ttle formativ£ years fl91hfl - ·...

160 . I •, CHAPTE:.R Ut C:PATTERm jf!§OB:tr: TtlE f"ORMATIV£ _YEARS fl91Hfl .In this. chapter, tha of working c1eea eetivity 1n the ' ' . . early has bean tram an analyaia of · U.zt)d we move on to discuss the basis end forms of collective ' ' I ' >• • • I protests between 1919-1929. The formation Qf,the Mazdur Sabha and ,ita relationship to the movooarrt has bean taken up ln the laat section. There ware no major generalizet:t strikes in· Kanpur before 1919. l n Novembar that year ( 1919), the workers were rep01:ted · to hava bsen :/ "eeize4tf by 8 "etdke fever ... 1 Nealy 2'!t9-.00 of Kanpur re- \ / maJ.ned on strike for eight daya 2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto cotton capitalists of •the city, However, tha element of eurpr1ae hee qulte clearly bean exaggerated in tho cap1 tallst version of event a. The AriDUal Report of ,the Ue,eer InS! a ChaJ!!bet gf Cornmerqe makes no mention ot any previous trouble. In tact, by portraying the wrkara as being "constant" • ''abundant" and "willing" 1 u,t ,c 1 Cu, Beqort• 1'919, P• (U.).. 2 H,P,o., f"11e 189/1920; see also P.£ataq, e.12.1919; Lgf!ldgr, 4.12.1919. u .. J,c,c .. Raportt 1919• ,;p. (ii), Click to buy NOW! P D F - X C h a n g e w w w . t r a c k e r - s o f t w a r e . c o m Click to buy NOW! P D F - X C h a n g e w w w . t r a c k e r - s o f t w a r e . c o m

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Page 1: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


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C:PATTERm jf!§OB:tr: TtlE f"ORMATIV£ _YEARS fl91Hfl

.In this. chapter, tha na~re of working c1eea eetivity 1n the ~ ' ' . .

early ye~ has bean discus~•d• tram an analyaia of ea~ly 1nd1vidU~

· U.zt)d pro~asta we move on to discuss the basis end forms of collective ' ' I ' ~ >• • • I

protests between 1919-1929. The formation Qf,the Mazdur Sabha and

,ita relationship to the workel:'~' movooarrt has bean taken up ln the

laat section.

There ware no major generalizet:t strikes in· Kanpur before 1919.

l n Novembar that year ( 1919), the workers were rep01:ted · to hava bsen :/

"eeize4tf by 8 "etdke fever ... 1 Nealy 2'!t9-.00 -W~k_ers of Kanpur re- \ /

maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",'

fOI' the hitherto compl~cent cotton capitalists of •the city, However,

tha element of eurpr1ae hee qulte clearly bean exaggerated in tho

cap1 tallst version of event a. The AriDUal Report of ,the Ue,eer InS! a

ChaJ!!bet gf Cornmerqe makes no mention ot any previous trouble. In tact,

by portraying the wrkara as being "constant" • ''abundant" and "willing"

1 u,t ,c 1Cu, Beqort• 1'919, P• (U.)..

2 H,P,o., f"11e 189/1920; see also P.£ataq, e.12.1919; Lgf!ldgr, 4.12.1919.

u .. J,c,c .. Raportt 1919• ,;p. (ii),

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Page 2: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


earlle~ in the year,4 the report completely gloaeas ova~ a recent

major strike in the NeG Victoria "llle,5 and soma other minor onee ,.

in other mille, In any went, the ebaenc~ or strikes is in itself

no evidence of the "w1111n~eJi7• or the workers or their paoelve \(

acceptance of end. etlng work' cond1 t'lone.

The t<anpur workers had not been unreapons1ve to their oppree-~ . • • 1 .. ~ " . .

elva conditione before Ol:'gen1zed collective forma .of reeietance ba-y 2 ~ • 'i • ' • • • •

came common• though .suCh protests may have been of

1nsconsp1cuoua' and 1ndivldtJ~1zad character. Weary of the tedium of {

· J;ong hours, cr exasperated with poor wa:king conditione, the aorl<ei' \ .....

sometimes left UiiOdc eltcgather, ·going back to hie v1Uage1

to anothel' mS.ll or just waited tor enother job. f1'aemanUe1 a gova#n­

ment 110m1noe to the Indian rectory Labour Commission (1908), mae

... •convinced that );ong houH prevented many a~lts from b$com!ng p~rme-.:\

nent workers in the mUla. ,.6 Ho · repoi'tad that the wotkora, "often . . . 7 lett because of the late hours up to Which the mills worked," UOrkers

who had got used to the grind d.f.d not react in the same way, bUt, "in A

. \-the eaurse ct the first six months many new recruits lett mUl aotk,"8

iArcund the turn or the .nineteenth century the millownes-e UIGl'e shooing

serious concern abOut the •1oao• and" oauaed by such

deaerUorm by markers. The CDOrkers ot the North-West tannory co. the

4 Ibid,

S bgader, 2Se9e1919t Pratap, 1,9,t9f9e

6 :S~H. ·rreemcntla, Reglet.l'Ut Cooperative Scc1et1ea, J,r ,J.,Cu Report, 1908, Vol. n, P• 220, .

7 lbf.dr

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Page 3: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


milloumers etatodl "•• • come to wrk and stay away as :l t pleases them

and tvhen any attempt was Jttade to antotoe the 8reaati or eontll'act Act,

"they aitnply stay autay l.n 8 body fol' a few d~ya,·~iil \118 are forced

to send tor thom ~ prac,ica11y agree to ·the ar~ieaeid'ctause not

bsln~ ento~:ced. u9 Many other. ,mt.·lle ta~ud a eim11a~: problem and the I ' ( ' ! f. '

' , · · · : '~rov1e1t)na. ot tta(r Stieacf).·ot' Co~ttac~ A~t were u~ed .~n many $UCh ceaea, .t '''

... :1 .:: a contract had'. b~~ ·mad.. In the Elgin fii.U_la tt:n: S.nstence, a ' . '

catd£ng mtatli .no gave 4 notice quitti~g wo~ •. was forc1bly.diaallowed

ttom doing sO• ' Oeaplte th,ts, when he eventually lett his. jObt he \1188

-~~nv~Cted -U~t, tt1e. 8~eaCh. ot C~ntrae~ Aot.10 ··A ·roport on· labour . .

supply tn 1906, suggested that ttte "~naF;t•activenesa" ot · m111 labour ,; .. ·• .. ·· .. · ' . ' ' ' 1 .

mae one o~ the r~asana tor labour turnover. 1 . ·' . '

ThoUgh engao~d collects. vely at the . U10rk. place·. ths former poaeeht i . ', 'l' 1 • I '


or uttaan did not; aa yat, see b1msl\4t eo a pet Of this collective~

't~e id~a· o~ col~ec~lva act.f.on for his d.atn$nds was etUl · not integral./-!' ' ' . ' . ·,

to hf.m• .In a J,.atet period• p~test ~al.nst hie conditions of tvOd< : . ' . ' '

lng a t'edross •. ln the .t8to•s and the early yeara·ot · tha twentieth : : : ; ' , ' • • I ~ ' . j I . . ' .

Century.; *petty" atr1ke~t2 . t,fld GCCU.l'J bUt, . protest end ditteent tnore \1 •'' ' •

, .. ' -~· ' '

· 9 "· L:ettrjzr no~ 1Q):,:.d&ted .. 2J.,.1m, f~.r..w. Tanner-y_ co. Lt'd. to u.I~c.c~·. !!ttJtC.Cu,· B,Ro;t, 1895,.. App~ :f t P• 102'• .. the Sreach ·Of

· ' • ' Contract Act xu l at 1859 remained tn fot-ce U11 the etU"lY twenties. . (. ' • ' ! ; . I

.)'- ' , I. ,, •

1& .:totter ·datiJd:22~4.ts9s. fram,Aanagert £1g1n f'lllla to u.x.c.c,, !!•Ja-c,s .•• RapQ£1:,, 1895, .APP•· r-. P• 1JO&• · · ·

' .. -~ . . .

11 fteementlet "Report on Supply of t..ebauru• "t U~P •. Rev •. P~gtht B, · May 19061 'Nos~ 90.95,. P•· 91 •. ,

12 The Upper India Chamber of Camerce referred to "petty" strikes tay workers. U,t .r;.c,. R,epgrt •. 1899, P• 16.- · · · ,' ' ' . ... ' .. . '• .,.

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Page 4: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


often >.""")was expressed through a withdratJal t•am a particular mtllJ / J . J

a shift to another mill, 01 e fU.ght to the u1llega.1'

. . , l~t the tactoriy• the Camnpore workor• like the UJOrkers in India

genor..Uy; had " Nputat$.an tor doing b~ U.ttle ao ,.,etble'4

.,.. \~ of being "4-ncapable of conti,nuous work •. *' ' A. V1i tnese. from the Caumpore

Cott~n Mills complained: · !'Very tn ot them /i;orker:i/ 110rk the whole

ttma'the engine J.a running; about 10 per cent of our hands may be

seen any Ume of' day bathing1 washing garments., smoking or otherwiea . . . . . . . '16 .

loitering about the mUl compound•*' Another mitnes& ttom the same ,. '

mill t ~ .... dUring the lcng hour days t.t<ta men were slacker ...... It

·the" Qparat1ves tmeur they had to 'work long hours thay adapted themael,ves . . 1 .

accordingly,. end ,went out more.•~ 3•8• $Underland of .the North West

Tannery stressedt •rhe operative will dO ae muCh mork aa he thinks tlt,

and. ~ateuer hours your factory !Un~ yoU will not get more work out . ' . . 18

of htm -than he i,s wtlltn~ to do." The wrker preteJ>red " ... • to\\'

spin: h~e task to his own t1me • ."19



/ . . tnstanees at a ahtf't f'rtm one mill to another or a return to tha

. village oecur~ed even later; bUt by the 19201 8t etdkee and v other forms of eolleetive action had become a normal mode of' eXP~tassing p-rotest.

On dest'Jartion as a mode of protest aae Charles Van Onselen, \,... '"tUorker Consciousness .irt Black Ainera," R. Cohen and Gutkind (ed.). PftpMQte anst ~ro&e~,riano, PP• 1~4;-119. . .

tv.·, H.o., Allan· of Messrs Cooper }'alan and eo •• Cavmpore, !•f.L,Cu Vol. n, t9oe, P• 186. · · ·

t5 £v •• MUir Mills, 1Q!dt., p. 204.

16 £v.1 Cawnpore Cotton Mills, _j.b1gu P• 19?.

17 E.v•.t francis Horsman or Cawnpore Cotton fUlls, ibidu P• 200.

18 !S!9u P• 201.

19 tv .. , H.o. Allen, #:pi<Ju P• 1e?.


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Page 5: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


Such inatancaa of ·•tndi~c1pline", end •easY" work habits were en

obviously exaggerated b~ the lnduetrialieta aafexcu~e tor running the

machines tor longer hOl.irs.; One Sri tiah official d.te~proved .of these ' .

arguments, pointing out that. tllhUa the .uo~ers !?au~~ occaaionally

~hi~ UJOrkt, they could take veey Uttl~ rest while ~~ rnactd.nea were

runn1ng.20 Halc1ng allowancea tor some axaggerationt howaver, tm,

~ . "' ' • ' . I '

evidence cited above cannot be' diamiaaad as a me&"e· conjuration of t11a • o1 't I 1,

cap1ta11at mind.- Taking' into aceount the ci1mat1c coiuUUona and the ' ~ ; ~ .

'erdUoua wcirldng hours in the tectory1 some ,ttloitertng" and "ldlingtt

waa to be expacted. 21 This argument was inverted in 'the capitalist \ · . . . . . ~ ~ ... . . . , . . I logt~. ror them, long ~urs ware ·neeeaeary because of the caeual mo~ ..-

habits ot. the ttAaJ,ats.c" 1 , Ulherea~ tor ~h~ worker, "ldiing" waa e neca~ aery rell~f tram hie toll• 22 Some fifty .,Pinnere a.nd UJOaveta ·Gt tha ·

' Muir end Caurnpore Cotton Mille if! their evidence to the I .r .L.c •. corroborate our hypotheseei "At present, especially tn tha hot weathar,

f ' - 0 . • • .. .. ~ •



$.,Ht Fraemantle, "Report. on Supply of Labour••••" u.P. Rev., Ptogo., B, Aay 1906t Nos. 90-95, P• 94. . .

ln,tact, an official commanted1 •The operatives take every opportunity of ahirking wozkt because tht»Y ara 'physically inca­pable ot working steadily for the$e long houra.~.· ·s.w. Free­mantle, tv_., .J,f,LiCu Vol. 11, 1908., P• 219, Thompson, while discussing the ntrregulertt habits of workers in the early atagea

. of industrtaliaaUon, l'aisa& a similat point,. · .He refers t'or instance, to attf.tudes llke that ,ot the laboUrer on tho Catileroon plantatl.onat 11Hout could a man work like that, day artor day with­out .baing abeent'l Would ha not dlettt • a labourer queried., · £.P. \ Thompaon, ·"Timet J:Jork .oiseipline end Industrial Capitalism", . tl/" flinn and srnout ad., E;,QftV' in Social History (Oxford 1974}. P• 65,

"Short hours have always r~ed simply because. howevet short the hours, the Asiatic .will take .proportionately similar inter-vals ot idleneea and rest as he would it they marc long,,,a £v., f1uLr Hille,· l ,r ,L,,C4t Vol, II, 1908, P• 204. This ts e fundamental pr~oe underlying.the 1ndustr1a11ats argument. Objections to


. '

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Page 6: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto



me have to go out of the mill frequently to get rest as the hours

are so long, but 1 f the hours ware shorter e~a UJOUld loiter about

loss.u"2' Thirty .weaver~ and twenty.five piecers,. residing at l)

Chotumle's building, similarly, found the long hours "try1ng.n24 It ' '

the hours were reduced, they ·argued I ·"We· ·UIOUld work ·harder end eal.'l1 ... :' · .• , ' ' . 2$' ' . ,,

·!, • the same as we dO now•". · · Long hours thus seem to have implied a .. '

. slackening'~, work, this being the 'only m'eans by which the unarganized ·, 1 ·!, :' .;, ;-'

, ,worker caul£$ 'exert a modicum ot corttrol over his .t,UOtk t1Gth "We can-

not aak · for shatter hours," they lemented, "as we ca11not combine• end ·•. I'. '. ' . ; . ..,. .• :\ ' . • • ' . ~ ' 26:

anyone him~elf forward would ·be dismissed." . If. a. t:10rker

' .

·~ld .'~':capo the. 1ii8tchr~l ·aye .of ·a suparviocr, ~ short raat, or al

. smatco. would perhaps ~ ~~.only resplt~ for • h1~ .• hie O\ltn way ot 1-. .. . '. . • 27' .. . e)tpreseing his distaste tor tho drudgery of work,.

I .. I' " . ' ;

,cont'd•· r.n. 22 the· ugument about tho "ingrained" habits ot the ·•rADJ.atic' have been raised in en earlier chapter• Hot~~svar;. any argument · Ulhich

· ·' · tends to ~eJect· ell· evidence. of. the lack of. ·"d1acip1.1ne" or tht worker end projects the 1110r1<er ae "committed" to hie tUOl'k is a

· ·unhistorical ·as tha view (cited above) ·which talks ·.ot.·hie in- · herent lack ot a work ethic•· ""~~ .. ~ ·

' . ~ . --- :\.\ ~-'2) tv., .laf•LeC,t,_ V~l~ U, 19~, P• 218.-

. • I- f ' . 24 . '

. '25. lb\dt

26 lbidt. ' ' ·. '·'

2? SUch pri'mi tive torma or protest waro very charecter1·stic or the slaves in the plantations . of 1;he American South. Genovese ahowa how the s~avee attempted to dsfina the limits of:their subordi- \' nation• Their actions, he emphasized, could not be Judged against the commonly accepted notions ot iuhat constituted ttpo11tical" .. action. The.alaves devised their own peculiar modes of resistance. f'ormeof"day to day" reaistance to slavery. included"~••• stealing, lying, dissembling, ehirking,.murder infanticide, euicidet arson ... They would shirk WOrk by feigning illness or else would slow down the. pace ot work and set norms or work pace which they considered

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Page 7: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


. . ' More active arid "aggressive•. forme of protest we~e not c01tlple:-

tely unfamiliar to the wofkere prior to 1919. Aa · rer back as 1892!t ·

there .we$ a reference to· "mild J.nstancee or wage dispUtes",. in the . ~ ~ . ..

Woollen Millet on 'the int~octuctlon' of ·tevised scalae· of pay, 28 .· Agaln ~ . . ·' ; • • I , • • ~ . • . ~ . ' -

.. ' ' in 1908, tn'wetrial:tet complained that "···· Ulh~ the worklllan finds ' '

,, . ..

hie fiJagee are lese then what he· ie ecc\tetomed' to receive· there is· ' ' I > ,· ' '• " • .-. •


_: The wotkars. ~ad no f~rmal 'organizaUon. b.ringing togathe~" wo·rkers or different mills· prior to 1919, but embryonic forme or

. .

"eombi.riation" were pnsent even in 1908. f'reaman'tle felt 'that workers,

. • •• • understood 8 etgk&J bUt as yet th$y had no' otganization,'* and . .

he doubted, "Whether they reaUaed their own poUJar.~tiJO Upto the pre-

wet period it wee' reporte(J that~ n .... there was' no' organization, mill

by mtllt over a large etea •. Jt mlght $0metlmes happen that one or

two men had the poUISr to call out the .mole staff', and they occeeionally '

demanded eri increase in the rates of pay. Thls, however, was enly in

J.nd1viCIUal m111s1 end there was no organization·-~~ ct:msidar questions

attectlng their general 1ntereets1 euch as the restriction of hours.•'1

reasonable, Rp11 :loJdaD RoUt_ The World the Slayet f18dg (Nem York 19?4), PP• 59Sy 621i sea also Renaj1t Des Gupta, "Material Conditione and Behavioural Aepects of the Calcutta Working Class\/ 191S.1899,• Oceae1mal Paper, No. 22t Centr$ tor Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (mlmeo). ·

28 u.t,c.c, &mart, 19921 P• 91. '1petty StrUcea" in some mills, had been reported ln 1889 es well •. Ibid., 1889, P• 15.

~ - .. ~'

29 l Evn Muir Hille, J•E•L,cu Vol. J.l, 1908., P• 204.

lO £v., F'reGmantle1 &bidu P• 228.-

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Page 8: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


By 1919, we come acnae more _numerous instances of strikes, .. ' ', ' <'.: · .. ·; :, : ,. ' :; - ' . '' ··. '' '. .. ', ' . ' '. f

Resentment ega1net inhuman punlahments, .auch as th~ ).~shing.,of. thalr I I ,") I . ~, ' ~, . ' •,

co,.orkore, could lead to strikes in· the dapartmen.ta .. to UJh1cf'!. the.

~icum., belo~g~d. ' 2: . Th~ po~~co ·~re. called $-n on an ooc~~o~ Uihon :,

~ro~~et 1~ a ~t~~~.~ form ~au ~p~eh~n~ed 1n one of ~he m1~1s.~' .. ~ . . ' .. ' , In the Cooper Allan f'actory theta 1a evidence of a ettike prior: ta

• '1 • ,•: .'' ' I ,· ' • ' . I •• • < <•. ,

19191 a strike• 'provoked by a reduction in wages impoaed on the workert :.· 'i· :· •• ; • ' . ' ' ' ' ' .,4 . ' . .. ' ... for their absence ~thou~ leave,. Tht;~ UJO~er8 of. the £lg$.n Mi.lla \ / ,. :' .. ,· . '. . . . . ' . ' ' . . ,, etNck cuork over the question of. boryuet in August 1919 •... In. October. '' ' ' ' j, I .. . . ,. ' ' .. 1919 • the 1110rkera of the same mill want on a strike, in .. proteet ·•·. •• ·.··: ' .. ·., ! . .' ' -. • ,, ''. ' )6 " . ' '., against deduct.lone trom their wages by jobbers. · The cf)trike in th8 .

' ' ' ' i ' ' . ~ '! .

,. . . . . ,., Neat Victoria Mille, in the l~t- .•~. ot, September '919t _involvi~g \ ·

nearly J,ooo workers, farmed a prolude to the genereli:Eed strike later ... ' .. • ' ' • : • i

' ''. '. . . J7 in the same year.

'' I ...

Aper~ from the more obscure and indeterminate fo~e ot protest . ' • ' ' • • I > ' : ~ '- ~ ' ! ' ' • . . . - .

escape to the village, "loitering" or 01d1ing" aihlle -et ..a,rk1 .there • ' " '.. . ; ' ' ! ' ' . . ., ...

. ' : ~ .

wera the occasional atrlkas that have been mentioned . abcntth Yett the ' . . . '' ' ...

' r .

K_anpur IIJO.rker.s had in 19191 tew memories of mass ps:otest1 unlike the

~ ~ .'

)2 btGdUt 14.12.1919. ,, lbidt . ')

'4 !!!&Sa .. , )5 . P£UGih 25.&·.1919 • . ,


'' Ig1Siu 21'.10.1919. ,, lbi:s!n 1'•10. 1919J 'LBftdO.Si· :25.9.1919.

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Page 9: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


Bombay workere.JB The only mase protest in their history was the J/ frenzied, emotional outburst against the implementation or the plague

regulations in 1900. A "mob" of around u;oo people armed with .lathis

end hatchets •es reported to·have attacked the pla~ae cempt forcibly


' .. ~ . '

closing shops; spreading into·the·city'• "stampeding the carts from

t (· ' ~ ' ' • ! •• • ~ ( ~

. 40 shut,. end "general alarm "was reported among "all classes. • A large

number.- of mill workers· mere among the "l'iotera." · In tact, the Chamara

and butchers ttom the tanneriee end leathar·ractories uno ware knOtUn

tar their "turbulent diapoe1tion" and the millhanda umo ware bel.ievad J ~ . ' .

to be " excited" were or special concern to the plague cQntrol 41 .author! ties•

· I I The gtrike IYWlf! · qt 1912 Is .~ba beginnings of orgaoJ.zed collectiyJ act& on

Protests by workers had thus, not been absent in the aat'lisl"

period, but the form and d1mena1ona assumed by the strike in 1919 na

J8 . See· to!- instance, A,J. Ch1chero:v, "Tilak' 1 Tri81 end the Bombay Political Strike of 1908• and other articles in Rataner and Goldber!;) ed., Tilak. and the Stru99).e tgr 1n41an rragdgm (NOUJ Delbl 1966).

}9 Resolution, G.A.o .• , dated 15.5 .. 19001 Home Public Progs• (c.o.r.), A, June 19001 No. 29Gi eae also u.P. c.A.o., File 486 C/1900, Sox 105 (u.~.S .. A•)". For details on riots eae Ch. v.

40 Teleg. dat!Jd 16•4•19001 Homa Public ~raga. (G.o_.t.), A, luna 19001 No. 29).

41 Resolution, G.A.o.,, d4tad 1!i.S~1900, Home Public Proge. (G.o.t.), A, June 1900, No. 298 .•

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Page 10: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto

.· '!

! ''


a relatively new feature. In September of the same year, around

31000 works~• of the Victoria Mille had struck work, but this strike

did not spread to other m111a in the city. 42 In the last weak .of . ' ' . ' . . 1 ~ . ' . ' • . ' • ' ' ' . . :

Novembet 19.191 a strike which began in the Woollen A1lls, socm aptcaad ' ' ' ' ' ' -! I • ' ' ' - • L ' ';'

', I l .{ I

to the Elgin t1ill81 and from there on to the flu1r• the Victoria and ·, i \ : · . .':' ' ·' > • I ! .-. ' • ' •

the Ca111npore Cott(!n lUlls. The IVOrker-a of the Ganges F'lour Mills• . ·~ . . ..


1/U.~en at)~· ~o.; · and the, E.~Pii'e · ~nginee~ ... ng Co. elsa jo,inad ·in the . ''' ...• ,_.. ' ....... ''.'... . ...... ' ..... ' ... . strike, · ' · .,

To avoid purely economic explanations aa to llhy end how this

new mode or co11oct1ve protest emerged in 1919, ~ need to go deeps~~

into the consciousne.oa and activity or the Kartpur C10rk1ng class prior

to 1919. Howevort the llmitationa on cuch an enquiry are considerable•

a& the material on this subject 1a almost negligible. Such genarali•

aeUons_that one_ can make are1 i;hue. nec~esal'ily_ba~'d 90 ~ery fl'ag­

menta~y J.ntorltlatton .• ". j

. A commonly a~cepta~ notion C,Or~elates the .1ntena1ty,ot strike . . . ' . ' . . .. '

' ~t1vity ~tf1 inc~eaaed ilnpOVGJ!'ishmant or tho UJ~~ers. Jt is true\;

that 1n 1919, the econonaic conditione at the Kanpur , ~mrl<eJ>a had morse­

ned. Betwaan -1918 ~and 1.91·9, .thf1! cost··,af living inde>t incl,'eased by

4~ per. cent, .and re~ .wagee declined .by 31 per cent Jl.n the. weaving. . 't . ' . ' .

departn1ant and. 30. per .cent 1n the spinning (muies) depQrtll)ent. The ' ' . ' . . ~

increase 1n .tt)a cost of .living however• had begtin earlier. Between . . ' ' . . . . ' .

42 PJ:Q!iAQf ~3.10.19191 Leld!Ft 25.9.1919. . . " ~

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1fl,_, •. to t9t4, t~to lttd3 bod D&oeft _. 42 ,_ cent me~ tn '"' tsv.

92 ,_. ~ In ~fiflaim dth tho lovol .ln '"'-12, ~ qoa in

~ e:tovlng -~ ~ "'• JD por: ~· bJ 19t9· end f'l .,_

.,Oft,., f9t9t !ft. tftG ;(¢)lnnin;t do~---,, .p. t!Oft\ Mf ''-'

pow ~ tooPaoUvolv:" -~ ,_, ~· opootfl.o ~deal ~.

d!IJ!OU.- thollo to .. ~ lfl!llcol ~ ~· otlll.kocff/ . ~ .

·tituS eM· ~otld~t at ~G.. I~® t'iOV OCCUl' 1ft ~10do oP

tielne rod end ~ canes too. ttlh ha& tJ$0n. dl~t*f at ·length

by Mottet7_, f.n tho caea or ~IS thttstit ·\JO· (U;tF ~ tttc~ ~ ~~~od pvot(!tf' of ~ COekQJG

lft tft3 poe' 19t9 ~· Oi!MO,. bo ~f)tood ~f 1n ~· of thO

· ai~lo·cond!uono aftd docJ.Inint ~ ~o or tho mttumo; 1'ftto,y • ~.d~Mtl~ haC~ ~· aaJU•• ~ ~· Ao ~EM,

lo tM co11e.ct1• ~·or ~· «ttd.~ aPto» tt. .-,f l'ho ktc~ .&n ~~~ ln Ut& 031' ~- fS() ·~ ~ •. ~

up' tC' ~~ effocUftg tho ecU .•• , of tho dl~6 in Oho fol1~


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'~~· ~Hiod~. ~{l') a,gt"o~rig 'aw~enaes among tha Wdrker~: Of.' thelJ,' ·~n

econonlic ·plight 1n a situation· aitler~ tha &)r()sJ:;Gt-tiy 'of the mille e~ae I , . . . . . . .· . . .. . . . r . obvlaus; (11) an assertion ,, their salt . respect :88 a t"sactlon to the


i ' •. ' . ~

•arb:ttrar;• torma ot dtsctpllna itnposact upon th&m!:': · :1 ' '

, , • . ' •,: . . I , : • ' , • l 'I , .. ' , • 1, .1

. 'O' ,

activity" in the cotton mille and the Woollen Mill' in l(enptu~• The · -

'lu·oductton ',of ;am ~d cloth, especl&ly. tho ·'' r'squirad for

m.t.lital'y purposes, l'eQiete ... ad. a aherp ifn)reaae •. The prochlction ot ~ ·: r '' ' f\ ' -·

tmt clotht we noted, 1~roaaad by almost JOO per cent bstUison 1909

and 1917~19J and ct:riile end Jeane. by 100.150 par cent. 46 ' Tne· faetory ~ .. ·: ' I . I • /" • • • t • ' • ' • .'

worker who ·gauged. th(:t prot.ltab1Uty. ot the mill fl'OfD .. e -.Ough estimate

of prodUctt~n in· h.S.a mlllt ~~&e. aware ot the "proeper1tya ·of the··


. 'industry.47 ~ltheugh production' hitd expanded earlier~ 'profit~ increased : . :.:,.' . . . . ' .. ··. ' . . .. 48

$harply aft~ 1911.!1 urlt.h a l'elaxation of war controls. on: prices. ' ' ~ f .

46 For' detailed fi.gures aae thapte~ t,. '.,

· 47 · · · In a etatertlent published in Lead§ the t!IOrker$ .rater to the . tttruge prot! te" thich the mills had made during the "'ar• ~~ 14.12.1919 •. SitnUat statement& are made in Prgtaa (Kanpu!lt brought out by individuals, many ot ~om hed close links 'With the wo~ere movement.. In .an ed1 torid atticle in etptap1 G.s •

. VJ.dyarth1 aat<e \Uhsthe~ any sincere efforts had been made to . improve the cond1t1ona· of. factory .UJorkore1 in a eituation 11han themllls had made considerable profits and a.\1 their top ott1-c18ls had 'enjoyed the fruita or th1.a prosparity ... 1.12.1919.

. . . . ' ' .. ' . '

A clarifica~ion by the Go\ternrnent of India state~. categoric~ly, that the Govsr~t could " .. • by no means adml t •• • that the Ju•icj..£9 bq eaicl fps..pursha$es :Wbich mu;t b9 mgde tgr par .eareo­sesa gecespadJy lg mopt cases hurries&¥-• · jat a time ,of unppce:: dan}ed Qf&J.pgal noceasltY. ie tq be . t'e9f.Jlated eolelY . bY j;be CODfl• de£at1on at Qt!Qtg Drevaillng &oce11v and $!!ROtarllY through .!!lm!!.:tmal' mat·ke$ e,gn!O@.,tiongn•. The rulos as they 'etaridt; provide for the payment of a price allowing a normal rate.ot_·prof'it to

' . . . . : ' ' ' . .. ..

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Cloth prices shot up in 1919. The profits of textile CQncerns in

Kenpur rosa despite the high supply price of raw cotton in thls per1od.49 ·

The markers expected a share in these expanded profits~ Ouring the

11181' they had been told about the primacy of war naeda end about ths

tequirements of the AOofenae of lnd1a • .S0 Now, they demanded a remt.Jat

ner$t1on in the form of a · bonus out of the p~:ot! te the mills were

making. The mllloumare, . they argued, had more than doubled the prices .

of their output. Unctor these circumstances, the 1110rkera emphaaized,

thelr. exiatlng wages should be doubl·ed.91

Not only·mere their wages lout in l'elatlon to the increasing

profits ·or the m11lownera1 but the low rates militated against their

1deae of ."fa1rness0 and "justice.• Their conception or •tur• wages~ was baaed on tho prevalent bazaar rates ot wagos. "Outside the mille"

Cont'd~ •• r.n. 48 . merchants Vlho neva acquired tha goode in .a ·normal .manner. They are designed to preclude the payment. gt .

£_..; r:·mstot~ip!late· AAiCft&h as ere,U Q d8f'1n1tely ·to dater URP,dnc1pled persons from a form of speculation; out of the ordinary course ot busineast which is ~asect solely on the principle that the ut­most edvantaga ehould be taken Ot the publ1p necessity fos- the purposes of private ga1n.8 (GJnphaala addadl Weekly Progress Report of thq .. ~nlt1ons Board, No. 41, dated 22•2•1918, Com. a Ind. LlndJ, Filed, ·April 1918. Nos. 49-53. . ' . . .. \. ~

49 'rh~ ir:~~x of' pre!1 ts of the Muir Mille !'ooe ftom a base of 1oo in 19'1.0 to 6'D in 19191 the Cawnpore Cotton M~lls ps-of1te S.n- · creased ov~r the 1910 level by 500 per cent in 1919f those of the Nem Victoria Mills had mora than dciublGd the 1911 level·by 1918•19. ror details sec Chapter 14

so See tor instance fUe on~ "f'ramlng of' Rules undar ·the Oefensa of' . India ~. 1915 eo 8$ to prevent interference .with work necessa.tJ tor· the successful prosacution of' the wl!ll"•• Com·.· ·and Ind. IJnd.J • A_, July 1919t Nos•, ,1•9• ·

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they argued, ttthe pgea of ~rkmon have almost doubled, tho unskilled

labour who used to get 4 ea. 011 5 as. a day now .gets Q as. 8 day,

whlle tha skilled workman, such aa 8 mason, e carpenter nom. gets on

an average from 9 and 10 ea. e dey to fte. ·1 and Rs. 1.,..4 as. a dey."

Taking into account "•,• the hard and long houtts of arol'k and othal'

. _ . J,nco11ven,lencas incidental to life in. the mJ.lls," they. emphasized that, ' ' ' ' I ' fl'"

11the wage$ eat'nad 1n tho m1.~1a, bo"'. by afd.lled and unskilled \VOrkman

' . 'do n~t- i,Omp~e. \tery fav~urably urittt the wag~e in the bazaar•••"'2 !. ~ ( ' • i . ·;- . . . ' J ' • ' • ' '

.· .. ·.·· .-.

. ' .. ..

Kanpur worke~st in. their genaral1zad prote~·t ot. November 19191 wera . . . . . ' ' . '

elsa axpraaeing .thail' disaatisf'aetion Wtth tighter labour d1ac1pl1na,

fiod.intenaiti~ation at the work process imposad on oolne sections tram

the. start of:. tho ~r. S:J The at't~t by the. ~J.llownars to tighten ' . . ' ' ' ' .

diaelpline and contJX)lt, COUld erl$\.tre product.lve . ef'f.1c1ency t t.o the

.. benefit .of th~· capl~al.lst; but, as w9 .shall tflseuss below, they could ,_ ....

also spal'k ott' e countar-procese •, an avaraton to ell authority and

dlscip11no. . . . . ...... , ....... 54

. The . hours of mark . umre. increased to 12 houra a day to meet ~ .. . . . . 55

the pressure ef .war workJ amne m1Us \!IOrke~.·euen ·longat. The ptac-

52. lbJ,d.

53 See also Chapter l and 11.

54 Letter datsd 1?.9.19191 from the Chamber to t. t.ow, President Munitions Board, u.1.c.c., Report, 1919, Append1)C x, P• 237~ . . . .

55 In some mills the eame workers continued working for tUJO ahifta, t,.a., aorking elmoat twenty•four hours ... Prat!f), 25.8.1919. · Otten . the workers 'were ·denied their not:mal holidays. f'or instance, the Coopper Allen Co,· ·V~Qrkers complained t "DUring the Whole period of ~ar, the factory haa not been·cloaed·even'on SUndays"• • Statement of the Coopper Allen F'.ectory UDrkers, in Lepde£, 14.12.1919.

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,,. .


t1ce ot lang hours had prevailed, earliel' tao (as discussed 1n the pre-- . . ' . ' : ~ . " .

ceding aectlon), but the gJ."eater pl'eseure or work now demanded a . . . .

closer euperviaJ.on OVOl' the tDOl'ker and a gl'oater intoletance for any

tom or alackneu. While esUar some amount of "J.d1.1ng" may ·have ; . .

. _· ·.·been acceptable•. now any form ot negligence was punished. The ruloa •' ' . ' • .·! '- 1' ' • '. •' •

'rog~Cung' th• .$.mpQdt.lon Of 'tines ~81'8 Cdnsida~od artiitral'y end in-• • , • : ' ' 1 ' ' , , ~ , • ' i 0 0

' • : ' ·: I ' o

· . eq~tta:blo ·by. tho wo~ers• floes, they complained "~ .. are impooad on l , , "' ' • ' · · ~. '~• , I · ~ ' (i. ':! ' ,_ ·;· •

· the aU.ghteet mista-kes. · lt a man spends more than 10· minutes in . . ' '


, ·.:ariswering the :c~l: or n.,ture ~he- ~a .~iried."56 In the 'Woollen MUls~l I ' • ' l ; ;, . • ', ' ;

(engqed in hectic production dUring the mo), a clerk stood at tho1

/ . .· . -. , . ~ . . I lavatol'y keap1ng count of tho minut.oe~ A delay .o.t a .~nglo. minut~

meant· a tint"J of one anna.57 On ono.occae1on, Vlhen some.w:rt:t~kora. of

this mill 121&ra rarueed permission to go out they wel'e torcad to urinate

.in one drain. f'er this *crime• they h~d to pay a tina am~nting to\­maro than thraa-faurtha or their fo~tnightly w~s/8 Tho workers of

the New Victoria Mills voiced their desire for traedam trom-such

controls in Sapt.,;,ber 1919. Among ct.hor things, they. dsmandad adequate ... time tor eating, trn going to the lavatol'y, and the remov81 ot "unjust.")

tinea. 59

Oul'ing the utar, the mills had very stringent regulations tor

giving a bonus to maintain production. tA ttm1nimum output" or ttfull >


. ''51



Som~ complaJ.nta of the Kanpur Workers in Prpt§h 24.11.191'i!•


P;.ntag., 1.9.19191 13.10.1919; Lsmder, 25.9.1919 •.

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:. '


attendancea wae an eaeential qualification forraceiving a bonua. One

day•e ebeence, even with leave in some cases, moant f'orftd.ting the

·60. bonus.-·· -

· ~nat her mod$ or ·control whlch th9 -work&l'O resented uraa the · . t · • • ,

eystem of corporal Puniahn'ient •. , "ln the m111e"1 , the work1)rs complained ,

in an address to. Amie 8eea'nt1 •we ·ere· inhumanly beaten and ebuaed in

the d~iioot mayo alld, meet. obscenoo to~ ••• • 6' · To . t,., ·""'" . .,gar. s of' · \_,

J.ndUatries .t~e .. workers, ware not individtJals, bUftlantbeings- thGy ha~: . '

no name or .!dent! ty ~ it\ common form of aadress was "iJll.U' ka 'patha"'

. (.son or an DUJ1).~2 · Workers were phySically assaulted ... k!ckedt baatan

or lashed on vai-.lous Pl'etext. A correspondent for' 1 PJ:atpjt writes ,

' that, in aome mllls, "'leather thongo were used to lash .thti 'wef:kera.tt6~

Mother correspondent tor the same peper reported that the Managa:n~ of' •..

the Caumpore Cotton Mille uaec:t a etic;:k to redress the ,grievanceo of'

64 his urod<ere. ·

Under the threat of' fines and physical punishment, the worker . '

ottan had to aubmit to the. pressors Qf" woJ:'k; bUt not Hungt'udgingly.• ._ ·· . . . · . , 65 .. as the President of the Chamber of' Commerce reported.. There may not

60. · bO!FI"• 14~12.1919;· P,ra&Mt 1.12.1919 and 24.11.1919• ·

, 61 'lndependan't, 4.2.1920.

62. Paatae. 1.124191~. 6J .Ibid, •. 25.9.1919. ,

' '

64 P.ratag, cited in R,N,Pa, 22•11.1919.

6$ He noted that there was "••• not a single instance of anything epprooching insubordination 01' diocontant," u.,t,c,c,. Repo;t, 191?, P• x •.

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have been any obu1oue instances at discontent but below this apparant

"subol'dination"• a tightening of work disc1p11ne aa al8 have suggested

oarll8l't coUld also provoke'an SVal'siOn to &Uthorltyand diaciplina. A

oorkar Who wae dap~iued of·What he considered to be hie legitimate

righta end waa fined and beaten on any ,minor pretext, could equally

all react against this gftles "injuatlcett • by demanding that he be

tteated ae an individUal with rights th~~.had to be respected. The

feelings ot tha workera are captured in a poem published in e·r§ap;.


, n u. I ~-H dl 3'~'1 4t.n ~ f ~,z11 <;\2-11 d 9Ril ~· /

0 \ 0 \( f.t-t '4~ x.~ '?.n "'ct 'C I ~~1 3t~~~~ 44\ct ~ I i:h-(41 ~l:i · 3ltclQ_ ~ I

\..· ,, ~~ z.I\Qt . ~ ~' - -~-n<1

ih "-··H e._;}\\~ ~I\(_ E_ ~ ~ ~t.Jt ~ 3il ~\'( ~· ·;

\.. \.. ' \ \\. ~ct ~.}{ q ·)\l'(_ ~

treatment and thai~ resentment against the physical assaults referred r • ' '

to in the poem above1 was reflacted~n·their complaints against the . ' •inhuman" puniehmenta and the "indJ.gnitlestt to which they dre eub-


• t • • •

"We are but IUOrkere end cooll.e%And they - the respected Ma11ka/ They claim to· dispense justice But cruelty ls. the!~. torte/ehre.­dity their craft/ Their insolence knows no bounda / 1ndifferenca no limite/ we toll end.grind all dey end night/ Whet rewarda do we receive? / What love do we gat / We demand something to oat·/ We get thl'aehinge .instead." Bhagvati Chal'an Verma. "Garib Mazdurtt,. Pratag. 26.1,1920 (tranel. C.J.). .

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61 Ject.od. These complolnte 111ere al"tlculated at a genorali&ed laval

during the at~i~e of November 1919, but embr~ic torms ot such

protest have been noted e~Uer as 11811.

For eom& time preceding the outburst of 1919, the wo*are or

various mille Urged the .mtll authorities to incrfl8s& their tuagee.

· Otal retrresentat!.one were followed by mt1tten memoranda by workere 11

· s~a of the rn1lls. 68 . But t.h~se we~ unheeded. f'edup with thG indJ.f':

renee ot tho mill author1 tiea the Victoria Fl.t.ll workers had gone on 1

stl'ike on 2~d September:. 1919., 69 Th~ promise ot. a. mage .. 1ncro8ae in . . - . 70 .

the mill mas not kept.' One or turD patty ett~ee foUoUJed as a

result• The Camnpore ·Cotton lUll managers made prornieos to placate

their workers ~hen the workers or the U1ctor1a Mille struck, but the1 . . 11 . ' . . .

ramained untultUled toll• · The atmoaph~o aaa one or general miatrt

among millhends against all employers.

This !ndif'f'et"ence of the ml11 authorities to the plight ot the

~ke~$, helped to crysta111ze discontent. Complete loas of' f'aith 1r

the menegements't mU.l to do anything to redeem the e1 tuatlon providttc

61 LgpSftE• 14.12.1919.

6B Tha woollen Mill workers had sent a momorendtllll to the manage-. m.ent, · compla1ftlng against their low wat(es, the non-payment of bonus, the syetem·ot tinea, etc •. The only reply the menagament gave, was that they should walt t111 7th November • Protap, . 24.1t•1919. The Pluf.r end NeVJ. Victoria Mlll modcere, aim11arly, had complained against low wages 1n their 'mille • Pratag, 1.12.

69 Leader. 25.9.1919.

70 The amdl.llncreaee granted uta$ limtted to the waving departman Prat!P• 1J.10•1919.• •.

71 PratE, 1..12.1919.

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a unifying force• neulting in widespread aolldarity bet.wesn the

workers of several mills 1n the general strike at the close or the

year 1919.

The strike began in the Woollen Mille on 22nd November 1919,

.,d spl'aad .to other mills later. 12 Actual physical proximity between ' \1"

tho first four mille to be affect~ • the Woollen, ·tlgil), Muir and 1

Victoria fUllet as n shall disc~-. 11elpad in the rapid spread of the 7) . :

·strike ·message. The relative absence of axclusive mill colonies . . . ,. . ' . . . 7111

meant that workers or difta28nt mille often lived in the same l~cality •

. or ten, GQrkera ·earning fmn tha same. village, ~d :be 110rking in . . . . '

different mllla~ tiut· Uving near aa~h otbft. A sensa or ahead oppre~/ . . . . \

eion pravBlledJ a re~izeUon that the oppreeeor HS not 'this' or

'that' MalJk but all ftell~gr

The P81'1od of emergence Of ganet'alized, COllective. forme of

pmteat in the city, was also one of ~eat social and political fat- \,

mant in the l"Urel uaaa or the province. Economic diatreaa, togat"­

with other fol'cea • the return of halt a million demobilized aoldlara

with a new amarenaea of tbeir plightt end the emergence of new

peaeant lead81'a • lad to a widesprud peqant. agitation between ~ 1920.21.75 The first eigne or protest could be aean in lata NQvember

?2 .,, '14


~aadg£1 14.12.1919; PII\IR• 1.12.1919.

See Section 111.

On housing provisions sea Cheptu 1 ~.

P.o. Reeves, -rhe Politics of Order1 " Journal of Aaian Studil'•\i~ Vol. XXV 1 ·~• 21 February 19661 P• 2621 sea also H.H. Siddiqi, \ "­taiWAn UO£est in North Jnd1a - The Un1tad P£Pv1nsas. 1918-22

New Delhi 1978). · · · ··

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1919. In Paatapgarh diet~ict far inatence, barbara, washermen and

'76 scavengers organized a •nei dhabi band" ( e a trike in thaea urvicee).

While the factory wodcere ln the olty were rebelling against. their

oppressor • the miUOIII"tar • the beginnings of a ravel t against the . ' '77

embodiment of authority in the village • the Zamindg • waa aurfacing.

The work era amo had migrated ~am Y eizabad, from Rat B8tel1 or PertaP­

garh, or those coming from Kenpur district itselr,78 who had themselvaa

experienced the eJCploitaUon bY.U'Sodarl• wore likely to be mouod by

the elamour1ngs ot peasants in their home districts.·· The trnergance of ' .:


new forme of peaa~t protest l.n their native villages, lt may be \~'"

suggeetad, lent thair own at~gglea a certain lsgltimacy in their 011111

eyes, 8 certain eenee of reassurance to their own defiance of authority. . .

Tha nature of working claaa activity underment 8 change after

tho first cutburst of r~ovember 1919. rrom a mase collective aoUduity,

working cleae protest now retreated into more diaperoed forms, located

within the conflnee of lndlviduel mUle.

The number of etrikae and workers involved in each strike

dwindled after 1920, reaching its lomast ebb in 1930-31. The largest

16 S.lddlqi, oe.citu P• 111,

77 P;atap, 24.2.1919 refere to the establishment of a Klaan Sabha in Kanpur. A neting in this connection •• held en 21th February 1919. See also M.H, Sldd1q1, ag.clt,, Ch. III, for the growth at peasant activity in the period.

See Chapter I, for aaurces of labour eupply.

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lnumber ~r atl'ikea 1118a focussed uound the period from November 1919

\to July 1920. Roughly 19 atrikea, involving a total of 461 J25

workers, occurred in these eight months. Of th1a total, 20,000

involved in a a1ngle etrlke in 1919. In the roUolling period ( 1921•

24), there •r• 16 atr1kes involving apptoxlmately 14,000 workera.

Subaequently, after a lull between 1925-1927 there mere·9 atr1kaa

betnan 1928-29, ittvolving over s,ooo workal'a• 79 While in 1919 the

number of mandaya involved was 1601000, the numbs!' declined ahal'ply

1~ th~ foUolli':'g period_f;ee App. JX.J• \!he d1m1nuUon in the number of str~es. ef!d number. of wcn:okera

involved, •• not accompanied in e1Jp lnat;ancea, by a daereaae ln the

lntenaity of strikes, in terma of their duration. The general strike

of 1919 waa only tor 9 daya. Jn 192J, the New Victoria Mill wozokera

suateinad a strike for nearly elx weaka.,,0 Some eo 110man workers of

the 9ru8harare rectory Hmalned on strike tor 11 daya in fllay 1921.81

~gain, the atay • ln strike of the Cawnpore Cotton M.S.U wrkera laated 82 .

about 20 daya. In the Elgin Mille, a atrika which atarted on May

"19 The figuree are beead on "atataunta ahoaring details or labour atl'ikaa which have taken place recently", H.P.o., Part a, Ylle 189/ April 19201 "Reports on Strikes in U.P,•, o.t,L,, L-877 ( U)/ fllay 19221 L-877(S)/19241 L-877(6)/192~, L-871( 14)/19)01 "Weekly Report. on the Labour Situation in India~, O,l.L., L• 918(2)/1929, L-918(24)/19}0f Certain minor gapa in thaae figurea have bean tilled on the baala of nporte in Piogaer, Leadar and the tv., O.P; Govt,, R,C,L,, ~t Vol. 111 1 Pert 1, 19J1, PP• 190.191,

80 PlPO!!It 11.4.1919, 19.4.1919.

81 Copy of Latta~ No. 2577, dated 10.6.1921, tram Collector Cewn­pora to Director, lndUatriaa (u,e.), o,t,L,, L-877(11)/May 1922.

82 Data11a in lnduatrial Oiaputea in u.P., Ev •• u.e. Govt., B•C.L., Ev., Vol, 111, Pert 1, 19)1, PO• 190-191,

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. 8J 2~th, .19281 CC!ntinued tUl 18th June. Small dep•\men.tal et~:J.kas

' ' ' ( . '

wa~e ~aul!lly. of. a shorter duJ:eUon, leettng fnm halt a day to tw '.' ';

days. .$0me auch tthol't lived etJ:ikee took place 11) the carding and . . .

84 spinning departments or the tlgln and Cewnpore Te~t~e "ills in 1929.

' ~e dur~tlon or the late~ .st»lkee however, dose not reflect the

strength of tJle ~tr1kera. "o~ or the• st~tikee •re leol~d ones.

T,ha relatively ehorter general etl'tk·a of NovEQbe&- 1919 menaged to

secure mora conce88iona. than the individualized, though longer,

atJ:uggle' in the latBl: yea~ ~et of the strikes 1n 1919-20 •:r• lugely aucceesful, .or the wcu:keJ:a •••• at least,' promised a redl'ea­

eel or their grievances. ln contl'aat, the later etrikee ( 1921•2.9) '

often had to ~ ~thd1'awn uncond1Uona11y. The numb81' of unauccaesfUl

strike,, ttwe, inc.reased (en App. IX ) • 85

Ill Eoma or CpllecMya As~&on .(1912=29)

'.~!tar the general strike or 1919, clue proteat, ttua,

aaaumed e fragMented, dispersed and aporadic character. There aaa

llttle aoU.darity.between workers or different ·mill~. ·£~~ .. the ~ ...

preaa1on against tha'Camnpore Cotton Mill etrikera'dld.not'lead to. . '

any protests by ..Ort<~re of other mill a. . In such a ai tuation, llhera

eolidarlty ~twean·VIOrkera or different mille andeometJ.mea betiiHn

different departm~ts was not possible, forms of pressure, referred . - ' ' . ' .

to in Official reports aa "coercion" .end "intimidation• •re coaam~

8' "Weekly Reports ••• , o.t.L., L-8?7(14)/19)0.'

84 "Strike Reports ... , O~l.L., L.STI(14)/19JriJ eee also Plgmti 6.1.1929, 19.1.1929, 8.).1929, ,.4.1929 and 6.4.1929.

85 Further details on the etrikea are taken tip in eactione Ill enct tv.

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Thtl naving ct.partment 110rkara aa • manUomad .in an earlier:

cheptu, .... •nototiC)Ua• rot their •aggl'eaaiva• end "1nt1midatory• ' '86• ' ' .• ' ' • ' ' .. . .· ' ,.

tactlca. ln the ~~~ Hilla tor inatance, in en incident repor:tad

in 19221 ttW waavara •... aat upon' a llietl'i and .thl'ashed ·him. n When . ,, ' '' ' '

the 11111 reopened en 15th March and the 8 ringlnders• wan excluded . .

team the mill pr•J. .. e, •a number ot •attar a rushed to ·the carding

and spinning department• and compallad them to atop work under threat

ot violence.• The manag•ent closed down the ra111, "in •iew ot the ' '' 81

cuccitenent." l:arUer, in SeptMbar 1919, the ~avua ot the Victoria

Mille W8ra reported to have r.mained •obstinate• evan attar the mill ' . . ,,, ~

reopened on JOt.h S8ptember, and other l!IOrkers had rejoinad IXlrk•

The spinneret lacked the •notoriety" of the navan or tha '' ' ' 89 '

atrong fighting tradi tiona ot thai• tngUah counterpat'te. Yet,

when they nra contl'ontad with iaeuae such •• maltreatment by their

EuroPean euparvisora, or the v1ct1m1zation ot their tallow workers,

they ware loud in their proteate. \~reover1 1n • situation When the

working clase •ov•ant maa fragmented end the ftucltl' Sabha generally

disapproved of atrlkee, SOMe aMOUnt at intimidation wae to be expectadJ

86 Sea Chapter 1.

87 Copy ot letteT dated 15.J.22t tram Secy. Muir Mills Co. to tha o.M. Cawnpore, enclosed by the D.M. in letter No. 2013 dated 1'5.3.22, to the 01rector lndustriea. U.P. In Novembar 1919 too, ura hear ot the weavere ot the Woollen Mille (the tiret to go on strike) "forcing~ end "intimidating• • other workers. Sea P10Q!!E1 29·12.1919.

88 Prgtap, 1J.10.19

89 Sea for inatance; w.A. Clegg• and A.F'. Tholapson, A H11t9ry of Brit11h T:£ade Unicmt J!inct· 2!§2 ·(Oxford 1964) ,pp. 26-26J J.

foster, 2A!! f'=• ~nd~!;: IndLup~if! Revolutjen 1 £1fly Iowstrifl caQitiilijftj in rhiii triCiufti Timt (Landon 19?5~ PP• 10D-101.

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In April '1928, the aplnnara of the Elgin Hilla put up 8 etubbom

•aalat8nca despite the censorlot.ta attitude of the K.PI.s.90 They

atl'Uck work on JOth Apl-111 in protest against the diemiesal or soma

tallow workera. Subaaquant1y, they forced the carders to atop as

well, "••• 8 certain amall amount of damage baing done in the course

91 o~ thi4! t:Jompulaion, attape baing reaJOved and IJindowa being broken.•

Attempts by the dlatrict ottlclale and ·the 11anag1rig Director of the

mill to 1nc1rce the workera to retum uiue only partially eucceastul.

The carders nturnad, but • ... the epinnes again compelled e stop­

pegs and now forced thaJ.r way into the. naving department, and forced

out tt'ta ureaval'a alao.1192 Naithat the lnd1ff'arence· of the Mazr:lur

Zebha (« .... s.), not its guarantees to the management nauring a . . . 9J

epeady resumption of·work, could restrain the aplnnera. ·

"A few hundnd 110rket:a in the aplnning department", in the

eeme ad.llt became a aource or •trouble" again in Hay 1928. The

eplnners successfully persuaded the remalnlng hands to Join them. 94 .

Whereupon the management dacl~ad a lockout. The strike a1tuat1on

remained •aerioua" for aome Uma, and 1 t ue apprehended that the

atrJ.kara UJOUld naort to vigorous piCketing end propaganda to bring

about a general. at.J:ike. 95

90 Sea below, section v.

92 lbld.

9) saa section v. ( ..

94 beador, ,1,5.1928J fhqntar, ,1.5.1928,

95 P1onaar• 5,6,1928; LaadiE• 4,6.1928.

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Otha auch inetanceeof intimidation and "violence" could ba

Qitad. During the Cawnpora Cotton "ill• etrike it ls reported, that ~ ,, ~

the •excited" crowd atuted "breaking the windows. of the carding 96 t-oom.• The workers, it 1e alleged, brought letMo and bamboo-

aticks into the compound, to uae aa •apona, and some UJere reported-

ly heard ahouting that they would aat fire to and damage the stocks

of cotton bafOI'B leaving the mill. . T_lie "mob" according to soma, •••

"swollen with loetera and bad chatacta~a from outside•" When the

police tried to disperae the •crowd", they ware ehouarad with a hatl

of stones and briekbata.97

Allowance· should, ot caurea, be made for exaggeration in the

official report. A familiar ploy at euch official enquiries waa

(and is) to put all the onus for the otfansiva on the workers, portray­

ing the police action as an "unavoidable" and "defensive" meaaura.98

The non-official enquiry into the •riot• denied any •violence" on

the part ot the strikara,99 but considering tha mood of the crowd,

96 Official communique J.eauad by the Oiett. "agiatrata Kanpur re­garding the disturbance, dated 6.4.1924, enclosure No. 1 in •cawnpora Cotton Mill Riots, Report of the Magiatarial Enquiry•, H.P.Oet fila 1'J/1924e Sse alao U.P.G.A.o., rile 218/1924, Box 4)2 (u.P.s.A.).

91 Report& of the D.M.'a findings in his Jud1c1al Enquiry into the Cotton Mill Riots, in •cawnpore Cotton Mill Riota, Report ••• •, H.P.o., file 1SJ/1924.

98 The "offensive" on the part of the workera waa aimilarly exagge­rated in the Swadaahi Cotton Mill firing episode in December 1977. Tha brutality of police action in th1a case haa been exposed in the REprt QD Kmpu£ Kil!AJ:m (New Delhi 19?8), baaed an the invastigat1ona of a Citizens' Committee tor ~nquiry into the Kanpur Massacre. -

99 "Report of the Non-official Enquiry Committee regarding the ahoot­ing of Millhanda of the C8WI1)ore Cotton 11illa• in H.P.o., file 1SJ(ll)/1924.

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and their stubborn refusal to 110ve, aoma •vtolenttt action probably

did occur and not always u a defensive maaaura to raa1et the police


\W.i thin the ~pontaneoua100 .activity in this period, one can

discem rudiments of self-organization of t.ha markers and ayatemati­

zed and planned modes of activity, llhathar peaceful or violent. The

general atdke of Novanber 1919, araa an instance of a apontaneoua ' . '

outbreak which remained •paaceful•a the strike of April 1924, in

contl'aat, was deacribed aa a "riot• by officialdom. In 1919, there

wee no institutionalized intra-tacto&-y body 111h1ch organized the strike.

The Elgin "ill markers formed a strike committee on their o.n initla-. ' . 101

tive and decided to form aimllar committees in other mille. The

efforts to form such organa of action wee helped by the fact that

aome of the important textile mills wera concentrated naar tha Gwal-. ,

toll 8l'aa, around which •n located the 110dcing clan mohallaa (like

Khalaai Unes, end Gwaltoli ft!OhN&a} 1 the K.M.s. office, the aabha

recreation grounds - the ekhara, the •MazdUr Bal Mandal", and other

100 By apontaniety we are referring to 8xPr&aa1ona of the self­activity' of the working claaa aa distinct from organization and mobilization of workare from above. Such ectione era spontaneous in the·aanse discussed by Gramsoi 1 • ••• they are not the result ot .any achallatic educational actit<1ty on the part of an already conscious , leading ~p, but have bean tortaad thfQugh eveatyday experience illuminated by 'common sense•, i.e. the traditional popular conception of the world • what is un1mag1nat1vely called 'instinct', although it too Sa in fact a primitive and alamentuy hiatoric81 acquioltion.• Antonio Gramsci, Salaction• tram tba Prleon Notfbooka (New York 1973), P• 198-199.

101 Interview with S.P. Awaathi 29.9.1976.

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t02 centres or working class activity. further, •• we mentioned

earlier, the communication ot idaaa wee facilitated, einca workers

ot different mille lived together. This, ho•ever, did not necae-

aarlly Rld together a atabla claaa unity. !!ohaUa life had a contra­

dictory aapect. When workers ot different mills lived together' the V strike aaasage could spread and intr .. ractory organizations could be

f'ol'l!led mo'r• e~aily in timu of struggle. Yet, in the diff•rent

mg!]!}lg•• ·wrkara of' d1 t'ferent caate, community and regional back• ,,0, '

g~da tended to cluster together.\ ~hie could also sustain ties '..

ot religion and com!TIJnlty which tended to unrt theaelvas especially

in periods when the working class movement was weak~ Similarly, casta

clusterings within mill depart.ents, we referred to eatlier, could

help the organization of workers in periods or otruggla. The militancy

ot the work.ers of the weaving department was linked perhaps to the I / . .

predollinsca of t100 Major caste groupings • l<oria and lulahaa, lllhilit

in other there mea a greater diversity of castes. Community and

familial ties within them could have fostered aolidarity and unity in

action. But auch unity \liOUld tend to remain a departmental unity and

not a unity or all sections ot the \10rkere1 end •• 110 shall ••• later

102 In the GtualtoU. sea of Kenpur, around lllhich are located, the Elgin, the Victoria, the Muir and the Cewnpora Woollen Hilla, one cen ·perhaps see gUmpus of tha •nol'tha&at quadrent" of Paris, VJhere the haadquarteH, cafae, meeting halls and raai• dances ot labour ~111tanta mere concentrated • a concentration which •fac111tatad the .communication ot socialist ideas in time and apace.• Theee became the "geographical canters" of labour activlem in Paris. Sse Bernard H. Moss, The O£igina of the french Lgbour "oveeot 18J[)::1914 (California 1976), PP• 16-17. Obviouely, one is drawing no comparison betwaen the natura or 110rking clue activity in Perla and Kanpur.

10l Sea Chapter v.

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auch diatinctiona, could at other moments divide the ~rkera of the

111 104. aema m .•

In 1919, the workel'a made af'forta to coma together· under uni-

tying aymbole, though there wae as yet, no common banner. Workere

of different mille gathered around symbols they could identify witha • ("1 "\ ~ "'-

.(_ ' l - taL~';) l ~o:ll ..3 o P-l l o-tt Cl{ oH o-f. <:\ a\. ott <r\. 'f-\. 4.\ ll

~CYL~ ~~ ~~ ~t .}!;5l l utcU ct<rtt L.~~l ~·~l e-..

(The workora carried flage of different huee/Tha red flag was still

unfemiliar./Ths Woollen Mill workars carried a flag of wool./Tha

Tannary workers hung a shoe atop a pole).105 {!he workers ~r soma other

mille used their own peculiar peasant symbols, familiar to many • the

' 104 See Chap. v. The significance of familial ties in forging work• place solidarity has been emphasized by Willi.m Reddy in the cesa of the linen factori_es in Arment1erea (francs). Thia was specially true of the waving branch in the Armantieree factories. In the spinning branch, he argues, the relative absence of femi• lial ties waa one of the rea.ona tor the lack of solidarity and tho failure of atrikea. "f"wly end F'actory 1 F'r81Jch Linen Weavers in Belle tpoque," Journgl gf §ocia1 History, Vol. 8, 1974-75, PP• 101-112. Such a direct relattonehip between the family ·and workplace solidarity however, would be more true in the context of a continuity between the domaatic manufacturing industry and the factory industry • a continuity which existed in the linen industry in 19th century F'rance. The significance ot community ties in workers* organization• before trade unions became dominant, is evident in Ravindar Kumar'• study of the Bombay Textile Strike of 1919. In the absence of e developed class consciousness and working class organization, he argues, the •extraordinary soliJiarity" dur~g the atrike waa largely due to the fact that they Lthe worker.l{ were linked to each other through a variety of institutions 1 through tiee of kinship, through allegiance to jobbers and through sheer physical pro­ximity in which they lived and laboured in the city of Bombay. I.E.s.H.R., Vol. VIII, No. 2, 1971 1 P• 27.

105 Sudarahan Chakr , Communiot Kg$bg (Kanpur 1961), P• 226.

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106 ~~ tho chalni end the like. The collectivity which emerged

during the strike was not ea yet associated with any party symbol or

union flag, whether it was the rod flag or the eymbol of ~or and

a~cklo~ ,

The success or the 1919 st~ike,waa related to the collective

strength of the strikers, and the sympathy and active support of

, 'city notables• llka Murari Lalt NtU"ayan Prasad Nigam and Wahid Yar v

Khant thia ev•ntually necessitated the intervention or the Provincial

Government end compelled the capitalists to.concede certain demands.

Unlike the situation in 19J71 the legitimacy or the workero' demanda

was widely recognised. The Director of IndUstries noted in 1920 1

•It is generally adMitted that•s claims for better .ages and

' other concessions ware tully justified and the opinion is expraeeed

fairly ud.dely - that much J?f the subsequent trouble UJOUld have been

avoided ~t this had bean racogniaed when the first isolated cases of

discontent showed themselves in .September and Octobar."107

~ 19241 one seas the eeergenca or a novel form ot coliective

protest • the "stay-in• strike by the workers of the Cawnpore Cotton

Hilla. The strike took a •violent• form. But even in ita •violont"

form we can aae emb~yonic forms of systematic collective rea1atance.

The main issue around which the etdke centred was the demand tor a

bonus) adamand which had bean raised earlier in Harch, to no avaU.

On April 4th, the 1110rkars from the carding department of the mill

struck work and persuaded othera to join them. The strikers soon

106 Interview lfith Raghubir • a worker, 8.12.78, Soop is a 111innowing basket, CbalnJ. - a aieve.

107 A.R.t., UeP• Ind. Dept., file 584/1920, Bundle 48 (u.p.s.~.).

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assumed a "defiant attitude" and refused to leave the mill premises,

nor would they allow anyone to enter the mill~ The Official Report

describes how, "• 'railway truck was drawn across t~e _gates to pre­

vent motor cars from entering or leaving ths mUl .prarnieae. Ropes ' • I •

were also tied acrose the gate to control access to the mill by foot

pasaengers."108 'The man were described as being •obstinate" and

"obdurate.• Many of them said plainly that they ~re willing toatay

there all night. They did not ellow the Superintendant of Police to

enter the mill premises, and obstructed hie vehicle by "eitting and

lying down in front of the wheals.• Soma of the workers opposed the

afforts at negotiation by the Mazdur Sabha leader, Murui Lal. While

about two-thirds left the mill compound following hie appeals to them,

those who remained, J.naiated that, "they Ul8re ready to be killed

rather than give way." When the City Magistrate called, up sapaf• and

ordered the crowd to leave, they answered, "who can turn us out?"109

To sustain the Eeal for resistance and defiance, an eppeal to religion

waa made. If they ran away they would be seen as traitors to their

religion, they were told 1 "Hindus woul~- be coneidered to have eaten

beef and the pork," an "agitator" UJas hoard shouting to the 110 strikers. The ''!BE' then advanced on the crowd and pushed them

out, using 1ath1g on those who refused to mpve.111 Others reslsted

by pelting stones and brickbats on the. pollee. The resistance was

108 "Cawnporo Cotton Mill Riots Report•••" H.P,o., f'ile 15,/1924.

· 109 Ibid,

110 Ibida

111 "Cewnpore Cotton Hill Rlot (An Unofficial Statement)", Pioneer, 9.4.1924.

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quelled with several volleys of firing. 112 Even if we make allowances

fer the limitations of tho evidence insofar aa the •violent" resistance

of the workers waa concerned, the firmness and determination of the

workers to •otay•in", under the thre-at of police aetion, is itself


"Aggressive" and "riotous" forms of action, which we discussed

above, have also been a characteristic mode of expreeeio.n of 1110rking

class activity in the early atagas of the growth of the ~abour movement

in other countries. When the workers scattered over different mille

and industries mere still not a ~esive force, sabotage, intimidation, ·-

and violence were perheps the only means of peraly~ng .ark in the

factory. The luddite turr against the introduction of machinery in

industrializ~ng Britain, for instance, it has been apgued, was not just

112 The shooting, the non-official Committee argued, "was dona in­discriminately and absolutely at random irrespective of tho consequences. Even some of the peaceful citizens living at a distance ware hurt, and tho shots reached houses situated at a distance of more then ~0 yards••••" Most of the injuries, their evidence revealed, were above the waist. One man lost both hie eyes. The actual number of dead and wounded remained unestimatod. The Official Committee put the number of deaths sa 41 and injured ao 24. But as this Committee itself admitted, a large number of the Cotton Mill employees naturally concealed their injuries for fear that they would be arrested as "rioters•. The Official Committee mas satisfied with the "coolness and precision" with which the pollee carriod out their orders • See Reports of the Official and Non-Official Committee 1n H.P.o., rile 15) and 15) (U)/1924.

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a bUnd opposition to mach1nea.11 ' lnataad, •• Hobabawm amphaaizea,

thia lllDda ot •collective bargaining by riot"wae quite clearly, •wall

adapted to thia atage ot industrial wartara.•114 SUch a ntathod, ha

suggaata, could eneute solidarity among badly paid workera1 lacking

strike tuhds, and tor whoa "blacklagg!ng• waa an acute problem during

a strike• ~an the UJOrking claa1 110a still a "crowc:rt and not an

•army• uaed to d1ac1pl1nad action, •demonatrattona, ahouting, cheering \

and cat calling, intiaidation and violence" wra the moat ettactiva

forma ot protest~ 1~ . A variety ot luddiem, known as "ta-chang"

("hitting at tr. tactodea•) pl:'availed in China. Thia cont~rued to

manitaet itself '" the labour at~ggles ot tha 1920a. 116 "Te-chang"

in China, 1 t has been notad by Cheaneanc, was zoaroly an expJaeeion or

a resentment against the competition ot modem industry, bUt it ••

11' Hobabawm dieUnguia.-..aa between t.o typaa ot "machine breeking", (1) the t1rat typa t.plied no special hostility to machinaa, but ••• a normal means ot putting pressure on •ployeraJ (2) the second bplied e hostility to new machines especially labour saving devicla, but th1e, .tth local and sectional exceptions, was ••ak in practice. See t.J. Hobabawm, •The Machine Breakers•, Paet and Pr•••nt. No, 1, r,b, 1952, pp, 59, 61. Rude elaborates the ••e point 1 "Tha croppers or the W1st Riding, and the hand­loa. weavers or Lancuhire and Cheshire llho attacked ata• looms at Stockport, "iddl&ton and Weathoughton in 18121 nre certainly ho1tile to nn machlnerY•••• But the PU.dlande' ludditea, ut)o not only launched the •overasnt bUt did the greateat damage to aachinea, fll~ no ztgcb Pt&•arv J.ottntion! they ore merely using attacks upon aachinsry as a maana ot coercing their employera to make concaesione in waoea and in other matters concerning their employment.. Gao:rga Rude, "Luddlaa"' in Ih• ems in Hlttpry - A

P D c a £ 1 7 8 New Vol'k 1964 , p, 80, See also, £,P. Thoapaon, Tba 11aking of

tdJt £ngJ.iah WO£king Clata, PP• 599, 601, 608.

114 Hobab~, "The 11ach1na Breakers•, Pest and P;•a•n$• I, p, 61; sse alao Rude, "Luddi•" in !he Crowd ln Hiatpry, p~ 91,

115 A, Rigola, Rina1do Rigola e 11 Mgv1Mento Opprf1o nal Biellesp (Bare 19)0), p, 19, cited in Hobsbawm, Pat~ and Pt•t!Dt• I, p, 61,

116 Je.n Chesnaaux, The Chinaaa labou£ Hoveent 1919:1927 (Stanford 1968, PP• 127, 195, 276,

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"•••• much more the axpreaaion of the hatred of employera that was

felt by a aami-peaaant proletariat only recently settled in the

117 cltiae.• Furthereore, in Chine it wes directed mainly against

; "

foreign enterpdses; thua containing w1 thin it aama mani fostations ' 118 -r '. ' . .

of an anti•foreign feeling. \In ~arica,.the silk weave~• of New

Janey broke looms in 1877, to prevent production during a strike.

The Paterson ~ilk weavers regularly left unfinished warps to spoil . . '

in looms to . "pun! eh" their employ or~.. Other forms of protest, in the . .

early stages of industrialization, included food riots against high

food prices and noisy straet demonstrations a:companied by horns, . . ~19

whistles and Irish "banshee• .calls._)· In Russia, eimllerly, new

workers wore mor• prone to •turbulent demonstration• than to diacip.

lined actit:?n io th" form or a .strike.· Tha out~rata or ths mstal­

workere in Russia batnen 1912-14, •n related to the abaorptJ.on of

•ru country lads• in the 118tal 1nduetry.120

117 lJiidu P• )76. Chaaneaux argues that, u the working class acquired mora exper1enca and maturity, such inc1dente of •ta­chang" declined. Ch&ane.ux, . OFiacit•, PP• )40y ,6,

118 Ibid,, P• 128.

119 Herbert Gutman, "WOrk, Culture end Society in lnduatria11z1ng Amoriea, 1815-1919", Amar{cao Histqr1co1 Rayiewt Vol. 78, No. '• June 1979, PP• 5::S1...,87 • Direct attecka on property - the deli­berate burning of mille .. d the destruction ot machinery also occurred in cal'tain parts, in nineteenth century America. See Gary Kulikt' "Pawtucket Village and tho Strike of 18241 The Ori• gins of Claaa Conflict in Rhoda leland• Atdica1 Hiatory RavitW• No, 17, Spring 19?8, PP• ,_~1. Michael F'eldbarlt "The Crowd in Philadelphia Historya A Perapactiva" in Amican

o C •• £ t o Ame i an L b Soc Histgry Weetport 1979 , pp, 71-90.

120 Madhavan K, Palat, "Aepecte or the Labour fitovemant in Russia 1 The Worker as Paaeant",(Mimeographad).

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d[he available research on other industrial centres in India,

apart fl9m Kanpur• tends to indicate, that sudden outbursts of vio­"J

lance occurred in the early stegea ot the labour movement in these --regions to~ In the Buckingham and Carnatic f'U.lle in Madras, the

young ring-framer,& would occasionally go on a rampage and attack 121 .

aenlor mill personnel. On occaeiona, when their newly established . . .

union mu unable to settle their grievances, the wotkere could resort

to direct action on the shop floor. In November \918' the meavers of

the Cernatlc Mills threw shuttles at an unpopular epinnlng master.

The UJGavers in the Buckingham f.lfills stoned the European Mill Manager . .

on 27th November 1918.122 In the Bembay general strike of 1919-20,

when the workers were still •unorganl%ed•, the Jacob Sassoon Mill

workers davleed their otllft rough methods of mob1Uzing t110rkmen f&>om

their mille. They marched to the nearby Gakuldaa Mills, and induced

the workers to Join by shouting end by throwing stones at them. They

proceeded in a similar way to other mills end by noon 20,000 morkera

had Joined thom (1st JanueJ"y).12' Th~ workers ot the Sowreah Cotton -. ..

f11lls in Calcutta let loose their fury on the man~ement, in November

1899, in protest against a cut in their ~ages. They attacked the

121 E:,o. Murphy, "Class and Community in India 1 The Madras Labour Union 1918-1921 .. , l&E,S:1HeR, Vol, XIV, No. J, P• 299e

122 Ibid,, P• J05e

12:S Morris, The {lngrgeng!, P• 180. Ravindar Kumar, in his article on the strike of 1919, hoiii8Ver, suggests that such •atone throw­ing" was rere. Re Kumar, tlfhe Bombay Textile Strike 1919"1 l.E,S,H,R,, Vole VIIl, No. 2, PP• 1•29•

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Manage&' and hia turopean aaaistenta Gith bamboos, brickbats, and

pate of 8 uchlna broken tor the purpose. 124 In the Kankinara Jute

Mills, 1n 1895, wage cuta provoked a "rJ.ot"• Iron balta are thrown

at the Manager and hia houn na attacked by the •n:kera. 125

We may cite many such instances of "riot" and "violence•, but

in general, •machine bHaldng" in the luddi te manner .was not preva­

lent in India. ~tho extent t~ •m~chine bre~ing8 in England, w.aa

e reaction to the feat of unemployment; in 8 situaUan ad"t8re the . ' '. 126 expansion of modern induetries ••• eroding •traditional• occupatlone,

it had little .beals ln India. Hera, mo_dllrn lncklst~ did not displactt

the worker. The eroeion of •traditional" occupation. h~d begun

earUe~: (by the late nineteenth century) - deindUatrialization in tha

c1t1es, end th-e d.t.apoeseaaion ot peaaanta in the countryside• 127 tx•

pending factories in India could nat have appeared to the worker aa

a ~anism for the displaceaant of their •traditional" occupations,

aa they did in £ngl~ C!;t the factory meant a diaruption of the earlier •ay or life

tor the peaeant and the artiun • a naw rhythm ot 110J:k aa opposed

to his earlier taode ot work end le1eun. A poat in Prat8P dascribeaa128






R. Oaa Gupta, gpecitu P• 86, 88•

Ib!Qu P• 90.

"Machine· Breaklng" of the second type, referred to in Nota 113,

See Chapter lttP•41-~~ "\ "\ "' . . "'\. '\ "\._ :\ (\ "\._ ,.lct<t tl uq,"' -'·Pt-3-t.:>l ~ ~\\~:~ t1 t uU<t ~at.t i-l oltl~ c:tM.~ IJ\l ~4.\<t ~· l ; d ){~ (){_~) Jlltt ~ttl~t «\~~ ~- u~ ?\t ~~'~ ~ 11.~ utctt '4t ~t) t t ltx_ "q_t, ~t )l, til tU. f'l. ~t ~llt 4..\"<l ~· t

•Mudust ltl ttoU," PJ•••• 1.J.t920•

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"Every 11mb or the worker ia crushed with toil/ ••• ••• /they leave in the morning and grind till evenlng/aweat1ng their labour through the day/when they return in the evening, full ot tlutt from the mill/there ls not enough bread tor a bally full."


Theil' protest against this arduous lite, the rigoura ot long

houra and their inadequate wages, waa vented in outbursts ot raga

against their employers.

~ontaneoualy 'violent• and 'agg~eaeive• methode of atzugglo1

ttua, n~:a quite in the. early stages or t~ working

class movement in many puta. F'rom this it UJOUld • m1~aading to

draw a naceseary llnka epontaniaty a indisciplined violenceJ trade ·' . . ' .

un1ona • diecipllned, peaceful action •. Spontaneous actions by the

taO:rkera can occur evan in 81 tuatlons where a developed trade union

structure has •ergad. Spontaneous activity ia not necesearlly mind­

lese, inatlonal, immature, totally unplaMed and unorganized. F'ur­

tharmore, "violent• forma or ectiot:ts can, and occur, oven

after the growth and development ot t:rada unionea especially in

aituatione where the 1110rkera loose faith in the capacity ot trade

uniona to euccaaatully bal"gain tor their demands and the capitallets I

refuse to concede the leg1Umacy of the_ wol'ke~ta 1 demands. The

dviolent" picketing used by the etr1kera ln 19,7, we diseuse later,

wuzoe roletcd to the .ineffectiv1ty of the aabhe and S.ta reluctance to • support strikes immediately after the installation of the Congress

government, togethar llith the extreme recalcitrance of the capltellet~

One can cite instances from a more recent period, IJhen .,rkere were

compelled to resort to direct action on the ahopfloora often described

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106 .J

eo "coorcivo" end n.tntioidotory" cction.129 This t:JDO rolatod to tho

complete inaffoctivlty of the usual cathode of procure • compromioe

and t~edo union negotiation end bargaining, either boccuoo of inter-,, '

ncl disseno1ono end moaknooo of unionc or beccuee of the uncompro­

mioing attitude ,of tho capitoliot cleo and ctateo Co cum upa in t/ Kanpur0 in tho brJenties0 thno was eo yet no organization I:Jith d'tich

tho workero could identify. f.1any of the wrkoro o:tro fresh rocruito

, 1SO • , end ~at of tham umro still first generation oorkers. If ono 1110re

to ueo Hobobt:t:.t' e terminology, tho t10rkero wars at.ill a "cromd" end

not "an army used to disciplinod action.a131 eut, ono r.:ust not ovor­

ctrotch the question of d.taciplino I 1ndisciplins0 violonce I nan-

violence. Such forme could and recur at difforent 'c:::::noo •.•

\Jhet strUcos ono ultimaj;ely is ths spontanioty of tho c~~n

thooo early yeato, though tho morkero' activities remained often•

cporodict locolized0 limited to particular dsportmonto end afton un-

euccoaoful. Such ections oecurrod in o later period ao mall, but

tho K.~.s. sao moro succcsoful in controlling them~

129 Since 19'75, in a o1tuot1on ~!:hero the unions had tailed to as­cure tho· cor«oro' der.Jcnds, -Ahoyq oo o form of strugglo, bs­caoo a regular codo through t!lhich tho t."Drkors of th:l SrJadeohi ~illo prooosd far thoir baolc damond - the i~ediato payment of their long otanding ~o orronro• In Host Bongol too, .qb,m~,n.oJ\ bococo cl.dooproad batt?eon 1969-71.

1 '0 Tho industry expended primarily after 1900, ospcciclly du:ring tho Var and poot.Yor yccrs. See Chapter lo

131 Hobobocm, "The f'lochina Breskero," J!ant. npd Pron~$0 l'Jae I, rob. 19S2, P• 61. Tho phraos ceo barro~od by Habsbc:::n from Rinaldo Rigolo, o trcdo union loader {coo note 11S).

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@thin cur parlad of otudy one con oso o chcngo in tho nature

of demands over tim3o In 19191 the mn.ln demand rroo foR''·-~ bonuo end

l'ego 1ncroooo0 coupled otho~ oubo1d101'y daaando. In tho later

ye.m.'o, Ulhon working clsso .cctivity rmo more in tho naturo of "aggroo­

oivo" outburoto, tho strikes ~»o often centred around isouoo such

aa victim.lzotian, e:ttortton by jobbora end the llke. Th:l change 1n

ths nature or d~do, wo tlilJ. orguo, coo reflected ln the changing

forms of prate~~

The tt:Kr mojor damendo put formard in the otdkoo Drotmd 1919

to 1921, in Kenpur, eore the dc:nendo for c:ogo incrcoco end bonuc.

Tho real ond nomin~ wngoo of tho vorkers had cuffered o dtlclino, oo

1!10 rnsnUonod onrller1 Cfith tho rc:pid riao in the cost of Uving .lnctox

1n · during tho "or• lnodoqunto cagoo ware all tho moro reocntod by

tho 0orkoro9 no they becooo oo~o of tho tremendous proflto of tho

cap1tc11oto at tho close of tho ccro rurthormorc, promiooo of wago

incroaoo in tho C~poro Cotton and the rJow Victoria f41lle romnlned

unfulfill-odo In _ll.'ovomber 19190 the col'kero demended o 100 por cont

incroaso in their ~:~ogoEhs In tho oottlement following tho otrike,

tho ~oollcn F-1Ul oorkoro oecurod on incroooo va~:ying beteoon 1S to

100 por cent. Tho r:orkoro of tho ltlgin, Muir, f~e\!1 Victoria end


Ccrsnporo Cottt?!' fUll a eoro given a 25 per cent in~aao in ~1~:- cegeo.1 ''

1)2 Seo ChDptor 11.

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Throughout the firat fft months of 1920 ho•ver, aporadic atrikaa

contiooed to recur, centred in mast casas, around the quutlon at

enforcement of the provialona tor wage 1ncraase.134 Canc .. slona WIJ.'e

secured by thG w:rkers in moat of these atrlkes.

~ conditions tor granting a bonus, during the war period, had

been very stringent. The grant could be w1 thdram on very tlimey

pretexts. In Nov•ber 1919, and repeatedly in the following years, . . . ~ .

the wo:rkara aseel'tad their dMIIld tor a bonus as their rightful

claim.1~ They regarded the zoia1ng pt'Ofite of the 11Ulownera u a

product of thair labour and therefDJ:e, daended a right to a share.

In one stat8llent, tor instance, BOJICt 11101'kers ugue that they shOt.tld

ba givCH1 •a 1UIIp ara in the form at bonus", out of the hJge profits

the mUle had made, "by the snat of their (wark~en' s) bl'OII•" The

Director lnctustr1as1 U.P., in a letter to Clow, SecratafYt Department

of Industries Md Labour, noted that the labourers, "look upon a

bonus more Ol' less aa deferred pay.•1J6 They aaserted their claim,

irraspoctive of the profits of tho individual concern in which they

1 J4 Such a trikes took place 1n the Elgin "ills, the a,o11an Hilla, the Cawnpare Cotten f11lls, the t~~p1re £ ngineering Co., ttw Cooper Allen Works, the Hamau and Sectdlery tectot'Y • H.P.D., Pert B, Yila 199/Apdl 1920. .

1JS In early 1920, tha workers of the Ca~mpore Cotton Mills struck work, demanding a botv.Ja. Tha Cooper Allen WOrkers demanded a borua, 1n the .-e year, and in 1921 the t10rkera ot this C011pany duandad a larger bonua. The bonus damand _. raised again by the woman wodcere in the Bruahure Factory in May 19211 in tha New Victoria Mills in April and Decame 192), and in the Elgin Hills in April 1928 - ••• Tabla '•'•

1:56 Letter, undatac:t, from v.N. Mehta, Director Inrl.lstriaa, U.P., to A.G. Claw, Secretary, Department of lnc1tstriea end Labour (G.o.t.), April 1921 1 Delel•t L-877(11)/May 1922.

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wre employed. In the Empire Engineering Company, for instance, when

tha employer a stated that the mill had made no profit in 1929-21, the

arotkers are reported to have al'gUad sa follows& "The tmp!re Engineo:r­

ing Company is a part of tho SIC syndicate and the total profit made

by the syndicate waa to be consldared and not the individUal profit 1)1

made by one of its daughter c;oncar"-• • ~n 192~, the UJOrkara of the

Cawnpora Cotton Mil~a demanded a bo~a, on th~ 9rounda that the

workers in their _sister concerns, the Woollen Millet received a

1)9 bonus. iarlier, in 1921, the workers of this seroe mlll had d81Dandtld

a bonuat evan for those worken llho had been employed for lese than

eix months.

ApaJ:'t from dtaanding highe~ tl1898S and bonu.s, the workfta, on

. aoma occaaiona, attempted ~ secure a more timely payment of uaagea.

A demand t'or the Hakly payment of their mages, U~aa raised in November

1919, but to no avail. It 1188 teken up again in the Elgin and New

Victoria MUle, early in 1920.1" The failure to redress this

gl'ievanca led to a major strike in, the Ne• Victoria f1ille in rebruary

1922.140 The uraavars in this mill demanded that thay should be paid

their wages immediately. The strike ho1118Var, was called oft uncon-

d1 tonally after ~ont1nu1ng for four 11aeka.

1:J7 lg&s;t.

1Ja H.P.o., Fila 153/1924. Both the Woollen IU.lle and the Conpore Cotton fUlls ID8re managed by the British India Corporation.

139 H.P.o., Part B, rile 189/April 1920, PratiPt J1.5.192D, P• 1. r or further detaile on the period of wage payment aea Chapter u.

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In tho otrikos of 1919p the oorkoro ~ok .UP iocuoo othor then. end r.rogoo • iocueo roloting to their corking end .Uv1ng cond1• V Uono. Protosto ogainot long hours ln thQ fcctory hed tcttcn o

paoslvo fore oarllor0 conaloting of o oin:,lo ~fuetll to cork tho.

otipulated hauro0 by a1d11ng~ in tho factory COQpcund or by t~ing ,

rooto at 1otervaloo The Indicn roctol'y Laboul' Cor::::liso1on had ' ' .. . "

recommondod o Umit of tt:mlvo. hmJrs a day" in ordar to cnouro

neff1ciency0 and to oecuro a more "otoblo" labour forco.141 ~he dis­

comfott of long hcuro tn tho factory u:t10 intans1fiod during tho oar.

In r~ovcmber 19190 tho t::»rkero ttoreforo dcmonded a nina hour limit

in the wrktng dDYo As a co:llPrcmicop o. ten hour day cos ngreod upon v

by tha cmployora.142)

llthor such dooando portoining to thsir r:o:rking eondi tiona woro

raiced in November 19191 a danand for en it;prouement in tho hygienic

cond!U.ono in the factory (ocpoc1elly in tho hot cumnor mantho), tho '

provioion of medicol rol!of Chero none ox1otod0 oo well co proviotone ~

tor the permanently diooblcd t'.Kmkero, th3 rornoval of corporal punich­

ocnt, a mod1f1cot1on oV tho ruleo regarding finos, repeal of ~ ',

t'orkmcn•o erocch of Contrsct Act end c provision for HindU and f.\lsllm) 14l foeti val holiday so Thooo de::Jcnds0 together t'Ji th the demand for a

reduction 1n aorking hours, hovo in thcooelvoo a opeciol o1gnificence,. I

and more co, bocouoo thoy t:lOro raised at o tiao chon tho fore of oaoe

colloct1ve protoot coo firot oerglng.

141 On eorldng houro ceo Chcpter llo

· 142 f.ylj;ng, 8o12o1919o

143 ~dO£, 14o12o1919o

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ln ouch dortcndc0 mo can poocibly ooo o reflection of tho corkor•o

at~oronooo of hiasolf oo eomcono coro then tho ..ID."litt' n wlr:.]. cho could " . 144 . '

bo hounded in any rncnner41 Tho cosmor oaa aoncitivo to the

thraohing by ~oyoro0 co ~ch co to tho heat in tho factory. Ho

expected czodicol fccilitioo if ho c:ao injured dlilo tho sorvico oi'

tho ~ployoroo Ho continaod to colmbroto hie traditional roligiouo . .

footivalo end ho dc:::u::nd:Jd m111 hol!day'o to .olloo hie to do ooo In •

March 1924 quito cignificcntl.y0 tho dcmsnd for a hol1Ckay on Su~y

ooo tho control iocuo or o otriko· in· tho Baijnath Bal.mukund SUgar 14S · .,

rcctory.(Kcnpur)o Tho ootkor oao nov beginning to dofino hie righta

l!d. thin tho opproosivo structure in· rmich ho eorkod end livedo

· . (~ost ~ overctato the icplicDtiono of these early d~ands1 ~

cust nato that those dcmando vore not ele~ayo token up .1ndcpondontly

ao tho basis for cide$pl'eod collective actiono Such widosprood

collective cction occurred, ohon thoro won on end cool-

acconco of these dc::l:lndo along o1 th tho core proos1ng dcocnd for amgrio)

144 An interooting truggosUon of such t:n c::Joronoso 1s oxprooocd in a strike of tho Oudh end Roh!lkhand Roil· ay corkohops 1n rob. 1921o Aport from tho quootion of 1ll•troatmont by .mWt-}..O.p th:> morkero protested against the unnoce$sary narro&ng ®t:rn of tho entrance to tho corkchcp. The oxlt ono by one in tho ovening0 thoy said, dolayod thoir departure to thoir homes ~ lottor dated J.J.19Z1 froa nchto to Clo~ (o.o.t.) 0 o.t.L.,l-G~7(1l)~ay 1922. Tho Victoria AUl oorkoro in their atdko of Sept. 1919 dccandod that they ohould bo gtvon ouff1c1cnt tico for eating end for going to tho lavatory, 1$..1\tro, 13~10.19 J .boo~ 25.9.1919.

145 In o ototeocnt of d~nds presented to tho factory monagerp tho tnlrttoro crotol a ar ~ f:toa cholooc rckh no ki mca1d nnhin ha1 to ~th~~ koo sob lo~ leo chooti Qilna chayoe. If ycu hcvo


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I esuoo like tho victimlzotion of tJOrkors0 or maltrostmont by

m1.....n1E&.n. or by European oupsrviooro, provoked imm~u:ti,oto violent ro­

tlCtiona e::nong tho corkero. Hhllo those cuero rslsad in 1921 md 1922,

as ~o ehsll oeo bolosb they boccoe the foci of strikes ln the letter

halt of tho 19201s (coo Table Jo1)o Tho 00go Com:::nd eppoaro to hcve

become euboid101'y to these 1scucn0 although it OO$ on occcsiono raised

in tho coureo of thoco otrikooo

ln rebruery 1921 0 nsarly 10000 oot'koro of tho \:JooUen MUlot out

ot the total ,,,oo employed, cftJt::lod th91r tools in protoot against tro

d1sl':l1socl of an employoo, cho cos cccuaod of "stirring up diacontont" ' ' 1~

c=ong tho eorkoro. A strlko for o similar ccuso occurred in the

Ceonporo ToxUloo0 !n l'-1arch 1929o 147 More than half tho tJOrkare of

the mill e~ont on etrlko ogainot tho d1c:Qisool of teo l:lOrkoro for

"unruly bohsviour.n Both thooo strikes core unouccossfulo In the

latter, tho management recruited cufficiont now hands to ro-otart cork,

while in the Woollen f·1illo moot ot tho hondo re-joined unconditionally.

But the strikes ~ain e1gnif1cont in eo tar as they suggest that, tho

work are ooro defending their right to protoot. A muted wi thdraool

from wo:t'k and tho very hooitant complaints ot the eorUer period core

now baing roplccsd by en oasortiue dofonso of thoir right to dioccnt.

Cont'd••• 145

hopes ot mrk in the n!ll boing recumed, then all tho t:JOrkore should be givon a holiday on Sundayo) • £ncloood ·by tho Director Industries, U.P., in latter no. 5346/a - '22, 26.,.19240 to Sec., lnduotrioo end Labour ~GoDo1 .• ) 0 o.I.L., L-B77(6)/1924e

146 Lotter, undotod, tram t-lohto to tlo1:1, April 1921, D.i.L., l-877 (ll}/1922o .

147 ~oek1y Reports on labour, D.I.L., L-919(24)/1930.

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In the Muir Mille, in March 1922, the workers reacted against

1.S the dl.-iaaal or one worker by a mietr!, They sought to enforce

"Juatica" in their awn peculiar fashion, The waavere .. t upon thO

Nayi end thrashed hill. When the maneg•ent tried to punish th1a

"audacity" by diaallawing the auepact warkara hom entering the mill,

the weavers atl'Uck .Ork, subseqUently COiftPalling the epinn1ng and

carding workua to atop as well, The strike lqtsd about six daye

attar lllhich the . workers had to nturn uncondi Uonally,

t~ one instance, the Elgin "111 workers (April 1928) came out

in defense ot the rights of temporary workers. Tha strike, which waa

initiated by apinnare, was sparked orr by • diemissal notice given to

aevan extra hands, retained ea aparea in the spinning department. The

strike achieved only partial aucc:eae. The •anagement agreed to

discuae the quasUon ot ~llliaeals, only on the condition that all

•violence" and •coercion• .. ra to be avoided. Eventually the strike

gave the ffanagaent, an opportunity to impose new tel'lla and conditions ' .

on the 1110rkere. The number of workers in the oplnning department. were

tec1sced, reeul Ung in a heavier work load tor those llho :reaainad;

piece ·wages 111era introduced to sustain the laval of productivttv.-,1•9

A communion of 1nteraata batwaen ditfazoant workara May explain

tha1zo solidarity in casea ot victimization ot a tallow worker. Suqh

148 Oeteila on the ~ir Mills strike reported by the Secy., ~11' Mille Co, to G,M, Choma Collector Cawnpora, enclosed in letter No. 2073, dated 15,3.19221 froa the Collector to the Director lnduatr1ea1 U.P., o.x.L., L-877(11)/1922.

149 Pi2£ll''• ,.5.19281 Ev., Wilkinson, Dr!ialu !!La.. Vol. III, Part II, 1929, P• 180.

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I 204

unity was often lacking in the relationship between the m&etfi and

the worker. Within the mill, the miotri was the agency fo~ enforcing

discipline and control on the workers. Yet, there are instances

lllhan the workara struck in support of a m1atri. The workers in the

.throetla department of the Elgin Mills, struck against tho dismissal . 1" of th&ir head miatri on 25th January 1929. The day ehift workers

of the ~therton West "ills similarly went on a strike against the 151 diamisaal of a mist;;& of the weaving .department •. · ·

(}n the detans~ of the m1atr1 one ~an eea exPression~ of the


workers• primordial link~·. Workers ~re often tied· to the miatri '-

. through cominunal or regional bonds.152 Such ~ltural affinities pro­

vided security to the worker in an alien factory surrounding. The

\authority of the mj.atci ud.thin a department has to be seen in thie

context. Rather than a diapaaalonate and indifferent form of authority

it was generally interlinked with caste and kin affinities. Moreover,

the migt£1 baing their~enefacto,in some ways, who secured them their

jobs and mae held responsible tor their behaviour in the mill, evoked

a sensa of reciprocal loyalty tram tha UIOI.'kmen. Seen in this context,

their (i.e, the ~orkara) protest against the dismissal of a m&atr1• cannot merely be criticized as reflecting a backward looking conscioue-

151 Pipnppr, 20.7.1929.

152 The mlatri generally recruited men tram hie own village• end eometimes his oun caata and kinsmen. Sea chapter u. tor further detail a.

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noaa. In hi a defense . of' tha !!1. wtri the 110rker as reacting against

. a possible ·threat to his nnse or •community", hie' livelihood, and

. hie aocicil e:d.atanca. Aput trom th1a, the eitt£1 wu -ana of •ttiOII'I•

in lOlita waye • he IJU hlllself oppressed and exploited, whUe he IIH

making ua11 gaina out or hie poaiUon of authority~

~nstencoa or strikes -against exactions by ~&atria indicate that

hia authority was not en unchallenged one. The damanda of the jobber

often exceeded the llllite of' what was accepted as his "fair" ahara.,

This AI considered as 11ft unclle exaction, against IIIlich the workers

, · protested. · Ttut £1gJ.n Mill \VOrkers stopped work tor a day, in October

15) 1919, in proteat ag,tnst exactions by jobbara. · Thera :were three

successive atrikea on the aams issue in the Cawnpora Cotton "ills, in

154 Janual'y 1929• Apa!'t tram a protaat in this form, workers would

aometieea lodge coq:~lainta against a particular fld,ttri in the local

155 paper, Pratae.

Vet another "1njuat.f.ce" against. which redresul wu demanded

was the 11ay in which the worktna •re coapa:lled to buy cloth d•eged

in the process of llaJ'IIf actura. This lllls emphaaized cilong with othar ' ' ' 156

diJ!IIand1 in a at~ike in Elgin fUlla 1n Hay 1928. Cloth waa often

dalllaged throu~ no fault of the UJOrka~. lt could ba a ~esult of

over110J:k and atrain, or aore often, beceusa of the bad quality of

15) !';ateEh 27.10•1919.

154 D.l,L,, l•877(14)/19,0f Pion19r, 6,1,19291 19e1e1929e

155 Pratep, 27.10,1919, 1).8,1920, 2,,8,1920.

156 £v., U.P. Govt., B,C,L.1 ~~ Vol, 111, Part l, 19J1, P• 90,

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material used in manufacture. The worker had, nonetheless, expanded

a great dial or time end energy 1n its manutecturl and the loss ot

a portion of hie precious wage on thia urea sean ea an •unjust" cleim. ·

(1Two eajor strikes or the period,,one in the Victoria Mille in

Dectlllber 192) and one in tha Elgin Mille 1n "ay 1928, •r• a protest

against ill•treatllllent by European officials in the mlllef In the

fol'lllar strike,' tha worketil decided· to· set up a eommittea r~ .mangst

the .. alvea to settle their grievances. 'They had finally to return

unconditionally without securing the dlseinsal of c.w. Taylor (a

£uropaan overaD&r), which had been their primary demand.157 ln the

Elgin Mills a compto~t1ae waa negotiated by the Mazdut S8bha, the

workers being promised a redressal ot their griavanceo. The accused, 158 a European overseer, caa however, acquitted.

The diemisaal of a work.r or a thrashing by • Europaan super­

vieor provoked an !Mediate, •violent" outburst. But the solidarity

in such cases waa often liaited to the particular deportment concerned.

These issues did not become the fool tor more "organized" and genera-

lized atrugglaa, unlike wag-.. and bonus demands. At one 1.-vel,

extortion, co~ruption and maltreatment were a part of their daily '

existence in the factory. Only when theee precticee exceeded the

accepted 1111ita, did they beco11a a subject or protest. TM 1110rkere

demanded redreaa only on particular 1eeuee, but not •• yet, an and

157 Particulare ot the New Victoria Mllla strike, prepared by the Oiatt. Plagistrate and forwarded by .the Director lnci.Jstriea u.P. to Secy., lnct.Jatriea and Labour, Oeparttftent (G.o.t.), 1n letter No. C 770/• 222, dated 26.1.1924, O.I.L., L-877(6)/192 ••

158 o.x.a..., L-918(2)/1929J Lea9Pr, ,1.5.1928, 2.6.1928, 16.6.1929.


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207 t9 .uch p~ectlcea altogether. The etrugglea therefore remained limited.

@• totm ot protest, J. t may the~ato" be euggo:ated, ., related

to thtt nature ot ~entia ltaldd 1n the couree of a ett> The preaa­

lng dMand r~ bonua and wagea, provided a un1ty1ng ro~• tor a gene­

ralized abuggle ln 1919. The WO!kere aenaged to ncura concasalona 1n

relation to both theu dlltenda 1 wepa and increased, bonUa .,.. prOfltisad,

and the hoUrs ot .Ork IIWC&d. In the later aU.lkalt uaund

probl-. of victlld.zat.lon; aelttaamnt or wolke'la, extortJ.on by s•tcla,

ate., thl atrikae inevitably ~ localized and iealatad, ~re la~galy

•unaucceaeful• 1n the tlaadlate aenae. Thly ~ aignlttcant, however,

•• a phala ln the developtlent or the .orkera. conaciouanaaa or the1J

right• and expectations, and the ab.lvlnga to obtain thant.

Jb! "Hd99' SUb• and tbl wmexa f!ovwnt

Thl K.M.s. calla into ax.t.stance in a UtU.. #NAA.i J.n Gwaltol.l

Mgbella of Kanpu:r, in the naighboul'hood ot which WN located two

l•portant aUla. The -.act date or ita inception it not clearly

eatabliahed. 159 1 t epp!U'a that the aabha in ita inati tuUonaUzed

tos had not ••l'ged _ prio~ w t1w at~ika or NoVIIIbe~ 1 ~!J A corn ...

pondant tor frlhR• tor instance, wt1t1ng ln Septellbal 1919, refeteed

159 The u.P. Govt. 1n ita evidence to R.t.L ... ntiona that the Sebha we• etuted 1Q 1919. g,c1Lu 11.u Vol. 1111 Put 1, ,,,, P• 18?. The Director lnduat~1ea (u.P.) puts the date at 1920. o.o. dated 2 ••• 1921, ftom Mehta to ClOWt D.I,Let Vile L-917(11), 1922. A P&•!R ~epert ot 18.J.1920 elao mentione that e aazdoor aabha ••e etuted aaae aontha back•

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to the lack of a atrong, organized labou~ union in Kanpur.160 Initial

attampta to organize workers, ho .. ver, ware made earlier in the year.

Certain workers took upon th•selvea the tuk of sp~:aading ecklcatlon

aaong other workers and eat up a library for tha purpoaa. Kemdatt,

a worker in the tlgin Mllle, wae in charge or thia library. 161 Tha

early afforte at organization .. r• prlaarily the result or the inl-. . 1~ .·

tiative or the wod<ara or the Elgin and New Victoria Mille. ~abha

antinga in thna days, ..era hial.d in a clandeatina manner. The

workara would aoaeUaa •••t in a boat on the Ganges, or alae they . would gather under' the guise ot a Jsatha (a HinclJ rallgioua gathering)'

or a !mloo!J (11u811a rellgioua gathering).16' )

•n lata Novf!fftber 1919, the workers or the ,tlgln Mille organized

a meeting at Shatronghat whara they took an oath • in the nama of

Gange • end decided to fora atrika coamitteea in other m111a.164

further dataila'on thaaa caa.itteea are not known. But attar tha

strike spread to other •llla, the workara organized a •eating at

Gwaltoli to which f\lrad Lal, Ganash Shankar Vidyuthi and other local

Congreaa laadera 8re invi ted.165 At thia qatlng the workers elected

160 PrltsR• 1.9.1919. A similar refaranca is made in August. ~ correspondMt ratarl'ing to the comlng ,International Labtlur Con­f'erance (Washington) noted that unllka Madras than was no labour organization in Kanpur• Pratp, 25.8.1919 •.

161 Prll!P, 9.6.1919.

162 lntarvie• with Raghubir -praead, 10.10.'1918.

16, }bide

164 Interview with S.P. Awaathi, 29.9,19?6.

165 16dependent. 29.11.1919.

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ten repraaentati vea from •ongat thalselvea to meat the Ueutonant

Govel'nol' of the Province. Theae included, Ramcharan, Brajki_,en,

MohalM!ad Yakub, Lactwan Praaad1 Mohammad Shafi, RamJl Lal, Sheodal'ahan,

f1athura Praaad and Ghedi Lel. Al~g with thaae ..,rkera, Murari Lal,

Naraln Prasad Nigam, Abdul Karia, Wahid Yar Khan and G.s.~ \lidyarthi

166 '' •era choaan •• the no.,....,rker repraaentativee. While. workera like

K•datt, ~vi Qayal, R.-zan Ali and Chedi Lal figured prOMinently in

161 the early efforta to organize, the. sabha leadership in· the later

years puM(f into the handa of 'city notables' Uka f\arari Lal, Ganaah

Shanka Vidyerthi; Wah1d Yar Khan and others, who had helped the

atrikers' caun. 168

The organizational atructura of the aabha au developed aftel'

the strike of November 1919. The executive committee or the sabha

consisted of two repreaentativaa rroa each Mill. These raprasentativas

169 ware elected at a meeting or the wol'kera in thu aill concerned.

166 Dr .. t1urar1 l.a1 1 a •dlcal practitioner, 11189 the President or the local Congrsae Committee, a member or the Provincial and All India Local Congress Coasittsn and the Secretery or the Hindu Sabha. LpaltE• 1.7.1920. Naraln Praead Nigam was e lawyer in Civil Linea, Wahid Yar Khan a trader and Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi, the editor of Prtt!Q• and actively aeeoc1ated with the Kiean Sebhe mova~~ent in the Province • R81Deah Mi&hra and K.K. Shar11a ad., S S P . d Aw H e J t A G (Kanpur 191' , P• 12. S011e or the id••• of the nationalist• involved in the K.M.s. are diecuaaed in chapter Vl.

16? In an adc:SJ.oese to Annie Beeant, the Sabha expressed ita spacial gratitude towcde Pt. K•datt (PreoidQnt) end Oevi Dayal (Secre­tary), who it eaid had eprung rrom thail' own ranke (workers) and had devoted th•seJ.VtS unsparingly to the CaJS8 Of labour • Indap!!Jdlfl\t 4.2.1920. Aleo, interview with Raghubir Pl'aead, 8.12.1977.

168 In 1919, these individuals VJ8l'a atill not identified with any workers organizsde They are •erely raterred as "eb•ber vaal•" (city people) who sympathieed with ths strikers.

169 D.O. dated 2.4.1921 1 tram Mehta to Clow, D.l.L., L-877(11)/1922.

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The oft1ce boororo included • o President, teo Utce-Prasidcnto, e

General Secretory, t~ Joint Socrotarioo ond o Treasurer, elected

b 1~ ,rom cmonget tho mecbers. Actual workers ~o enrolled eo members . . ... • r oi '

' c ' 171 of tho sebha and oycpathioc:ll'o core enlisted no honoror.y mcmberoo

ts K.f1.s. woo :reg1otored in July 1920t I!Jith Hurar~ tal oo P:rooidsnt,

Kemdett and fJ.P. tligc:m M, Uiccz.Pres1dcnto0 Mahid Yar Khan, co Sec:ro-

~172 t~y and Vidyerthi end Abdul Knrim ao Joint .sectotorieoS

ln thio 1nitilll podcd, tho· oobha foiled to raise adequoto f'Unde.

1 to r.umbero wsro required to poy a oubecription of one pice per rupee

earnodt l.o. tho subscription for thoee earning upto r~ ·)0 por month

-· I 11' carne to 8 oc., end for thooo earning more, it wao Reo 1 • por month.

In 1921 0 tho toto! funds at tho disposal of th·o oabho were eetioatcd

174 as ~ 61000. Tho u.P. Government in its euidonc3 to tho Royal

Commission in 1929 p:Jt tho annual income of tho eabha ae tbo 11500.175

Tho figures for 1929-)0 tend to shoo that tho balance at tho diopoonl

of tho oabha after oooting ito onnual eltpcneeo coo virtually nothing.

l ta opening balonco in 1929 coe Rso 4 end af'to.:: on incomo of Rs. 1 ,OJ3-6-0

during tho year, it rJOa loft Dith Rs. 15 on1y0 attor mooting its annual

170 f.Mt.mto 26.7.1920, P• 15.

171 o.o. doted 2.4.1921, Vroc f1ohto to Clam, o.t.L., L-877(11)/1922.

112 ~o·26f7o1920o P• 15.

11:J Ev., UoPo Govto 0 B•Celu !1w Vclo 111 0 Par-t I, 19:J1, P• 18'71 o.o. doted 2.4.1921 1 froo ~tshto to Cloo0 D.I.L., L-977(11)/1922.

174 o.o. dated 2.4.1921, froo ~hta to Clow, O.l.Le, L-971(11)/1922.

179 £vidence of tho u.P. Govt., ft.r~ ~ Vol. In, Pert I, 19:J1, P• Off.

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176 expanses. The problem of ra1a1ng funds 110uld be CCIIIIDon to moat

unions in a backwud country IIIith a relatively retarded incllatrial

uctor and iU..paid 110rkera. However, other unions, for example the

railway uniona, appear to have bean J.n a more favourable position in 117 this respect.

Low income tended to restrict the activitiee of the Sebha and \

ita ability ~. aua~~~ atrik••• ~~h ita •alender•· raaourcaa,178 the

union. ~JJld npt a.aka any praviaiona ro, ~trikara ~~ng a hertal. ln

one in.tan~e, we find a reference to art~rta at ~b~liaing corn tor . . 119 .

strikers frOIJ the maha Jane of CollectorganJ • fllore commonly, the

strikers had to look tor altornaUva sources of income on their OUin•

This either an axodua to the vil.lega, or alternative occupa­

tions like vending vegetables, rickshaw Pulling etc.180 Towards the

1?6 Annual Re~rt on the working of the Trade Union Act, O.l.L,, L-1524(1?)/1930, Appendix I.

177 The Bengal and North-Western Railway Men' e Assoc. (Gorekhpur) had en opening balance of R!. 11 403-1•9 in March 1929J end a cloaing balance of R9e 1,,~-6 in March 1930. Similarly, the Eastern lnd1a Railway Employees Union, had an opening balance of

at Rs. ,,8)2-14-0, and at88 left with ,. ,,,09-?-',1 the close or the yoar. Ibid, Givan the large number of workers, thia ianot surprising. Even ifa small proportion were union1%adt the tunda would be large.

1?8 Ev,, U,P~ Gout,, R.C,L,, Ev,, Vol. III, Part 1, 19,1, P• 186,

179 s.A,I.o., 26.1.1924.

180 During the Elgin Mille strike (June 1928) tor instance, nearly 1000 st~ikers drifted to their villages. Legdgr, 1J.6.1928, The situation remains the aama today, The worf<fts drift. back to their vlllagae or else take up odd joba in the city. Evan llhan they remain in the city their preoccupations with earning a living aometimee weakens the agi tat1ona1 strength of the str11cera.

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_...., ot -ao tmo .end • l'tdt month ott.ttco sn the· v~rh IW.le1 (tee. . .. , ' .

t92J • · 1924) tho .-e~a '-d to. even MSOI?t to et~ t,toggl.,.i8t

AttOU.f ~ft(t.C.Otiltm -of- Ulo P'*• of rumse itl -NifiOd &ft a. ~tt ,,

ot _,_ ~~~ Otn;a~l: (U,.P), lft :fflt~ to $aU ~Unue

ot~Od.-bf. R~ AU, ad\Joca,lng ~ tato!ng -bt lurfdo. ·Pot ,e Qtfiko.

tiO OftJ· told ttl_. __ thoe ~ on ebsolutEJ kCk of ~tt'Uft_, on t.t* ~n.

ot -tbtt •*•• ~~d ~mat; •wa eaU tot ~-- tt.tndt le not l.tttOlr to > ~ --

etrd to -~to'- (~tlthl$•) . .,..IOf1tv*•~'!2 agetn, '" '9141 tho Itt~&-. · . ,. . \

)• ~

genett O!ps~enti ~ta ttt.• flmaan AU di(J net ~ to ~ --to Ottteftlq a ~,11:J Itt the 'N.Utll. J®tc of t.Ni . ,. - ·- - . .. .. . . .

f f, Cl

a ........... ' f\1 .... ~ tc:m e~t~•·ftft e·- ,Aft_ . ---ant bulldJrn ,,_. 1M ll_ft 5 ot,.toe ~iilUUJ~· ', 1•!.Rll ' .. ·· . ~ ..... ., . ,..,... ..... go. - ' '. "'l:l' ..... ' • • • . "' • I . . ~ " - ' . han to e. meed .,, oo'ttno ~ fllJ!kon t«; .U ®od sa tho ~

.'1 ~ ,1' ~

, .. · ~-- K•ft•S• ftlndo -~. ,g ~- extent,_- ,_b~iot«J bcoeu• o~_ tto

mall. ~~~. lft tt"-~·''- .metl'Jbuottlp rna O.tbll~ Gl J,f.JOO.i If_§ ' . . .

. . • ~ ,· ' I

£-.•-. t~ _tmr ~- ot ·tfto tO.~---~ o; GJtketof, fhta. J.11C~tlo '-' -

~bet·to ~t ~~ th!l GS .. l'l~ Unlon-... ,ctt!p 1tr 1928•

. ~-,~~ 61--~ -~-·~total ~to~1aa .Oy Aach't9JD• the' .. -"''"' n'rl :_ "'-"· : r fot111 _ ·

·ts' setia flMklat ••J•bA· 'ao s~ft sat1o mtekt'a '*Nt fl&o Jj(t6)19!9 · (AtC.l•H•)• . . . . ·


. '" - lntetvla wt.-ttt ~~.- Pt:.otad ,.1 • .,. - I<

t91 tv • ., UtP~·:Cot;tb•• ~ ~· t~o~..·tu, Pt~R It WJt1.- P• 18?., . ' •t- • cOoj - t

186 Moftict ~mar~~~··~· Plf 104. fhet• -.~- tcd.l ~).; etttt• ; 'f92b o\llkef: · · ' ·-. · ' ·

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K*R.&. mas lett; UJ, Gnlr 61)2_ ~f&, .• tt)Bt'lY Gt a,~6 having left I

~- ur4on ~n t~to ·CCUJ:aO Of th# ,,,..~av · · I

,,_ Jt;•"•l•• *" ,., 1920s,. OdOJ)'UIJ ell "'* ~~· cmtt .aoo~.

or .a mlUtmt o,gri~tion. Jt. bed, ·rev lnt~, e ftt!' tlq. ,,.. " ' (

tea1:t or a~; antt liel4-. ~it cttss to beet:· 1*"• J.t cafl'104 • > ! ' • . . • lj - .

the tolkav4n; Olagt)flt •Ptm.U.~ - ftaflsb bd' (e$p&tftii~ ~d ~

•atfoycd)·• tt~e ..Ue: ot tftQ· ~. otfieo _, .p~ .slth ~c

. otft~J ·"'"'ttlttt4~r -~- • .... ~t#>ft~~n ke • ., (~ · .. · ·~:th<s·f~doet -:tn.·•t*eM)• ~kt~· q~"•·•

(~o· .... thti lemtl ·,,._ pe~)~tt.JI . . ,, (

_ ~eco-~t...,.., •~ot ~ sab,h~.had,~1r a f:l~l&c • l • ' . . •. li . ' ' .

a~f~~. fft ell pr!!Ct!otll. ~tflOIU ieG •• -~ • f'Oito• . . ' t ·-., "' ' ~ ., f . ~- •

1l the p~UQft ~t .ttm Galf0$1 ~- tmct COI'al; .phts1Calt acnt.d _.. · ·,. ~· " ; t ·' • I ,

. '

· tmeio\ .n. bOlng or_ v.o- ao~Un·· ~--I) tM ~ttan ot ~ll

tteteeen ~-~ and. ·tbOA .. --·-f·tw What • elgniftcant ~ tho •ttwlt101l· of the: ~ .tn Ita

. • • . -. j ., i . .... ' • ! '

eatlr roar-. een lto otto-,t$ to ~lng ~~ IJDik .. of dlf'ruant '. , .. , I! , ' "

·mfo11e antt dl.ttotM~t..~.~ ~~-- _J.t ~ ttmauQb •t.Ung 'JP··G! /

llb~a•p !# tftrcugh_ eor:won eact!UlUon- itt tho tEJfl'lm ~ .- th~­ t~·oiJ. ~'~.A ~~.• ~'~.1-ft ' .

ftlitU ·:·~. 1 ·rr _WI"t._iJil Q~l J;&iJ -· _ry·_l

AMu:Q .. _· ·--~.·~. ·".·· :Gn. t:M- •!kino. · ot ·V. ·'."~. · .. Vftlun Aft,, t:t•l•t.•, Lit112a( ft) ,.... t'Jtf hfio dtli0:1tm of tho •• ,..,s. ·Cltl:&n; the "~· Otio C~i' IV:a - · '· · .

SUtfO' Pf!-aafl f•1Pathil lWlWikmt\.JrA-&IL1Dl01JIQ -Sb$1 (C~ t9D).,.·~ P• ,. . . ·~ . . ' I . . .. . . . . . . .

. .

o.o..d;atenS t.a.""• t'~Shta .to- c.ltRJ. o.t._~o.., WT~(Il)/tm. ' f - ~... '- - -. . ~ • • -'

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Page 55: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


• • •. 1 !.

·~.f)O·:!Al•q&lv •Red· tho ~· .at .. ·~tllO&I'ilJ J.n lhio cCJaoit!t . . . ' : " .. · ' . - ·. · .. ,. ,· . . .. . . 'i! . . • .· '

~8.~1\Jot ho ... J •• 0 .. \~UJt.-.~·~--~ .. ~f tm Us&ft NU _,.~.,-~·e. PJamJ.tmrit M&ba ~·in _.·~eat"l, ~~

--~·~-~~~~c-..~.--~- _,_.,~~~u -J ,> '' • I' I ' :

~- ,~~.:the -~ not _.,. o•rr ... a oavtte .ot ,, • .,r:~ . . .. : ,· . . . . ;, ' ·. ' ' .

. Grtf l'~tl·tM ftt.IM. ,mtfNl.,. -Of' ~,-- .t. -md -~. · fitll .a ,/fliCO!i ~ ~ Cliltld ·oti -~ '

11 ' . ~ .. · •·

1 . . . ....

- . . l - - . : -~

~ ~ ' "

. ·A -~.~~~~t(f -~ Chske: •· t4GO ·a pet.· • ,.,t&e~Od e \ . . , .. I

ct4ld wo!t .. JiNJUWthrt·.~ 8 tM:' ·~ tal ·ft~~· '- tte _.

. . ·~~ ~ ~~ti.$~.m · ~ --~~• -__., •m , . _,~:_ ... 1i~m~.•-.· . . . . • - ·-·. . - ·. -.. . .,... . -·~• - -. t.:P~ ·~ ,."' Q . . . - ' a . . . ~"'

.. -: •, ~~-_-.~.'tOt-~,-~ lki··Jatm .S m ~-· ~.:flJd.i'l~!Jl .- . . ~ ' ·' . : • ' l ! . • I' ••••,ft et:- M:r _,, 4tid ~· -tft. t• _.:' tn .tfttt eal)ba,

' • .. . . : .-·. ·., t • ....~- ' . ' • . ' . . ' , . , • • . • -r , • • ~ - . , •

.,_· . ,!-.

-~-~--·~ __ .'1·· ' · · . · - . >: _ _: . ~Jartpd tp,.· ·· ... _ · . · · __ ,:_ · · , ... · -~ ~--···b.~~ dWlt$' -~ .., ~Ut'll'.-. -- .•• \. ge~ 1ba•-~•;.,,..,.liC$lt ~m$·._, ·N~ ··o.,~, ,~,,-

. - .·· . , .. ~ .· .. · -.· . - ~: . , - -.; . . .- .••. · I . ···. . .t : :: . . . . ....

of M\lh ~~rlt -.o~, ete 'Oltd· -~ .by o ·~ If ._ ..

~m~~Oil ~ ~ ... ~ ,...,,; ~~~-~ U# 1ft -;•Bitt!f_ lirLL n .. ~ -. ~ritt.fitl "· Z!t··· ;lii!Jtl_~-• ~---.-'

,, '· ,. • • '! . ' { ; " '

~-. &.9• t•,P·~·· Attalla• lt.t J.. ., ,. L, '"'"•

• ·• , 'I

t~ lf'i~""'QW $dtetllt •••tP•tftlt , . .' , • ' • . . . ··. ·. . . . ,. . I· • . ~

198 ... GtP•: fetPGt~s, ,., .. ,, •. P• .·~~ ·

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Page 56: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto

"·· ·, •· .•·

215 . '

,. '' '·1

~ . : ~ ' .. · :. ' \ . . : . ~~ '., . . . ... . . . ,. ~ :' . .. .

(·or. sundays a an:iel. S..s arf.anged ··wher·e f.t~Mue and ftuS.11ms.:.~at .tO.gettn~r. ! ' ' ;~· . ~. '· ~ ' I • • • • ~ • r ' ' ' ' • ' ' • ; ~ • • ( •

'Thoughnot as stgrii.ficant today.; .lt'uta$ a btg occa$ion. 1n.thosa days• • • ' t - • ~ • • • ' •• c . • • • .. ' .• •

. .. i uient along with my tathet and pattiqi.pated in this attempt to do . ' • • • ' : ' • •• ~ < ; t . ; • .. • l ' : . ' • • •' - . • • •

" aUIBy wi'b dtst1n(:t1ons be.tween peoiJ1~)• ' ' . • . I , . . • I ~ .~ ·, ' ; ·, . . .,. . ' ,_·

SesideB ':bringing togetbet' UJotkerG of . different cammunJ.ties;. . i '

' . ,tbssG gath~tings were ·big testl~e Oi:CG~iona. ·ror tile· UJi?rket'; with his

. i \.

twndt'ufil t.ucistertc&'t cuch occasions were ~tare. They looked forward to

. 'them a.n!l ~Jc~ad .,,_.. A,.;tber "'"" f~sUv~ gathe~ing ~~~ the '"''"'~ .. \ . . day celebration of the ~.,.,,s. • the Jalsa• as .it was c~only knoturl. ~

• , • • . . , • r,l ' ' ~ · . · , • r

This ~as an occasli,on when the work$1'S ~Would see, and hear ape'ecttes by 1

lea~e1:$ thay had only haatd about. • ~~~~tis~-~ N.M. loahl· and othere. ' .

. Pe~haps, \he ln1t1al eeaociatJ.on between workf!ll'S of .dtffet:ent

mills and cQ,~f'f'erent commt.mittl!us could be ·better forged· tht'OUgh :such . . ' -

:informal; rect"eattve ect.Lvities, ;11Jitht'Jut any overt_attempt at politi•

Ci.iation and otganization • gather:ings at the SUnrJ:ay maale and the., . " . ~ .

. 3a1sa;. recreation.: and education at the akba£a and \he li.t:JJ:&rY•. we do lo • •

not know.·· ·' :wtu!ithG'r· such .. centres .wel;'S set up in all Bt"eaa. Cons1det'lng . .

. '

.that tha sabha ac·~iv1tiaa ware concenttated around Cwa1toU., 'it ls - < ~

likely th11t these were-restricted to· this area.

'94 iSUclarshan Chakr1 t;,cinmynist Katha1 P• 22?.

19S P..ritoe• '~'·•'·1922• 27•:J.19221·Ml• s.6-.1924.-

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Page 57: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


216 ..

. ' -.~. r.- •• eeuvlUG$: the- «•A•!i• ,haJ.'flt ngutu mao~ at,.

~~tlU .. gat:e~J eftd.ln ~ng·ol•ae ,.r. ... ,1M .-• .. of- flhleb et\t~tM r '

$A "-'-1918t a l•fttS. m&eUftl -~-· ettnotfM.f a ~~t\9 ot thit.

-. ••• 190 -These• •re p~ly ft.lfo fnqvoM ataund v.. ·tlmti ot e-cttftk•• lft ttt• PfiJ'lU ~ttl• tha. t~t4 Of'* Mllle eviko,

::&•"* Cler• ebb Dlc .. ~ettato; •••• o tfletkcd ·'*'~ ll\ •

*' ~t.of et1teU.on emtm~ ·mitlhtiftdet ~~., tn the tO$ or~---

dd&nl'Od 'o .. u ·bodlo• -of' nn •t ·.w. mil& ~~ •, .-... '! •

eM~ •. a8 ~. (~ cvo~~m8) mm ~ lOwo;lhe « ~,.,_•.,.•'99 i!

tr. 3~ tftl, .d'len tho Vtotetti:t'. fU.U ·uotkeh ~· lib •tvlktt1 _, ., --

lntolil~ Oepetmtnt ~· _,_, mottUt19f &n :the ~• ot ono

GJ'.*t .... .,_. Jtengl.,ftD t~ .0 ,tt'Jtt200 ~--·* Whl1o ~ ··~· ·1RIM ,._~-4-·~- .end •~lkM.c-»tWpaU~ f.ft tho OJtGW·~ eaUW.\too flt th., ~· •• ••ttJ.c.hd. A meeting ::to olab offift

. " "'"i'

bea~· .Co ·-- fC,M,SiJ 1ft :ltintt tft4t dtrat,fld oftly· •••• of ~ Mlf

, ... ~~-··' tan ·l ~-- ·. _,·u ._ •. · n i :·_-,···•• . il£

''' •~• et.l.1t s.P. ~tf4. ••'•'"'•: 19? S.A.ljOtt. '':-'•'922•

'I I;'

1ft · c~o ·Cotton ttt11 R&ote: aqson, "•'•"-• rtle 11SJ/i924.

180 '•'-'~~~. 1~·'·''24• lt44•• f•6•tt2~ At -·~JaN ~HlnQa C~omtm•. Uko V.idfatttt•

; . 18flt s iJlatl.ftoU:v natl~t tcmo ttl ~- tDeiU"'St Eli ,.,. lt'l8t:af1C• ln ·ftov• 12t t922• du!n hQ GdtiOtmtecf 1M bofCOtt ot totGJ.Ot' cloth• · On ottw• occ.lott$ loatteH ltka ·stmmt Vf..letnMd GMi ._. · port~d· .. to halll provided \hf) ~communist touch.," ·"e demanded that-'. . " the m1Uownara ehotild pay half their 'lrieoma 'to the workers,. . , $~e)! .o., 2~h11 .• 1922 •. ~.12.1?22. .

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Page 58: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


Tho '•"•s• &tt iblo pulod 'fiiU· et\emptf.n9 t:o de\Jolop a ttSttet!IM"~

., ,,. tmlor4• to ~~- aod#l~ ~J.eaa .,,.,v. tt wmmed, r . m._.,oil'•· to ~· that tho UGd«<n ec\ed Wf t•s ·o-onc~ In .

, 1l '

the eflbha ~1M• At Rt tttJJUlattJd UiJet, ~ ·.- to bO' tm ottttct . ' .!! .

in _ _,. G'IIU. ~-thOtlt lte e4ftQtloft, ~etWS ~- ~ni.v~--~ ,. 90t cont. tit

tb$ .t:JO~ot:,e eat- ~ e\1~ ·tM.t ~lidtm W. • 1m·:--lilft .(it a ' ' . ::

~- GPIChl1y --- ;~t ~0 puq:f ...... ··Tho ·K•M•it dt,thod to . ' _., up att _., •. ..,._ btudt •• ~-~~woo or ·~Jfte n . .mcee, to .aattle dlot'Utott~ !OJ . ~- a b004, · t\ «Nff ft4tt l!IOUld

· ~netct tho nnd fat ebltcHt w aa., ~ UtM~J& ··lhoeo :tO. tba'

· ml~e. ~ tho Elgin M1U -~ ~et~ ~~at tht ·thl'aetliftl

~f ·OM. Of .tftg· aHkOR by ··8 ~· ~e(Jt :ln May· 'ftSt tho IJ!IIhs . '

·~ ttte eppo~ ot :a bl ... eoftde\ing of ont i'DPt~ ' . ~ . - - .- - - 1 - ~ •• • . •

\\P4118 ot tho· CJl,U. -.thO'aUee, ono r.- ·ttto •• end a Wftl ~· . ; ' I . . • • •

to bO ol-tu bV ~seh of. tl'te8o _,.~••••114

tfft"" ..._.......,..a of ..... I ft a ·. ln .., ......... w-o iAftftftaea to haft· b08n 1\;,!. v -"Ji"·Mil- . . Wl • • • . ~~ ,q..,.,. ~-u . . . .. --· ' '

on ...,t.\elnlng gooMU· 'b<tt.,_ ~,_ otHt cmcon, l~. et~r ~ .. - ' .

-MIUo·J.n ~tf t9att ._. Kw-.1• nego~d J1 .tsttl~~ in dddi lt . .. ~

t#Dmiaed tf\et 01~na tvikun .vw not oc ~tad ~ ltt ~))215

•t'l _- 1 u rn_ 1 _,._ - tr ·_II · ·· .- J ··- · , rr ·~ •

102. o.a. •~ t .• O.f922, :MeM,o ttJ c- o.t•\.•• 1.47?(11)/ttft•

· toJ lidllt t.t.t920J··t'Ut'afl Lal•e ~ et tttc ~~ Otot»tet conr~o, •-· .n,-.,,m. . .. . . . .. . - - ... .- ~ '

mo ''- c:d.UOtUnere roJeotod the p~ on t.f'l$ ~ca.mda the\; tbGr · .e\Qne had· thfl· -ei\'1\t to bOld· en. Cf'tQ\4er t.nto ·tho ~t. of um~ emploretn~ • ~lY A..-t8•n* O.l-.L•t L4t8(2)/f92,9+

- Pr&rmlnt it ••• 1929.

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Page 59: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto

_.. _ _.,. 7r-dJ

,. T

' I

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Page 60: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto

--~ : ·_. . .


( 19.,1 )


H1 Thatrel

H2 Lathl Mehal

HS(a) Bengali Mahal ' ' I ' '.,.

(b) Patkapur (Cttak 24) ' . ' -.1:,

H4 Sabz1mand1

H5 Parmat .

H6 Sleamau ( Bhaunana Pur1118)

H?: Patk.,r (ch~~ 2J) , , .

K8 r.f.lkhena '

H9 Patkepur (c:hak 26) ·

H10 Etawah Bazar

H1t Anwa~ganJ H1 ~ Khel.a~ lp.J.nea

H1) Juhi Khutd

H14 Gadariya t'latnd

. H1 5 Si~eRU!IU ( chak 105)

H't6 Coolie Baz"•

H11 Colone1genj

' .

' ~· ·.

PeMen-, tage

98 M1

95.4 fill

90 MJ 90 M4

s9.e ·ft5

88.2 M6

.. . b

Bhusa Toll

Butcher Khana Kturd

Anmarganj Patkapu:r: (Chek 20)

Misri e8aar·· Co1one1ganJ · ·

&?.f- tfl ' ·Talaq Mahu··, 87 , . ,'MQ HiraiDan ~ur• 86.8 , r.9 Sutchel" Khena Kalan

· es~' · ""Q · oaJ.ei · llurw$ ·. ·94 · · M11 · Anwargerij(S~nsmandl) e2.a, ·~1a Seconganj .

ao.s ., 1&.8?

77 76.8 75 .• 9 .,.,.,

Percan-· tage


85.6 81 '







58 $5


Nota 1 (e) Localttlea with a population of over ?5 per cent Hindus have bean ldent.lfled es "HindU" areas because Hindlla constituted ove..: aa per cent. of tha total city popu1at1on1 end we1.'8 spread in almost every part of the city.

(b) loca11ttaa with a population of ova~ 50 per cent Muslims have bean .identified aa "Muslim* ataaa because Mus11me formed only 10.8 per cent of' the city population. Clearly, it is the concentration of Mualims in only c•rtein areas ot the city ·whiCh is of greate&" e1gn1ficancth

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Page 61: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


lett tn aottell.Q lfhleh ua p~anUy HindU.•M What CCliWOft

to all t'OPO~tar llhethO&' IUndu "" "'-elhlt 1e the '-' that. in tho:

murders anct •son no dl•Unctton .,.. .•ad• between venous cleaaa

1n each community.

fha lltaaa of •111 work•l'• dld not tmc011e a patt ot the oto~tcl till

the morning of the 29th• Tho previoua oventng, the mtkera ntum.tng

home ft-ca thtf m&Ut., wi'e id.ot:Uia at' attectc~ 8~ K~:1shna Gupta 'I \ 1 w ' \

••emed to :reoall only .,_. ettaaka tm. Hl.c:-~ . .mc~ra by f\leUm J~"-· JS · :. ' ' /1 ~ • • .. • • • . ' " '

Then DG8fl!8 to b& • t'..-ot\ 1Jhy filuelima •:re not aubJ~~et to .WUl•

attaekv1 perhcta .in otbGt! •~' .. • or the· city. · A• 'MOon (tt,L.A.) euggoeied > '" I t

that ""' qUart8t:a atteckect CJfttl 110et11 thoM occupied by miJ.l IA:tl'ken ' • ! t •

end labout••• J6 Jn tho atJt•nc. of any othtso atatatiiGftt ehOwtng the t + • • ..

nutnbt;Jt ot .odeart• and noft1014cR•t qtohwtera att.ct.d, it .1a cllff1cvlt

tc> make any conc1ueive etatamcmte .of W• nature. lt nmalNJ tmponant

nevorthdeaa, that 110mre· ••n • pa.t· of the tlollng • .,_,,.. HJ.ndl.t

or Hualie•

on tha 25th, attendance at tho .S.ll• -. aleck• and tMJ •~• -

aocm closed -ceo.n. ' 7 · Sy 10 •••• that JaOm1ng1 rioting ftcd· snead to tbl

eaa onund Gwalt.oll_whara the' ••• Vlc:to•1at the· Elgin.• the woollen-

J4 l.n~ datu ''••• 19J1, , ... Hafiz Hl.dayat "'edflt M.L.c. ancloaad b1 f'etl ttuealn to tum, detect 2?.tt.'ltJ1, lbld.

' ~

JS Wtltten Evldtmea of SabU KtltJhntt Lel Guptftt 22 Ap~tl, 19)tt- CCJmlll .. •1tJn ot Inquiry 1nto th8 t~lote, H•P•O•t FU• 10/19/I~W./19J1•

J6 Oral "'• at ~· Moon, "-"'•'"• t Kenpur, 1b1d•

" baadsrt 14.4.19,1.

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Page 62: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


M.tlla end the Rorth-Wtat. T•nno:ry an located. sa Col. "-W.ea not~ that thai"• WU tlgtmefl1 un88elft8SStt emotiO the mill WQdcGl'8 Since the, end eoon after the ad.lla cloaed, ttt.t• tiM ••J.otlng" on tho

Mall Road neal the WOOllan "111•• 59 8ahte-n Ahmad (J!Un1c1pe1 . '

t:OtDmiulonat) S.n hie ecoount, taltcctd ot the "threattmlng• fiHUP of

•tioteh• emol'glng hom tna elll•eattlemcmta atound the Slaamat • Colonol•

oanJ are•• 40 At Paaet, ~11£$ houen _,,. nportod to have been

aurroundad by Hindu' mUlhanda, who thJ'eatensd to kill the J.Matea. 4~ 1he llllla nmalned clo..S · tol' a tn day• attet the .t1ota. Ttwy

. . . ' \

opaned graduetly eft•~ th• 29th, though tt wu on11 on the.1at of April

ihat a •gOOJt attendance• •• reported. 42 '

:Jn. 1'1ot left J.te taatk on workf.nt claaa poUUca J.n ·tho elty. In

October 19J1t the Muftl!llliaoden. 11111 WQl'ka:ra were 1'9P.:~.-ted to have plane

or ateUng e Sabha of thel.l' own at the ottlco ot the Ji!'mr&llt en U~ . '

Mua1ilt pepe:r. ~,, rhe ebecnce or eny fUttha:t evidence on the tortt~atto" . . . of th1e ~1ud"~' Mud.t.m ftazcklr Sabna, glvaa the upuaal.on that tho

plene oethaps dlct not •at•rlaUz• ultirltauly. Hevott~osa, a .raellng

.,, al.J.anetlon '""' tJMJ t(.M•$•• wu qid.t. gwnerel ~·t tha 1'\tellm

.ode•••• Ttada unionta\• of t.hl ptu:iod acDl t\Gd that thti. carmrund ten-

. ...... ~.4.19J1t

Wl"ltten "•• ,..,.o,, 'i0/19/K.w., 19st •

.... ,. 4.5,19)1."

Telegl'am trora OtM. Kanpcn• datad 1.4.19)1' t H.P.o. ru.o, 10/tt/19)1•

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Page 63: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


. ---· -.....,


·~ eaL-lauely f.~nd the 1110rklftg of the &abtta te 80fl8 u-.64

..,....,,_ llotke'& ._ •the· predal4nant1y congms le~p or the K,M.s.

at that UMe u un•Pr»•tt.Uc towards tiltd~ .t.nt•aete. ThtJ ,..,

r••lnlng fltt..u.m. in the Sabha, like tlf.11ta• Alit ,.ocr Ut.Ue tntluanco

own then cd.$01\tAtl!td •*••e•4' 1ft an otto2t to Pleoat$ ftuslim fal• Fazal t\Jsaln HaDat Jltobenl-. .act. a mambet ot ·the· e~tlva at the· Sabhat 4$ Th11 tme'tging ·lfJadaNh&p J.n t,_ '

l~ttu half ot thll U.f.t'tl•o had to t1tetco -~••1 .,,,_,,. to mob1Ua• '

t!.on of the Pluitllm •*•• from the Ccn;l'l!8&i PftV•d '\a b ·a toUrc. ot . . ' ' ~ '

' strer,19t" fol' the•• • theY 'fomned the J.nltlel beat.• of .CCIJI!

GUPPOft• She~~ Zskl.t• 4\kbaft Is..- AU and'othpt.Cammunieta be.lped

in fllllltd.U.t1ng the$8 Wotk&Z'Ot ·GJho l&JOl'e $ub$&quenUy ··put . 1ft pea1~1~ ot

leecttJahip !iii thtrt tm lti11l c011$ 47

Sometim .. , eJ.tuaUcna of' conflict and an~ea · ettiongat ••••e

.,.. oxpnOM1f. 1n commune~ formt. !C.tke b•nke~e. tiOI'e Gl••Y&. thf#

te#get ot attaCk end 98"-tal hab•d• , ,J~ t,he. Elgin fllt.Ua '". June 192St

thosa ~ wanted the ~t.lke to bo called orr happenOd to. ba prtJdQeli­

ftllntly ·flluelim• * !..- aucn a: $1.,tuauon, - en~ , to~n. ettlke

.. 4' 46



. ,

lfttent.•Wit S•P• Amasthl, At Atosre, i•C• KtlPo0.· end StS• Yu$ttf•

lr•tei'Vi..,, ~ s.a. Yuwt.

s,A,.t.o,., 21.1f.19M.

lnt•niitwa, A.ltiU Ali and Regtllbf.t.

soe Chapte~ Ul •



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Page 64: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto

bteake•• bacentt mlxod up ·~al" feau.nOa. 49 Though the

atfilggle wae not e ca-..Nil •~tugole to bagl-n 1111 th, rn the ftrtllt which

J.t hoact ext:m••••d the •t•ength ot OOIMt!Unlty l.dent1Ues within the

wodc•rh simUarly, dltiPGt•• with JObheet em on occealone colluded . ' '- II - . , ;

mit" thta. fttetlag~ in bteekln~ up •tskee, cm.tld ec;quJ.ta a camcnuna1

oolaur. Tene1on b«tt...., !,i.e!£&1 end walkers wen J*'Ucvlariy ~1ked

dul'1ng end $tter th• etf1ktts of ,~,., end 1938, llheln tl\8 ml11 cammJ..tteea . ..

•te thteflt..mlng the intiucsnce and poal,Uan cf' the f111pt.dg v; the . ' .

mUla. o MueU• tto;,d jobbft of the· t.lgt.n Al11e tma tho obJect.

or generat. hoe~11lty bQCSU$10 of his a~temPt to· cOil.Oiab ·.itt. ttta

management ln breektno UP the atonth long . eul.ko 'tn that ftiJ.U.. The·

··..;·~nst him ouiminated '"tala ·a,rdil1" J.n 5ou._t.19J9•,.,

beeamo an &•oq• UQUttd Wh.lctt c~ fonea mob11h•d• • ' ~ - • . ' 1

Petty contllcta, auch •• o. ca~DP1dnt egelnat a woikor: ·to~ not.

J a mill Uokot, could,~ aecm"'by &eM •• • dJ.-I'le.\natolly .J

••-rtlon at eutnctr.lt1 bated on a Hlt.gloua PHJudica. th$ _,rtentng ,.

or euthor1ty in HlatJ.on to thOJe wi t.h whOm the ~m&.dl&• « tM gate

·keeper, had cultural and 11ngu1et1c bonde •• ld.adnQ tor othoH. Thia • 0 •

49 Anoth•r atmltd l.ttcldetntt fiUOb or•• COfteeqvancn •• the c;leeh bah1een' the Pethan "blectd.S." and the GJOfklll'a Oft the oU 1natallO:t!one ln Bombay In Ottc. t928. The. Woublo iPraad to otnet ·miU. and on,.., reb. 1929 the e.t.tueUon •• nptn'ted to have teken on • "deflnlteJ,y caAmUnal• turn. tn thf.a caee, tM Pet~, GP$;t bllng atl'lke •br•aketa•"wer. a1eo idefttlf&ed et moneylende-rs. tlho advanced fiDftG)' to wcn:k•ta et uaurloua ~:et.a. The' ract that they btllongttd to a dltfal"mt ta1th tumact it into a oerterel c1eah betUJGon fUnctus ond ~ellm t10rkare.. SQ: H.P.o., Flle 10/tO X K.W./19J0t H•P.O., f' .R. f'l1G 11/t1929t 3en.(1),, 8t:'JmbayJ .. tt.ra.o._ r.R., ru.e t~?/2/t"929, reb. (1), 8o11bay. ·A tnoittf enaltala eee K.e. Krlahfta, tbf! P£2bl;j pt JlnorlM!t or ,Eamlnel Rsmun: !tUcm .lQ IDdll (Lr:mdon 19J9 t P• 268 •.

50 J.I!SJr, J•12.19J7t !lat!!fl• J0.11.19J7•

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Page 65: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


319 \

could unconacJ.ou.a.:; .magnity ttnelons tn a ad.ltau Where Uoa ·or caae.

end oOI'IIfDUnlty aue etlll iilponent in the ltv•• or tNt -wotlc•n• In ·

tho Mul• Fi.U1e, a MuaUm got• Jeodor a. attacked by a Hindu atarkaf

eccuMd ot not having e mill ticket.. StoM tttrotdng toUOIIil:d, and the

ptilla wae called in• '' . fteQI'ubiJ' t~nted ·hull themal'e biting ~ daml.nent .caate in the Swede$~ Mille .t.n the tvenU••• ea•t:t~ ttwlr

authOrity ovet othu caste•• ·He· felt ttud; thtl :h8&h attitude' of the

mJe\1&• _,·a Ch81tftt towarda -thagl••btf11 _ •s n1at84 ·to· tho tact . ' . . ' . ' .,?

that. the lett.el' de rrom e hlgbar c;a-ate.. <#

Tha workers were 1nuo1vad 1n the et~ack ageirnst t.hs local. .,,...._

~:1 tie& in Hay . t900, AugUst 191' end in thtll cammurtel Cleahes or March

19J1• Hfte • have triad to uru:teratend- hotl thasl actlona wen •xpna­

e1ons of nlJ.g.ioua end ~tr taaUnoa . .a.n· the minds or tl'$ wl'ker•h•

lne~ancee ot patty d.l.tlputes :tetwen lVI:l~!'~ -.ovu OOIDil!Un8l taeuea •r•

fUIIeJ:OUe• Bu., · theeo- did not al•v• ,ac.._ genarai or attect the cJklng

~·• movement. ee a UlhOle. SUch lGGUSs could acquire a 1110ro generttl

t~•• onlr in po~loda ot upawlng• of ~~,m~, to~ inetance• 1n 19)t

o, in t9Jtt511 at the a-. t1M tatlecttng also the 1188knset,~ or th$

91 s,A.l•~>•• 15 •. 4.19J9.

&2 IntGrviCJW with ftagtubl••

S' In fob., 19)9, lebCUt "agitation• 1n Kenpur aea repor-ted to btt •preotlca11y non-W•tent• btlcause of •c-.nel• tenalona 1n tt. oJ.ty. The sltuetton continued to remain tEtn&& to1 .eome 110nths • conflict HCUr~.s. ln June 19J9; an •ttack on e flUb ZJaa pi'O!Ma­e.ton _ •tarted o. rt a rio. t; •• s.A.I._o.,. 2S.2.'t9J9, .. : 1S.4~~9l 22.4.19J9 u.4.t9J9, 19.6•''"' tt.P.o •• r.R., ru. 18/2/19». ,....,. l)• u,.p., M.P.o., r.R., ru.e 19/6/1939, ~. {U); u,.P •. The lnf'luMCa of radical. ~opoganda, the strength thtt working ct...- aowmant had ocqulrad !n the pse-t decad9, the mUltant and ulllted atwgglee of tho ~ocent peat (1971•38), would have had acme t'aethtnlng

. lnfluonce en mdcing clasa invo1vomnnt in the clote.

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Page 66: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


\110Zke~:e' movement end lntenelfying ita tegmenteUOtl• 1'hna OJCPf:aniona

ot community cons(lloueno•• have to llo tmdatotood '" t81t10 of the

cmeract•• ot ttw worklno cle•• and the atiUi.u 1ft fllhlch thly 11vtct and

wofked. A• we ehal.l eea1 ~~Uctt to~ of condiouaneaa patel•tad bOcauee

t1W be-'• or thaii: ••~• cont&ruett to be re~o•tt.

Rollg.t.oua aymtiO!e aytha Md lagend& f01"1Jad a part Dt the ~1d in

whlch the Wftk•l' llw•d• In the" .-ly days or the t1azctur. Setlha•· •n J.t

waa ot.Ul in ttw procu• of' being Ol'ga""-Udt the Sabha meet.lnge had e

rol.lgiou• eua-e e'bOUt than. Prord.nant eong the eat'lY olgMf.ze~a, ltal

en Aiye S~~taJI•t,. Pe.ftdlt KGida~tt an ex-wOl'ket in the E:lg!n Mille. He . . and other woltc•r• would eotlfiltira•s c.l1 1181ltlngs uncle the gut• or a

JJAl!JI or a !Jti!Vrt.'4 Thie •• otten necaquy r.ot NatOnV .of aeourltr. vi

but the choice of the fltull iteeir, the balD• end chentlng or V•daa

•• not tlf1th8ut al.gnltJ.canca. Geatune, the o~h J.n ·the nam1 of

the. Gang~~ to matntaln ~. Ml99"t e certain nverence end identity

with the reltglou• ld!Om. The hiD.D encs· the Vedic d.tuela ~~He pothape

not •• 1ncorig ..... in eucl\ • get ... lng.,


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Page 67: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


. . Though it •• heavily loadod with a lclnd of rellgt.oo• epb01~1$1f

\. - ._.,. ~ 4

•llhlct\ could heve baccraa the baala of e communal itteJudlO~tt we do ,.;i~ tlftd• or any gcmerel ·~· ho$tl1.J.ty \lf.thJ.n the 110rkeH ln

ttte euly 4aY:e or the J<.flf,s. Pli&Ua •••• 1Uco Remaan All, Ptoh8:Dmad

Gefoo•• SUltan Ahllr..d and othon flQtJJ'eCJ in the Sabha ot the euly

t•ntJ.ea.99 Perhapa 1t eu thQa HuelPta .tftl ceUGd c1dHfeet.tnG Sabha

meetlftga ln thG nama. ot a ."'NJ.t!sk Thlc not only provldG\f a non-POUtJcal . \

covu, but It p~eoumably Mld en eppoal ro:r the mua of~ wolk8te-.

The peralatence t!t ~"~Jllglouo blttleta .ln, tho ad.ncte of ·the molko.-a

1a reflected in the recur•1ng motophOn end ·allegot.lea. hom ttH;t Bilf!!rU!FlO•

end ftab!llbt&ltft and vertoua rellgi.CM~e tnyttt. a.nd .lfl9011dliM tn tht csoemo

or a !DtWkw poet liJce $\tctuahan Chllkr, on: whOJe eltlltg• I have "lted

heavily• Chfikl't lltce hie .tethel!'t had a wortciftg c;hes backgtound. He

. worked .t.n . the tlgln PW.1a end later J.n ttte tta"' V1cto~>1a HJ.Uo. L1k•

many. othar t•JlOtJ wotkortt in t<anptn.,. SUdarahan Chekr had (1. r:u1"al pqt •

he uru brought up tty Ma 110th•• in e •llle;• near KetlPUr•. l.n t.hG

thirties, he wor:ked · tuith eocLGUata l.UC• fteJe Rem Shaetti, . end .1atel'•

ln 19401 ha Joined the COII'JIUn11t Peety. It being f.l CommunSst1·,CHak•

did JUJ"t fUlly &hate all the lda• of' td.a oo-aolkezo•• ho 1188 81101'0 ot

' . JS. l•P• 01xlt1 •KenPVI" fldM Sabhe tee Shd-"av leU £k ltf.ttasSk

Adh)'4:V~nf A. Arot .. 8 oct., §hrJ.. f:'vl Pgsp!d .. AfMttJ1 fl.ral$ JRiftll 8WJ.ial»dQO G,.fantfl (KettpUl' 19?6 t P• 12• .

· 16 Our •vla.nce on thie eapect J.a ttamawhltt. J.liiJ.••ct. .we do not....,_ eny &1tlltlat" clt.1nga by fitu~ liOrkere ~ eny elluaione to Islam.

lt ie t~e thot one cannot ~ate 11nguiet1c and llteraty cDOftn­Ui)ft tdth ro11gloua be11ete1 bUt then dooa exlat e cloae :tela-

, Uonahlp bat•an tho tw•

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Page 68: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto



their mantel attitudes and ttnw the ro• and 1dl0111 t.n dllctt he could

· eanvey. hie ldeet• Ona ot hie _,_ aoa• ent1t1ed Cspmnlot Katba le V modeUed entlrttly on the E1fpytg;Jt/i7 T~ cbaptw heacts1 "Mux Kand"t

"Rue Kend•t "Chln Keftd"t"flhue\ Kent:P. • •• tafdnl.acent ot the. eec­

t&ona1 heading& ln the 88AYJI1Af "'Bal.kanc:J", •Ayodhfakand"t ftAtanyekand"u• ja . . . -

ta. caatJ,>lcel tOI'lllt v$ tt. .t2bl and 411'99¥&• 1• egan vat)' slmtlu

to the RaJMAt · To a UJOt:ke:t tiho s.t.nce childnood litltenGd to l'at!te-. • i ) '

tlOna ot the f!fJ!UO tn ht.a v11lat0"t tho 1hythm IVOU!d etttike a fem$.Uar

~-· Sudarshan. Chak,, a Cat'ftn'Unis.t •. had aloo been· eQhooled .tn thio

trad1t1Mt and thle waa e term ehieh pamape came to hill quite naturally .• "·

A11ua1ona to Altllat Revana end Oth:tn' logendary figure$ t:Gcut• .N~ee of

wl'ken ee u•ed ft1Clteptio2:1celly, ~lle1ng cha.l'at:tera trotD the fii!t!ountt..

Q q H.-t(J{lH.- ilcl {lt ........ 0.......

~ ~et(l ~<~

( s~t R6'!l on thea hattltt tleld against ftavana, the ornamy diapm:ud

and ron eey). 59


Jn othe PD•• too, e1m1~ ltlagaa are Usadt Tho defeat of' the c:epltd.iat v

1.• p~ojact.ct ee thf,J bUmlng Of Lanket ·

S7 Thie •• pubUehad in 196t but •• on tt had beQUtt -.U••• It aele w1th ·the •nUn h.S.etm:y ot the Caildun1at rnovemltl\ and ·the .poet.'• mcaol'loe ot Ka~ lthlch c~atG. back to th\f t.nttoa., What i.e. f!Jlgnit'teent ·J.e that et.ich a langt.Jage ·te being uatct at e time -.en the COiml.tniete _,.. a q:,9warf'o1r. ·. totce t.n the· soJ:kera• ttOV.-

. · man\ 1n Ko11)~• It te intRettlnQ to not• that enot.h•l' Comr.wti.•\ poet telklng ot the atgnl.f4.oimce ot GJ8t!'IID&o!; Kotl)a to ·tl'Kt· clesa ~m»t•• •t can sey 81 \h Ml comtlc:tl.on that in futui"e aeuJ1st JS4tts• will be ee ~- to the heete or th. ti0$01'$ .. thlt Rl!!lftaY&na J.e toctay.n Cited in ·s.P. Tl'lpethlt Vllf)yt@Hi Sbri §M.di!I!)!Q Q!Mf11• P• 42.

H Coupleta and tout Unod ~

59 s. Chakr, CS1!!!1'!.!!11o' !Satb&b P• 2,2., Shr1 Ram •s a IIDI'ker, a K,K,s •. actlvlst and a membel' of tho Communist party.

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Page 69: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


. 0 "\. ""' n (l ~ ""'- ':\.. ~(_--\. ~t_~ l(\~~l ct\l rtl~\ ,"'\3~c:t>~ '>\l <\tchd ~~C\~t l v

~ (} . ~. fl <1 "'\ '"' "\ •:\ o\ct\ :;.tt~l t1PL~lt <?labl )\ , <:lH8l 'hl -z..\l(J (4oh~l \\.

(we wJ.ll ust hl• Gt~ength •ho . ..._. killed thetie ~~• ••• After •

qt ''" to Lri~t • w.Ul .avenge thet8 lathl blo•)• 60

A pOliO on a gonoJPa1 atrlka opane with en lnvocaUon to the goddeairl

S•aewat£.61 ~ft "ftaac*JJOR J<i au Hogl.f e Chakr t'ef8l11 to ·the \UOdcOra

u the tll!.tu•• or Vte ilfabJlbl£011 anct ·..a· an eneloQV htUJeen tM

wodcU''a atwggle ~ ·the· ba•tla ln the H.!bot!bMAMi 62 . tn another POIIi · . .

be npeatedly urgo' the UJOrk•• to e\IUggle ·· !QI'. eot:ieliam, ln OJiM to the uJ.Umate dealre of IJtQMD (God). 6'

ln tstt envls:onraen\ ...,.. tellgtous t•edJ.Uons etUl had a. etrong .

lnr.Wence. the ot g.ogana Uke "Ba.Jrang Bell K1 lsi" end

**AJ,lahtwo'-Akbat" amongst· the lfOdcera 1n "'e tUJSnUea1 64

does not .ane

,.rv eMah~t•ttc. In ·tho m1UGU which extetfJfS, tho reUgtou.e reellngs.

or the IIJOl'kt:J#B aomettmas found expreasl,on even dU~tng mamsnta of

atNggl•• OUting the CaillftPOra Cotton M1Ue of API"il t924t wtwm

the POlice •• '"ln9 to d.l.-" the Wfka1:1 hofl .mt.U purdeeat the

e1l1tanta l'Hl•ted, end mae cnactll appeal• to the ceUgioue nnUant• of

60 s. Crtalu;• *SOnJa LekQ Mata~, Spt;hhl Kav&tgtQ (~anpu" 1956), P• 1J. Thla po8ID •• written in the contolCt or a l&ttd. Ch&QG on tha Muir MUle UJOI,'kere, ln m•t. It 1.a algnirLeant that s~h J.daae and lltagery •ra used by tomaun'•'• inK~, wan t.n '1951.

61 s. ch•'• •a.ut> K1 A• Hand"• ad •ex#•gn. P~ 79~ 62 lbJ.d•t , •••

6) s. Chekl'• 0 Bbooke ha1 8hapan•, &p1du PP• 8-10•

64 lnt.rvierua• •• ·Amre end s.c_ tcepoot.

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Page 70: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


tht U~Cifctn to *• thtlm t.ogathar and kt"ep up thtllt mot&o. The etkcn.•a

.,. ~ld that. thly llOUld. conudftf.ld t~:dtofa to tn•l~ l"ollglon ,,

tmay loft the $111 ccampoq:ndt Hiflttlt I.VOUld be comtideted to htWe eaten

beef~ tnt fitueUcn potk, .l.f they 08'• up ~ atNggl••" l'hla

e U... atum ttJe t.nlluenc• or the· Plaacb1 Sabha ln tho aot..L-\Jltl" at ttte

wo•kue1 -. leea -. •. d tftM in lattt ~tU.ea :; 1Jl'ttn ndlcal. al~

"" POPulatt.led by the·•te• sJ,ogane euctt • -a&Jrano 8alJ. Ki

Jattt and " nte t•Uw to the ol.ty ~ ae a liholo, . • i.a ftvldent fJ:Qm U. ~ttt1 ot v&rl'loue tdtne.-a b$10ra the ~·

~lots lnqutty CCllllld.eelon66(19Jtl. fbeae. tiiUtt not ne'*"a11v invoked to

••'"*• ~· tetdJ.n;., ..,, auch elogana could not be expta.-v•

or a •clast~• t:011t:NJW.w • ttwr GJCJ~a t»CClualva to each cart1111nltr. SI.Ogeftl ..;

11k• •J,.U.eb li.Adabed" (."'-9 live ftiMtluUon*) nmainH untemlliu to

' •nr, ea .late att tbiJ Vd.tU••• When· ·tftl.a ttlOgan.,. J'elead by SDmtt

COIJflttlnlst )eedue clt&o;tng • PJ:OODfllan of the CooP$• ~ltn atdlle'f• tn

't9M., ttw ..,..,.., .mout. aoo r•4• _., -· "L-*lat v.-J.nctaven•.67

ftoaningloaa u th., phJ!aaa 11, th• fafenncte • 01entclot• (longolot,h)

and \lt:'lndaaven (blf~a Of Kd.ahna) •• dgnlf.lCMtl the g&Ail'al

amotS.onal ••al 8\d ..-.vthm ct the Glogatt *ltaqullab z~ 1a cep""'e4•

lt J.e ~e•d ln an ldloli femlll• ~ t.bO ~-~

Repo»t ot the O.M. • 3utllc.l#.t tnqu1•Y into the Cotton Mill$ Riot• ( '924).; H.,P.o., FU• 1SJ/t924. s .. also tu.

Sea Rf.ote Jnqu.l~ (19J,}, rf.t. 10/1"'*•"'•''"'•


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the P•raistance or aliglOUI •ymbola and lfllaGh ln thit Mndl of v

""*•e• -. tektad in .-. _,. to tf'ft· JOCiel ·IIUl• :Of th• IIOtkfta

in the ctt.y... Thle loa not to ~ that, the "tef'IUan ot thG~We fftlll

-.the oaua• of "COCDIUfteJ.• riCJUng-. Who • _.. conce.,..d utith to no~

ttw J)henomenon ot "c.oamal1_..,, :but the aJd.stance ~ .~at.nce of

a eoa'llntlty 1drmUty 1n thl fiiSndl of •• ···UtOikuc. •ttlO . .tmpo~tMc• ot

tel4glQUe. balltfe : e.nd . J.deee in .thG1tt aooial 11fe. ttdntaaed ~· comunlt¥

dlatt.ncttone betaen t•• Tttia dld not., u 4a qut~ 'eJOtJt ,,. OUI'

prG.Cfldl"U em.-~., oo.. ln tha _, of unthd ac\lflfW ot the c18h ln . -

aoUwlty ••n the ®ument .... fllack• The PNce•• of ~~ taaet4.on

MOng tho 110~on1 tttldlid to incf.;J'pftat• end. S.~gtat• the• CCIJilrUid.ty

fOJ.!IIISt ~ did •ft(lt ft8CI!tdCI1' n$g8tG them• ·

Ttto 110$\ obvioua Claftlr .. ~ ot tr.· ~Qietenc;o or HJ.ndu1 aJid

Muelitas • dt•Unct eccleS. enc:t cultu"* .afttlt!ea, .. tho gnpaphioal

dl.WlbuV.on ot ·thtJ ,., ~Ues e4thln K•,..• · 1'M ~­

tn.-lek~ ot population fJ.guJ>Ot of ltl~ and t\n:tllma, eho1f a· dafWt•

corw:mtratJ.on ot each .~ty lrt o.tein eaoa • • tr;aturtt · dltoh

eontttuoa to .... oxter;t even today.· $om• .ot tall' mo!k•1:• and 't..:ade

.W'\I.on 1•actat• I .tntmntltluJed, ...., to balle\!a tttat.. euch ·O ••••Uon cemo into ttmg oftly aftel' the rJ.ot• ,tJt t9J1• ThCU;tt the: l'$ .....,_

tuated the goo~apt\S.oel bert'leN betldGn COllm'Unf.Ue-s,. auJ. evidence tonde

to. ~how that tho pettetn of coi'ICent.rotton or d1tffttnt .~Un in

p~tt.oulat erMa had come to extet ec11ev. "f'tte tJ.p&e ln the· t9Jf

Cenauo. Vlhs.ctl Ghaw thto quitc:a dod'1Vt •• c»11octed betotr.t ~e ri.,ot••

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Page 72: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


aftd not .rte. 66 At• like Sutch• lhane1 AnntQIJftJ and Patkapm:a had

e pftt:IQidnantly llltllim pQPr.ll-.tlon • f111Ua1t• eanotS:tutlttg ·as pa,-~

16 tw~• cent ·aftd 8t pe~ cent or t1w total populatlcn .&n thete ., ...

Mtmua wen mo:ra maact ·out •nd acatteNd tn almoat eU pat• ot the

oltr•· aut cU"Mln _. .. lffte· vs.-tuaUr "Htntt.J •••• with,_ ~.69

<•• m.ip).

stnca ttmre \IRe __,. ,._ mlil ••ttl•ant• l!lftttt •okora of

dlttpant O(lfla.Jf11Uoa empl~d ln a pet;t.culOl' mlll() could l:lva t.ogethoJ.,

they Uvod in·.;, • .,.ea DaM•....., IBJMI• INN ragl~ emt. conmlmlty

otouplftga prev •. lt~tt•10 C..e" -.ct othU i1our cast•• t.rtteea r..av . lived U.· the _. Ja1.a •• 8:r~ u Thalcu#s• tven 1n the tlftiaa,

Ni~tt'• ._.., e:hot.lia t.h&t. da.,S.te the· dlftlcttlUea 1n finding ttouetng . '

accomo.-tlan-; \hit'S 1e • dltfinlt.. ttntJenc:r f~ the dlffetant onto

gtat.ipa to lenp toovthot ae IIMICh as poatlbla end tcGIIP out, OJ: ~att

tho 1.u dalJ'Ilbla oaat••·•'1 ln tho occaa1onel bdlt ~~tter• UDI'ker•

.,.._ •loti ca.tea* h~d to be 11vtng cttt ~thft •ntgh'ceet•·' wotkera

epactal athnQ..ettt,o r~ -oNtJatl:'"' '*"" mada. SUch bUll usually had

•am• fttamtl wlth .fttrancea on the autd•, J.ttetad.ot tbe ·.uiLfal' oPening

1nto the walled.:..f41 cou:rtyddf end it ._ ·J.n ttt._ ~ thai •1o• oate:•

WOt"ktft'a llvf!d,12

•e 'eomu y.e.. 't9J1, Put u, PP• 1'12•1BJ.

69 lbid.

70 In Madree too, E.o; t\tfphy no\ee that ·the "untauc:habl•" Adl• Oravtdaa Uvfold lft *''I• SlJ9t:ll!9atd f:r011; othQ "casta; HlndUa•l l'tualilllla had t.hdr Oltlt sh!EA• or oleo ,tttey 11~ ln e • ..,_ • ._ poaUon lli~n the Adi..Oravida ot~Rl. E.o. Aurphy, APtSltt P• m-

71 Nlehott t M•Atu P• 49.

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. .


In -.. -ltlU ettU1..,\It •• .,. or dlff.- eeeea onct Oaamunl­

tl•• Uvad toP~I f.n the .- _.tllaftt, bit ..._. ffta tha .­

~tv ...stf. naturelly ppte to UYtt n• _. ou.. Thla, ·,,...

tllt!ftUI ........ ·had to e. W«• 1nto t100ourttt .._ Utt• to Uw 8i2tt'inO

tfttllf own cu~e&1011i1 8J'IS W• 1.• • pot.M. to ~ .ntontton '•· •·

-.,, - .._ houiQ M1J .Uothd •. •" In thtt AU•ganJ .. tt~ J

tt. l~4lente wen JIOHIJ ~, «ftd fd.ghel' Clhtt• elm• wua n~tooo~'•

nw l!b'd'•· llOl4d ~, "''"* -. ~cal Umt.w ot •

••••• 10~.t end cultunl. ecuvtu-. fte. l&Vtld end . .._. ·hlw ,.

••w Mel oaltbHtfld tde ,...,_~ ....,.. .,.p~. t1t10 .,,._ often

had titllla» wltu&-al mcu.uant. tn. ~·Uon or , .. v.\feb u. R.IAhaat i&ltl&, encs aa&&. ttv H&nct.Ja •nd Jd by thl ._ ... .,. ••nnothrntd lbe ~ bOnds c'h.l.ft ttt• ~"•• Bllblr.l.·t• '"'ttttce, involved

valoua cu1tuH1 ectil.vJttn. n. ...... 1ft·~ .U• Ol'9illlald'

..,.t• _,.. BellM lllltllllt" S&ella.tlYt 1tl J.nvotlld e ~tv eplrtlt•

tM ..menoa ot gweett..- llhd oenu.a taUvltJ .-.. •• ~

arodcfth £vtn the PdOtest .,._. -..let nv• IIOftl1 to Qlt ,... clathell

,_ thf .ntlre f4!111P' •·• Oft _. ocot.aon ......, tbl c~ cot\on . . · M111• .- em •'"k• (Octobft' 1911) end V.. .,..,.. lo.t thde __.

,, ·tbe ped.cid; · Abr.ttl - pafUcuJ.aly eaor....., bRauM hl•

f.Uy '*' to ao wJ.thdutl .fth olothd '• "* r•at••· '' tht .,..,.

f • I I " >

?4 '"• ~- ot the s.t.c. "~• K,t...s.c. PI"Q9th• u.p. l!"f• Oept., ·f'U• 118/t9J11 8und1tt 160 (U•P•S•A•)• .

" Suda~ ~ •. M.iakt P• 22·

76 tw • .- lt.L1.1•C• P~S•t Uw~• J.nd•, t Ylle 118/t9ftt Bun.d1a: 110 (u.P.s•A•>• ·

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•r• about t.ati,;al hollday• end they p:rotested ~ tboae

•n dttni.St on §bei•!Ptl• £n october 19J7t tho £1gtn IW.J.\1 ••kate

ntu•N to •nk bec.Uee they had cuatoatQlly reMived • t,rJUday ott thle

_,.11 sl.U.ely, eU m111a nma!Md or. f!Yitt&Dt e daY

!~han tMuaand. bathtld in ·~ Qeng-. When the ttat~eah.-t. OGvl 3uh M411

eonU...,ed to UiOflc on that .S.y UBth NDveraber ttJ?lt ·e ·runt»er or wtkel'e + ~ o ', • •> ~ '} ~ • o I • '

dld ·not- attend ··nd ·the -~ageunt ....... nu,v cte.oluect • .lock<II!IOUt. I '.. •. • ''.

ThO K.M.s. •• o1.t.t.ael of th1a acttom •tt a m.Ul wotka an .ucm an ' -- ' ' - - - ' .• • • ....._ • • - - ~ ~ t • . -: ~ ~

t.portant tnu~.i • b;~&. Purtttoa• '1t et"gUU4t ~ttwy /.im manegemeril

&Jtat l'eckon t( ,a more· than uetJ;al ·parr:enteg~ ot ~enteelenn. end .thie

''cannot ... ~eM·· ,~,.14 ot doel.-1~ a J.ock.-t.n18 .. ! •

ThO·~ culture ••• tnu.1 teintor:oing th8 P1'1Uibrd1Bl link•

ot the tmttue. fhOe•• d1o .( ·80118 or the c~et cadhs) ·tried. J to bleak O.Ut· ot· ...._. ccamram1ty bOnda·· fMin iaola\ed r~ th.U ~

n£'v" • •n lPletlfln IH'tich 1181 tulva -n• conal..,.ablt J.nso~tty fOJ' \

' oth!t f! ~. the _..,. J.n PWtlcUla•• ~ uraa IIIUOh more

dependant Oft ~tv· nla~, end .ftad e IIJtJh CDDN. deep I'OOted

talth 1n Hl.t.glov•·"•j ldae and tsUJM#et1~ortG, ·~they saUl

lJ.tU.o of ·Ule •ld· outdt;l• ttteb home· ....... ·

f7 Copy .ot letter dated t6.1t-19J7, Gen. S.Cy .. ,. K.,..s4 tO secy~ labottr Jn"-'ltY Cot~Dtu lbld. · · .

~<.tt,s., f1emot HQbd!.no n.o. :Jute Kille ~'• dated 19.11.19)11 lb14. .

79 l nte~v1a1 A• AI'OJ:e• ·

80 Same ot thQGG p~Dblt~~~s care ral••d by HaftacleO, • woden l.n the Sl&l0d8-ahl MUlat ltltttJ:ovlew. 1'1ahadea.

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-Wlthln tlw teotolf, tfw. ,.._Ucm of ....-" U• ._.,_,

.t\edf In tM ..W *ld OOIIILI'dtJ ~ :t;lth~n tdU .. tlllftta.V

In u. ida td.~ and .-1, ~ _...._, ~ nlolk

... -~ lft.,. lftUfto.., -lriQ ......... .Ahln ...

~- ln r:atdl.not end .. .,...... &n .... ~ PMJWdt.on I

....:U.O. ~ dlut.tSDM ._,.to ._ ...,_ ot a.&ftt.-..ln h

1dft ,... •• .a.-. ttae ~ ar tt1e ...... ..,. fJut • s.- a •••

.. ,..., .............. teldld """"*' ..... of 1\t.U. 1ft -

.... ,,.. ~ .... Ph'POildu ... of ""'*•• -ddt ........ ,

TM• tiiUltt r.w. M .._, Oft b ftldlofta. "-"-' .... ,., • tiM in

• ,_.., .. _. .,._.tllwftt .... ._ oao.iy Att· touGh· tdth otttRe 1ft U.b

·a.ft. ......... fba ~Oft of ..... euld ....... dJ.ft*-

:cultt In dt.uatlGM ..... b ........ nlaUd aote to

one _,.,.."'- n. PI'Obl .. of OM ~ ooulct .,. .u.t bJ .­

.. PIObl- HleUno to • put.ti'Nht ~·, .nd .. .,.. .. in

--··" C•Wtt can .. .-.· .. ._.,.... llftd ~U..• eontitUOd to

.,_, .. .........,._ .&n tM dlaY to day--~-~.,..._.,

.S.thln th8 '~• lf&g11U cow fiiOIUII; • .,. .,., Ptft.l.eulaw that

It sa. ....,. Chep'- '•'• deWJ.• of the cUet.StiUUGft of C10l'tcllt .-dlflt t.o ........ ~-·

ot tr. u·.P• c • ., •• ,. i" ''• wldlne• b4tftlft "'-· Ao-,.1. cc.tMlcn t.n. ~ ftOt8d ln thlt ~· ..,... f-' the\ in o ~­l.ftltleU, .. , ... ·--- .. .uu "Aft .. ......,. of -" ot ell,,_ Hftt. autta '* .,. ~ ..._.1no on the·~ bttttltt thlt ctifh.HM Q1'0UJHJ· ~ 1ft incl.taUJ• Ptlnly l~fil cp.UOftt tflftd tD "*- ._. tM ftntt of ~ bttRift ~ 8ftd ~-u.a..• 8aG.J.a• Vr4• Ult Pad It WMt p. 202•

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Page 76: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


thad• :lunch pac1ce\e •• ,.,... •'l by the touch ot •"Y ChtJIItu o•

Mva.Um tiiOdcel'• It thla ml•fo"""' 616 '-'dl theltt. then theY wuld

~dllt tt. ~-"right" to tte patd 'n caah to~ thelr toodt ln ex­

chqe t• tM "defll-" tDM•·'J tot" moat 8ratwl.fta1 lUI'ICh ln ttte

factory c:ona1-- of *Y .-ana beceud tt.y would nat eat any COOked

·food Ghll• tt.}f \Rib in contact 14th OW!O ~eed' outM• 84 ThO .

dlfting •'*~ ln the &lgJ.n MlU .,. uaod by vel'Y r.. GOikon. -A lal'gll·

t~ectlon, .IJhO Ml'e So.tll.'tin•• •tayed «~~ay. ltt:85 ftanQtU Pr~d of ; ... '

' ' : • • • ,, li'

the cewnpo~a Cotlcm ~111 felt.,· a. "com~ d1ftlng . ehd eu. cr no u:• et ~ . . .

. . ._..,f' . tte Pt•hl•ecs e K,_r tol' the JOb• ttangeU .,....._,, incidan-' '

t•UY:t 'IUU em~ fit the .$1 COJalttee end fiPOI'\IJd. a~- ebltt \'llhen

h• appeano betOH · t.he -.about Enquu; c-.ttu ( 'l9JS).86 Shiv~, . .

anothev td tnoset bet•• tne tomml\t•• had no genGnl ·obJuUon to a

. common shed• provided ·he. did no• =- into pt\,.teel eonteo'

eny ottst· Ufftk••8' S\lt ~oo, ot the Elgtn· M111t 1V91Qtad that

$1!1Pei'ate dining ohadtt anauld be prtWided fOf Hl, Jn the c~ • .,,,.,,. ______ _, ••. --- v

8J lnt•nl• tJlth Cdtl• &,_1.••• Note ttuat the pracuc1a \IQ eeml'ften enough to havO b&el1 manUonecl bv el'JGillW'Ilota like· SbJ'1$, many


qf .._ ~d to play .,_, the •detsnCfl ot ouch bollote:, ln tboltt . endelwou~ to ehOUI tho gto\Jth or .. cleat" conaciauanea•·• Si~lu obaonaUoM Wllft •ade by Pt<e Renyen, a clek in the S_.ah1 , MUle.

84 tv., ·Sbt$ Sl'tm1kar ancs Sheo Audhar (IIOikara) vie&i" te9D,, o. Nottt 2D arid ••

85 E•u WUklneon .ems taten111 k.L.t.c. P~-oga., u.,p. tnd., oept.1 f'llo 1t4J/19J?, Bundle 110 (u.P.s.A.). ·

86 '"·• ~11. ~)tailed,' 1bid.

8"1 '"•• Shlvadbert ltlld•

89 Ev., Lelloo, lbtd.-

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· ·CO\~ Mlll, the c:lin1ftQ· •hod proved to be ••• t&Jnottonai, ._,..._. ot

e JmJv1elon tor~-- pJ.oo.• tor-Hlftdllt_end f!Uf4&me. 1'110 e81'8tete

. ahOpa tot rood attlclu.- had ~- been ~nov1-cted • ant ·l'f.m I?J' a Hincta . . ~ .

. 89 . and the otbeal'. by a rtu~•• .

Tl.oa .,, ~~~t~· ecnUm.i.ty of. badi.Uona, .... 1n 81:IOie tV&Y• e V ~eo- ot et ... th and· ~ty to tt.-*•• ~Mit· to, ttl$ city .OI'ld•

. \

ln. K~t •H a IIJ.O,fotlty o' WD$ft11 ..-. .. ftawn· ~~ nelghboinlng

.. d1ettteta1 t.nei• t.~adf.UoM and CUPollttt often hatl a bnec.t $1.m11attty. • . 0 ' •

Tbe "''Wm· at r-.#U1b,Dant-llh1ch ae 'pHvalent .• the -m&llli. ey$tem,

pl'ovldld a bQJ.e ros; c.ate -.nd camtJ~Unlty t~~CJ.a1. th•

. , ct\~• 90 . Tho ddr&o b~ugh~ mon of ~ • ., 'own ~ty 4lf1d region tc • J • ' ••

Ot'lt'k 1n .the t~Uls. .·fl:eny ot .t'hG tnftlg'rat'lt ~ON CMJe to . tho clt.y

mlthwt tttoit f_,llle$j A g~p of men h-om ~8 .... vlltege' woUld '

ehar• th.e &emil COQ(IJ, fitOitUme-t · 8t:tangfkS t~ by their ld.n mJat£1.1 Thiet

ea ono.· wcs;k" .~cilleoted; dt• •·uma.ta of -the eocla111te of fiCII'DO

ttt th• uotkera- ths1;t ,boa Ume-aa pa8Md 1n the coq,any of "'•'• . . .

011n td.nsmon. The .lii!!'£Mt (ttoa ~-) ~uld haft the!.C: ~ QftlUJ:tt

.. llvit'td enc.t .-atlng tog~. 91 IIAAdri, tJOUld eoutJ.mee ~la• ~l.ona . . . . .

from hls df!pa•bnmt WOJ.tld gethltt• · Th$ UA)J.'f<ere avld convtbute funa ' ' ' I

90 on tba syaUin of JGCJUltment, •• Chapter 1.

· 91. lntuvtu• Pum Narayan• · The. u.p •. Government. tn ltt- evldenctl betors th• Royel COimll18$1on stated• •Tn. -.killen ~ haa. ltJtt his fJ!Qlly behind .of'"' Club togethet with othe WGI'kft& teno. rally Pl'•f•ntng ~elattonat cute "'*'• fl"if.Jnds 01' mcm ttom Me own v111agtt 'U toflln~" fi•G4u ku Vol, lilt Put 1, t9,11 •It• 144•

' .

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to~ auch a ~1on1 tMugh moet ot thUm .-• .U ••• that • .­

or tho t:alh .Uld tl.ll the· dada"' poekate anet e N'IY tm~B11 PGl"Uon

eotu.Uy ••acMd thl Pmllia92 Suth a. ~'Y eaaOclaUon mat

~,..,, to .,., wodeua, aP,ec:lallr v.a fhah J.llmlg"nt• Ho tdt

· lotmlJ .encf l~d 1n the abRno. -of '*"-"' .flth 1lhom he could talk

the 1elgiege end ehan h1• tholtghb ebout hie vlllag•• hla Ct.tGtaJt~

t>hd ttedltlou• .em, ot 'the wotkOH 1nto:tv1e.a,. had lett "'*"Job J.n

anothe otty ®t ·o, tJbur loneltnoss• the unr•J.Uentv of the poop1e

9' ·end the OUHOunctlflO•• · · · · ·

roJ e NJod.ty or UIC)d<el'•• t.he1, pt4mordtel Untca 11$H fS!ntoteed

thtot~Qb thalr cont1tV8CS Ue•·Uiitn ·tmt v.tllage,.: pu1odlc •l•lta J .tattivel81 ._,,...lng or ftal'\leaUng tifDB· o~ oth-.1ae.94 A large

. '

ouriftg a •trJ.k• .t.n thl -tlgl·n MJ.llat 1A · 1928, ebeut e: ttuMieanct

U!Orkue •r• nport.ed to" haVe ddfted bade to thai..- vlllagM•" S!Ad.• ' '

1azoly, c:Jt.fl'ing f.ha. gGne;ool etl'Uta of NouGft'Jb• t919 ot thn·ot 1927 and

19J8t a aubat.anU.n secUcn or ttaa strlkeh V$nt back to the~.• 1flUeoee.

The poetibJ.lltV f)f ~h en a1t~v• Gada· lt oesl• to eu..tatn etrlkoat




tv •• Wvat:lhe (tuO~I!ftt) end wu~naon end C--411., K.t..x.c. Pl'094•t u.P. 1m. oapt., ru .• ~14!5/19''• Sundlo 1tO (u.P.s.A.).

Cd8. wol'kGtJ 1n Milt• in Am•i~u. Delhi -.t tt. ,cemo back to ttta .urraun61nga 1n Kcnpu~ bec.,ae of thlJ ablencet of .~· pahcbata Ofl• l~&· ( r.Uie~ P~~Gple) in than clt.tee. tntn­·~••• Sh~t••• Jewu tlu$af.n let\ hie Job 1n ....,. ( Whet• wagea Rl'G hi ghat") and Jot.~ \he Cawnporfl Cot-ton Hills bee_.. Kanpu~ ~ noeref' Me f1ome• Ev. 1 K,.t. .. r.c. PrttOtJ•• tl~.P;,• .ltv!• 0.,'-:t file 114''''''• Sundl~a tto (tJ.P-.s.ll.). · .

Saa Chaptct• 1,. ,·

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J.n • •1tuat1on tllhat• union .-. loll_ .antf prov1alona fo't n11et

••ag~e. At. thG aama tlfn•• tt. """l'il mcpuienee ot thlt attl.ka • the

genal'al e11Clt,.a.nt; the dfJiiOftettaUon-. the maetf.nga1 ttut.· cloaer bond

of \ifd.ty between all ..-1cot• the pelod of etNggl.~ ·• aU thla

wo ~ ""'aln outaldll the ejCphliACt tJf thoae $to etayed auy

tha period. The dtlf\ baok _..talftad the "pr••dlal• Uellt cuatoru,

ttadi\:lOAa end tteglanal 1SM8Q81•

· "Th.;l~ (oatual. pOol.) ·aiaa · 8nd neieda had al.wya bean ahol"t tart~. Thai.• pa1t ,..,., to .hen __, tM _... • thli lnt.-nelo abuggle to get enough to Ntt ,,. pn. Oaa'loua h01fl ·UPOn a iJ18»Q1nal employment., the dnadfld ant$.• o~.p,.uon of hwd mnt.•l'a• t1cknoae end old atJ8t . thO· ttnal and inevitable aaeuq~Uon ln'o tfta. WOI'khott••· · Thle was not a hletc:n~y .t.n any CUl'llUlaUve OJ' purpoaS.v• ellJt'tM. It -. an tmdlGI!la and manotonaua ClYf.'1• of hudatllp llunct;u•ted Oftly by the ob1truy and occaalonal collectf.•ca· out'btftt1-t umen te.te ·hed .. ..,d to PM~Dl•• to aetue aeCQW\\e wlth the rlch and r••P•otable• if only fD• a ~v.•

"The evot pr~NJalft9 dflmartda rit th• etamacta, the Chfotli.c urteeriainiy or employra.-.t, the ~los.ty nature ot the ~ J.a'boUl' llafkat1 the pitiful •ttuogl• of ~ wodce-.: · egelnst cJ'k•• et ,._ dDclc gate, the -.w.­VQY ..,., or cttr•UtuUon. encJ -.a11y erbitray eascada ()f ch&Jtlt)f ~ovldad no focua to• _, la•Ung ~h of collectln lOYalty upon llhieh. e .tt.eble cle•• c:onscf,ouanea could h ~ (St•dlaan 3on••)~9'

That thoR 11U a etmU: ot eotm~~m1 ty efllOI10 _,$8ft belonging to a

pertlcvltlf' H11gl.oua f'a.lth ..-... av&dlht~ BGt, • rt~Md to dla;;uaa tN

context in fllhleh the• oaarnunlty idenUUea opWUzoct • tht!. c:N~teew .

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Page 80: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


Job •Hk•f• end tho ctty poo~. T,_ po11Uc~ ot the city ·.peaR· • the

patt1 t:tedet••· vtnctore. vapantt; begp.- enes "''' •cttll1ftale•n .,..

oloa•IY J.ntutliOVIIn the Ut1 ot ti$1J01kebt ln • f.lit.r w1\h e

fJ.w or lla.ighttte t•am tn. neigh~dng villagtot and a co.....,.ntly

lege populeUon of un.mp1oyed1 n~e end the .!Ike, tht eotlviUea ~ ~

.. of thla eaeUon ••• ftO dOIJb\ aignf.fleant. n... dsepau, tbe va1n hopq - .

. . po.\nt or v. ou,round1n9 v11S.a) •. one wr:mcc* chateotoriud lt,

· · expreued thalt•dwa in a f'or:t~t · \lhi.c:h gavo the city a H):'JUteUan tor

',,. •tut'bUlettOe•*

K~ ·h$1 tt• huvla$t concentration et 1~ e:ale lnduat.y

ud.·tflln ..,. p~vtf~tUJt laJ;O¥:U1~ pouante, ~Qtld etlaeno and .. other Job e80ke~• fl(leked to tho city in tho f'M)pe ot ·amp~. The

ift.tlux to the city., .,. •oclally mftkfid *trlng the depression'""' . . ;

""-" theft wae an tnc....- J.n •l.g•at.J.on to. Kanput trca dlab'S.cta like · : ' ,. l. 1, .

r ateh$JUtt Unna(), :Jela.~ aM Ree 8arsUlJ• 97 fha tctal runbesr ot ..., ..

grante betftl)n tft1•J1 _, 401tss.,98 l t 1a to be ~ted· that a 1alge

propoftlon ~··· have CCWMt to the cit~ after 1929 wten tt. O'OPwestd.on .

hit egricultur• 1101.-e sevaedy. The JU'l)bft emp1oy.S 1n tnduatr1es tXt . ' '

tN ·ot,_ hand ·1no~·- .bY 71J09 .bet.en t92t•J1.99 Tha depreeelon ... '

signa oft l'eeovel'y ·only etta 19~. · Though nt~ent - nat ••

earJ.out e. pwob-1• in Kenpur1 ae it Bombey, yet thle •• note ·

9? see CMpta~t tv.

98 GllW8111t .L!.t.t '19J1, Pe~t J, P. 142.

99 Sea Table t.s thapte~ s.

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PGt1od -.n ~ lO'fet ltllmiQ&'ani popuJ.etlon could hDP8 to find ·Jon•

lndti&\JJ.ea-lfb qa1 eo\ton and· o11 llfft'e $VbJeQt alto

to •-OM! rtucweUMt:J and \MY -.loved~ pmet11y 08$\Jal lebaul'•

In tm ootton lnclu1tw tfxil'f-. en 1ntdehlln9& ot tJt>tk•"· boteen

oi.U.t thOugh the dwt~Uon of tmPl~ of uode•re eithln ·the l.ftGiatf:Y ·.. "

et a tlhal_(t •• wwaUy 41ltt long. tuen .tt\f.e iftdunt:ry tnth a Rlativa11

_,,. .p.otilanent lebout tom1· flaf.ntUntd e •eUnuo ot·J!Idl&· wrmkSH e

aubotl.t\lte · wofkrqn, .. lti'D •n· employed oasually dwtn the ...... ~oo.180

· ·. Tho -... of. 8 .fi.Oettn; pt:spUlaU.on" Jn Kanpu:~, · vee· cont.&mott8ly

· nplatehed thHV~b .m 1ntaalneb1e cycling end ~ycUng. or "'o• tn

job, out ot Job, tho !mrnigt-anta, the 08$Jel labotnet:$• O~tetolv ln

naed. of a Job ..,. tho .. W$1t for flt!fiY I1Be e long and ~ one. lhel•

conditions t~~re 1'll1aterable. Thay !knodbm· at rectory gatoet• in vatn.

end toatettd the et"etth Havlng ftC f".t.xod obods, handtad$ $Uch U18H to

be eeen UG8p1ng out evGry n1gtlt, on the ·cenal ~*·or llnY othQ ttpace

they coukl,101 The d•th rate amcmg the homn1"• t.mmlgrenta .aa

aceed1ng1y htgh.1~2 Ths tortunett. fO\t tounlf Job$' ot'h~:ta had to #8$t ·

to ot;t#IJ.t ~•ooinOt or Just por1eh• Many may hava boo!J eb8orbed J.n pt~tty

cepact titus J.n the netaotk of · caoatno. smugglln.; tl'edl in Kartpu~"• 1be

t~•ett l.lldp~t CiOUld ~e rtnd ht~t ,lung, rrca the _,r:ld ar the

pe•ent to. the 1\tndah'Orld* ct the smuggle~, thti gatnbUng dena and

the utc.,

100 ~- Chept.t 1.

101 Note by s.P., Kanpur• J.4.19J01 CGGlmieelon 'ot en...- by Goondea in KtmPU~• u~. Homo Polio•• ru. 412/19''• eox 206 (u.P.s.A .. ).. . ' '

102 ''OM• YrP•• 1931• Pi¢t 11 P• 142. StaUat1ca ,.,r tbJ. ••ttt­. rate emong · ~grants ere honwr re)t, provcidild.

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F~ the tru&t~atad untGJPloved, Uta v~enta, th~ d4at1Wtet there

waa UtUa dlttatehca batnen the· "legal" .aftd '*.ll:lagel"•· P•ttv ct1MDt . ~ \ ' . . . . . . . ~ , .

end tho~\s to eaUtf? tiUftQel'. wte not.,~· to them. Their hat:red

and -.curneea egalnat the I' and the p~apeRUa could only be expHs--. • ' . ' . • ' ' • ' • ' ·• r

do fol' • tew annea, 4htllft CUI'd••• Soma cauld tta hl~ by . ' ' I ~ • '

.pl*Of\1aalone1 otondaa to commlt. the mat fftJt1rJ~S:11 or ;•cr~a.• The

otmt1oee of . ..- \!~Qre l'(lguiaS".iy' aaPloyed by l!'i.val ctmll"-ttia dUring . . . . . . . . ... '.

MunieJ.pat •t~U~a and ecm•. ~re often engaged ~ bl-" loge. dul'lng

etl'ikae!OJPntnel.onal could axlet. and dov•lop •1th1n euch C~ t -- ~ . • ' ~


. The d1v£cUng J.lne batwoen what Wh ebaractel'1eUcalJ.y labelled

ee •goondatt ecUvlty t:md tl\G llt• ot tho caaual pool' aae .. of«;en vuy thin. • ' j \ ~

Than wae• ae •. hewa eeen • cloaa etruqw•at .link batwun the two. ' ' ' ' ~ .

Though the 1n~alr1al wodten · ee e · elsa• did ftOt shea tho cmuat:t..,

r.l.eUce of the ,luapan PtJOrt aafty amoke•• had indi"i.tllal Unka 111\h the ' .

. $OM tten to"" \n go beck to a 1UJ~~Petl •xlatence. Shl-1tem. end Kellen

khan •n km\Vh ae ASAndU. before they jolnGd the Commun-ist. Pe•tv. 104

10J Mote by S.,P., Kenpu~f J.4 .. t9JQ. Comrd.nion of C•.llmta· by. GOOftdaa 1ft XeftPUtt UtP• Home Poltdt rUe 412/19J1t Sox 206 (U•P•StA•).• The P¢tllce SUperint•nrtent llede thesa oba•J:VeUons in tho COftteJt' ot the "l• enc:l Ol'dU• •lt\.fatlan J.n Kenpur and quito eharecta1'1e­t1caliy labelled thM at "bad charac~•end "lawless folk.•

'l04 lnterv1•••• A. An~a .nd CdO. Shril'eut• Arol"e leCOUnted ·en l.nt.GI'oet-1ng J.nci.c:tOnt 1alhen ''he ftarl'owl.y eaoepod betng J.ltpllcfted tn.a deOfllty cammitt8tfby Kallen Khan, et DeJ~apur (Kenput Olatt.). At:ol'e llha wea on td.a way back '""' Derapur• had to apend tho night at thll atauon · becatae he mle..S ttta t:run. Tho pollee tii.I8Pactod Aftttat '


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Callen Chan latv toVGI'ted to ·~tty dacr:li ttoa end "gMJtlda" ect1v1 tl•••

The ptooeas or aa•1ng thel:r p-ut waa a .tehU one fol.' CDOI!Jt watkera. f'ol'

ttv:pse Who had 1£vad amongat • people• to \Uhom etraf!t ft.Qhtet aaeeults

end •rdOre dl'tt tam11le ~nne••• end et1o •n e.ceustomctd to the

code ct .,tual eupp~t and rnenge in eucn aff$ll'at 1t ·would be dlttl­

eu1t to s-.tet Joining ift thl pnuel tt~elee during e ~:t.ot, euch aa J.n

Mareh 19)1.

In . ttm puception ot the etate there Qflls little dJ.ff•:nnca

batwdn the crimea ot the lu'Jipan PQ01' and the PtOf~J.onel ppopde••

rs:oesh k1mf.pente or the •euel la'*'-tn~, lfho may hen Jo,f.nad 1n tho

gs1}n.#d t\mul t of 19M p WON all lumped together Uftdol> the gaMhl

ca\egoey · • 'Qti1DSI!* • Hit wea lOOked upon ae e, "COIIU!Uttal ·bully", a

"loote" and e "alera»• alarm w1tn tho a Jen pp kt;mlft!!Ulee•, utao

1nc1uded, "kebull IIOnorl~Ot ttte bWiJ.y ,SIJVl9!PUtfd and th., Benar8a

IAtniW, M~Ugglora of ep&um, cooelne and RhQIH1• 105 The pollco wJ>e

aaked to tcqp tna hietory ahest• of thou whom ttm ate~ constdfted

•cte~t&'" and "c..'ll)nguoue'" chanoteJte1 alvusya ~eady tcJr mlaehi-et. ' 06

The MooltonJ area tn patt1cu1• e;aa oonsictend •a tendtt1•aue. fot

all eotto or bad· ct'~Hacttro.• Tid$ was J.danUtted • the tftNble epot

' ' ~

who -..- •v•rttuallv eb.-olved by the lnterwonts.on or a c.t-.c., Ott1c1ol+

11$ Not• on the Goonda Act ro. u.P. by ·tha Cammloatone7:, 4lllahabad Olv., 2ft10.19,1t U.P. Home Pollee, F'tle, 412/19)1.;. Sox 206 (U•P•S•A

106 lbid•f Cmd. 189ft East lndtet Ce_,pote Rlotat•

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.uhiwe r1ote107 genually began. TtMJ government •• conoemed abaUt the

p~ept:mdeeence or .ch 8 bad ~-''"•"' umo 1t beli.em, hod ~d to

thfl epeta ot c•itta•a dU•lng the t9J1 tlot.• Thlty fe~~. ttMt

etteeb ot t:heiif aoU11;t.Un on the 1ite ot .a<anpur. An

oft1clal COCN!d.tta, ·wntcm _. eppo-lntod to lnqul:ra lnto the cl'lme. ot

APPMU• eu(KlMted the .t.•l•tmtaUon of epaclal 1eg1elat:lve meawtoe • • o I < • ~

t~?. dael wltl'lloc~ SIROdll• A i1!:1QB Aet waa eventueUy paned in ,9J2. ' > " ' ., ,, ( -

The aot ar.lnad a ~ aa •a 1\oolJ.gert, bully, rogue or ~~Qmtabe*

l"h• PftiVlaiona ot the act GlfP01UCirctd the O$.$trict · flttlgl.&ttate to racom­

mend aoUan again&~ any pe:rcttm Clho,· EPQRSPd to ba cs QiQDBit aAd hed . .

"CtHJtllfltted" or wee ull.kely to comJd.t" Gl' "eee1st• t.n' cal'llfll1ttlng eny ~

beil.ebltt ottence egatnit a por:aon or property, or en orrence ot "cdm1nal

S.ntimidat.lon.• In addition, o va..-1ety of act1u1Uea c:ould .Perhaps be

categod.&ed aa en Vcftenc•n .tnvolving a "breech of peeca. •108 The~ uta­

forwnate 11accGI'fiP1lc•a" ln a c:r.tane, o.r a nora.oaccompUc:e taleaJ,y .. 1~·

fled eo a c.lll1nal • otten Just a homs-leca va~ent. w1 th an enonymoue

atatua J.n KeflM'It could •n tha tayoe tJt th& loc~ autf'mrltlee &Ill to

bo a 99PDS4t The tet'm "breach or PfiCO" mae mide enough to cover

aotivltiea of "communa11ate" aa w11· eo the ect,v1Uuo or etnkera. ln

~onue~y ·t9J?, when elgn• of #eat1essnees end impending trouble among

the work•~• Wllria faa~ad. 109

101 The noto~ie\y ttt ~lganJ wu P8l'Ur att~1bUted by eoma otrlciala to cancont~at!cn ot brothlll~aJ tn tttts ena, attracting tho tttu..bu­lent •lement- or th• petpUleca. rtmn •• ln tact a t'nJ.•nCJ*d dlaC.usal.on •• to.· attiQ t.twa ~dlllOYel. or prtteUtuto• t•om thle uea UIOUld t.oJ.p ln bnngtng 'otdar'. See u.i'. Jotunic.t.pal Dept., rtte 4J (t.T .)/19M• Bot< f1t (UaP•'S•A•)• .

108 for datatls of' the .ect na u.P. Hot'n8 Pollee, ruo 412/19S1t Box 206 (u.P.s.A.). _

109 H.P.o •• r.R., ru. 18/1/1tJ?, len (.t). u,P.

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·. That• •~"e o:r .coureet "n<Jtorlous:• P'Ofoael'Gnal MOMU 1n J

Kanpur• •• dtettnct born o\hpa lllho •n oeeually llnked llith cjuch

acUvlti•• .and tot ~ thl" wao ~ HQUler .mode ar .eatnlng a 11vtng.110

lft 19J1 ·tho hlato,y atullite aaintalned t;y .the J(enpul' pollee had a l"CJCOl'd J . ·of 101 8 cfGngei"OU811 -II; who .... (ltd.efly tb8 leedal'a Of 11ganga.•111

~ ' • ·> . (

lhOI'e •to ve.'t.taue rect.lona within ~halt among \Vhom. cleabea wen . '

eommcmt "·• •• the ~·••• ,or cne gang• Billa stngh •• ettot deadt 1ft one

or the main market~ of the clty dul'1ng the hot •athft and .Sabu t..a11o

gang .a.a bllatan t.n retutn by fsgntM and ll!l&falt About· the- eame time, . . . rnambeN or SU.J.e. stngnto gang uro&-• •notelY ea.aultad \tl1th axee, swords . . ' and &peara by Baboo Lell (\he leader of a rlval gang) end hle ••n••'12

· 11-0 Mux• a comments on the lumpen poo.r· ero in'iet em:~ eotnG'Jihat dero;a­totY• Th& ploature on• gat• 1a en uftditfetentletecf. one • tma "vegabonda, the cU.sohnrgud soldi~rs; · discharged JeUbbtcte, oa-ceptd pl~ay elawe1 •ttJ.ndletet mot.mte.,...a. leuulnl, pick• pgckots, trickatus, g$1blero; ma~reaun. hMthel kaopera, porttl'ef. ll~au, Ortlllftlllg'fim.•a• l'GQ'"; pletce••• kn.lta-grind8e, tlnke~o, baggara''"el1 conatituting the 4fecum,· offe11 rafun ot aU c1eat;Jfaa8

usually co~etJ.tuUftQ thll bad• •t'ato•lhlp• Rlt flght!.lllW3 f!Mdr&. st .f.:9»&g BQMPP'fb .. (MOf)COU1 '912) t Pfl· · 63, One cannot •ea ttmee HCtiona 811 • tolotentii:M.tftt dlst.tnct OfOUP eaaanU.elly to~ ittg tn.a batds of rtghtlet'tflovorrents., ot dictatoJtehipe and r~•• A 1erg~ put of thad uoUona .,. ex-poaaan\a or ex-artleene whot aa WOI'eiey auggsntat wre "rasaent1tslly RP9Pl! &t! B;QQ!Pia. not a tlud _,;f~cbnso1ldat«t1 let alone •lf-ccnaclou• and oqanJ.zed eoclal_ ciWUk They are QGeAM. toUII'l.-n • even\ually, · thltJ hope• a P--' of .the n\tled utbllft population.• ·Peter Wreley1 "l'enan and tfu$ '>1at'"; aPs&aJ.U' f!fslf!B,1972t P. 211• l t VJOU1d be analytlq.Uy mo~"e \feof\11 to ·uee waraley' a chaJ:aokrl• zatl.on ot th1a oection aa constituting a "su1:1-Ptoletar1~.u Vtd.le _. ot them could b8COM pntoaat.onel gangatdat othet moved ftCfD JOb to JOb and ·could have a ·moflf caaual .1.ln1ca v4 th C1l'11t1na1 SCJt.1vlty. Poiitically, thle eact-lon cauld ba aabUlzed both bJ the left end the ~lght• ·

t11 s.P. i<anpur to o.M., t<.,.pur, o.o. fttQ. &-7, dated 14.;10.19"• eAclO&*f by the tl•l'\• t.o Sacy,., Meclaed, 1?.10•J1t U.P. MOllie Pollee, F'lla 412/19Jt, Box 206 (utP.s,.A.).- ·

. 112 Paparo tlled by Kunwar M~aj Slnght encloud by thtl 0-"•t datod ,.1.19J1, letta7 roo. 11BO,

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T,. p~.occupatlone ot these pqpndll vafl..S t•cm cocelrte 'tade to keep.

lng gambling dena,. brotrutla end p!l«tdqp ts!!'M•l'' They .,. kftOIIft ru - . ' - . olvlng telae evldtJnca in ctiatnal c•••• and tore Pl'Ovldlng "tl'Otlbl•

matcee. 0 to 1-.t.vel cendtdatoa ( ttlacUona to the f1unlctpel and

Ol•tt1ct Boawda and the ~egl~letlve Council. Some exttndOd their ect~

vttlea to aonoylantUnQ. tf'WN wen ARAiliM• ·11ho •t• men ot coneJ.cte­

rablo \Vealth "-"Joytng the pattmega and auppol't of. the rich and nepec--14 .

teble. 111 · 4VIIang the wll Mown '11!1'.1!11 ••• cocei.M t~~nUgglet• 1:lka

HBIDid with hta •gang" ar twenty, AJodhle of ''uah BBUittt Kanha.lra ot

Ch.UJ. ti§hel• tWQ end &edlu Of Petkep\ttt ftam Charen ot HN.aay R~,

Sankey end Al'Jun of Pdedlt and lugga. Tht *'notal'1CIUa0 lmt!Mil gambleJa

lncluded Silla Stnght UJ89Ut Nai.nat 8at.u Le11 Mana Gang.,utl'a, PJ.afGY ·

flitJBt GeJ&'aJ Pende eA4 RtP Charan o~ NlbC P@at1S ' I

Thit com~~on VflVt'aftta• the iM1Qt:~nta <tf the ~ioyad, lJho tell

·ulctJM tQ th~ 999Dd* 1eg,t•J.atJ.on tDUld be branded avtcaated end canctamned

t.o pr1aon. • 9!ai!S&II e&ong tdth the pl'ot•sa1onal A!i!2DSIUI Charp sheeted

aa a 9APD41. end hevlng ott.n Uvad among profesdonel o.lN.riel• J.n

pz;J.eon-, thttr• •• to., 11t\le cho1c'8 wt\en ~t or Ptleon. ftt•n

••• nc Jobs tor h1fh ., he had e •cnflllnal" "~d to hie credit • end

lite •• e hal'dtfnad RMDM• no ~~attal' hom bltte11 .tt; W.., may bava been

11 J A pleo• tot' &h!Qdpp (oP.kfnth

't14 Gat~ler, op.cs.t., ,p.. 2)2f tv., Hef1t MohllmCDed .a.t1q .and nota by s.P., Kanpur, datod· J.4.19JO, u.P •. Hofne Polte•• r.tte 412/19Jt, eox 206 (u.P.s.A.). · ·

nt stete~tent or Khan 8ahai2tlt: Syed Gbul• Husat.n, Kotwal, kenpu•• J.bld. .

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'• .Nm • IPJ1 or eking out an -'etenc., 1i 6 Wb11a. thO lea eomattMa

maa a IQPD41 or an lnnoetmt hrel &mmlgrent, t.he stet• had ttl$ eat.lew

reeuon of having ehlleked lawt..t.n.••• by adding to "- n\111\Je~• or auch


The J.a»ge IUIIbflr ot .protttQi.onali9JJl!ll• ·mith the local

· · "iltt-»ett"• becarrttt • pa1t or tba ;eMJ:al fttm~Y end added to uta

1ntc,~lty o' rtotl.:ng l.n S~J~Qmber 1921 end Mecm 19J1. They JoJ.Md ln

tha ,.Oc; end ar~a~m• In the penlo wh!Ch tolJ.ond the tlot&ng, U'l•

QPRDdU •• ua-.d- • pf()tectora by HindUs and fik.tallmn aU.lro, llgUnet

''- •ttoo1lgan&.- of "l.fiDIUtt or t'- otttat CJG~~a~nity. Andt the HlDI . ~· .

soan• llhD ec~ed· aa "Pft)t.ctotstt. or one, ct:llllikJnlty 1of)tfld en<f. fd.lled

- . ... -- ... ,. ..... ..... ni• 117 men anu 11J0ft't8n 0 lilt~D Owtft -cl~ tio"/• , • · · , I I t ~ • ,

then l#U tttua a releti.onohJ.p botwaan the nature or the lebclul'

matkat end t~ •tvnul~tt of the casual l•bourete. end thtl u~an poe. . . l.n addi.Uon1 in e a1tuat.t.on ""*1te ,.._.. •• a tuo• •aaowa al'IIIJ ot

labOUr, With .- .ltaoat: continuout tnrJ.oui of tural 1Wlti.Q1"anta.· a camps-

116 W. al"O not otf.etJ.nt a rational• ,.,. t:ho eotiv.S.Uea of • ao. aelled a99.DJ#Ut We u• only cedtol.n pc;H~elbla l'ltQOfta tot the· notoriety or «anpur fot the ttc~1Ma" ,.,, ~ "bediDaall• elODant, o reaturo which •• believed to have added ta thft Qtavt\y ot the •J.ota ot 19J1. Ttle flQ'n'ea tot 1929 end 'f9JO, to. ca .. • tun undcut sec. 109 c..-. P.c., daal.t with "'bad chuacta.-e• fl"OID 0\ttal~t "'" the hig'heet ln Kanpur• aa coaparotJ to1 all. other cJ.Uo• in the t~~"ovS.nce, s.P. Kanput to o.n. JCenpu,, oncl. tty o.M. to Macl-..dt 1?.10tltt U•P• Hoa PoUce., Fl1e ,_,2/19,1-. Box 206 (U4P•S•A•)•- .

117 See SarliiOl"t QP•Situ PP• 297•299• Accat'd1n9 to the Conpaa Report, thap _,., both, eepuate HJ.·nctu end ttwe11M •oanu•" of Sl!RmiU Gnd·ll'llxad "ganga•, fltld •wn in the JI'Jldat of the coamunal rwry the mixed •gaonc:Jaa• nre ...-n looting th• eermt houaoa ln porto~t haftlony. Th!.e aeama a J.tttl• dOUbtMt glvcm the eMPlo-o Give altu.eUon at .that The plctur.a of perfect ttatatony ud. tMn tho •••d ganga• end tho amphaeJ.e ort tndepanctant. ltd.tlatlve end hoollganle of tho QRROdtl tende to play dollft tha P81"Uc1paUon at •anv Congroea~r~cm ln th9 rt.ot.tng.

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Page 88: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto

--------------..,.....,..------------~~~----- ·----,

t .. ~


tiUon tot Joba wae 1nav1tabla. A atuatiion :uthlctt tu84 tJ91ravatact during

the d.,PJoad.on. In a labour •arkot _,.. • .,. e ,,.._ and eaay eaie of

labout PfJillft .. dttf'J.wlt, ... •tiUQgle for Jobs 0,.,.,. tOOk the rum , v/

of corli11Un1ty cohu&oft • Ute· malntananco ot Job$ tty· • parUcul• c--...

nlty tcw ·Nn ot thelr o\111. CCIIIIUnl ty tc ttw pclu~lon of -.othftt• 118 . The

authority or the a&IHI • ,Jobbea-, u tar .. J.oba· J.n ihd m'ue •• . COI\C&l'Mdf t.endt:Jd to eo11dlty auch 1oye1Unt tot a StW would often

tt"V to pyah •n ot Me oum cqta o;o ·eomtnun1ty.- Tho plight t>f the . •eJo~ity ot flu&ll.cut wet .PGRicularir dlttlcult. · Ttmy .-o predc~Dlnently

urban be$edt with ~ moto •ptecad.oua* eonJtcSCUon wlth·land than the

:rett of h watk~Jta. f4u&IJ.aa. aonaettuted • atgnlf'1c• propOrtion . ot I ' • • ~ ' I. " ' '

'"- ifttlilatl"id U!Ol'ktone, In 19Jtt the pei'Can\a;e ·or ea a pro.

POJt\!Oft or: the total 'lll.llbft of S.nQ1etri'al ·lrOI'ken waa JJ.9 ·P- cent. t e

tl.QU('• llilh1ch g~:eater algniticanca if ••n ln r{llaUcm to thalt r-D!I'

p&l'u·:n lft .,the population or ~ .cltr'/e: -.o1• uo.t pol' cant) •• 19 The '

oa11aen,ra\1on ot ftla11• wtmt••• An bot••r paid ,Jttb8 l.lke W~avtng would

.. be ~••ntact by eany ftDJloooMualilft amrktra. On the oth9r hand; tbe -fi!i.t~

workare• Qi~Jn the Pteculau_. .. of thel~ eitueUon WOt.Jld by to reteln j, • • •

the! r toothold ln "19 illrJW•t-r• conntc;te end c;J.•ev~• b&taen cammu­

nS.Uee Ullte poealble .ln•

UB At K•.tn•r• (Bengal) tot J.nstericet Kul Zehltuddln Ahlrlad foftleld a ~edan Letl(tu• ASIOC1eUon, ln 189ft the pd.nctpa ellt-ot · flhlch •• the rftruit.mant ot men Mu.U.a to the Jute ld.Ua. See Olpt!ah Chetcravo~ty1 •t;ommunal Rtata ems L.~ t Senga1 'e ;Jute PllU Hench~ J.n th• 1890•a.• · · · ·

119 ·:cegJ. idu 19J1• Pet 1-t -P• At fable Ul, P• 422• Part Ut ,Teble xvn, Pert e, P•· t2o.

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Page 89: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


we heva dl~"ed .the bad• of a:~lty J.dcmtlty lilthin thf ..

110nten1 thetl' 'an1~pet~ l.n ~ rtote, antt the etata or t.ha

1ebout «!'utc•l alh1ctt tenclo4 to 84den thct ep.:OtN!II ot "tlotote• &n Ke"PUtt•

1bt 9"t~th.of • ~ ~c.t.ology_lil ttta ~n\f.n en4 t~I'U.•a, led to

e c""telU,aU.on of theM ~nl.ty l.cltntJ.Uee end ~~eattad a altuatlon

or QOrtetal antogoN.em bO.t._.n cOmrrunlU••• Tha problem.,.. ciooely ~

U.R1cad to the g10\11th ot CQIIIUI\al pOUUee at e neU.ol'a$1 lefol~ .. fh&

gtmettal. baels fa• ttw eme•~• 8ftd g&"OUJth ot comui.nel pcll~lca and t ; t

p.-Uea tn ·tmt btlenUeet 'thcilgh en ~tent ,pt!Obt-.· .J.• teo wi.M en

l8ale, to b• t$an up IJ4thin :the Utltte ot DUt study •. Th• qtKJstlon hat ," . . '

o..n enal.r"ct by othe~a. lnt•rpMtaU.tma have vetecn hom en _,t1aala . . . '

. . ''

.blttatrt•e• l"4teultedt tD thO. MWft of pOlitical •blUV'tlqn bJ· . tho CottOn•• and it• P1'8domltlatlf ~·, blMJ tha .dlv.tdO end ·rule

policy of lmperieU.IItJ the •ti'Uggle to%' jobs and tht:J qpiratlona of a ' . '

"m1not'ltr" cotatnltyf the JMO\ln naponaa ot dlfteren\ connuntUea

to tho ~tually entCQOfdo~ 8Qtiv1U.etS a~. camt~UMl ~~atloN. t2ll

tao rmt an eilpf1a81a on ~ lllttt" qUo$t to~ ~Jtt•r and tho atNggle tor Jcba, IIH rrono1• _Rab.lnaon• Jsua"lm .&!DOns tadkm r'slAW& lll!. !!QUY.u ar lbl ,u.P, fNIIit!& !IB-'UiJ AnU 5ef!lt Chepte~ on *The "-J.4a l.....,y• in Dl mtMSI· At lQAan ttft!i.&;rml&• (tel!tbrl.dge 1tn)J P"tabtui ~.$D!J!!Q!lle • A.,§kY9SAc Cp !oM'C ( N•• o•W 1V'I4) • F'o» an ll$phaeie on th• Socto-ecotiOidc beet.• ot \ COIIIUtaltam ... w.e. •tht bUIJIQ ltkft a, I£UII,.! F. IPS.M&-. MIMYJII (tendon 1946}f k.e. KnshNl:, *9f~Pr2Jt&e o(!a a EPE!mM-·ftiii'UAOtd&!m (London. 19J9 • P.c. 3o8M. -tcon<nJ.c 8ackground. Of C~dlomtt 1n B.A. Nencr., -'•• lliKlYfi !D- Mpd!J'Q JOJlbn !:J&!$Mx (CaW t.990)J 9tpan C'handrat W'fhe.Role at ReU.g1on .ln the Rlae and of 1n flbttern Jndta, pape.- pad at S.1nar: at. MllUa lel$llll.a Unt.vemty (1919). Anotha oignlt.t.cant .1'.-.t wrk le Mutthbul Hasan•e tfl&l:gmue, aiJSt SQE!!II!lA& P:q&lilat .. &n. IndiA (Nn oalhi 1919). See also, sat.teh Seben~al• tltlaent8 of Ct'JI!IJliUM1,._", !!olQ3\CIIIt 21 and 28.),1981.

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Page 90: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


Wtmt • •• conc.mod wlih -..n1 •• the lmpec\ .of the -.uvtu,aa or

oomrrunal 01'Q$1tla.ttont .on ~ ph~ et l"ioung t.n gllfteral end the

*'*'"' ct .. 1n puUcuw. I

~,. the l&itut halt o' Ute t118tfttea, the nviwJJ.•t ecttvJ.U•• ot

both ltlmi.J end t\te1kl ~ os:ogrizaUon• taotc • .,n OPenlV •cmt•e­

e1ve ,... fhe Atya s.emaJ Olfl'.Hd on J!IJiddb& w.tth ~•tu z:llal. 121 In 'r .·.' .,··~

eddl Uo~tt e !SdbA MaQid •• •\8fttld 1n lenpu• by t.hoae· lihO tound tNi

Al'ra s.aJ leekln; in avttlclan\ :m••~· ThJ.e bOdy· uJ..- to orgaftl•

MJ.t'tdue tot setlf•-'tnce and a•ierQpud ~ take non-HJ.ftClla into th• Hl.mll

toi.o.1ft MuaU~tt on ~· o\hft ftandt foeme.t en o,O.nt.m:loft ce11ad the

Tnbl&atru&:tfle•·'2' fbl·.AtvJMd.5tJSifl ot tha ~.came t4.,. s.n­tluaftCGd bJ the Plt•valllng ccmmunal tenatort.. instead of belflg $lmpi•


n11gtoua gatt.l'1nge, "''' bcJceme fOIUilla ••• c~~~mUna11acs.n '••

Ken~ end outside otters c••iett Oft .f!tt .-ttedc 8Qaln&t tfto 111...., taU• .... ,_124 ,...._ ..

The 1nvolV11Dimt or eavwd lt'ladlttg Congweaat~WJn of the l:ltr irt

the Arya :S.eJ end the Hindu Sebba left tta ~ on the

peUUcal climate of the c1tv.18 o., ~r•l La1 Rt'thatgt .and Raraln v

121 ~1\icm etatelfttnt. ot ~fuel ttiaat.n. edJ.tra, M ,f!tlii•$n ~et.ant at MakJM ftohatlll'Jad Ab.td1 Jladatent SDCMtary, fV'Sltm OtptleftBe-. «a.npvt' ana ~ evidenCe berOH the Riot lnqul., ~au011 ( 19Jt), M.P.o., ru• 19/tt-K.w./t9Jt.

4l 122 een~e.:, satP&Sa• ,. m. 121 St:atement ot ttdct.m ~· 4lbld, ftlot• Jnquuy CG~t~m#.adon (19Jt),

tt,P.o.,. rt&e 10/tN.w~ttm. .

124 tta•de~J SWd'Ui• p, 09w240.

125 ,.01" en enalyela Of' the .lntlu-.ou ot l"811~ tdrla• on tha tongt"eaa, on Btlpan Chandra, "The Hind!$ Tinge J.n Indian National L...,.ehlp end the Grawth ot C~eliflb in ~n lndla•, f1uatd.lllll Hoaan, · "C~Nil end· TtonrJe in C~••n• p.,_" ned at Seminal'


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Page 91: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


.P~eeod NJ.g•, ·• ~,. • .,.connected with the llaactae· Sabhat •••

olo•lv involved with the local HindU Satme. In tact, Congru..,.

t~••• sc:W.twct that, Oftly • ..U. mino•tty .CGt.lid be dnftUuld n

·ttelng abOve COilii1Unal tuaUng. Many ot ·them had Joined tM HindU Sebtta

end _.e ~ng an ectlve P,a#l ln s~ •4*lvli1~~~· A note ot

dtseen:t lppendlld to tho Congna• · Ccinmitt"' fhtpon by Zeta~ttl Mulk

~~• tQ!t algnittc.nt dllteila Ol!t*'tted ti'am tt. main Repoet.. Tttet

Congt_esaaGft utto tDOt-a truly '..eulaJ: ~tutod ~ ~CrtOtlcoplc tnlnortty"

·--d to 1M ttte . QerttJI'~ b&Uet emonjtt the nlntt 'corioH-etnrm .uh0$8 . . '

~n41"G -~· rap~ in the .notet. rour afDtmg tho$0 itltfl'\11 ... dt felt

that only tOt# out of the tttbty Pi'omlncmt congrea~~tton WHO ebav• ' ( . J • • ' ' ~ ' -' • .• . .. ' . . • • - .

cl!ltiCIIW101 feeU~f anothaa f'el t -ttmt. · te. in thb cetago~y · QfU ltitls

than t,_ea. f,f'la only peraon ~- ·~ seoul~ cn.mttel. :t.hfte •~•

no tv:o v10t:~U~t •• Gamsh Shtdc¢ VJ.dy~M.126 The$0. ~al ;PbJvdicea

eurt~od in tht'J. polltlce tJt the local Rutd.clpaUty. filUttUm f1unlol981

CacamlatoROrs ~-- a 9GI'IItal dlaeatttJracUon with tho a-- of, and -a haling . the\ tnteJ'eet• ot • -..u._ lJ!!tft' not baing

taken up.127

t26 Not. ot Ole""* ot l~fett.J1-rvlk1 Coft9"a• Repat on. the Kenpu• R.t.ote,~ 8eu1~~ •. MttSi'*•• ·Pf.lf 46~6.

127 lldrSia•· P• 2"• Cltlng· evmo inatanc;•• .-.rlat:UftQ a *0Qmtf~U1'lel• biQ in f\ atttt1n1ttt'aUon1 Mohemm• Hanlf ,.,..., toa thCJ GV10Utm of filu•Uia Umbel' llftahenta f'ft'Mil CooparQenJt thtt IJttllllpt to •wsct MuslfJa fNit. ullflt>-. ttl$ harant!snt or mae\ n11net the V namlng of' pede• end 10ada er-. KJ.ftdU leaden, ·tho · ert=ta to evict .-rchont$ fJH)fft Pecb Bagh end tbe U_,tmelfto . or hi. godO\Ina and th• J.ncreen in oc\to1 &"at••• EvJ.ttance ·botM'• Riot• lnqulry CGf!IIDJ. .. lon (19J1)t H,,P.o•• fUe 10/19-K.W./19'1• ••

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Page 92: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


· - MusUma in JCanpur and in othet PB'Jis ot the .Provino.o1 QJho •a

el-taad); quit• ea~angad . .-. .. thf.l Congttoa dnce the. ••tJoaat ot the. Nrm­

COopeJ'otlon f1ovftllflnt, wan lllbl\hrld tvtt'he• by the eatly thl•tJ.••• 128

The Cottgreos came to be . .-n I!Ote end more • • 41Jtlftdu ~tats.on•.

ttm Clvll Oiao~dlenoe ~. • ••• ttact eons• to b& »eQQdld f.t\ K~» . ' ' . . '

(«aora dat.lnltol.y) tt.n ln eny· ottu.• city of tha provlnc!i:/111 fl&ml«

l!!tf!J!!!i).t•- td.ttt f\JJltma •U.uly Ol' S'atsl.vely 1n oppclm,~J,on,•'29 to» the

••• fi\;s), :lt \IQ dlft.l.oul' to di.UnguJ.t;h b&t-.n' "®1e uho Wt\t ' . . . . ' ~

... • J • ~ .. • .. • ' ·• ~-~ "*"'*"~ oaa: 11letaken by acme Mu-.11ab ;.~ an Awe $amaJ

p,Ooeaa!OA amt $1~Md. tJO TM. Hu~ ct.ood st-udloUGlY oloot hem ·the·

· ·l;o~ e.:u.vs.t.t-. 4tt c~on with tho C.lv11 ntaOt!lldilinoe Movement. J : I

• ,_,~111'1 ttadel• • thG· cloth mechanta and 11Quor Gf'IOP,} avtno're, ••'*''" tho ottempte •t. fO:tdbie ol~a ot thol.t shOps by Co.trgtGee plc.tcete»a.

The attempts hv ·t.ha ~el.lrbe- to orgfJ'tf.te thsmqlvca. took the form of e

"'"d.vel of' tht.t IROI&m o~aatlon~ Tbaugh ita oateneibl• fA.IJ:f'Oacl _,

to persuade Mt..Jallme tc .-. thols: QI!U•I tlve timos a day •. it almoat

..,NIOO tho f~sm of ll pol.it1ca1 counter to Con'graee• ' '1

Apan ftom thl$t publJ.c -.tJ.nge · au:a addtaseed by a·~ n loa~


rot s general badcgi'Oaftd ae• G. Ptmdey., QRd!&&u PP• 114-'U.iJ.

ftosoluUon or ttw GC)vt. ot -the unlted Provtnoae on V.· Report ot the C~taelm of r.,..try J.ftto tftl CetntPOt'fi Riot. ('19J1·), H.P.o •• t£1• 10/19/19J1.. -

"•P.o., r .R .. n.1o J2/4/1trf, ~tpu.J. tu>. u.P. ftter. ..,., .,... . !IU!Mibly many Cl!MIDOn Jtettttclrmnte ln both those cn:ocos.S.o,.

Eu. of_ &.ale O.owen C-ht!fldt Pt-_'inclp_ al, n_ •A•V• CoU.GQtl• tcattPU_ f't RS.o_ .. ta lnqulry t:·Otlld.sdon 19J'J1 tt~.o.., rue 10/t9 '•"•/19J1f Bu•iel',

. ~m,tGJ.b• PP• 2,_,B.

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Page 93: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


lJ.tce Shetikd AU. on tmt ott\• htndt,_..,.., twi\G~ naUonet&•t .&..-. UJc• ~ .. ~' Md ........ Abdt4 e.t., ...,....

u. ...,_. ot ·•• local CQftQI ... eo-ttw m •ttt • ~ _. ... ,_ .... ~Goal "'"'•·'·

,.,. ...... or I( ... u-.s WWJ ..,.... - .... of --- .,...

nlllnga leU P,...tltmt,...., .,..,.Yt _,......,bY .... bodiQ of ,_ omylftQ t1astt ldllll• IJIU•. and lltDiat "- auPid

· ~ !t.SidftQ otlQ of ·~· end ~ IOftQII Ml of

edJ..._. ,..,... ·""'* ,_ lnl.._ .... ..._. u un h lqtfJ 1m lot• tteMa. ,_,

@!gird II teat 1! dln td us.- '*" .lao• Qlr!!!lt INt J!!t! lft 1ft .,.,..._ @! •oldNJ W t.

AI• ,_. u khld1e al@!ld!! e. ••'''

• ·~ _,. IUt lootM kafh ka l!yla w. Zp!ll b!l tW! .......... .., flo Jao•_,,..

Atya ,,.,. .UviU. QDJ\tifllecl to • *pq..U.-.• .,_ _,. ~ted.__.., tht ~ ~ eanp .,., ...,i.ts~·;

......_._. • ._ ro• "'• tt.Udla, ._, PliO ..,., ._. o&Mt tM

,,, •a..- ••• • pi• to .......... Wlc:feU.tyt Tutn ,....., lnto ... lhiOH ot f:tte Dln (t.tth) Oft bll'tal.f of "" S..uh (...Ugloft) . Ol.u.t• cd11 tdi on u. ldolao~ tlle4d you o .,.. tal~ - .. ·: -· ., ·-~. ·- . ' ·. -~~·· ~ •,

'-~ ,- ;;Tbe.;:;set:vant ·or- -the 'bearer· of the· s~ndard, ""tie the bear~is '·-.__ ~- of' :t~~::§t~~aid ... -:-Battlar; ~op~-cit., p. 257. .· - ..

•• , •• eo CJftiJ·nl •• • Wldt4, (• .a.) to ldU hltl llftdp~ Oft W'Vd ~- ... ..,.., to ftthi•• Citld lft •tUl.IIUt at l't. tfhlday ••aran, Jaul'ft&Udt tt~ot• tmp~., ca.~ .. son,. tt.P.o., ,, .. ·~·· •• w./t9Jt. '

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Page 94: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


~ •. ....., .... told to fl• ~ to tlhdt ..... and lft "••· t• Anothft .uch ·~·· tang tnUUed1 •A-r• Bachhl Ia ~i :Clt" •nt

•• to11oe1

"I~Mdbl! IJ!Iil!!g!...0.1'etg P!! • ._

kp 'IM. PM S~enJlba! RM Ht! Jeab lfb!M At!.t11U!; Da. kt!.£ t:M

M..-, ov.ta .uoh wnt•• ....,.. dW by • ...._. WoH U. Rlo'-I~

CCIIItdt&lcm:ift 19J1t .

lt ... unl&k•tv that ......... ~d ~·, ... ..a.eught

of ~l•t PlOP .... in KlftJIUtt in tht leu btilnU•• fftoH l•

GVicfln(lt ot ._.-,. btint • pet ot tJw .J'Jmil p.-..J.on. lhich _..

ott. Wctm out on 9tlftday• to Mlbl• thta to .tolft.1'11 twn lt •• . . . ' ~ ' '

' • .paftlwl•• idft4 ot ...U~ ~~ fiDUld I'IIVt ._. !tlpaet

on ..... td.ndl• a. .,.. ttt. •JIIIboh.,... by ·ttt. . .......U•'- coaaph._l,

aiMn to .,_ wo••• lM· .......,U\f of the _. end eott•• WI,., o. thl

iaeoe· ot Slt6 and Oreupadi .... ~ and t-u&e .iDeo- to .IJIOIIt

••, .,. Pttteb on ..._ .,...._ • .,.let .,,..._, a. ~·or .., ~' ... 1• so .. ld lllrl tiUftM .__, tM ... »ltualt


;mp~~ Tlllld~ ... .t•• • ~. .· to. •r::iJ!ii&i'l. kot · !!!!fJ Mikii• ld iiiaf iiifi. diM iO laan ic.,. · Bani••• iidlitiJ• 240•

s-.~ tJt "*la Mch-•d, ftlot•. tnqubr Collll•ldon, M.P.o., f'U. 10/t9 «.w./f9J1•. .

'"• of o••• Nipm, &DIG .. S\11.....,. ot SdJ l!a&111.n Mlftlllta (•lo), Attvocau, ibldt . . ·

1b8 .,.aicft• at tht Matl1ud stMI'lta -~• knal1ft to '-'• flada dueb an ~·- pol~ and on Uta'• Chlracter. · At ene ~ • fJS)Qfcee ..._. Mualltta -.,.tn.t tllldn9 ...-. r.. Hiftdu Jal'MI•• · •• ,.,. ... he tteU.end, an apn.nklod ath con• u&-i•• flan>l••• ·QQadlu P•· IM•

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Page 95: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


againat the auatomery baed ot agalnflt \he1~ f4ttltfGnaa tu Nee.:ca and

....... U.fut:J.a\e ~ Mu~aus-.1 .19 And· euch avmbole ... flfllltU£• -

plop or t"hl tOi!MIIIMliet agttetor.

$torlea ·ot ettacka on "HJ.ftdtla• 1ft tho tUecOUftett J.n t\Je1lm n-

U .. gloua gath"lngej · -.. JflPeated .tn ·the ·~· _o1retea. 1\Jlari ~om

local happ~.tnga,._the .ei~on outtldt~ Kenp_u.r ~d ~upon ttteb IJ1nd••

. ,Tha»e ·uee ne• ot r1ot1tlg ln Sendlle, ttaurnan ( Unnao Df.atrlct)J and , .

Bell!a in 192?t a~'" B8$tl• _BflftiiJn; Hlnepu» and Agre .ln 19Mt .,_t • I

tr• riot• J.J\ ~- P'J' .. , .-UGh ,_ Bornbay ('1929) find· Calet.ttta (19JO). . . . . .

OttJ.c.t.alrapmt'• trOfl Luctmow 1ft SeptGiltbe• 1921, noted· etth conco~nt ' .

"••• Calaalunal tanel.on ovanhadon aVftVtMng and .._. to evuy

pub)J.c act ~ pftVatlt op1nion":.140 And fmn AUguttt Jt••~ lt .....

. abtolut.ty to trd'te' lfmoth ~~ btee has botn dlowed to

ento lt\\o the Ute ot the 41auict.•141

l n t.ohtl! v111egt, ln a.r.M• dl•lrlctt the locel Maha.e and

thatcu:r:a cee to bl.ovlt attn the .lu.lehae \h.:• -*• et thllt.142 loW8 . ., '

1J9 . t.uten to th1at

~- bJ!aUr• ttteUa teo dunya ae . .S.te ding!• la oa ke~ttande kii KaballJt;ddha !!'?' 6iif.!t.ft!l kf:' j!URz'e ·, .. -~ · . . u •• hO C1iiki aa.ea a~liifle r eJ.xe~. . . .

Statement of Hiinihl Miifiii Uaatn, Rta811f8rchant, KMP&il"t fttot.• lnquuy CCIIlVIl1aa1on_(19:J1), __ "•"•o•• file 10/19 " .• w./t9Jt. (W. diU. wipe out th• ex.lats.n.g f!luelbts ana plant tlw Hindu bamttr (bennar ·ot Om) atop ths Kaaba -«.n ttacca. Shave art yow beuda and 1et yctm at.lsl)&XQ ·(plgt.U) DfOllt fOUl' Pl"•Yd8·8H OYUt fold ytJUt prayer cloth).·

140 H.P.o., r .R., FJ.le J2/9/192?,,.(J.1). c.P. One rnuet cautlan ho•••• that.tfleae.ottlou;J, MpOJ'ta •• likely to have PNHntad a aC!IIte'\#hat ~ated and w!rdst p1cttmt.

141: lb1::t.

142 H.P,o.,, F .R •. t F'ile n/2/1921t rob• (1), U.P.

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Page 96: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


ttevellert. The hrt~l' the ,... tnnlled• The mot• el411m.lng it bt­

,•~ • auap!otcm and illltud cU.•ttuat o•• a ,_. pJ.ey to ttMt ·~

J.let• lmeginat.lon. Stone• WQe .,_,.. ln Khet11 ·ttte an1va1 br

train or 26 oat~ duleta ftooJ S'Jnt# dlat~lct, •toted the~

that bJnt.lleU ~:t Mt.tad.!ma •n PDU'· in fi'Oftt Bfftillv• ~Wt.and

Bl.Jftft to k1U · M.t.ndua• ••~ 'fhG taleutt.e #iota, led to . .U<f NiaUtll in

kenpur • a •Mft®f ~-- waeulted. The l'UIItOQta cvlmlnated 1n • partie

·OVOl' an Al:f8: S•aJ PIOCGQ!on on 21et AP'J,"llt t9261 booeliM e aimU.

P#OCGaelon tied .,.SCed pft • ~>!o' in Celcutw.~~ · ....

In a eltuaUon uttete fshe Hu~ w-l'e ta.oataiftg l,......tngly

aUenat.d ftc. lht etmg-.. ..s tha tongrea dclaiinated K.fl.s •• cmgen&. \ erilons like the fb.Um -.:a.,. tfteY· havtt eilt\ended ti'teil" intluenc. MORgtt

.• ,. CIOik•t••'* .,,_ ltUDU' (MU Polh) fu !net._, Jolned in

•uppo1rt of tho eV'fble Mlng tha gsner~ atttJ.fco ot Hay i9J8• Volun­

UOH httal thte OI'Qri•aUon PQ'Uo.t.pttd ecUvaly in the

aot~vlUea •nd •• htd.poc:t tn NU•' tot the wadcara.146

WhU. 01'98nllatlone 1flce thtil could haW mob11J.aed auppott tor .. :ttwt

14J "•'•D•• •. , rue Jt/f/192"1, sept. (l), u.,.,. 144 H•P•D·•t r.R., f'f.h 112/4/t926t AprU (!1), U.P. ·

'l4S W. have no •vidence on the f!Ctlvlttea of Hlnctl camrunel o.-griz.­tions MOti98t. the wcnr~<er-•t ••• fl"cn str-ay ·:t•t•eno.• to the invalv~ ot 1nct1v1dUe1 ~· ot the A~ya s.aJ a..S tt1ttdU sabba. 'fhete .. .,. to haV• t:teen a .fbtlft. naeanable bade fcnr tbJ tnnuence or. Pluel&m cOIIIIUMl cl'gantzaUona. '**'•• ot tt1a f•al• ot d'.-nottom.ent with tho &ongn•• end the, among u. "'.U.. ......

1 i16 Sn: Ctw~pt.• lV. _


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Page 97: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


........ fial ... ~. fW.U. PDPVJ, .. , thtb .... ..,.. ca ...

....... ... ,., .., ........ ,,.,_... ,.,. ,., ... ~ .... bad .... foUc

iftO-.S.Wn.,. oi\r • • ~~hole, bA ik tiOikiftO ~ .-.ebSp .,..,..,. ·• ~tan· bltn .l&Mttld. Tht .....,.. .W.&Jntlt had an .tntluera

.... lUDt· .-.ctlt)ft of ... '"*"'Ml .... ln ........ '" "" ..,.,

W.U., lftllft ~ wu • -~ f'MUng Of~- «nd bosUUty

~ ..iftO.Je •net ftlalbltJ .twa .,.. cttr • • who1 .. 141 aut '"

tnnaanc• ..-. to ..._. ...- 1ft tllt PftiOd .SOh thea flfl

~~~ nfaHfiC .. ., ...... ··~ .. ••UftQ• ltt .. ,.. ,. aut, epen ,._ toftdt'IQ • pan ot U.· .._,.,__.. oathftl.nQ at UltCb ..u u. ••• •• ftOt, t.I'M4vect tn v. aou,tt.U• ot ttMt L.up 1ft _,..

•• leu • · -.{J.tat ttJS, .,. ~.....,.. •• t•rino · ta · ..,.._ • tte "~~

te'* 1111XWt1 ·u.e . .,.._ .. ..,, "'- ..._... HP-''-'i ~'ted atapr.t aloof fl

Ute ~ntloft; dlelu lt• .,toft• to bo1p tbt etriken ~ tbe

eptl't1Jt81 .• ,dka.149 ... at -- ............ thin ,... ....... clta.&'l

uriftltf,Oft or '"'•'• attt.tucr. ....,.. 1~ end ,...,.... agam..

aUcma, Md tf'll' Med m a eon dlfl.ftlte ~ ot W$PathY wi.Ut

tttlilt• A tatolt.JtSOft _,,...lftg •c:&IIPlet• .,..,.,~ lt~ lebOutt . . Met ~tvletiftQ "'- ro, ~· ~·rut •'fiiOole ... ~' ,_...,.uo On ~ WhOl• ~~ u. ,_U. ......._ could not Mtebi.IA

t.t7 lftletvlWt S.S. YUIUf•

1M .IaMMI• t•7•19J&•

'* eAIIPfUtb 1,.,.,,-. s .. a1ao ~<.e. ct~..,.., RJ&t91h• JJ• '"•

_,,4 2ltl!lllit 16.S.'f9Je.

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Page 98: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


lOWI o.laQoa ln _..,al, becau~ of' a led~ ot atly ~-~

to. .,. .. ol••-•1'' Tho ....... ,, &dlnU. u .. llftieh .,. l•t.nt td.thlfti the I10f1Cing

om•, Ot*ld CI!V*"'U• 4ft . .t~ ot QefMltlal ·~" t..,e4en

and Ud'ou9f\ u. ,,....._,,_. .auv&tr ot ~nea.· ~aatton-. Aput

ttoM tifJt the pollcy ot tha ~a l'lftd coloftlel • .._-. ortan eovn­

valad ~Gl ttmtaton• tlftd toftafed d.lttl~ bettlltln co•llllttt.Uea.

TheN ie m-.e ot I.P8C1tlc lftatMCM -.n U. ~-·880ft·

to· a deUtie~•te dltcJtl.ltitJetton b....,. ~ties ln the neftdtllllnt

!. tJt ~-•••• At•• ttt. ebi.Q of ,,,., cettein tdl&tJwno~• \111ft kftOIIft

to ......... , • ......., ·-'"" •• , .. wttleh held •. dc&tlonaftt lft v ttu)l• fOQtofY• Uta er•..-. ~ ln tt. Uglft ttJU..1 .th\1 Ko.J.s ln

tt. ::..c .•. tUlle and th• 3ulaha u the c~ cotton MU1••''1 1bl$

•t'-Pt to -ou.~ 110i1cttta or on. oettftt lit favout ot IIGI'ke~ ot .,.,thw

••te• WCQld h.- led ta '"""~ end tMUnp btl\wtn

woztt••• ttue. -*Wtlftg tho· ~''' t.itatft. b •dte• of • P~tti­culer, aut• In 1N01 tta Sl~ __.. HPOJt:ad to haft akM .,_

t'JOtk•Q to.e ~lOW" catl\tJ.INtlotiiJ U thll tUftdu M~ end '* / .- onlf •"- cenal.-.1• ~tlon U.t "* oonw.ttutlott •• ..,__

volunhrf-.1'' Mant.pukUGM by \t. ~· to bnetc up e\ftkea bf

Wtel'Jtlfaglng •• contli.ot• • by .....,_un; tt. cUvltih or

tSt s.. K.e. Ke~, RRallrte• .P• J19-t2•

tS2 ln'*PvlOwt ·~· A~ 1SJ s.A.t.o., Z2.t0ttt940.

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Page 99: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


~ganizatione Uk• U. !&11 PRfb •r:• not u~ tJ4 . fOr lnotattce, . . . . . .

tihe atterapt• to ••• tha et•ttce !n the t1gin f't111 .in· .lunG· 1928,. or in

O~• t9J1, .emt tha an.uint c01a1111nal ttmaton1 •n bctlleved ta have

held the eupp~t ot u. tiiiPl~• ThtJ .encou•avement or· dlvielve ten­

ctettc~ea by the colcnal atetot end tht l.ftdJ.tfaJafiCa of tno coltP'

'-nauctacVt in &ltuetlOnt Of -~" titnaiob imCt ClmtlJ.Ctt 8\ICh '

• ltt 1931, eUowod "communal• tioUng to beoOmo taOJto wlaap.~•d• ih&

4na~Uv1ty and •lott ~eaponao ot ttt• po11ca and local otf1cle1e1 ca . . . .

tho gaMnta1 camplatnt of the local populetlon, • · u ttl& rtot& ot

Marett 19J1 •" conc:utJtna6, and thta 1188 aekftOIIledgod to eoM· extent . ., . . . . . .

the Ottlclel lftq\itil:'V C0111111tt .. aa uU.·t'S


ln th1a ettephrt w hava chntl\ !11th comn.t.-1 riot• and autJaurata

over l'allgf.ouo ·leau••• only 1n· ao tar aa tttov nflect upon o• effect, ' '


tha .1aeerma tor ·~nal• tlot.a or c~l PGlltlce 1n uona•al flo . . quoatlona too •J.U u b. tekon ·l.fP wtthSn the 11mitt or thle atudV+ Tbe

enalye1• he• f'ocuaad on, the eUouleUon ettd •MP~atlon ot .,.l'tein

. *pt1Mrd1al" forma of ~Ugtoua and CGIIIJIUnJ.ty co'*"iou~sa in thO Uvtto .. - l I • * 1 _' J lit41 t I ~ I , •.1 ..

154 lntorvJ.aa, A~waz .AlS, A. A~ret Sht"J.~tam. s.s. YUIUti It f!Uat ·be noted ~-, ~et the C0111rJ1Un£1ta tonO.d to ove e~~Phub• W• eepect ln om» to fectU.tattt tmtl.-ctJ~tJtDUnal PI'O~•·

1" StJo G,. 1'endeyt .Gt&1iat PP• t~'IJ9.

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Page 100: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


and ect1vlt1ea ot IIOdt&li'ea Such fOr:t'll8t we 'have atA"dt tuOre t:tmtac­

kr.teUc ot the wol' oleea 1n ttttt PI'Oces• of lt• ~att.on. n.. J!!PhtPa, tha gena~ •oetal encl cultu~ 8AV1:roraont, th• link llflth tho

vlllaga, ''- ncivt. tment eyat•• the nature of t'hl lebOut meset, ell

tn ~ -v• ••tUned put tradit!ona ent.t oue~, reU.gloua end

c'*ftlni.ty u... 8fJIOl19 the wodce•a. "Mob" aaUon on ~ellolaue !ewe•

.eftd cleahtte between ct.wRmUfttt1•• tondtttJ to a.ptel1lle auch ident1U.ea. • ' • • . ~ ! • 1 '

.Atta the l'lOte at 1951 fa» i.N~t the t:OIIIIUA1ty divJ.aiona batwoeft

1Rf3allg; bet•an tt.. pre-.tnanily •HindU" ~ end tht pt<adOml•

~antly ~-~~~- b..-• -~· Pl'O'*Incecs. ttanV HJ.nt;U• ·11v1ng in

AuaU.m areas tlcad to ""ttlndU" loeo11Uee. flluelJ.m wrken booalll8 eli.,..

natad h"am d'lat aa~~e to b¥. aeon by ,_.any, as a 41Hlndu~ Mtnatet.f MudUr J Sebhe. In the flbsenco of etutflaa on this eapect to~ othft · J.ft1Uatl'1$l

e.t.U••• no broacl gtneraJ.lseUona can be •awn• But· sfJlUu obe•:rvetlons

hova tsaen mad4l abOut tn•;: Jut• mUl ual'k-. in CtV.cutta,156 eftd the . . ,,

textile work~•• in "edt••• l t 11 two that "CIOwd" action in eJ. tu.vt1ons like the pleQUfl · 1'1ota

ot 19DO, • the moeqUCJ 'f.lot (t91Jl, involved UJ1de:r leauttt .epa..t trorn

those relating to the $0Cla1 cuetcatt Gttd rol1g).mta trac:U. tlofte or t.hit

IIOdcera·• The outbreak tlflaoted ~$0 an attack ega1n~ the state •

aga.tnat it• .int.tfo~~e nth the rel1g1oue l'l;hta of tha ptsople o~

the1~r cuatomal'y llOJGa ot soc1e1 st.Uarly1 in a dllmand ru I i1 I W • ••.• • W' _ . t: •• , I ( c- . J ,.

156 Oipoah Chakf!IVOJrtl; GP•Olt• Renajlt Oea Gupta• ~t.tial Cond1• Uon~ and aenev1oura1 Aapects of C.Ucutte _Wnklng CJ.asa tS?S-1999,• Ccn.tre ror Studlea tn Sootal Sc1enQea, ·O#cui.onal Paper No. 22; .'len, 1979 (cr.J.mao) • · · .. ·

15'1 £.o. Murpbyt "Claaa end COCM1JUnity ln lnd~ t T.,_ Madl'au LabOur unton 191&-2.1•" le&aJi.!f.R,,, Vol. xlv, No. '• :July•Sept.. 19"1ft PP• 291•'20•

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Page 101: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto


teaUval holl<ter• IJftd e, P~•ai •• ,tt\J.o '••• one ,._, ft8 en attempt

by 41JCJ1kwe tc ley c:tchlft . .....,_. a.n Nlft ot IIIDrk Gftd' 1•leun 8ftd ttte1•

~· to ,~ cthoi.plt,.. .,...,thdae, ltlhat •• tlgftirJ.cent

about· thoe~ IICUcnlt $d nt. dlBtktgulehod ii\Oift f'r~ to..- .ot

•eoiattance,·"'" tM ~_,,. _,,.,_, tsylllftkd8 om. r.,_t.gloue .t•aut'•·''1

· so~t,·bet.trl•n ..... " ewlk•.~ othen.t•• :unitfd; ct the 01••:;~ u. ~~ltv of and rad&cel ptopapnda

' -bf the c.-untatat Jn ttt• thlrtl•Ot ,f:fnt«J. ·at OM lt.nnl1~1 auonoea ot ~ ~ ' .. • # .. f -

clep Uld.tY~ 1'ht -~ -"tt had t1atllU bun al~ tram the K,M .• s. WGH dt..,"i.Mo ·thO -tlha a.Uv&Ui.~ttt end ther$ -.t·. getiOf*l to11dar1ty

bet ..... al;J ~•nt in the wtt.ikatt·.of t?J? end 19J8• aut oOJaanlty ' . '

J.defiUU.a euw1vet:f ~ to tm tmtlmt attectea .. ~lng cl••• P#tll:tJ.o•

eg81n ln 'f9J9., whon fiOtk£119 Cle.a octJ.v.t.ty ·-. 1n e PRioel •t dlcltt'ie• '

w&~ thfl 111'6Jkenlff9 of' t.he eovamttt.t ent:t ttplJ.ta •' thin the 1e$ .. ah£p,

·~ Pl'C>P~ ot tN fitu~UA·L•aw• .app•d•d to·.tt.e molb~a in

. thtr .uly t94D'e• the . ..S.atem:• of eueh tensicmt ln turn,arat~e It

d1tt1cult r. the Conpese ~ tha ~l.t• to IM.lblUze the codca~

1n thria8l psrladth· ~Ad o.v9riutlona Ub· U.a ftutlim League•.

ettll!lphd ·~ ettt-ac', tbll •tk•r•t bit lt ,_.e el-. P~ our .wtdenae

that tho -dcor••· tma.le Nkf.nlng e ~S.ty conectouMosta •' OtW r. •-••- 1 ·_-re £(? e.r cs - -"1 t t- n•·•n t 'a·


i.n t.fviftQ ·to 80ft al1 ectlun& ur the wcn:tc~~e pftal)tlly oa a ·kind at ~s~o to t:mt· ~~~&ton .aftd· cotaltation ,_, the tectft1 &Y&tee ,,. J;n bls ett.empt tD ttvtild at"!y ld~ntirlcat!on of the IPM4d.IIQ eta~; uth \1M:t tMI caneltJt~rt "~"., RmeJlt oaa Gupta~ ttm~ to ~l! the d1&\tftct.tor;; br1ta18$n CU ffotent lS'G!Uel btttJ• b~,~-;leftd fer a ho:fJ.ctay f;e such ·and tna demand for • tmlf4ay M a MHgiot;l• OCOflalon) aftd he u~aa. tM ~gnlt&• canoe. or .uc~t foll'l"s or ~.Qlcua ~ COtJ:IItinltyc::onsctou•nwsa. ·~atftial Cend1Uons a1'!d Sr4hwiout"a!. bPoctD of' th• c~t~ t~u~king tlese.-" · .

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Page 102: TtlE fORMATIV£ YEARS fl91Hfl - · maJ.ned on strike for eight daya2 • "no emall matter for eurprlse",' fOI' the hitherto

' 356


lwttlt .,. 'rtet t.nvolvftd in t'-. of thaa otgMlaatlona in

any eutt«l'*'- aM eJ.~ifkant •v• ''9

Many ot tht Mu~ilttl • ha~ tut~d 'tqt~JMda !ha. ttu·.U.· Le~• ln ·

• potied tllhon· they we~:e auanatoct t•om· KJt.s. am-e int»eaaingl)' aan

t~ the CaturQnlattJ ett.l' tho. dd tltltti••• Th• latter not ;tmJ.y

toatc up tlult:r $11~ ln. e ,_,.. do~nwd •etY• but encowaged fk.l&llm . ... . .

.,~to take up POB1ttons or ·t-~onsib.S.U.t.y i.n .'*!e camoglng fll111• ·

~lttttto. fha. tnWatS.OJ"H:e or tho. atNgglee of tn.e leto th!cU&a and

the clttae: !ntdactton eith .the. ~'li,o-t;t ~ld cbv1oualy hava IIKH!Ifl~

an .-... t!md e~Ud&tJ.on ot olau un.t.tYt end a ~ing of

Olftlotlk fot th088 amc Md .h11U. baGn Uatt1tad by ~· GIJCtQtani• ot·

tho Leaguo. Howevw the un1 ted atrUQQlea of &he clqo and ~~- .Lnvolw--

. met\t fll th the Qatl.m!J'to: cUd not ~~, l•act to ett woet.on end

nege:Uon ot ~t.ty co~outne-. ~~ feet. the nat&~ro ·or eobut.­

·u.on .at· .,a.Um• b7 th& t~1eta ln W. Pttt'lod IJ8Y .to ..,.. ••ant

haq te!nfCIOad ztathe,. thM tx~s-tett GUCh ldenti.Uu. ThO clo• C:OapaJa­

Uon ~ '"- COtlmun1et.• _,d the f\lsl.le t..eag;e leadctl':r ffQ.t'et ttohald.

fot ifttttminl• IICUld glw .,_, fo=• a cettein legJ.Umecv ln the :f!lv••

or V.O.. llbO bad bfion _..,etMUc to the League ._llCJJ• fhl C.~t

•t'-h to dl'ft• MudS.. to;~ tn uttlty with atbaJ -eU.ona dl.d. ,., ~ U. c:onacJ.wa l!nd euboaft801oue lavale or c-.nlt~

119 Ona IQU8t ~aio ugain1 the al&t1netton bet_.n ~ md.etenee ot ~ty f•1£ftp, etad •communal* paUttca ot *'cCGiftl.tftallaf&" • s.n 1d41DlcfN or a co~. ~nt. the working Ole• in Kenpur, dl.d f~Qt f'"oJ."m th• baelt or • "~nel" ao\HIImfmt• l.t as • .,. lnto the tt~tt Gldea tn "-ch t9J1, but f!hle lt ,..t, be noted1 - • pot>J.od in tllhlcft the· IIOI!k&ng clq• · eov.-.nt J.taelf .,.. . goitag through -~ tl~ pttue.

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ottugQlas of' the ttW:kel'e and a comd.etont Uffori by tJ'te. tt~D~J~Urdeta

not. only to appcsa th8 txistln; IDOdatJ of' thought .ancs· t.Uno1 hut to

help i.n the ()H&U.on of a COW'ItGf· ldeoJ.ogy.. Within tho eKtatlng

eoelel c:oJtt.xt1 tht ettbO.:dintrttcn ot camlll.lni.ty ideftt1Uee and tt. ·

e~ryetatUiati,cft of a •• stable hatJ.t;~ of cl••• conoctouanedt aao a

procea• ~ could cf!J.y ba· a dtfflcult end ~otl"fSOied one.

< ' I,

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