turku2010 collaborative learning online social software and (literacy) education

Collaborating online Social Software and (Literacy) Education WIKI and Weblogs in the classroom practice http://www.slideshare.net/jeroencl/ turku2010

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Collaborative Learning Online presentation on 2nd Baltic Sea Conference / 15th Nordic Reading Conference August 11-13 2010 Turku Finland


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Collaborating onlineSocial Software

and (Literacy) Education

WIKI and Weblogsin the classroom practice


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Internet & interactivity

Web 1.0 < 2005 3 R’s



One way street

Web 2.0 > 2005 3 C’s



Two way street

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Social software


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social software in my classroom

•weblogs for reflection on literature

•wikis for (international and interdisciplinary ) collaboration

•LibraryThing for sharing and inspiring

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what did we do?•How it was 2 years ago:

•My students don’t read much

•Which book is interesting?

•Book reports from internet / no reflection

•Simple rules: make you own weblog

•No paper books reports anymore !

•4 blogs per year on reading experiences

•at least 2 comments on blog student

•now all my classes write weblogs

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What did we learn?

1.Reflective learning: students don’t reflect automatically: they need the teacher

2.Interactive learning: students reflections get better because of interaction

3.Inspiration: students inspire each other to read books

4.Motivation: students find blogging more interesting then writing book reports

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What did we also learn

✓be patient: number of reactions will grow slowly

✓it’s rewarding for you too: you know your students better

✓colleagues get inspired: they want it too!

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tips for beginners (1/2)

✓start a weblog yourself to get experience

✓use a simpel platform: Blogger or Word- Press.com

✓make it interesting and fun / start a pilot

✓combine with curriculum goals: writing, literature, social studies...

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Some more tips (2/2)

✓use RSS feeds to see updates right away

✓comment regularly, so students see you really read their posts

✓for the technical side: use smart students ;-)

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wikis for learning

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my use of wikis ✓international collaboration schools :

Macedonia, Turkey, Russia, your school?

✓interdisciplinary project Literature & Philosophy

✓new format Products Students

✓sharing knowledge and materials with colleagues

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how to use a wiki•a teaching environment:

assignments, materials, schedule, goals, student products

•a learning environment: learn together, meet each other, communicate, develop a product together, research, reflect, ..

•to monitor learning process

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What did we do

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wOpZklyNpwMacNed project


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what did we learn

✓Technical: first stage:learn to use the wiki

✓Interactive: students like to communicate

✓International: projects inspire students

✓Motivation: education is more meaningful

✓Collaboration: is complicated: you have to teach

✓Transfer: transcurricular working easy: English, social sciences, history, arts

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Tips for beginners

✓KISS , the project, the assignments and the WIKI

✓start a simple pilot with a school / other discipline that’s interested

✓set up dates to really interact online

✓use video to get to know each other

✓be specific on assigments, schedule etc. It’s no playground

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Some more tips (2/2)

✓check and double check the machines. computers have to work!

✓use a simpel free platform: Wikispaces ( free for Educators), PB Works, ..

✓use smart students to do the technical side.;-)

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wiki or weblog or both ?

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reflection √ √√

collaboration √√ √

sharing knowledge

√√ √

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Learn social software in workshop & at home!


Weblogs, WIKI, RSS / newsreaders,

Flickr, LibraryThing,

Podcasts, Vodcasts,

Youtube, GoogleDocs,


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Contact Jeroen Clemens

[email protected]

see details onhttp://


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workshop•Social Software / Get an overview:


• Explore working in a wiki: http://turku2010.wikispaces.com

•Explore blogs my class: http://hpblogs.nl/group.php?id=6

•My LibraryThing:http://www.librarything.nl/catalog/jeroenc

•Just talk to me: project, explanations, ..