tv soap magazine front covers

Radio Times Trusted brand Other more gossipy features Includes link to website on masthead (gives the reader another way to access the brand) Anchor image Interesting background Main star stands out Caption is outrageous to engage audience Main star is layered over the masthead Information about when the program is shown is given below the caption Button Repeated use of colours Yellow Blue Red

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Tv soap magazine Front Covers

Radio Times•Trusted brand•Other more gossipy features•Includes link to website on masthead (gives the reader another way to access the brand)

Anchor image•Interesting background•Main star stands out•Caption is outrageous to engage audience•Main star is layered over the masthead•Information about when the program is shown is given below the caption


Repeated use of colours•Yellow•Blue•Red

Page 2: Tv soap magazine Front Covers

Main anchor image •Star has eye contact with the reader•Cooler background

Header including sky and virgin logos•Identifies sky and virgin customers as a main market

Masthead•Clear and white•Includes website beneath•Has a shadow effect

Circle feature gives a visual for another feature

Star name anchored on the star with strap line


Simple colour scheme•Focus on yellow as a happy colour

Page 3: Tv soap magazine Front Covers

Repetitive use of colour

Masthead•Has small shadow behind it

Main anchor relates to all the stories

Stories•Corrie- the story is shown though the characters eye contact with each other•Eastenders- the characters are shown to be kissing

These stories reinforce the message ‘love shocks’

Consists of 8 images

Brand convention (2 weeks revealed)

All the main straplines and headings are all in capitals

Page 4: Tv soap magazine Front Covers

Date is placed on the masthead to save space

Narrative through facial expressions shows a polarity of expressions

Introducing new shows•Use of repeated colour ‘blue and white’•‘hot new shows’ arrow

Bright colour scheme•Attracts readers•Looks simple to understand

Only 50p star•Value for money•Catches the readers eye

Main anchor text is highlighted yellow and red which suggests danger.

Page 5: Tv soap magazine Front Covers

Star intersects the masthead as he is as famous as the brand.

He also maintains eye contact with the reader.

The caption of the photo uses a plain white font to match the background of the photo and keep in touch with a clean looking cover, this is juxtaposed with the word dirty.

The text emphasises the words ‘topless’ and ‘McFly boy’ this is to intrigue the reader and to give an idea of what the magazine contains

The text above the mast head gives the reader more information about the brand such as ‘supplement of the year’ and its published, encouraging confidence in the brand

The cover follows a strict white and pink colour scheme which attracts a typical female reader and looks fashionable

The other features of the magazine on the right are highlighted in pink to make them stand out against the appealing star image

Handwritten masthead suggests it has been written quickly imitating a fast ‘fabulous’ lifestyle

Page 6: Tv soap magazine Front Covers


Flat plan



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