t&t july august 2012

http://southmarston.org.uk Tower & Tap In this Issue: Church News/Meeting Point ........... 4, 5 Police Meetings ..................................10 Church Services Schedule ................... 6 Youth Club ..........................................10 Parish Council..................................7, 8 Summer Fete .......................................11 SME Group ...........................................8 Gardening Club ..................................13 Friendly Club .......................................9 SMAWL ...............................................15 SMRA 100 Club...................................10 Diamond Jubilee..................................17 July & August 2012

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South Marston Tower and Tap Parish Magazine


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Tower & Tap

In this Issue:

Church News/Meeting Point ........... 4, 5 Police Meetings ..................................10

Church Services Schedule ................... 6 Youth Club ..........................................10

Parish Council..................................7, 8 Summer Fete .......................................11

SME Group ...........................................8 Gardening Club ..................................13

Friendly Club .......................................9 SMAWL ...............................................15

SMRA 100 Club...................................10 Diamond Jubilee..................................17

July & August 2012

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MonMonMonMon TueTueTueTue WedWedWedWed ThuThuThuThu FriFriFriFri SatSatSatSat SunSunSunSun

30 31


2 Gardening Club BBQ Youth Club 6.30 pm Village Hall

3 All Sorts SM School 1.30- 2.45pm

4 Tots ‘n’ Toddlers 9-11am Village Hall

5 South Marston Enterprise Group 7.30 pm

6 Wheelie Bins

Mixed Plastics

Green Waste

7 Summer Fete 2 - 5 pm

Party in the Park. 7 ‘til late



10 All Sorts SM School 1.30- 2.45pm

Friendly Club 2 pm Village Hall

11 Tots ‘n’ Toddlers 9-11am Village Hall

Craft Company 2 pm Dryden House

SMRA 7.30 pm (see website for venue)


13 Youth Club 6.30 pm Village Hall

14 Meeting Point 10am - 12.30pm Village Hall


16 Youth Club 6.30 pm Village Hall

17 All Sorts SM School 1.30- 2.45pm

Parish Council 7.30 pm Village Hall

18 Tots ‘n’ Toddlers 9-11am Village Hall

19 20 Wheelie Bins

Mixed Plastics

Green Waste

21 Saturday Scene 4 pm Village Hall





26 27 Youth Club 6.30 pm Village Hall

28 29

July 2012

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Dear Friends, I want to say a huge thank you for the generous response we have had for St. Margaret’s Roof Appeal. It means such a great deal to us in this economic climate! We are all hearing about ‘the cuts’ and we are experiencing the economic squeeze. If we have savings, we are not getting much of a return; if we are in debt, we are having to pay more interest; and if we are on a fixed income it just doesn’t go as far as it did this time last year. Yet even in this ‘squeeze’ we are all better off than people were 40 years ago but research shows that we are not so happy! The Bible says more about money and possessions than many other issues. I am told—no I haven’t counted them myself– there are more than 2,000 verses about this subject! Behind money there is a spiritual issue. I have heard it said ‘Money does not make a man, money unmasks him.’ Our attitude to money says a great deal about us. Most people agree that money can’t actually make you happy. Recent research has shown that people who have won the lottery are less optimistic about their future than people who have been paralysed by an accident six month’s after the event! Its what’s in our hearts that makes us happy or sad. Debt brings its own consequences —King Solomon wrote: “The rich rule over the poor and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave.” The Bible encourages us to put a right perspective on the value of possessions. We need to continually learn to be grateful for what we do have—there are always others less fortunate than ourselves. The Bible also reminds us that ‘God loves a cheerful giver’ because our basis for giving should be love. God loved us so much and our giving is to be a response to that love. Thank you again for your generosity. God Bless, Vicky Fleming

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Church News

The High Five services for children up to 5 years are organised with the South Marston Preschool if you would like details about the next one please contact Vicky Fleming.

There will be no service in August . ‘Craft Company’ we are meeting again at Mary Cooper’s house (Dryden House) 2pm Wednesday 11th July and 8th August, More details from Mary or Vicky Fleming.

Saturday SceneSaturday SceneSaturday SceneSaturday Scene will be meeting on 21st July will be meeting on 21st July will be meeting on 21st July will be meeting on 21st July but will not meet in August. We will meet again 8th but will not meet in August. We will meet again 8th but will not meet in August. We will meet again 8th but will not meet in August. We will meet again 8th September. September. September. September. Have a good holiday!

For more information contact Donald Page on 825693


Have you noticed how tidy the church grounds are now? A huge thank you to Colin and Jenny McEwen for cutting the Glebe grass and Richard Sansum and William Hiscocks for working hard in the churchyard. PLEASE help us to keep it tidy by disposing of non-biodegradable things in the bin provided and compost the rest in the designated area. Thank you.

The 7.30 ClubThe 7.30 ClubThe 7.30 ClubThe 7.30 Club for 10 to 16 year olds from Stratton, Stanton & South Marston

Held on alternate Sunday Evenings

7.30pm to 8.45pm at St Margaret’s Centre Please call the St. Margaret’s Church Office

for more information

Weddings and Baptisms If you would like to book either a wedding or a baptism at South Marston Church you need to contact Rev. Vicky Fleming as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Bookings are already being taken for 2014 and the baptism diary is very full for this year.

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Church Office

South Marston Church is part of Stratton Team Ministry. The office is

located at St. Margaret’s Centre, Kenwin Close, Stratton St. Margaret and it

is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8.30am to 12

noon. Email: [email protected] or tel: 826505.

If you would like to talk to a priest or book a Christening or Wedding please

contact Rev Vicky Fleming on 827021 between 6 and 7pm any evening

except Fridays or Sundays.

Members of the team: Priest in Charge Rev. Vicky Fleming 827021

Asst. Priest Rev. George Fleming 827021

Asst. Priest Rev. Richard Burston 822403

Lay Minister Mrs Christine Burston 822403

Lay Minister Mr Dan Read 763016

The Meeting Point Coffee morning with table top sales

(Please book a table early: £2.50 for people who live in the village, £5

for those outside and free to village organisations )

14th July and 11th August from 10.00 –12.30 In the Village Hall

Come and meet your friends, chat and enjoy catching up on the latest news.

Refreshments provided by South Marston Church

We look forward to seeing you

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Church Services (at South Marston Church unless otherwise stated)

1st July 11.00am Family Service

8th July 9.30am Holy Communion

15th July 11.00am Team Service Coleview

22nd July 8.00am Holy Communion

9.30am Morning Worship

29th July 9.30am Morning Worship

5th August 11.00am Family Service

12th August 9.30am Holy Communion

19th August 10.00am Team Service St Margaret’s

26th August 8.00am Holy Communion

9.30am Morning Worship

Car & Van MOT - £45 10day free re-test Motor Bike MOT - £29 10day free re-test

Servicing, Welding Body Work, Mechanical

Accident Repairs Restoration, Re-Spray Upgrades, Body Kits

Brakes and maintenance checks

Open 8.00am – 5.30pm

Phone us on 01793 821360 or email [email protected]

Address: Old Farm Barn, Nightingale Lane, South Marston, SN3 4SL

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South Marston Parish Council

We are a friendly social group that

meets to talk about all things

business related. Regular meetings

are held on the 1st Thursday of

every month, 7.30pm-9pm.

It’s not a formal group – we meet

in each other’s homes, chat around

business related topics and enjoy

nibbles and a drink. Anyone with an

interest in business enterprise is

welcome to come along and join in.

Each meeting has a theme and

future topics include: keeping up to

date with social media, finding out

about curtain making and soft

furnishings and an evening talk

about acupuncture.

See the South Marston Village

website, or contact Hazel Andrews

by e-mail [email protected] or

01793 827507 for further details.

South Marston Enterprise Group

Parish Councillor Vacancy South Marston Parish Council currently has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. Applicants should put their request for consideration in writing with a summary about themselves including: reasons for wishing to be a councillor; previous community/council work; any other skills they can bring to the Council, their interests and recent career history.

The closing date for applications is Friday 6th July 2012.

All candidates will be invited to an interview. For further information, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Parish Council Meetings Members of the public are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings which are held on the third Tuesday of the month, at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. There is an “Open 10 Minutes” section at the start of the meeting where you are invited to ask questions or discuss an agenda item. It would be helpful if you could inform the Chairman at the start of the meeting of any items that you wish to raise or discuss. All agendas are published on the village website and on the village notice boards, prior to the meetings.

To keep informed of all the latest Parish Council news, including minutes of Parish Council meetings, please visit www.southmarston.org.uk and visit the ‘Parish Council’ section.

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Winds of Change

Renewable energy has its place in planning for

Britain's future energy needs but do you want a

wind farm right on your doorstep?

Proposed changes to Swindon Borough Councils Core Strategy

and Development Management Policies mean that safeguards and

protections in the old plan which recently helped to prevent

Ecotricity from building three gigantic 120m wind turbines on the

doorstep of South Marston have been swept away in favour of a blanket declaration

that renewable energy projects such as wind energy should be encouraged.

Worse still, the new plan designates specific areas that are Wind Turbine Areas of

Search that the revised plan identifies for active consideration and Highworth,

Hannington, South Marston and the eastern villages of Wanborough and

Liddington are right there on the front line. A map included in the new Core

Strategy shows a broad area of land just to the north of Highworth for example,

where development of wind farms is considered suitable and desirable.

Last year a concerted campaign saw thousands of Swindon residents voice their

concerns about the revised plan in the consultation exercise that SBC initiated and

well over 800 people from this side of Swindon specifically wrote in to ask for just

one simple protection to be included in the Core Strategy. That there should be a

2km gap between any proposed wind turbines and residential housing. Nothing

radical here, it's been adopted by other Councils and is under debate in Parliament

for a national planning restriction. But unfortunately, despite the unprecedented

response to the Core Strategy consultation, Swindon Council has to date ignored

residents’ requests.

Honda, to its great credit, eventually recognised that their proposed wind turbines

were not suitable so close to residential housing and opted instead for a Solar Farm

on the edge of South Marston. However, if the same case had to be argued again,

Highworth, or any other parishes, wouldn't have the same protection to make sure

the correct decision is reached.

We need to make sure that our elected Councillors are aware of the genuine

concerns and get this one simple, 2km rule included, or the whole public

consultation process will be seen to be a sham!

Contact your Councillors and your MP to make sure they are aware of your

concerns. And you need to do it now, because the consultation period is coming to

an end.


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Recent Events On 12th June we held our AGM. The minutes of the previous AGM and independ-

ently audited accounts for the current year were issued to all members present. The officers gave their reports of the year’s activity. Re-election of officers and committee

was agreed. After the AGM we were by entertained by Rose Little and Mervyn Penny.

Our trip to The Chelsea Pensioners Royal Hospital on 19th June was very interest-

ing. There is a museum depicting the history of the hospital and a large collection of

medals many donated by past pensioners and private donation. The gardens are well kept. We were given a guided tour by a Chelsea Pensioner who told us the history of

the hospital and the criteria for becoming an inpatient. The hospital is for army pen-sioners and there are now some female army pensioners. It is well worth a visit.

Future Events

Tuesday 10th July at 2.00pm in the Village Hall.

A talk will be given by John Jameson-Davis on Secrets in handwriting.

Tuesday 17th July - Outing

Trip to visit the Beaulieu Motor Museum, House and Garden, via the New Forest. Costs £28.00 for members; £32.00 for non-members,

including entrance to all the attractions. Leave from the outside the village school at 9.30am, arrive back at South Marston at 7.00pm.

Places still available for members and non-members. If you are interested contact Brian 826243 or Josie 828080.

Tuesday 14th August. A social gathering will be held with afternoon tea at the South Marston

Hotel at 2.30pm. Cost for members £4.50, non-members £5.00. Pay-ment will be taken on the day at the venue.

Tuesday 11th September at 2.00pm in the Village Hall. A talk will be given by Ron Hoskins on Beekeeping.

Annual Holiday - September Our annual Holiday this year will be to the Isle of

Wight with Barnes Coaches, staying at Warner Bembridge Coast Hotel for 4 nights. Departing on

Monday 24th September and returning Friday 28th September. This will include the ferry and various

trips around the Island during our stay. All for £299 per person. Anyone who would like to join us will

be made very welcome. Please contact Sheila on 828545.

Friendly Club

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SMRA 100 Club Congratulations to our June winners

£30 Eileen Lester No.36

£10. Derek Oxbey No.35

£10 David Bickley No.17 £10 Alan McElroy No.66

£10 Sheila Vango No.107

If you would like a number in the 100 Club for the monthly draw, to raise money for

the Playing Field upkeep, please contact Jill Little on 820823

Police Meetings Every three months priorities are set based on what the local community tell us are their concerns. You can raise your concerns by attending one of the meetings listed below or by contacting us at anytime either using the 101 non emergency police telephone number or via our email address:[email protected].

PC Marc Jackson PCSO Juliet Evans

Venue Date Time South Marston Village Hall 14/07/12 11.00 – 12.00am

Castle Eaton Village Hall 26/07/12 10.00 – 11.00am

Castle Eaton Village Hall 30/08/12 10.00 – 11.00am

Blunsdon - By the village shop 28/07/12 09.00 – 10.00am

Blunsdon – By the village shop 01/09/12 09.00 – 10.00am

Hannington – Jolly Tar 01/08/12 07.00 – 08.00pm

Stanton Fitzwarren Village Hall 28/07/12 03.00 – 04.00pm

South Marston Youth Club

For more details please contact Julie or Steve Hatherall,

e-mail: [email protected] tel: 07923 441 296.

July dates:

No Clubs in August


Mondays 2 & 16 July Village Hall

Fridays 13 & 27 July Village Hall

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Gardening Club

Recent Events On Saturday 16th June we all had an enjoyable time wandering among the beautiful trees and surroundings in Saville Gardens, which is set in

Great Windsor Park. The perfume that hit you when you approached the rose garden was incredible and made the day memorable.

Future Events Our next meeting will be the BBQ at Catsbrain Farm on Monday

2nd July. This will start at 7.00pm with music by OK Re-United. Please remember to bring a plate, dish, cutlery plus any donation of

a salad or a sweet.

On Saturday 18th August we will be holding our Annual Flower & Pro-duce Show in the Village Hall. Everyone from the village or

Gardening Club is welcome to enter any of the categories. We know there are many keen gardeners in the village, so come

along with your produce and show what you have grown.

Schedules for the show will be available mid July from Mike on 827807 or Arthur on 832663. They can also give you any infor-

mation about how to show if you are not to sure.

F & E Harris Memorial Trust

The government has increased the State Pension age for women to 65 phased

from April 2016 to December 2018. A further increase will be phased in to

raise the State Pension age for all to 66 from December 2018.

In consideration of these changes and the proposed expansion of the village

community the Trust will be making the following changes to the criteria for

allocation of Christmas Hampers to senior citizens of South Marston. These

changes will be implemented on 1st April 2016.

The changes are not subject to the exact scheduling of government criteria.

� To qualify for a Christmas Hamper the recipient is required to have

been in permanent residency in South Marston for a period of 3 years

prior to submission of registration.

� All new applicants must be 65 years of age on 24th December 2016 to

be eligible to register.

� All new and existing applicants must be 66 years of age or over on the

1st January 2019 to be eligible to register.

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We had another good working day on June 9th – one of the few dry days amid

the downpours (and Alison brought doughnuts for our tea break!).

We did the following tasks:

� Extended our plant nursery bed – the perennial wildflowers plants we

started from seed are growing well and many need to be planted out, so we

need more room.

� Cleared the nettles on the far bank of the ditch where the path between the

two bridges will be, and along the bank side where we’re go-

ing to plant primroses.

� Strimmed the weeds down to the ground in one of our next

planting areas, and covered the ground with plastic to inhibit


� Completed this year’s planting of annual wildflower seeds.

� Cut back the hedge where it was starting to overhang the pavement.

The bridges are ready to be taken to the site and erected (they are looking so

good, excellent workmanship from Brian and team) – we just need a spell of

decent weather!

Events coming up include:

� A stall at the Village Fete on July 7th, which will feature a competition to

decide the name for the Highworth Road site.

� Working days on Saturdays 4th August and 1st September, from 9:30am to

4:30pm (break for lunch from 12:30 to 1:30pm). There’s no working day

in July – it’s been brought forward to 30th June on account of the fete.

� An open day, where the bridges and new bench will be officially unveiled

– date to be decided (keep an eye on the notice boards and website).

We’d love to see you at any of the above – you’ll be made very welcome.

For further information, please call Barry on 826697 or Susan on 824957, or

email [email protected]. You can also read more about the group

on the village website.


South Marston Assisting Wildlife

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0-14 years Good



White Cottage Pre-school & Nursery

Flexible funded sessions 15 hrs (Alternately 20 hrs FREE 9am -1pm)

� Breakfast Club & Driving drop offs

� After school club & Driving Collections

� Holiday Club (Swimming, horse riding........)

Free Registration


[email protected]

Even Swindon Community Centre Old Vicarage Lane

Jenning Street South Marston

Rodbourne Swindon

Wiltshire SN2 3BG Wiltshire SN3 4SH

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Diamond Jubilee Weekend - June 1st & 2nd

Very many thanks to so many villagers who gave so

much help over the Diamond Jubilee weekend.

The concert in the Church on Friday evening was sold

out, and was a lovely evening of South Marston talent,

rounded off by rousing singing led by Jackie Sansum.

South Marston schoolchildren and those at Tots n Tod-

dlers were given commemorative Jubilee mugs by

South Marston Parish Council. Extras were on sale and

the Committee hopes that there will be some profit from

the weekend to buy something as a permanent memorial

of the event. There are still a very few left – please contact Jenny McEwen on

825312 if you would like one.

South Marston bellringers heralded the beginning of the Jubilee celebrations on

Saturday. Bunting, flags and flowers decorated the centre of the village - the

street party was held on the Glebe and War Memorial Garden, as well as in the

road outside the school. The Church was full of flowers, and the exhibition of

old South Marston photographs and memorabilia was busy for nearly 9 hours. It

was so popular, and prompted so many memories, that we hope to have a re-run

of this, with extra photographs, if anyone can dig deeply into their attics to find

more. We will also have photographs from this Jubilee. Please contact Mary

Case on 826038 if you have any to share.

School children and members of the Friendly Club sang during the afternoon,

while the Highworth Silver band took a break. Celebrations ended with every-

one singing Land of Hope and Glory, Jerusalem, and the National Anthem after

an official photograph taken from the top of the Church tower. News will

follow on how to obtain copies of this.

The Carriers put on a pig roast on Saturday evening, in spite of the rain, which

had started to fall by then. We were very lucky with the weather during the day.

Thanks again to all of the helpers; particularly Yuasa Batteries who donated the

wine for Friday evenings wine and cheese interval in the Church and to Croco-

dile Packaging for their donation of money to help with the Jubilee weekend.

Photographs were taken by Stacy Woolhouse, including one from the top of the

Church tower, and will be available to view and order at the next Meeting Point

on Saturday 14th. July in the Village Hall between 10am and midday.

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Hazel Andrews Acupuncture Lic Ac. MBAcC MCAUK

Acupuncture is a holistic treatment suitable for a wide range of

health conditions and can help relaxation.

� Back pain, sciatica and headaches

� Joint aches, low energy levels

� PMT, fertility issues, anxiety and stress.

Cosmetic acupuncture, ear acupuncture and ‘needle free’

scenar treatments are available. Home visits arranged.

Clinic: 7 Ash Gardens, South Marston, Swindon SN3 4XX.

Tel: 01793 827507 www.acuhome.co.uk

Over 15 years experience, member of British Acupuncture Council

and Cosmetic Acupuncture UK.

Tower & Tap

Please email items for the Tower &

Tap to [email protected] .

The deadline for September

issue is 15th August.


Want to advertise in Tower & Tap?

Our rates are:

For one issue:

Full page - £25

Half page - £15

Quarter page - £8

For one year (10 issues):

Full page - £75

Half page - £45

Quarter page - £25

Please email [email protected]

for more details.

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MonMonMonMon TueTueTueTue WedWedWedWed ThuThuThuThu FriFriFriFri SatSatSatSat SunSunSunSun


2 South Marston Enterprise Group 7.30 pm

3 Wheelie Bins

Mixed Plastics

Green Waste

4 Conservation Site Working Day 9.30 - 4.30




8 Craft Company 2 pm Dryden House



11 Meeting Point 10am - 12.30pm Village Hall



14 Friendly Club 2 pm Village Hall



17 Wheelie Bins

Mixed Plastics

Green Waste

18 Flower & Produce Show Village Hall



21 Parish Council 7.30 pm Village Hall


23 24






30 31 Wheelie Bins

Mixed Plastics

Green Waste

August 2012

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Useful Contacts


Parish Council Chair Stuart Young T 828775

Parish Council Vice Chair Sylvia Brown T 823535

Clerk to the Parish Council Gemma Cheal T 820529

SMRA Chair Mary Case T 826038

SMRA Secretary Julie Hatherall T 07857 310624

Village Hall Bookings Julie Hatherall T 07857 310624

Football Field Bookings Chris Maull T 824505

Tots & Toddlers Rachel Case T 832719

Youth Club Julie & Steve T 07923 441296

Gardening Club Mike New T 827807

Friendly Club Brian McGlone T 826243

History Society Darren Cook T 832999

Spitfires Football Club Bev Maull T 824505

South Marston School Alison Lowe T 823379

Pre–School Pre-School Staff T 07847 590601

Saplings Children’s Centre (All Sorts) T 829996

Ward Councillors Russell Holland T 07999 566623

John Haines T 07901 534640

Colin Lovell T 321634

Member of Parliament Justin Tomlinson T 522123

Priest in Charge Vicky Fleming T 827021

Church Wardens Richard Sansum T 831473

Donald Page T 825693