turmeric - parliament of grenada manual... · 2019. 6. 10. · turmeric yields oil on distillation...

International Trade Centre EXPORT IMPACT FOR GOOD TURMERIC Production, Processing, Quality Specifications, Measures to Ensure Quality, Organic production and World Trade

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Page 1: TURMERIC - Parliament of Grenada Manual... · 2019. 6. 10. · Turmeric yields oil on distillation but it has only limited value. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter






Production, Processing, Quality Specifications, Measures to

Ensure Quality, Organic production and World Trade

Organic Production and World Trade

Page 2: TURMERIC - Parliament of Grenada Manual... · 2019. 6. 10. · Turmeric yields oil on distillation but it has only limited value. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter

Prepared by

C.K. George

International Consultant for Spices and Herbs

E-mail: [email protected]

Figures sourced from

Figures 13, 14 & 15 Indian Imstitute of Spices Research, Calicut, Kerala State, India 673 012

Figure 24 Spices Board, Sugantha Bhavan, Palarivattiom, Kerala State, India 682 025

Figures Remaining from various Websites

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Production, Processing, Quality Specifications, Measures to

Ensure Quality, Organic Production and World Trade

Table of Contents






Land preparation……………………………………...2


Fertilizer application………………………………….3


Weeding, providing drainage and irrigation………….4

Crop rotation and mixed cropping……………………4

Plant protection……………………………………….5


Leaf blotch……………………………………………5

Leaf spot……………………………………………...5

Rhizome rot…………………………………………..6


Insect pests…………………………………………………7

Shoot borer…………………………………………...7

Rhizome scale………………………………………..8

Minor pests…………………………………………...9


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Preservation of seed rhizomes…………………………….11


Turmeric whole……………………………………...11

Small scale…………………………………………..11

Large scale………….……………………………….12

Turmeric sliced……………………………………...14




Quality specifications……………………………………..17

ASTA Cleanliness Specification……………………18

ESA Specifications of Quality Minima…………….20

Measures to ensure quality………………………………..21


Harvesting and on-farm processing………………...21

On-farm storage…………………………………….22

Organic production……………………………………….22

World trade……………………………………………….23

Appendix 1

Nutrients contents in commonly used fertilizers…………23

Appendix 11

Chemical names of fungicides and insecticides………….23


Page 5: TURMERIC - Parliament of Grenada Manual... · 2019. 6. 10. · Turmeric yields oil on distillation but it has only limited value. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter

Production, Processing, Quality Specifications, Measures to Ensure

Quality, Organic Production and World Trade


Turmeric with scientific name, Curcuma longa belongs to the family

Zingiberaceae, like ginger. Its rhizome is used as a spice (condiment), dye,

antiseptic, drug and cosmetic. It is an excellent anti-oxidant. India is the only

country where its varied applications are popular. It is also used in religious

ceremonies in the Hindu Temples in South India. The pigment, curcumin extracted

from turmeric is an important food colourant. Turmeric yields oil on distillation but

it has only limited value. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of

turmeric. Other countries producing turmeric are Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka,

Thaiwan, China and Myanmar.


Climate Turmeric is grown under diverse tropical conditions from sea level to 1500 m

height and at a temperature range of 30O to 40O C. Annual rainfall of 1500 mm or

more during growing season is necessary when raised as a rainfed crop. Irrigation

has to be resorted to under less rainfall condition. Drip irrigation helps to save


Fig.1. Turmeric grown with drip irrigation


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Soil It can be grown under different soil types, but, thrives well on well drained sandy

or clay loam of a PH range of 4.5 to 7.5 and rich in organic matter.

Variety If there is no recommended variety, select a cultivar which gives an yield of 25 to

35 Mt fresh rhizomes, a dry weight recovery of about 20 percent and curcumin

content preferably around 3.5 percent. It is desirable to have over 5.0 percent

curcumin in the selected variety/ cultivar if it is for extraction of curcumin.

Fig.2. A high yielding turmeric cultivar

Land preparation Plough the land 4 to 5 times or dig well with the receipt of early summer showers.

Prepare beds of 1m width, 15 cm height and of convenient length with 50 cm gap

between two beds. Under flood irrigated condition, prepare ridges of 50 cm width

at the base, 15 cm height and of convenient length.

Planting There are two kinds of rhizomes, mother rhizomes and finger rhizomes. Finger

rhizomes are those which are developed from mother rhizomes. Normally mother

rhizomes are used for planting . These rhizomes when processed produce inferior


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grade and fetch only low price. Finger rhizomes make superior grade and obtain a

better price when marketed.

Select healthy, well developed mother rhizomes for planting. Big mother rhizomes

are cut into two halves and planted. Seed rate is 2,500 Kg rhizomes per hectare.

Prepare small pits on the beds just before regular rainy season with a hand hoe.

Spacing is 25 cm in a row and 30 cm between rows. In the case of ridges and

furrows, one row of turmeric is planted at the top of the the ridges at a spacing of

25 cm. Half fill the pits with well decomposed farmyard manure or compost and

place seed rhizomes and cover them with top soil. About 20 Mt farmyard manure

or compost may be required for this purpose.

Fertilizer application Chemical fertilizers are to be applied for high yield. A general recommendation is

given in the following Table. Quantities of nutrients may be increased or decreased

based on soil fertility and variety/ cultivar.

Schedule for application of plant nutrients as fertilizers per hectare

Plant nutrient Basal application After 40 days After 90 days

Nitrigen (N) - 30 kg 30 kg

Phosphorus (P2O5) 50 kg - -

Potash (K2O) 60 kg 60 kg

The entire quantity of phosphatic fertilizers may be mixed with organic manure

and given as basal application before planting. Other fertilizers may be applied 40

days and 90 days after planting.


Mulch beds or ridges with green leaves or easily decomposable organic farm

wastes to prevent soil spashing and erosion (when it rains heavily). They also add

organic matter to the soil, check emergence of weeds, conserve soil moisture,

increase microbial activity and make soil porous for easy development of

rhizomes. Do the first mulching immediately after planting with about 10 to 12 Mt

per hectare and repeat with similar quantities just before the second and the third

fertilizer applications. Earth up soil thinly from the interspaces of the beds or

ridges to cover mulch.


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Weeding, providing drainage and irrigation Remove weeds before each fertilizer application. If necessary do a third weeding.

Do not allow water to stagnate in the beds or interspaces. Provide channels where

ever required to drain out excess water. Irrigate the crop at 10 to 15 days interval

depending upon weather and soil conditions when raised as an irrigated crop.

Fig.4. Young turmeric plantation after weeding and earthing up

Mixed cropping Turmeric can be grown with vegetables such as, chilli, colocasia, onion, egg plant

(brinjal), lady’s finger and cereals like, maize and finger millet.

Fig. 5. With chilli Fig.6. With onion Fig.7. With onion and lady’s finger


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Plant protection There are a few diseases and pests which affect turmeric. Both diseases and pests sometimes cause significant loss to the crop.


Leaf blotch

The disease is caused by the fungus, Taphrina maculans and appears as small,

oval, rectangular and, sometimes irregular brown spots on either sides of leaves

which soon become dirty yellow or dark brown. Affected leaves turn yellow. In

severe cases the plant presents a scorched appearance and affects the yield.

Fig. 8. Affected leaves of a turmeric plant Fig. 9. Close up view

Control measure: Spray 0.2 percent Mancozeb*. Repeat the spray if disease

symptoms persist.

Leaf spot

Leaf spot is caused by the fungus, Colletotrichum capsici and appears as brown

spots of various shapes and sizes on the upper surface of young leaves. The spots

are white or grey in the centre. Later, two or more spots may coalesce and form an

irregular patch covering almost the whole leaf. The affected leaf evetually dries

up. If the incidence is severe, rhizomes do not develop well.


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Fig.10. Leaves with disease symptom Fig.11. Close up view

Control measure: Spray 1 percent Bordeaux mixture or 0.3 percent Zineb** (other

trade names: Dithane Z-78, Parzate and Polyram Z).

Rhizome rot

The disease is caused by Pythium graminicolum or P.aphanidermatum. Collar

region of pseudostem becomes soft and water soaked leading to collapse and decay

of rhizomes.

Fig.12. Affected crop Fig.13. Rotten rhizome


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Control measure: Prevent the disease incidence by treating seed rhizomes in

0.3percent Mancozeb solution for 30 minutes prior to storage and also before



The two important nematodes causing damage to rhizomes are Root knot nematode

(Meloidogyne spp.) and Burrowing nematode (Radopholous similis). Root lesion

nematode (Pratylenchus spp.) may be also be present in some locations.

Fig.14. Root knot nematode affected rhizomes

Control measure: Use healthy and nematodes-free rhizomes for planting. Increase

organic matter content of soil as it checks their multiplication to certain extent.

Growing marigold plants among turmeric as a trap crop is recommended where

nematode infection has been previously noticed . Apply fungal culture Pochonia

chlamydosporia at the rate of 20 mg per bed of size 3 m length and 1 m width

along with organic matter at the time of planting.

Insect Pests

Shoot borer

Shoot borer (Conogethes punctiferalis) is the most serious pest of turmeric. Larvae

bore into psuedostems and feed on internal tissues. Presence of a bore-hole on the

psuedostems through frass is extruded and withering of the central shoot are the

characteristic symptoms of the pest infestation. Adult is a medium sized moth with


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a wing span of about 2 cm; the winges are orange-yellow with minute black spots.

Fully grown larvae are light brown with sparse hairs.

Fig.15. Infected shoot with fallen frass on a leaf

Control measure: Spray 0.1 percent Malathion*** at 20 days interval twice during

rainy season. First spray should be done as soon as the pest incidence is noticed.

Rhizome scale

The rhizome scale, Aspediella hartii infests rhizomes in the field when they are

developed and also in storage. Adult scales are circular in shape and about 1 mm

diameter and light brown to grey in colour and appear as encrustations on the

rhizomes. They feed on the sap and, when rhizomes are severely infested, become

shrivelled and dessicated even affecting their germination.

Fig.16. Severely affected rhizomes Fig.17. Adult scale


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Control measure: Treat seed rhizomes with 0.075 percent Quinalphos**** solution

for 30 minutes and shade dry before storage and repeat the treatment before

planting in severely infested locations. Do not store or use infested rhizomes for

consumtion or seed purposes.

Minor pests

Adults and larvae of beetles such as, Lema spp. feed on leaves especially during

rainy season and create elongated parallel feeding marks on them.

Control measure: Spraying 0.1 percent Malathion if done for the control of shoot

borer is sufficient to eradicate this pest also. Otherwise, spray 0.1 percent

Malathion as soon as the incidence is noticed.

Lacewing bug, Stephanites typicus feeds on foliage making them to turn pale and

dry up. This pest infestation is more common immediately after rainy season.

Fig.18. Lacewing bug

Control measure: Spray 0.05 percent Dimethoate***** to control the pest.

Thrips, Panchaetothrips indicus infests leaves causing them to roll, turn pale and

gradually dry up. The pest is noticed more during post rainy season.

Fig.19. Adult thrips


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Control measure: Spray 0.05 percent Dimethoate as soon as the pest incidence is


Fig.20. A good turmeric crop nearing harvest

Harvesting Turmeric is harvested 7 to 9 months after planting depending upon variety/

cultivar. Leaves turn yellow and start drying up when ready for harvest. Plough the

field and hand pick rhizomes or lift clumps with a spade. Harvested rhizomes are

cleaned of mud completely and also of roots, psuedostems and leaves. Mother

rhizomes and finger rhizomes are seperated afterwards.

Fig.21 & 22. Harvesting turmeric in India with spade (left) and plough (right)


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Preservation of seed rhizomes

Mother rhizomes are generally used for seed purposes. They are heaped lightly in a

ventillated room and covered with dry turmeric leaves till next planting season.

They can also stored in a pit with saw dust or sand along with leaves of Stychnos

nuxvomica (if available). The pit is covered with wooden planks having 3 or 4

holes for aeration. If scale infestation is noticed, rhizomes have to be dipped in

0.075 percent Quinalphos solution for 20 minutes. Mancozeb at 0.3 percent

prevents loss due to fungi during storage. Since both chemicals are compatible they

can be added to water one after the other for making the required solution.


Turmeric whole Harvested turmeric has to be processed to obtain dry turmeric of the right quality.

As mentioned earlier mother rhizomes are used normally for seed purposes. In case

to be processed, It is desirabe to process mother rhizomes and finger rhizomes

seperately because of the difference in cooking time. Finger rhizomes take only

less time than mother rhizomes.

In nutshell, processing involves boiling fresh mother rhizomes/ finger rhizomes in

clean water and drying in the sun. When a narrow stick passes through rhizomes,

they are ready and cooking should be stopped then. Over boiling leads to spoilage

of colour and loss of aroma while under cooking renders the dried produce brittle.

If there is delay in processing, harvested fresh rhizomes should be stored under

shade in order to reduce moisture loss and resultant damage.

Small scale

A perforated trough of 90 cm x 55 cm x 40 cm made of galvanized iron (GI) or

mild steal (MS) sheet with extended parallel handles and a container of similar

shape with slightly larger size to which the trough can be placed comfortably

without touching sides are necessary for this purpose. The container is first seated

on a tripod for heating and perforated trough is placed in. The trough is filled with

about 50 kg rhizomes and then pour about 100 litre water sufficient to cover

completely top layer of rhizomes. The container is then heated with firewood till

water boils and rhizomes become soft. The cooked rhizomes are taken out by

lifting the perforated trough and draining boiling water to the container. This water

is used for cooking fresh batches of rhizomes. If necessary, add more water and

heating is continued. The process is repeated till the entire quantity is cooked.


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Large scale

This system can process about 150 kg rhizomes or more per batch depending upon

the capacity. Cooking is done by steam. Fuel requirements is about 20 kg dry

turmeric leaves and psuedosterms or other farm wastes per batch of 150 kg


The system consists of water tank, furnace, steam production unit, two top open

barrels, platform for placing barrels, pipeline to carry steam, etc. Water tank is kept

at an altitude to allow free flow of water to the steam production unit. Steam

production unit is a tank of size 150 cm x 100 cm x 150 cm made with 4 mm mild

steel and placed on a furnace. From the top of the unit steel pipe of 5.5 cm

diameter carries steam to the lower portion of the two barrels kept on a platform at

a higher level. There is a wheel valve fitted to the pipe line connecting each barrel

to allow steam to let in seperately and also a control valve near the steam

production unit to stop the supply of steam. A ladder is fixed to climb on to the

platform and feed both barrels with rhizomes.

Barrels are of 54 cm diameter and 88 cm height made with mild steel of 3 mm

thickness. Bottom of barrels are fitted with a shutter which can be opened to take

out cooked rhizomes easily and close tightly afterwards. A schematic presentation

of the system is given in Figure 24.

Fig.23. Perforated trough and

container for small quantity


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Rhizomes are filled in both barrels and top is covered with thick gunny bag. Steam

production unit takes about 30 minutes once fired to produce steam at a pressure of

2 kg/ cm2. Steam is let into to one barrel and then the control valve is fully opened.

It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to cook rhizomes properly. When ready,

characteristic aroma is produced and rhizomes become soft. At this stage the

shutter at the bottom of the barrel is opened and cooked rhizomes are taken out for

drying with the help of a wheel barrow. Steam is opened to the other barrel and

cooking is ontinued while loading of rhizomes is done after replacing shutter in the

first barrel.

It is observed that about 10 to 12 litre of water is to be converted to steam for

cooking rhizomes in each barrel. In 8 hours roughly 3.0 Mt rhizomes can be

processed in this way. Depending upon size of the system, large quantities can be

processed in the same time. Once harvest season is over the entire system is

dismantled, cleaned well and kept in a shed to protect from sun and rain for use in

the next season.

Fig.24.Cooking system for

medium/ large quantity


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Turmeric sliced If rhizomes are to be ground soon after processing, they may be sliced and cooked.

Slicing is done after thorough washing. Since there is no fibre in the rhizomes,

simple potato slicing machine can be used or sliced by hand with a knife. Cooking

takes only much less time. Another advantage is that sliced rhizomes dry faster

than whole rhizomes.

Fig.25.Turmeric sliced and dried

It may be noted that cooking is very important in processing turmeric. It gives

uniform colour inside rhizomes, helps for fast drying, develops characteristic odour

and makes plump.

Drying The cooked rhizomes is dried in the sun by spreading up to 5 cm thichness on

clean raised cement concrete floor or on wooden platform after spreading bamboo

mat/ polythese sheet. In the evenings, it is heaped and covered with polythese sheet

to protect from rain or dew. However, proper aeration should be given to the

cooked rhizomes while heaped and covered. About 10 to 15 days are required for

complete drying. But sliced rhizomes will dry fast within 5 to 7 days.

Cross-flow of hot air of maximum 60O C helps for quick drying and to give a better

product. In the cae of sliced rhizomes, artificial drying gives a product with bright

colour than sun dried product as it prevents surface bleaching. It may be noted that

well dried produce should have only 10 to 12 percent moisture according to the

buyer’s need. Yield of dry produce varies from 15 to 20 percent depending upon

variety/ cultivar, maturity and agro-climatic conditions.


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Polishing Dried rhizomes are poor in appearance with rough and dull outer surface covered

with scales and root bases. Appearance is improved by smoothening and polishing

the outer surface by manual or mechanical rubbing.

When quantity is small, manual polishing is done by rubbing dried rhizomes on a

hard surface. For this, rhizomes are filled loosely in a clean gunny bag and rubbed

on cement concrete floor or rock surface with the help of legs (after washing and

drying). An improved method is the use of hand operated drum mounted on a

central axis, the sides of which are made of expanded metal mesh. After rhizomes

are put into the drum, it is rotated by hand and polishing is effected by abrasion of

the surfaces of rhizomes on the mesh and also by mutual rubbing.

When quantities are large, rhizomes are polished using a 5 HP motor or diesel

engine operated hexagonal drum with a capacity of 800 kg rhizomes per batch. The

drum capacity can be increased to 1100 kg if fitted with 7.5 HP motor or diesel

engine. The whole operation takes only 25 to 30 minutes per batch.

Fig.27.Large polishishing machine

Fig.26. Hand operated

polishing machine


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The machine is fabricated with high grade MS steel for long life and the roller

made with 1 mm outer mesh with more than 1000 nuts and bolts which help the

outer skin of the rhizomes to get polished efficiently.

Fig. 28 & 29. Polished mother rhizomes (left) and finger rhizomes (right)


Colour of the processed turmeric is an important factor in deciding the price. For

improving the colour, a suspension of turmeric powder in a small quantity of water

is made and springled during the last process of polishing. This operation may last

5 to 10 minutes. When rhizomes are uniformly coated with suspension, they are

taken for drying.

Fig.30.Polished and coloured turmeric


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About 200 gm turmeric powder is required for coating 100 kg turmeric. If this

operation is done carefully it will definitely improve the appearance of the product

and fetch a better price.

Quality Specifications Quality assurance begins at the farm. If proper attention has not been paid to

ensure quality from farm to port the product may become inferior in grade and

sometimes may not be even fit for consumption in the importing country. All

importers prefer to buy ‘clean’ and ‘not cleaned’ turmeric.

By law importers are compelled to buy hygienic and pesticide, fungicide and other

chemical residue free turmeric whether fresh or dry because of health concerns.

Many diseases are food borne and incidences of these diseases and their spread are

increasing on alarming proportion.

The national governments have prescribed quality and cleanliness specifications

for turmeric whole and sliced for import. These specifications in reality are not

difficult to achieve if the right pre-harvest, harvest and post harvest practices are

followed. Good agricultural practices insist the use of only permitted plant

protection chemicals in the right concentration and at the right time which leaves

chemical residues minimum, and if at all, never exceeding the maximum residue

levels (MRLs) which are often much low, less than 0.01 mg/kg body weight.

Water for irrigation should be of standard quality without chemical residues

including heavy metals, such as mercury, arsenic and lead, and dangerous

microbial load of Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, etc. Sodium, chloride and boron

contents in the irrigation water should not exceed the recommended levels.

Similarly, water for washing harvested turmeric before processing and for cooking

should be of potable quality.

Drying has to be done on clean surfaces on raised plat forms and the moisture level

should be brought down to a maximum 10 to 12 percent for dry turmeric whole.

Since sliced turmeric is hygroscopic it is necessary to keep its moisture level at 11

percent maximum. It may be noted here that maximum moisture level

recommended for turmeric (whole and sliced) for imports in the US is 10 percent

as of June 1999. By following the above guidelines a producer can help prepare

good quality dry turmeric for export.


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ASTA Cleanliness specifications The American Spice Trade Association (ASTA) has specified limits for

macroscopic extraneous matter for import of turmeric to the US. It is designed to

be within safe limits and to meet the United States Food and Drug

Administration’s (USFDA) Defect Action Levels so that turmeric is permitted to

enter the country without hassles. For changes, if any, in the levels of various

parameters prescribed, visit http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/-dms/dallbook.html. As

revised in October 2000 dry turmeric whole and sliced dry turmeric should meet

the following specifications.

ASTA Specifications for whole and sliced dry turmeric








by Mg/lb







by Weight



Percentage by





Percentage by








#Whole Insect Dead cannot exceed the limit shown and ##Extraneous Matter

includes other plant materials e.g. Leaves from other plants.

The US FDA insists reconditioning if the average of the total number of subtotals

exceeds the listed milligrams per pound specifications. Reconditioning has also

been prescribed when dead insects or other excreta are in excessive amounts (as

the later is an indication that the product has been exposed to insanitary condition).

In case, live insects are found in the original sample, reconditioning will include

fumigation. If the same sample exceeds the specified values expressed as percent

by weight of insect infested, bored or otherwise defiled, the lot needs

reconditioning and also when sample shows visible evidence of webbing or

definite insect feeding.

For ASTA, the term reconditioning may include techniques such as, fumigation,

washing, cutting, sifting, aspirating, blowing and drying.


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If it appears to the unaided eye that 50 or more mites and psocids are present, the

lot must be fumigated, sifted and blown for cleaning. It may be noted that mites

Fig.31.Mite Fig.32.Psocid

and psocids are not to be counted as insects.

In regard to insecticides, fungicides and other chemicals, maximum residue levels

(MRLs) have been prescribed by the US Environmental Protection Agency and

these have to be strictly followed.

If mould is present in excess of the prescribed value, turmeric is classified as

mouldy and also if visible to the naked eye exceeding one-fourth of the surface

area, and confirmed by the presence of mycelia filaments and spores when

examined with the aid of a microscope (40 x magnification or less).

Certain fungi such as, Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus, A. nominus and A. niger

produce aflatoxin (B1+B2+G1+G2) which is carcinogenic and the US FDA has

prescribed the limit. B1 is the most potent carcinogen, but, there is no separate limit

prescribed for it in the US. However, total aflatoxin in the sample analyzed should

not exceed 20 ppb according to US FDA. It may be noted that there is no easy

method to eliminate or reduce aflatoxin level in any product now. So, if dry

turmeric exceeds the above limit, it leads to rejection.

Ochratoxin A (OTA) is another mycotoxin found in turmeric produced by

Aspergillus ochraceous and Pencillium verrucosum. OTA is genotoxic,

nephrotoxic and also a suspected carcinogen.


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ESA Specifications of Quality Minima European Spice Association (ESA) in consultation with European Union has

prescribed limits to various quality parameters for import of herbs and spices into

any of the countries in the European Union under the title, Quality Minima.

Sampling should be done taking square root of units/ lots to be a minimum of 10

samples for routine purposes, but for arbitration purposes square root of all

containers like, bottles, jars, boxes, bags, etc. (Source: www.esa-spices.org). These

specifications in the Quality Minima in respect of dry turmeric whole and sliced

are as follows.

Quality Minima in respect of dry whole or sliced turmeric

Parameter Prescribed Maximum Limit

Extraneous matter 1 percent

Foreign matter 2 percent

Ash 8 percent weight/weight

Acid insoluble ash 2 percent by weight/weight

Volatile oil 2.5 percent minimum

H2O 12 percent weight/weight

Heavy metals Shall comply with National/ European Union


Pesticides Follow buyers recommendations and Good

Agricultural Practices and comply with National/

European Union Legislation

Microbial load Salmonella absent in at least 25 gm. Yeast and

Mould 105 target, 10

8 absolute minimum

Off odour Free from off odour and taste

Infestation Practically free from live and dead insects and also

insect fragments and rodent contamination visible

to the naked eye

Aflatoxin Grow, harvest and store to prevent occurrence of

aflatoxin or minimize the risk of occurrence.

Should meet EU Legislation of maximum 5 ppb

for B1 and 10 ppb for B1+B2+G1+G2 together

Adulteration Shall be free from any kind of adulteration

Quality specifications also have been prescribed by the Governments of Japan,

Australia, Canada and other countries for turmeric to ensure what they import is


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safe for their consumers. However, limits of all parameters have not specified as in

the case of ASTA and ESA for turmeric.

Measures to Ensure Quality

Production Cultivate only high yielding variety/ cultivar with better intrinsic quality

(preferably about 3.5 percent curcumin content) suitable to the region. Seed

material should be from a reliable source and devoid of pests and diseases. Crop

residues, and dung and other materials from domestic animals if contaminated

should not be used in production.

Polluted or contaminated water should not be allowed for irrigation. Water for

washing harvested turmeric rhizome and for processing should be of potable

quality. Control measures for pests and diseases involving chemicals and

biological agents should be undertaken with expert advice and thorough

knowledge of their potential danger to health.

Harvesting and on-farm processing Harvesting should be done at the right maturity to yield maximum curcumim. It

may be noted that maturity varies from 7 to 9 months depending upon variety/

cultivar and pattern of rainfall.

Drying may be done under the sun or artificially, providing adequate measures for

preventing contamination. Drying in the sun may be done on polythene sheet or

bamboo mat spread on a raised wooden platform, cement concrete floor or other

kind of floor made with suitable material to avoid free entry of domestic animals

and wind-blown dust. Keep polythene sheet close by to cover rhizomes in case it

starts raining. Delay in drying or getting wet by rain may induce fungal growth and

production of aflatoxin. Necessary precautions may be taken for preventing the

entry and contamination by domestic animals, rodents, birds, arthropods (includes

insects and spiders), etc during drying and storage.

It is safe to bring down the moisture level to less than 10 to 12 percent for whole

dry turmeric and 10 to 11 percent for sliced dry turmeric. Recommendation of

ASTA is only maximum 10 percent moisture for import to the US. After drying,

proper cleaning may be carried out to remove dust, shriveled and shrunken

rhizomes, and foreign matters, if any, in the product.


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On-farm storage Cleaned dry turmeric should be packed in hygienic and water proof containers.

Second hand containers like, once used jute bags, polythene bags, bins, tins, etc.

should be reused only after thorough cleaning. At no reason empty fertilizer bags

or pesticide and fungicide containers should be used even after washing. It is

desirable to have polythene film lining inside jute bags or woven plastic bags in

order to avoid moisture re-absorption and development of mould growth. Storage

room should be dry and relative humidity inside maintained at less than 75 percent

to prevent mould growth and insect infestation.

Organic Production Adoption of organic farming and processing methods is the best way to ensure

quality. In this method there is complete traceability of the product from farm to

port. No chemicals including synthetic fertilizers and plant protection chemicals

can be used and plant nutrients are given through organic manures produced in the

farm itself or obtained from certified sources. Incidences of pests and diseases are

controlled through crop rotation, cultural methods, botanical pesticides and bio-

agents, etc. Use of Bordeaux mixture against fungal diseases is allowed to a certain

limit. If available, pests and diseases tolerant/ resistant varieties may be grown.

Inclusion of legume in the crop rotation helps to improve fertility of soil.

Certified organic products fetch better price than conventionally produced through

general farming system. For certification, there is need to maintain a register with

map of the farm clearly demarcating borders and record inputs used with source

and quantity, yield obtained, processing carried out along with details of all

agricultural operations done in the farm. To begin with, the certifying agency has

to be informed of the intention to convert the farm into organic and the inspector to

examine its feasibility and procedures the grower propose to carry out in the farm.

Inspector periodically visits the farm and if no error has committed he will

recommend issue of organic certificate to the certifying agency. Normally two

years are required for full conversion and to obtain the certificate. During the

interim period, the certifying agency may issue in conversion certificate for the






Page 27: TURMERIC - Parliament of Grenada Manual... · 2019. 6. 10. · Turmeric yields oil on distillation but it has only limited value. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter

World Trade

World import of turmeric during 2009 was 73,700 Mt. The entire quantity was in

the dry form, whole, sliced and powder. The important countries importing

turmeric are India, Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia, Japan, Sri Lanka, the US, the UK,

South Africa and Egypt. Notable exporters are India, Myanmar, Indonesia, China

and Vietnam. Indian export was around 55,000 Mt during 2009. India imports

turmeric mostly for extraction of oleoresin for re-export.

The demand for organic turmeric is much less. Some of the countries which are

interested in organic turmeric are Japan, Germany, The Netherlands, the US and

the UK

Appendix I

Nutrient contents in commonly used fertilizers The primary nutrients supplied by fertilizers are nitrogen, phosphorous and

potassium. Their concentration in a fertilizer is expressed as percentage of N, P2O5

and K2O respectively.

Ammonium sulphate = 20.6% Nitrogen (N)

Ammonium chloride = 25% Nitrogen (N)

Calcium ammonium nitrate = 25% Nitrogen (N)

Urea = 46% Nitrogen (N)

Ammonium phosphate = 11% Nitrogen (N), 52% Phosphate (P2O5)

Limestone ammonium nitrate (LAN) = 28% Nitrogen (N)

Single superphosphate = 14 – 16% Water soluble phosphate (P2O5)

Rock phosphate (powder/ granular) = 18% Citrate soluble phosphate (P2O5)

Potassium chloride = 60% Potassium (K2O)

Potassium sulphate = 50% Potassium (K2O)

Appendix 11 Chemical name of fungicides and insecticides *Mancozeb: Manganese ethylenebis (dithiocarbamate) (polymeric) complex with

zinc salt

**Zineb: polymeric complex of zinc with ethylenebis (dithiocarbamate)

anionic ligand

***Malathion: Diethyl 2-[(dimethoxyphosphorothioyl) sulfanyl] butanedioate


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***Quinalphos: O, O-Diethyl O-2-quinoxalinyl phosphorothioate; Diethyl O-(2-

quinoxalinyl) phosphorothioate

*****Dimethoate: 2-dimethoxyphosphinothioylthio-N methyl-acetamide

References 1. Turmeric: Spices Board, Sugantha Bhavan, Kochi, Kerala State, India 682 025

2. Turmeric: Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development, Calicut, Kerala

State, India 673 005

3. Turmeric: Agricultural Technology Information Centre, Indian Institute of

Spices Research, Calicut, Kerala State, India 673 012

4. ASTA Cleanliness Specifications for Spices, Seeds and Herbs: American Spices

Trade Association, Washington D.C. 20036, USA

5. Quality Minima: European Spice Association, www.esa-spices.org

6. Guidelines for Production of Organic Spices in India: Spices Board, Sugantha

Bhavan, Kochi, Kerala State, India 682 025


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