tsem fall 2015 mcarthur class 3

TSEM 102: Plagiarism and APA Style Laksamee Putnam – Research & Instruction Librarian Slides: http://bit.ly/tsemmcarthurfall15 c3

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TSEM 102: Plagiarism and APA Style

Laksamee Putnam – Research & Instruction Librarian

Slides: http://bit.ly/tsemmcarthurfall15c3

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• Laksamee Putnam• [email protected]• Cook Library Reference:

• 410.704.2462.• IM/email

• Phone: 410.704.3746.• Twitter: @CookLibraryofTU• Albert S. Cook facebook profile

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• Class discussion

• APA citation style

• Citation Relay

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It’s out there, why not reuse it?


e by


ne H











Sydell. L. (2015) Online stars feel cheated as YouTube/Facebook battle over videos. All Tech Considered/Morning Edition. http://bit.ly/youtubevsfacebookvideo

Lang, J.M. 92015) Cheating inadvertently. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from http://chronicle.com/article/Cheating-Inadvertently/229883/

Godin, S. (2014) Why I want you to steal my ideas. ideas.ted.com Retrieved from http://ideas.ted.com/2014/02/03/the-big-mistake-we-all-make-about-ideas/

• What is your definition of plagiarism?

• What makes some plagiarism “wrong” or “right”?

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Pre-class citation

Cite this article: http://bit.ly/RYQ2Nz

Kinlaw, C.R., Dunlap, L.L., & D’Angelo, J.A. (2012). Relations between faculty use of online academic resources and student class attendance. Computers & Education, 59(2), 167-172. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2011.12.028

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APA Style

• Citations

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APA Style

• References

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Style Manuals

• Different disciplines use different style manuals

• Social Sciences = American Psychological Association (APA)

• Humanities = MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (MLA)

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The point is…

• Acknowledge where you found the information• Briefly identify the source• Allows others to find additional


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What needs to be cited?

• Books• Web Pages• Magazine articles• Graphics• VHS,DVD, audio, etc.• Government reports• Statistics• Encyclopedia articles• Any source of information!

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What needs to be cited?

• Direct quotes• Ideas borrowed• Paraphrased material

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In-text Citation needs:

• Direct Quote• All authors’ last names• Year of publication• Page number

• Paraphrase• All authors’ last names• Year of publication

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Direct Quote: In-text citation

• As researchers Yanovski and Yanovski (2002) have explained, obesity was once considered “either a moral failing or evidence of underlying psychopathology” (p. 592).

OR• A relationship is defined as “the

interdependence between two or more people” (Coombs, 2001, p.106).

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Direct Quote: In-text citation

• Longer than 40 words?• Indented five spaces from left margin in block


• Usually it is better to paraphrase

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The wrong way to paraphrase:Failure to Cite Source

• Original• “They desire, for

example, virtue and the absence of vice, no less really than pleasure and the absence of pain.”

• Source: Mill, John Stuart. “Utilitarianism.” On Liberty and Other Essays. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Quote is from page 169.

• Paraphrase• People want

morality just as much as they want happiness.

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The wrong way to paraphrase:Lack of Significant Rewording

• Original• “To the young

American architects who made the pilgrimage, the most dazzling figure of all was Walter Gropius, founder of the Bauhaus School.”

• Source: Wolfe, Tom. From Bauhaus to Our House. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1981. Quote is from page 10.

• Paraphrase• To young American

architects who went to Germany, the most dazzling figure was Walter Gropius, founder of the Bauhaus School (Wolfe, 1981).

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In-text Citations

• More than one author• Two authors

• Greenfield and Savage (1990)• (Greenfield & Savage, 1990, p. 567)

• Three to five authors• You must first identify all of the authors either in the signal

phrase or the first citation.• Terrace, Petitto, Sanders, and Bever (1979) believed…• (Terrace, Petitto, Sanders, & Bever, 1979)

• After you have identified all, you may use “et al.”• Terrace et al. (1979) stated……• (Terrace et al., 1979)

• Six or more authors• Use first authors last name and then et al.

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In-text Citations

• Organization as author• Government or other organization• Use organization name as author in signal

phrase• Use organization in parenthetical citation

• The National Institute of Mental Health (2001)…

• (National Institute of Mental Health, 2001)

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Special cases

• If you have more than one author with the same last name, use the first initial in the citation• (Smith, A., 2002)

• If you have more than one work in the same year by the same author, use letters a, b, c, etc. to indicate correct source• (Entman, 2004a)

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• The in-text citation must match up with the references entry

• Use the heading “References” at the top of a new page

• List entries alphabetically • Author’s last name (if no author, then by organization name or


• Double space each entry

• No extra spaces between entries

• If over one line, entry should have a hanging indent

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References - Website

• Create a reference for this website

• Author or sponsoring organization:

• Last update or Copyright date?:

• Title of page:

• Format if applicable:

• Retrieved from:

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References - Website

• Create a reference for this website

• Author or sponsoring organization: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

• Last update or Copyright date?: (n.d.).

• Title of page: What is cyberbullying.

• Format if applicable:

• Retrieved from http://www.stopbullying.gov/cyberbullying/what-is-it/index.html

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Website example

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). What is cyberbullying. Retrieved from http://www.stopbullying.gov/cyberbullying/what-is-it/index.html

Notes: 1. If you can’t find a date n.d. is inserted as an abbreviation for No Date2. No italics!3. Format is inserted between [brackets] and can be used for [Video file]

[Brochure] etc.4. Date retrieved is only required if content is likely to change

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References – Books

• Create a reference for this book

• Book authors or editors: • Last name• First letter of first name and middle initial

• Date of publication:

• Book Title:

• Publication information: • City and state• Publisher

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References – Books

• Create a reference for this book

• Book authors or editors: Grant, J.

• Date of publication: (1994).

• Book Title: I hate school!: Some common sense answers for educators & parents who want to know why & what to do about it

• Publication information: Rosemont, NJ: Modern Learning Press.

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Book Example

Grant, J. (1994). I hate school!: Some common sense answers for educators & parents who want to know why & what to do about it. Rosemont, NJ: Modern Learning Press.

Notes:1. Periods must follow first letter of author’s name and middle initial, publication date,

book title, and publisher.2. Book title is always in italics.3. Only capitalize the first letter of book title, any letter following a colon (:), and proper


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References – Journals

• Create a reference for this journal article

• Article author: • Last name• First letter of first name and middle initial

• Date of publication:

• Article title:

• Periodical title:

• Publication information: • Volume number and issue number (if available)• Page numbers

• Digital Object Identifier number:

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References – Journals• Create a reference for this journal article

• Article author: Peleg, R., & Baram-Tsabari, A.

• Date of publication: (2011).

• Article title: Atom surprise: Using theatre in primary science education.

• Periodical title: Journal of Science Education & Technology,

• Publication information: 20(5), 508-524.

• Digital Object Identifier number: doi:10.1007/s10956-011-9299-yx

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Journal Example

Peleg, R., & Baram-Tsabari, A. (2011). Atom surprise: Using theatre in primary science education. Journal of Science Education & Technology, 20(5), 508-524. doi:10.1007/s10956-011-9299-y

Notes:1. Periods must follow first letter of author’s first and middle initial, publication date,

article title, and publication information.2. A comma will follow the author’s last name, first initial (if more than one author),

journal title and volume number.3. Article title is never italicized – always written normal.4. Always italicize: journal title, volume number, and the commas before and after

volume number. Journal title follows capitol case lettering.5. Only capitalize the first letter of article title, any letter following a colon (:), and

proper nouns. 6. Place a space between author first name and middle initial

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Journal Articles Extra Info

• Articles retrieved from a database such as EBSCO or PsycINFO do not need to include database information

• Articles not including a doi number should contain the journal URL after the page numbers such as • Retrieved from http://js.sagamorepub.com/pe

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Library Resources for APA

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Citations Relay

• Rules:• Only one person from each team maybe writing on

the board

• No corrections until after designated writer is finished and the judge has checked the citation

• No cheating and using the built in citation creator!!!

• First team to complete the citation correctly wins!

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Round 1 – Books

• Create the full APA reference for this book• http://bit.ly/round1relay

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Round 2 – Journal Article

• Create a full APA reference for this article• http://bit.ly/round2relay

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• Feel free to contact me:• Laksamee Putnam• [email protected]• 410.704.3746.• Twitter: @CookLibraryofTU

• Or any reference librarian:• Visit Cook Library Reference Desk• 410.704.2462.• IM – tucookchat