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1 Trusted Computing & Trusted Computing Group January 15 2008 Claire Vishik, Intel

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Trusted Computing & Trusted Computing Group

January 15 2008Claire Vishik, Intel

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• Technology Introduction– Premises for Trusted Computing

• TCG and Trusted Computing Technology– Trusted Computing Group (TCG)– TPM: technology, main uses– Usage scenarios

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Technology Introduction

Premises for Trusted Computing

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Platform Authentication


• Applications tend to focus on “user authentication”– But how does the IT infrastructure know which

platform (computer) is being used?– Is it authorized to be attached to the internal


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Platform Attestation


• Applications tend to assume they have not been attacked– Especially true of “monitoring” or “defensive” apps,

e.g. anti-virus– But how does the IT infrastructure know if the

platform is executing the application as authorized?

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Protecting Secrets

• OS (Operating System) and applications typically use software to protect keys and secrets– There is no standardized and isolated

place to create and store secrets– All software can be attacked

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Trusted Computing: Today’s Positioning• Helps create a safer computing environment

– Different paradigm from prevailing exclusionary models in other security technologies

• The technology is reasonably common– TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is a common

component on most business PCs and desktops (100 million shipped in 2007)

• Supports scenarios useful for everyday operations in diverse environments (citizen-to-government, e-commerce, etc.)

• Ecosystem needs to be better developed for full support of TC technologies

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Trusted Computing Group (TCG)

Structure, membership, specifications

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Who is TCG?• The Trusted Computing Group (TCG) is an international

industry standards group• TCG Mission: Develop and promote open, vendor-

neutral, industry standard specifications for trusted computing building blocks and software interfaces across multiple platforms– Upon completion, the TCG publishes the specifications– Anyone may download the specifications once they are

published– TPM 1.2 specification was submitted to ISO (Dec 2007)

• The TCG is organized into a work group model whereby experts from each technology category can work together to develop the specifications– An environment where competitors and collaborators can

develop industry best capabilities that are vendor neutral and interoperable.

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TCG Organization

Marketing Work Group Brian Berger, Wave Systems

Board of Directors (as of Dec 2007)Scott Rotondo, Sun, President and Chairman; Boris Belacheff, HP; Garth Hillman, AMD; Seigo Kotani, Fujtisu Ltd., Ron

Perez, IBM; Thomas Rosteck, Infineon; Claire Vishik, Intel; David Challener, Lenovo; David Wooten, Microsoft; Scott Rotondo, Sun; Bob Thibadeau, Seagate; Brian Berger, Wave Systems

Server Specific WGCarey Huscroft, HP

Florian Samson, BSI

Position KeyGREEN Box: Elected OfficersBLUE Box: Chairs Appointed by BoardRED Box: Chairs Nominated by WG,

Appointed by BoardBLACK Box: Resources Contracted by TCG

TSS Work GroupDavid Challener, Lenovo

TPM Work GroupDavid Grawrock, Intel

Storage WGRobert Thibadeau, Seagate

AdministrationVTM, Inc.

Advisory Council Invited Participants

Technical Committee Graeme Proudler, HP

Public RelationsAnne Price,PR Works

EventsMarketingSupportVTM, Inc.

Peripherals WGSuspended

PC Client WGMonty Wiseman, Intel

Mobile Phone WGJanne Uusilehto, Nokia

Infrastructure WGThomas Hardjono, Wave

Ned Smith, Intel

Conformance WGSimon Johnson, Intel

Hard Copy WGBrian Volkoff, HP

Authentication WGJesus Molina, Fujitsu

Gerald Maunier, Gemalto

Certification Program Committee

Boris Balacheff, HPHans Brandl, Infineon

TNCSteve Hanna, Juniper

Paul Sangster, Symantec

Compliance WGGeorg Rankl, InfineonSteve Hanna, Juniper

Virtualized Platform WGStefan Berger, IBM

Robert Malek, Unisys

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TCG MembershipBoard Member Companies

Early access to specs.

Create specs.Chair WGs

Create specs.

No Spec. access.

Classes of Participants 144 Members as of Dec 2007

8 Promoters80 Contributors11 Adopters45 Small Adopters

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Liaison Program• Program is available to Academic Institutions, other

Standards Bodies, Government Agencies, and Special Interest Groups with a stake in trusted computing.

• Invitation only. Non-voting participation in workgroups. No fee. Representative approved prior to joining.

• Some Liaison Program Members – Government Related

• Australian IT Security Forum• New Zealand Government• BSI (Germany)• U.K. Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)

Communications-Electronics Security Group (CESG)• United States National Security Agency (NSA)• CESI (PRC)• Other Government Agencies & groups

– Universities• Notre Dame, Oxford, Politecnico di Torino, Fachhochschule Hannover,

Belfast, San Diego, Macquarie, many other schools

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TCG: The “BIG” Picture

TCG Standards

TCG Standards

Applications•Software Stack

•Operating Systems•Web Services•Authentication•Data Protection



Desktops & Notebooks

Security Hardware


Printers & Hardcopy

Mobile Phones

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TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Market Status Update

• TPM PCs – ~70 Million shipped through ‘06, > 100M estimated for 2007.

– Most branded commercial notebook and desktop PCs have TPMs

• TPM servers available • TPM providers –increasing, with multiple solutions and integration

levels• Trusted Network Connect (TNC) products shipping• Use cases released for mobile & storage capabilities

– Storage proof of concept demonstration available– Draft specification for Mobile Trust Module

• Applications available and shipping with PCs & Servers• Virtualization WG created in 2007

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Product ImplementationsTPM Vendors:AtmelBroadcomInfineonSinosunSTMicroelectronicsWinbond

Drive MakersSeagate

TCG Solutions:Infineon Professional PackageM-SystemsNTRUSoftex (Omni Pass and Theft Guard)Utimaco (SafeGuard)VeriSign (Personal Trust Agent)Wave Systems (Embassy Trust Suites)

TNC SuppliersJuniperHPWave Systems

Solutions for:Data Protection

ID Management

Network Security

802.1X Security

VPN Security


TCG Enabled Computer Systems:Dell (Latitude Notebook and Optiplex Desktop Series)Fujitsu (LifeBook Notebook & Desktop systems)HP (HP Protect Tools)Sun MicrosystemsIBM (Embedded Systems Solution)Intel (Intel® Desktop Board’s – 12X) Lenovo (T-Series)Toshiba

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TCG PC Client H/W Design


Family 1.2 TPM

• TPM Functions defined in TPM Functional Spec– What TPM does and

commands it uses

• Interfaces defined in the TPM Interface Spec– How to communicate

with TPM










TPM attached to motherboard

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Basic TPM Block Diagram





Key Key




Register (PCR)Register (PCR)



Trusted Platform Module (TPM)Trusted Platform Module (TPM)



Exec EngineExec Engine Program CodeProgram Code

Volatile Volatile



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TPM – Key Features•Authenticate a platform (machine or device)•Store integrity status of a platform•Anchor roots of trust on the platform•Securely create/store/manage encryption keys•Protect itself against software attacks•Fully controlled by the owner

– Privacy positive implementation

Note: Contains no bulk encryption engine

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TPM Capabilities

What a TPM IS:– Secure key store– Secure unique identity used for

platform authentication• Hardware, Software, Firmware

– Used for digital signing and verification

– Can strengthen user authentication

– Can strengthen auditing & reporting

What a TPM IS-NOT– Bulk encryption

engine– ID management

system– DRM system

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