tw open hack blueprint

Mobile Web Development with Yahoo! Blueprint Alfred Lo Oct 2009

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Mobile Web Development withYahoo! Blueprint

Alfred Lo

Oct 2009

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• Introduction to Blueprint

• Mobile Widgets Development Process

• Q & A

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Introduction to Blueprint

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The Problem - Device Fragmentation

Multiple brands – multiple phone models

Multiple operating systems

Different screen resolutions

Different memory capabilities

Providing the best user experience is not easy

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Browser Grades

Grade Definition Examples

A (Hero) HTML4/5, CSS, Javascript, unlimited Apple iPhone, HTC Dream

A HTML4, CSS, 50KB page Motorola q9, Samsung T919

B XHTML, CSS, 30KB page Blackberry Curve 8310, Nokia N70

C XHTML, 30KB page Nokia 3110c, SonyEricsson W200a

D XHTML, 16KB page Nokia 6085, Motorola RAZR vc

E XHTML, 9KB page Samsung R450, Motorola i576

F XHTML, no images, 9KB page Motorola RAZR v3, Nokia 2610

X WML-only, not supported by Blueprint Nokia 3510i, Motorola i355

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Where are we now?

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Device Quirks Examples

• OperaMini does not understand some CSS selectors

• Blackberries do not understand most CSS anyway

• Motorola V3 has an 8K page limit

• Some Nokias won't show tables unless you specify a doctype

• A Sidekick browser canvas width loses about 20 the doctype is an XHTML type

• Samsungs/Sharps tend to have a strange understanding of what “100% width” is

• Pocket Internet Explorer… need I say more?

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Blueprint Mobile Platform



Maximum Reach


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Blueprint Language

• Is an XML markup set based partly on XForms

• Is a purely declarative language – includes no scripting or procedural code

• Abstracts the developers from the device details and allows them to quickly develop mobile web sites that adapts across devices

• Blueprint platform transcodes the blueprint markup for different devices, making sure that it renders properly and nicely

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Blueprint is simple


<page style="collection"> <content> <module> <header layout="simple"> <layout-items> <block class="title">Greeting</block> </layout-items> </header> <block>Hello World!</block> </module> </content></page>

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Even for some more complex presentation


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><page style="collection"> <page-header> <title-bar> <title>Restaurants</title> <commands> <ui-command> <title>Home</title><load event="activate" resource="#"/> </ui-command> </commands> </title-bar> </page-header> <content> <module class="featured"> <header> <layout-items><block class="title">Featured Restaurant</block></layout-items> </header> <placard layout="card"> <layout-items> <image size="xx-large" resource="widget:bp11examples/images/Thai_Seafood_Curry.jpg" caption="Seafood curry"/> <block><rating><stars>4</stars><reviews>21</reviews></rating></block> <block class="title"><strong>Bangkok Thai</strong></block> <block><span class="description">725 Clinton Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704</span></block> <block class="subtext">Every curry paste is made from scratch, say Bangkok Thai's owners: Peels are extracted from expensive fresh kaffir limes, which are blended in secret combination with... <inline-trigger><label>read more...</label><load event="activate" resource="#"/></inline-trigger></block> </layout-items> </placard> </module> </content>

<page-footer><block class="small" halign="right">Copyright Shmarranabab inc.</block></page-footer></page>

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You Code Once, We Optimize for Thousands

Sony Ericsson W810i


Blackberry 8800

Palm Treo 650

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Mobile Widgets using Blueprint

Yahoo! Applications 3rd Party Applications

and many more …

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Site Examples

• Yahoo!-TW Mobile Homepage: Mobile Auctions:

• 3rd party -Phoneytunes: recipe search: bus information:

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Mobile Widgets Development Process

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Download the Blueprint SDK1

Building Mobile Widget

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Blueprint SDK includes XML Schema definitions

Templates to get started

Mobile Widget Sample Code

Building Mobile Widget

Download the Blueprint SDK1

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Develop your widget

Building Mobile Widget

Blueprint Platform

Widget Submission

Application Package

Widget Request

Widget Content

HTTP Request

Blueprint (XML)

Your Web Server



1. Create static/dynamic pages to return Blueprint

1. Create static/dynamic pages to return Blueprint

2. Create your application package and submit

2. Create your application package and submit


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Server Code Example

Building Mobile Widget

Your Web Server


<page> <content> <module> <header layout="simple"> <layout-items> <block>Greeting</block> </layout-items> </header> <block>Hello World!</block> </module> </content></page>

Blueprint (XML)

Blueprint (XML)

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Building Mobile Widget

Blueprint platform

Your ServerMobile Phone

User opens Widget

Request entry pointHTTP request to Widget publisher

URI specified in config.xml

Blueprint page returned

Includes Content-Type header; may include cache-control headers;

may include cookies

Widget content returned (Cookies stored on Blueprint platform)

User requests new data

HTTP request …

Request new content

Data flow

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Building Mobile Widget

Interfacing with Blueprint platform

Content Types:Content-Type: application/x-blueprint+xmlUse only the UTF-8 character set

Using Cookies:Your server can set/retrieve cookies exactly as if you are serving HTML instead of Blueprint markup.The cookies are stored on Blueprint platform

Cache Control:Wherever possible, Blueprint pages are cached on the user’s device. To control caching, use the following standard HTTP headers when serving pages: Cache-Control, ETag, and If-None-Match. Only these headers affect caching

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Application Package is a zip file containing config.xml

Application metadata, including the URL for your web server

gallery.xmlInformation for the widget gallery

Image FilesIncludes icons and screen shots (for the gallery)

Package your widget

Building Mobile Widget


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><config xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="..."> <title>Hello World!</title> <version>1.0</version> <identifier>hello-world-1</identifier> <description>My Hello World! Widget</description> <icon>ybang</icon> <author organization="Yahoo! Inc" href="" email="[email protected]"> Alfred Lo </author> <!-- change this widget base to your server url --> <widget base=""> <preview> <icon>ybang</icon> <label>Hello World!</label> </preview> <shortcuts> <item default="true"> <label>Y! Mobile</label> <href>test.php</href> </item> </shortcuts> </widget></config>

Application Package (config.xml) - Example

Building Mobile Widget

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Application Package (gallery.xml) - Example

Building Mobile Widget

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><gallery xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="..."> <description lang="en">TW Hack 2009</description> <tags><!-- Use tags which identify your widget to other users --> <tag>Yahoo!</tag> <tag>Mobile</tag> <tag>widget</tag> <tag>development</tag> </tags> <languages><!-- Use languages your widget supports --> <lang>en-US</lang> <lang>en-UK</lang> </languages></gallery>

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Application Package (Image Files) - Example

Building Mobile Widget


Page 26: Tw Open Hack Blueprint Package the widget files into a zip archive- Upload your widget zip file by creating a new project- Upload the .zip file

Upload your mobile widget

Building Mobile Widget


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Upload your mobile widget

Building Mobile Widget


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Test your mobile widget

Building Mobile Widget


When you go back to “My Blueprint Apps”, your widget will appear under “Sites in Development”

You can test your widget by going to the link under “Test Site”, http://devtest-<yahooid>-<widgetid>

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You can publish your widget after testing- Your widget will be appeared as http://<widgetid>

You can optionally create your own URL for the mobile site by

creating alias to the bpapps URL - Click “Add Alias” in the Published Blueprint Sites- Example,

Publish your mobile widget

Building Mobile Widget


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Widgets development processSummary

Download the Blueprint SDK1

Develop your widget2

Package your widget3

Upload your mobile widget4

Test your mobile widget5

Publish your mobile widget6

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<module> <image-list>



Blueprint Control Examples


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More than Markup Transcoding

• Carrier Detection- Global Carrier IP database- Via ‘X-Carrier’ HTTP request header

• Country / Location Detection- Geo IP- Via ‘Geo-Country’ and ‘Geo-Position’ HTTP request header

• Device Catalog- Comprehensive device databases covering legacy and newest handsets- Device attributes accessible to developers - Via X-Device-* HTTP request headers

• Video Transcoding- Support transcoding of Adobe Flash Video into mobile RTSP or Quicktime format- Native support for video under <play-video> construct

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Yahoo! Web Analytics (for selected partners)

Online tool provides usage information for your service

Know your Unique devices, Page views, and more…

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5 Reasons to use Blueprint

Rapid development – time to market1

Over 4000+ supported devices2

Great looking – optimized experience 3

Open and cross platform4

Rich and growing feature set5

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• Our Developer Site-

• Blueprint Language Guide-

• Blueprint Deployment Guide-

• Developer Blog-

• Forum-