tugas mengenal bahan kimia berbahaya


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Mengenal Bahan Kimia Berbahaya


Page 1: Tugas Mengenal Bahan Kimia Berbahaya
Page 2: Tugas Mengenal Bahan Kimia Berbahaya

Classification 1. Toxic substance / Jarak Racun

2. Corrosive substance / Jarak Korosif

3. Flammable substance / Jarak Mudah Terbakar

4. Explosive / Bahan Peledak

5. Oxidation agent / Zat Oksidasi

6. Water sensitive substance / Air Sensitif Substansi

7. Acid sensitive substance / Asam Sensitif Substansi

8. Compressed gases

9. Radioactive substance / Bahan Radio Aktif

Page 3: Tugas Mengenal Bahan Kimia Berbahaya

Classification of Toxic Substances

1. Metal and metaloid

2. Solvent3. Toxic gas 4. Cartiogenic

substance5. Pesticide

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Jenis Bahan Beracun

Jenis Bahan Akibat


Logam dan metaloid

Pb ( TEL, PbCO3 )Hg ( Hg,senyawa anorganik dan organik )CadmiumKromArsenPoffor

Syaraf, ginjal dan darahSyaraf, ginjal dan darahHati, ginjal, dan darahKankerIritasi, kankerMetabolisme karbohidrat, lemak, protein

2. Bahan pelarut Hidrokarbon alifatik ( bensin, m. tanah )Hidrokarbon terhalogenasi( kloroform )Alkhohol ( etanol, metanol )Glikol

Pusing dan komaHati dan ginjal Leukimia, saluran pencernaan dan syaraf pusatGinjal, hati , tumor

3. Gas – gas beracun Aspiksian sederhana ( N2, Ar, He )Aspiksian lain :- Asam sianida ( HCN )- Asam sulfida (H2 S )Karbon monoksida (CO) Nitrogen oksida (NO)X

Sesak nafas, berkurangnya oksigenPusing, sesak nafasSesak nafas, kejang, hilang kesadaranSesak nafas, hilang kesadaran, otak , jantungIritasi, kematian , sesak nafas

4. Karsinogenik BenzenaAsbes BenzidinKromNaftil aminVinil klorida

LeukimiaParu – paruKandung kemihParu – paruParu – paruHati, paru – paru, pusing,syaraf pusat

5. Pestisida Organoklorin dan organofosfat Pusing, kejang, hilang kesadaran, kematian

Contoh Bahan Kimia Beracun

Page 5: Tugas Mengenal Bahan Kimia Berbahaya

Klasifikasi Bahan Kimia Beracun Berdasarkan Kekuatan

Kelas Zat Beracun LD50(mg/kg) Contoh

Racun superAmat sangat beracunAmat beracunBeracun sedangSedikit beracunTidak beracun

< 55 – 50

50 – 500500 – 5000

5000 – 15000> 15000

NikotinTimbal arsenatHidrokinonIsopropanolAsam asetatPropilene glikol

Page 6: Tugas Mengenal Bahan Kimia Berbahaya

Corrosive Substance

Jenis bahan

Bahaya Contoh

Bahan korosif padat

bila ada kontak dengan kulit atau mata.

NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2, Fenol, asam trikloro asetat

Bahan korosif cair

timbul bila kontak dengan kulit atau mata yang akan menyebabkan proses pelarutan ( denaturasi protein )

asam sulfat, asam klorida, asam nitrat, asam formiat, asam asetat, karbon bisulfida, hidrokarbon

Bahan korosif gas

Bila terhirup akan merusak saluran pernafasan

amoniak, asam klorida, formaldehid ( formalin ), asam fluorida, asam asetat belerang dioksida, klor, brom fosgen , nitrogen oksida, ozon

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Flammable Substance

Fasa Contoh

Padat belerang, fosfor, kertas, hibrida logam, kapas

Cair eter, alkhohol, aseton, benzena, hexana, dll

Gas hidrogen, asetilen, etilen oksida

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Explosif substance

Industri Bahan yang di produklsi


Gas industriMercon

Korek apiZat warna

NH4NO3, TNTCampuran

Asetilen, H2, O2

NaNO3, KClO3, karbonKClO3, belerangAzo dan diazo

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Oxidation Agent

Bahan contoh

Oksidator anorganik

MnO4, perklorat, bikromat, hidrogen peroksida, peiodat, persulfat

Oksidator organik benzil peroksida, asetil peroksida, eter oksida, asam perasetat

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Water Sensitive Substance

Jenis bahan Contoh

Golongan alkali Na, K

Logam halida anhidrat alumunium tri bromida

Logam oksida anhidrat CaO

Oksida non logam halida sulfuril klorida

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Acid Sensitive Substance

Umumnya bahan–bahan yang reaktif terhadap air juga reaktif terhadap asam.

Selain itu dapat meledak maupun terbakar karena terjadi reaksi eksotermik dan gas yang mudah terbakar.

Contoh :Kalium klorat ( KClO3 )Kalium permanganatKromat ( Cr2O3 )

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Compressed Gases

Bahaya yang ditimbulkan :Bila bocorakan mencemari lingkungan

Bahaya yang terjadi tergantung jenis gas


Mudah terbakar


*Bersifat aspiksian maksudnya mengganggu pernafasan dan darah, contohnya : CO2, CO, hiodrgen sianida, argon, helium, nitrogen

Page 13: Tugas Mengenal Bahan Kimia Berbahaya

Tabel Penggunaan Gas Bertekanan Dan Bahayanya

Gas Penggunaan Bahaya

asetilenamoniaketilen oksidahidrogen


klorvinil klorida

Gas bakarBahan bakuSterilisasiHidrogenasi

Gas pencuci,pembuatan udara


Klorinasi, oksidatorProduksi plastik

Mudah terbakar, aspiksianBeracunBeracun, mudah terbakarMudah terbakar, aspiksian


Beracun, korosifBeracun, mudah terbakar

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Radioactive substance

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Types of Labels








Slight Hazard: irritation or minor injury would result from exposure to this substance. Protective measures are indicated


No Hazard: exposure to this substance offers no significant risk to health.0

Dangerous: exposure to this substance would be hazardous to health. Protective measures are indicated.


Extreme Danger: serious injury would result from exposure to this substance. Do not expose any body surface to these materials. Full protective measures should be taken.


Death : even the slightest exposure to this substance would be life threatening. Only specialized protective clothing, for these materials, should be worn.


Slight Hazard: irritation or minor injury would result from exposure to this substance. Protective measures are indicated


No Hazard: exposure to this substance offers no significant risk to health.0

Dangerous: exposure to this substance would be hazardous to health. Protective measures are indicated.


Extreme Danger: serious injury would result from exposure to this substance. Do not expose any body surface to these materials. Full protective measures should be taken.


Death : even the slightest exposure to this substance would be life threatening. Only specialized protective clothing, for these materials, should be worn.


Flash Point Above 200ºF: this substance must be preheated to ignite. Most combustible solids would be in this category.


Will Not Burn: substances that will not burn. 0

Flash Point Below 200ºF: moderately heated conditions may ignite this substance. Caution procedures should be employed in handling


Flash Point Below 100ºF: flammable, volatile or explosive under almost all normal temperature conditions. Exercise great caution in storage or handling of these materials.


Flash Point Below 73ºF and Boiling Point Below 100ºF: this substance is very flammable, volatile or explosive depending on its state. Extreme caution should be used in handling or storing of these materials.


Flash Point Above 200ºF: this substance must be preheated to ignite. Most combustible solids would be in this category.


Will Not Burn: substances that will not burn. 0

Flash Point Below 200ºF: moderately heated conditions may ignite this substance. Caution procedures should be employed in handling


Flash Point Below 100ºF: flammable, volatile or explosive under almost all normal temperature conditions. Exercise great caution in storage or handling of these materials.


Flash Point Below 73ºF and Boiling Point Below 100ºF: this substance is very flammable, volatile or explosive depending on its state. Extreme caution should be used in handling or storing of these materials.


Normally stable: substances that may become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures or when mixed with water. Approach with caution.


Stable: substances which will remain stable when exposed to heat, pressure or water.


Unstable: violent chemical changes are possible at normal or elevated temperatures and pressures. Potentially violent or explosive reaction may occur when mixed with water. Monitor from a safe distance.


Explosive: substances that are readily capable of detonation or explosion by a strong initiating source, such as heat, shock or water. Monitor from behind explosion-resistant barriers


May Detonate: substances that are readily capable of detonation or explosion at normal temperatures and pressures. Evacuate area if exposed to heat or fire.


Normally stable: substances that may become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures or when mixed with water. Approach with caution.


Stable: substances which will remain stable when exposed to heat, pressure or water.


Unstable: violent chemical changes are possible at normal or elevated temperatures and pressures. Potentially violent or explosive reaction may occur when mixed with water. Monitor from a safe distance.


Explosive: substances that are readily capable of detonation or explosion by a strong initiating source, such as heat, shock or water. Monitor from behind explosion-resistant barriers


May Detonate: substances that are readily capable of detonation or explosion at normal temperatures and pressures. Evacuate area if exposed to heat or fire.



OXY -- Oxidizer

ACID -- Acid

ALK -- Alkali

COR -- Corrosive

W -- Use No Water

-- Radiation Hazard

OXY -- Oxidizer

ACID -- Acid

ALK -- Alkali

COR -- Corrosive

W -- Use No Water

-- Radiation Hazard


Page 16: Tugas Mengenal Bahan Kimia Berbahaya


- Catatan yang berisi informasi suatu bahan kimia

TUJUAN :- Menjamin bahwa bahaya bahan kimia yang ada di tempat kerja, dan cara penanganannya dikomunikasikan secara baik sehingga pegawai dan mitra kerja dapat bekerja dengan selamat dalam menggunakan bahan tersebut

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MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet): Lembaran data mengenai suatu bahan kimia berbahaya yang memberikan informasi mengenai bahaya potensial dan cara penanganan yang selamat atas bahan yang digunakan

Informasi yang terdapat di dalamnya: Identifikasi Unsur Berbahaya Data Bahaya Api dan Ledakan Data Fisik. Data Bahaya Untuk Kesehatan Informasi Pelindung Khusus Prosedur Penanganan Tumpahan atau Kebocoran dan Tindakan

Pencegahan Khusus.


Page 18: Tugas Mengenal Bahan Kimia Berbahaya



SBU _________________________

UNIT _________________________

LOCATION/LOKASI _________________________ WORK LOCATIONAREA _________________________ LOKASI KERJA __________________________FIELD _________________________

M Issue Start EndS Date Date Date PHY A Q P

Substance Name Manufacturer's Name D Tgl Tgl mulai Tgl tdk FRM P T K FunctionNama Bahan Nama Pabrik S keluaran dipakai dipakai lagi P Y G USG Fungsi

/ / / / / /

/ / / / / /

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/ / / / / /

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/ / / / / /

/ / / / / /

/ / / / / /

/ / / / / /

Limit : 25 characters Limit : 25 characters Y/N dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy Use codes below Limit : 25 CharactersBatas: 25 huruf Batas: 25 huruf Ya/Tdk hr/bln/thn hr/bln/thn hr/bln/thn Gunakan kode dibawah ini Batas : 25 huruf

PHY FRM-Physical Form/Bentuk fisik APP - Application/Pemakaian QTY - Quantity Used/Month PKG - Packaging/Kemasan USG - Usage/Pemakaian

Jumlah terpakai/bulan B = Bulk/Vol terbesar (Pipeline, SP = Powder LQ = Liquid R= Raw Material C = Catalyst/Katalisator A = <10 lb/pon or < 1 gallon Tank car/Tangker,Tote Bin/ OP = Operations

Tepung Cairan Bahan Mentah W = Waste (to Disposal) wadah yang dipikul, dll ) Operasi SG = Granule LG = Liquid Gas I = Intermediate Limbah (Pembuangan) B = 10-100 lb/pon or 1-10 gallon L = Large Package/Kemasan MN = Maintenance

Butiran Gas Cair Bahan Antara S = Consumable Supply besar,Drum,Bag/Kantong> Pemeliharaan SF = Flake LS = Slurry A= Additive Bahan yg dikonsumsi C = 100-1000 lb/pon or 10-100 gallon 10 lb/pon 5 gallon pail/ LA = Laboratory/Laboratorium.

Serpihan Campuran lembek Bahan Penambah O = Other/Lain-lain ember, dll) Additional Codes defined SO = Other Solid GS = Gas P = Product/Produk D = >1000 lb/pon or >100 gallon S = Small Package/Kemasan locally/Kode tambahan yang

Bahan padat lainnya. or By-Product/Produk sampingan kecil (Bottle/Botol, Can/ diartikan secara lokal kaleng, carton/Dos, dll)

Chemical Inventory MSDS Log SheetInventarisasi Bahan Kimia Catatan Lembar Data Bahan Berbahaya

Lembar Inventori Bahan Berbahaya