twi if ib 1.y t s le dc -...

TWI : ..y o M a i E .8; Nii.MBEB i ' a ,' . E artl I S S M any aniJ Various kinds of Signs Confuse. Motorists and America Is Working Desigjiate , Certain poads As “U. S ,Highways. ’W /S m s a T O N , stay 23—Tlw /ob of jinacrninUllDg tlio lil«hw'nyH uf iha jjbUm, and maklajr ihoni* JnieHJsl- 'llo to .tbe motoMst, got UDilor way (Illa niabtli. -Important Inloraocllonal nnd Inlor- ■Into roada will bo dciilKnatcd "UnU i«d Stflloa hiBhwuya" anit unlformty markod aa follown; A round *J«n tor' aJ| • ralirond croaalnga; and ocURonal rIru tor , "alop" or /•ilttBitor;" n dtmnoml. #littt»il *|gn for "linutloir' or -Blow;'’ a ■quaro alKii tor "look" nr "aitcti- «aa;~ aad a rcccanKtilar atuipu for diroctlonn or inrormutlon. Tho varhiin numed rouluji ovit1 jij> • • wtlli oach ollior. In nomo cftaPH, lho ovcrlapplnic Ih on much »k 70 pur cont. It U tlio contuilnK'altiiiitlan Tcauitlng trom Itila, am woll tw tlie <Jnn(wr caudmj by tlto, iHnsrRonco In wttmlnn nnd othor nlcna, thui tlio fedoml nnd atnto liUhwoy ottlchils aro working to corrcct- Highway ottlclaU. ilf li coast nnil - ....... WMtern-Bt^iea .met a t Snn PVnneliicft ^ rilaj- iS io^w^up*tbo plun»”f6r 2/Wngtor U »lr ' ■octioaa ' under this pun:'.'MocMBg* alao Twli) b« liold • tblt-'BlDnih;Ud nojct In KaoaM CIty, Chicago, Atlanta,. Kpv' York, and lloatoa,- lo map. out tlic. other aeo* ___ .UoBa^, o ,c o u n ty ’ '• , tlona ’Art .twhlnd, tbJs moreraent. In' addition to th« alAto-and ;f«doni road offlclala. including the Anieri* can'AaioclAtlon ot Stnte -Highway I offlclala, the Strool nnd 'Highway ' Safety conferonce caH<jrl by Socre- ' ury 6t Commerco Huoriv. tlio .Na- tional Safety Council, lho U. 8. hu- m u ot standordi,' tlio national re- search council, and ilio color code I commiltce on highway'algna of iho American englneorlDg aUndarda J ceoiratttee. , ' ' --U.S.AifiANE PLUNGES INTO i SEA;MENESCAPE; Pnjrth# naiUe Fenght In llawalion ' Walew and CrlUqne Will Dcelde VWoraj inck SmUw on Wnrrhra. ABOARD U. 8. S., BBATTLa La- ^ holna Roada, Maiil. .Th., May S3—. Comnwndera of Uie UnUod Staic* Armada, which . engaged In a 4)1 houra "batue" in lUwlian walctii. Just concluded, today boarded tbe V.' 8. 8. California and bwn a miniature crithiue la decide tbo dot* come of the “war.". Aintm* t>U>er teaiart** wta the e»|dence tbat the Qodde.a i ot Lack cootlnnca lo amlle upon the ' . tiMfon'a warrior* with the (leet, parUcnlarly tho alrwen. . lU tm proof ol tbit came /«e yeaierdar In the c)oalng hours of the e n n ^ u e n l of the -green- and while- torcea when, after being caupnlled front the after-deck ot the U. g ^ '. New Mexfw, a acoat plane isarrylng Uenta. DoiMtlas Pow- r ell. plloi aod J. a Noble, ohaerrer, « piQngwl into the aea. Tb« pinQQ ^ wrecked bnt tho offlcera were an- li narL . |[ Another report today told ot an ai «ccM«t ta « Plane from the -V. 8. d 8. Nerada. which, after M ng lan^ li ed Isto^ tho nlr. failed to gain no- t< meauiBi-aad fell Into'.the. aea.. The b (OoataiBe^ oa Paga X)_ ^ Jazz^Girl Say* SoiM :One Else ti Slew H er M ptifer" inLtMTO.-Mp-'n- S or a coftrt batUe (ar libertT wt»« dla- tt .eosaed D or^ ElUagw. b 17 year eld Jaa Slrl charged vtth T ssrs5£Jss?"-"-"r«’-”: UcUu AHai Ih. S = = = = = = = = = = ^ = hguafe ] Does Man f Q Aniihai Ty: V Of His ^ German Scientific ^xpediti . Whether Counter-evolutio ffues Against Evolution ii Jg Plans to Study Results at I >&' (Copyright 1U3S. by Unltal ProRx.) te 'UKIlLl.Vf Miiy M.—An imjiundlnjf Q Ourman Hclvntlfli'. oxpuilitloit Intu ISunl Afrk-ii' IntutidK (o aolvb Uio (luONtlon: -Do humnnu rovort to anlmnl types If tliuy dovolop wlihoul cou- hn tact with other mnnkliidT" Whllo Willlnm JonnlnnH llryan in ’ ' America In rishtlni; out' the battle agnlnnl the evnlutlnn-lhuury Ilutliilplr Uoqundtr-nmlior and loldler of fort-. lU une, InlendH in loal out whether iv there la a countor-iivoluiioii—or re- ' vemlon lo t/in!—undur cortiiln cou- ditlonn. Heforo BCltInK forih lo Dolugna ,|. Ilay in' I’ortiiRiioao l-iwt Africa Ihiu .» uiiiumn, hu plnnn lu k» to Amerlcu. n. hoping them lo rccriilt ono pr two or American iicU*nil»t« far hln hlznrre vnnturi'. .,) Iteijuiidt will oxporiinenl nn 1,0 Ixibtoo. ur . Unlll nilnlcncon’co. they will hnvo no contact with othor* <it thulr'kltiil. le And, ilielr uvcry movu will lie chuck- In od in lho nnmo ot Kuli;ncc. ,0 In a Imicly npot along ihn connt, tfl 12 mado-in-Afrlcft plcknnlnuloa will >d f lY fiintrA / i l / ' ’ V \1 P ^ l ’|-V |i\lftl_K - IIII* - ' il atrlyed and .thouaanda of head of live stdck fclllad’and Injured ftt two vlc»- ,y lont wlnd storma -whioh aweikt-moat ^ of Minnesota lant njghl, n check lo- ^ day ahowod. I. Llnea ot communication In weatem i. and north central Mlnnosola woro aov- ored, causing heavy Iom in leloKraph. IQ telophono apd power companlex. 0 Only two persona wcro Injured, ae- ■. cording to mcacro roporla from the .hardest hit arean. ^ G. A. I t VKTEKAN WHO .SAW . LKK SmiHKMlKU, })1ES rUOISE, May 33.—Honry 0. Wil- son 79, was burled here loday. ' Known pf Into only aa a formor Icgblalor.' bo wns -respected atnons Civil War vcierann as a caTolryman _ who was present al the aurrender J ot Leo to Grant at Appomattox, and J a‘ member of tho detail nent to cap- ture John Wilken Booth after tho asaanalnallon of Prealdont Lincoln. I ^Aleutian Islands 1 linpprtant io I Strategy Thai ! Importance of Hawaiian IsIa: :, But Naval Experts Know th Mason; A;nerica Need Nol t eific Defense of Archipelag Fought by Navy. t YORK. May 'M-Tho mid- o • Pacific army and navy • manetnrer* J . wblch bare domonatfated-tho vulner- j I ability of the Hawaiian lalanda do not ■ • imply that tbv Amerteaa gOrcmment * muat apend great auma oC money in ■ I aireninbening the dafenBo* of tbo ar- ’ . cblpelago. The lalanda cannot be made ■ . Impregnable bf developing laad pro- ” . tectlva devlcet. ^niflcatlooa. woold ~ ) haro-to ' bo apraad «v*rywbera ° - thrbdgbbul Ihe gntiv, ud'aren tben; * bacanae of the axpoatd potltlon bf the ^ lalanda. inpragBablllty woold not be ^ aacnred.' . . , Xt a war tni^vlag Amarlca'. ever U . robgbt bl thtTieine oeaui tba lua'or 7 . tba BawaUaaiar^prtago wltl rett oa _ ^ aaVal aBgagaatati betwMO tba fleaU Z et tba belUgarvnta. ^ w a ll dooa not i > Rlva tha JMttodholdtag It eodunaad ot g - tba Padflo bot'the natioo haTtac'aen- u I witb aueh covpanuiTa aaaa batora tba » atucklng flan ta tba mld-PacltJe g BaBaBTara dm oaatrataa that- U? as a ananr tbaa aawad paiifcistrtn - tt p Paart.Bcrbor^tbf m raaata^Sufal £1 If IB , TWIN FALLS, le Dc Revert to y;pe Because Assddations dition Into Africa to Decic ition Works; While Bi-yan A J jn America German Soldii it First Hand in Africa. ^ IS.) bo tnhcni.trom thetr molhur'n hrcitn lHB nnd cmnplctoly i»olnloil. Corrnlh Inlu in n llttio Hfltllumoni. iruhnlciil Uiu c'lUli'iicd for the uniixuul oxporlmni uud na(OKuaril<i(l ugnlnKt nrcldcn nml and lllncntieu, thoy wlll bo "duvuli ou- tionlxod." Unlike the Simian Tnrznn. lh< will nol ovon huvo thu coiiiiintil'oi llio ship ot npw. P" llwiuadl wnnlH to find' oul lor ‘I'*”"’ bnbica thus iHOlateil wilt d< vulop a npokun or kIku InnKuag whoUier they will Invuni toola nn HpnniAUooiinly ilhicnvur tho jin diiL-tn of' modiirii clvltlciilliin: < whether thoy will rutroRtinB to ll: hlaiio of upcH or tho lovol ot cnv. men. W ill. thoy remain monlally nn si<lrii.ually ilwwrtc»f{ Or wlll thi'y nt tennt r<HO to ll: '•■i.’ loviil (if tho 1-Sint Africmin? Tho ni Mwor to tliuflii nuvnilonH. lluquiii *''? bolluvcn. will 1)0 of vnliiii nol i.iil U) evolulionlslfl, but lo , pnycholi Rlitn the world over. Aftor that porlwl ot tost, the* llili -ICon.Unuod on page-4) H SHtelSHERIF] ml SA1.T tAKH CITY. Mny 23,—1 ae- « • .attempl- to captnro two hWtgt Ive nnto ihlbvea. this mpnflng, Depul lt>- Bherlff A. S. "Nlchola waa ah< Bit iltrough-lhe-ehoatr^y-ono-ot-thft-jBa to- who later gavo 'hln name na Fren A. Horton of Cheyenne,, Wyo. 'Hoi •m ton nnd a companion giving th JV- name of Bvcrett H. McDanlela, 1 ?h. of llawllnt., Wyo., then aought t escape Iml were forced by puraoln le- cttisens'to uko'refuge In a garag be where Horton turned hla upo hliaself .Hrlng. two bulleln Into hi head. .Horton la In a 1 ^ 1 lioaplw In a dying condition, rfanlels wa ES arrested and la being held' in ]al The depoty sheriff wlll cecover. ,i 11- la aald. or • TKXKSYLVANIA CUB WWIXS W NE?.' YORK. May » —Tho an of Ponnaylvanlacrewa, worWn^w^U nd lumbla and Princeton'In all thre p- races In connection wilh tho ai)nua he Chllda Cup tilt on tho Harlem rive In. hero today. Is Are More Pacific ai;||iy!iraii Gnrap siands Has Been Exaggerated, ’ the Truth Says Correspondent Mot Spend Vast Sums for Pa- lago Because Conflict Will Bc J- of American stralegy In a Pacific war rtl haa b««n greatly overdone. It U r. probable that tbo AlauUan Islan^ iCnd especially DuUh HarlMr would ,t play a far greater part-ln any atrug- IB glo beiween Bast and W esl than f. would Hawaii. Tbe natural line ot I- straiegie adranca for an Amerteaa ar- L mada boond for tba Far East on a Irf belligerent,mission weald be by tbe n means of ibe Alentlana. Tbe excura- too ot tbe Amstiean avtatora wbo olr- eled tha world lait yaar. abowa the Hawair miut bo Inelnded wltb tbe Phlllpplaea aa poaalble pray la tbe " evaat ot PaelOa baartniUea. B ot wbtia * the -Fblllppbiea. oaea . aarrenatred, ^ algbt babaU'imtn the «tad«r tba-war S ta ba atatsallr dlapoaM of at tbe S P«M a^odalioaa. Bawafl. CenId aot [* caaaot ba rackoaad aa aawjot.tector * la'CSDalderlag aUbar tb» ontcooa or s tba atifatacio Batbod of wagtes a i PadOe war. 'It aa aaaar waiw tt- * tlofd. JBt»v.aagC«nUu tba baport- i kaebr:ar^«in aM^ vara to a«d a * • - • V(OoaUaaa4 on pac* .d} . j rl-'* ) .s. IDAHO, SATURDAY, estroy fflPflVER I DOCIfilNES Ar-. ------ Dispute Beiween the Tw^i »'• Groups of Prosbyteriaii eaian Assembly Grips Br»dy Tn- niicd day; New Yoi:k Delejja- mn\u tion Scored for Suppoii- iicntii ing Rev. Fosdick. wlu- . ,,.-v COLUMBUfi. 0-, May 2.r-In tlio nVon W'Mcly tw o iHllUun A«\ori- ' con PreabyicrliiH chitrch niomburii.: „ Ur. ChnrloH It. Krdmnn, iiUHluriiior i , ‘^ u t lUo nalluiittl OMKmhly lu rchhIuu horo, toilay cnhloil aymtnithy lo '*niid ‘'"rthaiinko iilrkkuu illKirlclo uf Tho liahlp wiiH ndilri'niifil lo lho Amorlcan niuli:.H«:t<l(.r nl Toklo nnd hl-NtOWH th e "aHhl'lllbl/H lltCIIHlllR »t * AlmlKhiy a«<l iiln'ti lho i;ovcrnm<‘nt „nj and poople of H'O COLUMDUH. Ohla. Mny 2a-Mi;<I- I '>"• ernlHi, awl fwnUuioulalliW (ucitomi Ux lUiiili Die national mmi’iiihly of (hr I'miby- only torlan church mny comet to Krljw In i»olo- tipcn at, i.wiiiy'ii Hlion UuBlucim scaalon. ho^o ir the ndvnti<t» i>roKrnm Ih follow- ------ urt for the day, lltu nftncwlily will Un nitkod to pawl on Imporinni <iuifillonH hoarlng on cravo doctrinal cunirov'cr- ____ {'?■ - ___________________ _ .. - tho coinmlllee on hllla and. qvorturt*. w u scheduled tu reikirt on thu Oyer- C E tiire of ChcstiT. Pa., Presbytery, do- r r iriandlng tha\ tho New V«>rK ,Pr«'sby- lory hc atamped »a radical nnd lUrown out of lho deuomlnntlon. in Tho cliaAl.n aw» on o u t B ^ t h of tged the twrhtwHg ol T>r, Harry Rmerson iDuty Fosdick, aa aanoclalo panlor of tho Shot I'lrst Church of Now York nflor tho nt B ort-vlnua-acaaloa.Jiad r a ^ ® ” '‘’''®‘* «movc(l. - irT-, Anothor report wns duo from Dr. thn Thompson on Oie cnnca asalnnt lho ^ *5? New York groop for aii*lo"he*v1rgln hlrtli and bodily rca- urrccllon ot Jeaoa.' Beforo gelling to theae rcporla, how- ever.-the aatemWy wo» to pniw on n resolution sponsored by William Jon- ftlngs Bryan and dpslgncd lo brlns .T**? the. fiBht Into tbo open, l l lirovldpn for mli/Jriiy reporta from lho aub- •. commllieea conaldorinK important doctrinal m es. -H ita resolution I* adopted troublespmo mattcw may be fought out on the floor of thn ojinom- "Wy •» 'BtW *s \n 'b e cotnmvuee. with The Harry- Kmerson Foailick caae, Co- eulmlnatlnk* In ih.o prefcrrinK of a dren t\>rov»olnt arainst Pr«W>yl«ry nual of Sew York camo officially before (Coatlnued on page 3) TH ESE A RE H A RD ---- . ^ 5 ' ■ ip i i2d, ■ ' j > ' m 2 nt J ^ ' -U* ^ n ikvVi'" I i n 'i: V rar"! J ss M V H I of , g **'* fwaM •■ NHaa the M W ira- B w WK sir- ........... the r a n lho , . *»»* SL-: .*• iti« V -. rar . tbe • . XM , I Ida ijiks-rr 1.Y T y, MAY 23, 1925. T hi Japan To’i Ravaged n Lives Rei - Second Disaster Strikes Japa 1923 Disaster Which Laid Former Health Resort AIi ian News Secured by United 1 Red Cross Plans for Reliel Jftptin ftgaln has' been ra^ tho worst siuco 1P23, -when T in mim. Two hundred lives «rc al thu f’’ The. towns of Toyoka, Ta 3ri- . variously reported totally or i 'i?.r followed tho earthquake’s pat i„„ In tho flourishlnff, Mnportt lo Kobo, thb quako wns fdt with uf than that “which rooked Toklo , tlama^^ catitiired in tlic „r Ui on tho west coast of tho islan int fi "Mouniing” casualties aro U consumetl by lito; Tho.rcgiots lli taslcm and northom Japan d <;>t- ||. Tho dirootion of tho qua! i el 'Ward movement from lho wmal iH The famous touring spot cnn 4 | known as ‘'tho'heavenly bridg Sll damaged towns. So far no d w- "M any tourists were affected. - FOREST« ; ~ i'i damage GREAT : JN THE EAST |{|“ 'lUJIMOXTojJr^ J.. .Mfly 25^ lad ._llamaga-4>itlmatad_*t-npward«-«f- j - |SOO,A(m Imn heen otosed by for< | e»t nre*. wbleh ol noon today j „„ bad dMlmyed thirty tbonsand Ibt ocrM of noodlaoil la Ocean, liarllngloh uud Atlantle conb* ties. Tho flre». wjilfh have b.-en . “ nigtB«f T2 hours, are snreadlnif npidly, wllh Iho aid .of strong I,,. winds, dewpllo efferia n t more | ,1^ than ’000 IhonsaRd TelnntetT<< . ^n, neeording to reporta ree^lred j tl here. b e -------------- ----- I I.AKF. Huitos nnovR 1 yEET. I ALPI-ISA, .Mich., ilay 23. — The 'a grcnlent drop ever noted In lako , leVoIa occurrcd last nlgbt on Lako ( Huron when flucluatlotu from a , — four-fool rlso to aevtn. fool drop . occurred. , ' . D DAYS FOR SLAPSTIC W b oiiiuic 1 'iwE-Si riM E^ )wns Are i and 200 jportedLost ipan ai\d Bids Foir to Equal the id Waste Tokio ond Yokohoma. Almoat Completely Destroyed^ d Press With Giant Airplanes; lief, ravaged by earthqijake and fire, : Tokio jtiid Yokohama were laid V'. .'lL'Ju:.. l already reported lost. Tsuno Saki and Knmihano wero ir portly destroyed by firo which path today. srtant citics of Osaka, Kyoto and ith tremendous shook—even worse klo in 1023, but witliout causing the Kaiisoi district—old Japan— land, fronting ou tho Japan ccn. aro mentioned, with many houses [ions are less populated than tho 1 districts. , . , [ualce tends to: indicate a south- lual bolt of heavier earth trcmoM. pot, Amanohasshidato, otherwise idge." lies in tho vicinity of tho 5 dispatches ^lavo indicated that (Oopyrltht 1025 by Unllod Prona), III, oticp a iimltlntf c l t / ’of; 600. dw_oll- Inita, noled hoi nprlnKS and hcolih-bo- \ tt-lH. la toulKhi n amoklng ruiiiwl city ^ r l of dead. . From an alrplano tonlKh—rualiod Ihrro wllh staff eorrespondunlii of thc Oaakn Malniclil—lho tin t vicwn of tiie dlBnnn'r wrro obtained. A groat _£laiuL.at_atnoku. rollod-up from—tho - city which npiiears a cindered pile after the cariliquuko and flre nwcpl It today. , Flre apoutcil oul of 20- different I placea within lho clly almoai imwed- laiely atlcr U)c uarili shock. And. aeveral hundred housea. mnny of thi-m only frail bamboo atructurua, tumbled down iHinoath the force of , lho Innxorahln earth ratUSngs. > Lftter tho whole city was swathed \ In firo. Your corrtspondonta saw { from the alrplano only a very fow ‘ houses unscathed, ® 11 was d o'clbck ond tho curling ,, black cloud nllll aplrslled up from ^ Wvi \\^\\3x town. I, Tjiore' Is n chanco that many holel j guestn at Ihe hot springs perished, for ll Is known Ih'at thoro waa heavy o * registration nl tho week-end end thal a ip ...... i‘ . tl ________(Continued on Page Three.) ICK ARTISTS — — ............... 2*1 ll i 3 l\ ' i U)(X,-Tite \ r vmTopai 'h : J; DECEMBEB^ I S / --2^^ th r ' 8 ''4 ^ OT vj® 3 5yattdfeWMBe^HfflEeliMaB S i> ' '" ""‘" " 't c l IDAHO Fair tonlKht and/Sitn-ll. day; bwdUo variablo- , wlnda. .Ill 1 OU) VOIj . Xlir. NO. 5 ^ .‘ ow ns y. S. PROTEST PAYING DEBTS flOSNAIlONS he la. dl Tliroo Em'opean Nations Re- s; fund Post-War D.ebts But Ftiil to Act on American - Obligations;' Distinction Between War and Relief Debts Made. ' . •WASHINOTOK. D. 0 ., May 23.—The United States has protcitnd to Belgium, Eumanla and Ozccho-SIovokid for dis-. ' crlminatisg ‘against this gor-' -emment In rafnndlng post- war relief dobt» to other paw-, ers without acting upon tbeir. American . obligations, it waa learned at tho stato depart;- ment' today. Thin cspln«oll«n wa». secured at . tho iltip.irtiiK'nt following an Indot-. Iidiu Whlto Houno Htutomenl that . n lilNtliiiitlnn tjoiwcpn war nnd ra- j lli.f iIoIjIh may Iio mado by-the Uol- ■ loci suit..K In funding acttlehienur N'a ntiemin wuh mndo by offlclala In rrconcllo lho apparent contradIO* tlon hctweon Prealdeni Coolldge’a re- imrtoii • wllllngnuart to differentiate between war and teller-oeuia a?a c i^oSlSlfl I—glfsW i pl ••• ' ---------- 1 nt roIIUrJan CharRe^ With Approarf- J. ing ProspecUtn Jnror aad i i ^ l t . Him tn lto Lenient Aa PossIUei ^ ty Held Under Bond.' □r cinCAQO, May S3—Jamea C .-^ - lan, local pollllelan, charged wltb ap- xj proochlng a Juror In behalf of tha ^ Z fi-nae In tho Shepherd •'germ murder" -. w trial, today iraa held under fSSOO to o ^ .'.r, ponding further inresUgalWn. ' ' ;\V Doth Callan and Phillip J. BariTK * '* thc prospecUvo Juror ha Is allege«[toJ - J « havo approached, were plated_^ tta ; •> aland In tbo court ot,Judgo Tbow» al J. IjTich and queatloned. ^ J. Barry said that Callan accoatad U n Vug y otttslde the-couri room ;a«tt»l It ago and aakad him to brf.taTorabl^,. --•j - tho defense. ‘ . • • . -:'I5r^v'.VA Callan entered aa emphatie dani;;- " of the awry. '— ' ' CHICAGO, May S5—James C lan. ward ppIiUclaa. was bi pending lnvt«tlgatloRa.otcbwgas.t)W.>jW . bo altempted lo tamper wlth,-a tnn> of the Shepherd **tem ;m urdat?,W .';^ In ^ a l f of tbe detetas*.. CtlUui arrested laat algbt'aa b t waa ItaT ttT ;;;^ , the offlca of bla attoraar. •, ' Reporta to StaU** A tt^ ey h: Crowe wero tbat Callan phllllp Bar»7. .irbo '.wjac for Jury atrrtce. ,,Cti}«'aaldJ»\l|l«j5^ been told-CaUan prDPOMd.taat:aaOT;,-<™ abould get on tha batatt.«.v'^^ the detenae. • ..v ■vVi C\YiQ "Sura 1 Ulked to B anr * C a C ^ ;^<a| -But I didn’t sax a tblag aboiiC.W ^^Iifl getting OB tba Jury. It's, vatt^tSa.ri^S bunk.- ' V Callaa was doing g n tn l we«fc;f^^ f:ager to «om p)atolM lee|j^.«;.>'»:r^ Jurr to try ^m uan chantea that tae‘IOll«d\bbi^ ward. Slltr llb C U 8 l^ > 8 a W M^ Tfie. n « t 4 o » w a a a ■BWptaWi i g w g M botb atata uA <ata^-^rdr>.gtf»^|a B ''‘i

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Page 1: TWI If IB 1.Y T S le Dc - · TWI: ..yoMaiE.8; Nii.MBEB i'a ,'. E a rtl I S S M any aniJ Various kinds of Signs

TW I: ..y o M a i E .8; Nii.MBEB i ' a , ' .

E a r t l


M a n y a n i J V a r i o u s k i n d s o f S i g n s C o n f u s e . M o t o r i s t s a n d A m e r i c a I s W o r k i n g

’ D e s i g j i a t e, C e r t a i n p o a d s A s “ U . S

, Highways.’W /S m s a T O N , s ta y 2 3 —Tlw /ob

of jinacrninUllDg tlio lil«hw'nyH uf iha jjbU m , a n d m aklajr ihoni* JnieHJsl- 'l lo to .tbe motoMst, go t UDilor way (Illa niabtli.-Im portan t Inloraocllonal nnd Inlor-

■Into roada w ill bo dciilKnatcd "UnU i«d Stflloa hiB hwuya" anit unlformty markod aa follown;

A round *J«n t o r ' a J | • ralirond croaalnga; and ocURonal r Iru tor

, "alop" o r /•ilttBitor;" n dtmnoml. #littt»il *|gn for " linutloir' o r -Blow;'’ a ■quaro alKii to r "look" n r "aitcti- « a a ;~ a a d a rcccanKtilar atuipu for diroctlonn o r inrormutlon.

T ho va rh iin numed rouluji ovit1jij>• • w tlli oach ollior. In nomo cftaPH, lho

ovcrlapplnic Ih on much »k 70 pur cont. I t U tlio contu ilnK 'a ltiiiitlan Tcauitlng trom Itila, am woll tw tlie <Jnn(wr caudmj b y tlto, iHnsrRonco In w ttm lnn nnd othor nlcna, th u i tlio fedom l nnd a tn to liU hw oy ottlchils a ro w orking to corrcct-

H ighw ay ottlclaU . ilf l i coast nnil- ....... W Mtern-Bt^iea .m et a t Snn PVnneliicft^ r i l a j - iS i o ^ w ^ u p * t b o plun»” f6r

2/W ngtor U » lr ' ■octioaa ' under th is pun:'.'M ocM Bg* alao Twli) b« liold • tb lt-'B lD n ih ;U d nojct In KaoaM CIty, Chicago, A tlanta,. K p v ' York, and lloatoa,- lo m ap . o u t tlic . o the r aeo*

___ .UoBa^, o , c o u n ty ’ '•

, tlona ’A rt .tw hlnd, tbJs m oreraent. In'addition to th« a lA to -and ;f« d o n i road offlclala. including the Anieri*

■ can 'A a ioclA tlon o t S tn te -Highway I offlclala, th e Strool nnd 'H ighw ay ' Sa fe ty conferonce caH<jrl b y Socre- ' u r y 6 t Commerco H uoriv. tlio .Na­tiona l Safety Council, lho U. 8 . hu­m u o t s ta n d o rd i , ' tlio na tional re­search council, and ilio color code I commiltce on h ighw ay 'a lgna of iho A m erican englneorlDg aUndarda J

• ceoiratttee. , ' '


P n j r th # na iU e F enght In llaw alion ' W alew and CrlUqne W ill Dcelde V W oraj in c k SmUw on W nrrh ra .

ABOARD U. 8 . S., BB A T T L a L a- holna Roada, Maiil. .Th., May S3—. Com nwndera o f Uie UnUod Staic* A rm ada, w hich . engaged In a 4)1 houra " b a tu e " in lU w lian walctii. Ju s t concluded, today boarded tbe V.' 8 . 8 . California and b w n a m in ia tu re c rith iu e la decide tb o dot* come o f th e “w ar." .

Aintm* t>U>er teaiart** w ta th e e» |dence tb a t th e Q odde.a i o t L ack cootlnnca lo amlle upon the '

. tiM fon'a w arrio r* w ith the (leet, parU cnlarly tho a lrw en.. l U t m proo f o l tb i t cam e /« e y e a ie rd a r In th e c)oalng hours of th e e n n ^ u e n l of the -g re en - and

w hile- torcea when, a fte r being c au p n lle d front th e a fter-deck ot th e U. g ^ ' . N ew M exfw , a acoat plane isarrylng U en ta . DoiMtlas Pow - r e ll. p llo i aod J . a Noble, ohaerrer, « piQngwl into th e aea. Tb« pinQQ ^ wrecked b n t tho offlcera w ere a n - li n a rL . |[

A nother rep o r t today told o t an ai « c c M « t ta « P lane from th e -V. 8 . d 8 . N erada. w hich, a fte r M n g l a n ^ li ed Isto^ tho n lr . failed to g a in n o - t< m eauiB i- a a d fell In to '.th e . aea .. The b

(Ooa ta iB e^ o a P a g a X)_ ^

Jazz^Girl Say*S o i M : O n e E l s e ti

S l e w H e r M p t i f e r "

in L tM T O .-M p - 'n - So r a coftrt batU e ( a r libertT wt»« dla- tt

.eosaed D o r ^ E lU a g w . b17 y e a r e ld J a a Slrl charged v t th T

s s rs5 £ Js s? " -" -" r« ’-” :

U cU u A H ai Ih . S

= = = = = = = = = = ^ =

h g u a f e] Does Man f Q Aniihai Ty:V Of His^ German Scientific ^xpediti

. W hether Counter-evolutio ffues Against Evolution ii

Jg Plans to Study Results at I>&' (Copyright 1U3S. by U n lta l ProRx.) t e 'UKIlLl.Vf Miiy M.—An imjiundlnjf Q Ourm an Hclvntlfli'. oxpuilitloit Intu

ISunl A frk-ii' IntutidK (o aolvb Uio (luONtlon:

-D o humnnu rovort to anlmnl types If tliuy dovolop w lihoul cou-

hn ta c t w ith o the r mnnkliidT"1° W hllo W illlnm JonnlnnH llryan in ’ ' A merica In rish tln i; out' the battle

agnlnnl the evnlutlnn-lhuury Ilutliilplr U oqundtr-nm lior and lo ld ler o f fort-.

lU une, InlendH in loal o u t w hether iv th e re la a countor-iivoluiioii—o r re- ' vem lon lo t/in !—undur cortiiln cou-

ditlonn.Heforo BCltInK forih lo Dolugna

, |. Ilay in ' I’ortiiRiioao l-iwt A frica Ihiu .» uiiiumn, hu plnnn lu k» to Amerlcu. n . hoping them lo rccriilt ono p r tw o or American iicU*nil»t« far hln hlznrre

vnnturi'..,) Iteijuiidt will oxporiinenl nn 1,0 Ixibtoo.ur . Unlll nilnlcncon’co. they will hnvo

no contact w ith othor* <it thu lr 'k ltiil . le A nd, ilie lr uvcry movu will lie chuck- In od in lho nnmo o t Kuli;ncc.,0 In a Imicly npot along ihn connt, tfl 12 mado-in-Afrlcft plcknnlnuloa will

>d f l Y f i i n t r A / i l / ' ’ V \ 1 P^ l ’|-V |i \ l f t l_ K - I I I I* - '

i l a trlyed and .thouaanda of head o f live stdck fclllad’ a n d In jured ftt tw o vlc»-

,y lo n t w lnd sto rm a -whioh aweikt-moat ^ o f M innesota lan t njghl, n check lo- ^ day ahowod.I. Llnea o t com m unication In w eatem i . and no rth cen tra l M lnnosola woro aov-

ored, causing heavy Iom in leloKraph.IQ telophono apd pow er companlex.0 O nly two persona wcro Injured, ae- ■. cord ing to m cacro roporla from the

.hardest h it a rean . ^


rUOISE, May 33.—H onry 0 . Wil­son 79, w as burled he re loday.

' Known pf Into only aa a form or Icg b la lo r . ' bo w ns -respected a tnons Civil W ar vcierann a s a caTolryman

_ w ho was p rese n t a l the au rrende r J o t Leo to G ra n t a t A ppomattox, and J a ‘ member of tho detail nent to cap­

tu re John W ilken Booth a fte r tho asaanalnallon of Prealdont L incoln. I

^Aleutian Islands1 linpprtant io I

Strategy Thai! Importance of Hawaiian IsIa::, But Naval Experts Know th

Mason; A;nerica Need Nol t eific Defense of Archipelag ‘ Fought by Navy.

t YORK. May 'M -T h o mid- o• P acific a rm y and navy • manetnrer* J . w blch b a re dom onatfated-tho vu lner- j I ab ility o f the H aw aiian la landa do no t ■• im ply th a t tb v A m erteaa gO rcm m ent *

m u a t apend g re a t auma oC money in ■I a iren inben ing th e dafenBo* o f tbo a r- ’ . cblpelago. T h e lalanda canno t be m ade ■ . Im pregnable b f developing laad p ro - ” . tectlva dev lce t. ^ n i f l c a t lo o a . w oold ~ ) h a r o - t o ' bo apraad «v*rywbera °- th rbdgbbu l Ihe g n tiv , u d 'a r e n tben ; *

bacanae of th e axpoatd po tltlon bf th e ^ la landa . inp ragB ab lllty w oold n o t be ^ aac n re d .' . . ,

Xt a w a r tn i^ v la g Amarlca'. e v e r U . robgbt b l t h t T i e i n e oeau i tb a l u a 'o r 7

. tb a B a w a U a a ia r^ p r ta g o w ltl r e t t o a _ ^ aaVal a B g a g a a ta t i betwMO tb a fleaU Z

e t tb a belU garvnta. ^ w a l l dooa n o t i > Rlva th a JM ttodho ld tag I t eodunaad o t g- tb a P a d f lo b o t 'th e natioo h a T ta c 'a e n - u

I w itb aueh co v p an u iT a aaaa batora tb a » a tu c k ln g f l a n t a tb a m ld-PacltJe g BaBaBTara d m o a a t ra taa th a t- U? a s a a n a n r tb a a a a w a d p a iifc istrtn - t t p P a a r t.B c rb o r^ tb f mr a a a ta ^ S u f a l £1


le DcRevert to y;pe Because

Assddationsdition Into Africa to Decic ition Works; While Bi-yan A J jn America German Soldii it First Hand in Africa. ^IS.) bo tnhcni.trom th e tr m olhur'n hrcitn lHB nnd cmnplctoly i»olnloil. Corrnlh Inlu in n llttio Hfltllumoni. iruhnlciil Uiu c'lUli'iicd for th e uniixuul oxporlmni

uud na(OKuaril<i(l ugnlnKt nrcldcn nml and lllncntieu, thoy wlll bo "duvuli ou- tionlxod."

Unlike the Sim ian T nrznn. lh< will no l ovon huvo thu coiiiiintil'oi

llio sh ip o t npw . •P " llw iuadl wnnlH to find' oul lor ‘I'*”"’ bnbica th u s iHOlateil w ilt d<

vulop a npokun o r kIku InnKuag whoUier they w ill Invuni toola nn HpnniAUooiinly ilhicnvur tho jin diiL-tn o f ' modiirii clvltlciilliin: < w hether thoy will rutroRtinB to ll: hlaiio o f upcH o r tho lovol o t cnv. men.

W ill. thoy rem ain m onlally nn si<lrii.ually ilwwrtc»f{

O r wlll thi'y n t tennt r<HO to ll: '•■i.’ loviil (if tho 1-Sint A fricmin? T ho ni

Mwor to tliuflii nuvnilonH. lluquiii *''? bolluvcn. will 1)0 of vnliiii no l i.iil

U) evolulionlslfl, bu t lo , pnycholi Rlitn the world over. •

A ftor th a t porlw l o t tost, the*

llili -ICon.Unuod on page-4 )

H SHte lSHERIF]m l SA1.T tA K H CITY. Mny 23,—1 ae- « • .a ttem pl- to cap tn ro tw o hW tgt Ive nnto ihlbvea. th is m pnflng, Depul lt>- Bherlff A . S. "Nlchola waa ah<Bit iltrough-lhe-ehoatr^y-ono-o t-th ft-jB ato- who la te r gavo 'h ln nam e na F re n

A. H orton of Cheyenne,, Wyo. 'Hoi •m ton nnd a com panion g iving th JV- nam e of B vcrett H . McDanlela, 1 ?h. o f l la w lln t . , Wyo., then aought t

escape Im l w ere forced by puraoln le - c t t is e n s 'to u k o 'r e fu g e In a garag be w here H orton tu rn ed hla upo

hliaself .H rln g . tw o bulle ln Into hi head. .H orton la In a 1 ^ 1 lioaplw In a dying condition, rfan le ls wa

ES a rre s ted and la being held ' in ]al The depoty sh e riff w lll cecover. ,i

11- la aald.

or • TKXKSYLVANIA CUB WWIXSW N E?.' YORK. May » —Thoan of P onnay lvan lac rew a, w orW n^w ^U

nd lum bla and P r in c e to n 'In a ll th re p- races In connection w ilh th o ai)nua he Chllda Cup til t on tho H arlem rive In. hero today.

Is Are More Pacific

ai;||iy!iraii Gnrapsiands Has Been Exaggerated, ’ the Truth Says Correspondent Mot Spend Vast Sums for Pa- lago Because Conflict Will Bc

J- of A m erican s tra leg y In a Pacific w ar rtl haa b««n grea tly overdone. I t U r . probable th a t tbo AlauUan I s l a n ^

iCnd especially D uU h H arlM r w ould , t p lay a f a r g rea ter p a rt- ln any a trug- IB glo beiw een B ast and W esl than f . w ould H aw aii. T b e n a tu ra l l in e ot I- s tra ieg ie ad ranca fo r a n A m erteaa a r - L m ada boond fo r tb a F a r E a s t on a Irf be llige ren t,m ission w ea ld b e by tb e n m eans of ib e A lentlana. T b e excura-

too o t tb e A m stiean av ta to ra w bo o lr- eled th a w orld l a i t y a a r . abowa the

H aw air m iu t bo Inelnded w ltb tbe Phlllpplaea aa poaalble p ray la tbe

" evaat o t PaelOa baartniUea. B o t w btia* the -Fblllppbiea. oaea . aarrenatred, ^ a lg b t babaU 'im tn the «tad«r tba-war S ta ba a t a t s a l l r dlapoaM of a t tbe S P « M a^odalioaa. Bawafl. CenId aot

[* caaaot ba rackoaad aa aaw jo t.tec to r* la 'C SD alderlag aU bar t b » o n tc o o a o r s tb a atifatacio B a tb o d o f w a g te s a i P a d O e w ar. ' I t a a a a a a r waiw t t -* tlofd. JB t» v .a a g C « n U u tb a bap o rt- i k a e b r : a r ^ « i n aM ^ v a r a t o a « d a

* • - • V(OoaUaaa4 on pac* .d} . jr l- '*


e s t r o y

fflPflVER I DOCIfilNESAr-. ------

Dispute Beiween the Tw i »'• Groups of Prosbyteriaii

eaian Assembly Grips Br»dy T n - n iicd day; New Yoi:k Delejja- m n\u tion Scored fo r Suppoii- iicntii ing Rev. Fosdick.w lu - — .

,,.-v COLUMBUfi. 0-, May 2 . r - I n tlio nVon W'Mcly tw o iHllUun A«\ori-

' con PreabyicrliiH chitrch niom burii.: „ Ur. ChnrloH It. Krdmnn, iiUHluriiior i

• , ‘^ u t lUo nalluiittl OMKmhly lu rchhIuu horo, toilay cnhloil aymtnithy lo

'*niid ‘'" rthaiinko iilrkkuu illKirlclo uf

T ho liahlp wiiH ndilri'niifil lo lho Amorlcan niuli:.H«:t<l(.r n l Toklo nndhl-NtOWH th e "aHhl'lllbl/H lltCIIHlllR »t

* AlmlKhiy a«<l iiln'ti lho i;ovcrnm<‘nt „ n j and poople of

H'O COLUMDUH. Ohla. Mny 2a-Mi;<I- I '>"• ernlHi, aw l fwnUuioulalliW (ucitomi Ux lUiiili Die national mmi’iiihly of (h r I'm iby- only to rlan church mny comet to Krljw In i»olo- tipcn at, i.wiiiy'ii H lion UuBlucim

scaalon.ho^o i r th e ndvnti<t» i>roKrnm Ih follow------- urt fo r th e day, lltu nftncwlily w ill Un

nitkod to pawl on Im porinni <iuifillonH hoarlng on cravo doctrinal cunirov'cr-

____ {'?■ - ___________________ _.. - tho coinmlllee on hllla and. qvorturt*.

w u scheduled tu reikirt on thu Oyer- C E tiire of ChcstiT. Pa., Presbytery, do- r r iriandlng tha\ tho New V«>rK ,Pr«'sby-

• lory hc atamped »a radical nnd lUrown out of lho deuomlnntlon.

in Tho cliaAl.n aw» on o u tB ^ th of tged the twrhtwHg ol T>r, Harry Rmerson iDuty Fosdick, aa aanoclalo panlor of tho Shot I'lrst Church of Now York nflor tho

nt B ort-vlnua-acaaloa.Jiadr a ^ ® ” ' ‘’''®‘* «m ovc(l. -irT -, Anothor report wns duo from Dr.

thn Thompson on Oie cnnca a sa ln n t lho *5? New York groop for

aii*lo"he*v1rgln hlrtli and bodily rca- urrccllon ot Jeaoa.'Beforo gelling to theae rcporla, how-

ever.-the aatemWy wo» to pniw on n resolution sponsored by W illiam Jon- ftlngs Bryan and dpslgncd lo b rlns

.T**? the . fiBht Into tb o open, l l lirovldpn for m li/Jriiy reporta from lho aub-

•. commllieea conaldorinK im portant d octrinal m e s . -H i t a reso lu tion I* adopted troublespmo m attcw m ay be

’ fought out on the floor o f thn ojinom- "Wy • » 'BtW * s \n 'b e cotnmvuee.

with T he Harry- Kmerson Foailick caae, Co- eulmlnatlnk* In ih.o prefcrrinK of a

dren t\>rov»olnt a ra in s t Pr«W>yl«ry nual o f Sew York camo officially before

(Coatlnued on page 3) ’


---- . ^ 5 ' ■

ip ii2d, ■ ' j >' m2nt J ^ ' -U*

^ nikvVi'" I i n

' i : Vrar"! J

ss M V H Iof , g

**'* fwaM • ■ N H a ath e M Wira- • B w WKs i r - e r a n

lho , .*»»* S L - : .*•iti« V -.r a r .tb e • .

XM , I

Ida i j i k s - r r

1.Y Ty, MAY 23, 1925.

T h iJ a p a n T o ’i R a v a g e d

n L ives R ei- Second Disaster S trikes Japa

1923 D isaster W hich L aid Former H ealth R esort AIi

ian News Secured by U nited 1 Red Cross P lans fo r Reliel

Jftp tin f tg a ln h a s ' b e e n ra^ th o w o rs t s iu c o 1P23, -when T in m im .

T w o h u n d r e d l iv e s « rc al thu f’’ T h e . to w n s o f T o y o k a , Ta 3ri- . v a rio u s ly r e p o r te d to t a l l y o r i 'i?.r • fo llo w ed th o e a r th q u a k e ’s p a t i„„ I n th o flo u r ish ln ff , M nportt

lo K obo , th b q u a k o w n s f d t w i th uf th a n t h a t “w h ic h r o o k e d T o k lo

, t l a m a ^ ^ c a tit i ir e d i n tlic

„r Ui o n th o w e s t c o a s t o f th o is la n in t fi " M o u n i in g ” c a s u a l t ie s a ro

U c o n su m etl b y l i t o ; T h o .r c g io ts lli t a s l c m a n d n o r th o m J a p a n d

<;>t- | | . T h o d iro o tio n o f th o qua !i e l 'W ard m o v e m e n t f ro m lh o w m a l

iH T h e f a m o u s to u r in g sp o tcnn 4 | k n o w n a s ‘ 't h o 'h e a v e n ly b r id g

S l l d a m a g e d to w n s . S o f a r n o d w - " M a n y to u r i s t s w e re a ffe c te d .

- FOREST« ; ~ i'i damage GREAT : JN THE EAST|{|“ 'lU J IM O X T o jJr^ J . . .Mfly 2 5 ^lad ._ llam aga-4> itlm atad_* t-npw ard« -« f- j

- |SOO,A(m Imn heen o to sed by for< | e»t nre*. wbleh o l noon today j

„ „ b a d dM lm yed th ir ty tbonsand Ibt ocrM of noodlaoil l a Ocean,

lia rllng loh uud A tlan tle conb* tie s .

Tho flre». w jilfh have b.-en . “ nigtB«f T2 hours, a re snreadlnif “ n p id ly , w llh Iho a id .of strong I,,. winds, dewpllo efferia n t more | ,1 th a n ’000 IhonsaRd TelnntetT<< . ^n, neeording to repo rta ree^lred j t l here .b e -------------- ----- I

I.AKF. Huitos nnovR 1 yEET. IALPI-ISA, .Mich., i l a y 23. — The

'a grcnlent drop ever noted In lako , leVoIa occurrcd la st n lgb t on L ako ( H uron when fluc luatlo tu from a ,

— four-fool rlso to aev tn . foo l d rop . occurred. , ' .


W bo i i iu i c

1 'iw E - S i

r i M E ^

)wns Are i and 200 jportedLostipan ai\d B ids Foir to Equal the id W aste Tokio ond Yokohoma. Almoat Completely Destroyed^ d Press W ith G ian t A irplanes; lief,

ravaged by earthqijake and fire,: Tokio jtiid Yokohama were laid

V '. .'lL'Ju:..l already reported lost.Tsuno Saki and Knmihano wero

ir portly destroyed by firo which path today.srtant citics of Osaka, Kyoto and ith tremendous shook—even worse klo in 1023, but witliout causing

the Kaiisoi district—old Japan— land, fronting ou tho Japan ccn. aro mentioned, with many houses [ions are less populated than tho 1 districts. , . ,[ualce tends to: indicate a south- lual bolt of heavier earth trcmoM. pot, Amanohasshidato, otherwise idge." lies in tho vicinity of tho 5 dispatches ^lavo indicated that

(O o p y rlth t 1025 by Unllod Prona),

III, oticp a iimltlntf c l t / ’of; 600. dw_oll- Inita, noled hoi nprlnKS and hcolih-bo- \ tt-lH. la toulKhi n amoklng ruiiiwl c ity ^

rl o f dead.. F rom a n a lrp lano tonlKh—rualiod Ih rro wllh s ta ff eorrespondunlii o f thc Oaakn Malniclil—lho t i n t vicwn of tiie dlBnnn'r w rro obtained. A g roat

_£laiuL.at_atnoku. ro llod -up from —tho -c ity which npiiears a c indered pile a fte r the cariliquuko and f lre nwcpl It today. ,

F lre apoutcil o u l of 20- d ifferen t I placea w ithin lho c lly alm oai imwed- la iely a tlc r U)c u a rili shock.

And. aeveral hundred housea. m nny of thi-m on ly fra il bamboo a tructurua, tum bled dow n iHinoath the force of , lh o Innxorahln e a r th ratUSngs. >

Lftter tho whole c ity was sw athed \ In firo. Your corrtspondonta saw { from the a lrp lano only a very fow ‘ houses unscathed, ®

11 was d o 'clbck ond tho cu rling ,, black cloud nllll ap lrs lled up from ^Wvi \\^ \\3x to w n . I,

T jio re ' Is n chanco th a t m any holel j guestn a t Ihe ho t springs perished,for l l Is know n Ih'at thoro waa heavy o

* reg is tra tion n l tho week-end end th a l aip ...... ■ i‘ . tl________(Continued on Page Three.)

ICK ARTISTS— — ............... l«

2*1 l l i 3 l \ ' i ■U)(X,-Tite \ rvmTopai 'h ■: J;D E C E M B E B ^ I S

/ - - 2 ^ ^ th


' 8

' ' 4 ^ OTv j ® 3

5 y a t td f e W M B e ^ H f f lE e l iM a B

S i > ' '" ""‘" " ' t c lIDAHO

F a ir tonlKht a nd /S itn -ll. day ; bwdUo variablo-

, w lnda. .Ill 1

O U ) VOIj . X lir. NO. 5 ^ .‘

o w n s


flOSNAIlONSh ela.dl Tliroo Em'opean Nations Re- s ; fund Post-War D.ebts But

Ftiil to Act on American - O bligations;' Distinction Between W ar and Relief Debts Made. ' .•WASHINOTOK. D. 0 ., May

23.—The United States has protcitnd to Belgium, Eumanla and Ozccho-SIovokid for d is -. ' crlminatisg ‘against this g o r - ' -emment In rafnndlng post­war relief dobt» to other paw-, ers without acting upon tbeir. American . obligations, i t waa learned a t tho stato depart;- ment' today.Thin cspln«oll«n w a». secured a t .

tho iltip.irtiiK'nt following an In d o t- .Iidiu W hlto Houno Htutomenl th a t . n lilNtliiiitlnn tjoiwcpn w ar nnd ra - j lli.f iIoIjIh m ay Iio mado by -the Uol- ■ loci suit..K In funding a c t t le h ie n u r •

N'a n tiem in wuh mndo by offlclala In rrconcllo lho apparen t contradIO* tlon hctweon Prealden i Coolldge’a re - imrtoii • wllllngnuart to differentiate between w ar and te lle r-o e u ia a ? a c

i ^ o S l S l f lI — g l f s W ip l ••• ' ---------- 1

n t roIIU rJan CharRe^ W ith A pproarf- J . ing P rospecU tn J n r o r a a d i i ^ l t .

H im tn lto L en ien t Aa P ossIU ei ^ ty H eld U nder B o n d .'

□r cinCA Q O, M ay S3—Jam ea C . - ^ - lan, local pollllelan, charged w ltb a p -

xj proochlng a Ju ro r In behalf o f th a ^ Z fi-nae In tho Shepherd •'germ m urd er" -. w tria l, today ir a a he ld under fSSOO t o o ^ . '. r ,

ponding fu rth e r inresUgalW n. ' ' ;\V Doth Callan and Phillip J . BariTK *

'* thc prospecUvo Ju ro r ha Is allege«[toJ - J « havo approached, w ere p la te d _ ^ t t a ; •>

aland In tbo co u rt o t,Ju d g o T b o w » al J . I jT ich and queatloned. ^J. B arry sa id th a t C allan accoatad U n Vug y otttslde th e -c o u r i r o o m ;a « t t» l I t ago and a ak ad him to b r f . t a T o r a b l^ , . --•j - tho defense. ‘ . • • . -:'I5r^v'.VA

C allan en tered a a em phatie d a n i ; ; - " o f th e aw ry . •

'— ' 'CHICAGO, May S5—Jam es C

lan. w ard ppIiUclaa. w as b i pending ln v t« tlg a tlo R a .o tcb w g a s .t)W .> jW

. bo altem pted lo ta m p er w lth ,-a tn n > of the Shepherd * * t e m ; m u r d a t ? , W . ' ; ^ In ^ a l f o f tb e de teta s* .. CtlUui a rrested la a t a lg b t 'a a b t waa I t a T t t T ; ; ; ^

, the offlca of bla a tto ra a r . •, 'Reporta to StaU** A t t ^ e y

h : Crowe w ero tb a t Callan ph llllp B ar»7. .irb o '.w ja c fo r Jury a tr r tc e . , ,C t i } « 'a a ld J » \ l | l « j5^ been told-CaU an prD PO M d.taat:aaO T ;,-<™ abould g e t o n th a J u iT .la b a t a t t . « . v '^ ^ th e detenae. • ..v ■ v V i C \Y iQ

"Sura 1 U lked to B a n r * C a C ^ ;^<a|

-B u t I didn’t sax a tb la g a b o iiC .W ^ ^ I if l ge tting OB tb a Ju ry . I t 's , v a t t ^ t S a . r i ^ S b unk .- ' V

C allaa w as doing g n t n l w e « f c ; f ^ ^

f :ager to « o m p ) a t o lM le e |j ^ .« ; .> '» : r ^ J u r r to t ry ^ m u a n ch an tea th a t tae‘IO ll«d\bbi^ w ard. S l l t r l l b C U 8 l ^ > 8 a W M ^

Tfie. n « t 4 o » w a a a ■BWptaWiig w g M botb atata u A < a ta ^ -^ rd r> .g tf» ^ | a B

' ' ‘ i

Page 2: TWI If IB 1.Y T S le Dc - · TWI: ..yoMaiE.8; Nii.MBEB i'a ,'. E a rtl I S S M any aniJ Various kinds of Signs

"MSOaU M rs. S .

t- C'tnh Mt-mlH'nt lloD om l—Tlic Ti] • club entorlalniHl wtDi « »luJltsliinil cI Ulnuor Kriilny i'vciiIiik nt itii- I’tTi

tiolol coiiiiiIliiii-Miarlk ll) iti» MIk J-'lo C'ovk, liuHK D iiK uV t^A iiii Crui w ho a w Icuvlnit An

■ ■ ' trM lJvo color »cli<’mii of jiTnK i yellow wail carrliM o'ul In n p r liiK ^ cirn mill tliu nn t cui>h omt iilnco ca

■Aur«i ftliii ill liic <lulniy colorn. ' liVnoruU KiivMts w oru cacli pri-itvn wllll d dainty s lt t . KollowlnK tl><> < uc r tho KMUKiK V.OM lo tlkv hotne

’ .MiM JIarrlu t C lapp wUcro a iiiim> or boyn iiftd iMun luvlteil und cnjo

. ilanclnir un til n intu lioiir. Dunf llic club nivtnbom lliosu iircHciii w .MIhh Dorothy Clupp nnd Mi-niim. J vl(t Alvord, Eddiu M nrtin, I.i<om

I Muo, Boll PU , AllHTl. l-'fiiUm, I'' !*cttoldt, Kvnnoth Kriviinoli. I’u t l>i

C arl Jlalin . i}oi> Andurxun, }|owi . IJcrK, W lllnrd Wllliuiii, Dan A lli-n ..

th u r Pcavoy. V lnecni Navln, liiJKt . I'otKjr. Ilnrolil HIrichili'. Gerald Wy

l^ w rv n c c .I tu itc r nRd Judflun Tliiii

Kti'rt O fftccn—Tiio Trr*C clui> i WvdnoBday ovcnluR a t tbo iioiix* Mill* Jano Maxwvll a n d clccicd on

; »‘m fo r iho com ing year. MIrh J i.Muxweli wan a lec tcd priiilden t; M Uclty Wltoon, nocrc lary nnd MIhh J ir lc la W llnon, leoaHurcr.

' lirld iw Cliil>>-Tb<i T hum dny Ilrli club m s l a l thu hoff'o o f Mrw. Hob Jlo lfrlch l. T iic r«)ini» wiirc K«y w yellow roaoii' and th<To wero two

' bleu a t play. tliKh acoru wnn huld • Mrn. \V. P .'D cnnC tt aud low hy 51

t < J . i 'o rio r. A da in ty lunch v.< nerved a l (hu cIoho of thv Kaiiicii. M■I.; I'Dll Compton wan a Kucm of (hu cl

r in b I la i >:nj;i>ra>'tn A««Tn.»m 1-Vlilnr afternoon Uio Uliio l^kuH llo cvard cliih m et a l thb hvAutlful ooi (rx hODiv of .Mra. Ixin / . Johnn KIcvcR motnbcm nnd n l r sticHtM

V npondMt to roll cnll wUh JukcH. whi won enjoyed by. nil. . A f(or thu rui:ii buHlniiiH RCAHlun n Kuciuilntr Kuiim ut wl moro m errim ent. MIh* Alp

• I'Jorcfl. a RiKut o f tho clnb, iilnyi-d plaoo aolo and .MIm Gracu Jaliiix rendorod a violin Bclcctlon nftvr whi th c hoslcHH aMilateti by MImh I'lc ti MIm Ooufihoriy and .MIm Johnu

- Hcn'od dellcloua rafrDahinentB.

i ^ .'-I. . l tc ftcrforJ.S t< «l(o«->niw ^Jo«oP>>l

* *' . *9i!u e m arried a ( tho .trolliodUt .pa , ' . ' . n b fw e J^ Iday anernooR , May 23,' * ' ' . tha Rev. H .C . H um phrey. Thono i>n

en t a t (ho cerctnony w ura M rsfK .^ H um phrey and daush tn r, Mlaa Dal

’ M cC arter and K eith llu lh erfo rd . / ; „ . to r . ttoe cerem ony Mr». J . D . Kam

. „„« b « r* .(h a ,tirU fi.b aB m ade b e r hor ( . fo r th e poat year, a e n 'rd a dellcio? weddlDir dinner. A cryatol hoakci; . yoliow and bridal v rc a lh wn* iinrd f

— ------------o -e e n ie rp lm i for lh» (nhle nml (1. room a woro a ttrac tiv e with hrld

wrcaU>. Cover* w ero luW for M , and .Mm. Uullicrfortl. Ml*» Dolny M

: » f K E E P P ^ S w a T■ THE DEADLY

■:: . FLY ■11

UU*n« K sanW ns (Mpb liftv ^ J etinnri-l In tbu 'lA tt 'Jo j-cnrs.

i MlddIo-.iK-"l penonn cnn r .w c inh r• wben they w ere chlldron. ihiK tll<

w ere lookod on ii* bannlexx, Innoc't ,fr?«Hir«J and wero nllowwl lo luu

r aruund the kitchen. wAlk over tlio tntil<- d lm b on Iho food and fnll Into tii• haby 'i milk without nnyono i»-lnc hO:

r llln l o f even annoyeil by them.> Clilldrcn were tauRiK (o Kinc ~nni> ' bye. liicre'a a lly. let ua wn(cli htm. yu

and I ." 'Few pMnvle w rn i I" ih s troolile 1

• acreen Ihelr iluoni nnd wlndown. n o « !' dlnlnjt rooma and rc»(num nt«,w crc‘pn

Tided w ith fly bruiihea worked ii conla, to chsM the flic* orr tlie talih

' W ealthy people capeclally In th Biiuth, had a«r\-anta to a taa d 'b c h h x Ihcm a t Ihe dinner la i'le nnd keep th< flira away with lonc-hnndlnl fan*. Tti< fnnnerV w ife cut a aroall boush off (I" tree nnd kept It by h e r iJde durlni: «h* m ral, nccaalonnlly w avtns It over (h> tii(>Ie (o chate away th e fliea which ha '1 crm e tn to dinner from Ihe hamrnr<l the m anure pile, Uie ccaapool and thr outhouie.

We didn’t know then w hat we know now, th a t the ti f th* mo»t dnnecrotii ■nimni In exl«tenee.

We know ihRt cine fem ale fly, tf lire * Ihe entlm mimmcr. witl Iny e cc i to a'aoffllHsr f«r tip.ln (he Mlllona iiod beyond ordinary *c«niprrhrn^Ion. nnd lh a t 'e a e h of her 'Ui)shtrn«. In turn, will lay an equnllj lorco numtier of•SSO.

W e know th a t lhe f1.» l« not only ({w nnv«( danceruut bn t (h r dlrtlr-ii nnllnaJ lo exlatenc* and (hot h r carrin i m ht* les« fhe irermt nf typhoid fcvrr, .lynon- tery . cbolera.Infantum and protiaMy a P<h1 tnanjk e th rr dlacaarii.

We tiaew thr.t ne hna no (<tnr* in Cie tltc l 'c a . tbe dla lns room or nnj. oilier p « n o f a clean. wrll-refft]l*tr<1 hou*».

W e know tha t e rery hom r, and r * r««<at!y e^ery kltrhea. d lnlnc mom an.t ••Iher plaC« where foo.1 la «forr.l or headlrtl. ahould be c a rrfa lly acn.rtir,l and tha t Ihe aereena ahuuld b« pui In eoriy In the aprlnc.

, We kwi.w tfait the way to control Ulea It (o cheek jhc lr hre«ll«»e hy <1e- otroytnc a ll breeding placea. «uch •« m anare pile*, heap* of tr>»h and wa**,. TMpee. de«a;(fts frottal aftd te cn a W * ^

P n t In the acreena early, clean cp ell ttoaalble breeOlae p lncn . protect all ^oed frooi (heae <lancpmpe I ln lr pMT* and tw «t t ^ Uiw noe th a t cet< la te ; tlM bwuaa i <«. lU t.

T W O :

: 1

■ n

m f Y .t . E . S o U i, P h o n o 02J.

; i s H u s b a n d a-d W if.MIiwch‘ruven. ^

5c ^ h i ^ ■ » !


XI dln>ttne ■/ a H

IcnidcH1.x I \ I J S ^ / J M■"la / f j g T l, M > . , 4 ^ ■( M m J Mowni'il«• A r- V m tirc il o t nitrht nnd bo to b .iiKKcii enrly . I wako up a t ono o r t ' " y n n . oW ock am} find m y huflband aafe imni. in the-ham m ock on thu f ro n t port

— M rs. M ..M .!!• " o f Y O u n ^ u .s n A ^ •n n<offlc*Ja n e CnrtjT, MIhh Ajsni-n l-'lKhor. .Mis* Kt .iiitiH K iiiiu nnd Kolth K ntlicrrord. I

in i ’u- i,r|,iu Imn brcn InHtntulor In p iunnithl|i ond Hpi>11)ne In thu Jur

ri,i.i..« P "" ' ‘" f y'-’" '’" ' 'iir UKO muko (holr home on tlio Ki'wim'ti mi r w llh " "

V‘* Mr*. Hnm KnlcrtnhiH (’IhI. — N ' ‘y mvrnhrra «f thn Nm.-<l|rcrAft olub w

.MOI. ^jicaiwnHy om orlulncd l-'rlday oJl nomi a l tho homo pf AIfh. F rank ill

1. .MW. ^ f[o r n ahort bualnvnit iionidim the> Cluu. tcrni»nn''w(ui apmit w ith luodlown

Dainty rrfrciiliinunlM were xervod I ?."” T oflornodn.lloiiU . . •

. l*«il.«.UnB.l <’ln(> — Tlip Irf'm iiiHon. lly,,,] r lu b mot I-'rldny uflurnoon w I** ro- jj_ WnlllnKtnn. .Slxti'oii nii'inb' which wiTi' prcHciil and tlio /ollowlni; Kilr •Billui- ManlanifH Cook. Plshur. MIhh III . nuu- Hawloy and .MiMn MlHan I 'lshc r. 'I /Viptiii ini'inlHirX roiiixmilcd to ro ll call w yi-il a tceljio. A flcr llvo iwiittl iiwuUn hiiHnn trn n a a c tc d .n aplundid proKn which wna kIvi-ii. D urlnp tho Hoclnl he lorco. (t,u iioflioaa nxHltitrd hy McHiIuir linuun W ariiiir, Poo n^d llick luy norvc<l t

llclona rcrrcahmentJi. Tho iioxt me , inn will bc heid wllh Mr*. Ilcndj

P*.*'",*!! June 13. :

p a r . -'iiridK t*'I^nnrhcnn~M rH ; P. 0 , Dm2. i<y n^id .Mr*. Alan P,' Senior cnicrW In pro i- w llh an ftltrncUvo bridso luiiclfljon 11. c . i-vidny n t lho Doobi' homo on Thl Dnlny avcniio no rth . The buohi* w ero hci• ^ f* cd a t Hlx nmall tolilca ccu icra il wl .auU , \.|uioti o f pa inted dalnlea. Tiio r homo cupa and place c a n ti w ere In tho pt clou* tr l *hndna. In the h r ld w Knmoa fi d of lowlnjL tho lunchcon flra l prUn w ■d for won by .Mra. IWward Coopor and at

lho ond iiy Mr*. "Wilbur Ulll and coiiiol irldal .tlon by Mr*. A. R S llfrr . T he Ik

Mr. loaKc* w ere nsslNtod Jn Hcrvlnc ’ Me- Mrn. ijllfor nnd Mra. Charli'* Uiill<

I I P E R S O N A L S5 51r. ,nnd Mrn; T. J . lUiuch. w X woro h<'ro Iii>/oro tho rnllroad w S Jiiilli and who now live In Arlioi

■ X iruriic In loilny to vlnll Ihiilr dnug ^ 4 I te r , .Mr*. Iluy C<ichrnn.

MI1.K I.>llth a .ilhialy o t Hurley, liftve vletUuK Mt«« V ttinm Vnn V.nKclvn.

MIhh I 'au lln r KnnliciiKnr. n lono nhrr, " f i 'ti'i'o l-'nll". Ih h e rr . iho kuc d ie , Df M K. iliiya and family;

ic rn t Mla* Mildred Veyton o f Ihilil, w! buz* t«ui:ht thla. year In KImhorly. wi ntilr. ''>• I“ 'r P.irohla. .\rr. and Mi

tiir ■'■I'llim a t IhlH «!lty Imlay .iihor. V■'alion.Iniiy nd Mrn, C. H. Drown wlYOU I'’ ‘■“ '•ih.iKo. Mo., fo r whli' point they will loavo iwliiy.

^ MU» • ItoloH U>;m (t> tliKlel “ f HlHttT, .Mr». Wlillu.

Mr. nml Mrn. Krnnk I te r .tr r hai . n . f “ ' ' “ ll rclutlvca J

ila rvryv lllo . IC.m.Mr*. A, (J. IVarHon Irft yrairrdfl

C<vU\nil>««. O.. i«\ Join he r h«i th e imrfil, n w . Mr. IVarHiiii who I* a

T ti« londlnc the nuti.m ai I 'm ih y io ry I tlm Ihat (Uy. Thoy will Ibon vlnll I tho Now Vork.Ihe ------------------------

had Klnd<Tcarion fn in n f t a. mJune K (o Ju ly t , t in m onth, pn)

' nhio in advanro. Alao j.rivnto tntoi Insr Kradr* 1 (o fi In^iiH he. hy Mli. Almn Ludwli;. t f Intoronlod ploiu> rn ll Almn I.ndwle, ros. o r Mra. Gil

o ia 1318 on o r bofaro Jnno I.

nhe T he T tm ca In la e ^ o c e a jo r aewcea (n Southern Id a b aind ________ ^ _____ — —

5 ! T h e j mon- j ” r a .

' v i i l f in d e v rr jM h in p lio rc lo

OIII. J li iro s c o K:iI.s<>iiiiiio in 1

• j ro lo ro rl N 'nn iisij K iiiniiol am i

n,l lo iu i i; I ’n iiit a m i K iuiniol f<ir

S ijiiii a m i I’. i in t in o o lo rs ril , —. . .It) i>rf f n r r;i^h on lia n i

; f o r ov. n - ni o .1,

M . V W o tn ..Io r . .’ll♦» •

M o o n s P, Phone 5.


D r e s s S u b t r a S

P o u n d s

^ t i m -

« b ed



NTho ' pon-

Junior o y w lll «I ranch

- NlnoII woro '

oJlor- I •>>< Hnm. jO g g k(he nf*owiM'li. A rn O N T panel nf lu'mr frll I'd Into nnd n fancy vcatfo of w^

. nailn niulce nn unimiml cr tl..n out o f thla itlMvrlCni. blncit ra

Irf'nd-a , frock. Thn Ions Ilnra nnd 1 n with HtralKht cut nru ndmlrnl’Io fur 1 1'inhcrn BonomuH ilru rr. tyi uj,.y nuUr KUriilii pounds und oUd chic.

Ituih - ' r. TIio —I w ith I------------------------------------ ------------“i” '" I ANNOUNCEMENTSI hoiir • ■'dumc;' M dloa of the 0 . A. H. Dnn .Met ed do- ClrcIc No. 3 urn roiinentHl lo moc meet- thc pa rk Sundny mornlnK a t 10:4

cndithl n itend m cm orlarnorvlcoi a t the .M ! odU t cburcb. •

Drobo ' T he DuHlncen* and T ^ fe iiii lAlncd Woi^icn w llf have, dinner nnd n wn on clal biifllnoai mectln); Mondny T h ird nInR In tho lr oluli.roonia.I Hcat- — .• ' ■; U . s . N aval P lanes

W ill Search f p i

3 N orth P o le Pa;V A SniN bT O N . Mnr :n ~ l l r

1C hy •‘Platen nnvnl alrplnno* wKh. tbo ;JulluK. MlllUn ni'Cdc oxpodKInn will ....--------. for Itnohl Ainundnon nnd hi* p■I Ihln nnmnicr, la It duvolopa t

pa rty hna comu io arlof. j Inrjiiiry n t iho navnl doparlm rnt

lho N nllonal (loocrnplilo n'oclriy, h , whn ora of th r vxprdKlon. hroiicht tho I wa* nnlinoii* roHpnnHr today thn( (ho rlxonn Phlhlnn plnnrn ncrmniianylni: Uio InuBh- Podlthm wdiild uminoiiilonaldy ho

. to aonnr tho pnliir wnKlon for ihr i... la tropld .VnrwoKinn nnd h h rom n ',*■ If thoy aro not honid from ho

Ihcn.tonch- ■ ..K uiat N i :w 'y o » K , .May :;.1-N <i ro;

from Cniilnln Aiminihion'a polar . wl;n ovplorrrH hnd l«'i-n r<.rolvod up ii

wna o’clock'today.—nliooni two day* 11 Mi'». lho Ilmo AmondHonJioppod off f

f .md K Iur’h IlnV, .Norway, lho .N’lirth An ■r v a ' Iran NownpapiT Allinnoo informi'd

llnlt.-<l Pr.-na.

which i'i{i:.sim ;s-MllJDM.TOW.v. Conn.. Miiy ::n -

^ jjni Jnnir* It. Ancolt. p to»ldm t of > Illlaiii "nivom lly. will npi-ak an rrproaoi

llvo of tho Now KnKlnnd rdllcL-cT. I havn ^ lm>inltnll«n of

Jnmoa l.iikiiiin M oConnurhty n» it proifldoiit of W enlcyan L'nli rralty . '

, occaalon will h r ono of IntoroHi in v.‘ ,« alum ni of l>ofli InaillutlDna, Yalr

,■ wrll na Wr»loynn. fo r Iho n rw .p r " d rn t 1» a Kfndiiato o f Yalo. clann

?; 1:x o T ir i ; , I’l iv .s irc .v x .m o v e ;

pny- * anuouncr th a t I h i 'n tor- movod Iny office from lho Sm lt .Mlna UIdR. to offlcrn In the Mrtiloimo SkaKR’n Qroce:(JUI Storo. ShoHhono SL l.:ast. Offli

Phuno 40(. I lr ild rn ce I’hoae IZ UK. V. A . KMKS

Lew* rhT «lclaa a n d 8 ac«e«n

me Brideto il<‘('oralr> Iior limno, iii^iiilo nnd

in Im ll: f o r tin- r o i l in j ' n in l M nlla;

a m i w nx f o r tlio f lo o rs n m l lino,.

f o r Iho w ruK hvorl; in s t ilo : .'’'I i i n i lo

o r s f o r tlio o iits i .lo . ' T o n p o r oonI

I li i iii 'i’ |>aitit. W o 'lii iv e lininl^OH

b ro a iiso w o iiiiclorl>iiy.

Faint ShopW c D eU v«r


PtiplN. of HI. KdirnhrK School l i . . I'W ’ifn t Knlry T ale n( Ihe Ijire i3K U ToM dny K tcnlnffj ..Munlc Will

Tho pupllic of 81. 'EdwBrd'n ach 1 ^ 1 wtll pTcacnt n proitrnin ronHlatlnK

m'liMh; mid a fnlry talu In Uio Liiv "'It- Tucndny evoning.

Opening I'lwfrram. Chorun—Konea l i v e r y w l ic r o 'D o iLucln <11 inermoro .... .............. ..

...... ........ .....- ....... Dwilti'tll-AmbroS i S w Vlulln. Hlldn Swciilnitor.DHB Planu. Ilolon , BwonlUKor.H S Valno du Due ile Relcbmndt ..D»i ■ £ VIoHu. Qwon Uuohunun. .

riuno. Cecllln Ilcokwlth. K ■^he kncfWBled Wmid.K Oporelia■ ' J Ovortnre ........ .................................Tow

n r a t viollp. Owen Uiichniiun, N ■ 3 KInnuy; aocond violin. Mildred T< ■ I n H lhia SwonliiKor: piano, Mnfl ■ 9 Klaaa. .

, Cuat of charhcters:■ : ! ; Jack (Jnck IIuradr}....Itnht, Macnul■ >; Slnry (Mlalreaa M ary)...................... .■ % ............. ......... ..Jltury Kllen J a r '■ . . K itty (Unpoopt ....... .......i..Miiry Coon■ ’ SI (Simple Simon}..— Chuatur Lor. H . Mlnnlo (.Mill M ufflt) ........ ..............■ : ................ ........... Roaenm ry McElwa■ ' W ill (Hoy Bluo) ;...... ......llud Snlm

t'^ lry (Juocn ........... —Ccclllo llcckwlk . y Mothnr Ooono ............iU -lm SwenlncV Malda of Honor .............. ....... - ..........

....... QIady* H anion. KtInn K lo

. W I L L Y Swhile ■ - rc r« i. _

c aatln XA ' /^Mnr lAo

McCook t ' l , - 7 ^meet In £ f . .,I0:<6 lo ■ . \e .Mutb.


n ., , •

o r ' .......*arty-U nltnl

thulr f I B U M | a | m S

( /iinck- tho un-ho am- : .~ mUlO ox- ■

iho In-, —nirndoa

. A l l - s t e e i s ^a iilnro f frmn Aincr-

iird iho . ..

------ Standard Sei ;s Tn —Dr. . }■f Yalo raoitin-

^ . A l l - S t c c I C o1 lonlll r ly. The In tho

a ir aa

• All-StecIToi

VE.S ' ‘h&VQ

mlth*MrdI- 0o « r y I ^ Wi, 1)fflce B u K

1 H5( W


•________________ ' t

• T W m , FA L L S DAIL-SLYTIMES . - ,

E - - m in n e a re r —._-«V cran lc< i ThptnKuJry Cliorua....-...O lrli o t All G rat

J'oppy Kalry .......... .-....-...j UIIdo Kl_ Schooi r e n c h e r ------ .......SuBao W att

T D l?|C oP«> < '' of I’ullce.. ._R oaold Tow111% r . l tlcuicnm iiB ...... ..^ * ■ " 1 .... C lm o n i Strelfua, Bill Oeon

(luynioQd Pctant, H aro ld M nl ITIH eauley • ' - -• r e r ln it ___ ^oya pf All Uie Grodv n i Jle *•

Mlaorcro from "11 T rovntorc"____............ V unll6*CtIt'

nchool vlulln; .Owun llochatiM . N'U nit'of Kl««ey. Mildred Tel«, UlltSa Sw* Lavor- ‘ luxAf. Donuitl llai|IoD, Mauri

■Oilillor. UoBilo Stiver*.' boco v iolin: Doo Loffon. .F rances Bi

' a lcr. .Mnritarut Smith,' A rta Qtit ..Donxa i,(.|. .(^nnn Mnrlo 'O rummle, . £.... .. ' wnrd T harp, Mar.garot Donnellnbroaln m usd o ljn i: M nrlo B ro ile r , Id

Sloan ; pluno: Mamlo Klana^ ' Jfodcrato Cnntlbic Op fiO..„...DaDii

.Danhe f ’lra t v io lin :. Owen UUchann

. . Mildred- Tola; aeeodV violin: Hlli SwonhiRor. Donald H an lon ;' tlil \Io iln : . Noll Kinnoy. Mnurlno Cal H er; pluno; Mamio ICIaas.

tow iio . ' a c t I I . ' •I. Noti L 'lrroalntlhle—.Valao do Concort...II TcIh. ■ ..... ................ .................. ,,,, DonnMntlilo Koll Kinney,

ACT III .CInderoUn ___________________ Papli

cnuley K irat v ln lln j- O w en. Buchnna Mildred Tola; aocond violin: Nc

Ja rv la Kinney, H ilda Sw enlnger; plant :oonoy Mnmie Klaaa. t« « « n Cborua—l ’nilno Yo ' th’e ■ F^tlier....;.

..............- ...... ............. - ....— Gountilw ain Student Body •

•k wllhnInRor An ndvortlaoTnant w orth lookln....... ovor la novor . overlooked—Jn UiK laaa pewapapn'r. .•

S - O y E R L A N D

^ 6 3 5rouring « 4 o s

O v e r l a n d s i x ' ' Standard Sedan

Overland SIX DeLuxe Sedan

III Priccs f o.b. Toledo


' TWIN]t ______________ ______M


e a te n '.BOISE, May 23—A fter v a l t ln s tw rowtui years to make u ie of an approprlt___ . t lo n - fo r fe s .000 made by the 192eorse . leilB lature (or rcctam atloa o f . atai I Ma- la a d t w ithta th e Qom tr r tsa lto n dti

tr lc t In Owyhee county,, direc lora ( Irades the dlBtrlct hav e 'a sk e d , tho Buprem

c ou rt to give hem ' ho money. A agreeiaen was rcen tly • m ade • bi

Citttor iw een '. the direclora and tbo atni , Noll land b o a rd 'to perm it tb u to of th Bwmj- money to r d n ln a s e purpoaea', ^ luriQo the s ta te auditor declined ' to d ra ' lecond the w arran t, and m andam ua prt

Bra* ceedlnss «fero K nrted la te P r ld ^Qqcbt . • - II.' I ..' i


" ATI^AOTIO CITY, N. J .., May S3.- tandlB BootloK ' llq u h t and (ho Raj frot lonon, automobile e x h ^ i t a wero blameB (0 H ilda an (ncruaie !1n U iroat dlsoaio tlilrd tiirouRhout tlie counlry by Dr. Johi Cali- a Mackenty of N c« Vork, speakln:

bofore tiie American U ry n jo lm o g ' ical society horo. ■.

rt... -Dr, Mackenty said o sh a u if .p lp o ounce iiad tieen a t tlio lop Instead of n

llto bottom o t autom obiles to pro vent tha cnrbon monoxldo bob fron

'aplnl In ju r in g . tho public, anap , . ' ■" **

Nell KAX8A8 CITV SIVKI.TKHS • lano: KANSAS CITS’, Mo.. Moy M -.O vcr

cast akica m v e prom lae of relief lo diiy from tho awolterlnR hen t wavi

)un(^ (hat srlpped thlB SOctlon yeaterday Tlw thctm om oter reached O’i deitrcci hero. 96 In SU Josepii, 100 In Paraoni Kans.. nnd ’ 03 a t Topeka, brcnklnt

)k ln^ h eat records of Ions su n d ln e .I Uie •• .. „ - . J ---------- :------------

. -R ead games. W ant Ads..

D g F I N B M O T C. a . A iS ■ •; — ■

I j S e l o v ^ S :iiftheltuli

b n - o u f lib«al'payment • BOW can buy your Ovei

’ • veniendy out of your ii ” small down paym ^i ant

drive your Overland honI ' Overland four-cylinder <

. 'greater power, greater greater endurance, lowe cost, higher reside value.

I ■ them with any bther jcai pTice.j You will then u why they are outselling ous modds. J-They are now the low cars with sliding gearitrai

4 4 4 « 1

The New Overland Six i a profound impression. N its price equals its speed power endurance, coiofor

‘ In fiftee^ears Overland eqiialed these values. -


-Parkei'(F A L L S .

' J

I. . . ; . _. -

S A T O H l l ^ : j j U r , ^ , ; i p 2 5 . a

S J l

R R e l i e f ’f n n a l ^ t B o t t k ^ ^p ro . D atU oC iM k.M Jehr«*n.-‘l h a d m * t

from polnB andB w eJftog .lnn iyB lde« ,p iS*o a t tim es th a t I cordd n o t d o .m r '

housework o r stand on I17 . fe o t l o r .. w Q e k s o n d I « a s tn a m 7 n « r T e a te o » i


rday. tlnuo Itsasobecaose Ib e llsv o in d k n o w itrccs i t b e l p s n » . l 7 >attoh«t»oU M zifM M A

’S ' f f l ,5 a A i‘u . S » S . J S E S. Com poundhaadonoforow .” —Mrs.C.EJ.

■ o R * 0 Vr s

itBicesl u s t r y rA—.-l <• ••

>nt plan you verlmd cQn- r income. A jand you can . , . •ipme.j^;r cars have^ e r com fort, ' iWCT upkeep le. Compare fax near the ■: understand ng d r previ-J


•n.ix is creating .N o car near eed, pick-UR fort or looks.nd has never^

a r '^ ® o .H A i r s t t :

Page 3: TWI If IB 1.Y T S le Dc - · TWI: ..yoMaiE.8; Nii.MBEB i'a ,'. E a rtl I S S M any aniJ Various kinds of Signs

■ S A T U R p A Y , H A Y 23 , 1025. '

| | \ g i ^ i p i

H l E S l i Y l i ® Gills ==1

« a « c

i i R P E N i N I l••:--■ • • New Y(

“ ■ ■ , , ^ D a tic

.Giant Boss Predicted Before 's«S Season Opened Thai

, Pit(sJ)urBh Pirates Had ‘a cineinn .Good -Ball - Olub and

Comc . to Front; ami w i

...•.•iW3h»rJag',” SaysMcGraw. ‘«ohq.OI-: .? i;.-4 ■■■• , ■ nri'BB•“ -B Y BKNllY L. T A n n B U . • Wlllls

, . .T n , ‘ m la '^ o /oM Ibo (;urrcm S4U80n'8tarted _ '! ^ o tW > W « W B U Wtro mo

“ r ;. ..Uotm.Jtft«uo.j>cniiftnl' ‘ Sc'milili

m ind,of'Uio.Ncw Y ork clnb nnnworo«l w hen M kc^ 'fo r.lib^onln lbn abont .Uip peanant raeo. ‘T i ie VUtnbacKii cUih rj, la U»o bost club In Um iwRiio next u .„ .h i« to tho OlantA and wo wlll bnvo lo beat n .ilm it ' them l( wo w in ,tho pcnnnnl," Im aota.

McCraw aluck lo h ia Looat for the m jj jjn | PIratoB.ovcn w ben they wero floun*(lorlne oround alnioui in tba cellar. At Si “Tiicy'll como tbrouRb. GoqH' bnll t>||]iii(iul clubs can alwaya 31UU out o f a aliimp g i. Lou nnd (tio r i r a tc s aro^« jcood bnH ciafi Uutlci b u l Id ft bad Hlump," bo said. VinKon

Tbo Olant bo*a w aa ro irod lnnl yoar Slaler w hen ho sa id th a t tb e I’lratea would bc tho jnoln oppoalijon 10 jijji club M Cl( bccauso tbo rira tv s 'fo U Inlo bad waj ti New Yo and tlio Brooklyn Robins sieptiod out Clovclat and savo tbo-cbam plona tho chaau ot ~ Batlei .Oielr llvca r ic h t lb Uto wiro, Tho pacc HTHT Jty

" V U w jia i 'i t i& i Jiuiiiiy u ta i in o i i ' bbbCozy Dolan woro cbOMcd ou t of baad-* ' . m t Cli ba ll fo r try ing , lo buy a gamo th a t ' ; ^ t o r i ' would cinch lho pennanL ’ Clilcnito jt.b jj» ja* to lock now. however, .ihal

tho P lratea a ro tho o n ly ‘rU-al to llic Qlaata and th a t Ihcy nro KOlnR to sol Crouso. BOmo placo in th< ^ 'aUonai l.«a«uc t— -------

H otN ew York. I t la ccrla ln ly th o ( o s t^ t ____club in baaoball. I t hiui iv flno otU- r - r . n field, an In field -tha t Is abo\-o',thj>'or- • dinary cvun if It Is spotty «iV; flrat ' baao. and a good buncU of baUory Oi . men. . • • •.. /

l-AWRBNCfi.‘ K an .-M l'ssourl waa Uoston . a sllgtit fftvorfto 'In the twenty-UiIrd onnual - trnck moot hero loday bo- twccn K ansns nnd Misaourl uni- ■ vor»liles. .Merwln O rahnni. cnptnln of tho JayhQwJfor bqwuI, in Jll and Now Yoi w in bo unnblo lo coinpotc, ll yraa- Hrooklyi announcodl - I'blladi-I

' ' I (Unclnnua ilC A a O .l ll . —T hree moro Rrnp- I'iUabur

p lors bavo b«cn uddod lo E<t ‘■Stran- nn«f«« • Kler" Lowls' tr a in in g 'c a m p to pro- n>l<a»:o M ro him for his champlonahlp bout Si. Loui; w ith W syno •■UIr" Munn a t Mlchl- pan Cltr. a we®Jc from loday. Lowla now takes 00 each of h!« five as-

‘ Blatanla fo r ten m inutes cach with- o - i-.^ cwt reat periods between; as p a rt o f hla dally r ouUna. ; s "

CHICAGO—E ntries closed today fo r tbo CTUcano Olyioplcs. 't ra ck s and field m w t lo b« staK ol May 31 iiy Uw Plnnlah-Afflcrtcaii. A. A.Among tho a ta rs to->ebmpolo aro^ 'W lllia lU lola. lia ro ld i. Q sbom ^ AI- 11bln . 8l«nrooa and J o l ^ h y ’M . •na 'rtn. parU elpoala In th o . Ja s l- Olympic .jio n w ! fam es. • Mcuad I------------------------------------------------------j W miai

I FighU an d F ightert J s\mmct . - * Kelly.

WATKRDUnY. Conn.—*Kld KspIatJ. - fM lhcrw clxht champion, knocked otil Kid Sullivan, New York, in the flflh

_____ _ to your'NEW YORK—Jo h n n r 'lJu n d e* . for*

w c r felthorwclRht cham pion, announc- “•. «J le th* Nbw Y ork bozins comnla-

Bloft th a t bU contracl-W ith Johnny , _ Johnaton bad expired and th s t bo Annom w onjd bc h la ow o m anager la tho *ti- tu r» .r ______ . Bbone

EAST CntCAOO—Charley -P h ll" ®” *' Rosenborfc han tam w eU ht champion. ' • and .H arvId Sm lib. Chlcaso. w eat ten — — rounds lo » draw be ro la s t nlitht In a , " fa s t fight. Sm ith bad an e d n In Ibe l u r r t i n r^ t fou r ro an d s b u l tbo champion t v l ' - 'J c a a o back a tro n c I s Uto fm b and w as . /Igh itng on CTBft .twTBB a t th» nalah . -

A t t a ^ C < [ W '

Of blood - p r ttrB ra , D iM m et t h e Stom ach. RbauDaUsB.A rtbrttU . OoIfr«. A sU a o . Be-

' r a r t t n t a n m i* w d t i M . i n f o rm .WiSP. -,

. B A P n a t : : T B l A T H n a i T \ ‘


■ F T W C S i

'ODAV’SGIHESjllTiHA'iioy .u , LBAUUB . ~ . y i

■ Brooklyn: n i l l .K . •«K0 ...................................... . 5 J3 1) k ly n _________ ______ _ C'l-l :• 'lU crli's; lilnkv. K m t niitl Ifa rl- : Tutly, HubboU mill Ucberry. urtnclt h'lL hoiiicr f irs t Smi.

; Now Y ork: . , l l . ll.M . i »ih' AlibiirKh - ..— ............... ........ I 10 1 2.’, I’<

Y ork _________________ 10 14 0 M’ouitlcrlCH: Ydu, Cullotnun. Koiiiial (iocidGooch; Grct-nflcld nml Siiydur. >VuuI lydcr (lit ItuKicr JM t C(k.

Phllndelphla: ' H .1I.U . W r 'tInnall ............ - ..............— il 12 I „ .» iif ip i i ia ____ _______7 1 4 aU erlcn; Ulxoy. Slicohan, Ui-nlonWlnKo; UlnK. Coiicli, KnlBht. '[«

I* and Wllnon. nu-ni ba lkor h it hom er'flm t of Snd. H- >>ad ihno )il('honi<ir H nu of Clh.iBBler h ll hom rr flra l j>f J)Ui. • “I'Orillllam s h ll homor la s t SJih.’ ‘f ';'';* ’'. • : ______ , cbluf r

Boslon:. • H .1I.U . ;•'<y ju ls .- ;_________________!) 13 ,0 wlnnlofon ............... ......... u...;_____ C'13. 1 ‘■■'I”’-iltcrlca: Dyer; • Hiiynuii n'nil °*uid t: Unmca. Uyan, Gray, Mnr- '6 ffml a»m on. - Tbo 'le llo r h i t hom er f lrafC th . n .. eleven

....... .............. thin woA3IE1UCAN* l.lU iilTB Krodc 1

--------- hnd tinD elroll—Knd Cth. II. «IorB n t

h lnston ........ ......... — 000 002—2 nblllty 1o il ................... ................ 000 024—Q 1)0 ta k rilttTlcn: ^Rcbnry. Ocilcn. Kelly to Iho 1JJnrsravo; Wlilleblll aud J]a«alcr, Hiinimtc

— -— track nSI. t/)u la—I' nd -Ith. loa r«<

id c lp h ia ______________ 000 1—1 liiM t."-OUIh ................... ........... .002 0—2 Cnpljitle rlcn: ilommi-ll nml Cochraiio; in Um ; » n l aud Dixon. , theIler b ll liom er laal Ctb. „ |,apo |

Clove^ond-Iviid Sth. __ f t . 0 )e ‘olJ*Y ork ,— --------------:— 202 1 0 -5 ncttmd

Blandj, ________oiO 21—1 m eeullorios?; llo y i and S c b aas ; K a rr conalde:jty a tu H --------- •r— . •: ■ u tc y ; f i

• • ‘ I ■ - - ■ L d r ^

— t& o k th! , - --------- • Ordlnnr

“ W. I* PcL tliwie'ciidclplilft — ■ ■ 2? 7 .700 The (1ilUBlon ------ 21 10 .077 PBllx nifto T.:___ 20 13 .000 Clly Bt«JlJ jid ------ ----------- 38- 12 ,000 uftcr ib.o u la ------A —___ 16 20 . « a ■ T hoY o rk _____is.:___1; JD JG7 event n:all — 11 24 J U •• H ighi n ------------0— 22- .230 ford (a

yATIONAI, I j h n i 'K • ‘*'i«o'-y;i-------r \ iohnaon

W. K PcL L.). thliY ork ----------------2.T ' 8 .742 • {iholk l y n ---------------- 17 16 .073 Jiscn (Sd ilp lila ------------ 17 1C .075 d la tanwn n a t l --------------- IS H .017 oo y»l>urBh ------------14 IG ,.4 M (!i n --------------------- J2 JS .400 (iiird. ■i i : o ------------------13., 18 .41!) 100> toula ------------------11 19 . .307 N oll f t .

r.lC IK IC COAST . ^ 'noV '------ — ■ lho fl

W. u Pci. ftiwfi roF m n d sco -30., 11. .732 hy th o jAnKcIcB_______ 25 ' 20 .CCC . ^ «M k e ------------ - 2 4 - 4 9 . ^ .CCS M m t Ilo ----------------- 22 21 .612 „ „ r f . ^tnd — U_;. 20 < . 2 3 . . .4iC lU a tta n d ------- ;--------- - 19 21, .476 RhodCT.imonio - J — - . i , IT 26 ■ J3 5 D alyJW?n - — y 13 30 JOS d ib u 5 «

H O B ^,;ilU i I.KAI)KltS. I l o ® «rtnelt. Cu^.aJ^12. (T. R.)ruBby, C«rd*~9. • Jncbw .1uacl, Yanko<«>^. U lacuillama, Drowna—8. flrs i. Mlx rlao n . Browns—7. —imona, A lhlellca—7. ly . O lanU —«.III. Indiana—C.ICHt.-P ira fe a -C .

in P a lU w ilt.grow In p roportloa . oir co .operaaon . .____________p o

DB. l i ^ A O B ’ J *lo raees th e opcntau Of olfJeee tbe X edlcal B nU dln^ J U She* ae A te . E . r h e n e 401.

■TFtry, C r»«»loW » O oK "


/■ i

t P O R T M



, lilt’d I' A lvonnV iiH lllR lt Point Mnn Wllh ; PolnlHi TiTfn VnllH Would Unto r«u Ilml O nr .Trnck .Men i lm i In * ocid (Uiiidlltunt K ln c n I’oliitn Pi--1' I'unlil T urn tho Trick. ^

win Fall* - . H Z ___________r,n the r i> « t i i i g i i ___ __ ___________ •;» .ftch llo in rr CliMal,i'nBun aiUiiil Tho <.r. «■<ic a ,to convey to flio T w lu 'I 'a lM /owiiu t Iichool track tvnm and mnniiKi-l n(n;<u It hb i'b ea l wIpIkd and atatod ihnt 1 mnn.lad bbun a Inui; lime idiieo Uii-y riiur 1

m et wllh nuch a nplcmlld liuiirb iiiniminorui an Tw in l-'nll« prcrcnicd yi-.i- won 8 lay. llo nnld In bin nplnlun iboif ri-n«on for wlniilnj: ibo mrui ^

tho fact .tliot ihuy linil iimrc mnn / . / ■nlofT polntrt Jlian lJ;<* Tw/n r«Iln V ' t ' II. l ie iiriiliivd tbe aplontlld work )ue Alvord nnd Judmm TInim and

ih n i they w iro riirc trnck Tw in Knlla toam. neeilod Jimt S u it I■on polnta to win tbo m ie i and . Untiwolild be cn*y flp irin ): for n flflh Plorcy

Jc hoy who know our irnck team Secfth e lofni men bcon In »hn|>i‘. , l t Scnttli

4 n o t rniiiTlTO nuirh nmfftomnilc-«l tfnft IIty tp dvlcrm lno whorn ihusL- cniiUI Dnlllakcn from tlio vlAllorn and nlvun Dnlilw ho locnla. Ulit llio. wholo a lory Inm ud (ip in ihoAC fow worda. “Our At :k m en wcro auCtor|nit friiin Injur- I ’orilnroeelvcd In tho Idnbo Sinto Irack Ciicrait." llnunplain Doe Alvord won 2. polni.T " ’Into;liu m eci and wan'IitRli point mun Jw th e locnln. Hnd Tlmni bion In

t>e he cfvild cnally have tnlion IS « t 5tie did n l I’otnlQlIn nnd thla w ith Vurnoi•olJitir polniB /tarnorod by thc Snn l-ltd would have'eOHlly w on. Ihe . Bullu Uut o u r hoyn did splendidly Iilderlng nnd nro. to, bo cowrruui- ii'H c.(t fo r 't l ie lr , rom orkm .lo 'effO rfi , y-' ■■ n m m in irn iiLini' up i ig h i’pp<n t » f"a 1 v*."* !|«Rin. .lfdr<von‘ f irs t lu Jho balf Hand look eocondUn llid 440. ' ■ ,ddle Mnrtln took flrgl In .lbd Jov- n,u,itiiroiv and h « r l« i It 170 loci a M '•

chvH. . . ‘ ‘-------irry , llall'W oiM eadliut In tho .mile . c j t ,

! !Kn te r hecatuio of a wroncbed knee. ' '“ ‘.T.f Imm won th e 100 yard daah and ^ [• thlrd.- |n-tH (rC O -nnd'r™ daahca.-M J^^ Innrlly ho w ould Imvo won boilr e 'cvcnfa. ' . . r«PP 110 dual trac k moet between 'h v la 220 a nnd W cat lllglO of S a lt Lako ^irnt.

Htood S3 to 37 lu favur o fO Jtah K.) th r lb6 220 hiirdloa. - . . ' cotd10 high ' hurdlcfl’ /w a s tho f i r s t ovent. It and w as wbn by Alvord. ■ th e Ila IgU hurdIca-:A Jrord. f ir s t ; - S p a t- b r b?

(S. I - ) . second; Nyo. lT . . r . ) ,I. Time 17:2-S sccond*.' . - .« IJe^.y;ird mco—AlUcrly (S. I ..!..flral. y ( laon (T. y \) , aecond; Slanley. (8. th ird . Time BC second*.

101 P u l—ithndoa (8.1.) f lm i: Mil- I (S .U second. Tlmni <T.l-’.) ihlrd. inco 3'J fuel U-lnchua. '

y a rd daah -A lvo rtl (T.I*.) flmi. r (S.I..) aeconil, T linm (T. r i ) .1. Tlmo ff.^. „J> n r d d a ah -T im m {T. K ) flrat. Twin

(8 .U ) second. U ltcr. (8 .U third. -■ B. 10.4. . . .lit, U llar nnd D. Aivonl w ere llcil ’10 nnlah and the crowd let up nn TW n I ro a r whon Alvord wao rulw l ou t 5*7"“'* ho JudcCB. . .0 ya rd ra c e -Jo h n so n (T .r.) flrat. rt tB .U ) aoeond, llow clla (8 .U ), I I. .Tlmo 2 mla. P.4 accon'da. T r ‘"_. at). lum i>-«pafford (8. U ) and Alvord le n ',(9 .’JO tied fo r f l n t ; Nnvln.

lo v a fa i-S m llh (S .t.) first. John • r tio ^ !® . P.. Jnd. Rlah Rolwrison R.) th ird . llclBbt. 10 feet. llV i ’ f f i V

tCUSfl -''"ibrow—A thcrly (S. -MlUlgen (8 , U ) second, Scher^

R E W A R EF’o r th e a r re s f a n d convict 9¥ p erso n s , w h o i s 'm a l i ib g a in T w in F a lls .

S O U T H E R N ilD A t

*i y*r


m R L D 1 ^, W a t c h i n g t h e j

S c o r e b o a r d— ------------------------ l-rnnif I’YoHlorday’n Iu tii--iV rcy l.o<» Joiini, In Tm irjJnj.' lilN flivi Hi'uiwii Jn the w a - ih r I I'li. lol Ihc Jinlilmi Oown wtiii ouo 11,,h,. i raioh bll :i(iil jiliclK'd lliu (-'u1)» Kl a '

______ MO.SC(Cloorno nii.iillm in ulnclod in ihi- 'llh InnUiK iilior Triiyim r lunl d»ii- ''oiiob ■d lind drov>' in iIx' run llini ;:iiv>' truck iiu; 3 Plratea n 1; ic r> v ic iw y'w vcr tho |.'r„«h aci

Inio II r.--------- miiiiid tb

Pulo Donnliiii' mul (-flit Wullcor cot I'litr uf 1 iiiimor each and four i.liu:lr,i Jn fiv.; fbniviiii: )(•« HI Iml mul-hi'liioil ihc lludn hi'Ut lur;i lu i ) Phlla 11 lu :. won nil

- mmKliiii.I'lint nhom, vdiini; CardlnnI tw irl- nivi-l wll

wo.-jUonod in Uut i-IkIiUi u tlu r nl- I'im eiii I lin e l»it f 'u i fr»H I’o r noii'n (ti- <np« lutl il ti nnd WIIH liiKoii out u lion two iirw Idnl in. wero ni-<iti il. Tbo llruvwi koI tliu hlKb ir mnro tiff i>vn o ilie r . Citrdlniil runn the lUmlHinen In iliu iilntli. luu iSi.Unibi iiiriiilnbk n 8 to G. Jump um

— ' . onu find

h a st League---------- * ' lo:l Iiud

■■Irni Ramo: • ll. II. R, ooiist roi m i e ..... ................—— _.... a 7 J I'oid ni aIt U k e .. ................ -------- ---- I O OIntlorien:. Huibcrlnml nnd Duly: ,--------—

Sny!™ ,:;''" b ad diUtle .......i....-__ _________ -t 10 (I *-■:i ijiko .............. - ................... 7 Jtf J .viifnmtiInllvrlen: rUmnnor, Kiihhi‘1 uiuI-K. (locial clUlwin; SInKli'iciii nml Cuu'k. firlflln

r ; r ':ram enio“'"'.!.....K lil i ' l" ;Inilerlea: ll;;iu. Ilnrnn, M cther. u to rsa n d ToMu; t;. Ciinflulil, Kent- ,.i i

U Snn Fm nrlnoo: ll. U.K. Vocliuni.rnou ........... ................ ............. 0 If: 0 »on '>>• 'It l-'mnclaco ......... - .............. 7 13 0 ng IiyInllvrlca: i l ’eiiiioi-. llrynn. Oldhnm ny all-i Hamwh;x I’fuffor, U rirrin . imd refroabmiUc. - , • . bo wllh ;

. . . J i a i a1 A n g ela 10'I I 0 ' \la iierlos: Kmix, Uo(ai)cy and Head;01. I'a>-no ani^ SandbarK.

: i l l f c A f t ^ E ^ - n \ a * ^ b«fll" liyil Chlenwo'w ill'apend ?O.OOO.OOU on dKt* Iho curnvii yenr. T he most lily w in 4.0 Bb |J« 8aflu a treet. where ^heiO T ru will be spent. :

• • . . nml 0-3.>p (T.I-;>. third. Wl-ilanco 07 fto l. ';:0 IIurdliM-^Deo Alvord (T.l-M. A new * lit. Uilor BiHotid. Kolly (T. Ig a- {iitli

third. TimB'2C.7 aorondn. Dec Al-' mAnt.:d rnn a ^Wfifldorful ruo« in thla _______ 1n t.ahd -w oB iU ed w llh U itur u n d l m m t m > Unal a fc c t^ w h e n bo for«ed nhead bard,'wffiiKdnd'fInlBhL-d with nl

a t onu yard le ad .'JlJe run—MDIolt (S .U ) .f lra t. Ath- y (S.I..) Htcond. De.ltrlch (T.K) rll. Time 6 mlnutca 0.6 areonda. lall or T k-Ih I-'ftlla wna lendlnj: In s raco bin near (be tlnlnli be fell.20-ynnl daiih—Won • hy Alvord.In Knlla; Noll. W i-hI lllfjb . aucond; nm. Twin I 'a lb , third. T ime, 23.4 ontln. . . >avelln ihrow-^W on by Mnriln.In Kalin; MllllKim. Wonl llU;h. iioi^I; .Kr»l)u>. Twin I'Mlla, th ird . D~a- ce. 170 f.'ct, 6 inohi'n. iroail Jump—W on by Alvord of In /^ lln ; SpallanJ, W f«l I llsh , nod; IIIiiOm , W cat I llch , (bird, tdnec. l'J.4 roet. ,la lf mllo rela}-—Won by Wcat :h (Ulior. W lnn, Ilhodca. N olt);In Falla (Kelly. Nuvln. Johnaon. ord.)_____________________________

D - $ 5 0[ction .p t'tK e p e rso n J i c i d u s l y ' p o i s o n i n g


■■ ■ r7H E - X

1 ^ ^ ■

' i B i

T j



STAR AT UNIV. ONk PcnvtTH SliikoM t in n t lle ron l Aimllior .‘•Tm ek ul rnU t-n illy uf Idulio .. ............. I 'Ir I'niirli .Vtit}ivns; i;ni<ltitil<-<l

_____;---------- T i d S f f e i

w c o w , Idnho, • .May :;:i-i.-ianU Iri'i!, h la '-TH of T u lit I'hlliu Idnlio, l>i oru* rji:ili\-1 nilxicb Mnlly .MnUii'wu' fliuln o( llm hialos. T: l'u!i"ou. Puwi-rn n larivd on Ihv "[ " 'b aciiind lnnl m-uson iiiii! a iepprd ‘vII roKuliir liorih on (In- vnraliy ,1"il tbhi year. I’owern In n truck ,' i,,, ,!or III,- flr»t'ol«i.H. llo hun l.eoii ‘ im: llio wny to coiirunneo nil lit Idnlm'n n'lcuin, biivliii; „ . .nil or hill iilnriti )iy couiroi'tul>I<- J r rC S lC Iiui. In ibo nnnuul dual iriiokwllh WanlilURlun S lale Colle«o V .^unC

'in m n only led ibi? lu-ld u> in<r A<JtiU niiocoiidi'd In I'uCnl.tiuliInu' a ^ Idnho .reconi nf IS.U nm-cmdii' inilKb hurdles. . Powura nui only WASrii:the hurdloa hn i hun idiowu eom- l'r< Mldi'iK

table ab lllly In' bolh lho lii«h I'niuol tii>und (ho Ja\-ullA lliniw. lit- hmi dny hy ii

Ind imd ouo socond lo hln crodli tion. u[i|iII! hltih Jump nnd ban valbored Irnli f>ira lu tb e JavL-Iln lliriiwii. I’oworH nKroi- witnlio’a Ireul Im‘C In tli<- IiIkIi limvl. • TJic ntl,lud hlKli Jump In • llu> I’aoiric ture. Im

eonferoncu moui which la lo l>.j wi-nt a b na t Sealllo MiiyJO, 30. wi-rli.ei.a

■ ------------------------ wllh .1 jlI Maylluwi'i

) D 1 T I 6 n A L s o c i e t y I \v A sm.......... .................. '* riinii.ii!,.rnmn .Srclut ( '(uh—Tlio .Salmon IiIk m'irnli 1 club met w ith . Mrn. Ju lln nm nl ot in.. .Mny 14. Mi^a. G ririln. vh’o nllacUod 1 ilcul, provided liver tbu buiilnciin flo‘‘. un. .Vrn. Jojm lo Tlilollon nnd ' I ’enillni;

Knn Hiini-ou weru new mom- l1>o»hll>- takon In to ' ibn olub. KIkIH 'i")'

liern anawerod to roll call nnd vlnllurn pre»ont. ,Mrn. liuorR.-,Nclann. Mrn. Itoli.Tin, Mrn. » ''''.ildw i.

em. .Mary. Hnyl. 'A piano nelee- I!!',’, , ' ’I.y MI»m Mnry llay l uud n reml- Iiy Mra; (Jrlftln^ wore enjoyodII. Tho lM iU 'H i\^fri‘eil iltiliiiy niMiuoii i(i dimeuin.. Tbn nex l uieetlnK will 'llh Mra. Derlhn Ilnnncn. M ay.2)1. q-(,g • ' . ■ • i i r - - In Souihcl e n r / t n W o m a n ____________..

W i n s T e n n i s ___ ' _ j c y

C h a m p i o n s h i D liiiM’rcsb______ iiHtay.

IiniTON. J:nR.. May 23.—KlU a- Ilyan, form erly of Callfornhi, J , '

loa ■•K luy",-,M cK mia.'.''U rlilaU il" plon In the ftnnia o f tho worn- »tcnnlii champlonablir In S u rrey

wcro 7-0. 0;1______________ once lb ll

lewapapcr m to e n te r you r home p ^ e lb y itr riltlDg .Olaco to - ro u r advcrltso- „nd ihe i

, _________, . tbe auilili

It’s HT h e N e ^

S i x , t h e s

' a u t d m o b i l

o n d i s p l a y

D o n ’ t m i

i t y t o s e e

c a r .

t m c m

" J S o R R N T aS C B 'to o ft C A #»

H O W O » O M O U H A P ^ T »I W IW s o c « AN _ ^ s r T t a


------- ■ l:oiii'i-al HKl-r .Slur 1lii<,vl>:ill (;ume Sohediil-■ir'I'll.....rron ' n llh Poonlollu. »"'!»

i>r riundiiy.'M ny 21 willi I’oon. V'' "Tilin will .In' im r i>r ilu-

T ill''"u .-n l'.'lio 'i-'iiiu Tl nmily ______‘i ’".'

I 'iuu and KmiN will iuc.l>^ii.lj- ,,, ,l.all. i;\' for tlm l.ioaln.i-.anii- 111 oalle.1 fo r ml.-.. l.(l. 'l )U^

s i d c n t C o o l i d g e —

nce ls Appointrnehts'j',;*'',^^'’’''!';A c co u n t o f . I lln e ss (i‘>'iilin<le.

______ ..biilin I't ■irilNtJTO.N. 1). (T.. .Miiv " I . - . ‘' 'Vud III. I'nt t-oi.llili;ii wau fiirc-rd Hi '

lil>i huillu-:*'! .•iii;;i;-.'minl:i I..-] . y !1 nllKlit' nllii. K of Inaii;.-:;-1. tV.^S•^II ii[iii;in'nlly raiisi^a by I'niiiiK i I'’-'” ' l‘'-d < l.r--;il:fnKi w birh did no....... .. in Hil'with Illm. Jaiiaiu-M' ii.t lw li ii'vi.i o f KU'-l, ulIrM H.I- 'on.l idmlliKiwi.yer, tlial lli.-'iil i-lrlili.'ii a

ibrail wllb iilami tn r lili' ui.iial l">ri;< uf 1:na ernl-u- .|<.wii ihe ro luinno 1" ' ' ' ProveV jiariy of frlendn abiw ni Hr- IUmI Cn;iWer. foriiiid of

______ l-l I ^K. WOI5Ill.NfiT0.S-, May 2: : - l‘i'o:'.lc!i-iU eunnldor r !!,. wil:i o ld lted lo (-uiiir.l a ll o fj An Nonn priilHf.' rfitn,-.•<.■:»'•»»« i/>dJi.v lUi u r - 1 ri'ivcd, I’r or n mIIkIiI lildl'.>l>oal,U(m wlil> Ti' dom iir III' od blui n lie r b.- loacboil h h o r-jn iM o n nr

llUK- <'\nlliliinllon Iiy iihyr leln italhUf llonnu rrfiiiliird rrom lii'.n- C" ?*•l y nialoniuni im 1,. bia eomll- (t^oi

r,.i| Snimdi'ra. n.-<'rimi'y ><> <b- I ''!;''MJiW b.- ewjld m.l dhrin*!i '■|>''''ii ai

.•Hld.-nrn lndt«im:'.lilon uiiill llu- '*"» I'lnni.' llimne idiy!'i>'l‘|un. Mni'ir Jaim H ourred i>li

ipal nnd Iir. Jo r l T . lloonr. w'lio u l l.;di.-ilu tniiK'dlaloly nuuimuiK'd, bud ox- rou^h non 1 the pronldent. Tlio "w

-------------------------n tle r theTlmea la uacquaied fo r new s i,j. Hiuoko

ilhcm .Idaho ., . a'llindrou..

(Contliiuod from imfcu 1.) V liii 'e n f

.'csbylcrlnu G enem l A'aacmbly

Ivc mlnlntera nnd four laymen JI'ronI.ytory of Now Yiirlc nlHUod w ” ®* .7”

•mplalui: ho.idid:i.y , Dr. W aliur ehauan, who I n ,litr e In pnrnou poniuon i:noclulon to pronocute tb o caao. scrccn . t/ papiira fllwl kIvo a full niulu- cnplLiI bI

If the ndinliiod facia w llh refiSr- my a mil b i b o ^ i » n i i r i - n - t ^ r finrciiiHCT- whito-- e. H. i:. Fomllrk iviih Un- l-'lmt lho i'ltrlan' rliu reh of New Y ork'C lty weru acei le I’ronliyu-ry ilf New Y ork und ,A dm iral > :lhln on ibo cimo hy itiu lanl obacrvInK

le r e N o wW i l l y s - K n i g

s e n s a t i o n o f t

i l e w o r l d , i s n c

y a t o u r s t o r e .

l i s s t h e o p p o r t u

e t h i s w o n d e r i


I ‘

.' "*f~ r - _ _ ■ ____

■ A

ll n.i«emblj-. T he- uubnc<|iu-nl -J•dliiKM l.y w hleh. Ilov. I.-ohdll-k , llow nl lo reinln the P'lrsl Pren- • *nn chureh pu lp it and hlii ulll- rrilreiui'iil an - diaeuaniil. Trann- of Ihl- tb iire li, Koiiei-al and Now n.-<;(emf.;.v arn nl-. lli'v. Koiidli-lt tlnally lefl lho I'rcnbyiurlan church Mnreh J.

d/H'i;mrjii flosun hy nnkln;: IbeII nxni'iuldy "lo rot'olve imd In- ilii com jiiaini and tu aanurt Itn iiiiomil aulhorlly . l.y . lakliii;K'licm lia 11 .ileeuiH wine lo pro* llltl uuihiirlty o f (lie nanciubly

if lAanuellcnl riirliituildom ."

;A iM 'iii> r.iiii; j ii :.sT i» )v sl<'oiil1iiiu i| rniiii |inyo 1) .

lior'-.ihoiiiii of m any a rc olllI wu.

nIu I'luiiimbi-d by I 'unnel. nUN, May 2::.- A Toklo dl’if- to Ihu Kvenliit; .Ncwh ruporU ir.'jl« >iv:ir T»y«Jia. iJjo eurJJi- lili .lniiiin<'8o town, In iiilaHluR

■'Ills'll in toinlied tn the col- .\"lilyn luunel, A train near

de.' wa-i oviir-turned. W'hllo th n 'I’f 111" lUi: Kkuno u ll\c r mlnu in. r;ild Ihe munaaso.

Iled I 'n i’- T w i l l Helo.; i i i \ c : to .v . May r;t-Th>- Ann-c- ;c-d ........... .... raln.'il »10.u0il.-

Ililn oiiuiilry ror'vleltiuN of llio n i-M' iniilu |im l;o oH i*2:!. will ox- idmllai- riO|i;r .l<i Ihc |ir.eauut •II a icn of Jnpiin. If early re- i>f nil- umiinlluOe uf Ille dlnan- ove truo.

Cro:in otllclalB heru, w hun-ln- 1 of llu- iiuaiK- hy tho t/hi(ed went Inlo Inmii'dinte seasiou lo

or relU't luciinurea.Moim ua otrielnl ri'portn aru rc- , l’n-,>i)drui Coolldse, nn jireal- ‘it Ilio Ui-d Ui'OKH. In expeclwl 10 a iiirndaro of aympnthy and of^■iierele mislnlance.

S. a-w F l .o k pi.r.v<.'K.s(t'onlliiuod frm n paue '

Kiia ro.trued by a dcslroyer.III aro Ihu two latent of nuiner- lani.' dlnnnicrn which havo oc- I idiie,- Ihli flee t firat' pu t In baliut llwida. duo cliliitly tu

-w ar" ended Into yeaierday (he "whltu" aUnckora, screened loku dinehargvd by a destroyer rou.. wuROd a BUCcoBBtul'* lo r- • ■,

Kun .fjro a ttacic I h o ^ ' ?

• engaRctuent^wa8■ Iftgun’ w hoh^' " - nnea launched (rom tho air* , , o c arrier I.«ngl«y picked up tho- 'c m of Hie "‘green" fo rces’,SC ".M Off Maul. ♦ . ■tiie fleets formed ..IdId range bli. oacU " th rew "Oul 'a ’iitbbke 1. tho •V hlios" to protpet ,iU -J I nhlpa und tho .'grocni'*, lo - mlnu field. ■

lho a tiacken t bu t no bombers aeen. Also In lho « lr . was

al W.' a Cole, cblQt-oC s ^ f .Ing tho problem . . . •

~ .■ I " ■ ■;

s^r . '■ ■ ■ ;

i g h t :

t h e V -i

l o w . ' , ■■ . / . ■ ' 'jS l

t u n - ' ■ 1i r f u l

■ ■ ■ • ■ H I

I ; - i

znnyBS* ^

Page 4: TWI If IB 1.Y T S le Dc - · TWI: ..yoMaiE.8; Nii.MBEB i'a ,'. E a rtl I S S M any aniJ Various kinds of Signs

f [ t w in f a l l ;[; ■ PBbUitaM B r« r7 'S reo iaE Zxcj Conip>n7( '

• • B& M nd a t Ul* T w in F a l l i P<D ally P u b lla


' ■ I f Uie theoiy of the jtrade commission is right filing' of complaints of p respondents snail bc publ; be'against them, then our >

Y o f judicial Jjrocedure is wAs soon as a case is file*

is published in the newsp: tb attract atlOTtioh, IS the m ^ority of the board ( a g a ih s tm alleged .trust, i the public for aplaiiit charging murder wa today." , I t will be noted tl

• to be troubled a t all aboui of the, complaint is unfair ested only in the alleged

• tjie;public seems to be sat fairness.”

• , Unless our whole theo•’ terent of crime has be6n

Nugent o f'th is state and H democratic minority memt tha t the policy of pubficlty £ majority refused to honor tl senate to investigate thc ch is using money in political

. / ^ a r ^ tha t i t i s violating tl • ;Nugeiit has bee na thoi

since hU appointment, Nui 'pired.-term iri'the United i

„ . ; FiWik R. Gobding^when he

shp i^ '))y W b'od^ The.republ

to .cbhfirm any Wiis o a the •fedep&l>4ira d&~eom:ihi

• places .Nugent,was personal t ^ y was strong. The appc Goqdinfir. into' the senate.ifQ ]Lhe republican majority by to administration embarrass

. •. ; ■ The president’ took in Nugent. To reject him w< courtesy and'wpuld have mj the time of his entnmcc ii solohs proved polite and, un

. who has since continued thc devoted his lifo. Wondrnw doubt, got a lot.of “kicV’ on olistic foes. .


, . NBA Writar.-• T jT A B lliN O T O N — Bulclde. for

W 'B « n e ra llo n a , has L««n o rtcocniM ) m sihod tn Chin*

of IntliUnK on needod nrform*. A , rv ron titr worka .a n d lollf. No • coed. I le 'a l ( n o ( ^ F lnallr, ' ‘I'll

t o (!)• Umiu" b« d«clile«. -W rlilnc . a le tter, urglnc tbe rcYorrn lie'a dyiPC for. tie bumpa bItnMK off. ‘*1 -wonder whjr.** obaervei the corotwr.

T be le tte r te opened and rvad. P re tty aoon. a ll over town. ••Wuxiryf W uatryl W uxtryt- the newa klda a re bollerin*. "Th* Hon. So«nd-8o k llti hlaaeU for auch- andaueh » re fo rtn r Publle a t­tention ta focuaaed rorcibly on tbe reform. B vnrbody e rla to talklne

aboot it. I f tt-e any cood. often It'a •dap ta^ p » * » tlT . • whereaa It m ic lit b a re la g ttd for ycara ofBer- wtaa.

O ananI (now Celonell n n y KJlcbeii’a Bjraiem. H e Mcrl-

a<Md bte Job to e w a tra te atten. tlon e a him f l r t t fo r avlaUon ra- torm- B o t tb a O rtental w sy la better.

a n i Biny yrould baV* been IT be'd le n e up la an alrtiU ne and e aa b ed , on purpoae. from a tbm *

. mUa alUtude!-.baViax aerved no- Ue* pranoualy w hat be wma «}ola( t l te r .

r \ S tba « a » a p rladp la . ■ PraM* \ J « M t Coetld«» n ln e d a

«*M «a to do * s re a t w ork In babatf o r aafety ( r e o aotaewbOfe

L wtMB ta* ted cad o e a c t tbem tbe> attaar tfar< I t w oulda'i be fiur to

M r Im aM U la from dellberat* In- dM w vaee to tb a N ational Safety

' CfaimtfT* «a«a*k Probably be «ad«*d UtaocbUeaaly;I M w te t • ro a r woold ha ra < COM a p abov t r««kleaa- ,MM* t f ooa o r Ib e n taad b it Uia > r—law ftj n woold taov* m eant i

i'" r b tn n

= , ■ 'W ,'5 ^ = ^ = S

LS DAILY TIMESS xeopt S n n d a r by U>* Tlma* PabUilOtti r, T w la P a in , Idaho . ___

P o stbm ca u Bacood C la ii U a tta r m a illcaUoa, A prU U . IMS.


c majority of the present fedei :ht, namely, tha t no report of t preliminary proceedings agaii

blished. unless.thc finding shot ir whole theory of government a: wrong.

iled in a civil or criminal action spapcrs, if of enough iinportan is grossly unfair to the public,

d declares, to publish a complai , it. is certainly grossly unfair r a newsi>aper to say that “coi ivas filed against John Smith he 1 that the majority does not see jufw hether publishing thC;filir ir to the alleged trust; it is intc ed unfaiVness to- the public. Y jatisfied very well with the ‘.‘ui

ebry of pitiless nublicity as a ’d' n wrong from the,start, John 1 Huston Thompson of Coloradi

mbers-were right in demandir y should be continued. The sam r the request of the United State cht^rge that the General Electri lal propaganda, along with th r the anti-trust'law. lom in the side of the trusts eve <fugeht was filling out his une> d States senate after defeat b ho'was appointed. The aj)poinl Hlrus' or tirmmnrimiittcai niuie ti Isdn in his final tlays in the -ex iblican senators had planned , t alson appointee for the vacanc; ihiBsion^ -lettiing»Harding fill tb lally popular and senatorial cui ipointment of Nugent would lefnr fho shnrt tprm_nnfi mecea& >y one, Avithout adding anythin] the situation and appointei would have violated senatoria made Gooding mad by delayinj

into senatorial activities. Thi unanimously conflmied Nugent le fight on tnists to which he hnc nw Wilsin in lii.s rctinnent, nc oul of the chagrin of his monop

AILY NEWS LETTElXT reeulntlona tha t wnuld la v e aaved

thuuaantla o( Uvea.

T V /B L L . lhal opportunlty'a loat.“ W IJul lan’t Ihoro somo other

ta way of BCCompllahInK thaA aame rrsu ltf Inoamucb nji no firsts . claaa noulilllly la avallahlo fni; tho

exprrlmont. can 't (ho IndlvldtMl *• prominence of the auhjcct lie off-

»* ■ aet by numtxraT We have thoao r , a ll rl«ht. ■ff Approzlmatoly 30,0(10 . peraona

died und rr automobile whefla >• throuahont the country laat yrai'.

Tho trouble la. th ry didn't a ll dlo a. a t once. T hry were a trunc alonC.

one or two a t a fUiio and an hotu- o r two apart. Ttio wholo SO.OOO

'• never fum l»h«I one aueh peppy , atory aa the loaa. aay, o f SOO llvra

>■' In a alnsle iht-ater Rro would have I ' done.e iCa a ll vrry wrll lo foot thecn e u p -an d ahonr th e ap;\alllnK total

• a t the > W a end. but In tha t form it packa no punch.

0 B>nOU8I-r the kllllnea m uit be bunched to do any cood.So I pn p a ae thU : Aoaembta

W aablnmon. aa a ronaplcuoua Ctrl'M tra l point. Pack tiwtn in to lVnn-

t ina tln f. I( poailMa. Tben lu m all the cliy'a autoa lo«ae on tb e m ^( n m eaat and w e t ; tre ta ttonta and a o u t ^ ^ a tree t interoecuoas.

Juoip ee aidewslka.*ia m onat atreet . e a r ' loadlDc pUifortaa, to dlore- t sa rd aafety Uoea. jua t aa tbey do

now—10 hlli and mOm. a tl ^ y . •

I E S n U A T E th e d«od would num ber a t liaat teoo; the man- Ctetf. a ll tbw ree i. And It woold

areuae poblte epintea a l taal. x \ w b at a aanoK la tb* aanoal num. b*T e f an to (atallUea. Ttm' ahout • I p*r cetK. y b r tpere wouldn't be m w nw ro ao to kilUafa a tte r th a t. r

a e r r r 1 eaa*t vo tm taer for Itala aerTtea inyoett. fcw iln iftj , m oat fa* left to repo rt tta* «*m t. Dealdna. F m m «**4 M apa»tn«

•IMM t M It'S *iediKl — M ri to

iS Brother I Doesr

U_ _:

idenil / VS/Hbif the / >mmgainst 6li.ould / - ^ 5 * 8

Iion it tance

ilaint \ lir to \ com- \ here . \

seem '^iling .. nter-Yet •


rde- '>nF.ado,dinglame

ever •nex- - it by DKATIUOHN, .Mich., . .Mdy : v ;„ j^ .Would y o u .tm t lo p liicci ■wllh-

A y . t T bora’i ono. mnn in Uili oW w< J ^ w{tti Ita' mlllloDS utrlvInK und (It J . t o In s for w ealth , who a u y a 'b o wo

Aim thlM .man Is Wllllain Fi too hroUJor ot lUnry Fprd. . ' . -,,u -“Wliy Bhould 1 wnni to tr

placoa wlllt my Irotlior, or nny l let.claor ho Bold, " r t ii Mtii.jiy i conteritcd.■fSe - I CIIJOX Wy worlt— nTTliavo' l i n g Rood bualiicBH. 1 haiD a nlco, ci

toriab to homo nnil it hupi>y -fain T hn t iticima a lot. bo 1 don 't <>i

ited olljur man for uuythliig uUe

t r i a l ' " i recently liicrrnacU ilio num r ln ir of men wiirklUR for mu to <0. T T l , „ >">' «"»«!»■ ow pitT ed wHJ.•t he i,iindr.'dt. of iJ.ouwi»d« worhl«K o n t " 'y h u l Tin crmtuntud i, I'ct bo Juni jiR linpiiy If I Iind o n a d t,v„ iiifU) wnrkltiR. lo r mu."

n o Ho Ih nol connecicd wllli Koni 'Sloior cdmi'w iy. uud hov«t I

lo p * ntlrlii|itpil K) cjiplluMzu Uiv r^ilK'c Blory of hln u eu lthy ri'im lvc.

____ liom r FoIkH K nuir llltiun n ontxido nf till) lown ot IK-iirbo M k Iio iirolinbly In iia lllllo known u i l na liln hrollior in ramuim, bu l lir

wIiiTo ono lit lilK Ilrutlivr ili-iir crwi'cHl phinin U liKUtcd. ovtryt kniiWB hitii nn "illll."

Ho ulwaya lian "nltiinl on hln o fpcl." nud ho jiivfor no t lo ho ml: "Urotlior Ulll." Thin doonn't iiif Ih s t Ihoro In nny hontlllly lipttft tlio two brothorn. Tlicy • u rc 1 rlnarn t (rlrnilK: 1>llL illll ulHMyii I: jircfurrcd tu mnko hln own wny.

-MaRp It clt-ur." bc nnld. ” 11.111 dou 'l noli U ncoln . Vonln or Konli* irattivrn. 1 »e\l ottly nvpUantcn I the Kordnon ira tto r* .

"I niJirtod in thin buklnran Ir.

In Oper Our Mo

ifis so arranged: economical ma

■our patrons the of the sci-s-ice a figures. Our ai been to give th time of need, nc situation in life ranging of funt our power to re all responsibility

B lu e & <A m biU iA ce

Pbons 1400-W T W D

i ^ i r o n ^n’t Envjr Hei


^ , W ITH MY P P O '




^ . N u n © ii? o /M tM \w o t? K m o • F O R M E .T O i j O *

2 3 - Ilttio Bliop'on’ a •ido niroot In Doi\ Ih- 'lh ij horn - bu t \ tho V ,btitlni;n p ro ip c r

' m 8ula^A"’^ ^ k ! A ibst* aJTrMtr'^/ro w orld my, hftiihor,’a .p la o t; Uicro."

rcaomblantwould iiotwocn (ho iwo_lifoiUt»rt. B oth at

lull and anKnlar, .'wltb lo n g ' arui .^ o rd , and IcsB. BoUi .havtf. s rs i^ -b a lr , an

aho aamo i]ct)p.aoi «mb. Both h tn tm do comparuUvoly fow «?IiiltIc8 ' fo r mo

ly ono iiicjp ngo. for i l e n r y ^ i paaaod ili r nnil 60-yciir m a rk -n n d hi* •. broUtor -1

vo u •U lll" novor *ociiin ‘t» ■worry «bou , com- nnyihltiR. Many u 'd a y you "WIl ■amlly. ( |q,| tilm w alking ar»utsd h la plnti • ‘'«»y BltiKliii: o r hiinu iiliit;. aomo o t th Inu tio uamo old aonei which V oro tnvor

Itcn wiicii ho and llo n ry wt>ro-boy umhor toKi'thur on tho f iiru i... T hai M ini," Ilko hla b r i ^ o r , .h a a ilab ll Ih f bli'd 111 pollilca Ouly-ODKO.■K (o r A r,tn- youra uro whon Uvarbon d and wan rntcil-un n loiiK h'tow n nhd thi « only iiuMKiiiit o f crookB from Bolroli

"IUH" WIIH i-Ii'cli-d vlllago prtmldun Ihu iinii pidluu chlof—ii cgmblnntlon Jub

T liuH Tt,« uJb,j •Ann notoiV fo r f ltccIK'clcd 1,1 tiiiitiirliitn. .

(.'Ii-ann CP- Iho-TftnlU . Thu ni-w (irtnlilcui cloanctl o u l thirboru; criMikn. riioiiiiPd tlio flooclnc o t mo- VII nn lorlHtn, orcanlxcd volUDlcor t in

liorc, ilriiiirim riil nnd lutruducod a mode! i-iiry'n trulflc nyntum of ^ufcly lo n w wlilcl .ryuno nluf>- Iikb l>cvn udu|itod. hy Jtiau]

olhor c-llli'N.< uwn Ik- dctllia-d lu ntnQd to -u lcc- c-nlloil " I’oUiliH don 't Inlorbat m e," he ttt-opn nayn. ■ It tnki'.i loo tnUch Umo from ' ' tho liiinincnK, even lu n nmall town.'* n han Wllll hln wife and thr®* children, ly. •■IIIH” 'I lv rn tn a tuodcaU rod l)rlck I.nt 1 IiiniM'-. JiiM ■ off llie tDolQ a lre e t .o l r.:M.n lifi>r»>orii. You cun w alk flRlil up rT. fo t itt .vliV tTirtil rtow atiA' ahttWo hatkda

w llh "Hill." lr. a AlKiiii n mllo nw.iy U the b ig ea-

ratingDrtj^ry—;d, as to be done in an nanner, thus ffi\nng le benefit of the best at the least possible ambition has always '■ thoughtful service in ­no matter-what one’s , fe might be. In a r - , nerals \ve do all in relieve the family of ty connected thereto.

CompanyU O y Am U U b X

n s P A L U FhoD* 1400-W

T W IN F A L L S DAILY TIMISaV ^ /= S S = ' = a s = = a =

e Man Whoenry Ford_ >

3MT ,p_ i. y s s n \ TEREAT ^ > r .■ \M E * , ; \

M § W w '

Ooi\r>.tnto of h la .b ro ttie r,': U onry .i* foro» ipcro^ to^^jaa inja lii^^thrw a a u . .p^.^gjiaM

tro ih !r* a c l i.tli* \ta )n t: 'p « rch , .■••Blir’ la a .in o m b o r « f a lm ost*cv

ilaoce cry ■ lodge' In' D earborn, a ad he’s -1 tl a re ap«elnf fiivorUo wlU i’ tho.,to*ra .ktda aruiB ;ho probably 'glT oa aw ay .m ore-dlm ei , 'a nd a n d ' DlckelB to . cfalldraa - Uiait Jo b i h a ro tiy." n a fltw rtlo tt - '" m en i. — l;— 11.

L E l^pha ift Tomb________ A- mlnarat.;.llO-icot-hlgbr-»iaa-i>»»nibout T»«*o<*~'ovor the limill o t a ravurll*

w m }e lcphan t by Aktiar ilic G t(» t a t Fu tty . p lan t I poro Slkrl, In inilln. I t In atudilod with

lho elephant tittk*. “


dab -j _

lioro ■'•; the

Iduni jkA n i]: tho .mo- ■ 'tiro


uUr To Our Custoralcc-

h. ' Effective JuI™'" South Central;S the' policy in e‘ u°,' the country—

charge of 50‘ ( minimum' dailj out the month.

This charge is a service eh£ penses in conn check books, c the handling ol

A monthly d affected by this accounts againi the month. ~

, All Cashier’s side of Twin F, change of 10 ce

SOUTH CEliH u e l ^ ■Bulk n m ’i Tw illl r i n t 1

. _ • 8 « m r ilP * n a a 3 u k I

I '

ALKUTLUr lS I.iX l> S AHB - tC onilnued,troiB pag* IJ _

a UiroatenlhK gestu re , mlKht caally •u fflclon i o f ItBOlf to n » a i ; tho eDU w arsh ip s back to tiom e watora. no t. the A m erican Hoet would bc a l tfr advanee upon tho enem y to rrlto w hose own naval •Ironstli'. would Iia been c u t 'In two.; 'iD u ^ n g tbo w ortd w ar G reat O riu

. I r . foUowetl Uie alra toR lti. prlnciptD ■ keopInK h o r^ sre a t ba lllo f lee t Intai

No m inor hwue, no kind o t pressui o o 'fo rm o f iem pla tloa w as ab le '.

— — porsunde-tlift"B rllIah’ ‘ 'a d m lra J ly ~ com m a tho fa ta l fau lt o f dividing U natron 's a o a '^ w e r . a a 'rcp rcscn lcd I Sis m a jo r flgfatlnir tnachinoa. ’ Tl

, aamo ta c tli» w ould app ly in a FaeU ’ w ar. a t le as t fo r a n eooray liavlnv i

in ferio rity in batUeahlpe and . batt '■ ■ crulaura to A m erica. OUiorwlao. If •

expodlUon^ w ore so n t to copturc U w all, tbo United B u to s .oould lako a Tantago of tiie division and - amai f l n l one g /o u p of enem y w am hlps ar then th e o ther, o r e lse drive tho ci crny to covor and pe rhaps blockade ]

Indeed, so gravely w ould oh.cnem I be w eakened by seek ing to cap tu rc tli

H aw aiian Islands tb a t tlte ball m lgl bo mado even 'm O ro lem ptlng by nt aocking grea tly to Im prove'the preser fo rtineatlona . - T hose facia a re know to tlio naval a u thoritie s o f a ll-nation Inierested In quesUons. o t Paclfi slra tegy ..' H aw aii is no l a n - ' essential navt boao for the,'U nited S tates. T h e A le i

. ' - tlan Is lands fa r m o re i iM rly app'roae ideal c o n d itio n s 'fo r offensive oaro

; purposes.-.A if;bases fo r A m o ricu al 'I nnd;BUbmai^ho c ia t l th e y a rc rou^

a tiperlor . to Hawaii, and Uioy a ffor abello r to w ith in s tr ik in g distanco. c

■ F ^ r E as tern , w aters. ..T b ls year’s mid PaeUlc m aneuvers, therefore , a re like ly lo causo U>o nortberD oIr and sol routo to Uie F a r E a s t to be given I t righ tfu l place In s tra teg lo dlacuBSion:

. o f Uiv way any Utooreiical eoan ic t li Ihti.Paclflo w in be waged.

S H S P H K n o J in t o i t •tConUnued‘ trom page »

yenlorday a fic m o o n .' T he hunt toi e ight m oro was s ta rted Immodlatoly h u t Uio w ork probably will consumi moBt o f nex l wcok.

A trtick driver, a flo rist, a real es­ta te sa lesm an and a pu rch iu ing agent —these wero tho .occupations o f Iht flm t fou r ju ro rs . ■-Thoy *wore thai Iboy had n o l 're a d , enough about Uic

• ' . case ’ln th e .new spaper, to form opln- ^ons a nd^ tbe lrj.m l^ s w ould< l»^peM c

' opposed-16 'c a p iu l -punUihmenli. anti • cv- th e .'d e fe n se 'h y -ag tn e lR g a t t b ^ *B- al w ould ^ Ibok-uponvSbephe^ 'as'!D n't>* ktds; celit tinUl th e s ta te p rayed blm 'giillty. Ime« Slolld iookt«g m en theilo. T hree c t robn; tbem • a re 7ouag-^undo'r '3 6 rran d . Uie

t e u n h 'la jo a t-p aa t-W ., - - - . 7 ,>r.r- PefeniHi .Snll(fi«>d W iih Fonr.

-A tlo m e y W illlam -S co tt'S lew art for tho defense sa id he w as Ba»n«cd_wlth tii»~ ii r a i tiuntifll—a a l ^ h o could do-

'•■"o pond o n ,th e m for a fa ir trlsJ. i»y* “ We don 'i need m en of Wg atfa lra Vlth 10 sor Uio tn i t h " Slew nrt aald. These

men como from Uio alm pio. walka of

rio u n c e r;.omers:

Jurie l ; 4825, the member iMdahb Bankers’ Associat effect in many communit

—that of making a me )' cents on checking accou ily balance of less than $1 h.:e is not intended to-pi-odui iharge to assist in meeting nnection with such items £ covei-s, bookkeeping, etc., of such accounts.debit will be made agains

his rule, but this charge wil inst which no checks are

r’s Checks issued and gofng Falls County, shall be sub cents per hundred.

ENTRAL IDAHO BANKI[elfoii s u t a . B u k H u d to n , L U io . Ik o f E im lxrljr, K im b v lj , I iM u .■t StM m tl B u k , Tw in F .U ,, IiUbo. In FnH j B u k & X n u t Oo.,-Twin PaUi, I t N itio iia l B u k o f FU er, n i e r , IiU> n r i t j s u t a B m k , B nhl. U d io . m e n N u lo n a l B u k ; U ih o .Ik o f BoUittaiv S o n i i te r . Idalio.Oi 'o f B « p n o n , B o tm o n , Idaho.

SATUBDATyjMATS —S = = ^ ^ = = S = = = ^ ^ M S = = S = Z S = A 'iB tlfo and they can soe th rougb. (bai p lo t

against 8 h sp h e rd .. T hay.w ill d n d iitm '■ innocen t.lI beliovo, b ttl 'th e a u t « ’«aa

■Oybo re s t a ssu red Uio case.w U l. be trea ted enemy f tjr iy and honM U y."/ . . ' ; , ..I , ■ « B h io Shepherd s lta sto ica lly In h is s e a t;

tu rn ing b is gase from th e ju ro rs only S occasl5nally to amllo a t hls,w Ife,:w ho: “ alls nearby offering p r v o r a f o fW *, 1 , freedom . > /in Lf • AU owei H U 'inlaet. ■ Shepherd 'a s e a l Is a lm ost In fro n t > w suw . of Judgo T hom as J.-.i;;ynch..:Htt ir lfe lie' 10 would biCvii lak cn a p lace a t h la sido[y— lo b n r C row o-s a ld -th lrin ighy rln fliM nco r9K UlO Uie Jury and ao she w as fo rced ito a ltM by (uiress Uio room. T here, she keeps■ Tho h e r vigil,-ilreM cd alw ays In b IaeJt~ 'a e lfic says ta sUI! In m ourning fo r theing an <»7 aho nOsod from a child o f s ix to.batUo manhood. - _______ ,

o 'jA ” l»OKS MAN IlBTBB i’*6^ - (CottUnyed from P ag e i:> .

*")“ !} •■spoclmohB" w ilt bo ' b rought - into ? “ • conlac l wlUt m odem c lv llisatlto

Ida it. (’’'"Vlalon will bo made fo r ta k isgmimiVra ^ Q ' ^OQUA'it in tends lo e sU b llsh h ls ™,‘? t .'in cuba to r colony” on a c o ^ t p ta- y (eau, Boparalln* the experim ent a u -

tlpo from dw ellings of Uia; sc ien tis ts , nown sovera ti huhdred ' yarils:-* H e 'h a s ilIonB " T ongod .'.fo r , spocial ’ o b so ry aU ^ ' aclfic Poata :arouti'^ .'U >e' bahy enclost^'a

w hich Wll^-''rasemble th e . ol$ "Akwi;^ naval bI6cJt.;h0M es..;T h*fe.' with* ,t h i S a R ciii- ;;»»w orfc -;d i4 iaphoW

3 " l i '

iffdrd reaching o o t ‘a n d a b lttin g : th e bttbiea CO of fro*** *'>"0 to . Um e,,irrf» . m i d ' . The iBOlflUon'^bf Uie hablos-' wIlJ:

i l i k e ^ n c t moan neglect, R e q o ad t 'd e e la ru i, . 1 soil fo r phyBlclana' will ' t o p reson t to in its Bee lUat tlie' ctlarR«s'^:ar« 's ro p e tly •ions trcatoil If ill nnd properly fed fm*.: e t In chan lco lly ,'how ever) w h e n 'w e ll. ',

WIII ft new genus homo develop , ' from Iheso tesUT

A rrnngomonts . have'.been m ade for ■ roportlBR UirougU lho • United Ptoae (or Uto progress o t tbe oxporlinont.

Holy, " — - . ■lumo ClMf W ar-B rtd.ColenBla.

Tho dlKiliiKulHlii'il timrk lliut cam e- ’ ou t of tiio I’lvll u n r wna'Uio m llltaty •®?hn M'-‘« ‘‘" '‘a entoredtha? " " " J ' 1"‘1'‘"*‘‘* « '» « *»*'t " • «!>•tlio tnliis nnii tho.10 who went lli a s oO cora'

)pln- r a ^ o nu t nB coIoni'la or. gonorala ,' A , . on to grcAt iiiiiny of liirso l lU o a - ty ^ . '^ ie |

a**** roeliileiit* o f Ihw o llllca ,,bh t. a ls?grctil mmiy of were cotifctVoU a s •

i i t t^ ;lirovcia In n rcBiiliirSvny and re m a in ^ a s lho omclnl tit le Uf tne’'aoldler con-'

lho ccnicil, even Ihnuuh liemn>' never haVo MwarclMd ilio .ac tual nu the rltr implied. ' : :

, for • ------------ =---------- ■- H a r She Thought e f T h a i7 - .

' Pfomlnenl cluh wonnm w ants a dl- :«or«u IwcauM atw dw.Mi'i Uwiw .wlteca.

iicso hor IiW iand la. Hu uniy be a t b o a t;- ’, of —Boitoti Tninscrltit.

m e n t

>er banks of the iation will adopt ' nities throughout ' monthly service ounts showing a ■$50.00 through-

Juce revenue but ng neces^ry ex- s as pass books, . tc., incidental to '

inst the accounts ' will not apply to ■e drawn during _

ing to points'out- 'lubject to an ex-

KERS’ ASS’N '0 . , ' ' ' •'

lho .a n a , I tU h o . tlaho :

■ < •'■ •1. _ ^

t lira ' ' ' 'V -

Page 5: TWI If IB 1.Y T S le Dc - · TWI: ..yoMaiE.8; Nii.MBEB i'a ,'. E a rtl I S S M any aniJ Various kinds of Signs

~ ■

i.;d .H A ia r-O T « r.q iM i,B o o k sto r* .

yood»'B»dg..IU>oin« 6„ a , 7 . » . ». 10

(W raLSV . a w S B L B T -^ to ra iT B■ F l r t t N ational-B ank BttUdlfl< »

'^ S K < r t ~ R e p « t f n g .

toT A I* B B o a BBPAUUNO. . T .J O i n ^ Prop.. .,188 Snd St. B u t . , 'W »,.>Iio c a rry new >hoM. . .

' -Twrntfer .B R pitroiie 'S TRANSFER.' PIl U O I

a ^ z i S B ' T O ^ r m i c o m p a n t -PhonB 848., Btorago and crating.

iT c O T C a ^ ITiA NSPEll ‘C O ^ a r b a g a h a n iad ' dally

Pflont jOO. -.

RA RBSRQ TRANSFER f t STORAOB ----------CO.—Storaga aod apaolal carload - ah lp nanU to CallTorala. P b o a a K I .

. .. B l a d t t m i A ^ n g •. *1 ' B artw areT -------^

;■ For Sj r a p a o i r o g Q B t h . P j S V

v! \ ■Cbitopractor*';;

M l . »ra ATO. N ft OKlca Phona 487 '

_ p n i u . l ailtt J, G « Bttnldld* ."""“I 'h .* ?htma 1M 0.W- . R ^ IMO-J

P a i n U £ R o o f i n g " r o n s

y ■ P A H T B a s B C m i B S \ Snd^' m V or B alft-Paln ta , Oils; U o rw o o ; .Bin Pb

K a lso o lM i s b u ^ ; B m B o p ^ “ B m y b i m ABto W /ndsW aldf. W ats P r b s T

‘“ f VTiee.

--------- JT. ’ ----------- ;----- F o i l S'M i s c e U a n e o u s o th tr arti

n ra t* c la u saddlo no rses a t I.— i H ^ V H o m 0. b S 2.7 il id ? w ? o ,T fO R K

, •ao titb .-T aono -feB J; '- •" ■•-•■•. c»oae.|i>.

J B ^ r A f c lS r '^ D r , .

TO R a

P R E S T ^ U T R - A tw l t t r b a tts ry a a d - -sn«;K->etter~jirieA .'r '-Preato*0 <U te - ^ R - R J

B a<tery, StaUoo,' 325. 8 &oahon«., S t , ln« aparU^ 6»- -------______________ F O R R l

8 X EA R LBY '* GOODMAN—So. P a rk , p a r moot ru ra J tu w w o a l r ln r a ad .b p lio ta lo r- „Ing. PhODt C97R. W« c a ll fo r and _

■5 ^ s r ' l a dty>-^-.^a:»>-..v:<<i;^<H,;.>>. C a a a l ^

IftOR BILMARD8-Try M acanl^s. ^rw iN 7ALL8 jUNK H0U8B>4lst> run. . Cal

als. KBbber. Bldaa. f t i l f aad F a n . 46SW. ARMOUR CREAM 8TAT10N-384 FOR R

Mala Booth, Twin 9W s. Pboaes Sth aTOSV 1848 and 1074. Soo .iu befors sail- ■■— ■ . isg ereao. poultry, o r eggs. Ym. . ' we cona oot aftor yonr poaltry.Open Saturdajr B ights o n tll 10 FO R RI o'clock. jChas. Pndarw ood. low. Pho

P i a n o T i m i n g s.& O. HOU> • --------------

80 ysars’ ExperieBca. r ■ Phone 817J.' P. a Bo« 801. F o n l J ----------------- — . J - Z ------------ naots, I

T ypew riten

• , : 1 U M ain St.;-tfc T w in F a lls . W « h

^or Saie-M ^eijyieous JPTOR BALBJ-rWs M r a ^,BinDh«r a t

i f 5 s * » ^ p J E f r tn f ^ i u S b I i .-SlBksrBawtBg M aeblna C o , U l MaTi = = —

S i _________!______ lavestT O R a A L B -B o d c e t « a g raraL C S ^ ba' t i

a M ttk la 's BlaeksnUOi a b o » l U dth

'H IO H ^kL T m iD B OROWN- FR U IT } f ra ah -n ahd shade t m a . sm a ll iro its . sh re h ^ ro sw . T tsas a ad pon taate la . B a s t ^ Bnhl. a t e k fo r low w t p rlc fa . B a ltaasB “ _

:rO R SALE—N nraary s tock o t a ll m t h o t I

Co._______________• ' Jog . 8 mo

■ FO R B A L B ~6M t a . u a w . la lh.y . B. H oag; iO a b a r ty Road, t

.< 4 U ^ .8 o a th . X & Qlbba. . Pboaa•Q W i ; '. •-. •-. . •• \ - t o r a

f O f t BALB-«ssd n M s a . taMsa;FOS SJ

js s i^ is ^ g s sa s i:^ - ■ — , ^ - ,

» a n ^ > M f r ' ■ f im im irin < n . ^ B e its , a •;ig « a » * lg - - 'T b B B O ' p o a n d : - !

S 5 E '8 1 M M I T T H » i 6 H E SBED tar e U X O n - O D o . j a a r d m WootMB l b a . ' a 1

;B«1NG11PFA/m g l /s o n -o o C O T R iO o r it h k t o u o /O k t c > o r 1 ^MOW o t o •TOO

■ J V

OlMS wr twri. FcATvm S o w ct. Imu

t l W E S‘Sal^Misceilaneous ' J; SALB — MJlwaHkoo- m ow er. DAVIS If W yan. Phono 6J7IUJ,. «omin!n»r,

: S A L E -O iie d r tf isc r 'a n tl fru itMaonablo. 110 Cth SL,.South. : : F o r; SA L B-M cCorrolck cJinJn drive ,■■. B. A. A ham , H ighland View.

>les Itro bloomlnir a t K im berly ■■;: „rlei, 11.00 pe r dozen. A ator, cal* y y ^ SI, stocks and m arigo ld p lan ts *^<th n nI?. K lm herly N urseries. Phone “ t o r r i

' ■ • ' e m housit S ALE—H lgu grniJti a iu rg ls " jm rrla io , uaed om y a ,aho rt-tlm o av""ue wI flno condUlon. A roal bar- , ^ 7 ,rt""-«»"'■ ■■________ ‘:3

S T -O .L IT E b e lter iM tlery. bot- Moacasa; ce. u d o il 1: SA 1.K -E lc« trlc w onhcr and artlclw i. 301 '6th avenuo eaat. p Q ^ ^

_________^: RENT—6 room m odem house: ‘ ohUi' in . .P h o n o .S06J6.- ' . , . ; ■ w il

INISHB0 la m a 'r ro n r ro o m lT K i i S g t f S• ( ••>■1 ■ • ■/■•,-« ,. Idabo fa:.R E N T r-4 room house. 1 9-1 I fS S f lL .

w id e / ^ ? l o ligh t. S l school ■ 'W a h l auto., - P hone SlgRX • . “

i T tS N T - ^ ia t f * ‘Tfomr -ttiioM’ i {ht^houaekeeplny. - Phone -307J:

artmOTt a ad garage, <ihono S62J

. RENT—Room a ad garage. 812 onth. 244 Bth avenue no rtb . E,ehwMj« i -RENT—W ater la Tw in F a lls 20T Sboal v H ^ B e a U . .. . . • .- -

i RENT—6 room m odem houao farm o n furaiiihed.- e n rage aod chicken K . Hawlc

Call « t 277 H arriso n o r phono-------------------- ;_________________ Phone 76I R E O T -S le ep m g rooma. U t

: REINT—l room furnished ' WANTi 481 3 r d ,aYenue w eat. ■

. RENT—M odem 4 room bunga- ^Pboae 1207W. ^A N T li SALB OR PO R -R EN T—Reat- ^ o o a ln g bouso. 2 U g th ea s t

im lsbed bousekeep tag 'a p a r tT I

. X ^ a *7 ^ pnced glr

------- :---------^ ^ ---------- - ,WANTI. BBS4T — k r o o a ‘ fBTBlAM o r work

----- --------------------------Photje 87


atock and Poultry ■ ' IALB—8 aUIk cowa som e ju a t W ill g

1 te a in w ork boraea and 1 wedc aadnnlea, good c u ltlra to r teants. selUag a i i - n l lk goat, s-m ilea n o rth and dreaa Bali■ w ea t o f F iler. Phoao 308R& O ra n v tR

------------------------------------- -------- WANTBSALB—1 team g ray galdlaga, w ith b o n

I old. S cows, g M n g 8 gallons Time*,day. 1 m ile w ea t a ad 1 m llo — ■

of Sooth P a rk G r o c ^ . B. H . « 5 ? ^r. _________ . S S W e

S A L E -O a « B tx tlsh P e to tc r O . Lools. month a old. E . H . H aw ley .' -

SALB—e o rra l Bw ra w ltb coit, m g^e to I «M t. oooth oC •V ashlag toa c o . ; a a s . OhBMtt. • : ■ .ITED—g baad good boraea to I. > S < c k W yna. Phoao OTRa. t 5 * l S S

F o r : s

Hiscellan^us ; - SSffil


W^v-aM'WOMBN- f - . ,*T - » cR cA cr f ^ L i e r B n X A m " ^ o e ^ i H e f ^ o B B r m s GSs I ^ H ^ C A T • (— ^ . S s B g a M M

1 ' -V / J

r W A N tJ ® 5 ^ 1 1 a n e ' o « s I

VIS i TORIt—Pftlnllng ana kal- '" •V i P l in e M ouiing a - Hpeclnlay. lO A N S

_______________________Mr SaIe-:Real EstateR SALB OR T R A D F ^ IO acreaOlaaBOW. Montana. Phone 8(54.

rt SAlUJ-.Moilom G room liouiegarage. Pbofltf »!?2W. ______

It RENT OR SA U ': - 6 room mod- . TRAIouse. will lake ca» o r Ford truck Specialr t paym ent. E nqulw a t 331 3rd cattle,le w e s t ’ " Z

' -^. TO SA L B -T w eive tboasand acres, W ltt. V,

m iles ' no rthw est o t B llllng i. Falla,u s , n e a r B roadrie ir. ysm aia* ')ll p ro specung la 'r lc la lty . Ed- TCorlett. JoUet, 111. ______ _

a a A L B -4 0 acre a«wy farm aadro orchard laad . P boae 617R8. J . -------

• LOSTR SALE O R T )tA D E -l« 0 acres and onlUtheasUra K angas la o lt dia* ifom e 1w ilh 10 room house and good <

» farm ., A ddreaa XYZ. care of rT U T e

inteti-Miscellaneoua ^J4TED TO - RENT—P oaao .i fonte n P hone 1356.__________v E

ihrrGD—O lrl boarder In quiet r i g y c y m r e B in r i i a s t - ------------- <rnp*n

j j t e D —F o r cash or trade. ho ld fu ra llu re , ratagea. rugs, etc. ' 0*uige -D ep t., A. R . V lncpnt Co. ahowlniboahone South. Phone <0g. ■ also do

iNTED—T o ’h e ir from - ow ner o t Vba®?.^ o r unlmproTed land for sa le. O ^tw icy. D aldwla, Wla. fw lo,rn'E D —Reef ca ttle . J . A. F lynn o t Agi» 7S2W. stock' N T E D -P ou liry o t a ll klnda.-Top I. H .& H unter. Phone 903W.

NTE1>—A t oae* to r cash , ased bred hieara. Phoae 147W. J . B. W blte machinW M o t e a ____________________ pofk.-JTTED—Horeea for alfa lfa paa- AnotJ

Pay Co*. Phone 9113, Mur- ■»«>«* II, live ate— - r — -■ ■ ■ ■ -" - _ • m alurtl

S i t u a t i o n ’W a n t e ^ . S ; i ' , ‘■ ■ ■ » 8 to 0

N T E D -H oustf w ork hy e ip c r i- girl. Phono 6ICR2. . t h a ^

JCTED ^W ashtng lo take home m arket irk b y tho hour. Phone 637J2. averagi RK WANTED — , Eiperlenced n w a n u w ork a s housekeeper.

________________r WANTS WORK an ranch dur- aTtragt acatloa. 'P hone 463. ’ ' -makln,N T B & JW ork tiy U » boo r. Call »*•«»<

H e l p W a n t e d c J a------------ ------------------------------------ ty be mI gua ran tee aa ia ry 860.00 pe r key, aln aad fum lah a u to to aerenal n e q ba ttle I B azcellant'PVird aacceasory. Ad- u n b l ^ e ^ M a a a g e r , 9SS Broadway, tiy

N T E D -W om aa o r girl to he lp O U 3 soaaework. A d d n n T . care o f ^u__________ ________I___________M WANTED for M w eC tr* work.

‘ ' ? £ a “ G S ? t^ S i to e t l^ * * M iW lfa ___________ •N T B D -^ laa o r lady lo aail do r- gg tosHsT. T h is line b s s a o rivals. B r i t o i« * i t t g m e a - i i* - p a l d - t b o — | F

“is5K?»£,S% ?rSff hto o rd e r lingerie. 0 < a :-e ia to • K C ^ j W - S e . t o d 'S T e a ^ P o ^ , ■

SiileT^ A t ^ ^ p b ^ >t l l l T i l ^ - i i f f f ■ l i iW iW f ti .d S r A

! O X S D 3 U L Y T l H E g ' '5 = e = = s = = a r '

\ " •• a T\ • ^ « e .

>t^? / J . W ^ o o

‘I •. . I ‘a ' ■ M ^ M Q N e t ^1 V^OOUO L«K£^ T O ^ > e c VOO,

1 ^ ^

_ II A

• A P S B RMopey to Loan '. Uf

i p m CEtNT HCTTfCt FOB FARM •N S - C a a g e t rou th e money la

«Ulo Of appUcatloQ. C ^ r . II. (J t i a n w . ■ on lio w .'o ;DNBY TO LOAN—Farm a, c lly " •»'» » '* 'lerty. C h i Potter. R eal- E s U ta Thu la<llle 171 social' mi-e

■ calf Wcdni

. To Trade ' M™r-oS,1Spent Thu

lA D B — W ill trado Studoliakcr tho aclioolMal touring for .hoiw. sheep o r Tlioy apom[e. A ddress box 600. F lluf, Idaho, n a Iilakel<

) T R A D E ^ ^ r for cowa. II. S. fie” , [ 'll 'lJ ,,” *. W aablngton Si. No. ll. 3, Twin J p"","®,*,*• pruHldunl.

Lost and Found “ "ina. ■» .— . I ' ^ tho Yoimii

>8T—P a ir noso Rlasiea and caac. abovu lhoBC O il. • . _____ will occijp

)ST—Ono dark , bald face m bay gWOIns. Deliver lo viniior in

>e B a m ahd rocolvo rew ard. mV anrt. \ ~ . ' 7 ' . ~ vlalled wll

fe"EeasExe3 in:iitter~6ontest

' , R obert am•:• ernoon on

ike Best'aowiJig in Min- SHK* ■ieSota-TSjmimI*;'-

----------- . Of U wlat«dow a. lhe

I tlie MlnneMta T an-Llller contest 1024 pure bred plga made the b e .iwing, wllh grades and crotabreds Mra; B.dotog well. O f « rsftae rs irtwso day fo r 7

rrs made a ton e r aw re o t pork in pc cla ^o bdajra, not one Imd a scrub U tter. M r,, and

nm m cnilng e h 'th ls reauil In a let- Tw in Fal]to th e Coifed s ta te s Depertmenl > Agriculture, a o . Zftvoral, lirek speclalUt o f MloMsola, re- J iV 'V .r f . k e d : ‘TJheton-lltter contest demon-(ed th e ralue o f well bred pigs for daughter. •t production. I t showed lha l pure of the gratI hogs aro more highly do»eloped home Thu hlnes to convert farm feeds Into train .c.” ■ M n . W,B otier advantage which Mr. Za- ‘ho KlmbeII polnlecT out; tn llie Inlercata of o lher gucs; atock lmprovement, U tlie eariler

urlly- o f well bred stock. Ifoat o fpigs In llie-U tters iha t made Uie vw ere readr for the m arkel In frem w ere the) OM moniha. The ahorter lim e E m e sl WtUIS th e rtsk t n m dlsesse. Mora Oelrom olI th a t, p ip crowded (or the early Roes. Wbiket bring a higher pHcA on tbe . ^ » k Wl■ago, Uwa these marketed U te W ilson, Ln ;ih e m arkets sro flooded. * iS , i t w eights o t the snecessful Uttersm t t r o o ZOOS to 8,102 pounds, w ith tbo bosa v e n g e of 23SS.4 ■ pouads. Tbe „ < ! Mnu«go aum ber o f p t a >n the in te rs will spendking tbe to o ' w as 104 and tbe lr J . F . Sfa-age Welgbt was211U> pounds. . . Alma, w er

P alU F rid

t t t Lack Jor lA« Tark*lOtla la Besssrabla ahoald ee ru la - K othlng.> memorabla la the annala o t Tor- amples of^ c « thV Tortts w ere defested ta exhibited 1a tbe re fenr tlm e»-«n 1 0 4 a ad uvo .wltlvb y th e ro les , aad la 1T30 a ad m sbaadaiby th e Bnsslstia Marcos A t

JT OUR W A Y - : - , ”

OOMT MS UMCLMOCt aACfclt (F-—K V •. J>A V M O< « r :M a R ?/\ m

i l K P


I’p OICiC.*a- r^T M0 t»e»'STS0 A ts ' 1 R e . C R K l 'T A tiO O T TmC c .^T • . \0 0 C.KVC. «SfH' W OOL.ON'T 1

-WITH >T r o f t T H C ■ w o t ^ u o - l /

I f I'M 1

R I N G T H IEDEN NEWSII. n . lUyoH Hticnt (lio rarcpa rl •w,>ok In Tw in Palla looklni: a ft- U r a i l l S lil.O rado Ilalclicry. H ic r KladluK “Of the 0 . A. II. held a mi-eitnK w ith Mra. Curlla Met- R ;cdncBduy aftornoon.and Mrs. Dallaa G ordon .nnd c iliC A a r

]ordon''a molhor, Mnt. Duntlur, fioiiiJi«,! »)i T hursday a t llanacn nuondlni.' I ,,liool proKram and traclc m<tot. iponl tho ovenlng wllU Mrs. Vor- ikoley.1 Ileboknh Io<Iko en tertained a t * '^roiJiiiioM lucl Fridny uvonlni; n l tho I. 0 . - 1. iniKrvir hall In .h o n n r o f tlio oaniiinhly m ju t. Mra. Maudo V. .\lnr«nr- |"p , ' ■ ■ • , crop uiilOBi and Mra. Rong have moved from r . | „ ' no Ming roHldeiicu Inlo tlie rooinH i.iBh’ur lirl lho dupoi. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson , , ^ ‘1 iciipy the xM ldonco/flcaicd by

C P. Sm llh was a bualnosa ,,5 ® ’’In Tw in F a lls T hurada/.

and Mrs. Pblnan Snow of F iler w ith M rs. Snow’s parents, Mr. "

m . p . w riftrher • • Provision;^ t ila j y ^ 'lK ng vi; i !51 '‘'ln' T w .^ o ^ o i.|e .iw

nd“j t r s ! \ if . Denton and eon. . W HBAT- . am i Loula. Ic ll W ednesday a il- 1 on a n overland tr ip to N apa. Ju ly m la w bere they wUl viait M rs. S ep l — ,. I’s paren ts, J l r . and M rs. Tbom- CORN— iver fo r '& ''faiodtr U/ ^Ik i i m i ' . 'Mky wont th e 'n o n h e a rou te by w ay Ju ly .— vision and Vancouver and then S ep t —...lho c o a s t .. OATS— . • Bolllle A rm our a f F ile r v1affe3 U liy —I daya th is w ck a i the 0 . L. Rosa ^ u ly , ....

■ ■ Sopt _B. Fllxslmmons Icfl W ednea- L A R D -

ir T hreo Creek v flie n she eg- May ____to be for aomo t im e . ' lllD S —and Mrs. O sta r W anacotl of __ _Falla a ttended the graduating uYK—tea hero We<lnoaday evening. M a y _J . U Shepherd and daughters, .jjjV .,

r e t and Dotty w en ino M uriaugbaday evening where thoy wero P | t n

of Mrs. J . P . Fahey whose c in ^ G Cer, Catherine, w as ralcdlctortafl 11 ofK radualing claas. Thoy re lum ed *‘ -®'T huraday on tho one o 'c lock ’ ^ o a u - N o

W. A. L Slowo onlerlained *■mberly Bridge club and a fow tucsts a t a doliithUul ono o'c lock No- ’ yelU on T hursday. Covera were laid ?«>'»•'• JJ- elve. T hc p rises for htgb score low . 81.09 von by Mr*. F rank Wilson and 1.06%: No. L W. Ostrom. T hose presen i mixed, » l. l be M csdsmes R. E. Bobler and No. 3 wh WhUe. Tw in Palls, Mr*. A .W . w hile, 81.)

1 o t Btibi and the AfeMames NcW hitney, Steelsm lth. Shepherd. Tlm olhy-

W llson. A. J . w llson ;-R « O. Rye—No. 1, L. C. Doiy, J . F ra ak H oary Clover—1 . A. L Slowe. .. . . . •F rU k w bo attended high achool CTHn P alla thta y o a r mov<4 Friday CIIICAOC h o m o f h is g iu d p a re n ta . Mr. c d p u , 88 nu W. G.. S a ppson , w here be standards, e n d the aum m er. . aeconda. 82. Shepherd and daughter. Mb«s »,w ere business vtaltors lo T w in m u . , q , Friday afternoon. -

’. " C heese;R a e a g n i h o n 23H c. so much as the es- P ou liry :I o f the Tirtoea when t ta y sro 24c; ducks, ed ta the morals of those who S ^ i « o s l Itiv a s and preaent ihftnselveo « c - ndaac* e s fss t a s U poaHbls.—I Aorellns. C RIO M C

B y W I L L I A M S S S ' i . ' S SIslaaa Trie

^ ’ I Nb. S. 8L6(Rose. 88.7R

o a o P » M « « u M 1

2±^!£rL- V - o * ^

BTGEOB^mA. ( Ats* T O W O W -V oo O O f^A A PO ftC C »K T »O N -V Jp. A REI COIN- T O u e r TOO

/ ^ ^

1 ■

i ip n .


IW FinUhedgher Because or pounda.^ ) i2.:

B ad Crop R eports I l i . % i 2:------- - $iu.sooii.r>o

KQO. May 23 .-G ra ln fu lu r is l2'fK»: focdctho .week wllb huIiniuuDoI ® 12-60.

:i tho Chlcngo board o t Irado SUocii — hti'iiily: lanil

nows wna the bulllah Inccn- dium t<> clitho w houi trade. wcIkIu*. mci

ilorablu ntlentloii. wns r.nid guIIh and c<rvlow glvuti by Jiimca A. «#*: wuHiorIn whivli ho said lliu coun- >■>•>" l» ch tfaced w llh a alio rl whwal ........ilOB« lho norlhwunt , recolw d i l i n .Ilo Hjioko viicouruRliiKly of OHICAOO. prlCeN. K xiiorl. Hnloa woiu i-ul|>tii. tuuu;

'Uh bldn aboui tlircu cenia top. IIS.HOho markoL ‘JjearywelgWgntberod m o il ot its a tronsih dium welgliHeat. wolKhU $12of ex po rt bualneas failed to 81i;S6013.7G

tho o a ls tnulc. ■ 811.160>11.60 lions ' rallied and rocovored 8I0.70Q11.10

"-“ ■iSII'hJJ"i T - ' • ' '• i . : compared U.... 1C7H 170K J07, 170 /e<I steers, "I

166H le s H I t m 1C614 SCO-lotvers_ . 147% 140% 146% 149% ^

• L l i a K 'W V ' I I B U ' 114U sc « id n < m a i ,.>„1I6% .110% 114% m % comparaUvel - ,..1 1 4 % 116% 113% 116 te r grades. — . grades 86e— 45 -« % - ,-4 4 % -- '4 6 % vnaJers,. um .... 46 45% 46 46% atockors sn

..... 44% 46% 4414 46% 26040c Ofl i _ steera, 8 9 0„ 1676 1677 1667 1676 7.80: heUet

■ and cu iters, N ominal « 4 6 IBOJIO.26; s

I _ 114%'*117% 114% in % ^IM P - . . .1 1 3 % 114%- 111 114% w o'lt SfJ-OOO

_____decks fromIIICAOO CASH ORAIJf. pared weekAOO, May *3.—W rest—No. 3 oif: othor c ll.08% Ol.«9% 5 No. S hard, a p r l ^ e r t ^ ^

-No. 3 While, 4404CC! No. »13; Cstlfo . '4 J 0 4 4 % c : standards. 41%c. Uulk prices -No. S rollow , H .1 8 0 1 .n % ; Callfem l? rollow. 81.11% 0M 6% 5 no. 4 n»H»o

8L l0% O l-13i4 ; No. G .ye l- ewea, 8708 . 1.09; NO. e yelluw, 81.0SO No. 2 rolled, » U S % ;'N o . 3 . ' ,X V U .11% : No. 4 m i*cd ,-|t.04% :White, |L l4 % O U 6 : No. 3 W81.1301.13%! NO. 4 while, S fNo. S white. 81.09. Sup ir. caae

jjy—86.76 06-76. Sugar, beeiNo. 4. 81.10. Cream obeoir -8 1 7 0 2 S . . Celery. , -------------------- --- - {.ettuee. CallCniCAGO PB O DU rE,. N'ew cabbag*AOO. May t> ? sO o u er: Re- Carrels, aew,

83.678: cream ery. 40H c: Beeta. a e v - Is, 40% c: f lrau . 3»03»% M

S*086c " RadlshM, bnR'ecelpta 84,664; ordinariea IPspperfc lb, n r s ta 80%O31c; o stra s , - 3 -

. Turasys, a r e ; 3V18S. S J lto ; A m ericas, ^ r tlcod

ry: Recelpls. 8 c a rs : f°*>*» I : S " * cks, 22c: geeae. 13c; turkeys S im la steakc u n , l l « broil.™. »0 J£5*X«f

POTATOES. S * " * * * -fcGO. M v M r-R « .lp l. Mlru»>.U «>a lll=1.10« SiS*- ^ i i e u o : J S :

SlSSSi^S.A'.u'Vi'Sffi MS. . sss.. _ iD U B l LITESTOCK.^ o S 5 ” _ Z I

' bans '-u«'--*tas*^

i s < . u t p , '« i » < ^ v s r o O o n '- S S

o i o u n > £ i T i n o c C ; ^ ^ <

” * ^ 5 2 S ^ 2 R S 2 S B

r n v B ' ’ '


\ ’ ' r

■ R S -REPORTS ,medium, good, cbolco- ICOpounil*. »13©13.60! 200-260-----—8l3.2C on.'JS : 280 pounds Ufi'!6; Micking sm ooih, heavy,12: luivking rough, boavy..1.60; alauKhtbr pigs, 8 1 10 ocdurs und stockors, 811.30 ,

— Ilvceipta, none; m arke t lamba, ti4 pounda down, m e-

cliolco, 87.G0OB; heavy- 1medium and cliolco, 8 7 0 8 ;

d coiiitiiona. a ll w eights. <d tliera, 8EO7.G0; ewea, com* choice, 1406.60.

lIU'AflO LIYSSTOUK..UO. May 23.—tlo g s — Re*,uou: m a rk e t 6 lo 16c otf; iS.Ho; bu lk . tJ U O O U M l -Ijflvts, 812.20012.40! liie- elgiiU 812-3&O13-70;/-llgbt- 812.26012.80; I lgb t 1 1 ^ , ..

3.7G; heavy packing, sm oow 11.60: .pack ing .aows -1.10; a laugh ls r. p lgs,. |T x ^

j*Mast w e e V : 'b O lU r '.s r a i te ' ' " ' . crs,.-10OIifc a o i. a t h o r « i # s « ' . i r : .top .yearlings,,^^11 .W

w olghu , .8 1 1 .4 0 ;. h e a v j ^: cows BOc o f t : c a a a ^w eak ircu tters ifsrao k ..-* ^ off* - VUvely m u o .cb aag e. la .. .ides. lig h t b e i r e n ; - ‘l o « r 26c off; bu ll stoady . W o a ?

uneven,, .s teady , . 1 m : w snd feeder ^ r a d e ' e l u * ^ . ' off: week’s p r lc « _ _ . iM ,

89010.86: f a t cowa 8L U O . eUers. 87.8009.M5 t i i l a ^ ;e rs ,'83J6O 4.40; veal; o a l v ^ , i; s lo c k en and^ feeders ,'^ |6

- Receipts. ■ I0,6oo:‘ ; f o r ,[.000 d irec t a n d JW a o a ^ rom feeding su U o a a ;, M g ' eek ago f a t lam bser c l u e s ’ a ieady ; CalWOfBU . - f s , 115,85; aaU ves.

wooled iam bs, 814.M;. colU , illfom U ted lambo l la # 0 : lees f s tla aprtngars, 816.60O 1W . - sp r in g s .. I14X0O16.M ;'0 8 .» 6 .._ ____

nVIN FALLS ^ MARKETS ;;s n x w e m c i s

C a llfo m U ------------t a s e . Ib. —

i lb .- , . , -

^^ ra w a


Page 6: TWI If IB 1.Y T S le Dc - · TWI: ..yoMaiE.8; Nii.MBEB i'a ,'. E a rtl I S S M any aniJ Various kinds of Signs

' U o ro b a n i 'a P o lico m k n T a k e s O no

I n t o O o > t^ y ; . - f o r P o s so ss lo n

■' a a ^ ~ : ^ : l M i i £ d s o l

. . . - T w o , p th o r i , ; O p e ra t in f f T w o

f l t i i l s - N w ' t h b C i t y . '

/ . ; A rrw l o f Jcwoiih' Cnrrlllo. & Moxl- c o n r ln poMOUlon o( tw o (luorta o( lUiosod m bonihino In tho wnrolioii«o d is tr ic t o t 'T w In Falln la s t nlRliU by

' J ^ n k S later, tlio -merclmnta' pollcu- jn sn , lod to Ihc a r re s t a f tw o ' otUcm o t \h« name racc, w ho w ere rwantna

' • tw o ’stlUii a t tt farm liou*o a -iUllo jio r tb o t Ibo K ln g n lu ry corner. S r r .

. o ra l sa llo a s of tho vroducl wero cap* turod by tbo. pollco And tlio n h o r ir t ’H

, f to r e o a t (bis pp lh t, wlioro Zofreno ond Joo M arc lss 'w ore lakcn Into ctislo<ly.

.Tho-M oxlcons rccolved anil acted, on

.■omo o»po rt'adv lco In tbu oprm tloii ■ - o t stlUO' from D eputy ShorJff K K

■ ■. r r a to r , " , .-.TVboa tbo ofUconi ontorod Ibo plnee

' tb e r found a m ilk cnn a ttll In ono TOom snd 'fl*copper bo iler ttilll In nn-

' othor. D eputy I’n itc r u l d to ono ot Ib o tfcsltuiiM,. "T o u r boiler iM BoltlnR

, ; tw o bo t. aroD 't you a fraid U w ill Mow . u q T'.; A t th is tho. Mexican anicninly

. ,dlpp9ii;0i i i ;s lo l o r bo l w a te r and put . .coo l.w ato r lo .' H o wa« tlion arrcBted.

s i i i l i : .


’ ' ' ' ' .' ’. ‘ ‘ r ■ L i w r ia s s Itlp lum ni anil

. T « e r . J r u e l i . lia ln ] U e i lr r n llr ll- , . . lIsD t <!oaini«nefBient Addr<> Illit

• • - : :U n O H W ’M a y -3 £ p -^h o blBh lioiiMl ( < .' i t td llo r in in . w as. fUlcd on T hum day

V w u m g .'w a BH'. 'u iB " im u i. miuitJiLUim, - -iro itram .iw i* rIvod In tho nm f<hlsh

; ' ■ :> i^oQ l f tod ltb rlua . Ilev, ^ o ite lrd . " • l i K t o r 'O f . :O jo ,.'F irs t J»roshytorlon v . : ^ r c h .o f BoU o 'do livorod a b rillian t I

. & m ib(m csiiiost a i i d m t . ’'S uperin to tid - a P a tte n prM oolod tho *

1 C v j ^ D S U n s o lu a and P roa lden t W . ^* o r . th t f 'b o a rd ,o t oducstlSn »

; b r n « t o d lho diplomau. T iioro Was t . faiuito b r tb o h lr t t ncbool o rchcm ra >7 ~ n (S T T io lo ib F lIe J a n A lquU l anaT^fwT li

/ l o l l ‘Word. c' I . T h o O m dnatlnir t l a i i .

- I Tbo follow ln* a re tho menflicr* or

i * O m ?nakb r.* lla ro l- Bartli-y. T liclm a a■ lO laylock. P to l noyd, Berwyn U urke. p

> ‘ V era Cbollno. MIIHn Cox. lliiby Cox, ^W sllsco Davla, O rville D oarlns. M ar- o

. Kdrot D insm an, M ary Dolana. Alvan E |\lo t t . JcsS Fordbam , H arry GtvuK.

.V Jritii dodw in , A rdlib l la r s e r . Ncvn n H ays. LarA lli li . Itoy llcycr. nolam l n

■ llom lln ir, John Joyco M ary Kutounel;. p Jo h n KiDir. Jxo KlnE, Kmma Kruiie. « V io la U n d l* . C laronco U y n c . CIbikIo , l i iy n r , R utb Lonir. A dolrh M nrliarrk. M ory M adalcnt, l^ ln M artin . U uih Mc­C lain , L'thcl McDooell, lia iu ) M ri:, . w in n lt MoUndnr. ' C harlry Morrln, r V era Morrlnon. Kdlth MulIlnA. l^verctl M ulilna, W ilbur Ownbcy. K m aniid c F fttrlck , ’W aller Peinbcr. Nctn ’ I’oml. K lby l Q uUlcy, Mnrion n a lp h . Kiiln I teea. Bom lco Ilipley, U ll le Itotw rt- <j M>a, S om a S h ra rk . F lorence Selinolvr, j, F ranee* Scully, M arsnrot Shark ; i:i- j, a loe Sbrlver. :uitdred T hu rm an . Oor- k doo V an O a in n . K uib W ilcox, In rx n y ;u u L J

T be RoD or S ln d rn t^ ' u S tudenta .who have a iim d rd llulil i|.

n if ih Scbool fon r yearn a ri ': dV iolet D a l o -------------------------------- !i4Fr«ncM S c u l ly -------------------------- Jis.8

. M a rc a re t S liark — ------------ -------52.6 v. Inex W lnn — I------------------------— 92.C «

, Rotda S c b a r k ___________________ 5I.G i,E d ith M n ll ln i________ ;T________ Hl.< -cl l a w l Metx _____________________ Ol-t \M ary D o la n a -------------------------------OO.S sN eva l la y j - ............ .................. :------90.5y o ra i lo r r t a o n ------------------— .....-OO


r IF.HOSPITALP red W . Bcckwlth, to r m any

year* piirc lu tlD e n sen t for the Tw in F^IU Canal rom pany. w at np-

.........- ■pointed - Kcnpnil anperlnieaaoBt o ttln^ T w In Fall* ro o m y flooera l hoa­p lta l thi* atterpoon by tb e txianl o f county eommliuloner* to tak«

I lls pU e« M oniUy.' Mliui I,Ary W ai- te r* , w ho retlRned aome tim e aeo. h e r reaicnatloa to take e ffrc t June 1. w lil a e re r b« r • connectloo w ith the In itlttitloii and leave fo r an m t*In r IB Olacler N ational p a rk a t th a t tim e. /

» f . noelcwlth and h li fam ily came ^ e r« from T^annton, .W yo, to UVe ft- poalUoo .-with the ran a l rom pany

- .• « lt) i wblcb bo aevered connectlos May 1 .. ,

1 . j g O € - * V n C l A I r - $ 0 « J

D A N C f : :

«A TC Bt>A r,.V A T a BUnCBIBD 9A?rSA.Vr

c m T E f i - s o ^

F " . ■ . "

I Son I s H n m -A aon wiis b o n Mny 22 lo Mr. und .Mr*. T . K. Albln

• n t lho Ttvlii F an* County Ovncrn! h o sp lu l.

R llnck from Siiilii Sjirl«if»—Jolin N C luur nnd H arry 8. DeiilR nro bncli from It buBlniins ir lp to Sw ia Sprlngi nnd I'ocaiollo.

)li-cllnK l)t .Mnnin—lluv. O. D. l ln r ­rls o f Ih f ClirlMtliin church wlll con-

•nc due l iiervlci-ii.nt tlio Mnron nrhool ou Tui'sduy. .May 25 a t 8 o’clock p. m.

,.{ IViJI KschanKQ l’ulvtU iu-n«t, P r liem l S. Kvydur, pnalor of St. Kd?

WO Wlinl’# church wlll uxolionBo pul­pit* toiiiorrow w ilh Die puNtnr of Ihu Cntliollc church ..nt Joromo.

nl. I’rcnchcn ul Jeraiiip—Rev, J . Olh- of r ln c , jiantor o t tho I.utliurnn churcb, i«o ^111 tircnch i)t Jo rooie th is uvouIbr w und toniorniw momlnB, holdlnR tho i t . UuunI cvenliiK ncrvrccB tomorrow >ni n igh t In Tw lu Fkilla. na 'lie W l l a iPct EndraTom—MiHB Mnr- >r> narvi n iidy o t DuM. who In anitlnl- p- un t w orker fo r tlio ' Proabytcrlnn t’H c hu rch orRanluitlonii w ill bo in till* Dd c liy lohiorrow und ' Monday anil will ly. m oet ClirlHiInn Kndoavor membcra. >n 8hu will m uot th e Junlora n t tho JU iiiintor’n Mtiidy In tho nriernoon, thu !'• Inioruiriliniu nml aenlor orRmilzn-

llon n t C.-30 nud tho reBUlar C. K. CO muettnK In tho ovenlng iit G:3U.

"■ Xo<iH«» fitrporle.1— itl*« ' Ifolon C rabtruo reported th e Io*n 'o f hor blcyclo a t pollco lieailquurtorn F rl-

Z day aftornoon. . Mr*. J . F . Dohny rc jm rle tlA Ihu aow of n 1026

7 Ford toifrfhit c ar, ilrc iiio 30.108. A Ford tourlnic c n r on n oldo *treot w os tukon up. ■

MnlvntloDNt AcllTHleH-Tlio Snlvn- tlou A rm y will hold a npnclal oiiect- In* a t ll* hca>lii»nrlur» .-ilG Hhonlwno iilreut flouth K iutshl tn unroll tw o Ju n io r Holdlern nn ni-nlom. T hero aro 47 nu'nlor nnd :i.l Junior iiolilliini

Sin th o curpH hore. Ca|it. A. W nthon tiniioimcoH tlm t Colonel J . W. Cmm- Inn o t Him FrnuclKco will muko nn otricini vIidL Ju n o 8.

At llie llo spH n l-M rn . B llnor Van '* H oiiirn o t Diilil nml Mra. S. C. Kopp

o f ilauHOD woro adnilltud to tho boapllal F riday a llom oen, nnd Mra.

,, ABdrow T. F lynn and Mra. Carl Bd- y w nrds ond baby, w ore dlichaRod. .

? W elly F ( f tc ra l- i^ d a y -T h o - 'f u n « r - ', J. n l of JuilRO 'D . .T. Wo^ty of Dubl,

w b o 'd lo d T huraday n lsh t. w aa hold ,l Ihls n ftem oon a t .D nhl, undor ibo , I. auaploea n t lho Odd Follow s ini tho , Q Bvana and Johnson chapel. nollR l- ; U oua aoi^lco waa conducted .by liav.D Mr. * m o r . All th a ob lld rw , •fl H. b . Moone\ o t CamlwWito, Nob.; ; a Mr*, td n lio 1 ^ '’|“>'’ J•• Herii W’c liy o t i 'o rtiam i, woro p ro i- ,

onl wlUt th e ir m other. i

t lll r tb o f .*<00 AnBoonceil—W ord li'a* , been rocelved by Mm. Olllo W hile,

» antmiincInK iho b irth of nn i-lRht , ). pound boy to .Mr. nnd .Mr*, ito lx 'rt , Naro, forincrly of tb ls city, bu t now - o t 1.0U AnKcln*^Cal. . ,II ' ,. T ho B a p lU t Chttr«h-Su«\day m om - » InR tlio Ilnp tU l pasto r w i l l , occupy I tbo pu lp it w ilh n Hormon on -Com- . plotenes* o l U to . In Chrim ." Thnro '• will bo no orenlnK worship th i"

week. I

• T ake* X lne I 'h llilrcn—Nlno dnpcnd- ,• onl c h ilr tr.n will tnkcn lo tho J ■ C b lld rrn ’* Home a t UoInc from tM"‘ louniy by S up c rln lrn d m t U lllnn M- I• Camc who a rrived twlay. *

» N .a l Walv<-« I lr a r lm t-A . T , Nenl• o f M m inlaln 'H om e. charRcd-w llh II- ] . loKnl t>o«»i'Mlon o t liquor, w blth be I ' Ifl charE<*d w ith havlnc cached a t th<' ^• Krcnch rc*|dcncp In thin cllyn waived J ‘ prellm lnnry today before P roba te 2

Judsi- J . I . llortRln. w hlto m alntalnine hlN Innocence nnrt wan bound over

I lior bond, which- bc furnlnbrd. to tho dlm rlct court.

> Van Knton I’li-nds (iullly—F rank> Van Katnn. the ih ln l jx’mon aKalnnl> whom cnm plnlnt wax filed fo r dli.*> liirl)lnR ibe peace of llaneen a t n re- < I ‘cen t baneliall .cnmo. eanie Inlo cou rt t volun tarily to<lny. en teritl a plea o f ||i I sn llty and pal.l. the fine of *25 Im- 1I « , I . —

Do You Like


w o u ld ;A n autom obile thal is a grandfttand dem>

o iis tra to r

* ^ A s k

T w in F229 S d Z u t 3 ’

I BORGLiS ENTER i REAS OF GOILiy - IN COURI TOO/iI N. ______ink'll I'onfenH £ n lm n c e (u Homo of Tm *"« ilou re fu r I'urpoKo -of Jtobbet

Onme to llolHe In MIolen Cur Jl , O m ntfd nml T hen Situlo Anotli <»>'- ami 8i>|>anilo I’lule.l ‘nn B " * * ' ------ ~ -' . A* foroslindowod. In the ir Qualltl'

ndmlislonii ycslerdny tu tho nhorifl force;. Hoy H oward Dolmur und

^ O'. Lowi# entered pleaa o t gull I w ' tbi* mornlnK to tho charso of bur pul* larlxInR tlio homo of L. T . Moo

Monday n lc lil wben thoy stolo a r o rluR nnd xomo loosu cImuRo whl< w ere nltorwurd* fotind In Ihelr po B0«Klon, Tlicy no longor deny It

fcb, ijccliired thu t they entered ilio homi I fR of W. W. llriinin and A. J . U ndo ‘h® mur 10 rob them und thn t thoy d

rob tho hotuo o t .the form or, ni: mood out yuBterduy, it is beliuvc

, only becauno o t tbo ImprOKslon 'hi m r- tbuy hud Unit thoro mlRhi be cb.irci '“ • filed for a ll tlircc toRcther m;

th n t thlo w ould, roca;» a cumulatlv Hvnlonce. .FIndloR -tbi* imponRlb

**** they grew less Inler'oKted In denial It Is imdoralooil. Probnlo ’JudR J . U Hudsln fixed Htolr ball n t S2

thu 000 each.'*"■ Hnd Slolc^ Clir.

. Tlio bll?.' Btopbens c a r wan s^olc lu UoUu. II Is Hald. ami a. I lu lck Uc

,lon «nso Htolen from nnolhor Dolso cn liuc and pu t un* It.’ Tiioy ar.o fluid I r r |. bavo cotno to Dolso in a ntolpn Fon my nnd .'w hen pnKMliiie throuKh Duli 02(> WodnuHiIay oveului; hnd n atolo

A OroKim lluenxo on the Stephen oot - ' .

RUPERT FARMER i IS KILLED BY i T^FRIDAian liauBhler 1* Iladly In jured In Col PP llxion m i c h llrouRbt D enlh li ho H er Father} W ern on Wnngcrott

..f ro M ln ff .

' TJa l‘0. ;>lay 23.—E. B

P l 'V a a r o f i iu p e r T .^Ill, 8.yoor-old doURhtop C all bailly.' In­i''* Juroil Frlilay afternoon whon tfi< [>e c a r he waa drlvlnrr. 1»llided wllli

pansenRor' tra in No. ISS, duo in Ru- »* p o rt a l 2-40.>v. T he accldont bappenod aa Uio twc '’*< w oro lenvlAR town to r tho ir home

SlMSol lived fo r 30 mlnuto* afte i

"* tnken lo a hoMpltal. A lthoueh bnfllj manRled. the little Rlrl has n fait chnnco to IIVo, accordlnR to physl-

“• cl«m .The twn woro drlvlnR In a now

iiedan and npp.-irently tallcil to *ee th(^ op.nroaehlnR train , wblch nlrtiek the tront wheel. Tlio Rlrl wn* throw n 30 fcol IhrouRb thu w lnd- nbtnld nnd wnn seriously c u t about

.y tbe TAC(i,and body.Stofmel, pinioned In tho car, won

fntnlly crunbed. Hynlnndont man- I- ORcd lo ex tract him from the wrock-

nse , wblch nhortly aflurw ards cnuRlii flre.

,1 Several pcm ons hnvo lunl iholr ,0 lU-ctf u t Ibis crossing.____________

kl. poHcii by P robate Judce J . U llo d ­Kin th is afiernoon.

nl P reparinir fo r Offleem— Memlwrapf| . Company C. na tloual'K uard. nre mak-10 Ins p reparallonn lo receive Adjutant10 Geneml .MeConnrll and Captain)<1 W ortnloy Mondo}* nlRbl a t th e ir rcR-

u la r meeting.IC • ~

■° OASSIFIfD ADVBinSBIBITS;)( I m M tM U to f s r O s M in r ^Hi - - - - ' •• I.OST OR ST O I.K N -1 Pointer male ^ doK. while w llh two brown tipoln on ft b.Vck. name<l DukK*' I f anyone" ban o 'ls e e n o r known of him pleaae notify I- Phoae 231. Rew ard._________________

e A Grandstand

W HICHyou raflier

m- economi.many

sk the Oakland Owi

Falls Oakla3 ’D o o rs Z s i t o f L a trc rln g T b e a t r a



I I’JNSACOLA, F la . , ' May 2 3 .-AW tedural c o u rt Jury today roturnody n vurdlci of Kuiliy In tho caso*I « .o t flvo lu rpcnilno operator*,

churRcd w llh poonaRO. .t a i l T ho -flvo men w cro accusod bf'li n y neRrotH to w ork In thu IJ H I ciuwy#: u ftu ln tl tbe lr w ill and

boatlUR and . m lstrontlng theta | w hon tlioy .atto itip lcd to -o sc ap o .. |

M parmhgplan-s FD i|llS ,l!j$=l i coigDESfflosRoid .- ii;___ ’ .’'I

vhlch I'tnsnoni- Ilenr Report tir-KnRI-poo. Hpru ConlnlulHB 8iHWD*tlonsjIt Js j*r»ipiiiinl, of .fainp . Flro' OWs loome* jicaullfy I'nrlis In IJIreb Apprornl.

’ did s iicK ca tlo n i'• by ICnRlnpcr E . ,V."'■'I DerR tb a l losUlutlonx laklnit tip pa ib-

>ove<l ]|,K spacc n e a r tbe cen te r o f tho city '.hat iio required to . (unilsU a sim ilar

irRos U m ount elnowbore aud th n t a Ih'q- nn» hour i>nrkinK tim e *liouId ho allowed

Btlvo In Ihu bUDlnoAii dlHirlcIn an a moatiB Rlblo of solvlnR th o 'a u io conReslIon, wero iiIalM considered la s t ovonlnR a l a meollnR udRo o t c ity p lanners which accopted tho

S2i- offor o f tho M taw ab Camp Flro Rlrl* made hy M iss Grace Domrose, to beiiulify th o -c lly pnrk and tho lltllo

, „ parliii alont: DIuo iJike* houlovard. lie" 'I'*'*' I’*""*c n r Tho followlnR. In iho tex t o t Ib'o

I in Camp F lro sirlR* propoiml' p lan :I-..,I “ I t I* the deslru o t tbo Lataw ah n,,t,| Conipfiro to bo o t *ur\-lco to Uiolr , I _ lown nfld to odd iu ovory poitoiblo i,-„- way lo ita bonuty imd uttrqcllvono**,

nnd wo- tiw roloro i>lneo ou r orkanlsa- ' Ilou a t. you r nOrvlne, w ith the hOpo

R thut you m ny do lo forw ard your ' plan*.

*'Wo w ould Itko In fttm lnli tho mni* and pinnli Irlii In Iho c ity park

y ihlii *p rlnR ,-.a i^ lii> : you tliat nult- ablo vttrlolica w ill i>r mhmI. und iliat nuch plnnlinRS will he mndo In ac­cordance w llh plnuH Hiibmltlcd o r ap-

IV T proved .by you, o r by tlio pn rk com- k y mlAHloncr.l A ••Wo will, if ' m ay bo caln-

, ed, fumliili pliinin and mako tho nec- ^ , • eflsary plahUtiRii n> beuu iify 'tho irl-

anKln p a rk 'a t Uio (nlornectloij o f Sho- >0 Hhono iiirvel. ,Ad<IlHon avenuo and i

row Uluo U k cs 'b o iiiev n n l. •" I f th c ro 'iir ti‘ 'oihftr p laces w hero i

_ tlowora M'ay b o ' iixi'd, wv tr tia t tlial^ 1 U ls you will call.upon ttii to flervo''wharo i In- wo msjr, lo ttfo-^nefli.of our town,** ■

is B l i l i SITElow •

(’on<i(nictlon E niM err. n e re to l<el ‘•ek i'.m lrBct lo ^ m o t o 8 ln if ln n ‘n

trom l io h Purvluued f e r KulldlnR b «'>: by .lllff ru rke tM ^M alti EdWco llld» I o*'‘ Jn U w l MRht. jl ' • Jl

C oni/act fo r t ik l n s , lho bulidlnR * oft tho lol* purebM ed by Bwlti & r Co. trom Ihelr now s tru c iu re .here

Rhi will be le t Mowdujr. I t wa* sta ted to- iliiy by T . (^ Motoalt, cunstrucUon enslnoer for th<t’ .cbuipany, whO U ’

___ In till* c ity for Iho purpose o t pro- *pnrliiK tlio Rround te r . construcUon ^

od- when ihe co nlract fo r. Uio erection ot tli» main bulTdlDR I* le t.- Tho w otk w ill bcKtti t tio rtly .

nidK for the construction o f the a*- edifice wcro In be' a ll In 4 t th o Chi- ‘‘nt cnRo hendqusrtera- la s t niRhL |} t &

will tnko a Illtle Ume to compare thi-m and It in tjiOURht llk d y tha t

' the con trnrt w ill n o t bo awnrdod _ _ tinlll aometlmo noxt-w oek , Mr. Met- • ca lt declareil.

^ m o u .s c i io o l , s tU D K ^ rs.•<HOULI> IIKAIM III.H

Any hltOi ocbofA ,atudent who ha* — had the m infortun* td le a r the c o « r ale o tt bin Coyoie m ay bave namo re- on bound hy b rln slne I t to Tho Tlmea ot-

imn flre a t once. Thla w lil take a, d w :lfy or two to rebind aod rio charRe will

be made for samo;

d Ball Player?

iriiave?f i a t i s h i g h l y e f H c i e n t *

n i c a l a f t e r a n d d u r i n t r

l y m i l e s o f s e r v i c e .

V i l e r ”

and Co.tra Pbeso 719

'' n?WIN FA L L S DAlLYi fl

p i S i Pi v l N i G l t i• I ..A n aw o rn 'to specia l quostld iu :s lr i!n — by iho Jn ry laa t n fR h t,ln tiie.caao of

Po lo r .UaDdioKO uga in st the F irs t Aatlonal D ank ofUola.c, woro tan ia- m ount to u vurdlct fo r defoadant. Tlio quosUou involvud waa tho ownorsblp

I • of >23,000 w ortb of ahcop a ttached by L , S h e ritt M. K. F lacb, )n a su it broiiRlit } ■: a ja ln n t Fm ncU co .GandlcKo, b ro ther , . ^ .P o i c r . J5dwin H . e n o w and K arl

£ TENtATiYELYn'o- ; • , ' _____ - . ■ , .[qb I'a raiJo anil S m lc o s a t Uio Ccraeleryoro ? fex t Siiliirdoy W ill M ark rroR n im|n«[ fo r UonnrlDK Ib^'W enil of Uio Xa.'',*}S ..tion-a W an .-______

llo >; Tontativo plniia ofuliJocV lo con* firm atio-. nand pmslbio' alloraUon Imvo boon complutod’’for . Memorial day next, eolurday.- Way aO. U Is planned- to mnko tho, occasion onu

, of tiiUns oxhibltion of appreciation for tho mdmorles of dopartod'boroo*i

SI; I'anido In 3lomTn>. :* , • .Thoro , will bo a p a rade Ietl by ta . .Cupl. P . W. M clloborla. na m aralial po of Dio day w hich w ill Rlnrt n t 10 ■ur o’c lo c k .. Tbe o n le r o f m arch wil!

be a* follown:1,0 Tw in .Ftilla Imnd.rl{ Orqnd A hiiy o t Uio Republic.It- Spnnlnli W ur V eierans. ml H oy' Seoul*.,e. ' W ar 'M oihera. p . Compliny 0 , I. N. 0 . m- Son* of V elornm .

F l fo 'a n d D rum ciirp*.Ladles Clrclo o f O. A. R.

>c. A m erican Ixtslon.rl- ProKnira Cenielery.0- ' Slar-SpanRlod Uanner..»._..___BondId 0 ;, A. il . I litua lis tlc aervice, •

SoHR ..............................M'alo Q uortoltoro Lincoln's- OcttysburR 'A ddresa-..-... . at ..MCom. M nnyon, A m erican Logloni;ro s a i u t r sa n ad

Tap* • „ j_ i : ;_ .,i ; ._ :.> .i ..i - js c jt Thot>po ■ Sonff. -Am orlca” —— -iL E ra ry lw d y

iiiASinL‘i i f f i K r -

t IS GOING ONe l 'i‘H .T rack layinR Is Rolnir on rap id ly i IR beyond Conlaci. llio s tee l bavinR beon ilH laid to a point th ree .m llt« on lho

Olber nido early th is w eek, according to P resident J . ,N. C lanr o t the Con*

If; tab t Townnlio company. T ho w ork Is. ft procecilinR rapidly. • • i^ Thn fnct tb a l fo r convenieneo ROkej

Ihe U tah Construction com pany baa I .la ld-sldlnR s to r ita own convenience]

I, w hile bulidlnR a t b rancb aome d is- tanee from Contact baa lod to much

' ' sp rcu la tlon amonK those un fam ilia r |!; w ltb tbe facia and th e re hnve been " rtim ors th a t the sia llon w ould n o t)® be a t Contact. ■■, J ^ i l^ • i

. n e a d Tim os W ant Ads.________ '

f ~ T ,Y our V

___________________ PH e r e I s O u r O j F f e j

W r i t e U # a L e l

TM l tw in a l o i t e r w h y >' n e w f lo a l - in m e d I n i in d r y se i l f ila th e A verapc h o m e n o th e r ifootl l l i i i ip i a b o u t i l , i wor«lK.

■\Vhcn w o inililiK h y o u r loti iI q ono woi>k’« w nah iiifr fro o . b c p u b lis h e d in th c ro ta t io n

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—j u s t a l i t t l e t o u c h i h f l - o n a f e w p i e c e s . Y c

l i k e o u r f l c ^ t > i r o n e d s

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VI havo'RToat: nowa to '(ell ydii: von I nm RolnR to bo glvon a trip' to I of .California noic week with all. ox- irst ponses pnld/' salil JSniireirobock in ru* .IpiKf rccolved by homo ': folks. bIpb y ! 1, 1...'■. ' f'

I sBtware lof th, . Prolucf your home hy lin

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« u iie ; . t t e ' ^ n ^ . osi T^visites for p r o p ^ . ta k .

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t h e S d ^ p l i’ li'nN’ing yoMr'scwbn'fT^tJc^^^or screcn doors,' window ■scte'ens;^- “i-'-"l i w . ;V -•hpno.54:^^,;-

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i p p f s s i l KIENT PARTSi|>^W koll^K c^ce^i r . S e r v i c e - v ? * ; ! . - . '

ler Grinding Co.

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haviiiff ,ybtir.;wjll&*Iair» ^1 done for low iltiui 'i t colsl*.'.