try * show * live god’s mercy - st. anthony of padua … · st. anthony of padua church palm...

St. Anthony of Padua Church Palm Sunday + March 20, 2016 In the prelude to today’s great Passion Narrative, Saint Paul reminds us that we find our hope in the “emptiness” and “humility” of Christ Jesus; a life that led to the cross, but through the cross, to glory and exaltation. The way is not easy. Good stewards know that it requires a willingness to lay aside all rights of personal privilege; emptying ourselves in the service of others; embracing values different from the values of the world. It requires an understanding that to be “in Christ” means to be a servant because Christ came into the world, not as Lord but as servant. What crosses are we willing to carry? What worldly val- ues are we willing to forego in order to share Christ’s glory? TRY * SHOW * LIVE GOD’S MERCY UPCOMING EVENTS Rice Bowls: Please return your Rice Bowl this week. There will be another collection on Holy Thursday or bring it to the parish office. Pentecost Potluck: Join our Pentecost Celebration on Sun- day, May 15 following the 11am Mass in the Auditorium. Bring a dish to share with everyone! Willwoods Married Couples Retreat: at St. Joseph Abbey, April 2-3, 2016. You are also welcomed to join us for an exciting and enriching married couples’ retreat weekend on board Carnival Cruise Line’s “Triumph” on July 14-18. To register call Jason, (504) 830-3716. Pilgrimage to Fatima & Medjugorje April 4 - 15, 2016 Fr. John Restrepo, O.P., Spiritual Director Tour features airfare, 1st Class hotels, 3 nights in Fatima, 7 nights in Medjugorje, Daily breakfast & dinner, daily Mass and much more! Price: $3,899 from New Orleans Based on double occpancy Call the MIR Group for further details at 504-849-2570. Or see flyer in the rear of church. Pope Francis has asked us to support Christians in the Holy Land. Through the Good Friday Collection, you join with Catholics around the world to stand in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. When you contribute to the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you become an instrument of peace in a troubled land. In these challenging times in the Middle East, your support means that our church will conduct parish ministry, provide Catholic education, feed the hungry, build housing for Christians, maintain shrines and operate refugee centers in the Holy Land. Christians, along with all of the clergy and religious who serve in the Holy Land, will deeply appreciate your pray- ers and financial help! The political, religious and military challenges in the Holy Land are more complex than ever. The wars, unrest and instability have been especially hard on Christians. Our parish will support Christians in the Holy Land through the Good Friday Collection, as requested by Pope Fran- cis. Like Simon of Cyrene, you can help carry the cross under very difficult cir- cumstances in the Holy Land. PLEASE BE GENEROUS! For more information about Christians in the Holy Land, visit St. Anthony’s Spring Fair The Spring Fair will be held on Sunday, April 3, 11am to 3pm. Come by and enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs, meatball & spaghetti dinner, sweets, activities for the kids & more. We will have a raffle with the chance to win five different prizes. You can purchase spaghetti dinner tick- ets after each of the Masses. St. Anthony ~ Celebrating 100 Years! Join us for a Bilingual Celebration Sunday, April 3, 2016 2 pm: Exposition, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Adoration and Benediction. Confessions also available. 3 pm: Bilingual Mass, Blessing of Divine Mercy Image during Mass. Únete para une Celebración bilingüe Domingo, 3 de abril 2 pm: Exposición, Adoración, Divina Misericordia, Bendición. Confesión disponible. 3 pm: Misa Bilingüe, Benedición de la Imagen de la Divine Misericordia. Celebrant/Celebrada: Fr. Sergio Serrano, O.P.

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St. Anthony of Padua Church Palm Sunday + March 20, 2016

In the prelude to today’s great Passion Narrative, Saint Paul reminds

us that we find our hope in the “emptiness” and “humility” of Christ Jesus; a

life that led to the cross, but through the cross, to glory and exaltation. The

way is not easy. Good stewards know that it requires a willingness to lay aside

all rights of personal privilege; emptying ourselves in the service of others;

embracing values different from the values of the

world. It requires an understanding that to be “in

Christ” means to be a servant because Christ came

into the world, not as Lord but as servant. What

crosses are we willing to carry? What worldly val-

ues are we willing to forego in order to share

Christ’s glory?



Rice Bowls: Please return your Rice Bowl this week. There will be another collection on Holy Thursday or bring it to the parish office.

Pentecost Potluck: Join our Pentecost Celebration on Sun-day, May 15 following the 11am Mass in the Auditorium. Bring a dish to share with everyone!

Willwoods Married Couples Retreat: at St. Joseph Abbey, April 2-3, 2016. You are also welcomed to join us for an exciting and enriching married couples’ retreat weekend on board Carnival Cruise Line’s “Triumph” on July 14-18. To register call Jason, (504) 830-3716.

Pilgrimage to Fatima & Medjugorje

April 4 - 15, 2016

Fr. John Restrepo, O.P.,

Spiritual Director

Tour features airfare, 1st Class hotels, 3

nights in Fatima, 7 nights in Medjugorje,

Daily breakfast & dinner, daily Mass and

much more!

Price: $3,899 from New Orleans

Based on double occpancy

Call the MIR Group for further

details at 504-849-2570.

Or see flyer in the rear of church.

Pope Francis has asked us to support

Christians in the Holy Land.

Through the Good Friday Collection,

you join with Catholics around the

world to stand in solidarity with the

Church in the Holy Land. When you

contribute to the Pontifical Good Friday

Collection, you become an instrument

of peace in a troubled land.

In these challenging times in the Middle

East, your support means that our

church will conduct parish ministry,

provide Catholic education, feed the

hungry, build housing for Christians,

maintain shrines and operate refugee

centers in the Holy Land.

Christians, along with all of the clergy

and religious who serve in the Holy

Land, will deeply appreciate your pray-

ers and financial help! The political,

religious and military challenges in the

Holy Land are more complex than ever.

The wars, unrest and instability have

been especially hard on Christians.

Our parish will support Christians in the

Holy Land through the Good Friday

Collection, as requested by Pope Fran-

cis. Like Simon of Cyrene, you can help

carry the cross under very difficult cir-

cumstances in the Holy Land.


For more information about Christians

in the Holy Land, visit

St. Anthony’s Spring Fair

The Spring Fair will be held on Sunday, April 3, 11am to 3pm.

Come by and enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs, meatball & spaghetti dinner,

sweets, activities for the kids & more. We will have a raffle with the chance to

win five different prizes. You can purchase spaghetti dinner tick-

ets after each of the Masses.

St. Anthony ~ Celebrating 100 Years!

Join us for a Bilingual Celebration

Sunday, April 3, 2016

2 pm: Exposition, Chaplet of Divine

Mercy, Adoration and Benediction.

Confessions also available.

3 pm: Bilingual Mass, Blessing of

Divine Mercy Image during Mass.

Únete para une Celebración bilingüe

Domingo, 3 de abril

2 pm: Exposición, Adoración,

Divina Misericordia, Bendición.

Confesión disponible.

3 pm: Misa Bilingüe, Benedición de la

Imagen de la Divine Misericordia.


Fr. Sergio Serrano, O.P.

Palm Sunday ~ Domingo de Ramos

En el preludio de la gran Narración de la Pasión, San Pablo nos recuerda que

encontramos nuestra esperanza en el “vacío” y en la “humildad” de Cristo Jesús; una

vida que guía a la cruz, pero a través de la cruz, a la gloria y a la exaltación. El camino

no es fácil. Los buenos corresponsables saben que se requiere disponibilidad para poner

de lado todos los derechos de privilegio personal, vaciarnos a nosotros mismos en el

servicio a otros; abrazar valores diferentes de los valores

del mundo. Esto requiere el entendimiento de que estar en

Cristo significa ser un servidor porque Cristo vino al mun-

do, no como Señor, sino como servidor. ¿Qué cruces esta-

mos dispuestos a cargar? ¿A qué valores mundanos estamos

dispuestos a renunciar para compartir la gloria de Cristo?

Próximos eventos

Plato de Arroz de CRS:

Si todavia no lo ha hecho, porfavor regrese su

tazon de arroz esta semana. Puede depositarlo

en la colecta durante los servicios de semana

santa o traerlo a la oficina.

Adoracion Eucaristica: Adoracion cada Viernes por la manana dsde las 8:45am a 11:45am. Porfavor considere in-scribirse por lo menos una hora al mes. La hoja de inscripcion esta en la mesa de informacion en la entrada de la iglesia.

Domingo de Divina Misericordia: Vengan a este evento bilingue el 3 de Abril: 2:00pm: Guirnalda Divina Misericordia con Exposicion y Bendicion 3:00pm: Misa y luego refrigerios

Feria de Primavera en San Antonio: La Feria de Primavera se llevara a cabo el Domingo 3 de Abril de las 11:00am a las 3:00pm. Venga y disfrute hamburguesas, perros calientes, espaguetti con albondigas, dulces, actividades para los ninos y mucho mas. Tendremos una rifa con 5 premios diferentes. Puede comprar los boletos para la comida de espaguetti y albondigas despues de cada misa.

San Antonio - celebrando 100 anos!

Era descendiente del famoso guerrero Widu-kind e hija del duque de Westfalia. Desde niña fue educada por las monjas del conven-to de Erfurt y adquirió una gran piedad y una fortísima inclinación hacia la caridad para con los pobres. Muy jóven se casó con Enrique, duque de Sajonia (Alemania). Su matrimonio fue excepcionalmente feliz. Sus hijos fueron: Otón primero, emperador de Alemania; Enrique, duque de Baviera; San Bruno, Arzobispo de Baviera; Gernerga, esposa de un gobernante; y Eduvigis, madre del famoso rey francés, Hugo Capeto. Su esposo Enrique obtuvo resonantes triunfos en la lucha por defender su patria, Alemania, de las invasiones de feroces extranjeros. Y él atribuía gran parte de sus victorias a las oraciones de su santa esposa Matilde. Enri-que fue nombrado rey, y Matilde al conver-tirse en reina no dejó sus modos humildes y piadosos de vivir. En el palacio real más pa-recía una buena mamá que una reina, y en su piedad se asemejaba más a una religiosa que a una mujer de mundo. Ninguno de los que acudían a ella en busca de ayuda se iba sin ser atendido. Era extraordinariamente generosa en repartir limosnas a los pobres. Su esposo casi nunca le pedía cuentas de los gastos que ella hacía, porque estaba conven-cido de que todo lo repartía a los más nece-sitados. Tampoco se disgustaba por las fre-cuentes prácticas de piedad a que ella se dedicaba, la veía tan bondadosa y tan fiel que estaba convencido de que Dios estaba contento de su santo comportamiento. Des-pués de 23 años de matrimonio quedó viuda, al morir su esposo Enrique. Cuando supo la noticia de que él había muerto repentina-

mente de un derrame cerebral, ella estaba en el templo orando. Inmediatamente se arrodilló ante el Santísimo Sacramento y ofreció a Dios su inmensa pena y mandó lla-mar a un sacerdote para que celebrara una misa por el descanso eterno del difunto. Ter-minada la misa, se quitó todas sus joyas y las dejó como un obsequio ante el altar, ofre-ciendo a Dios el sacrificio de no volver aem-plear joyas nunca más. Tuvo dos hijos: Oton y Enrique. Sucedió que a Enrique y a Otón empezó a irles muy mal y comenzaron a sucederles cosas muy desagradables. Enton-ces se dieron cuenta de que su gran error había sido tratar tan mal a su santa madre. Y fueron y le pidieron humildemente perdón. Ella los perdonó gustosamente. Y le avisó a Enrique que se preparara a bien morir por-que le quedaba poco tiempo de vida. Y así le sucedió. Otón ad-quirió tan grande veneración y tan ple-na confianza con su santa madre, que cuando se fue a Roma a que el Sumo Pontífi-ce lo coronara empe-rador, la dejó a ella encargada del go-bierno de Alemania. Sus últimos años los pasó Matilde dedica-da a fundar conventos y a repartir limosnas a los pobres. Otón, que al principio la criticaba diciendo que era demasiado repartidora de limosnas, después al darse cuenta de la gran cantidad de ben-diciones que se conseguían con las limosnas, le dio amplia libertad para dar sin medida. Dios devolvía siempre cien veces más.

Trata * Muestra * Vive La Misericordia de Dios

Matilde significa: "valiente en la batalla”

St. Anthony of Padua Church Palm Sunday + March 20, 2016

Liturgy Intentions: March 19 to 25, 2016

Holy Week

SAT St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a

4:00 Tom Busenlener,

Flynn, Campbell, and Cottrell Families,

Mella Boyer, Junius Chauvin,

Dr. Charles and Raymond Wagner,

Jimmy Boyer, Richard Spindel,

Isabel and Alfred DePaoli,

Pamela Cresson Morvant,

Meydo and Roy Aleman, Willa lea Fairburn

SUN Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Lk 19:28-40; Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Phil 2:8-9; Lk 22:14 - 23:56 or 23:1-49

7:30 The Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua

9:00 Ester Maria Bello, Rosa Basulto,

Familia Balbuena Montejo, Clara G. Todaro,

Rev. Ramon Martinez, Felipe Martinez,

Dora Marina Billings, Noemi de la Grana,

Marta Mauri, Maria M. Hernandez

Petrona Salinas, Fausto Lagos

11:00 Frank Casuso, Todd Heston, Coco Nelson,

Hebert and Ross Families,

Sanchez and Barraco Families,

Edward Watzke, Wanda Balestra,

Robert Henry, Jr., Alden and Berna Ross

MON Weekday Is 42:1-7; Jn 12:1-11

8:15 Pamela Cresson Morvant

12:10 Monday Church Ladies

TUES Weekday Is 49:1-6; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38

8:15 Humberto Brocato

WED Weekday Is 50:4-9a; Mt 26:14-25

8:15 The Souls in Purgatory

12:10 Marie T. Blaum, Peggy M. Jordan, O.P.,

Jeffrey T. and Dennis Jordan

THUR Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15

6pm Bilingual Mass

Peggy M. Jordan, O.P.,

Jeffrey T. and Dennis Jordan

FRI Good Friday Is 52:13 - 53:12; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9; Phil 2:8-9; Jn 18:1 -19:42

3pm Bilingual Service

The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ

SAT Easter Vigil Gn 1: 1-2: 2 or 1: 1,26-31a; Gn 22: 1-18 or 22: 1-2, 9a, 10-13,

15-18; Ex 14: 15 - 15: 1; Ex 15: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 17-18; Is 54: 5-14;Is 55: 1-11; Is 12: 2-3, 4, 5-6; Bar 3: 9-15, 32-4: 4; Ez 36: 16-

17a, 18-28; Rom 6: 3-11; Lk 24: 1-12

SUN Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9

Parish Giving for March 13, 2016

There is no Second Collection for the weekend of March 27, 2016.

Thank you for your generosity! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please consider giving online by going to; click the WeShare icon.

March 22: No 12:10 pm Mass due to Chrism Mass at Cathedral

March 24: Holy Thursday 6:00 pm Bilingual Mass; Soup & Bread after

March 25: Parish Office Closed ~ Easter Holiday

March 25: Good Friday 12 Noon 7 Last Words; 3:00 pm Veneration

of the Cross; 7:30 pm Bilingual Stations of the Cross

March 26: Holy Saturday ~ Easter Vigil 8:00 pm

March 27: Easter Sunday ~ Regular Mass Schedule

March 28: Office Closed ~ Easter Holiday

March 28: Monthly mass and Healing Service 7:00 pm

April 2/3: Social Apostolate Food Drive

April 3: Divine Mercy Celebration: 2pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy with

Exposition & Benediction, 3pm Mass

April 9/10: Second Collection for Parish Improvement Fund

Celebrating 100 Years!

August 13, 2016, 4:00 pm

Closing Mass

On his cloak is written: King of kings and Lord of lords.

cf. Revelation 19:16


First Collection ($6,500 needed weekly) $3,893.30 12:10 p.m. Weekday Mass $796.20

Votives (Candles) $115.99 St. Anthony of Padua Social Apostolate $571.02 Parish Improvement Fund $1,613.75


Fasting is to be observed on Good Fr iday by all Catholics 18 to

58. Those who are bound to fast may take only one full meal; two

smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength but

eating solid foods between meals is not permitted.

Abstinence from meat is to be observed by Catholics 14 years

and older on Good Friday and all Fridays of Lent.

St. Anthony of Padua now has a parish app

for the Android and iPhone.

We invite you to

download the app today.

To get started, go to

then follow the directions to set-up.

St. Anthony of Padua Church Palm Sunday + March 20, 2016

C entury lub

Jesus cried out “My God, my God, why

have you….


(Hint: look in today’s readings)

Last week’s answer:

“Filled with joy”

(See Psalm 126))

Our Mission Statement

The mission of Saint Anthony of Padua Parish is to develop an atmosphere for the members

of our Faith Community to live out the four-fold goals of the Catholic Church:

Worship, Word, Service, & Community.

Please pray for the Priests of our Archdiocese













Rt. Rev.





















Son Hong

Pham, SDD


Rev. Msgr.















Vinh Dinh













April 1





Rev. Bartholomew


You are invited to participate in

Eucharistic Adoration each Friday.

Adoration begins after 8:15 Mass and ends with

Benediction at 11:50 am. You can spend as much or as little

time as you desire.

The Century Club winner for

March 14, 2016 was Jude B. Wiggins.


PREACH MY PSALTER: A Dominican Rosary Apostolate

The Prayer and Study Group meets every Wednesday; 6-8pm

in the Conference Room.

Contact Fr. Mariano for further information.

Email: [email protected]


Preach My Psalter

Offers the following on every Saturday morning:

5 am Holy Hour: Adoration, Rosary, & Benediction

Confessions available during Holy Hour

Give online to St. Anthony!

From our website:

1) Visit; click the WeShare Icon.

2) Click on any collection, Mass or Votive Intention.

3) Select your donation amount and frequency.

4) Enter in your account and payment information.

From your Smartphone:

Scan QR code (below) & follow steps 2 thru 4 (above).

Woman’s New Life Center ~ Born to Run

5K Run and 1-mile Fun Run & Walk

Saturday, April 9, 2016

7:30 am Sign-in; 8:30 am 1 Mile Run/Walk begins

9:00 am 5K Run/Walk begins

Register online at