tthheee mmeeessssseennngggeeerrr::: mmaaarrrccchhh 2 … · 2018-04-06 · standing before the...

In this Month’s Issue: From the Pastor, Page 1 President’s Points, Birthdays, Prayer Requests Page 2 Ministries, Announcements Page 3-5 Calendar Page 6 School News Page 7 ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT Called by God, centered in the Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we rejoice in the Lord, proclaim His gift of Grace through liturgical worship and service and share Christ’s love and forgiveness in all we do. The Reverend Keith Getz, Pastor [email protected] Sunday Worship: 10:00 AM Sunday School: 9:00 AM Wednesday: 10:30 AM: Bible Study (Library) & Noon: Holy Communion Service (Sanctuary) St. James Lutheran Church 1137 Alice Drive Sumter, SC 29150 Office: 773-2260 E-mail: [email protected] Church Office Hours: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Monday – Friday St. James Lutheran School 934-8727 775-8724 T Th he e M Me es ss se en ng ge er r: : M Ma ar rc ch h 2 20 01 16 6 Words from Your Pastor Greetings, brothers and sisters, from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, For my newsletter articles, in the next coming months, I will be writing about the meaning and importance of the Divine Service. We have an ancient and rich liturgy that can provide us with a moving and deeply spiritual encounter with the Triune God. Contrary to our modern mentality that says, “What is new is relevant, what is old is not,” I believe our liturgy is relevant and crucial to our lives as Christians. However, we can get into a mental and spiritual rut when it comes to the liturgy. We can put our worship on cruise control, going through the motions, without realizing the full meaning of our actions and gestures during worship. My hope is that these articles will help in revitalizing and re-energizing our understanding and love for the liturgy and possibly enable us to be more open to an encounter with the Holy Spirit during our worship. The question is: where to start. Well, perhaps the best place to start is at the very beginning...... Before the introit, before the announcements and Brief Order of Confession and Forgiveness, there is the silence. Some folks begin their Sunday worship at St. James, sitting in their pew in silence. This silence is not the world's silence, a lack in something to say, a lack in speaking out to the injustices and lack of humanity in society. With only the natural morning daylight streaming into the nave to illuminate the church, they begin their worship in silent prayer. This silence is sacred silence. It is prayerful silence, standing before the presence of God in awe and fear and love. There are also other times during the liturgy that silence should be observed. When the choir is singing or music is playing, we should also be silent, listening to the Spirit speak to us through the beauty of music. Music is one of God's great gifts that he gives us as a means to be inspired by the Spirit and as a means to respond to Him in thanks and praise, joining our song with the song of the saints and angels, who surround the throne of God and the Victorious Conquering Lamb of God. It also honors and values the choir's and musicians' sacrifice of their time and talents to the Lord. Silence is also extremely important during the Holy Eucharist. Imagine being at Golgotha when the bloody, tortured Lord breathed his last and gave up his Spirit, so we could be saved. Jesus' dead body hanging on the cross, not because of his sin, but because of our sin. In that life-changing, world-changing moment, I imagine we would be speechless, pondering the gravity of the experience, and its profound meaning for our lives. In the Holy Eucharist, the resurrected and glorified Jesus gives himself to us again. In the breaking of his body and the pouring of his blood, in bread and wine, we are given Jesus Christ, the crucified and risen Lord. We receive a taste of the Resurrection, a foretaste of the wedding feast to come. In this meal, we are in union with the risen Christ and share in the life of the living God. We receive the forgiveness of sins, salvation, eternal life now and forever, because we receive Christ. When we come back to our pew, we sit or kneel in silent prayer, showing respect for Christ made substantially present in this meal. This time of silence is an opportunity to pray to God or to prayerfully ponder the mystery of this most blessed and Holy Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. I am so thankful that God has blessed St. James with the gift of fellowship and genuine Christian love. Our members have big and generous hearts, who enjoy being a part of each others' lives. We have the friendliest and most loving church of any I have been a part of. I am also grateful that we like to fellowship with one another during out time together at church. These things say volumes about who and whose we are. But, it is important that we also have moments of silence so that the opportunity for the Holy Spirit to touch our minds and hearts is not unintentionally hindered. May we make time to be in the prayerful silence, listening tentatively to the Spirit, who continues to illuminate us and transform us into the likeness of the Son, Jesus Christ. Your servant in Christ, Pastor Keith

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Page 1: TThheee MMeeessssseennngggeeerrr::: MMaaarrrccchhh 2 … · 2018-04-06 · standing before the presence of God in awe and fear and love. There are also other times during the liturgy

In this Month’s Issue: From the Pastor, Page 1 President’s Points, Birthdays, Prayer Requests Page 2 Ministries, Announcements Page 3-5 Calendar Page 6 School News Page 7


STATEMENT Called by God, centered

in the Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we rejoice in the

Lord, proclaim His gift of Grace through liturgical worship and service and share Christ’s love and

forgiveness in all we do.

The Reverend Keith Getz, Pastor

[email protected]

Sunday Worship: 10:00 AM

Sunday School: 9:00 AM Wednesday: 10:30 AM: Bible Study (Library) &

Noon: Holy Communion Service (Sanctuary)

St. James Lutheran

Church 1137 Alice Drive

Sumter, SC 29150 Office: 773-2260

E-mail: [email protected]

Church Office Hours: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Monday – Friday

St. James Lutheran School

934-8727 775-8724

TTThhheee MMMeeesssssseeennngggeeerrr::: MMMaaarrrccchhh 222000111666

Words from Your Pastor

Greetings, brothers and sisters, from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

For my newsletter articles, in the next coming months, I will be writing about the meaning and importance

of the Divine Service. We have an ancient and rich liturgy that can provide us with a moving and deeply

spiritual encounter with the Triune God. Contrary to our modern mentality that says, “What is new is

relevant, what is old is not,” I believe our liturgy is relevant and crucial to our lives as Christians.

However, we can get into a mental and spiritual rut when it comes to the liturgy. We can put our worship

on cruise control, going through the motions, without realizing the full meaning of our actions and gestures

during worship. My hope is that these articles will help in revitalizing and re-energizing our understanding

and love for the liturgy and possibly enable us to be more open to an encounter with the Holy Spirit during

our worship. The question is: where to start. Well, perhaps the best place to start is at the very


Before the introit, before the announcements and Brief Order of Confession and Forgiveness, there is the

silence. Some folks begin their Sunday worship at St. James, sitting in their pew in silence. This silence is

not the world's silence, a lack in something to say, a lack in speaking out to the injustices and lack of

humanity in society. With only the natural morning daylight streaming into the nave to illuminate the

church, they begin their worship in silent prayer. This silence is sacred silence. It is prayerful silence,

standing before the presence of God in awe and fear and love.

There are also other times during the liturgy that silence should be observed. When the choir is singing or

music is playing, we should also be silent, listening to the Spirit speak to us through the beauty of music.

Music is one of God's great gifts that he gives us as a means to be inspired by the Spirit and as a means to

respond to Him in thanks and praise, joining our song with the song of the saints and angels, who surround

the throne of God and the Victorious Conquering Lamb of God. It also honors and values the choir's and

musicians' sacrifice of their time and talents to the Lord.

Silence is also extremely important during the Holy Eucharist. Imagine being at Golgotha when the

bloody, tortured Lord breathed his last and gave up his Spirit, so we could be saved. Jesus' dead body

hanging on the cross, not because of his sin, but because of our sin. In that life-changing, world-changing

moment, I imagine we would be speechless, pondering the gravity of the experience, and its profound

meaning for our lives.

In the Holy Eucharist, the resurrected and glorified Jesus gives himself to us again. In the breaking of his

body and the pouring of his blood, in bread and wine, we are given Jesus Christ, the crucified and risen

Lord. We receive a taste of the Resurrection, a foretaste of the wedding feast to come. In this meal, we are

in union with the risen Christ and share in the life of the living God. We receive the forgiveness of sins,

salvation, eternal life now and forever, because we receive Christ. When we come back to our pew, we sit

or kneel in silent prayer, showing respect for Christ made substantially present in this meal. This time of

silence is an opportunity to pray to God or to prayerfully ponder the mystery of this most blessed and Holy

Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ.

I am so thankful that God has blessed St. James with the gift of fellowship and genuine Christian love. Our

members have big and generous hearts, who enjoy being a part of each others' lives. We have the

friendliest and most loving church of any I have been a part of. I am also grateful that we like to fellowship

with one another during out time together at church. These things say volumes about who and whose we

are. But, it is important that we also have moments of silence so that the opportunity for the Holy Spirit to

touch our minds and hearts is not unintentionally hindered.

May we make time to be in the prayerful silence, listening tentatively to the Spirit, who continues to

illuminate us and transform us into the likeness of the Son, Jesus Christ.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Keith

Page 2: TThheee MMeeessssseennngggeeerrr::: MMaaarrrccchhh 2 … · 2018-04-06 · standing before the presence of God in awe and fear and love. There are also other times during the liturgy

1st Elton Hallman

2nd Susan Hamm

3rd Cathy Simpson

8th Joyce Diehl, Jennifer Morse

11th Kaitlyn Russell

12th Mary Bradshaw

13th Lindsey Palmo

20th Bruce Murray

21st George Getz

24th Lionel Viens

28th Cindy Hamm

29th Lindsay Schmeling

30 Deuward Bultman

31 Jonathen Beck

Baptismal Anniversaries

Annah Beck – 3/05/2000

Joshua Polliey – 3/10/2013

Mason Dew – 3/11/2012

Liam Getz – 3/25/2008

Alex Copeland – 3/26/1989

Katelynn Hutcherson – 3/29/2015

For healing:

Swade Amerson (Donna Murray’s brother)

Helen Bultman

Nit Cohen (Kim Strange’s sister)

Rob Easley

Jeniffer Filipiak

Connie Hallman

Barbara Harbath

Dean Heal

Debbie Ketterer

Margaret Lutz

Virginia McCoy (Karen Hesselbart’s mother)

Betty Moore

Chris Morse

Florence Piver

Ann Reynolds

Kathryn Rosen (Bonnie Moses’ mother)

Judith Terry

If you have a prayer need and would like it in the next Newsletter, please e-mail me at [email protected].

President’s Points “Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation.” Jean Arp As the German-French sculptor, painter, poet and abstract artist pointed out, silence is becoming less and less available to us as humans. Silence is a gift that enriches our worship. The rests in music are as important as the notes and must be counted and honored the same way that sounds are made. Silence can deepen the experience of words, music and worship. I have learned to tune out noises that are around me, but silence always catches my attention. Until a congregation becomes comfortable with silence, members are often fidgety or look around wondering if someone forgot what is next in the liturgy. We already include some times of silence in our worship and we will be adding more. Our greeters and ushers will be meeting you in the middle of the narthex prior to service. We will keep the doors from the narthex to the Sanctuary closed prior to service as a reminder that you are leaving the busyness and noise of the world to enter into the sacred house of God. As you walk through the doors into the Sanctuary, please be respectful of the quiet atmosphere that will be offered. Take this time to quiet your mind and prepare for worship. This would also be a great time to silence your cell phone. Pastor will continue to provide brief times of silence during the service for us to reflect and listen for the voice of God. When you return to your pews after receiving Holy Communion, please respect those around you who are in prayer. In addition to becoming more comfortable with silence in our service, I encourage you to find ways to incorporate silent time in your daily life.

We can forget that God comes to us in silence and stillness. Psalm 46:10 reminds us to “Be still and know that I am God.”

Lisa Bratton

Lisa Bratton

Page 3: TThheee MMeeessssseennngggeeerrr::: MMaaarrrccchhh 2 … · 2018-04-06 · standing before the presence of God in awe and fear and love. There are also other times during the liturgy

CRUCIFER AND COMMUNION HELPER SCHEDULE: March 6: Crucifer: Owen Getz Communion Help: Carolinda Getz Attendant: Karen Hesselbart March 13: Crucifer: Caroline Getz Communion Help: Karen Hesselbart Attendant: Lisa Bratton March 20: Crucifer: Ashley Crawshaw Communion Help: Madison Crawshaw Attendant: Kim Strange March 27: Crucifer: Andrew Bratton Communion Help: Natalie Palmo Attendant: Karen Hesselbart

LITURGIST & CA SCHEDULE: March 6: Liturgist: Dick Rasmussen CAs: Ford Kamin & Cheryl Schmeling March 13: Liturgist: Ford Kamin CAs: Bob Summers & Karen Bailey March 20: Liturgist: Hugh China CAs: Bob Bessel & Harold Chandler March 27: Liturgist: Karen Hesselbart CAs: Gary Harbath & Ford Kamin

LAYREADER SCHEDULE: March 6: Lois Heal March 13: Judy Lessard March 20: Rob Easley March 27: Harold Chandler CHILDREN’S SERMON SCHEDULE: March 6: Pastor Keith March 13: Lisa Bratton March 20: Elton Hallman March 27: Karen Hesselbart ALTAR CARE: March: Judy Pollock & Arletta Price USHER SCHEDULE: March 6: Emery McElveen & Max Schmeling March 13 & 20: Tim Tidwell & John Kinser March 27 & April 3: Ray Ziecker & Mike Stewart

COUNTER SCHEDULE: March 6: Bob Bessel March 13: Eric Hutchison March 20: Bob Bessel March 27: Bob Bessel

EVANGELISM GREETER SCHEDULE: March 6: Judy Lessard & Betty Shaw March 13: Lionel & Shirley Viens March 20: Bob & Jeanne Bessel March 27: Carolinda Getz & Judy Pollock

FLOWERS: March 6: Lent Greenery March 13: Lent Greenery March 20: Palm Sunday - Palms March 27: Easter Sunday - Lilies


If you will be unable to make it on a Sunday when you are serving, please call the office: 773-2260 and let Valerie know so that we can find a replacement and make the necessary changes to the bulletin.

Page 4: TThheee MMeeessssseennngggeeerrr::: MMaaarrrccchhh 2 … · 2018-04-06 · standing before the presence of God in awe and fear and love. There are also other times during the liturgy

Church Office Hours

Please be aware office hours be will 8:00 a.m. to 12:00

p.m. beginning Monday, February 29th.

GREETERS Please be sure to move the Guest Book stand closer to the entry doors in the Narthex and greet members and visitors as they enter the building. This will allow for more opportunity to have visitors sign in and be properly greeted and also will cut down on the congestion and noise at the entry doors to the sanctuary. Thank you ! Also, please think about sharing those great St. James smiles and friendly handshakes and volunteer to become a Greeter!!! Contact JoAnn Bruce at (803) 869-4303 if you would like to join the Greeter Team!

Suber, Bultman Circle

If you missed our meeting last month, we missed you. This

month our meeting will be Thursday, March 10th at 3:00

p.m. in the church parlor. Judy Lessard is the hostess and

will be giving the program. We will be gathering needed

items for Northwoods Senior Living Home. Hope to see you


Birthday Surprise

Recently Mrs. Hazelee Hallman celebrated her 96th

birthday. The congregation enjoyed congratulating her the

day of our annual meeting and pot luck dinner. Hazelee has

been an active member at St. James since 1939. Over the

years she has served on many committees, teaching

Sunday School and being a strong working member of the

women’s circles. She is always here to welcome visitors,

new members, calling on our shut ins and greeting us with

her big smile. We all love you Hazelee and we see God’s

love in you as you are His Faithful Servant in all you do each

day. May you enjoy many more birthdays and continue to

be an example for us all to follow.

The Lula June Circle will meet

Tuesday, March 1st at 9:30 am

at the home of Barbara

Harbath. All ladies are invited.

Please call Judith Terry 775-4206

or Arletta Price 905-1116 if you

have questions or need a ride.

Please plan to





on Tuesday,

March 1st

from 6:30–8:00 p.m.

Please bring a snack

to share.


2nd Tuesday of the month 5:00 - 5:45 pm

4th Tuesday of the month 9:15 - 10:15 am

Or by appointment (Call Church Office)

Will be held on the following Wednesdays at 7:00 pm March 2 - Jesus Prays in Face of Death

March 9 - Jesus Prays in the Immanence of His Death

March 16 - The Christian Community, A People Who Pray

Page 5: TThheee MMeeessssseennngggeeerrr::: MMaaarrrccchhh 2 … · 2018-04-06 · standing before the presence of God in awe and fear and love. There are also other times during the liturgy

It had been announced for several weeks that the Annual

Congregational meeting would be held January 10th

, a covered

dish lunch following the service. I usually go on to the fellowship

hall, but something told me to wait on Elton. When we got over

there it was a crowd. We found a place to sit then everyone

started singing Happy Birthday and Elton pinned a corsage on

me. What a surprise this was. I didn’t know what to say. I want to

thank everyone that had a part in this, also for the flowers, cards,

phone calls and Judy for the beautiful cake. I have been a

member of Saint James Church more than 70 years and this was

the biggest celebration I have ever had. Maybe it’s because I’ve

never been 96 years old before. It’s a day I will never forget. I

love my St. James family. May God Bless each of you,

Mrs. Hazelee Hallman

A big thank you to all the ladies who fixed food for Crosswell

Children’s Home. We served about 30 children. Upon carrying

the food to the older girls’ cottage, we heard one girl say, “Oh

boy, it’s Thanksgiving”. So you can see how it was truly a very

special time to share with the kids. Also, thank you to all the

ladies for helping in all of our programs and activities.

With Christ’s Love,

Judy Lessard


World Day of Prayer will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Friday,

March 4th at Emmanuel United Methodist Church 4421 S.

Main St. in Sumter. Each representative is asked to bring

canned goods to support United Ministries of Sumter County.

Call Judy Lessard at 803-499-3799 if you have any questions.

See flyer on breezeway bulletin board.

Spring Epiphany Conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. on

Saturday, March 5th at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Florence.

This event is for all women of St. James. We find out about

our state activities and events for the spring and summer. We

plan to carpool so please contact Judy Lessard at 803-499-

3799. See flyer on breezeway bulletin board.

Jewelry Making

There will be NO classes on March 2nd or March 9th.

Classes will resume on Wednesday, March 16th.

The Women’s Afternoon Music Club will present an

“Afternoon of Sacred Music” on Sunday, March 13th at

3:00 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church. The public is

cordially invited to attend.

Funeral Planning

We now have an updated funeral pre-planning sheet

available. Please stop by the church office if you would like to

have one.

March 20 - Palm Sunday March 24 - Maundy Thursday Service – 7 p.m.

March 25 - Good Friday Service – 7 p.m. March 27 - Easter Sunday

Sunrise Service – 8:00 a.m. Potluck Breakfast – 9:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt – 9:00 a.m. Easter Service – 10:00 a.m

There will be no Children’s Sunday School Classes on Easter

Sunday, March 27th. We will be conducting our Annual

Easter Egg Hunt during the Sunday School hour that starts

at 9:00 a.m. All children are invited. Please remember to

bring your Easter baskets if your child will be joining us for

the Easter Egg Hunt. We will also be accepting candy

donations so that we can fill up the eggs for the children.

There will be a basket in the front forum of the church

narthex where the candy donations can be placed. We

greatly appreciate your help in supplying the candy!

On Sunday, March 20th we would like to have some

volunteers to stay after the church service and meet in the

FSH for 30 minutes to help stuff candy into the Easter eggs.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:30 AM Lula June Circle

6:30 PM Praise &

Fellowship (FSH)


10:30 AM Bible Study


12:00 PM Holy

Communion Service


7:00 PM Lenten Service

7:30 PM Choir Practice


7:00 PM Boy Scouts

Troop 305 (FSH)

4 5

9:00 AM Prayer

Fellowship (Sanct.)


9:00 AM Sunday School for

All Ages

10:00 AM Traditional

Communion Service

11:30 AM Trust Fund

Committee Meeting


7 8

5:00 PM Individual


5:30 PM Girl Scouts

Troop #1315 (Library)

6:00 PM Cub Scouts

Pack 300 (FSH)

6:00 PM Worship Team

Meeting (Parlor)

7:00 PM Venture Crew

300 (Library)


10:30 AM Bible Study


12:00 PM Holy

Communion Service


7:00 PM Lenten Service

7:30 PM Choir Practice


3:00 PM Suber, Bultman

Circle (Parlor)

6:00 PM American

Heritage Girl (Sanctuary)

6:00 PM Cub Scouts

Pack 305 (FSH)

6:30 PM School Board

Ministry Tm. (Library)

7:00 PM Boy Scouts

Troop 305 (FSH)

11 12

9:00 AM Prayer

Fellowship (Sanct.)

10:00 AM Pinewood

Derby Race (FSH)


9:00 AM Sunday School for

All Ages

10:00 AM Traditional

Communion Service

11:30 AM Endowment

Fund Meeting (Library)


7:00 PM Lutheran Men's

Meeting (FSH)


6:00 PM Cub Scouts

Pack 300 (FSH)


10:30 AM Bible Study


12:00 PM Holy

Communion Service


7:00 PM Lenten Service

7:30 PM Choir Practice

7:30 PM Jewelry Making

Group (Library)



6:00 PM American

Heritage Girl (Sanctuary)

6:00 PM Cub Scouts

Pack 305 (FSH)

7:00 PM Boy Scouts

Troop 305 (FSH)

18 19

8:00 AM Kairos (FSH)

9:00 AM Prayer

Fellowship (Sanct.)


9:00 AM Sunday School for

All Ages

10:00 AM Traditional

Communion Service


7:00 PM Council

Meeting (Library)


8:00 AM Lutheran Men's

Breakfast (Guignard


9:15 AM Individual


7:00 PM Venture Crew

300 (Library)


10:30 AM Bible Study


12:00 PM Holy

Communion Service


5:00 PM Chick-fil-A Spirit


5:30 PM Vespers

(Evening) Prayer Service

7:00 PM Choir Practice

7:00 PM Jewelry Making

Group (Library)


7:00 pm Maundy

Thursday Service


7:00 pm Good Friday



9:00 AM Prayer

Fellowship (Sanct.)

27 Easter

8:00 AM Sunrise Service

9:00 AM Potluck Breakfast

9:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt

10:00 AM Easter Service


10:30 AM Bible Study


12:00 PM Holy

Communion Service


5:30 PM Vespers

(Evening) Prayer Service

7:00 PM Choir Practice

7:00 PM Jewelry Making

Group (Library)



Page 7: TThheee MMeeessssseennngggeeerrr::: MMaaarrrccchhh 2 … · 2018-04-06 · standing before the presence of God in awe and fear and love. There are also other times during the liturgy

Dear Church Members,

General enrollment for new students will begin March 1st. If you know someone who is interested in

registering their child, please pass this information along to them. You will also notice tuition prices

and the length of the school day have changed. The curriculum payment will be due by July 1st.

Tuition fees for next year will be as follows:

(Please see me about sibling, military, and church member discounts.)

3 K : (8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.) $2,150/year or $215/month (10 payments); Curriculum fee: $100

4 K: (8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.) $2,250/year or $225/month (10 payments); Curriculum fee: $100

5-K: (8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.) $2,650/year or $265/month (10 payments); Curriculum fee: $200

1st – 5

th: (8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) $2,900/year or $290/month (10 payments); Curriculum fee: $200

Please call the school office if you have any questions regarding pre-registration or fees.

Also, SJLS will be participating in the St. Jude Math-A-Thon during the month of March. The St.

Jude Math-A-Thon benefits St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. St. Jude has treated children who

are battling cancer and other life-threatening diseases, and no family ever receives a bill from St.

Jude. If you would like to donate, please make your checks payable to St. Jude Children’s Research

Hospital. Thank you for your support!


Kristin Ross Tammy Strunga

St. James Lutheran School

Where Jesus is Lord and His children

grow in grace, truth, and knowledge

1137A Alice Drive Sumter, SC 29150

Phone: 803-934-8727 email: [email protected]

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ST JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH 1137 Alice Drive Sumter, SC 29150

Return Service Requested

Office: 773-2260

E-mail: [email protected] Church office hours: 8:00am-12:00pm Monday through Friday

The Reverend Keith Getz, Pastor [email protected]

St. James Lutheran School 934-8727 or 775-8724 E-mail: [email protected]

Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postage


Permit 105

Sumter, SC 29150

SERVICES: Wednesday 10:30 AM - Bible Study

Noon - Holy Communion Service Sunday School for All Ages: 9:00 AM Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 AM