
lexible and Affordable Support for Businesses.

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Flexible and Affordable Support for Businesses.

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Bill Daly - Profile

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•A manufacturing and materials management professional with the ability to operate effectively at a strategic or hands-on level with excellent communication and people development skills.

•Has also implemented and driven Lean, Continuous and WCM initiatives to optimize material flows and reduce cycle time and costs in the manufacturing processes.

•Has operated at middle and senior management level for companies such as- Western Digital, EMC, Apple, Logitech, Moog, Benchmark Electronics and Allen – Vanguard.

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•I began my career in Materials and Operations Management and have vast hands-on experience with the growth and development of businesses.

•I also have deep domain experience with the implementation of progressive tools and systems such as MRP, ERP, Lean, Continuous Improvement and World Class Manufacturing initiatives.

•I consider myself an open collaborative professional who is committed to the development of people – and my work always involves training, mentoring and hands-on support of people in their quest to improve their own performance and the performance results of the business.

•I am always looking for ways to bring clients that extra edge to make them more competitive in Today’s tough economic operating environment.

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•SME’s can be excluded from availing of external consultancy because of the costs involved. Skill and training gaps are apparent but they are just not able to afford the prevailing rates to get it sorted.

•You only pay for what you need – no more.

•As little as one day per month and as any other particular needs arise.

•As well as offering analysis and proposals of how you should tackle your issues – I am part of the solution and will be out there in the trenches with your people to drive the execution of the action items.

•I become part of your team to help you navigate to where you want to go and are right there with you along the journey.

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I have worked with and learned the best operating practices of the multinationals.

Now is the time to harness these skills and learning for the benefit of small tomedium indigenous companies to ensure they can compete effectively.

I have been involved with small businesses over the past number of years andhave made a seamless transition from Multinationals to SME’s.

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What areas of expertise can I offer your Business?

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•Inventory Management techniques.

•Excess and obsolete inventories – identification and turn into cash.

•Production Scheduling and Component Availability.

•On Time Delivery (OTIF).

•Purchasing , Procurement Spend and Supplier Selection.

•Cycle Counting for Inventory Accuracy and Stockroom Integrity.

•Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP)

•ABC classification of inventory.

•Cost Analysis (Materials % - Labour % - Overhead %- Profit %)

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•Cost reduction in Materials and Inventory Investment straight to bottom line.

•Strategic Sourcing and Global Sourcing to drive costs down.

•Make versus Buy decisions and considering Outsourcing as an option.

•Training of Staff to achieve high inventory accuracy levels.

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•Development of Lean Manufacturing and Continuous Improvement Culture.

•Value Stream Mapping.

•Implementation of 5S and 7 Wastes Processes.

•Standard Times and Cycle Time Reduction.

•Kan Ban

•Material Review Board (MRB)

•Manufacturing Cells, Layout and Production Flows.

•Product Cost Reduction.

•Training of Staff in Lean Manufacturing Processes and Culture.

•Effective Daily, Weekly and Monthly Meeting Schedule.

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•Review of the Org Chart – are the correct resources in the right areas?

•Get more out of the employees you have.

•How well are you using the intelligence and capability of your people?

•Most companies are only using approximately 66% of their people’s capability – a waste of 34%. For every euro it costs to hire a person, you are only getting 66 cents back.

•The most intelligent and innovative employees will leave if they are not being developed properly.

•Companies need to look inside their own refrigerators first – rather than trying to find new talent.

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Action Planning is a way to make sure your Company’svision is made concrete.

Action Planning is a successful methodology to breakdown sometimes big, complex and overwhelming problemsand dovetail into diary driven smaller tasks that arecritically measured on a weekly basis.

‘You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there’ - Yogi Berra.

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•Irish SME’s that lack a website worry they are losing potential business especially as their competitors are online.

•Many small businesses assume it will be too expensive – if you can build your own site it can cost less than €100 a year to build and host.

•The website remains the most important digital marketing tool for SME’s – social media is not far behind.

•Given its potential reach and cost –effectiveness; Digital Marketing is no longer just an addition to the traditional marketing mix – but rather a significant business driver for SME’s.

I am currently completing the Diploma in Digital Marketing and will be in a position to offer this as an additional service from 2015 onwards.

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•Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – use SEO and Marketing to drive customers to your site.

•Online Video – create, edit and distribute video to increase brand awareness.

•Writing for Digital Marketing – how to position digital content to attract and convert visitors.

•E-Mail Marketing and Lead Generation – how E-Mail marketing plays an integral part in digital marketing to increase customer reach and sales.

•Online PR – online press releases and managing your reputation online.

•Website Analytics – analysis of traffic to your website and then use this information to make improvements.

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•Social Media and Online Brand – presence on social media platforms to generate more connections, build relationships and boost profits.

•Mobile Web – develop the company’s mobile web strategy.

•Google Ad Words & Pay As you Click Ads – Setting up Ad Words campaigns that are effective and increase your click through rates and also write ads that are appealing.

•Online Advertising – planning an online advertise campaign and how to budget correctly.

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Stepping outside my core skill areas of Materials and Operations over thePast 15 years and working with such Companies as:.....

Hasbro, Leading Edge , Venus Technology,, Acorn BusinessCampus, Mini Storage, Retronix, The Douglas Weekly, Brennan & Co, DouglasPublishing/Harris Properties, Extrasales, Cavalac, Vitalograph and AbbeyMachinery.

..... I have also acquired and developed the following additional skills.

Beyond The Multinationals....

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•Business Development Management

•Project Management



•Media & Journalism

•Advertising Sales

•Advertising Co-Ordination

•Seminar Management

•Sourcing and Reselling of obsolete electronic inventories

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Why Use Contract People?

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• They give you the business expertise you need without the cost of hiring full time.

•You only pay for the expertise when you need it – and eliminate the overhead and benefits costs that come with full-time employees.

•Most employers have experienced the disappointment of finding out after hiring new professionals that, for various reasons, they do not fit in well.

By hiring on a contract basis, both sides have the opportunity to assess the other without having to make a permanent commitment.

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•No standard rate.

•Businesses may be on different hourly rates based on their available budget, current financial situation and a range of other relevant parameters.

•Sitting together over a cup of coffee an agreement will be made between the Business Owner/Manager and Torna Services to strike an affordable rate and number of hours to suit both parties.

•What I am offering is a service that is flexible and affordable to bring experience, knowledge and vision to help clients run their businesses effectively.

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As long as you’re green, you grow,but the moment you think you’reripe, you begin to rot.

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Bill Daly Torna Services

Address: Land League Cottage, Roscahill, co, Galway

Tel: 091 550513

Mob: 087 1533262

E-Mail [email protected]