
By: Clemente & Judah

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Post on 06-Jan-2016




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Tundra. By: Clemente & Judah. A picture of a tundra. the kpcofgs of a polar bear. Kingdom: animalia Phylum: chordata Class: mammalia Order: carnivora Family: ursidae Genus: ursus Species: U. maritimus by: Wikipedia. kpcofgs of a arctic fox. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Tundra

By: Clemente & Judah

Page 2: Tundra
Page 3: Tundra

the kpcofgs of a polar bear

Kingdom: animaliaPhylum: chordataClass: mammaliaOrder: carnivoraFamily: ursidae Genus: ursusSpecies: U. maritimus

by: Wikipedia

Page 4: Tundra

kpcofgs of a arctic fox kingdom: animalia Phylum: chordata Class: mammalia Order: carnivora Family: canidae Genus: alopex Species: A.lagopus by:wikipedia

Page 5: Tundra

The Kpcofgs of a snow owl Kingdom: animalia

Phylum: chordataClass: avesOrder: strigiformesFamily: strigidaeGenus: buboSpecies: B. scandiacus

By: wikipedia

Page 6: Tundra
Page 7: Tundra

The Kpcofgs of a bearberryKingdom: Plantae

Phylum : Angiosperms class: EudicotsOrder: EricalesFamily: EricaceaeGenus: Arctostaphylos

Species: Alpine Bearberry by: Wikipedia

Page 8: Tundra

The Kpcofgs of a Arctic Willow

Kingdom: PlantaePhylum : MagnoliophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: MalpighialesFamily: SalicaceaeGenus: salixSpecies: s . Acrtica by: Wikipedia

Page 9: Tundra

The Kpcofgs of a Pasque flowerKingdom: Plantae

Phylum: MagnoliophytaClass: MagnoliopsidaOrder: RanunculalesFamily: RanunculaceaeGenus: Pulsatilla

species: Pulsatilla alpina by: Wikipedia

Page 10: Tundra
Page 11: Tundra

A food chain in a tundra

Page 12: Tundra
Page 13: Tundra

The weather report in the tundra is

The climate of the tundra is winter temperatures average about -30 F, in spring and summer, the tundra has about 20 hours of daylight and temperatures can reach 45-50 F.

Page 14: Tundra

5 activities you can do in the tundra You can go hunting Dog sledding You can go camping You can go hiking And last you can discover things

Page 15: Tundra
Page 16: Tundra

1. Misssharkey.wikispaces.com2. Tundraanimals.net3. Blueplanetbiomes.org4. Kidsgeo.com5. Scott Foresman Science6. Wikipedia.com7. Google.com