types of safety management systems

Types of afety Management System

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Types of Safety Management Systems

Work-Centric SystemA work-centric safety management system uses mechanisms, tool improvements and careful adjustment of space problems to ensure that the environment is as safe as possible.

Worker-Centric SystemWorker-centric safety management systems focus on training employees to limit accidents. Training is geared toward improving job performance and decision making.

Autocratic Safety Management

Autocratic safety management systems are characterized by top-down communication with staff. Executives and other management create safety strategies without consulting those that will actually be affected by the new policies.

Democratic Safety Management

A democratic safety management system focuses on the dissemination of authority, and empowers workers to shape safety policies.

Article Source: http://www.ehow.com/list_6966076_types-safety-management-systems.html

Image Source: http://www.bluesafesolutions.com.au/