truth and science education abstract: sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a...

Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear the consequences if they lay claim to truth – do the discipline of science a great wrong. The root of the difficulty is a lack of understanding about the nature of science. Constructivist theories of science, which are hegemonic in Western education, inevitably undervalue science. Science disappears as another culture. To penetrate the nature of science you must grapple with truth. This paper uses Newton’s engagement with optics as an example to show what modern science is in and of itself. It distinguishes modern science from other forms of enquiry and suggests how the science curriculum might be reformed to restore modern science to its rightful place in Western education.

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

Truth and science education


Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear the consequences if they lay claim to truth – do the discipline of science a great wrong.

The root of the difficulty is a lack of understanding about the nature of science. Constructivist theories of science, which are hegemonic in Western education, inevitably undervalue science. Science disappears as another culture.

To penetrate the nature of science you must grapple with truth. This paper uses Newton’s engagement with optics as an example to show what modern science is in and of itself. It distinguishes modern science from other forms of enquiry and suggests how the science curriculum might be reformed to restore modern science to its rightful place in Western education.

Page 2: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

A b r i e f a c c o u n t o f t h e p h i l o s o p h y o f s c i e n c e

T r u t h

T h e p h i l o s o p h y o f s c i e n c e

H e i d e g g e r ’ s t h e o r y

D i s c o v e r y a s t r u t h

T r u t h i n m o d e r n s c i e n c e

H e i d e g g e r ’ s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

N e w t o n

I m p l i c a t i o n s

P h i l o s o p h y o f s c i e n c e

S c i e n c e e d u c a t i o n

N e w Z e a l a n d t e a c h i n g r e s o u r c e


Page 3: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

Three schools of thought:

Posit iv ist

Construct iv ist


Philosophy of science

Page 4: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

Heidegger’s concept of truth



Page 5: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear
Page 6: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear
Page 7: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear
Page 8: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear
Page 9: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear
Page 10: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

T r u t h

T h e p h i l o s o p h y o f s c i e n c e

H e i d e g g e r ’ s t h e o r y

D i s c o v e r y a s t r u t h

T r u t h i n m o d e r n s c i e n c e

H e i d e g g e r ’ s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

N e w t o n

I m p l i c a t i o n s

P h i l o s o p h y o f s c i e n c e

S c i e n c e e d u c a t i o n

N e w Z e a l a n d t e a c h i n g r e s o u r c e


Page 11: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

Three characteristics of modern science

1 F r a m e w o r k / g r o u n d p l a nP r e - l o g i cPe r c e p t i o nM e a s u r a b l e o b j e c t sT h e R e a l

2 Fo r c e n a t u r e t o r e v e a l m o r e o f i t s e l fFo l l o w p r o c e d u r e sE q u i p m e n tE v e n t o f t r u t hI n d i v i d u a lPe r c e p t i o n

3 C o n s e q u e n c e s o f d i s c l o s u r e sL i t e r a t u r eI n s t i t u t i o n sWo r k f o r c e

Page 12: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

Newton’s optics

166422 year s - o ldTr in i t y Co l l ege

Q u e s t i o n e s q u æ d a m P h i l o s o p h i æC e r t a i n p h i l o s o p h i c a l q u e s t i o n s

A m i c u s P l a t o a m i c u s A r i s t o t e l e s m a g i s a m i c a v e r i t a sP l a t o a n d A r i s t o t l e a r e m y f r i e n d s , b u t t r u t h i s a b e t t e r f r i e n d

Page 13: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear
Page 14: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear
Page 15: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

Newton’s opticsTruth as correspondence

1692 1704

1667 Fe l l ow a t T r in i t y

Co l l ege



1672 Roya l Soc i e ty

Page 16: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear
Page 17: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

Newton’s opticsTruth as disclosure

Page 18: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

T r u t h

T h e p h i l o s o p h y o f s c i e n c e

H e i d e g g e r ’ s t h e o r y

D i s c o v e r y a s t r u t h

T r u t h i n m o d e r n s c i e n c e

H e i d e g g e r ’ s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

N e w t o n

I m p l i c a t i o n s

P h i l o s o p h y o f s c i e n c e

S c i e n c e e d u c a t i o n

N e w Z e a l a n d t e a c h i n g r e s o u r c e


Page 19: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

Pos i t i v i s t s & cons t ruc t i v i s t s

Re la t i v i sm

Techno logy

Perpe tua t i on o f s c i ence

B io l ogyDNA / Co ld Spr ing Harbor

Mande lbro t ’ s f r ac ta l s

Implications- philosophy of science

Page 20: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear

T r u t h

D e m o n s t r a t i o n s E x p e r i m e n t s S i m u l a t i o n s

H y p o t h e s i s

M a t h e m a t i c a l m o d e l s

S c i e n t i fi c m e t h o d

C u r r i c u l u m s t r u c t u r e

S c i e n c e l i t e r a c y

N a t u r e o f s c i e n c e

Implications- science education

Page 21: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear
Page 22: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear
Page 23: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear
Page 24: Truth and science education ABSTRACT: Sceptics, relativists and other deniers of truth do science a great injustice. Timid science teachers – who fear