true american (new orleans, la.) 1838-09-08 [p...

yy .. r.Mlecttnntoa Q~tkww. l ....... J .b. o. o ... 9 La ti...' ta i.. ... r I41tl4 Lay .. "... " 31W.hh+?t. . q .5 I'1it. l .4b tSAo... l Jly., .. 9 . . sdon. Jul . a4iy S ttui:i3 he L ri . od ..r )r ... L 1t " `lw I~ .... Ur.;an 16 bda1 ote..... @lattiaa .p, ,tbanbo, R WeO... 00u 7 plo. lad;115 d1 d.yaltl, W.* lm.a.. 1 r d. boa, boo " I' ', -1 klnadMlateb. wper.Iltapandl aod). a.L.U~bla..alm;.. ksNba~gIbn .0kL..os t~d U 8 to IL " o s tA&J t, nabooanadk, 50 kde idoao~. :: a -~s~.. bob.. hlitl l. 4 4 an liki ho..., it apI. bpola6 rno. 0 k3 'i, s~r tdro~o..prlo: 6 bWo and 188d " audon..dta: assrtd, to R i a...t . .Dos..wtou41 *Rd .old. cY ' Ieto.aerp: euoned. ataw a.4 lit andd.Pkkon. v tp rtd NI& do~bitag4 J lC" H Idon; Pay- A it an S3 d p dt.3 a 50 ita.k pl Jlmsd -* managdqr 12am6. Gfo.45bola.cy401 bs.t A co; 17 do, 8arke Watt A cn 18 do J R " co: 8 do A Laan ro; it do W Flmrar; R do a n. 11 Iae.d nt.a1B itook. lit Uoll Ifood istrrdrie Ray bed sod ordr. R 18ne et..ooro 450 b~a lor 14do A Hsotbor: IS O~ Id;;efou, 9 bids mail kajs md. J RW 4wye; Itboa tob, , td b 14 . rot Connell. oi Eld&n th biL. ba i It .saokL olab i bray 2 IUo pooulry. i do Wkidst ~r Stark; I do J Ilep to i. et.77bk path, 96 sop tstne0, 84 pipe Nd, a Pner stamr Get bkb..409 hb fatt ; yd Itd Conllkolel; 190 do H.Rod It 8oteol s 3 ft 8o Mirk~y A Wlrlttibahno; 16 to W SI .a..., Roo so a000 d ppod~otas.Lnwlr A MYcCarty; 211 oils rope, a 0sIto.bapidy.III hit.25 ice oattils Hal Ir ets SPII' OT1 N,01 W N i OLEANS. SCLEARANCES. Dark ldrs1eMar, Ekerlhead Trieste, 8 & JP Whitney U~sAommst ens.NttNw York. H 0 Ame. at rhtnr iwtronl St Mtarksn S J P 1kit.y :A val J W itherie L com Im Cobstlse. Mterrill. Hstr•e. Il ention Ihe Urobils Arlelx, Chnrleton, Winm ryan ARRIVAI. I•tesmer Erin.Ashmtan, from IMarhetter. eerl sf(ing. ra i•wer. frno P lnaaou la. t'merattolt. Taylor, tfem 81 louo e Busedtoewboet ltmua, lrk, freom tlhe pacet; towed to ssaship glataad CoMtll d. Iemualt np .ip lhrB a Lel te Psl the 6tl at l AM 1. Notllug iHeOi t Iofna 1inicalin ty No Oter. Behr lBndon. P stak•L, from lerpodol. ra tavana Stealsr Velonipede. Dolman. from Aleatcdrin. oeteres Gev iehlby. Krsehevl, from muth Teanuaree. Ute inemsr eoal, rneeth. fio s N Eaou. MA~OR1ALTY O(F NEW ORIEANS. Hr pf pe Cptre•i• floar tor-doy is $7 50 ter iL ooideg o the tarlf, Ite I~orie shall give during the a isnulg week, (fnm SMolnuy, otll Sept.) i37 eonees ol brmothfr abit. Broad of the secund qolality is re- quled to weigh 5i oer cent. nnmr, vin: 46t ounces. 4. C. (iENOId, baeor. s seof-1838. SIMAYOKAL'T" OF NeeV UILOLANS, * ouecil f hmiuniempaity Jho I, Sitting of August 30, 18380., A N ORDINANCE. concerninn lurinls inthe bury- ti g gouuaae oef lMuaicillity No. 1• f the city of New Orleaen. The Couneil of Municipality No. One,ordlln us fol- lawn:- Art. 1. From and after the 10th of9cptembter next, it shall he the duty of the guardian or guardians o1 cemeteries within this munieipslitv, to demanl, a cr- tificate siged byh alicesed physician, or tbe ceroher, or two respectable citietns, jontlty with the commis- sary of the wanrd in which the de'lt may occur, statiug tne'date of the dreeae nnme, age, place of birth, sexr, edor and cause of dath of, the body brought to the cemetery for sepulture. Art. 2. The certiflecte in a'l eres, to be flrneshed by the porsan or persnonq binging to tile cemnletmy a dead btly or dead bodies, and In n, ase shall the keep. er of the enmetery reaive for interelolt bodies, wilthon having obtnaied the ocrtifiaote above men- tiunoed. Art. 3. It h10l11 be the dity of the keeper of the remetery to record in a bhok kept fiurthat purpoe, all the particulnrs obtained by certificatesn relating to the bodies having received repulturie andalsr to onr. Iis monthly a report to tile iecnynrof the city, con. dining a copy of the nanles, ages, plant of birnh. can- eos ofdetit, dates oe dliesae, sex, color of suct bol ies, nuneaes ofthe phyician or other citizens attesting the same. hArt. 4. A fine of ten dollarnhnall he impned upoen tile per1a or persons hritltillua bldy or lodint foer nipul to lto tbecemeterieeof t m ulluicipnlity; itt nli nures wheretie cerdieats heretof re meotioned, shall not hane bhegfunmiehed. Art. .i Thle guardian of the cemetery shall in such ceses he, and ih iqhereby d tIeic il, to t01ae poises. ion oufltie hors nehorse rod aehicle bringing said bodies, andetMil keep paeserion of ruid horme and ve- hicleas until the finel shll havebeen paid. Art. 6. The nmayor is heroeby nuthorised to tublith the present ornildece inall the newsa pers thiiscity, bots inothe French and English languages during tleo y i.[gotmd PAUl. BERTUS, Recorder. Approved, September3, 1838. [tillgned] C GENIS, M~vor. A true eupy. TItEgRU, Ull.O ec'y. RITTING OF SEPTEMBER b, 1838. itodolved, That the ordilnane conrcrni•" the hu. Try;ig grona, passe. on the 311th nit., be so amendled os to,rubsktiie the words atot of October next," for tile words llltth of Sltelnlher neat," in the first earticle o1 tiheold ordinance. * --igtnul] PAUI. IIERTUS, Recorder. Approvd, September 5, 11608. [Signed] C. GENOIS, Vayor. A trele opy THARI, Jun. Sae'y. Am A 1Ri.' DE LA NELLE. ORLEANS. Coucll del I Prnniere unicipulite.--Suu ceecxtra- odiiuire du t0 nonlutl.. *Ontluonoee cotlcernmant rleeerpulturee dlos lee emr. ltu o tdell, Muuieipalipl No. , dn ille d'Orlbans. ij4 . T:ooei| tie IaMunicipalit6 No. un, de In ville de .•k1ete•tOrhnee orreter qui suit: Are I. A lathe d did oeptembrc proclmin in sera du dtooufltdu belien o des geardients ticaiolotliore dluns ieutl metvntipelltf d'rx ger un etertifieet tight mr uon medeein licenein ou per Is coloter 0u perdenx citly- e 8e•respetbldeau eonoinllloemet ne le cnotlnlisstire tht quorti'r dana Inqu'lie Is olfero* sure lu lieu spect- funt hn date du dices, Is n0eu., i'Ace, le lieu le toic - snore, leeexe Iacouleur, alnsi qnle na caotle do d'ces, naiesi puoth cimetere llnr y etrn entorrd. SArt 9 Lodit certiieel rra dutts tous leecos flourd• pprlJ.pereru outi• persontaes portunt anu tiimletiet Olt llope 0o d o e earl, morne, et Ie gardieu no deara lints auduf cneu rneeroir euilletiere ulenn corps polr y e7,te•8 r I rolns d'rvo i t pr1llub.relenlt obtenu In etriificut sitttlesn menttonnno. I nt Mpo .du devoir Iu gardrlien dle tott rinletlere d'isecrirechaoCnoeour doen uno rgitre,tenu A cut ef t tuune lee detai onscentes an moye des cotiflcets able. nus nt slo0ye dea eetificate relolif an00 corps qui Iu- root taule Is npultur', ogaleement do fornlir closqe mtai un rapport ao rtulr decelte vile, cootent I11tut des nots Ieual de eterance, tger, dates er causes du dlkes. acrn et eouleure des corps ainci cnteern sinri qea dee 'taen s de.tdecins uu autree personnes qui autmout slho6k i rertifietas. Art 4. Une ameaed de dix piastres nel imposede A touts psnreonm sppotant u onuplusieurs corps au ci- cstiate pear y At. eunene; donu tous lee caslou lccer- ittief etidsus msontionn noe sarn olint fuoeni, Art 5 Tout glrdien de rimelieire sern utorie6 dons leaa cidtles.ul meniloalb i 'emlnrer 0ueheovel ou dtee cheaux aittai quo du carbillnrd ou adtre voitnre puormet Ie corps et deur lns gnrder en o0 possession jolqu'au paiement de I'umende rideacu l precrilte. Art6.Le moire eat est t drmlde rr, surmise i faire publier dns tuntes gazettes de ette ville, en ntglgni et nokfmeai Ia presinte ordtmdowtoc pes•drqt I'espaee do dix jours, Signsue, PAUL IlIK'I'U, Recorder Apprevn In ""oepttembe 1838. Sign6 C GFENtI3, •,(nie, Pout copie conformse, THNiARD, Ir--,ccrrtaire 8sance du 3 soptiOnnhr 18?8. Resols que I'ordonoure relative uux cimetirre edepten leiii 000out daeuirr l nuwnodee le manloiere eubstiluer'dane l'art lere lc roluetobe preaiohin"au 10 septenolbr prchaln. Resulu que In -ame amelenlotent soit fait i I'orthy tde laLundins ordonnanece, signs. ' PAUL RIERTUS,Recorder. Appmeee Is 5 septemhre 183 Sipne, C iENOIS,maire. Poreepi oonfor•e, THEAID, Jr, secrelsire e8:10pi jlA nuosthly Meeting of the Association will be held at thp Lunoh, corner Poydrane and Camp-street, This vening, at 8o'lock. aep8 JAMES O'DOWD Pee'y. FR MEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW OIUEANS. rUE S'tockhuldereof this coempny sen hereby no. tified, that the fourth inrtnlmentl o thoir stock is due, ud pavableon dic niethday of October next, at th nhon., of the e mpany. E S TRACY, New Orlean, opO. Sec'y. LO.l•hA4NIE D•"A•URANY COUN''KE LE PFEU--De In Nouvelle (Orlren.. ES aet;msnairees de canes comps nio ront noties queiee 4e vrecemenet nt du on pyable le9d'ontobre poeebet u b-e u den On larou~ngeg.i , "se8it EL ('RACY, ecreaire,. '/1OlI,'lE-.-ls arm end lanoling, 25tlh 5o-ee NrJqualitynol Hawn Coffee, for sole blI S G BLANCHARD, 33 (irvier street s"• P,'p ND8.i'i, Arc -In store ani for role NoI &2•pr. Valestins and other brends. Judd'l WhaIIood colored patent Sperm Candles a upesioc sr Yl Pasi nihd Winter bleached sperm uil, esaeoeanod for sle by S G BLAN CIIARD, epfi 13 (irevier s0 DITlRD InV je.l•war c1imoif. .VI V OUR LEAAN: SATURI IA ..... SEPTEMBER 8, 1528 DREADFUL MURDER. Many of our eltliens will remember seeing on Thursedy morning a neat, clean, and shipshape looking sailor, in the dress of the U S service, and apparently over 40 years of ige. His appearance was an remarkably trim, and sailor like, that none who saw could pass him unnoticed. Yesterdsy morning this poor fellow was found murdered and mutilated in the most unheard of manner. The name of the unfortunate victim of :unparalleled barbarism was Charles GeCdllp, saideto be a native of Missouri, and having served for nearly 30 years inthe navy. From the evidence adduced before tee Record. r we gather the following particu- lare of this bloody deed. On Thursday sbnut 4 o'clock,Gnodlip, called in at the low den kept by Anne lane Doyle, No :1 Girod street, between Magazine and Tehouptroulnd street, and took a glass of beer, served to him by John Johnson, who was allblating as bar keeper. Having drank it, he quitted this den of crime, promising to return iL the evening which he did about 0 u'clock,when he drank again, and asked for supper, which was prepared on the order of Mrs Doyle, by Thomas M Davis, and Willihm Smith. By the story of the former it appears that the latter put a quantity of laudantum in the tea given to the sailor; who speedily became drowsy, and was laidl n a bed in the room by Smith & others. So far the story is boine'ont by all the evidence.; About I I o'clock, as Lien, Fallon of the Watch was pasting he heard a disturbance caused by the woman of the house turning out her supposed husband, Doyle, who informed Mr Fallon thlt a comrade of his had seen a dead hmly under his wife's bed, Slpposing the story to originate in jealousy. all parties were dismissed, but great charge was given to the watchman, Alex McClure, to keep a careful eye upon the housev. Abhut I o'clock in the morning, a can wasobserved reconnoiteriiln from tire house, and shortly after another, bearing a heavy burden, onme our und passed rapidly over to a vacant lot, or yard. closely followed by the watchman.- Dropping his load Ithe fellow ran, but being taken brought his captor to seewhat it was, a blanket liled with clat andsoil. Thlis ian was conveyed to theguard houre, and proved ti be John Jnhsaa, a young, but notorious offender Shortly before day break, about 4 on Friday morning, Lieut Crane, hearing the story of McClute, narrowly watched the lnioe, and after hbserving a light brought fromt the back room to the front, and carried there again canatantly, knocked at the door, and took into cusmdy Anne .ane Doyle, and Thomas M Dovis.t On the person of the laetter was found a loaded pistol and a key, and under the bar counter. a blanket with hbout a coqple of 'hundred pounds of earth in it. The latter circumstance induced Mesrte Pill'on andCrane to examine the premises, and in the back room,-some six feet from where Davis was found lying on a settee,-the planks of theflier were lhundtohave been recently moved. On lifting them, and removing some 3 inchep of clay, they. came to the blue round-ahout of the sailor, and on more carefully raising the soil with their hands, drew forth the body. But thn Grod! what a right did it present. The head was off: ,the legs both cut u at the hip joints: the left fitr severed froml the shin brine, and tie right knee ,ofar divided that it hung but by a slight ligature of skin. Such a scene ofbutchery was never met with belre: nor was human nature ever seen more debneed than in thepersons of the prisoners. Theyallshoonk, and trembled, it every fibre of their flesh. The woman professed that ahe slept on the floor in the front room, and snw nothing, heard nothing. alter the vieritn w ns pt to hIed, etupified by Smith. Davis proclar noed that he hadl slept frnom 8 in the evening, anid although biut about two yards fronwhere the bodly was.buried vowedthe tros u rtaunconscinusnessef all that had passed. On Jiis nails, cheek, anid cl itlthe were fresh spots and stains of blood. A knife taken Irom l)avii's girdie had a quantity of 'flesh, llood, and hair sticking to the handle. Ni one would acknowledge the least participation in the bloody deedl and the three principals and 2 suo- pecred palticipators stand remanded for fnrther examination this morning. Smith is yet at large. LAKE BORGNE CANAL. The Council of the third Municipality finding that every attempt to have acanal, euitable for comn- imercial purposes, dug from their part or the city to ,ayou Blenvrnu has failed, nrve at lest given the privilege to a single individual who dig 1 a canal for Fisherman's Piregues. Verily this is the age of gigantic undertaknges, and of vast ideas. W e begin to think that the Lake Borene canal willnever be made unless, we of Municipality No.2, take it into our head, to Ihave a lltrl cut to our summer watering plnces--apd a mate conn venievn port for ourpicayune tier trade. . It is hintied, however, that the Navigation Com- pany will probably take tile matter in hand and run a branch of this canal In hayou Bienvenu. If they dloit will Lea fine spen. Qr" lhe principle of "I take the rteponsibillty' seems travelling through every department of the general government, having alreadly runt down roum the foiuntain head itWashington to the de- pury collector at Ne• York. We learn from the Star that Mr. Ferguson, the afficer in question, not finding "silk braid" in the new Circular, im itediately wrrte on his own responsibility "silk braid, twenty five per cent." Thus are the very laws defied by the re;sponsilbility- taking overn- ntent, forthough Congrese area fit to exemon t any article from duty, a deputy collector in hik supe. rior wisdom is permitted to imlpos•e on it whatever dutyhe pleases. An imprtring merchant states that on his remonstrating aeginst this new and unlI•oked for duty, the deputy collector remarked that mwe" the merchants, "had been iradilged lobig enough;n the construction of which is that they had lohng been indulged by law, but now it was time to try what could be donewitholrt the;co- lour of law. Such are; the aceingprinciplte of out professed democraltic government: such the daily tllegal acts of its authorized officers. Fofreigners must deem us a mostorthodox nation, for we cer tainly exh;'it the christian virtues of forbearance, and ,lng sufferine, to ttn enparrallelled !extent. When theexecu.ive proclaims his right to construe the conastitution as hethinks right, it is not to be wondered atthat a subordinate officer deems him sell competent to reform the law and supply what- ever he deemsrl defective. But if individuals be thus permitted to aubetitute their personal will for the acle of the federal Congress what isour condition short of an incipient state of anrchy ? The following handsome complimrent to our fel- low citizen, the Rev. Mr. Clapp ta from the Bos. ten MorningHerald, and will be acknowledged as just and wellmerited by all who have heard Mr. Clapp preach.. We undJetatand ithat large offers were made Mr Clapp by lmore than one congregation, but he de- clined them all. No salary, however high, could induce' Mr. C. to leave the liberal city of Near Orleans, norpartfrom his many warm personal triende. Ma Enna .- Sir,--flaving larned on Saturday thatthe Rev. .Mr Clapp Irom New Orlensa, had cngaged to preach at the Churcth of the Rev. a1r. Pierloult, cutiosity lorced me to leave rliy own jaqteof worship to hearhim. I had heard muol lot hipowere, but feared that oxtravalaaQe and over.etrained eInquence, would so mark his per- faormance, that it wo uld not suit our Now Eng- land taste. I leokedabout nie and saw but few strangers that might have been drawn'there by motives such as guided me, and heneR inferred that the man could not be the star which he had been represented. He began his eermnn without Bible or potes; he look for his lext the eommannd, "work out thy eal- vaiton with fear and tremblirt,-ihe divided the subject into heuad, and pursued and illinerated each with a power ihiat mnut have filled the mind of every hearer with astonishment nrd delight. Had the fact heen generally more known, that a man of such eloquence was to have preached in any church in this city, it would have beetr filled to aulication. lie incidentally described the seeees he personally witnessed at New Orleans, at the time when death made such havoc with its inheblitalse-a general flow of tear was apparent in the congrte•tron. The serptln, ae a whle, tnad more in it to admire th nl anty one to which I have qver listened. If he shiould preach agailn, go and hear him. H. Boaton Hrro'id. Quite an Adopie of cunt-throatas has lately been operating in Sttlyh Carolinl, add the proclamauion offering a reward for his apprehension; describtl him as well made, of lair complexion, with light waving hair, and blUe eyes, full mouth, and white teeth! Such an array of personals in Europe would have made the officers search the boudoirs lo every spidtter in the neighbourhood. lie is further described as being 30 years of age, and five feet ten inches in height t very fond of gronmbling,and brags mtteh of his manhnod. And alter all his name is Abner Stripling!-a pretty tolerable des. criptinm of the age, ditetnsieone, nd accomplidh. ments of a stripling. ln.atdting that a ruffian called Kenney, Intbly committed a murder in New York, one of our contemporariesobserved that his name sounds like that of the firmt murderer! Now Coin and Kenney may make a good Irish couplet, but have rather an odd sound to our ears. The Whigs of New Orkleans are making pre- parations for the reception of lHii. S. S. Prentia' of Minssiippi, who is expected to arrive in a, few days in the packet shlip Yazoo. We hope Mr. Prentie will find time to accept of a dinner. Backing out-T he New York Whig says: The administration nashmed of its impotent attempt to fly i the faced of the act of March'I833, has abandoned 'the audacious design of Ilvning a duty on mdillinory goods. Cidlectotr Iloyt his just returned from Washington with this agreablo in. telligence. A delinquent named Nloble Bennett, long sought fhr by the New York poliae, was suddenly die covered by them while scratching his head at a window. HIe ought to have retmemlbered that when a iman scratchee his head it is pretty certain there is something in it. There is some novelty ill the stlry of a foolish fellow who recently broke into the New York Jail. Whether his oibject was to secure for himself a berth, or rescue another ftim death, remains on- known. For the prevent lie is lodged inl the cange where he ought to be kept and exhibited na a rare beast, the very first of hisa habits and kind ever heard of. ", The great eclipse of the sun will tak, place on the 18th instant. It will he annular in 13 of the states though not in ours. The hlc, foco's oIf the 31 Congriesional Distr at of Pennsylvania, hoae determine on once more trying to send Charles J Ingersoll to represent the district in Cotngress. They may try, but the.Whigs whnlast time elected Clharles aylor nguinst him, will heat him again anti with a larger injnrity. If ungersoll t' would have been a Tory In '76,' as he himself avows, he myt do liir th, Iroo comps, lut cannot he allowed to lilbel Philudelphini as its represaentntivn, inWnshineinh. Captnin Shr,ee is lm about lto reu'ieopmretimna in the Red Rliver rft, so, i Inrl.-,opean the lavtga. tiou trune enouglhl in tile crimineg seasnr. C'rtling the Conserr•'ires.-- r would nppear r ht he Pl'esident issolit' ewhar Ilnr l rmed tit the signmI tol the irles, and is endeavourinr to rllilng hbackIli old frindis. The A'lsdisrniati save, a" We hear it reported that ilr Rives lih been applied ed, to run dr the. next eliction onthe tlicket witlh lr Van Ifurnn as canldidatn for Vice Premi. dent. 'T'le report renchem not in utcih a shaIp e that we do not diuht it. The poly desperuate enstninl for any ith an.-Will Mr R ciansent, it will nua- rally he asked? We unhesitatingly eny, no. It is inmpossibly unless Mr Van Bures abando.ns Ins pullcy and ilenslres altrogether. Thl hlie canllon d•i, as lie slalldl pledged tio sink ir swim"l' with thlm. Even were he tol do so, we dount veiry much it Mr Rives would trust his fortnnes to s"-ink or swim" with hIr Van Biern. At all voents this shows to ColJohnsonthat he is to be cast off. This is'the reword for his lonalty in ging with Ute partlye supporting the Sub Treasury through thick and tlin, against his own conscience and against his interest also. lie will learn and eel thllat, Federal epublicans nas well as lepublics areulngrateful "-St Louis Bulletint ASSA.I'T 'iF T0HE GOVERNMENT ON TIE NA•V.- It isrsad that lMr. Ex secetary Dickerson speaks pretty Irerly eoneerning the raseality of the.Kitch- en canbal at Nh nahington, Mr .D. will prohably lay behlre thee perle ere Iong, a delenee olf hiso ieial conduct.--Sussex (.N J) Register. We learn the ex secretary doesnotmince eiet molotler at all, hbut says there Iust be a recastroion and surensllr iof the agthor. We fear the Gl;v. erner will find hilnself in the dilemm a ef hi. pre' deessors, wilho have been successlively excluded topreserve tile "ucntlsystlem and efier their re- treenent been loaded with the abuse of the unprin- ecpled wire workers. He mulllst submit to the late of Inghaln, Duanee, terrien, &e Wa :earn that the Iriends it'Guv. Dickerson declare if redress to not nlmde, the Van Buren party of New Jersey will inalbody nlake a transit to thile Conservative icr tetest. It is true "i.fd J,, r cey" is whmt enough without help, but we should rejoile to see tilcs adt ditional indicaticn of regeneration. Mr. Van Hu- ren's must distingutshed frieqde in Virginia ack. leuwledge that tin that state alone, the attcnek on the Navy has list him' $201,00 vuees. Never wds any. thing more indiscreet and ill worse taste, but it It all tn clt.eacter and keeping with, the men who are guilty ol it, and corroborates ell thalt ur have maid ,ll them. N. B. Since ow'itingethe bove.Gov. Dickerson hine written a letter in defence of tlthe'dministrat tion, and saves e has been wIll treated by the Pre- ideant.--N Y Star. A curious perstaogecalled WatIson, the •icu- sater, latelv died at Iuxted. England, nilserably poor, though plsseqeeld of the ineteiclula reni.i ntecent power truly antonishilnt. A Suasex'paper printed at'Boxted rays ofhim : He can state accurately where he hadi been on any day tir the last thirty years, what person lie el0t, eqd what lie was abuut.' Ie live4 for mnany years withan uncle in this parish, who was a farmer, and he would recount the quanti'y of live stock bred during tile whole time he lived with hilm, to whton thby were sold, and the price they Itlched. He hasbeen often askee toalate on wmat day of the year Easter Sundaywas for a centurv posll, and has never been wrong in his answers. The birth days and eges anmong George's acquaio- tance were aswell known to himt as thelmselves 'ad he has olten raised a laugh against stoIl' laduie of a certain age, by stating the day If tuelr birth incompany. nut olse to his luvoute entu- saenelts was to recount the numlberil acurs, alumout ot pnpu l atiin, size o uthe enurcht and weight of the tenor bell of every plrish In lhe county, which ice woulddo without Ilcaking a olis. take. (l C mtunetr ealed) NEW ORLEANS, I1s Sept. 1838. To the Aldermen of Meunaciplity no. '. Gentlemen, A number of plans for draining the rear of the city have at ditterenr tinles been laid i elatre the public anti tle ltffereut lluniclpni Councils ol our city. Two have been worthy of attenlion. lst that hdopted by the Drainng Comtiany. 2nd the eln vsitg ul the ground by means of the deposit of sand which would be left by inandalion Ir.o theriver. Uoth have their disanalleltt-. The first requires the elerral action ul drt111111g mis- chines, the etenleu exctaence of dikes, aluces and draining canals; and yet never rids the country ol a low and damp soil, which must overluow and become marshy during the raclty sas•on. The second plan presents thebreat incouvoenence at the nuntdati o ut tis elnvirons of the city, besides lite rlsk ul prodncing epidenuicu and the Inmlrense cost o lcvters and siluces to protect the tllhlabi iaslts io tlie tleated iatmda lying ntweeno tLidold the slke, &e, &e. This method of draining would - be the most expensive; yet it must be admitted that the results obtained would be the mtost de, sirable-a dry and elevated sail and (after the sil is once elPvated) exemption frotm the coasunlt use of draenint mnachines and ea nu!s. It is evident that Ioth plank are defeetive, and we should srek aunstherwhi-h might unite tihlir ndrvnlages, without the difficult as and incolo," nience. This end tiany he attained by the plan I take the hhlterty to preseni to your onnsideretton Let a ennui eihi or ten feet wide, and Itn deptlh each as experienced engineers may decide to he he bl e t, he deu frolm the river th tie sw ltlp, and from this canal, let a number of pretty deep draininngditches brhgch out in every direction. let these ditches lead to Bayou StJhn, or ie sonme nonvenielt i place of dischorge,let the place or places of outlet be partially clobed by sluiees. AlIhw the water of the Mississippi to flow neto the ditehes, 'sn a to fill them, and when sufficient deposit is madlle, elos the inlet from the river, rnide the sli :eas, let all the Water fl,w off, and use the Ft d Let "his he ropneaed as frrquentliy as necessary, and a aflli,'iency of riversalnd will be obtiiteod at the very edge of every square fir raisihg .he lots and building upon lthen. A little refl'cti,,n .will bshw tcls superiority of this plan. It is t he chenpest; it requitys let dtalin:s i iaftinetlie, no levees-it may be appi ed to a few squares or to a whole sectionl; it tay be put inso rexcutnon es as to advance gradually fromn IIe relr of the city towards the lake. It will avoid the' inconvenience of inundation, it will' prcure 'a high and dry soil; and when this is done, it will furnish at the very door bf the land holder, abundance of sand for building.- Thiseuut advantage alone should Le suffitient to induce tshe adoption of the plan. All who lhave had houses' to build will appreciate its ilipor- tenee. The Second Municipality ii about tO drain a small seetion in the'rear of suburb ti Mory. The ditches for this drain are so laid off that they may be readily adapted to this plant nothing more is wanied than a eonmmunieation with the river by means of a evered eanaol. I humbly submhtit thb propriety of immediately carrying ipto effect the above mode of elevatinag our 9narshy'grounds, and of thus obtaining a per- minent and cheap improvement. Leaving to your better judgment the further inve•tigatitn of this subje ct. I ant resspectfully your sb't serv't, - T. W. C. LEMON SYRUP-50 boxes Underwood's Letton Syrupt Ir esle by JARVIS & ANDREWS, eep8 corner of'Common & Tehopitoulaes. .IABDICAL, PAINT & OIL STORE, Corner of Commmon & Tehopitoulas streets. , A LARGE and gentural assortment of Medlcines, Paints and Oils constantlyon han+d, and for els. ou the most reasonable termt, by JAaVIS & ANDREWS, sep3 corner of Common & 'Tchlpituulae. 400 DOLLARS REWARD. LOST or stolen from on board ship KENSING- L TON, while lying at thl Levee, 95 Columbian and5 Mexican Doubloonsa-the above reward i ill be paid for any information that may lead to the discovery of the same. nsep8-1838 CApOLES-. 75 boes sperm candles, best brands. landitg from ship .Plato, for sale by ISAAC BRIDGEH ICO, sep8 134 Magazineat. "ROiGANS, Slipters, &S--2 cases,cotaitnig all 3l aanortmert of Mlen's nd fine hip uand calf bregens; men's and boys super russett brogans; wom- en'altsting elippers, extra sizes; small lovs fine calf, kip and seal brugain; and tcildrens real ipegged bru- gutis; ankle tiesnnd bodts, landing from elsip Platoe for anle by S ISAAC BRIDGE'& to, sep8 . 174 llagzine street. OFFICE OF THE NEW )ORLEANS AN) NASH- VILI.F. RAIL ROAI). D RAFTS on New Yorkat sight, for sale at 4 per D enit. premiutm. JAMES H CALDWELL, sep8 t'reet. LAST tJlLICATI)NS. tHE Novels of JaneAustin,. containiag 'Pride tnd Brejudice,' "Menfield Park,' 'Sense and Setu i- bility' 'Etmmtna' and 'Nprthenger Abbey' to which is prefixed a biographical notice of the author-c-omplete n|t onls volutle. Not. 3 & 4 of 'The Life and Adventures of Nickolas Niekleby,oturanini. a fairthful account of tlhe fortutue, oniefutrtuoes, lowmltllhlige, nld complete cirer of' ilit Nicklelv Faltily. Editet Bby'Boz'--witr iilusnottiot•. by "Phi..' AISt`, An additiontal supply i d' No I,'Nicknolus Nicklebhl.' 'Oliver '1wmta,' pIrt first, and 'Pickwick l'upels,' jtit received,nod lir oualaeby WMY. M'KEAN, Srlept ctrler of Ctamp & CtmIittt it t. I V,\ly COFEE-1511 ugs itn lol, t rllr - l . _.ep8 _ , ll 'tydrt s slttn ret. s. ,8 ill 't.ydrus street. tsade, laitBg, fwm -hip Ceneurdia, and for sale low for,or p.eucd r Ia flnr, v. 'A " DUNIIA It, .sep8 ' 112 -la a l altrele. FI[IIHI" large tpreditiaier fciaied htrem; orhe t rn- S dearon I' fir e ,1 " Iol•o e I, 21 tar ct, Ib a Iteanltollrilll i wbg e wiloll le kat giratsoble Illui- aes, ,,i.d will ame iall Ihetllre, fiormerlv occpiedt by A A 1 IDubar, k o. 91 (Clor- a Ilotle 'St. ATF aIDUNI It , G E.ORGE.' WILKINSON. at',8-- 183 . -:•_,•VA•A iO'Fl•.r.-- d. bugs iianauu CotI'e, ,S'I'i,.N hF AVI.ri•, sep8 e13 ( Gaviaer at. TO iRElN'T. etIIOSE large preasesr it Gtirodl street; ne lat from il arno.n, the i rt iu Gry is128 leol, bry r depth.d )i0--the limprovenis consist of a double fitl e dwelling Houseand kilchea-•-rald therear lot adjoin. ing hiasa brick building 3) by b.U--dwidod ilnt Ithree sep48 1 Arondelet at. SANTEI)--A Baook Ba ider--Ileneea j apply but a workman. WM M't EAN, sepi, cornaer ofeCamp aa Coaltmon .st. I.OTHING--10 Casesl eomprisin heavvsyairl.t c flanels Liverpnola striped, twilled, and white ert. tonn shlrts; Iheavy Iue striped cottomande puntaloolr , landdig afront ship Concordlic, for stal by ' ISAACU BRIDGE & CO, •a SUItiVEYor OFl ICE t e ed Mlunicipalitay. NOTICEr ishereby given that, it conralnily to ta I resolution ofthecunci of the Secolnd andluici- iaelitya, passed at their sitinlg of tile a1rh uly lastt I will, at inop ,of Sarurd.y. Lthe 15th day of s eppteluber ld3cadljudite ate mv office, In the lowest bidder, tile opneailng, delle nig,anld leau tin oft elpormee catI eai greeailry to the i teiticons oft raoltion oif ail cerun- il,ased otile 2d day O AuguIst 18E, (Eightreen hundred N ad t n in accordauce withth pecificatiou ,iowexbirited at the sdIrwvatr'l dfl ce, dalaUsh ) to tle satisfaction of the Coauncil t dt unnieipahity. ' JOSEPI! PILIE, Surveyor. New Orleans, Sept. 6, I , 38. iUREAU UDU V tYE1rtti de MUNICPALI['E ii N conforite d'nle resoldutioa da cotail de ie latnle nluoici ntlite pasheedans I seannadu 17juillet dernier, e taussi andesir da autre rscaoltion dudllit lonsel passen dana l seanceedi 2 gout 1836, Ais earr dounelque lbniedi 15 dopresent Moga deseptembre 18"3 Qnmidi, a men bureau, j'adjogerai au tabais, lee trayrux A faire poar recr'euser elneltoyer la canal Melpomeon atnivatt Ita instrnetioas exhibeel al bureau eusdit- Unecaution de $•o810 I-t satiafnctiton dtu canseil sera xigee. 8oeplt JOS PIeIE,Voyer, NSURIVEYOI'S UO FLICE-d Mnicil,itiY. O'I CL is hereby girra tbtr lpratanaa will ei 1ItII isctant, tIr arerting ai Vegetable Market on caet i llrolumntia atjuncrtion of chIalupitlaela and Au- iuucittioti streats, near Delord street, agreetly to the Ilan lppioved by the ceunoeil of this ,bianicimality. For further particulars u 1 n dt at thislofice. JOSEPII PILIE, Surveyor. Naew Orlaatn,Sept it, 1818: ureau du t Vyarie.r It i Maluticeipahler. SIS eat par lepreeent donne quejusqu.a mardi, i11 bducourant, septembre, desoffrea seront regus" ton bureaun pour I con-trualion d'un marbhe nux I,.- Fumesa la junction dt e raes Tchapitoula set Anntsi- ciationprea la rte Delotlrd. L'edilica sera sltpparte par daes olaanes en far suivauit lI pla n approave par e aonsail e ete rsniipaalilte toeutes Insa iitrmaiiutis et dletails relatilfis 1It coatrutction dndit mareheseroat dounes Ai ecbureau, 8Ilpt JOS PILIE, Voyer ttRtG ANS, Slites and"liieras-12 cuaes, coal- prisiog a uaassrliteitt af Men's ahal ltoy's fice kip, pegged'aud Russelt Brogans; Men anti Boystioe afsltoesr; ien's atlwolllen's pumt nd sli il)l'ds, rlhihlrens aid inlatl.a boots, sloes atid ankle tie t; land- nlag fru, shilp Ohio, and for sal Iby ISA.AC lBRIDGE & CO. augl 134 Magazine street. 3PERKUI ,11.--8 caski pure, blld.eil d " catn, Utl, buading froa! shlip Ohio, far sale Iby S ISAAC I.KIRDE & CO. eagl l 1:31 Megazice areet. SALIK; RIIE--AItiLtoila iliassouri awl liKentucky bale rope willlie sold low by LAY4T & AMELIJNG,, aug i i7 nomtnere street. N EGRO) ULOTIIS LINSEYtS & KERSEYS- S'l hesulscriber f ofr fr sale, landing from ship LCuoeord, 2 bales plaiti mixed negra chit bale Caiilled Inixold negro cloth; I18 alhs linaeys, asstrtidl t'tolurs; I bale white srwan skin; i case prioledl keraseye; 2 bales leavy aised Cordova aerseys; I bale uutlioished Eva ker~tys. ISAAC BRIDGE t Co, jyl2 134 Magainea street ` OAP-•i5U boxea No. l.oapi bralnd of James Youllld, l, ailing frou, brig Boradino tor sale by ISAAC BRIDGE & Co, auag7 134 Magazina street I11E- Csks 'ho n ... Liwe landinig ftn-m Sbrig Clieftai, and fr sole by S & J 1' WIIITNEY, iull 1 C tiitrcet. ST. CHARLES THEATRE. r ilE Ladies and Gentlemen engaged in the Sobove establishment are requestedi t assemble it the Green Room on Friday the 20th inst. pre viousit to e oponinc o the i T'hoeatre, which will tyke place on Monday let October next. Ey order of tile Prorietor, GEORGE HOLLAND, Treasurer. N Orleans, 4th Sept. 1838. 0rp-The Cinciennti Whig, Louisville Journl, Vicksbhrg Sentinel and Nacltrz Free Trader will please insert the above three times. S OA'P--12 boxes Boston No I Soap, GeeJackson i' Brand, now landing fromship Concordia, lifro Boston, and for sale by JOSEPH" COCKAYNI, sept 6 25 Common street I AG(iING AND ROPE--Ib00 coill Kentutky for sope, 800pieces Kentuckh Bagiog, in stcre atd for sale by LAWRENCE & LFpGENDRE, sept6 28 and29 New Ievee `V'TEEL PENS-Just reeeiceil floa New York per 0 ship Vicksburg, 10l gro e Gillott's Eagle Pens; 10 do Perney's doublre areant pets; 10 do India rubber pens; 5 do National pens; for sile by thegroce or sin- Dle FELT & Co, N Y Statliner Hell,, eept6 21 Chnrtres street EW MUSIC--La of the Troueadour, I rise fnrom Sdreams of The; How sweetthe Chimes; Lucy hours farewell, Barnett; Yes! think me happy, Sprole; In this Cottage he lived, Cooke; Warriora SIlome Let me rest in 'te lIand ofmy Birth; Thy Ipve ud Mine: Land of Love; Soen of the BIll; , ietora ile georless lose ofEngland! Up tothe Forrast; Happd Fare, Bright, Bright Wine; ly Mountpitd Pine; to Sthe Beave who have fallen no tear we beatow, Russell; The peace ofthe Valley, Balfet Our way ncross the Mountain hat Minetrel of the Tyrol; Rnggio d'Amore; Al Camps dellp Glpria, Doolietti; La Ltuo.n,Tadolini; Le rieer non pass'lo, Marliai; Kentucky grand marchi Andversae y QuickStep; rhlval Waltz, Une Perle s Waitz, lflioene Carnivat Waltzes, Strauss; Vietoria Waltz; Ladeil. Wdltne Strauss;Les Fleura a' Italie, 2 3 4: Renembranee a mndo; Dmlicee de l'Ope- Srd Italie; Spanisi Stngijuet received by sept 6i BCASEY, 19 Camp street. S~ALLOUR-Iit Ides best quality, made it, new wheat just landed from steamer Czar, and for sale by s G DORSEY, sent 6 44 Now Levte e. Feor trereporl and Intermediate Lanrdings. SeP The stauehl light draught steam e~.s.hbtboat DENMARK, Robert A Mbore, i i ntesr. will le at tile warf this den, remay to receive freight. For whichor passage, vm ; mbdlations, appely n eard, or to S JNO.H GRAHAM. aug30 C LEAR PORK-60 l nrelo clear pork in ntore and tfor sale b by LAYET Sr AMELUNG, sepl 17 Ceomuerce street. LARIl-1950 boges Preimn Le Lard i astore, tor selc by LAYET t& AMELUNt', lepl 17 Comilerce street. HI AY'S Liniment fir th e ure ofPilese just recen r S wred and lr sale by a H,AIB.EL, sepl itoulas street. y -- ~I' ENTE]R'N Fluid Extract of Sasapareilla aed / lowad'a s T'onic itixture, ieeeived lv ' H BOiNABEI.. sept 'ITc'cpitmalea it. NEW OIILEAN'S COMMERCIAL INSTI. TUI'E. Peasce street, bretwenn Jllorrau and Caaralvo, scub'b. If Jtlarignty. SSPECIAI, Coarse -of Book Keeping.- le course f,. 'eiieoa Keeping oeltned stince seuv!rl Iolth, will close in a few lday. SMllne goodaccountantats, amnong whm are genlle- eensolhigh standiog inbusiness, will be the rcferon- ceas oflred to thie Iublic ietroeage. . A new evening class will be,pelled a s on as a se.f j ficieiet nu:•lher of suecribrs nill lhve Iiein obtained; it will close in November next. iFor gentlemen residing in th e tippe rtl tof itle eity, all eresing class, three timiee a week, will be opened atthie comrner ofSt. Lonis and Exchange Place, ii' saub- eeliptionare receiveld. GENERAL COUnIE OF COMIMIERCE. id This course is opened every day, from 5 to 9 o'clock 51. M., for exereising on the dillerett branches of efc- ce lnl ibikl . iTlhe Iiteraec antl Cemtmercial Inlstlitate for youing e gloleno i oi;pened from l o'clock A. M., to 5 o'clocke I'. II. lll'boardilog scholers adm itted I' A AUBEIRT. is )ll..AStltI'i Ntf'.--or lc 7-lcel itia day, oit F $30 "'"rerteseY n o tes cud $ei l iil 4iioeirntmln t c ht::ilo tile ltlll oaf Americaie, New York, ill differ ,,iet Ams. ;,\ll at Ihe ine• of ,t t:9). WtlITMAN, ,il I I'xell r tIeh , i .('i rl, t. 1k 'TW1) Story frame dvlelling Il - nnI l kilchiens, \Ar.. ,r i:t , In•ydi,-l rtel, lhtween St. i (IIrlnllul r.nIot ire t. A"iiiy to -eps "10 LI,' .1, MAY,. F• ID. WI.IHINSON. DEPUTY SURVEYOR GENERAL OF LOUISIANA. , i4 "l", s hie .I rvie to fill e pul blie i:; th. deirl- i nllln Ilno Srvevin. nidl Civ Ir, tineeriou, b lh I ill io%•i• Mil YII~I(('llr l Ir.ole j I( I rLI*I ' i;xl lll ' nl in lowuc nd e.,ntit Iry. Froiconsid r"" ',a''po's' in hi n t prefersionI , and I ipolnl s: lllllllll a lidelitl i. th ex"c' tien A, bih -ine-s eltrult' In l it hm, Ih' hopet t IaIhe) IllelIllle U 1.nd culeu11 l ltr te Lllf ellt(l of Wpll s enl Ie .a ;wiiins. O,hee Nou Clrtries rirelt, second lnot,c SI-- S ,.i ) (ill.. in C.,isk nbd ill bbl s. i rrinted a4 Iur article, fl r sale, inIole-ale tu retail, by JA.IltVIS & ANIIILEWO,, .Medi.ine, Paints & Oil Ilcealers, j,. l8 Corner of ICommon & ITe ho pli hlus ate. I llWN S"I:'I'TIILS-- II-20,001 l varlls -I Ilrwn SSllheelillns. Inlldling fnlom ship CIhlerokee, siilubhle for the Ilexician arket or City trale, or sale, by S'l'ETl ON & AVERY, jel8 8l G(Ivier stre.t, SPEIEM CANI)ES, OIL, de. BA)( BjIOXES Nrcw Iellfor Sperm C'ntlles; 0t 311 caks New Iedllrd \Winlter (Oil 15 casks Roofing Zinc; 6 boxes 1rown Havana Sugar, 1(111 coils 1Ilao iRope; 30 pieces Biifgging; Scanks llack I.end Crueibles; :10 cake Ppller liungines; 50 baskets Clhampagne Wine. For rele by JOSEPH C ICKAYNE " Je8 25 Gravier street. W ESTERN BUTTER--139 keen. lceived ler W stTner Vmalulia, front Springflield, Illioii, o superior article,for sale, by SL.ATER & TRI.Et, jet8 40 Pnvdram treet. 1 1'(.ORK-Rump1, •oft Aless nid P O, for sale by je6 O DORISEY, 44 New Levre. ~PERMI OIL, CANDLES, ec.-3ll els ks New le. Sford Winter Oil;' 0) oinxe' d i in Srierre Candles 2i0 casks ropfing Zinc. ll!1 boxes olrltoln o ild t•Cadles 3001 sheets Braziers' Copper. I strlle, fr ,stle lie JOSEPII COCKAYN[, na•20 05 Girviee street. "EA F LARD--ttOf kegs in ,or seale Ilty .Il .e G Ii)l.EY 44 VPwI~ev,. R ICiHAILDi, Tobac.o and nult' manlleic turer, No. 177, Cam' reect, New-Orlenns, wishes to inform his rienls iand the public in gellell, that ile I snow prepareld'n frnislih il Iltlne, in tlte above busin e ss, and has constantly for ale the tollowing articles: SNUFFS. Rose, Cnrmnn Ilaplien, Macabay, eglish 1i i :ltegeti, American Ilappee; Naetllto :leas, Imitated, Alerican gentleman's, Ileranlot, IDunikent Ilappee, 'risllllaekguerd, St. Omane, Curneaon,, Paris, PurelSpanish, Half coarse tRappee, Scontch, andi genutilne tooth powder. TOBACCO. Fine cut chewing, sweet scented or pBlin. Fine cut smoking, of variousqunlities. d(ib-lot Virgiina, Slunisl, toc. The.abo eartie esmredl warranted asg II, ifnotsn- erlior to any thlilg of the kind importedl, Iand will be furnished to dealel •on tile inst libera lterms. may 4 t," P1i".l CA CDLI-S-IlI I 'lioxes New Bedford S'Sllern •Candles, ergcres tnwlnnllI brand, lanling frin slhip liinsingtoii, and Ior sale b sept ti ISAAC iRIDGE .& co L1OR S.\LE-A House and I.ot of liround on Rntn- I' iart street,between Conti nd Bienville streets, (Pritchard's Row,) having 26 feet ti lines fromt on Ilan- lart street, Iy 108 feet 9 inchles in depth, with tile privi. tege of a panage way from Conti street. It now rents tner $1350 per annum. Far further particlars and ortitapply to R Ml WELIIAN, sept 6--3t No, 79 Comemon street I)OSIN DI.uos-70 bble I tsii ro1., in i oate, for Il sahby J TIHA ER .CO, g21 71 Pnydr as str-et ENGIlitll BO)OKS. pARTINGTON'I Cyclopledia of Biography 2 vols. dn. do Arts and Sciences, 2 vols.--Shakespeare in 3 vols, a pocket edition illus- trated. Phillii' (Geology. Jauleeon's Mineralogy. Itrewster s 'l'retise on AInguelisnt. Gray's Elegy, illustrated. Rogers' Itanly slid Poems, illustrated, 2 vols. Ilrrdilg'ms Drawing Book fr 183I. Plillips on water colrs. Easy Drawing Book, by Childt . Struat's Splrt e nd Pass Times. Just received and for sale by .\MW. N'KEAN, nag4 corner of Camp and C'otililn st. S LIVEI TW1•'; t;rthlie Parish lloiy r•gress. -F part seenid, by the author of'Tlie Pickbiak Pa- pers,' 'Sketchsof erery day Life,' 'Nicholas Niekkhly' illstratedl numareus designs by Cruikshsnk. Tie Life and adventures of liicholas Nibklbv, con- tinilng a faithful account of the fortlnnesi, isfortunes uItrninilig, dowifnllinge, nnd complete eareer of tile Niicklelv Ianmlily. Edited ly'inoz,' with'illustrations ly 'Phi,' N•i.2. Sketches of Young Ladies: in which thbee interest. ing menlmbers of the Ilimal kingdom, are classified ne- cordini to their several instincs, bhabits, andti general characteristics, lv by'uiz,' with sketches of Young getn- tlftrnn, liv Quiz; ir. t.inhts unit s hadown of lrise Life,biy Mrs. S C Hall, tihblirecs ofithe Iccaeneer' Uncle IlTlnce,' &c. &c. ill two vole., just received andfor sale by WMI. A1'KE.\N, nuIl4 Corner of CampIn & Common ant. POILK-50 hls l Mess aml Prime PIrkt-,luniirig Sflt bouts, for sale by LAYI.T & AMELCNsI, augl 17 Ctommerce strect NOTICE TO FIREMEN. if"h Cortes atthoed t othe Fire Plunge of the Com- mmereial Water Warks, wore to have beent oeanged on the let inst., but in consequence of the of- flers incharge of the several comepares not havinge called for the opanners to fit the caps, the change has been prurasatinnted until this day. 'Tihe panere may v he the office otthe company, No. i60 Maga- zine street. The attention of the gentlemenin charge It of the Funeie and HIose Company, are repectfdlly suli- cited. By order. E ELill) rT, aep4 Secretary. It NOTI'ICE. ('0I1'E enhecrihers have retired from the Dry Goods S basineess, in which they Ihare been engaged for ears poet--at New York, Huntsville, and in New Or- - leans. They will contite tlheir respective branches, permanently, at anle nlaess and under the same firm, for thepurpoae ar condclting the mereuntilebusinesr. Thtseindebted to them will please call andmakes aettlement. Any elaims which may Ie due by them will be paid at eight. ANI•REWS - BRlOTHERS, mNames of prmners and residence. J J ANDREWS, New York, Z ANDREWS, New Orleans; EL ANDREWS,Huhtasville,Ala. rep4-1831--3t REMOVAL. A NpREW$ .n Brolhers haveremoved their Count. L ng House toNo.50 Camp street. SERVANT WAN'TED). ANTED immediately na goand Cook, washer and Sironer, filr.which good wages will be given. Apply to 121 St Joseph street, between Camp and Megazine streets sep4 -AGING-51 pieces KenttLcv habging forsale B tby IlOLADII & M ILLS, Spil 9 Bank Alley. D RAFTS on It.osisvillg, for sale by HERMOGINE-BROWN & CO, aug30 9 Conti at WANTED TO RENT. A larre, airy and convenienet School S Room. Apply to J GIBBON, Editor. aag30 -FFICE NEWORLEAN. k NASHVILLERAIL O RAD COMPANY- rafts on New York at sight, orsixty days datefaort le, in ssWms to suit par- chasers. JAMES . CALDWELL, iv6t President. A IOUSE. kitcheln and shloI lot sale, hoiting on iA •5irus and Basinstreet. PriAilege a te givoen i Il5 1dave. JAMIS I.AMIUFERT. auglI CO OF it P.i I. TICE OF LOUISIAJ.N . I 1HE Sttlosriber has been soame time in preparing. t and has now very nearly 'completedda new edi- tion of the Code of Practice, upon a plan which cannot fail to bse ucseawfss tO the profession, in which he is assisted b, a few sf Iis friends, the experience in tlhe law of some of whom dates from the establishment of our judlcial syavtem, andatder whose especial direction the smatter has been prepared. Since tile appearance of the apecimei namer oftshe Civil Code, pkishes by Mlessrs. E. .Jtohns &l Co.. it was thought advitblnhle to publish tie CodeofPrretice is the same form, that those who desire it, nay be enabled to Iind the two Codes together. The arrange•ent, however, will sediflprent. After colleting all tlshedecisions of the Supreme Courtsgpoa the rle it practice wllhich Uply to tihe articles con- ained inthe Codte, they lave been digested and pln cedunderneach lnppropriate article, in tsr shape of a note; together wit rerrences to the emne; so that tile reader by turning to any article of the Code of Prace tice, will at onste know tiae decision uapon it. The work will also coptain all the amennsonts to the Cods of Practice, as well as ile laws creating and regulatiAag the City Courts of New Orleans, witlh a complete in- dextothe whole. Thle labove werk will make its appearannce as •on asthe first of Alarch net, andahound lin good ubsotan. tinl sheep eolsanoo low linding, soldat tlt sIOLLARS Or. GREINER. nu2t--t2m At'ersse at .asw i~ ANTED--An overseer to take charge ofneegrna. I tehrerectes for morality and alpacitywill bI reqairedl. Apply to t11 IONNAIIEI., assg2 _ Cornear tfNstehrs. and Tc ltopitoulae. ILS,. PAIN'tS & TIURPENTTINE; . 10 a'aks foreigns LinRseed Oil, 15 Iarrel. Spirits Tunipentine; 5 caks Splerm Oil, 100 kt's pure White Lead; 150 " No.1 " 5t," . Also, n geeara' a<taortnl'nt tfslutdicie•t, just recei- red from tthe North, fIr sale low, byII JARVIS 48 ANDREWS, .. . - ..... I T hrophitso as at. New Orleal,. '5 Aug., 118 T I Rulek isvllvckiue ln NIew York es eioli. 121 Roll I'. J. IALFIE'. jj.\VAN8 COFIE-II3181 bngs printsl, in store 1 cuel fIr saveLteI tv ~ ~ ~~LAE vvl Tv$.ll~ 1811711, 4t'E' .1( t IN s 4 , , A trl et. I~le 'I II t\. 115i1 11 &S 1181).500 A7. n "nl 'rrt. Il't:tlity Inllllil' from foie C (nlflrine, 411 I'Ily ens yrvlt. l :/ r1188111forI' sile I'lv /E" S'l''l'c iN It AVERY,' ( I ll ' '. r' \l'; N l: I i etI v n-v ll e I, i4 Ch1e' p- n ll' piv J/LIII)r rellill l'll~lII~li'v-jl iel vvveIIeFl~d v ;) ho' 1 j* nlc?: :11 (IeVIIII FI lTr &;lllil Co. ll l N tort 8pi, ol ilv Iltl, ll( 1Jf1.Hl'or . fy'I It1~ lllolv k~~~, l oil/) , nuc!1 :II (om m n, 131)e Ynlzn, o fiw I. 1 bIll I F4i'I I' \ 1'E Ill-J liI r~oive it e Il - thou. fJSI 111,1 snebir 1 l, il,' tiikbvl P apir, rtv superioy al131) llif sal!'.i 1)AV1 FEIe k CO fail0 e NgA 1. lilvilile liv CC CaNe. q eug28 RiodP5ru rte iie eit. ! 9.1 ' vATILI. flni RIi br heolrd Loth plain VY up S~lrr Rllieai prvqll.Siriyi IIu tIll iIg ARll uled, fu h sal cviuilvl on the 5&C tit. $ii uyislbll 1'5 telee o nag2 N YS ntonerH Hul, 2 Chatres igeS l evi hig, 111lek Osev,lilidli'ry l9 for sle by H1TI laIGE & CO .k. 0 lokilie; iHbvi hlllR sPlikel Si) Ie 1)111kv I i1 30il illimllelil s Itialv-bIIl vi ehee ite /1fi, ,111 Ioiiul.lli p111e, bumlill eipel shiv! ale il Itraw hit. JOhIN &IINTURN, 111128 13 EMagizige it. PORTAIT \VIlTING. Co, itd be 1i3l vvIiie1o i llvi 1ivI i New s trlalii fvr 'be SIuga, oil v r spriqialpityirtiw li. Rioliuii illivnr iii' Cvi~lsleiil Sl CbnloRv, i ho lolelise 1cui01i11111 'oirlyll &r Livlet.Il~eotir le, whievelRplillleli if lrii poilsileg ciet be ieee. Eslrenivi in ht llharlri nlrvel. u1)8 liii YHRG Flanl 5111 Ieoe. il loire, ro vile by Iv1" II ll)l{8)F.Y. 41 Neinlevee.. 'KL LU I'WINE-fetl vele Ily BALII ~leR LATER& Rh T~ER, ii gill .hllloydeae liree I. frum l tri g A ie brig forsale v ,y * TETS'ON &r AVERY. jyl2 28 Gravier lireiHt. W AN'rEts-A 1 e0K plai)bER -Ntheiiev n ip. llyaeta iaidbmiie. W MleKEAN, ge, e5 r Cmet I ('h, lllsion snreery [ EMIIN2 viYI(lHl-1181 hocus Ivoalnll vep, Ileolilig jS llk uck o ta mr 74te-a oelno whenlie leftlblue 8o8 pa , balhe stripee hrl t r de ty n. JOANAYER &N CeR jmilTI I3Eixlhra ne stri 1'r li willremaina apat tim in New Orleans for LRom Ioe. C anllioi- nd hales s-8 i 4.4 Lorell %egvi Coltoos , ii lya&re. heln fDe eale sby SIETAUN & AVbRY, I t Ili-Ia p i vig be orea iE trii e Li $I C hiloel and LIlee eale hi CHAvij1 & DtXEY, jysi h Cuaiieiiiliie srevet. 'Tcj jLeSt v- huh Sliieeoh ndiglreitr WISIKEY aiF lor aindPor, in store, for sale by LAYET &I AIRLUNG, nng2117 Ciimvioe street. CARE SI'S CREISIT S VS'I'E81. THE CrFdit 8ysleiiiof FIloee, iraee l net liuo i ilie eitneefro-m bC Cri rry, fosle y I jevive2eiGrilviirrestiletsi %yAN'rED--A ROOK BINDER-None need ap- c ply lout a w lld or kman. WSi. 8l'EE.AN, j l l l E o a r C ie i b i i i E'u ' m ao n strt e d F reieple'v lielureo. lev'lLiimolnt yruning l fll, sll hidplIon Iorii d Cfortire by.y sale he JAIEVIS &T AEDR&CoS, jylI coy Ct4l lliueTrbepoeelis tet *'512N'l'li'.i leAll .1 Zaait eaei 1511 rreals il. I i ~pig~p paper, Cllev very los'rie, n siiiiieor lilleilaulila, r ir s re by pale b d 0 FELT &C yCO, iiIIhU1 N Y ~ttell.iiuevs DHal, Ls IlcK F~UlLNYILUijjiE-; sess SIeloeril oli-il.vdlt lbvie eva lidiilglllihr raloi.rur itielpleill jllsereiledit perr 11111, titlt t-oilgvoili and ir eglehv I trAdTONrCO., iugd 530181' *rvs. LILtNII &i OIIO FZUN~IST, Or role lvR NATH'I. TO'(WNSEND, jrI.l E 8eh 8lee I-Dol(iravier at. 3 r LUla l GREEN b Ny-JUsl eveivrd & a eilive 1 ill'Peeeevnvlso Rldtitol lirstsr: and for sale by IllS dooeii er lingle betlll liv t)AVDI) FELT U CG, Y S e ilnrr' Hall,4'DCllemmorns t IV alehy StA'I'ICS e I 'l'lltlC r , )idfd _____ 4G Psidresetres'sc JI relll vieldvy rdreeleby le'. . rDSl:. SECOND MUNICIPALITY. W ERE brought to the Police Prison oftho Second Muaicipality, the following named slaves POLEDO, aged about 48years, says he belongs Ion Mr. Nansnu. JOHN, aged about 23yearn, says he belongs to Mr. S Bldwilln. HENRY, aged about 19 or 20 years, says he be- longs to Mr S BHadwin. The owners of said elaves, are requested to prove property,pay charges and take them away. HARPER, sepl Captain of Watch. ICE-Si casks low landingd from Charleston,for sale by S G BLANCHARD, jytfS 31 Graver street "f O0 RENT-'- lre nod airy f sfit-e e wll sitate I Sand in the most husinesspart of thecity. Terms, moderate. Apply to' W. GREENS, at the Orleans Lithogralphic Office, 53 Magazine street. jy94 r/[0 LET--Te Hor"e situated on the corner of J Orange andRelipious streets;aply to J 1 BEIN & A cOI.EN, j2r4 i90 Common streer. A Card. ORLEA .'8 LTHOGRAPHIC ESTABLIBH ME. T, 53 MAGAlZINE lSTREET, OPPOSITE BANKSt' ARCADE. W GREENE rettrn his sincere thanks to his frieinds and the public of New Orleans, for the S'atronneebehostowed nt tbin for the last two yeares, and rege leave to asure thsth that all orderscomn:itted to 1 his charge shall blie punctrually attended to; he will as sual, keepthe office open auriong tire summer, and shall be always ready to strike off merchant's cirnu- tare, business and address cards, funeral notiese.msp, plane, and Irtwings, of every deocriptio, sat the Ahortest notice, trid on the moat rensonable terns. Ileing nassisted by artiste superior to any other establish- meat in the citv, and from long experiense in the litlogeraphic lite, ire feels confident of giving entire ratisfalcton. N II Apotlheearies and drurggists' labels executed in as good style os copperplate engraving, and st one- third of tire expeene. jyl . F OR SALE--l le splendid steam beat MlrRsHAreT bhaving undergoes a thorough repair, will be rn- dy r sea in a few days; this boat is copper Ientened Snd coppered, with a copper boiler and splendid 'en gin: heraeeormodations Reing very extenstive, end well found in every roeslect: for further particulars op- ly at tile ship yard ofdretorByorn where she now lie, Orto MAUNYSEL W1HITE CO, au_'tl--15t 96 Grevier ereej. ALT'--54U0 kst lites tolt in store oand for sale by S & J P WHITNEY, aung23 Cti st. 'aitAP nnd 'Trlow Chedles--10 oozses Tallow Chan 1K- dies; Sl20 boxes No. I andextra soap, brands of lames (iGould a Jacksor IfTrowbridge for sale by m ISAAC BRDITiE & CO, nug23 134 Magatine st. AOFFICE NEW ORILEANS & NASHVILLE RAIL ROSAD COMPANY. "RAFTS ion New Yok at sight, 30 and l60 days sight, lir sale, insumst to suit purchasers. Al- so, Cedar timber for posts andsleepers, mrd Philadel- I phia lumber wheels and earts for sale elr rearonablo ternn. JAMEJ H CALDWELL, aug2i3-Gt President. rJTAKE Notice no bill againstl tIhe Flenting Dry . Dock, nigned and approved h Jamenrs Dick will Ilemifer be paid by theowners of thie Floating Dry Dock the said James Ilick having neverbeen author- ised to make uny coetracts. Moreover, all hill from this date will have to he ap proved and signed ly t he agent oftheFloating Dry Delck. IIEBMUGINE BROWN k CU, itng39 CoatiaI. RA.YED.--On thre I0Lth-inst. a Scotch Whte t Terrier Slut, black on the polint of the none,hair a little rough. Whoeser has the sare willtpleoae I returt, tir to this affie they will be liberally re . warded. aug 2t SlATE OP' LOUISIANA, FIrWT JUDICIAl, I)ISTRICT COURT. ATrRICK I)OIFERTY and JAMES P. NOLEN, . vs. Their Creditors and the Creditors of P. Dnh- elty & Co., No. 16459--'Te Cession of the Petitioner's Iproperly having beenaccepted by the Court, for the benefir f tteir (Creditore, rt is ordered tlhat a mrceting of theih said Creditors dolake place at lire office of Ed: ward BaIlornett, Esq., Notary PuIblit, ott Tbursday, the ith of Seltleremr neat, at I 0o'clock, A. 5I., for the pur porse tf dlierating on thre llairRs of laid petitioners, and ill thre trio .tirne all jrdicia.l procedilgs against ti ir , :. 0oa and property, asto tile credrirlms en lov, tire schedule, ra stayedr; anrd it is frtlher or. dered that Micoen Esn., be i iiomiated to reprresent tire abirel crr'et or,in this case. riltiOse the Hloa. A. St. lruchannn , Jurige of tae mlid court, this 4th dry ulof.tgust, A. It. 13t1. { Tll't_ LEWIL., nug7--3tbm Ibep'y. Cl'k. --- •,• •-Tln - ,..,-T .., .., . . . _ IDisitrict Jdlciairiuie-Platrick t tatoaitv and JaeS P Noire, lontre sas ercibncier. etl leas r6ancicrs de P DIoherty & i'i. -No, 1619. I.acesasi.t des propril-- t1n der ti.titionires ayallt 1a' awtpl pare Ia eaourltor lel Ibi , liv o ie loiara cl•rtlleti cr • II tat dloer(t(, tauollln as•blnb (o dedits cr(a.riers inllr liie eu I etude Sde glslnrd larnett, Esq. Not. Public, Jeudi, 6 a1p. temnl pncllhnin, a I I heirso du nai, in nl de b'flibl,- rer sur ies .tainr s desdits p" titiinaires, at ell at- lendan t out.s tturultes judiclnir's contra lelr wrsnn- ie on lear pro riti"Ls lont orrt(tt,', quant aiux eliun- ites el itiAona i t i ls t a ble e li el e Iitt de pils d4- lrr(l q, lirl I, s .l . soit lamllnllll e pour repirt.elter nesi (. • in ii -es n tit,dnt aete afttia. I'r t Illu n.ia. t 1 Iih:li:lt, juia do lndite cour I ii - Ist,. ) il:.:3;:. 'TIEll .I.EWIS, nut 23 -_ eputie Clork. e,1i't0. & ItAKUI. FOI(T'I'Y lnle, ot(llnkUin anl IdlOicoils Malnillarope ld izes, j ,st received land aor sual by 1 LOCKE & C. nute7 'tOid I .era NttI'lt:E. r tFIlE uldersiglaed haing Iein duly aplintled by .tle lhunoale, tihe lirat Judicial District Court, ('ollmisi•nura In Pestillde and sstaosthie dalllage ail rexpn.e of widenina Intl•ilte srreet. Iherwi n Nae I.- vee street anll the river, Jhave aUle their eslimate anlld e.Pe Sllleflt,an1 hallve deeposi ell triue copies t hlereof, to- etlher withl the t ll, iu thi olltie of tile clark of saiil court fir tile iiUSllion of tanll wllhl it may cantcern. And iublic uti:e is heorebly given that said estimate and alssssmet will be presented to said court for con. firnatiou, on a ptiurdual), the twenty-nlath day of Sep- Uex;al alld l pcrons italerslted in proterty it- eld on IlaUoltiinn ae s lt or the venilty therelof, are hereblynontified to nake tbeir objectionsl, if any th.y have, to said estimate and assessment, n onr lfore the taoatg--irst day i-f Septtohbar next. New Orleano, August '2 1838. G. RIlUtKE, . in. FIELII, CaCoatnnnsianers. CIIA'S A. JACOBS, naig2 --11311 I VIS-Lee aaacligilla•tynnlt f1t duament nasaste t r I'honoallgle cur tlu premlier dlistriat judieluire, atouniaire pour P6valueOr et taxer l dotmmang et leair foia de I'(Plna•nmant de la rue Itofignae, entre nla rue do In Noaveoe-l.evao ert ile luve, oat complret leur tableau d' uiatin at de taxe, dant ila out depose te vrair U as, ates itin pal, au tltrena du grelfii de ladite eaur,pour P'iu.leetion de int lrenuon. Et ovis pIllic eat donnt que le suadit tableau sera Irimltlo k ladite cour pour confirmation, samedi le 29• dI Siatlelu ,roruclaic; et routes perouaes interesaeesn latr !elit taliliau dtlPliuatitt at de taeX, save ur: toi - ItC lietrlunes avant illlteret duna lea proprittes situean duns la riue Ilatfialtae on le voisiaaga oant par le pr( SPit igotifio lIe firae leur objections s'ila etu aut, audit table ai l'eotaluntiug ot do tare, Is on avant le ringt et Iate .apioiulbre pralchtil. Nnuvelle Orleans, 22 naut 1838. SIIURKE, i t FIlElID, Comin CIIAIRtES A JACOBS, FIFTPEEN DOL.LARS REWARDI). WTILL be paid for the apprehension and lodging in " " prison u eitheir' o1f the municipalities, \VIL- 11AM FEIRG1 ER, an indented apprentice to the lboksmitlh trtadel; tie said apprentice I about lfive feet lour or five inches high; lliht Ihair, blueavoes; a Gaerman by birthl; apenk tile English, French anil Gennrn an- uages. All personaare forewarned not to harbor or trIt taie said apprentice,under the severest penalty a tis law. NICHOLAS MURRAY, augl4-tf Blacksmith, Triton Walk. COFFEIE--14a1 bags Rio. 141 do. lHarvnR. For sale by SITETSON & AVERt'. aug4 88 Grnvier tree HAVANA SEiiARS-)l0glllij eediam iquijijfur sule low, tn close a consignment, by STETSON & AVERY a - 88 Gtaviar sutte NEW ttEtFORli SPERM CANI)I,El--1101 bones Sof New Bdflrgd SpermICandles, landing frota Ilip Kentucky,.and for sale by LAWRIENCE k LEGENDRE, ie2l 28 & 9 New Levee SRAZIERSCOPPER-1000 sheetabraztiera enppe weighing ten poulas eahab,in store and for sale by SAMUEL LOCKE & CO., nao8 Front Leven, between Cuatom House and Bien- ville streets. june24 " CO oFEE--800 haga Rio Coffee, of and jtqnality, landing fro brque Henry, for sal by je•O " STETSON & AVERY. A'LMAoAUta•.S for 18;3l.--Just re.ivedt, a iaull lot - of People's Alinaneka and Cloeketl's Alma- nacks, for sale by DAVID FELT & CO., New York Stationer's Hall, o020 24 Chartres ntreet. Stl• XAS FUNDED CERTIFICATES and Audi- t tar's Draft , on the Trenaury.wanted by NATH'L TOWNSEND, jel8 Exhabnge Hotel, Gravier at. - r EXAS BOUNTY LAND wanted by NATH'L TOWNHEND, jel8 Exchange Hotel,Grarier stree C landing fram brig A E, and oirtale by J. DANIEL, jail _ a9 Coap lireet. a rod 11 Coils Rope; also a uanall lot or Twann, in store end for sale by J DANIELL, oin 59 Canmp street. I'OBACCO--5 boxes nod 4 kegs prime Chewing . T'obaco, (Lealther'a brand,) in store and for sale by J. DANIELL, je•2u 59 Camp street. ,I ,CKEI•rEl., 1.,IM4 Eug . 1 274 bbls. mackeral, noes. , 2 an 50 ball barrela mackeral, nos 1 and2 1129casks oflite, 20 bundles tay, 5000 feet lumber, I.nuding froml brig Rinaldo andfor sale, h S 7 S'IETSON AVERHY& Co. W Y ,ITE HAVAN UGLAT-50 boxes of prime Squalit', ti sture, for sole by ULA't'I'.It 2g TRIER, u;l. 40 Poydt*ae street.

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Post on 13-Apr-2018




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yy .. r.Mlecttnntoa

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ksN ba~g Ibn

.0kL..os t~d U 8 to IL" o s tA&J t, nabooanadk, 50 kde idoao~.

:: a -~s~.. bob.. hlitl l. 4

4 an liki ho..., it apI. bpola 6 rno. 0k3 'i, s~r tdro~o..prlo: 6 bWo and 188d

"audon..dta: assrtd, to R i

a...t . .Dos..wtou41 *Rd .old.cY ' Ieto.aerp: euoned.

ataw a.4 lit andd.Pkkon. v tp

rtd NI& do~bitag4 J lC" H Idon; Pay-

A it an S3 d p dt.3 a 50 ita.k pl Jlmsd-* managdqr 12am6. Gfo. 45bola.cy401 bs.t

A co; 17 do, 8arke Watt A cn 18 do J R" co: 8 do A Laan ro; it do W Flmrar; R do

an. 11 Iae.d nt.a1B itook. lit Uoll Ifoodistrrdrie Ray bed sod ordr.R 18ne et..ooro 450 b~a lor 14 do

A Hsotbor: IS O~ Id;;efou, 9 bids mail

kajs md. J RW 4wye; Itboa tob, , tdb 14 . rot Connell. oi Eld&n th biL.

ba i It .saokL olab i bray 2 IUo pooulry.

i do Wkidst ~r Stark; I do J Ilepto i. et.77bk path, 96 sop tstne0, 84 pipe Nd,

a Pner stamr Get bkb..409 hb

fatt ; yd Itd Conllkolel; 190 do H.Rod It8oteol s 3 ft 8o Mirk~y A Wlrlttibahno; 16 to W SI

.a..., Roo so a000 d ppod~otas.Lnwlr A MYcCarty; 211 oils rope,

a 0sIto.bapidy.III hit.25 ice oattils Hal Ir ets


Dark ldrs1e Mar, Ekerlhead Trieste, 8 & JP WhitneyU~sAommst ens.NttNw York. H 0 Ame.

at rhtnr iwtronl St Mtarksn S J P 1kit.y:A val J W itherie L com

Im Cobstlse. Mterrill. Hstr•e. Il entionIhe Urobils Arlelx, Chnrleton, Winm ryan

ARRIVAI.I•tesmer Erin. Ashmtan, from IMarhetter.

eerl sf(ing. ra i•wer. frno P lnaaou la.t'merattolt. Taylor, tfem 81 louo e

Bused toewboet ltmua, lrk, freom tlhe pacet; towed tossaship glataad CoMtll d. Iemualt np .ip

lhrB a Lel te Psl the 6tl at l AM 1. Notllug

iHeOi t Iofna 1inicalin ty No Oter.Behr lBndon. P stak•L, from lerpodol. ra tavana

Stealsr Velonipede. Dolman. from Aleatcdrin.oeteres Gev iehlby. Krsehevl, from muth Teanuaree.

Ute inemsr eoal, rneeth. fio s N Eaou.

MA~OR1ALTY O(F NEW ORIEANS.Hr pf pe Cptre•i• floar tor-doy is $7 50 ter

iL ooideg o the tarlf, Ite I~orie shall give duringthe a isnulg week, (fnm SMolnuy, otll Sept.) i37 eoneesol brmothfr abit. Broad of the secund qolality is re-quled to weigh 5i oer cent. nnmr, vin: 46t ounces.

4. C. (iENOId, baeor.s seof-1838.


* ouecil f hmiuniempaity Jho I,Sitting of August 30, 18380.,

A N ORDINANCE. concerninn lurinls in the bury-ti g gouuaae oef lMuaicillity No. 1• f the city of

New Orleaen.The Couneil of Municipality No. One, ordlln us fol-

lawn:-Art. 1. From and after the 10th of9cptembter next,

it shall he the duty of the guardian or guardians o1cemeteries within this munieipslitv, to demanl, a cr-tificate siged byh alicesed physician, or tbe ceroher,or two respectable citietns, jontlty with the commis-sary of the wanrd in which the de'lt may occur, statiugtne'date of the dreeae nnme, age, place of birth, sexr,edor and cause of dath of, the body brought to thecemetery for sepulture.

Art. 2. The certiflecte in a'l eres, to be flrneshedby the porsan or persnonq binging to tile cemnletmy adead btly or dead bodies, and In n, ase shall the of the enmetery reaive for interelolt bodies,wilthon having obtnaied the ocrtifiaote above men-tiunoed.

Art. 3. It h10l11 be the dity of the keeper of theremetery to record in a bhok kept fiur that purpoe,all the particulnrs obtained by certificatesn relating tothe bodies having received repulturie and alsr to onr.Iis monthly a report to tile iecnynr of the city, con.dining a copy of the nanles, ages, plant of birnh. can-eos ofdetit, dates oe dliesae, sex, color of suct bol ies,

nuneaes ofthe phyician or other citizens attesting thesame.hArt. 4. A fine of ten dollarnhnall he impned upoen tileper1a or persons hritltillua bldy or lodint foer nipulto lto tbecemeterieeof t m ulluicipnlity; itt nli nureswheretie cerdieats heretof re meotioned, shall nothane bhegfunmiehed.

Art. .i Thle guardian of the cemetery shall in suchceses he, and ih iqhereby d tIeic il, to t01ae poises.ion oufltie hors ne horse rod aehicle bringing said

bodies, and etMil keep paeserion of ruid horme and ve-hicleas until the finel shll have been paid.

Art. 6. The nmayor is heroeby nuthorised to tubliththe present ornildece in all the newsa pers thiiscity,bots inothe French and English languages during tleo

y i.[gotmd PAUl. BERTUS, Recorder.Approved, September 3, 1838.

[tillgned] C GENIS, M~vor.A true eupy. TItEgRU, Ull.O ec'y.

RITTING OF SEPTEMBER b, 1838.itodolved, That the ordilnane conrcrni•" the hu.

Try;ig grona, passe. on the 311th nit., be so amendledos to,rubsktiie the words atot of October next," fortile words llltth of Sltelnlher neat," in the first earticleo1 tihe old ordinance.

* --igtnul] PAUI. IIERTUS, Recorder.Approvd, September 5, 11608.

[Signed] C. GENOIS, Vayor.A trele opy THARI, Jun. Sae'y.

Am A 1Ri.' DE LA NELLE. ORLEANS.Coucll del I Prnniere unicipulite.--Suu ceecxtra-

odiiuire du t0 nonlutl..*Ontluonoee cotlcernmant rleeerpulturee dlos lee emr.

ltu o tdell, Muuieipalipl No. , dn ille d'Orlbans.ij4 .T:ooei| tie IaMunicipalit6 No. un, de In ville de.•k1ete•tOrhnee orrete r qui suit:

Are I. A lathe d did oeptembrc proclmin in sera dudtooufltdu belien o des geardients ticaiolotliore dlunsieutl metvntipelltf d'rx ger un etertifieet tight mr uonmedeein licenein ou per Is coloter 0u perdenx citly-e 8e•respetbldeau eonoinllloemet ne le cnotlnlisstiretht quorti'r dana Inqu' lie Is olfero* sure lu lieu spect-funt hn date du dices, Is n0eu., i'Ace, le lieu le toic -snore, leeexe Iacouleur, alnsi qnle na caotle do d'ces,naiesi puoth cimetere llnr y etrn entorrd.SArt 9 Lodit certiieel rra dutts tous lee cos flourd•

pprlJ.pereru outi• persontaes portunt anu tiimletietOlt llope 0o d

oe earl, morne, et Ie gardieu no deara

lints auduf cneu rneeroir euilletiere ulenn corps polry e7,te•8 r I rolns d'rvoit pr1llub.relenlt obtenu Inetriificut sitttlesn menttonnno.

I nt Mpo .du devoir Iu gardrlien dle tott rinletlered'isecrirechaoCnoeour doen uno rgitre,tenu A cut ef ttuune lee detai onscentes an moye des cotiflcets able.nus nt slo0ye dea eetificate relolif an00 corps qui Iu-root taule Is npultur', ogaleement do fornlir closqemtai un rapport ao rtulr decelte vile, cootent I11tutdes nots Ieual de eterance, tger, dates er causes dudlkes. acrn et eouleure des corps ainci cnteern sinriqea dee 'taen s de.tdecins uu autree personnes quiautmout slho6k i rertifietas.

Art 4. Une ameaed de dix piastres nel imposede Atouts psnreonm sppotant u onu plusieurs corps au ci-cstiate pear y At. eunene; donu tous lee caslou lccer-ittief etidsus msontionn noe sarn olint fuoeni,

Art 5 Tout glrdien de rimelieire sern utorie6 donsleaa cidtles.ul meniloalb i 'emlnrer 0u eheovel oudtee cheaux aittai quo du carbillnrd ou adtre voitnrepuormet Ie corps et deur lns gnrder en o0 possessionjolqu'au paiement de I'umende rideacu l precrilte.

Art6.Le moire eat est t drmlde rr, surmise i fairepublier dns tuntes gazettes de ette ville, en ntglgni etnokfmeai Ia presinte ordtmdowtoc pes•drqt I'espaee dodix jours, Signsue, PAUL IlIK'I'U, RecorderApprevn In ""oepttembe 1838.

Sign6 C GFENtI3, •,(nie,Pout copie conformse, THNiARD, Ir--,ccrrtaire

8sance du 3 soptiOnnhr 18?8.Resols que I'ordonoure relative uux cimetirre

edepten leiii 000out daeuirr l nuwnodee le manloiereeubstiluer'dane l'art lere lc roluetobe preaiohin"au10 septenolbr prchaln.

Resulu que In -ame amelenlotent soit fait i I'orthytde laLundins ordonnanece,

signs. ' PAUL RIERTUS,Recorder.Appmeee Is 5 septemhre 183

Sipne, C iENOIS,maire.Poreepi oonfor•e, THEAID, Jr, secrelsire


jlA nuosthly Meeting of the Association will beheld at thp Lunoh, corner Poydrane and Camp-street,This vening, at 8o'lock.


OIUEANS.rUE S'tockhuldereof this coempny sen hereby no.

tified, that the fourth inrtnlmentl o thoir stock isdue, ud pavableon dic niethday of October next, atth nhon., of the e mpany.

E S TRACY,New Orlean, opO. Sec'y.

LO.l•hA4NIE D•"A•URANY COUN''KE LEPFEU--De In Nouvelle (Orlren..

ES aet;msnairees de canes comps nio ront notiesqueiee 4e vrecemenet nt du on pyable le9d'ontobre

poeebet u b-e u den On larou~ngeg.i, "se8it EL ('RACY, ecreaire,.

'/1OlI,'lE-.-ls arm end lanoling, 25tlh 5o-eeNrJqualitynol Hawn Coffee, for sole blI

S G BLANCHARD,33 (irvier street

s"• P,'p ND8.i'i, Arc -In store ani for role NoI& 2•pr. Valestins and other brends.

Judd'l WhaII ood colored patent Sperm Candles aupesioc sr Yl Pasi nihd Winter bleached sperm uil,esaeoeanod for sle by

S G BLAN CIIARD,epfi 13 (irevier s0

DITlRD InV je.l•war c1imoif.


DREADFUL MURDER.Many of our eltliens will remember seeing on

Thursedy morning a neat, clean, and shipshapelooking sailor, in the dress of the U S service, andapparently over 40 years of ige. His appearance

was an remarkably trim, and sailor like, that none

who saw could pass him unnoticed. Yesterdsymorning this poor fellow was found murdered andmutilated in the most unheard of manner. Thename of the unfortunate victim of :unparalleledbarbarism was Charles GeCdllp, saideto be a nativeof Missouri, and having served for nearly 30 years

in the navy. From the evidence adduced before

tee Record. r we gather the following particu-

lare of this bloody deed. On Thursday sbnut 4

o'clock,Gnodlip, called in at the low den kept by

Anne lane Doyle, No :1 Girod street, between

Magazine and Tehouptroulnd street, and took aglass of beer, served to him by John Johnson, whowas allblating as bar keeper. Having drank it,he quitted this den of crime, promising to returniL the evening which he did about 0 u'clock,when

he drank again, and asked for supper, which wasprepared on the order of Mrs Doyle, by Thomas MDavis, and Willihm Smith. By the story of theformer it appears that the latter put a quantity oflaudantum in the tea given to the sailor; whospeedily became drowsy, and was laidl n a bedin the room by Smith & others. So far the storyis boine'ont by all the evidence.; About I I o'clock,as Lien, Fallon of the Watch was pasting he hearda disturbance caused by the woman of the houseturning out her supposed husband, Doyle, whoinformed Mr Fallon thlt a comrade of his had seena dead hmly under his wife's bed, Slpposing thestory to originate in jealousy. all parties weredismissed, but great charge was given to thewatchman, Alex McClure, to keep a careful eyeupon the housev. Abhut I o'clock in the morning,a can wasobserved reconnoiteriiln from tire house,and shortly after another, bearing a heavy burden,onme our und passed rapidly over to a vacant lot,or yard. closely followed by the watchman.-Dropping his load Ithe fellow ran, but being takenbrought his captor to see what it was, a blanketliled with clat and soil. Thlis ian was conveyedto the guard houre, and proved ti be John Jnhsaa,a young, but notorious offender Shortly beforeday break, about 4 on Friday morning, Lieut Crane,hearing the story of McClute, narrowly watchedthe lnioe, and after hbserving a light brought fromt

the back room to the front, and carried there

again canatantly, knocked at the door, and took

into cusmdy Anne .ane Doyle, and Thomas MDovis.t On the person of the laetter was found aloaded pistol and a key, and under the bar counter.a blanket with hbout a coqple of 'hundred pounds

of earth in it. The latter circumstance inducedMesrte Pill'on and Crane to examine the premises,

and in the back room,-some six feet from whereDavis was found lying on a settee,-the planks of

the flier were lhund to have been recently moved.On lifting them, and removing some 3 inchep ofclay, they. came to the blue round-ahout of thesailor, and on more carefully raising the soil withtheir hands, drew forth the body. But thn Grod!what a right did it present. The head was off:,the legs both cut u at the hip joints: the leftfitr severed froml the shin brine, and tie right knee

,o far divided that it hung but by a slight ligatureof skin. Such a scene of butchery was never metwith belre: nor was human nature ever seenmore debneed than in the persons of the prisoners.They all shoonk, and trembled, it every fibre oftheir flesh. The woman professed that ahe slepton the floor in the front room, and snw nothing,heard nothing. alter the vieritn w ns pt to hIed,etupified by Smith. Davis proclar noed that he hadlslept frnom 8 in the evening, anid although biutabout two yards fron where the bodly was.buriedvowed the tros u rtaunconscinusnessef all that had

passed. On Jiis nails, cheek, anid cl itlthewere fresh spots and stains of blood. A knife

taken Irom l)avii's girdie had a quantity of 'flesh,llood, and hair sticking to the handle. Ni onewould acknowledge the least participation in thebloody deedl and the three principals and 2 suo-pecred palticipators stand remanded for fnrtherexamination this morning. Smith is yet at large.


The Council of the third Municipality findingthat every attempt to have acanal, euitable for comn-imercial purposes, dug from their part or the city to,ayou Blenvrnu has failed, nrve at lest given theprivilege to a single individual who dig 1a canal for Fisherman's Piregues. Verily this isthe age of gigantic undertaknges, and of vastideas.

We begin to think that the Lake Borene canalwill never be made unless, we of MunicipalityNo.2, take it into our head, to Ihave a lltrl cutto our summer watering plnces--apd a mate connvenievn port for our picayune tier trade. .

It is hintied, however, that the Navigation Com-pany will probably take tile matter in hand andrun a branch of this canal In hayou Bienvenu. Ifthey dloit will Lea fine spen.

Qr" lhe principle of "I take the rteponsibillty'seems travelling through every department of the

general government, having alreadly runt down

roum the foiuntain head it Washington to the de-pury collector at Ne• York. We learn from theStar that Mr. Ferguson, the afficer in question,not finding "silk braid" in the new Circular, imitediately wrrte on his own responsibility "silkbraid, twenty five per cent." Thus are the verylaws defied by the re;sponsilbility- taking overn-

ntent, for though Congrese area fit to exemon t anyarticle from duty, a deputy collector in hik supe.rior wisdom is permitted to imlpos•e on it whateverduty he pleases. An imprtring merchant statesthat on his remonstrating aeginst this new andunlI•oked for duty, the deputy collector remarkedthat mwe" the merchants, "had been iradilgedlobig enough;n the construction of which is thatthey had lohng been indulged by law, but now itwas time to try what could be donewitholrt the;co-lour of law. Such are; the aceingprinciplte of outprofessed democraltic government: such the dailytllegal acts of its authorized officers. Fofreignersmust deem us a most orthodox nation, for we certainly exh;'it the christian virtues of forbearance,and ,lng sufferine, to ttn enparrallelled !extent.When the execu.ive proclaims his right to construethe conastitution as hethinks right, it is not to bewondered at that a subordinate officer deems himsell competent to reform the law and supply what-ever he deemsrl defective. But if individuals bethus permitted to aubetitute their personal willfor the acle of the federal Congress what isour

condition short of an incipient state of anrchy ?The following handsome complimrent to our fel-

low citizen, the Rev. Mr. Clapp ta from the Bos.ten Morning Herald, and will be acknowledgedas just and well merited by all who have heardMr. Clapp preach..

We undJetatand ithat large offers were made MrClapp by lmore than one congregation, but he de-clined them all. No salary, however high, couldinduce' Mr. C. to leave the liberal city of NearOrleans, nor part from his many warm personaltriende.

Ma Enna .- Sir,--flaving larned on Saturdaythat the Rev. .Mr Clapp Irom New Orlensa, hadcngaged to preach at the Churcth of the Rev. a1r.Pierloult, cutiosity lorced me to leave rliy own

jaqteof worship to hearhim. I had heard muollot hipowere, but feared that oxtravalaaQe andover.etrained eInquence, would so mark his per-faormance, that it w ould not suit our Now Eng-land taste. I leokedabout nie and saw but fewstrangers that might have been drawn'there bymotives such as guided me, and heneR inferredthat the man could not be the star which he hadbeen represented.

He began his eermnn without Bible or potes; helook for his lext the eommannd, "work out thy eal-vaiton with fear and tremblirt,-ihe divided thesubject into heuad, and pursued and illineratedeach with a power ihiat mnut have filled the mindof every hearer with astonishment nrd delight.

Had the fact heen generally more known, thata man of such eloquence was to have preached inany church in this city, it would have beetr filledto aulication. lie incidentally described theseeees he personally witnessed at New Orleans,at the time when death made such havoc with itsinheblitalse-a general flow of tear was apparentin the congrte•tron. The serptln, ae a whle,tnad more in it to admire th nl anty one to whichI have qver listened. If he shiould preach agailn,go and hear him. H.

Boaton Hrro'id.

Quite an Adopie of cunt-throatas has lately been

operating in Sttlyh Carolinl, add the proclamauion

offering a reward for his apprehension; describtl

him as well made, of lair complexion, with light

waving hair, and blUe eyes, full mouth, and white

teeth! Such an array of personals in Europe

would have made the officers search the boudoirs lo

every spidtter in the neighbourhood. lie is further

described as being 30 years of age, and five feet

ten inches in height t very fond of gronmbling,and

brags mtteh of his manhnod. And alter all his

name is Abner Stripling!-a pretty tolerable des.

criptinm of the age, ditetnsieone, nd accomplidh.

ments of a stripling.

ln.atdting that a ruffian called Kenney, Intbly

committed a murder in New York, one of our

contemporariesobserved that his name sounds like

that of the firmt murderer! Now Coin and Kenneymay make a good Irish couplet, but have rather

an odd sound to our ears.

The Whigs of New Orkleans are making pre-

parations for the reception of lHii. S. S. Prentia'

of Minssiippi, who is expected to arrive in a, few

days in the packet shlip Yazoo. We hope Mr.

Prentie will find time to accept of a dinner.

Backing out-T he New York Whig says:The administration nashmed of its impotent

attempt to fly i the faced of the act of March'I833,has abandoned 'the audacious design of Ilvning aduty on mdillinory goods. Cidlectotr Iloyt his justreturned from Washington with this agreablo in.telligence.

A delinquent named Nloble Bennett, long sought

fhr by the New York poliae, was suddenly die

covered by them while scratching his head at a

window. HIe ought to have retmemlbered thatwhen a iman scratchee his head it is pretty certain

there is something in it.

There is some novelty ill the stlry of a foolishfellow who recently broke into the New York Jail.

Whether his oibject was to secure for himself aberth, or rescue another ftim death, remains on-

known. For the prevent lie is lodged inl the cangewhere he ought to be kept and exhibited na a rarebeast, the very first of hisa habits and kind everheard of.

", The great eclipse of the sun will tak, placeon the 18th instant. It will he annular in 13 ofthe states though not in ours.

The hlc, foco's oIf the 31 Congriesional Distr atof Pennsylvania, hoae determine on once moretrying to send Charles J Ingersoll to represent the

district in Cotngress. They may try, but the.Whigswhnlast time elected Clharles aylor nguinst him,will heat him again anti with a larger injnrity.

If ungersoll t' would have been a Tory In '76,' as

he himself avows, he myt do liir th, Iroo comps,lut cannot he allowed to lilbel Philudelphini as its

represaentntivn, in Wnshineinh.

Captnin Shr,ee is lm about lto reu'ie opmretimna

in the Red Rliver rft, so, i In rl.-,opean the lavtga.tiou trune enouglhl in tile crimineg seasnr.

C'rtling the Conserr•'ires.-- r wo uld nppear r hthe Pl'esident is solit' ewhar Ilnr l rmed tit the signmI tolthe irles, and is endeavourinr to rllilng hback Iliold frindis. The A'lsdisrniati save,a" We hear it reported that ilr Rives lih been

applied ed, to run dr the. next eliction on the tlicketwitlh lr Van Ifurnn as canldidatn for Vice Premi.dent. 'T'le report renchem not in utcih a shaIp e thatwe do not diuht it. The poly desperuate enstninlfor any ith an.-Will Mr R ciansent, it will nua-rally he asked? We unhesitatingly eny, no. Itis inmpossibly unless Mr Van Bures abando.ns Inspullcy and ilenslres altrogether. Thl hlie canllond•i, as lie slalldl pledged tio sink ir swim"l' withthlm. Even were he tol do so, we dount veirymuch it Mr Rives would trust his fortnnes to

s"-ink or swim" with hIr Van Biern. At allvoents this shows to Col Johnson that he is to be

cast off. This is'the reword for his lonalty inging with Ute partlye supporting the Sub Treasurythrough thick and tlin, against his own conscienceand against his interest also. lie will learn andeel thllat, Federal epublicans nas well as lepublicsare ulngrateful "-St Louis Bulletint

ASSA.I'T 'iF T0HE GOVERNMENT ON TIE NA•V.-It isrsad that lMr. Ex secetary Dickerson speakspretty Irerly eoneerning the raseality of the.Kitch-en canbal at Nh nahington, Mr .D. will prohably laybehlre thee perle ere Iong, a delenee olf hiso ieialconduct.--Sussex (.N J) Register.

We learn the ex secretary does not mince eietmolotler at all, hbut says there Iust be a recastroionand surensllr iof the agthor. We fear the Gl;v.erner will find hilnself in the dilemm a ef hi. pre'deessors, wilho have been successlively excludedto preserve tile "ucntlsystlem and efier their re-treenent been loaded with the abuse of the unprin-ecpled wire workers. He mulllst submit to the lateof Inghaln, Duanee, terrien, &e Wa :earn thatthe Iriends it'Guv. Dickerson declare if redressto not nlmde, the Van Buren party of New Jerseywill in albody nlake a transit to thile Conservative icrtetest. It is true "i.fd J,,rcey" is whmt enoughwithout help, but we should rejoile to see tilcs adtditional indicaticn of regeneration. Mr. Van Hu-ren's must distingutshed frieqde in Virginia ack.leuwledge that tin that state alone, the attcnek onthe Navy has list him' $201,00 vuees. Never wdsany. thing more indiscreet and ill worse taste, butit It all tn clt.eacter and keeping with, the menwho are guilty ol it, and corroborates ell thalt urhave maid ,ll them.

N. B. Since ow'itingethe bove.Gov. Dickersonhine written a letter in defence of tlthe'dministrattion, and saves e has been wIll treated by the Pre-ideant.--N Y Star.

A curious perstaogecalled WatIson, the •icu-sater, latelv died at Iuxted. England, nilserablypoor, though plsseqeeld of the ineteiclula reni.intecent power truly antonishilnt. A Suasex'paperprinted at'Boxted rays of him :He can state accurately where he hadi been on

any day tir the last thirty years, what person lieel0t, eqd what lie was abuut.' Ie live4 for mnany

years with an uncle in this parish, who was afarmer, and he would recount the quanti'y of livestock bred during tile whole time he lived withhilm, to whton thby were sold, and the price theyItlched. He has been often askee toalate on wmatday of the year Easter Sunday was for a centurvposll, and has never been wrong in his answers.The birth days and eges anmong George's acquaio-tance were aswell known to himt as thelmselves'ad he has olten raised a laugh against stoIl'laduie of a certain age, by stating the day If tuelrbirth in company. nut olse to his luvoute entu-saenelts was to recount the numlber il acurs,alumout ot pnpu

latiin, size o uthe enurcht and

weight of the tenor bell of every plrish In lhecounty, which ice would do without Ilcaking a olis.take.

(l C mtunetr ealed)

NEW ORLEANS, I1s Sept. 1838.To the Aldermen of Meunaciplity no. '.Gentlemen,A number of plans for draining the rear of the

city have at ditterenr tinles been laid i elatre thepublic anti tle ltffereut lluniclpni Councils ol ourcity. Two have been worthy of attenlion. lstthat hdopted by the Drainng Comtiany. 2nd theeln vsitg ul the ground by means of the depositof sand which would be left by inandalion Ir.othe river. Uoth have their disanalleltt-. Thefirst requires the elerral action ul drt111111g mis-chines, the etenleu exctaence of dikes, aluces anddraining canals; and yet never rids the countryol a low and damp soil, which must overluow andbecome marshy during the raclty sas•on. Thesecond plan presents the breat incouvoenence atthe nuntdati o ut tis elnvirons of the city, besideslite rlsk ul prodncing epidenuicu and the Inmlrense

cost o lcvters and siluces to protect the tllhlabiiaslts io tlie tleated iatmda lying ntweeno tLidold

the slke, &e, &e. This method of draining would -be the most expensive; yet it must be admittedthat the results obtained would be the mtost de,sirable-a dry and elevated sail and (after the silis once elPvated) exemption frotm the coasunltuse of draenint mnachines and ea nu!s.

It is evident that Ioth plank are defeetive, andwe should srek aunstherwhi-h might unite tihlirndrvnlages, without the difficult as and incolo,"nience. This end tiany he attained by the plan Itake the hhlterty to preseni to your onnsideretton

Let a ennui eihi or ten feet wide, and Itndeptlh each as experienced engineers may decideto he he bl

et, he deu frolm the river th tie sw ltlp,

and from this canal, let a number of pretty deepdraininng ditches brhgch out in every direction.let these ditches lead to Bayou StJhn, or ie sonmenonvenielt i place of dischorge,let the place orplaces of outlet be partially clobed by sluiees.AlIhw the water of the Mississippi to flow netothe ditehes, 'sn a to fill them, and when sufficientdeposit is madlle, elos the inlet from the river,rnide the sli :eas, let all the Water fl,w off, and usethe Ft d Let "his he ropneaed as frrquentliy asnecessary, and a aflli,'iency of riversalnd will beobtiiteod at the very edge of every square firraisihg .he lots and building upon lthen.

A little refl'cti,,n .will bshw tcls superiorityof this plan. It is

the chenpest; it requitys let

dtalin:si iaftinetlie, no levees-it may be appi ed

to a few squares or to a whole sectionl; it taybe put inso rexcutnon es as to advance graduallyfromn IIe relr of the city towards the lake. Itwill avoid the' inconvenience of inundation, itwill' prcure 'a high and dry soil; and when thisis done, it will furnish at the very door bf theland holder, abundance of sand for building.-Thiseuut advantage alone should Le suffitient toinduce tshe adoption of the plan. All who lhavehad houses' to build will appreciate its ilipor-tenee.

The Second Municipality ii about tO drain asmall seetion in the'rear of suburb ti Mory. Theditches for this drain are so laid off that they maybe readily adapted to this plant nothing more iswanied than a eonmmunieation with the river bymeans of a evered eanaol.

I humbly submhtit thb propriety of immediatelycarrying ipto effect the above mode of elevatinagour 9narshy'grounds, and of thus obtaining a per-minent and cheap improvement. Leaving to yourbetter judgment the further inve•tigatitn of thissubje ct. I ant resspectfully your sb't serv't,

-T. W. C.

LEMON SYRUP-50 boxes Underwood's LettonSyrupt Ir esle by

JARVIS & ANDREWS,eep8 corner of'Common & Tehopitoulaes.

.IABDICAL, PAINT & OIL STORE,Corner of Commmon & Tehopitoulas streets. ,

A LARGE and gentural assortment of Medlcines,Paints and Oils constantly on han+d, and for els.

ou the most reasonable termt, byJAaVIS & ANDREWS,sep3 corner of Common & 'Tchlpituulae.

400 DOLLARS REWARD.LOST or stolen from on board ship KENSING-

L TON, while lying at thl Levee, 95 Columbianand 5 Mexican Doubloonsa-the above reward i ill bepaid for any information that may lead to the discoveryof the same.

nsep8-1838CApOLES-. 75 boes sperm candles, best brands.

landitg from ship .Plato, for sale byISAAC BRIDGEH ICO,

sep8 134 Magazine at."ROiGANS, Slipters, &S--2 cases,cotaitnig all3l aanortmert of Mlen's nd fine hip uand calf

bregens; men's and boys super russett brogans; wom-en'altsting elippers, extra sizes; small lovs fine calf,kip and seal brugain; and tcildrens real ipegged bru-gutis; ankle tiesnnd bodts, landing from elsip Platoefor anle by

S ISAAC BRIDGE'& to,sep8 . 174 llagzine street.

OFFICE OF THE NEW )ORLEANS AN) NASH-VILI.F. RAIL ROAI).D RAFTS on New York at sight, for sale at 4 per

D enit. premiutm.JAMES H CALDWELL,

sep8 t'reet.LAST tJlLICATI)NS.

tHE Novels of Jane Austin,. containiag 'Pride tndBrejudice,' "Menfield Park,' 'Sense and Setu i-

bility' 'Etmmtna' and 'Nprthenger Abbey' to which isprefixed a biographical notice of the author-c-ompleten|t onls volutle.

Not. 3 & 4 of 'The Life and Adventures of NickolasNiekleby,oturanini. a fairthful account of tlhe fortutue,oniefutrtuoes, lowmltllhlige, nld complete cirer of' ilitNicklelv Faltily. Editet Bby'Boz'--witr iilusnottiot•.by "Phi..'

AISt`,An additiontal supply i d' No I,'Nicknolus Nicklebhl.'

'Oliver '1 wmta,' pIrt first, and 'Pickwick l'upels,' jtitreceived, nod lir oualaeby

WMY. M'KEAN,Srlept ctrler of Ctamp & CtmIittt it t.

I V,\ly COFEE-1511 ugs itn lol, t rllr

- l ._.ep8 _ , ll 'tydrt s slttn ret.

s. ,8 ill 't.ydrus street.

tsade, laitBg, fwm -hip Ceneurdia, and for sale lowfor,or p.eucd r Ia flnr, v.


.sep8 ' 112 -la a l altrele.

FI[IIHI" large tpreditiaier fciaied htrem; orhe t rn-S dearon I' fir e ,1 " Iol•o e I, 21 tar ct, Ib a

Iteanltollrilll i wbg e wiloll le kat giratsoble Illui-aes, ,,i.d will ame iall Ihetllre, fiormerlvoccpiedt by A A 1 IDubar, k o. 91 (Clor- a Ilotle 'St.


at',8-- 183 .-:•_,•VA•A iO'Fl•.r.-- d. bugs iianauu CotI'e,

,S'I'i,.N hF AVI.ri•,sep8 e13 ( Gaviaer at.


etIIOSE large prea sesr it Gtirodl street; ne lat fromil arno.n, the i rt iu Gry is 128 leol, bry rdepth.d )i0--the limprovenis consist of a double fitl edwelling House and kilchea-•-rald the rear lot hiasa brick building 3) by b.U--dwidod ilnt Ithree

sep48 1 Arondelet at.

SANTEI)--A Baook Ba ider--Ileneea j apply buta workman. WM M't EAN,

sepi, cornaer ofeCamp aa Coaltmon .st.I.OTHING--10 Casesl eomprisin flanels Liverpnola striped, twilled, and white ert.

tonn shlrts; Iheavy Iue striped cottomande puntaloolr ,landdig afront ship Concordlic, for stal by


•a SUItiVEYor OFl ICE t e ed Mlunicipalitay.

NOTICEr is hereby given that, it conralnily to taI resolution ofthecunci of the Secolnd andluici-iaelitya, passed at their sitinlg of tile a1rh uly lastt Iwill, at inop , of Sarurd.y. Lthe 15th day of s eppteluberld3cadljudite ate mv office, In the lowest bidder, tileopneailng, delle nig, anld leau tin oft elpormee catI eaigreeailry to the i teiticons of t raoltion oif ail cerun-il, ased otile 2d day O AuguIst 18E, (Eightreenhundred N ad t n in accordauce with thpecificatiou ,iowexbirited at the sdIrwvatr'l dfl ce,

dalaUsh ) to tle satisfaction of the Coauncil t dtunnieipahity. '

JOSEPI! PILIE, Surveyor.New Orleans, Sept. 6, I , 38.iUREAU UDU V tYE1rtti de MUNICPALI['E

ii N conforite d'nle resoldutioa da cotail de ie latnlenluoici ntlite pasheedans I seannadu 17juillet

dernier, et aussi an desir da autre rscaoltion dudllit

lonsel passen dana l seanceedi 2 gout 1836, Ais earrdoune lque lbniedi 15 do present Moga de septembre 18"3Qnmidi, a men bureau, j'adjogerai au tabais, lee trayruxA faire poar recr'euser el neltoyer la canal Melpomeonatnivatt Ita instrnetioas exhibeel al bureau eusdit-Une caution de $•o810 I-t satiafnctiton dtu canseil seraxigee. 8oeplt JOS PIeIE,Voyer,

NSURIVEYOI'S UO FLICE-d Mnicil,itiY.O'I CL is hereby girra tbtr lpratanaa will ei

1ItII isctant, tIr arerting ai Vegetable Market on caeti llrolumntia at juncrtion of chIalupitlaela and Au-iuucittioti streats, near Delord street, agreetly tothe Ilan lppioved by the ceunoeil of this ,bianicimality.For further particulars u

1n dt at this lofice.

JOSEPII PILIE, Surveyor.Naew Orlaatn,Sept it, 1818:

ureau du t Vyarie.r It i Maluticeipahler.

SIS eat par le preeent donne quejusqu.a mardi, i11bducourant, septembre, desoffrea seront regus"

ton bureaun pour I con-trualion d'un marbhe nux I,.-Fumesa la junction dt e raes Tchapitoula set Anntsi-ciationprea la rte Delotlrd. L'edilica sera sltpparte pardaes olaanes en far suivauit lI pla n approave par eaonsail e ete rsniipaalilte toeutes Insa iitrmaiiutis etdletails relatilfis 1It coatrutction dndit mareheseroatdounes Ai ecbureau,

8Ilpt JOS PILIE, VoyerttRtG ANS, Slites and "liieras-12 cuaes, coal-

prisiog a uaassrliteitt af Men's ahal ltoy's ficekip, pegged'aud Russelt Brogans; Men anti Boys tioeaf sltoesr; ien's atl wolllen's pumt nd sli il)l'ds,rlhihlrens aid inlatl.a boots, sloes atid ankle tie t; land-nlag fru, shilp Ohio, and for sal Iby

ISA.AC lBRIDGE & CO.augl 134 Magazine street.

3PERKUI ,11.--8 caski pure, blld.eil d " catn, Utl,buading froa! shlip Ohio, far sale Iby

S ISAAC I.KIRDE & CO.eagl l 1:31 Megazice areet.

SALIK; RI IE--AItiLtoila iliassouri awl liKentuckybale rope willlie sold low by

LAY4T & AMELIJNG,,aug i i7 nomtnere street.

N EGRO) ULOTIIS LINSEYtS & KERSEYS-S'l he sulscriber f ofr fr sale, landing from shipLCuoeord, 2 bales plaiti mixed negra chit baleCaiilled Inixold negro cloth; I18 alhs linaeys, asstrtidlt'tolurs; I bale white srwan skin; i case prioledl keraseye;2 bales leavy aised Cordova aerseys; I bale uutlioished

Eva ker~tys. ISAAC BRIDGE t Co,jyl2 134 Magainea street

` OAP-•i5U boxea No. l.oapi bralnd of James Youllld,l, ailing frou, brig Boradino tor sale by

ISAAC BRIDGE & Co,auag7 134 Magazina streetI11E- Csks 'ho n ... Liwe landinig ftn-mSbrig Clieftai, and fr sole by

S & J 1' WIIITNEY,iull 1 C tiitrcet.

ST. CHARLES THEATRE.r ilE Ladies and Gentlemen engaged in theSobove establishment are requestedi t assemble

it the Green Room on Friday the 20th inst. previousit to e oponinc o the i T'hoeatre, which willtyke place on Monday let October next.

Ey order of tile Prorietor,GEORGE HOLLAND, Treasurer.

N Orleans, 4th Sept. 1838.

0rp-The Cinciennti Whig, Louisville Journl,Vicksbhrg Sentinel and Nacltrz Free Trader willplease insert the above three times.

S OA'P--12 boxes Boston No I Soap, Gee Jacksoni' Brand, now landing from ship Concordia, lifroBoston, and for sale by JOSEPH" COCKAYNI,

sept 6 25 Common streetI AG(iING AND ROPE--Ib00 coill Kentutkyfor sope, 800 pieces Kentuckh Bagiog, in stcre atdfor sale by LAWRENCE & LFpGENDRE,

sept6 28 and 29 New Ievee`V'TEEL PENS-Just reeeiceil floa New York per0 ship Vicksburg, 10l gro e Gillott's Eagle Pens; 10do Perney's doublre areant pets; 10 do India rubberpens; 5 do National pens; for sile by thegroce or sin-

Dle FELT & Co, N Y Statliner Hell,,eept6 21 Chnrtres streetEW MUSIC--La of the Troueadour, I rise fnromSdreams of The; How sweet the Chimes; Lucy

hours farewell, Barnett; Yes! think me happy,Sprole; In this Cottage he lived, Cooke; WarrioraSIlome Let me rest in 'te lIand ofmy Birth; Thy Ipve

ud Mine: Land of Love; Soen of the BIll; , ietora ilegeorless lose of England! Up to the Forrast; HappdFare, Bright, Bright Wine; ly Mountpitd Pine; toSthe Beave who have fallen no tear we beatow, Russell;The peace ofthe Valley, Balfet Our way ncross theMountain hat Minetrel of the Tyrol; Rnggio d'Amore;Al Camps dellp Glpria, Doolietti; La Ltuo.n,Tadolini;Le rieer non pass'lo, Marliai; Kentucky grand marchiAndversae y Quick Step; rhlval Waltz, Une Perles Waitz, lflioene Carnivat Waltzes, Strauss; Vietoria

Waltz; Ladeil. Wdltne Strauss;Les Fleura a'Italie, 2 3 4: Renembranee a mndo; Dmlicee de l'Ope-

Srd Italie; Spanisi Stngijuet received by

sept 6i BCASEY, 19 Camp street.S~ALLOUR-Iit Ides best quality, made it, new wheat

just landed from steamer Czar, and for sale bys G DORSEY,sent 6 44 Now Levte e.Feor trereporl and Intermediate Lanrdings.SeP The stauehl light draught steam

e~.s.hbtboat DENMARK, Robert A Mbore,i i ntesr. will le at tile warf this

den, remay to receive freight. For which or passage,vm ; mbdlations, appely n eard, or to


C LEAR PORK-60 l nrelo clear pork in ntore and

tfor sale b by


sepl 17 Ceomuerce street.

LARIl-1950 boges Preimn Le Lard i astore, tor

selc by LAYET t& AMELUNt',

lepl 17 Comilerce street.

HI AY'S Liniment fir th e ure of Pilese just recen r

S wred and lr sale by

a H,AIB.EL,sepl itoulas street.y -- ~I' ENTE]R'N Fluid Extract of Sasapareilla aed

/ lowad'a s T'onic itixture, ieeeived lv 'H BOiNABEI..

sept 'ITc'cpitmalea it.


Peasce street, bretwenn Jllorrau and Caaralvo, scub'b.If Jtlarignty.

SSPECIAI, Coarse -of Book Keeping.- le coursef,. 'eiieoa Keeping oeltned stince seuv!rl Iolth,will close in a few lday.SMllne good accountantats, amnong whm are genlle-

eensolhigh standiog in business, will be the rcferon-ceas oflred to thie Iublic ietroeage.. A new evening class will be ,pelled a s on as a ficieiet nu:•lher of suecribrs nill lhve Iiein obtained;it will close in November next.iFor gentlemen residing in th

e tippe rtl tof itle eity,all eresing class, three timiee a week, will be opened

at thie comrner of St. Lonis and Exchange Place, ii' saub-eeliptionare receiveld.

GENERAL COUnIE OF This course is opened every day, from 5 to 9 o'clock51. M., for exereising on the dillerett branches of efc-

ce lnl ibikl .iTlhe Iiteraec antl Cemtmercial Inlstlitate for youinge gloleno i oi;pened from l o'clock A. M., to 5 o'clocke

I'. II. lll'boardilog scholers adm ittedI' A AUBEIRT.

is )ll..AStltI'i Ntf'.--or lc 7-lcel itia day, oitF $30 "'"rerteseY no

tes cud $eil

iil 4iioeirntmln t

c ht::ilo tile ltlll oaf Americaie, New York, ill differ,,iet Ams. ;,\ll at Ihe ine• of,t t:9). WtlITMAN,

,il I I'xell r tIeh , i .('i rl, t.

1k 'TW1) Story frame dvlelling Il - nnI l kilchiens,\Ar.. ,r i:t , In •ydi,-l rtel, lhtween St.

i (IIrlnllul r.nIot ire t. A"iii y to-eps "10 LI,' .1, MAY,.


, i4 "l", s hie .I rvie to fill e pul blie i:; th. deirl-i nllln Ilno Srvevin. nidl Civ Ir, tineeriou, b lhI ill io%•i• Mil YII~I(('l lr l Ir.ole

jI (I rLI*I ' i;xl lll ' nlin lowuc nd e.,ntit Iry. Froiconsid r"" ',a''po's' in

hint prefersionI , and I ipolnl s: lllllllll a lidelitl i. th

ex"c' tien A, bih -ine-s eltrult' In l it hm, Ih' hopet t

IaIhe) IllelIllle U 1.nd culeu11 l ltr te Lllf ellt(l of Wpll s enlIe .a ;wiiins. O,hee Nou Clrtries rirelt, second lnot,c

SI-- S ,.i ) (ill.. in C.,isk nb d ill bbl s. i rrinteda4 Iur article, fl r sale, inIole-ale tu retail, by

JA.IltVIS & ANIIILEWO,,.Medi.ine, Paints & Oil Ilcealers,

j,. l8 Corner of ICommon & • ITeho

pli hlus ate.

I llWN S"I:'I'TIILS-- II-20,001 l varlls -I IlrwnSSllheelillns. Inlldling fnlom ship CIhlerokee, siilubhle

for the Ilexician arket or City trale, or sale, byS'l'ETl ON & AVERY,

jel8 8l G(Ivier stre.t,SPEIEM CANI)ES, OIL, de.BA)( BjIOXES Nrcw Iellfor Sperm C'ntlles;0t 311 caks New Iedllrd \Winlter (Oil15 casks Roofing Zinc;6 boxes 1rown Havana Sugar,

1(111 coils 1Ilao iRope;30 pieces Biifgging;

Scanks llack I.end Crueibles;:10 cake Ppller liungines;50 baskets Clhampagne Wine. For rele by

JOSEPH C ICKAYNE "Je8 25 Gravier street.

W ESTERN BUTTER--139 keen. lceived lerW stTner Vmalulia, front Springflield, Illioii, o

superior article, for sale, by


jet8 40 Pnvdram treet.

1 1'(.ORK-Rump1, •oft Aless nid P O, for sale by

je6 O DORISEY, 44 New Levre.

~PERMI OIL, CANDLES, ec.-3ll els ks New le.

Sford Winter Oil;' 0) oinxe' d i in Srierre Candles

2i0 casks ropfing Zinc. ll!1 boxes olrltoln o ild t•Cadles

3001 sheets Braziers' Copper. I strlle, fr ,stle lie


na•20 05 Girviee street.

"EA F LARD--ttOf kegs in ,or seale Ilty.Il .e G Ii)l.EY 44 VPwI~ev,.

R ICiHAILDi, Tobac.o and nult' manlleicturer, No. 177, Cam' reect, New-Orlenns,

wishes to inform his rienls iand the public in gellell,that ile I snow prepareld 'n frnislih il Iltlne, in tlteabove busin

e ss, and has constantly for ale the tollowingarticles:

SNUFFS.Rose, Cnrmnn Ilaplien,Macabay, eglish 1i i :ltegeti,American Ilappee; Naetllto :leas,Imitated, Alerican gentleman's,Ileranlot, IDunikent Ilappee,'risllllaekguerd, St. Omane,Curneaon,, Paris,PurelSpanish, Half coarse tRappee,

Scontch, andi genutilne tooth powder.TOBACCO.

Fine cut chewing, sweet scented or pBlin.Fine cut smoking, of various qunlities.d(ib-lot Virgiina, Slunisl, toc.

The.abo eartie esmredl warranted asg II, ifnotsn-erlior to any thlilg of the kind importedl, Iand will be

furnished to dealel •on tile inst libera lterms. may 4

t," P1i".l CA CDLI-S-IlI I 'lioxes New BedfordS'Sllern •Candles, ergcres tnwlnnllI brand, lanling

frin slhip liinsingtoii, and Ior sale bsept ti ISAAC iRIDGE .& coL1OR S.\LE-A House and I.ot of liround on Rntn-I' iart street,between Conti nd Bienville streets,(Pritchard's Row,) having 26 feet ti lines fromt on Ilan-lart street, Iy 108 feet 9 inchles in depth, with tile privi.tege of a panage way from Conti street. It now rentstner $1350 per annum. Far further particlars and

ortitapply to R Ml WELIIAN,sept 6--3t No, 79 Comemon street

I)OSIN DI.uos-70 bble I tsii ro1., in i oate, forIl sahby J TIHA ER .CO,

g21 71 Pnydr as str-et

ENGIlitll BO)OKS.pARTINGTON'I Cyclopledia of Biography 2 vols.

dn. do Arts and Sciences,2 vols.--Shakespeare in 3 vols, a pocket edition illus-trated. Phillii' (Geology. Jauleeon's Mineralogy.Itrewster s 'l'retise on AInguelisnt. Gray's Elegy,illustrated. Rogers' Itanly slid Poems, illustrated,2 vols. Ilrrdilg'ms Drawing Book fr 183I. Plillipson water colrs. Easy Drawing Book, by Childt .Struat's Splrt e nd Pass Times.

Just received and for sale by.\MW. N'KEAN,

nag4 corner of Camp and C'otililn st.S LIVEI TW1•'; t;rthlie Parish lloiy r•gress.

-F part seenid, by the author of'Tlie Pickbiak Pa-pers,' 'Sketchsof erery day Life,' 'Nicholas Niekkhly'illstratedl numareus designs by Cruikshsnk.

Tie Life and adventures of liicholas Nibklbv, con-tinilng a faithful account of the fortlnnesi, isfortunesuItrninilig, dowifnllinge, nnd complete eareer of tileNiicklelv Ianmlily. Edited ly 'inoz,' with'illustrations ly'Phi,' N•i. 2.

Sketches of Young Ladies: in which thbee menlmbers of the Ilimal kingdom, are classified ne-cordini to their several instincs, bhabits, andti generalcharacteristics, lv by'uiz,' with sketches of Young getn-tlftrnn, liv Quiz; ir.

t.inhts unit s hadown of lrise Life, biy Mrs. S C Hall,tihblirecs ofithe Iccaeneer' Uncle IlTlnce,' &c. &c.

ill two vole., just received and for sale byWMI. A1'KE.\N,

nuIl4 Corner of CampIn & Common ant.

POILK-50 hls l Mess aml Prime PIrkt-, luniirigSflt bouts, for sale by

LAYI.T & AMELCNsI,augl 17 Ctommerce strect

NOTICE TO FIREMEN.if"h Cortes atthoed t othe Fire Plunge of the Com-

mmereial Water Warks, wore to have beentoeanged on the let inst., but in consequence of the of-flers in charge of the several comepares not havingecalled for the opanners to fit the caps, the change hasbeen prurasatinnted until this day. 'Tihe panere may v

he the office ot the company, No. i60 Maga-zine street. The attention of the gentlemen in charge Itof the Funeie and HIose Company, are repectfdlly suli-cited. By order. E

ELill) rT,aep4 Secretary. It

NOTI'ICE.('0I1'E enhecrihers have retired from the Dry Goods

S basineess, in which they Ihare been engaged forears poet--at New York, Huntsville, and in New Or- -

leans. They will contite tlheir respective branches,permanently, at anle nlaess and under the same firm,for thepurpoae ar condclting the mereuntilebusinesr.Thtse indebted to them will please call and makes

aettlement. Any elaims which may Ie due by themwill be paid at eight.

ANI•REWS - BRlOTHERS,mNames of prmners and residence.

J J ANDREWS, New York,Z ANDREWS, New Orleans;EL ANDREWS,Huhtasville,Ala.


REMOVAL.A NpREW$ .n Brolhers have removed their Count.L ng House to No.50 Camp street.

SERVANT WAN'TED).ANTED immediately na goand Cook, washer andSironer, filr.which good wages will be given.

Apply to 121 St Joseph street, between Camp andMegazine streets sep4

-AGING-51 pieces KenttLcv habging for saleB tby IlOLADII & M ILLS,Spil 9 Bank Alley.

D RAFTS on It.osisvillg, for sale byHERMOGINE-BROWN & CO,

aug30 9 Conti atWANTED TO RENT.A larre, airy and convenienet School

S Room. Apply to J GIBBON, Editor.aag30

-FFICE NEWORLEAN. k NASHVILLERAILO RAD COMPANY- rafts on New York atsight, or sixty days datefaort le, in ssWms to suit par-chasers. JAMES . CALDWELL,

iv6t President.

A IOUSE. kitcheln and shloI lot sale, hoiting oniA •5irus and Basin street. PriAilege a te givoen

i Il5 1dave. JAMIS I.AMIUFERT.auglI

CO OF it P.i I. TICE OF LOUISIAJ.N .I 1HE Sttlosriber has been soame time in preparing.

t and has now very nearly 'completedda new edi-tion of the Code of Practice, upon a plan which cannotfail to bse ucseawfss tO the profession, in which he isassisted b, a few sf Iis friends, the experience in tlhelaw of some of whom dates from the establishment ofour judlcial syavtem, and atder whose especial directionthe smatter has been prepared. Since tile appearanceof the apecimei namer of tshe Civil Code, pkishesby Mlessrs. E. .Jtohns &l Co.. it was thought advitblnhle topublish tie Code of Prretice is the same form, thatthose who desire it, nay be enabled to Iind the twoCodes together.

The arrange•ent, however, will se diflprent. Aftercolleting all tlshedecisions of the Supreme Court sgpoathe rle it practice wllhich Uply to tihe articles con-ained in the Codte, they lave been digested and plnced under neach lnppropriate article, in tsr shape of anote; together wit rerrences to the emne; so that tilereader by turning to any article of the Code of Pracetice, will at onste know tiae decision uapon it. Thework will also coptain all the amennsonts to the Codsof Practice, as well as ile laws creating and regulatiAagthe City Courts of New Orleans, witlh a complete in-dex to the whole.Thle labove werk will make its appearannce as •on

asthe first of Alarch net, andahound lin good ubsotan.tinl sheep eolsanoo low linding, soldat tlt sIOLLARS

Or. GREINER.nu2t--t2m At'ersse at .asw

i~ ANTED--An overseer to take charge ofneegrna.I tehrerectes for morality and alpacity will bI

reqairedl. Apply to t11 IONNAIIEI.,assg2 _ Cornear tfNstehrs. and Tc ltopitoulae.

ILS,. PAIN'tS & TIURPENTTINE;.10 a'aks foreigns LinRseed Oil,15 Iarrel. Spirits Tunipentine;5 caks Splerm Oil,100 kt's pure White Lead;150 " No.1 "5t, " .

Also, n geeara' a<taortnl'nt tfslutdicie•t, just recei-red from tthe North, fIr sale low, byII

JARVIS 48 ANDREWS,.. . - ..... I T hrophitso as at.

New Orleal,. '5 Aug., 118

T I Rulek isvllvckiue ln NIew York es eioli.

121 Roll I'. J. IALFIE'.

jj.\VAN8 COFIE-II3181 bngs printsl, in store1 cuel fIr save LteI

tv ~ ~ ~~LAE vvl Tv$.ll~ 1811711,

4t'E' .1( t IN s 4 , , A trl et.

I~le 'I II t\. 115i1 11 &S 1181).500A7. n "nl 'rrt. Il't:tlity Inllllil' from foie C (nlflrine,

411 I'Ily ens yrvlt.

l :/ r1188111 forI' sile I'lv/E" S'l''l'c iN It AVERY,'

( I ll ' '. r' \l'; N l: I i etI v n- v ll e I, i4 Ch1e' p- n ll' piv

J/LIII)r rellill l'll~l II~ li'v-jl iel vvveIIeFl~d v ;) ho' 1

j* nlc?: :11 (IeVIIII FI lTr &;lllil Co.ll l N tort 8pi, ol ilv Iltl, ll( 1Jf1.Hl'or .fy'I It1~ lllolv k~~~, l oil/) ,nuc!1 :II (om m n, 131)e Ynlzn, o fiw I.1 bIll I F4i'I I' \ 1'E Ill-J liI r~oive it e Il - thou.fJSI 111,1 snebir 1 l, il,' tiikbvl P apir, rtv superioy

al131) llif sal!'.i1)AV1 FEIe k CO

fail0 e NgA 1. lilvilile liv CC CaNe.

q eug28 RiodP5ru rte iie eit.

! 9.1 ' vATILI. flni RIi br heolrd Loth plain

VY up S~lrr Rllieai prvqll.Siriyi IIu tIll iIgARll uled, fu h sal cviuilvl on the 5&C

tit. $ii uyislbll 1'5 telee onag2 N YS ntonerH Hul, 2 Chatres

igeS l evi hig, 111lek Osev,lilidli'ryl9 for sle by H1TI laIGE & CO

.k. 0 lokilie; iHbvi hlllR sPlikel Si) Ie1)111kv I i1 30il illimllelil s Itialv-bIIl vi ehee ite/1fi, ,111 Ioiiul.lli p111e, bumlill eipel shiv! ale il Itrawhit. JOhIN &IINTURN,

111128 13 EMagizige it.PORTAIT \VIlTING. Co,

itd be 1i3l vvIiie1o i llvi 1ivI i New s trlalii fvr'be SIuga, oil v r spriqialpityirtiw li.

Rioliuii illivnr iii' Cvi~lsleiil Sl CbnloRv, i ho lolelise1cui01i11111 'oirlyll &r Livlet.Il~eotir le, whievelRplillleli

if lrii poilsileg ciet be ieee. Eslrenivi in ht llharlri

nlrvel. u1)8 liiiYHRG Flanl 5111 Ieoe. il loire, ro vile by

Iv1" II ll)l{8)F.Y. 41 Neinlevee..'KL LU I'WINE-fetl vele Ily

BALII ~leR LATER& Rh T~ER,ii gill .hllloydeae liree I.

frum l tri g A ie brig for sale v ,y* TETS'ON &r AVERY.

jyl2 28 Gravier lireiHt.

W AN'rEts-A 1 e0K plai)bER -Ntheiiev n ip.llyaeta iaidbmiie.

W MleKEAN,ge, e5 r Cmet I ('h, lllsion snreery

[ EMIIN2 viYI(lHl-1181 hocus Ivoalnll vep, IleoliligjS llk uck o ta mr 74te-a oelno whenlie

leftlblue 8o8 pa , balhe stripee hrl t r de tyn. JOANAYER &N CeR

jmilTI I3Eixlhra ne stri1'r li willremaina apat tim in New Orleans for

LRom Ioe. C anllioi- nd hales s-8 i 4.4 Lorell%egvi Coltoos , ii lya&re. heln fDe eale sby

SIETAUN & AVbRY,I t Ili-Ia p i vig be orea iE trii e Li $I C hiloel and

LIlee eale hi CHAvij1 & DtXEY,jysi h Cuaiieiiiliie srevet.

'Tcj jLeSt v- huh Sliieeoh ndiglreitrWISIKEY aiF lor aindPor, in store, for sale byLAYET &I AIRLUNG,

nng2117 Ciimvioe street.

CARE SI'S CREISIT S VS'I'E81.THE CrFdit 8ysleiiiof FIloee, iraee l net liuo i

ilie eitneefro-m bC Cri rry, fosle y Ijevive2eiGrilviirrestiletsi

%yAN'rED--A ROOK BINDER-None need ap- cply lout a w lld or kman.

WSi. 8l'EE.AN,j l l l E o a r C ie i b i i i E'u ' m ao n strt e d

F reieple'v lielureo. lev'lLiimolnt yruningl fll, sll hidplI on Iorii d Cfortire by.ysale he JAIEVIS &T AEDR&CoS,

jylI coy Ct4l lliueTrbepoeelis tet*'512N'l'li'.i leAll .1 Zaait eaei 1511 rreals il.I i ~pig~p paper, Cllev very los'rie, n

siiiiieor lilleilaulila, r ir s re by pale b d0 FELT &C yCO,

iiIIhU1 N Y ~ttell.iiuevs DHal, LsIlcK F~UlLNYILUijjiE-; sess

SIeloeril oli-il.vdlt lbvie eva lidiilglllihr raloi.ruritielpleill jllsereiledit perr 11111, titlt t-oilgvoili andir eglehv I trAdTONrCO.,

iugd 530181' *rvs.LILtNII &i OIIO FZUN~IST, Or role lvR

NATH'I. TO'(WNSEND,jrI.l E 8eh 8lee I-Dol (iravier at.3 r LUla l GREEN b Ny-JUsl eveivrd & a eilive

1 ill'Peeeevnvlso Rldtitol lirstsr: and for sale byIllS dooeii er lingle betlll liv

t)AVDI) FELT U CG,Y S e ilnrr' Hall,4'DCllemmorns t

IV alehy StA'I'ICS e I 'l'lltlC r ,)idfd _____ 4G Psidresetres'sc

JI relll vieldvy rdreelebyle'. . rDSl:.

SECOND MUNICIPALITY.W ERE brought to the Police Prison oftho Second

Muaicipality, the following named slaves

POLEDO, aged about 48 years, says he belongsIon Mr. Nansnu.

JOHN, aged about 23 yearn, says he belongs toMr. S Bldwilln.

HENRY, aged about 19 or 20 years, says he be-longs to Mr S BHadwin.

The owners of said elaves, are requested to proveproperty, pay charges and take them away.


sepl Captain of Watch.ICE-Si casks low landingd from Charleston,forsale by S G BLANCHARD,

jytfS 31 Graver street"f O0 RENT-'- lre nod airy f sfit-e e wll sitate I

Sand in the most husinesspart of thecity. Terms,moderate. Apply to' W. GREENS, at the OrleansLithogralphic Office, 53 Magazine street. jy94r/[0 LET--Te Hor"e situated on the corner ofJ Orange and Relipious streets;aply to

J 1 BEIN & A cOI.EN,j2r4 i90 Common streer.



W GREENE rettrn his sincere thanks to hisfrieinds and the public of New Orleans, for the

S'atronnee behostowed nt tbin for the last two yeares, andrege leave to asure thsth that all orders comn:itted to1 his charge shall blie punctrually attended to; he will as

sual, keep the office open auriong tire summer, andshall be always ready to strike off merchant's cirnu-tare, business and address cards, funeral notiese.msp,plane, and Irtwings, of every deocriptio, sat the

Ahortest notice, trid on the moat rensonable terns.Ileing nassisted by artiste superior to any other establish-meat in the citv, and from long experiense in thelitlogeraphic lite, ire feels confident of giving entireratisfalcton.

N II Apotlheearies and drurggists' labels executed inas good style os copperplate engraving, and st one-

third of tire expeene. jyl .

F OR SALE--l le splendid steam beat MlrRsHAreTbhaving undergoes a thorough repair, will be rn-

dy r sea in a few days; this boat is copper IentenedSnd coppered, with a copper boiler and splendid 'engin: her aeeormodations Reing very extenstive, endwell found in every roeslect: for further particulars op-ly at tile ship yard ofdretor Byorn where she nowlie, Or to MAUNYSEL W1HITE CO,

au_'tl--15t 96 Grevier ereej.ALT'--54U0 kst lites tolt in store oand for sale by

S & J P WHITNEY,aung23 Cti st.

• 'aitAP nnd 'Trlow Chedles--10 oozses Tallow Chan1K- dies; Sl20 boxes No. I and extra soap, brands oflames (iGould a Jacksor If Trowbridge for sale by


RAIL ROSAD COMPANY."RAFTS ion New Yok at sight, 30 and l60 days

sight, lir sale, in sumst to suit purchasers. Al-so, Cedar timber for posts and sleepers, mrd Philadel-

I phia lumber wheels and earts for sale elr rearonabloternn. JAMEJ H CALDWELL,

aug2i3-Gt President.rJTAKE Notice no bill againstl tIhe Flenting Dry.Dock, nigned and approved h Jamenrs Dick willIlemifer be paid by the owners of thie Floating DryD ock the said James Ilick having never been author-ised to make uny coetracts.

Moreover, all hill from this date will have to he approved and signed ly

the agent of the Floating Dry

Delck. IIEBMUGINE BROWN k CU,itng39 CoatiaI.

RA.YED.--On thre I0Lth-inst. a Scotch Whtet Terrier Slut, black on the polint of the none, hair

a little rough. Whoeser has the sare willt pleoae Ireturt, tir to this affie they will be liberally re.warded. aug 2t


ATrRICK I)OIFERTY and JAMES P. NOLEN,. vs. Their Creditors and the Creditors of P. Dnh-elty & Co., No. 16459--'Te Cession of the Petitioner'sIproperly having been accepted by the Court, for thebenefir f tteir (Creditore, rt is ordered tlhat a mrcetingof theih said Creditors do lake place at lire office of Ed:ward BaIlornett, Esq., Notary PuIblit, ott Tbursday, theith of Seltleremr neat, at I 0o'clock, A. 5I., for the purporse tf dlierating on thre llairRs of laid petitioners,and ill thre trio .tirne all jrdicia.l procedilgs againstti ir , :. 0oa and property, as to tile credrirlms enlov, tire schedule, ra stayedr; anrd it is frtlher or.

dered that Micoen Esn., be i iiomiated to reprresent tireabirel crr'et or, in this case.

riltiOse the Hloa. A. St. lruchannn , Jurige of tae mlidcourt, this 4th dry ulof.tgust, A. It. 13t1.

{ Tll't_ LEWIL.,nug7--3tbm Ibep'y. Cl'k.

---•,• •-Tln - ,..,-T .. , . . , . . . _

IDisitrict Jdlciairiuie-Platrick t tatoaitv and JaeSP Noire, lontre sas ercibncier. etl leas r6ancicrs de PDIoherty & i'i. -No, 1619. I.acesasi.t des propril--t1n der ti.titionires ayallt 1a' awtpl pare Ia eaourltorlel Ibi , liv o ie loiara cl•rtlleti cr • II tat dloer(t(, tauolllnas•blnb (o dedits cr(a.riers inllr liie eu I etude

Sde glslnrd larnett, Esq. Not. Public, Jeudi, 6 a1p.temnl pncllhnin, a I I heirso du nai, in nl de b'flibl,-rer sur ies .tainr s desdits p" titiinaires, at ell at-

lendan t out.s tturultes judiclnir's contra lelr wrsnn-ie on lear pro riti"Ls lont orrt(tt,', quant aiux eliun-ites el itiAona i t i ls t a ble e li el e Iitt de pils d4-lrr(l q, lirl I, s .l . soit lamllnllll e pour repirt.elter

nesi (. • in ii -es n tit,dnt aete afttia.I'r t Illu n.ia. t 1 Iih:li:lt, juia do lndite cour

I ii -Ist,. ) il:.:3;:.'TIEll .I.EWIS,

nut 23 -_ eputie Clork.e,1i't0. & ItAKUI.

FOI(T'I'Y lnle, ot(llnkUin anl IdlOicoils Malnilla ropeld izes, j ,st received land aor sual by

1 LOCKE & C.nute7 'tOid I .era

NttI'lt:E.r tFIlE uldersiglaed haing Iein duly aplintled by.tle lhunoale, tihe lirat Judicial District Court,

('ollmisi•nura In Pestillde and sstaos thie dalllage ailrexpn.e of widenina Intl•ilte srreet. Iherwi n Nae I.-vee street anll the river, Jhave aUle their eslimate anllde.Pe Sllleflt,an1 hallve deeposi ell triue copies thlereof, to-etlher withl the t ll, iu thi olltie of tile clark of saiil

court fir tile iiUSllion of tanll wllhl it may cantcern.And iublic uti:e is heorebly given that said estimate

and alssssmet will be presented to said court for con.firnatiou, on a ptiurdual), the twenty-nlath day of Uex;al alld l pcrons italerslted in proterty it-

eld on IlaUoltiinn ae s

lt or the venilty therelof, areherebly nontified to nake tbeir objectionsl, if any th.yhave, to said estimate and assessment, n onr lfore thetaoatg--irst day i-f Septtohbar next.

New Orleano, August '2 1838.G. RIlUtKE, .in. FIELII, CaCoatnnnsianers.CIIA'S A. JACOBS,

naig2 --11311I VIS-Lee aaacligilla•tynnlt f1t duament nasaste

t r I'honoallgle cur tlu premlier dlistriat judieluire,atouniaire pour P6valueOr et taxer l dotmmang et leair

foia de I'(Plna•nmant de la rue Itofignae, entre nla ruedo In Noaveoe-l.evao ert ile luve, oat complret leurtableau d' uiatin at de taxe, dant ila out deposete vrair U as, ates itin pal, au tltrena du grelfiide ladite eaur, pour P'iu.leetion de int lrenuon.

Et ovis pIllic eat donnt que le suadit tableau seraIrimltlo k ladite cour pour confirmation, samedi le 29•dI Siatlelu ,roruclaic; et routes perouaes interesaeesnlatr !elit taliliau dtlPliuatitt at de taeX, save ur: toi -ItC lietrlunes avant illlteret duna lea proprittes situeanduns la riue Ilatfialtae on le voisiaaga oant par le pr(SPit igotifio lIe firae leur objections s'ila etu aut, audittable ai l'eotaluntiug ot do tare, Is on avant le ringt etIate .apioiulbre pralchtil.

Nnuvelle Orleans, 2 2

naut 1838.SIIURKE, i


FIFTPEEN DOL.LARS REWARDI).WTILL be paid for the apprehension and lodging in" " prison u eitheir' o1f the municipalities, \VIL-

11AM FEIRG1 ER, an indented apprentice to thelboksmitlh trtadel; tie said apprentice I about lfive feetlour or five inches high; lliht Ihair, blue avoes; a Gaermanby birthl; apenk tile English, French anil Gennrn an-uages. All persona are forewarned not to harbor or

trIt taie said apprentice, under the severest penalty atis law. NICHOLAS MURRAY,

augl4-tf Blacksmith, Triton Walk.COFFEIE--14a1 bags Rio. 141 do. lHarvnR. For

sale by SITETSON & AVERt'.aug4 88 Grnvier tree

HAVANA SEiiARS-)l0glllij eediam iquijijfursule low, tn close a consignment, by

STETSON & AVERYa - 88 Gtaviar sutte

NEW ttEtFORli SPERM CANI)I,El--1101 bonesSof New Bdflrgd SpermI Candles, landing frotaIlip Kentucky,.and for sale by

LAWRIENCE k LEGENDRE,ie2l 28 & 9 New LeveeSRAZIERSCOPPER-1000 sheetabraztiera enppe

weighing ten poulas eahab,in store and for sale bySAMUEL LOCKE & CO.,

nao8 Front Leven, between Cuatom House and Bien-ville streets. june24" CO oFEE--800 haga Rio Coffee, of and

jtqnality, landing fro brque Henry, for sal byje•O " STETSON & AVERY.A'LMAoAUta•.S for 18;3l.--Just re.ivedt, a iaull lot- of People's Alinaneka and Cloeketl's Alma-nacks, for sale by DAVID FELT & CO.,New York Stationer's Hall,

o020 24 Chartres ntreet.Stl• XAS FUNDED CERTIFICATES and Audi-t tar's Draft , on the Trenaury.wanted by

NATH'L TOWNSEND,jel8 Exhabnge Hotel, Gravier at. -


jel8 Exchange Hotel,Grarier streeC landing fram brig A E, and oir tale byJ. DANIEL,

jail _ a9 Coap lireet.

a rod 11 Coils Rope; also a uanall lot or Twann, instore end for sale by J DANIELL,

oin 59 Canmp street.I'OBACCO--5 boxes nod 4 kegs prime Chewing. T'obaco, (Lealther'a brand,) in store and for sale

by J. DANIELL,je•2u 59 Camp street.,I ,CKEI•rEl., 1.,IM4 Eug .1 274 bbls. mackeral, noes. , 2 an

50 ball barrela mackeral, nos 1 and21129 casks oflite,20 bundles tay,5000 feet lumber,

I.nuding froml brig Rinaldo and for sale, hS 7 S'IETSON AVERHY& Co.

W Y ,ITE HAVAN UGLAT-50 boxes of primeSqualit', ti sture, for sole byULA't'I'.It 2g TRIER,u;l. 40 Poydt*ae street.