
Tutorial 7 What are the principal issues in a feminist interpretation of Islamic prophetic traditions? Islamic feminism or woman's rights is representing equity to ladies as Islam stands for. It's an instrument to remind individuals what Islam is for ladies. It's not more Islam or more women's liberation. The term Islamic feminism is a thought of mindfulness lecturing that men and ladies have equivalent rights focused around re-perusing the Quran, reevaluating the religious messages and advising individuals to practice it. Some individuals, who do this for the feminism, don't call themselves Islamic women's activists. They won't say it Islamic women's liberation. Some have cliché ideas about woman's rights, so they don't utilize. Muslim ladies have likewise contended that women's liberation or feminism is a belief system significant just to the lives of Western well-to-do ladies, and that actually for them it has just brought about making them into semi men or sex objects. They have likewise called attention to that while Muslim ladies see their own particular most paramount parts to be mother and wife women's activist belief system puts down the significance of these parts in its battle against sex generalizations. The most evident marker of the battle against woman's rights by Muslim ladies is hijab (the ordinances of unobtrusiveness in Islamic dress). While women's activists have taken the scarf to be an image of their enslavement to men in Muslim social orders, the steadfast take it to be an image of admiration and humility. Jeenah, N. (2001) ‘Towards an Islamic Feminist Hermeneutic’, in Journal of Islamic Studies, 21. Tutorial 8

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Description of Tutorials


Page 1: Tutorials

Tutorial 7

What are the principal issues in a feminist interpretation of Islamic prophetic traditions?

Islamic feminism or woman's rights is representing equity to ladies as Islam stands for. It's an

instrument to remind individuals what Islam is for ladies. It's not more Islam or more women's

liberation. The term Islamic feminism is a thought of mindfulness lecturing that men and ladies have

equivalent rights focused around re-perusing the Quran, reevaluating the religious messages and

advising individuals to practice it. Some individuals, who do this for the feminism, don't call

themselves Islamic women's activists. They won't say it Islamic women's liberation. Some have cliché

ideas about woman's rights, so they don't utilize. Muslim ladies have likewise contended that women's

liberation or feminism is a belief system significant just to the lives of Western well-to-do ladies, and

that actually for them it has just brought about making them into semi men or sex objects. They have

likewise called attention to that while Muslim ladies see their own particular most paramount parts to

be mother and wife women's activist belief system puts down the significance of these parts in its battle

against sex generalizations. The most evident marker of the battle against woman's rights by Muslim

ladies is hijab (the ordinances of unobtrusiveness in Islamic dress). While women's activists have taken

the scarf to be an image of their enslavement to men in Muslim social orders, the steadfast take it to be

an image of admiration and humility.

Jeenah, N. (2001) ‘Towards an Islamic Feminist Hermeneutic’, in Journal of Islamic Studies, 21.

Tutorial 8

Is it Muslim individuals/groups, or built environments/arrangements of space that make a city


Islam perceives that humanity can't live without social intercourse. Along these lines, it values social

connections so as to farthest point confinement of individuals from one another, and emphatically

supports social life on a more extensive or public scale. The essential explanations behind the

foundation and development of the conventional Islamic city are co-operation and closeness between

individuals which permits to make houses near one another and limitize the measure of the area pieces.

It likewise requires the social closeness to accomplish contacts inside strolling separation. Being a key

guideline of the social schema of Islam, social association and solidarity prompted the formation of

urban reduction in the neighborhood. To Islam, it is a right and obligation of the family to live encased

in its home. Keeping an acceptable division in the middle of private and open life is the most

noteworthy social normal for Islamic society. Hence, there is open air spatial chain of command,

avenues of utilitarian width, close or joined homes, and equivalent or relative dispersion of

Mosque.neither the Qur'an nor sunnah contains exact urban arranging codes that could be utilized

Page 2: Tutorials

within arranging and outlining a Muslim nature. Then again, Islam, through its shari'ah, has given

standards that focus the lifestyle of Muslim groups andindividuals in the urban environment and thusly

nature's domain itself. Thus, it is Shar'iah that forces the muslims to create an obliged environment to

make a city islamic.

Henkel, H. (2007) ‘The Location of Islam: Inhabiting Istanbul in a Muslim Way’, in American

Ethnologist 34, 1.

Tutorial 9

Can a novel be non-ideological?

Yes a novel could be non-ideological yet it is just concerned with the delineation of political conditions

and doesnot expect to propogate any particular political qualities. These non-ideological works do have

monstrous imaginative objectivity. It there is a statement of certain political values in this novel than

they can be credited to individual political introductions instead of the craving to propagandize. In this

sort of books there is colossal danger of emerging the issues in recognizing political and verifiable

books. Regardless of the possibility that novel is composed about the contemporary political occasions

or current political identities, it may go under the mark "authentic" on the grounds that political

occasions and identities turn into the piece of history. An alternate contrast lies in the translation in light

of the fact that the understanding of political occasions can be viewed as preditive, however partical

projections might materialize. All the while chronicled writer's translation is more inclined to be

legitimization of occasions that have occurred. Then again it is very hard to characterize a political

novel in light of the fact that it is excessively slender and robotic to translate as one depicting a political

development or portraying political condition, for most social issues have political measurements.

Suleiman, S. (1983) ‘Introduction’ to Authoritarian Fictions: The Ideological Novel as a Literary

Genre. Columbia University Press, New York.

Cayir, K. (2007) Excerpt ‘Islamic Politics of Literary Translation’, from Islamic Literature in

Contemporary Turkey: From Epic to Novel. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.