txeis grade reporting - amazon s3 · this checklist references cycle 3, so if you perform...

TxEIS GRADE REPORTING End of Semester 1 Checklist Elem--txGradebook End of Semester 1 Elem-txGradebook Checklist Page 1 Note: For Grading Cycle Use Semester 1 2-Semester 6-Week Cycle 1, Cycle 2, Cycle 3 2-Semester 9-Week Cycle 1, Cycle 2 This checklist references Cycle 3, so if you perform 2-Semester 9-week Grade Reporting substitute Cycle 2 for Cycle 3 in this checklist. Check Report Card Comments Table _____1. Make any changes needed to the Report Card Comment Table. Access Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables

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Page 1: TxEIS GRADE REPORTING - Amazon S3 · This checklist references Cycle 3, so if you perform 2-Semester 9-week Grade Reporting substitute Cycle 2 for Cycle 3 in this checklist. Check

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For Grading Cycle Use Semester 1 2-Semester 6-Week Cycle 1, Cycle 2, Cycle 3 2-Semester 9-Week Cycle 1, Cycle 2

This checklist references Cycle 3, so if you perform 2-Semester 9-week Grade Reporting substitute Cycle 2 for Cycle 3 in this checklist.

Check Report Card Comments Table

_____1. Make any changes needed to the Report Card Comment Table.

Access Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables

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Update Report Card Message Table

_____ 2. Update your Report Card Messages in Table Maintenance. Select the appropriate

Report Card Message table according to the report card selected.

Tab Page Report Cards Rpt Card Msg Elementary SGR1400

Messages on Elementary Report Card (SGR1400)

If you want a Failing Message, scroll to the bottom of the drop down list, select Failing, and enter the failing message to be printed on the report card.

Change txGradebook Campus and District Message if Necessary

_____ 3. Check the current messages to determine if they are current and applicable.

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Gradebook Options > District Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Gradebook Options > Campus

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Check Campus Control Options

_____ 4. Check the Campus Control Options to be sure that your semester and cycle are set correctly and that the proper posting options have been selected. Access Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options

Current Semester should be set to 1 and Current Cycle should be set to 3. Verify that the End of Cycle Dates are set correctly. Click the Posting tab, and the following screen is displayed:

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For Semester 1 Cycle 3 on a 2-semester campus, select Allow Cycle Grade The Semester grade will come across from txGradebook. The Year-to-Date average will be computed when the user performs Grade Computation Elem.

Check Elementary Grade Computation Table

_____ 5. Elementary campuses review the Elem Grade tab in Elementary Table Maintenance to verify that all fields are set correctly. Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Elementary

The elementary grade levels with a check mark in the Elem Grd field will be included in elementary grade reporting. Grade levels without a check mark in the Elem Grd field will be excluded from elementary grade reporting. Comp Sem Avg- Select this field if you want the computer to compute the semester average. Comp Cum Avg- Select this field if you want the computer to calculate a cumulative year to date average. Incl Exam- most Elementary schools do not use this field. Exam Wgt – ONLY fill this in IF you choose InCl Exam Tot Wgt - ONLY fill this in IF you choose InCl Exam Example of using an exam: if it is to count as 1/3, fill in 1 in Exm Wgt & 3 in Totl Wgt

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Open txGradebook for Teacher Posting

______ 6. Open the txGradebook so that the teachers may post their grades for the end of the first semester.

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Gradebook Options > Campus

Check Teacher Posting Status

_____ 7. Teachers on the “Not Ready to Post” list means they have NOT chosen the Mark Grades as Ready to Post link. NOTE: Usually, you want this list to be blank, unless you are going to post any grades manually after running the postting utility.

Teachers on the “Ready to Post” shows the teachers who have chosen the Mark Grades as Ready to Post link.

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Teachers on the “Posted” list shows the posted course cycle grades after the utility “Grade Posting from TxEIS Gradebook” has been run.

Post the grades to TXEIS

_____ 8. After determining that all grades have been posted by all teachers, post the grades

to TxEIS. NOTE: You do not have to wait until all teachers have marked their grades as ready to post to run this utility – you can run this utility repeatedly until all grades have been moved from txGradebook to TxEIS.

Access Grade Reporting > Utilities > Grade Posting from TxEIS Grade book

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Perform Elementary Grade Computation. NOTE: Only do this procedure if you want an “on-going” Cumulative Final grade for one or more of the grade levels at your campus. IF you want the report card to show a 1st Semester grade, a 2nd Semester grade, and a Final grade (which is an average of the two semester grades) for all your grade levels only run this procedure at the end of the year (2nd Semester). Compute Attendance in the Student’s Grade Course Records

_____ 9. Compute attendance in the student’s grade course records so the student’s attendance will print on the teacher’s class rolls and on the student’s report cards.

Access Grade Reporting > Reports >Compute Attendance in Course Records (SGR1800)

Complete the Report Parameters and click .

_____10. Elementary Grade Computation should be performed at this time.

Access Grade Reporting > Utilities > Grade Computation Elementary

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Determine if you want to include withdrawn students and withdrawn courses in grade computation. If you d not want to include them, leave the fields blank. Track- Select the track from the drop-down list for which you want to compute grades. Grade Lvl- Select a specific grade level or all grade levels.

Reset Non-Graded Courses? If you have always wondered but were afraid to ask, checking this box will remove a grade from a non-graded course if a grade were accidentally transferred to a non-graded course when making a course change from, for example, Art to Studyhall.

Semesters- Select semester 1. Cycle- Select the last cycle for semester 1, for example, cycle 3.

Click Execute to run this program. If errors are encountered a Preview Errors button is displayed. DO NOT IGNORE THE ERRORS. Correct the errors and re-run Grade Computation Elementary if necessary.

Print Class Rolls for Teacher’s Signature and Keep as Official Records

_____ 11. Print Class Rolls and distribute to the teachers to verify posted grades.

Access Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports > Class Rolls (SGR0900)

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Complete the Report Parameters screen and click Run Preview.

Distribute the Class Rolls to the teachers as proof sheets for grade verification. The teachers should make any corrections on the Class Rolls, sign and date each page, and return to the office so the Class Rolls may be filed as the official grade sheets.

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Post Grade Corrections as Necessary

_____ 12. Post grade corrections submitted on the Class Rolls. The grade corrections can be posted by group maintenance or individual student maintenance.

Access Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Group Maintenance

Select the Instructor from the drop-down list. Select the Course Section from the drop-down list for that teacher and select Semester 1 Cycle 3. Click Retrieve. Enter cycle grade corrections from the teacher’s Class Rolls. You can make grade corrections for an individual student. Access Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance

Make grade corrections for individual students on the Grade Update screen. Click the Sem 1 button to display Semester 1 grades.

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Verify Campus Control Print Report Card Options

_____ 13. Verify that the Campus Control Print Options are selected as desired before printing report cards.

Access Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Print Options

Complete the Report Card Options section. Set Control Numbers if Report Card Print Sequence is Set to Control Number _____ 14. If you selected to print report cards by control number for a specific period of the

day, you may need to assign control numbers to the students. Access Grade Reporting > Utilities > Assign Control Numbers

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Select the way in which you want to assign control numbers. Cntrl by Period is displayed. Select Semester 1, Grade Level, and Period. Click Retrieve, and click Execute.

Print Report Cards _____ 15. Print Report Cards for Semester 1 Cycle 3. Select which report card to print from

the following list:

Access Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports SGR1400 – Elementary 8 ½ by 11 Report Cards

Complete the Report Parameters screen and click .

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Print Recommended Reports

_____ 16. Recommended Grade Reporting End of Semester Reports to print.

Access Grade Reporting > Reports > Grade Reporting Reports End of Semester Reports SGR0280 Grade Distribution Report SGR1000 Blank, Failing, and Incomplete Grades SGR1401 Elementary Principal’s Report Card Proof List SGR1910 Extra Curricular Report SGR2000 A/B Honor Roll .