twenty-fourth sunday in ordinary time september 12, 2021

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 12, 2021 Centennial Theme: “Remembering, Rejoicing and Reaching in Faith” Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church Josephite Fathers and Brothers 1600 Morris Road, SE Washington, DC 20020 Phone 202-678-4999 Fax 202-610-3198 Emergency Telephone Number 409-963-5633 Web Site: Email: [email protected] PARISH STAFF Very Rev. Michael L. Thompson, SSJ, Pastor Deacons: Ira Chase and Thomas Jones Administrative Assistant : Mrs. Bernice Waller Prayer for the Year of Saint Joseph Holy Saint Joseph, guardian of Jesus Christ, husband of the Blessed Mother and patron of the Catholic Church, we pray to you for guidance this “Year of Saint Joseph” proclaimed by Pope Francis. You have showed us by your loving ways, the value of work and the joys of fatherhood. By teaching God’s Son to do the will of His Father you have given us the path to do the same. By your example, you have encouraged us to accept others as they are, without exception. To you Saint Joseph, our Heavenly Father entrusted his only Son, Jesus Christ to your tender care and upbringing. In you, our Blessed Mother Mary placed her love and trust. Through your mentoring, Jesus Christ became man. We praise you and ask of you to defend us and our loved ones from every evil and guide us with your grace and mercy. Amen. Challenge of Discipleship He summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. ….”

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Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 12, 2021 Centennial Theme: “Remembering, Rejoicing and Reaching in Faith”

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church

Josephite Fathers and Brothers

1600 Morris Road, SE Washington, DC 20020 Phone 202-678-4999 Fax 202-610-3198 Emergency Telephone Number 409-963-5633

Web Site: Email: [email protected]

PARISH STAFF Very Rev. Michael L. Thompson, SSJ, Pastor

Deacons: Ira Chase and Thomas Jones Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Bernice Waller

Prayer for the Year of Saint Joseph Holy Saint Joseph, guardian of Jesus Christ, husband of the Blessed Mother and patron of the Catholic Church, we pray to you

for guidance this “Year of Saint Joseph” proclaimed by Pope Francis. You have showed us by your loving ways, the value of work and the joys of fatherhood. By teaching God’s Son to do the will of His Father you have given us the path to do the same. By your

example, you have encouraged us to accept others as they are, without exception. To you Saint Joseph, our Heavenly Father entrusted his only Son, Jesus Christ to your tender care and upbringing. In you, our Blessed Mother Mary placed her love and

trust. Through your mentoring, Jesus Christ became man. We praise you and ask of you to defend us and our loved ones from every evil and guide us with your grace and mercy. Amen.

Challenge of Discipleship

He summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them,

“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself,

take up his cross, and follow me. ….”

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Mass Intentions are available for the faithful departed and the needs of the living. In addition, every weekend one Mass is offered for the parishioners of our parish. Call the office to request a Mass intention. An offering of $10 is suggested.

Memorials are noted by: † Indicates Deceased

BD means Birthday AD means Anniversary of Death

Saturday (11th) 4:30 pm For the People Sunday (12th) 10:00 am For the People

Reminder: No 8 am Morning Masses through September 15th

Check out the Daily Mass on EWTN in English at 8 am, repeated at noon and 7 pm. It can also be accessed at or heard at Comcast Channel 119 Verizon FiOS Channel 285

Saturday (18th) 4:30 pm For the People Sunday (19th) 10:00 am For the People

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 19, 2021

1st Reading: Wisdom 2:12,17-20 Responsorial Psalm 54:3-4,5,6 & 8

2nd Reading: James 3:16—4:3 Gospel Reading: Mark 9:30-37

OLPH History, Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Core Values

Matthew 28:18-20: The Commissioning of the Disciples

Then Jesus approached and said to them, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go,

therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of

the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always,

until the end of the age.”

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish has a rich, black cultural history. From its formation in 1920, the Black

Catholics of Anacostia contributed to its development and growth through their sacrifices of time, talent, skills and funds to provide a parish plant of their own. Thus, the

uniqueness of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish places it in a leadership position to interact with other Black and non-

black parishes in utilizing the gifts of Black spirituality through music, dance, education, and special action.

MISSION STATEMENT: We, the people, of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, therefore, acknowledge that our Pastoral Mission is to proclaim Christ and teach the “Good News”, to worship and bear witness in the community, to love and serve as Jesus commanded, and to preserve and share our rich Black heritage.

VISION STATEMENT: “A Roman Catholic church that is actively visible in the Community, shares its spirituality through fellowship, and is committed to serving God.”

CORE VALUES BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS: We will always speak the truth, respect the opinions and roles of all parishioners, and value each person, always maintaining Christian charity in all of our actions.

SPIRITUAL GROWTH: We will seek to increase the understanding of our Catholic faith and expand our spiritual growth by participating in and supporting charitable and spiritual activities, in addition to attending Mass.

STEWARDSHIP: We will become involved in church activities and commit our time, talent and treasures.

INCLUSION: We will be open and inviting by extending ourselves to all by sharing in our parish life; thereby, reaffirming our vision of being actively visible in the community.

LEGACY: We will preserve our rich Black cultural history by respecting the past, continuing in service and faith in the present, and committing to the future of OLPH.

Quote for the Week

"Try to do your best for today. It may be good for today only. Tomorrow may require

something different."

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Sunday, September 12th: 10:00 am Mass

Please read page 6.

Tuesday, September 14th: Today we celebrate The Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This feast traces its beginning to Jerusalem and the dedication of the church built on the site of Mount Calvary in 335. But the meaning of the cross is deeper than any city, any celebration, any building. The cross is a sign of suffering, a sign of human cruelty at its worst. But by Christ’s love shown in the Paschal Mystery, it has become the sign of triumph and victory, the sign of God, who is love itself. Wednesday, September 15th: The Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows on the day after the feast of the Holy Cross to show the close connection between Jesus' Passion and Mary's Sorrows. As Mary stood at the foot of the Cross on which Jesus hung, the sword of sorrow Simeon had foretold pierced her soul. Below are the seven sorrows of Mary: The prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:25-35); The flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15); Loss of the Child Jesus for three days (Luke 2:41-50); Mary meets Jesus on his way to Calvary (Luke 23:27-31; John 19:17); Crucifixion and Death of Jesus (John 19:25-30); The body of Jesus being taken from the Cross (Psalm 130; Luke 23:50-54; John 19:31-37); and The burial of Jesus (Isaiah 53:8; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42; Mark 15:40-47) Thursday, September 16th: Memorial of Sts. Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs There’s a beautiful history found in these valiant men, filled with abundant lessons for us all that include firmness in professing the faith, orthodoxy, and unity among the People of God.

10:30 am-12:30 pm LOC Food Pantry – 3P Saturday, September 18th: 4:30 pm Mass Sunday, September 19th: 10:00 am Mass


OFFICE CLOSED: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ********************************

Masses Are Live-Streamed On

The OLPH Website

Sunday 10:00 am Monday-Thursday 8:00 am Saturday 4:30 pm NOT LIVE-STREAMED

8:00 am Weekday Masses are available for you to offer

prayers for your family, friends and yourself. PLEASE NOTE:

Mass Intentions may NOT be made on Solemnities,

Fridays or Saturdays at this time. Saturday and Sunday Masses are offered

For the People of OLPH until further notice. (Because Sundays are not available, Monday Masses

following the third Sundays are for Ladies’ Auxiliary No. 213)

Mass stipend donation $10.00

Contact Doris Savoy to reserve your intentions preferably by email: [email protected].

If you do not have internet access, call the Rectory Extension 2 Monday-Thursday 9 am-1:00 pm


ADW Education Assessment.

Please note that our OLPH Education Fund Assessment, 5% of our Sunday Collection

prescribed by the Archdiocese of Washington, goes directly to St. Thomas

More School.


Items Available in the Rectory Monday-Thursday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Copies also available in Church from the Ministers of Hospitality

The Word Among Us $1.00 The Living Faith $1.00

Candles $3.00

Let us to say “Thank You” to

Father Paul Oberg for his services

to us for the past two weekends.

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Tuesday Night Class 6:30 pm

Virtual with Deacon Chase

Meeting ID: 899 3381 2983 | Passcode: 028496


Collection last weekend: $5,756.00

Many thanks to all OLPH parishioners for sending in your tithes and offerings. You may continue to remit

your offerings via mail (Attention Mrs. Waller), pay on-line, or dropped off at the office.

(Your tithes and offerings can only be input on the actual date received and

recorded. If previous month envelopes are received, we are unable to back date

tithes in our computer system.)


Peter had expectations about what it

meant to call Jesus the Messiah, the Christ. Jesus was indeed the Messiah, but his life

and death would show a different understanding of what it means to be the Messiah. We, too, have expectations of God and our own ideas about what we

think God ought to be doing in our world. Like Peter, however, we may risk limiting

our image of God by thinking only in human ways. God's plan is always more that we can ever imagine. As you gather

as a family, talk about what we expect God to be doing in our world and in our

family life. Then read today's Gospel, Mark 8:31-35. Why do you think Peter was so upset by what Jesus was saying? Notice

how Jesus reprimands Peter. Do we sometimes forget to let God be God for us? That is, do we sometimes get discouraged

because God doesn't act in our world in the ways that we expect? Pray together

that we will remember that God is always working for the world's salvation in ways

that are beyond our imagination. Conclude by praying together today's psalm,

Psalm 116.


Share In Mission Fund

It is very important that you please

prepare a separate check and

make it payable directly to:

The Josephites.

We cannot send checks made payable to OLPH to The Josephites.

(Their envelopes and enclosed checks are mailed directly to them.)

Thank You.

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12th Ronald Gray 14th Betty Swammy 16th Eric Wheeler 17th Patricia Brown Christian Hill Sherie Tazewell 20th Yvonne Boggs 22nd LaJila Quander 23rd Kelly Tucker


In Our Hearts and Prayers


Nettie Biscoe, *Sonnie Boulware, Carolyn Brown, John Brown, Lorraine Brown, Shelia Conway, Roberta Dade-Young, Agnes Dua, *Cordella Gough, Elease Gravett, *Michael Holley, Audrey Jones, Hilda Kearney, *Geraldine Lee, Marie Lucas, Vincent Matthews, Antoinette Reese, Charles Smith, Delores Smith, Bernadette Waters, and Kobe Williams.


Parishioners planning to enter the hospital are encouraged to receive the Sacrament of the Sick prior to admission. Because of privacy laws, hospitals no longer notify parishes of a parishioner’s stay. Please notify the Rectory of the name of person, hospital and room number, also when the person returns home.

When Names Can Be Removed, Contact Doris Savoy. Evelyn Akoto, Lisa Alexander, Michelle Brookings-Cheek, Thomas Henry Brooks, Demarquis Carter, Louis Carter, Terneara Carter, William Clemons, Margo Cooke, Steve Cooke, Beverly Ford, Toni Gaines, LaShawn Gaines, Sy Gaines, Karin Joy Hodge, Ken Houston, Charles Jackson, James Jackson, Joan Jackson, Vincent Jordan, Jessica King, Jimmy Logan, Crystal Marsh, Deborah McNeill, Elizabeth Moeller, Yvonne Moody, Joan Morris, Teresa Naylor, Warren Newton, Marcia Marlene Oliver, Mattie O’Neal, Terrance Oxyner, Betty Paisley, Marilyn Pearson, Charles Penny, Deidre Dorsey Point, Brenda Price, Michele Kim Matthews-Sims, Gladys Reid, Clementine Smith-Easley, Cynthia Salter-Stith, Tamala Sappington, Amy Scroggins, Eric Scroggins, Travia Stone, Augustus Thomas, Rose Thurston, Nicky Wilkinson.


Please note important details below concerning the Youth Rally Consent Forms.

1. Completed Release and Consent Forms are required for participation in the Youth Rally.

2. The deadline for all completed forms is Sunday, September 19, 2021. We need a close to accurate count so we can plan and shop accordingly.

3. REMINDER: This is a Hybrid model of the Youth Rally. Therefore, there will be limited capacity for in person participants.

4. I strongly encourage those youth who are age appropriate and plan on attending in person receive the COVID-19 vaccine prior to the Youth Rally. We will continue to follow all mandates from the CDC, ADW and DC's DOH.

Release and Consent Form Link:

Lawrence & Jacqueline 58th on September 13th Frederick & Ruth Elliott 53rd on September 14th Jessie & Bridget Gotay 27th on September 15th

Gregory & Courtney Jackson 5th on September 17th Bruce & JoAnn Younger 28th on September 18th

Paul & Beverly Minor 34th on September 19th

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The origins of this national U.S. holiday started in 1969 with an unsuccessful attempt by a 9-year-old boy who wrote a letter to President Nixon. From there, most of the credit goes to Marian McQuade, from West Virginia, who was a champion for the value of grandparents and older adults, and who had plenty of experience as a grandmother. When she passed away in 2008, she had 15 children, 43 grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild. Back in 1970, Marian began promoting the idea of a holiday for grandparents and found success first in her home state, where grandparents were honored in 1973. After that, it took her six more years of tireless dedication to persuade leaders in Washington, D.C., to bring the entire nation on board. President Jimmy Carter issued a proclamation: “Grandparents are our continuing tie to the near-past, to the events and beliefs and experiences that so strongly affect our lives and the world around us. Whether they are our own or surrogate grandparents who fill some of the gaps in our mobile society, our senior generation also provides our society a link to our national heritage and traditions.” NOW, THEREFORE, I, JIMMY CARTER, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate Sunday, September 9, 1979 and the first Sunday following Labor Day in each succeeding year as "National Grandparents Day."

As we seek to strengthen the enduring values of the family, it is appropriate that we honor our grandparents.

Loving God we ask your blessing on our grandparents gathered here today. We thank you for their treasured gifts to their families and for the valuable links between the past and the present passing on the family stories and traditions. May they be surrounded with the love, respect and support of their families.

May they continue to be the anchor that provides stability and a firm foundation. May their witness to their faith guide and strengthen them and us. Bless our grandparents with good health and kind friends.

Give them your joy and peace each day. Thank you for their smile, love and care. Lord God almighty, bless our grandparents with long life, happiness, and health. May they remain constant in your love and be living

signs of your presence to their children and grandchildren. We ask this through Christ our Lord. We pray this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Ages 7+ September 12, 2021 • Mark 8:27-35

© 2021 CRI • PO Box 9290, Canton, OH 44711 •

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