kāci <">

• herever  yattha-katthaci <ni>

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• 1o%ever  yathā-kathañci <ni>

• hich o" the t%o katara <>

• hich o" the #any katama  <>

• hat li(e kīdisa  <>

Abbreiati"n* A#ong the a$ove e.a#ples, <#> is an a$$reviation "or #asculine gender, <"> "or"e#inine, and <n> "or neuter! )he %ord <ni> stands "or nipāta, and <> "or three genders!


(AIN8 PARTICES 4 &#%*+5

In Pl  :i, there are #any particles called MnipataN <clitics>! Its literal #eaning is M"alling particlesN $ecause they "all any%here in a sentence, and carry out several di""erent "unctions such as aconHunction, a preposition, an adver$ and so on! )heir "or#s never change, as they are notin"luenced $y any ver$ or noun that they #odi"y!

,eva- ,a <And> )%o particles Mceva&  and Mca&  are e9uivalent to MandN! )hese "ollo% each %ord in a series to Hointhe# < samuccaya>! M=eva&  usually co#es only a"ter the "irst %ord and Mca&  a"ter the rest! Belo%is an e.a#ple8  #ha buddhaṁ ṁ ceva dhammaṁ ca sa *haṁ ṁ ca saran  (a *atoṁ !I ta(e re"uge to Buddha and dha##a and sangha!

N"te8 In the poetic sense, ho%ever, the order o" ceva and ca can go in reverse depending on the poetic syste#!

ā  4an+< "r5*

Mā&  #eans MandN li(e ceca and ca, $ut so#eti#es it #eans MorN! Belo% are e.a#ples8

 /ā:ato vā corato vā ārakkha *an  (hantuṁ

)a(e protection "ro# evil rulers and thieves as %ell! 1ere Mvā&  #eans Mand@ as %ellN!Q

 anasā ce padut   (t   (hena bhāsati vā karoti vāith #ind ruined i" <one> spea(s or does 1ere, Mvā&  #eans MorNQ

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 ti  4th$s5*

M !ti&   is used "or 9uotation li(e MthusN in English! 1o%ever, Pl  :i style o" 9uotation is di""erent"ro# the English! Belo% is an e.a#ple8

 9kacce Lparena pahat   (ā amhāJti vadanti.&o#e people, <e> are $eaten $y othersJ thus said! <Pl  :i &tyle>&o#e people said thus, <e> are $eaten $y others!J <English &tyle>

N"te* hen this Miti&  "ollo%s a %ord that ends %ith a vo%el, that vo%el is lengthened, and theMiti&  $eco#es le"t Hust Mti& !

 #i / +pi  4a0ain aḷs" een5

 Dutiyam&pi buddha saran  (a *acchāmiṁ ṁ

Again, "or the second ti#e, I ta(e re"uge to the Buddha!

 #pi dibbesu kāmesu rati so nādhi*acchatiṁ

Even in divine pleasure he doesnNt ta(e delight!

 Sace/ ,e 0 1va satiṁ 4i) : then5*

ace te, $assapa, a*aru, vaseyyāma eka-ratti a*yā*āre.ṁ

I" to you, assapa, itNs not trou$leso#e, <let #e> stay one night in the (itchen!

 2ā  41"nDt5* It is a pr"hibitie particḷe

 ā sadda akatthaṁ 8 +onNt #a(e noise ā te bhavantu antarāyāA *ay #is"ortunes not $e"all you! 9tha tumhe, $ā"āmā, mā anussavenaA Co#e on, l#, donNt <accept any doctrine> $y hearsay!

 #e (#eyyā3a )ṁ

M eyyā"a & ṁ  or its a$$reviated "or# M pe&  is the signal o" repetition! It is used to shorten a te.t $ysu$stituting a long part o" it that is identical %ith part o" a preceding section! hen the te.t isread aloud, such a section is replaced and read out in "ull!

4athā / *athā  4,$st as : s" aḷs"5

<athā pure tathā pacchā; yathā pacchā tathā pure.Sust as $e"ore, so also a"ter/ Hust as a"ter, so also $e"ore

 1va 4,$st< ery< "nḷy5

=ace ida bhatta amhāka dvinna na pahoti, tva mā bhuñ:āhi, aha eva bhuñ:issāmi.ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ

I" this rice is not enough "or t%o o" us, you donNt eat it, only I %ill eat it!

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Beḷ"# Are S".e /"re Nipātas*

•  9vaṁA thus•  #ññatra 8 e.cept@ a#ong•  $innu <(i# T nu> Is it that77@ ho% is it that77@ <$ut> %hy•  !va  li(e@ as•  'u  Interrogative Participle <9uestion>•  'anu  isnNt it 

•  #tha) #tha $ho no%@ then@ on that occasion@ ho%ever •  !dha  here@ in this %orld•  9vameva  thus@ si#ilarly@ in li(e #anner •  $ho  e#phatic particle <li(e Mo" courseN>•  ana  ho%ever@ and then@ and also@ other%ise@ actually@ though• e) 6ave  indeed, truly, really• āma ) sayaṁ ṁ  $y onesel" •  una  again• eyyathāpi  "or e.a#ple@ Hust as@ Hust li(e@ as i" • u  ho%ever@ indeed•  6anda  %ell then@ no%

 &ipātas In C".paris"n With Their En0ḷish C"$nterparts

• a$ove upari) uddaṁ

• a$out  parito• at last ante• at ease  yathā-sukhaṁ

• at "irst ādito• at that #o#ent tāvade@ ta khan  (eṅ

• at that ti#e tadā •  $et%een antarā) antare) ma::he•  $eyond ati-kkamma,• even api• even i" api ce•

"ro# a"ar dūrato@ ārakā• "ro# a$ove uparito• "ro# $ehind  pacchato• "ro# the $eginning ādito• "or uddissa• in anto) ma::he• on upari

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• vākyaṁ <a sentence>   ati -vākyaṁ <insulting %ords>• vattati <arise>   ati -vattati to go $eyond• na*araṁ <a city>   upa-na*araṁ <near7city>•  *acchati <to go>   upa-*acchati <to go near@ to approach>

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N"$n 8r"$ps 4Nā.a-0an   a5

One #ust have a good (no%ledge o" noun "or#s in order to #aster the s(ills o" co#posing Pl  :i

verses, %riting Pl  :i passages, and understanding Buddhist te.ts! =oun "or#s are o""iciallyclassi"ied into 4 groups according to their $asic "or#s and gender! 1ere, ho%ever, %e includeall the su$7groups in our list, and also designate 25 noun groups, and 4 pronoun groups!

Belo% youNll "ind so#e points to learn a$out the noun groups in advance!

T#" Fin+s ") S$))ixes 4 &āma ibhatti 5

4! Original &u""i. < pakati-kāranta>, e!g!, MaN in the case o" MbuddhaN2! Functional &u""i. < pada-kāranta>, e!g!, MoN in the case o" Mbuddho& ! A noun has di""erent

su""i.es "or its di""erent "unctions, such as su$Hects, o$Hects, etc!Q

T#" N$.ber

4! &ingular < 9ka-vacana>2! Plural < Bahu-vacana>

Three 8en+ers

4! *asculine < u""i *aṅ >2! Fe#inine < !tthi-"i *aṅ >

! =euter < 'apu""i *aṅ >

In general, #asculine nouns denote #ales, and "e#inine nouns denote "e#ales! I" gender distinction relates to valid pheno#ena in this %ay, it is called attha-"in*a! But nouns that denoteinani#ate things are not al%ays neuter, e!g!, /ukkha <tree>, =anda <#oon>, are #asculine/ 'adī <river>, @atā <vine>, aññā <%isdo#> are "e#inine/ Dhana <%ealth>, =itta <#ind> are neuter!

)%o %ords, although denoting the sa#e thing, #ay $e di""erent in gender! āsāna and si"ā are $oth synony#s "or a stoneJ, $ut the "or#er is #asculine, and the latter is "e#inine! 'i(e%ise

so#e nouns have t%o or #ore genders, e!g!, *eha  <house> can $e either #asculine or neuter,kucchi <$elly> can $e either #asculine or "e#inine! In reality, gender distinction is so#ethingcreated $y Pl  :i gra##ar < sadda-"i *aṅ > to designate groups o" nouns %ith sa#e characteristics ineach group!

N"te* A noun has seven "or#s! But, in the paradig#s, you can see a noun in eight "or#s $ecausethe "irst "or# is o" t%o (inds8 pure noun <"i *aṅ > and addressing noun <ā"apana>!

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N8-% 4P$risa 8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 7a• *asculine gender!

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! puriso puris2! $ho purisa, puris $honto puris! purisaṁ  purise6! purisena purisehi, 7$hi5! purisassa, purisya purisnaṁ

;! purisas#, 7#h, 7 purisehi, 7$hi! purisassa purisnaṁ

?! purisas#i , 7#hi, 7eṁ  purisesu

("r.s ") A++ress* All nouns have t%o types o" the 4st  "or#! )he second type is used "or addressing <a"apana>! )o distinguish it "ro# the other, titles are used, such as - bho- <sir> and- Bhonto- <sirs> "or #asculine/ Mbhoti&   <#ada#> and Mbhotiyo&   <#ada#s> "e#inine/ Mbho,bhavantāni&  "or neuter!


buddho  Buddha• dhammo  +ha##a•  sa *hoṁ   the co##unity o" Buddhist #on(s•  poso  #an• devo  divine spirit• manusso  hu#an• naro  hu#an• mātu*āmo  %o#an• orodho  royal servant girl

N8-3 4Citta 8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 7a•  =euter gender!

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Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! cittaṁ citt, cittni

2! $ho citta, citt $havantni citt, cittni! cittaṁ citte, cittni6! cittena cittehi, citte$hi5! cittassa <cittya> cittnaṁ

;! cittas#, 7#h, 7 cittehi, 7$hi! cittassa cittnaṁ

?! cittas#i , 7#hi, 7eṁ cittesu


• ku"aṁ  "a#ily

• kusa"aṁ  #erit•  puññaṁ  #eritorious deed• ka"attaṁ  %i"e• udakaṁ  %ater •  sukhaṁ  happiness@ co#"ort• dukkhaṁ  unhappinesss@ disco#"ort• akusa"aṁ  de#erit•  pāpaṁ  evil• kammaṁ  action

N8-7 4FaMMā 8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 7• Fe#inine ender!

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! (aLL (aLL, (aLLyo2! $hoti (aLLe $hotiyo (aLL, (aLLyo

! (aLLaṁ

(aLL, (aLLyo6! (aLLya (aLLhi, 7$hi5! (aLLya (aLLnaṁ

;! (aLLya (aLLhi, 7$hi! (aLLya (aLLnaṁ

?! (aLLya, (aLLyaṁ (aLLsu

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•  saddhā  "aith• metta  loving (indness•  paññā (no%ledge@ %isdo#@ education•  *an*ā  a g river ṅ

•  pucchā  9uestion•  sikkhā  training@ #oral conduct• bhikkhā  "ood• tanhā  attach#ent@ hunger • vācā  conversation•  *āthā  stana <verse>• ammā@ annā  #other •  parisā  audience•  sabhā  con"erence, "estival, carnival

N8-9 4/an" 8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 7a•  =euter gender 

&ni'$e S$))ixes

4! )he su""i.es <-o, 7 sā, 7 so, 7 si,> are uni9ue respectively to the 2nd, rd, 6th < or ;th>, and th 

"or#s o" the 76 #e#$ers!2! In the case o" co#pound nouns, o7su""i. is uni9ue to the 76 #e#$ers!

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! #ana , #anoṁ #an, #anni2! $ho #ana, #an $havantni #an, #anni! #ana ,ṁ .an"  #ane, #anni6! #anena, .anasā  #anehi, 7$i

5! #anassa, .anas"  #annaṁ;! #anas#, 7#h, 7 #anehi, 7$hi! #anassa, .anas"  #annaṁ

?! #anas#i , 7#hi, #ane, 7ṁ si  #anesu


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Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

• gunavaṁ gunavant, gunavanti, gunavantni•  $ho gun  :ava , gun  :ava, gun  :avṁ  $hoto gun  :avant, gun  :avanti, gun  :avantni

• gun  :ava , gun  :avantaṁ ṁ gun  :avante, gun  :avanti, gun  :avantni

)he rest "ollo% the pattern o" the #asculine "or#!Q


•  *un  (avā 0vantu4  "a#e7o%ner • himavā 0vantu4  sno%7o%ner <1i#alaya #ountain>

•  satimā 0mantu4  #ind"ulness7o%ner 

• bandhumā 0mantu4  good7"riend o%ner 

• bhuttavā  having eaten

• ettāvā  up to @ until @ this #uch

• tāvā  that #uch

• candimā  #oon or *oon7deva

N8-? 48acchanta 8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 -anta• ender8 7 *asculine, =euter 


Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! gaccha , gacchantoṁ gacchant, gacchanto

2! $ho gaccha , gaccha, gacchṁ

 $honto gacchant, gacchanto! gaccha , gacchantaṁ ṁ gacchante

6! gacchantena gacchantehi, 7$hi

5! gacchassa, gacchanto, gacchantassa gacchanta , gacchantnaṁ ṁ

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• arahaṁ  Arahat

• mahaṁ  honoring, $eing no$le or great!

N8-= 4P$.ā 8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 -a• ender8 *asculine

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! pu#, pu#o pu#no, pu#2! $ho pu#a, pu# $honto pu#no, pu#! pu#na , pu#aṁ ṁ  pu#no, pu#e6! pu#un, pu#n, pu#ena pu#hehi, 7$hi, pu#ehi, 7$hi5! pu#uno, pu#assa pu#naṁ

;! pu#un, pu#as#, 7#h, 7 pu#nehi, 7$hi, pu#ehi, 7$hi! pu#ono, pu#assa pu#naṁ

?! pu#ne, 7as#i , 7#hi, 7eṁ  pu#esu


 yuvā <youth>, a*havā <+eva ing> addhā <Hourney>

N8- 4Rā,a 8r"$p5

Original &u""i.8 -a• ender8 *asculine

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! rH rHno2! $ho rHa, rH $honto rHno! rHna , rHaṁ ṁ rHno6! raLL, rHin, rHena rHKhi, 7$hi, rHehi, 7$hi5! raLLo, rHino raLLa , rHKna , rHnaṁ ṁ ṁ

;! raLL rHKhi, 7$hi, rHehi, 7$hi

! raLLo, rHino raLLa , rHKna , rHnaṁ ṁ ṁ?! raLLe, rHini rHKsu, rHesu

/e.bers*  /ā:a  (ing/ brahmā  $rah#/ atta  onesel", ego

N8-> 4Satthā 8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 -u

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• ratti  night• mati  (no%ledge• nābhi  navel• bhūmi  earth• bodhi  enlighten#ent• khanti  "or$earance•  yuvati  un#arried young %o#an• osadhi  her$•  ā"   (i  Pl  :i•  siddhi  acco#plish#ent• iddhi  po%er • kitti "a#e•  yutti logic, re"erence, proo"• an*u"i  "inger 

• dundubhi  $ig dru#

N8 %% 4ā0$ 8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 -u• ender8 Fe#inine

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! ygu ygK, yguyo2! $hito ygu $hotiyo ygK, yguyo! yguṁ ygK, yguyo6! yguy ygKhi, 7$hi, yguhi, 7$hi5! yguy ygKna , ygunaṁ ṁ

;! yguy ygKhi, 7$hi, yguhi, 7$hi! yguy ygKna , ygunaṁ ṁ

?! yguy, yguyaṁ ygKsu, ygusu


•  yā*u  rice porridge• dhātu  ele#ent• kāsu  hole• dhenu  co%• daddu  ring%or#

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• kan  (d   (u  itchiness• karen  (u "e#ale elephant• ra::u  rope•  sassu  #other7in7la%•  piyan*u  certain (ind o" tree• u"   (u  star 

N8 %3 4!a+h 8r"$p5

• Basic Ending8 7K• ender8 Fe#inine

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! adhK vadhK, vadhuyo2! $hoti vadhu $hotiyo vadhK, vadhuyo! vadhuṁ vadhK, vadhuyo6! vadhuy vadhKhi, 7$hi5! vadhuy vadhKnaṁ

;! vadhuy vadhKhi, 7$hi! vadhuy vadhKnaṁ

?! vadhuy, vadhuyaṁ vadhKsu


vadhū daughter7in7la%•  :ambū  a certain (ind o" tree• camū  %arrior • kacchū  itch, a s(in disease•  sarabhū  a certain (ind o" reptile•  sarabū  cro%n•  subhū  pretty eye$ro%s• vāmūrū  %o#an %ith pretty legs• nā*anāsūrū  %o#an %ith legs li(e an elephantNs trun( 

N8-%7 4A00i 8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 -i• ender8 *asculine

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

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4! aggi <aggini>, aggG, aggayo2! $ho aggi $hnoto aggG, aggayo! aggiṁ aggG, aggayo6! aggin aggGhi, 7$hi, aggihi, 7$hi5! aggissa, aggino aggGna , agginaṁ ṁ

;! aggis#, 7#h, aggin aggGhi, 7$hi, aggihi, 7$hi! aggissa, aggino aggGna , agginaṁ ṁ

?! aggis#i , aggi#hiṁ aggGsu, aggisu


• a**i  "ire• ādi  $eginning• byādhi sic(ness• mahesi  Buddha <#ahesG 9ueen $elongs to naddi>• isi  her#it

•  sandhi  co#$ination <pati7sandhi $irth =742>•  *an  (t   (hi  (not• muni  Buddha• kucchi  $elly, sto#ach• asi  royal s%ord•  pān  (i  hand• ahi  sna(e• kimi  insect, $ug• ari  ene#y• ñāti  relative• ba"i  ta., custo#s duty• atithi  guest

N8-%9 4At   t   hi 8r"$p Ne$ter5

• Original &u""i.8 7i• ender8 =euter

4! at  :t  :hi at  :t  :hG, at  :t  :hGni2! $ho at  :t  :hi $hontni at  :t  :hi at  :t  :hGni! At  :t  :hiṁ At  :t  :hG At  :t  :hGni6! at  :t  :hinat  :t  :hGhi, 7$hi < and so on>

*e#$ers o" =euter %ith i7&u""i.

•  #t   (t   (hi  $one•  satthi  thigh

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• dadhi  yoguard• akkhi, acchi  eye• vāri  %ater•  sappi  $utter

)hese are the sa#e as the #asculine i7ending MaggiN e.cept "or aggini! )%o aspects are di""erentin that they are neuter and have MniN instead o" MyoN/ and no ni7ending in the 4st "or# singular li(eaggini, %hich is particular to this noun only!

N8-%; 41an   +     8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 7G • ender8 *asculine

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! +an  :d  : G, dan  :d  : G, dan  :d  :ino2! $ho dan  :d  : G $honto dan  :d  : G, dan  :d  :ino! dan  :d  :i , dan  :d  :ina ,ṁ ṁ dan  :d  : G, dan  :d  :ino6! dan  :d  :in dan  :d  : Ghi, 7$hi5! dan  :d  :issa, dan  :d  :ino dan  :d  : Gnaṁ

;! dan  :d  :isa , 7#h, 7nṁ dan  :d  : Ghi, 7$hi! dan  :d  :issa, dan  :d  :ino dan  :d  : Gnaṁ

?! dan  :d  :is#i , 7#hi, 7niṁ dan  :d  : Gsu


• dan  (d   (ī   a her#it %ith secret stic( • hatthī   elephant• dāt   (hī   %ild ani#als %ith "angs <li(e lions, sna(e>•  *an  (ī   "ounder o" a gang•  sa *hī ṁ   president o" sangha•  sāmī   #aster, o%ner •  *āmī   traveler •  *āman  (ī  head o" village•

 yo*ī   #editator • ro*ī   sic(ly•  sukhī   happy one• dukkhī   unhappy one• cārī   practitioner • cā*ī   generous one• kusa"ī   healthy one

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N8-%? 4S$6ha6āri 8r"$p Ne$ter5

• Original &u""i.8 7G • ender8 =euter

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ4! su(ha7(ri su(ha7(G, su(ha7(rGni2! $ho su(ha7(ri $hontni su(ha7(G, su(ha7(rGni! su(ha7(ri , su(ha7(rinaṁ ṁ su(ha7(G, su(ha7(rGni6! su(ha7(rin <and so on>

*e#$ers o" =euter %ith G7su""i.

 sukha-kārī  <dna>, sī*ha-yāyī  <"ast7#oving #ind> are the sa#e as the #asculine G7ending Mdan  (d   (ī& !)hey di""er in that they have the i7su""i. 4st "or# singular, and the ni7su""i. 4st and 2nd "or#s plural!

N8-%= 4Bhi66h$-ḷe+ 8r"$p5

• Original &u""ering8 -u• ender8 *asculine

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! $hi((hu $hi((hK, $hi((havo2! $ho $hi((hu $honto $hi((hK, $hi((have, $hi((havo! $hi((huṁ  $hi((hK, $hi((havo6! $hi((hun $hi((hKhi, 7$hi, $hi((huhi, 7$hi5! $hi((hussa, 7no $hi((hKna , $hi((hunaṁ ṁ

;! $hi((hus#, 7#h, n $hi((hKhi, 7$hi, $hii(huhi, 7$hi! $hi((hussa, 7no $hi((hKna , $hi((hunaṁ ṁ

?! $hi((hus#i , 7#hiṁ  $hi((hKsu, $hi((husu


• bhikkhu  #on( •  pat   (u good one•  sānu  %ood, or "orested hill• bhānu  sun• rāhu  Rhu deva <legendary giant spirit>• ket   (u  pea( •  pa *uṅ   disa$le• ucchu  sugar cane

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•  sindhu  ocean• idhu  "ire%ood, "uel• ve"   (u, venu  $a#$oo• neru, meru  *t! *eru <the #ountain at the center o" the universe>•  *uru  teacher • usu  arro%• hetu  reason•  :antu  a living $eing

N8-% 4Ly$ 8r"$p Ne$ter5

• Original &u""i.8 -u• ender8 =euter

Belo% are u7ending neuter nouns!

• āyu  li"e• cakkhu  eye• vasu  He%ellery• dāru  ti#$er@ %ood• madhu honey• ambu  %ater • tipu  led• hi *uṅ   the plant asa"etida•  si *u )si**uṅ   ginger •

matthu  $utter#il(• vatthu  location@ $ase•  :atu  $itu#en pitch•  sā"u  edi$le root o" %ater lily• assu  tear •  pha"u  a (not or Hoint in a reed• bindu  dot

N8-%> 4Saya.bb 8r"$p5

Original &u""i.8 -ū

ender8 *asculine

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! saya#$hK saya#$hK, saya#$huvo

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2! $ho saya#$hK $honto saya#$hK, saya#$huvo! saya#$huṁ saya#$hK, saya#$huvo6! saya#$hun s aya#$hKhi, 7$hi5! saya#$hussa, 7no saya#$hKnaṁ

;! saya#$hus#, 7#h, 7n saya#$hKhi, 7$hi

! saya#$hussa, 7no saya#$hKnaṁ

?! saya#$hus#i , 7#hiṁ saya#$hKsu!


• abhibhū, vattabhū, sambhū, pabhū, vibhū, parābhibhū are all the sa#e as saya#$hK!• For sabbaññū, veda*ū, viññū, MvoN is replaced %ith MnoN! For sahabhū, $oth MvoN and MnoN

are availa$le!

N8-3 48"trabh 8r"$p Ne$ter5

• Original &u""i.8 7K• ender8 =euter

• 7otrabhū <certain (ind o" #ind7unit Hust $e"ore the #o#ent o" enlighten#ent>,• dhammaññū <dha##a7(no%ing #ind> are the sa#e as su(ha7(rG!

N8-3% 4Na+ 8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 7G • ender8 Fe#inine

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! nadG nadG, nadiyo, naHHo2! $hito nadG $hotiyo nadG, nadiyo, naHHo! nadi , nadiyaṁ ṁ nadG, nadiyo, naHHo6! nadiy, naHH nadGhi, 7$hi5! nadiy, naHH nadGnaṁ

;! nadiy, naHH nadGhi, 7$hi! nadiy, naHH nadGnaṁ

?! nadiy,, nadiya , naHHṁ ṁ nadGsu


• nadī   river • itthī   %o#an

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• kumārī) tarun  (ī   young un#arried %o#an• brāhman  (ī   $rah#in %o#an•  sakhī   "e#ale "riend• mātu"ānī   aunt•  sirī  grace• bhotī   "e#ale #aster •  *acchantī, *acchatī   "e#ale traveler •  *un  (avantī, *un  (avatī   honora$le %o#an•  *āvī  co%• dāsī   slave•  puthavī) pathavī   earth

N8-3 348ahapatān-ḷe+ 8r"$p5

• Original &u""i.8 7inG• ender8 Fe#inine

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! gahapatnG gahapatnG, gahapatnGyo2! $hoti gahapatnG $hotiyo gahapatnG, gahapatnGyo! gahapatni , 7niyaṁ ṁ gahapatnG, gahapatnGyo

<)he rest is the sa#e as MitthGN>


• bhikkhunī   "e#ale #on( • rā:inī   9ueen• dan  (d   (inī  %o#an %ith a stic( •  pokkharan  (ī  la(e•  yakkhinī  "e#ale ghost•  paracitta-vidūnī   a %o#an %ho can read anotherNs #ind

(E/AE S&((IKES 4-ā - -in5

 @- S$))ix* is very co##on a"ter nouns that indicate $oth #ale and "e#ale8

/aḷe (e.aḷe

•  sunakho <dog>  sunakhī  <$itch>,

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•  sukaro <pig>  sūkarī  <"e#ale pig>,• makkat   (o <#on(ey> makkat   (ī  <"e#ale #on(ey>,•  yakkho <ghost>  yakkhī ) yakkhinī  <"e#ale ghost> and so on!

)his 7GJ su""i. is also 9uite co##on a"ter the nouns %ith such original su""i.es as -ava, -ika,

-eyya, -anta, -antu8

/aḷe (e.aḷe

• mānavo  mānavī  <young %o#an>• nāviko  nāvikī  <%i"e o" a sailor>•  *otamo   *otamī  <Dueen ota#G>•  *acchanto   *acchantī  <"e#ale traveler>•  *un  (avanto   *un  (avantī  <honora$le %o#an>

The @-in s$))ix8 It is co##on a"ter nouns %ith such original su""i.es as i, ī, u, ū8

/aḷe (e.aḷe

• gahapati gahapatinG <"e#ale house7holder>• dan  :d  : G dan  :d  :inG <"e#ale her#it %ith sacred stic(>•  $hi((hu $hi((hunG <nun>•  paracitta7vidK paracitta7vidKnG <%o#an %ho can read otherNs #ind>

The @ā s$))ix8 It is very co##on a"ter the a7ending nouns that #odi"y "e#ale nouns8

• abhirūpā kaññā <pretty %o#an>• nī"ā mā"ā <$lue "lo%er>

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Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! ida , i#aṁ ṁ i#ni2! ida , i#aṁ ṁ i#ni! anena, i#in i#ehi, i#e$hi, ehi, e$hi

<)he rest are the sa#e as #asculine!>

4P8-;5 @She < They

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! ayaṁ i#, i#yo2! i#aṁ i#, i#yo! i#ya i#hi, i#$hi

6! i#ya, ass, assya, i#iss, i#issya i#sa , i#snaṁ ṁ5! i#ya, i#hi, i#$hi;! i#ya, ass, assya, i#iss, i#issya i#sa#, i#snaṁ

! i#ya , assa , i#issaṁ ṁ ṁ i#su

4P8-?5 @That < Th"se 4/asc$ḷine5

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! so ne, te

2! na , taṁ ṁ ne, te! nena, tena nehi, ne$hi, tehi, te$hi6! nassa, assa, tassa nesa , nesna , tesa , tesnaṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ

5! nas#, as#, tas#, na#h, ta#h nehi, ne$hi, tehi, te$hi;! nassa, assa, tassa nesa , nesna , tesa , tesnaṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ

! nas#i , as#i , tas#i , na#hi, ta#hiṁ ṁ ṁ nesu, tesu

4P8-=5 @That < Th"se 4Ne$ter5

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! na , taṁ ṁ nni, tni2! na , taṁ ṁ nni, tni! nena, tena nehi, ne$hi

<)he rest are the sa#e as #asculine>

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4P8-5 @That < Th"se 4(e.inine5

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! s n, nyo, t, tyo2! na , taṁ ṁ n, nyo, t, tyo! nya, tya nhi, n$hi, thi, t$hi6! tiss, tass, nass, ass, tissya, tassya, nassya, assya, nya, tya/ nsa ,ṁ

nsna , tsa , tsnaṁ ṁ ṁ

5! nya, tya nhi, n$hi, thi, t$hi;! tiss, tass, nass, ass, tissya, tassya, nassya, assya, nya, tya/ nsa ,ṁ

nsna , tsa , tsnaṁ ṁ ṁ

! tissa , tassa , nassa , nya , tyaṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ ṁ nsu, tu

4P8->5 @That < Th"se 4/asc$ḷine5

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! eso ete2! etaṁ ete! etena etehi, ete$hi6! etassa etesa , etesnaṁ ṁ

5! etas#, eta#h etehi, ete$hi;! etassa etesa , etesnaṁ ṁ

! etas#i , eta#hiṁ etesu

4P8-%5 @That < Th"se 4Ne$ter5

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! etaṁ etni2! etaṁ etni

<)he rest are the sa#e as #asculine!>

4P8-%%5 @That < Th"se 4(e.inine5

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! es et, etyo

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5! yya yhi, y$hi;! yya, yass ysa , ysnaṁ ṁ

! yya , yassaṁ ṁ ysu

4P8-%;5 Wh" 4/asc$ḷine5

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! (o (e2! (aṁ (e! (ena (ehi, (e$hi6! (assa, (issa (esa , (esnaṁ ṁ

5! (as#, (a#h (ehi, (e$hi;! (assa, (issa (esa , (esnaṁ ṁ

! (as#i , (is#i , (a#hi, (i#hi,ṁ ṁ (esu

4P8-%?5 Which < What 4Ne$ter5

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! (iṁ (ni2! (iṁ (ni

<All the rest are the sa#e as #asculine!>

4P8-%=5 Wh" 4(e.inine5

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! ( (, (yo2! (aṁ (, (yo! (ya (hi, ($hi6! (ya, (ass (sa , (snaṁ ṁ

5! (ya (hi, ($hi

;! (ya, (ass (sa , (snaṁ ṁ! (ya, (assaṁ (su

4P8-%5 S".eb"+y < Anyb"+y

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I" kiṁJ has the su""i. ciJ, it $eco#es koci <#asculine>, ka ciṁ  <neuter>, kāci <"e#inine> and soon, they translate as so#e$odyJ!

I" kiṁJ has the pre"i.  yo, ya , yāṁ J in addition to the su""i. Mci& , then it $eco#es  yo koci <#asculine>, ya ka ciṁ ṁ  <neuter>, yā kāci <"e#inine> and so on! )hey translate as any$ody@



4P8-%>5 One

)he %ord Meka&  generally #eans MoneN! 1o%ever, it is used in #any senses as "ollo%s8

nu#$er < sankhyā>, sa#e or si#ilar <tu"ya>, no t%o or uni9ue <a-tu"ya>, alone <a-sahāya>,co#$ination <missana>, no$le < set   (t   (ha>, other one <añña>, true < sacca>, certain <mukkhya>, a little $it <appa>, entire <keva"a>!

A#ong its #eanings, the "irst "our have only singular "or#s as "ollo%s8

• /asc$ḷine8 e(o, e(a , e(ena, e(assa, e(as#, 7#h, e(ass, e(as#i , 7#hi!ṁ ṁ

• Ne$ter8 e(a , e(a , e(ena <the rest are the sa#e as #asculine>ṁ ṁ

• (e.inine8 e(, e(a , e(ya, e(ya, e(iss, 77777e(ya , e(issa , e(su!ṁ ṁ ṁ

4P8-35 T#" 4in aḷḷ 0en+ers5 Onḷy Pḷ$raḷ

4! dve, duve2! dve, duve! dvGhidvi$hi6! dvinna , duvinnaṁ ṁ

5! dvGhi, dvi$hi;! dvinna , duvinnaṁ ṁ

! dvGsu, dvisu

4P8-3%5 Three 4/asc$ḷine5 Onḷy Pḷ$raḷ

4! tayo2! tayo! tGhi, tG$hi, tihi, ti$hi6! tinna , tinnnaṁ ṁ

5! tGhi, tG$hi, tihi, ti$hi;! tinna , tinnnaṁ ṁ

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! tGsu, tisu

4P8-335 Three 4Ne$ter5

4! tGni2! tGni! tGhi, tG$hi, tihi, ti$hi

<)he rest are all the sa#e as #asculine!>

4P8-375 Three 4(e.inine5

4! tisso

2! tisso! tGhi, tG$hi, tihi, ti$hi6! tissanna <and so on>ṁ

4P8-395 ("$r 4/asc$ḷine5 Pḷ$raḷ Onḷy

4! cattro2! cattro! catKhi, catK$hi, catuhi, catu$hi6! catunnaṁ

5! catKhi, catK$hi, catuhi, catu$hi, catu$$hi;! catunnaṁ

! catKsu, catusu

4P8-3;5 ("$r 4Ne$ter5

4! cattri2! cattri! catKhi <)he rest are all the sa#e as #asculine>

4P8-3?5 ("$r 4(e.inine5

4! catasso2! catasso! catKhi, catK$hi, catuhi, catu$$hi

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6! catassna <)he rest are the sa#e as #asculine>ṁ

4P8-3=5 (ie 4In aḷḷ 0en+er5

4! paLca2! paLca! paLcahi, 7$hi6! paLcanna ,ṁ

5! paLchi, 7$hi;! paLcannaṁ

! paLcasu

4P8-35 8en+ers an+ N$.bers

• Fro# dvi <t%o> to atthā-rasa <eighteen> are al%ays plural!• vīsati <t%enty> and navuti <ninety> are "e#inine singular!• Fro# sata <hundred> to asankhyeyya <400,000,000,000,000> are neuter, singular!•  $oti <ten #illions>, akoti <one $illion>, $oti-pakoti <a> and ho$hinG are "e#inine


4P8-3>5 Aḷḷ< Eeryb"+y 4/asc$ḷine5

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! sa$$o sa$$e2! $ho sa$$a, sa$$ $honto sa$$e! sa$$aṁ sa$$e6! sa$$ena sa$$ehi, 7$hi5! sa$$assa sa$$esa#, sa$$esnaṁ

;! sa$$as#, 7#h sa$$ehi, 7$hi! sa$$assa sa$$esa#, sa$$esnaṁ

?! sa$$as#i , 7#hiṁ sa$$esu

4P8-75 Aḷḷ< Eeryb"+y 4Ne$ter5

Sin0$ḷar Pḷ$raḷ

4! sa$$aṁ sa$$ni2! $ho sa$$a, sa$$ $havantni sa$$ni! sa$$a sa$$ni <All the rest are the sa#e as #asculine>ṁ

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