tugas pak wahidin english

OBLIGATIONS OF PARENT CHILD Prepared By the 4 Arief Yulianto 11110037 Muhammad Helmi 11110044 Reni Widiastuti 11110047 Hesti Ambarwati 11110053 ISLAMIC EDUCATION FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC STUDIES SALATIGA 2012

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Prepared By the 4 Arief Yulianto 11110037Muhammad Helmi 11110044Reni Widiastuti 11110047Hesti Ambarwati 11110053



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Obligations of children to parents is a good attitude to the parent form that has spawned itself into the world, and a good attitude is rightly given to parents so large we remember his sacrifice. It is also present in Al-Qur’an Al-isra’ 23

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A. Dutiful Importance To Both Parents

B. Children's Attitudes Towards Parents

When parents are still alive

When parents are dead

C. The forms of disobedience to parents

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A. Dutiful Importance To Both Parents

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1. It is a prayer for a child who is kind to his parents. Al-Isra '23

ا ن س ح ا ن ي د ل وا ل ا ب و ه ا ي ا ا ل ا وآ د ب ع ت ل ا ك ب ر ض ق و

ل ف ما ه ل ك و ا ما ه د ح ا ر ب ك ل ك د ن عع ع نعع غ ل ب ي ما ا

ر ك ول ق ا هم ل ل ق و ما ره ه ن ت ل ع وعع فع ا ع معآ ه عع ل لع ق ت

ما ي "And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and let the mother do good to your father as well as possible. If any one of them or two of them until they are advanced in maintenance, so you do not ever say to the two words 'ah' and do not be shouting at them and say to them a noble word.

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2. Dutiful to parents is jihad

ل : قا ما ه ن ع ى ا ض ر ص لعا ن ا ب و ر م ع ن ب دا ب ع ن ع وك ع ي با ا ل : قا ف م ل س و ه ي ل ع لى ا ص ب ي ن لى ا ا ل ج ر ل ب ق ال ه ف ل : قا لى : عا ت ن ا م ر ج غ ال ت ب ا د ها لهج وا ة ر هج ه ل لى ا عل تغى ا ب ت ف ل : قا ما, ه كل م, ع ن ل قا ا ي ؟ ح ا د ح ا ك ي د ل وا ن من س اح ف ك ي د ل وا لى ا ع ج ر فا ل : قا م, ع ن لى : عا ت ن ا م ر جما : ه ل ة ي وا ر فى و و م ل س م د ق ل ذا ه و ما. (متفق عليه) ه ت ب ح صك؟ لدا وا ىع ح ا لع: قا ف د, ها هج ل ا فعى ه ن ذ تا سع فا ا لع ج ر ءع جا

د ه هجا ف ما ه ي ف ف ل قا ف م ع ن ل : . قاAbdullah bin Amr bin Ash narrated that a man asked the Prophet jihad permission. He asked, "Are your parents alive?" The man replied, "Still, even both of them". He said again "Do you expect a reward from Allah?" The man replied "Yes" Messenger of Allah said "Go back to your parents, they serve ith good". (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

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3. Heaven on mom feet. In addition, the degree of the mother than the father did three levels

ا ل ج ء ر جا ل : قا ه ن ع ى ا ض ر ة ر ي ر ه بى ا ن ع ول : قا ف م ل س و ه ي ل ع لى ا ص ل ا و س ر لى ان حس ب سعع نا ال قعع ح ا نعع م : اعع ل و سعع ر يال : قا ن ؟ م م ث ل : قا ك, م ا ل : قا تى؟ ب حا ص

ك (متفق عليه) و ب ا ل : قا ن ؟ م م ث ل : قا ك, م ا From Abu Hurairah Ra he said: a man came to the Prophet, then asked: "O prophet, who is entitled to respect me well?" The Prophet replied "Your mother" then who? "Your mother" Then who? "She" is once again the man asked, then who? The Prophet replied "Your father."

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4. Dutiful to parents to expand sustenance. Prophet said "Whoever wants to be his provision expanded and extended age (full blessing), should he keep the friendship." (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)

5. Services parents may not unrequited

: سو ر ل ق ل قا ه ن ع ا ي ض ر ة ر ي ر ه ي ب ا ن ع

ا د : ل و زى هج ي ل م ل س و ه ي ل ع ا لى ص ا

فيقتقه ه ي ر ت ش ي ف كا و ل م م ه د هج ي ن ا إل د ل وا

( مسلم( رواه “A child will not be able to repay his father, unless he

finds his parents as a slave and he bought and free him.” (HR. Muslim)

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6. Disobedient to parents, including the biggest sin.

"From Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Ash Ra. From the Prophet said: major sins are associating partners with Allah, disobey parents, to kill people and perjury. "

7. Allah favored charity after prayers on time, is to do good to parents.

ا ى ض ر ود ع س م بن دا ب ع ن م ح ر ل ا د ب ع بى ا ن ع وي : ا م ل س و ه ي ل ع ا لى ص بى ن ل ا ت ل ا س ل قا ه ن ع : ( ) ة صل ل اا ا قالا ؟ لاى عا ا ا اا اات لاى اا باا ح اا ا لا م ع ل ا : , : : , لت ق ن ي د ل و ل را ب ل قا ى؟ ا م ث ت ل ق ها ت ق و لى ع( عليه : ( متفق ا يل ب س فى د ها ج ل ا ل قا ؟ ى ا م ث

From Abu Abdurrahman ibn Mas'ud Ra he said "I asked the Prophet SAW, charity is the most favored of God? He answers prayers in time, I ask again, then what? He answered do good to parents. I asked again, then what? He replied jihad in Allah's way. "(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

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When parents are still alive1. Obey them for not disobey Allah Ta'ala

2. Dutiful and humble himself before both parents.

3. Speaking gently in front of them, Tawadlu (humble) to both of them is something that is mandatory for children.

4. Provide food for their

5. Provide maintenance to parents

6. Making both the pleasure in doing good to the people he loves

7. Do not berate the parents.

8. Praying for both parents

9. Taking care of Parents

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When Parents Die1. Taking care of the body and a lot of praying for them, as this is

the devotion of a child to his parents.

2. About istighfar (beg forgiveness of Allah Ta'ala) for both of them, because they're the most important people to pray that Allah forgives their sins and accept their good deeds.

3. Will fulfill the promise and parents who have not been met during their lives in accordance with the Shari'a, and continue the good deeds they had done during their lives.

4. Glorifying a close friend or both parents

5. Praying for both parents

6. Paying off debts both

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• Disruptive to the good old form of the word (speech) or the act of making old people sad or hurt.

• Say 'ah' and does not meet the call of the elderly.

• Snap / snap, condemn and degrade the elderly.

• Niggardly (miserly) do not take care of his parents even more concerned about the rest of the parents take care of their parents when really needed.

• Mention evil old man in front of a lot or bring discredit to their parents.

• Putting obedient to wife than parents. There are even some people with how could expel in order to placate his wife's mother.

Forms of lawlessness (uquq)

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