tx history-ch-16.3

Chapter 16: Western Expansion and Conflict Section 3: The Texas Rangers & American Indians

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Chapter 16: Western Expansion and Conflict

Section 3: The Texas Rangers & American Indians

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Conflicts on the Frontier

•Settlers moving westward

•Movement onto American Indian lands

•Frontier settlers ask for government assistance

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Conflicts on the Frontier

•Federal government responsible for Indian conflicts

•Contradictory policies

•Infantry troops no match for expert horse riders

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Conflicts on the Frontier

•Gov. Wood calls out the Texas Rangers

•Rangers had horses

•Rangers so effective they were paid by the federal government

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Conflicts on the Frontier

•The Colt Six-Shooter gave Texas Rangers a powerful advantage in battles against the Comanche and Kiowa.

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Establishing Frontier Forts

• Federal government established a line of forts

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Establishing Frontier Forts

•Forts protected settlers and travelers

•Especially important after discovery of gold in California

•Army abandoned forts as settlers pushed past them

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Establishing Frontier Forts

•Fort Worth was abandoned by the army after settlers moved past it, deeper into the frontier

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Establishing Frontier Forts

•Forts ineffective:

–Too far apart

–Too few troops

–Too few supplies

–Settlers went past

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The Reservation Policy

•Reservations—areas of land set aside for American Indians

•Many Plains Indians continued to live outside reservations

•Conflict continued

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The Removal of Texas Indians

•Settlers living near reservations claimed Indians stole

•Formed vigilante groups

•Indians removed to Indian Territory (Oklahoma)

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The Removal of Texas Indians

•Robert S. Neighbors—U.S. Indian agent who disagreed with federal policy

Robert S. Neighbors

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The Removal of Texas Indians

•Alabama-Coushatta—Indians whose right to remain in Texas was recognized by the state government

•Aided during the Texas Revolution

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The Removal of Texas Indians

1. Alabama-Coushatta Reservation

2. Kickapoo Reservation

3. Tigua Reservation Locations of Texas

Indian Reservations