tutorial on ellipsoid method

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Tutorial on Ellipsoid Method


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    Optimization Methods Term Paper

    CS481 Optimization Methods 2012

    Topic 0: Ellipsoid Method

    Instructor: Prof. C. V. Jawahar Team: Sumit Sidana, Amit Rai, Mohit Mundhra, Deepti Singhal, Avinash S

    1. Introduction

    The Ellipsoid Method, proposed by Khachiyan [4, 3], proves that the Linear Programming (LP) can be solved in polyno-mial time. The most prominent algorithm discussed so far, the Simplex Method, is not polynomial time and has an exponential

    running time in the worst case. Ellipsoid method is theoretically better than simplex method, but very slow practically and not

    competitive with Simplex. Nevertheless, it is a very important theoretical tool for developing polynomial time algorithms for

    a large class of convex optimization problems, which are much more general than linear programming. The ellipsoid method

    is an iterative algorithm used for minimizing convex optimization. The basic idea of the ellipsoid method is to convert the

    optimization problem into the feasibility problem, and solve the feasibility problem by generating a sequence of ellipsoids

    whose volume uniformly decreases at every step. Before going into the details of method, let us see the challenges in other

    existing solutions.

    1.1. Challenges in other methods

    1.1.1 Simplex method is non-polynomial time algorithm

    The simplex algorithm moves from one basic feasible solution to an adjacent one, each time improving the value of the objec-tive function. However, it can take an exponentially large number of steps to terminate. To prove that the simplex algorithm is

    not polynomial time, we need to come up with a class of instances which are unfortunate and exhibit an exponential sequence

    of pivots for which the value of objective function is decreasing for minimization problem and increasing for maximizationproblem.

    Klee and Minty demonstrated that simplex algorithm has poor worst-case performance when initialized at one corner of

    Klee-Minty cube [5]. The Klee-Minty cube (named after Victor Klee and George J. Minty) is a unit cube whose corners havebeen slightly perturbed. In general, ddimensional cube can be represented as:

    0 xj 1, j = 1, 2, ..., d. (1)


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    This d dimensional cube has 2d faces, one for each inequality, and 2d vertices, one for setting each subset of x1, x2, , xd to

    one and rest to zero. The perturbed Klee-Minty cube is defined by inequalities, for some 0 < < 1/2:

    1 x1 1 xj1 xj xj1, j = 2, 3, , d.


    Let us take the example of 2-dimensional perturbed Klee-Minty cube, as shown in figure 1. It can be verified that the

    (1, 1e)


    (e, 1 e )2





    (1, e)

    (e,e )

    Figure 1. Example for exponential time simplex algorithm

    cost function increases strictly with each move along the path. Let the objective is to maximize x2, note that x2 increasesalong the route A B C D. So if the pivoting rule is always to move to the adjacent basic feasible solution for whichthe entering variable has the least index (Blands rule), then the simplex algorithm will require 2d 1 pivoting steps beforeterminating. With this pivoting rule the simplex algorithm has exponential worst-case time complexity.

    Now let us see how it can be formalized. In order to put 2 in standard form, we add d slack and d surplus variables. The

    LP problem is defined asmax xd

    x1 r1 = x1 + s1 = 1

    xj xj1 rj = 0, j = 2, 3, , dxj + xj1 + sj = 1, j = 2, 3, , d

    xj , rj , sj 0, j = 1, , d


    To prove the complexity of simplex method we use the following Lemmas for the proofs of the lemmas refer [6, 2].

    Lemma 1.1 Every set of feasible bases of problem defined above will have all the xjs present in it and only one of rj or sj .

    Lemma 1.2 If S and S are two subsets of {1, 2, , d} such that d S and d / S, then xSd > xS

    d . Furthermore, if S = Sd,then xSd = 1 xSd .


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    Here xS denote the bases feasible set where rjs are non zero. The value of xj in xS will be denoted by xSj . This lemma is

    valid when S is non empty.

    Lemma 1.3 Let the subset of {1, 2, , d} be enumerated in such a way that xS1d xs2d ... xS2d

    d . Then the inequalities are

    strict, and the bases feasible sets xSj and xSj+1 are adjacent for j = 1, 2, , 2d 1.

    With this we have exhibited an exponential sequence of adjacent vertices for which the values of objective function is con-stantly increasing.

    Theorem 1.4 For every d > 1 there is an LP with 2d equations, 3d variables, and inter coefficient with absolute valuebounded by 4, such that simplex may take 2d 1 iterations to find the optimum solution.

    Proof Take = 1/4 and multiply all equations of 3 by 4, so that all coefficients are integers. Since the objective is to max-imize xd, the exponentially long chain of adjacent bases feasible sets whose existence is established by 1.3 has decreasingcost. Thus the theorem follows.

    Thus the simplex method is not polynomial time algorithms.

    1.1.2 Cutting plane method

    In cutting plane method, it can be difficult to compute appropriate next query point and localization polyhedron grows in

    complexity as algorithm progresses. These issues can be addressed in ellipsoid method.

    2. Ellipsoid Method

    Let us discuss some of the definitions related to the method, before discussing the actual algorithm:

    Definition An n n symmetric matrix D is called positive definite if xTDx > 0 fall nonzero vectors x Rn.

    Definition A set E of vectors in Rn of the form E = E(z,D) = {x Rn|(x z)TD1(x z) 1}, where D in an n npositive definite symmetric matrix, is called an ellipsoid with center z Rn.

    Definition A polyhedron P is full-dimensional if it has positive volume as shown in figure 2.

    First we will cover the ground for ellipsoid method. The ellipsoid method can be used to decide whether a polyhedron

    P = {x Rn|Ax b} is empty or not. And then we extend this concept to solve the LP problem (LPP). Following are theassumptions made to simplify the understanding of ellipsoid method:

    The polyhedron P is bounded.

    P is either empty or full-dimensional.


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    Figure 2. Bounded and full-dimensional polyhedron contains a ball and is contained in a ball

    We can make our calculations in infinite precision (i.e. the square roots can be computed exactly in unit time).

    The first assumption implies that there exists a ballE0 = E(x0, r2I), with volume V , that containsP . The second assumption

    requires that either P is empty, or P has positive volume (i.e. V ol(P ) > v for some v > 0). Initially we assume that theellipsoid E0, v, V are a priori known.

    2.1. The Algorithm

    This subsection discusses the algorithm for ellipsoid method. Fist we will describe intuitively how the method works: The

    method generates a sequence Et of ellipsoids with centers xt, such that P is contained in Et. If xt P , then P is nonemptyand the method terminates. If xt / P , then there exists a constraint which is violated (i.e. xt satisfies axt < b, where a isone of the rows of A, and b is the corresponding entry of b). In this case P is contained in the intersection of the ellipsoidEt and a half-space that passes through the center of ellipsoid as shown in figure 3. The new ellipsoid Et+1 is generated

    which covers the half ellipsoid and whose volume is only a fraction of the volume of the previous ellipsoid Et. Repeating

    this process, we either find a point in P , or we conclude that the volume of P is very small and, therefore P is empty.

    Figure 3. An Iteration of Ellipsoid Method [1]

    The formal algorithm for the ellipsoid method is as follows:


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    Algorithm 1: Ellipsoid Method:


    (a) A matrix A and a vector b that define the polyhedron P = {x Rn|aix bi, i = 1, ...,m}.

    (b) A number v such that either P is empty or V ol(P ) > v.

    (c) A ball E0 = E(x0, r2I) with volume at most V , such that P E0.


    A feasible point x P if P is nonempty, or a statement that P is empty.


    1. (Initialization)Let t = 2(n+ 1) log(V/v);E0 = E(x0, r2I);D0 = r2I; t = 0

    2. (Main iteration)

    (a) If t = t stop; P is empty.

    (b) If xt P stop; P is nonempty.

    (c) If xt / P find a violated constraint, that is, find an i such that aixi < bi

    (d) Let Ht = {x Rn|aix aixt} . Find an ellipsoid Et+1 = E(xt+1, Dt+1 with

    xt+1 = xt +1

    n+ 1


    , (4)

    Dt+1 =n2

    n2 1(Dt 2

    n+ 1



    ). (5)

    (e) t = t+ 1

    The volume of the new ellipsoid formed is actually less than the volume of the previous ellipsoid. This fact is used by the

    equations 4 and 5 while actually calculating the new ellipsoid. This proof has been covered in section 3.

    (Note: the fractions 1n+1 , 2n+1 and n2

    n21 are called step, dilation and expansion terms respectively. They are denoted as

    = 1n+1 , =2

    n+1 , and =n2

    n21 in rest of the document.)


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    2.2. Bisection Method Analogy

    This section shows that in dimension n = 1, the ellipsoid method closely resembles binary search, a technique to decide

    if several intervals in the real time have a non-empty intersection. In one dimension, ellipsoids can be seen as intervals.

    Consider the polyhedron:

    P = {x R | x 0 , x 1 , x 2 , x 3} (6)

    Let E0 be the interval [0, 5], centered at x0 = 2.5. Since x0 / P the algorithm chooses the violated inequality x 2 andconstructs the ellipsoid E1 that contains the interval E0 {x|x 2.5} = [0, 2.5]. The ellipsoid E1 is in the interval [0, 2.5]with center x1 = 1.25. This ellipsoid E1 contained in P as shown in figure 4. Notice that this is same as the binary search

    algorithm, that it always reduce the search interval to half.


    0 1 2 3 4 5




    Figure 4. Ellipsoid Method in one dimension

    2.3. Ellipsoid Method for LPP

    This subsection describes how the ellipsoid method is used to solve the Linear Programming Problems. In general, the LP

    problem and its dual is defined as:

    P : min cTx s.t. Ax bD : max bT y s.t. AT y = c, y 0.


    By strong duality of linear programming cTx = bT y. Thus the optimal solution of LP and its dual exists if the solution

    satisfy following inequalities:

    cTx = bT y

    Ax bAT y = c

    y 0.



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    Thus an LP problem can be formulated as an feasibility problem of equation 8, and can be solved using ellipsoid method for

    deciding whether the polyhedron P = {x Rn : Ax b} is non-empty.

    2.4. Variations of Ellipsoid Method

    2.4.1 Sliding Objective Ellipsoid Method

    Suppose we wish to the solve an optimization problem {cTx : Ax > b, x > 0}. Now we can apply the ellipsoid methodagain (with a strict inequality) to the new polyhedron given by P {x Rn : cTx < cTx0}. If this is empty, then x0 isoptimal. Otherwise, we have a new solution x1 P , say, with strict smaller objective function than cTx0. Now we canreapply the ellipsoid method to the new polyhedron.

    Figure 5. Sliding Objective Ellipsoid Method

    At each iteration we add a new constraint in the direction of the vector c. All the constraints cTx < cTxt are parallel to

    one another. One can show that by this procedure we can reach the optimum in polynomial running time.

    2.4.2 Deepest Cut Ellipsoid Method

    Although ellipsoid is a very robust method which guarantees convergence with any random starting criterion, it is quite slow

    in going past each of its iterations considering the reasonable amount of computation that requires to be done. One way to

    speed it up is by being greedy and cutting the volume of the ellipsoid by more than half in each iteration. The most efficient

    cut(deepest) would be along the that hyperplane ax 6 b of the Polyhedron P whose condition is violated by the center of thegiven ellipsoid. Such a method is called the Deepest Cut Ellipsoid Method. This is facilitated by the choosing the appropriate


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    step, dilation and expansion parameters.

    :=1 + n

    n+ 1, (9)

    :=2 + 2n

    (n+ 1)(1 + ), (10)


    (n2 1)(1 2) , (11)

    :=a baDa


    3. Mathematical Base of Ellipsoid Method

    This section discusses all the mathematical arguments and proofs required to support ellipsoid method.

    3.1. Starting Ellipsoid:

    As a starting ellipsoid, we can use a ball centered at the vector ( 12 ,12 , ....,

    12 ) and of radius


    n (which goes through all

    {0, 1}n vectors). This ball has a volume:V ol(E0) =


    2n(n)nV ol(Bn), (13)

    where Bn denotes the ball of unit radius in n-space. Therefore, the volume of Bn is:

    V ol(Bn) =


    (n2 + 1)(14)

    This can be approximated to n2 (or even 2n). Thus

    log(V ol(E0)) = O(nlogn) (15)

    3.2. Termination Criterion:

    We will now argue that if P is non-empty, then its volume may be determined. Assume that P is non-empty, say v0 P {0, 1}n. Our assumption that P is full dimensional implies that there exists v1, v2, ..., vn P {0, 1}n = S such thatthe simplex v1, v2, ..., vn is full dimensional. The vis may not be in P . Instead, define wi for i = 1, ..., n by:

    wi =

    vi ifcT vi 6 x

    + 12

    v0 + (vi v0) otherwise(16)


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    where = 12ncm .This implies that wi P as

    cTwi = cT v0 + c

    T (vi v0) 6 x + 12ncm

    = x +1


    We have that P contains the convex set C = conv({v0, w1, w2, ..., wn}) and V ol(C) is 1n! times the volume of the paral-lelopiped spanned by wi v0 = i(vi v0) (with i {, 1} for i = 1, ..., n. This parallelopiped has the volume equal tothe product of the i (which is at least n) times the volume of a parallelopiped with integer vertices, which is atleast 1.Thus,

    V ol(P ) > V ol(C) =1




    )n. (18)

    Taking logs, we see that the number of iterations of the ellipsoid algorithm before either discovering that P is empty or that

    a feasible point exists is at most log(V ol(E0)) log(V ol(P )) = O(nlogn+ nlogcm). This is indeed polynomial. We thusascertain that Ellipsoid Method does indeed converge in polynomial-time.

    3.3. Proof that E would encapsulate the Half Ellipsoid E H

    Theorem 3.1 Let E = E(z,D) be an ellipsoid in Rn, and let a be a nonzero vector. Consider the halfspace H = {x Rn|ax az} and let

    z = z +1

    n+ 1


    D =n2

    n2 1(D 2

    n+ 1




    The matrix D is symmetric and positive definite and thus E = E(z, D) is an ellipsoid. Moreover, EH E.Proof First, consider the case where z = 0,D = I and a = e1 = (1, 0, ..., 0)T . So,E0 = {x Rn : xTx 6 1} andH0 = {x Rn : x1 > 1} as shown in figure 6. Hence,

    E = E(e1

    n+ 1,


    n2 1(I 2

    n+ 1e1e

    T1 )) (19)

    Re-writing this, we shall have

    E0 =

    {x Rn :

    (n+ 1


    )2(x1 1

    n+ 1

    )2+n2 1n2


    x2i 6 1



    {x Rn : n

    2 1n2


    x2i +2(n+ 1)

    n2x21 +

    (n+ 1


    )2(2x1n+ 1


    (n+ 1)2

    )6 1



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    Figure 6. Case where E0 = {x Rn : xTx 6 1}


    E0 =

    {x Rn : n

    2 1n2


    x2i +1


    2(n+ 1)

    n2x1(x1 1) 6 1


    Now suppose x E0H0.Then 0 6 x1 6 1, and so x1(x1 1) 6 0. Also,

    ni=1 x

    21 6 1. Hence

    n2 1n2


    x21 +1


    2(n+ 1)

    n2x1(x1 1) 6 n

    2 1n2


    n2= 1 (23)

    which verifies that x E0, proving that E0 H0 E0.Now, consider the general case and construct an affine transformation T (.) such that T (E) = E0, T (H) = H0 and

    T (E) = E0. The result then follows that as affine transformation preserve set inclusion, i.e. if A B Rn and T (.) is anaffine transformation, then T (A) T (B).Given E = E(Z,D), introduce the affine transformation

    T (x) = RD12 (x z) (24)

    where R is a rotation matrix which rotates the unit ball so that D 12 a is aligned with the unit vector e1 = (1, 0, ..., 0)T i.e.

    RTR = I (25)

    RD12 a = D 12 e1 (26)


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    So now, T (E) = E0 since

    x E (x z)TD1(x z) 6 1 (27)

    (x z)D12 RTD12 (x z) 6 1 (28)


    (x z) E0 (29)

    T (x) E0. (30)

    Similarly, T (H) = H0 since

    x E aT (x z) > 0 (31)

    aTD 12RTRD12 (x z) > 0 (32)

    eT1 T (x) > 0 (33)

    T (x) H0 (34)

    Similarly, one can show T (E) = E0. Above, we proved that E0H0 E0, which is equivalent to T (E)T (H) T (E),which implies E H E.

    3.4. Proof that Vol(E) < e 1(2(n+1)) Vol(E)

    Theorem 3.2 Let E = E(z,D) be an ellipsoid in Rn, and let a be a nonzero vector. Consider the halfspace H = {x Rn|ax az} and let

    z = z +1

    n+ 1


    D =n2

    n2 1(D 2

    n+ 1




    The matrix D is symmetric and positive definite and thusE = E(z, D) is an ellipsoid. Moreover, V ol(E) < e1/(2(n+1))V ol(E).

    Proof We have thatV ol(E)

    V ol(E)=

    V ol(T (E))

    V ol(T (E))=

    V ol(E0)

    V ol(E0)(35)


    E0 = E


    n+ 1,


    n2 1(I 2

    n+ 1e1e



    So, introduce the affine transformation

    F (x) =e1

    n+ 1+


    n2 1(I 2

    n+ 1e1e


    )) 12

    x. (37)


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    It can be verified that E0 = F (E0). So

    V ol(E0) =



    n2 1(I 2

    n+ 1e1eT1

    ))V ol(E0) (38)


    V ol(E0)



    n2 1)n

    2(1 2

    n+ 1

    ) 12



    n+ 1


    n2 1) (n1)



    < e1




    ) (n1)2 (41)

    = e1

    (2(n+1)) (42)

    We have used the inequality 1 + a < ea(a 6= 0). Therefore,

    V ol(E)

    V ol(E)< e

    1(2(n+1)) (43)

    Thus, we have successfully proven that the volume of E will always be considerably lower than E and E will cover the

    half ellipsoid formed by E H .

    3.5. Complexity in Ellipsoid Method

    This section shows that ellipsoidal method solves the linear programming feasibility problem with integer data in polyno-

    mial time. Consider now a polyhedron P = {x Rn|Ax b}, where A, b have integer entries with magnitude bounded bysome U , and assume that rows of A span Rn. In a further section on proofs, we show that if the polyhedron P is bounded and

    either empty or full dimensional, then the ellipsoid method correctly decides whether P is empty or not in O(nlog(V/v))

    iterations. We also show in subsequent section on proofs that v and V can be chosen in terms of n and U as follows:

    v = nn(nU)n2(n+1), V = (2n)n(nU)n


    . (44)

    These estimates lead to an upper bound on the number of iterations of the ellipsoid method, which is O(n4log(nU)). If

    we choose an arbitrary polyhedron P , we have assumed that such a polyhedron P is bounded and is either empty or full

    dimensional. But, in practice Polyhedron can be unbounded or it also may not be full dimensional. But it is possible to

    modify the inputs of the ellipsoid method, if the polyhedron P is unbounded or not full dimensional.

    Let A be an m n integer matrix and let b be a vector in Rm. Let U be the largest absolute value of the entries in A and b.


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    (a) Every extreme point of the polyhedron P = {x Rn|Ax b} satisfies

    (nU)n xj (nU)n, j = 1, 2, ..., n. (45)

    (b) Every extreme point of the standard form polyhedron P = {x Rn|Ax = b, x 0} satisfies

    (mU)m xj (mU)m, j = 1, 2, ...,m. (46)

    Let P = {x Rn|Ax b}. We assume that A and b have integer entries, which are bounded in absolute value by U .Let = 1/2n + 1((n + 1)u)(n+1) and P = {x Rn|Ax b e}, where e = (1, 1, ..., 1). Here if P is empty, then Pis empty and if P is non empty, then P is full dimensional. If the polyhedron P is arbitrary,then we first form the bounded

    polyhedron PB , where PB is defined as :

    PB = x P | p xj p (nU)n, j = 1, ..., n. (47)

    We can then perturb PB to form a new polyhedron PB,. As already noted, P is non empty if and only if it has an extreme

    point, in which case PB is non empty. PB is nonempty if and only if PB, is nonempty. We can therefore apply the

    ellipsoid algorithm to PB,, and decide whether P is empty or not. It is not hard to check that the number of iterations

    is O(n6log(nU)). We also need to ensure the fact that the number of arithmetic operations per iteration is polynomially

    bounded in n and logU . There are two difficulties, however. First,the computation of the new ellipsoid involves taking a

    square root. Although this might seem easy, taking square roots in a computer cannot be done exactly (the square root of aninteger can be an irrational number). Therefore, we need that if we only perform calculations in finite precision, the errorwe can make at each step of the computation will not lead to large inaccuracies in later stages of computation. Second, we

    need to show that the numbers we generate at each step of computation have polynomial size. A potential difficulty is that as

    the numbers get multiplied, we might create numbers as large as 2U , which is exponential in logU . We can overcome these

    difficulties. It has been shown that if we only use O(n3logU) binary digits of precision, the numbers computed during the

    algorithm have polynomially bounded size and the algorithm still correctly decides whether P is empty in O(n6log(nU))

    iterations. However, we do not cover the proofs of these claims here.


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    4. Problems in Ellipsoid Method

    4.1. Performance of the ellipsoid method in practice

    The ellipsoid method solves linear programming problems in O(n6log(nU)) iterations. Since the number of arithmetic

    operations per iteration is polynomial function of n and log U , this result in a polynomial number of arithmetic operations.

    This running time compares favorably with the worst case running time of simplex method,which is exponential. However,the

    ellipsoid method has not been practically successful, because it needs a small number of iterations on most practical linear

    programming problems.

    The behaviour of the ellipsoid method emphasizes the pitfalls in identifying polynomial time algorithms with efficient

    algorithms. The difficulty arises because we insist on a universal polynomial bound for all instances of the problem. The

    ellipsoid method achieves a polynomial bound for all instances. However, it typically exhibits slow convergence. There have

    been several proposed improvements to accelerate the convergence of the ellipsoid method, such as the idea of deep cuts.

    However it does not seem that these modifications can fundamentally affect the speed of convergence.

    Rather than revolutionizing linear programming, the ellipsoid method has shown that linear programming is efficiently

    solvable from a theoretical point of view. In this sense, the ellipsoid method can be seen as a tool for classifying the

    complexity of linear programming problems. This is important, because a theoretically efficient algorithm is usually followed

    by the development of practical methods.

    4.2. Exponential number of constraints

    For discussing the problems consider the linear programming problem of minimizing cx subject to constraints Ax b.We assume that A is m n matrix and that the entries of A and b are integer. As we know that the number of iterations inthe ellipsoid method is polynomial in n and log U , where n is the dimension of x, and U is a bound on the magnitude of the

    entries of A and b. What is remarkable about this result is that the number of iterations is independent of the number m of

    constraints. This suggests that we may be able to solve, in time polynomial in n and log U , problems in which the number

    m of constraints is very large, e.g., exponential in n. If m is, for example, equal to 2n, we need (2n) time just to inputproblem in n would then appear to be impossible.

    5. Conclusion

    We conclude our discussion on Ellipsoid Method with the remark that this method is not very practical but theoretically

    shows that LP is a polynomial time algorithm, which was not possible to prove before this method. This material covers the

    following details about ellipsoid method:

    The intuitive idea and the algorithm,


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    Optimization Methods Term Paper

    The key geometric result behind the ellipsoid method,

    Mathematical proves required to support the method,

    Complexity Analysis,

    The ellipsoid method for the feasibility problem,

    The ellipsoid method for optimization (LP) problems.


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