turn in mind maps 5 th period – under the map on the right

Turn in Mind Maps 5 th Period – under the map on the right

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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Turn in Mind Maps

•5th Period – under the map on the right

CD/CM Warmup•What is a CD in history?


•What is a CM in history?▫Whyyyy that fact is important. ▫How did it affect other things?

•In history, a good ratio is 2 CD:1 CM

Give me a CD about Greek…



The Roman Republic


Origins•City-state•Founded in 753 BC

▫“Romulus and Remus”•Built on 7 rolling fertile

hills•On the Tiber River•Midpoint of the


•Early Romans:▫Latins, Greeks, Etruscans

The Republic

• Tarquin the Proud = tyrant• Established a republic

▫Citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders

• Plebeians▫Commoners who made up

majority▫Had right to vote, but

couldn’t run for office• Patricians

▫Wealthy landowners who had power

What do they need to make the republic “better”?


•Consul▫2 officials that commanded

the army and govt. •Senate

▫300 members from the upper class

•Dictator▫Leader during time of crisis

with absolute power•Legion

▫Military units▫Foot soldiers, calvalry, etc▫Rome = Military masters

Roman Republic United States

• Consul• Senate of 300• 8 judges chosen for one

year• Twelve Tables

▫ List of rules that was the basis of Roman law

• Citizenship▫ All adult male


• President• Senate of 100• Supreme Court• Constitution

• Citizenship▫ All native-born or

naturalized adults

The Forum•Public Center•Heart of Roman Political Life

Rome Spreads Its Power

•Rome wanted to expand▫Trade and Conquest

•Took control of Italy

•Wanted more!

•To get a lot of power, what do they really want?

Punic Wars•2 Big Boys at this

time▫Rome and Carthage

•3 wars▫Battling for control

of the Mediterranean•Carthage general

▫Hannibal▫Brought 50,000 men▫9,000 horseback▫60 elephants

•Romans finally won•Roman dominance

The future of Rome

•Going to growwww!•Changes in government•Trading empire

•Emphasis in:▫Art▫Literature▫Religion▫Architecture▫Law▫Entertainment

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