tute sheet_sepration of var

Tutorial sheet -5 Q1. Solve the following first order partial differential equations by separating the variables: (a) 0 =  y u  x  x u (b) 0 2 =  y u  y  y u  x Q2. A semi-infinite rectangular metal plate occupies the region x 0 and b  y 0 in the x-y plane. The temperature at the far end of the plate and along its two long sides is fixed at 0°C. If the temperature of the plate at x=0 is also fi xe d and is gi ve n by ) ( y   f  , fine the steady sta te temperature distribution ) , ( y  x u of the plate. Hence find the temperature distribution if 0 ) ( u  y   f  = , where 0 u is a constant. Q3. Obtain a separable solution describing a particle confined to a box of side a (ψ must vanish at the walls of the box). Show that the energy of the particle can only take the quantized values ) ( 2 2 2 2 2 2 2  z  y  x n n n ma  E + + = π  , where x n ,  y n and  z n are integers. Q4.The wave equati on descri bi ng the tr ansverse vi bra ti ons of a stretched membrane under tension ‘T’ and having a uniform surface density  ρ is 2 2 2 2 2 2 ) ( t u  y u  x u T = +  ρ Find a separable solution appropriate to a membrane stretched on a frame of length ‘a’ and width ‘b’, showing that the natural angular frequencies of such a membrane are given by ) ( 2 2 2 2 2 2 b m a n T + =  ρ π ω , Where ‘n’ and ‘m’ are any positive integers Q5. Denoting the three terms of 2 in spherical polars by 2 r , 2 θ  , 2 φ in an obvious way, evaluate u r 2 , etc. For the two functions given below and verify

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Tutorial sheet -5

Q1. Solve the following first order partial differential equations by separating

the variables:

(a) 0=∂



u x



(b) 02 =∂



u y


u x

Q2. A semi-infinite rectangular metal plate occupies the region ∞≤≤ x0 andb y ≤≤0 in the x-y plane. The temperature at the far end of the plate and along

its two long sides is fixed at 0°C. If the temperature of the plate at x=0 is alsofixed and is given by )( y  f   , fine the steady state temperature distribution

),( y xu of the plate. Hence find the temperature distribution if  0)( u y  f   = , where

0u is a constant.

Q3. Obtain a separable solution describing a particle confined to a box of side a

(ψ must vanish at the walls of the box). Show that the energy of the particle can

only take the quantized values





 z  y x nnnma

 E  ++=π   , where x

n ,  yn and  z n are integers.

Q4.The wave equation describing the transverse vibrations of a stretched

membrane under tension ‘T’ and having a uniform surface density  ρ is















∂ ρ 

Find a separable solution appropriate to a membrane stretched on a frame of 

length ‘a’ and width ‘b’, showing that the natural angular frequencies of such a

membrane are given by








nT +=


π ω  ,

Where ‘n’ and ‘m’ are any positive integers

Q5. Denoting the three terms of  2∇ in spherical polars by 2

r ∇ ,2θ  ∇ ,


φ ∇ in an

obvious way, evaluate ur 2

∇ , etc. For the two functions given below and verify

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that, in each case, although the individual terms are not necessarily zero their 

sum 2∇ u is zero. Identify the corresponding values of l and m.






2 −+=

θ φ θ 

 B Ar r u  

(b) θ θ φ θ  ir 

 B Ar r u expsin)(),,(


Q6. A circular disc of radius ‘a’ is heated in such a way that its perimeter  a= ρ   

has a steady temperature distribution φ 2cos B A+ , where  ρ  and are plane

  polar coordinates, A and B are constants. Find the temperature ),( φ  ρ T   

everywhere in the region a< ρ  .

Q7. Prove that the potential for  a< ρ  associated with a vertical split cylinder of radius ‘a’, the two halves of which 0(cos >φ  and )0cos <φ  are maintained at

equal and opposite potentials ±V, is given by

φ  ρ 

π φ  ρ  )12cos()(




0 ++





V u




Q8. Two identical copper bars each of length ‘a’. Initially one is at C ο 

0 and the

other at C ο 100 ; they are then joined together end to end and thermally isolated.

Obtain in the form of a Fourier series an expression ),( t  xu for the temperatureat any point a distance x from the join at a later time‘t’. Bear in mind the heat

flow conditions at the free ends of the bar.

Taking a=0.5m estimate the time it takes for one of the free ends to attain a

temperature of  C ο 

55 . The thermal conductivity of copper is 3.8x102Jm-1K -1s-1,

and its specific heat capacity is 3.4x106Jm-3K -1.