tuesday power point


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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Tuesday power point


Page 2: Tuesday power point

ANALYZE LEARNERSMy ninth grade students are more interested in math today. They are excited to learn about how math plays a role in Fantasy Football.

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STATE OBJECTIVE I will go over basic rules of Fantasy Football with my students and explain how we will play in our league, “Ferg’s Football Fanatics.” After the rules are established, my students will go to the computer lab once again. They will get on the NFL website and find players.

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SELECT METHODS, MEDIA, & MATERIALSMy method for this day is to use technology based learning, and basic math skills (addition, subtraction, etc.) Students will still get to communicate among their peers, and they will get a chance to branch out with a little research.

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UTILIZE MEDIA & MATERIALS I will first go over some simple rules including how many players from which positions they will need and what their budget is. Students will be given a website to pick their teams. They will have a budget of 42 million dollars per team, and they must have 14 players per team. After they establish their teams, I will show a video explaining what substitution is.

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To ensure that each student is participating, they will be required to follow at least one player of their teams on Twitter and “quote” one of their tweets. They will need to tag the class’s twitter in the quote. @FergsMthClass This will count as a homework/participation grade. If they do not do it, they will receive no participation points for that day.

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EVALUATE AND REVISEAs students are working in their groups, I will walk around and make note of their progress. I will also see who is participating and who is not. Participation is required to receive points for that day, along with the Twitter post.