two vital facts and observations that can save the world and humanity

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  • 8/3/2019 Two Vital Facts and Observations that can save the World and Humanity


    Two Vital Facts and Observations that can Save the

    World and Humnaity

    Modern world is founded on the knowledge of gravity and mass and

    yet we do not know what property gives gravity or mass to matter

    We live in energy cycles that form into day and night cycle and climatic

    cycle. But we are ignorant what importance are the day and night andclimatic cycle and how they manifest.

    These are two striking facts that expose the ignorance on which the

    present world is founded.

    Gravity is Centripetal force. Second law of thermodynamics applied to

    it tells that all the system in nature should loose energy and collapse

    to a point. This means from energy point all the system in nature

    should eventually experience a shearing force because of increasingheat and break down in time. From material point, we would be

    experiencing a winding that leads to earth quakes, huge volcanic

    eruptions, floods and snows. Are we not experiencing it? Earth is

    known to cool by huge volcanic eruptions and archeology gives proofsof many civilizations buried under earth.

    An important observation that we have over looked is that earth by its

    day and night and climatic cycle actually is designed to maintain

    certain ratio of energy to matter and thus temperature of theenvironment such that life survives on it. Earth works on certain

    principle and design. The principle is to sustain the balance by

    essentially maintaining certain ratio of energy to matter. The design isthat is that it is divided into minimum of two parallel worlds. East and


    When west awakens to sunlight, unwinds, energizes and goes into

    disorder east simultaneously goes to darkness, winds and goes into

    ordering state. When the light peaks in the west and gives way todarkness, east simultaneously peaks in darkness and gives way to

    light and vice-versa. These two parallel worlds thus are conscious and

    intelligent and work to sustain the system. They are instantaneously

    connected internally and act to reverse the situation when the systemreaches the critical state. The act that takes place internally is then

    transformed in time in the external world and this manifest as day andnight cycle, climatic cycle and universal time cycle. Much of our

    problems could be directly or indirectly be related to upsetting thisenergy cycle.

  • 8/3/2019 Two Vital Facts and Observations that can save the World and Humanity


    Time is inevitable reality. Time direction in the system can be towards

    disorder and death or to order and life. Very clearly we are inchingtowards death. The complete understanding of nature cannot be

    attained unless we involve life into the above energy cycle. Plant

    absorbs sunlight and heat and thus works against disorder. Whennight falls and the material world shrinks, plants assimilate energy andmatter and grow against gravity. Life by instinct is anti-gravitational.

    The second law of thermodynamics applied to living system and

    material system shows this opposition. Life becomes the support ofthe material world. Gravity we know is built on the assumptionof non-equilibrium. This invariably means anti-gravity shouldbe built on some form of equilibrium. Life works constantly to

    protect this equilibrium and this manifest as creativity.

    The world with only plant is two dimensional. If plants are not

    controlled the system would grow into anti-gravitational collapse. The

    existence of herbivore and carnivore control and give sustenance to

    the system. The system with plants and animals is three dimensional

    and self sustaining. It is Gaia. Plants and animals do nothing to disturbthe energy cycle. Now observe earth with plants, animals and Adult

    Humans. We immediately perceive a time direction to disorder and

    destruction. This time direction comes from the mind of adult human

    beings who is disconnected from the Creatorand Mother Nature andhas come to live as a slave to material world and its force which

    directs to gravitational collapse and destruction.

    No wonder ancient spirituality essentially speaks of need to silence themind and turn it inward to know Truth. No Wonder God forbid Adamand Eve form eating from the Tree at the Center. It was resistive law

    from becoming slave to Material World. He gave dominion to Adam

    and Eve [Humanity] invariably means we had all the requisite

    knowledge to sustain and govern the world in the beginning. But intime we distanced form His Light or Higher Knowledge and turned our

    face from the Father and Mother and walked into darkness. What is

    endangered is the very existence of Kingdom of God. Our hope now

    exists in Christ restoring the Kingdom back to its Glory. Christianity isnot religion. It is a way to kingdom. Religion is our creation.

    The universe needs to be understood as consciousness and intelligence

    or heart and Mind of God unfolding and enfolding to create and sustainthe universal system. Heat of Christ exudes the creative force. The

    mind of God reveals Truth to restore justice. When we try to

    understand universe as living being, both science and spirituality falls

  • 8/3/2019 Two Vital Facts and Observations that can save the World and Humanity


    inline and it would help us evolve to take guard of earth and enter the

    Golden Age.

    Unfortunately, both religions and science are so much splintered, thatthe simple truth and realities evades them. Human beings are in fact

    kept captive in religious frame works and are ruled over. Only knowing

    God as Science can liberate humanity and take him to the Golden Age.

    Nature is stressing us to evolve and survive. Our excessive material

    exploitation [Releasing heat into the environment] and intrusion into

    night cycle, is upsetting the smooth change of energy cyclemanifesting into climatic cycle. If we do not awaken to the reality andalleviate the situation and chose to continue, the climate begins topeak and fall abruptly causing huge climatic disaster as never seen

    before. There is a need to spread this basic realization to awaken the

    people. There should be a concentrated effort to call the attention ofthe leaders determining our fate to bring together intellectuals at the

    forefront of theoretical science, new age thinkers, such as Noble

    Laureate, James Lovelock, Dr.Bruce Lipton, Dr.Fritjoff Capra, Dr.Amit

    Goswami, Dr. Jack Sarfatti, Dr. John Hagelin, Nassim Harmein,

    advocates late Dr. Walter Russell and so on to create new platform ofthinking on to which humanity can evolve to survive on earth. Einstein

    said We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used

    when we created them.

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