tshm triforius software hotel maintenance demo. each user should login with a username and a...

TSHM Triforius Software Hotel Maintenance Demo

Upload: katarina-catterall

Post on 29-Mar-2015




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Page 1: TSHM Triforius Software Hotel Maintenance Demo. Each user should login with a username and a personal pincode


Triforius SoftwareHotel Maintenance


Page 2: TSHM Triforius Software Hotel Maintenance Demo. Each user should login with a username and a personal pincode

Each user should login with a username and a personal pincode

Page 3: TSHM Triforius Software Hotel Maintenance Demo. Each user should login with a username and a personal pincode

Most common options are at the left side in the menubar.

This is the project-screen, you can make several selections to find a project and retrieve it. From this selection you could also print a list.

The selected menu option has a white color, in case a menu option has another color it means that it requires some action.

The “Planning Workjobs” option has a light-grey backcolor, this means you have some workjobs todo. The “parts” option is also light-grey, this means you’ll have to order some parts. The “Repair Request” option is yellow and will need some urgent attention from you.

Page 4: TSHM Triforius Software Hotel Maintenance Demo. Each user should login with a username and a personal pincode

This is the Workjobs-screen, from here you’ll see what (and who) kind of workjob needs to be done. From this selection you could also print a list.

Page 5: TSHM Triforius Software Hotel Maintenance Demo. Each user should login with a username and a personal pincode

This is theUrgent Request-screen.In a planning overview you can see wich Repair Request are new or are still not fixed. Simply double-click on a line to view this Repair Request.

Page 6: TSHM Triforius Software Hotel Maintenance Demo. Each user should login with a username and a personal pincode

This is the problem which has been request from another department

(eg. Reception, housekeeping etc). From here you may print the

problem, solve it or assign it to a project. The problem shown is

assigned to the project: “Afzuigventilator Keuken”.

Page 7: TSHM Triforius Software Hotel Maintenance Demo. Each user should login with a username and a personal pincode

We’ll now have a look at the Project-screen. This is the ‘General

Info’ Tab

Page 8: TSHM Triforius Software Hotel Maintenance Demo. Each user should login with a username and a personal pincode

This is the ‘Workjob’ Tab

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This is the ‘Repairs’ Tab. As you can see, the repair request has been added.

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This is the ‘Parts’ Tab. All parts replaced at this Project can be added.The program will keep track of all parts in stock and will print you an order list when you’ve reached your minimum.

Page 11: TSHM Triforius Software Hotel Maintenance Demo. Each user should login with a username and a personal pincode

This is the ‘Memo’ Tab. All comments related to this project may entered in here.

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This is the ‘Action History Log’ Tab. All repairs and workjob action will be saved to this screen.

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Back to the Mainscreen.

This is the “Hour overview”-screen. It will show you the schedule hour for the workjob on a weekly base.

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This is the “Dealers”-screen. You can connect dealer with a project or with a spare-part.

You can either view the Dealers with their Projects and workjobs Or you can view them with the connected spare-parts.

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This is the “Parts”-screen. All your spare parts are listed in this screen.

You can very easy print a list with the parts to Order or the parts who are currently being Ordered.

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This is the “Parts”-screen with the details of a select part.

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The “History-Log” screen contains all the actions related to this program. This way you can trace who started the program and made changes.

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At the “Property Setup”-screen you can setup your hotel property.

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To report “Urgent Repair Request”, a seperate program can be used. This program can be started from each computer who has access to the database-folder of the main program. There is no installation required on a win XP level, all other ws need to have one dll file installed.